High :o - Lincoln County...

f \ );.:::·) . . l r·- .. '"'T . . . ,._ I('-.. ,. k', . 'ij ,\ 1 ••••. 't :. j > ! . ' - .·, ,- r' .. (/ - . I ., ! j ! I . ' ' ' . . . ••• . . I .; . . . . . ". . . . ,, •••0-H •• -- .,.,_, __ ... ••<···-•-••"1•••-:,··' ·--···•·,·0< -·· . - .. . ·; .. - .. ··--· ,. ,. ··-·---· . •·. •_llo_j "' -- --- . .- ...... ,. - .. ------ --- . --..-•--.·- ··, .,_. . . . -.,. .. ... ' Arid ca · ·a· .t' · ...... L . . u .. ' . .. ' ' (VoJvme 47, Numw· 21, C.rrbozo New.. Volume 4J) . . . - . . . ' :Service$ in Texa$ SPaAKERS At . . ... I I "r-.o;•u & VEGETABLE. - ear 5 I ' " . •• . (9"tloolc, Volume 55, No. 37) · .. WHISKY ··INTERESTS. FACING ATTACK$ . . , . •. --·--j I ·, •• talnfall recorded at 1·nt. ere.·s.t- .. ··.C'it .. i.zens·.· .Sta.t·e·· . Carrizozo . for · 1960 was 'only a . I off trouble for the ho.och industry of lnstruetora, - Bids caled for County rQOd CPftltruction --. equipment. wbkb tccl _, .. ,d bld!l on .caucat!onnl system," ho flc!ds In . e .... •u No. F..()21-2 (6). tmdlll' pressure to do Early momlng and late evening Tb1a 1!1 tor ro:uJ conotruc- b!sb Behool than form- to bo tho best tJme tor hunt- -"ca B.!l regards modem tn!lthcn:t'at- lng, aay the bunters. ,._ ............ I) f tt 1 t 1 h h In the new legislature. rae ona aiJloun ess t an t e A. E. Huntsinger of Vaughn and on. the privileged and. otO,.yea.r average ralnfL aU for the Carrizozo .has irold his controlling . . hooch trade are being area, according to . Z. Manire, lntere:;t In the Citizens State Banlc Sched J ' ·d f nl local ,weatherman. · at Vaughn which Includes the IJn. U e once Of In both (;Uld 'fhe 4.0-ye!lr IJ.Vernge rninfall' is. Counlf Agency at Cnrritdzo · One would 'brea.k up the !ega( 13.5() This year total r;lln- to T A Bonneu' Marc·h of ·ol·mes fall was 13 24 inches Th tlXll 1 """ ' • ..., · - ' monopoly in wJW?l $25 state liquor- . · · e P P • Gerald Dorse)l Bonnell, Kenneth C. licenses have been trafficked for t!ltion W@ well distributed Bonnell llll<l Dan w. Kin!!. · throughout th? year, as the fol- In announcing ·tile Jt was The White Oaks M.arch of Dimes thousands by thl'<>wjng out the lowing record;·by month, sbows: b,iought out that Mr. HunWnger dance this year wil,l be Saturday, Jaw that restricts licenses to one .. J.Qil\UU'Y .... .......... -... 1.68 . been retnlh""' CUI . n.. net{•"' JMUIU'¥ 21, at . lhC \VIllte Oaks for 2,000 P.Opula tlon. . . Feb ,... ....... .... ,. .... ach 1 ho .The othe'r will attack the m•ar- ruary ...... ..................... ..., officer of the bank, but the new " 00 use. · d .. - March-•....... .......................... .08 purchasers are pssumlng numnge- Good Western music will tune antce -profJt-on-llqlior law which April ........ .. ........ ... ............ .00 ment lmmedlntely. 1 up for the dance, starting at 8 p.m. maintains the highest hooch pr!C"es May .......... ,...................... 1.$ ntey will be dii'\!Ctors and r;>erve Refreshmenta will be served dur- United States In New. June· ...... · ........................... 1.97 under the cnpaclties: ing the evening. July ..................................... 3.77 Jack Hobson, chat. nnon·,· Of th" The legislature Is also .e:wected Au t 86 " , to examine the New Mexico whlll- gus ............ .................. • · bo(ll'd; T. L llnnn!l.U, · Rope is your$ if you Icy tax wht<"h Is wen below the September ....... .................. 1.53 Gerald Dorsey Bonnell, presl- octob 103 . overoge state levy. er ............ ................. · den; Dan W. King, vice president, CCJn guess right length Legislators are customarily dc- .,.1. oao• DA'W''"'OU November ............................ .f!r and Kenn ... e .. th c. no. nn ... "11. '""!!" 1 -r. ""' "' . .,. .,.. De _,.ft_ 62 ,. · · - · .,_ ...... ,..m; A bo 1 1 livered a rooo of 1 1 "uor- eactr earJu n-· . --·-··-·· ..... , ..... . All wUl retain their Posltlons cow y !l orlnt. the length ot jd .... essor · now held In the Otero County Is anybody's cuess Is draped in the . session by repl'e"..entativea at Now "'T •-• 1 Jhtl 13.24 bo h ,.,_ of the liquor trade. ,_,,. o""' prcc P .... on ....... _ State Bnnlt, and wiU be aeUvo In n v,c t e .,..ck bar at the Yucca w.w one or tlle the mnnogcment of both. .&r. . •. AU legilllatoro don't accept it. tho nnmttll ..Jet.n LLU'-I:U.-+< !l:si.JN.e.t:tk . .'---kt· who do ore eomprcmll!cd a 1 Maybe, with trouble threnten- Low Pre. mnce 1919 and for milO)' )'elll'!l exact ength of rope In lng, this time they will get t\\'0 January 5 ......... _ ... 47 18 ...... beendi one of the out- n hard h to eru:e!l each. JOJUl.Qry. 6 ............. 53· 15 ... _ GNtml ng on em in the state of cu 1 t Cl!!lln nl c ... nl'Ueld.lt t\11 J 7 50 · ew Mexico. ee ous.., ... u oroun anunry .. ........... 14 ...... Tho State B:utk of of the cam" are olmple. Jnn'bary 8 ; .... _._ 49 lG V hn l1lb J t It It I d Janunry o .... _ ...... li1 9 ... _ has ::: es llnhcd In 1017 c a cuef' : eM t JlliUlary 10 .............. 