Highland Recorder.(Monterey, VA) 1908-07-24.punnui iii. n i niljin LOCALN__W_i PersonalBriefsof...

punnu iii. n i niljin i LOCAL N__W_i __>______... Personal Briefs of People at Home and Abroad Miss Elsie Hiner is visiting friends at Elkins, W. Va, The busy season with the farmer makes the town dull in a business way. Miss Sue Lankford, of Staunton, is visiting her little friend, Miss Marie Crummett. Mrs. H. F. Slaven is visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. W. Cleek, near the Bath-Highland line. Miss Lucile, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Porter, of Augusta, has been visiting in the county for a week or more. Miss Elizabeth Barkman, of Staunton, joined her mother at this place last Friday, Mr. Bark¬ man returning to Staunton on the same day. Mrs. C. M. Lunsford and little son, Charles, have been at the for¬ mer's old home near Meadow Dale since Saturday. For Sale.100 sacks of cement at cost. Address or see H. P. Pat¬ terson, Monterey, Va. 29 4 Mr. W. A. Bussard, who is oper¬ ating a saw-mill plant in the Greenbrier Valley, was in town Wednesday night. Mr. T. H. Slaven, who is quite feeble, got a fall from the steps of his residence Wednesday afternoon, sustaining an injury to his left hip and leg. Mr. John Zirkle, of New Market, who, in his adolescent days spent a few years in Monterey, came in Wednesday evening to visit his aunt, Mrs. Dr I. H. Trimble. Robert and James, little sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Matheny, are sick of billious fever. Both are doing fairly well, though confined to their beds. For Sale.A few choice English Berkshire pigs. Entitled to rigis- try. Apply early, J. Lunsford. On July 16, 1908, at the Metho¬ dist Episcopal parsonage, near Meadow Dale, Va., Mr. Samuel Grogg and Mrs. Nannie A. Myers were united in marriage, Rev. J. A. Brumbaugh officiating. Mr. CM. McClintic, of Clarks¬ burg, W. Va., a native Highlander, is now visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary McClintic, of Jackson's Riv¬ er. Any one wishing to see "Moni¬ tor" I will be glad to show him at my stable, New Hampden, Va. Lee J. Wimer. For sale privately, a good second hand square piano; genuine rose¬ wood case. Terms cash, or note well endorsed. Apply First Na¬ tional Bank, Monterey. I kindly # call attention to the public that I repair and half-sole shoes at moderate cost. Give me a trial. Philip Helmick. Mr. T. S. Zirkle and wife, of Staunton, are enjoying an outing in Highland. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dever, of Mill Gap. Taken.Through a mistake a gray over coat, cuff sleeves, from the clothes' hook of the Hotel Com¬ mercial. As there is one left there, it is supposed the person mad£ the mistake unintentionally. Kindly return the coat to the hotel. The following Montereyans spent Sunday at Bolar: Messrs. Louie Carichoff and Bruce Slaven,. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Carichoff, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Bussard, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slaven. Miss Nellie, daughter of Mr. E. M. Slaven, of Marlinton, is spend¬ ing some time with her grand-par¬ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John K. John¬ ston, of Vanderpool, and other rel¬ atives on this side of Alleghany. Elsewhere in to-day's issue our readers will find a new advertise¬ ment of the Dunsmore Business College, Staunton, Va. The col¬ lege has an established reputation throughout the South, and many a Highland boy has gone out from there to a successful business in life. Mr. S. W. Crummett left Wed¬ nesday morning for Deerfield, the home of his brother, accompanied by his aged father, who had been at Monterey for several weeks. Messrs. A, W. Arbogast, of Mar¬ linton, and C. C. of Keyser, came to town Saturday to see their sis¬ ter, Miss Sallie, of whose illness we spoke in our former issue. We are pleased to report her condition now as very favorable. During her ill¬ ness she has been nursed by Mrs. Lackey, of Buena Vista, who is a friend of the family as well as a trained nurse. In the early stages of her illness, Miss Arbogast was *. moved from Hotel Monterey to the residence of Mr. Clifton Matheny. Delay in commencing treatment for a slight irregularity, that could have been cured quickly by Foley's Kidney Remedy, may result in a serious kidney disease. Foley's Kidney Remedy "builds up the worn out tissues and strengthens these organs. Commence taking it to¬ day. Swadley Bros., Vanderpool. Sold by all druggists, $1,00 gets the recorder for ONE whole ye*r» ¦MI.L I1 .WWI. kt Th !f*fte,vh9 m Rftti, fer Pfum wm\ w*w ag.?, wm fouhd Rt tfork neat* Brauehef a few day* ugfc and arrested by dfflcefe; Mr. R. B-. Rust and family left Wednesday morning for Front Rayal, where they will remain un¬ til tho fall season, when Mr. Rust will resume school work. He is, considering several locations, but had not decided where he would teach. Mr. Rust had charge of the Mt nte ey High School for two sessions, and he gave good satisfac¬ tion as an instrutcor. A message was received by Mr. V. B. Bishop Monday morning, calling him to Elkton on account of the critical illness of his mother. He left at once, but found, on ar¬ rival there, that another member of the household, and not his moth¬ er, was ill. If we are correctly in¬ formed, it was a young man.a member of the family by adoption .and he was buried on Tuesday. Madeline, little daughter of Mr. Samuel Ralston, who has been ill for two weeks or more, is still a great sufferer. Her trouble is due to a fall which resulted in a frac¬ tured bone in one of the lower limbs, and from which serious in¬ ti amation followed.. Twill be at McDowell on August 3rd to remain 5 days. 0. J. Campbell, Dentist. The function of the kidneys is to strain out the impurities of the blood which is constantly passing through them. