High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„....

FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT active and High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A * to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's ocicst oat early to tfee «eond quar- ter. Nar the cod ef the first period, which had baa* played on w»rtT no terms. Howard -sVinlty. CrantanVs d batf rttnt end. bootfd tiki passktn 15 to put the S«S*K OewMjr lads wen back tn their own tenttary. The vMtore re- turned the pent bat Cranford thrust roahrards. Bast Orank* made a val- l u t stand In lgddkajt the Btoe and Cold on the <•• yard Mn* to the dos- mc mmotes of the tnlUsl qoarter. and Cranford lost the' pigskin on downs. Harry Stevenson, fullback of the Red and BJae. kicked from behind his own teal One. bat Oy Head, right half far the Erne and Odd. canghttheball on a run. and toted'lt hack to Bast Or- antes 38-yard strip* So st the start ef the second quarter, the local boys nre sgam tn striking position. Three times Oranford rammed the But Orange Une with no'avalL Then coach Weekky cHapstrhwl big Berate Schtzmer Into ttsft contest. Bchlrmer aparmtly 1 1 Into thai 1 with In- itrocUons. for on fourth down. Ken --Griffith. Blue and Odd quaiterback, ~ dropped back several yards and un- corked a beaatttal pass almost to tbe extreme left comer of the. field. Capt Bffl Gardner had made hi* way to that noe. where he received the pass, and darted over the anal Une for tbe only touchdown-** the contest Vince \ LnanSI try ta extra point hit tbe But Orange bad only one'rcal op- ptrumttr to aeon casing; the afternoon. On that -——t-n Hirry Sadler sent El ANNEXATION AS, LINDEN TRACT Fourteen natdenU at the Be.la.it Park «ectlon of the towiuhlp, which u 6cT Haitian road, near tbe Cranford- Usden Une. petitioned the Torwhlp Committee Tuesday night for permis- sion to have their property annexed by the City of Linden. As pointed out by Road Ormmlatfonar Frank McCullougb, a' considerable amount of ratable* will be effected If the- petition It (ranted. Tbe matter was referred to the com mlttee of the wboje for Investigation. According to the petition, many of the signers purchased their property ler the belief t h u It I U located in the City of Linden. They further stated that as their borne, an located nearer to the heart of the buttneu section of linden, their church affilia- tions and other Interest* an In Un- den; their children attend the Unden schools, their mad. Is received through the Unden postofflee, their telephones are listed under Unden, they are served by tbe Unden police and fin depart- ment*, and they do most of their trad- ing In Linden. ., John Mclaughlin, spokesman for the petitioners, advised the committee that Unden Is willing to annex the property'; The committee approved a resolution requesting $37,000 from the State High- way Commission for the construction, gndtng. and. drainage' of Orchard street and Brookskle Place from North •ramp of Wlshart of the Ugh aebaol Miss Welch wffl have dawns at tht Junior and senior group* tad Mr. W a V art. the rivalry la as- peeled, as the boy and girt sscurmg the most membsrs tor tbe association for the coming year win each receive a prise. Athird prise also win be given to the home room tsarhcr whose dast has the most member*. Both mothers af btfaatns aarttsas. tht tbajfjarm " Taaalwby gaaaw^ * * * **• eat * •. ***, -*4BS-.TMM H Bossy Fayae, 18-yeaiMiM AfCfi grade papa m Mn. Horn's at n t f af Orant Sebooi Bets a pstlsnt at bb) home. North avenue, west, and • reported to be "dotog and fathers of high school pupils are eligible to membership. * During the past year the High School assodaUon contributed to the follow- ing activities: Athletic equipment, I1M; Oval fence fund, tag; welfare fund, *M; Btate due*, MS; and' scholarship fund. WOO. In addition, the group sponsored a reception to the teachers. Father's Night, Christmas tea, numerous card parties, dance* for the high school pupils and their friends, and awarded prime* for outstanding work In various subjects. avenue to shlpi he O e. The town- of tbe cost wOl be $3floo. d to th Plild NAME LEGION'S NEW COMMITTEES Commander Cooper Com- plete* Crmnford Port's Organization. Committee chairmen of Cranford Post, 313, American Legion, lor tttc coming year were appointed Tuesday night at a meeting In tbe Casino by the new commander, Walter E. Cooper. They a n as follows, the fires named nlosly." and a) «apectad to recoverfoD ua* of Mi functions. In order to safeguard the health of other cbiktran who had been In eloee assodaUon with the victim. R. a. Best. tuptrrlstng principal, baa anmwnmd that Mrs Bore's division of the fifth grade I* bates dtamlased for ten day*. Dr. K. K Terrell, school phy*Man. stated that there U little probability of another case. In a letter sent out this week to pwenta of Mhool chUtjrcjps 1 •*#»!*. Best stated that In case theri should be any rorthsr devaknmenU. we shall tmmedlatair g(t m touch with the par- enU of the Cranford school*.- Bis letter farther staled: T h e program of protection which w, shall follow I* being organised Jointly by the local board of health and the public school. officials. We shall be largely tutted by the recommendation* of Surgeon Ocneral Cummlng of the Public Health Service of the U. S. Oov- eminent'of August M, ltSS: * 'Practically ; •verywhere in the Dnlted States, Including communities when' pottomytUUs, so-csOled Infantile paralysis, 'has. .been epidemic, the ichooU will open on time. If the advice. Ma 14N. to wtn ttrst phut, who* tht patrol tram Ttoop n acartd (M Hats for ' ' Tb« patrol from Troop M wa* under MeUan of Ray fair, with ON «sep- ratloa at Tvddy IITT*"^. asslatant patrol kmder. FAVORS FUU TDK HEALTH OFFICER Gniafbid Weteert, P. Banghr. S. Winoughby, M. Breyfogl* and George Ortfmh*. The pstrd bad previously wen three Ant place* and'one second during sbt camporee* held this sum- Tht patrol from Troop » was under dtrection of Jack Paunc*. Other Ms- ben Included Roy Knadsan, Roy Dan- Ms, Don Davis, Henry Rommaar, .Jot Heusr, Chartat Romlnger and Hartal Drew. Award* will be presented at the nest court of honor. fcci; forward to Joe Ivans, but «tth a dear netd ahead thedusky end nan mailed the ban. Another time Capt. Bchrader Blocked a low Uck-oO almost m asldnaid and the Bed and span the pigskin In MUng to two thid Bine pounced Cnslord territory. g smashes, the Bsaex boys sicked on third Corn. } Crantocd chalked up five first down* (ama*Mt* cm MtmOworth page) Request wis made to the Plsinneld DDtaa Water Company to Install 400 feet of water main in Riverside Drive between Orange and Casino avenues, The main Is being requested In order to give Ore protection to three new dwellings which are being constructed c«i Riverside Drive between Orange and Casino avenues. The Increased rev- enue In taxes from the new houses will more than offset the annual cost of the additional mains, it wss said. Road Commissioner McCullough re- quested townspeople not to bum leaves hi the streets. He referred to a town- ship ordinance which prohibit* fires of any description within two feet of a jprn^Amr* road. While the police will not be requested to enforce the ordln? ance, he urged the cooperetlon of the residents In order to preserve the streets. ReferrecKto the light committee with power was the communication from the Village Improvement Association's streets and stations committee, of which Mrs. Lottie M. Dohrman Is chairman, which drew attention to the fact that. tbe curb traffic circle at Springfield avenue and West End place is unllgbted and therefore very danger- ous as a traffic basard- The group re- quested that a lamp post be placed there and that he plot beplanted In hormony with a corresponding circle in the next block. If that cant be done, the circle should be removed the V. I. A. believes, H. R. Wlnckler was acting clerk in the absence of Alvan R. Denman, who Is vacationing In Canada, TO CAMPAIGN AGAINST STEEL TRAPS INKY. Mrs, afabd.Bl'-Lorelliwas redected chairman of th« TlmiJhan MimHr- 1 Committee for her.aaeond consecuUve ^ < m M d l t t h l da;g llon tneetln« ta ; ihe Oaatoo. Oeorte a RaiUdnacted « tomparsry chsUr- « " and optokd ttemeeting and Mrs. C- J» Jansen va* temporary secretary. • Other o o < « a fcAmrrTVtc»cbalriiian, O IX RaaUii^siicoHdtns Albert ^ I reiardh^s«entary; Urt.Mat- Bcarbroogh. rwledwi; correspond- t a w n o s : * . Victor, w rv'Obarle* ttmUng.ra- f*All»jAr. WARNOCK NAMED POUCE RECORDER Succeed* Acting Judge Carl H. Wantntlri, Who Re- signed. At a special meeting- of the Township Committee last Friday night, Malcolm Wamock of 481 Prospect street was ap- pointed police recorder, succeeding Acting Recorder Carl H. Wantnskt. who tendered his resignation last Prt- of those who have most' thoroughly j day night Warnock. who took office studied the situation 1* followed.* We Immediately, will receive an annual may safely predict that when this Is salary of $730. done, there will be no Increase In the] Warsinakl. who also Is township at- Seek Tht Cranford Physktens' Club, at a meeting last Thursday, adopted a reso- mtlon favoring a fuU thne health offl- eer m Cranford with "the neceaaarr approprlatloos so that he may be given a ehanos to perform his duties of aaf e- guardtng the public health of our com- munur thoroughly and effldently." Abn adopted-wa* a resolution favoring the compulsory vaccination and lm- muntaalioo for all Cranford children before they enter school. The resolution dealing with the health officer follows: 'Whereas, under the preaent system of maintaining only a part time health Gnunts BCSMTIUM p«r. miwioa to Start Con- •tmctioo of Englttlv typeVfllagc. The Township Committee Tuesday night unanimously adopted the i practically Impossible to i of communicable' dls- -Americanism, Bdward J. Bwemey; by-laws, A. Leonard Robert* and Ouy Peck: publicity, Rarlan W. Drew: en- tertainment, Everett Shire, Charles Crounse and Theodore Rauch; house, Joseph Pegg: sick call and relief. Charles H. Beer; school, Lee Miller and Thomas Oilley; refreshment, Joe Ber- ardinelll. Prank lfasaa and Pnd Qasonl; membership, Carroll K. Sellers and Thomas Burr; ways and means, Jack Orady, Harold Olovier, Clyde J. King. Herbert Pope, : Andrew afacConnell. Bverett Bblre and Walter X. Cooper; athletic Thomas Albans and . Louis Pompllano; Boy Scout, William Brry- fogle:.aervice officer, Herbert R. Wlnck- ler: county executive comnilttee dele- ,gate,Clyde J. King; finance auditor. Prank O. Young; emergency ntoblllxa- Uon, William Oourley; ritual. Warren W. Haliey; liason, Walter E. Cooper; and safety council delegate, Jack Orady. Plans for a membership contest be- tween Cranford Post and Scotch Plains Post, 309, have been arranged, by County Membership Chairman Clyde J. King, i- The report of Past Commander Louis Pompllano,'Including a resume of the year's accomplishments, together with recommendations for the coming rear, was received, u were report* of chair- men of standing committees. Announcement was made of the open house at the Casino Friday night. The public has been invited. • All facili- ties may be used without charge. The meeting waT" adjourned at 10 p. m., after which members listened to a radio description of the Baer-Loula fight. disease. "Where the health of the school children Is, a* It should be, closely co- ordinated with the offldal health pro- gram for the eommuatty, th» health | torney, bad served a* recorder without salary since the death early In the summer of Judge Lv U Umdand. His resignation was accepted with regrets by the Township Committee, who also offleer'ean usually count on his child}tendered him a vote of thanks for his population being better off In school service*. (CmHnutd tm KenOtporth pose; Wsntoskli letter of resignation fol lows: 1 -In view of the several appllcaUons you have received lor appointmenttothe FIRST MEETING TONIGHT, om<* of recorder. I feel that this is a MEN'S LEAGUE TO HAVE proper time for me to be asked to be The Men's League of the Pint Pres-' nueved of my duties as acting recorder, byterian Church win hold IU first meet-f "I take this opportunity to thank Ing of the fall andwinter season at g 1 J™»J" »«» axpresslon of confidence o'clock tonight. In the church school auditorium. . An excellent program of entertainment has been arranged. At a meeting of the executive com- mittee recently at the home of A. E. Robinson In 23Holly street, the follow- ing schedule of meetings for the re- mslnder of, the year was approved: November U, December 13, January 4, February 30, March 4 and April 4. R, E. Richards, reporting for-4he permanent calendar committee, stated that progress Is being made in getting the dates of meetings and other Im- portant event* of the various organf- ratlora. and that, the completed calen- dar will be available shortly. Howard R. Best, new supervising principal of public schools, war elected to membership. n me by. appointing me to this office, and while 1 received no pecuniary «r ward for my service*, I feel amply com- pensated In myknowledge that a serv- ice to my fellow-townsmen has been well performed." Accompanying the letter was his nnal report, as follows: Receipts fromSep- tember 1 to » , *M In Ones, and » In costs, of which Mwent to the County, and US to the Township. Miss Lucy Purman of 33J Walnut avenue wffl leave shortlyto_tourKen^ tucky In the Interest* of the ,Antl- Stocltrap League. She will address women'* dubs,-«nd when the Kentucky WINTERS NOMINATED FOR V. F. W. HEAD Legislature convene* this winter, will work with that body In an effort to get Antl-Steeltrsp law* passed. Hiss Furman Is well known among women." and "Mothering- on ec*nUy wai rjcognl-d a. the TOnan who had contributed most to the, advancement of mountain . and !erS.. »»JE has resided with her sister, Mrs. v. CoUlns. at the Walnut avenue address. !, INDORSE[WHELAN Bdward Wbelan. chairman of the Capt Neweintodney Flake Po*V33S, V. P. W, lsst night nominated these officers: Commander, John Winter; Ma lor vice-commander, Leon Scully and Robert Mldgley; Junior vice-com- mander, Robert Mldgley, Al Hemleb s'nd Thocniu; -A. ; "Albsht; chaplain; Charles Cununlngs; quartermaster, Oaston Crosby; officer of the'day, Wal- ter Schultx; Judge advocate, .Leon Scully; delegate to County" Council, Robert Mldgley; and alternate. James Scott and Charles I*nia. k - - - t ," The post's reemployment committee reported that forty-two'men had been placed since August 15. . ..,'__'/_/_' _ Announcement' wu made that sev- eral post members' will take part In the first aid course which will be sponsored this winter by .the'Cranford;'Safety Council.-, ;1_. -.',' "ijl,-.-}->-* \ i"" The' pott's : Junior drum Jsid 'bugle corps will lead,the County Holy r Naroe parade which will be held in Cranford on October j j , 5 * * * il '' r ' •*••"•*"' •* -"-~ .The'-*enlCT,drumtsM*bugle^eorp*,U ,ponsoring»a\dnwlngtfor^a .new' IBM Aub«ro1wtan.;to l p|d».to^ralse':fundi UONSTOMARK TENTH ANNIVERSARY The Uons Club ^win celebrate Its tenth anniversary October 25, It .was announced at It* meeting hut Friday night in Coleman's Inn. Arrangements will be completed at a meeting this week of the directors. On October 7, the club will to to New Brunswick to attend the annual State meeting at which the national presl- dent will be one of the guests. The local club saslileduTconducUnif the Uons* sixth annual *band and drill contest Sunday In Warinanco Park, Elisabeth. President William Klein ' treasurer of the contest committee, and Jack A. van Brederode, former club member, was one of the- Judge*. Pro- ceed* each year are used to carry out playground activities throughout Un- ion County, c- • ' • r '• " TRINITY MEN'S CLUrl ELECTS NEW OFFICERS At a meeting bf'.the executive com mittee of the Trinity. Men's dub last Thursday evening at the home of G. K Hoe. Jr N In all MUn street, the follow- Ing new officers f.wen elected f Presi t W Troeber;-first r vlce-presl- k t a d i ' id,vice-pi dent, W. dent, W. 0. Klein;.' __ dent,'James B, Turk:'-treasurer,'O. R, Hoei-Jr, and secretary, A.B.Oeldwtn. {fA'rlstog'VOte of,thanks was tendered to a ' T . Harris, the retiring president' #Th«'club -will' haveriU,firstrmeetlng Mart onloctober ,10. ^ On- Men^CTub^Ul.beih X*^S**««te*-»r«> Lees^iwttlvraturfc^^ecnjpltai 1 Joint officer. It Is v e that all •ases are reported and quarantined. and "Whereas, The present system docs not allow either time nor laboratory fa- cilities for the analysis of milk and water and other laboratory examina- tions upon which tbe public health of community la vitally contingent, and "Whereas, Data a* to the location, nature, etc., of contagious disease* an, tmder the present system of a part time health officer, not available to the local physicians so that they may be put on their guard against any threat- ening epidemics such as measles, whooping: cough, infantile paralysis, typhoid fever, etc. Therefore, be It resolved, that the Cnnford Physicians Club go on rec- ord as being In favor of a lull time health officer In Crmnford with (he neoesaarf appropriations -to that he be given a ebanee to peifHm his duties of safeguarding the public health of our community thoroughly and effi- ciently. 1 W. J. Wlllsey has served for several «an as secretary of the local board of health and also an health officer. Al- though the popltlon wai formerly full-time one. It has been only part- time for the past few yean. Until the township moved Into new quartenlast April, the health officer was provided only with a desk and office space. ' In tlie new quarters, he la equipped with a small laboratory, suitable for making certain tnts. In addition to an office. The other resolution adopted by the doctors follows: -Whereas, V1U1 Ingly prove that •tatlstlcs overwhelm smallpox and vaccination," against immunisation;' against LEGION WOMEN ON COMMITTEES Chairmen of standing committee* of the Ladles' i Auxiliary to Cranford Post, 313, American Legion, were named last Thursday night by the new president, Mn. Harold A. Olovier, at a meeting' In the Casino. They are: Membership, Mrs. John Mudrock; child welfare, Mrs. L. K. Knowlaon; rehabilitation. Mrs. John Mayer: Needlework Oulld. Mrs. Louis Pom- pllano; Cathedral of the Air, Mrs. C. R. Crounse; musk, Mn. Robert Mulr; pub- licity. Mrs. Charles Crosby; finance and property, Mn. Charles J. Christian; legislature. Mn. Carroll Sellers; color guard, Mrs. Lee Miller: community service and unit work, Mrs. Charles Been; American national events, Mrs. Harold Buck; _ N«w_lcounty delegates are Mrs. dlpftlheria have greatly diminished the occurence of these two dread diseases; to the point where they are now con- sidered rare diseases, -Therefore, Be It resolved that the Cranford Physicians' Club go on rec- ord as being In favor of compulsory vaccination and Immunisation for all Cranford children before they'enter school." Oiovier, Mrs. Selleri Mn. Buck and Mn. Mayer. Alternates- are Mrs. Christian, -Mrs. Beers, Mn. Miller and Mn. Mudrock. Walter B. Cooper, new commander of Cranford Post, was a guest* anct made a short talk, Following the meeting refreshments were- served by Mrs. Olovier and her committee. , ' , JUMBLE STORE BEGINS THIRD YEAR TODA The Jumble Store, operated by the Cranford Junior Service League, will be opened for Its third year today at 13 Eastman street. The store ha* been a successful vnture during the past two yean, the League report*. The Jumble Store often resident* the opportunity to secure usable articles at reasonable prices. Profits "from*the mendatlon of the Board of Adjustment that the soning ordinance be modified to permit the erection of two apart- ment buildings on the Beard*!** estate, tt Claremont Place and Casino avenaa, Thf'applicaUon wu made by Mrs. Plorlne W. Btardslee and Mrs. Use nor B. Raines, owners of the property, which Is located In residence "A" dis- trict No protests were made by any of the twenty resident* attending the pubUe hearing of the Board of Adjustment on Monday night following an explanation of the proposed development by Morti- mer Foster of NewYork, tht consult- ing engineer, snd an tsanrlste of Frank HoUlngsworth, the architect. Two residents present at Monday night's meeting spoke Injfavor of the project. Mr, and Mrs. O, B. Jones of 113 Claremont place, represented by their son, stated that they wen very . much In favor of the development and* believed that It would be an asset to> the Immediate neighborhood as wett as J&. the town. J. Angus Knoedea, who re- aide* at 308 Casino avenuff stated that he believed the propjeet was a fine- solution to a problem which will haver to be faced In the future If not now, and urged the board'* approval of the application. According to Mr. Foster, the Initial development, for which the application was granted, will consist of one build- ing housing five families, another homing four, a third also housing tour, with a studio apartment, and three private residences. The initial develop- ment,-which will cost approximately 180.000,1* expected to be started shortly. If the original development proves popular, It Is planned to continue the project Into an English village. The completed group would Include nine- teen different buildings, which would house between 55 and 80 families. The buildings would be In seven different groups, all but one of which would be two and one-half stories high*, and the other a three story dwelling^The high- est building would be thirty-five feet. The development will not present any* traffic difficulties, Mr. Poster explained. as all can will be eared for within the 7 grounds. The present Iron fence around " the grounds will remain Intact, aa would the shrubbery. Mr. Foster slated that he believed the development will be a benefit to the / property owner and will not be a detrl- *< ment to the neighborhood. He amid It would be more of a private residential village. He compared the pioposed de- velopment with those carried out In BronxvUle, N. Y n also an exclusive residential town. . . Plans and spedflcaUons wen exhi- bited to the public for inspection and later 1 filed with Eugene E. 8teele. The Board of Adjustment meeting wss conducted by Joseph Heuer, the chairman. N Building Inspector EXPECT DECISION SOON FROM PWA •The Cranford. Board of Education's application to the Publle v Works\Admln- JstraUon for a grant' and loan' with which to r buUd a .new ,Junlor^enlor high school Is now under consideration sales are used by the League to carry on It* charity work In Cranford. Tbe various charities In which the League takes part wUl be found |n Its annual statement, which will be published In next week's Issue of this paper. Donations of artides, such as" cloth- ing, books, furniture, china, tools and other miscellaneous Items, an solicited by the League. These articles win be called for by communicating with Mrs. Cart H. Mason'of 110 Cranford avenue, or they may be left at the store. " The first regular meeting of tbe League will be held at-the home of Mrs. O, P. Buckley on "Tuesday, Oc- tober i> . _ ,, . r-,-i*:i.'A,- ' •' In Washington, the,board's attorney, George Bauer, wss notified yesterday. Mr. Sauer and the architect, O. Ood- frty Poggie, wen called to Newark this week to give-supplemental Information aruTdarlfy certam^ltems^lnitbe'orir- lnal'appucaUcnWirnuorbelneeeaiaqr lnalappucaUcn for thTtrusto^ i ta belneeiaqr airf attorney lrtUiJbf CONTRACT AWARDED TOR POLKS RADIO - The contract has been" awarded and work Is to starttthU week on the.In- stallation'of, the Jnew poUceCndlolsya- tem here:ftThe-«otract-wa*';awarded DRAMATISTS PLAN FIRST ASSEMBLY Two One-Act PUy« to Be Pre- ~—"tented in Casino o n — - ' October 22. The Cranford Dramato Club wUl open tt* fall and winter season on Tuesday night, October 33, with an as- sembly In the Casino, followed by a social evening with refreshments. It ha* been announced by. J. Branch Darby, the president.^ ' - . - > A feature of the evening's program will be a one-act'comedy, directed by MrsTRobert,Addorns, which win In- clude In Its cast new officers and com- mittee chairmen as well.as other new members of the dub. -The'pUy'will new officer* and chairmen to tht other ' members • 1 end,,guest*.,v Approximately forty-five person* are expected to take Oeld)* y part.- * J X Xne j j0tbei, y. ha*'.not>yet been:select«d,7 wm? be^revival,"of -a 5 fe*a»«^^pr«gntatlottSbr A 1 the