54 12 an n 1 noted for Ita aoltd,D an, __ n 1 ... e dare J 11 """ 18 pmct cea · throughout tho .J.IUC3 \V .. , a ooo ....... anunry .............. "" •··-· yeo.ro. Iorge or I!JllOII, to the worthy Counlou's first '61 baby It Is pointed out by tho Otero co.uce of aJding polio vlclllll!l. •r When ItS' nnmo, yet counted ond the cowboy the MECHEM SHOWS SOME ACTION . Ed Mechem, frem out of n <"am- paii!D In which he Wllll ottncltcd 011 a "do nothing cm'(!mor,'' hopJll?d rlaht In and did' comethlnu when he took otfi<'C thlll time. To Mr. and Mrs. Luther Me· twll coodcr tuey ho WillS rc!cO!!IJJa, Innro of Cupltan (!OCS tho dlsUnc- Thoy atato that their entry lnlo Texas man being held wUkout notlna t h Q t he WO!! tlon of hovlnu tllo flmt 1001 b$y tho bonldna field in Lincoln and throwing out tho northe!do repro. born In either ot Uncoln Oounty'a GUlldnlupe countlC3 confinn!l their for tfleft on tho dclcaotfon. \'<1th· tcs and wcru:o, 'Ibtll pro· L!no-East. The approxJ. go.un..U &algood. Mrs. Ltlt\'SO:n. htm10 eronomks con- two h03pltaJo. bollcf for a strong futuro for c:cn- ., out dotcrmlnlng It h!.5 replace- On Januo.r,y 7, Dr. w. o. trol f!olp:l, wnntctJ tn menta 1Jcoh:nJt.:-··--- 1 v.'t'llehling 5 and 4 ounccs. In opcratlon Blnco 1912 In Co.JThozo after a lrl· l1lll!lng lhoso not firo! u-w tt:o •\ructer, told how lmportzmt tt Santa Fe Colege ...... 1 to h::wo cood fac111UC3 In a -.. ..., .. ..mo cronamlm prczrom. Lytle, pastor of tM mlxbo Dlt. W, D. I'IW •· John It Wll!l ............ Church of Corollll, '" '''""' ""' ...... " 0 X of tho thfl 'd!ool'a CU3) to put In other lw.J been ruuned dmlrmnn. of b4 StoUon, will cmfts u.-ood work and Gpcclal fundi crunpalgn to mise and tl)Cclflrot!om 'IICIZ(!toblc (li'Owem JMUCU'Y 20 that rufllltlnnru space wou!ll= lor tho Santa Fe Collcgo of exnmlncd at tho ofllco of tho on culttU'lll proctlroa atfccUncr (hc ru:cdcd In tho old building fGr Arts. a l'n:sbytcrl!m col· Hlgflway Eng"IDCCl', Santa Fe, N. quality ot wcrctnblt'!l. High Se.IIJQol Prlr.clpal tmder OOilJtruct!on In Santa M., or at tho ll!fico · ot Other cehool topiCD wtll bo vcl,'n- strc<'-=00 tho nttd tor more The colltio exptetl to a.dm!t Englnccr C. D. R!clarum, RostvcU, 1 u d 1 1 for tho cclcru:o promoam. "Wo tU'O lt. first stut!ent body In Scptem. Now Mcxlc.o. . · teadml.& lB dlcmbtey studcnto QJ, 1003. gmdlncr vet;etablco, •or at tho r-re:smt tln1o aru1 lmvo lab- Tho cam,afp bepa 1J%IU.Il')' 1 AMnllll Association vc;;oto.b!o m>tll In New !.feldro, orotol')l spac:o for only Caur o1 and wlll tbro9&b JUhe. and the cum!nt GtatU!I or the> In· thmn," 1w t:llrl. '"l'hot mc:ms It Tho m!n!mum goal by tho """-La,. --. .... •v·-- . --'"··· ,., ..... _, __ taltc3 ari entlro wtclt for tho nr lfifjttti Is $100.000: . ...__., ..... _ . wn•• .... to wark or.p 'l'hc Alumni .1\ssocla. . a:.aeh l'.cniliJ 't.nnhs 1lil14 . x.-... v.c.s tho !Chool'o cducaUan r.mv all eltc:ted tint chief to . and Mra. and 1D c!lo::cly t!ctJ with the wcat utoto nionn wna rctOivcd. brQthcr-tn.Jaw of llieh"'-ay C<im- Adrnlolona to tho nutdost).Uondo roonom!c crcwth and dovclopmcnt Pholp:l' car \"1l!l opottcd at the mlolonor ltnrold Lconnnt. his No. Valley Gencrol for tho ot the 1\11a1'0.3:1 &nln i!lnco that Motel Petty by City Mornhnl C. 1 political foo. wcclt endina January !l, wcro Eve- tl!rul. . A tvt!lle ho Wll!l mnklnu Tho Ctl"'t'mor In utJII dut'ldnn and lyn Sanchez of Tulnro:m; Eleanor n routine c:hcclt. prob.1bly · mcdltotlnu the nd\"llfl• Show, Morjorlo Qua-t, Mrs. Mar· Sorrels ranch bought by Stato Patrolmen f'lno and -ctcy. lo!;I.'B of dtHmth!nuncu tho Shepherd, of ton and Sheriff Drndloy modo tho lANK LOAN IUitNS r.Uch!lcl Gutierrez, Tinnlo; Proston Roy Lee of Lovington ClJTC'3t at tht> motel ani! tho BUb· AT lOTH £NOS lmdcll!f, Uonilo; Kevin Green, Am- 0 .feet b bt!int; hold In tho Cnntroro nrlllo, T<>x.: Woyno Joyce, Sh!lron The bO!Telll ronl'h, comprblnu joll for TcXO!l autlwrlttca. The (kiTIJ)'D S'rn,OOO ronlt loon l.o Alvl.o. Hollywood: Detore Mcln- 13 of land, nc:ll' State Potrolm:m Jomco Cleytan trumlnn on both rnllll. Copltnn; D.:lVltl Snncllez. San Claunch,' wna tll!d IO!!t wcelt by Uli.G wcclt tbol dtntl!lfl!l wlll Tho lllt'JIQI tron:.:Jctlon 'rrodc by Patrlclo: Slifula CUnnl.n{lhonl. nuJ. :o :!'"oy llcalty to oo lt.."Ucd to motor!Dlll driving an AthtlqUl'l'tiUC1 luntr nruJ tmoo 7iJ DowM atuJ Ertho MOO ruru;n 1 a ronan drlo;cr'D ll«'ru:tl. prommcnt fl.Jr1y nwmbt'ro 111 obt.oo _ _ __ • o EUCCC!)ftl tA'vtDl!l«m ,.. 11 11 .......... nn·• 0 for OJtnmlfl!ltlnn hy trlli'rulll!llllnr· I'I.Uat:UCJ', b acquainted In Lincoln •• wu '"" IJ Wll.ri:w ,.., ltlt'll urufet' the lOW thot Jll'UVIIfCO 1, _.J h CounJy, lro plan!l to li'..:lkO Olnt· of llccntol t'X• ot1ff rtncn anti t»'(!n Jlflwn r:t'D· . "'cfltca wif ll!S Dcromhcr 31, lOCO, ?.,nd fnl)o tcnccZJ to: tho h:m!U?m nruJ oor- Mr. llntl Mrs. Le-o have a wn totillllf nro Ufl!Cif to tt:c:..., . .: ro1::t1r11 In I ! :lllll. who Ill In hiCh cthool. TI!oy oro drlvcr'o ll('()n= to h:l ccru:lln lltey And on tho othtT end b'l tt:: tf"· fiewMexko - ... l ' •• "- ·- -- -- ,_.:.: - . --- ... - . . ' ---' ·- . .. .. ft< .., ,,_ . - - _ ... _ . . .. --"illlliil"illlliil .... oio'lllil'lilo' 'iili'ill'llli' ---·. ----- ...................... _ ................................................................................ .............. ''"'' ....... .... d_ .. r:....,. ·'-'' ·.:.· .. .... •-"-"·"··· _,_. r_, '·'" ·- ,,., "" •'·' -- -- ,. ' ,,

