Redalyc.Harmannus Hoetink, 1931-2005: a … Hoetink, 1931-2005: a bibliography Caribbean Studies,...

Caribbean Studies ISSN: 0008-6533 [email protected] Instituto de Estudios del Caribe Puerto Rico Romero, Carmen G. Harmannus Hoetink, 1931-2005: a bibliography Caribbean Studies, vol. 33, núm. 1, january-june, 2005, pp. 21-44 Instituto de Estudios del Caribe San Juan, Puerto Rico Disponible en: Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista en Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto

Transcript of Redalyc.Harmannus Hoetink, 1931-2005: a … Hoetink, 1931-2005: a bibliography Caribbean Studies,...

Caribbean Studies

ISSN: 0008-6533

[email protected]

Instituto de Estudios del Caribe

Puerto Rico

Romero, Carmen G.

Harmannus Hoetink, 1931-2005: a bibliography

Caribbean Studies, vol. 33, núm. 1, january-june, 2005, pp. 21-44

Instituto de Estudios del Caribe

San Juan, Puerto Rico

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Cómo citar el artículo

Número completo

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Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto


Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44 Caribbean Studies


Carmen G. Romero


Harmannus Hoetink, a Dutch sociologist, was teaching in Curaçao when Richard M. Morse, then head of the Institute of Caribbean Studies at the University

of Puerto Rico, invited him to come to work there as visiting pro-fessor and research associate. In 1960, when Hoetink relocated to Puerto Rico, he had already written articles, book reviews, and his dissertation on Curaçao, which made him the ideal person to work in the Institute on the Dutch areas of the Caribbean. He became also one of the editors of Caribbean Studies; the journal the Institute began publishing in 1961. He left the Institute in 1964; however, a look at his writings during, and after, those years will show not only his contribution there, but also that that work experience at the Institute certainly afforded him the opportunity to expand his knowledge of the rest of the Caribbean. His books, The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations (1967 English ed.), El pueblo dominicano (1971 and 1982 English ed.) and Slavery and Race Relations in Latin America (1973) have remained required readings for those doing research on these subjects. [See Klinkers and Klooster, “Interview with Harmannus Hoetink” listed in the bibliography to follow the rest of his professional career.]

The two-section bibliography that follows has been compiled for this issue of Caribbean Studies published in his honor. The first section includes the works authored by him arranged chronologi-cally under one of the following subdivisions: addresses, books (publications in book format), contributions (essays or chapters) in anthologies, forewords, journal or magazine articles, and works edited or co-edited. Newspaper articles, unpublished material nor


Caribbean Studies Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44

Internet webpages are included. The second section covers the writings about him or criticism

of his works arranged under one of the following subdivisions: assessments, biography and interviews, dedications, and reviews or commentaries. The reviews are grouped under the heading for the work being specifically reviewed or commented. In other words, reviews for translations will be listed under the translated title and the same applies in the case of books published in other editions with a different title, such as The Two Variants in Carib-bean Race Relations.

In the short time I have had to compile it, my search covered the bibliographic resources of the Caribbean Regional Library, the card and online catalogs and databases of the Library System of the University of Puerto Rico, and the Internet for the corrobora-tion of bibliographic information not available in these libraries. Still, I was not able to verify every item as I wished, not only due to the time limit but also to the language barrier, since I am not as well versed in the Dutch language as I would like to be.

A bibliography is never complete or final as long as people keep writing and publishing, therefore, the present one may be regarded a starting point. I only hope that this effort will inspire someone in The Netherlands or in Curaçao to make it fully com-prehensive and annotated.


Harmannus Hoetink, sociólogo holandés, vino a Puerto Rico en 1960 procedente de Curazao donde residía y daba clases. Fue invitado por Richard M.

Morse, entonces director del Instituto de Estudios del Caribe en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, para trabajar aquí en calidad de profesor visitante e investigador asociado. Ya para esa fecha Hoetink contaba con una serie de artículos y reseñas publicados sobre Curazao y las Antillas Holandesas, además de su tesis doc-toral sobre Curazao; haberes que le favorecían para ocuparse del


Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44 Caribbean Studies

área holandesa del Caribe en el Instituto. También fue uno de los editores de la revista Caribbean Studies, del Instituto, que empezó a publicarse en 1961.

Hoetink permaneció en el Instituto de Estudios del Caribe hasta 1964. [Véase la entrevista hecha por Klimbers y Klooster citada en la Bibliografía para seguir su carrera profesional.] Un vistazo a la bibliografía de sus escritos, durante y después de su labor allí, demuestra no solo su aportación, sino que a la vez esa experiencia le ofreció la oportunidad de ensanchar su conocimien-to del Caribe. Los libros, The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations (1967), El pueblo dominicano (1971 y 1982 en inglés) y Slavery and Race Relations in Latin America (1973) permanecen lectura obligada para quienes investigan sobre esos temas.

La bibliografía que sigue a continuación es parte de este número de la revista Caribbean Studies dedicado a la memoria de Hoetink. Esta bibliografía está compilada en inglés, por lo que las subdivisiones que siguen están ordenadas alfabéticamente en ese idioma. Consta de dos secciones. En la primera sección se agrupan los escritos donde Hoetink es autor, colaborador o editor, orde-nados cronológicamente en una de las siguientes subdivisiones: discursos, libros (o publicaciones en formato de libro), colabo-raciones (ensayos o capítulos) en antologías, prefacios, artículos en revistas, y obras editadas. No incluye artículos de periódicos, material inédito ni páginas en Internet.

La segunda sección agrupa los escritos sobre él ordenados bajo una de las siguientes subdivisiones: valoraciones, biografías y entrevistas, dedicaciones y, finalmente, las reseñas o comentarios sobre su obra. En esta última subdivisión, las reseñas se encuen-tran bajo el título específico de la obra que comentan. En otras palabras, si la reseña es para la obra en español, se encuentra bajo el encabezamiento para el título en español (por ejemplo, El pueblo dominicano); si es para la traducción al inglés estará bajo el título en ese idioma (por ejemplo, The Dominican People). Lo mismo aplica en el caso ediciones con títulos diferentes del mismo libro.