Transcript of High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„....

Page 1: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's

FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTactive andHigh SchoolUotLHwa*


BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A * toBecome Part of Adjoin.

•me warning tatty hi last Saturday'socicst o a t early to tfee «eond quar-ter. Nar the cod ef the first period,which had baa* played on w»rtT n oterms. Howard -sVinlty. CrantanVs

d batfrttnt end. bootfd tiki passktn 15to put the S«S*K OewMjr lads wen backtn their own tenttary. The vMtore re-turned the pent bat Cranford thrustroahrards. Bast Orank* made a val-l u t stand In lgddkajt the Btoe andCold on the <•• yard Mn* to the dos-mc mmotes of the tnlUsl qoarter. andCranford lost the' pigskin on downs.Harry Stevenson, fullback of the Redand BJae. kicked from behind his ownteal One. bat Oy Head, right half farthe Erne and Odd. canghttheball ona run. and toted'lt hack to Bast Or-antes 38-yard strip* So s t the startef the second quarter, the local boysnre sgam tn striking position.

Three times Oranford rammed theBut Orange Une with no'avalL Thencoach Weekky cHapstrhwl big BerateSchtzmer Into ttsft contest. Bchlrmeraparmtly 1 1 Into thai 1 with In-itrocUons. for on fourth down. Ken

--Griffith. Blue and Odd quaiterback,~ dropped back several yards and un-

corked a beaatttal pass almost to tbeextreme left comer of the. field. CaptBffl Gardner had made hi* way to thatnoe. where he received the pass, anddarted over the anal Une for tbe onlytouchdown-** the contest Vince

\ LnanSI try ta extra point hit tbe

But Orange bad only one'rcal op-ptrumttr to aeon casing; the afternoon.On that -——t-n Hirry Sadler sent


Fourteen natdenU at the Be.la.itPark «ectlon of the towiuhlp, which u6cT Haitian road, near tbe Cranford-Usden Une. petitioned the TorwhlpCommittee Tuesday night for permis-sion to have their property annexed bythe City of Linden. As pointed out byRoad Ormmlatfonar Frank McCullougb,a' considerable amount of ratable* willbe effected If the- petition It (ranted.Tbe matter was referred to the commlttee of the wboje for Investigation.

According to the petition, many ofthe signers purchased their property

ler the belief thu It I U located inthe City of Linden. They furtherstated that as their borne, an locatednearer to the heart of the buttneusection of linden, their church affilia-tions and other Interest* a n In Un-den; their children attend the Undenschools, their mad. Is received throughthe Unden postofflee, their telephonesare listed under Unden, they are servedby tbe Unden police and fin depart-ment*, and they do most of their trad-ing In Linden. . ,

John Mclaughlin, spokesman for thepetitioners, advised the committee thatUnden Is willing to annex the property';

The committee approved a resolutionrequesting $37,000 from the State High-way Commission for the construction,gndtng. and. drainage' of Orchardstreet and Brookskle Place from North

•ramp ofWlshart of the Ugh aebaol

Miss Welch wffl have dawns at thtJunior and senior group* tad Mr. WaVart. the

rivalry la as-peeled, as the boy and girt sscurmgthe most membsrs tor tbe associationfor the coming year win each receivea prise. A third prise also win be givento the home room tsarhcr whose dasthas the most member*. Both mothers

af btfaatns aarttsas. thttbajfjarm "Taaalwby

g a a a w ^ — * * * **• eat * •. ***,

-*4BS-.TMM H Bossy Fayae,18-yeaiMiM AfCfi grade papa m Mn.Horn's at n t f af Orant Sebooi Betsa pstlsnt at bb) home. North avenue,west, and • reported to be "dotog

and fathers of high school pupils areeligible to membership.* During the past year the High SchoolassodaUon contributed to the follow-ing activities: Athletic equipment, I1M;Oval fence fund, tag; welfare fund,*M; Btate due*, MS; and' scholarshipfund. WOO.

In addition, the group sponsored areception to the teachers. Father'sNight, Christmas tea, numerous cardparties, dance* for the high schoolpupils and their friends, and awardedprime* for outstanding work In varioussubjects.

avenue toshlpi

he O e. The town-of tbe cost wOl be $3floo.

d to th P l i l d


Commander Cooper Com-plete* Crmnford Port's


Committee chairmen of CranfordPost, 313, American Legion, lor tttccoming year were appointed Tuesdaynight at a meeting In tbe Casino bythe new commander, Walter E. Cooper.They a n as follows, the fires named

nlosly." and a) «apectad to recover foDua* of Mi functions.

In order to safeguard the health ofother cbiktran who had been In eloeeassodaUon with the victim. R. a. Best.tuptrrlstng principal, baa anmwnmdthat Mrs Bore's division of the fifthgrade I* bates dtamlased for ten day*.

Dr. K. K Terrell, school phy*Man.stated that there U little probability ofanother case. In a letter sent out thisweek to pwenta of Mhool chUtjrcjps1 •*#»!*.Best stated that I n case theri shouldbe any rorthsr devaknmenU. we shalltmmedlatair g(t m touch with the par-enU of the Cranford school*.-

Bis letter farther staled:T h e program of protection which w,

shall follow I* being organised Jointlyby the local board of health and thepublic school. officials. We shall belargely tutted by the recommendation*of Surgeon Ocneral Cummlng of thePublic Health Service of the U. S. Oov-eminent'of August M, ltSS:

* 'Practically ; •verywhere in t h eDnlted States, Including communitieswhen' pottomytUUs, so-csOled Infantileparalysis, 'has. .been epidemic, theichooU will open on time. If the advice.

Ma 14N. to wtn ttrst phut, who*tht patrol tram Ttoop n acartd (M

Hats for ' 'Tb« patrol from Troop M wa* underMeUan of Ray fair, with O N «sep-ratloa at Tvddy IITT*"^. asslatant

patrol kmder.


GniafbidWeteert, P. Banghr. S.

Winoughby, M. Breyfogl* and GeorgeOrtfmh*. The pstrd bad previouslywen three Ant place* and'one secondduring sbt camporee* held this sum-

Tht patrol from Troop » was underdtrection of Jack Paunc*. Other M s -ben Included Roy Knadsan, Roy Dan-Ms, Don Davis, Henry Rommaar, .JotHeusr, Chartat Romlnger and HartalDrew.

Award* will be presented at the nestcourt of honor.

fcci; forward to Joe Ivans, but«tth a dear netd ahead the dusky endnan mailed the ban. Another timeCapt. Bchrader Blocked a low Uck-oOalmost m asldnaid and the Bed and

span the pigskin InMUng to two


Bine pouncedCnslord territory. gsmashes, the Bsaex boys sicked on thirdCorn. }

Crantocd chalked up five first down*(ama*Mt* cm MtmOworth page)

Request wis made to the PlsinneldDDtaa Water Company to Install 400feet of water main in Riverside Drivebetween Orange and Casino avenues,The main Is being requested In orderto give Ore protection to three newdwellings which are being constructedc«i Riverside Drive between Orange andCasino avenues. The Increased rev-enue In taxes from the new houses willmore than offset the annual cost ofthe additional mains, it wss said.

Road Commissioner McCullough re-quested townspeople not to bum leaveshi the streets. He referred to a town-ship ordinance which prohibit* fires ofany description within two feet of ajprn^Amr* road. While the police willnot be requested to enforce the ordln?ance, he urged the cooperetlon of theresidents In order to preserve thestreets.

ReferrecKto the light committee withpower was the communication from theVillage Improvement Association'sstreets and stations committee, ofwhich Mrs. Lottie M. Dohrman Ischairman, which drew attention to thefact that. tbe curb traffic circle atSpringfield avenue and West End placeis unllgbted and therefore very danger-ous as a traffic basard- The group re-quested that a lamp post be placed thereand that he plot be planted In hormonywith a corresponding circle in the nextblock. If that cant be done, the circleshould be removed the V. I. A. believes,

H. R. Wlnckler was acting clerk inthe absence of Alvan R. Denman, whoIs vacationing In Canada,


Mrs, afabd.Bl'-Lorelliwas redectedchairman of th« TlmiJhan MimHr-1

Committee for her.aaeond consecuUve^ < m M d l t t h lda;g

llon tneetln« ta;ihe Oaatoo. Oeortea RaiUdnacted « tomparsry chsUr-« " and optokd ttemeeting and Mrs.C- J» Jansen va* temporary secretary.• Other oo<«a fcAmrrTVtc»cbalriiian,O IX RaaUii^siicoHdtns Albert

^ I reiardh^s«entary; Urt.Mat-Bcarbroogh. rwledwi; correspond-

t a w n o s : * . Victor, wrv'Obarle* ttmUng.ra-

f * A l l » j A r .


Succeed* Acting Judge Carl H.Wantntlri, Who Re-


At a special meeting- of the TownshipCommittee last Friday night, MalcolmWamock of 481 Prospect street was ap-pointed police recorder, succeedingActing Recorder Carl H. Wantnskt.who tendered his resignation last Prt-

of those who have most' thoroughly j day night Warnock. who took officestudied the situation 1* followed.* We Immediately, will receive an annualmay safely predict that when this Is salary of $730.done, there will be no Increase In the] Warsinakl. who also Is township at-


Tht Cranford Physktens' Club, at ameeting last Thursday, adopted a reso-mtlon favoring a fuU thne health offl-eer m Cranford with "the neceaaarrapproprlatloos so that he may be givena ehanos to perform his duties of aaf e-guardtng the public health of our com-munur thoroughly and effldently."Abn adopted-wa* a resolution favoringthe compulsory vaccination and lm-muntaalioo for all Cranford childrenbefore they enter school.

The resolution dealing with thehealth officer follows:

'Whereas, under the preaent systemof maintaining only a part time health

Gnunts BCSMTIUM p«r.miwioa to Start Con-•tmctioo of EnglttlvtypeVfllagc.

The Township Committee Tuesdaynight unanimously adopted the i

practically Impossible toi of communicable' dls-

-Americanism, Bdward J. Bwemey;by-laws, A. Leonard Robert* and OuyPeck: publicity, Rarlan W. Drew: en-tertainment, Everett Shire, CharlesCrounse and Theodore Rauch; house,Joseph Pegg: sick call and relief.Charles H. Beer; school, Lee Miller andThomas Oilley; refreshment, Joe Ber-ardinelll. Prank lfasaa and Pnd Qasonl;membership, Carroll K. Sellers andThomas Burr; ways and means, JackOrady, Harold Olovier, Clyde J. King.Herbert Pope, : Andrew afacConnell.Bverett Bblre and Walter X. Cooper;athletic Thomas Albans and . LouisPompllano; Boy Scout, William Brry-fogle:.aervice officer, Herbert R. Wlnck-ler: county executive comnilttee dele-,gate,Clyde J. King; finance auditor.Prank O. Young; emergency ntoblllxa-Uon, William Oourley; ritual. WarrenW. Haliey; liason, Walter E. Cooper;and safety council delegate, Jack Orady.

Plans for a membership contest be-tween Cranford Post and Scotch PlainsPost, 309, have been arranged, byCounty Membership Chairman Clyde J.King, i-

The report of Past Commander LouisPompllano,'Including a resume of theyear's accomplishments, together withrecommendations for the coming rear,was received, u were report* of chair-men of standing committees.

Announcement was made of theopen house at the Casino Friday night.The public has been invited. • All facili-ties may be used without charge.

The meeting waT" adjourned at 10p. m., after which members listened toa radio description of the Baer-Loulafight.

disease."Where the health of the school

children Is, a* It should be, closely co-ordinated with the offldal health pro-gram for the eommuatty, th» health

| torney, bad served a* recorder withoutsalary since the death early In thesummer of Judge Lv U Umdand. Hisresignation was accepted with regretsby the Township Committee, who also

offleer'ean usually count on his child}tendered him a vote of thanks for hispopulation being better off In school service*.

(CmHnutd tm KenOtporth pose; Wsntoskli letter of resignation follows:1

-In view of the several appllcaUonsyou have received lor appointment to the

FIRST MEETING TONIGHT, om<* of recorder. I feel that this is aMEN'S LEAGUE TO HAVE

proper time for me to be asked to beThe Men's League of the Pint Pres-' nueved of my duties as acting recorder,

byterian Church win hold IU first meet-f "I take this opportunity to thankIng of the fall and winter season at g1 J™» J" » « » axpresslon of confidenceo'clock tonight. In the church schoolauditorium. . An excellent program ofentertainment has been arranged.

At a meeting of the executive com-mittee recently at the home of A. E.Robinson In 23 Holly street, the follow-ing schedule of meetings for the re-mslnder of, the year was approved:November U, December 13, January 4,February 30, March 4 and April 4.

R, E. Richards, reporting for-4hepermanent calendar committee, statedthat progress Is being made in gettingthe dates of meetings and other Im-portant event* of the various organf-ratlora. and that, the completed calen-dar will be available shortly.

Howard R. Best, new supervisingprincipal of public schools, war electedto membership.

n me by. appointing me to this office,and while 1 received no pecuniary « rward for my service*, I feel amply com-pensated In my knowledge that a serv-ice to my fellow-townsmen has beenwell performed."

Accompanying the letter was his nnalreport, as follows: Receipts from Sep-tember 1 to » , *M In Ones, and » Incosts, of which M went to the County,and US to the Township.

Miss Lucy Purman of 33J Walnutavenue wffl leave shortly to_tour Ken^tucky In the Interest* of the ,Antl-Stocltrap League. She will addresswomen'* dubs,-«nd when the Kentucky


Legislature convene* this winter, willwork with that body In an effort to getAntl-Steeltrsp law* passed.

Hiss Furman Is well known among

women." and "Mothering- on

ec*nUy wai rjcognl-d a. theTOnan who had contributed most tothe, advancement of mountain . and

!erS.. » » J Ehas resided with her sister, Mrs.

v. CoUlns. at the Walnut avenueaddress.

!, INDORSE[WHELANBdward Wbelan. chairman of the

Capt Neweintodney Flake Po*V33S,V. P. W, lsst night nominated theseofficers: Commander, John Winter;Malor vice-commander, Leon Scullyand Robert Mldgley; Junior vice-com-mander, Robert Mldgley, Al Hemlebs'nd Thocniu; -A.;"Albsht; chaplain;Charles Cununlngs; quartermaster,Oaston Crosby; officer of the'day, Wal-ter Schultx; Judge advocate, .LeonScully; delegate to County" Council,Robert Mldgley; and alternate. JamesScott and Charles I*nia.k - - - t ,"

The post's reemployment committeereported that forty-two'men had beenplaced since August 15. . ..,'__'/_/_' _

Announcement' w u made that sev-eral post members' will take part In thefirst aid course which will be sponsoredthis winter by .the'Cranford;'SafetyCouncil.-, ; 1_ . -.',' "ijl,-.-}->-* \ i""

The' pott's:Junior drum Jsid 'buglecorps will lead,the County HolyrNaroeparade which will be held in Cranfordon October j j , 5 * * * i l ' ' r ' •*••"•*"' •* -"-~

.The'-*enlCT,drumtsM*bugle^eorp*,U,ponsoring»a\dnwlngtfor^a .new' IBMAub«ro1wtan.;tolp|d».to^ralse':fundi


The Uons Club ^win celebrate Itstenth anniversary October 25, It .wasannounced at It* meeting hut Fridaynight in Coleman's Inn. Arrangementswill be completed at a meeting thisweek of the directors.

On October 7, the club will to to NewBrunswick to attend the annual Statemeeting at which the national presl-dent will be one of the guests.

The local club saslileduTconducUnifthe Uons* sixth annual *band and drillcontest Sunday In Warinanco Park,Elisabeth. President William Klein 'treasurer of the contest committee, andJack A. van Brederode, former clubmember, was one of the- Judge*. Pro-ceed* each year are used to carry outplayground activities throughout Un-ion County, c- • ' • r '• "


At a meeting bf'.the executive committee of the Trinity. Men's dub lastThursday evening at the home of G. KHoe. JrN In all MUn street, the follow-Ing new officers f.wen elected f Presi

t W Troeber;-firstrvlce-presl-k t a d i 'id,vice-pi

dent, W.dent, W. 0. Klein;.' _ _dent,'James B, Turk:'-treasurer,'O. R,Hoei-Jr, and secretary, A.B.Oeldwtn.{fA'rlstog'VOte of,thanks was tenderedto a ' T . Harris, the retiring president'#Th«'club -will' haveriU,firstrmeetlng

Martonloctober ,10. ^ On-Men^CTub^Ul.beihX*^S**««te*-»r«>Lees^iwttlvraturfc^^ecnjpltai

1 Joint

officer. It Isv e that all•ases are reported and quarantined.and

"Whereas, The present system docsnot allow either time nor laboratory fa-cilities for the analysis of milk andwater and other laboratory examina-tions upon which tbe public health of

community la vitally contingent, and"Whereas, Data a* to the location,

nature, etc., of contagious disease* an,tmder the present system of a parttime health officer, not available to thelocal physicians so that they may beput on their guard against any threat-ening epidemics such as measles,whooping: cough, infantile paralysis,typhoid fever, etc.