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes the kidneys healthy and they will strain out all waste matter from the blood. Take Fol¬ ey's Kidney Remedy and it will make you well. Swadley Bros. Vanderpool. Sold by all druggists, Monterey. .-?*-?- Notice to Teachers The School Board of Stonewall District, Highland county, will on the 25th day of July, 1908, appoint teachers for the schools of said dis¬ trict for the term of 1908 and '09. All persons desiring to teach in said district will send their applica¬ tions to the clerk of the Board on or before said date. By order of the Board. S. C. Eagl», Clk. Best The World Affords. "It gives me unbounded pleas¬ ure to recommend Bucklin's Arnica Salve," says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. !'I am con¬ vinced it's the best the world af¬ fords, lt cured a felon on my thumb, and it never fails to heal every sore, burn or wound to which it is applied." 25c at all drug stores. recordeVhonor list New And Renewal Subsclptions 5ince Our Last Issue Renewals.Mrs. Jas. Fleisher, W. H. Gum, Meadow Dale, Lee J. Wimer, John Sponaugle, R. F. D. No. 1, Monterey; Mrs. C. M. Borst, Brandy Station: Rev. J. W. McNiel, Brunswick, Md.; Miss Ella Arbogast, Buena Vista. -. s>.- Notice to Teachers On August 15, 1908, the School Board of Blue Grass Dist, will ap¬ point teachers for the schools of said district for the school term of 1908-09. Those desiring to teach in said district will please send their applications to the clerk of the Board on or before said date. By order of Board. Geo. E. Swecker, Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, The undersigned will receive bids until noon of Aug. 3, 1908 for the construction of the three sections ot the Crabbottom and Alleghany Mountain Road,, extending from the turn in the road below Martin Jack's house, in Crabbottom, across the Lantz mountain and up Middle mountain to the top there¬ of, along the survey made by C. L. Waggoner and other commission- en. The road will be as a whole or in sections to suit the bidders. The road will be built and bids re¬ ceived according to the specifica" lions surveyor's field notes, filed with the report of survey in 'the Clerk's office. Further informa¬ tion will be given by the undersign¬ ed. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. C. L. Waggoner, Wm. Hevener, Commissioners. R.F. D. No. 1, Monterey, Va. FOR SALE CHEAP,.One bug¬ gy, one family carriage, two sets double harness. Apply to A. P. Bickle, Phone 608, Staunton, Va. ' I will sell privately my farm known as the Shinneberry land ly¬ ing in Crabbottom.good for graz¬ ing purposes and well watered, on which Lon Snyder liMes. For terms etc. call on Snyder and the under¬ signed at once as you may miss a bargain. ' W. W. Hevener. For Sale.3 beautiful Farms in the LitMn Levels of Pocahontas c.untv. W. Va 183, 212 and 300 acres andj£ on L¦.eust Creek,* sum* count*, 250 mid 300 acres. 1.000,- 000 ft. of w-hite i>«k and hickory tinier on the 300 tjiore pince. For p*ri idlers write or ch!I on Ed L Varrfu, Lewi-bur^, W. Va. tm rn fm mu% Wkm, Gliwu uii4 kyle hu va pHirchaaed the Samuel Mevenef Spring above town with a view to giving Monterey a water supply, The purchase includes a site, near j the head of the spring, for a reser¬ voir, and they are figuring on bringing it to town in a four-inch pipe. The distance is about 5,000 feet, with a fall of 500 feet. This is the first movement in this direction that has gotten be¬ yond the talkative or theoretical] stage, and the gentlemen who have J the matter in hand should be en¬ couraged in every possible way. It may be only an initial step, and perhaps no more is claimed for it, but it looks to the installing of a water system for the town* the necessity for which is apparent to all of us. The Hevener Spring is a very strong one, the water is excellent, and it has long been recognized as the logical source from which to supply the town. -We are assured that it is a bona fide purchase, the papers being signed, sealed and delivered, and if the measure of our encouragement be the extent of our need, the en¬ terprise will be a success. Lexington Presbytery There was a called meeting of Lexington Prresbytery Tuesday, held in the study of Rev. A. M. Fraser, D. D., of the First Presby¬ terian church, Staunton. Those present were Dr. Fraser, Rev. W. N. Scott, D. D., Rev. Holmes Rolston, Rev. A, H. Hamilton, Rev. J. N. Vandevanter, Rev. C. L. Altfather, Rev. G. L. Brown, Jr., Rev. J. L. Lineweaver, Rev. W. S. Trimble and Rev. W. C. White. The pastoral relation of Rev. Mr. Young, of McDowell church, was dissolved, to take ef¬ fect the last of this month, and he will be transferred to Pickens, W. Va. Owing to the resignation of Mr. Young, the regular fall meet¬ ing of the Presbytery, which was to have been held at McDowell, has been changed to Mount Mom- mouth church, the date being Oc¬ tober 6th' --.*- . Notice to Teachers. The Monterey District School Board has fixed upon Monday, Ju¬ ly 15 as the (late for employing and contracting with teachers for th schools in said district not alreade supplied. Teachers will please ta y notice and file their applications.ke By order of the Board. H. F. Slaven, Clerk. Commissioners' Sale of Valuable Land Pursuant to a decree of the Cir¬ cuit Court of Highland county, ren¬ dered at the July term, 1908, in | the cause therein pending in which j W. H. Matheny is plaintiff and; Lizzie E. Matheny and others are defendants, we will on WEDNESDAY, THE 12TH DAYi OF AUGUST, 1908, offer for sale at public auction, in | front of the courthouse of said county, the following described tracts of land, of which Capt. J. C. Matheny lately died seized, to-wit: 1st. The dwelling house and lot in Monterey consisting of the three lots of the plan of said town, to-! wit, Nos. 54, 55 and 56. 2nd. A lot of about 7 1-2 acres in said town adjoining the lands of Janies Trimble and others. 