Caribbean Studies Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44

En el poco tiempo que he tenido para compilar la bibliografía, me concentré en consultar los recursos bibliográficos disponibles en la Biblioteca Regional del Caribe, en las otras bibliotecas y bases de datos del Sistema de Bibliotecas del Recinto de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico y en el Internet, para corroborar referencias y completar registros. Aun así, me fue imposible cotejar todas fichas como era mi intención, no sólo por lo limitado del tiempo, sino por el hecho de que no domino el idioma holandés.

Ninguna bibliografía puede considerarse completa o final mientras se siga escribiendo y se siga publicando, por lo que la presente debe considerarse un punto de partida. Sin embargo, espero que este esfuerzo sirva de estímulo para que alguien en Holanda o en Curazao con dominio del holandés pueda compilar una bibliografía que sea más abarcadora y anotada de la obra de Hoetink.

Works by H. Hoetink / Escritos de Hoetink

Addresses / Discursos

Hoetink, H. 1965. Het nieuwe evolutionisme: rede uitgesproken bij de aan-vaaring van het ambt van buitengewoon hoogleraar in de sociologie en cultuurkunde van niet-westerse gebieden aan de Nederlandse Econo-mische Hogeschool Voor Maatschappijwetenschappen te Rotterdam, op donderdag 1 april 1965. Assen: Van Gorcum.

. 1980. Het einde van ‘De derde wereld’?: voordracht uitgesproken T.G.V. de Viering van de 344ste dies natalis der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht op 21 maart in de oomkerk. [S.l.: s.n.].

Book reviews / Reseñas

Hoetink, H. 1956. “De Dissertatie van Dr. C. Ch. Goslinga [Review of: Emancipatie en emancipator: de geschiedenis van de slavernij op de Benedenwinse Eilanden en van het werk der bervrijding. Cornelis Ch.


Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44 Caribbean Studies

Goslinga. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1956].” Christoffel 1(12): 574-576.

. 1961. “[Review of] Windward Children: a Study in Human Ecol-ogy of the Three Dutch Windward Islands in the Caribbean. John Y. Keur and Dorothy L. Keur. The Netherlands: Van Gorcum, Pub-lished in Cooperation with the Prins Bernhard Fund Netherlands Antilles, 1960.” Caribbean Studies 1(1): 24-26.

. 1961. “[Review Article] Cuba and the New Experts.” Caribbean Studies 1(2): 16-21.

. 1961. “[Review of] Papers in Caribbean Anthropology. Irving Rouse, ed.; Sidney W. Mintz, comp. New Haven: Department of An-thropology, Yale University, 1960.” Caribbean Studies 1(2): 23-25.

. 1962. “[Review of] Zo was Curaçao. John de Pool. Vert. van Del Curazao que se va, door J.A. van Praag en H. Dennert. Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, 1961.” Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 42(1): 75-77.

. 1963. “[Summary of Article] Aardrijksunde uit de lucht: de hertenrits in Suriname. D.B.W.M. van Dusseldorp. In: Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, deel 79, No. 3, 1962, pp. 264-267.” Caribbean Studies 2(4): 74-75.

. 1963. “[Summary of Article] Een classificatie van de occupa-tievormen in Suriname. D.B.W.M. van Dusseldorp. In: Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, deel 79, No. 2, 1962, pp. 128-148.” Caribbean Studies 2(4): 74-75.

. 1965. “[Review of] Quisqueya: A History of the Dominican Republic. Selden Rodman. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1964.” Caribbean Studies 4(4): 106.

. 1965. “[Review of] Van isolate naar integratie. Silvia W. de Groot. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1963.” Caribbean Studies 5(1): 55-56.

. 1967. “[Review Article] The Concept of Pluralism as Envisaged by M.G. Smith.” Caribbean Studies 7(1): 36-43.

. 1967. “[Review of] Trujillo: The Life and Times of a Caribbean Dictator. Robert D. Crassweller. New York: Macmillan, 1966.” Ca-ribbean Studies 7(2): 71-72.

. 1968. “[Review of] The Andros Islanders: A Study of Family Organization in the Bahamas.” Keith F. Otterbein. Lawrence: Uni-versity of Kansas Press, 1966. Hispanic American Historical Review 48(1): 146-147.


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. 1968. “[Review of] Race Mixture in the History of Latin America. Magnus Morner. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., c1967.” Hispanic American Historical Review 48(4): 669-670.

. 1969. “West Indian Dialogue: [Review of] The Growth of the Modern West Indies. Gordon K. Lewis. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1968.” Caribbean Review 1(4): 6.

. 1970. “[Review of] Die Westindischen Inseln. Helmut Blume. Branschweig: Georg Westermann Verlag, 1968.” Caribbean Studies 10(1): 128.

. 1971. “[Review of] Los negros, los mulatos y la nación domini-cana. Franklyn J. Franco. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Editora Nacional, 1969.” Hispanic American Historical Review 51(2): 369.

. 1971. “[Review of] Patterns of Dominance. Philip Mason. Lon-don; New York: Published for the Institute of Race Relations by Oxford University Press, 1970.” Caribbean Studies 11(3): [99]-101.

. 1972. “[Review of] Social Control in Slave Plantation Societies: A Comparison of St. Domingue and Cuba. Gwendolyn Mildo Hall. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, c1971.” Hispanic American Historical Review 52(4): 642-644.

. 1973. “[Review of] Cancionero de Lilís: poesía, dictadura y li-bertad. Emilio Rodríguez Demorizi. Santo Domingo, R.D.: Editora del Caribe, 1962.” Caribbean Studies 3(2): 80.

. 1974. “[Review of] East Indians in Trinidad: a Study in Minor-ity Politics. Yogendra K. Malik. London; New York: Published for the Institute of Race Relations by Oxford University Press, 1971.” American Political Science Review 68(4): 1825.

. 1975. “Early Slavery on the Pacific Coast [Review of]: La introducción de la esclavitud negra en Chile: tráfico y rutas. Rolando Mellafe. Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Chile, 1959.” Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs 17(3): 345-49.

