History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed

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  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed



    30 aug 2011

    atharina !chroth" born #ebruar$ 22n% 18&4 in 'res%en (erman$" was su))ering )rom a

    mo%erate scoliosis hersel) an% un%erwent treatment with a steel brace at the age o) 1* $ears be)ore she %eci%e% to %evelop a more )unctional approach o) treatment )or hersel).

    +nspire% b$ a balloon" she trie% to correct b$ breathing awa$ the %e)ormities o) her own trun,

     b$ in)lating the concavities o) her bo%$ selectivel$ in )ront o) a mirror. !he also trie% to

    -mirror the %e)ormit$" b$ overcorrecting with the help o) certain pattern speci)ic corrective

    movements. !he recognie% that postural control can onl$ be achieve% b$ changing postural


    #rom 1&21 this new )orm o) treatment with speci)ic postural correction" correction o)

     breathing patterns an% correction o) postural perception was per)orme% with rehabilitationtimes o) 3 months in her own little institute in Meissen an% in the late 30s an% earl$ 40s she

    was supporte% b$ her %aughter" Christa !chroth.

    )ter orl% ar ++" atharina !chroth an% her %aughter move% to est (erman$ to open a

    new little institute in !obernheim" which constantl$ grew to a clinic with more than 10 in

     patients at a time" treate% as a rule )or * wee,s. +n the 80s this institute was rename% to

    -atharina !chroth lini,. t this time the )irst stu%ies were carrie% out an% the patient series

    )or the )irst prospective controlle% trial was %erive% )rom the patient samples o) 1&8&1&&1.

    Content" rehabilitation times an% patients meanwhile have change%" an% braces have been%evelope% to o))er highest treatment securit$.

    here)ore to%a$" bracing in the patient at ris, has to be regar%e% as the primar$ treatment. e

    have been able to re%uce the training times b$ a%apting the ol% techni5ues an% intro%ucing

    new )orms o) postural e%ucation 6sagittal correction" '7 correction an% eperiential

    learning9 whilst the programme is still base% on the original approaches o) the 3%imensional

    treatment accor%ing to atharina !chroth" namel$ speci)ic postural correction" correction o)

     breathing patterns an% correction o) postural perception.

    History of Katharina Schroth's method of scoliosis treatment

    he histor$ o) conservative treatment o) scoliosis is rather long an% lea%s us bac, to the

    original metho%s o) ippocrates 64*03;0 . lthough more than two thousan% $ears

    have passe% since the centur$ o) ippocrates" the main approach o) conservative scoliosis

    treatment has been base% on mechanical viewpoints still in the earl$ 20th Centur$ an% in most

    o) the approaches still eisting to%a$. Correction eercises were wi%el$ %istribute% in whole

    o) ?urope %uring the last two centuries@ some o) them were using three therapists )or one

     patient 6#igure 6#igure19 19 %uring scoliosis correction =2>.


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    #igure 1

    Mechanical approach with curvature redression with the help of three therapists in the

    approach used by Oldevig =2"12>.

    he histor$ o) the !chroth metho% is a histor$ involving the pro)essional wor, o) three

    generations. he initiation o) the programme was the result o) atharina !chroths stu%ies

    6%%itional )ile 1 an% 29" in part a %evelopment )rom stu%$ing her own bo%$" her own spinal

    )unction an% the corrective movements possible. Mirror monitoring pla$s an important role in

    the original !chroth programme so as to allow s$nchroniing the corrective movement an% the

     postural perception with the visual input 6#igure 6#igure29. 29. s breathing an% its )unctional

    correction pla$e% an important role" her )irst pamphlet )ocuse% on breathing in general =3> an%later on also %escribing the importance o) postural perception b$ the patient an% its

    improvement with the help o) speci)ic correction eercises =4">.

    #igure 2

    Patient with a large thoracic curvature exercising on her own in front of a mirror . Mirror 

    monitoring pla$s an important role in the original !chroth programme so as to allow

    s$nchroniing the corrective movement an% the postural perception with the visual ...

    +n the ;0s Christa 7ehnert!chroth )urther %evelope% the metho% an% intro%uce% a simple

    classi)ication" which is still use% to%a$ b$ ph$siotherapists 6#igure 6#igure39. 39. %%itionall$"

    she %iscovere% the importance o) the lumbosacral 6counter9 curve 64th Curve9 )or pattern

    speci)ic postural correction an% %escribe% all this in her boo," which was )irst publishe% in1&;3 an% is now available in the ;th e%ition =*>. his historicall$ important boo, is also

    available in ?nglish an% orean =;>.