3rd. A farm lying on Back Creek j in said county described in said de¬ cree as four adjoining tracts, containing respectively 96 acres, one rood and 36 poles, 10 acres; 3 acres and 3 roods, and 41 acres. The several tracts consti¬ tuting this farm are embraced in an inclusive survey, containing 175 acres, more or less. This farm is valuable for farming and grazing, and has on it a dwell¬ ing and the usual outbuildings. Terms.Enough cash will be re^ quired of the purchasers to pay the costs of said suit and sale, and the residue to be paid in one, two and three years from said date, with interest therefrom, and for the deferred payments bonds will be required with approved per¬ sonal security, and the title be re¬ tained as ultimate security. J. W. Stephenson, A. L. Jones, J. M. Colaw, Chas. P. Jones, Commissioners. I, J. Cliff Matheny, Clerk of said Court, hereby certify that the bond required in the above mentioned decree has been executed. J. Cliff Matheny, Clerk. War Against Consumption All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white plague'" that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some unknown preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results. Swadley Bros, Vander¬ pool. Sold by all druggists, Mon¬ terey. wi tmerwti. age and Elisabeth Jane Halterman have l>eeti committed to J. Ed. Ar« bogast, sheriff of Highland county, for settlement. The Clerk received Monday ev- euing a vacation order setting aside the verdict of the jury in the case of Armstrong's Adm'rs vs. Siron, and wife, and granting a new trial. lt will loo recalled that|the jury in this case found for the defendants, ind that a motion was made to set aside thc verdict, the judge reserv¬ ing his decision until vacation. -..*-.- A Revelation It is a revelation to people, the severe cases of lung trouble that lave been cured by Foley's Honey ind Tar. It not only stops the .ough, but heals and strengthens hellings. L. M. Ruggles. Reas- lor, Ia., writes, "The doctors said [ had consumption, and I got no letter until I took Foley's Honey ind Tar. It stopped the hemor¬ rhages and pain in my lungs, and hey are now as sound as a bullet." >wadley Bros., Vanderpool. Sold iy all Druggists, Monterey. In the Circuit Court of tie United States ?or the Western District of Va., at Harrisonburg, Va. rise Highland Deyelopement Co., a cor poration, Complainant, vs. > In Equity rhe unknown heirs .nd personal reprc sejptative. of Thomas Filzsimi_ons, audo'hers. Defendants On this the 2d day of Jul}, 1908, comes he complainant in the above named ause and presents its application foi mblication of a warning order on ihe lefenda.its to the above named cause, iz., the unknown heirs and per onal representatives of Thomas Fitz immons, Benjamin II. Morgan, and .Jer¬ imah Parker, late of the City of Pfiua- lelphin, Pennsylvania,, trustees under a Iced of trust dated January 27th, 1797, xecuted by James Wilson and Hannah Vilson, his wif., and the unknown leirs and personal representatives of Jideon Hill Wells and Robt II Morris, ohn Young, Norton Pryor, John Moyer, Jeorge hauman. Benjamin West. John Gin, {samuel Young, Lauman and West, ohn Donaldson, James Miller, William tiller, Jeremiah Parker, Wildara Parker, toore Wharton, George Eddy, George 'eter, Nicholas Horne, John Kline, Jas flagman, VY illiam Tromberger, Jeremiah ackson, James Cnmmins.David Matthew briggs, Nathan Bearh, Israel Cope, Jas- >er Cope, Jacob Baker, Cornelius Cor- legys, James McNeil, George Thompson, Jeorge Lauman, Edward Thomp.on, ames young, James Sharpless, Jesse lharpless, William Harrison, Martin )eeds, Charles Marquedant, James Cuh- lingham, Charles Eyans, David Evans, Samuel Pleasants, Israel Pleasants. John Peasants, Roueit Pleasants, trading af tamuel Pleasants & Sons, James Grant, lugh Dunlap, Galbreath Patterson,Sam- lel Carwell, Hugh Jackson, Francis tVcst, John West, Joseph Sewetze, Geo. Proughe, William Chancellor, John 3avis, John Fries, Mathias Hollenback, Vtordecai Piersel, john White, George Eddy, William McMantire, and Samuel VI. Ko*, and Thomas Fitzsimmons, Ber. amin EL Morgan aud jeremiah Parker, is trustees under the deed of trust beai- ng date on the 25th day of April, 1797, 'rora james Wilson, Samuel H. Fox aid William McPherson, Francis Nicholls, William Wharton, joseph Whartor, Samuel M. Fox, William f hv.ncellor ano george Thompson, trustees tinder ihe leed of trust bearing date on the 10th lay of December, 1800, executed to them jy Thomas Fitzsimmons, jeremias Park ;r and Benjamin lt. Morgan, trustees un ler the hereinbefore mentioned deeds from james Wilson lo them, and Gideon Hill Wells, R H Morrie, john Young, Norton Pryor, J?hn Moyer, George lau¬ man, Benjamin West, john Kline, Sam'l Young, john Donaldson, james Miller, William Miller, George Eddy, George Peter, Nicholas Horne, james dagmar, john Myer, William Tromberger, jere¬ miah jackson, james Cummins, David Matthew Briggs, Noiman Beath, Israel Cope, jasper Cope, jacob Parker, Corne¬ lius t orncgys, james McNeil, George Thompson, Edward Thompson, james Young, joseph Sharpless, jesse Sharples, William Harrison, Martin Deeds, Chas uarquedant, Charles Evans, Samuel Pleasants, Israel Pleasants, jonn Pleas¬ ant?, Robert Pleasants, ti^dingas Samuel Pleasants and Sons, james Grant, nngh Dunlap, Nicholas Horne, Francis West, john Weat, joseph Sewetze, George Proughe, james Cummins, William chan¬ cellor, john Davis, john Files, Mathias Hollenback, Mordecai Piersel, john White, George Eddy, William MCMantire, and Samuel ¦ Fox. And it appearing to the court that said suit is bi ought for ihe purpose of removing a cloud upon the title to the property situated within the? Aesteru District of Virginia and fully'described In complainants bill and exhibit; and thar the aforesaid defendants are not residents or inhabitants of tlie=_nid Wis lem District of Virginia or the state of Vir^ nia it is accord¬ ingly ordered that ihe a haye u.