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Transcript of Hinduism

HINDUISM AND DARK TRADITIONS by Tani JantsangPhil and I wrote from varied points of view on the SAME SUBJECT: dark force. This all because we were ASKED TO more than once and shown things which hint that there are people out there that WANT TO REALLY KNOW.Meanwhile, there are those as qualified as Phil is to tell them this that also have a computer. One thing Phil has over some of them: he is well able to see just WHAT IT IS they are NOT getting (like about light forces), and, like a teacher would, correct their error which enables one to THEN explain "dark force." He knows not only the physics/chemistry language, but also the "occult" language FOR REAL. Many are unaware of "what they DON'T GET or KNOW" and/or are not qualified to explain it technically, and/or understand the corresponding "occult" terms: and there are NO BOOKS on the market that do this; tho some university texts on this are pretty accurate but are very hard to understand.I'm able to make it concrete, spell it out, and show that they DO think like xians because they FEEL as xians always felt: ergo they ARE xians.I admit we use various words, such as "photon," differently from modern physics, tho physics does NOT DISAGREE with it. Our use is more inclusive of other things: SYNTHETIC. (CF Package of Doctrine*, last page of "Lucifer Versus Satan" on "PHOS.")I admit that while it is official that "EM holds walls together," we tend to DISAGREE and qualify that statement by saying that "EM ONLY IN PRESENSE OF DEMIURGE* does this when the whole-connected DEMIURGE/EM EXISTS IN this KIND of space/time." (Walls do not hold together in black holes, primarily, we say, because SPACE/TIME gets sucked down the drain!)When we say space/time, we mean ONE THING, not two things connected and not THREE THINGS connected as we CAN SEPARATE IT into THREE things: 1. space (kyklos), 2. not-space (mychos), and 3. time (kronos). THREE things. This is not physics: YET! As these three things exist IN AN INTERWOVEN COSMOS (we have a term for this: FOHAT), one can KNOW them by their numbers which are IN ALL THINGS: pi, e, and phi. It is the pattern IN WHICH things are molded.Much of the following information is from NAGA texts and shown accurately in the Princeton University Bollinger Foundation series AT LAST!Keep in mind, EVERY SINGLE anthropomorphic thing we ever made were FIC- TIONS, pictograms: NOT DEITIES! One can honestly say that ONLY the West has been stupid enough to consistently misunderstand this. One might say that people in India from these clans are superstitious, but Ramanajuan who claimed that "Namagiri told him answers" happened to get the RIGHT answers and is the 20th century's GREATEST mathematician. What did the man MEAN when he said "Namagiri told him?" The stupid Brits never asked. Instead, they had to try to HOLD ONTO him, drag him to Britain, there he felt SUFFOCATED and died.The SUBstratum of existence itself (of particles, etc.) is SAT! Demiurge is PRANA: the protons/neutrons that BIND THE ATOMS INTO SHAPE/FORM and MAKE things OF SUBSTANCE (matter), but this acts in CONJUNCTION WITH space/ time and can't act apart from it or outside it. These protons/neutrons as APART from the space/time (a Platonic Form) prior to the Cosmos are called: AP. When we Pythagoreans say Demiurge, we mean BOTH the Form of this existent alone, and the thing-in-matter, and the ROOT/FOUNDATION IN LIVING ANIMATE matter: SYNTHETIC meaning. In dealing with the reality we live in, and which lives in us, we tend to talk about the thing-as-it-is-here-now. The mathematical form this Cosmos (or our portion of it) is set in, how it is built, the WAY it is built, is FOHAT. I.e., the FOHAT near a black hole is DIFFERENT. I would assume the FOHAT in dark matter is different too elsewise it wouldn't BE dark!The space that exists between you and me or earth and sun is: ANTARIKSHA, no one uses this anymore, one might term this space as "DISTANCE." But this Antariksha is NOT "Space Itself which exists IN you and IN WHICH YOU exist!" I.e., it is not the CONCEPT "space" which people tend to forget is what GRAVITY IS. We'd tend to write space between you and I as "space," with a small "s," but the other would be written "Space" with