Higher Guidance Journaling Level I - Creative Mystic · Higher Guidance Journaling Level I...

Higher Guidance Journaling Level I How to Get Answers Straight from Your Higher Guidance Jean Slatter

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I How to Get Answers Straight from Your Higher Guidance

Jean Slatter

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 2 Introduction


Welcome to the Higher Guidance Journaling Level I e-book. This is an

excellent place to start exploring the Creative Mystic in you. What do I

mean by that? The word “mystic” may conjure up a picture of an

eccentric, gray-haired hermit, who lives on a mountain top, watching the

clouds and deeply contemplating the meaning of life. However, most of us

have no such luxury and may not even consider such an existence


The times we live in call for a new kind of a mystic; a Creative Mystic. A

Creative Mystic has a foot in both worlds: the physical world of laundry

and picking up the kids from soccer plus the spiritual world of

synchronicity and magical creation. A Creative Mystic finds Spirit not by

retreating from life but by diving more deeply into it.

We all have an innate longing to know ourselves. We find ourselves

asking the question, “What is my purpose?” or “What is the meaning of

this?” This is the awakening of the Creative Mystic that lives inside of us.

These big questions initiate the quest of the mystic and we find ourselves

on a path of exploration and discovery.

Many spiritual leaders have told us to seek within for the answers. Higher

Guidance Journaling provides an easy and practical tool for self-

exploration and inner wisdom. You DO have the answers. Higher

Guidance Journaling shows you how to get them.

Enjoy the journey!

To visit the Creative Mystic

website and signup for news and



Many Blessings,

Jean Slatter

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 3 Introduction


Introduction .................................................................. 2

Your Higher Guidance................................................. 5

Guide for the Journey...................................................................... 5 Resurrection .................................................................................... 6

Our Spiritual Responsibility ........................................................... 6 Higher Guidance Journaling ........................................................... 7

Know the Truth ............................................................................... 7

Access to Your Code .................................................... 8

Fooling Ourselves ........................................................................... 8

Higher Guidance: Your Ultimate Expert ........................................ 9

Your Higher Guidance Journal ................................ 11

Be Gentle ...................................................................................... 11

How to do Higher Guidance Journaling .................. 12

Typical Questions ......................................................................... 13

Guidelines for Journaling .......................................... 16

Notice How You Feel ................................................................... 16 Monkey Mind................................................................................ 16 I’m Afraid of the Answers ............................................................ 17

Find the Octopus Leg .................................................................... 17

Sources of Clues and Messages ................................. 19

Given Exactly What You Need..................................................... 19 Can’t Go Beyond Choices You Don’t Understand ....................... 20

The Essential Tools ....................................................................... 20 Typical Questions ......................................................................... 20

Tarot Cards & Oracle Decks .................................... 22

Trusting the Cards ......................................................................... 22

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 4 Introduction

Drawing a Card ............................................................................. 22

Pendulum Dowsing ..................................................... 24

How to Use a Pendulum ............................................................... 25 Getting Permission ........................................................................ 26 Where Are the Answers Coming From? ....................................... 27

Basic Yes/No Chart for Pendulum Dowsing ................................ 27 Advanced Charts for Pendulum Dowsing..................................... 28 The Absolute or Percentage Chart ................................................ 28 The Balance Chart......................................................................... 29

My Life Dowsing Exercise ........................................................... 30

Numerology ................................................................. 31

How to Calculate Your Number ................................................... 31 What the Numbers Mean .............................................................. 31

Runes ........................................................................... 34

The Rune Draw ............................................................................. 34 Three Rune Spread ........................................................................ 34

Six Rune Spread ............................................................................ 35

Recommendations ...................................................... 37

Books ............................................................................................ 37

Movies........................................................................................... 37 Oracles .......................................................................................... 38

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 5 Your Higher Guidance


There is a part of you that always knows exactly what is going on, and knows you better than your conscious self. This is your Higher Guidance. When we open communication with our Higher Guidance we are able to get direct answers to our most pressing questions. What is our Higher Guidance? It’s the divine thread connecting us all the way back to Source where all things are known.

Higher Guidance is the term I use when referring to our intuition – our inner

wisdom. Others use similar terms such as Higher Self, guides, angels, and

God. No matter how you attempt to describe the Divine, the wonderful fact

remains that we are part of, and have access to, a much broader

consciousness and energy; it’s where we came from and where we will

ultimately return to.

Most of us have heard that we only use a small fraction of our mental

capacities. And we have also heard that we have been given the “keys” to

access and yield tremendous power. Very good news indeed. Now, if we

could just remember where we put those darn keys. This book will assist

you in remembering.

Even if you are familiar and had experience with your Higher Guidance and

intuition, you may not feel it is reliable. Do you trust the internal voice you

are hearing? After all, we have thoughts and ideas running through our head

all the time. How, then, do we distinguish between the incessant chatter and

the true, clear messages of wisdom?

Through a process called Higher Guidance Journaling you will be put directly

in touch with the part of you that has the answers to any life question you

could ever think up to ask. You will be shown how you can trust this inner

wisdom more than you can even trust what seems logical at first glance. This

is where you get the grand “Ah ha’s” and realizations, and come to the

knowing of your experience.

Once you feel confident about having an open communication channel with

your Higher Guidance you will be able to align your life to flow effortlessly

toward your higher purpose.

Guide for the Journey

Know that your Higher Guidance wants to be in communication with you

and is, in fact, always in communication with you. With your invitation,

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 6 Your Higher Guidance

your Higher Guidance is ready to take you on an amazing journey of


We will be discussing a unique form of journaling that will get you to the

truth of who you are faster than you ever thought possible.