-nmd defendants to said bill of "Coir.pl wot io appear, plead answer or mm r to the ^ail bill of comebunt iy the itulcday of September, IfHH; nfftd . vii being made 89 required br law thai the above named defendpat are n'>t residents citizens or inhabitants of the Baid Western District of Firginia or the State of iirginia. It is further ordered that a copy hereof be published not lets than onfre a week for six consecutive weeks in the High land Recorder, a newspaper published at Monterey, Highlandco. Fa his further ordered that a copy hereof be served upon the person, if any, in possession or charge of tbe property mentioned in the aforesaid bill on or before August l>t, 1908, and that return of such service be mode on said date. A copy teste A.K.FLETCHER, Clerk. j K. M Noiton, Counsel. ROANOKE, VA. is the teachers, fo is the school. We have the teachers. Business men know it. They want our graduates. Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, Penmanship, etc., taught as they are uged in actual business. Thousands .if graduates now in good positions Nothing to risk. 20 years' successful experience. Our catalogue tells all about it. It's free. Twentieth cession opens Sept. 1. W rite today. Ad¬ dress E. M. COULTER, Prest. ,_ u ,m H mi .iii. __im»DNEYCURE ¦Ss *MW -* ¦'.**' ¦'." ) fB^mmmmmmmmzm Preaching Appointments M. E. CliUUcH, 8oU_*_f, M<lXTl:f!l-.V Cittcurr. 1st Sunday, Hightown, Ila, in.: Trinity, 3 p.m. 2nd Sunday, Seyfert, ll a. m.; Monterey, 7:30 p. m. N _rd Sunday, Trinity, at Tl a.m.; Hightown, 3 p; tn; 4th Sunday, Monterey; ll a: in.-; Seybert. 3 p. m. W. N Wagner. Monterey Presbyterian Church. 1st Sabbath, Monterey, ll a.m.; Pisgah, 3 p. m. Second Sabbath, New Hampden; ll a. m. 3rd Sabbath, Pisgah, ll a. m.; Monterey, 8p.m. , 4th Sabbath, Hightown, ll a.m.; New Hampden, 7:30 p. m. W. S. Trimble. ML E. Church, South, Crabbot- . tom Circuit. 1st Sunday, Central Chinch, U a. m., Union Chapel, 3 p. m. 2nd Sunday, New Church 10:30 a.m.; Central Church, 8 p. m. 3rd Sunday, Union Chapel, ll a. m.; Central Church, 8 p. m. 4th Sunday, Central Church, ll I. m.; New Church, 3 p. m. \" Thomas Cooper. If. E. Church, Highland Circuit. 1st Sunday, Union Chapel, ll a. _.; Crabbottom, 3:30 p. m. 2nd Sunday, Wesley Chapel, ll j ivvm.; Vanderpool, 3:30 p. m. 3rd Sunday, Asbury Chapel, ll i. m.. Tnorny Bottom, 3:30 p. m. 4th Sunday, Green Hill, ll a.m., ^airview, 3:30 p. m. ? J. A. Brumbaugh. VIRGNIA MILI¬ TARY INSTITUTE scxington, Va The Board of Visitors, ,t their annual meeting on the 20(h day 4 next June, will appoint STATE CA.- )F/rS to fill vacancies in the 1st, 3rd, th, 8th. lOih, 18th. 22nd, 24ih, 25111.2711), 8th, 30th. 33rd and 84th Senatorial Dis- ricts. and several AT LARGE. These ppointments carry free board and tui- ion. Applications should be addressed o the undersigned on or before June 0th, on forms that will be sent upon re- luest. E. W. NICHOLS, Act'g Sup't. [f you want to Fight It Out With Nature.All Right. Millions have done so before you. SENSIBLE people submit to the dic¬ tates of natureland when there is indication of eye trouble, go to COMPE¬ TENT optician and have the proper correction made to their vision. We give tests that cannot fail We grind our own lenses H. L LANG, . Optometrist, STAUNTON, VA. Hotel Foy Rent Wishing to go out of the hotel business I will rent the Mansion House and furniture, at McDowell. This x hotel is most comfortable and well equipped for transient or summer boarders. It is situated on the Staunton and Parkers¬ burg pike and in a healthy and beaufiful valley, 36 miles from Staunton, Va., and is the only hotel in McDowell.has all the con- vience that will be found in a small town. Get possession at once. For further particular write to J. B. Bradshaw. McDowell, Va. The Flowers that Bloom in The Spring bring no more pleasure to the sense of sight and smell than our dainty Oxford tie or pumps bring to the sense of feeling and comfort when warm weather sets in, Light, handsome, well-fiittirg and cool, tliRy are the ideal Summer foot-wear for both men and women. We have a superb stock waiting for you to choose from, in all Leathers, Patent, Gun Metal, Vici, Tan and Brown.- Armstrong Shoe Co. 27 W Main St. Staunton, Va ^OOCOOOQOQOQOOeoeOOOOOOOOCOOOC! Banking Business? jj I have more or less of it. Possibly it is with us. Such being the case you know something of our ser¬ vice. But if not a patron wouldn't it be well for I you to become one? J] | Our Cer.ilicate Account . ll 5 is calculated to serve all' ft-^s; the old and the young, the ^ poor and the rich. %. r3ceives deposits from $1 B up to $5,0C0 and allows 3 per cent, interest, compounded semi-annually. The First National Bank of Highland fee moos vzv&.wvtt&vxvatyor: aoooooooooooccoooooooc* mwmwwmwmmmmwmmvrwsvsmmmmmiismmmrmnmmmwmwmwmmmwmmmmw Walnut, Sycamore, Pop¬ lar and Lynn wanted $35 per M for old growth walnut, sawed strong inch; 6; S; 10; 12; 14 und 16 feet lengths, edged and straight, 3 inches wide and up. $30 per ll for joung walnut, sawed stong inch. 6; 8; 10: 12; 14 and 16 feet lengths, edged and straight, 8 inches wide and up. $37 per M for extra good old growth hhtt logs, .awed strong M and 2 inches, « 8,10; 12; 14 and 16 feet lengths, edged and straight. $15 pei SI for all walnut lumber of 4 feet lengths. All walnut to be measured on the black side. $18 per M for log run Poplar and Lynn Millculls out. sawed 1 inch and of ev¬ en length 3 feet and up. $12.50 for Poplar and Lynn Millculls, sawed 1 inch, and of even ic.-gtin 8 bm and up. $16 per ll for log tun Sycamore with Millculls out, to be sawed strong incln and the best logs 1} inches. The lumber to be delivered at our factory. PUTNAM & CO., Organ altar., Staunton, - - Virgil ia. In Connection With Our STOCK OFGEN E R AL MERCHANDISE, We now have on hand a good line of Wagons, harvest Machinery oe All Kinds. Grain Drills Harrows. Plows &c. Will exchange the same for any kind of i live stock at market value. JONES and Shoulder, Doe Hill - Virginia Cut Do _Sr: Will nure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Sold by all druggists.Monterey. Swadley Bros., Vanderiool.'Va. '<ac:he cts .ri ties _k having ; Disease 'iaberea