the capital "S." That's because English and most other Western languages do not have ANY WORDS for these concepts.We say that from the point of view of METAphysics (by that WE do not mean mystical rubbish), Time precedes Space and is PRIOR TO and MORE IMPORTANT THAN Space; but from the point of view of cosmology, Space is more important.Time which is pre-eminent over Space is called MAHAKALA: Time with a capital "T." This has NOTHING to do with relative time or motion at all. It has NOTHING to do with time as we perceive it in life in the "PHENOMENAL WORLD," as we call it: hence PHENOMENALISM. That would be "time" with a small "t."The principle of LOCATION in Space (not Time) is SATTVA. Sattva is the TENDENCY FOR things to have an existence and location in Space; whereas Mahakala (Time) is the TENDENCY TO EXPAND AND DESTROY the things that have their existence/location in Space!The word for this expansion and destruction that time does is: TAMAS. Tamas has to do with this Absolute-Time, Mahakala -- not with motion or perceived time at all which is called PHENOMENAL TIME which is relative, you feel it, you are late to work, you grow old, time told by motion; that phenomenal time is called MAYA (so you see, MAYA does NOT mean "illusion" nor does it imply anything "evil" as the STUPID WESTERN FOOLS think it means when they "GET INTO" Tantra to escape themselves).The space that you are in and which is in you individually is called LOKA. Each LOKA is "ruled by Brahma" which means IMMENSE SPACE/TIME. Loka are INDIVIDUAL SPHERES: you can not occupy same space/time as another -- that is "against the Law." That IS modern physics, now.People, now we are talking about human beings here, earthlings, can SHARE loka. Hence, NAGALOKA, KAMALOKA and then PRETALOKA.Space (the shape of it) and Demiurge are what we see as HOLDING TOGETHER -- yet Time and "Inertia" are what PULLS APART and DESTROYS.Brahma also has synthetic meaning having to do with LIVING THINGS, not just particles as I'm dealing with here, and that is ATMA: see article in Package of Doctrines on the Vidanta and SAT AND ASAT.Before there can be location, place, dimension, there must be some THING to locate, some sort of existence. There can be no location of the NON-existent! Ergo: the principle of existence pre-exists Space. (Consider that protons EXIST, they don't non-exist. OK?)Time exists only in relation to PERCEPTION. A nonperceived Time can have no extension, cannot be the measure of a THING (proton is a thing that would be doing the PERCEIVING here: DO NOT anthropomorphise it). Ergo: the principle of perception pre-exists Time.The substratum of Time then, is experience/enjoyment: ANANDA. The substratum of Thought is consciousness: CIT.The first undifferentiated (like Sat is, a symmetry) POTENTIAL perception of experience corresponds to pure, absolute ENJOYMENT which is the innermost NATURE OF existence. (Consider what we say here, that proton, etc. would "do their thing" out of ENJOYMENT; that ALL THINGS OF BEING do things out of enjoyment).Then, said to humans: "Know the principle (BRAHMAN means principle) to be enjoyment. From enjoyment are all beings born; once born they are sustained by enjoyment and leave this world to return into enjoyment. There is NO experience, NO enjoyment WITHOUT BEING and, subsequently, NO BEING without experience and enjoyment! (GRASP what klippoths are in the West that only see existence as suffering and who shun enjoyment by trying to CONTROL it; and who went all over the world and SPREAD their misery to others who once lived in harmony: GRASP THE ENORMITY OF THIS.)Our meaning for "enjoyment" (ANANDA or svaprakasa-SATta): enjoyment is something OTHER THAN sensation and we mean that existence is the form of enjoyment FREED FROM the notion of "INERTIA" (which is stasis or an attempt to defy entropic Second Law which CAN NOT BE defied! [Hail Satan!!]) BINGO! (And they wonder WHY they feel like outcasts? They should simply CONCLUDE why, but even that's a secret from them as if they are so much their own curse, they are DAMNED to never even know this. At least the xians knew why they felt this way: they were CURSED!).We equate enjoyment with BEING as if they are one and the same thing. Klippoths perceive being as suffering and for that we see