. 1975. “Early Slavery on the Pacific Coast [Review of]: The Afri-can Slave in Colonial Peru, 1524-1650. Frederick P. Bowser. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974.” Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs 17(3): 345-349.

. 1976. “[Review of] Curaçao and Guzmán Blanco: A Case Study of Small Power Politics in the Caribbean. Cornelis Ch. Goslinga. The


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Hague: M. Nijoff, 1975.” Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 51: 172-173.

. 1976. “[Review of] Caribbean Transformations. Sidney W. Mintz. Chicago: Aldine Publishing, 1974.” American Journal of So-ciology 81(5): 1250-1252.

. 1976. “[Review of] Marriage, Class and Colour in Nineteenth-Century Cuba: A Study of Racial Attitudes and Sexual Values in a Slave Society. London: Oxford University Press, 1974.” American Journal of Sociology 81(5): 1250-1252.

. 1976. “[Review of] Race and Slavery in the Western Hemisphere. Stanley L. Engerman and Eugene D. Genovese, eds. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975.” The Americas 33(2): 377-379.

. 1976. “[Review of] Class and Ethnicity in Peru. Pierre L. van den Berge, ed. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974.” Boletín de Estudios Latino-americanos y del Caribe (21): 89.

. 1977. “Life and Politics in the Caribbean [Review of] Bibli-ographie zu Politik und Gesellschaft der Dominikanischen Republik: Neuere Studien 1961-1971. Wolf Grabendorff. München: Weltforum Verlag, 1973.” Latin American Research Review 12(1): 232-234.

. 1977. “Life and Politics in the Caribbean [Review of] Commu-nity Development in Trinidad and Tobago, 1943-1973: From Welfare to Patronage. Susan E. Craig. Mona, Jamaica: University of the West Indies, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1974.” Latin American Research Review 12(1): 232-234.

. 1977. “Life and Politics in the Caribbean [Review of] Electoral Behaviour and Public Opinion in Jamaica. Carl Stone. Mona, Jamai-ca: University of the West Indies, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1974.” Latin American Research Review 12(1): 232-234.

. 1977. “Life and Politics in the Caribbean [Review of] The Do-minican Diaspora: From the Dominican Republic to New York City: Villagers in Transition. Glenn Hendricks. New York and London: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1974.” Latin American Research Review 12(1): 232-234.

. 1977. “Life and Politics in the Caribbean [Review of] The Haitian Potential: Research and Resources of Haiti. Vera Rubin and Richard P. Schaedel, eds. New York and London: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1975.” Latin American Research Review 12(1): 232-234.


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. 1977-1978. “[Review of] Social Movements, Violence and Change: The May Movement in Curaçao. William A. Anderson and Russel R. Dynes. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1975.” Revista/Review Interamericana 7(4): 740-741.

. 1980. “[Review of] Afro American Folk Culture: An Annotated Bibliography of Materials From North, Central and South America and the West Indies. John F. Szwed and D. Abrahams. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1978.” Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (29): 83-84.

. 1980. “[Review of] Race Relations in Colonial Trinidad 1870-1900. Bridget Brereton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.” Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (29): 81.

. 1980. “[Review of] The Complete Caribbeana, 1900-1975: A Bibliographical Guide to the Scholarly Literature. Lambros Comitas. Millwood, NY: KTO Press, 1977.” Boletín de Estudios Latinoameri-canos y del Caribe (29): 81-83.

. 1981. “[Review of] The Afro-Argentines of Buenos Aires, 1880-1900. George Reid Andrews. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1980.” Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (30): 141-142.

. 1981. “[Review of] “Alas, Alas, Kongo”: A Social History of Indentured African Immigration into Jamaica, 1841-1865. Monica Schuler. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, c1980.” Hispanic American Historical Review 61(4): 763-764.

. 1982. “[Review of] Esclavage, facteur de production: l’économie politique de l’esclavage. Sidney Mintz, ed.; J. Rouah, transl. Paris: Dunod, 1981.” Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (33): 165-166.

. 1983. “[Review of] Los Estados Unidos y Trujillo: colección de documentos del Departamento de Estado y de las Fuerzas Armadas Norteamericanas. Bernardo Vega, ed. Santo Domingo: Fundación Cultural Dominicana, 1982.” New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 57(1/2): 126-127.

. 1984. “[Review of] Slaves and Missionaries: The Disintegration of Jamaican Slave Society, 1787-1834. Mary Turner. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982.” Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (36): 152-153.

. 1986. “[Review of] Between Slavery and Free Labor: The Span-


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ish-Speaking Caribbean in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Manuel Moreno Fraginals, Frank Moya Pons, and Stanley L. Engerman. Bal-timore: Johns Hopkins University Press, c1985.” Hispanic American Historical Review 66(3): 610-612.

. 1986. “[Review of] La migración española de 1939 y los inicios del marxismo-leninismo en la República Dominicana. Bernardo Vega. Santo Domingo: Fundación Cultural Dominicana, 1984.” New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 60(1/2): 81-83.

. 1986. “First Step to Freedom: [Review of] Slave Emancipation in Cuba: the Transition to Free Labor, 1860-1899. Rebecca J. Scott. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.” The Times Literary Supplement (Apr 11): 378.

. 1987. “[Review of] Saba Silhouettes: Life Stories from a Caribbe-an Island. Julia G. Crane, ed. New York: Vantage Press, 1987.” New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 61(3/4): 189-190.

. 1987. “[Review of] Sociedad y desarrollo en República Domini-cana, 1844-1899. Julio A. Cross Beras. Santo Domingo: Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, 1984.” Hispanic American Historical Review 67(2): 352-353.

. 1989. “[Review of] Patricios y plebeyos: burgueses, hacendados, artesanos y obreros: las relaciones de clase en el Puerto Rico de cambio de siglo. Ángel G. Quintero Rivera. Río Piedras, P.R.: Ediciones Huracán, 1988.” New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 63(3/4): 253-255.

