,hm J £ A PRINCE'S COUNTRY HOUSE. .I0 t;le«raI,he,1 · have ni.i hesitated io express themselves...

WED DIS GS. Xtiere wes a rjulet wedding Inst evening at ths house Df Mrs. Romeirn Salisbury, No. 'AUB Washington ave., groeklyn. when her sister. Miss Margaret M. Kenyon, -o*s married to the Rev. Dr. Kdwnrd I'raislln. pastor of tbe WSsblBgtea Avenue Baptist clmrch. Th" Kev. George Deas Isonrdmati, pastor of thc First HaptM Cottrell, n PhlkTlolphli, and the Hov. Gibba BralsHs, ol ¦gllsad, Vt., u brolher of thc bridegroom, were lb* ofllclatlng dei evin ti. Tho luldc was given nwsiv b\ ter biother. Ail nt S. Kenyon, who also ut ted as un »-hcr. Th" other usher was T. 'Alfred Vernon. Th frv-e wore a plniti town of white aatta and a Voil ol tulle. The rnuld of honor. Mi-s Lona Graff, were ;. pretty goevn of white gniir.c nnd silk. There was n l,f.l man. H ere wrc present nt the Wedding r.i ai\-tr- ut tlc in'.'.' and .some of the oflirors of tin* church e( wktrk th.- brit!"groom ls past rc, Among these wen >lr. and Mr*. Charles T. Go alwin. Mr. and Mrs j. i.. Bramley. Mi"* Elia Bramley, DavM li. Morse. Mle-f, i-al-i** Moue, Mr. and Mrs. Charles magee. charles a. flaker, Flerenee a. Tinker. John ii. ii" ku-i, Mist isl.iii'l. Miss Thayer. John Uralslla, Mr. md Mr*. Wt. c BraWta. Mr. and .Mrs. .John Ilralslln. Mis, Alic- liralsUa, Mi-s Nanni-- BrslaUn, Mr. and Bbs. Bsg»se H* ihulifasd. Miss Ada Blaekford, nsBsce BM-Word, Mr. nnd Mrs. n. ,i. Norse, mi-- Ai;,- noise, Mr. mid Mrs. Wllllani 1). Bancker, Mw ard nat.i-ii. William H. C itton. Mr. and Mrs! ii.atlos ("itu. Mr. and Mr.. Edgar Msngbam, Mi- Mary NsaghBBI, Mr. ar.d Mis. p. j|. Weeden, Mr. and Mr-. W. H. ABee, Joseph AI!.,*, Mr. and Mra. Frank lvn-t-n. Vi- t-rnce Deacon, Mr. nnd Mn. Charlo. ll'ihliird. Mr and Mr-. George lt. Vernon Mr. lind Mrs. 1- H. iiiid, ami Mi. snd Mrs V K fearers. Os tl'" return ol the Bev. and Mrs l:rai-i:ii from .'¦ ¦".outltern trip a large reception will .jegh-n f r ikea by the membera of nu congregation. --.?-1 ll HY ls THE CE IS' ESS BEEEt FPj.vcr. invii) DOESXT kn ow and m: BATS that Ms".. BAYIES i)-)i>.\'T iniir.u. Tho loni.:.' lo Atti-riiii of Tbeopbtraa ll. Davies with fitnte-s Kalulanl l- regained by Tani Neuman, E. c. nacfarlano and others as a mom anfortunatr thin. Ht tlie anti sif.n. \ itltm movement, and they have ni.i hesitated io express themselves regai-Mag lt .Mr. Neuman, when lie learned the Prince.j hud left England, .-aid Unit tho M,.p wu- a nio-t unwise one Mr. Martel lane said io a Trlban. reportei that he did ii')i hr ow any good ron-,,,, f,,r tiie presonce of haliilaiil hem*, amt thal bet coming evils i.n imfoitu tate ming for his side of ihe case. And now Prince Kawnaanakeo, of Hawaii, bettei known as Prin .* David, adds his share to Ihe objections made Bgalnsl the Pilate. Paving England. frin," DavM ls a flue looking mini, lihou! twenty seven yuri amt, and kw i- built Btw an athlete. He was taany diesseg yeslerdaj m a dark *->nit of ihe kassi American style. He woes s silk kai nmi camed a cane, and he looked meet Vine B Sftuilarg t_*n a HaWallan. Ile ls a well educated young man md bs (ms tin* manner- ol » weNrkred gentleman He talks English perfectly. Wben seen si Ihe Vlrt.nia Hotel ly a rep,,uer for Tue Trlbiin he Briksd unreservedly nhool tho Hawaiian situation and about the vi-n ol ti.e Princess. ..I do mu know why Kalnlanl came over ber?," Killi tuc lilt, cc, -and I do noi believe I hal Mr. Davie* can give aay reason lot hei coming, became 1 don't betteve h.- knows himself whal he brought iiei h r for. As far n< I know th.- l'rin «*-s dil not leave England eei:;i t:,(- conaenl of ker father, and ii Queen Liliuokalani had wished In-r i" come lo America 1 esttslaly -,<.ula bave learned ol lt -elora l let! Hawaii.'' Mr. Davies --"iiis to ).. un*' ,- t,-> explain why ho tome to America «it such si,,.rt notice, ansi as fat a- 1 can l"!ini from what he says be ls beri' for the sole purpose of working again*! the Inteiest* o! tho dopo.d Queen, ll be lui" b*en ms reilly quoll I in ;he new-]spelt bc certainly li working In ii* wrsag dlreetlo'i. in a lypi-wiltien stili-m.nt, whe'i I nadtltland Ur, 1 >si\ i-s furnished lo Ihe prea-*, 1 mys: 'When Ulluokalanl n*-cend«S Ihe ii,nine she leah ti.e usual eatk and hy ihal wmrtituilon lb Princess Kalulanl wi- proclaimed bette** lo th-'* Ibroee. The Que»n appears lo liave violated I.e constitutional nulli and lo bav« lull heraelf open lu depo*!tlon.' wh't righi Ima Nr. Davies sa) "¦¦' lbs Queen opp-ar* t> have vlulut«-d ber outli Mr, Derk** 'e.-'iitiv would tike ila* Queen lo sicp down and out. il" rays thal tl;" Qae*n should la- r que-iel I* abdicate and Ihal Ihe Prime-is haiulaiil si. u d he pi.'. is.im. tl Queen vvitlt a Connell of Iteff'nry. Aper bearing such views front Mr. Davies l cnn onlj liiniglne ibo! be i- working against ihe Interests ol lbs Oaten, which ls bud taste t-i «* Ute b-i-t- Mr. 1 .vi.-s does III l.ti'iee tin* -i'lllltioil isl llll Wall, lie i'm ba know li when be left Rostand, li he lui! known ii perhaps he won.d nol liave Itt lin.-sm I The fad ,-' ":.¦' ss nitei lb.il Hr. Dat I « does aol know wimt he i- talking about." Tin- Prince will return to VViikldngl n l i-dny. THE I'lllNt IV- VISITS AN ABMORY. Prlnre-s Ksilulanl was 'ill Si Ihe Hrevoorl Hois- yesterday, bo! she will go io i.o-ion to-day, where ihc will !.-¦ the r'"-t er ¦ san ofT. H. Dsvlea, Mrs j .im Graham ee.i one ol tin* railer* ra ihe iv.ii" e.-terdsiy, aad .n Ihe afternoon she .oo'i a drive wHn Mr-. Graham aad vlrJted ibe "th Beghnenl Armory. Mr. Davie* l 1-' evening Ihal Hie Princes* would vl-it Ws-1,ins."an neal Taeuday, snd thal Ihe return trip lo England woiiW be made alurtit iee. week- Irom now. When arfted ii ii wa* lil Inlrnil n tu vi-ii Mr. ' i'-e' lan I ni Hie . aPII il, be cal I s ..We cniiii'it at present *ay whal our pinn- an*. Wc ¦ay iall eu Mr. Cleveland, siid eeo may nat." .- m- FAVi.EIM. .HAWAIIAN ANNEXATION. Boston, Manu _ -T'e Renate Ihk afternoon nasaed i!e iii,,-,- res iii.non-, favoring Ute annexation ol Hawaii, fNiMMlSSlONEB W1LDKB HIVl iPNIN'i HUME. baa Fruin is,-. Manli 2.-W, C. Wilder, oti" I la¬ lla-.i. ni ('-.nelli* ¦!¦¦.:".'-, ii-,- nrrlyed bert from Waslilnaloii on bi- wa) i lion lui". DEATH OW MUS SARA S WOaTTBIXGTOS Mr.. -saia Nealon Worthington, who Sled al Ihe JhSlSWiad, lorie four' ll. smi i'ill hm ve.. On Wednesday, was tim widow of iho late Henry Rn lu-i Worthington, of Irvti tton-ew-llwlHon, lbs wsH-hnown Inventor smd engineer. She v..,- ¦ dungh'er of C. tandure .1"!.n T. Newton, of the I'nlted -States Navy. There ehlllren survive ber. Tliey ara Mrs. W. Lan* BMfl batt, Mis. T. W. Rae and Mr-. Charles C. Worth, laglan. Tho funeral *-*.;11 take pbee al the home ti her son in-law, W. U Bull. NO, 41:j Fillli-av.-. to inorro-.v muralug al i" o'. i"< i,, and t ie bunal et. in ie in Ute family vasiit snide: Uk- Wort.iliigloti Memorial Chapel, al Worthington, N. Y. T.:c servl es will lr tt-ndistteni hy ihc Kee-, in. W. II. H"iiiamlii, rectoi af -t. narimba k's l*role-l_ni Episcopal Church ni Inri ...-ton, sititi the mash f"t Ihe service "ill be furn-..fi ky tbs Mendelsaohn Quartet, ? OMMI h'ESSAS is COXVALESCRST. Washington, Mardi g..George Kennan, the well- -IKievsi Siberian 1" inter, ee',,, leis been 111 far t' yt . _*aski sit iiis home in ihls city, ol typbo-matarlal le-ver, i, ij,,,v coovak -c- nt. THE PBIECETOS SI CHESTS' COXCEST. Tb'- annual concert In New-Ydrh of Ihe Princeton Mveteny (ilse. Banjo and ManSolln dub, ve.ii be l"iu m i;,,, raraegle Music ii.ill on PtMay evenrna, Al"!l ll. The work of Ibo clubs l,,is reached a ld*li'-r -tatidaisrl this your i lum ,-v. r le-for-. Th" crowded |. ames and Ibe ont Inma-un which gieeted ..-cm na their successful Wealera trip during lbs I'-ristnnis vncatlon j-oak inucli for their excellence. Ii L, eapeeted thal a large chorus win have a proniiieiif place on Ihe programme for ihe conceit « New Vaik. 'Ihe ll.st ol I hos,- evin. Will be Jjtron... ,*. W||| |,.;,v.. inti.- to ba desired in Ihe way ¦ -.-kine this concert si brilliant aOclal ul!.Ur. ¦. ?- RSCtTATtfABB BJ HHS. ALRERT BARKER. A new recMey was presented la the pniille ycst.r- *-,T in the person of Mrs. Albert Barber, aa Eng* - .oman who ha-i rteeaUy conn* to IMS country. Slit* 'PPearod at ll,,- Madison ggnars (.sudon Conceit ¦-1 before a good inidleiice. which she i-iilerlalne d ¦sn agreeably by a varied peograauae. Hor stleetloas 'infed froni Uk- tragic to ISO broadly eoiiuc. and she showed an approclotlve mastery of all. One of hor **at effet'Mve sadesUsM essg ihasgaoa's .. Ihe ¦t-'enge." of which she Qhtloatlj fond. Shs bas S rtwiarksbli; faculty of Imitating bird notes, and n rmiiy anpMng sleet ls produced by ber Mtatloa at the sound of a sighing wind. This shs Ititi"-du Bes 'n a rearnuig.-metit of Jaine- Whitcomb Kiley's "The Eli-Ctiiid.- Ueyoad tin- latroduetloa of the srlad Ihe poem i* not Brack benefited by Mi*. Barher'a adopta- .Jill and lt might well be wished Ihal Bamerbut Se- piiriuiev trum tho lexi whleh seem uncalled for PP! Ik omftteS. Amoag ber other aelectloas were Bryant's "Robert of Lincoln,- Tennyson's "Lady gera,1 LongfenoWs "Tho Legtad Beoullful" sn:*' Q-fsejaa RoMttf* -a Boya! Prtaeeaa." QtCAl WILDES TWO PLATH Chtrlcs Fruhtnaii will send "I,ady WlndeimSW*t WUP tn % tour oeit leeanori. covering fotty weeks. A »tr"ng ?Ml terlll bc en|-_-ed and Uie produrt.on will !>' Hie SSSSS SS that now Riven In New-York. The tour »IU extent ** -tr mtm a* (sui Frant-Uico. Oscar Wilde's new pls.y. "AWonian i.r Ka linporumce." I* aoon to tr- pr din-o-! by .e-whabni Tree at the Haymarket Theatro. Loudon Ms .eudai lt inxiou, to ,,-,- ^j, i^Miinj p»*-t and U de. Otm* of seeurlag the American rlshu. which were soil SSBBSanSslf after the play waa wrlrten to Charles Kroll- .*****. Tba latter ass raceivad dJapakhea Irom Oscar t on ^ 5 ,hm TrM "n<1 Mr' .»<. M'»- Kends, kt rela- Bsa to releasing th* r.ay rn- am- fountrv J" £ he .I0 t;le«raI,he,1 to ***** Frohman to t,Tto -We ir,,,. ... " ai!'l'""* of only certain tent, tory in laWtS to thom. mt**b**M Tr.,- Ita- tm J m "vt, ;heUKeCC-Tth Mr Fr",m'an "" *«* °f **. .h. f.-r ho nea_ala. a* he u anxious to gel Mrs. Kendal to play thc pan m London. .-.m-«. /.Vf IDESTS IS SOCIETY. A luncheon t. gleen yetteidsy at tho Ladle.- vt, t'\* E"' T^'"V-"« -Ml ... l.v Mm. Wes- tervel. of Ko. 7 Weat FUUethat. In bmor of Ibe Maalan tin- ehibroomi were beautifaBy decorated with spring Bowers. After lunch. the Mteaet Leach sang to their own han)., sccotnpsnlmcnts Among th-.* guests wera Mrs. H. Victor Newcomb -Vi-, ff. W. Moppin, Mn. Edwin Parsons. Mrs How¬ ard Wainwright, Mrs. I..<ii,.v Dean. M.*. David Dntll'v Meld. Mrs. Henry McVlckar, Mrs. Edward ll Hell kira. W. «.. wilson. Mrs. T. P. RaUl, Mrs. Chr-dell' ol England; Mrs. Henry MIUs Day, Mra. Jonathan I..nun. Mi-s .iniiet stanton, Ml-- Morrell Mn William Casey, Mrs. Lindley ii. chapln, Mn Her¬ bert Ashmore, Mrs. L. M. Thorn, jr., the Marqalse de eas.*, Argodln, Miss Clara ia] WHBams, Miss Schroeder, Mi-, Zoe Hanks, Mi-s Lily Graham, Mrs. John Wing, Mrs. oeorge 6beMon, Mr*, t w Bear borough, Miss w.st"icit an.i Mri. Bickan) Ewart. iho "Hen" Theatre nuii. which was organise, by Mrs. william Pollock, dined bul nlgkl eeiti, Mrs. Alfred Youngs, ,,f No, 7 East Plfly-tlxth lt., nnd later went lo s.-c "Twelfth Night." The others of the party were Mis. De purest, Mrs. Caarieg Oehichs, Mrs. w. P. Douglas, Mia. William Jay. Mrs. Winiam Barden, Mrs. Edward Leavltt, Mrs. Frederic ii. Eater and Mrs. p, NeHSOB. i inlet ti,,, patronage of Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Mis. e. l. BayBes, Mra. James l. Brec-e, Mn. c. orge -. BOWdOtn, Mr-. Walter Catting, Mrs. Henry Clews Mr-. Morgan Dix. Mrs. P. ,i. ia- Peyster, Mn. .lame, Parish, Mist Kurtii.-s, Mrs. James w. Gerard, Mt i. Mi*.itgomer.' Hara, Mrs. QeraM Hoyt, Mn. Charles Lanlcr, Mrs. pierre Lorlllard, Jr., Mt-, h. Percy Morgan, Mrs. .!. de NeuMBe, Mrs. w. ... nalasford, Mra. J. Booseveli Boosevelt, Mr-, w. d. gimme, Mra. I. N. Taller, Mr-. .1. m. Waterbury, Mr.-. Benjamin Welles, Mrs. John C. Wilmcrdlng and others, a coucerl .eui i>c given in gharry'i baUroom on the afternoon mid evening ol March ISO t.. sM Ihe Rammer Camp lei poor boys and th- Wilton Day Nut-ry. Thc AdamowsU Miiiii tot. Planbet Greene and othen win iiiii** part. Tickets nay be obtained Iron Mn Gerard, No. it Gramerry Park, end Mw. Welba. No. li West Thirty seventh -1. Thc .sin:.inn* Camp eein give an opporinnit) Un poor boy- ti, gel - two weeba' rscoilon. Th- Camp will bo nader Hm .upcrintendenee al Instructors. Mr. and Mr-. Koo. rt Hoe, ol No. lt East Thirty slxlli-sl.. gave S dinner kui night for their Saagbter, Mi-s Ellen Ho". Among their gumti wire Mut Lucy M'hiotiicr. Miss -slade, Mr. sad Mr-. Leon Marie, i arv Halchtnton, .:. Danbar Wright sad J, Langdon Schroeder. There wa* another meeting ol Ihe Tbaraday Rfdli (Ini. at Di. h. I'- Academy Issi nlgkl, Tke palrom -.-¦¦ of ike class are Nra. < s. Abercrombie, Mra. a. !:. chis, im. Mn. M. Taylor Pyne. Mra. Frederic J. De Pey*!er, Mn. John A. Hadden, Jr.. Mrs. Oeorge lt. ScbleffeUn and Mr- Prederh Goodridge. la-t nlgbi Ibe ride waa led by Alexander M. Iladdeu. Aboul lifty tn, tubers were present. After a ride lo music light refreshments wera aerved. \ subscription dinner wat given sit Delmonico'! i..-t nigh! by a numbet "f promlneui Hebrew i"-id"iiis f New-Vork, The tables, ab.mi l-trenty-flve In number, \* r<* decorated eei'i, nil aorts of spring Howers, The guests w.-re received bj Mn. Elward Wasserman, Mr-. Winiam Einstein, Mn. William budge and Mrs, David Rellgman. During ibe dinner Neyer's orchestra played. Among Ihe gu.*st.- mere Mr. Hi.d Mn. Jessi- M-ligunm, Mr. and Sun. Charh-a i irons, Mr.i Mrs. E. J. Kio.. Ji Mr. and M... !.. i; rtiiieiui'i. Mi. ic ii Mr-, *». Hunger, Mr. and Mr- C. A. Henrlqnet, Mr. and Mn. Lewi Mt ..i. .inj Mr-. .1 .i:11.¦ *ellgman, >'<r. and Mr* J. ». is-rnli" n.-I. Mri and .Mi-. A. I". Hendrick*, .'lr. and Mr-. E. J--H-1 ¦¦in. Mi. mid Mrs. 'ease w.inn,,. ut. and -Mr-. Myer I'ern rimer. Mr. and Mr\ I Lewisohn, A, L. Sanger, Mr. and Mr.*. rsjm n i;.»v. en-, nini Mis. >. L. I al man. Mr. niel Mr*. I -i,'in. Mr, and '-ir- I..*,, schlesinger, Mr. and Mi il. J. Bothsrhlld, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lehman, Mi*. .: il Mrs. .ii rs- Kuhn, Mr. nnd Mrs. h. Lo. I, and Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Mv.-i Aller di mer lhere ¦. is Informal dancing. The fl'.;\il decoration' by \ ¦!