For centuries, organized religions have used fear to suppress our knowledge

that we are intuitive and spirituality connected beings. We were told that

our very salvation depended upon giving our power over to the church and

its representatives since we were inherently sinful and flawed. Higher

Guidance Journaling will help you reclaim and resurrect a part of yourself

that (up until now) has been lost.

Having direct access to God and our Higher Guidance was considered

sacrilegious, heretical and in many cases, punishable by death. Hundreds of

thousands of men and women were burned at the stake for listening to their

intuition and “knowing things” that couldn’t be explained with traditional

reasoning. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, you will resurrect and

claim your wings - the wings you were born with because your soul knows

that it can fly.

Once you have reclaimed your wings you will be amazed and in awe as

magic and miracles are yours to create. And whether you’re shopping for

groceries or watching the brilliance of a sunrise, you will have a greater

sense of purpose, delight, clarity, joy, wonder, and peace. In short, you’ll

have access to the “Wow” factor in life again.

Our Spiritual Responsibility

The discovery of our I AM Presence is the one of the most profound

experiences we can ever have – and, it’s our spiritual responsibility to do

just that. Simply put, it is our duty to “know thyself”. Although it can take a

lifetime, no other joy can be experienced with such depth as the realization

of who we are and our Divinity.

The discovery and acceptance of I AM then leads to the discovery of IT IS,

and the joy becomes exponential. The experience is limitless, boundless, and

you will instantly recognize the gift of life that you have been given. As you

practice Higher Guidance Journaling, this discovery is behind every turn of

the page.

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 7 Your Higher Guidance

Higher Guidance Journaling

Higher Guidance Journaling is an indispensable tool for knowing your truth. Unlike typical journaling where you record your thoughts in diary form, Higher Guidance Journaling is an interactive conversation with the larger part of yourself – the wisdom who knows who you really are. Here is where you will find what I call the “Grand Ah-has,” those miraculous moment when everything finally clicks into place and you get clarity.

The topics you might explore could be anything from a nagging body pain to profound soul questions about your purpose. With the help of Higher Guidance Journaling you can decode the messages received from your higher wisdom. For example, if you have chronic back pain, you might initially deal with it by resting and taking pain killers. However, when the pain keeps coming back you could ask the question, “What is my body trying to communicate to me. After all, how else would your body get a message to you? Send you an email?

Know the Truth

There is something so fantastic about receiving a message from your Higher Guidance that the truth of it will resonate in every cell of your body. Unlike when someone else tells you something that can easily be dismissed by denying its validity, you cannot hide from the truth of your Higher Guidance. This truth will set you free. You have access to a wealth of treasures that are yours merely for the asking.

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 8 Access to Your Code


The illusion of physicality is played out in the field of all possibilities – the mind of God. This field of energy that expresses itself as “you” contains an infinite amount of information about your body, present life, past lives, intentions, and much more. You could think of this energy field “package” as an individualized software program, although it would be much bigger than anything Microsoft has to offer, even one with millions of functions! The software package that makes up “you” is infinitely more complex.

When a programmer has difficulty with a software program, they have to find the exact line of code that’s misbehaving in order to solve the problem. Once they are able to identify and correct the exact line of code that’s causing the malfunction the program works optimally again.

Your unique information package contains everything from your original outline script, innate qualities and DNA programming, to the effects of every free will choice ever made. In short, it’s the vibration of everything about you. And just like a programmer, you can learn to identify a “glitch” in your code. For example, let’s say you continue to lose yourself in co-dependent relationships. You can go to therapy for years, talk about your history and examine the problem from every angle; however, if you do not identify and correct the line of “malfunctioning code” in your system, you will likely continue to repeat the same negative cycle.

We all know that we send out hidden messages. Countless books and therapy regimes have been written and developed exclusively to try and help us get in touch with our unconscious saboteur – that part of us that stops us from getting what we want. The problem however, is that unless you have a way of accessing your higher guidance, you can spin your wheels for years and still not get to the causal code in the energy field.

In your Higher Guidance Journaling you will uncover and gain understanding about the information in your programming and, in many cases, make dramatic shifts in your reality to your pleasure. Higher Guidance Journaling gets you to the truth faster than you ever thought possible. You will explore the inner terrain of your consciousness, including the infamous subconscious and root out those places that cover up and deny the truth of who you really are. And, you will come face to face with your inner saboteur.

Fooling Ourselves

Several years ago I attended a financial conference with approximately a thousand other people also hoping to achieve financial freedom sometime in their not-too-distant future. The well-known conference was expertly presented, as they knew that the primary reason for people struggling with

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 9 Access to Your Code

finances were the thoughts hidden within the individuals’ psyche. And their way of getting at what those internal thoughts were was to ask a series of questions, which was minimally effective, because most of us don’t even know what our truth is. We make up stories that sound good, but we are so capable of delusion, illusion, and denial.

One of the exercises was a four page survey of negative statements about money and we were to rate them on a scale from one to ten (ten being the highest) according to how strongly we felt they were true. Money is the root of all evil. Money doesn’t grow on trees. The stock market is too hard to understand. You get the picture. All of my responses were either zeros or ones, which I thought was strange because I was not without financial issues. Obviously, there was something going on in my subconscious…perhaps denial or just a complete inability to see the truth.

When I returned to my hotel room, I did some Higher Guidance Journaling and asked: Are there a few of these statements that are, in truth, really a ten and I just don’t know it? Turns out there were three.