. 1990. “[Review of] The Idea of Race in Latin America 1870-1940. Richard Graham, ed. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1990.” European Review of Latin American Studies (49): 126-127.

. 1994. “[Review of] La Couler comme maléfice: une illustration créole de la généalogie des “blancs” et des “noirs”. Jean-Luc Bonniol. Paris: Albin Michel, 1992.” New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 68(1/2): 159-161.

. 1999. “The James Versions [Review Article]. C.L.R. James: A Political Biography. Kent Worcester. Albany: State University of New York, 1996.” New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 73(3/4): 73-81.

. 1999. “The James Versions [Review Article]. C.L.R. James: His Intellectual Legacies. Selwyn R. Cudjoe and Willam E Cain, eds. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1995.” New West Indian


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Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 73(3/4): 73-81.

. 1999. “The James Versions [Review Article]. C.L.R. James on the ‘Negro Question’. Scott McLemee ,ed. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1996.” New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 73(3/4): 73-81.

. 2002. “[Review of] La República Dominicana en el umbral del siglo XXI: cultura, política y cambio social, editado por Ramonina Brea, Rosario Espinal y Fernando Valerio-Holguín. Santo Domingo: Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra; Centro Univer-sitario de Estudios Políticos y Sociales, c1999.” Journal of Latin American Studies 34(2): 443-45.

Books / Libros

Hoetink, H.1958. Het patroon van de oude Curaçaose samenleving: een sociologische studie. Diss. Leiden: Rijksuniversiteit.

. 1958. Het patroon van de oude Curaçaose samenleving: een sociologische studie. Met een ten geleide van Prof. Dr. R.A.J. van Lier. Assen: Van Gorcum.

. 1962. De gespleten samenleving in het Caribisch gebied: bijdrage tot de sociologie der rasrelaties in gesegmenteerde maastschappijen. Assen: Van Gorcum. [Published in English as The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations (1967) and Caribbean Race Relations (1971).]

. 1962. De gespleten samenleving in het Caribisch gebied: bijdrage tot de sociologie der rasrelaties in gesegmenteerde maastschappijen. Assen: Uit in samenwerking met het Prins Bernhard Fonds Neder-landse Antillen door Van Gorcum.

. 1963. Het patroon van de oude Curaçaose samenleving: een sociologische studie. Met een ten geleide van R.A.J. van Lier. 2. ed. Oranjestad: De Witt.

. 1967. The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contri-bution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. London; New York: Published for the Institute of Race Relations by Oxford University Press.

. 1971. Caribbean Race Relations: A Study of Two Variants. Lon-don and New York: Published for the Institute of Race Relations by Oxford University Press.


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. 1971. El pueblo dominicano, 1850-1900: Apuntes para su so-ciología histórica. Santiago, República Dominicana: Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra. [Published in English as The Dominican People (1982).]

. 1971. Het patroon van de oude Curaçaose samenleving: een sociologische studie. 3. ed. Oranjestad, Aruba: De Witt.

. 1972. El pueblo dominicano, 1850-1900: Apuntes para su socio-logía histórica. 2. ed. Santiago, República Dominicana: Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra.

. 1973. Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas: Comparative Notes on Their Nature and Nexus. New York: Harper and Row.

. 1974. Het patroon van de oude Curaçaose samenleving: een sociologische studie. 4. ed. Oranjestad, Aruba: De Witt.

. 1982. The Dominican People, 1850-1900: Notes for a Historical Sociology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

. 1985. El pueblo dominicano, 1850-1900: Apuntes para su socio-logía histórica. 3. ed. Santiago, República Dominicana: Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra.

. 1985. “Race”and Color in the Caribbean. Washington, D.C.: Latin American Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

. 1987. Het patroon van de oude Curaçaose samenleving: een sociologische studie. 5. ed., met een hoofdst. en een lijst van errata verm. dr. Amsterdam: S. Emmering.

. 1988. Klein Dominikaans drieluik. Leiden: Vakgroep TCLA, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.

. 1994. Santo Domingo y el Caribe: ensayos sobre historia y socie-dad. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Fundación Cultural Dominicana.

. 1997. El pueblo dominicano, 1850-1900: Apuntes para su so-ciología histórica. 4. ed. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Librería La Trinitaria.

Contributions in anthologies / Contribuciones en antologías

Hoetink, H. 1965. “Contemporary Research: The Caribbean Family and


Caribbean Studies Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44

Its Relation to the Concept of Mental Health.” Pp. 36-45 in Family Relations: [Proceedings] Caribbean Conference for Mental Health (4th: 1963: Curaçao). Curaçao: [s.n.].

. 1968. “The Netherlands Antilles.” Pp. 314-23 in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Handbook, edited by Claudio Veliz. London: Anthony Blond.

. 1969. “Race Relations in Curaçao and Surinam.” Pp. 178-88 in Slavery in the New World: A Reader in Comparative History, ed-ited by Laura Foner and Eugene D. Genovese. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

. 1969. “Sociaalwetenschappelijk Onderzoek.” Encyclopedie Van De Nederlandse Antillen, edited by H. Hoetink. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

. 1970. “The Dominican Republic in the Nineteenth Century: Some Notes on Stratification, Immigration and Race.” Pp. 91-121 in Race and Class in Latin America, edited by Magnus Mörner. New York: Columbia University Press .

. 1971. “Pluralismus und Assimilation in den Kariben.” Pp. 38-49 in Klassengesellschaft und Rassismus: Zur Marginalisierung der Afroamerikaner in Lateinamerika, compiled by Jurgen Grabener. Düsseldorf: Bertelsmann Universitatsverlag.

. 1972. “The Dutch Caribbean and Its Metropolis.” Pp. [103]-120 in Patterns of Foreign Influence in the Caribbean, edited by Emanuel de Kadt. London; New York: Published for The Royal Institute of International Affairs by Oxford University Press.

. 1972. “National Identity, Culture, and Race in the Caribbean.” Pp. 17-44 in Racial Tensions and National Identity: Proceedings of the Second Annual Vanderbilt Sociology Conference, Nov. 4-6, 1970, edited by Ernest Q. Campbell. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.