-' were superb. The corridor's wen- lined with n ntl pot* <>f azaleas and hose* ol sion g Bower*. The -1 "ii«l --ri'-s ol ti*,- Friday morn!li- leciiir'-s lc. Mr-. Isabel iipencer Freeland beloit* Hie Lenten class .elli begin al Hie house "I Mr-. Jacob ll:,.-. Hil* norning, at ii o*lork. on Jl"W tn look w .1 ririt elgl iv." The sec i, leeture -.Ollmp -tuie problems In tee., onilneiii*.*' eeill I,., ou March in :,t n.. bun " "i M: -. William M. I r.i' COLdSEI. ¦'¦ ll- itA PU HOS IS TOR'S. what ni", siva snorT sm nmrsTUS ii .innis AMI '1 III i'i'l li*. I!"' Colonel .?. ii. Mn i-i. s.n. win,--' name wa« f> r many e.-nrs ramona In eonnecllon eeirii opera In Ibi* rouniry, inns ju-t arrived bore from England, wlien lie in- been for -ov.-isii -,,¦:,!-. ii i- leport.-d thus be ba* mod.. i- io nini,.' an niter lo il." newlj organlfd MeiropoHian lepera lieu* ami Kcal I lal. Companj for si lee .I Hu- Metropolitan »pera lb >¦..¦ in mahing nus oitei he repn-senl* -,i Aui*u«lii Marri*. *lr Augustus has for mani v irs be-«n known :>- Hie moal protnli ut nnd successful man >_.¦.: of grand opera In England, ami lt lu,- i.i reported n un lime t" Baie Ihal be was seeking worldi lo ronq ier, a yeal ago, whee Hie fata of ie Metropolitan lipers Hom.enied, ns now. t,, be liangtng In Ike balance, ll rai ronBdenilj announced bal -ir Augustus e-.n-. making efforts io gel I *.*¦ ,.- it. if ihe efl rli t i" ii.'!- ii >.*, v.-t, ibej amounted to nothing, nnd He* lease \ea given lo \.. ¦,. n ii "it, I ... Lino lm t'.i"" your*. H ls ,,," cooBdenilj reported thal a now Im*" lo -i *y, M oeSi <v Gran ror Bs* yeal i |»: '.' -111 ;, -.-t led tiling. Tb I h.iv. :i |. nial I.:,!,I', I.li' . -il im nv engaged for nexi seoaon lo Ung grand opera Itallnii .rn 1 rem ll, ai d ibej will bring ll i" Ann i, .Hellier tliey m*ure I.- .'l,ii"p.n mi up-ra Hm .,t not. having en.'n.seiii'asl- ll) I'lii. .i.'i. -lld ll lilies. Tb!- t":np.iir. .n-i-i-. large!) ol k* aril*is wno npp-arcd .ii Hie MeiropoHian lat! winier, bin lhere me some sii" -, Mme. Melba being ui"-t Important. Cotoii.-i .Mnpi'son wa* teen li-1 night by ti Tribune reporter si! th. Hrevoori li"'- e. Ile denied h-- tnnt in-gotlailons were liebig msnl" by sm El .ipatij t" bu) 'li Metropolitan opera Hon :: lil, however. I h.i 1 ii lb* owner- ev lied lu -eli .e.mill univ hiive lo ii|» bin. Oil Ihe h;i< li :m<l I.'* won lil .a|i- ir. lie also said thal il Xiw-Yorker* e-i-i.i grand op*ra bi rook! give is to th.m Iii -i\ ee,-i.-. '.,.,, Jjr. Abb \ did liol produee grand opera n it fall lu Hie tiiy be would. xorea or THE STAGE. Tony !'n t r Willi' -'lae -ie 'i ir.ei a*.-,- i,v table Iron kit io''nt iii Paris, M. Deeral, saying Ital Milt Marin* noiild sall fciii llsi\r*- oa March IS lo lil her omraceai al hen. .The annual '.*'"'.¦ <" 11 o 11 H Hand* nen. Um ir u*nt"i ol i'one p.. 1:'' Tliealrc, trill oceui Thoradty, Mai'li IS, tnd e-,11: I' an '\i;i m,:i» in Mi. r.,-n,i - twenty-eighth aaalversari j- i Ki-w-Terk mauaafi aili bs ,.¦:,! mod on U". iflemooe anl '. alni el Fridar, Mu a sn i|"Str llsoiiiii'i-l. In eel,I sall lot Europe n \!, week. He i- foin, ls Milan, and exp ela la bring bach aa iiii|».riant atti action. Il" "ill 11 e\ re v UH siik,',' Mnv I. The season of Aagoatot Ttamafa a ev plar. '**lur- lender*1 will .'¦'iv- aa Marah 5. Mt. Tin,na- ..¦..! ai «. I* "in tb' "ur:; ol ie,-in" tl,- plat. lt ee.ll thea be motored In New-York, and teat on toni agata '.il/ lii-M sens,,n. Inn'.' KlnHy. who has beea m Europe for wm Usse se bu in- s* (.nii'-i. d ee,n, Un.- tptctsclt whick Abbey, Krtaeffel is Oise sr,- tn |.re«oi.t at Ihc Auditorium, In kl. rats, next Manaor, renrnsd -m ita CHy ot Paris Wednct. day, Ti..- n-'t »r Mm". Marie lianne's seine* of readings al ti,,* Madison S(|ii»io Harden Ceaeer. itali .*** given belora a small audience Wodli.-'lay nlehr. Bht e. ulled till about .j.30 B'elerk betan beglnnh»| h"r programtrie, Hmi thea ..-sd lion, sir !:d«in An."ld't passu "A Pall ul Egrptlan Ulkpera," "A Bom," "He -nd 8ta.M "Msll-in" "nd ¦.Tin- Halpin Xnrte." The ii«">t i*stiins i< saaewaeed to tata phi'" aest Wadae-day evealag, sad n tsnsist al isletlift Im.n. I...''tiii.'. It is said Ital Jsii'Os C Dnf will five roelvals of ..Ti.e OaadaltttaM and "H- M. -. Wanter**.' si ibo Casim,. folli.H luff "'Tlie na*"' he.'. E. a. Hob-"!!*, ti"' stags a-saagai of "Xlaeiy Dav*," at th.* iiiontiieav Theatre, received * birthday pieseai af _ *il\«-r toilet *"l lin"' thc ini-inlAsr* ul HM ISStpSny Ime. day niRlil. a nieintisnal niatin.-'* i-f "Tta gpsrtamaa'- win i,o .leen »t Ita Marni IU 'Jtiioir- this ure moon. Many msw ie<ae*ai tor seals na," beta reeeiered ii.an ther s,i" seaU In ti" li "il-. St Ital a Is-B' BOdttaeS ls «»«'H* tl .lie ,,t.,nd ,.( ih. -ne* ot .*.«.dlnt* by i..,,ir.*,* Kui.Il" . iii o"*ur tiu* ifletaaea st -i '¦'¦') a'eloek, la Ita Caoterl Mali ol ita MwHttw Maan Oatdea Tta i'sv ttaata ls ¦||.n..iiii." A. Y. plants ii.id blt ..' '..binti' telenet hi th» rnloii S(|iia^- Thca'.r" tu lil* SBllBSr. Mr Utetawsll, gad ia nxe oi-u si.id hu ni"ii*t tn ita l.'" Ateaas Academy, la gmklja. ie nctftt a t'r.i-e au tate Um has awaen f it bSSBM lum- Mia r.*aet*i I* -sid I > lie III hSSlth. Tl,,- I'eiirtecnth "jtrect Itseair* eeM oKtlii 0|*n la-: iiu-tit. sud "A Nutatag Msteh** eva* play od. rta nam. are rs ol tue | lay regBld H'.r ISBtlBSS wltli Itali farmer -(sr. M!** Anni.- l/*ee|. a- Irokon. Bf her iffn-al to st nu W.-dnendnv nltht. and thor lit*A«e cngti-.-d Mi*-, Lizzie DvaiiA to play Hie MSittf part (or Uie rest ct tbe imam. \ll»* Low!-'* reoioti for rcfuslag Sa to oa the stare au tho manager's lnsUleuce on the InUoducUtu al a tptsUltj by another member of tba comii-oj. OBITUARY. EX-OOVEHNi IR RICHARD MOORE riSHOP. .lacksinvillo, ria., March _. -I*. M. r.lshop. of Cln- elnnotl. ex t.ovcrnor of OMa, died at 4 .'nock this morning at the residence of blt SOB In Hil-, .Itv. where, he had beea ill for live «.-,;_- pu,t with n c inpLfatinn of dl.s-ase-. Rickard Moor- Mebop, tl,.* tlilrty--lxth Oortraar of ohio, was bon, Rovember 4. Igis, In Fleming County, Kv.^ ile wa- Inlaed fer n mercantile liT--. nr.,1 In i-'.7 removed to cincinnati, where ks enlerad Into tho wholesale grocery business, In which h.- continued with tarted rmcceta utuii r< cent ly, -inti in which he rapidly amass,,.,! we.-ilth. Ill- political career began in 1.-..7. when h" wai sleeted to ti" nommoe council of Cincinnati, in l-".- i.- vat ehoaea grestdenl of thin body, in 1 -*:,'.! ho was .-i.-ited Mayor of th.- rity. snd hold th.- (.tlir.- guting cn" lena, ii" em¬ il member of the ohio Conslttational Coaeeatten In ls?;;, nnd in l-77 blt name »ut pretebted to the Democratic Plate Conveatloa at Colamhes ns ;, can didatc for Governor. To the larprise "f many bs wu nomlnsled on lin* .-i\th bollol over s,.h tom. petiton si- Ewing, Rice, Wan!, convene and Vance. ai tbe .election in October, it>77, he defeated th- ii- pubiicnn candidate, Winton H. Weat, by a plarattty "f 23,520, the vote ttaadlng ns follow* : Ul shop (Dem i. 1171,635- West in.ep.i. -r.uor,; Bond (Workingman), 12,4-B* Thompson (Pro.), -,*.''«>. Johnson (Obk.i, 10,- 012; acutteriag, Wt, ile was laaMgarated lanaary 14, 1.-7.*) and served f"i two year-. Although a t.,:, didiite for renomination be eeas aol honored a second lilli" hy his parly. Ueiicra! 'lli'iinris Eeeitii.' defeated him iii th- convention of I-Tn. Mr. lil In,p wu, one of th- promoters of th" cincinnati southern Railroad, an eaterptlae which opened up a lari:" tun!" to tin- Queen (itv, and for yean he eens nae .( tin Irusleea of tho suni". II" waa silo a director in ino First Rattonal Dank of cincinnati, smd in 1871 presided ever tin- National Commercial Convention la lialll- more. In reUglons mallen In- waa a Campbelllte, He gave largely to rharitles, wu- foe lea gears presldenl of ide nillo Male Missionary r*".lct\. and hit t presldenl of the General Christian Mtssionar*, Society. lie was nt .ne lime presldenl ol i ie Hoard of Camlnn of t:.,- Kentucky I nlveratty, one of ti,,- cara I ors of Retbani loll"..*, ;md a trustee of McMlrkeit t ni venlty. Mr. lilsnop had ihree .-nis. who wera long a-- ,i ssiti tl eeltli lilm iii 11.i'l" lu I in. riiiii 11, sir.-I eeii,. w.re conspicuous in thilr efforts t-. secure li- head nation a* Governor. IIEXRY Al LI -ri'S Kl NT. Henry Auguttut Ken died al hi- borne, fifty nli.tli-i. atti ,s, mud- ive., franklyn, sa Wednesday, fr, in apoplexy. The fi,ner:iI will lalo* place nt bl* borne la morrow nt - p. m. The barta! will be Ib (irei nee, od. Mt. Kent waa born In Hudson, Ohio, on October SI, i-ii. His rather, "rm, Kent, una hmm MM dietown, 11 i.n., and ee.,- ,t t:, puritan stock from which H." j u i-t < i.i.i. lh.r Kenl \e.i di tended. Hi- grandfather «... .. soldier ol :..' Revolution Mr. Kent's mother mu Parmelia Uwls, whose grand faIber served win, distinction al an emccr in th. la iib ul.il war, laking perl lu iii" operation t*. inin.-ii.ni.- with Ibe rapture ol Quebec, where -e- v., hill.si. v.. k-sn eens CM., married, in- Drat wife, lc eel.un lie h.ni dve rhlMnn, e..;,- -ni.,:. Wells; the .econd, eel,., lunlve* bim, waa (... wMow of Oeorge ". i:m.n. or Middletown, Conn, lu ihe -¦¦-.¦¦ \--- Mr. Kenl am io Sea . rk, ind In the yet lowing e-i.il Hsbed hd .--If In bu-li t a whole ,i- merri int, which be carried on until latin, when be raUrad. lu i-'-I be pun :..!". d par! ..' I!.ld Dennett fiiiiii on ibe i::i>..l,i- i shoe ..: Hem i 1. Day, inri,. lim: bj adjolnii g rill iga I Hg) Ridge, ee;,, ri I,,- bull' d en '.. ll.-'i-'ii "in of the mo-l attn rtlve homes lu ti.e m. ii.ue .,; Rew-York. During bis long na Men With Ihe ti lite tn-'i ol N"'e ^ irk smd '. ;i .! le ii he occupied man) Inipuriani j,. ri "ii bavin.-; n a dins ir lu ib« Alb nth and Oreal Wi -.tern Railroad, the Toledo aird ,...."..,-.. Rallrt rd, Ihe Dela eenr-', Lackawanna and Westf.it fuilioad, IV Erl, Rallmed, In tbe iisie ol Its groote | pt p rise the i'l e eland, Lona and Wh Ung llalliujd. Ibi Di k ii ti i ll] an i i.e St a Vork and \ uue nrfai ¦. rallrond ! Hu- m Xatlm tl ll nih, nhl i, ai I Dank ol Rortk Anni lea, '. which he was one ol th-- lm ei p for mat j e. ,, r.n *,,..;.!. lent. Iii i-..l em- ni, ,\;,|. an -f, .,:,.!. j r.-bl.' .., ;,,.¦ I'} om . ll, iii .¦.,.'. |li, lid i" I "' .. del /.I. |n I "i ..bin ac i niivi i lion ii ' ni' ig ¦. whl li ti .! i ii il Abra I mn Lint in, lu ! -. j e< i< uni l..r Ma "i* ul brooklyn, bi t di* lined. Al Hw tin ¦¦ di-alli i." '-e.t "i.- f Un oki. mule. I'i- I nhill ir ii !'¦ '..' So e...'!.. obit din* bi S Ional Hank n Rorfu / lil. wife, iwo - us ""bold-mi I, ivlti .,s, Wall, r la-eel Ki III .<i"l IWO (I lei .¦', ||< !!r\ I* ||,.p bins, ol lit'i .".. 'i Mi Jo . ,.¦ - -,,n ger, of Wa rn JAMI - M I i,i i* h, i. .. i, .- ii ¦ml th- lat q ii -, nt. . nu ,. Nea Vork In the early yet f tlie | mut) Mr. ii 'ci ¦"¦- li ra rn mia in :;,- i In I'i arl.*t ll ¦. ta Ut In li .-l tm ii ,.,¦. n all ' ' I MIN I .:. aM« line th- I I ll ind I 't. Ill* w f, ,-....' j.,tl ">. .j,.-.-. i. Mirth him. . ? lill RI V S .THAN I.l ED Willi. MT. D -'.¦', 'int lb .' *-; 1 .I Tia Ri S llb tn V I, lil Len,, who died Wt 'a ¦'! " a! ihe eighty-three, .:-« 1 -.- a I'he licit lb 'I -. .i, ,. |r .i .( m. i f. .ot. i katrina nial |OI '..i: la BdlK l-'l In ll il ,t> it,. |et11 ,| t, ..ii r:.. di al prat, ilo ta ali ni* |ir< ri ..: i I, i in i-.i.s "¦.. -I bl* Ctn lt Wtl ¦¦. i ..'. i bul - "i ->"¦ r t,; I.i. RH ll Min I.RM IX. r," .-. *i ii . i s,. ,.,: ii. hard P. a , POI I. in J. ... '. di "tl ie 'f |MM ll M.. iras j ii-iii ¦¦ of Ireland, caw to thi* ronntrj wben , ,,! Uv i Rx e.' .' !. a.. '"ii," iga to .ai Into th-- ia"'.!.!,'" 'i-i:. -¦. Vp i" i--i bc >.!.. .i ll ament, bul be yAnei Ute llepahllrin partj In ij.,i ¦. ,i ,. aras -i i< "- bi i fm Mr, IllaJrv. ii ss .. ur n.i" "' the ¦. iii| -I n's tb aWI' an lab il,,.I 'il-,. Sl Iht l.'i'iee' (.I'll.- Il" '".I- lifte-ll,:- ,,1,1 Hi lea VI I a '.el.lt,ev, bot i,,i I,.li! ¦? eli! I'l A UV MUI'.-.. Al cm. Oa., Min "ii i-V. lt. I..:i-,n. f-i yeera ¦> lawyci m th" ad.' "";" hmltb, een- 'amid dead la tod .i, bb borne nt Derain! n.i* more h liii-'aii **,:i H. \. 'lm:, i. Stephen li Jarbsoo. ea-hhcrltl et Valtn* IVmnty, u .-I "f betti llaeaat at ids borne in Uil* vlllaae to-day, ll wat eight) i tr* old. itiii',1. N. v Mai ii -' isabel Uiepi", propel lot "f Weekly iu..i ni" 0 cd ia-' al rbi WI - -' ''>'..*'' H.. i., i- in bis Journa '. si"' .n 1838, Set burg, H. Y Mareh ..- M.- eeii" .,( Wabap J"-o| n I, ti.'.-seo, "I tht Mei'." list Eton Chatch, died bete Ibis mai um", ago. s-'-.-riivsie vim. They w*r.' raair-'d any-two ycart tgo, M.- i"i'"i' ht widely known, tape. ,.,., |.,. |- ti,, (South, ee'.,. bt bi" "(t "i |,r.'.l,|.t| avel .'.I,- j ft .... i.f ins ti, iiti.i.iiniii"si. -nj .* leger-*-, t, aa a rel it leader ul Uw tolw I r.i"-. _-m- FLAX'S Bt DBASAIIC BTUDRXTB. Ti." iiiici and me* *4 Ui- mit, ,,f tMeitali.nb at ,,,, |; ,.. i. .I. b) the riaiiisitiii!-' iludtais "f th< Alie I.'an A'., M'.e "I !»"' D»mallt Art- rei- .len -iff evenlim In Un preseaea "f t hue*, friendly and well plc-aed aud "'I .. I'""'.'''...''' 9Uy* wert perforraed, lh. \\.,-. , N',ni|:h," by OCOrgt Iiu-Un- arel l.llv A. j,,,,,., -i;.: ti.'" by iimil, C. Drake, ead "Trala la i .nulla." iii" enlrrialeBrtot nat perhaps altogether last ¦met pb sing el UN taree. 'Ju" acton -aught t!¦.. spirit ot meh "( the plays tad Interpret*-*- H BtUngly aad elevrrly. tTta perlortatrs weit Hubert WteA, Misa Omce oeorge, ll ll Dona, lleOlt Hf. Aler.oder, Miss Ila Irvine, Misa Monk Uiiniaaa. Dwight Hatltfc, Mia* liiitii Evelyn, Ix'ti eon Ne.in.avi, '.-,:¦,..¦ C. Olrotlc-d, Min Nark ema-. M'.*. P rrita w.t and Him 'J:rm. gOJfg tiF COSSECTICUT, From The Hartford Poet. ai tin- r.'itit i.:.rii|ii.-t of tin* sons of ihe American Revolution iii Mendel!, -emnt.I Plait- alee.ie - ..nlii.-t. orari bul and patriulli made a pisa for a new and ritn.I.tr lil-iorv ol i "linet tit ut, .uni .ils,, colled allen- Hon t" th-- aomewhal noticeable fact thHt this State bj nt pr.--int unrepresented by tuck a tocleiy a* represeiiis (ihto. Marylaud md leveml sister stateii at social gathering! m ike meti-opoka. neaator I'inii advocated thal the deficiency *-ii«"ii!<i bo prompll) -U pp lied. . Ihe id" i I* i -"rM' one. Rn -tnt.- liss -i proud r il-ti.rv than our own. and aa .tho ated-ground for i min"Ul lion In ll," ill.l.i'.iil ee.iIK- ol III' all OV.«l the tosiiitrv. Ci'isiii'i tJiut lui-i long l,'*:«l a tuil'ine di-lini tlon Thera would certainly i.tn,nub ion* "f tins tiistininiisliisl iii.ci-trv le gather aboul tlio r-chil Ima rd aniinall) "i oftener to do honor In the heroes of tin- colony, iii- lt< volution mid Ihe '"''il ,,;ir' :""' lo discos the preaenl achievement* ol Ibo common wealth. . ,. "l*'.