Therefore, be It resolved, that theCnnford Physicians Club go on rec-ord as being In favor of a lull timehealth officer In Crmnford with (heneoesaarf appropriations -to that hebe given a ebanee to peifHm his dutiesof safeguarding the public health ofour community thoroughly and effi-ciently.1

W. J. Wlllsey has served for several« a n as secretary of the local board ofhealth and also an health officer. Al-though the popltlon wai formerlyfull-time one. It has been only part-time for the past few yean. Until thetownship moved Into new quartenlastApril, the health officer was providedonly with a desk and office space. ' Intlie new quarters, he la equipped witha small laboratory, suitable for makingcertain tnts. In addition to an office.

The other resolution adopted by thedoctors follows:

-Whereas, V1U1Ingly prove that

•tatlstlcs overwhelm

smallpox andvaccination," against

immunisation;' against


Chairmen of standing committee* ofthe Ladles' i Auxiliary to Cranford Post,313, American Legion, were named lastThursday night by the new president,Mn. Harold A. Olovier, at a meeting' Inthe Casino. They are:

Membership, Mrs. John Mudrock;child welfare, Mrs. L. K. Knowlaon;rehabilitation. Mrs. John Mayer:Needlework Oulld. Mrs. Louis Pom-pllano; Cathedral of the Air, Mrs. C. R.Crounse; musk, Mn. Robert Mulr; pub-licity. Mrs. Charles Crosby; finance andproperty, Mn. Charles J. Christian;legislature. Mn. Carroll Sellers; colorguard, Mrs. Lee Miller: communityservice and unit work, Mrs. CharlesBeen; American national events, Mrs.Harold Buck;_ N«w_lcounty delegates are Mrs.

dlpftlheria have greatly diminished theoccurence of these two dread diseases;to the point where they are now con-sidered rare diseases,

-Therefore, Be It resolved that theCranford Physicians' Club go on rec-ord as being In favor of compulsoryvaccination and Immunisation for allCranford children before they'enterschool."

Oiovier, Mrs. Selleri Mn. Buck andMn. Mayer. Alternates- are Mrs.Christian, -Mrs. Beers, Mn. Miller andMn. Mudrock.

Walter B. Cooper, new commander ofCranford Post, was a guest* anct madea short talk,

Following the meeting refreshmentswere- served by Mrs. Olovier and hercommittee. , ' ,


The Jumble Store, operated by theCranford Junior Service League, willbe opened for Its third year today at13 Eastman street. The store ha* beena successful vnture during the past twoyean, the League report*.

The Jumble Store often resident* theopportunity to secure usable articles atreasonable prices. Profits "from* the

mendatlon of the Board of Adjustmentthat the soning ordinance be modifiedto permit the erection of two apart-ment buildings on the Beard*!** estate,tt Claremont Place and Casino avenaa,Thf'applicaUon wu made by Mrs.Plorlne W. Btardslee and Mrs. Use norB. Raines, owners of the property,which Is located In residence "A" dis-trict

No protests were made by any of thetwenty resident* attending the pubUehearing of the Board of Adjustment onMonday night following an explanationof the proposed development by Morti-mer Foster of New York, tht consult-ing engineer, snd an tsanrlste of FrankHoUlngsworth, the architect.

Two residents present at Mondaynight's meeting spoke Injfavor of theproject. Mr, and Mrs. O, B. Jones of113 Claremont place, represented bytheir son, stated that they wen very .much In favor of the development and*believed that It would be an asset to>the Immediate neighborhood as wett as J&.the town. J. Angus Knoedea, who re-aide* at 308 Casino avenuff stated thathe believed the propjeet was a fine-solution to a problem which will haverto be faced In the future If not now,and urged the board'* approval of theapplication.

According to Mr. Foster, the Initialdevelopment, for which the applicationwas granted, will consist of one build-ing housing five families, anotherhoming four, a third also housing tour,with a studio apartment, and threeprivate residences. The initial develop-ment,-which will cost approximately180.000,1* expected to be started shortly.

If the original development provespopular, It Is planned to continue theproject Into an English village. Thecompleted group would Include nine-teen different buildings, which wouldhouse between 55 and 80 families. Thebuildings would be In seven differentgroups, all but one of which would betwo and one-half stories high*, and theother a three story dwelling^The high-est building would be thirty-five feet.

The development will not present any* —traffic difficulties, Mr. Poster explained.as all can will be eared for within the7

grounds. The present Iron fence around "the grounds will remain Intact, aawould the shrubbery.

Mr. Foster slated that he believedthe development will be a benefit to the /property owner and will not be a detrl- *<ment to the neighborhood. He amid Itwould be more of a private residentialvillage. He compared the pioposed de-velopment with those carried out InBronxvUle, N. Yn also an exclusiveresidential town. . .

Plans and spedflcaUons wen exhi-bited to the public for inspection andlater1 filed withEugene E. 8teele.

The Board of Adjustment meetingwss conducted by Joseph Heuer, thechairman. N

Building Inspector


•The Cranford. Board of Education'sapplication to the PubllevWorks\Admln-JstraUon for a grant' and loan' withwhich torbuUd a .new ,Junlor^enlorhigh school Is now under consideration

sales are used by the League to carryon It* charity work In Cranford. Tbevarious charities In which the Leaguetakes part wUl be found |n Its annualstatement, which will be published Innext week's Issue of this paper.

Donations of artides, such as" cloth-ing, books, furniture, china, tools andother miscellaneous Items, a n solicitedby the League. These articles win becalled for by communicating with Mrs.Cart H. Mason'of 110 Cranford avenue,or they may be left at the store. "

The first regular meeting of tbeLeague will be held at-the home ofMrs. O, P. Buckley on "Tuesday, Oc-tober i> . _ ,, . r-,-i*:i.'A,- ' •'

In Washington, the,board's attorney,George Bauer, wss notified yesterday.Mr. Sauer and the architect, O. Ood-frty Poggie, wen called to Newark thisweek to give-supplemental InformationaruTdarlfy certam^ltems^lnitbe'orir-lnal'appucaUcnWirnuorbelneeeaiaqrlnalappucaUcnfor thTtrusto^

i ta

belneeiaqrairf attorneyl r t U i J b f


- The contract has been" awarded andwork Is to starttthU week on the.In-stallation'of, the Jnew poUceCndlolsya-tem here:ftThe-«otract-wa*';awarded


Two One-Act PUy« to Be Pre-~—"tented in Casino o n — -

' October 22.

The Cranford Dramato Club wUlopen tt* fall and winter season onTuesday night, October 33, with an as-sembly In the Casino, followed by asocial evening with refreshments. Itha* been announced by. J. BranchDarby, the president.^ ' - . - >

A feature of the evening's programwill be a one-act'comedy, directed byMrsTRobert,Addorns, which win In-clude In Its cast new officers and com-mittee chairmen as well.as other newmembers of the dub. -The'pUy'will

new officer* and chairmen to tht other 'members •1end,,guest*.,v Approximatelyforty-five person* are expected to take


ypart.-*JXXnejj0tbei, y . ha*'.not>yet

been:select«d,7 wm? be^revival,"of -a 5f e * a » « ^ ^ p r « g n t a t l o t t S b r A1 the

Page 2: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's

(Up drwifm* flltttjni a f t «ljnmtriiwiiiniim

" N .


fetand at tt* Post O B M at Oraalord, * . Jttandar at Oranf ord. Ktw Mtmt. trIiae. OOeUl Itonpaisr tor OraoJord,

•vSoiptioa lUtaa » • » a Ttar In Aoraooa.


-1» Rerlli Onion Anna*.



(MfOMfcltociATiON _

• • •

Where'sth«G US.OmriiigSection?—Cranford High School's (ootlall Irani inaugurated its

season laM Saturday with a 6 to 0 victory over a strong and highly-favored op|)6nent. East Orange. The team played well. Betweenhalves and following the game, the High School land alto made asplendid appearance. 'But Cpnford's cheering was pitifully weak. It,,lacked organization and S|mrit.

A small group of East Orange boosters, sitting on the Cranfordside of the field, liad much more "pep" and far out-cheered thfc entireTCranford rooting section consisting of several hundred persons. Therewere levi than forty in the small East Orange group, but they hadorganization, they had good lungs, and they were not ashamed to yellfor their team.

It seems lo in that the formation of a "C Club" would be inorder in Cranford. To enter the club, an individual would be requiredto have a gixxl pair of lungs and IK able to use them, and a pair of handsthat when brought together would resound with a mighty smack. Theclub should lie limited to 75 or 100 individuals, with one or two goodleaders. We arc confident that the school officials would reserve asection in the stands for this group, and with it as a nucleus, it wouldn'ttake long to get other individuals interested in boosting for the team.An organized cheer gives a team inspiration, but a half-hearted andalmost whispered "rah" has just about that affect on trie player* on the

' -'field.In Westfield and other surrounding towns, the yells are taught

' to the children in the elementary grades as well as in the high schools.Regular "pep" meetings or cheer practices are held, and when theirschool engages in an athletic contest, every pupil from the lowest gradeup, is cheering for his team, in an organized manner. Why can't thisbe done in Cranford?

What Fire Prevention Memna to Y O U —The coming of Fire Prevention Week, which will be observed

between October 6 and 12, makes it worthwhile to meditate on whatfire prevention means to you as an individual, a taxpayer, a homeownerand a worker. . , , *V\ ' .

Fire prevention saves lives—yours and your loved'one*. Thous-ands of people are now cremated each year—beaufce. Jflrn^ont was

• careless.Fire prevention is the friend of the home. Without it, your

home may lie turned to ashes—and insurance can never replace themany intangible values each home represents. Money cannot compen-sate for everything. • ,

Fire prevention tends to keep taxes down. Each time a firedestroys property, thus removing it from the tax rolls, higher taxesmust be paid by all other property within .the community.

Fire prevention keeps insurance rates down. Over a period ofyears, the rate for each locality is based upon fire IOJS—many firesmean high rates.

Fire prevention is the friend of employment. When a firedestroys a business, jobs are lost, and thousands of dollars in purchasingpower is lost with them. Untold privation and misery can result.

Fire prevention mean? progressive towns and cities... Cases areon record where a single firet destroying a town's main industry, hasresulted in permanent retrogression, at the expense of property and allother values in the community, \

' - Prevent fire—and save lives and money. Do your part (luringFire Prevention Week.



• ,4 - . . -^ i


To (janford Resklcnls:BW,; month >' of

> _ r , ,-< piice >.dttcrinunvtioo for (UrUr* R « O Y Jwill be o W o t i n « A ADcompaniet .w31 have ttanikn]prioea. . ! ".


wtth OH tup* that (pi MM asar M M

as4 a» kwsw to.

Carpet Uyin,•olrrulidlttUmuitttm

Wltor, miiain andCsarSUr: ~~~

I «Wi to tspras* o v tbaaka and ato>eov appraelatloD to Uwfor their veto o( eoBfldsnof ai•t the pails last m*k by iwnliiaHinnw for tax oollMtar.

Very truly roan.

.XPAYNEUNDEN.KI.tniU OsOMrti WMkly, ifeat * • • «at «f


DemrBlr:T dflslrv to UM Uw oolmiM of

paper to eonnr to the votors o t o n a -f ord my appnefcton (or tb* loi«l •op-port (tren nx in ttat MpahUeu Fri-nuurr last tr«k.

Very truly m m .

tkaarixtan It Hwkaat «t aa alMMe tnBM*. Attu b»-kw ta»t at a t^iwritort

OHttgnd* for a skorlplnccd Into 8TBIP8


tU AirAt « a kvd, at tiwdaK ttan a nWhat! an


Haveyou seenthe



Come in .to' M « oar plan* far"DREAM KITCHENS.** Notice how the

gy \Think, of it^-For oorr a few ceats a day you

fri^ta that ^ i D i i

fttxpieatl^peatei tha> Itt ^ ^ aUaneekVAnd whfle you're thew inapect mU of thefifel—nd nwwriinl>uoiulpe.ttenMindie»eA r t F l Y

y yJp y , ;of.«utnial WcMjor fall flaroi-and witkoM.tk*

# d i i e . or "crying p«. - .

D ' d l P h iyoaMlee|t^beeoinfo

long-wearing, and « » y to care for.eooooaicalDoa'tdelayv-PhoneortiAmtotorget all the tact* abort thU truly modem rebigmtor.

KnickerbockerI CrCompany* «


Page 3: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's

::aaaav •aa*aBsakaafe*~aHaaalBaBat>Bia1tt JkaBB* aa* IBBBK BMMk «t H*a» • ««a 1st Kasais « M n « tatWaS wiStmTnmtmSmSRStTn imiriltmmmi irt —Hi r-*-* paraa* win Mat a aaasKfaf a»L- 9^at Hatatsfc BB aTatafft a paBBBB aAa ^ * | ataatt ^ M § ta'afal afaBfaakat «BBB flM « M t M L J ~#M " • W * * kftfA I B I M V l M t M A ( M M• 4BvPBBT • • • • • • • } BnBBBB^aBI VBBBBBBBBBBBBBPBB* aBBBBT aBB^*^a" ^B^^^^^B»^^ B^VB^BJ . ^ • ^ • • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

1^ ^ ^ ^ _ "* ^ • —• • -AS



•m. J. B. IIIBJ»taWL

plant Bud ofltaot Id ••• OI-.—. _ .ycrtfldu. a*i iWUMBWj ttM* O«ctf»H. Wler. * » «f ,Wi,OBfl*»BB road,Wntfldd. liat MWpYiata tatanst inth*t oaopanrpresident. u « t*—M*-W«riyr at thecnowrn. l*r._PBW-«"»«Bld ttat f n -enl i n — « > « th» aaavur en



I p n t M i H# I«M wtttanftrUdsi an vartaot phases at ra-

i l of4am t W * a*.*\_~.

tnat Jtamait at tht tntaby.W. ( r

kit that to

a local ehambtr of eonuatne or sco*

Uttv* «t «U mtanrt* to ftrttur k n lMtMUw In porinMi «nd eoMtnttloo

uoi a p t a > tac nppirHeld. MTlngkMBMHOBltBlirtlh TM.tie But, toe," »orth»,»M* U T«M»durlnc wtleh « M 1M adnnMd b a nth* podtlm at rttatw to thrt «curator and mentftf at th* eanpuv.in ehuft of parctaotni and m3m ot

tim' 'buuaim untwim ,.Ht U mliiBMtni tat tarintM cird«a

tnd h u b"n ft pNMkMBt B«BI» ta>coutnctton-MtMta to Into »ctlanot the iUU, tar tot part i»»«ml u r nnpraenUnf fab tampan? u d tin tn-dtutrr >t away atatt aad mtfcnrt in-ctuBtry eootmtoem. Mr. U o bi vie*praident at tht Worth Janejr Uunber-mtn% AMoeWiaD,.* meoiber ot theTnuto ind Mhlcs tnd AiMtntkn eon-mlUee of tht » • « JBBH)T XambanmiAiaadiUon whleh dtak-««h Tarloudiitrlbutlou urobllOll and k a putdlttctw ot tht MtV Jtmy UaMO 1U-terttl Dealen. WHtte tht lndwtiT

Tbt J. a. lnrtnj Company )• tht otd-•rt tori and nppty how. In Wcrtaeldhavtbc ban founded In UN bjr tnt tot*3. & ttmt. Ittmben of the lamlijf andoMtr coniMOMd with the eonoern amiRank Irrtng win eanUnut In ihe txul-MM and Ml aBriat In tht manatanentof.the ortannmUoa. The company UeontempUttnt maUn| oanildBrablelm-pnremenU to plant and eqntpmeot toimprove the efflekney u well a* the ap-peannoe of the yard. Bowercr, theeeplan* at the plant are bdnf beld Inabeyance unttt a deanlte deeUlon lireached at to the elimination of theeneitni at Oentral arenoe,

MHXOt WINB BONOE8Flnt place In the Western Bectrlc

Kearny Works Oarden Club exhibitwat won by Alden Idler of 38 Dunham

I avenue, who wai liven twenty-fiveawards. Miller won prtoea for the mostDotnU for collections of dahlias, timdl-oli, perennlaU, shrubs and dried flow-ers. Thirteen of the awards were for

tfirst place, six for second place and the'remalnlni won third place. AnotherOranford man, Edward J. 8wteney of aLaflalle street, ws» amonc the majorwtnnen. His exhibits wen liven fireribbons. These fell within the dahlias,annuals and perennial classes.

Ibomaa AJbaaa, Jr. «* DUI aftaeit

» • • • awvamatwBBf « • ••••••ataBBaj W * * H B B I |

Hoyd Hue, Jr, U aonth Mb iteatt: asdFred Jooes, US Orasae a1

Tk« Uu ivrtThe wine'iiinn ilnuhis lift™. Ihe If-

aoranl m«n w'fi"!" i'-« '^1 i»rtr.

:HAHNI*S:or «K

Watch cut for thtte"Darby" rHimtriWud> diem st the Piiaonoanmes—on the ounpuu*—Mthe bonahom. Stt Ann ooall New Jcnqr m n , «op '>«beub of "the young ihingt".In 9 tpcouor colon. J W J .

Ibboc'i F'i'i-n«»y— Tuhioo







..,„. h Cotningr^oal Prices Advance Oct.

Check Your Supply and Order Todayl__^








1.19M«l> bf * • M-lww rf Fow R O M

Thi. at u EXTRA SPECIAL — 1 Quart to Cutfoner


2.89 Fifth


Tut m w EXTRA SPECIAL — 1 Bottle to Customer


This » 90 Proof—Not 80





Mwlt and A g d at the WinCaliforak






2-* 89c



Imported to ScBTypestMEDOCS iCLARETS Ca» Pnoe. A



49/C Bottle—25 M ounce* per BottleCuMofl2AuQrted

u Y o u W i t hMade by tbe PIERRE BONARD WineryPunand Foi Bodied Becaa

from toe Wluut to YouNOT i-BSS T H A N 2 0 %

E u k m in Weatneltf byQuaGty Wine & Liquor Co.


the. Wood 99c


The Largek Winery in die U. S. A.



Imported to Sefl for 1.69CASE OF 12, 11.49




BOTTOMS UPKentucky's Fintet





CalifomiaV Finest

1.69 FuDGaDon


REG. PRICE 1.99Orer 2 Yetra Old


' • -a


hi" '


The Quality Wine &Liqaor Co. will meet any advertisedprice inCranford


Page 4: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's

Social News of



JhifMd lair Is M s ? *» the oatsftotartsw • B W V I M I «wb«sf fc(f that *eM&*

" S Ihot- "•"

Pradaett reettvtd * » •have a vabst at

the cost «C th*fair wffl be open from 1 t* I p.

, afternoon* and 7 la U:M p, m. to ths J

aDslsM • • aMsad,seta sartsasMf'fe

faenttr early tn ttw y*s», It wtl hs lav

an ttn. X. B. Kane. Mrs. O. L.an sttemoon tea for

the faculty from I to I p. m a n Wed-nesday. October s. on ths lawn at theKnth OtobOB. of USboost « f Mrs. Nafta. >

Other festunt tor (he year also wenotttttned at ths beard misting, ttwasdecided to pat the wort1 of ths asto-tation sjsfor* tbt student body of th*school so that both Ihs rtmVmft andths asssckitton nay work together lotthe various objective* throughout th*

ORM UQVOB m mThe QusBty Wine s«d U « w Ok.

fe*» opened • new slots at W test•rosd street, WwUWld.Si BIW supply et wines andts-dst* equipment, u•tout service. A halt page•ant Iran the firm appsanthree la today's torn.

riaBttte Claas of

Church wUl held' Tbe Youngthe n n t Preabyta special sewing meeting at th* hsaieof Mn. Ooorge Kelting ta.SM Otangeavenue on Friday evening.