    #igure 3

    The original classification according to Lehnert-Schroth. An the le)t the Three Curve

     Pattern with the shoul%er" thoracic an% lumbopelvic bloc, %eviate% against each other in the

    )rontal plane an% also rotate% against each other. An the right the Four  ...


  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    +n the &0s" 'r. Bigo an% the author constantl$ improve% the programme an% as a result o) this

    collaboration the boo, - an% the boo, was

    translate% into !panish =&>.

    +n 2010 the latest %evelopments were publishe% inclu%ing new e%ucational approaches an% the

    correction o) the sagittal pro)ile =10"11> an% now the 3r% e%ition o) the (erman boo,


    he histor$ o) all this" however began in ?ast (erman$ in the )irst %eca%e o) the last centur$:

    How it all started

    atharina !chroth" born #ebruar$ 22n% 18&4 in 'res%en (erman$" was su))ering )rom a

    mo%erate scoliosis hersel) an% un%erwent treatment with a steel brace at the age o) 1* be)ore

    she %eci%e% to %evelop a more )unctional approach o) treatment )or hersel) 61&109.

    +nspire% b$ a balloon" she trie% to correct b$ breathing awa$ the %e)ormities o) her own trun,

     b$ in)lating the concavities o) her bo%$ selectivel$ in )ront o) a mirror. !he also trie% to

    -mirror the %e)ormit$" b$ overcorrecting with the help o) certain pattern speci)ic corrective

    movements. %%itionall$" she recognie% that postural control can onl$ be achieve% b$

    changing postural perception. hese aspects were publishe% as earl$ as 1&24 an% later on =3

    > an% were elaborate% even more %uring the )irst %eca%e o) her pro)essional career as a


    atharina !chroth began her pro)essional li)e as a teacher at a .



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    ' group of patients with large curvatures exercising in the garden of the little institute

    run by atharina Schroth in the $%&s in Meissen. =istorical picture )rom the picture

    %atabase o) Christa 7ehnert!chroth>.

    #igure *

    (ndividual training of a patient by )hrista Schroth* daughter of atharina Schroth in

    the +%&s. =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase o) Christa 7ehnert!chroth>.

    #igure ;

    (ndividual training of another patient by )hrista Schroth* daughter of atharina

    Schroth in the +%&s. =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase o) Christa 7ehnert!chroth>.

    'uring that time" patients with curvatures ecee%ing 80D with huge rib humps an% ver$ sti))

    %e)ormities o) %i))erent origins were the main attraction 6#igure 6#igure8" 8" "& & an% an%10 109.

    #igure 8

    ' typical patient with a large curvature as treated in atharina Schroth&s first institutein the $%&s in Meissen. =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase o) Christa 7ehnert



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    #igure &

    'nother typical patient with a large curvature as treated in atharina Schroth&s

    institute. =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase o) Christa 7ehnert!chroth" (ottleuba

    1&0" secon% !chroth institute" ?ast (erman$>.

    #igure 10

    ' small group of patients with large curvatures exercising in front of mirrors to allow

    the monitoring of the progress of correction. =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase

    o) Christa 7ehnert!chroth" Meissen 1&44>.

  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    #igure 13

    ran/ Schroth* atharina Schroth&s husband* assisted in patient training regularly.

    =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase o) Christa 7ehnert!chroth>.

    s earl$ as in the late 20s o) the last centur$ a battle o) metho%s began. Pro)essor )rom

    7eipig 6Pro). !chee%e9" where o))a eercises were per)orme%" )ought against the little

    centre o) atharina !chroth heavil$ as she was neither a pro)essional trainer" nor a ph$sician"

     but ha% starte% her programme as a schoolteacher who )ollowe% a class o) g$mnasts a)ter sheha% starte% her insitute.

    )ter orl% ar ++ atharina !chroth was )orce% to leave her little institute in Meissen.