\topi ni the annaai dinner of Hie Rew-nngiand goriety, -ahl.il ls growing to be too imwdi-d for rom f, ii -ats rii* Row \crii Tribune in commenUnd on lin- iii.a .. tin- gone ed ' or ti.-e-ii-ut have no meelina place or bond of B-tOrintlOO. No ilotibt Ihen* ara enough Connecilcal men lu tho memberakto ol tie vow Ragtoad mk tel v t.. niiiko a society "f gena of ("oiincrtictir wiiicii would at once mba rank among Ute aaasl sweeeasfal >,f tin* state «<...i.ail.ii*. It .- univ ii", " . irv to elvo ih.- lime pm. nt a start.' Tin- pat tani manon mnv asa Ik* too lat" for tho ..tarling of this .i.leiprtso. If tack a hochty I* started, Itt cvtrilso.- and member*!.!p thould com- -utrc favoiiibl*, with any of IU rivals. I ft and A PRINCE'S COUNTRY HOUSE. SOCIAL LIFK ON A RUSSIAN STL1TE. utxvrt iv a wrLPimin rurm Donnou* IiOW-Knli.*SAK<i\V'S ROUSf 1'AHTIES- A SCERI Ol' HI.AI TY. Of nil forclcn couBtriet whicii lt hst- been mv pond fortiiti" to vi-u Ruaala certainly bears il Ibe palm for iio.-piti.iitv. ti." rick Boyarda, whoa* enormoua Htatea encompam alBtoal limul.--- atretcbea of land atid whoas eastlea an- mt luxuriously foraktked ns were Urey situated en the Paris Bowlerarda malena nf bring leal on Ihe la medic si steppe, sir,- seer anxious io Kurmond Iheuwdvea wltb as many cuesta as pos-ibb*. Nothing can bo moro delightful than country ur-- in Russia In rammer and winter, bul Iel rvery one betrara if accepting any Inritotlon f r t:." .'tiiiunin and tpring. Ku*, al those aeaaona aa rearing rain and mud transform every eountn aral Into tomethlng ranembRng ;i griaon. ge trying I- Ibis state i-f attain ti,nt geptemher, October, April and Hay are peneraUy tho rn'mths ebosen bv tba Muscovite arl-tocra y for r.-pulrln^ lo **'. Petersburg ai N -' iw, when they Inhale a fm* breatbt of cheery i lt v nlr. Tho Russian ro'intrv aeal of which I retain ibo most agreeable and ririd recollection, derived from both sommer and winter vl-its. is thal of Prince li'iidoiil,.-w-Kor-saliow In the Pskowtk Government. lt keen ti.e name of ike Caatle "f Pohmaja nnd !*< n buft banding, half palace, hall fortran. Blending at a point win n- ike d'-r.s" loretta resolve themselves into great rolling plaina, wu'in Itt granite walli it I- of Ihc in-.-t elegant, red**-*- magnlflcence, yet t: e mit side ntroBgSy recant lo mind ihe barbaric wildness af Ihs period al which lt -.en- built. Almost awe-Inspiring ur" th- greal s,,iniiro roarta ."i'd poe- Hem nus! ike long ganerlea and hall-, the antidM walls of which sir" covered with Byzantine p.iliitin_x lliio those of a charch, while il.xqulslte saloni aro Blleg wltb coally modern bric-a-brac, artistic furni¬ ture, inperil pictures, lowen and palma. These latona it"' late Prlncem planned herself, and ibe ranaed ibem lo be decorated by a celehrated French arti-'. u is didnnit io Uncr when lo si'imtr- Polona|a brat, whether in midsummer, ender Iho aend-Aslatlc beal which eomea even In the northern ragtona of Rumla nita tin" reign of Ih* Dog stir, and v.. lilt ti mahei lbs rasl pidena and iii" surrounding iteppe Moaaom lille a ro-.-; or when Ihe earth I- bound by an Iran fre-t and Ihe distant baying of wolves i- heard in Ike mow-covered toreela, Perhnpa becaute it ls to toort, lammer baa In Russia a charm which one guda nowhere rite. The Meppe, itratcblng lil." ¦ green ira dolled Lori- and lhere with dusters ol inn ii .ind willow-tri,-, hi- a mysterious look durlni the mg balmy July da) nnd al nigh) the Han teem nanauaQy numerous and briWanl In Ihal Heel blue nortbern iky. Vet Rumla i- alwayt teen at kta be-t during the evInt'T Uroliths, and I ll" litlo-t h'll-" partlet at polonaji ?.- mbto, si- si rule, lu Rovember, Derember and January. Vcri r'tim does tba "ii eaatle look when hedged In ott all rides by mow and Ice. ii lt "li'*u ti-" -arv la 'nt roads through Ibo snow lo iii" stsib!,-, ami wolves enter Ibe courtyard .ti nlghl and bave bl.I cunning flgbt* a1tb t.i" gn i.l".la'.iiti'i-. ol I'uir---. Polonaja In mldtrlnter l- e.rv Isolated, bul lhere i- ii" 'i n-'nn .,f ennui for lilt:,, K-.r- iiiii.e-.' git is. Dinners, rai pol dances ¦nd private Ibeatri al* lake place almost ever* week. During Ibe dav there is much sleighing p .in? on. As -..-it ti- |he fl- -t li.nl liiiil- md Ile* newly fallen mow sanVleutly, i greal ibell-shaped .leigh, to which four splendid "i- -i were hun.--"!, wat plod al my .li-p- il, and, wrapped In furs up lo ib- eye*, I took headlong gallop* ihroiigb Ibe sllenl woods. iu ti'.* \ nlng «. ali ., mbl 'I In ll bra rv and read or talked nnill Ile mldnlghl tupper. eel,i. h i ate ol Ibo Piln .¦'- i---t fad*. i.i-- dining ill i- a beautiful ipa rt men I panelled ti oak ind bung with flobelln lap Iries, bul lt ls ion ih it -.¦ delight! :l supper- t ike place. ... i'-..l l n smaller i lt dispose il h i winter gard< a, and ¦.* sn* imeltl,-. i ital oral ¦¦. trees and mlmo*e Muries f'-rm fra- ::,ii! bowers of flown i e .¦: \t lither end -.. fountain ..! pl '; marok- wit t irved b:i«dns ¦. i". blossoming emt. i hiles anion-* a i .¦¦lui! :, -eeim.l the mari,!- "'.a. iiipporilng ¦ i "f are garlanded with white and purple H.,-e. -*, .] .,- supp r lable i- alwa) - -.; In Louis XVI radii' u. 'I.ni I. of -hi Mci-seti si peb' pink ice. and Watteau Bgtir . ol Ibi :,!ii' priceless wara uphold va* containing gowers, fra.t l ¦,' ..j.. ii, s ;>.!. pnifu lon. No servants .ii.- all iw. pn ii nt, III ..¦ db n - tra «old and ni- pl " ii lr din "ii -i-i" il li -. wbeni the lr, a an t lils i- liri og .:,, «. 11 ti ii, lr oa n !. '| i .-. llb' ee' nit ri il ii- i! e .; ur :r. le Joya bio and 'I all f.irnnllty, I he ru un i rn ti Indy ii ni p ..- il le ii-en I wllh Venetbm .hi-- atti .-¦' plate, ibe wine iiarkling in t' ir ill) ip . e¦: and Iii '.. 'lilian Uil--. ibe pretty women *.«.ir.i diamonds glittering "ti Ihe r nhln I toni an I In their air, .ll gr mp l tiing plum Rv.-rvihlng looks li',. i. rein ;. .!¦ I Ihlllk ..' \ -r ll ai d 'i' rim .¦'- Uhr. n i- ali" "f the l,.,'i: nm In I¦'. :i..|» .:.¦! ni In* a ine I'.o'i-.ind V lumea, !"'-nt" i's ll li bbl '"¦ ,1 ri. ri|'t ,,f bygone <iav-. -. iuri, Ru* lan work« ai¦¦ rang"d In on" Including Hie iragedle* of *>uinarokow, wbo fondly Imagined a If io be (be ll.-i.ni \ ir.ilr. Sol hi i ran equal s.i" beanti "ii gn " oak pan :; ¦! room eein, p mb. d and embutum d rolling, n* t" .¦¦ rill ol itv, '1 pu ph' ie irni |l I .s.iln indoa 'i itln: from Ihe fimrti enih renlurt, '¦i.l i.a'i.'it by ibi Prince i-i Ital) man) years ago, !' ¦! rn I Desi ri- BP ee. il i. preta Bled ere, and ii" ...ii,.'|..'i ,,i ..ii missal, ndonu w it ii mini i in bv Angeli. and Mb-i io lers nf .* art. Ibo e r'. e-.-li. iimi itt r binding "f S lill, ll li Hie I'll'' .'I "f I ,'l'Sll "balli ba.I,"a.*. uni i . In ll - a urld. rm a niall ij. table b tiealli a full i--n.Mii portrali "( Hie late Rmpemr Ab'xnnder ll »tnnd* ¦ raakel .,! creal lieauiy, mode f oriya nial tilter, one day Hi" Pri. n-verentlr "p.'in.l il .unI lira '. '1 iel fr ii a piece ol i irk tri'i a i,.i., r,,rs. ¦¦. eral ni n -. c. Mi ml) ii \ pit iv and ipolii d wll dried blood, Turning '¦¦'.e ,r,l in-, wit., leon l!l bis ."'-. ¦. ri I -elle. ¦I'M- I- pstrt ,.( Ike uniform cool wttlrk our beloved Cmpcror ee.ir«- when be wa- murdered. I wet preaenl wben be -teethed lils la I, sial never ¦ romplalui ev:t* uttered bl thi noble tnonnrvh, win,-,, foul aa*assinatlon a*ai Uh' reward "f his loo great In dills..'' The Prince if a remarkable man la mora wars Hun one. ll" hst- a greal deal of Bound knowledge on ,11 iris nnd Mn*!,'" and si im" taste ee iii n never leads bim Balmy. His ronverautton ls full "f eas.* .uni charm Bnd oti*n Ireala "f Ibe rarir scrtbea and mattera, aboul whom bi hi eery enthusla Ile. Ila lia- si wonderful uiemnrj and is never at faull for a iiuu', i dale, or tn apt nial rlever quotation. Re*ldea ail nu- .. ls the s,,ui of boapllallty, and hdonaja ki i rertiable ho ptoe, for all the antique virtues M-i-in lo have -oughl tetog* there, and th- munjil, con," m.i'v mil", to s.-.u aid atnl n**istauce from tin- Prince wben Ikey are In Irouble. Life I- mad.rj rharmlng for the rialton -lav- inn in Russian i..irv bowses. Al Poloiuja every ..ii.-t room opens into a lapestry-hung -alon Oiled ¦.eil!, booka mid gowen, and sill possible comforts uni luxuries ur" phi" i within raay reach. Tte Puris, Vienna and London newapa pen are laid rv«-rj morning on i sldeiabto, and lhere ls no delicate ittt-nllon which Ihc 1'rlnn dora not offer in- gueala. iii- staler k'-.-i's house for kim since the death of tbe Princess, dbe l* one of Hm lovelies! middle-aged ¦.eon,'-si whom H J- possible io ged. **!n- ls riot lief in clouds of fragranl old hue wita wonderful antique towels aparWtng hera and thor.* among Ila folds, and i wa: til druming ber silvery bair wblrh makes hi r look ni"' a talti ffodamtlarr. tnt Ihotoogbly under- itands fe dinnnit ari of receiving, and of making everybody feel welcome. Had lha so trilled ll, lha ould have (,o: am- a pOWW In politics, sis abe ls exceedingly clever, learned, and ni*" very ibrewd. uni ber whola tarlbli amblUon I- lo make ber brother j*ippe', nnd io try i" cheer Ms spirits, wM.ii were itt.-ri) i.r ihen at tt;<- death of bia wile, whom ho literally worshipped. Ile has Jl. Vi* nit. In.t Hie a|,:,it n"iii- of ina doini Pr,ni"-- ilwe tba day of ber demise, and they ar" pr served exactly in th, name rendition a- wben ¦ wai alive, iii" bedroom In ruby -aim look* as il ike bad Vacated lt bul tv* minutes before. Her lewel-ease, glittering wtiu prteelem mema, ttanda on a Jillie table by the !«.'*. ide: tiny lur-lin-d sUppen ara in reudlnraa beride a iiimge as If awaiting her, and tr,--], ft,,",,;, sra i, i .s.-ii dai is, itu rack 11\"' il v.,-. - on Ihe mantelpiece. toilet tali and tonaah. 1 ililli ult it I- to le-ili/i- ii 1'i'ii.ii.ijii that one I* living far away on tbe Russian steppe, everything -., -noiler't and lu turtons. AH- rbli..-,- purtle- ni-ct- Ing In Ihe ling*** ¦*-©ur d'honne.-r" and Ibm dUperalng jw ti the broad f"i .I Nada, ibe shooting portie* m> animated ind plctureiiqae, Ibe stately dinner sit I o'clock nn'sti-'si like a royal banquet, ike Utile li.-itn eXtjutaltely decorated, the concert-room wier" rn r-t- i.f Run-peaa renown make them ,iw- beard. .ill ls perle-. Hull. Tin- ktabhW uro ;i ii,arv.! of luxurious comfort '. lbs bmasa ran be ilven hoi ur c.d,i bnih* in great ii!iir"ir> .mi n- If th.-e were fashionable beauties Instead ol b.lug morel, -pl udld brutes. There are inver lesa tilth thirty Berlet tycdmeni of hom-Hrah lu the marble and oaken stalls Ins-lde the gabled bulldlnirs In tho park, which look like a picture by Ostade, half bidden. a** they are. hy tall linn- and pin" frees. Mho th" French Chateau of clionorioeaiix. Potonafa mirrors lt* ba-etlons and turrets in n deep lustrous hill", ind POW! and tlr trees make a perpetual verdure lhere, even In winter. It would take volumes to describe (he Inferior of tho homo alon". Un- countlest rooms relied with cedar wood and ¦hung with dainty aatlni or superb tapestries; the treasaret contained In tho picture gall.-ry and In thc lang Inner hali where the i'lime ic .-ps ;,u celebrated coliecHona. (.no of fe most interesting tirings to bc seen al Pobinaja l* tho unittenaal." where an absolutely t;nliiii" eoUectioo of anns i- disused. Among thom ni.* inlaid armors worthy of Ihe Kr, mlle, and grant a curved sword and barbaric looking matchlock brought lo nusala three centum* iiso bv tho Prim i's K.ilmuk am ,rs. The fnmiiv <.f Dondoiikoff-Kom-akow aprtngi from tli" fnsi.iii .,f two nobiltarv elana, namely, thai of t ie KntolUk Pru, .-v DondoukoR and Ibaj of th» Itnsso Llthoanlan-Korasakowa. At ti," end nf ihe -'V nteenth century several trlt"-s of Kalmuka tran- derad Into Russia to eacape Ihe Ivnnny ol ..- <":!n. Their chief wat "lie Cboe-Orijuk. a man "f greal peraonal courage ami dauntless energy He was th- founder of tbe Dondoukofl fannlv. haring adopted th.it name when h-* ai last succeeded In -.tciiii- his people on Ihe plfeln. wi,I !i extend from tho Ural Monntalna to Hie shores of tbe Volga. Tho presenl Prince I- very proud "f blt Kalmak sn "-tor-, and in iii. atudy he liio-s lo show his visitors .1 treal green silken banner nrblch Cboe-Orijuk Khan bi night to Russia \ritli him on his memorable expe¬ dition, i have m.'t during ihe course of my life many Interesting and remurkoble p.i-, bul I may wu ronfeae thal Prince ftondoukoff-Korasakow out¬ shines rh'-ni nesrty aU, In my m.-nurv. and thal my visits to robina ia.win ..vr remain for me almost tbe pleasantest boan*that I have ever tpent. isa rc, cha rms dresses. TWO (.OWNS ON" THK WAV TO trAMUXGTO*f. (.ult" a targe contingent of »smart people"' are goinc on to Washington to iee the inauguration and to attend Itu- inbacqacnl hall, and some vt ry pretty (;nwn< have boon mad" for the expedition. Anion.' th tn la a -gram eoatume of brown ctotb, jn-t the coin,* (,r a geed leaf, and moat green relvet with shimmering yellow Ughti in lt. it i- a lovely -woortoy combination thal MgfMM ut oin" ia a complement tlie natural looking nula I'lunii or ev od vioiei- thal d.a'"- the becoming toque which matchee the dress. The bodice, whl li i slightly pointed, I- Finished with .1 qoUUng el green latin r:ti""i aboul Ibi.lu.in- In depth, which sh .wi a tendency lo Ihe Henry IV cu! and i- pertlcularig b" ming io slender ngura*, me yoko and upper part ,,[ me sleeves ara of iii" green velvet, and tho only nimming I- a couple of narrow bands of Oriental em ii ttdery around tbe collar, jolie and the hem of Ibe brawn eiotii .-Mit. lin- bull dress ll a white mila with green velvet, pun . mi,",.I. L.t. ii-'.i" |ackel sm! shoe,*- erith a deep bertha ol real bice, Ibe mherwiae peefecily ptain -inti briag irimmed with iiee graduated tandi of green velvet. TIIE COilISQ FASBIOSS li W ( IIAXOI s PREDICTED, -I do nm b"iieve there aili be any radical change In Ike modes before nexl winter, ntter sill," said si woman of society, "and for Ihree reasons. In lue in-i place, the rrtnoUne question i- practk-aUy .-.-t tied, and it evin not be :id"pt.tl by the fashionable leaden either In ibis country or europe; and In ibe seeond pine, tlthougb the Pnriafain artUts talk darkl) sii'oi.t 'coming change*!' .¦'.-. Ihey are all al -, .1 Ihemsetvci smd have md Ihe -li.it -I Idea whal lo do nnv Hmi their ilii"ll.cl" nt ha- fallon through. Lastly.and this I- Ihe mos! valid reason of all.they gave ns oo Ibe Up,' aa Ihe ancient laraeUte would iy, for with the will.