Mrs, A. B- Lewis of Oaatralt> vtstttag m Stokaanre, Md, with herc^sttgbarr-ss-law. Mrs. O. B. Lewis. j

Mn. Jenafe M. Pedenea of V» Wal-j

day tnaaSL

W. Moorbead, Mrs. H. E. MUlard. Mrs.H. L. LaDac. Mrs. Wmiam Magls, Mrs. , . - ___ . - . - . M - M - a a - .K. Sloan. Mrs. P. sprole. Mrs. p. A. 1 J n e c t a • * w n * « • • * » " » * «•«•*•>•

beta, watt*

M Itoto^^.«^«~"a.Y«.Don».Mn.M. ^^^T'VV*iUnttm>mm-returned te her bsese San- «- — ... u w , _ — . ox wunsornt,

i *»• poumger, Mrs. J. B. Brmpton and a n - . . jm«• * " Mrs. X M. Yoorheea. Altar a soon


TO HOU> CARD PARTYSt. Tbensfti OulM of Bt Mlehaers

t < Church wUl hold IU regular monthlyaard party at 3 o'clock Tuesday after-noon In the parochial school All games.wUl be played. Un. A. Behuann Ischsirmait of the ooumitte In chaise.She wUl be assisted by Mn, D. J. Ar-nold, M a p. Burton. Mn. L. J. Brso-nan. Mn. P. Barnum. H n . R Brawr,

" Mrs. H. BibTaT Mn. H. Bounty, Mn.Braum, Mn. B. B. Crowley and Mn.N. W. Sdmond.


Mr. and Mrs.Barnshk avame. left Satarday

PLAN HALLOWrCN PABTTA Hallowe^en party and iiaim will

be held In VeteraniV Hall on Wednes-day ereninf, October JO, under the ana-ploes of the ladtos' Auxlltory to Capt.NeweU Rodney Pkke Post, US. V. P. W.Mrs. O, L. Crate Is chairman <* the

i In charse. *

_ _ _ . _ principal ofpublic SGhocSTwas the gnu* speaker

.Monday srunoon at the Initial fan1 meeting of the Roosevelt P.-T. A. In the

vhool auditorium. Vn , ?. V. Albert,the president, pmldrtl and mlruriu'YdUw spetkur. Harold Wilson, president

turned home tar a s gotomul receptionof thdr Mends last evening at MSUa-

- coin steam.The Her. gad Mrs. Stephens expect

to leave oh PMday for Western Can-ada, where the Her. Mr. Stephens Is

it Uw Wimborne AUisnee

LANG—WILLIAMSMitt Mary Elisabeth Williams,

of Mr. and Mrs. John WU-esldrnt. called Utm> «' 1 1 0 Bprtat Oarden street, was

the group's attention to the forthoom- nurrled at parents" home on Beptera-J"t taetun series which the aseoclaUon ber 17 to Robert Lang of Brooklyn. Tatto 1"»«»*« to Oranford, and asked oeremony was perldtrned by Acting Re-

** « ** d C l H W l U k L**• A. A short oorder Carl H.

tenure committee.by the a -


Marle DtPahio of 117 Het-la catering the college tab

Yawjnla DtPSMo ofhave gone to ML

Hdyote OaHegc where Mary hi CBter-lr«faer>alaryear.andYkgwjhvlseo-

When Yon Geta Ton of Coal


Tirrm BROS.I you get a fuD two thoaa-

•nd pound ton tf rlii n.

screened, quality, cosi—

the Best the earth pro-

(Itptux* mtr tentm itoowr'orier.'The kotst'sf*tcUntt/Uaar amngtd andOtter for each site 0/ coal.TAest icremt has* manthan Met^the ana onflu-

-erUt toed.) x

roUmg as a tnabsnaa.has returned to nartmnwlh College,where he la a senior.

Mrs. P. L. Brawn of•» rtrtting jher rknwjstr;. Mrs. H, aWatsen of Rltn aaavpfclte. _ . I i. L

Mbs OaU WDd of Oaremont Pmeeleft Sunday for Smtth College whereshe has enrolled as a freshman.

Mrs. C K. Btyer and daughter. MissJoan Banker, of 3» Ptttsfkld stnet, wfflsen toniontw oo the & 8. champtemfor Prance where they wm spend thewinter.

Mr. and Mnv Charles Pninds Hanselof JO* north Unioo avenaa wm senTuesday to past six weeks m Europe.

OObert Ashwefl of SbaUOrd Tamo*left last wecJc toresome his stodtts atWoeceater PoXylecfanlc TIIIIUUBC, Wtar-ccaterMua. ' -

Jack Katie of IU Aides stnet hasrctand to Oasnse TTtJmauj where heto a Junior thai year.

| Mtss Jean Yoathees of 3*0 North av-enue has m i a u l her studies at StateTeachers' CoDege, Trenton, where she

I laaeenlor.Mbses Docothy and Alma DeBer of

as Retford n o a t have gone to Tren-ton where they wKI attend the


Kate Smith It going to have a partyon Monday night, September 30, and tomake certain there will be no disap-pointed guests the hosts have decidedthat Madison Square Harden In NewYork win do quite nicely. The hosts

Tot couple left for'New York afterthe-ceremony. PoUowtag a luncheon atthe Hotel Merits, New York, for a tmangroup of relatives and Intimate friends,Mr and Mrs. Lang sailed for Bermuda.On thdr return they will reside ia

ATTaKND sUttTNlOlfMiss Mary Alice Stoutenburgh of At*

den street snd Mr.'snd Mrs. Everettlattweek-

are the Eastern of the reunion of thed

to Visit Oar Cari

Pockets and Ssle Wtsmt

' rramJCoal

Don't Send to Yon.

y e WitpTeacbenV Colkte. Aboa Is entering as

batman, and Dorothy Is starting

and Mrs. Banr Bchaftd andchildren of U Pine stnet have retainedf Od

Mr. and Mta. Wward Sweeney of S

nae bas.ntanxd to dental school

y rS^uTtoilS,everyone from the executives of " t h e V i ^ •"winlxajion to the newest clerk. I — .*>»•• Otmreh..Jseohitt was a grand-

The popnlsr radio star has just beenl*011 ° ' *"'•* •Stoutenbnrgh, who tosigned for a new series of programs*1'"' b e ? f e • * » " « ?< MOTr Amster-overthe WABO-Oolumbla r « t w o r k . a n d ^ l l u n > t l ' ' * w Y o r t t W M ' h e n c - t o d > *the store execuUvet decided that t t^"" U»msrdlan of the orphaned Wlch-would be a grand Idea to thus b« pre- d** Roowvelt,. founder of the Bocee-pared to snswer an questtons fromcus-'Ttl t l»*Ur- In 1T1T. Jacobus Btouten-tonwn. This win be the lint time In b u r > n murled Margaret Teller, grand-history that Mwilsim Square Oarden du>S>>ter~of Anneke Jams. Portraits hihas bean the some of a private party. °>1 of them, taken In thata-bridal attire.

Mist Bmrth wm present a two-hour *re In the possession of one of their de-varlety show itu-Wyti , B drost „ . swndaiita residing In Rhtnebeck, N. Y,htanal of -tbe actual broad cast she

h f l l i iI stage the following night over theColumbia network. She will be sup-

HOLD SOCIAL MEETING'A get-together snd sodal wat held

Words" and also 1 « n t • Presbyterian

m. ths alnimii of Dr. Caley. Tired W.r-n«t of Cranford oftered the rnvoca-tkn at the Ltoas Cteh Band and Drmcontest hi Waitnanco Park. '"'—'TIII,The contest was attended by sevmlthoBtsM ^ tata manys fr

1 "'" .

the remslnder of the evening.

ASSISTS WITH TEAMbs Louise Weienbach. daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. Loots Wdertbach of 10Edgebrook Place!, was a member of thereceiving committee of a formal teaMonday afternoon at New Jersey Col-lege for Women. The tea, .which wasgiven for the entire student body andfaculty, was one of the sodal eventsmarking the official opening of the eol-ttfe year, Mba Weienbach,' a senior,'was a member of the junior prom com-mittee and of tbe varsity hockey team.

: . MARKS HRTBDAYAnthony Fischer, Jr., of 108 MUn

street, ortebrated his-eighth birthdayanniversary Tuesday aftenoon with' aparty at his home. Guests IncludedBuddy White. John Harford, PeterWeber, Ralph .Hempp, Thomas, Maryand Helen Hlgby. Oerard snd PrankBender, Arnold Hanley, William Priceand Mabel Fischer, all of Oranford;Marie Pitcher of Irvington, and AllanMerkUnger and Frederick Palmer, ofWest Orange. -'

• WUa Cwd W H P H M J ' ', In the |f»l«xtcal »}n when cost was

formed. It took sbuut 12 feet of plsnt'debris to nuU a slnRle foot of cost. •!

B a n carefuny cleaned. Modem BugCleaner Plant at J, BpringOeld Avenue.Phone GRanford 6-OSMIor estimates.

in oharge of Mrs. Turek, who con-ducted in a very able manner, an old-fsshlonedTOQuntry school. The pupilswere members of the Young WomenisOulld. M m than M persons wenpresent' Refreshments were served.

Kveiy dress measunsd before cleaningby Paramount Cleaners. Phone CRan-fordo-OUt. Adv.

Big Opportunity5 room Bunpi)ovr7 SO f t lot,good location, ptke *

. $2900 ,.for qinck buyer. ,J~

WALTER W. MOONEYCrannied, N. J. .,

. Phone CRanfordfr0012

BRENNAIS^&ITQYEPhimbia,, Hemtmf, TinningSU.^A^-li.0.-^.,an.sorai AYE, CBANPOBO .f

ytar. Mrs, Jean Voorbeet was ap-pointed to itpiestut the parents st aaassembly In ths near futon and *x-plsln the astodaUon-t past work to th*pupilt at wen ss outline its tutorspmgrsrni

Members present st the executivemeeting, conducted by Mrs. Ragle,were: Mrs. 0. A. Lansing, Mn, deansMiner, Mrs. O. P. Msnchon, Mrs. X.Brown, Mrs. M. J. Stsry, Mrs. J. Stan-ley, Mn. m Kettle, Mrs. Voorhees.Miss Alice Welch, Mrs. P. J. Deuer,Mrs. W. J. Oonley, Harold Wlshart sndRay A. Clement, high school prtndpsl.

TO ADDBESS KIWANIAN8Th* pttodpal speaker at the lunch-

eon meeting of the Jersey City Klwanl*Club next Thursday wU be a Crsnfordman. Ployd B. Shannon. Western' Beo-tiie Ksarny Works Jtmploymerrt Man-ager, IMnf at »-Arlington road, Wffltalk shout rrht Psychology of HumanRelattoOlhlpt.1'

MOTHERS' CLVB MEETSThe Mothers' Club of Troop 75. Boy

Beoutt of America, met' Tuesday even-ing at the home at the president, MM.U D. Psunoe in tooth Union .avsnuS.It wst decided to bold a* public cardparty in a Rahway Store at 3 p. m.Tmnsday, October »1. AH puneswUlbe played. Proceeds win be used topurchase n«« equipment for the troop.

U* Oak F.rMt 100 Y u n OM'Btsndlng nesr I'ensiicola, t'la."; Is s

forest of lire oaks planted too yransc« by tbe administration of PresidentJohn Ailnnu tn produce timber forntvsl «hl|.». - » .

DR. M. L. COHENSurgeon Chiropodist

T e L O . ( - * l M• NORTH AYE. W. CRANFOBD

Men, Wed, rrt, tstt-tmTees, Than. i:s*-4:M

Sat, Stsa-BiM ' •

MRS. JOHN R THOMPSONTeacher of Piano1st to 8th Grades



11 PlrXSriELD ST. CRANP0RD. Tet OR. s-IXtt

School of FrenchPOR ADULTS

" REOPENS MONDAY, SEPT. MOeerses m Beg, b t ,

Adv. U t * Osnvenat.KRENCH•an. tmt Cm, SMt .t»TsH»

- M l CtaWM. Ad | | V*wrtJ.._ SPANISH. -TUTOgaNO.,r , -

Ecole FrmnoJae de WestfieldMl » * Chsstnat Bt,;WestfltM. M. J.

-7 ' TEL. Weetfkld X-lSss-J.IpMtor; MSI, HARSUIRITE HABT. B. A.

School of FrenchCHILDREN? OP «4l« IYEABIJ

Baumann's Flowers

Am^AM^SSEs?*-^;******>«*'f • " ' O n O W ™ W A U F W OSiTOMBET-

TO SPONSOSt DANCEThe High School P.-T. A. wUl spon-

sor a dance Saturday evening, Octobert, In Roosevelt School MtAtartutar Tn*Oranford-RoseUe Park football gamewill be played hi ths afternoon hen.Music for dsndng will be. by tbeProllcken. .

SISTERHOOD TOThs Beth B Btiterhood of Oranford

and Westfleld wUl resume meetingsnext Wednesday at the Temple, nSouth avenue. New officers, elected s tth* Isst mssttnf ia June, are: Presi-dent, Mrs. Sarah Levy of Oranford;vice-president, Mrs. Anna Levtne ofWestfleld: secretary, Mrs. Belle Cordsaof Westfleld: and treasurer, Mrs. Id*Roeenton of RoseUe.

TO HOLD RUMMAGE SALEA rummage sale will be held on Sat-

urday, October S, between » a. m. and6 p. m, in the vacant, storeroom onnorth Union svetwvvacated reoentlyby the Reeve.» and 10a Store. The salsI* for the benefit of the Church Mis-sion of Help, which Is a committee ofthe Woman's Oulld of Trinity Ohurch,Mrs. Qrsce Cross It chairman of the

~ . ATTENDS CONVENTION ' -. John C. Emott'of •Cranford was adelegate to tbe annual convention ofunderwrite™ of tbe Peon Mutual LifeInsurance Company in-White SulphurSprings, W^Va, this wseli. Mr. Emottwss selected as a result of hit outstsnd-Ing work ss a talesman of the companydulng this last year. .

NOTICE•vertbe Oval

tbe Onaford Oral ateatrty. ettaerdaring aa alaleUe eeatasV er atether th—, wm be atitnalid foraestreilag sad Imin i lag m<aeheel preaerty. This Isgsl aetfsn•a stade ninmaiy to^mtrve thefeace. •


Dated: Seat, KI, l ttt . . . H

*WO PERSONS HCBTTwo persons were tlighuy

i tp ere slightly mjumi i t

io:«j a. m. Tuesday in «n »utomohu«•c«k1snt-at South and Lincoln i n .

^ » * "•»«» "id operated bjBobmtoo of W w a l d tnrout.

SS5J ^ * «» "id opeWffllsm Bobmtoo, of Wewaeld.

t S, of Wewaeld. tnrout.

west on South-avenue, collided with •ear operated by Utdor Pleldman, ofEUsabstn, who was making a left turnInto South avenue from1 Lincoln sw.nue. Peart Woodley of RoseUe, rldlaiwith Robinson, w u slightly lnjurrd uwas Pleldman. Both can were dun.aged. Patrolman Bernard dirk in-veetlgated.

ATTEND rfREaODTS CONVENTIONJoseph Justh, Howard Prench and

Olareno* O. Sshmlts attended the NeirJersey State Volunteer Flremen't Con-vention ia Atlantlo City Prlday. Situ-day" and Sunday ss represenUtltTs ofthe Cranford association. Chsrlej WU-Uams of Westfleld also attended u adelegate from the Exempt Flrfmen'r

Ten Cents A Daybrings yon a Remington

Portable TypewriterFree Touch Typing Leuoru

Customers Bonus Plany .Don't Deny Yourself

Mall hi Osassa aa* learn this mlncn-to choose from

B, H. Bonnen, New Jersey MgrnHome Sales Division.

REMINGTON RAND, Int,308 Xmst 42nd s t ,

- , Mew York City -.Please ten me how to get a

REMINOTON Portable typewrit-er for ten cents a day.

reople AppreciateThis Information , \, ,Recently vye started this aeries of announce-ments offering facte about funeral service andcosts. Many people have congratulated us.upon the public spirited'manner in which thisinformation is offered.. And we mean it . . .you incur no obligation by asking.





Uidune. If TUB WMit D>duTboyi to took Uke the

I red from "Savtte Sow" 'the P r i n c e of

does bitI pirkLng D P . .I UH t h e m by

the hand, a n dthem, or

I put on y o u ri l l gaUoo batand tint "sit long nttst daiand ihoo them down to thisDttropolltan ahowing of the IIdeal In TOP-OOATS, SUITBACCESSORIES "AS SPOHSOfORTHEMANBYESVIUUtEII

The exhibit will faatore fipica from "Ssqutre" with th*mmhsndtie on display.

Ortinnal Cartoons sad eolorfpainting* wlU create an amusintotemtlng picture.

The exhibit began WednesdajTill continue for a limited Urns.ood Floor.



TOYOD."lt itarts right off with a resw

chord to Introduce the ftnt StanYou may borrow, right

ID*, the equlv-•knt of 130 toUO dollars atonly 20 percent down.

The t e c o n dB » says youban i monthsto pay.

And ihe "Ortnde Pmele" IiKntdo! - N O 0ARBYINO OHi


NIGHTS ON OCT. tad!You've been enjoying them sJ

September and here's one moreto invelEle the Husband or flan*htt wUl prove a really enjograbl

Ailde from the r*****"f busthint able to shop together ontut items of the home, you m"» *ay to nls heart an over*ith the luggestlon of an esceneMr In the 7th floor Hiwi«w roomKwmpanlment of soft lights s imime. Olnnen'anS0e,goe.7Sc


•2f/_ I8 0TJESTL™t W. Lang* ofOranfort

• ««« ipmker at Tuesday night1

G»ortt.'. Natarml WaWiThe »oren natural wooden

««te M Hforgls, sccordlng 16"nbharliir. Include AmleoloU.Fm*«nn. cuunty, the highest"•lerfit'i | n the t u t e ; Oke

p nenr Waycroes. Us.;In UtiKuwarap ralley,,ln

nty. Warm Springs. In Merty; Stone mountain. In'yj Titllalulsh river gorge.»unty{ Jekyl Itlsnd fora

iiBlrlk (J "

Tk." T ^» tquftll, or sadden Seirotnet nnsceompanled

ot 4lnht. It Ukriown'U-which'is^utusUy'.herV


Page 5: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's


Ill this mlncu-to choose from



I ncuvABD i m r iifadsne. if yon want' Dad and

uTbort to look tO» the lastI red from "Sawllt

tot P r i n c e of

HP.I tike t h e m by

the hand, a n dkad them, orpit on y o u r111 gtlkm oatisd ilng "git longtod thoo them down Ismrtropoittan ibnwlnt' of lbs newest


The exhibit willpica from "Sequire" With the actualmrrchandiie on display.

Original Cartoons and colorful oilpaintings will create an BTVrtinf andtotemtlng picture.

The exhibit began Wednesday, andTill continue for a limited Urn*. Bee-ood Floor.


BONG, rouu . wnx"A K R E S O E L I T T I I O F


It itarts right ofl with a rfonrutincchord to Introduce the tot ttansa;

You may borrow, right tomor-ro*. the. equiv-alent of 130 toISO dollars »tonly 20 perctnt down.

The t e c o n dw»« say? youhive 5 month!to pay.

And. the "Grande Finale" ._Kendo! - N O OARBTOfO CHARCKI


NIGHTS ON OCT. SaalYou've been enjoying- them an thru'

September and here's one men chanceto inveigle the Husband or flancelnto<htt will prove a really enjoyable even-Ing fojLboiri. """»"*•"» ^

Atlde from.the r*****"f baslneas'ot.king able to shop together on impotvum items of the hone, you may findU» *ay to his heart all over again,tun the suggestion of sn fmtTlffnt din*«r In the 7th door dining room to thauxonpuilment of soft lights and swellmusic. Dinners'are 50c, «6c,75o-


IB ODKST . , . . « — _™t W. Luge otCranfonl waa a

• ««« speaker at Toeaday night* meet*

C'orgta'a Natural• The jwren natural wonders of ihe««te M Heorgla, according td"a-itate.n»rarlirti Include AmlcoloU. Falla,-Inlj»*«on, county, the highest naturalwilerfit'i In the .state; Okefenokee•»«n>p, c lMr Wayerose. Oa.; marble'HO In Untawarop valley,,In Plckens"Wily-. Warm Springs. In Merlwether"" T.; Stone mountain. In DeKalb

V. Tnllalulah river gorge, In'IU-Jekyl Island forest, near••W.

Tk.'WUte'^aeJl - ,"> » equaji, or indden Berce rush

I' • "Inn1, romea anaccomoonled bv any11" ' =1 It la known aa a whlto." ' I i la ua wily h«ral le>l by" • I i-i and heavy rain The

* «l li II s more d-ngiro.il orai irer» la D3 warning of. la

i'* irer» la

- - ; <nn t iM wblta foan It ralaea[" > • rhct of the aea ard a thin

« - .