them as non-being and EVIL (in a real sense, not neo-satanic playing with words here.) Evil is that which IS against IT-SELF -- that which is against its own BEING! Thanatos in Greek. Photons never move against themselves, ergo photons are always enjoying. (They travel FAST too....and light up our lives!....joke).SHIVA is the PRINCIPLE OF "ever expansion/destruction" of universe. (NOT some STUPID god of evil or destruction as the Western people imagine it.) Shiva is the PRINCIPLE OF TIME, the destroyer, the disintigrator and yet at the same time Shiva is the EMBODYMENT of experience/enjoyment! VISHNU is pervader/preserver, akin to Space. Brahma is immense/revolving space/time. In other words, SHIVA is a PRINCIPLE OF TAMAS; VISHNU is a PRINCIPLE OF SATTVA. But Tamas and Sattva are NOT principles.Pythagoreanism tends to merge these VERY subtle differences, but we DO NOT lose sight of them.SVABHAVAT is closest to meaning the MOLDING STUFF that molds THE STUFF: the 3 gates, or e/pi/phi, but as seen as ONE THING. Each universe or Loka has a GUHA -- a HYPER-space IN WHICH the Space exists. WHERE space which has physical location exists the word is AKASHA (not stupid rubbish of akashic record JUNK).The MATERIAL CAUSE of the universe (coming into being) is the AP (Demiurge). BRAHMA is in between Vishnu and Shiva. BRAHMA is "IMMENSE REVOLVING SPACE/TIME." It is an ORIENTED MEDIUM of location as in physics: SPACE/ TIME.THAT is what OUR WORDS MEAN. HINDUISM AND DARK TRADITIONS, Part 2 by Tani JantsangThe words defined in Part 1 are words written in pre-Aryan India By NAGA (name means Serpents) which Aryans tried to grasp and TO-DATE fail miserably at grasping. These are the words of MY NAGA PEOPLE as written by people who FELT IT and KNEW IT.Trash ALL things written by STUPID ARYANS who were the only ones that tried to copy this down as if to OWN it, trash all the JUNK written about "Trinities." They are worthless junk, the babblings of monkishly moronic minds INCAPABLE of grasping a WORD WE EVER SAID.The Princeton University, Bollinger Foundation book dug up SOME of this, far from all of it. They admit that the Aryans NEVER grasped it because they were stupid brutes who tried to lord it over the Naga who then fled and became a distant memory that they put into silly mythology later on.There is nothing wrong with a stupid brute: a gorilla is a stupid brute, sort of, and there is nothing wrong with gorillas. They are perfect animals. But the Aryan invaders of India were and are more than that.They are a race that tends to see SUFFERING as existence and enjoyment as EVIL: they CURSE BEING ITSELF and/or wage a WAR against it and all people who ARE "BEING." GRASP THE ENORMITY. They do not LET time be, they try to CONTROL it all.They are ruthlessly patriarchal and even try to control the domain of the WOMB. As to sexualities they are insanely paranoid and cruel. When the tyrant/husband died, they had to kill the wife too; even the Scandinavians carried this practice out: the Catholics banned it!That they are now doing the same kind of MORONIC JUNK with traditional physics/science language should be EXPECTED! They always did this: they INSIST they are right as they PRETEND to be the authorities on what others had to say. What we had to SAY OF THEM was they heralded the Kali-Yuga -- an age of NON-BEING, of negative anima, of destruction (not just of other people and their OWN WOMEN, but of ENTIRE ECO-SYSTEM).The Kaballa words are words that have UNKNOWN meanings. The translations can make NO SENSE since the middle column tends to refer to the "light stuff" and the left and right columns can ONLY be grasped IF YOU HAVE THE PENTACLE stuff, which is The Key to all of it -- which most Jews NEVER HAD!There are only TWO TIMES in the history of the ancient world that people came up with the idea of ATOMIC MATTER: Nagas in India, Pelasgians in Greece: SAME RACE. The Pelasgians called it ATOM and this name was taken by modern physics FROM THAT ORIGINAL IDEA.We say further, that space/time would NOT BE CURVED but would be PENTA- CULAR if not for the Demiurge. ODDLY and MYSTERIOUSLY, Plato remarked that the dodecohedron, which has pentagons for faces, was "most like the cosmos." NO ONE understood what he meant except those FOR WHOM he said these words. Top