Naturally, I balked, (after all, unconscious IS unconscious), and asked to be shown evidence of this truth. Well, one of the negative thoughts I had going was the belief that someday my ship will come in. After I thought about it for awhile, I realized that for my whole life I had been telling myself exactly that. And because of that belief, there were decisions I had made based upon thinking that someday in the future my ship would come in, instead of dealing with the reality of present time. I was shocked to realize how much I had based my financial life upon that very statement.

This shows the value of connecting with your Higher Guidance who is privy to the entire programming of your beliefs whether you are conscious of them or not. It is the most effective way at getting to your truth that I know of.

This is why Higher Guidance Journaling is so incredible. It reveals how we are capable of making up stories that sound good – even logical, but have absolutely no basis in our own truth. Like, we might make up a story that says, “I can’t make money because my mother said that I would never really amount to very much.” Okay, sounds logical, and we may even have believed it but is it really true? Through Higher Guidance Journaling we may find out a resounding “No!” We often glom onto these nice convenient stories so that we can play the role of victim. Find out what is really holding you back.

Higher Guidance: Your Ultimate Expert

Fortunately you have the ultimate programmer at your finger tips. Your Higher Guidance knows everything about you and everything that’s possible to know about your energy field. It also knows the exact line of code that

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 10 Access to Your Code

needs to be corrected to bring you more into alignment with your intentions and purpose.

Think of the years of searching, the thousands of dollars, and the vast amounts of energy you will save by simply going directly to your Higher Guidance: the only source that’s totally accurate, knows you completely, and will give you immediate answers—for free!

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 11 Your Higher Guidance Journal


With your invitation, your Higher Guidance will take you on an amazing journey of discovery. We’ll be providing ideas on a variety of intuition resources to use in accessing your Higher Guidance including oracle decks, tarot cards, dowsing, and many others.

Higher Guidance Journaling is unique in that the guidance you receive is specifically meant for you. Although at times you might doubt the words you hear or the guidance you receive, as time progresses you will learn to trust your intuition, and the transmissions from your Higher Guidance will become crystal clear. I will even go so far as to say the answers will be so astoundingly accurate and pertinent that it will seem miraculous. The most important part is a willingness to open to your Higher Guidance.

You might want to set aside time daily or weekly for your Higher

Guidance Journaling as your learning will increase exponentially with

practice. You will probably find Higher Guidance Journaling so enjoyable

that you will look forward to your special time. And remember, just like

with any other new practice, the more you use it, the faster and more

accurate your results will be. So have fun with the process and be patient

with yourself.

Consider hosting a gathering for your friends who are also interested in

taking charge of their personal growth. You can use the gathering to explore

a single question: “What is my primary focus for the year?” or perhaps,

“What does my Higher Guidance want me to know?” Then have fun sharing

your insights and unique perspectives with each other. It’s an extraordinary

experience – always.

Be Gentle

It’s important to remember to be gentle with yourself. You don’t want to make yourself wrong about being in pain by judging, shaming, or blaming yourself, because we know that pain is a message. For example, you might discover that your back pain flares up every time you fail to stand up for yourself. Once you get this “Grand Ah-ha” and take steps to assert yourself, the back pain transforms because it has served its purpose: to help you grow and know the truth of standing on your own two feet.

Whenever I want to know the truth about something, I always go directly to the source. We are about to learn how to do just that. So get your questions ready!

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 12 How to do Higher Guidance Journaling


The process of Higher Guidance Journaling is really quite simple and involves just three major steps (see Figure 1). First, you need to determine your “Focus of the Day”. This is the topic or question that either you have selected or that your Higher Guidance wants you to concentrate on for that day. Second, you will probe into the Focus Topic in a series of Questions and Responses (Q&R) in an exploration. Finally, you will determine the action to be taken. Be careful not to get too hung up on completing a Focus Topic in a single day. Your Higher Guidance will walk you through this at the correct pace, sometimes coming back to the same topic several days in a row, or possible months later. Just proceed with the pace that feels right, but be sure to do this process every day… it gives you a great opportunity to have a daily conversation with your Higher Guidance.


Purchase a journal, one that you find easy to carry and feels special or even sacred to you. This is, after all, a book of treasured insights of your life. You can also purchase a leather 3-ring binder to hold blank pages. An easy to-use form is also included with this e-book. This form gives you a space to write your insights as you explore with your Higher Guidance. Having a recorded history of your exploration is particularly helpful as you will definitely be referring back to your journal time and again for clarification.

The Higher Guidance Journaling form, shown in Figure 2, guides you to entering all the information you need. First think of the question that you want guidance about. If you are using your own notebook with blank pages then write a capital “Q” at the top of the page and then write your question next to it. Then put a capital “R” for recording the response. Indicate where

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 13 How to do Higher Guidance Journaling

the answer comes from, the source you used to get the response (oracle deck, tarot cards, etc.) and then record the response.


Date of Journaling Enter page number.

Focus Topic. This is where you enter your

“Focus of the Day” from your daily


Question.What is the question

you are exploring.

Source.What source were you

guided to for a response.

Response or Action.What were you told when you

probed the question?

Repeat.Continue the probing until you can determine an action?

You can, of course, ask for guidance on any topic. Keeping a Higher Guidance Journal will give you a valuable record of answers that you can refer back to and it will illuminate your path as a Creative Mystic.

When you feel confident about your Higher Guidance Journaling commit to spending some time journaling for forty consecutive days if possible. Forty days seems to be the magical number for a transformation of consciousness. If you miss a day here and there it’s not a big deal, just continue on. If you miss more than a couple of days in a row, it would probably be best to start over. If, after forty days you want to continue, by all means keep on going – it’s recommend! Journaling is addictive. With so many insights and Ah-ha’s revealed, you will probably want to make this an ongoing daily practice. It will become one of your greatest joys.