West, when Me hata aa4hlgh-breted boou are as m a

moo aa acton akmg Broadway,Turk' aad Alle* Oreraonga. ofRed Lodge. SlaaL. are kaown asrodeo rhamrtlona. bralber and alater. from Mriica to Canada. Thuyear they a n cofniog Eaat In aa ef-fort to raptnn lh* vortd chaaiplaa-Ships hi brook rWinx at too lentilaaaoal WorM Cbaaspknablp Bodeoat Madlaoa Sqaare Uardn. Uctober» to 17. lactaslve.

This aeaaoa -Tsrk~ baa won thebrook evrats at tie Calgary. Can-ada. BUapeae. the Cbcycane. Wy»mug. Frootier Days aad the Reno,Nevada, rodeos. Tarn are the threeoatstaadlaf Wcaura cattle roond-up sports enatasta at the year.

Twice la pravtoaa flaroea rodaoa

ba took Uilrd. Tkla year t» la ontfor firat piac*. to captora the Utlemblrauitlc of tba> world cbunprao

aklp which h u alwaya eluded himIn New York.

AIIM broke an ankle four yeanago when thrown front a buckingbrook. Thla year ahe will try againat the Uarden where aha haa com-peted before, and her cowgirlfrtende" are wiahlng her better lucknext month. U»t year aha won thecowglrl'a brook riding erant atSydaey, Auitralia. her nrat appear-ance alnea her aerloua Injury. j

Two hundred cowbora and cow.ClrU are entered In the 19J5 Gar-den Rodeo. They will compete In2f performancea, Including Satur-day and Sunday matlneea, for H6,-ISO in caah priiea. Mora than 1,000bead of oaUaw horaea and wild•terra are to be brought Eaat offIba Weatern rangea to be need lathla thrilling apotta conteat. col-lected for the pnrpoaa by ColonelW. T.Johnaon, of Ban Antonio,Tuaa.

Bid You Ever Hear a Ghost Talking?

. _ _ joo erer bear a ghost taDc-f* lagi Phil Baker, the famouscomedian (he's the aae With thehath did aad that's why be and hisfaithful vmlet. Bottle, are hwidW.together b> fright. The ghostlyfigure in black I s Beetle and (orn a n ho ha* beta haunting Bakerand his friends. This- season PhilwilLbe beard as T h e Great Amer-ican Tourist- in a arw series of pro-s-tarns evwr Saaoay at 730 pjn.Latent Tnie. orer Columbia sta-tions. Baker at maUVhut that his

'mythical ante trip of' the UnlttdStates will be marked by regularappearaacea of Beetle. This ghostlyfellow has a way of taming up atthe moat unexpected plans to make(the comedian's ufe nuserable. -. Acconpaaying Baker oahu radio

tour willlie Hal K-mp'i popularorchestra, and the Seven G «, nov-elty ainging group to be heard forthe firat time on then new" Sundayprograms. Beside being one of themoat popular stage and radiocomics, Baker la one of the world'sfinest accordion players and willdisplay his musical talent during thebroadcasts.

As "The Great American Tour-ist" Phil finds himself in humoroussituation, familiar to every familythat haa ever taken Its car for a trip.He will be abused by backseat-dri-ven, take1 the wrong detour and ar-rive at towns late In the evening,only to find that the local Hotel Isfilled np. Each week Baker will de-pict the adventures of the tourist in- dUT-trent locality.

(as. mmSfim SkTSnig,alCak^.at^lalwIwp-Wisaai

, S K U I M H ia'ISSS~ I n 183S aa En«IUh aodrtr which' re-(tl,td<tbe rrandHoquent name of the,Aaaodath>n-t>f«AU. Clas»« of All Na-tions waa founded' under the auspicesof Itobert Oww; and the -rord. ^odalIsm and aodJillat bertme current durIng the dlacuaalona which arooe In connectlon with It

'" Plot! AlUMeJ t« O - " Walk-«So many p«r»ons want to walk hire-

foot in t h e ^ " ' • « * t £ ! ; t . l ' r fKnolpp "cure" In the BUv* r«r«t ofGermany that extensive troonds bare


"•ol »utaerlb» for thla n»p»tT- ntr, deUvamd by man.

m a.d U. S. MilitaryForrlrn governmenta are permitted

to _choo»« repreaenutlvea of theircountries who.wlah to .receive Inrtruodona at the nnltnl States Militaryacademy. "Thi^e governmenU makespecial rcqunia to the congress of theCnited State*. Congress, by a specialact. e»n provide for the graduationof such forH-ncra. Thes* men, how-ever, do not recelfe commissions In theL'nlted State* army.


Teimlo Juk» « « — 6T O U K l l O M tUMOMO QUMRV taaLSM I 0 1

RJvwr Brand Rk* . 'iC *AnMrican Ch««M » ^ » 25»Blade T«a M M m*m ia> . 25*




Appl* J«|iy mChocolate SyrupTomato Catsup wShredded WheatPaper Naplcifti M

Lucky Braiid Dog Food i * M 5<Laundry Soap

autaa. enwwciwt. MM.txoocnm^»UO


id Cocktail MaCsrammlBTTVsumlal "®^** 1

^•••^Ps) • • " • • M M Hi Mom

Asparagus Tips «Garden Sweet PeepsTomatoes t*. « t ^ 2r.27Tomato Sauce ™»™i 3«.I3«Tomato Juice tm n 3«..l9e

• sPsal«aWII I U ^ B I I Vlhllllttl rUliHtl Pft MONTI ^aatl C D r i l ^aaaaVaamal

Cream Style Corn ££ 2 , I9«

Aprket* set MOHn ~^«.r7i Omptfrwtf Jtik* J&, ~9«• — I * Slkad P*gKh«M JZ« 2 ~ 2 *

. ri9< nnaMpptoJulcaJ^a^aS*Corn on MONTI I S 2S2S* Prun** set MOHTI . i k ^ l t VPrult Salad oetMomi t? M* Rabin* JZTSL. 2.iOrapajfruitsat momt 2 — 2 * Sardln** s« Morni n » .

IN FRUITS t VEGETABLESM«ted by oyr D M bvrm loaried In ftwIwwt ol Uw nallon't bwl BieufciB wcllont,HWM hth fnilH and mgtloUw raprawMltj« vary crvom of tft« llnait crop*.

fANCYQUAUTY-C.otag.rt.*, I 4% | * m

Mdntosr. Applo* O ^ I O C


Sweet PotatoesY-Tmdtr,

Iceberg lettuce Zt,fc£uFANCY QUAUTY-JoM, OUpf

Celery Hearts



Chuck SteakLoin Lamb ChopsFancy Beef LiverSliced Bacon wNMYmFancy Fresh Fillet

O«AD[ .. 35«,.23«


coo AND HADDOCK ,J9«TM BiiiT •TliiTIt » PiCIIIC TIN f. tf

SIOM Dog Tkal H n U tTlie D<>K rlvnr la a short 'distance

from Bolmt. Syria. The natna Is do-rlveil from the uirnl Heine ting, or per-Imps Ainyrlan linll. tltat unco atood onthe lieljht cniTlmikhis the mouth ofthe river anil llic «i'». The dog'a headwoa' hollow, and whi»n the wind blewfrom a certain direction the do« usedto emit howla, lo the trrrnr nf the sur-rounding population The most valiantof these at length summoned up enoughcourage to pnah the Elrnnllc dog overthe edge of the cliff Into the sea. whereIt ll visible at low tide

POUCWHB O . o s> W«*klona, an Island of the Hebrides,

wants more police service, but prob-ably will bare to jet aloof for aomeUnit with Its one policeman—one* aweek. He cornea from Mull, over theaea. Ills notebook Is el(ned br theInhabitants as evidence of his visit, ashe baa no war of rluflnf op the deskears.eant. Than be departs, to be coneuntil the next week. lona la withoutautomobiles, bicycles and roads.

The Sfcarpnt 5w»r<UWIUT the exception of a Itnaslan

whote secret died with him In 18.11, noone haa aver learned how to produce•woMi l i •harpai those mnde InDamasctia lonf before the Chrlitlanera. Today many of these swords, atll|In existence, are able to aever a heavyIron rod or a human balr aa It floatsthrouih tho alr,-<-Colller'a Weekly.

Mo.1 CJuUnlUalt •( TlaMThe rotation of the earth la the

molt constant unit of time tba't manhas discovered.

Flral SttlUrs !•Louisiana wna flnt teiltlod by the

French about the year 1700 anil his-tory tvlla ua that tho first Krench col-onlsla there were mo»t reluctant to set-tle down, lo the tabors of airlcullurefor every Immigrant expected to makea fortune, either by pearl Bsherloi orby dlscoverlnr mines.

Alrlu'i T«U«r«pble" Oniiaallany of the "lflti«rnplilc" drums of

Africa sprrer Incredibly vast areas,writes Uary A. Uteclit, Wnlervlllt,Malnr, In Collier's Wn-kly, There laa huge wooden one In NliccrlA*—12 feet:long and IS feet In circumference—that can be heard throughout a ter-ritory ol more than 1,21X1 sonars miles.

Raal AttaiaauatsThe power to distinguish between

things which differ, and to make da*ductloni from given facts, ara attain-ments] of the hlcheit order.

X-IUyi Abynlaat la SUrThe X-rays In a atar are the same

aa the X-rayi experimented on In a lab-oratory, but they are enormously moreabundant In a alar>

' "Web*lloth apelllnn TWelah rabbit" and

-Welah rarebit" are In common nee,though the original - expression wai"Welah rabbit"! the later spelllna-Welsh rarebit" la In error In supsoe-ing a derivation from "rare bit," mean-ing a rare delicacy. One .writer oathis matter states that the Australian!have a dish (mutton cooked In a cer-tain way) which they' call "colonialgoose," probably originating before theIntroduction of real goose'Into U>«country; noaalbly at one time Uiernwire no rabbits In Wales.

Cmcrtl* Cottag. CaeU W65 j" A conrtrje cottage, with concrete-tlln) roof, built under tile laborers actby Wexford board of health at Ooolawfor KHS li ileclared lo be the cliM|>«alhouto of lla type In the Irish Freestate.

Peach Slaae FaieoaA chemist, studying papyrus minn-

scripts, sayi thai Egyptian prleila whorevealnl aerreU of their order -werekilled with a clenn made from peachstonra.

, \ Care la Maoldaa , ' ..KeVcr trust to memory In'giving

doaea of medicine. Head the Ubelatleait three times and If you are notsure Uie dose U correctly measured,throw It away, rinse .tho. class withcold water and rocuiure over;ag»lJ>.Yon may save a 1KB by belnk-'caretnlwUn mcmarl-« n-n'lelnea.'- •'*•" •"*'

U m of Bread In BU, el FlaarAppruxlu ilcly Jvi loaves of bread

can be made from a barrel of flour.Tro r mber vjrlfi •ccurtllnt to thealia of the loif ar 1 Hie formula natdby (be baktr



Cranford High SchoolSchoolDover

_ - - . . s i t the _. ; . •

Cranford Oval

3/P.M. Saturday


Page 6: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's


%y 1 |




fSanaa; MateoUaiEthiopian WOT Few**N«E*eaaNeetEfg

Oat aeadraa aad Ihuty-aJs* jaan•to Oaarg* WMU^IMI art* Ms few

WeU*•ItV'TJctarlsa*drag laWstalaju* aaw.prepared U wrtt*

M M O t l U

IMM «r at^ italent* a ItanadarIke*, la kll farewelladdress O i t r j iWaeMagtaa a i d :

•It b ear trotpolicy it atatr clear

at peranaeal alDaacaa with say per-ttoa of ike Omit* werldV

AIM with ipologiw te pecl«aU aailugb-splrUed room cellegt tU

h k W t <g p r

who say lk*yd

g taot <»kt oader

d d

pete m the afternoon. Tb*Ihunters and j ~

who say l y »• a ; d m w U M H , yea are remindedthat Own* Wasalngteo tiki la ITU:

"To be prepared far mr . l t m sftbt awef effectual saeana af preserv-1st peace."

If ituasolluTraB be seared by Brit-Uh gestures, tat will be scared, with1

KngUnd sending her great batttesblptto tbe Gibraltar harbor. Other batikships and thousands of soldiers *r»sent to ner Island of Ualts, and,imitating raal war. she It putting "sub-marine booms" In tie Gibraltar barbor OD the assumption that wickedMussolini might eend .suhmarlnet. t»blow op her hnilli-shlr*: and that Inexactly what ht would do If It cantto war.

Mussolini Is not alone In bli desirefor war. On 8unday In tli* Ethiopian

, capital. Addli Ababa, aceordlni to theAssociated I 'rm "2.000 shrieking Ethi-opians," yelling "Wi wiat war," gath-tnd befort the Imperial palace de-manding weapons, Tba Associated

I Prtat ttya: T h e m d c t i l M> vio-lent that police conllanted motion plr-

j tare alma of It." That m i wiat, be-cause fllmi might hare convinced tVoutside world that Ethiopians an4Juliana are much alike "under theakin."

or th* eastObark* S. Brady it ths team captain.

Aa a preuminarr for th*events, for which there will tat a

then win be a tret pro-gram on th* Armory Pdo Field Batar-day afternoon, wtth ehlldran espeeUl-ly Invited. Faatorti win be th* re**

sal wagon driving and saddle pack.Ing i rffnpinT adp*. polo *»— "f.! finJumgang, sad spectacular demonttra-Uona. of particular


Jane Withers* tot kid who Imitated

iBewell U Avery, heal of Moal-I gomery Ward A Co, will tell 7011 Uat1 tbe work of the tax gatherers In Amer-1 tea la done thoroughly. Ilia company.

* 00 Ita regular business la six months,nude H,S4O,TO8. Tamt on thU boil-ness amounted to wlflOO.000. or CS1,-000 more, than tbt concern earned.Too might almost call Hut "dltcour-aglng bualness." When joo take theeggs from tbe nest of the ben, thatwould Uke to.set, you slways leave oneegg, or at lent a door knob, "to go onwith."

bantam and . . . _1/ In tba major trianmgt of *fl th* bo-

Interest to ttat



• *

ModlUoo. BskMOttaoAwnat.1,

rant, modcni »«li wmass. Oood condtuav

AIMOB eaty terma.

O r« i iMOW f%MXOn AT

Tor Sale."Tomlahed


lstteil cow msnure for ait,tap tan and dnden. Delhcnl

OBH Wgstfield 3-MM1M1Item thaatnt for-

Tl* foDowlat aftkat. Briefly daterib-tnt Hawaii »ad (Maf a vMd a U mof UM basest V. B. anay peat la taop-totl strriee, wat <wrlttan for ttda papert>T l ie* . Ctantai D. Wlajaad, who laspending sttenl days ban T l t t t t n t ^ t t o a ^ t e a M i a d t e n a t n m ,n»Uier,Uri.aeo»i»LBIenXa^ torn beh^ a prtBiarr morale ta«tar. on fcr-'»^ * .Orange aveoaa, Ueut WMtaad baa alas aarskt, tbar an ftvm a> tboraofhiMHrr. ».

Temple, tried to run btf down with adoll ctrrlaf* and proved herself a oom-pieu taaojranoe fa "Bright *rts," ha*the title tola la th* latest comedy too-oett. "Otager," which opens today atthe Malto nwatre, Watfkld.

Just returned after spending two and wraAderatjcri..a machine tun, Md takt on Shirty one-half |M0a at SehsOtM Barradcs,

tht largest post on th* islands.


Hawaii, tbt Peart ot tht Padfle, baa

a w . *M» Labtgh; BV

tporte of football nattjaoBth; ja, Yale at Mew Baven.rack, and batabtn

•caution in. th* ten reg-comprlatng tba hagut.


atadil; for boatac. a laqa bowllow. bten promhient tn the tourist ad- boid. fan thousand; tor basketball

IvtrUatsnante featured us ourUtUe VHsWKhera lets a new itjrfe'pensnd magatmat. to fast, the tear- tot track, t tmai tnstaQattcot; aad tot i

to coroedr entrrtatnment m -Ototer.",itt indattrjr hat been afforded a major baseball, a lanj* field and grandstand !Twhich kept HoOraood and New York I rank In which tt vita at a aonro* of In etety oraantaattaj. JUtcf tbta* are ]=

data's nt t of Hatton, W. T , It wa* i

t i n th* tana lower

1 In oontmualguffswi, Hawaiian mooma with tba safar aad for th* actual oontoaU Bash, organlaa.and caused tba prediction that tbe filmIt a great beginning for what took* Ilka tnadwmnan are popolartr admitted, oourta.

t f I"College Soeadal. with Arltn* Jndg*

sad Kent Ttykr, • tbt astodato fea-tme.

James Oagner and,P< ^Brlan to-Ibe Irish In * # a a d Ctaarlai ROCHMand Maiy Boland to.Taopla Wm Talk"will be the Ratlfo* attractions for MOD.dajr and Tuesday-

p p rtber* it oat other unportant


Dispatches from Tokyo'tell of plan-ning political murder wholesale.

The . "rodsent" troope* .tost hareeammltted occasional nordera In hl|b-eat places are tired of "occaalonal"mnrders, and decided to wipe out tbaJapanese cabinet la an air raid withbombs, destroy tbe Unsocial district

i of Tokyo, stsaaslnste bohdreds of In-j dnatrlal tnd financial leaden and "re-ettabUah Imperial despotism," N

Tbe homing of bundtnrs to pot .thethrone and Tokyo In a itate of cbaot

' was1' part of tbe plan.

Lars*** ml Aawrlew GreaseTbe sage chicken U tbe largest of

American amuse. It differs In manyways from the prairie chicken andranges farther westward, making Itahome wherever th* eagrbroth grow* Insufficient density to afford It food andshelter. Mottled In- combinations • ofbloe-gmy, black, browns, and white,this species majr hide safely' rinderany aagt.buih and to blend Into tbebsckgroond that nelllifr hawk norhooter can discern Ita prreriK* untilwithin a few leet, and thru only wilha sharp and wfll-trstnnl rr«-

s i n military and naval posts on th*Island ot Oahu.

The pubbo recalls tbt naval manoeu-vna'of last May that centered aboutths bast at Pearl Harbor. This pott,

among allreading Americans, lass, however, Hknown of the military

tnaappl* ats. Tftint thaai ttnrnt'thn ha* Its own practlo* BaUi

ssr high enough to cat*]* thto ualbBited ejbeanoaf m t^tatraeaa 4

L To reott** tab) boner, aa an-admitted,sonrot of Ithrai hat

Thee* art the major sports. A bowl-dHtwiUan prosperity that reoatres tan tug alley ot tea aBeye affords recrta-

Mtte*. Thai U the location of eaten-1 tion for tba tndtvtftnal* aa wan aa forthe regimental Itaguei. Thro* a n sev-eral handbaU court*, when on* maybate a good workout, Mfumonnia oourte g>a*> aa^apportentty tor tb*enthusiasts of thai sport and a gooda*4aTliia»an ranlf* Jstltf MaVBBl Wttl l rftltlat

bOUNLf tOt- botll OflJOtlai n dman aids the figure* sad muedes ot

Polo' it pJayisd upon three fields lo-cated fas dUfarent' part* ot tb* pott.Swimming, surfing, and bathing areavauabto for tbe ofBoart and f amtnaaat WaWaa and tba enlisted man atHauana. FaeOltie* a n Installed to aidtht comfort of as. ' ; •

•This Is a portrait ot tba largest armypost in tropical service. You bar* teena picture of Its set-up aad ita t ceres.tlonal faculties. Th* brevity at- thisartld* wttl scarcely permit* a view ofthe many duties uatfetmad by tba gar-

must must11 ntusanlly protect this ta-ttsUaUon.