- -iiiii- anti enormout sleeves ,,f (be preaenl style, we bave lo buy half agata aa n,rnh mit<-iini for a gown sr- we were obliged lo buy li-1 year, .sud u co-t-. consequently, more lo Lav- lt made. And lhere I- tufftrienl change, moreover, to make it Imply Impoaalble to wear oul tari year's costumes, go Ibe pceer- thal be will, lu my opinion, continue la .ive nt tbe 1830 Myles, merging, perhaps, into those or Henry IV, until nexl nutnmn, Then i should not l"' nt all turprtaed If we thould bave something di"cldedly near, Pul for wmmer etolliea i ibould tay ll waa italie -ab- to ga ahead ea tv* prC .-Tit lilies."' Why ll lt thal In tins.- dav.- of freedom mid Indi vtdiial libir!v of opinion, won..ii ar.- slav,-s enough to obey tin- mandalea of si few man-mUllnen on smi. au importanl sub|oei at dress !**-foi thal lt io im¬ part mt every one mutt concede, {fol only nra Ibe an-test industries of Ihe world stimulated rdther directly or nulli" Uv by woman and ber brave altin'. Inti ll niiisl al-o lieCeesarlly OCCUpy a "resit peri of her thought and energies lo dollie her-.If and her household pii'ii'-rlv and becomingly. The bite ra- hellion .ni th" s'li'ji'ct of crinoline hu- brough! ap Ihe di-,n-sior, ni these matters mon* or le-.s, and at a dinner nol long dace a elevee woman >>r toriety tugge ted Ihal there oughl to be an International drew* ncres*, when women of lanie, position and Influence mlglii mnke Ibe taws and give Ibem oul lo Ibe manufacturer* rind dressmakers and -". Instead of lulu*.' the ruled, they would bs lbs rulers of their wot ld. _ ECONOMICAL DRRSSIEO. HOW NANT WOUTSB DEI Till". FASHIONS. a tortona modern tabor-aavlag development li th.- establishni.nt whereat pettana ar.- bought, dre.-. cut mit mud flited If desired), the lat.-I f.i-hioiis -h.,evn. and advice given ab ail amklag and trimming nnv gown, from iii" .-ini|-"-t gingham lo tin- iioin-st fniii". ~ I never wenl Into one of (beac plares before."' -aid I clrl of th-* UK) tl..* ether day, . bul 1 had oft.-n noticed Ihe riga. Bo as I want.*! mv mold le ". t some Meat fer Hw new -hirts, i tnefc ii.-i with me and climb.*! np the Borrow t1l_ht of ,-talr*- timi I'd lo a lar".* w. ll lighted apartment. evh.-re on Ike platform before the glam front of tin- room wera dre--: form*, covered with rarioua paper goans, al! cul and fatMoacd In Ibe latetl riyle. lin* larded wttk women, stud l began t" so often pealed me -and r,,"in mu ipili .-.,-,. a ri aaan nw whal kai ti. it i-, how tin- New-Yofh woasen aa a ni*s< tin-, -,, well atld manage lo appear nt onto In Hie talent fashions, however limited may ka their Maana, That, and how no many plain looking women tontrlve to buy lha mont "_pi*i_*lve-luo_-__ te-tokla gar_.au, have ilways been mysteries lo me. As I entered tot .oom a very sijuare-shoiildcrel. blond dame, wearln| t well cut swooping gown, and holding her hands lOflther with, elbow* well turn.*d out, carno toward no. ' ls lt tho pattern ot a _fef**t that madame rlaheal Certainly, ira c-.va gmo you the takari cut. Hore Ls one. leven yard-, ar-und, and li hangs In tha no-t gneefnl ti iced folds front smd back. Thai b co extreme 1 w.n. keri i*< one ive parda around; hi- flares, ynii | .-*, v.-ry much lu fiont, but tbe fold* LT" mote in the bath. Th,li tl,er,* ll Ihe umbrella iklrt, and ihc new bril Bklrtl. Which »re only tow md a half yalda." All mis was »iid In the moa apid manner, and -he exhibited radi mod"l on bet n tail, well-developed ngura ns six- spoke. ..an* .-"on disposed al aa, .mid turned to other cut "ni'is. willi- a subordinate weal oaf to lotah: thi Sim i-i ii I hail chosen, v 1,1. h ..,-1 m.* ii dollar ans i hill, but whleh ev;i. mail.- lu -lilt paper and ga thone md Joined jii-i sis it aught lo ix- Bowra, v. idle wt railed for the parcel I watched Ike various |«-oplt abo uino- ami wini, anti tin- curiotM choice of modell hat Ihey mufi". A lat women al-MOt luvarlabl** those what WOUld snit only .sun." ono who was tail .ml slender: wi.ii,, ti,,, older ladles termed lo have t Uatlnct i»ii'hain for th.- .ii"-1 ) outhfnl looking gar ii-u'.-. Hnally my pattern was ktougkl and i went iway tillite convinced tkal th.-r,- wera Bmw ways ot nabing a Utile go a gnat way thea l had evei ma gined. "Ami thi- taringa mo buck to tho sealskin Jacket- iqd tinah, worn by tln-s,- win. are far from wealthy, eva- told not long BfB thal tiie. n-_-.il looking gar- neills inulli he boughl on tiie instalment principle, ust as pcopl.tiii-tlni"* buy a plano iv a sewing na, bili", bo all Mk. Sixth Avenue ha- lo do to be he owner ol a sumptuous -took or coal is io eceweoMM n ber marketing uml eb* k Ho- family supply of (roci-ties .-iiti.-ii -illly lo raise tho nut IBOIJ amount 'or th,- monthly payatentt." Superintendent Charlei M. Preatoa, of the Watte. i'i ri; state banking Department, has approved ami le-lgnat-d th.< Mut li National Hank of Ute eily of lew York, at a Depositary of tbe Lawful Money Ete- erve of state Danns. . * . "A il mi rte I " ligarritet m'-* mM on Mn-lr ni-rit-. Tho hiphost coal etoeca employed "f Bay elgaiaato, Irreepeettta >>f price, n Mm Ana ii an ii.alka. ..Adinirjl" ta not mado hy a rust. _ Crntoen lo the Tropics. bmYO tho *in,.\ una i" ii iii "Mints and flower* and lellgbtful .inn.it' ,-t Ike W.-t Indi... The niasn Intent t.it:r,»i,i|, "Brittania" leaves Scw-York u hu thud and u-i .un-' ti. ti.- We-t Huh"- .-ii Marrh li. a faa gout abJna -'Ul vatsust. Particulars tram THOS. COOK rn :O.N, Lol liluadeeav. Harry** Trico|iherou*, 'i.o nair raanat iiuvei or Vau,t uni but in-i-t crow and lour.mi ii iii-..-a dally lem, nu- maicbtoaa article. Try Uk Mellis Company'**. Kxn n. i of licet. J^ist n In-hms and la nell 'lat aft-r exert l»e. The "lik t"'.ish o thrive ii|>"i. Cndrihv'* ..Rea" '¦iiii.il i-i nd li'f. Pntatobta and aticnggkBHifi a--id ,y a.l druggists ll hen bakp wm *fic. wo psve nor cutana. Warn lbs »'i- a Child, -li cried for a-torit. When »iio became Mi*». i-ti" cluiir. to (.astoria, Waua -ii.; had children, s:.o cavil tli.-m .tuturi*. MA Elli Ell .'.p.sh'ixr-dti.i.Ksi'ii-:- Oa Toeaday, Wtatatgy _ist_ is',.i ai tn" i,"ii." "f the bud '- barents. No. lt i;a<t i.ti #t., this etty, by Bishop E. «.. Aadiews, af tha Methodist Rpi*cupel ''burch. J.phln.-. daughter ol I.',,,.- , i.:ii -*pte, ia Charles w. Eiaaiae, >,f thia city. -.ii D.COWIE.Oa Wtstiii tiov neening, ~**htm*ty --d. 15*93, l.v th.- llev. Mini:-,, Peters, Ida Coorie, dsmth. ta- of M niel Mr-, .lalni A. BWle, of lill* «.**.. to W _- laili J. llCed, of latte loien, X. V. n ii,.-- of marriagea aiari b- Indorood with full lilllie and addi'--. HIED. lAii.s.Tknraday, Marrh -j. al Panitya, x. Y. in har loth year, Zella H., daughter "f Andiew 3. Balet, Amoral service* at rea-deoce, Uptacet Ptain, i rutty, March :>'!, at 7 :n> p. m., Il LKXAl'-At lOUlque, Chill, S. A., on I'ehriiurv Jih, nf ">i-t lover, . ii.inii'cy, sou ur Uh lam Ckaaracey and Mat sir't p. Bel knap. inst.,n and Seaborg papen pl a*e Moy. tliAKK.At Breoklln", M.--. aa Frtaaaij -8th, Arthur Welland Blake, aged 32 v ara. "anora! serricoi Saturday March Uh. at p. m.. at Kines Chapel, Boaton. Mas-. SOYD-Oo Widoeadap, March 1-t. at bet late residence, .V.I5 llsm.k-.-t., liiai'Klen. Anna I.., wife of Evana Boyd, and -aughcei -t Mr and Mra. U Kerr Dud. funeral .ci Pridar, Sd m-t.. A p. ui. Interment Mid II-t.ee n. X. V. ..I'K'.iiYXi: -!.* h. nth, Wm. fd. Burcoyno, aced 80 years stud U awntha. um ral pi li tte, lAIU'F.NTEB Parckaae, V. V.. on Third month, _d day, Jacob A. I nrjH-nt.r, ul-'-I bA ea-. h'laUvo* anti friend* ar- Invited t., attend (uiKral from Purchase Meeting ll".i Pirra dav. ll o'clock a. tn. ferriages In eiaitin. at Whit- Piatas on arrixal of trala leaving (.rand Central Station tilt. T. VXl.-Siid«b*tily. ot H!.M,int|.'id, X. J., on thc 2d Inst... Jason lane, la hi- T'Jd year, fatlee of lunenl ki natter. it'PIOXAC.Walter ('lark', son of tho late James Betta Buplgnae, ut. l BU real s, 'ni,'i,i -'iel... at -st. Thomas's I*. C. rharaji, twaVeli m. r 'tn te- un Karnrday, March itu, a( :i.ao a. m. m." ii .-iii in ii .-""ii" " I. I.WI.s-Ar nain a. X. V., at snit-rt, February 'Jeth. Clark I ll:,'-- -", ,,f tl,* lat Isaac Hsyet, cs<|., of L'nad Ila, aged Tu years, H'i.iii.-- vt Lakewood, B. J aa Wertoesday, Marah l.t. i-.i.e. itiollne i.. Hughe*, widow of tue late Paschal s. Hughes, of X- ee-Y' rfc ll". '.¦ Hives ami fr..-..tl* ar,' ii.e.if. I ... ntl.nd 'ho funeral Iron ti," resides¦¦.. "f her niece, Mrs. Clarence N-ttiu Ko, un Maiuii-t., BreofclyWi tm J friday, Marah 3d, tt ._ p. m. ai'i'i ES.Suddenly, on Thoraday, March '2, Jame* M. Jacques, ."un, .al notice hereafter. "Ms On w. lii'.rii.'. Marrh l-t IBtB, at tho mrilnhN of his inn-'at Mr*, ii, ii.lit Lil"*, gtepbea Warro Jones, in ti" BiOt rear ol hit sse. 'un. ur. - rvb ¦- Sal ir la,. 1 :<0 p. m.. at ibS Watt 19th-at tu,¦rnn.'iit prleat". (EXT.On Wednesday evening, March l-t. at h's- late r.-ibii in Brooklyn, JP me A. H-.a, in th" Y'.nh e.ir ¦. i*'- .,.'. I'lle fnieiil eeill tall" place fi""' Un: residence, "saturday p. m. at 2 o'clock. rn,- burls, eein bo ni dreenwond tnd Intermmi private. -Ya*hington. Cleveland, l>., and Middletown, Cona., lsipom pi, a.- copy. I1AB8II At Norw! lt, Conn., Laura [>., dtaghwe of tha lah Rev. John Mar-h. D. lt.. aad lianas Isllniadge. fi,mn rle* .,f Itio-'klen X V. .'im, ral -i-,:..- at bei atc i---nb ic¦.. In X.neleh, Friday, Mi: ¦!, A, at A .', 1,.,-k. STA AB \t Hobokeo, Marah Sd, IgOg, Charl-* P. Staab. aged 12 \. ni -. Relative* tnd friend* .' nr-it-d f,, iitf--n.1 ftun-rsl Irom hi* lat" "-id nee, ISS Bloomtteld-st., Ilabokea, on Sat- ai lu nwrulng, ti '¦> oh i" k. ni-un. al .it Hudson, X. Y. STU KXEY.On March l-t Jahn Vewtoa sti.kn.y, aged 73 e. ira. nu ral rvlc - a ii be held it his late resldtaca l-jcit- villi.. Conn., "-t Maali-.- Mar h Otb. at 2 i>. in riiln leivlii (Irand entral Ii- l*"t ut ll a. m. arrt\<*» la ilia keilli- at I p. m. WALL* \t Ja. kt ne.: .-, ila., Mart.li _d, Clan E., wita ,,( VV. NV. Wall. Voil .. f fun. ii hereafter. A'nr.Tuixi.Ti'X-in x ve-Y'.rk, on wrdaetdar iraalag, Match Lt -si.ia Seat.Si, eeit- of the lat" Beary Ko... Wurtlilnatiiti, ol li\li,-'t.,ii.¦¦ i-H'i--".i. -.-e-i as mi'! |*' h, lil at th. r'.d'ii"* of Inr « ii-ln-biv, W I.inman Hull So, 111 tKU-ave., at 10 o'clock Sat¬ ur.ay morning, March -4rh. lt i- kindly rt*u,u sated thal no gowen be teak, iii'i'iutmeiii of ">ian-. Washington, i> c.. Marah l. :-.-.: Inf',rn allon ba* i»-n i.\-A at this I>»|-artineiit ¦|. in M 'll,",, i- ll. sr,, rina*,, the ..n-.il ..' tl,.- I'tnted st.t.s nt I.ie. rp, .il, I n ind. ol' ttl d- nb. ,,n HM Mk ol li ..ii'.I. I-'.".', at I.ie,-.paul, of Jolian MLon, u little, a ,r Kew.Vorh. pi .--.it ii Xn. IM, Dated Pi b, f, IfNg Spcriul Xoticc.. \-:. ni tour duh or ni iii*- cole ri Jnliannle.** lt Wlte* j. le evit,t all I,i|u.d v, in, *. Jlofi'l lecepl arie- sh wahl B* ii .' -lit'ite. lira* lime niKKiM n BY in; iiavs'.** ii Alli ll,M.ill III M IWS "i.ni: ni vi iv Real it .t Poad uni It- --In-.*, lui''" Inunliii", Iir i'.'i.'1-f.. la.g |i.tt|-s ftQY. I'osiolUie Xolice. iShaild I.ad daily by all taklieatod as .,!,ango* may 1,','llt al sine tins Lotter* t"i foreign rountrles need am i"* upeelaUy ad. In-s.,1 lor -l*pnten be am pal! tala! tfaBli I. ,- \ ,.*,,( Min K i- it -li, I tu -.in! i: ai, ii ,!... ,,| bonking and .Oin. erclal documents, letu-re nut spectaily addr-»».>d bofcaa ..iii ny th.- tastes! e.'.-.-i- tvallablo. Kotritn maris ri r th* e..a end ii.* Mareh ith will close iir..ni..tiv in all ca»e»i tl tin- oMre as follews: -..vii iin.vY-At .! a. iii. ti Kurope, pa a. a. I'.rruria. tia Queenstown (letters foi I rar.i-e, Kwltteruwid. Italy, (pall, I'.-rtur-'.il. und Ins h-v. "m.-t ta- dir" t.st "per i.'i'ui'.i".; sit 1 a. in f-c I 'ir>,jv... |H-r s. s. ("beater, via sai,!i,.iti,p:i,ii (letter* must be dir -.t .1 "per I"beater"); at i sm a. m. tm N'ethetlan - Ai;- I, per s. -. VeenSam, Ma ltuth rilaiii (letters mu»t I..- duecteel "iM-r V'cutiain"i; ai '. a. m. (ar Scotland direct, U". s. ». Bolivia, lill lihisl*,.MT lett.-r- must ll- lille,!."? "|»-r B'lilVlV,; at ; a. m. f_r Prance. Be*1tzerlan-, Haly. Hpata, l'ortugia md Turkey, per - -. 1.' '.<-.".¦:"-. ela ii.*ie,.-' at ll x m. r (an i*-¦ I"', Chhnssa, robaace und Vu,-stan, per a. s. s acta netter* t"r robt, lainptra aud laspani aTreci and. ,ti.r Mesli ni bute* tia Yam I rn/ rnnat b<* dliectsd "pi'r -.a. a" al ll . i' I ll.'ti i tm.atm ann i irii|*en.i. .er i, i. iimsij" Xasan (l<tiers f.r other Vcoenela port*. il-,. Curacao, frlhidad British ami Unt.-b Imiana n.n»t be directed-*p r Omnie Mataau" ot ll * ni for Jatnab a md sae ami: i. it p*r a. s B-l-¦an P,i. af -a p, ¦ tit i, till, iiei -. s. *" iit.-ri. fr in Near-Orleans; al 8.30 i>. in for Newfoundland, per *te*imei Irom ll, iti\ gt'XDAT-Al *:i p .ic tor Costa rcto. via Limoo. per k. -. Hl-l'.insi. from N'-h-O han- *^ Misl- fr ' hum nn'l Japan, pr «. *. O.-oanl.- (from San ree* i- - I'- hers Sally ap bi Mareh *8. ar f. AO p. m. Malla f"r lha Hawallaa Ulnnds per a. - Aaatra-a ir,.'r, "-an Francisca .lo-* h.-n- dally ap to Marah *'.> at ; :tti p. m. Mail- lot Att.iriisa, Mew-gaalaad, H*e»«!ian l .j, oi'i .".ati'iin islands, i. r s. -. Almeda (tram San Fran! loco r!o*e hi re tiaiv np t-. Mareh ~tt ot o 31 e. m or ta arrival al ffew.York at -. a. rTtmrta with British .l. r r_\u:trs.j'. Mall* fm ..,.- KoehHr I-!:uid« ier ship Tronic ttlrd fr-.m Rsa Pranetseo), eta-e bara laily ap to March 2b al 0 Kl p. ti, Mail* f.r Chi.,* md Japan via Vancouver i»peelally ad,lr,-*«o,| 0,,|ei clo*- ,t U.i**' .'Ul''.* -tollJ at 0 Sd p. tn. Hall* tor H't*rt**e)~Z anl. he nil I" Halifax mil th.-n,,- |,v Maanwt .',-..«» bl. ml,-¦.. dalle- u' - 80 p. ." Mall* r.r Mi,,,, ^ ') ni ti. Bnaton, ant thence i,v ,i.., ,,.r \0st. at th|, ^m,.' lally at B "to p. m. Mai's f,. una by rall t., TsmaaT Ma., and U.o by -t,-o-.-r -.nil,,- Mondav* Thnr-diyi ..l Satuidsy*!, thu-- ;.t ti ls ..m.. Sally at . :¦. ,a"^' Malla for Mexl.0. nVSiland Utiteaa -ironiv arldr.-sa-d C. tlauntch by .teamer, (lose ai t.e "iii.-., daile- ,,t .1 ¦ ni lian. Colin mails ate I... evai-|. t| t, ferm KtaiicUcs lal'y and the -h. d-il-- of closing is arranged on tho ore. .tin,ptloii r,f their onlnterramed averlttsg rmn-it to Rm Fmnciaea. Malu tram Ute l_--r trrlvlng an time at ^ll I'laii.-l-to ..ir the div ef lalllag of steamers are dlspaUhod ,!,, a. .. tn¦> -ni,-- day, .iii'.i-t-i'ii in.iti deann ri 0 p. m. anvteaa dav. l'.vtia HypBl«menlarv Muds are eot*"t on lb- piers of a,- iniiiii-ii i-1<-i .. ii add Uiinam steamer* at iim- amir "f ilosina of Bapnlementary Mall* at tie* ro-u.ii..>. whl.*t» etiiain Men until willi.n Ten Mlnuti* ul the boar ot sall* luz ot ctoamer. COHN Kl.! VS VAX C'lTT, Po«tina*for. Pottsffiee, Ntw.Tark, X. Y.. Februar/ tith, IBea.