Transcript of Highland Recorder.(Monterey, VA) 1908-07-24.punnui iii. n i niljin LOCALN__W_i PersonalBriefsof...

Page 1: Highland Recorder.(Monterey, VA) 1908-07-24.punnui iii. n i niljin LOCALN__W_i PersonalBriefsof PeopleatHome and Abroad Miss ElsieHineris visitingfriends at Elkins, W.Va, Thebusyseason

punnu iii. n i niljin



Personal Briefs of People at Homeand Abroad

Miss Elsie Hiner is visiting friendsat Elkins, W. Va,The busy season with the farmer

makes the town dull in a businessway.

Miss Sue Lankford, of Staunton,is visiting her little friend, MissMarie Crummett.

Mrs. H. F. Slaven is visiting hercousin, Mrs. A. W. Cleek, near theBath-Highland line.

Miss Lucile, daughter of Mr. andMrs. S. A. Porter, of Augusta, hasbeen visiting in the county for a

week or more.

Miss Elizabeth Barkman, ofStaunton, joined her mother atthis place last Friday, Mr. Bark¬man returning to Staunton on thesame day.

Mrs. C. M. Lunsford and littleson, Charles, have been at the for¬mer's old home near Meadow Dalesince Saturday.For Sale.100 sacks of cement

at cost. Address or see H. P. Pat¬terson, Monterey, Va. 29 4

Mr. W. A. Bussard, who is oper¬ating a saw-mill plant in theGreenbrier Valley, was in town

Wednesday night.Mr. T. H. Slaven, who is quite

feeble, got a fall from the steps ofhis residence Wednesday afternoon,sustaining an injury to his left hipand leg.

Mr. John Zirkle, of New Market,who, in his adolescent days spenta few years in Monterey, came inWednesday evening to visit hisaunt, Mrs. Dr I. H. Trimble.Robert and James, little sons of

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Matheny, are

sick of billious fever. Both are

doing fairly well, though confinedto their beds.For Sale.A few choice English

Berkshire pigs. Entitled to rigis-try. Apply early,

J. Lunsford.On July 16, 1908, at the Metho¬

dist Episcopal parsonage, near

Meadow Dale, Va., Mr. SamuelGrogg and Mrs. Nannie A. Myerswere united in marriage, Rev. J.A. Brumbaugh officiating.

Mr. CM. McClintic, of Clarks¬burg, W. Va., a native Highlander,is now visiting his mother, Mrs.Mary McClintic, of Jackson's Riv¬er.

Any one wishing to see "Moni¬tor" I will be glad to show him at

my stable, New Hampden, Va.Lee J. Wimer.

For sale privately, a good secondhand square piano; genuine rose¬

wood case. Terms cash, or notewell endorsed. Apply First Na¬tional Bank, Monterey.

I kindly # call attention to thepublic that I repair and half-soleshoes at moderate cost. Give me

a trial. Philip Helmick.Mr. T. S. Zirkle and wife, of

Staunton, are enjoying an outingin Highland. They are guests ofMr. and Mrs. Samuel Dever, ofMill Gap.Taken.Through a mistake a

gray over coat, cuff sleeves, fromthe clothes' hook of the Hotel Com¬mercial. As there is one left there,it is supposed the person mad£ themistake unintentionally. Kindlyreturn the coat to the hotel.The following Montereyans spent

Sunday at Bolar: Messrs. LouieCarichoff and Bruce Slaven,. Mr.and Mrs. L. A. Carichoff, Mr. andMrs. I. B. Bussard, and Mr. andMrs. Paul Slaven.

Miss Nellie, daughter of Mr. E.M. Slaven, of Marlinton, is spend¬ing some time with her grand-par¬ents, Mr. and Mrs. John K. John¬ston, of Vanderpool, and other rel¬atives on this side of Alleghany.

Elsewhere in to-day's issue our

readers will find a new advertise¬ment of the Dunsmore BusinessCollege, Staunton, Va. The col¬lege has an established reputationthroughout the South, and many a

Highland boy has gone out fromthere to a successful business inlife.

Mr. S. W. Crummett left Wed¬nesday morning for Deerfield, thehome of his brother, accompaniedby his aged father, who had beenat Monterey for several weeks.

Messrs. A, W. Arbogast, of Mar¬linton, and C. C. of Keyser, cameto town Saturday to see their sis¬ter, Miss Sallie, of whose illness wespoke in our former issue. We are

pleased to report her condition nowas very favorable. During her ill¬ness she has been nursed by Mrs.Lackey, of Buena Vista, who is a

friend of the family as well as a

trained nurse. In the early stagesof her illness, Miss Arbogast was

*. moved from Hotel Monterey to theresidence of Mr. Clifton Matheny.

Delay in commencing treatmentfor a slight irregularity, that couldhave been cured quickly by Foley'sKidney Remedy, may result in a

serious kidney disease. Foley'sKidney Remedy "builds up the wornout tissues and strengthens theseorgans. Commence taking it to¬

day. Swadley Bros., Vanderpool.Sold by all druggists,

$1,00 gets the recorder for ONEwhole ye*r»

¦MI.L I1 .WWI.kt Th !f*fte,vh9m Rftti, ferPfum wm\ w*w ag.?, wm fouhdRt tfork neat* Brauehef a few day*ugfc and arrested by dfflcefe;

Mr. R. B-. Rust and family leftWednesday morning for FrontRayal, where they will remain un¬

til tho fall season, when Mr. Rustwill resume school work. He is,considering several locations, buthad not decided where he wouldteach. Mr. Rust had charge ofthe Mt nte ey High School for twosessions, and he gave good satisfac¬tion as an instrutcor.A message was received by Mr.

V. B. Bishop Monday morning,calling him to Elkton on accountof the critical illness of his mother.He left at once, but found, on ar¬rival there, that another memberof the household, and not his moth¬er, was ill. If we are correctly in¬formed, it was a young man.amember of the family by adoption.and he was buried on Tuesday.

Madeline, little daughter of Mr.Samuel Ralston, who has been illfor two weeks or more, is still a

great sufferer. Her trouble is dueto a fall which resulted in a frac¬tured bone in one of the lowerlimbs, and from which serious in¬tiamation followed..

Twill be at McDowell on August3rd to remain 5 days.

0. J. Campbell, Dentist.

The function of the kidneys is tostrain out the impurities of theblood which is constantly passingthrough them. Foley's KidneyRemedy makes the kidneys healthyand they will strain out all wastematter from the blood. Take Fol¬ey's Kidney Remedy and it willmake you well. Swadley Bros.Vanderpool. Sold by all druggists,Monterey.


Notice to TeachersThe School Board of Stonewall

District, Highland county, will on

the 25th day of July, 1908, appointteachers for the schools of said dis¬trict for the term of 1908 and '09.

All persons desiring to teach insaid district will send their applica¬tions to the clerk of the Board on

or before said date. By order ofthe Board. S. C. Eagl», Clk.

