Histology of the Endocrine Organs 1


Transcript of Histology of the Endocrine Organs 1

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Page 2: Histology of the Endocrine Organs 1


-- MedianMedianeminenceeminence

-- InfundibulumInfundibulum

-- Pars nervosaPars nervosa




-- ParsParstuberalistuberalis

-- ParsParsintermediaintermedia

-- ParsParsdistalisdistalis

anterioranterior posteriorposterior

Parts of the hypophysis:Parts of the hypophysis:

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Slide 67, hypophysis

Plane of cutting:Plane of cutting:horizontalhorizontal

Staining method: hematoxylinStaining method: hematoxylin--eosineosin

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Slide 67, hypophysis, H&E, 4x

Neurohypophysis:Neurohypophysis:pars nervosapars nervosa

Adenohypophysis:Adenohypophysis:pars intermediapars intermedia

Adenohypophysis:Adenohypophysis:pars distalispars distalis

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Slide 67, hypophysis pars nervosa, H&E, 40x




axons(hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract)

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Slide 67, hypophysis pars intermedia, H&E, 40x

cyst filled with colloidcyst filled with colloid

simple cuboidal epitheliumsimple cuboidal epithelium

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The cell types of the adenohypophysis


Cell type

Staining (H&E)







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Slide 67, hypophysis pars distalis, H&E, 40x

acidophil cellsacidophil cellsbasophil cellsbasophil cells

chromophobe cellchromophobe cell

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To identify the parts of the hypophysisand the structures listed:

Pars nervosa: capillaries, pituicytesPars intermedia: cysts filled with colloidPars distalis: chromophobe, acidophil, basophil cells

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Magnocellular nuclei:Magnocellular nuclei:Hormone secreted:Hormone secreted:

oxytocin, vasopressinoxytocin, vasopressinAxon terminals:Axon terminals:

pars nervosapars nervosaE.g.:E.g.:nucl. paraventricularisnucl. paraventricularisnucl. supraopticusnucl. supraopticus

Parvocellular nuclei:Parvocellular nuclei:Hormone secreted:Hormone secreted:

releasing / inhibitingreleasing / inhibitinghormoneshormones(pl. CRF, TRH)(pl. CRF, TRH)

Axon terminals:Axon terminals:infundibuluminfundibulum

E.g.:E.g.:nucl. arcuatusnucl. arcuatus

The hypothalamoThe hypothalamo--hypophyseal systemhypophyseal system

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Slide 85, hypothalamus:magnocellular nuclei

Staining method:oxytocin immunocyto-chemistry



cerebrumOrigin of the section: rat brain

Plane ofcutting:frontal

nucl. paraventricularis

nucl. supraopticus

Cortex cerebri


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nucl. paraventricularis

nucl. supraopticus

axons(hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract)

optic tract


Slide 85, hypothalamus, oxytocin immunocytochemistry, 4x

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Slide 85, nucl. supraopticus, oxytocin immunocytochemistry, 40x

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To identify the magnocellular nuclei of the hypothalamus

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The histology of the thyroid gland

Follicles:Follicular epithelium:- simple cuboidal- follicular epithelial cells (thyreocytes)-Microvilli on the apical surface- endodermal origin- triiodothyronine (T3) / thyroxin (T4)Parafollicular (C) cells:

- Between the follicles,bellow the follicular cells- Ectodermal origin- calcitonin


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Slide 68, thyroid gland, H&E, 4x

connective tissue septum


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Slide 68, thyroid gland, H&E, 40x




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The synthesis of thyroglobulincolloid

The uptake of circulating iodide: 30-40x concentration colloid

Iodination of tyrosine residues in the colloid: on the surface of the microvilli

Colloid pinocytosis

Pinocytotic vesicles fusion with lysosomes cleavage of active hormones

T3 / T4 capillaries

The synthesis of hormones by the follicular cells

Synthesis colloid pinocytosis

roughendoplasmicreticulum iodide capillary

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To identify the follicles of the thyroid gland

To examine the follicular epithelium