Transcript of ,hm J £ A PRINCE'S COUNTRY HOUSE. .I0 t;le«raI,he,1 · have ni.i hesitated io express themselves...


Xtiere wes a rjulet wedding Inst evening at ths house

Df Mrs. Romeirn Salisbury, No. 'AUB Washington ave.,

groeklyn. when her sister. Miss Margaret M. Kenyon,

-o*s married to the Rev. Dr. Kdwnrd I'raislln. pastor of

tbe WSsblBgtea Avenue Baptist clmrch. Th" Kev.

George Deas Isonrdmati, pastor of thc First HaptMCottrell, n PhlkTlolphli, and the Hov. Gibba BralsHs, ol

¦gllsad, Vt., u brolher of thc bridegroom, were lb*

ofllclatlng dei evin ti. Tho luldc was given nwsiv b\

ter biother. Ail nt S. Kenyon, who also ut ted as un

»-hcr. Th" other usher was T. 'Alfred Vernon. Th

frv-e wore a plniti town of white aatta and a Voil ol

tulle. The rnuld of honor. Mi-s Lona Graff, were ;.

pretty goevn of white gniir.c nnd silk. There was n

l,f.l man. H ere wrc present nt the Wedding r.i

ai\-tr- ut tlc in'.'.' and .some of the oflirors of tin* church

e( wktrk th.- brit!"groom ls past rc, Among these wen

>lr. and Mr*. Charles T. Go alwin. Mr. and Mrs

j. i.. Bramley. Mi"* Elia Bramley, DavM li. Morse.

Mle-f, i-al-i** Moue, Mr. and Mrs. Charles magee.charles a. flaker, Flerenee a. Tinker. John ii. ii"

ku-i, Mist isl.iii'l. Miss Thayer. John Uralslla, Mr.

md Mr*. Wt. c BraWta. Mr. and .Mrs. .John Ilralslln.

Mis, Alic- liralsUa, Mi-s Nanni-- BrslaUn, Mr. andBbs. Bsg»se H* ihulifasd. Miss Ada Blaekford,nsBsce BM-Word, Mr. nnd Mrs. n. ,i. Norse, mi--

Ai;,- noise, Mr. mid Mrs. Wllllani 1). Bancker,Mw ard nat.i-ii. William H. C itton. Mr. and Mrs!ii.atlos ("itu. Mr. and Mr.. Edgar Msngbam, Mi-

Mary NsaghBBI, Mr. ar.d Mis. p. j|. Weeden, Mr.

and Mr-. W. H. ABee, Joseph AI!.,*, Mr. and Mra.Frank lvn-t-n. Vi- t-rnce Deacon, Mr. nnd Mn.Charlo. ll'ihliird. Mr and Mr-. George lt. VernonMr. lind Mrs. 1- H. iiiid, ami Mi. snd Mrs V Kfearers. Os tl'" return ol the Bev. and Mrsl:rai-i:ii from .'¦ ¦".outltern trip a large reception will.jegh-n f r ikea by the membera of nu congregation.



FPj.vcr. invii) DOESXT know and m: BATSthat Ms".. BAYIES i)-)i>.\'T iniir.u.

Tho loni.:.' lo Atti-riiii of Tbeopbtraa ll. Davieswith fitnte-s Kalulanl l- regained by Tani Neuman,E. c. nacfarlano and others as a mom anfortunatrthin. Ht tlie anti sif.n. \ itltm movement, and theyhave ni.i hesitated io express themselves regai-Mag lt.Mr. Neuman, when lie learned the Prince.j hud leftEngland, .-aid Unit tho M,.p wu- a nio-t unwise one

Mr. Martel lane said io a Trlban. reportei that hedid ii')i hr ow any good ron-,,,, f,,r tiie presonce ofhaliilaiil hem*, amt thal bet coming evils i.n imfoitu

tate ming for his side of ihe case. And now PrinceKawnaanakeo, of Hawaii, bettei known as Prin .*

David, adds his share to Ihe objections made Bgalnslthe Pilate. Paving England.

frin," DavM ls a flue looking mini, lihou! twentyseven yuri amt, and kw i- built Btw an athlete. Hewas taany diesseg yeslerdaj m a dark *->nit of ihe

kassi American style. He woes s silk kai nmi

camed a cane, and he looked meet Vine B Sftuilargt_*n a HaWallan. Ile ls a well educated young man

md bs (ms tin* manner- ol » weNrkred gentlemanHe talks English perfectly. Wben seen si IheVlrt.nia Hotel ly a rep,,uer for Tue Trlbiin heBriksd unreservedly nhool tho Hawaiian situationand about the vi-n ol ti.e Princess.

..I do mu know why Kalnlanl came over ber?,"Killi tuc lilt, cc, -and I do noi believe Ihal Mr. Davie*can give aay reason lot hei coming, became 1 don'tbetteve h.- knows himself whal he brought iiei h r

for. As far n< I know th.- l'rin «*-s dil not leaveEngland eei:;i t:,(- conaenl of ker father, and ii QueenLiliuokalani had wished In-r i" come lo America 1

esttslaly -,<.ula bave learned ol lt -elora l let!Hawaii.'' Mr. Davies --"iiis to ).. un*' ,- t,-> explainwhy ho tome to America «it such si,,.rt notice, ansias fat a- 1 can l"!ini from what he says be ls beri'

for the sole purpose of working again*! the Inteiest*o! tho dopo.d Queen, ll be lui" b*en ms reilly quoll I

in ;he new-]spelt bc certainly li working In ii*

wrsag dlreetlo'i. in a lypi-wiltien stili-m.nt, whe'i

I nadtltland Ur, 1 >si\ i-s furnished lo Ihe prea-*, 1

mys: 'When Ulluokalanl n*-cend«S Ihe ii,nine she

leah ti.e usual eatk and hy ihal wmrtituilon lb

Princess Kalulanl wi- proclaimed bette** lo th-'*

Ibroee. The Que»n appears lo liave violated I.e

constitutional nulli and lo bav« lull heraelf open lu

depo*!tlon.' wh't righi Ima Nr. Davies sa) "¦¦'

lbs Queen opp-ar* t> have vlulut«-d ber outli Mr,

Derk** 'e.-'iitiv would tike ila* Queen lo sicp down

and out. il" rays thal tl;" Qae*n should la- r que-ielI* abdicate and Ihal Ihe Prime-is haiulaiil si. u d

he pi.'. is.im. tl Queen vvitlt a Connell of Iteff'nry.Aper bearing such views front Mr. Davies l cnn onljliiniglne ibo! be i- working against ihe Interests ollbs Oaten, which ls bud taste t-i «* Ute b-i-t- Mr.1 .vi.-s does III l.ti'iee tin* -i'lllltioil isl llllWa ll, lie

i'm ba know li when be left Rostand, li he lui!known ii perhaps he won.d nol liave Itt lin.-sm I

The fad ,-' ":.¦' ss nitei lb.il Hr. Dat I « does aol

know wimt he i- talking about."Tin- Prince will return to VViikldngl n l i-dny.

THE I'lllNt IV- VISITS AN ABMORY.Prlnre-s Ksilulanl was 'ill Si Ihe Hrevoorl Hois-

yesterday, bo! she will go io i.o-ion to-day, where

ihc will !.-¦ the r'"-t er ¦ san ofT. H. Dsvlea, Mrs

j .im Graham ee.i one ol tin* railer* ra ihe iv.ii"

e.-terdsiy, aad .n Ihe afternoon she .oo'i a drive wHn

Mr-. Graham aad vlrJted ibe "th Beghnenl Armory.

Mr. Davie* -¦ l 1-' evening Ihal Hie Princes*would vl-it Ws-1,ins."an neal Taeuday, snd thal Ihe

return trip lo England woiiW be made alurtit iee.

week- Irom now. When arfted ii ii wa* lil Inlrnil n

tu vi-ii Mr. ' i'-e' lan I ni Hie . aPII il, be cal I s

..We cniiii'it at present *ay whal our pinn- an*. Wc

¦ay iall eu Mr. Cleveland, siid eeo may nat.".- m-

FAVi.EIM. .HAWAIIAN ANNEXATION.Boston, Manu _ -T'e Renate Ihk afternoon nasaed

i!e iii,,-,- res iii.non-, favoring Ute annexation ol


baa Fruin is,-. Manli 2.-W, C. Wilder, oti" I la¬

lla-.i. ni ('-.nelli* ¦!¦¦.:".'-, ii-,- nrrlyed bert fromWaslilnaloii on bi- wa) i lion lui".

DEATH OW MUS SARA S WOaTTBIXGTOSMr.. -saia Nealon Worthington, who Sled al Ihe

JhSlSWiad, lorie four' ll. smi i'ill hm ve.. On

Wednesday, was tim widow of iho late Henry Rn lu-i

Worthington, of Irvti tton-ew-llwlHon, lbs wsH-hnownInventor smd engineer. She v..,- ¦ dungh'er of C.

tandure .1"!.n T. Newton, of the I'nlted -States Navy.

There ehlllren survive ber. Tliey ara Mrs. W. Lan*BMfl batt, Mis. T. W. Rae and Mr-. Charles C. Worth,

laglan. Tho funeral *-*.;11 take pbee al the home

ti her son in-law, W. U Bull. NO, 41:j Fillli-av.-. to

inorro-.v muralug al i" o'. i"< i,, and t ie bunal et. in

ie in Ute family vasiit snide: Uk- Wort.iliigloti MemorialChapel, al Worthington, N. Y. T.:c servl es will lrtt-ndistteni hy ihc Kee-, in. W. II. H"iiiamlii, rectoiaf -t. narimba k's l*role-l_ni Episcopal Church niInri ...-ton, sititi the mash f"t Ihe service "ill befurn-..fi ky tbs Mendelsaohn Quartet,


OMMI h'ESSAS is COXVALESCRST.Washington, Mardi g..George Kennan, the well-

-IKievsi Siberian 1" inter, ee',,, leis been 111 far t' yt .

_*aski sit iiis home in ihls city, ol typbo-matarlalle-ver, i, ij,,,v coovak -c- nt.

THE PBIECETOS SI CHESTS' COXCEST.Tb'- annual concert In New-Ydrh of Ihe Princeton

Mveteny (ilse. Banjo and ManSolln dub, ve.ii bel"iu m i;,,, raraegle Music ii.ill on PtMay evenrna,Al"!l ll. The work of Ibo clubs l,,is reached a

ld*li'-r -tatidaisrl this your i lum ,-v. r le-for-. Th"crowded |. ames and Ibe ont Inma-un which gieeted..-cm na their successful Wealera trip during lbsI'-ristnnis vncatlon j-oak inucli for their excellence.Ii L, eapeeted thal a large chorus win have aproniiieiif place on Ihe programme for ihe conceit« New Vaik. 'Ihe ll.st ol I hos,- evin. Will be

Jjtron... ,*. W||| |,.;,v.. inti.- to ba desired in Ihe way¦ -.-kine this concert si brilliant aOclal ul!.Ur.

¦. ?-

RSCtTATtfABB BJ HHS. ALRERT BARKER.A new recMey was presented la the pniille ycst.r-

*-,T in the person of Mrs. Albert Barber, aa Eng* -

.oman who ha-i rteeaUy conn* to IMS country. Slit*

'PPearod at ll,,- Madison ggnars (.sudon Conceit

¦-1 before a good inidleiice. which she i-iilerlalne d¦sn agreeably by a varied peograauae. Hor stleetloas'infed froni Uk- tragic to ISO broadly eoiiuc. and she

showed an approclotlve mastery of all. One of hor

**at effet'Mve sadesUsM essg ihasgaoa's .. Ihe¦t-'enge." of which she l« Qhtloatlj fond. Shs basS rtwiarksbli; faculty of Imitating bird notes, and n

rmiiy anpMng sleet ls produced by ber Mtatloaat the sound of a sighing wind. This shs Ititi"-du Bes'n a rearnuig.-metit of Jaine- Whitcomb Kiley's "TheEli-Ctiiid.- Ueyoad tin- latroduetloa of the srlad Ihepoem i* not Brack benefited by Mi*. Barher'a adopta-.Jill and lt might well be wished Ihal Bamerbut Se-piiriuiev trum tho lexi whleh seem uncalled forPP! Ik omftteS. Amoag ber other aelectloas were

Bryant's "Robert of Lincoln,- Tennyson's "Ladygera,1 LongfenoWs "Tho Legtad Beoullful" sn:*'Q-fsejaa RoMttf* -a Boya! Prtaeeaa."

QtCAl WILDES TWO PLATHChtrlcs Fruhtnaii will send "I,ady WlndeimSW*t WUP

tn % tour oeit leeanori. covering fotty weeks. A »tr"ng?Ml terlll bc en|-_-ed and Uie produrt.on will !>' Hie SSSSSSS that now Riven In New-York. The tour »IU extent** -tr mtm a* (sui Frant-Uico. Oscar Wilde's new pls.y."AWonian i.r Ka linporumce." I* aoon to tr- pr din-o-! by.e-whabni Tree at the Haymarket Theatro. Loudon Ms.eudai lt inxiou, to ,,-,- ^j, i^Miinj p»*-t and U de.Otm* of seeurlag the American rlshu. which were soil

SSBBSanSslf after the play waa wrlrten to Charles Kroll-.*****. Tba latter ass raceivad dJapakhea Irom Oscar

t on ^5 ,hm TrM "n<1 Mr' .»<. M'»- Kends, kt rela-Bsa to releasing th* r.ay rn- am- fountrv J" £he .I0 t;le«raI,he,1 to ***** Frohman to t,Tto -We

ir,,,. ..." ai!'l'""* of only certain tent,

tory in laWtS to thom. mt**b**M Tr.,- Ita- tm J m

"vt, ;heUKeCC-Tth Mr Fr",m'an "" *» *«* °f **..h. f.-r ho nea_ala. a* he u anxious to gel Mrs. Kendalto play thc pan m London.



A luncheon t. gleen yetteidsy at tho Ladle.-

vt, t'\* E"' T^'"V-"« -Ml ... l.v Mm. Wes-tervel. of Ko. 7 Weat FUUethat. In bmor of IbeMaalan tin- ehibroomi were beautifaBy decoratedwith spring Bowers. After lunch. the MteaetLeach sang to their own han)., sccotnpsnlmcntsAmong th-.* guests wera Mrs. H. Victor Newcomb-Vi-, ff. W. Moppin, Mn. Edwin Parsons. Mrs How¬ard Wainwright, Mrs. I..<ii,.v Dean. M.*. David Dntll'vMeld. Mrs. Henry McVlckar, Mrs. Edward ll Hellkira. W. «.. wilson. Mrs. T. P. RaUl, Mrs. Chr-dell'ol England; Mrs. Henry MIUs Day, Mra. JonathanI..nun. Mi-s .iniiet stanton, Ml-- Morrell MnWilliam Casey, Mrs. Lindley ii. chapln, Mn Her¬bert Ashmore, Mrs. L. M. Thorn, jr., the Marqalsede eas.*, Argodln, Miss Clara ia] WHBams, MissSchroeder, Mi-, Zoe Hanks, Mi-s Lily Graham, Mrs.John Wing, Mrs. oeorge 6beMon, Mr*, t w Bearborough, Miss w.st"icit an.i Mri. Bickan) Ewart.

iho "Hen" Theatre nuii. which was organise,by Mrs. william Pollock, dined bul nlgkl eeiti, Mrs.Alfred Youngs, ,,f No, 7 East Plfly-tlxth lt., nnd laterwent lo s.-c "Twelfth Night." The others of theparty were Mis. De purest, Mrs. Caarieg Oehichs,Mrs. w. P. Douglas, Mia. William Jay. Mrs. WiniamBarden, Mrs. Edward Leavltt, Mrs. Frederic ii. Eaterand Mrs. p, NeHSOB.

i inlet ti,,, patronage of Mrs. John Jacob Astor,Mis. e. l. BayBes, Mra. James l. Brec-e, Mn. c. orge-. BOWdOtn, Mr-. Walter Catting, Mrs. Henry ClewsMr-. Morgan Dix. Mrs. P. ,i. ia- Peyster, Mn. .lame,Parish, Mist Kurtii.-s, Mrs. James w. Gerard, Mti. Mi*.itgomer.' Hara, Mrs. QeraM Hoyt, Mn. CharlesLanlcr, Mrs. pierre Lorlllard, Jr., Mt-, h. Percy Morgan,Mrs. .!. de NeuMBe, Mrs. w. ... nalasford, Mra.J. Booseveli Boosevelt, Mr-, w. d. gimme, Mra.I. N. Taller, Mr-. .1. m. Waterbury, Mr.-. BenjaminWelles, Mrs. John C. Wilmcrdlng and others, a coucerl.eui i>c given in gharry'i baUroom on the afternoonmid evening ol March ISO t.. sM Ihe Rammer Camplei poor boys and th- Wilton Day Nut-ry. ThcAdamowsU Miiiii tot. Planbet Greene and othen winiiiii** part. Tickets nay be obtained Iron MnGerard, No. it Gramerry Park, end Mw. Welba.No. li West Thirty seventh -1. Thc .sin:.inn* Campeein give an opporinnit) Un poor boy- ti, gel -

two weeba' rscoilon. Th- Camp will bo nader Hm.upcrintendenee al Instructors.

Mr. and Mr-. Koo. rt Hoe, ol No. lt East Thirtyslxlli-sl.. gave S dinner kui night for their Saagbter,Mi-s Ellen Ho". Among their gumti wire MutLucy M'hiotiicr. Miss -slade, Mr. sad Mr-. Leon Marie,i arv Halchtnton, .:. Danbar Wright sad J, LangdonSchroeder.

There wa* another meeting ol Ihe Tbaraday Rfdli(Ini. at Di. h. I'- Academy Issi nlgkl, Tke palrom -.-¦¦

of ike class are Nra. < s. Abercrombie, Mra. a. !:.

chis, im. Mn. M. Taylor Pyne. Mra. Frederic J. De

Pey*!er, Mn. John A. Hadden, Jr.. Mrs. Oeorge lt.

ScbleffeUn and Mr- Prederh Goodridge. la-t nlgbiIbe ride waa led by Alexander M. Iladdeu. Aboullifty tn, tubers were present. After a ride lo musiclight refreshments wera aerved.

\ subscription dinner wat given sit Delmonico'!i..-t nigh! by a numbet "f promlneui Hebrew i"-id"iiis

f New-Vork, The tables, ab.mi l-trenty-flve Innumber, \* r<* decorated eei'i, nil aorts of springHowers, The guests w.-re received bj Mn. ElwardWasserman, Mr-. Winiam Einstein, Mn. William

budge and Mrs, David Rellgman. During ibe dinnerNeyer's orchestra played. Among Ihe gu.*st.- mere

Mr. Hi.d Mn. Jessi- M-ligunm, Mr. and Sun. Charh-ai irons, Mr.i Mrs. E. J. Kio.. Ji Mr. and M...!.. i; rtiiieiui'i. Mi. ic ii Mr-, *». Hunger, Mr. andMr- C. A. Henrlqnet, Mr. and Mn. Lewi Mt..i. .inj Mr-. .1 .i:11.¦ *ellgman, >'<r. and Mr* J. ».

is-rnli" n.-I. Mri and .Mi-. A. I". Hendrick*, .'lr. andMr-. E. J--H-1 ¦¦in. Mi. mid Mrs. 'ease w.inn,,.ut. and -Mr-. Myer I'ern rimer. Mr. and Mr\ ILewisohn, A, L. Sanger, Mr. and Mr.*. rsjm n i;.»v.

en-, nini Mis. >. L. I al man. Mr. niel Mr*. I-i,'in. Mr, and '-ir- I..*,, schlesinger, Mr. and Miil. J. Bothsrhlld, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lehman, Mi*..: il Mrs. .ii rs- Kuhn, Mr. nnd Mrs. h. Lo. I, andMr. and Mrs. T. W, Mv.-i Aller di mer lhere ¦. is

Informal dancing. The fl'.;\il decoration' by \ ¦!-'were superb. The corridor's wen- lined with nntl pot* <>f azaleas and hose* ol sion g Bower*.The -1 "ii«l --ri'-s ol ti*,- Friday morn!li- leciiir'-s

lc. Mr-. Isabel iipencer Freeland beloit* Hie Lentenclass .elli begin al Hie house "I Mr-. Jacob ll:,.-.