Typical Questions

Where do I begin? What do I need to know? What is it affecting? What do I need to understand?

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 14 How to do Higher Guidance Journaling

What is the purpose? How is this serving me? Is there a message? Is there anything more I need to know? What am I being told? Do I need another clue? What percentage of the whole is this? Ad hoc probing questions…

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 15 How to do Higher Guidance Journaling

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 16 Guidelines for Journaling


Your Higher Guidance contains a treasure trove of extremely valuable information, and is eager to share it with you.

So, the obvious question arises: how do you get into communication with your Higher Guidance and access the information in a way that’s reliable and effective? How can you distinguish between the voice of your Higher Guidance and the prattle of your own mind’s wishful thinking?

Notice How You Feel

The best way to determine the accuracy of the information you receive is to notice how you feel. When you tap into your intuition or Higher Guidance, there will be a feeling of spaciousness, calm, peace, and clarity. On the other hand, if what you are feeling constitutes a sense of urgency, it could be chatter from “the monkey mind” which is just another term for the negative and unproductive messages that your mind uses to occupy you.

The messages you receive from your Higher Guidance will usually feel like wise council from a mentor or trusted advisor – not in the form of finger pointing or telling you that you must do something. No, it feels more like someone you know and trust is standing alongside you, perhaps with their arm around your shoulder, gently making suggestions.

Additionally, the guidance doesn’t feel “attached to outcomes.” The higher guidance simply recommends and isn’t offended, upset, or defensive if you don’t chose to take the recommended course of action. Your Higher Guidance knows that you have free will and free choice, and it knows that you are ultimately the boss.

Monkey Mind

Monkey mind takes our thoughts and turns them round and round in a very unproductive manner, making no sense to us at all. Monkey mind can become upset, inflammatory, and critical, using tactics of fear, anxiety, pressure, shaming and blaming to get you to do what it wants. It will tell you that you are “stupid” or, worse yet, hold you accountable for all the horrible things that will happen to you as result of your poor judgment.

Let’s say, for example, that you’re considering going into a business partnership with someone and would like some guidance on that decision. Monkey mind will flood you with worries and judgment. It will say things like “you’re not good at business; this person will take advantage of you; you’re going to lose a lot of money; if you don’t agree to do this, it will hurt their feelings and ruin the relationship.”

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 17 Guidelines for Journaling

Your Higher Guidance, on the other hand, will be more objective and you might hear messages like, “This person has already run several successful businesses; getting more information about the market will help you decide; this person has been true to his word in his dealings with you so far.”

Unlike the urgent, emotionally charged, fear-based messages of the monkey mind, your Higher Guidance and intuition provide a broader view. Part of the calming, centering, and grounded feeling we have when are truly tapped into our higher wisdom, comes from this broader perspective, which illuminates some of the details we may be struggling with. Your Higher Guidance will often give you that “eagle eye” perspective, helping to reveal the larger purpose for feeling that way that you do.

I’m Afraid of the Answers

Even when we become more confident about discerning between the voices in our head and the messages from our Higher Guidance, we may still feel fearful of the some of the answers we might hear. This is a very real fear for many of us and can often prevent us from developing better communication with our Higher Guidance. This fear also prevents us from getting to the truth that would ultimately set us free.

Deep down, we all share primal fears of not being good enough, not being wanted or loved, not being worthy. Many of us will sabotage hearing our guidance because we are terrified of getting an answer that will confirm these worst fears about ourselves. I’m here to tell you right now: that will never happen. At your core, you are pure Light.

As you move past your fear (a “scare tactic” manufactured by your monkey mind to keep you in the dark and disempowered) you will come to relish everything your Higher Guidance reveals to you. Your inner light will get stronger, and the deeper you go the more light you will discover. You will also find more love and compassion.

Find the Octopus Leg

Some time ago when I was feeling rather stuck while writing my first book, I asked for a message to come in my dream state. I had a dream all right; an extraordinary, unforgettable dream where I found myself looking in the mirror at my naked body and discovered that there was a fold of skin around my waist. When I turned the fold of skin over, I was completely horrified to see suckers underneath, just like those on an octopus leg. When the meaning of the dream was later revealed, I realized that I felt terrified of being vulnerable (naked) as an author and I had an archetypal fear that once my readers found out who I really was (a monster) they would reject me in disgust.

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 18 Guidelines for Journaling

However, the octopus leg (or whatever form your fear takes) is only an illusion. It isn’t real. When you work with your Higher Guidance and courageously go into those dark places of fear, they usually end up disappearing in a puff of smoke. Even emotionally-laden topics like deciding whether to end a marriage and secretly fearing that the relationship failure was your fault, you can instantly recognize the fear as an “octopus leg” and push through it. You will find answers and peace on the other side.

Even if the answer you get from your Higher Guidance isn’t what you want to hear, know that you will be given the strength and clarity you need to deal with anything life hands you. Your Higher Guidance knows that you’re always doing the very best that you can. Once you see the patterns and understand their purpose, you’ll be able to do things differently the next time. It’s the only way we learn and grow.

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 19 Sources of Clues and Messages


Your Higher Guidance is always ready and willing to speak to you – it’s just that we often don’t listen or know how to access that information. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your Higher Guidance could sit down right beside you and answer all of your questions using actual words? Well, it turns out that your Higher Guidance can. Billions of these words have been written in millions of books, and somewhere amongst those words is the perfect answer to your question. All you need to do is find it.