Transcript of High :o - Lincoln County...

Page 1: High :o - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINCOLN... · I'I.Uat:UCJ', b acquainted In Lincoln •• • wu '"" IJ Wll.ri:w ,..,

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~ . ·~ . . ". . . . ,, ~ •••0-H •• -~- -- • .,.,_, __ ,,_-.~ --~-~'"'"'"•"•:·- -<-·~··-r-.•-,-••- ... ••<···-•-••"1•••-:,··' ·--···•·,·0< -·· . - .. . ·; .. - .. ··--· ,. ,. ··-·---· . •·. •_llo_j "'

-- ---~-.-~--·-~--..,..- --- . .- ~ ...... ,. - .. ~.- --~ ------ --- . --..-•--.·- ~ ··, .,_. . . . -.,.

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... '

Arid ca • .· · ·a· ·~ .t' · ...... L . ·~ ~o"o . u .. ~o~ ' . .. '

' (VoJvme 47, Numw· 21, C.rrbozo New.. Volume 4J) . . .

-. . . '

:Service$ in Texa$ f~TURE., SPaAKERS At . . y· . . . I I

"r-.o;•u & VEGETABLE. SHO~T - ear 5


' " .

•• . (9"tloolc, Volume 55, No. 37) ·


. . ,

. •. --·--j

• I



• Th~·total talnfall recorded at 1·nt. ere.·s.t- .. ··.C'it .. i.zens·.· .Sta.t·e·· =~a0~3:aco~%~~:rt!~~e!~~~ . Carrizozo . for · 1960 was 'only a . I off trouble for the ho.och industry

of lnstruetora,

-Bids caled for County rQOd CPftltruction --.

equipment. wbkb tccl tho~ _, .. ,d bld!l on .caucat!onnl system," ho flc!ds In ~a. . e .... •u No. F..()21-2 (6). tmdlll' pressure to do ~ Early momlng and late evening Tb1a 1!1 tor ro:uJ conotruc-

b!sb Behool than form- to bo tho best tJme tor hunt- ro.~ -"ca Wes~ofLinLincocolnln/~~vt!'.: B.!l regards modem tn!lthcn:t'at- lng, aay the bunters. ,._ ............


f tt 1 t 1 h h In the new legislature. rae ona aiJloun ess t an t e A. E. Huntsinger of Vaughn and on. the privileged and.

otO,.yea.r average ralnfL aU for the Carrizozo .has irold his controlling . . hooch trade are being area, according to . Z. Manire, lntere:;t In the Citizens State Banlc Sched J ' ·d f nl local ,weatherman. · at Vaughn which Includes the IJn. U e once Of ~~~~-zed In both th~ se~te (;Uld

'fhe 4.0-ye!lr IJ.Vernge rninfall' is. «~In Counlf Agency at Cnrritdzo • · One would 'brea.k up the !ega( 13.5() ln~es. This year total r;lln- to ,Jnclcoi-1tob~nn T A Bonneu' Marc·h of ·ol·mes fall was 13 24 inches Th tlXll 1 """ ' • ..., · - ' monopoly in wJW?l $25 state liquor-

. · · e P P • Gerald Dorse)l Bonnell, Kenneth C. licenses have been trafficked for t!ltion W@ f~!rly well distributed Bonnell llll<l Dan w. Kin!!. · throughout th? year, as the fol- In announcing ·tile ~e. Jt was The White Oaks M.arch of Dimes thousands by thl'<>wjng out the lowing record;·by month, sbows: b,iought out that Mr. HunWnger dance this year wil,l be Saturday, Jaw that restricts licenses to one .. J.Qil\UU'Y .... ~.u·•··-.......... -... 1.68 . been retnlh""' CUI . n.. net{•"' JMUIU'¥ 21, at . lhC \VIllte Oaks for 2,000 P.Opula tlon. . .

Feb ,... ....... .... ,. .... ach 1 ho .The othe'r will attack the m•ar-ruary ...... ..................... ..., officer of the bank, but the new " 00 use. · d .. -March-•....... .......................... .08 purchasers are pssumlng numnge- Good Western music will tune antce -profJt-on-llqlior law which April ........ .. ........ ... ............ .00 ment lmmedlntely. 1 up for the dance, starting at 8 p.m. maintains the highest hooch pr!C"es May .......... , ...................... 1.$ ntey will be dii'\!Ctors and r;>erve Refreshmenta will be served dur- ~exl~ United States In New. June· ...... · ........................... 1.97 under the follo~ng, cnpaclties: ing the evening. July ..................................... 3.77 Jack Hobson, chat. nnon·,· Of th" The legislature Is also .e:wected Au t 86 " , to examine the New Mexico whlll-

gus ............ .................. • · bo(ll'd; T. L llnnn!l.U, · Rope is your$ if you Icy tax wht<"h Is wen below the September ....... .................. 1.53 Gerald Dorsey Bonnell, presl-octob 103 . overoge state levy.

er ............ ................. · den; Dan W. King, vice president, CCJn guess right length Legislators are customarily dc-.,.1. oao• DA'W''"'OU November ............................ .f!r and Kenn ... e .. th c. no. nn ... "11. '""!!"1-r. • ""' "' ~ . .,. .,.. ~· De _,.ft_ 62 ,. · · - · .,_ ......,..m; A bo 1 1 livered a rooo of 11"uor- eactr earJu n-· ~~~:~~~ . ceu~ --·-··-·· ..... ,..... . All wUl retain their Posltlons cow y !l orlnt. the length ot • "~ ~ jd .... essor .,~ · now held In the Otero County whl~ Is anybody's cuess Is draped in the . session by repl'e"..entativea at Now "'T •-• 1 Jhtl 13.24 bo h ,.,_ of the liquor trade. ,_,,. o""' prcc P .... on ....... _ State Bnnlt, and wiU be aeUvo In n v,c t e .,..ck bar at the Yucca w.w one or tlle the mnnogcment of both. .&r. . •. AU legilllatoro don't accept it.

tho nnmttll 'fOol~·~-+-- ..Jet.n LLU'-I:U.-+< !l:si.JN.e.t:tk . .'---kt· ·~M~r~. ·~=~:;"!h~as~-~bee~n~m~th~e~~Som;~e.~.co.~ur~ho~~ys:n;lil~te~t1he~ir~t~hro~wiJTh~o!le who do ore eomprcmll!cd a 1 Maybe, with trouble threnten-

Hl~h Low Pre. mnce 1919 and for milO)' )'elll'!l exact ength of rope In lng, this time they will get t\\'0 January 5 ......... _ ... 47 18 ...... beendi co~dc~ one of the out- n necre~ an~ u·~ pre~ty hard h to eru:e!l each. JOJUl.Qry. 6 ............. 53· 15 ... _ GNtml ng on em in the state of cu

1t Cl!!lln nl c ... ~-pedoc nl'Ueld.lt t\11

J 7 50 · ew Mexico. ee ous.., ... u oroun anunry .. ........... 14 ...... Tho Clt~ens State B:utk of Rule:~ of the cam" are olmple.

Jnn'bary 8 ; .... _._ 49 lG V hn l1lb J t It It I d Janunry o .... _ ...... li1 9 ... _ a~ has ::: es llnhcd In 1017 ~ ~ c a cuef' : eM t ~wn; JlliUlary 10 .............. 54 12 an n

1 noted for Ita aoltd,D an, __ ~ .~ ~~"c~. n

1 ... e dare ••-~

J 11 """ 18 pmct cea · throughout tho .J.IUC3 ~· ~... \V .. , a ooo ....... anunry .............. "" •··-· yeo.ro. Iorge or I!JllOII, to the worthy Counlou's first '61 baby It Is pointed out by tho Otero co.uce of aJding polio vlclllll!l. •r When

ItS' nnmo, yet counted ond the cowboy the


Ed Mechem, frem out of n <"am­paii!D In which he Wllll ottncltcd 011

a "do nothing cm'(!mor,'' hopJll?d rlaht In and did' comethlnu when he took otfi<'C thlll time.