Best The World Affords."It gives me unbounded pleas¬

ure to recommend Bucklin's ArnicaSalve," says J. W. Jenkins, ofChapel Hill, N. C. !'I am con¬vinced it's the best the world af¬fords, lt cured a felon on mythumb, and it never fails to healevery sore, burn or wound to whichit is applied." 25c at all drugstores.

recordeVhonor list

New And Renewal Subsclptions5ince Our Last Issue

Renewals.Mrs. Jas. Fleisher,W. H. Gum, Meadow Dale, Lee J.Wimer, John Sponaugle, R. F. D.No. 1, Monterey; Mrs. C. M.Borst, Brandy Station: Rev. J. W.McNiel, Brunswick, Md.; Miss EllaArbogast, Buena Vista.

-. s>.-Notice to Teachers

On August 15, 1908, the SchoolBoard of Blue Grass Dist, will ap¬point teachers for the schools ofsaid district for the school term of1908-09. Those desiring to teachin said district will please sendtheir applications to the clerk ofthe Board on or before said date.By order of Board.

Geo. E. Swecker, Clerk.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS,The undersigned will receive bids

until noon of Aug. 3, 1908 for theconstruction of the three sectionsot the Crabbottom and AlleghanyMountain Road,, extending fromthe turn in the road below MartinJack's house, in Crabbottom,across the Lantz mountain and upMiddle mountain to the top there¬of, along the survey made by C. L.Waggoner and other commission-en. The road will be as a wholeor in sections to suit the bidders.The road will be built and bids re¬

ceived according to the specifica"lions surveyor's field notes, filedwith the report of survey in 'theClerk's office. Further informa¬tion will be given by the undersign¬ed.The right to reject any or all

bids is reserved.C. L. Waggoner,Wm. Hevener,

Commissioners.R.F. D. No. 1,Monterey, Va.

FOR SALE CHEAP,.One bug¬gy, one family carriage, two setsdouble harness.Apply to A. P. Bickle,

Phone 608, Staunton, Va.

' I will sell privately my farmknown as the Shinneberry land ly¬ing in Crabbottom.good for graz¬ing purposes and well watered, on

which Lon Snyder liMes. For termsetc. call on Snyder and the under¬signed at once as you may miss a

bargain. ' W. W. Hevener.

For Sale.3 beautiful Farms inthe LitMn Levels of Pocahontasc.untv. W. Va 183, 212 and 300acres andj£ on L¦.eust Creek,* sum*

count*, 250 mid 300 acres. 1.000,-000 ft. of w-hite i>«k and hickorytinier on the 300 tjiore pince. Forp*ri idlers write or ch!I on Ed LVarrfu, Lewi-bur^, W. Va.

tm rnfm mu%Wkm, Gliwu uii4 kyle hu va

pHirchaaed the Samuel MevenefSpring above town with a view to

giving Monterey a water supply,The purchase includes a site, near jthe head of the spring, for a reser¬

voir, and they are figuring on

bringing it to town in a four-inchpipe. The distance is about 5,000feet, with a fall of 500 feet.

This is the first movement inthis direction that has gotten be¬yond the talkative or theoretical]stage, and the gentlemen who have Jthe matter in hand should be en¬

couraged in every possible way. It

may be only an initial step, andperhaps no more is claimed for it,but it looks to the installing of a

water system for the town* thenecessity for which is apparent toall of us.

The Hevener Spring is a verystrong one, the water is excellent,and it has long been recognized as

the logical source from which to

supply the town.-We are assured that it is a bona

fide purchase, the papers beingsigned, sealed and delivered, and ifthe measure of our encouragementbe the extent of our need, the en¬

terprise will be a success.

Lexington PresbyteryThere was a called meeting of

Lexington Prresbytery Tuesday,held in the study of Rev. A. M.Fraser, D. D., of the First Presby¬terian church, Staunton. Thosepresent were Dr. Fraser, Rev. W.N. Scott, D. D., Rev. HolmesRolston, Rev. A, H. Hamilton,Rev. J. N. Vandevanter, Rev. C.L. Altfather, Rev. G. L. Brown,Jr., Rev. J. L. Lineweaver, Rev.W. S. Trimble and Rev. W. C.White. The pastoral relation ofRev. Mr. Young, of McDowellchurch, was dissolved, to take ef¬fect the last of this month, and hewill be transferred to Pickens, W.Va. Owing to the resignation ofMr. Young, the regular fall meet¬

ing of the Presbytery, which was

to have been held at McDowell,has been changed to Mount Mom-mouth church, the date being Oc¬tober 6th'

--.*- .

Notice to Teachers.

The Monterey District SchoolBoard has fixed upon Monday, Ju¬ly 15 as the (late for employing andcontracting with teachers for thschools in said district not alreadesupplied. Teachers will please ta ynotice and file their applications.keBy order of the Board.

H. F. Slaven, Clerk.

Commissioners' Sale of ValuableLand

Pursuant to a decree of the Cir¬cuit Court of Highland county, ren¬

dered at the July term, 1908, in |the cause therein pending in which jW. H. Matheny is plaintiff and;Lizzie E. Matheny and others are

defendants, we will on


offer for sale at public auction, in |front of the courthouse of saidcounty, the following describedtracts of land, of which Capt. J. C.Matheny lately died seized, to-wit:

1st. The dwelling house and lotin Monterey consisting of the threelots of the plan of said town, to-!wit, Nos. 54, 55 and 56.

2nd. A lot of about 7 1-2 acresin said town adjoining the lands ofJanies Trimble and others.

3rd. A farm lying on Back Creek jin said county described in said de¬cree as four adjoining tracts,containing respectively 96 acres,one rood and 36 poles, 10acres; 3 acres and 3 roods, and 41acres. The several tracts consti¬tuting this farm are embraced inan inclusive survey, containing 175acres, more or less.This farm is valuable for farming

and grazing, and has on it a dwell¬ing and the usual outbuildings.Terms.Enough cash will be re^

quired of the purchasers to paythe costs of said suit andsale, and the residue to be paid inone, two and three years from saiddate, with interest therefrom, andfor the deferred payments bondswill be required with approved per¬sonal security, and the title be re¬

tained as ultimate security.J. W. Stephenson,A. L. Jones,J. M. Colaw,Chas. P. Jones,

Commissioners.I, J. Cliff Matheny, Clerk of said

Court, hereby certify that the bondrequired in the above mentioneddecree has been executed.