  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    #igure 1

    1xercise setting in the new institute in Sobernheim !older of the Sanatorium Lehnert-

    Schroth in the 0%&s#. =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase o) Christa 7ehnert


    #igure 1*

    'dalbert Lehnert and )hrista Lehnert-Schroth treating a patient with significant rib

    hump together in the early 0%&s in the new institute in Sobernheim. =istorical picture

    )rom the picture %atabase o) Christa 7ehnert!chroth>.

    +n the ;0s a series o) investigations were carrie% out with respect to vital capacit$improvements an% improvement o) car%iopulmonar$ )unction contributing to the

    ac,nowle%gement o) the metho% at some universities =13"14>.

    +t was also in the ;0s" when the impact o) the lumbosacral curve on the correction o) certain

    curve patterns was %iscovere% =1"1*>.

    Christa 7ehnert!chroth recognie% the spontaneous correction o) a )unctional leg length

    %iscrepanc$ Eust b$ straightening the lumbar curve =1>.

    +n the 80s the institute" -!anatorium 7ehnert!chroth was rename% to -atharina !chrothlini, while atharina !chroth was not as active as in the *0s an% earl$ ;0s. Fevertheless"

    she )ought constantl$ )or her metho% o) treatment an% ha% lots o) arguments with pro)essors

    )rom %i))erent (erman universities.

    More emphasis at that time was lai% upon the correction o) pelvic as$mmetries to a%%ress the

    lumbosacral curve an% un)ortunatel$ the power)ul corrections initiall$ %e)ining the treatment

    o) atharina !chroth were increasingl$ lost.

    his was the time o) ma,ing the treatment more an% more complicate%" )ocusing on little

    %eviations while the main curvature correction was %ri)ting out o) sight.


  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    More patients with curvature angles o) less than 40D an% t$pical )latbac, %e)ormities were

    treate%" but there was no real %evelopment towar%s a s$stematical correction o) the sagittal

     pro)ile. hile the original programme was )or thoracic curves ecee%ing 80D with trun,

    rotations an% rib humps lea%ing to a more ,$photic inclination o) the trun," the mo%erate

    curvatures were a%%resse% 5uite well in the )rontal an% coronal plane" but the sagittal pro)ilewas still un%erestimate%. he onl$ correction o) a thoracic )latbac, was through rotational

     breathing while the starting positions o) the eercises was still with both arms in elevation

    increasing the )latbac, %e)ormit$ 6#igure 6#igure1; 1; an% an%18 189.

    #igure 1;

    Typical exercise setting in the atharina Schroth lini" in 2ad Sobernheim. he

    elevation o) both arms lea%s to an increase o) the )latbac, %e)ormit$ =12>.

    #igure 18

    'nother patient in the typical exercise setting in the atharina Schroth lini" in 2ad

    Sobernheim. he elevation o) both arms lea%s to an increase o) the )latbac, %e)ormit$ =12>.

    First investigations-first scientific evidencet this time" )irst stu%ies were complete% an% the patient series )or the )irst prospective

    controlle% trial was %erive% )rom the patient samples o) 1&8&1&&1" a sample )irst publishe% in

    1&& as a prospective stu%$ in (erman =1;>" 1&&; in ?nglish =18> an% later on inclu%ing age

    an% se matche% controls )rom another regional stu%$ on untreate% patients as a prospective

    controlle% stu%$ =1&>. !tu%ies on the improvement o) car%iopulmonar$ capacit$" vital capacit$

    improvement" electrom$ograph$ an% in)luence o) the treatment o) pain )ollowe% =2024>.

    Most o) the stu%ies were cohort stu%ies in a pre/postintervention %esign an% there were no

    mi% or longterm )ollowups. Fevertheless" huge numbers o) patients were investigate%. ;&4Patients were investigate% with the ?C( showing that even signs o) mani)est right car%iac


  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    strain were re%uce% highl$ signi)icantl$ a)ter an inpatient rehabilitation o) * wee,s using the

    !chroth programme =20>. More than 800 Patients were material )or the stu%$ on vital capacit$

    an% rib mobilit$ publishe% in !pine 1&&1 =21>" the material in the stu%$ on muscle activit$

    re%uctions a)ter intensive rehabilitation consiste% o) more than 300 patients =22>.

    he onl$ mi%term stu%$ with a )ollowup o) more than a 30 months perio% was the one with

    the cohort treate% between 1&8& an% 1&&1 )irst publishe% in the ?nglish language in 1&&;

    =18>" which was the basis )or our prospective controlle% trial publishe% in 2003 =1&>.