To Mr. and Mrs. Luther Me· twll coodcr tuey ho WillS rc!cO!!IJJa, Innro of Cupltan (!OCS tho dlsUnc- Thoy atato that their entry lnlo Texas man being held wUkout notlna t h Q t he WO!! tlon of hovlnu tllo flmt 1001 b$y tho bonldna field in Lincoln and throwing out tho northe!do repro. born In either ot Uncoln Oounty'a GUlldnlupe countlC3 confinn!l their for ~~'~rand tfleft ~mntntlrm on tho dclcaotfon. \'<1th·

tcs and wcru:o, 'Ibtll pro· L!no-East. The approxJ. go.un..U &algood.

Mrs. Ltlt\'SO:n. htm10 eronomks con-

two munJclp:~l h03pltaJo. bollcf for a strong futuro for c:cn- ., out dotcrmlnlng It h!.5 replace-

On Januo.r,y 7, ~~1, Dr. w. o. trol an~thC:n~;'S::Iro. Jrunca'fu~ f!olp:l, wnntctJ tn menta V.'O~,::~i:t~~t:o 1Jcoh:nJt.:-··---1

v.'t'llehling 5 poun~ and 4 ounccs. In opcratlon Blnco 1912 ~~ted In Co.JThozo after a lrl· l1lll!lng lhoso not firo! u-w tt:o •\ructer, told how lmportzmt tt Santa Fe Colege ~hcl~ ......

1 to h::wo cood fac111UC3 In a -.. ..., .. ..mo cronamlm prczrom. ....:._~~~~· Lytle, pastor of tM tw~ ~o·r ·J!.~t mlxbo auculrlo~~ Dlt. W, D. I'IW •· John ~cCo!laum ~ld It Wll!l rn:~u,. ............ Church of Corollll, '" '''""' ""' ...... " 0

X v,.,,..,.:JI~~~!!~"~~.~~~ of tho Ar~oml ~-thfl 'd!ool'a CU3) to put In other lw.J been ruuned dmlrmnn. of an:~llnneoWJ co~tructlon. b4 StoUon, M~. will U~Ut cmfts bc:lldc:~ u.-ood work and Gpcclal fundi crunpalgn to mise and tl)Cclflrot!om 'IICIZ(!toblc (li'Owem JMUCU'Y 20 that rufllltlnnru space wou!ll= lor tho Santa Fe Collcgo of exnmlncd at tho ofllco of tho on culttU'lll proctlroa atfccUncr (hc ru:cdcd In tho old building fGr Arts. a l'n:sbytcrl!m col· Hlgflway Eng"IDCCl', Santa Fe, N. quality ot wcrctnblt'!l.

High Se.IIJQol Prlr.clpal tmder OOilJtruct!on In Santa M., or at tho ll!fico · ot Other cehool topiCD wtll bo vcl,'n-strc<'-=00 tho nttd tor more The colltio exptetl to a.dm!t Englnccr C. D. R!clarum, RostvcU, •~b• 1 u d 1 1 ·•~•-for tho cclcru:o promoam. "Wo tU'O lt. first stut!ent body In Scptem. Now Mcxlc.o. . · bb:,~ v~~ ~oC: h~,:~tz:g~...,~ teadml.& lB dlcmbtey studcnto QJ, 1003. gmdlncr vet;etablco, dl!:~n •or at tho r-re:smt tln1o aru1 lmvo lab- Tho cam,afp bepa 1J%IU.Il')' 1 AMnllll Association vc;;oto.b!o m>tll In New !.feldro, orotol')l spac:o for only Caur o1 and wlll ~timle tbro9&b JUhe. • ~ and the cum!nt GtatU!I or the> In· thmn," 1w t:llrl. '"l'hot mc:ms It Tho m!n!mum goal aou~t by tho """-La,. --. .... •v·-- . --'"··· ,.,....._, __ taltc3 ari entlro wtclt for tho ~ nr lfifjttti Is $100.000: . ...__., ..... _ . wn•• ·~ .... -~ to wark or.p ~t." 'l'hc ~ Alumni .1\ssocla.

. a:.aeh l'.cniliJ 't.nnhs 1lil14 . x.-... v.c.s tho !Chool'o cducaUan

r.mv all eltc:ted tint chief

to . and Mra. Me~. and 1D c!lo::cly t!ctJ with the wcat utoto nionn wna rctOivcd. brQthcr-tn.Jaw of llieh"'-ay C<im-Adrnlolona to tho nutdost).Uondo roonom!c crcwth and dovclopmcnt Pholp:l' car \"1l!l opottcd at the mlolonor ltnrold Lconnnt. his No.

Valley Gencrol Uo:~pltnl for tho ot the 1\11a1'0.3:1 &nln i!lnco that Motel Petty by City Mornhnl C. 1 political foo. wcclt endina January !l, wcro Eve- tl!rul. . A Morale::~ tvt!lle ho Wll!l mnklnu Tho Ctl"'t'mor In utJII dut'ldnn and lyn Sanchez of Tulnro:m; Eleanor n routine c:hcclt. prob.1bly · mcdltotlnu the nd\"llfl• Show, Morjorlo Qua-t, Mrs. Mar· Sorrels ranch bought by Stato Patrolmen f'lno and -ctcy. lo!;I.'B of dtHmth!nuncu tho Shepherd, of Alamo~; ton and Sheriff Drndloy modo tho lANK LOAN IUitNS r.Uch!lcl Gutierrez, Tinnlo; Proston Roy Lee of Lovington ClJTC'3t at tht> motel ani! tho BUb· AT lOTH £NOS lmdcll!f, Uonilo; Kevin Green, Am-

0 .feet b bt!int; hold In tho Cnntroro

nrlllo, T<>x.: Woyno Joyce, Sh!lron The bO!Telll ronl'h, comprblnu joll for TcXO!l autlwrlttca. The (kiTIJ)'D S'rn,OOO ronlt loon l.o Alvl.o. Hollywood: Detore Mcln- 13 sreUo~ of ~cd land, nc:ll' State Potrolm:m Jomco Cleytan trumlnn on both rnllll. n~. Copltnn; D.:lVltl Snncllez. San Claunch,' wna tll!d IO!!t wcelt by Uli.G wcclt tbol dtntl!lfl!l wlll Tho lllt'JIQI tron:.:Jctlon 'rrodc by Patrlclo: Slifula CUnnl.n{lhonl. nuJ. :o :!'"oy llcalty Com~ to oo lt.."Ucd to motor!Dlll driving an AthtlqUl'l'tiUC1 luntr nruJ tmoo 7iJ d~o DowM atuJ Ertho MOO ruru;n ~ ~

1 a ronan drlo;cr'D ll«'ru:tl. prommcnt fl.Jr1y nwmbt'ro 111 obt.oo

_ _ ..;..;;;_~ __ • o EUCCC!)ftl tA'vtDl!l«m ,.. 11 t'h~tt---'- 11 .......... ~~ nn·• 0

for OJtnmlfl!ltlnn hy trlli'rulll!llllnr· I'I.Uat:UCJ', b acquainted In Lincoln •• • wu '"" IJ Wll.ri:w ,.., ltlt'll urufet' the lOW thot Jll'UVIIfCO

1, _.J h CounJy, lro plan!l to li'..:lkO Olnt· ~mbt!r of o~rotor'o llccntol t'X• ot1ff rtncn anti t»'(!n Jlflwn r:t'D· . "'cfltca wif ll!S ~uartua. P~ Dcromhcr 31, lOCO, ?.,nd fnl)o tcnccZJ to: tho h:m!U?m nruJ oor-

Mr. llntl Mrs. Le-o have a wn totillllf nro Ufl!Cif to tt:c:..., . .: ro1::t1r11 ln~roh'(!d In pt~lltle I ! :lllll. who Ill In hiCh cthool. TI!oy oro drlvcr'o ll('()n= to h:l ccru:lln lltey And on tho othtT end b'l tt:: tf"·


- ;~.