modern physicist Roger Penrose played with PENTALCLES as a kid (one of his two latest books he said this: called Penrose's Tiling!). There are all kinds of relations to e and phi in the dodecohedron only JUST discovered. Napier's Constant eh? WHO is Napier? Did he live 10 thousand years ago when the NAGA wrote this down FIRST? HA!PEOPLE DO NOT REALIZE THE ENORMITY of all of this. OH, there are those who do and remain as quiet as I used to be about it. And then there is Tippler: a physicist who went insane and probably had a predisposition to this long ago. And there he is, finding heaven thru Einstein's General Relativity Theory and "seeing" men and women having PERFECT unions inside the Big Crunch. (How about dogs and cats?) God of course, is the Master Computer that can, "poof" ala Barbara Eden just MAKE stuff appear. They always XEPER eventually into their True Form: morons full of FAITH. Faith above ALL.Stick this, if you wish, with the portion of Package of Doctrines that deals with ASAT and SAT from the being-state point of view.When we talk about things that would be considered physics now in the 20th century (but not understood prior to that), we never just mean particles. WE ARE particles ourselves. We also mean being-states IN LIVING things, but not necessarily in living things. I.e.: we conceive of "energy down" in chemistry as WILL. Yet the Will is in inanimate things.This is similar to what Amerinds were talking about when they gave all things, including inanimate things, a "manitou," which Westerners thought meant "a spirit." When we say SPIRIT we MEAN DARK FORCE since that force is the ONLY THING that is NOT energy or matter. BREATH is more like it: SPIRITOS means breath. We do NOT mean a ghost thing living inside something. Nothing of that sort exists. ONLY a dualized person could even conceive of such an absurdity as a soul being inside a body. The body IS A SOUL! It's all ONE THING. The Manitou of Amerinds is akin to what we mean, in that they refer to the NATURE OF THE THING ITSELF -- AS ITSELF (the phenomena of IT and the attributes of IT).No one will ever know if they ever formulated these things as we did. That they knew the days of the year on Venus and such astronomy shows that they were CAPABLE of that kind of thinking. But of course, that's "all lost" -- which is polite talk for saying "WHITES DESTROYED IT." It's not lost -- did they lose it on the way to the store?They balk about POLITICALLY CORRECT SPEECH today, and yet they have DOSED US with politically correct LIES for thousands of years. THEIR lies. Modern "poltically correct speech," e.g., saying a blind man is visually challenged, is NOT a lie. HE IS challenged. Such expressions are not invented for blind people who know damned well they are BLIND -- they are invented for the klippoths who'd PICK ON blind people for no other reason save that they ONLY feel good when they can HURT SOMETHING.Ergo, something never classified or categorized by my kind because such sickness never existed: A PRINCIPLE OF KLIPPOTHIC NATURE is: MALICE. Their only inner-feeling is SELF-LOATHING which leads to them having a Will that can be defined as "FEAR." They FEAR. They close up their hearts IN FEAR, they clench a fist therein and OBJECT TO LIFE: their mantra is "NO!" Their purpose is to turn every single smile into a sour face; their BEING tends to negate joy. They are the ANTI-LIFE and ANTI-BEING. They have a word for this evil they do: they call it "love." Negation of life makes them FEEL GOOD; it alleviates the empty gaping holes of pain they otherwise feel when they can't HARM something.They do it in many ways from the very small to the genocidally huge. When they tell their children to "put on your jacket, it's cold out" they are telling the child what to feel: "FEEL COLD." What if the child is NOT cold? No matter, they have to put on the jacket. Years of this kind of thing necessitates a state of being numb lest they MURDER these parents/tyrants. When they grow up, they grow up NUMB and empty. Then they do what their parents did all over again. That's why they feel detached from nature and outside it: THEY ARE. They have a predisposition toward being this way and their own culture advances it at every single turn in the most subtle (obvious to us) ways. They