You will be delighted to find out how easy it is for your Higher Guidance to direct you to the exact information you need to receive your answer. There are many collections of words that make exceptionally rich sources for clues when you do your Higher Guidance Journaling. We will be exploring the best of ancient and modern resources that are particularly valuable since they pertain to the human journey. I suggest that you begin to gather your personal favorites as we explore them. I keep adding to my collection so that when I ask a question, my Higher Guidance has a readily available resource pool of words from which to respond. You’ll find a list of my favorites in the back of the book.

Given Exactly What You Need

Keep in mind that your Higher Guidance will always tell you exactly what you need to hear. You will get sidetracked if you demand THE “truth” because your Higher Guidance has a broader perspective of what your truth is and what the goal of your truth is. This may require some intermediary steps which your Higher Guidance is delighted to share with you. You’re told exactly what you need to hear so that you can continue on your journey and experiment as a creator.

This means that a ‘no’ isn’t always a no, and a ‘yes’ isn’t always a yes; just follow the lead of your Higher Guidance. For example, the technical response to your question may be a yes but your Higher Guidance, in its wisdom, may give you a no so that you can continue to inquire and learn more about a particular situation. This would not have happened if you had received a yes right away.

Also remember that “truth” is always relative to something else. In this way you will always be given your truth—the one that keeps you heading in the right direction. Becoming conversant with your Higher Guidance requires trust, openness, and a willingness to look at your life as a journey with a purpose greater than what you can currently see. Even if you were given THE “truth” in some absolute way, it’s unlikely that it would be comprehensible to you. Take on the practice of accepting the perfection of all that is.

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 20 Sources of Clues and Messages

Can’t Go Beyond Choices You Don’t Understand

“You can’t go beyond the choices you don’t understand” was spoken by the Oracle in the fiction movie Matrix 2 and it holds true in real life. Using back pain as an example, the person may be unconsciously choosing to back down from confronting situations. Until that person understands the need to assert themselves and stand up for what they believe, they will continue to experience the mysterious back pain again and again.

Higher Guidance Journaling gives you a way to become more aware and understand more thoroughly the necessary steps on your journey so that you can progress more smoothly and with greater ease. It also helps reveal the natural order of things; giving you a deeper understanding and clearer perspective that help you to move forward.

The Essential Tools

In the following sections we will be exploring the basics of several intuition resources that will help you receive the words to answer to your questions that you pose in your Higher Guidance Journal. My favorites are:


Pendulum Dowsing



There are also many oracle decks such as angel cards that prove very helpful. Have fun with this and start collecting your favorites.

Here’s a list of common questions you will use over and over when consulting your intuition resources.

Typical Questions

Where do I begin? What do I need to know? What is it affecting? What do I need to understand? What is the purpose? How is this serving me?

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 21 Sources of Clues and Messages

Is there a message? Is there anything more I need to know? What am I being told? Do I need another clue? What percentage of the whole is this? Ad hoc probing questions…

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 22 Tarot Cards & Oracle Decks


The Tarot is a visual map of consciousness that offers insights into all aspects of a person’s life. It blends the practical, day-to-day world with the spiritual dimensions and evolution of a person. The archetypal images found on the cards symbolize the collective psycho-mythology of humanity, and in this way, they can quickly (and profoundly) open the heart and mind to deeper wisdom.

The Tarot deck is similar to a regular deck of cards in that it usually has four suits each with fourteen cards, ace through ten plus a knight, queen, prince, and princess. This is the Minor Arcana. There is also a Major Arcana with twenty-two cards, beginning with zero and usually bearing Roman numerals. There are 78 cards in total.

The Major Arcana reveals universal laws, life principles or collective experiences that all humans share. The Minor Arcana mirror our common psychological states using the four suits.

Swords: mental beliefs and ideas, addressing the quality of our thinking

Cups: emotions, responses, reactions, and our wide range of feelings

Wands: our quality of vision, insight, perception, energy, vitality and spontaneity

Disks or Pentacles: external reality; our ability to manifest what we want in the outer world whether in health, finances, work, creativity or relationships

Trusting the Cards

Tarot cards, oracle decks and other tools of divination have been used for thousands of years, probably since human beings first began asking about the meaning of existence. If they are new to you, you might notice a slight hesitation or feel some concern about whether they are safe or “right.”

No one knows for sure, but experts estimate that somewhere between three to five million women were tortured and burned at the stake during the Roman Catholic “Holy Inquisition.” The sacred feminine was declared demonic and the feminine ways of being were forbidden, including using plants for healing, honoring intuition, loving nature and animals, and connecting with higher guidance through cards. It’s likely that all of us carry some cellular memory of those terrifying times when it was literally life-threatening to listen to our intuition.

Drawing a Card

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 23 Tarot Cards & Oracle Decks

The use of Tarot and other oracle decks, angel cards, and novelty subject cards is as easy as picking a card. Anyone can do it! Start by formulating a question and then ask your Higher Guidance to respond. Take the deck in your hands, shuffle the cards once or twice and then spread them out on the table. With no ceremony at all, just pick a card. I suggest you do this quickly because if you put too much thought into it you run the risk of engaging your mind instead of just relying on intuition. Your mind will try to sense which card is “right” and unfortunately, always blows it. After all, if your mind knew the answer you wouldn’t be asking your Higher Guidance.

It’s not the tool itself that is somehow “speaking” to you. There is nothing magical or mysterious about tarot cards themselves—just pieces of cardboard with images and words on them. The cards are simply a resource for information, much like a dictionary or encyclopedia. The real magic happens as your Higher Guidance “chooses” the card with the exact answer to your deepest question or challenge.