J. Cliff Matheny,Clerk.

War Against ConsumptionAll nations are endeavoring to

check the ravages of consumption,the "white plague'" that claims somany victims each year. Foley'sHoney and Tar cures coughs andcolds perfectly and you are in nodanger of consumption. Do notrisk your health by taking someunknown preparation when Foley'sHoney and Tar is safe and certainin results. Swadley Bros, Vander¬pool. Sold by all druggists, Mon¬terey.

wi tmerwti.

age and Elisabeth Jane Haltermanhave l>eeti committed to J. Ed. Ar«

bogast, sheriff of Highland county,for settlement.The Clerk received Monday ev-

euing a vacation order setting asidethe verdict of the jury in the case

of Armstrong's Adm'rs vs. Siron,and wife, and granting a new trial.lt will loo recalled that|the jury inthis case found for the defendants,ind that a motion was made to set

aside thc verdict, the judge reserv¬

ing his decision until vacation.-..*-.-

A RevelationIt is a revelation to people, the

severe cases of lung trouble thatlave been cured by Foley's Honeyind Tar. It not only stops the.ough, but heals and strengthenshellings. L. M. Ruggles. Reas-lor, Ia., writes, "The doctors said[ had consumption, and I got no

letter until I took Foley's Honeyind Tar. It stopped the hemor¬rhages and pain in my lungs, andhey are now as sound as a bullet.">wadley Bros., Vanderpool. Soldiy all Druggists, Monterey.

In the Circuit Court of tie United States?or the Western District of Va.,

at Harrisonburg, Va.rise Highland Deyelopement Co., a cor

poration, Complainant,vs. > In Equity

rhe unknown heirs .nd personal reprcsejptative. of Thomas Filzsimi_ons,audo'hers. Defendants

On this the 2d day of Jul}, 1908, comes

he complainant in the above namedause and presents its application foimblication of a warning order on ihelefenda.its to the above named cause,iz., the unknown heirs and peronal representatives of Thomas Fitzimmons, Benjamin II. Morgan, and .Jer¬imah Parker, late of the City of Pfiua-lelphin, Pennsylvania,, trustees under a

Iced of trust dated January 27th, 1797,xecuted by James Wilson and HannahVilson, his wif., and the unknownleirs and personal representatives ofJideon Hill Wells and Robt II Morris,ohn Young, Norton Pryor, John Moyer,Jeorge hauman. Benjamin West. JohnGin, {samuel Young, Lauman and West,ohn Donaldson, James Miller, Williamtiller, Jeremiah Parker, Wildara Parker,toore Wharton, George Eddy, George'eter, Nicholas Horne, John Kline, Jasflagman, VY illiam Tromberger, Jeremiahackson, James Cnmmins.David Matthewbriggs, Nathan Bearh, Israel Cope, Jas->er Cope, Jacob Baker, Cornelius Cor-legys, James McNeil, George Thompson,Jeorge Lauman, Edward Thomp.on,ames young, James Sharpless, Jesselharpless, William Harrison, Martin)eeds, Charles Marquedant, James Cuh-lingham, Charles Eyans, David Evans,Samuel Pleasants, Israel Pleasants. JohnPeasants, Roueit Pleasants, trading af

tamuel Pleasants & Sons, James Grant,lugh Dunlap, Galbreath Patterson,Sam-lel Carwell, Hugh Jackson, FrancistVcst, John West, Joseph Sewetze, Geo.Proughe, William Chancellor, John3avis, John Fries, Mathias Hollenback,Vtordecai Piersel, john White, GeorgeEddy, William McMantire, and SamuelVI. Ko*, and Thomas Fitzsimmons, Ber.amin EL Morgan aud jeremiah Parker,is trustees under the deed of trust beai-ng date on the 25th day of April, 1797,'rora james Wilson, Samuel H. Fox aidWilliam McPherson, Francis Nicholls,William Wharton, joseph Whartor,Samuel M. Fox, William f hv.ncellor ano

george Thompson, trustees tinder iheleed of trust bearing date on the 10thlay of December, 1800, executed to themjy Thomas Fitzsimmons, jeremias Park;r and Benjamin lt. Morgan, trustees unler the hereinbefore mentioned deedsfrom james Wilson lo them, and GideonHill Wells, R H Morrie, john Young,Norton Pryor, J?hn Moyer, George lau¬man, Benjamin West, john Kline, Sam'lYoung, john Donaldson, james Miller,William Miller, George Eddy, GeorgePeter, Nicholas Horne, james dagmar,john Myer, William Tromberger, jere¬

miah jackson, james Cummins, DavidMatthew Briggs, Noiman Beath, IsraelCope, jasper Cope, jacob Parker, Corne¬lius t orncgys, james McNeil, GeorgeThompson, Edward Thompson, jamesYoung, joseph Sharpless, jesse Sharples,William Harrison, Martin Deeds, Chasuarquedant, Charles Evans, SamuelPleasants, Israel Pleasants, jonn Pleas¬ant?, Robert Pleasants, ti^dingas SamuelPleasants and Sons, james Grant, nnghDunlap, Nicholas Horne, Francis West,john Weat, joseph Sewetze, GeorgeProughe, james Cummins, William chan¬cellor, john Davis, john Files, MathiasHollenback, Mordecai Piersel, johnWhite, George Eddy, William MCMantire,and Samuel ¦ Fox.And it appearing to the court that

said suit is bi ought for ihe purpose ofremoving a cloud upon the title to theproperty situated within the? AesteruDistrict of Virginia and fully'describedIn complainants bill and exhibit; andthar the aforesaid defendants are notresidents or inhabitants of tlie=_nid Wislem District of Virginia orthe state of Vir^ nia it is accord¬ingly ordered that ihe a haye u.-nmddefendants to said bill of "Coir.pl wotio appear, plead answer or mm r

to the ^ail bill of comebunt iythe itulcday of September, IfHH; nfftd .

vii being made 89 required br law thaithe above named defendpat are n'>tresidents citizens or inhabitants of theBaid Western District of Firginia or theState of iirginia.