• • ... l

' •• • • "- ·- -- -- ,_.:.: ~

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Page 2: High :o - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINCOLN... · I'I.Uat:UCJ', b acquainted In Lincoln •• • wu '"" IJ Wll.ri:w ,..,

' '

.. " . , . :t • ;-'· ,, ,• . ' •

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rOQds program; ''There . Iii no

mind but that roads program wUI be and· perhaps accelerated," U. Sen.-\ tor · Denn!JJ Chav~ !lllld Wachlngton lrult \YCCif, .regarding cortgreoslonal cxpendjtur.cs that will affect New Mexlco.

>t • .i-F---- ,-.

'' ·---- _,_;., ·- ·- --- ·-. . '• . ' -···" . . ,.. ... ' --.-- -~. -----.- .. -· ·- -·· 0

• 'o.3 • • ~·-.". ' -

Doubl~ur. powder. l>oublc your lead, An' k · ck thow gum

clals dead. COIJUJler-

"The reclamation l!Crvlcc must carry on In our eUortll to salvage, save an4 develop precious wn:tcrl supplies," be rcontlnucd. wn• ter poUuth,m program Ia ·extremely lmpoJ'tiUlt and muot go 4}n. The


. Corona. student . ..on~ .. . • ' I



Highlands Honor List

• ·oK.AY f£.(0 . .

- -.~ --- -- . " . - --~----

. cr • · · wont to toke enough money for Howard Avent of Duran flied on after-ertcctll. You con be SCI1oll!Sb

Planned expenses plus- o bit application wtth the E. P. ll S. W lnjurro IUld not fee' It at the mo-

and r;ununer. Thl!l wUI · Mr. tnc, why doesn't be ehoosc a lcs:l llain tho bard and tcdlow tanlt of tulnful . nnd llufcltcr fonn of lrul- e PROTEIN BLOCKS • DOG FOOD




drogglng wet and ttenvy ho!:tl llll clde? · over tho area, which covcrn a city _________ .;.· __ _ bloclt or moro.


Rallway for a tranolcr from Duran mcnt. extra for tho unforeseen. Out to Carrizozo. 9 u you corry 0 CQJJLCra, or It toke only a few dollars cosh. , Lt. Henry Lutz wnn DJliJOinted a one ID avallnblo, maltc plcturu ·Ot To corry cmtr tr w-m,lrfcrsv;-··t -f;~~~ln_t!l~ . .!'l.~~-~1~~co-~?t~o.na __ ._l-'i-lim~ov;znQ.Jn:fQ~__Jt:vchlclcs arc

Tho Artlat Trio, tt'mnd on tht> ..,..~ •--t O"A to ••"...," th""ft """"-number of tho Roop:~th l.yecum 10. Notlty your ro a!!t'f)t Funeral ccrvlcca for La~ro .,...., -=(to ._;:_" A .. -~::.r ~"" --;::::_~

To be safe, oxchanno your. promptly Gon~n}nn "'hO d!cd In Fcrt s·-"- tcn.!CS ""' """"....... t;!muao-•

" roun:o, were W"tWtcd by a lnruf! · ·~ ~-. " .....,, was Phtlrmnclllt Eddlo !ravel funda for our TrovolorJ and cnthuslnotlc crowd at the ton on tho momln~ of January 3, nn. b ----' b'· u !-------------------------J were held at tho Cothollo Churcb nncn ° Cu:>U~ "' v.-c • Chetkl(occoptob!oevorywhorol Cryotnl Thmtlro. Fo lal _... I form Into thot con, vel- l'*------------------------; b I

Zlcr.ler Droll. Vlcro hno'lna II rm exp ns mwv ca lllllt Thun:dny afternoon, coru!uct- cushion. it let out 0. ceric:l of o oro you depart. If ony of clcarnncc ll:llc, to run from Jan. 15 ded J oo by Father Lul!l Jnrom!Uo of li\c!rio c~;re:mo nnd Mr. Blalock lll· PRES.CR. IPJIQNS

rho Chocks aro lost oralolen bo· to February 1. expense uct ons . Carrlzow. mo:lt Wt tho ccDinc Qli ho jumped f

1 h h Tua~day'a bllnard won tho flnll Vorin 29-W. the new Fcdcrol true Father Jaromlllo 0 n d many liho a jaclt out of tho box.

oro you counlon gn I om, I o romlndcr th.'lt winter . Will! hero l!l.'hctfulc to old tn<omwcra In cam- friend!! of tho .dccc:l!:cd acrompa· Tho gtrla oro otW having tr big CAREfULLY COMPOUNDED f I 'II b f d dl Th "-1 f h ~ - ...... 1 .. __ , ..... ,_, nlcd tho ~ to tho Ft. Stnn- • otc omoun wa o ro un o o warm. lhl my tl.'l)1l o t o p.:~at putlnjt tho moro I uu-w m ..... ...., ton ccmctecy for lnt~nt. lauGh at tho expcn!;C o. .tovcrnl

month ~:ave como tho lmpm:!llon cl(JJUltO deductions they ~ en- Our deep oymp:1thy to biD cur- athern bctlldco Mr. Ellnloclt. 1hllt n «m h:ul clipped. tlt1Cll to U they, thl;lr whee. or rcloUv~ who como ltero Wo \\'Onder wh::lt.'a next ~n tho

E. W. Hulbert ot Um-oln wnn th"lr tk>1J(>ndmt (l:lff:oll) oro 65 Vc"'""' tot tho funeral gtrla' of>C!Ubl appo!ntcrl deputy a=r:::or. o~w. ID now available at Intcl'mll ...-- !l'tw-~~toTo.~c.~ V<1trlc!D. o~-ncd Revcnoo Se~VIoo ()ftlocs. lc f t:.. 1 d New days- • , ,old-days.


e FOUNTAIN- MAGAZINES -GIFT ITEMS e ANIMAL VACCINES AND. SUPftlES .... . by Allie. Stover. ~'Qll held up. by Clyde L. D!cl:.rn:Wf, dlstr!et Bac rom nO i ays A- ........ " ......... • IM tho "--'~-

thrc-t! men pnd tho till rn=ch~. dl r h Allru dl 1 f ,_ '"" "" ""'" "" '-""' .. """"""' TRAVElERS CHECK$ CAN eE YOUR$ FOR A SMAll FEE; "Shorty'' Robcrtll, oM of the rector 0 t 0 qu~o ~ t a:rt 0 tho ctrw. beyll, v.-omcn po:nofflcc wo.lt!n" for tho ~>ell • YOUR. PATRONAGE A~PRECIATfO


-- .. '

. ... . . .,"d:_~.'