Hil* norning, at ii o*lork. on Jl"W tn look w .1

t¦ ririt elgl iv." The sec i, leeture -.Ollmp-tuie problems In tee., onilneiii*.*' eeill I,., ou Marchin :,t n.. bun " "i M: -. William M. I r.i'

COLdSEI. ¦'¦ ll- itAPU HOS IS TOR'S.

what ni", siva snorT sm nmrsTUS ii .innis

AMI '1 III i'i'l li*. I!"'

Colonel .?. ii. Mn i-i. s.n. win,--' name wa« f> r manye.-nrs ramona In eonnecllon eeirii opera In Ibi* rouniry,inns ju-t arrived bore from England, wlien lie in-

been for -ov.-isii -,,¦:,!-. ii i- leport.-d thus be ba*

mod.. i- io nini,.' an niter lo il." newlj organlfdMeiropoHian lepera lieu* ami Kcal I lal. Companjfor si lee .I Hu- Metropolitan »pera lb >¦..¦

in mahing nus oitei he repn-senl* -,i Aui*u«liiMarri*. *lr Augustus has for mani v irs be-«n

known :>- Hie moal protnli ut nnd successful man

>_.¦.: of grand opera In England, ami lt lu,- i.i

reported n un lime t" Baie Ihal be was seekingworldi lo ronq ier, a yeal ago, whee Hie fata of ie

Metropolitan lipers Hom.enied, ns now. t,, be

liangtng In Ike balance, ll rai ronBdenilj announcedbal -ir Augustus e-.n-. making efforts io gel ;¦ I *.*¦

,.- it. if ihe efl rli t i" ii.'!- ii >.*, v.-t, ibejamounted to nothing, nnd He* lease \ea given lo

\.. ¦,. n ii "it, I ... Lino lm t'.i"" your*. H ls

,,," cooBdenilj reported thal a now Im*" lo -i *y,

M oeSi <v Gran ror Bs* yeal i |»: '.' -111

;, -.-t led tiling. Tb I h.iv. :i |. nial I.:,!,I', I.li' . -il

im nv engaged for nexi seoaon lo Ung grand operaItallnii .rn 1 rem ll, ai d ibej will bring ll i" Ann i,

.Hellier tliey m*ure I.- .'l,ii"p.n mi up-ra Hm.,t not. having en.'n.seiii'asl- ll) I'lii. .i.'i. -lld ll

lilies. Tb!- t":np.iir. .n-i-i-. large!) ol k*aril*is wno npp-arcd .ii Hie MeiropoHian lat! winier,bin lhere me some sii" -, Mme. Melba beingui"-t Important.

Cotoii.-i .Mnpi'son wa* teen li-1 night by ti Tribunereporter si! th. Hrevoori li"'- e. Ile denied h--

tnnt in-gotla ilons were liebig msnl" by sm El.ipatij t" bu) 'li Metropolitan opera Hon ::

lil, however. I h.i 1 ii lb* owner- ev lied lu -eli.e.mill univ hiive lo ii|» bin. Oil Ihe h;i< li :m<l I.'* won lil.a|i- ir. lie also said thal il Xiw-Yorker* e-i-i.i

grand op*ra bi rook! give is to th.m Iii -i\ ee,-i.-.

'.,.,, Jjr. Abb \ did liol produee grand opera n it

fall lu Hie tiiy be would.

xorea or THE STAGE.

Tony !'n t r Willi' -'lae !¦ -ie 'i ir.ei a*.-,- i,v table Iron

kit io''nt iii Paris, M. Deeral, saying Ital Milt Marin*

noiild sall fciii llsi\r*- oa March IS lo lil her omraceai al

hen. .The annual '.*'"'.¦ <" 11 o 11 H Hand* nen. Um

ir u*nt"i ol i'one p.. 1:'' Tliealrc, trill oceui Thoradty,Mai'li IS, tnd e-,11: I' an '\i;i m,:i» in Mi. r.,-n,i -

twenty-eighth aaalversari j- i Ki-w-Terk mauaafi aili bs

,.¦:,! mod on U". iflemooe anl '. alni el Fridar, Mu a

sni|"Str llsoiiiii'i-l. In eel,I sall lot Europe n \!, week.

He i- foin, ls Milan, and exp ela la bring bach aa

iiii|».riant attiaction. Il" "ill .¦ 11 e\ re v UH siik,',' Mnv I.

The season of Aagoatot Ttamafa a ev plar. '**lur-

lender*1 will .'¦'iv- aa Marah 5. Mt. Tin,na- ..¦..! ai «.

I* "in tb' "ur:; ol ie,-in" tl,- plat. lt ee.ll thea be

motored In New-York, and teat on toni agata '.il/

lii-M sens,,n.

Inn'.' KlnHy. who has beea m Europe for wm Usse

se bu in- s* (.nii'-i. d ee,n, Un.- tptctsclt whick Abbey,Krtaeffel is Oise sr,- tn |.re«oi.t at Ihc Auditorium, In kl.

rats, next Manaor, renrnsd -m ita CHy ot Paris Wednct.

day,Ti..- n-'t »r Mm". Marie lianne's seine* of readings al

ti,,* Madison S(|ii»io Harden Ceaeer. itali .*** given belora

a small audience Wodli.-'lay nlehr. Bht e. ulled till about

.j.30 B'elerk betan beglnnh»| h"r programtrie, Hmi thea

..-sd lion, sir !:d«in An."ld't passu "A Pall ul EgrptlanUlkpera," "A Bom," "He -nd 8ta.M "Msll-in" "nd

¦.Tin- Halpin Xnrte." The ii«">t i*stiins i< saaewaeed to

tata phi'" aest Wadae-day evealag, sad n tsnsist al

isletlift Im.n. I...''tiii.'.It is said Ital Jsii'Os C Dnf will five roelvals of

..Ti.e OaadaltttaM and "H- M. -. Wanter**.' si ibo Casim,.

folli.H luff "'Tlie na*"' he.'.

E. a. Hob-"!!*, ti"' stags a-saagai of "Xlaeiy Dav*,"

at th.* iiiontiieav Theatre, received * birthday pieseai af

_ *il\«-r toilet *"l lin"' thc ini-inlAsr* ul HM ISStpSny Ime.

day niRlil.a nieintisnal niatin.-'* i-f "Tta gpsrtamaa'- win i,o

.leen »t Ita Marni IU 'Jtiioir- this ure moon. Manymsw ie<ae*ai tor seals na," beta reeeiered ii.an ther s,i"

seaU In ti" li "il-. St Ital a Is-B' BOdttaeS ls «»«'H* tl

.lie ,,t.,nd ,.( ih. -ne* ot .*.«.dlnt* by i..,,ir.*,* Kui.Il"

. iii o"*ur tiu* ifletaaea st -i '¦'¦') a'eloek, la Ita Caoterl

Mali ol ita MwHttw Maan Oatdea Tta i'sv ttaata ls

¦||.n..iiii."A. Y. plants ii.id blt ..' '..binti' telenet hi th»

rnloii S(|iia^- Thca'.r" tu lil* SBllBSr. Mr Utetawsll, gadia nxe oi-u si.id hu ni"ii*t tn ita l.'" Ateaas Academy,

la gmklja. ie nctftt a t'r.i-e au tate Um has awaen

f it bSSBM lum- Mia r.*aet*i I* -sid I > lie III hSSlth.

Tl,,- I'eiirtecnth "jtrect Itseair* eeM oKtlii 0|*n la-:

iiu-tit. sud "A Nutatag Msteh** eva* playod. rta nam.

are rs ol tue | lay regBld H'.r ISBtlBSS wltli Itali farmer

-(sr. M!** Anni.- l/*ee|. a- Irokon. Bf her iffn-al to st

nu W.-dnendnv nltht. and thor lit*A«e cngti-.-d Mi*-, Lizzie

DvaiiA to play Hie MSittf part (or Uie rest ct tbe imam.

\ll»* Low!-'* reoioti for rcfuslag Sa to oa the stare au

tho manager's lnsUleuce on the InUoducUtu al a tptsUltjby another member of tba comii-oj.


EX-OOVEHNi IR RICHARD MOORE riSHOP..lacksinvillo, ria., March _. -I*. M. r.lshop. of Cln-

elnnotl. ex t.ovcrnor of OMa, died at 4 .'nock thismorning at the residence of blt SOB In Hil-, .Itv.where, he had beea ill for live «.-,;_- pu,t with nc inpLfatinn of dl.s-ase-.

Rickard Moor- Mebop, tl,.* tlilrty--lxth Oortraar ofohio, was bon, Rovember 4. Igis, In Fleming County,Kv.^ ile wa- Inlaed fer n mercantile liT--. nr.,1 Ini-'.7 removed to cincinnati, where ks enlerad Intotho wholesale grocery business, In which h.- continuedwith tarted rmcceta utuii r< cent ly, -inti in which herapidly amass,,.,! we.-ilth. Ill- political career beganin 1.-..7. when h" wai sleeted to ti" nommoe councilof Cincinnati, in l-".- i.- vat ehoaea grestdenl ofthin body, in 1 -*:,'.! ho was .-i.-ited Mayor of th.-rity. snd hold th.- (.tlir.- guting cn" lena, ii" em¬

il member of the ohio Conslttational Coaeeatten Inls?;;, nnd in l-77 blt name »ut pretebted to theDemocratic Plate Conveatloa at Colamhes ns ;, can

didatc for Governor. To the larprise "f many bswu nomlnsled on lin* .-i\th bollol over s,.h tom.petiton si- Ewing, Rice, Wan!, convene and Vance.ai tbe .election in October, it>77, he defeated th- ii-

pubiicnn candidate, Winton H. Weat, by a plarattty"f 23,520, the vote ttaadlng ns follow* : Ulshop (Dem i.

1171,635- West in.ep.i. -r.uor,; Bond (Workingman),12,4-B* Thompson (Pro.), -,*.''«>. Johnson (Obk.i, 10,-012; acutteriag, Wt, ile was laaMgarated lanaary14, 1.-7.*) and served f"i two year-. Although a t.,:,

didiite for renomination be eeas aol honored a secondlilli" hy his parly. Ueiicra! 'lli'iinris Eeeitii.' defeatedhim iii th- convention of I-Tn. Mr. lil In,p wu, oneof th- promoters of th" cincinnati southern Railroad,an eaterptlae which opened up a lari:" tun!" to tin-

Queen (itv, and for yean he eens nae .( tin Irusleeaof tho suni". II" waa silo a director in ino FirstRattonal Dank of cincinnati, smd in 1871 presidedever tin- National Commercial Convention la lialll-more. In reUglons mallen In- waa a Campbelllte, Hegave largely to rharitles, wu- foe lea gears presldenlof ide nillo Male Missionary r*".lct\. and hit t

presldenl of the General Christian Mtssionar*, Society.lie was nt .ne lime presldenl ol i ie Hoard of Camlnnof t:.,- Kentucky I nlveratty, one of ti,,- cara Iorsof Retbani loll"..*, ;md a trustee of McMlrkeit t nivenlty. Mr. lilsnop had ihree .-nis. who wera longa-- ,i ssiti tl eeltli lilm iii 11.i'l" lu I in. riiiii 11, sir.-I eeii,.w.re conspicuous in thilr efforts t-. secure li- headnation a* Governor.


Henry Auguttut Ken died al hi- borne, fiftynli.tli-i. atti ,s, mud- ive., franklyn, sa Wednesday,fr, in apoplexy. The fi,ner:iI will lalo* place nt bl*borne lamorrow nt - p. m. The barta! will be Ib(irei nee, od.

Mt. Kent waa born In Hudson, Ohio, on OctoberSI, i-ii. His rather, "rm, Kent, una hmm MMdietown, 11 i.n., and ee.,- ,t t:, puritan stock fromwhich H." j u i-t < i.i.i. lh.r Kenl \e.i di tended.Hi- grandfather «... .. soldier ol :..' Revolution Mr.

Kent's mother mu Parmelia Uwls, whose grandfaIber served win, distinction al an emccr in th.

la iib ul.il war, laking perl lu iii" operation t*.

inin.-ii.ni.- with Ibe rapture ol Quebec, where -e- v.,

hill.si. v.. k-sn eens CM., married, in- Drat wife,lc eel.un lie h.ni dve rhlMnn, e..;,- -ni.,:. Wells; the

.econd, eel,., lunlve* bim, waa (... wMow of Oeorge". i:m.n. or Middletown, Conn, lu ihe -¦¦-.¦¦ \---

Mr. Kenl am io Sea . rk, ind In the yetlowing e-i.il Hsbed hd .--If In bu-li t a whole ,i-

merri int, which be carried on until latin, when beraUrad.

lu i-'-I be pun :..!". d par! ..' I!.ld Dennettfiiiiii on ibe i::i>..l,i- i shoe ..: Hem i 1. Day, inri,.

lim: bj adjolnii g rill iga I Hg) Ridge, ee;,, ri

I,,- bull' d en '.. ll.-'i-'ii "in of the mo-l attn rtlve

homes lu ti.e m. ii.ue .,; Rew-York. During bis longna Men With Ihe ti lite tn-'i ol N"'e ^ irk smd

'. ;i .! le ii he occupied man) Inipuriani j,. ri "ii bavin.-;n a dins ir lu ib« Alb nth and Oreal Wi -.tern

Railroad, the Toledo aird ,...."..,-.. Rallrt rd, Ihe Delaeenr-', Lackawanna and Westf.it fuilioad, IV Erl,Rallmed, In tbe iisie ol Its groote | pt p rise thei'l e eland, Lona and Wh Ung llalliujd. Ibi Di kii ti i ll] an i i.e St a Vork .¦ and \ uue nrfai ¦.

rallrond ! Hu- m Xatlm tl ll nih, nhl i, ai IDank ol Rortk Anni lea, '. which he was one ol th--lm ei p .¦ for mat j e. ,, r.n *,,..;.!. lent.

Iii i-..l em- ni, ,\;,|. an -f, .,:,.!. j r.-bl.' .., ;,,.¦

I'} om . ll, iii .¦.,.'. |li, lid i" I "' .. del /.I. |nI "i ..bin ac i niivi i lion ii ' ni' ig ¦. whl li ti .! i

ii :¦ il Abra I mn Lint in, lu ! -. j .¦ e< i< unil..r Ma "i* ul brooklyn, bi t di* lined. Al Hw tin ¦¦

di-alli i." '-e.t "i.- f Un oki. mule.I'i- I nhill ir ii !'¦ '..' So e...'!.. obitdin* bi S Ional Hank n Rorfu /

lil. wife, iwo - us ""bold-mi I, ivlti .,s, Wall, rla-eel Ki III .<i"l IWO (I lei .¦', ||< !!r\ I* ||,.pbins, ol lit'i .".. 'i Mi Jo . ,.¦ - -,,n

ger, of Warn

JAMI - M I i,i i* h,i. .. i, .-


¦ml th- lat

q ii -, nt. . nu ,.

Nea Vork In the early yet f tlie | mut)Mr. ii 'ci ¦"¦- li ra rn mia in :;,- i

In I'i arl.*t ll ¦. ta Ut In li .-l

tm ii ,.,¦. n all ' '

I MIN I .:.

aM« line th- I

I ll ind I 't. Ill* w f,,-....'j.,tl ">. .j,.-.-. i. Mirth him.

. ?

lill RI V S .THAN I.l ED Willi. MT.

D -'.¦', 'int lb .' *-; 1 .I Tia Ri S llb tn V

I, lil Len,, who died Wt 'a ¦'! " a! ihe

eighty-three, .:-« 1 -.- a I'he licit lb 'I -.

.i, ,. |r .i .( m. i f. .ot. i katrinanial |OI '..i: la BdlK l-'l In ll il

,t> it,. |et11 ,| t, ..ii r:.. di al prat, ilo ta ali

ni* |ir< ri ..: i I, i in i-.i.s "¦.. -I bl*Ctn lt Wtl ¦¦. i ..'. i bul - "i ->"¦ r t,;


RH ll Min I.RM IX.

r," .-. *i ii . i s,. ,.,: ii. hard P. a

,POI I. in J. ... '. di "tl ie 'f |MM ll

M.. iras j ii-iii ¦¦ of Ireland, caw to thi* ronntrj wben

, ,,! Uv iRx e.' .' !. a.. '"ii,"

iga to .ai Into th-- ia"'.!.!,'" 'i-i:. -¦. Vp i" i--i

bc >.!.. .i ll ament, bul be yAnei Ute llepahllrin partjIn ij.,i ¦. ,i ,. aras -i i< "- bi i fm Mr, IllaJrv.

ii ss .. ur n.i" "' the '¦ ¦. iii| -I n's tb aWI' an labil,,.I 'il-,. Sl Iht l.'i'iee' (.I'll.- Il" '".I- lifte-ll,:-

,,1,1 Hi lea VI I a '.el.lt,ev, bot i,,i I,.li!¦?

eli! I'l AUV MUI'.-..

Al cm. Oa., Min "ii i-V. lt. I..:i-,n. f-i yeera ¦>

lawyci m th" ad.' "";" hmltb, een- 'amid dead la tod

.i, bb borne nt Derain! n.i* more h

liii-'aii **,:i H. \. 'lm:, i. Stephen li Jarbsoo.

ea-hhcrltl et Valtn* IVmnty, u .-I "f betti llaeaat at ids

borne in Uil* vlllaae to-day, ll wat eight) i tr* old.

itiii',1. N. v Mai ii -' isabel Uiepi", propel lot "f

Weekly iu..i ni" 0 cd ia-' al rbi WI --' ''>'..*''

H.. i., i- in bis Journa '. si"' .n 1838,Set burg, H. Y Mareh ..- M.- eeii" .,( Wabap J"-o| n

I, ti.'.-seo, "I tht Mei'." list Eton Chatch, died bete

Ibis mai um", ago. s-'-.-riivsie vim. They w*r.' raair-'d

any-two ycart tgo, M.- i"i'"i' ht widely known, tape.,.,.,|.,. |-ti,, (South, ee'.,. bt bi" "(t "i |,r.'.l,|.t|avel.'.I,-j

ft .... i.f ins ti, iiti.i.iiniii"si. -nj .* leger-*-, t, aa a rel it

leader ul Uw tolw I r.i"-._-m-

FLAX'S Bt DBASAIIC BTUDRXTB.Ti." iiiici and me* *4 Ui- mit, ,,f tMeitali.nb at

,,,, |; ,.. i. .I. b) the riaiiisitiii!-' iludtais "f th<

Alie I.'an A'., M'.e "I !»"' D»mallt Art- rei- .len -iff

evenlim In Un preseaea "f t hue*, friendly and well

plc-aed aud "'I .. I'""'.'''...''' 9Uy* wert perforraed,lh. \\.,-. , N',ni|:h," by OCOrgt Iiu-Un- arel l.llv A.

j,,,,,., -i;.: ti.'" by iimil, C. Drake, ead "Trala la

i .nulla." iii" enlrrialeBrtot nat perhaps altogether last

¦met pb sing el UN taree. 'Ju" acton -aught t!¦.. spiritot meh "( the plays tad Interpret*-*- H BtUngly aad

elevrrly. tTta perlortatrs weit Hubert WteA, Misa Omce

oeorge, ll ll Dona, lleOlt Hf. Aler.oder, Miss Ila

Irvine, Misa Monk Uiiniaaa. Dwight Hatltfc, Mia* liiitii

Evelyn, Ix'ti eon Ne.in.avi, '.-,:¦,..¦ C. Olrotlc-d, Min

Nark ema-. M'.*. P rrita w.t and Him 'J:rm.

gOJfg tiF COSSECTICUT,From The Hartford Poet.

ai tin- r.'itit i.:.rii|ii.-t of tin* sons of ihe AmericanRevolution iii Mendel!, -emnt.I Plait- alee.ie - ..nlii.-t.

orari bul and patriulli made a pisa for a new and

ritn.I.tr lil-iorv ol i "linet tit ut, .uni .ils,, colled allen-

Hon t" th-- aomewhal noticeable fact thHt this State

bj nt pr.--int unrepresented by tuck a tocleiy a*

represeiiis (ihto. Marylaud md leveml sister stateii

at social gathering! m ike meti-opoka. neaator

I'inii advocated thal the deficiency *-ii«"ii!<i bo prompll)-Upp lied..