It is further ordered that a copy hereofbe published not lets than onfre a weekfor six consecutive weeks in the Highland Recorder, a newspaper published atMonterey, Highlandco. Fa his furtherordered that a copy hereof be served uponthe person, if any, in possession or

charge of tbe property mentioned in theaforesaid bill on or before August l>t,1908, and that return of such service bemode on said date.A copy teste

A.K.FLETCHER, Clerk.j K. M Noiton, Counsel.


is the teachers, fo is the school. Wehave the teachers. Business men knowit. They want our graduates.Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting,

Penmanship, etc., taught as they are ugedin actual business.Thousands .if graduates now in good

positions Nothing to risk. 20 years'successful experience. Our cataloguetells all about it. It's free. Twentiethcession opens Sept. 1. W rite today. Ad¬dress E. M. COULTER, Prest.

,_ u ,m H mi.iii.

__im»DNEYCURE¦Ss*MW -* ¦'.**' ¦'."



Preaching AppointmentsM. E. CliUUcH, 8oU_*_f, M<lXTl:f!l-.V

Cittcurr.1st Sunday, Hightown, Ila, in.:

Trinity, 3 p.m.2nd Sunday, Seyfert, ll a. m.;

Monterey, 7:30 p. m. N_rd Sunday, Trinity, at Tl a.m.;

Hightown, 3 p; tn;4th Sunday, Monterey; ll a: in.-;

Seybert. 3 p. m.W. N Wagner.

Monterey Presbyterian Church.1st Sabbath, Monterey, ll a.m.;

Pisgah, 3 p. m.Second Sabbath, New Hampden;

ll a. m.3rd Sabbath, Pisgah, ll a. m.;

Monterey, 8p.m. ,

4th Sabbath, Hightown, ll a.m.;New Hampden, 7:30 p. m.

W. S. Trimble.

ML E. Church, South, Crabbot-. tom Circuit.

1st Sunday, Central Chinch, Ua. m., Union Chapel, 3 p. m.

2nd Sunday, New Church 10:30a.m.; Central Church, 8 p. m.3rd Sunday, Union Chapel, ll a.

m.; Central Church, 8 p. m.

4th Sunday, Central Church, llI. m.; New Church, 3 p. m.

\" Thomas Cooper.

If. E. Church, Highland Circuit.1st Sunday, Union Chapel, ll a.

_.; Crabbottom, 3:30 p. m.2nd Sunday, Wesley Chapel, ll j

ivvm.; Vanderpool, 3:30 p. m.3rd Sunday, Asbury Chapel, ll

i. m.. Tnorny Bottom, 3:30 p. m.

4th Sunday, Green Hill, ll a.m.,^airview, 3:30 p. m. ?

J. A. Brumbaugh.


scxington, Va The Board of Visitors,,t their annual meeting on the 20(h day4 next June, will appoint STATE CA.-)F/rS to fill vacancies in the 1st, 3rd,th, 8th. lOih, 18th. 22nd, 24ih, 25111.2711),8th, 30th. 33rd and 84th Senatorial Dis-ricts. and several AT LARGE. Theseppointments carry free board and tui-ion. Applications should be addressedo the undersigned on or before June0th, on forms that will be sent upon re-

luest. E. W. NICHOLS, Act'g Sup't.

[f you want to FightIt Out With

Nature.All Right.Millions have done so

before you. SENSIBLEpeople submit to the dic¬tates of natureland whenthere is indication of eyetrouble, go to COMPE¬TENT optician and havethe proper correction madeto their vision.

We give teststhat cannot fail

We grind our own lenses

H. L LANG, .

Optometrist,STAUNTON, VA.

Hotel Foy Rent

Wishing to go out of the hotelbusiness I will rent the MansionHouse and furniture, at McDowell.This x hotel is most comfortableand well equipped for transient or

summer boarders. It is situatedon the Staunton and Parkers¬burg pike and in a healthy andbeaufiful valley, 36 miles fromStaunton, Va., and is the onlyhotel in McDowell.has all the con-

vience that will be found in a smalltown. Get possession at once.

For further particular write toJ. B. Bradshaw.

McDowell, Va.

The Flowers thatBloom in The


bring no more pleasure to the

sense of sight and smell than our

dainty Oxford tie or pumps bringto the sense of feeling and comfort

when warm weather sets in, Light, handsome, well-fiittirg and cool,

tliRy are the ideal Summer foot-wear for both men and women. We

have a superb stock waiting for you to choose from, in all Leathers,Patent, Gun Metal, Vici, Tan and Brown.-

Armstrong Shoe Co.

27 W Main St. Staunton, Va


Banking Business? jjI have more or less of it. Possibly it is with us. Such

being the case you know something of our ser¬

vice. But if not a patron wouldn't it be well for

I you to become one? J]

| Our Cer.ilicate Account. ll

5 is calculated to serve all' ft-^s; the old and the young, the ^poor and the rich. %. r3ceives deposits from $1 B

up to $5,0C0 and allows 3 per cent,interest, compounded


The First


Bank of

Highlandfee moos vzv&.wvtt&vxvatyor: aoooooooooooccoooooooc*mwmwwmwmmmmwmmvrwsvsmmmmmiismmmrmnmmmwmwmwmmmwmmmmw

Walnut, Sycamore, Pop¬lar and Lynn wanted

$35 per M for old growth walnut, sawed strong inch; 6; S; 10; 12; 14 und 16 feet

lengths, edged and straight, 3 inches wide and up.

$30 per ll for joung walnut, sawed stong inch. 6; 8; 10: 12; 14 and 16 feet

lengths, edged and straight, 8 inches wide and up.

$37 per M for extra good old growth hhtt logs, .awed strong M and 2 inches, «

8,10; 12; 14 and 16 feet lengths, edged and straight.$15 pei SI for all walnut lumber of 4 feet lengths. All walnut to be measured

on the black side.

$18 per M for log run Poplar and Lynn Millculls out. sawed 1 inch and of ev¬

en length 3 feet and up.

$12.50 for Poplar and Lynn Millculls, sawed 1 inch, and of even ic.-gtin 8 bm

and up.$16 per ll for log tun Sycamore with Millculls out, to be sawed strong incln

and the best logs 1} inches.

The lumber to be delivered at our factory.

PUTNAM & CO., Organ altar.,Staunton, - - Virgil ia.

In Connection With Our


MERCHANDISE,We now have on hand a good line of

Wagons, harvest Machinery oe

All Kinds. Grain Drills

Harrows. Plows &c.

Will exchange the same for any kind ofi

live stock at market value.

JONESandShoulder,Doe Hill - Virginia


Do_Sr:Will nure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not

beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more.

Sold by all druggists.Monterey. Swadley Bros., Vanderiool.'Va.


.rities_k having

; Disease'iaberea