~" ",

:g; .. ~I',

" '·' , ..... . . ' '

. '

. . , .. - ' ...

. ' . . ' . . '

.......... --- ·-


• 0

' • ) ~

UNSPENT CHI:CICS ARE R!DEI!MAIUE AT ANYTIME. old-tlmt'f!l of the county, wru1 ov€'r Uict, n::~ld a new law, p:liStd thla and men wtw went homo for tho m:ill tnm tho a(!cmoon of New

J----------f--~~~::~~~~~::~::::=:~::~~~--rf~~;E~~IT@~ttw~ n~o~r*Ut[~~w~t~al~oo~~~p;nw~~~d~ro~Uw~t~th~o~dro~u~ct~lon~~ho~l!:~~~~h~~~vo~ro~twm~.fmt~~~~~Y~c~~a~~;·~e,~ln~~~~~~~~~~cl~~~k1t--------J[Jil LINCOLN Co. UNJY AGENCY o dl:'pt"ndl'nt Mot G5 or over \o'IUI them !ooltl_pg ro good and l'()tUm· \.vlfo lud Juot 3iVI:'ll blrth to a 7- . ,.."nR',ZOZO No•• MEX·I.CO

' ' . !



not btl rcdu~Xtl by 3c;!, llf adjwtcd lng In c:ucb hlnh aplritll to ~h pound boy tn tho Can1lwzo ho=pt. ,_,. 100n

H. M, STATI UNIVIISITY ~ lnrotJW, Ill! In tho p:u~t. wltfi thdr treatment. tal. We roncrrotubtcd Fred and ·-------------------------' CIJ.IZEN.S SJ.AIE BANK Of VAUGHN_ MIDWJKTJ!Il COMMINCJMIIHJ ll<r.:.~ ..oJl_Jn pl'lo:r -#~m. .H . _'fht>x._Q!.I_z:eyort a very nlcc n.allro blm wily bb-wlt~ha<l 001•t

Carrlrn .. N•w Mealc• Nf.l'.'l Mcxloo State Unl~<-cmlll"ll olthcr tho or h1ll wlto h:l!J U~m! far Chr!otm:lll arill Nil".,... put It a1f until alter ar-t~ Mh1~y!nt"r ~~~~~boH1~~~iN,ftfr~~~~ tho cln:o of trut nn wero \-eJ'V rout!On:J

Mimiii" J'iOil'iT tJijiMlJ TIIIO'fifiU Cirji6fiflifi Snlurdny \ ·

W ..... pay ~01. on Savings A~~>,.oun.. Drlg. Gen. John Sblnlt!o, rom· of boUl ron 00 lkductcd A!l ona cirl llJ.IlJ: "Ymi nro nl• nm moro than • 01 10 - •• m.'lllllln~r ~ru:ral at White S..'l.Jllb b:?lna c:ubjcct to reduction by 3<;::. WQ¥1J arudOU!:I to aot PWllY from tatby .. Fred "It'D ano!Mr

r.'li::lUo Rance, Dll o~clrer. of .ad,lulltcd llJ'(l::J tnoomn, ho addml heN, hut nfW:- a Ill"•" dlly;u·m.a be- CXCillpUon on my moomo true .ro-

---= --.-.-.=.· . -~ .. ----~~--·-·-· -~~----~~=~··===~~-· ------- to yc::~"! to oonm hnmo to tho tum." 110 l'..:l!J Jro;nctbtn;r,U1c!ro~ trc:ltm.nt from tho .fino pco- Oth~ old-tlmo fdcn!!JI J;Vo lllot

• Important newR for new-car buyers-



,.,. tc.· HPA WlfA'r .,VU ~-- tt• li1'·1M001'H ltfiN'­f'uH c.tt .. ,.~en-Cmyf Ol'lJ oJ Clte.Jw cor•1Cl&A 4

"':if api::g at tttrr ttW Pntldtll•ftlii•IIUtl wh .. 1s •


of Fort SlLlnton. You ore net- wtwm wa t.M oot. aeen m ,...,.., :,'QUI' hrol th b:lclt hero and . • • . ...... ·

la'Clrtl rc~ bcromo atlllchcd to tho were Jd::{) .uiay "'"0 w:l5_

Its ,1- y " tho Arntrow M~'Cl" ftUillly, t:;Sal wO prop '-" tnnlaloo ~llo, Frol (S~y) D3W•

School news • • • ron aru1 r.~ !Ia'rero, m11~l cultru'f!lt wi!M we p~"td

'Iba cehool v;!!Jhca to thontt tho ~ In o!d. Olrr-~ with fcr-.v ~tll wlw ottcndoo the late C(!!catintJ s:uuttr.:ol nt Chr'.stm:Ja pro;JJ'tlm. 'l1W cllUdren VtCtmtO ,Gutlcri"S, C::IXO· nro enjoying- tlle doiin, gnmclJ and 1~!~~ ami AI~ atl .. 't"Z en Ulel ort ~t~pP]ka s;rnt our v.-ny by Mm.lc McCrc:11y and J'.av. Dro~n. 'l'bnnlro Shnrty lbt>un ~cd wt.cn e"vtt:,'OOO (Ol" such cnjoycll!e Glft!l. the late Clark Jt~t anq I \1.-qlt to p~ Wt:.!l cl~ m.-er toke him to hl3 I!~ nl\:lr I h!illibyll cffiil We .a~fC old J • D., i'reneh r.:mt!if,fuJD~~ ~

that. U ls (;OOtf to c.o"" U.nib or.d We h:ld two wo~ QM Olivet" l'.!ontuya b::lclt in cchooL wllb tun:!Jt:o on1 the ollit:r \Va n'l1s3 Toh-;1, P1Mi/ OJU\ Therez~, lwutdlnld ~ Cbrk drovo but w'.:.ili Uwm 1-'..t";!]lb tmd lmppl· own ~ tJf c;'l.llti O!Ul I dttr.-e t.eu in tho!t lw~-!.!rn. Hottio Jerey oauun•a tco.Jm. . C'lnrk tat'7. ~met. tumcd the rollrrw".t<I ~v. tntt 1

to tdp Slrorty tui!d

Hit na11 on the head . ' to SlurrtY' nbcat lim"

Wd wt;ft:! not aml!::lin oUr rc«:nt ~ball ~ l.il ~. t."e Uut tM Adm!runtrn• c:illcl, tlie bte rut;l

... '. ,, '


-FM a-mootAa rolling tru.\ ltu n1iratimt:.'Jiiuitll IMh'MI ' .

1Mula~-SAtd M.col it Wt/Yllf i~UtllaW CIA'!IUtH

drommmg -attd tt'bfftfiotl. It IIUM·M.,.at•lk -'n"_,,

00 you hliYe the money handy 1o rebuild thot part -of yout heuse- ttot covered by Insurance if you are not insuted up to votuo? If the answe:r II "ncl'. bett.r chedc vcur ~:olicy • • • hetl~r ~;1-ttttk wbh ilsl r


·ae . .. ,.. ... JJ-" ..

-. .,was ' .


• ' .... ;c:· . - .