. 1972. “Surinam and Curaçao.” Pp. 59-83 in Neither Slave nor Free: The Freedmen of African Descent in the Slave Societies of the New World, edited by David W. Cohen and Jack P. Greene. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

. 1974. “National Identity and Somatic Norm Image.” Pp. 29-45 in Ethnicity and Nation Building, edited by Wendell Bell and Walter F. Freeman. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.


Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44 Caribbean Studies

. 1975. “Resource Competition, Monopoly, and Socioracial Di-versity.” Pp. [9]-25 in Ethnicity and Resource Competition in Plural Societies, edited by Leo A. Despres. The Hague: Mouton Publish-ers.

. 1977. “Tot Besluit.” Pp. 350-354 in Cultureel mozaiek van the Nederlandse Antillen: constanten en varianten. Edited by René A. Römer et al. Zutphen: Walburg Pers.

. 1979. “The Cultural Links.” Pp. 20-40 in Africa and the Carib-bean: The Legacies of a Link, edited by Margaret Crahan and Frank-lin W. Knight. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

. 1980. “Schipperen tuussen afhankelijkheden: de Nederlandse Antillen en hun plaats in de Caribische regio.” Pp. 33-47 in Volken-rechtelijke Aspecten van Antilliaanse Onafhankelijkheid, edited by H. Meijers. Alphen aan den Rijn: Tjeenk Willink.

. 1981. “A Critique of the Tannenbaum Thesis.” Pp. 70-76 in Readings in Caribbean History and Economics: An Introduction to the Region, edited by Roberta M. Delson. New York: Gordon and Breach.

. 1983. “Schipperen tussen afhankelijkheden: de Nederlandse Antillen en hun plaats in de Caribische regio.” Pp. 152-59 in Ban buska nós manera di kuido pa nós salud: Kongres Politiek en Ge-zondheid op de Nederlandse Antillen in het Perspektiief van de Onaf-hankelijkheid, Groningen, 8, 9, 10 april ‘83. Groningen: Stuurgroep Kongres Antillen.

. 1985. “The Netherlands.” Pp. 321-23 in Research Guide to Central America and the Caribbean, edited by Kenneth J. Grieb. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

. 1985. “‘Race’ and Color in the Caribbean.” Pp. 55-84 in Carib-bean Contours, edited by Sidney W. Mintz and Sally Price. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

. 1986. “De overlevingskansen van de Antillen van vijf, vanuit sociaal, cultureel en historisch perspectif.” Pp. 2-14 in De overlev-ingskansen van de Antillen van vijf: een analyse van de integrerende krachten in de intereilandelijke betrekkingen, Karel E. M. Bongenaar, H. Hoetink, and J. Weitenberg. [Netherlands Antilles]: Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen.

. 1986. “The Dominican Republic, c. 1870-1930.” Pp. 287-305 in The Cambridge History of Latin America: Volume V, c.1870 to 1930,


Caribbean Studies Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44

edited by Leslie Bethell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

. 1987. “De spanning tussen afhankelijkheid en onafhankeli-jkheid in De ‘derde wereld’.” Pp. 49-60 in Socilogisch en Antrop-ologisch Jaarboek, edited by W. E. A. Van Beek et al. Arnhem: Van Loghum Slaterus.

. 1989. “Creoolse cultuur.” Pp. 17-26 in ‘Cultuur in Beweging’: creolisering en Afro-Caraibische cultuur, edited by Michiel Baud. Rotterdam: Bureau Studium Generale, Erasmus Universiteit Rot-terdam.

. 1990. “De Antillen en André Köbben: kort verslag van een leerproces.” Pp. 437-550 in Wetenschap en partijheid: Opstellen Voor André Köbben, edited by Frank Bovenkerk, Frank Buys, and Henk Tromp. Assen: Van Gorcum.

. 1990. “The Future of the Netherlands Antilles.” Pp. 241-52 in The Dutch in the Caribbean: Prospects for Democracy, edited by Betty Sedoc-Dahlberg. New York: Gordon and Breach.

. 1992. “Ideology, Intellectuals, Identity: the Dominican Repub-lic 1880-1980: Some Preliminary Notes.” Pp. 132-44 in Intellectuals in the Twentieth-Century Caribbean: Unity in Variety: the Hispanic and Francophone Caribbean, vol. II, edited by Alistair Hennessy. London: Macmillan Caribbean.

. 1992. “La República Dominicana, c. 1870-1930”. Pp. 259-274 in Historia de América Latina, vol. 9, edited by Leslie Bethell. Bar-celona: Editorial Crítica.

. 1994. “Los judíos sefardíes de Curazao (en Santo Domingo).” Presencia judía en Santo Domingo, edited by J. A. Lockward. Santo Domingo: Taller.

. 1995. “Zwaarmoedige gedachten bij een afscheid.” Pp. 70-73 in Caraibische cadens: Liber Amicorum, Opgedragen aan de Gevol-machtigde Minister van de Nederlandse Antillen Edsel A.V. [Papy] Jesurum, edited by Henry E. Coomans, Maritza Coomans-Eustatia, and Peter Prins. Bloemendaal, Netherlands: Stichting Libri Antil-liani.

. 1997. “Sancocho met Boeli.” Pp. 55-66 in Aangaande Boeli, edited by Aart G. Broek et al. Amsterdam: In de Knipscheer.

. 1998. “Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, 1816-1898: Verveer, de Koning, en het rapport.” Pp. 193-98 in Breekbare banden: feiten en


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visies over Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao na de Vrede van Munster, 1648-1998, edited by Maritza Coomans-Eustatia, Henry E. Coomans, and To Van der Lee. Bloemendaal, Netherlands: Stichting Libri Antilliani.

. 1998. “Vanuit het noorden gezien.” Pp. 265-66 in Con amore: optellen en brieven aangeboden aan Mr. E. L. Joubert, edited by Frank Kunneman and Sidney Joubert. Deventer: Kluwer.