    'uring the &0s there was some %evelopment with respect to the correction o) thoracolumbar

    curves inclu%ing the %erotational e))ect o) the psoas muscle. More an% more eercises were

     per)orme% in horiontal positions with as man$ corrective tools as possible" surel$ not

    available %uring the patients home programmes 6#igure 6#igure1& 1&9.

    #igure 1&

    Typical treatment in the 's"lepios centre in 2ad Sobernheim with very many tools not

    available at home* lying on the floor not using the automated postural correction by

    using the corrective postural reflex activation =12>.

    +n the 80s the author per)orme% an anal$sis o) the %i))erent aspects o) the original !chroth

    metho% =2>. Ane o) the most important )actors o) the original !chroth metho% was the

    automate% precorrection o) the %e)ormit$ with the help o) postural re)le activit$ in certainas$mmetric upright starting positions. he eercise began precorrecte% with the help o)

     postural re)le activit$ in upright as$mmetric starting positions an% the eercise itsel)

    increase% this precorrection 6#igure 6#igure20 209.

    #igure 20

    Starting position of the muscle cylinder& exercise. .

    +n horiontal starting positions these precorrections %ue to postural re)le activit$ coul% not be

    achieve% an% there)ore these postural corrections cannot be regar%e% as e))ective in beginning

    an eercise in as$mmetric upright postition.

    he programme was getting more comple an% complicate% %uring the &0s" but a clear

    %irection o) %evelopment was no longer visible. hile brace treatment constantl$ %evelope%

    an% improve%" the eercise programme lost its e))ectiveness compare% to other centres a)ter


  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    the atharina !chroth lini, was ta,en over b$ s,lepios in 1&&. he groups o) sometimes

    11* patients were too big )or signi)icant gains an% with onl$ one therapist.

    he same programme was also per)orme% at that time in the ?lena !alva +nstitute in


    here)ore" to%a$ bracing in the patient at ris, has to be regar%e% as the primar$ treatment

    6#igure 6#igure21 21 an% an%229. 229. e have been able to cut the training times b$ a%apting

    the ol% techni5ues =31> an% intro%ucing new )orms o) postural e%ucation 6sagittal correction"

    '7 correction an% eperiencial learning9 while the programme is still base% on the original

    approaches o) the 3%imensional treatment accor%ing to atharina !chroth" namel$ speci)ic

     postural correction" correction o) the scoliotic breathing patterns an% correction o) postural

     perception =32>.

    #igure 21

    3ood in-brace correction in todays& bracing standard. n overcorrection has been

    achieve% in the single thoracic curve pattern.


  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    #igure 22

    3ood in-brace correction in todays& bracing standard. su))icient correction has been

    achieve% in the single thoracolumbar curve pattern. )ter * months o) treatment the

    improvement o) the trun, %e)ormit$ is clearl$ visible in the sur)ace topograph$ ...

    o%a$" especiall$ towar%s the en% o) the bracing perio%" more intensive ph$siotherap$ is

    a%visable. owever to%a$s programme )ocusses on the activities o) %ail$ living 6'79 in

    or%er to avoi% losing postural control in ever%a$ activit$.

    30 minutes o) eercising is useless when the curve is loa%e% %uring the rest o) the %a$.

    Gnloa%ing the spine an% curve there)ore" is the maEor aim o) the new programme %erive%

    )rom the original. he eercises to%a$ are regar%e% to be important )or gaining postural

    control but not as an eercise per se.

     Fevertheless" the programme has been improve% with respect to the correction o) the sagittal plane an% to%a$ we are again )ostering a postural correction to the highest possible %egree

    6#igure 6#igure239 239 an% here the circle closes again when we loo, at the ol% pictures with

    remar,able corrections achieve% in reall$ large curvatures 6#igure 6#igure24 24 an% an%2 29.

    #igure 23

    )linical overcorrection of a patients with a thoracic curve exceeding +%4 in the 5ew

    Power Schroth& exercise called rog at the pond& =12>.

    #igure 24

    3ood correction effect during an original Schroth exercise in a patient with a very large

    rib hump. his was a corrective eercise %uring the initial %evelopment o) the original

    !chroth programme. 7ater on the eercises were per)orme% %i))erentl$. =istorical ...