The largest of tbta* poets Is Bchc-field Barracks

IOCS Inland fitabout twentyulu. As It con-

Ulna about fifteen thousand lnbsbi-tanta, oonsldertnr the tairlson, fsm-lllea of ofasen and noo-consmledonedoffleert, and drlUan employaes. It batthe populaton of a stn*H-atsed dty. ItsIndustrie* and sodal aetlrttles bear outthis

Malcolm Campbell, who took hiegiant Englltb-bullt automobile to thesmooth surface of tbe Great Bait de»

' ert, west of Salt Uke City, and drovethe ear fsster than 800 miles so hoar,

' returns to New York adttslng moto*, ltta to "drlre carefully."

Blr Malcolm, who baa surpassed er-' ery speed record on the surface of tb<

earth, selects the right place for speed-ing. At home be belongs to Englishorganisations established to promotesafety.

' \Blr Jsmet Jeans, Brltlih attronomat

and phyilcltt, whose "The MysteriousUnlrene" and other, bocks you'snooldread, hat changed his Bind about theage of tbe unlrerte.' and, Ilka Profes-sor Klniteln, when be changes * blimind b* tolls you.

"Be thinks tbe universe" Is about10,000,000,000,000 or .tan trillions ol

r years old. That la a long' time to BlrJames Jeans and us, but for all Jeani

' or anjbody els* knows, If msy mean•-'-ltaa.tbsn one hoar In tie Ufe ot some

"soper-onlYerie.1*' | 1' '

Bltler, Ulklng to bli srmy about"bran discipline." blaaMt ChrlitUnltytad the Bohenaolleros (or the ritt.ofCommunism that "I crushed when' Icame to power." ^Whether he cruihadIt .or not rtmalna to be Men.-' •'• '••

EseeetW Wt NeT DewlIn Abysetola a man wbo has bean

duly executed U not always dead andpossibly not area Injured. The "*»•ecutlvn" eonslfts of tlm llrtng of outbullet from a ttationary rill*—pro-jecting through tbe wall of a Urge :room—after which tbe man It aUberburied, ..or tet free. Often tsll ershort men are not bit In a Tltal spotBomeOnwa those cMrer enoogh tomore tnghtly.art missed-entirely.In any ease tbt aitut Is aatlsn*d>-Ool-k

llert Weakly. >

The iarrlaon consists of four lnfanjtry regunenta, three field artillery ret-brants, one engineer regiment, and on*

sdloal tegbnent In addition to tbattoutfits then ii tba lath Pursuit Orott Wheeler Field, the QuartermasterDetachment, thea tenkoocapiny, a fhtmloal warfanootnpaay, a military police catnptnr,tnd other tptdal ntttta. ' ' , " ,

Tfalt dty of Bcboneld Barracks contiats of miles of weU-peved streets,with tht usual complete anangementtfor sewers, lighting, e t c . Tb* house*are of tropical pattern, varying ba t t eaccording to th* rank ot the offloarfor

_ Gnat Gateway ._.Bbsnghal It the gateway ..for. tbv.

gnat Iingts«-klaog'valley.- In whichdwells half tbt popoUtlon of China, orJOO/XXMMO people, ,The toUl popula-aoaoftbti world Is estimated st 1 ,*XV00IMM0, so approximately one. personla .every nine onthrough Bhamhal.

tblt earth trades

(ausrters, to, we the army,.tenn)Ih* ncfl-codmationed ofneert, jWhlest pretentious,' are quite eotntortabl*.Tlw single anUsted men ar* booted inlarge concrava- oanacKa wnsxa^vreryeffort la made for their, comfort, .largerecreation rooms and dining halls tendto Increase tbe moral* of the troops.'

The Post has Its commwrtsl center

K.J. Tk»l

MABOOAirr Omce Desk.Otentordi

avtrage la aat a* M par cant; aor tbahsuon at »j; and for th* tophoamasdtreahmen.ataa.

Mr*.JUaX.B«H|ida TavBatjatj, I

motfatr of 3. BankW Botaavenut. west, advartktngTh* CtOaen and CtmMriest, died MatTbnxaoay nomtngat bar baastialJav

Bh* bad been m onlybShe rtetntb; I aad pan-

yrison to I'hope any young atptrantefor military aerrlee wffl not Join, tbearmy aad enlist tor Hawaii with theIdea of a pleasant; two years' member-ship in a;jiltaniia'retort. Let me a»-tur* thenv thartfaase reertationt comeonly' at the and of Joug bonra of bardwork and musnstve training. Our mm-t r y rorota o a u t y nuytiaa tne eon

Bom In Mwport* R» at, *w«v ',bad lived m linden foryean. Bhtwaaameml

three years. Her taaband,'or.:

tor many years, dkd about si yaa half ago. ,

to addttton to • a n , Mrs. BVsurvived by a daughter. Maa Jama* Ca^atOVaBfeaA 4)aC aa*sa9a] |0l*^B


.Funeral aarvteat wstw bald from tba

was to tb* lanmty plot to MUford.

stary rorota oaLauty'U t l l i i t t tb

tne( eon-Unental limit* ot the country a n worfc-lng^hard to thdr{chosenrprotesskav to

that play ktepf-Jadrfnm being a dunboy it Insists that Jack earn ma rightto play by nia e*iotat:afforte la mm-tary duties. ->f- . • \

.•-'' ' ; • • • • £ .The Itsrlawael r a a i p

'Tbe Northwest pttsage'ls'a paaasgeof ee* between'the AUanoc aad Pa-doc oceant along;tba'north coast ofAmerica,3 loot soagbt for, by aanga-tora.' •" v ; " - . - ! , '/

X. JLiBkaOttl

«sr a. atari »MT


A sailor from an American ship; itlocked up In .Germany for.'bummlnt"The Internationale,1; Communist hynut,'a « l r making Uie";hyniD worse, by aay.mg4eomethTng l f b t ' H l U :

^ , Oa^.repqrtl-negro teoantfarmera telling their uUt pork aod aat-Ing chicken Inttead, beciuae prlcet'forpork an higher tbta for chlckto*«b* drouth,-Uck'bf fa*d<and taa pro-tatfor who Invented.tbt'Mea of.ldll*log mamma pigs before tlw llttla ptgtwere born' arc highly ipprsdated. by' - • - - " b " l - e * ! f '

D O N ' T

S A Y B E E R -

runeral atrrioat warrhtld from teahome, 4 Btrkatey Plac*, at sat) p . as.Monday far Mrs. *»—« MC "rrrrr.wife of tb* late John a Bptncar. who

Tstw OButkuyp' IVaattald.Mrs. Openorr wat treasurer for manytan of tba Women's

New York Ctty. She was the. daughterot tbt late' Col WflHam tt n a W , atonaer.pratUent.of tba Peter Cooper

»iDaurane* Company and a, brevetcolonel o t th t Beventh K. Y.;OoJonel BJbkt wregiment for nearly forty year* and wascaptain ot the fourth, cctnpany duringtba Ctvfl War. 'Mn. Bpancar was amember of th* Holland Dames aad- to*Daughter* of tba American Btvotatton.Her husband was former president otthe Spencer Optical Company oMtrwYork. •' ' .

8h*-i» survived by a sister, Mrs. Bob-ert W. Bonynge.



.Mttlard F. Wheeler.T»resident.of-Cranford, for .thlrty-nre.years, died but Friday atth*. bom* of bis ton, Jam a Wheeler,lo.Oerwood. -, , ,'^-.v«

Oosung-to Crtnford tram Schenec-tady. M. Y , Mr. Wheeler conducted tbeOnnford Ice Oofnpsnyst a n Southavenat,-"eatt, for msny.yesrt.aH* waaa. member ot the Knmpt Firemen andot_Oranford Council, Jr^'CTX,A-'MW^iBurrtvon are another ^soo^.Qaade

> W l e r r t o f ^Auendals; £ adaughter' MU. iryrtle Wheeler of ItewOrleant; and three brothers, Bdward ofSatontown and Dunn and Albert ofpannsylvania. ' ,

Funeral tenlcct wen held « » ~ « - Taftemoon at Batontown. InUvat In an aatortown cemetery

Pleaty et ita iB i.t l l,|,,j

ATIOIf Black Thatcher too-• coal and gat rang* k

Call CRanlord 6-IW.

S a l * CBKAP-Vonroe leebM,t t KtMnator. three draitrTW. OBanford (-03M.

Baywood WakeneM reed baa?, on* small bashxtte on vhns,

wttb new Capo* mattreu; one Urstatefed crib; one swing on ttandi; oneasaaary obab-. All very muonahk.OaU CaUnfcrd «-Ul»-J.

Coat, new, »35; used for; fox scarf, good condition.

WEitfleld 3-1S14.


imam an* aota, aaono Mn. A. V. V.B9B*an. M0 Bhmbeth Avenue, Cru-ford.X. J. tf

team suite: sbo olber oddpteca* of furniture. Very rnuooaale.m W a h m t Avenue. Phone ClUnforl

I FOR SALEBvergrenu at LehUh

Avanae OMenbouaes, 137 North I*Mgh Avenue, Cranford.

TBOnCALnSHPIBH, Aquarlunu. Standi,

Baoas to , Heating and UghUnfBaofa, Plants, Foods. Tonlc«. MOotbar taottsories. Slkora's AquuU.sri •ortb Union Avenue, PhoneOBaaford f-aWl-R. "

fixtures, motors, rt-Wsshlng Mschtnet,Ckanen Daniel J.

Bumtlde Avenue We-e-iwt-R.

m—i- „ _ ALTCKATIONItj Your Btlesi investmeK.

Bafld yean now before Inflation *•etaassa waBr>doBart more. I wfll bdU• a year lota and to your plans «

'ha**) attradte* lots tnd plans vnicayea may see without obligation.Whan yon dettre to remodel or re-pair your home or store, let meiti"you an asUmate. Felice E-xDlFsWo,lgT Ti~rft» Avenue, Cranford. Tele-

' phon* OBantord B-05W-J- J

°1 MASSAGEGBOAIN weight. Control bo*

icantour.natorrtway. Swedish rou-saae. individtttUy planned eitrcues.•if desired. Treatmenti In jouf « n

fart g-»51-W. «•»

m. Morand fireproof

R/RMtitend. l

'5im * •

Pornter and Mba Dorothy

c o m i n g J s ^ y , B o s(New T*art Oaf) < and(Day of Ateatmtat) wS

B, .^ toBe«a»Tempt t taCRabbi BMaai wffl ooadad

Th* fin* fan aard IdDytheT*s»ple,wa*hek

- » • with mor* than J00 ma.I pestt to attendann*. Hits.t Klein won tbe door prtat. aa

,i prise wts awarded to Mr. Ieds were pot to tba can

„. Mtmbers of the comtnlttia_«i. H. Hairls, Mn. U..Ta«jot, of <En; snd Mrl lTSsalpw. Mia. I•vine. Mn. Oettes, Mr*. H. (HaaM" . u CHsuer, all of Westfleld.


Bereral memben of th* Illttgue of Calvary Lutheran CI n plannnlg to- attend,th* DlUtber League meitmg SundayIMOO and evaatof in Holy 1I Church, E3uabath,1tt was annoI lals m t by the Rev. WtUitm F.lttns,Jr, pastor of the local dI The program wffl dart jrtBiai*l ) » p . m, foUowed.br a supper1 log it 5 p. m, aad reapers at TI Dr. Paul C. White wffl b» tba nId the eventog. ,• V- 1 * ' .-I Toe Luther Leafbe wttiapoilalimagundl party- h»'-tb«)cbni| t W d B l j r 5 -":

morrow. ,' '» - •<, The flnt metUag ot the conftaI dau wlU be held t t l O a; m , BalI October 5, to tb*u church:; '

rr i i^iHs;?i1•1'. cl larlubT«»itoMhr:t»" IN

I said. Cncle r%en>^l fml t tak ihsppen, but some folks b*»" a '<

| oufryln' >m." *P3&M*Ci£

Open d.Ur, oeapt .lUiidin tro» t tattt « r. a t Arrld»r irnlata Iraai T;M tt • r.

9 N. Union A T «Phone CR.&O11


Page 7: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's

tentM ~r«d tab;|aitaette on Thttk,'|>*ttrcu; one lua)line oa tUndi; oc*B wry muooibk.llt-J.

i n , US;|uf. sood condition,VXctfleld 3-1S14.

Desk. Telephone

le; t l u olber oddu Very rruoniblr.le. Phone ClUnlord



SEwRWRaW^gj^ • • **^W* ^RW ^ * R *

i.t* r. bL-*»-

TICKETST a.m, • a, av;

Cnndnai Hi 11111. »M a. av.by Swaday School: Rhm Maea. M J I

iHtali 4Wal fMCMMmwAdlR( I W I ••• i « A. l ^ - O t a n h MaaL U:M A.WORttp. VM P. B L -

inn»», iiHulithec*mwh 11 1 1 • 1 • • — • • * — — I

" • » Dorothy HB-

Mt.A.m, —murfchooi iftL-Morning WenUp. Ctt PR.T. P. U. • :« r. It-Bwnlm Berr-

U:M A. M. WIIHJ H M t U:«A. lb-PBhtte Wonmn. • :« P. hL-ADm Chrbtlaa Endeavor laagta. • ;«

£ * 5 f ^ "fWNiTY CHtjHCH NOTESa m * v M n c Om f t * * of m.

MtabMI and An AnttK ttm win bttUtf Oomnmnton la THntty CptMoial



I n » coming *wlah^Udaj» l Koai i* -(Ntw T e a r t « q f ) .jaad Tom

ay of Atonement) will bt

Rabbi Kraut, win conduct theThe flat fan earo party,

.4 by theTtmpte. wat bt ld but- irlth more than RW i nan* en

, .^eitt In attandaniw. K m WU-i Klein won the door prtat. and the

j p r l n w u awarded to bBr.KJem.*da were put to the oemetery

Member. oY the eommlttii were•JU*. H. Harris, M a . U Taftot, of Ctan-Ikrd: >nd Urt. irkuAfm. Un. U/Le-Bttne. Vn. Oettea, i r a . H. OlaaNr and" k U Olaater, all of Weetfield.


Benral member, of the Lather.Ltaiue of Oalrary Lutheran ChurchI n plannnlg to- attend-the Wttrlet

• • ^ • W H H wm* ^ ^ ^ * ^ w^ • •

The church aehoal wtO meet at • : «At thi. amakm tht new nretcm

of Sunday School Lettont will be needfor the t int tone. The eourte It en-titled, "The Chletlan Lite of Faith.Love and Doty." and bt a c o m e on theflnt half of the Church OttThhm

.In the evening, at • p. m» the ToungPeopled PaDowthip win hare ttt flntmeeting tor thi . seaaon. An member.of tht PeflowaWp are atekd to be pres-ent. Sapper win be tarred..

The lector, the Rev. Prank MagmSherlock, bat announced the beginningof confirmation da ta* in the near fu-ture. The Rpacopal Visitation wffl bemade to Trinity Pariah thb) year by theRight Reverend Tnomaa Jenktnt.DJX,Bishop, of Xerada, who la atatatlng theMsbofa of New Jeney at tWa time.AH prospective- member, of the Con-firmation elattet ahould communicatewith tht rector immediately.

-The victory wat expected." Horbertywp«iyw manager for the

, Undenberlir. told a repreera-tative of Udt paper hut night. "How-ever, we are gratified by the unanimityof the reapontr,

-everything potato to a victory oftremtndou. proporUont at tht pan. tnNovember " Rliby staled. "My loyalworker., primed by the rigora of thePrimary,' are ready to work with re-newed energy. We expect to achieveone of the greatest ncceate. in partyhistory"

Renewe energy I. promised by Rtgby." Jiantes Instituted ' ''—

I m o and evenmf mI CttUTCUf B31a(awDvJ%S*» \ 1-vr ^

I Ihia week by the Her.Item, Jr, ptator of the local

The program wO * a r t with a .oeiatatl » p . in, foilowed.br • " P P * » * * •lot it 5 p. m , and taper , at T p. J LDr. Paul C. White wffl be the epeaker« the evening. ; • ' ' / ' ^ ^ - •

The Luther Leajbe wfll^M1*nif ipirnii patty- b^'-tha^iI p. n. next W e d i a l a r . J i

Church Khool t eaobj t ;* - - — — -•U meet at the Unarm.** «-p. m. to-monow. ,' '» - •'< v

The Ant meeting of the confirmationdan wiu be bald at lO a; n u Satarday.October 5, tn -M*a?rfniH«li! - ' ' \

CRRUTIAN BCnCKCS CRURCm-RRALnx* win be the tobject of the

^ajon-Sennon m afl Churches ofChrM. Sctentbt, oq Sunday, Septem-ber » .

The Oolden Text b : "Every good giftand every perfect gift Is from above.andeometh down from the Father ofBgfcts, with whom I. no varlabhmttt,neither ihadow of turning" (James

Among the citation, which compracthe Lemoo-Sennon It the fnnowmgfrom the Bible: *I know that, whateo-• m Ood doetto. 11 shan be for e m :nothing out be pot to It, oor anythmgtotaftomttf and Ood doeth it, thatman'tbould tear .before hkn. Thatwhich hath been to" now; and thatwbtohi. to ba bath, already been: andOod nantatb that wbkb to part" OB-ulnlnfUi 1:14, U) . , -

TheLeetonStrmnn alto toemdes thetaOowmt hDuasae from the Christian


Supportcn of L K 8. R%bjr. ¥icU«Tlooseamdate tor the Republican ShrievaltynomtneWnn. are already gtodmg thtm-

for the Oeneral Bectton m

»W BBBBWa m-^^i^^^^fmm^ w • • • ™*w m mm, ,

taking aver at a Oowaty roadimi^m9m^rmn^m^mMr w^^w^^imi ^r^^mm* mgmmw^ ^^m^rmwrni _ w ^ f y •YW^BBBRBVT RWS W S W WpW]p7 wR> wRRRw*W*ea^#

•Utta> thai they ahcctanedjvM adopted. • . ,lent* of e t m l o r In Court, ]i»port tndreaotaionby Road Oom-

aavae m eecordanee wtth eontraet, wat mttiti t*""g aver at county road,iwMmd to PobUe Property. Orounds Moontam avenue from Morrb avtaatand RuUdtng CTi—iilUi ' to AitJland road and Aahland road from

AtMo» from the County Treasurer of Mountain avtaat to boundary Use ba-the appointment of Mat Abet Ford, at twven City of SBBWBR and Borough of

•-. m RaaoluUonbyPmanet Committee ap-Ootwnmlraiion from Department of „ „ , „ . a* l w e m t m e i i t of M t t Allot

Inttltrttont and AcvneMt, rtatlng tht port. cbrk-typM tn Treasurer-, oflfee.mtpteton made a tour through Bonnie wa. adopted. ' 'Bum and find the hospital Isexcep-I , , , , „ being no further bostoea. and

upon 'motion of Freeholder Brook, duly

Approval of the temporary appoint-ment of Mba Olga bmrateo a . clerk-.stenographtr, wi t neelred from the1

CITU Berrlce OwimihaMn and flled.OOBBHaflfllHMBjOQ l r Q t t OlTll OCTTIOC

nnnmlmlmi dwrllnlng to approve ap-pointment of William B. Relbel a. ter-geant-at-ana. In linden District

U N , at 1 p. m.CBARLRS M. APPLBCK.





By readme every aaAttar yea-Sad the

. ta theef the CSTBXN AND CRRONICULyeam W Iba u m r U enry «aMttaa.

•era write tbeea m m «•» ef paaer aad mallCITlSEN AMD CHBONICU eaVe, ll-IJ




the obDto. tenoe will be oonttnued, Itto pledged and new hnprorementa wffl

! trt***""1 where pottlNf. 'The Bne-np .ystem. a great aid to

poUoc ofBcera to cbecklnf erlmtoala,baTtog proren n c h a marked IUMWI,win-be maintained and even expanded"the OndenherlB taya.

Court, wat referred to Finance Com-mittee.