. 1999. “Flarden van een geschiedenis.” Pp. 325-37 in Dromen en littekens: dertig jaar na de Curaçaose revolte, 30 mei 1969, edited by Gert Oostindie. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Foreword / Prefacios

Karner, Frances P. 1969. The Sephardics of Curaçao: A Study of Socio-Cultural Patterns in Flux. Foreword by H. Hoetink. Assen: Van Gorcum.

Paula, A. F. 1967. From Objective to Subjective Social Barriers: A His-torico-Philosophical Analysis of Certain Negative Attitudes Among the Negroid Population of Curaçao. Foreword by H. Hoetink. [Wil-lemstad?: s.n.].

. 1968. From Objective to Subjective Social Barriers: A His-torico-Philosophical Analysis of Certain Negative Attitudes Among the Negroid Population of Curaçao. Foreword by H. Hoetink. 2. ed. Willemstad: De Curaçaosche Courant.

Journal articles / Artículos en revistas

Hoetink, H. 1955. “Moral and Law as Social Antropological Concepts.” International Archives of Ethnography 47(3): 204-15.

. 1955. “De Curaçaose intellectueel en zijn samenleving.” Christ-offel 1(1): 19-22.

. 1955. “Over Braziliaanse en Curaçaose gezinsnormen.” Christ-offel 1(5): 220-223.

. 1956. “Curaçao en Thorstein Vebblen.” Mens en Maatschappij 31: 40-46.

. 1956. “Over de Simadan.” Christoffel 1(9): 403-407.

. 1957. “Stad en landschap van Curaçao.” Schakels (NA 21): 1-8.


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. 1958. “De Nederlandse Antillen en de toekomst.” Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 75(3): 219-230.

. 1960. “Curazao como sociedad segmentada.” Revista de Cien-cias Sociales (UPR) 4(1): 179-192.

. 1961. “Over de sociaale-raciale structuur van Haiti.” Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 78(2): 146-156.

. 1961. “Gezinsvormen en het Carabisch gebied.” Mens en Maatschappij 36(2): 81-93.

. 1961. “Enkele sociaal-geografische kenmerken van het Caribis-che gebied.” Geografisch Tijdschrift [Amsterdam] (14): 145-156.

. 1961. “‘Colonial Psychology’ and Race.” The Journal of Eco-nomic History [N.Y.] 21(4): 629-640.

. 1961. “Diferencias en relaciones raciales entre Curazao y Su-rinam.” Revista de Ciencias Sociales (UPR) 5(4): 499-514.

. 1962. “‘Americans’ in Samaná.” Caribbean Studies 2(1): 3-22.

. 1963. “Change in Prejudice: Some Notes on the Minority Problem, With Reference to the West Indies and Latin America.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 119(1): 56-75.

. 1965. “Materiales para el estudio de la República Dominicana en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.” Caribbean Studies 5(3): 3-21.

. 1965. “El nuevo evolucionismo.” América Latina [Brazil] 8(4): 26-42.

. 1967. “Materiales para el estudio de la República Dominicana en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: Parte II.” Caribbean Studies 7(3): 3-24.

. 1968. “El americanismo en Europa: Holanda.” Anuario de Estudios Americanos 25: 709-713.

. 1968. “Materiales para el estudio de la República Dominicana en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: Parte III.” Caribbean Studies 8(3): 3-22.

. 1969. “Materiales para el estudio de la República Dominicana en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: Parte IV.” Caribbean Studies 8(4): 3-27.

. 1969. “Materiales para el estudio de la República Dominicana


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en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: Parte V.” Caribbean Studies 9(2): 5-26.

. 1970. “Materiales para el estudio de la República Dominicana en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: Parte VI.” Caribbean Studies 9(4): 73-103.

. 1970. “19th Century Santo Domingo.” Caribbean Review 2(4): 6-7.

. 1971. “Dominican Patrimony.” Caribbean Review 3(1): 6-7.

. 1971. “Vrije notitie: Akademisch kolonialisme en zo.” Socio-logische Gids 18(4): 371.

. 1973. “La abolición de la esclavitud en las Antillas Holande-sas.” La Torre (UPR) 21: 283-291.

. 1974. “Los americanos en Samaná.” Eme Eme: Estudios Do-minicanos 2(10): 3-26.

. 1974. “De Antillen en de toekomst: een science-fiction.” Kristof 1(1): 26-31.

. 1976. “Slavery and Race.” Historical Reflections (Canada) 6(1): 255-68.

. 1980. “Nota sobre Vespucci y las islas de los gigantes.” Histo-riografía y Bibliografía Americanistas 24: 223-224.

. 1980. “El Cibao, 1844-1900: su aportación a la formación social de la República.” Eme-Eme: Estudios Dominicanos 8(48): 3-19.

. 1981. “Het einde van ‘De derde wereld’.” Amsterdams Sociolo-gisch Tijdschrift 8(1): 90-103.

. 1983. “Race Relations in Curaçao and Surinam.” VSAW Bulletin: Organ van de Vereniging Surinaamse en Antilliaanse Wilzijnswerk(st)ers 3(1): 1-6.

. 1983. “Caliban in ballingschap.” OSO: Tijdschrift voor Suri-naamse Taalkunde, Letterkunde en Geschiedenis [Paramaribo] 2(2): 131-137.

. 1985. “Europese invloeden op de ideologie van het Caribisch gebied.” Theoretische Geschiedenis 12(4): 419-424.

. 1995. “Some Notes on Ethnic Boundaries and Culture with a Glance at Brazil.” Luso-Brazilian Review 32(2): 79-87.

. 2000. “The Dominican Republic in the Twentieth Century: Notes on Mobility and Stratification.” New West Indian Guide =


Caribbean Studies Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44

Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 74(3/4): 209-233.

. 2002. “En memoria de Richard M. Morse.” Caribbean Studies 30(1): 9-15.

and Gert Oostindie. 1993. “Comment: Robert Shell’s ‘Rangton Van Bali’: A Note on the Dutch Historiography of Slavery.” Kronos: Journal of Cape History (20): 107-109.

Works edited / Trabajos de edición

Hoetink, H., ed. 1969. Encyclopedie van de Nederlandse Antillen. Am-sterdam: Elsevier.

