His will your way pres[1]


Transcript of His will your way pres[1]

As a contemporary pastor, I have realized that many people have wrong ideas regarding my theology. They assume that being contemporary will spoil my theology, actually they do not notice that our generation is a Generation that has many questions regarding God, Jesus and the Bible and the only person who can answer those questions are contemporary pastors. Being a contemporary pastor means that you went to a theological school and it also suggest that you have many ideas and ways that can enhance the kingdom of God.

Know who you are in the bible because outside the bible you are just another person

Whether we love it or not God is the only way to himself, he has given us a manual to follow so that we may know him.

Seth Godin

Challenge religion and people are wondering if you are challenging their faith.

The bible has always been a clear book. So many people write books and they over-exaggerate or hyperbole the scripture which in turn will make them twist (distort) the scripture making it loose its value, meaning and importance.

In most cases the church is defined by their morals and values, which most of them are derived from cultural ethics.

In our contemporary world today there are many people that are preaching wrong theologies.

This book is relevant to us today because we need to hold fast to our belief no matter the cost.

We can never know and understand the will of God if we cannot find ourselves in the word, for it is through a rough study and understanding the word that we know God and His will.

Stephen M. Miller

The idea of a resurrection into eternal life didn’t seem to show up in the Bible until an angel introduced it to prophet Daniel in the 500s BC.

The Jesus that we serve is not somewhat the sweet Jesus, he is not this Jesus that when you look at him you would think ‘ah shame, he loves me’, the Jesus that we serve he is not like a boyfriend who is supposed to make a girl blush when he comes by, but he is Lord, he is King, he is God.

The Jews all knew God as the keeper of his word the problem with the Jews was not about Jesus coming and why he is coming, they had a problem with the how he will come and how will we know its him.

His will your way was meant to make clear the way that the Lord Jesus has called us too.

Truth be told most of the theologies that people have are hard to believe because they wake up in morning and twist or allegorize the scripture, but his will your way came directly from the bible and by the help of the holy Spirit I was able to complete what he gave to me.

I have come to realize in my pastoral life that God's most important will for us is to be reconciled with him

The bible is a story of stories, a story that marvels every living person in this world, every generation. We marvel at the story because God wrote the story, through generations God showed us from the children of Israelites that he is God and he wants us to be reconcile to him, if we do not follow on to his will then we will die the second death where we live for all eternity without the presence of God.

God showed us from the beginning that his will was for men to live with him for all eternity. Since men have fallen we have to be reconciled to God, which is the will of God.

His will your way is intended to inspire people to study and know who their God is and who they are serving but most importantly which one is the correct way they should follow by.

Stephen M. Miller

If Jesus wanted an easy life on earth, he showed up at the

wrong time.

He came to die for the sin of the whole world.

When Jesus came in this world he came as the lamb sent by God to be a guilt offering for our lives.

The hypostatic union did not just happen like he fell from the sky.

He had to live and breathe and be birthed into this world like all men. He had to be like one of us, yet keep the standard of Holiness as He is God.

Mankind depended on him and still depends on him for salvation today.

Culture is centered on beliefs and most of them were religious.

They crucified him because he came with the new culture.

This inspirational story has been told over the ages, from generation to generation the story never changes.

Theology was not meant to cause confusion but clarity.

We have indeed hyperbole the whole story of Jesus; from his birth to his ascension we have allegorized the inspirational story of Jesus Christ.

Jesus story is inspirational because he placed aside his power (Phil 2:7) and sympathized with us.

What made him different was the deity that he Kenosis.

He needed the Holy Spirit to do everything he did.

In his manhood he had compassion or rather he loved.

Jesus broke the law and through the Jewish law he would be.

He was considered a cast out and he did it so that we may belong.

There are so many questions in this world that are too difficult to answer, but this is one of those easy questions that most people answer without thinking or hesitating.

Sin is the separating of oneself from the will, the word and the way of the Lord for your life, it is also known as disobedience.


His Will

Your Way