· Wbatgreatll"l«urttYJuhnth.n.tObavean : . _ fnf~r*JttrUhil~.whttatoUbomwit - ···

-CU!MOJI t9 dn:QV -.rmt-aJ~~--tl'fd<IIMJtf-.-~~~~~~~i5~~~~i lrlt----f-~---J·-.. ·· - - .... va,~~TtMtf?r'r~boti'owlfr~ndf•- . ,. ·• - federal UndBinkbecomMI~

"'"" lletty .......u..-B:ttrcWar~'bitM nbbtt ttlal&c:~~ C.~aJ /!UIAtt UolaU 1M ridl /tOM CU rood.

· ofthitf•nw~~

' ' . .. '


• • • • • • •


Bee thtJ r.tw Cltmold cara, Clttv~~ Uorroira and lie 11ew Con:tltc at your local aul1t.otkd/Chmtikl ilealert • _ _.._ ------- --------....-,_~ .

•• ..-. .... ~._,. ..... ••••••·•-·-•••-••._.....,._.._..._t•••~.,.....,._.~a--• .,._ • .-.............. ~,._jj-..~~•••••.t~••- • "-'*'* ••6.-• '..u*" .,._.,_. .... ..._..._, ., •• ,...._. .... .-.._ .. ._..,._~....-.o.•ll'-io\~~ , --- _. __ ,. ___ ..... __ --~

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,, . " ·- _,_ ···-~~ .... -·---'--"'··-··"·~--· --~ . - '

Page 3: High :o - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINCOLN... · I'I.Uat:UCJ', b acquainted In Lincoln •• • wu '"" IJ Wll.ri:w ,..,


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• •


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glnla. lll employed by the Phy­slcnl Science Lnborntory ot New Mexico State Unlvero{ty, and will be in Virginia tor ecvcral months

.. . . . .. ' ' " ' . ~ . ·~

. . ' ..

NEWS. . .

~d. her Tularosa home tor Mrb. they beat upon It 'llld when nebelmh officera• Mildred Me- ler, with Grandmother Purcella 11!1 wind lashes at itn· shuttero. The

· special C\le!lt and with Mro. Tay- true mellSUre ot a man or n na-

· tin a member of a mlh5lle-tracldng otatlon. (Sport'a wnndfather was nlro a troclter In n dlUerent ltlnd ct lvey-o! Indlan3 in the Indian wara.)

Donald. noble grand: Detty Eddings lor, the McBrlde!l, Mra. Hammett tlon l8 that pm of the man whose v. arnnd: Ern Berry, recording nee- and Mra. Robcrtn aloo In attend· God w th Lord. retnry; Annie Wlthel'll, tlnnnclal ance · · · 0 . secretary· Dorothy Current trell!J. T • j "Blell!led fD the nation who!:C

• Ida, M tth ch' J-•-· o complete n oyous holiday. God In the Lord." (Poolm!l 33·12) urer • n cwo, np '·""• t:elltlDn the Crandnll3 and Mm. Toy. • ltathcrlne Cornett, outlllde fi\lnrd· lor opent New Year'a Day In Ro:~­lan; Afrey GnrrltlDn, ln!lldc nunrd· well with Mr. and Mro. Wlnlder ian; Flora drill and Ann at the ranch of J.P .


rlrrllt r:;upport~r to -the noble crand: The D. A. Klncald!J of Albuquer· llcltm Nowell, left r:;upportcr to tho L I N c 0 l N que were here a few dayB lll!lt noble arnnd: Connie o·near, rtaht wcclt on their way home from r:;upportcr to the vice crnnd: Eu· Lubboclt where they wero tor the nice Cooper, left cupporter to the New Year weelt end.

lliDD HAIPl1l vice arnnd. J. M. McMI!'hael ot Oltlnhomn On Tuc-.day, Mrn. Ju!Jn Athey

CiNDY~lKER ·-t·-lo··-~fivn·1anJI"OldlJT-otCmmw~nlU:u1bc:Mtrodr-:..,FI.e~lt:··ltc:itY. =h~~o~n=d=h~ toJi.!t!'e~~v~~*=~~

U Tlx lnrr to AJrunouordo Saturdny ~0 In· In to oomblne bu!llncl!!l and plea."Ure

1'. As otD.JI otrlcera for the Alnmouordo Olrol Zorn ot Ro:xwcll D)Xlnt the by CSlttlna In a few d!lya of qunll lod({e. 1(1:> holldoya \'lith her r:randparentD, huntlni.

the Dill Wll!:oru1. Tho followlna attended the Cire

N I :'l..d • 't' Barbaro McGrew lll b:l!'lt at mcctlncr nt the An!!\1!1 Community OW ywtJ S VISI 109 cdtool nt E. N. M. U., after belng BuUdlncr Tucuby nlaht of la!lt

• L' I C t at homa for the holld:lya. wcclt: J. D. lll&htowcr, Gcome nnd Btlly Grahom·Citff Barrows ::~ .. ..,~~ 10 !nCO n OUO y Joo Ald!lZ Wtl!l at home for the llobbla Croci, Walter SdiJU'Idtlr,

CbltW'J- ,.,_,._.. c-,.a...,i~ Min!! Judith Ann Qulelt dnunh· holldoya ant! hnlJ now cune b:lclt Srun Allen, Jim McEuen. ll. 1... r..tM!tltltNu4T.U:.:n f ._1 aruJ M W bt Qui 1 to lllahlandD Unlverolty. Traylor Sidney Pre:lton and f, n.

ter o ... r. I'll. • • e 1 \1r. and Ml'll. llny Taylor ha,.e Llndnm~ JAN. ~4 COitONA- ot l<on=J City, Mo., beeamo tho n new dounhk'r born Dcttmbtt 23

7:30 p.m.. High School Gym bride or A/2c nobzrt E. Uemplllll,: at thl! Ruldo::o ito!lpltnl Mra. Tn.Y· ~r!'= :n~~:;:,~ u~/':: JAN 25-CAPITAN- con of Mr. and Ml'll. Droclt Cor lor and lhe new dnubhter are now • lt. '-' Y

. • .1.11QJt.m...HJP...School Gym ~~ ':! ~~t~n Jnnunry 4. nt honw and cetUna nlona flllll. ~·~r. and Ml'll. Lnwrwtrc PC!Cblro JAN. 26-CARRJZOZo- The younu ~couple· are In Nm'l 1 :!.~· and M:;;, ~!~.o Lonlter and were on n trip to Anpcn, Colo., lwt

6:30 p..fn., Firat hptlst Church Mexico on 0 honeymoon trlp. "~ cpcnl • ....,.do.yn ~ Wahl- "-"tt!lt. (SICOM &lutwlftf, 1:10 p.m.) ron, Arlt., with rcloUve11. Ml'll. Don Murphy of Corte Mn·

• Mr. and Mra. Lnmro Znmorn dl!rn, Calli., l.!l vbltlna her con and




tD.n, at p~t. Mra. · Arthur nruJ Pat 1..a!J citu1 Mrn. Murphy were over Fri-

CruCCll CJK?nt Ou1otm.'l!l wlth Mr. d:ly to ClrlJ Uw Llrul:utwod!t. aruJ MJ'!l. Snlo!J and l'.obcrt. Mo:rriD E. Standl!f<>r of Ruldo::o

. - .. . . -- vlniU!If nt tho atore on i'Y:Jdcy 'and n1!:o at tho Walt<>r Scllllc!d~>r'a. • . Hospital Notes r.1r. tlltd r.lro. L:lwn•r.ro ~bk~ nrui Omrka PC'Qblrn w~ro In -Car-

JI.Dl'.lfl"fC:O: Joo L. Ortil%, Will rl=o Wcdn~y and \"'11111.' tltt're Ed IID.rrl!:z, c. w. Jan{'l), ~ La ~ ? viDit with M.rn. Gc-ol"(;o Fn~-o and CnnceyUon Mcrato Jr. DmwmJL af Carrlww; Nell Carr, 'I'hr«! nfy. On Surulcy Ute Alan John.<:allll

=====:::::====------------.....! m; ib.mey Wilton, Ant:ho; Frnn1l and Mra. Gron:e Dln!I\"tull drove ---------------------~ CDyd PC::loocl:, 'l'ulnros:l. up from Ca:rrirow to ClrlJ the Lin· j. d:lmooWl.