Hoetink, H., R. Carr, and H. Blakemore, eds. 1969. Directorio de latino-americanistas europeos = Directory of European Latin Americanists. Amsterdam: CEDLA, Universidad de Amsterdam: Centro Latino-americano de St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University.

Römer, René A. and H. Hoetink, [chairmen]. 1979. Aanzet tot een in-tegraal beleidskader voor de Nederlandse Antillen in de jaren tachtig: rapport uitgebracht aan de Regeringen van de Nederlandse Antillen en Nederland over de economische, financiële, sociale en culturele ontwik-kelingen in de Nederlandse Antillen op lange termijn. ‘s-Gravenhage: Staatsuitgeverij

Works on H. Hoetink

Assessment of his works / Valoración de su obra

Inoa, Orlando. 1997. “Harry Hoetink y la historiografía dominicana.” Rumbo 4(173): 36-38.

Biography, interviews / Biografía, entrevistas

Blussé, Leonard, Fran-Paul Van der Putten, and Hans Vogel. 1996. “At the Cutting Edge: The Peregrinations of Harry Hoetink.” Pp. 310-318 in Pilgrims to the Past: Private Conversations with Historians of European Expansion, edited by Leonard Blussé, Fran-Paul Van der Putten, and Hans Vogel. Leiden: Research School CNWS.

Klinkers, Ellen and Wim Klooster. 1995. “Interview with Harmannus Hoetink.” Itinerario: Bulletin of the Leyden Centre for the History of


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European Expansion 19(1): 10-17.

“Hoetink, Harmannus (Harry).” Pp. 234 in Encyclopedie van de Ned-erlandse Antillen. 2. rev. ed., edited by J.Ph. de Palm. Zutphen: De Walburg Pers.

Venicz, Liesbeth. 1995. “Onder Professoren: een bewoner van het Cari-bisch Gebied per adoptie: oud-hoogleraar Harry Hoetink over de blik van binnenuit.” Alerta: Informatie over Latijns-Amerika 21(219): 14-16.

Dedications / Dedicaciones

Oostindie, Gert, ed. 1996. Ethnicity in the Caribbean: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoetink. London: Macmillan Caribbean.

Reviews or commentaries of specific works /Reseñas o comentarios de obras específicas

Caribbean Race Relations: a Study of Two Variants

Cross, Malcolm. 1972. “[Review of] Caribbean Race Relations: A Study of Two Variants. H. Hoetink.” Population Studies 26(1): 165.

Fontaine, Pierre-Michel. 1980. “Research in the Political Economy of Afro-Latin America.” Latin American Research Review 15(2): 111-141.

Katznelson, Ira. 1972. “Comparative Studies of Race and Ethnicity: Plural Analysis and Beyond.” Comparative Politics 5(1): 135-154.

Smith, M. G. 1974. “Race and Stratification in the Caribbean.” Pp. 271-346 in Corporations and Society: The Social Anthropology of Collective Action, edited by M. G. Smith. Chicago: Aldine Publishing.

“The Cultural Links” (Africa and the Caribbean)

Buckley, Roger N. 1981. “[Review of] Africa and the Caribbean: Legacies of a Link, edited by Margaret E. Crahan and Franklin W. Knight. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979.” Journal of Negro History 66(3): 258-260.

Dalleo, Peter T. 1981. “Review: African-Caribbean Connections.” Afri-can Studies Review 24(4): 53-57.

Dirks, Robert. 1980. “[Review of] Africa and the Caribbean: Legacies


Caribbean Studies Vol. 33, No. 1 (January - June 2005), 21-44

of a Link, edited by Margaret E. Crahan and Franklin W. Knight. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979.” American Ethnologist 7(2 ): 389.

Fraser, Peter D. 1982. “Review: Africa and the Caribbean.” Social Affairs 81(324): 425-432.

The Dominican People

Calder, Bruce. 1985. “The Dominican Republic: Surveying a Century of Development and Change [Review Article].” Latin American Research Review 20(2): 253-261.

Dunkerley, James. 1983. “Writing on Revolutions (Review Article).” Journal of Latin American Studies 15(2): 481-490.

Lluberes, Antonio. 1984. “[Review of] The Dominican People, 1850-1900: Notes for a Historical Sociology. H. Hoetink.” Caribbean Quarterly 30(3/4): 134-135.

Mintz, Sidney W. 1983. “[Review of] The Dominican People, 1850-1900: Notes for a Historical Sociology. H. Hoetink.” Hispanic American Historical Review 63(4): 779-780.

Wessman, James W. 1984. “[Review of] The Dominican People, 1850-1900: Notes for a Historical Sociology. H. Hoetink.” New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 58(3/4): 251-254.

“The Dominican Republic in the Nineteenth Century”(Race and Class in Latin America)

Boxer, C. R. 1971. “[Review of] Race and Class in Latin America. Magnus Mörner, ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970.” Journal of Latin American Studies 3(2): 206.

Cline, Howard F. 1971. “[Review of] Race and Class in Latin America, edited by Magnus Mörner. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970.” American Historical Review 76(5): 1626-1628.

Riegelhaupt, Joyce. 1972. “[Review of] Race and Class in Latin America, edited by Magnus Mörner. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970.” International Migration Review 6(1): 106-107.

De Gespleten samenleving in het Caribisch gebied

Speckmann, J. D. 1982. “[Review of] De gespleten samenleving in het Cari-bische gebied. H. Hoetink.” Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 42(1): 71-75.


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“National Identity, Culture, and Race in the Caribbean” (Racial Tensions and National Identity)

Cox, Oliver C. 1973. “[Review of] Racial Tensions and National Identity, edited by Ernest Q. Campbell. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 1972.” American Journal of Sociology 79(1): 224-25.

Moore, Robert. 1973. “[Review of] Racial Tensions and National Identity, edited by Ernest Q. Campbell. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 1972.” British Journal of Sociology 24(3): 391-92.