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 24 Pendulum Dowsing


I first discovered dowsing when I went to a chiropractor who used dowsing to identify a mineral deficiency that I had. After leaving his office, I went straight to a natural health store to pick up the supplement he recommended. I told my story to a little old lady working there and she suggested that I check out the Sacramento ASD or American Society of Dowsers. For some reason, I actually went. Looking back, it was certainly a High Council message that got me to go.

Now, I’m certainly not one to join groups, but I was immediately attracted to dowsing because of its lack of dogma. Rather than pushing some kind of one-size-fits-all answer, they’d say, “Dowse it out for yourself and see what’s true.” I’ve now been to dowsing conferences all over the nation and have met a fascinating variety of people who dowse on everything from talking to aliens to improving their gardening.

Dowsing is simply a method for tuning into a frequency or energy information, much like you’d use a radio dial to tune in a particular station. Most people associate the term dowsing with the process of using rods or branches to help “water witchers” locate optimal sites for drilling wells and locating water. However, dowsing is really a much broader term to refer to the process of using any object, such as a pendulum, to receive guidance by tuning into frequencies.

The pendulum is my preferred tool for accessing higher guidance (maybe because it fits so conveniently in my pocket). A pendulum is simply an object that swings from a cord or chain. Pendulums can be made of crystal, brass, or semi-precious stone but truly, any heavy object hanging from a string will do, even a household screw. The pendulum itself is only a tool and doesn’t hold any inherent mystical power, which is why you don’t need anything special or fancy to start dowsing. The power comes when we use it as a way to establish reliable contact and communicate with our higher guidance.

Using a pendulum for dowsing gives you immediate, visual feedback on your question and herein lies its beauty. I believe everyone is born intuitive; it’s a skill like any other that can be developed and refined. Using a pendulum helps you to get a visual reading like a meter from your intuition. So often people go to psychics and intuitive healers because they believe those people were born with special abilities that they lack. Because the reading is happening somewhere inside the psychic’s head where they can’t see or hear it, they think it’s not something they can do for themselves or replicate. Sadly, this belief separates them from directly accessing their own higher guidance.

Simply pick up a pendulum and start asking questions for yourself, and all that becomes a mute point. Having a pendulum is like having a psychic sitting on your shoulders 24/7. You don’t have to have a crystal ball or see

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 25 Pendulum Dowsing

auras to get answers; you just have to look at your pendulum. Dowsing alone will open the door to your Higher Guidance and rapidly prove to you that you are gifted enough, just the way that you are.

A few words on what dowsing is not. Dowsing is not witchcraft. Unfortunately, dowsing suffers from the same negative cultural stereotypes as Tarot and most other methods that support us in directly accessing our intuition. Again, there is nothing mystical about the pendulum itself. It is simply a tool for reading energy and frequency. Remember, quantum physics has taught us that everything is energy, even things that appear to be solid. And because everything is energy, everything emits a certain frequency signature. The air around us appears to be “empty”, but in fact it’s actually packed with difference frequencies from cell phones, radio waves, microwaves, etc. Dowsing is simply a method for reading or “receiving” the frequencies that are already there.

Remember the old riddle, “If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?” Now we know the true answer to that question! The falling tree does produce a sound wave but if someone is not there to receive that sound then it remains as a wave of energy. Learning to dowse is learning to be a receiver of energy signatures that most people are completely unaware of.

How to Use a Pendulum

When you start dowsing, you train yourself to be the receiver of the frequency. This is the key to dowsing. Just like you would use a radio, first you decide what you want to listen to (jazz, modern, etc.) then turn the dial to find that station. It’s the same with dowsing. The key is focus and intention.

For example, let’s say you were trying to figure out the optimal distance to sit from the TV so that you wouldn’t have any negative effects from electromagnetic field. First you would focus on the issue, question, or vibration (in this case, the electromagnetic field) and then hold the intention for an answer (in this case, the optimal distance).

Once you have your focus and intention, you begin to move your pendulum in the “ready for question” angle which, if you imagine a clock face would be swinging your pendulum from about 2:00 to 8:00. A “yes” or positive response will have the pendulum swinging from 12:00 to 6:00 and a “no” or negative response will have it swinging from 3:00 to 9:00 (see the “Yes/No Chart” that follows).

In the initial stages of dowsing, many people persist in thinking that the pendulum is supposed to move by itself. Given the magnetic field of the earth and the fact that we are hurling through space very rapidly, the pendulum will eventually begin to spin but that’s not the point of dowsing.

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 26 Pendulum Dowsing

You are supposed to make it move. You are in fact programming the pendulum to communicate in specific ways to you so that you can understand and clearly access your Higher Guidance.

When you first being dowsing it is normal to have doubts and to not feel confident in what you are doing. Yet this is true whenever we begin something new. For example, the first time you played the piano you had to concentrate very hard and make your fingers hit the right keys. Eventually however, you could play songs without even thinking about what your fingers were doing. In fact, it was when you started to think too much that you would make mistakes!

The more you work with the pendulum, the more confident you will feel in the answers you receive. Eventually, you will begin to notice when you’re “in the way” (with your thoughts or doubts) and when you are being an open receiver for higher wisdom. You will develop your own style as well. Just as everyone’s handwriting is unique, some people are more flamboyant dowsers with big arcs and flare and some are quieter and smaller about it. Trust yourself and practice until it becomes comfortable for you.

Getting Permission

As we get started with dowsing and asking questions, it is important to ask permission on three important points:

Can I dowse this question? Quite literally, we are asking “Am I capable of dowsing on this question?”