Oommnnifatkm from.Jerael Oreen-berg. Mating be had been retained byBmcr R. Trtdand to repneent htm Inclaim for damatea to hl» automobile,wa> nterred to Inauranoe Oommtti«e.

lication from Judge Lehman

For Limited Tin* Only!White 0«k VI SoW-& 40cRubber or L»tb*r LSfU__10cRobber Heelt 25cCOURT BOOBR BROE RSRUILDIRI

Science textbook, -Bdence and Healthwtth Key to the Scripture*-' by MaryBaker Eddy: "All reality to In Ood andni l tmllnn.'t if""•*'"*"""' eternal.That which He create, to good, and Hemake, an that to made" (p. 4T1).

NEW ROOFSPut On—No Money Down



Arthur!. Manner- CARPENTER



In rcfwwlo* to ooniniiiniotioii woriwdfrom ClrU Serrloe OnmnHnInn .UUngbe Intend, to continue Mt. Reibel un-der temporary appointment, waa re-ferred to'FinanceCommittee.

Ooptea o f n v e » ) ' recolutlona fromTownamp of Union requcetmf:

1. laiaurf.tlrc of Stanley Terrace;L Sboulden of Cheetnnt atreet:S. Taktog over at. County road—

TauxhaU Road — Route » to Saktnroad;

4. Take orer at County Road-Oak-

I RROAD S T R E E TtM»Mk. k .





f William Bust1 RetalFiorittSfttagfleU Are. Wirtl.ll. N. I.

P H O N EWEofield 2-2253

The tkstCRANFORD REAL ESTATEInsurance *«> iaw»-a»a* wav» ^g«a) «a» WaWwaBiaai • ^ • ^ -mmw i i • ' -

RtMl Estate & Insurance Dept Cranford Trust Cot-llea

Y»VU (hale leeke tetMhl td-*•>•« etflwM

'Ml . t l t i lpa l•woetliearlil

yThtlwo Todd

* vffPVffagJea. BVS*. vrRJSJSJ VSWPS


What ptrtare , * • apeear at la* Craatftra Thaaire, FHday aadSatardar, OH. I l lh aad tttaT

M •—IWT Craafera.(-MNTt. l a what* ad win yea and the*. l a what ad wl l y w tea -Darby* Wtaaan mat at what ariceT4. Wke a n healed at 431 Maria Aveaaa, E , WestSeUtt. WkataBbararra«aJ . ft. bvlag Oa. seal

1 FBI a* the eahta




Open telly, OMpt a n i k n aa4FWUIJ. homtmonr.u. AIMrrid«r trolata l m t ; H » t r , K




saiZr?.'»VPhone CR. 6M)116



[Back of the CallSo Easy to Make

[ —it a loag eerie, of

Mate all poialed toward pro-

;rtaiag for your use a service

aataaafcea''{ar talking" aa clear

f.aaa aataral aa around the fanv

apatePto in wire and

|.; cable to protect your Ulking,

L weather hazard* of all

ia awitcb-

jilMardt aad operating mellioda

i the speed and ao>

sts to of c rcoioc

of the trijp will be|in seeing you a Mj o n i r . . . . e

of umnunluipn

and that o a «

-far talking" *eeni like



ted vikiton arejlm^meJ ^1

i, die Bell taboratorlea,

i do the rcerardi for tfao

Ifcatire svateaa at cott tnd with-

L proat, bare taken oat over

no telephone

l^fMeea aad Ibo number In. | j


Page 8: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's



The turattm beard eftiM OarP-T. A , win fiMBuawit to ta* ielation at Be aiiatlin at tm e*thl* aftomeoa tajba aebool aadttoithat fun* be eat aalde »o be iMr. bandd im music and books far the I


upon try the beaid at * uiiattag »week. Include: That children shall aatto admitted tothe alli iBlin a m i top,but left toucan of the Ctrl • m i n i toan adjoining room, and that a dele.gate attend the Atlantic Otty aonnuon. at m prtrtoaa wean, •

Mn. Ida Behammar, the ptielaart.conducted the eseMtne aetjeon.

DUKOW—BDlaUMEKMtu Beatrice O. Duahanek,

Ur of Mr. end Mn. Alfred Doabanek.of Ml South i w w , wee. BintodTtiunday at I p. nw ta Urn rtetonr ofthe Church of St. Ann* to WilliamDwrow, ton of Mr. n d Ml*. W. H. Da>

1 t » aaNtcal m* i


\^j_- ~-\*£-9f *




* * - ¥ * - • » * - - .»•• „ •

-»*---V-T--r - *'> ;- "" •"""-• sie** v;f ~ "" S:j "—ig——«••<*•£ "* i

. ; _ . , . ^ _ , , . « . - * , • • i t f - -


wtth «t» vieytoe; of•& a ^

* * - ^ - >

d u n will »• M d to IHa IMono win ba famUMrt feand hit Bvaat* Wmr Ontiaatn.


A mtnlcal comedy wtD be

.•Mb.m.1 le*«B

fjftt. H*T COfMbftr WeW Ol IMWUaBft, • • « • • • • - v * » •*••• - " • • - 1 AM ajBMsa BT-1

Tie mild of honor wore a flowered *»ehUdrra win appear. I t a j a i l l B M a Odreta with a blue hat and a eoraage of. The prcductlon, "Sonny SUea.* * f f l ' — ^ g mSTttmslalluntn ro*«. The ceremony wai fol-Jbe put on by a naUnnally known •»»-!«»«» taMewaet.lowed by a dinner at the borne of the duoer of Uajh daat mwtcal comedtee.1 A ^aawMar wa»btWrt p»renu. A reception wat rield| A crofcaalcoal coaoh ha«been obtatoad,'M. _ j M , t~.\Utw at the home of the bridegroom's «nd rahearaalt under Me Jgladfcrlan - — —parenU. Oueita were from Oarwood, will atari Friday, Hi|itinwiar IT, 1Wotfleld, Eliiabeth, Dunellen and P»»-' ptrlsn haU.

T*e P*iw**<tn of


I « • a*BBSBBf aWBBBej



fflHJ; - • * • saii M. HM.



loie. Tb« couple wlU ratlde ai SM WU-low avenue.


Ferdinand Bthnen. Jr , baa Ipointed general ebalntan ta iall fnnuiiUhwa, and he baa ithat bit conwnlWaaa wm be i

Mlu Ulllan Saunden of Oarwood through the mall earlyand Ulrd Tomb* of Oarwood were principal ipeaklng part* win ba •married Saturday evening at S o'clock Friday night by the coach from a Batat Bmora. The bride wore eggshell auggarted by rather WUah and Mr.relret and a conage of Oardenlaa. Mlu Bchnell.tValyn Baunden, a altter of the bride,) Mora than 100 penona have alreadywaa maid of honor. She wore royal Toltmteetea their eerrteee lor the pro-,blue velttt and a eoraage of roan, dnctlon. ,Adam oalmmky of Myrtle arenue waabeat man. A reception waa held atBrtnen' Tarern, Rahway. Mr. and

eMr. The

•of Rahway took ptaet I

Mn. Tomb* wm re«lde~on Second ave-nue, Oarwood

of Mr.'The peony It cited by Pllay at Ihe

aarUeat known or mcdkteal ptaato.Tbe name Itatlf perpetoatea Apollo to

!al* eMncter of pbyaklaa, far aaPaeon be healed the wound* tee gad*

. „ _ . , . . , recdred lo the Tmjen war.

The bride wornrheUaMonto


its. C-J-. ' -T7^:




This ElectricHand Cleaner HasMany Uses

wa* beat man. AneeptitfaahcaaeotthtttldVtl


.tha Universal Whirlwind weighs only,

four and a half pounds, so it is easy to

carry around and use on upholstered fur-

niture and draperies. It I* fine for re-

moving dust from heavy coats and suits.

Sells regularly for $9.95.

We also carry, tha .Universal electricfloor cleaner, which is the motor drivenbrash type of cleaner. Regularly prieit $14.95. - • -

« S \ J . - , - | J

z&*: : • * • : - '•


O f ybuy Uw Boor CIMDMand the hawd cleaner'atthasama'tinieyoacan save |4:8S.-lC«m-binatioRiprica la ,$39.95 cash. '

,*&U JTM tey M M

THI MOKI,ILICT*IrclTV^Ye0,llfl,TMI^Ca1IAVlR IT «ITI•• +<*^l-:&iis$ffifs£&&

& •

if' r Al

11^E«RITERSS.Wp.ri < ^ p f g n i p \ REPAIRED


V e


I*--1 T=E-1-*P '




L-ir— '"- V





.s %\


m _ id ) . I

^MSmc *;?

, i* far"»1r :

' M



. .xthatand belts





: 5 V > ;''" Physicians «\ppro?e,tmethod*.. • , women en



•elwlio^haveare more





WBTleUon on MWttat the WM , tor the

cgatloue toriected mayar ar

dt ilnlemt on Bis .aearTsawejjl

hope in** ne saa n e w • " wa«w<Tott he wm .prove to ba a g<worUiy ofMal ejriltoJHns«h-

I wuh to than* the'ssany

%>£»%!£££•»the WendteAo voted tor i

Uayor Knamntai.' whfle jrahit friendt for thatr aupportprlmuT aleoUon, k) toektng f oaJinutry t. whan bja torn of ah m been nniihed, wttn no res.vtahea Mt toBotoMr ttw t Kfa idmmWcftaf.-tBeBorouih.

To my friendt and anpportoiprimary election. X extend mjlor their loyal lopport.

Vratl BDenar,> ^candidate for

ThwUnc the votan of **for their confldence ta a * aa aIn the prunarlet, 1 aoUdt HiUnufd jupport ta tha fortheomenl election.

Youn for an acouamlcaJ ajlorcmment. , ^" .i1*

, 'Antboo;

I wish to-thank ,aqr fatendghbon for their ewVrawneu i candidate to the primahot* to merit their eontmoeCIn the fortboomtoc tenaral ell

~ ~ " * - J t o e » p I

Although defaat|Jd,.I wiihthose who mpportad me to

'i-'i Tildes r*

AppUcatlon farlMerftl fawhich to build a" rational Miu now In the bands of PWA cWuhlngton lnatead/Of ;WPA•Uted la last weekH Maw Tatlon WM orKtoan* made to•nd then iblfted to the WPASby requeat. It was obaOfed baPWA, which, if granted,^ wmoutright FedtraV. grant^of .1Percent, and the balance onnote*




Page 9: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's


r kattlecryr

agrlctlon on th* l e f t * t . g * ^ " j — * *tut thf mayor a**, ttMMayiM iwgM.We tor the pi

"continue toelected mayortush eoanett. * J

SOCIAL ITEMSa*akvk la UM H U M *f

Th» ORB « n M fcr tb»mtel astfst* Hfa, wit. aaaatjti, gat I t n

to tak -Waal at* Mat* aawosartMar tnitn kavar

M l u m I t t l u m l , ku wUi U a U Aaw*• aMUKral Mmilti, tad IM Ta»

tacoxp rtACtti All nw taHaaaw tmt' armta, kaaa, ttaMa, aiMMiw MIaity dwnltod, anaau. Mat ud Mas la

* k •( CraahnL la l 1and Sal* V K M I M W .•rrwr nan WO* t w l m * k •( CraahnL la laa Onau 1

ttaa* d S V K I 'onttatrTtdty.

wMatartrttoprtpanttwfhmlnaif o< road. It b npeettd that an

« t n onr-« ootmty parkboubTtid

on driveway anr HVhUin a**no* «m

tana to lae mat aaaakar tat aa tkt tftt) M. T. tj. baud task Tuesday<ala, Beat. zt. It nm Hum. atgbt Tte NBC, baa k**a tb* Broad-• e c t t M aaewa at Tka Mrtal way tWwgtrTt bast frttad. Back•teatb UrtaMad outs boadndt otaa aaaklat htt.BtM> a "waw* algbt dab tenet , tad

Recognised asof tb* tat* Flo

at ku tear acrtt* wruen weraiagfary

shortly bt Mad* and MM contractor btfwM.-Unaay bat beta retained to•"Httaa Haym. irrt bdy at ta*

ernot then**trench on d

aOowtd toaenat th* part propsrty.

Mr. and Un. Joseph BaHty of Wew-ark arena* »——imr tht marTiase o(

When Mr.<CMpp»January 1 <w.,M»

be elect* tattMb a t h t a t t M ,

be wu..p»ow to bt a mod and

thttr am, Alfnd H. Bailey, on Friday.September » , to Mb* Baanor Btnqr,of i l l Park •ramie, linden.

The boUdlngt atop o( eoOeg* hm atUM Berth tod of aitt etnet a n tap r o m of beta* dtmolbbed. The butto-tnp, vfaleh were foraerty the home ofUpatia OoUeejt. wen told about fireyaan ago to Tho K*ytton* AitodaUoa.ftbotdbraf company for the Ku KnotBan. Later the property wat focvetond and taken orer by the RoatOePark Tn«* Oanpany.

Tin buUdtag at the northeast comer«CJNh ttree* and boiut?aid, wtofch m

fegr Orowbattt Frtnt-to> Company* la betog m a d by Thomas

Mayor .hit friend* (or ttatr aopport

b Mtd "

h ( ppprimary election, b MtdnfJanuary t. when Ma icrm e

forwanltoof oaoa win

kin been finished, with no rtejnto. Beitahes hit suuebawr theIn aamtabtortng-th* . •«**» of thaBorough.

To my Wends ana* anpport-r* to th*primary election, X extend my thank*lor their loyal topport.


air. b aa* to bow m Oct. > with aatory calkai *Tb* N*w reany."Bbe'e rwtiag ta Earosa. tootingstar a a n play, katt Edith M*i**r.wbo It writing kwr a«ri»m, kt*pe•radlug acnpu I* Laodoa tor MistHay**' appro. aL

•••Nick Dtwana. who with Dal*Hits; b t u r n s ] la -Dangerous Parai : . d u e / bat rl*a<

jtast abaat *»iryI k I a g ta ta*work* la tddiuoata actlag aadaow k*a wrtliagta* a c n p u for to****** blauelt. la


Thanking tte w*a» of •^nflworthtor their oonfldence to me a* a m * * » 1In the primaries, T teUdt tbelr eon-Unutd jupport In tha forthoomtaf ien-enl election.

Yours for anlorcmment.

'- 'Anthony drippo,

I wish to - thank .mjrfriendi andneighbors for thatr.tnaonetnemt of meu a candidate to th» prlmartae, andhop? to merit then- eonttaoed mpportIn the fortbeomtof itntrai ejection.

• Joaepb UOrick.

Although defeated,.! wiah to thankUIOM who tapportao '.a* ta tha pri-maries, i-' ~ • ',;'*> '. -

•i-i TOdeo Fmianburg.


than with uwnptrrued freedom,much greater raoctes among achildren as eompand wtth the reat'ofthe population, m eudea.or* to preventdiphtheria and to prevent aotomobOe•ccktentt, ahow* that tfab reliance bwtO-founded. Tht) oad-taahloned Idea,when dbeaat threatened or an epbkmlewas present, was to dote the tchoois.Dialer up-to-date conditions. It b onlyexceptionally that such a eoarte b•rue.'"

Although It was learned that then i c e boy had bean ta m health tincetost Thursday, he had been attendingschool at usual. On Monday, hbteacher noticed he bad a alight amp,and sent him to the school physician,. b o examined him and adrbed him toat* hb family doctor Immediately. B bfamily doctor took him to MuhlenbergHospital, PtolnneVd, Monday afternoonwhen the eate was flnauy diagnoseda light case of the dreaded disease.>AU desks In Mrs." Horn's room to

Ortnt School hare been carbolated. Anumber of achool books there have beendestroyed and erery other possible pre-canUon hat been taken against thespread of the disease.

recruit tba beauties far the film.-Tba Ureat ZMgMd."

•••Tb* Brat ws*k In Octoberkrtnga Ibr** important additions toradio. Tb* a*w Mills Brolber* to.liaa wllb Art KaaMl't orcnealr*.and Hal Tolum. aporta comment*tor premier** Oct. 4. On Sunday.Ort. (. tb* Bob Rlplty, Oatl* N*l-to*. Harrt*t Milliard tanas will btlauacbad »la NUC and on th* aamtday Altaander Woolcoll will com-m*ao* kit broadcasts o»er CU8.

•••Radio baa a way ot creatinglla atara O'*r nlgbL Dob Uurna,-Tb* Arkanaaa Tr*»all*r." Is todsyUM a*watt comedy dlteoitry Ht's

offered a half doa*n contract*.

BubttlUrtes: Onnford — Kkln forCariffltb, rJcrurmer (or Dorn, OrlfflthforNorrJttrom. Bnrkt for R. Anderton,CMmes fcr Thermann, U r f tor nsnren,Dabasandrt* for Dadd, AngmoU forLusardl. 8. Anderson for Stanley, Cord,ner for BchlrmtT. Sayre for Nordstrom,Markowtch for Stanley, Beta for(byre, Nordstrom for Orlfflths, Stanleyfor Mtikowltb,

• t i t Orange—Fvlndt for Hewitt,ntch f or Norman, Luster tor Umergan,Belena for Bterenson. Craw for Oeo-hsgen. Jtetjal for Oraw, Bardlng forHewitt, Luster for Brant, Bast for Wy-man, Reeter for gtatt,But Orang* 0 0 0Oranford JO f 0

Referee. OMdan; head Unetmtn, MeIntyre; trnvtatptr, Mas.

bb spare llaa*,aaiatt aalabtan* . .Mtttot, , « ^ | H b rb . bat b ^ n t p . - - Jo.

aur It not *ip«ctto

Wa»»Teiira axu the innklns or ciioa en-

tirely by Hand irai one of the rnletInduitrln of nullfonl «nunty. NortaCarolina.

' writ** Twra*. H*Nick Dtaisiai w u tajunaj la

Ik* World War. to ban a -Mteraa-la mora way* tkaa • »

• ~ | a foar y*art araa4eutlag.|-Hack Kogan- Baa cawed *****Uua urn yaamgslan I* wnu tawttb past awggasuoaa aad baaardtfor Bock at* Wllaaa to work tb*irway owl ot. Radio «s**rt* kohl Unaanatraai ap aa ta Masai** of tmak-lag cbiMraa lalak coaativcunly.

•••Nail* Ooodalla. rarely elngtngpbulat. coene* aatarally by taatSoutbm acccet you bear oa b*rBoaday xraaiuis: prognaa*. .AhUwoigb k m 1a tb* Cataklll MooaItlat. NfUa a«»*. to Honda, wbaa

*d to wan* torapidly, for hisatria of dellnryIt aa reatralnedaa bla material Ittuaay. lilt fan-o u t "Uatooka"and a lot of bop*wat all that BobHume brought toNew York tbra* '

•*•) Burnt months axo frombU native Van Bum, Arkanaat.Bob baa won bit apura wlth.aue-ceaaral appearance* on th* Valle*tad Whltmnaa boun. Uatentnmay dial bla eon*dy on ta* Whit*u a Hnale Hall programa aaTboraday *Ttnlnfa.

t? fwSw l* iHri— * M «nrWd I

U to l U

n la. to «•!• •» awt

ud mil or B«iMPOH It —it to

Ct « l

ManrUgaaU* A|*The roirrl««cT.|>lr » • In ninat alatr*

wllhout conaent nf parent* la Iwrnty-one. A boy and clrl umlrr thla agtmay marry In ilmnai any atnle, hulin erery slat* In Ib* Union (inn or tbtother or both niiint hav« |>anntal cootent, and In mini > m n It la both.

aublM m i l l , la UM tnatrlct Cavil koaaa, laCawrt yoaM ta UM Cltj al BIlMbMk.

"annicnnroAT, n i l inn DAY orOCTOIBII, A ii.. iu>,

at two a-rlart M UM aftaraaaa af Mid dar.All UM Mlawlaf tract ar parcal of laad aad

,naalaM karataanar aarttoaUrlr ataarrlboa. all-aaw. Irbt and koine la On Toamakla afcraaford ra Ika Caaatr of VaUa aad s u b afMrw Jarair

si a petal N th. aortkwaolorlila Airaao liorawrtf t. Mk BU

tour kaadnd twanur-ln KIM faal_ . „ . . / from th. bilanaolloai of tud Maaa.Uo Aiaauo wllk, UM aNIkarl; Ika* af boutaalAraaoo; IkoMa fraai tald baiuaalal S. t l*II* W. a duuata af ooo kwadradTlMI laatlo a aalal; UMara S. tl* SI" R aaoaajf4l?aIt!) hat u a aalall tkaaoo K, Tt< tf at aa.kuadiad IIHI foot to t-polal k> Ik* waakwlrllaa of MaaiMa Aiaaaal Ihaaa* X W ttW. S U M MM lla. af CataaaMa ATttaa saraalf •Ha Its) fool W UM llaao af Baalaala*.