OBJECT to things that don't concern them. They CAN NOT let things flow to where they'd naturally go to. That is HOW they try to defy Second Law and why the eco-system is in danger now.They'll lose, eventually. No doubt about it. 1st came their woman/hatred/control; 2nd came their agricultural destruction of earth; 3rd WAR.ALL of the things you can see today in India, Hindu cults with rules, regulations, deities with wives and children and family trees of gods -- ALL of this -- was NEVER what was there when Naga knew these things. WHY would anyone consider SPACE a god? ALL of those notions of "bettering yourself" are not Naga -- not a bit of it. That's not enjoyment, that's a CHORE and it was Aryans that came in that invented these CHORES. All that left and right hand rubbish there is the same lunacy -- DUALISM. It was also Aryans that invented the notion of Varna (color) to class races (way back then!) which is scientifically proven to be rubbish. Races exist, but color doesn't make a race. From this color rubbish (they always do that) they invented Laws of Manu and similar ideas to MANI in Persia. They fancied a race of Dravidians called Rakshashas were "devils or demons." STUPID people.We HAVE "Trilochana" which means unity of self which we consider 3-fold: thinking brain, feeling body, and dark-force (akin to logic, sensory perceptions, and instinct). We HAVE them unified: that's what a NAGA IS.Kamarupa (kama form) were people who sort of need to CALM DOWN restless and/or OBSCURING emotions and MERGE them.Preta-rupa (klippoths) are those we knew were UNABLE to do this at all, they have NO ANIMA. Neurology has finally identified this and it is a SPLIT they have. We were always able to SEE this in terms of bioelectricity -- as if SEEING IT in a person (as one might HEAR music well). The West knew of biochemical disorders, but biochemistry IS bioelectricity! Neurology finally sees it in terms of bioelectricity AND chemistry.There is NO left or right Tantra, no such thing. Tantra IS a left handed path because the SPIN of Cosmos is sinistral -- that's all we ever meant. TIME moves sinistrally, as if a left-handed "weak force" as physics calls it. Tantra is NOT sex. The Shakti is NOT a human female or anything human: it's just the dark-force itself.Naga DO kundalini, are able to just DO this; e.g.: we HAVE tumo -- we don't try to learn it (can't be learned, it just CLICKS ON when it's very cold). Western writers CONTINUE to misunderstand.Kama people might be able to learn this, tho I've NEVER seen it. If it involved chemistry that their race doesn't have, then they'll never be able to do it. I.e.: Blacks jump the way they do because of their MUSCLE structure. Well, Naga have different things TOO and the best that can show it today is neurology WHEN THEY FIND one of us to test. Folks wouldn't be too willing to go thru that. (I had to do it due to a car accident.)Preta seem to have less facial musculature than others, as if their faces are numb or stiff. They make less expressions than others do. Their bodies are rigid, AS IF CLENCHED, never flowing, BRACED. They are VERY identifiable to us.Nagaloka 10 thousand years ago was "Meru" (Central Asia including N. India) and the Americas. There was communication between the two groups as can be proven by letters written to each other, preserved in India.During that time, the Dravidians/Indonesians were a great sea-faring nation we called "fish-men," Prachetases. The legend given in Serpents/Adamites is from a LATER REWRITE of the older story since the original books were destroyed in a flood in 6 thousand BC. At least Princeton U ferreted this information out.What we had to say, ALL we had to say was as SIMPLE and easy-going as the dark doctrine I presented in PLAIN ENGLISH. NO RULES of the sort people make today. NO NEED for them. Whites said the same things about Amerinds when they first met them: they had no rules and no need for rules. Animals don't have rules either. They're perfect as they are. Isn't that the same thing Dr. LaVey said? UH....YEAH!When I realize these things are NOT HARDLY as esoteric as I had thought, and that people COULD find out what these things mean and then consider the VOLUMES OF RUBBISH on these things for sale by IDIOTS, I want to EXECUTE THEM!Copyright (c)