Ihe id" i I* i -"rM' one. Rn -tnt.- liss -i proud r

il-ti.rv than our own. and aa .tho ated-ground fori min"Ul lion In ll," ill.l.i'.iil ee.iIK- ol III' all OV.«l

the tosiiitrv. Ci'isiii'i tJiut lui-i long l,'*:«l a tuil'ine di-lini

tlon Thera would certainly i.tn,nub ion* "f tins

tiistininiisliisl iii.ci-trv le gather aboul tlio r-chil

Ima rd aniinall) "i oftener to do honor In the heroes

of tin- colony, iii- lt< volution mid Ihe '"''il ,,;ir' :""'

lo discos the preaenl achievement* ol Ibo commonwealth. . ,.

"l*'.\topi ni the annaai dinner of Hie Rew-nngiandgoriety, -ahl.il ls growing to be too imwdi-d for rom

f, ii -ats rii* Row \crii Tribune in commenUnd on

lin- iii.a .. tin- gone ed ' or ti.-e-ii-ut have no meelinaplace or bond of B-tOrintlOO. No ilotibt Ihen* ara

enough Connecilcal men lu tho memberakto ol tie

vow Ragtoad mk tel v t.. niiiko a society "f gena of

("oiincrtictir wiiicii would at once mba rank amongUte aaasl sweeeasfal >,f tin* state «<...i.ail.ii*. It .-

univ ii", " . irv to elvo ih.- lime pm. nt a start.'Tin- pattani manon mnv asa Ik* too lat" for tho

..tarling of this .i.leiprtso. If tack a hochty I*

started, Itt cvtrilso.- and member*!.!p thould com-

-utrc favoiiibl*, with any of IU rivals. I



utxvrt iv a wrLPimin rurm Donnou*IiOW-Knli.*SAK<i\V'S ROUSf 1'AHTIES-


Of nil forclcn couBtriet whicii lt hst- been mv pondfortiiti" to vi-u Ruaala certainly bears il Ibe palmfor iio.-piti.iitv. ti." rick Boyarda, whoa* enormouaHtatea encompam alBtoal limul.--- atretcbea of landatid whoas eastlea an- mt luxuriously foraktked ns

were Urey situated en the Paris Bowlerarda malenanf bring leal on Ihe lamedic si steppe, sir,- seeranxious io Kurmond Iheuwdvea wltb as many cuestaas pos-ibb*. Nothing can bo moro delightful thancountry ur-- in Russia In rammer and winter, bulIel rvery one betrara if accepting any Inritotlon f r

t:." .'tiiiunin and tpring. Ku*, al those aeaaona aa

rearing rain and mud transform every eountn aralInto tomethlng ranembRng ;i griaon. ge trying I-

Ibis state i-f attain ti,nt geptemher, October, Apriland Hay are peneraUy tho rn'mths ebosen bv tbaMuscovite arl-tocra y for r.-pulrln^ lo **'. Petersburgai N -' iw, when they Inhale a fm* breatbt of cheeryi lt v nlr.

Tho Russian ro'intrv aeal of which I retain ibomost agreeable and ririd recollection, derived fromboth sommer and winter vl-its. is thal of Princeli'iidoiil,.-w-Kor-saliow In the Pskowtk Government.lt keen ti.e name of ike Caatle "f Pohmaja nnd !*< n

buft banding, half palace, hall fortran. Blending ata point win n- ike d'-r.s" loretta resolve themselvesinto great rolling plaina, wu'in Itt granite walliit I- of Ihc in-.-t elegant, red**-*- magnlflcence, yett: e mit side ntroBgSy recant lo mind ihe barbaricwildness af Ihs period al which lt -.en- built. Almost

awe-Inspiring ur" th- greal s,,iniiro roarta ."i'd poe-Hem nus! ike long ganerlea and hall-, the antidMwalls of which sir" covered with Byzantine p.iliitin_xlliio those of a charch, while il.xqulslte saloni aro

Blleg wltb coally modern bric-a-brac, artistic furni¬ture, inperil pictures, lowen and palma. Theselatona it"' late Prlncem planned herself, and iberanaed ibem lo be decorated by a celehrated Frencharti-'.u is didnnit io Uncr when lo si'imtr- Polona|a brat,

whether in midsummer, ender Iho aend-Aslatlc bealwhich eomea even In the northern ragtona of Rumlanita tin" reign of Ih* Dog stir, and v.. lilt ti mahei lbsrasl pidena and iii" surrounding iteppe Moaaomlille a ro-.-; or when Ihe earth I- bound by an Iranfre-t and Ihe distant baying of wolves i- heard inIke mow-covered toreela, Perhnpa becaute it ls to

toort, lammer baa In Russia a charm which oneguda nowhere rite. The Meppe, itratcblng lil." ¦

green ira dolled Lori- and lhere with dusters olinn ii .ind willow-tri,-, hi- a mysterious look durlnithe mg balmy July da) nnd al nigh) the Hanteem nanauaQy numerous and briWanl In Ihal Heelblue nortbern iky. Vet Rumla i- alwayt teen at ktabe-t during the evInt'T Uroliths, and I ll" litlo-t h'll-"

partlet at polonaji ?.- mbto, si- si rule, lu Rovember,Derember and January. Vcri r'tim does tba "ii

eaatle look when hedged In ott all rides by mow andIce. ii lt "li'*u ti-" -arv la 'nt roads through Ibosnow lo iii" stsib!,-, ami wolves enter Ibe courtyard.ti nlghl and bave bl.I cunning flgbt* a1tb t.i" gni.l".la'.iiti'i-. ol I'uir---. Polonaja In mldtrlnter l-e.rv Isolated, bul lhere i- ii" 'i n-'nn .,f ennui forlilt:,, K-.r- iiiii.e-.' git is. Dinners, rai pol dances¦nd private Ibeatri al* lake place almost ever* week.During Ibe dav there is much sleighing p .in? on.

As -..-it ti- |he fl- -t li.nl liiiil- md Ile* newly fallenmow sanVleutly, i greal ibell-shaped .leigh, towhich four splendid "i- -i were hun.--"!, watplod al my .li-p- il, and, wrapped In furs up loib- eye*, I took headlong gallop* ihroiigb Ibe sllenlwoods. iu ti'.* \ nlng «. ali ., mbl 'I Inll bra rv and read or talked nnill Ile mldnlghl tupper.eel,i. h i ate ol Ibo Piln .¦'- i---t fad*.

i.i-- dining ill i- a beautiful ipa rtmen I panelledti oak ind bung with flobelln lap Iries, bul lt ls

ion ih it -.¦ delight! :l supper- t ike place.... i'-..l l n smaller i lt dispose il

h i winter gard< a, and ¦.* sn* imeltl,-. i

ital oral ¦¦. trees and mlmo*e Muries f'-rm fra-::,ii! bowers of flown i e .¦: \t lither end-.. fountain ..! pl '; marok- wit t irved b:i«dns

¦. i". blossoming emt. i hiles anion-* a i

.¦¦lui! :, -eeim.l the mari,!- "'.a. iiipporilng¦ i "f are garlanded with white and purple

H.,-e. -*, .] .,- supp r lable i- alwa) - -.;

In Louis XVI radii' u. 'I.ni .¦ I. of -hi Mci-setisi peb' pink ice. and Watteau Bgtir . ol Ibi

:,!ii' priceless wara uphold va* containing gowers,fra.t l :¦ ¦,' ..j.. ii, s ;>.!. pnifu lon. No servants.ii.- all iw. .¦ pn ii nt, III ..¦ db n - tra «oldand ni- pl " ii lr din "ii -i-i" il li -. wbeni .¦ thelr, a an t lils i- liriog .:,, «. 11 ti ii, lr oa n

!. '| i .-. llb' ee' nitri il ii- i! e .; ur :r. le Joyabio and'I all f.irnnllty, I he ru un i rn ti Indy

ii ni p ..- il le ii-en I wllh Venetbm.hi-- atti .-¦' plate, ibe wine iiarkling in t' ir

ill) ip . e¦: and Iii '.. 'lilian

Uil--. ibe pretty women *.«.ir.i diamonds glittering "ti

Ihe r nhln I toni an I In their air, .ll gr mp ltiing plum Rv.-rvihlng looks li',.

i. rein ;. .!¦ I Ihlllk..' \ -r ll ai d

'i' .¦ rim .¦'- Uhr. n i- ali" "f the l,.,'i: nm InI¦'. :i..|» .:.¦! ni In* a ine I'.o'i-.ind V lumea, !"'-nt"

i's ll li bbl '"¦ ,1 ri. ri|'t ,,f bygone<iav-. -. iuri, Ru* lan work« ai¦¦ rang"d In on"

Including Hie iragedle* of *>uinarokow, wbofondly Imagined a If io be (be ll.-i.ni \ ir.ilr.

Sol hi i ran equal s.i" beanti "ii gn " oak pan:; ¦! room eein, p mb. d and embutum d rolling,

n* t" .¦¦ rill ol itv, '1 pu ph' ie irni |l I .s.iln

indoa 'i itln: from Ihe fimrti enih renlurt,'¦i.l i.a'i.'it by ibi Prince i-i Ital) man) years ago,!' ¦! rn I Desi ri- BP ee. il i. preta Bled ere,and ii" ...ii,.'|..'i ,,i ..ii missal, ndonu w it ii mini i

in bv Angeli. and Mb-i io lers nf .* art. Iboe r'. e-.-li. iimi itt r binding "f S

lill, ll li Hie I'll'' .'I "f I ,'l'Sll "balli ba.I,"a.*.uni i . In ll- aurld. rm a niall ij. table b

tiealli a full i--n.Mii portrali "( Hie late RmpemrAb'xnnder ll »tnnd* ¦ raakel .,! creal lieauiy, mode

f oriya nial tilter, one day Hi" Pri. n-verentlr"p.'in.l il .unI lira '. '1 iel fr ii a piece ol i irktri'i a i,.i., r,,rs. ¦¦. eral ni n -. c. Mi ml) ii \

pit iv and ipolii d wll dried blood, Turning'¦¦'.e ,r,l in-, wit., leon l!l bis ."'-. ¦. ri I -elle.¦I'M- I- pstrt ,.( Ike uniform cool wttlrk our belovedCmpcror ee.ir«- when be wa- murdered. I wet preaenlwben be -teethed lils la I, sial never ¦ romplaluiev:t* uttered bl thi noble tnonnrvh, win,-,, foulaa*assinatlon a*ai Uh' reward "f his loo great Indills..''

The Prince if a remarkable man la mora wars Hunone. ll" hst- a greal deal of Bound knowledge on ,11iris nnd Mn*!,'" and si im" taste ee iii n never

leads bim Balmy. His ronverautton ls full "f eas.*

.uni charm Bnd oti*n Ireala "f Ibe rarir scrtbea andmattera, aboul whom bi hi eery enthusla Ile. Ilalia- si wonderful uiemnrj and is never at faull fora iiuu', i dale, or tn apt nial rlever quotation.Re*ldea ail nu- .. ls the s,,ui of boapllallty, andhdonaja ki i rertiable ho ptoe, for all the antiquevirtues M-i-in lo have -oughl tetog* there, and th-munjil, con," m.i'v mil", to s.-.u aid atnl n**istaucefrom tin- Prince wben Ikey are In Irouble.

Life I- mad.rj rharmlng for the rialton -lav-

inn in Russian i..irv bowses. Al Poloiuja every..ii.-t room opens into a lapestry-hung -alon Oiled¦.eil!, booka mid gowen, and sill possible comfortsuni luxuries ur" phi" i within raay reach. TtePuris, Vienna and London newapapen are laid rv«-rjmorning on i sldeiabto, and lhere ls no delicateittt-nllon which Ihc 1'rlnn dora not offer in- gueala.iii- staler k'-.-i's house for kim since the death oftbe Princess, dbe l* one of Hm lovelies! middle-aged¦.eon,'-si whom H J- possible io ged. **!n- ls riot liefin clouds of fragranl old hue wita wonderful antiquetowels aparWtng hera and thor.* among Ila folds, andi wa: til druming ber silvery bair wblrh makes hi r

look ni"' a talti ffodamtlarr. tnt Ihotoogbly under-itands fe dinnnit ari of receiving, and of makingeverybody feel welcome. Had lha so trilled ll, lhaould have (,o: am- a pOWW In politics, sis abe ls

exceedingly clever, learned, and ni*" very ibrewd.uni ber whola tarlbli amblUon I- lo make ber brotherj*ippe', nnd io try i" cheer Ms spirits, wM.ii were

itt.-ri) i.r ihen at tt;<- death of bia wile, whom holiterally worshipped. Ile has Jl.Vi* nit. In.t Hie a|,:,itn"iii- of ina doini Pr,ni"-- ilwe tba day of ber

demise, and they ar" pr served exactly in th, name

rendition a- wben ¦ .¦ wai alive, iii" bedroom Inruby -aim look* as il ike bad Vacated lt bul tv*minutes before. Her lewel-ease, glittering wtiu

prteelem mema, ttanda on a Jillie table by the !«.'*.

ide: tiny lur-lin-d sUppen ara in reudlnraa beride a

iiimge as If awaiting her, and tr,--], ft,,",,;, srai, i .s.-ii dai is, itu rack 11\"' il v.,-. - on Ihe

mantelpiece. toilet tali and tonaah.1 ililli ult it I- to le-ili/i- ii 1'i'ii.ii.ijii that one I*

living far away on tbe Russian steppe, everything-., -noiler't and lu turtons. AH- rbli..-,- purtle- ni-ct-

Ing In Ihe ling*** ¦*-©ur d'honne.-r" and Ibm dUperalngjw ti the broad f"i .I Nada, ibe shooting portie* m>

animated ind plctureiiqae, Ibe stately dinner sit Io'clock nn'sti-'si like a royal banquet, ike Utileli.-itn eXtjutaltely decorated, the concert-room wier"

rn r-t- i.f Run-peaa renown make them ,iw- beard..ill ls perle-. Hull.

Tin- ktabhW uro ;i ii,arv.! of luxurious comfort '. lbsbmasa ran be ilven hoi ur c.d,i bnih* in great ii!iir"ir>.mi n- If th.-e were fashionable beauties Instead olb.lug morel, -pl udld brutes. There are inver lesatilth thirty Berlet tycdmeni of hom-Hrah lu the

marble and oaken stalls Ins-lde the gabled bulldlnirsIn tho park, which look like a picture by Ostade,half bidden. a** they are. hy tall linn- and pin" frees.Mho th" French Chateau of clionorioeaiix. Potonafamirrors lt* ba-etlons and turrets in n deep lustroushill", ind POW! and tlr trees make a perpetual verdurelhere, even In winter. It would take volumes to

describe (he Inferior of tho homo alon". Un- countlestrooms relied with cedar wood and ¦hung with daintyaatlni or superb tapestries; the treasaret containedIn tho picture gall.-ry and In thc lang Inner haliwhere the i'lime ic .-ps ;,u celebrated coliecHona.(.no of fe most interesting tirings to bc seen alPobinaja l* tho unittenaal." where an absolutelyt;nliiii" eoUectioo of anns i- disused. Among thomni.* inlaid armors worthy of Ihe Kr, mlle, and granta curved sword and barbaric looking matchlock broughtlo nusala three centum* iiso bv tho Prim i's K.ilmukam ,rs.

The fnmiiv <.f Dondoiikoff-Kom-akow aprtngi fromtli" fnsi.iii .,f two nobiltarv elana, namely, thai oft ie KntolUk Pru, .-v DondoukoR and Ibaj of th»Itnsso Llthoanlan-Korasakowa. At ti," end nf ihe-'V nteenth century several trlt"-s of Kalmuka tran-derad Into Russia to eacape Ihe Ivnnny ol ..-

<":!n. Their chief wat "lie Cboe-Orijuk. a man "fgreal peraonal courage ami dauntless energy Hewas th- founder of tbe Dondoukofl fannlv. haringadopted th.it name when h-* ai last succeeded In-.tciiii- his people on Ihe plfeln. wi,I !i extend fromtho Ural Monntalna to Hie shores of tbe Volga. Thopresenl Prince I- very proud "f blt Kalmak sn "-tor-,and in iii. atudy he liio-s lo show his visitors .1

treal green silken banner nrblch Cboe-Orijuk Khanbi night to Russia \ritli him on his memorable expe¬dition, i have m.'t during ihe course of my lifemany Interesting and remurkoble p.i-, bul I maywu ronfeae thal Prince ftondoukoff-Korasakow out¬shines rh'-ni nesrty aU, In my m.-nurv. and thal myvisits to robina ia.win ..vr remain for me almost tbepleasantest boan*that I have ever tpent.

isa rc, cha rms dresses.