SMa( loU Kaa. 14, & aai WATla Blaok Wa.IM. M akawa aa a aartata au» aajluod "Mapaf Craaford PUta. Craafard. Km lararr, ttodto UM atW of UM BoslaUr tf thM* *~"f'

Kaan aad tMlsaaM «• • earula aut aa-thUd M*f •> *•* TaU t |b» ktakal ru« LaadCMwair. (Vanratl N. J, naltk mtt u m*H la Iht llotoa roviu t>cMar^ oaVa. aaMa amabmd raar huMM ta»lT-«ltM ( « l l•od h<r tiunilnd l . m l r . l o . l i l t l . ai aMlou an UIU Alan pa MM au».

YOUkTHXa «IU> all aad rtatular UM U M -tafdla. h«r«lluaMala «ad apaunaaaaeM UMM-unlo htkaiiias or la tar'b* taiMnalalas. u dUM rtttnvm aa4 rvvanlaM, raaaladar aad

iilnotrt, rf«ti, loauM aad proflu thwaaf.Thait 11 du> ippniiliailtlr U.all SS, wtlaH du> ippnulaultlr U.MI

ttiaa AuriUIS. 1115, aad coC WKHI.KT C1)U.IN«. I. ,RT I

_ K1.IIS, r u nKiuaic—III i n


In M

• la*l«f*t laCavatiatryItotopee In chemlalrjr ha»i been

conpand to noa-ldenllcal twlni laanlmtia.

tomnru. a. MIGSOU. n., M YIDJAOO-tM-141

Olaaol Tawa la OakUarlelta la the ulileat town In Ohio,

having been founded In April. 1788, byMasstchuartta nlnnren.

SKItl ira RALV—at Caaafatl *r Na* ttrmt-BMwam Ttw litaUlar tadataj aad Uaa

AaaMlatIo* al XUaaaaUi. a tan>T*f N. J., *«*•plalatal, aad WUlliaVTl. IkMkaa, at aL, d»Faatkatt. H (a. lar aak *l a w l p n d HiaaUai.

•V TlrtM af UM akanauudini l at tatlIMUI tt IM aVatUd t Hull • ! ! — lot MM kltwMIc ttrniut. la Iko WaVM Caiin »~". I"Iha Caun RotaM. la UM Car *l Buaartk,

"' '"romntT, n i un DAT orocToaa*. A. o.. law,

•t la* a'cladi la UM aflaraaaa *f aaM dtj.vta ar airaal af toad tad

Ualarlir dwcrllMdAll UM

NHIBlrn IUL>-ia O l i m T • ' H— laraor,Ho«**o* N«ora tiMlwk aad Co.. a earaara.

Ilia, naiplilaut, aad I'oul Wolf, at ala., da-fniiWnU. ri. fa. far Ml. af aurla»ad anal.

kr rlrtao af UM oaait-autad artn of tartlarlaa U a» dlrarlnl I akoll oiaaoa for Ml. arpaUKi laaouo, la Iko BUlrtfl Court aaam, laU» Oort aouao la Uio Cllr of KUiakoU,N, J.. aa


at IM ••clack la UM. artaraooa of uld dor.UI UM fsUoartnl lltrt ar psrcol of laad oad

..lamaaa aamaaftrr aortlrtllorlit duriUlo. ott-uil». Iruil lad Mas In laa TowaUJa afGtwfard~a ll» Couatr of Data* aad a u u afMr* itrooy.

Wales a i m nUilod "rort a* Nip a!Bloaialatdala Annu. rtoporti of laaodlct ajCo. oaaon" i n knnni aad dloUaialaaad a;brio ouau«ra Tao lluadtod aiitaoa (Illl oadTaa Uaadrad and Mtoalaaa IIIII I* Waekanrkmd "Ji HI fraallat iad factae aa laaNurUMCIr IMi ar lido aTbloaailatdola AnaaaMaooa Hlah Mrr«t aad klnrrvaod Araaaooars Mat Iwaall-art I IS I foal aid. la fraal 'aad nor. aad Ono li»drad Tblrtj.foa. (ISO

'"Tta^irdu? C .Mlta»t . l r (!.*•• ST, wllklalon.1 ftoai Juat II, IMS, aad catts.

c. n n n rntoiNi, saorur.4H IC rooa lltT»

TalatV Slrat CanA csrlowt laxnry •' *U New Tort

waa tb* *l*atice~ atrcrt ran whlcbran *n tb* Bowery 1a tb* ISTtla. Theysad faacy nphmatered anvrbaln, rnxadad plntb cwrulaa and, dnplte .Iberan of » ceatti. iVjr w m alwaytwell patnoted by the -atyllab boystod gab."—CoMer"* Verkly.

Elaratiaai *f Maaia* Cityalexkn City It 7,410 feet above aaa


Cdayrljat Mat Ui l>ctaCspyrlgbt la aot\for fart*, bat for

literary fart**. 'What b protefted bIB* cotapUert trr tacraMt aad at longtatbework a a a wsxle rrpreaeott «rlg-bud effort, tt ran ac favjil*ln»i- \

COBKBCBON 'AppUcatlon for-Iwteml funds with

which to build a nglonal high tehoolU now In the handa of PWA oOdaU to.Washington inrteaA/Of KWPA, as w «•tttcd la last weekii bsne Tht appU-aUonirMorlgtoanymadatothoPWA,and then shifted to thaWPAS Recently,by request, tt wa* changed back to thePWA, which, ttgtmntad.'win t a n r woutright FMaTalvgrantiof/thtrty-onePercent, and th* balance on lonc-tbne

TUik Bwia liSlraaig •,Tbt normal toan'a tblgb boat wDl

npport.t weight of 1H ton* with-•at breaking, Its ttntlle strength beingalmost *qua! to that of ratt Iran.

&. \J ENT


"frery Night at 8"Randolpfc Scott—'She'

ttClaM CSIwWtB


A B . L I N E I U O O I

Strand TheatrePlaMaM



Boftanlaf la UM raat tlaa ar Orlar Araaaoal a total Ikorola dloual •ortkarir aaa kwa-trad two fort and all larkaa from Uio <araarfamd br Ika InlortacUari at aald llao af OrlarAmua wlUi Uio nortk lino of Uanton BUaol!Iboam aartaarlr alaaf aald Una of Orlar Aio.au. lw.nlr-aa<aa fool all tachaa, UMMO aaat-orlr at rUht auto Ihanta wa haadrod nfvfort, tkaxo aouuurlr aad ponll.1 la UM ameouna Iwontf-aoroa fart, oil ulckM, UMOCOwaalarlr aad aarallrl to aooaad murao aao baa-arodnflr fort to Mid llaa af Urlor Araaioaad placo af brflnntu.

Thar, to duo approtlmalalr II.SSI II. wlw

•—' 'm"?\lb^ ^c. ADniRoM t w i n . Borr.KDIaCC—1»-I-C

a i l . t - 1 . Cluumnr af No« Jonar.aM'on Th. Marckaau tulldlMI aad Uaa

AlaorUIMa al BIMkHll. Kow Jonor, eoaipUla-. « . tadiaaiari W. Illhonao. ol oL. dafoadtali.( i fi If Mia of •ortsatod pnralaM.

«f rlttaa af U~ oaata-ouud win af torihrlu la M dirartad I okall tiaaao for Mlo MouhtM »«du.. In Iko IHolrlrt Court aoaaj. hIho Court Hovoo la UM Cllr af Blloooata.

' 'wKO

TOM I l l W

MKRirrs RALE—In diannrr of "rw• - •• - fund iiarai

atlilaa «. Tonoaarn,lau, 1 . fa. for Mlo

nrr of « j ;Mutual Boilna frBd Husoata, a

wi m a~> a »^" a~ " ^ — — — « . T - — - — — -

tTortonan) jrt in., dafaadai

NtnAT. THI tian DAT oro c n m , A. D, UM.

il l«o a'rlock In tIM ofloraom af Mid dor-All Iko ralloaiiuj Uort ar darnl of Uad aad

prcralMO harrlaonor porllcuUrlr doorrlaod, lit*Ulla. iTlnf ond bolal In Ui. Cilj of BUaboUlIn U» Coualr ot I'nlua >nd Mala af Haw

'"known oo U.C Nu»l»r Ono Huadnd oad ali-IM |1HI •• olm«n on • muln BOP oaUUod•I'lon ol BiilMlo. lou at toMladto. iltuaUdIn Iho riljr of illubrth. Ktm J«"»r."~r-(•Tod hi i L. Rawr. mi l Cnoimar, Daraai-l»r IDIi. IM) ind Klod la Iho tatbtor-o Offlo.of Mid t'ntai founlr. Brtnl «Uo kaowa u

v j : n i h ; ;v.j:ni..pt;...~u,,t«.MIntolMt ftaai Mar » , • • » . " d raaU.

C. WIM.IT COLUXt, IkatlaT.JOHN i. OktrnN, Kol'r.IDJaCC—«I1C

oi«ooavre|iftmic> OM'af?llawrJarat»Ja lavttat

I ' mat. abats'tad KadM . '

Paramount Theatre4 Bays Waittog •tt.,J



•' •-!-'. . . ,.. WnXIAMUk.

<• ^•f, wtt*m mv-jh, ?&£->

, _ aM dlranad I ohall npMO far MM b»aalUe »»^o.. tn UM DMrlrf Court Booaf. laUMCovrt Bauaa U UM «17 of »!«•»«&.

"' '"wBDIinOAT, Tail 1HI> DAT Or \ ,OCTOIga, A. D.. l l l l . \ ,

at two a-daek la UM afurao— of said dar.\ AD tbo faOawlal traet or ptnal of toad aadMalaal koratoarur parUeulartir daatrlaad, BlU

•ala, Irlag aad tolas at tbo Tomaks> ofCruforaVU UM Oauatf af Dak*, aad BUI*

^ • a i t a ' u T l l s ponal »-;O» aoolh-MUrljIkuat Laidastaa Aiaaao faaaart; UM roadliadlal rraaTbrMI BUla lo WMUMUI. wkk.

i t lo dMaat aaaUMaaurlf H.4 foot froa.u Inunacllaa Mlk UM awUMMUrlr lla* of

•war Anaua, aa Mid auaab an laid OMUM uld ~ p aallllod. «A4dlllaa_le •Ifk-

Craaford, N. J.. M

t m a i r r S tALS—In Ouumrr I Kow Joraor.Unworn Muluol noilnti rund ItonaaaU. a

mrp, complainant, and Mil Cofcoa, alui. . do-fonaanlt, rL f". t" M!O of mortiasod praoa-

'"J, rlrtiH at Uio abpio-llalod writ of Bodfull! to m, tflr«clo<t I ahall OIDOM far Mlo krpuUlc IOMIUO. In Iko IMalilct Cauit Bwaa. biSM Court llouta In UM CUr ot KlUab*h,


tt two o'clock In UM tfuraaan af Mid dar.All U» follaalnt Iron «.l«r«alof laad tad

tof U t o l r dawlkod •«


pr=aU« iMTablflw VrUeyUrl, daMrlbjd. a«-lata. Illnl and aolng In UM a i r •« " l " ^a Uia Counl» af flak* and SUU al Haw' • " • • W _ . M . . . . o S _ . f ^ _ t ^ I . I J 4awB***llctilarlr laid daw*,

an a aartala au*

UM BaftaUtaM tuaband

l (M

Saaawotaa alack

A.a .5 afanaald. U N foalIha «l X*itafla* ArttiM,

tanatr.ala IM) asTkaro at duo ap

kauraal rroaa Aawwt tica WMLBT COIXINS,

•cimnrr. >*.. soir.


EIUACO—Ill-I-O H».*i

|««4>w*Ula| Mtaaaaalt Kaa. CawlBatla, walruaet, porpolsea, wbtlts

tnd oUitr Mfdwelllng nuunmtl* do,not need to poor' a Sim of water orartheir tklns, to keep cool by Its evap-oration. Tb« cooling Job Is taken car*ot by th* water In whlcb they art ar-noat constantly Ironwrted.

N :: i

. Tk* P*way'wa.atTht Downy Woodpecker Is buck end

whit*. On/tb* male* there Is a small,patcb oTred on the back ot the head.Bis dark. gr*r f*»t b«». shirp claw* ,,

eUnglni ta th* bark of tree*. *»* ,' o t d w l n g tree trunk « which-,'.

perches Is. nsutlly, a TtritUon- ,gray -patclw* of bark " d e

« wood, with tome rich, red- - ',lnr where there It miwh decay,-, ¥

lalanat fnatsasmuiirVBktrisT::.

- KC- »-•--"-«• NtUn*'-'' ' ?A apeclaa'of tpet In tb. wlldt-otj;

« l ? > . o elO^ily- ret.tnbl*t S t o » * r

Page 10: High School FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT UotLHwa*active and FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT High School UotLHwa* *->'„. BtAuA P«rkRe«idW. A* to Become Part of Adjoin. •me warning tatty hi last Saturday's








(Made by Fruit Industry)

RobertThe Store Wbare You Find EverythingBat High Prke.



tr '>*'

f^Mt^fc AC SleM •>>••> dkff ftfk* BMMI M t e

LA.ato>ottayhMtoralr«et,*«ta-dan* at BaUayBan. wmptiih. If. T,


wiilln». ;>Mtoa waWtti mmBtowret amatatli, and IiantD.Wlecand.atannaofOaoittlBlan-

• • a k t t t t f btrthof a, daughter, Jtan Ann, eatar W to Mr. and Mo. Chartee «UI-

'of U Mormandle Flao*.

Four peraone; were tntand Sunday,none crttloallr. whan •iilnnuWlii op^•rated by lOehael Zaekaneak. of en

P. Morriaon, «r W Bmnth atreot,Bethlehem, collided at alanhatnot•ad aonfh Union M M , ' Both enswene damacwl Mra. U. lforrlaaa, Myean old, of M BUknat M B H , Cran-ford, m M t injury to her Ml Up,aeeMrtttfat tar nnonl to hw hMMto tot municipal amtmlanee; JosephIforrlson, • yean old, of the Fennayl-""to «ddim aoflerad t e a t over the•W, requtrim on* attteh; u d l t a . D .Morriaon. «• j « n «M, ot MHWna,neriwd a abouider tajury. tap* Or-tan. of Ml Richmond m n l |tatfa, Udfait wtth Zacfcansak,Jnjnrr to h«r right a m . 'Wmh fl Ik


Is Less Costlyand Far More: EfHcieht

Score* of TorSdbeet turn tell u«they aperidno more to heat their honieatwnh Toridbeet x

t h « they u ^ to spend twcoaL And inany•ay they are tpfuding EVEN'LESS.'"-ST ^'T . -*^ I'.

It i . togkal U»at Toridr^'exceU&, economy

1W.piooe*«^ n t of the roury bunxr. It, ouiH

t t t l f b

b the low** cc*t




IMS i w l o M OiJ.)l«l<au,,wK: JMrl-OM dUMnnNM^i, to tti>-«n^ •»-ttht of UM UW^'IUDMI rtcloo tn whatI* now ratbm Ari»m« *****New Ustdeo otttlopid,d o n d np In IKS bj "ttw r f I nPurdau. of Uw area la dUpM*. .Sk«Mtttencnt of tb, boondnx illajiliWM C0Mld«r«<l In thU coiwtri'W to otrrealtr rnomwit ttun Uw MqiWdoaot tlw land, which' waa thooint to toof little or no ralue for coldratloo.and It wai In Uw Mlnaa of coterpriatniAnwrtcana that throqzn tbU RgliMthe Bonthern rortflc nllroad, TSnadrprojected, nlEht find an »dr»nUfeooiroute, H la feet It did.

at ftt

o M t ; , 1 N«tk N >Admlml Narjrdl«c«rtml the Korta

pole and claimed It for Ui« Unite*'RtalM April «. Itntt,

Nmt »• IMkfa«T*» awn who dtrotaa hla aoQn life

t* Tooktaf, out for Number On**aaoald not be anrprlaad it he Bndiklawelf rated next t» NnOilac.

Tfet Snt popular aanariBm wat•tactad tn tvndott ta. 1KB; tar the"^JSf ary'ltnowB^ ta?» nitttTated


" _ Wat«HalU la B>uU - « _ ,Tbera are 878 Important .Waterfalta

In Bnudl, ooly 154 of which bare beenroucUr meaiureU.'and-bare a.pVta-UUiforce of at. l»trt MW0.000 bone'power, , ?*"•<.< ~

It's EasierTo Own



TOMATOESthan at any timesince the days ofk>g cabins . . . .

. . . Come to seel u i o r formerinformation. .-

OSW Quality Mmt VaJma!

f Conaomm&TMadrilleneit \ - Turiabita Xj

BoneJe«t and Skmfc

O»tka Sturgeon

White Ment Tun« Fuh

The annual BUjr Maine 8tnd parade for ttdadlatrki'In Ctmrford on BWdojaftitobcr 11. R * • • aiiiNWW'ianby the Her. Wlfflam B. Ontor of « . XOohael1* Omreh.

Between 1*0 and VOC ithe wdetta* In Oarwaod,

Crtnford are eapaetofl tojtU» parade, which Wfll tewiui exerehei on the charUlln and Alden itreeU.

The parade wUt lie tonnehut and HUh • » * » « • » „««h Daniel i. Arnold of Ulodetraa grand marataaL :,ande will be the CraiSchool Band. dtaveUd bSimmon*, and toe JuniorBuile Oprpa of Capt. N. R.US, V, F. W.

The parade will proeeeWtlnot arenne to UncoilEm. to OentcnnUO. to Ncto Bprtncoeld. to BoHr at.trtet to the church lawn

singing on the church 1led by children c< 8 t Mlochlal acbool. TJie lueatbe the Rer. Walter Jarrta.KnjlUh at Seton Ball 0nUy will be cloaed withbaoadlctlott of the Heart•rue Bet. I«her Donneni

The cranford eomhlltteethe rally and parade, •William Weber, preetdentaodety, todudea Ui.~ taWelenbach, Bdward Wordlaoponne, Ohailaa Behtttt,bert. Mathew WKttnt, atFred W. Motel, Vincent :UcConnack, Samuel RiWeber . ••>

The committee wfll meetonight In the achool a


v — ' ' • •

The tun tcnedule of Uactliritlai In the R n tChurch will be returned 'cation and connnirnlnna. ni Sunday/K w u aiweek by the paitor, the B

_T Sloan. Tfce erenlng eenanmed Sunday, and ml•crvtoei were batun lait i

At the morolnt terrfachurch offlosra, onanlachurch achool aupertateien and choh-laeniba^iBenrlee and pnaent tlprayer and rededkatlon*ni be called upon andEnd "briefly addnaaedbytore the, prayer or redecommunion eojuhjxnentUrged tn expectation oll g e attendan^

Scveial new, membra ioehed Into the ' feUe>church, and at the ckw

..the eeulon wm.take tb' p b U J U t i ( > UyJ

at the eerrtee and eapeia welcome;-to,'bewj,men

The reortanlaid choiUon of Andrew R. WaUwffl Tesume laadenblppnujeatttJeaerflce.-':

" Kyle U. Alexander, KoutcUndlng eWera of tl'Church of Ireland, na

week-end' fueat - of, theSloan, will hare apart

UiheratoX-the.monOctober will be a» f oUdine, W. BC Jonei, t . J_

T8telgtrwatt;^'AtT«he'etho loUowtaf hMre beetJonet, K. H Miner, H.W A Ferdnl.

n»roWK.8teele,10Jwaa awarded lint prtoralr latt week'lor hcontact print claaj.* Tin caah and » bine rtttry WM-'a-photofraplStreet 8kjasrap*n.V