    #igure 2

    (mpressive correction of a significant rib hump during an intensive rehabilitation of $-

    months in the old institute in Meissen* 1ast 3ermany before 66 (( . he picture on the

    right is in actice correction. =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase ...


  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    o%a$s -Few Power !chroth programme is %esigne% )or small an% mo%erate curvatures. Ance

    a thoracic curve ecee%s ;0D o) course the original !chroth programme seems to o))er the

    greatest a%vantage )or the patient.

    +n conclusion: he original concept o) atharina !chroth was" an% still is" the appropriate

     programme to a%%ress large curvatures" especiall$ main thoracic curves.

    he latest %evelopments 6-Few Power !chroth as part o) the !coliologicH.

    he basic principles o) the original !chroth concept are still in use to%a$" though a%apte% to

    latest evi%ence. lso the original 7ehnert !chroth classi)ication 6#igure 6#igure39 39 is still in

    use to%a$ but it was augemente% to meet the nee%s arising while appl$ing pattern speci)ic

     braces o) the lates stan%ar% most precisel$ 6#igure 6#igure2* 2*9.

    #igure 2*

    The new augmented classification according to Lehnert-Schroth. his classi)ication is still

     base% on the classical one 6#igure. 39" however more precise. o%a$ this is a big help in

    certain cases %uring ph$siotherap$" but also the basic classi)ication ...

    Go to:

    Competing interests

    he author is a%visor o) oob!colitech" btweiler" (erman$.

    Go to:

    Supplementary aterial

    'dditional file 78

    9escription of the steps to scoliosis correction and also the description of

    contraindications as well. 6Ariginal manuscript b$ atharina !chroth in (erman9. his )ileis not translate% an% use% )or %ocumentation onl$ =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase

    o) Christa 7ehnert!chroth>.

    Clic, here )or )ile61.&M" IP?(9

    'dditional file :8

    9escription of the steps to scoliosis correction and also the description of

    contraindications as well. 6Ariginal manuscript b$ atharina !chroth in (erman9. his )ile

    is not translate% an% use% )or %ocumentation onl$ =istorical picture )rom the picture %atabase

    o) Christa 7ehnert!chroth>.


  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    &. eiss B" Bigo M. #isiotherapia para la ?scoliosis 6

    12. eiss B.

    1&. eiss B" eiss (" Petermann #. +nci%ence o) curvature progression in i%iopathic

    scoliosis patients treate% with scoliosis inpatient rehabilitation 6!+B9: an age an% se

    matche% controlle% stu%$. Pe%iatr Behabil. 2003 IanMar@*619:23O30. =PubMe%>

    20. eiss B"

  • 8/19/2019 History C. Schroth- Articol Pubmed


    21. eiss B. he e))ect o) an eercise programme on JC an% rib mobilit$ in patients

    with +!. !pine.1&&1@1*:88O&3. %oi: 10.10&;/0000;*321&&101000

    0001*. =PubMe%> =Cross Be) >

    22. eiss B. +mbalance o) electrom$ographic activit$ an% ph$sical rehabilitation o) patients with i%iopathic scoliosis. ?ur !pine I. 1&&3 Mar@1649:240O243. %oi:

    10.100;/=Cross Be) >

    23. eiss B. !coliosis relate% pain in a%ultstreatment in)luences. ?ur I Ph$s Me% an%


    24. eiss B" Jerres C" 7ohschmi%t " ?l Abei%i F. Pain an% scoliosisis there an$

    relationship Arthop Pra. 1&&8@34:*02O*0*.

    2. eiss B. ?ine )un,tionsanal$tische =PubMe%> =Cross Be) >

    31. eiss B" !eibel !. !coliosis shortterm rehabilitation 6!!B9a pilot

    investigation. he +nternet Iournal o) Behabilitation. 2010@1 Fumber


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    esse% 2010.


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    32. eiss B. !,olioserehabilitation TualitKtssicherung un% Management. (eorg hieme

    Jerlag" !tuttgart@ 2000.

    33. Wilma " oi,oglu 7. +npatient rehabilitation s$stematic Pub Me% review. he

    +nternet Iournal o) Behabilitation. 2010@1 Fumber1http://www.ispub.com/Eournal/theVinternetVEournalVo)Vrehabilitation/volumeV1Vnum

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    34. eiss B. +ch habe !,oliose. 8. Plaum" Munich@ 2011. in press .
