Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Savior of ww2

Transcript of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


and Nagasaki the

Savior of ww2

What is happening

• In 1939 the war starts Hitler starts invading Poland. England and France declares war on Germany

• In 1941 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and the US now enters the war.

• In 1942 the battle of midway is won by the US.

• The massacre of the Jews begins in Auschwitz.

• In 1945 the soviets reach Germany, Hitler dies and Truman replaces Roosevelt.

• War ends with the dropping of the atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The bombing of Hiroshima

• Truman’s goal was to end this never-ending war with this powerful weapon or else this war would have killed more people

• Hiroshima was nicknamed “Little Boy” and contained 9,000 pound Uranium-235

• Being president of the US Trumann had to stop this never-ending war.

• Since the Manhattan project had been going on for a while Trumann had decided to continue and now use it on an opponent

• Trumann stated “ All of us realized that the fighting would be fierce, and one of our general told me that it might cost half

The Bombing of

Nagasaki• The devastation of Hiroshima still had not

persuaded the Japanese to surrender so Trumann had decided to send another bomb on the city of Nagasaki.

• This time the bomb was named “ Fat Man” since it weighed 10,000 pounds and was built to produce a 22-kiloton blast which only destroyed 2.6 square miles of the city.

• On the day of the 15 of August the Japanese emperor Hirohito finally decided to surrender. This day was known as “ V-J Day” or “Victory in Japan Day”

• At the end, Secretary of War Harry Stimson stated forward the bomb “ This probably presents the greatest achievements of the combined efforts of science industry labor, and the military in all history.”

The end of the War

• In 1945 Germany had surrendered,

because Russia and the US had

came in and freed all of the camps.

• The Japanese had surrendered

because of the dropping of the bomb

which also mainly marked the ending

of WW2.