May I dowse this question? which means “Do I have permission from my Higher Guidance to ask this question?” Or, if you are dowsing on behalf of someone else, it asks permission from their Higher Guidance to ask the question.

Should I dowse this question? This asks if it’s an appropriate question.

Fortunately, you can program the permission intent with the pendulum to operate by default so that you only have to do it one time. Simply swing your pendulum in a clockwise motion and command it as follows, “If I am asking questions and I do not have permission in one of the three key areas (“Can I, May I, Should I?”), please indicate that to me by not operating or by being still.” In this way, when you have asked questions and feel like you have hit a brick wall, you can simply check to see whether or not you have the required permission, need to change your line of questioning, or simply wait until another time when the question may be more appropriate. Or, you can just let the question go as you may be looking for information that you don’t have access to at this point.

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 27 Pendulum Dowsing

Where Are the Answers Coming From?

It’s our conscious mind, the Audience Self that thinks of the question. (That’s the focus and intent that we discussed earlier as the starting point of dowsing.) After the conscious mind has done its job, the question is then passed to our subconscious mind, the Actor Self who then submits the question to our Higher Guidance. It is highly significant that it is routed through your subconscious mind because we want the swing of the pendulum to be governed by a sub-conscious movement of the muscles. In other words, we don’t want our conscious mind trying to control the swing.

Once you get comfortable with dowsing, your pendulum will begin to respond to your thoughts even before you formulate and ask a question. Since the process of formulating and asking the questions can eventually feel cumbersome and too slow for you, it’s exciting to receive the answer even before the pendulum starts moving in a particular direction. Remember, this is all about energy and frequency.


Basic Yes/No Chart for Pendulum Dowsing

When first starting out, get your feet wet by asking your pendulum to swing in the YES position. Now, using a slight counterclockwise motion, ask your pendulum to swing to the NO position and stay there. Once complete, ask

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 28 Pendulum Dowsing

your pendulum to swing in a clockwise motion back to YES. Repeat until you can receive a reliable YES and a NO upon request.

Use this chart to ask basic YES and NO questions, but be aware that how you ask the question is an important determinate in the accuracy of the answer.


Advanced Charts for Pendulum Dowsing

Beginning dowsing focuses on using the pendulum to get “yes” and “no” answers. Unfortunately, life is rarely so simple. Using more detailed pendulum charts helps to better unlock the detailed information available from our higher guidance for issues that don’t lend themselves to black and white answers.

The Absolute or Percentage Chart

For example, you may want to know if your particular brand of hair dye is harmful to you. Posed as a yes or no answer, your higher guidance would have to say “yes” even if the dye were only minutely an issue. For this kind of question, you can get more accurate information using an Absolute Chart that shows semicircular, 180º scale from 0% on the far left to 100% on the far right. This way you can ask your higher guidance, “Please indicate how harmful, in terms of negative effects, my current hair dye is to me.” If the percentage is low you may choose to take the risk, and if it is high (upwards of 70%) you may want to consider using a different brand.


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The Balance Chart

Another advanced chart widely use in dowsing is called the Balance Chart. In the scientific world it is called the “Hormesis Curve” which is used to illustrate the measurement of the effect of one substance upon another. Basically you will recognize this as a “bell-shaped curve.” On the far left of the curve is “too little” and on the far right is “too much.” Like all things in life, we’re looking for balance in the middle. This is the top of the “bell” and represents the place of most benefit, balance and equanimity.

Let’s say that you wanted to use the balance chart to dowse a question regarding hydration. The far left hand side would indicate total dehydration and, in an extreme case, possible death to a human being who cannot survive very long without water. Conversely, the far right hand side would indicate a dangerous excess of water, which in an extreme case would also cause death. Right in the middle at the top of the curve indicates a perfectly balanced amount of hydration for that person.

You can use this chart to check for balance in any area of your life, including nutrients, sleep, stress, out-flow of energy (like anger) or in-flow of energy (like how much love comes toward you) and much more. You’ll also get even more useful information if you ask the question, “On average over the past month, what has been my level of restful sleep?” rather than just getting a snap shot answer.

While there is certainly great value in using the Absolute Chart for “yes or no” dowsing, the Balance Chart will provide more accurate information depending on the question. If you wanted to measure whether an emotion like anger was in balance for you, it would obviously depend on the situation. Are you dealing with a stubbed toe or a cheating spouse?

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Experiencing a high degree of anger may actually be “most beneficial” to you in the latter situation but too excessive in the former.

My Life Dowsing Exercise


Creating a balance in life can be challenging. Use the My Life dowsing chart to ask your Higher Guidance which area of your life needs some attention. You will be guided to the area that is lacking in energy and, you may also be guided to an area where you’re over doing it. Use the Balance Chart to determine where you are on the scale. Depending on how you ask your question you may also need the Absolute Chart and the Yes/No chart. Then, in your Higher Guidance Journal, ask what you need to know in order to create balance. Use many of the oracles you have already been introduced to and write down the insights and messages you receive.

For more information about the American Society of Dowsers, please visit their website at http://www.dowsers.org/

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 31 Numerology


Another powerful way to gain valuable information about your purpose in life is through numerology. The date on which you were born was no accident; it translates into a blueprint of gifts you came here to give to the world. Dan Millman's book, The Life You Were Born to Live, is an excellent guide to receiving clues about your life purpose.

Below you will find directions on how to calculate what “number” you are based upon your birth date, plus a summary of the main attributes and challenges related to that specific number.

How to Calculate Your Number

Write out your birth date numerically using all four digits for the year you were born. For example, if you were born on May 5, 1945 you would write down 05+05+1945. Now add all the numbers together. (5+5 +1+9+4+5=29), then add these number together so they become a single digit (2+9=11, 1+1=2). So, this person’s birth date would make them a “2.”