TWO (.OWNS ON" THK WAV TO trAMUXGTO*f.(.ult" a targe contingent of »smart people"' are goinc

on to Washington to iee the inauguration and to attendItu- inbacqacnl hall, and some vt ry pretty (;nwn< haveboon mad" for the expedition. Anion.' th tn la a

-gram eoatume of brown ctotb, jn-t the coin,* (,r a geedleaf, and moat green relvet with shimmering yellowUghti in lt. it i- a lovely -woortoy combination thalMgfMM ut oin" ia a complement tlie natural looking

nula I'lunii or evod vioiei- thal d.a'"- the becomingtoque which matchee the dress. The bodice, whl li i

slightly pointed, I- Finished with .1 qoUUng el greenlatin r:ti""i aboul Ibi.lu.in- In depth, which sh .wi

a tendency lo Ihe Henry IV cu! and i- pertlcularig b"

ming io slender ngura*, me yoko and upper part,,[ me sleeves ara of iii" green velvet, and tho onlynimming I- a couple of narrow bands of Oriental em

ii ttdery around tbe collar, jolie and the hem of Ibebrawn eiotii .-Mit.

lin- bull dress ll a white mila with green velvet,pun . mi,",.I. L.t. ii-'.i" |ackel sm! shoe,*- erith a

deep bertha ol real bice, Ibe mherwiae peefecily ptain-inti briag irimmed with iiee graduated tandi of greenvelvet.


li W ( IIAXOI s PREDICTED,-I do nm b"iieve there aili be any radical change

In Ike modes before nexl winter, ntter sill," said si

woman of society, "and for Ihree reasons. In luein-i place, the rrtnoUne question i- practk-aUy .-.-t

tied, and it evin not be :id"pt.tl by the fashionableleaden either In ibis country or europe; and In ibeseeond pine, tlthougb the Pnriafain artUts talk darkl)sii'oi.t 'coming change*!' .¦'.-. Ihey are all al -, .1

Ihemsetvci smd have md Ihe -li.it -I Idea whal lodo nnv Hmi their ilii"ll.cl" nt ha- fallon through.Lastly.and this I- Ihe mos! valid reason of all.theygave ns oo Ibe Up,' aa Ihe ancient laraeUte would

iy, for with the will.- -iiiii- anti enormout sleeves,,f (be preaenl style, we bave lo buy half agata aa

n,rnh mit<-iini for a gown sr- we were obliged lo buyli-1 year, .sud u co-t-. consequently, more lo Lav-

lt made. And lhere I- tufftrienl change, moreover,

to make it Imply Impoaalble to wear oul tari year'scostumes, go Ibe pceer- thal be will, lu my opinion,continue la .ive nt tbe 1830 Myles, merging, perhaps,into those or Henry IV, until nexl nutnmn, Then ishould not l"' nt all turprtaed If we thould bavesomething di"cldedly near, Pul for wmmer etollieai ibould tay ll waa italie -ab- to ga ahead ea tv*

prC .-Tit lilies."'Why ll lt thal In tins.- dav.- of freedom mid Indi

vtdiial libir!v of opinion, won..ii ar.- slav,-s enoughto obey tin- mandalea of si few man-mUllnen on smi.

au importanl sub|oei at dress !**-foi thal lt io im¬

part mt every one mutt concede, {fol only nra Ibean-test industries of Ihe world stimulated rdtherdirectly or nulli" Uv by woman and ber brave altin'.Inti ll niiisl al-o lieCeesarlly OCCUpy a "resit peri ofher thought and energies lo dollie her-.If and herhousehold pii'ii'-rlv and becomingly. The bite ra-hellion .ni th" s'li'ji'ct of crinoline hu- brough! ap Ihedi-,n-sior, ni these matters mon* or le-.s, and at adinner nol long dace a elevee woman >>r torietytugge ted Ihal there oughl to be an International drew*

ncres*, when women of lanie, position and Influencemlglii mnke Ibe taws and give Ibem oul lo Ibemanufacturer* rind dressmakers and -". Instead oflulu*.' the ruled, they would bs lbs rulers of theirwot ld.




a tortona modern tabor-aavlag developmentli th.- establishni.nt whereat pettana ar.- bought,dre.-. cut mit mud flited If desired), the lat.-I

f.i-hioiis -h.,evn. and advice given ab ail amklag andtrimming nnv gown, from iii" .-ini|-"-t gingham lo tin-

iioin-st fniii".~

I never wenl Into one of (beacplares before."' -aid I clrl of th-* UK) tl..* ether day,. bul 1 had oft.-n noticed Ihe riga. Bo as I want.*!mv mold le ". t some Meat fer Hw new -hirts, i

tnefc ii.-i with me and climb.*! np the Borrow t1l_htof ,-talr*- timi I'd lo a lar".* w. ll lighted apartment.evh.-re on Ike platform before the glam front of tin-

room wera dre--: form*, covered with rarioua papergoans, al! cul and fatMoacd In Ibe latetl riyle. lin*

larded wttk women, stud l began t"so often pealed me -and

r,,"in mu ipili.-.,-,. a ri aaan nw whal kaiti. it i-, how tin- New-Yofh woasen aa a ni*s< tin-, -,,

well atld manage lo appear nt onto In Hie talentfashions, however limited may ka their Maana, That,and how no many plain looking women tontrlve to

buy lha mont "_pi*i_*lve-luo_-__ te-tokla gar_.au, have

ilways been mysteries lo me. As I entered tot.oom a very sijuare-shoiildcrel. blond dame, wearln|t well cut swooping gown, and holding her handslOflther with, elbow* well turn.*d out, carno towardno. ' ls lt tho pattern ot a _fef**t that madamerlaheal Certainly, ira c-.va gmo you the takari cut.Hore Ls one. leven yard-, ar-und, and li hangs In thano-t gneefnl tiiced folds front smd back. Thai bco extreme 1 w.n. keri i*< one ive parda around;hi- flares, ynii | .-*, v.-ry much lu fiont, but tbe fold*LT" mote in the bath. Th,li tl,er,* ll Ihe umbrellaiklrt, and ihc new bril Bklrtl. Which »re only towmd a half yalda." All mis was »iid In the moa

apid manner, and -he exhibited radi mod"l on betj« n tail, well-developed ngura ns six- spoke.

..an* .-"on disposed al aa, .mid turned to other cut"ni'is. willi- a subordinate weal oaf to lotah: thiSim i-i ii I hail chosen, v 1,1. h ..,-1 m.* ii dollar ansi hill, but whleh ev;i. mail.- lu -lilt paper and gathonemd Joined jii-i sis it aught lo ix- Bowra, v. idle wtrailed for the parcel I watched Ike various |«-opltabo uino- ami wini, anti tin- curiotM choice of modellhat Ihey mufi". A lat women al-MOt luvarlabl**those what WOUld snit only .sun." ono who was tail.ml slender: wi.ii,, ti,,, older ladles termed lo have tUatlnct i»ii'hain for th.- .ii"-1 ) outhfnl looking garii-u'.-. Hnally my pattern was ktougkl and i wentiway tillite convinced tkal th.-r,- wera Bmw ways ot

nabing a Utile go a gnat way thea l had eveimagined.

"Ami thi- taringa mo buck to tho sealskin Jacket-iqd tinah, worn by tln-s,- win. are far from wealthy,

eva- told not long BfB thal tiie. n-_-.il looking gar-neills inulli he boughl on tiie instalment principle,ust as pcopl.tiii-tlni"* buy a plano iv a sewingna, bili", bo all Mk. Sixth Avenue ha- lo do to behe owner ol a sumptuous -took or coal is io eceweoMMn ber marketing uml eb* k Ho- family supply of(roci-ties .-iiti.-ii -illly lo raise tho nutIBOIJ amount'or th,- monthly payatentt."

Superintendent Charlei M. Preatoa, of the Watte.i'i ri; state banking Department, has approved amile-lgnat-d th.< Mut li National Hank of Ute eily oflew York, at a Depositary of tbe Lawful Money Ete-erve of state Danns. .


"A ilmi rte I "

ligarritet m'-* mM on Mn-lr ni-rit-. Tho hiphost coal

etoeca employed "f Bay elgaiaato, Irreepeettta >>f price,n Mm Ana ii an ii.alka. ..Adinirjl" ta not mado hy a


Crntoen lo the Tropics.bmYO tho *in,.\ una i" ii iii "Mints and flower* and

lellgbtful .inn.it' ,-t Ike W.-t Indi... The niasn Intent

t.it:r,»i,i|, "Brittania" leaves Scw-York u hu thud andu-i .un-' ti. ti.- We-t Huh"- .-ii Marrh li. a faa goutabJna -'Ul vatsust. Particulars tram THOS. COOK rn

:O.N, Lol liluadeeav.

Harry** Trico|iherou*,'i.o nair raanat iiuvei or Vau,t uni but in-i-t crow andlour.mi ii iii-..-a dally lem, nu- maicbtoaa article. Try Uk

Mellis Company'**. Kxn n. i of licet.

J^ist n In-hms and la nell 'lat aft-r exert l»e.

The "lik t"'.ish o thrive ii|>"i. Cndrihv'* ..Rea"'¦iiii.il i-i nd li'f. Pntatobta and aticnggkBHifi a--id,y a.l druggists

ll hen bakp wm *fic. wo psve nor cutana.Warn lbs »'i- a Child, -li cried for a-torit.When »iio became Mi*». i-ti" cluiir. to (.astoria,Waua -ii.; had children, s:.o cavil tli.-m .tuturi*.

MA ElliEll.'.p.sh'ixr-dti.i.Ksi'ii-:- Oa Toeaday, Wtatatgy _ist_is',.i ai tn" i,"ii." "f the bud '- barents. No. lt i;a<ti.ti #t., this etty, by Bishop E. «.. Aadiews, af thaMethodist Rpi*cupel ''burch. J.phln.-. daughter olI.',,,.- , i.:ii -*pte, ia Charles w. Eiaaiae, >,f thia city.

-.ii D.COWIE.Oa Wtstiii tiov neening, ~**htm*ty --d.15*93, l.v th.- llev. Mini:-,, Peters, Ida Coorie, dsmth.ta- of M niel Mr-, .lalni A. BWle, of lill* «.**.. to W _-

laili J. llCed, of latte loien, X. V.

n ii,.-- of marriagea aiari b- Indorood with fulllilllie and addi'--.

HIED.lAii.s.Tknraday, Marrh -j. al Panitya, x. Y. in harloth year, Zella H., daughter "f Andiew 3. Balet,

Amoral service* at rea-deoce, Uptacet Ptain, i rutty,March :>'!, at 7 :n> p. m.,

Il LKXAl'-At lOUlque, Chill, S. A., on I'ehriiurv Jih,nf ">i-t lover, . ii.inii'cy, sou ur Uh lam Ckaaracey andMat sir't p. Bel knap.

inst.,n and Seaborg papen pl a*e Moy.tliAKK.At Breoklln", M.--. aa Frtaaaij -8th, ArthurWelland Blake, aged 32 v ara.

"anora! serricoi Saturday March Uh. at p. m.. at KinesChapel, Boaton. Mas-.SOYD-Oo Widoeadap, March 1-t. at bet late residence,

.V.I5 llsm.k-.-t., liiai'Klen. Anna I.., wife of EvanaBoyd, and -aughcei -t Mr and Mra. U Kerr Dud.

funeral .ci Pridar, Sd m-t.. A p. ui.

Interment Mid II-t.ee n. X. V...I'K'.iiYXi: -!.* h. nth, Wm. fd. Burcoyno, aced 80years stud U awntha.um ral pi li tte,lAIU'F.NTEB Parckaae, V. V.. on Third month, _d day,Jacob A. I nrjH-nt.r, ul-'-I bA ea-.

h'laUvo* anti friend* ar- Invited t., attend (uiKral fromPurchase Meeting ll".i Pirra dav. ll o'clock a. tn.

ferriages In eiaitin. at Whit- Piatas on arrixal of tralaleaving (.rand Central Station tilt.T. VXl.-Siid«b*tily. ot H!.M,int|.'id, X. J., on thc 2d Inst...Jason lane, la hi- T'Jd year,

fatlee of lunenl ki natter.it'PIOXAC.Walter ('lark', son of tho late James BettaBuplgnae, ut. l BU real s,

'ni,'i,i -'iel... at -st. Thomas's I*. C. rharaji, twaVelim. r 'tn te- un Karnrday, March itu, a( :i.ao a. m.

m." ii .-iii in ii .-""ii" " I.I.WI.s-Ar nain a. X. V., at snit-rt, February 'Jeth.Clark I ll:,'-- -", ,,f tl,* lat Isaac Hsyet, cs<|., ofL'nad Ila, aged Tu years,H'i.iii.-- vt Lakewood, B. J aa Wertoesday, Marahl.t. i-.i.e. itiollne i.. Hughe*, widow of tue late Paschals. Hughes, of X- ee-Y' rfc ll".

'.¦ Hives ami fr..-..tl* ar,' ii.e.if. I ... ntl.nd 'ho funeralIron ti," resides¦¦.. "f her niece, Mrs. Clarence N-ttiuKo, un Maiuii-t., BreofclyWi tm Jfriday, Marah 3d, tt._ p. m.ai'i'i ES.Suddenly, on Thoraday, March '2, Jame* M.Jacques,

."un, .al notice hereafter."Ms On w. lii'.rii.'. Marrh l-t IBtB, at tho mrilnhNof his inn-'at Mr*, ii, ii.lit Lil"*, gtepbea WarroJones, in ti" BiOt rear ol hit sse.'un. ur. - rvb ¦- Sal ir la,. 1 :<0 p. m.. at ibS Watt 19th-attu,¦rnn.'iit prleat".(EXT.On Wednesday evening, March l-t. at h's- later.-ibii in Brooklyn, JP me A. H-.a, in th" Y'.nh e.ir¦. i*'- .,.'.

I'lle fnieiil eeill tall" place fi""' Un: residence, "saturdayp. m. at 2 o'clock.

rn,- burls, eein bo ni dreenwond tnd Intermmi private.-Ya*hington. Cleveland, l>., and Middletown, Cona., lsipompi, a.- copy.

I1AB8II At Norw! lt, Conn., Laura [>., dtaghwe of thalah Rev. John Mar-h. D. lt.. aad lianas Isllniadge.fi,mn rle* .,f Itio-'klen X V.

.'im, ral -i-,:..- at bei atc i---nb ic¦.. In X.neleh, Friday,Mi: ¦!, A, at A .', 1,.,-k.

STAAB \t Hobokeo, Marah Sd, IgOg, Charl-* P. Staab.aged 12 \. ni -.

Relative* tnd friend* .' nr-it-d f,, iitf--n.1 ftun-rsl Iromhi* lat" "-id nee, ISS Bloomtteld-st., Ilabokea, on Sat-ai lu nwrulng, ti '¦> oh i" k.ni-un. al .it Hudson, X. Y.STU KXEY.On March l-t Jahn Vewtoa sti.kn.y, aged73 e. ira.nu ral rvlc - a ii be held it his late resldtaca l-jcit-villi.. Conn., "-t Maali-.- Mar h Otb. at 2 i>. in

riiln leivlii (Irand entral Ii- l*"t ut ll a. m. arrt\<*» lailia keilli- at I p. m.

WALL* \t Ja. kt ne.: .-, ila., Mart.li _d, Clan E., wita,,( VV. NV. Wall.

Voil .. f fun. ii hereafter.A'nr.Tuixi.Ti'X-in x ve-Y'.rk, on wrdaetdar iraalag,Match Lt -si.ia Seat.Si, eeit- of the lat" Beary Ko...

Wurtlilnatiiti, ol li\li,-'t.,ii.¦¦ i-H'i--".i.-.-e-i as mi'! |*' h, lil at th. r'.d'ii"* of Inr « ii-ln-biv,W I.inman Hull So, 111 tKU-ave., at 10 o'clock Sat¬ur.ay morning, March -4rh.

lt i- kindly rt*u,u sated thal no gowen be teak,

iii'i'iutmeiii of ">ian-. Washington, i> c.. Marah l.:-.-.: Inf',rn allon ba* i»-n i.\-A at this I>»|-artineiit¦|. in M 'll,",, i- ll. sr,, rina*,, the ..n-.il ..' tl,.- I'tntedst.t.s nt I.ie. rp, .il, I n ind. ol' ttl d- nb. ,,n HM Mk olli ..ii'.I. I-'.".', at I.ie,-.paul, of Jolian MLon, u little, a,r Kew.Vorh.

pi .--.it ii Xn. IM, Dated Pi b, f, IfNg

Spcriul Xoticc..\-:. ni tour duh or ni iii*- cole ri Jnliannle.**

lt Wlte* j. le evit,t all I,i|u.d v, in, *. Jlofi'llecepl arie- sh wahl B* ii .' -lit'ite.

lira* lime niKKiM n BY in; iiavs'.** ii Allill,M.ill III M IWS "i.ni: ni vi iv Real it .t Poaduni It- --In-.*, lui''" Inunliii", Iir i'.'i.'1-f.. la.g |i.tt|-s ftQY.

I'osiolUie Xolice.iShaild I.ad daily by all taklieatod as .,!,ango* may

1,','llt al sine tinsLotter* t"i foreign rountrles need am i"* upeelaUy ad.

In-s.,1 lor -l*pnten be am pal! tala! tfaBli I. ,- \ ,.*,,(Min K i- it -li, I tu -.in! i: ai, ii ,!... ,,| bonking and .Oin.

erclal documents, letu-re nut spectaily addr-»».>d bofcaa..iii ny th.- tastes! e.'.-.-i- tvallablo.

Kotritn maris ri r th* e..a end ii.* Mareh ith will closeiir..ni..tiv in all ca»e»i tl tin- oMre as follews:

-..vii iin.vY-At .! a. iii. ti Kurope, pa a. a. I'.rruria.tia Queenstown (letters foi I rar.i-e, Kwltteruwid. Italy,(pall, I'.-rtur-'.il. und Ins h-v. "m.-t ta- dir" t.st "peri.'i'ui'.i".; sit 1 a. in f-c I 'ir>,jv... |H-r s. s. ("beater, viasai,!i,.iti,p:i,ii (letter* must be dir -.t .1 "per I"beater"); ati sm a. m. tm N'ethetlan - Ai;- I, per s. -. VeenSam, Maltuth rilaiii (letters mu»t I..- duecteel "iM-r V'cutiain"i; ai'. a. m. (ar Scotland direct, U". s. ». Bolivia,lill lihisl*,.MT lett.-r- must ll- lille,!."? "|»-r B'lilVlV,; at; a. m. f_r Prance. Be*1tzerlan-, Haly. Hpata, l'ortugiamd Turkey, per - -. 1.' '.<-.".¦:"-. ela ii.*ie,.-' at ll x m.

r (an i*-¦ I"', Chhnssa, robaace und Vu,-stan, per a. s.s acta netter* t"r robt, lainptra aud laspani aTreci and.,ti.r Mesli ni bute* tia Yam I rn/ rnnat b<* dliectsd "pi'r-.a. a" al ll . i' I ll.'ti i tm.atm ann i irii|*en.i..er i, i. iimsij" Xasan (l<tiers f.r other Vcoenela port*.il-,. Curacao, frlhidad British ami Unt.-b Imiana n.n»tbe directed-*p r Omnie Mataau" ot ll * ni for Jatnab a

md sae ami: i. it p*r a. s B-l-¦an P,i. af -a p, ¦ titi, till, iiei -. s. *" iit.-ri. fr in Near-Orleans; al 8.30i>. in for Newfoundland, per *te*imei Irom ll, iti\

gt'XDAT-Al *:i p .ic tor Costa rcto. via Limoo. perk. -. Hl-l'.insi. from N'-h-O han-*^

Misl- fr ' hum nn'l Japan, pr «. *. O.-oanl.- (from Sanree* i- - I'- hers Sally ap bi Mareh *8. ar f. AO p. m.Malla f"r lha Hawallaa Ulnnds per a. - Aaatra-air,.'r, "-an Francisca .lo-* h.-n- dally ap to Marah *'.> at; :tti p. m. Mail- lot Att.iriisa, Mew-gaalaad, H*e»«!ianl .j, oi'i .".ati'iin islands, i. r s. -. Almeda (tram San Fran!loco r!o*e hi re tiaiv np t-. Mareh ~tt ot o 31 e. m or

ta arrival al ffew.York at -. a. rTtmrta with British.l. r r_\u:trs.j'. Mall* fm ..,.- KoehHr I-!:uid«

ier ship Tronic ttlrd fr-.m Rsa Pranetseo), eta-e baralaily ap to March 2b al 0 Kl p. ti, Mail* f.r Chi.,*md Japan via Vancouver i»peelally ad,lr,-*«o,| 0,,|ei clo*-,t U.i**' .'Ul''.* -tollJ at 0 Sd p. tn. Hall* tor H't*rt**e)~Zanl. he nil I" Halifax mil th.-n,,- |,v Maanwt .',-..«»bl. ml,-¦.. dalle- u' - 80 p. ." Mall* r.r Mi,,,, ^ ')ni ti. Bnaton, ant thence i,v ,i.., ,,.r \0st. at th|, ^m,.'lally at B "to p. m. Mai's f,. una by rall t., TsmaaTMa., and U.o by -t,-o-.-r -.nil,,- Mondav* Thnr-diyi..l Satuidsy*!, thu-- ;.t ti ls ..m.. Sally at . :¦. ,a"^'Malla for Mexl.0. nVSiland Utiteaa -ironiv arldr.-sa-d C.tlauntch by .teamer, (lose ai t.e "iii.-., daile- ,,t .1 ¦ ni

lian. Colin mails ate I... evai-|. t| t, ferm KtaiicUcslal'y and the -h. d-il-- of closing is arranged on tho ore.

.tin,ptloii r,f their onlnterramed averlttsg rmn-it to RmFmnciaea. Malu tram Ute l_--r trrlvlng an time at ^llI'laii.-l-to ..ir the div ef lalllag of steamers are dlspaUhod,!,, a. .. tn¦> -ni,-- day,

.iii'.i-t-i'ii in.iti deann ri 0 p. m. anvteaa dav.l'.vtia HypBl«menlarv Muds are eot*"t on lb- piers of

a,- iniiiii-ii i-1<-i .. ii add Uiinam steamer* at iim- amir "filosina of Bapnlementary Mall* at tie* ro-u.ii..>. whl.*t»etiiain Men until willi.n Ten Mlnuti* ul the boar ot sall*luz ot ctoamer.

COHN Kl.! VS VAX C'lTT, Po«tina*for.Pottsffiee, Ntw.Tark, X. Y.. Februar/ tith, IBea.