Sterne, Richard S. 1973. “[Review of] Racial Tensions and National Identity, edited by Ernest Q. Campbell. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 1972.” Contemporary Sociology 2(4): 440-441.

Het patroon van de oude Curaçaose samenleving

Kruijer, G. J. 1962. “[Review of] Het patroon van de oude Curaçaose sa-menleving: een sociologische studie. H. Hoetink. Diss. Leiden. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1958.” Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 42(1): 66-71.

El pueblo dominicano

Knight, Franklin W. 1972. “[Review of] El pueblo dominicano, 1850-1900: apuntes para su sociología histórica. H. Hoetink.” Hispanic American Historical Review 52(4): 664-666. Notes: JSTOR

Santana, Arturo. 1972. “[Review of] El pueblo dominicano, 1850-1900: Apuntes para su sociología histórica. H. Hoetink.” Caribbean Studies 12(3): 116-120.

“Race and Color in the Caribbean” (Caribbean Contours)

Gullick, C. J. M. R. 1986. “[Review of] Caribbean Contours. Sidney W. Mintz and Sally Price.” Man (New series) 21(3): 575-577.

Helg, Aline. 1997. “Race and Black Mobilization in Colonial and Early Independent Cuba: A Comparative Perspective.” Ethnohistory 44(1): 53-74.

Santo Domingo y el Caribe

San Miguel, Pedro. 1994. “[Review of] Santo Domingo y el Caribe: en-sayos sobre historia y sociedad.” H. Hoetink. Historia y Sociedad 7: 161-164.


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“Slavery and Race” (Historical Reflections)

Sio, Arnold. 1979. “Slavery and Race: Commentary.” Historical Reflec-tions (Canada) 6(1): 269-274.

Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas

Bowser, Frederick P. 1975. “[Review of] Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas: Comparative Notes on Their Nature and Nexus. H. Hoetink.” The History Teacher 8(4): 668-669.

Burman, Stephen. 1975. “ [Review of] Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas: Comparative Notes on Their Nature and Nexus. H. Hoe-tink.” Sociology 9(1): 162-163.

Degler, Carl N. 1975. “[Review of] Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas: Comparative Notes on Their Nature and Nexus. H. Hoe-tink.” Journal of American History 61 (4): 1111-1112.

Engerman, Stanley L. 1975. “[Review of] Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas: Comparative Notes on Their Nature and Nexus. H. Hoetink.” Hispanic American Historical Review 55(1): 98-100.

Fontaine, Pierre-Michel. 1980. “Research in the Political Economy of Afro-Latin America.” Latin American Research Review 15(2): 111-41.

Fredrickson, George M. 1975. “[Review of] Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas: Comparative Notes on Their Nature and Nexus. H. Hoetink.” American Historical Review 80(4): 939-940.

Knight, Franklin W. 1975. “[Review of] Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas: Comparative Notes on Their Nature and Nexus. H. Hoe-tink.” The Americas 31(3): 372-373.

Lorimer, Douglas A. 1975. “[Review of] Slavery and Race Relations in the Americas: Comparative Notes on Their Nature and Nexus. H. Hoetink.” Canadian Historical Review 56(4): 487-488.

Morton, Patricia. 1985. “From Invisible Man to ‘New People’: The Re-cent Discovery of American Mulattoes.” Phylon 46(2): 106-122.

Mörner, Magnus. 1976. “Slavery and Race in the Evolution of Latin American Societies: Some Recent Contributions to the Debate [Review Article].” Journal of Latin American Studies 8(1): 127-135.

Mörner, Magnus. 1978. “Recent Research on Negro Slavery and Abo-lition in Latin America.” Latin American Research Review 13(2): 265-289.


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“Surinam and Curaçao” (Neither Slave nor Free)

Degler, Carl N. 1973. “[Review of] Neither Slave nor Free: The Freedman of African Descent in the Slave Societies of the New World, edited by David W. Cohen and Jack P. Greene. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972.” Hispanic American Historical Review 53(3): 491-493.

Fredrickson, George M. 1973. “Between Slavery and Freedom [Review of]: Neither Slave nor Free: The Freedmen of African Descent in the Slave Societies of the New World, edited by David W. Cohen and Jack P. Greene. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972.” Reviews in American History 1(3): 377-383.

Lane, Ann J. 1973. “[Review of] Neither Slave nor Free: The Freedman of African Descent in the Slave Societies of the New World, edited by David W. Cohen and Jack P. Greene. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972.” Journal of Southern History 39(3): 450-452.

Morse, Richard M. 1973. “[Review of] Neither Slave nor Free: The Freed-man of African Descent in the Slave Societies of the New World, ed-ited by David W. Cohen and Jack P. Greene. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972.” American Historical Review 78(5): 1426-1427.

Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations

Bahadoorsingh, Krishna. 1968. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Carib-bean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” Journal of Inter-American Studies 10(3): 509-510.

Cross, Malcolm. 1969. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” Social and Economic Studies 18(1): 94-96.

Deaken, N. D. 1968. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” British Journal of Sociology 19(2): 222-224.

Diggs, Irene. 1968. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” The Americas 25(1): 97-99.

Dodge, Peter. 1967. “Comparative Racial Systems in the Greater Carib-bean.” Social and Economic Studies 16(3): 249-261.


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Duke, James T. 1968. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” American Sociological Review 33(2): 311-312.

Klein, Herbert S. 1968. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” American Journal of Sociology 74(1): 91-92.

Knox, A. J. G. 1968. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” Hispanic American Historical Review 48(3): 465-467.

Mintz, Sidney W. 1971. “Groups, Group Boundaries and the Perception of ‘Race’ [Review Article].” Comparative Studies in Society and His-tory 13(4): 437-450.

Oxaal, Ivar. 1969. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” Caribbean Studies 9(2): 96-99.

Philpott, Stuart B. 1968. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies.H. Hoetink.” Man (New series) 3(2): 339.

Robbins, Richard. 1968. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” Social Forces 46(4): 576-577.

Smith, M. G. 1968. “[Review of] The Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations: A Contribution to the Sociology of Segmented Societies. H. Hoetink.” Race 10(1): 133-136.