What the Numbers Mean

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 32 Numerology

No. Definition Attributes Challenges

1 Creativity & Confidence

Brings positive creative energy into the world. Channels high energy and inspiration into creativity and service

Feels blocked, stuck, frustrated, inferior, ill, lethargic, insecure; possibly addicted

2 Cooperation & Balance

Clarifies the limits of their responsibility and learns to work with others in a spirit of harmony, balance, and mutual support

Feels overwhelmed; resistant and reactive; starts out overly helpful, then suddenly withdraws

3 Expression & Sensitivity

Utilizes their emotional sensitivity to bring positive, heartfelt, self-expression into the world

Feels depressed and disappointed; overly sensitive; complains and criticizes; filled with self-doubt

4 Stability & Process

Achieve stability and security by patiently following a gradual process toward selected goals

Wants it all now; skips steps; ambitious, impatient, confused, lacks stability or follow-through

5 Freedom & Discipline

Finds inner freedom through discipline, focus, and depth of experience

Swings from extreme dependence to independence; scattered; tries to do too much; bluffs and pretends

6 Vision & Acceptance

Reconciles their high ideals with practical reality, accepts themselves, their world, and the present moment through an expanded vision of life's inherent perfection

Hypercritical; judges self and others against perfectionist standards; gets lost in petty details

7 Trust & Openness

Trusts the light or spirit within them, in others, and in the process of their lives so that they feel safe enough to open up and share their inner beauty with the world

Feels bitter, betrayed, paranoid; uses mind as shield; doesn't trust self or others

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 33 Numerology

8 Abundance & Power

Works with abundance, power, and recognition, applying their success in service of the common good

Afraid of, yet preoccupied with, issues of money, power, control, and recognition; sabotages self

9 Integrity & Wisdom

Lives in accord with their highest integrity, aligns their life with their heart's intuitive wisdom, and inspires others by their example

Has lost sight of higher purpose; feels lonely and cut off; locked in the mind; out of touch with heart and intuitive guidance

0 Inner Gifts

Inner gifts or potential resources that tend to enhance the energies of the other number; signals refined or amplified qualities of sensitivity, strength, expressiveness, and intuition

Hypersensitive and nervous; stubborn; sarcastic, caustic expression; confused by internal feelings or intuitions

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 34 Runes


The Viking Runes are another powerful tool to use in getting clues and direction from your higher guidance. The Runes are a collection of 25 magical symbols from the Norse alphabet, and have been used for centuries for meditation, divination, and spiritual guidance. And just like with the tarot or oracle cards, the rune you draw is always the “right” one for you and holds a message directly from your higher guidance. Remember, the clearer and more specific your question is, the clearer and more specific the runes will be.

There is a powerful rune reading that you can use to help facilitate your progress of living your divine purpose. It can be used as a general reading or to gain insight on a specific aspect of your journey. Start by focusing on an issue that you would like guidance, then draw a stone and write down the answer in your journal.

The Rune Draw

There are many ways to use the runes for guidance: you can simply hold a question in mind and chose a single rune, or you can elect to do a more elaborate spread. One of the most common spreads is the drawing of three Runes; another is the six Rune draw. Forms are provided for both.

Three Rune Spread

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 35 Runes

Three Rune Spread

1st Rune represents “The Situation as it is.” Rune drawn: Notes:

2nd Rune represents the “Course of action called for.” Rune drawn: Notes

3rd Rune represents the “New situation that will evolve”. Rune drawn: Notes:

Focus Topic:

Date: pg.

Six Rune Spread

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 36 Runes

Six Rune Spread

1st Rune represents “The Past.” Rune drawn: Notes:

2nd Rune represents “you now.” Rune drawn: Notes:

3rd Rune represents “what lies ahead.” Rune drawn: Notes:

4th Rune represents “the foundation.” Rune drawn: Notes:

5th Rune represents “the nature of the challenges.” Rune drawn: Notes:

6th Rune represents “what lies ahead.” Rune drawn: Notes:

Focus Topic:

Date: pg.

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 37 Recommendations



Boyle, B. Wealth Beyond Reason.

Brewer, A. Breaking Free.

Browne, S. Adventures of a Psychic.

Chopra, D. How to Know God.

Dyer, D. W. The Power of Intention.

Hicks, E., & Hicks, J. Ask and It Is Given.

Jennelle, D. L. You Are Loved.

Katie, B. Loving What Is.

MacLaine, S. Out On a Limb.

McCabe, M. J. Learn to See.

McTaggart, L. The Field.

Millman, D. The Life You Were Born to Live.

Myss, C. Anatomy of the Soul.

Olson, D. W. The Pendulum Charts.

Slatter, Jean Hiring the Heavens

Sonnenberg, P. The Great Pendulum Book.

Spiller, J. Astrology for the Soul.

Stevens, J. Essence and Personality: The Michael Handbook.

Tolle, E. The Power of Now.

Vitale, J. The Attractor Factor.

Waters, S. You are God, Get Over It.


“What the Bleep Do We Know?”

“The Secret”

“The Nines”

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Higher Guidance Journaling Level I 38 Recommendations

“Conversations with God”

“The Peaceful Warrior”


Sacred Circle Tarot by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason

The Quest Tarot by Joseph Ernest Martin

Osho Zen Tarot

Inner Child Cards by Isha Lerner and Mark Lerner

Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, PH.D.

OH Cards by Moritz Egetmeyer

The Original Angel Cards by Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Cards

Messages from Angels by Doreen Virtue