Serving All of Lincoln County CHECKING ACCOUNTS e LOANS


iu1JtY-'A•••I""'* artl.,IM~ Ruidoso, New Mexico

CAPITAL AND SURPWS • • • $165,000.00 N.ember Federal Deposit lnsurllfice Corporation

DISMISSED: 'M'llr)' Chavez, lrurt nm Walta" sam:!ld('f!l runt F. IUch:lrd. Temlltn Mclnniey, Gcr- D. L!nd:lmootl.!l, with .th<> =llltnnoo trod:~ Mo:rrl.!l, Jomro A. Cooper, of the community, hnrl a hom;c­Joo 1... Ortiz, WID Ed lllll"tb, Nell v.-nrmlng Sund:ly for the J. S Carr, C. W. Jone11, Bertlul LaFove, Allala They are the nt>wroml'nl lklrncy Wilcon. to our arro and it WWI very nil:(!

• Card of to ha\--o them get acqualntro with

.~~ of till. It Wtl!l n np~:-clol plrorure to all o1 w, WI vlnitlng with aur

Mr. and Mn. Hllftttl~: ncl!;hoorn Ill almtpt a lrot art In Mt ami Mrs. a..m.n: thb tnmy tmTld.

' . Tile £ob Moore fO\Dlly of Rul· We want you t~ kMW that tt dn=o = over on Suruiny whUe

hu •un a prfyllep t. knew yeu drlvin;l 011l"..md m the !m-ely I:UII· all tluwth these years an4 t. io chin<? &ullnlu with you. Ywr hlth w. ·D. Adlrl!:lm ontJ Charlie Pee· atan4anfs hne b••n a tTNt · · b!C3 =ro 1n P..=ll Moruby at to this eornmunltJ. th(? mule ~e.

Oft tfMt etllw hantf, we Wttcomt~ t&. ftew Unk manapmtftt aiHI wish for you every IUcctsa ln our foiim ani IUrtOC1n4lnt communltJ,



--=--~--~,-;::_ ... -------- __ .. ____ ·----- ---"·---;:.--

Coni20zo crhool lunch mwu far tttek Jm·N~ey 1£>.2!1-!

'WHlat-wtt.t. BUR» Ff.\S'JER' .... ~EEPs~ WOO\. Oft S"C'Eil\. WOOl..~

· ---~~ --·cf; .. C -· ---· ·-· -- --' 1 • . •

• r. •

Mondny-Mill,, frlto p!e, cn:-rn • k:\1':3, c:mot tltlclro, hot buM, !rut­


~ trowmo. -~--- ,_- . - ----· --ru~ ..... 1'..1illt, tmd O'nioh!l, potato fruit. We~ -. Mill:, re-d ~om.

cldll ~t., corn hrend, butter, &pitmcii, mercy cobbler.

Thursd.ly_;_'!lfiUt, barOOCiled bl:d, buttered pe:l!J, 'Z3ri'Ot atlclm, hot buns, butter, fl"'U jel!o.

Frfd3y- Milk, frozen fish, hut· tcred rorrota, grc~n bean!!, brc:1d, butter, apricot!~. •

. • $ •• ...,...., ....

• lnvotiOpiJI

• . Lirtcoftr _Coun_fy News _

Qrrflllti, .... Mi.U.

--·-- ·- . -~ .. - -'-~ ''"--


• ..

• ' -

• ---- . -- ·---- -~"~ ·---- ----4---- --11- __ ,_ ~~ -... ·r __ , ~ .. •

~ Prices E"-ctive . • ' .

.. Jan~ 13th thrq' 14th only '

' •

U. 5. D. A.




- - U.S. D. li. --·.


L'B ..................... .

• • . . . ,._


~!'~~ts~~~~~- c~::~!~~~ ......... LB. 69C ~~~:.TA.RJ~~ICE BEEF............... . ... LB. 33c

-- ... ·---.r--~· -

-·-- , __ ," ____ .. _______ . __

I . '

' .

_JUB STEAK-.-'-~------- .. "·-- ~9c:.._. _ __5UCEJ) BACON. . _ w----Jf'--~-______,___~, U. S. D. A. CHOICE BEEF ................... : .... LB. U GlOVEit'S .................... '.............. . 2-LB. PKG.

FROZEN FOOl)---.------.;..._-• • •



• • •


OR BREASTS MRS. CHESSHER$ .... : ............. Lb. Pkg.

HEAVY DUTY DETERGENT - -~-"-----·--- ------------ -----~ -------- -----·-----~- ---~ ~-------------------------~--~-~---- --

1 Oc OFF LABEL .. ..... ... . . .. ............ : ..... GIANT BOX


VARIETIES .. . . IQ No. 1 Can



. -Hunt's Who!• Unpoc:od 300 Can


U.S. No. 1 ..

. ' ...


lb •






ASHLEY'S RNEST .. 29 Oz. Can for




• -JOHNSTON.- Apple, llvebeny, Cherry or

--Cvsmrl:L---''l'ltayn wonderful" A. hall 9-inch 34-oz. famtly pie .......................... _ ...... -.


Chicken of the

Sea ... No. '12 Can •

Snowball Variety

Laroe Head•

Each •...... :~~············ I . :

.. TEXAS SWEEt RUIY REDS ....... , .......... Lb.

POTATOES · · · -5. 9G U. 5. 'No. 1 Halg Rural Russets ·--·~ 1 0-lb. Bag


. -

c •

. .. ... . . . ·s·_e -D'ANJOU PEARS ·· · ·' ..... 1·gc·· · FRESH LAftGE BUNCHES ........................ Each SWEET AND- RIPE-: •••• : .............................. lL

·-~::~~~~~~Es ... : ............. :~~.: ... q~f1~m 5C --~.--- ~:~l$~~:~~-~.~---· ........ * ....... ~ ... L-~.·1t -. . . • •

-- -- - ·-- -•

Page 4: High :o - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINCOLN... · I'I.Uat:UCJ', b acquainted In Lincoln •• • wu '"" IJ Wll.ri:w ,..,

• •

, -, ""

• "'tf. j)fo . ,. r "l'""' .................... . ... ~- --



Otllre ur lt•r 1 ·.,rnmlnnlunt>r ur J>ub-flt--ban.UI;

SAU: No 312~ . MLIJ't' 0, 1001, ut tho Null"'• '" hrrrl>y ~tlvrii thuf I)Ur- tl1 • ilnlf

uuant to uw JlniVlnluna or th 1 o n of Cnrrtzozo, New Mexico, ul Cnngn·na. c·nlltlrd ~:nahlln Art aub t'("t to exlullnu rlghtD, eru:o­lor Nrw Mr~tlro t :W lito t ~57 1, ITU'nta, rlnhtu or WCl)l, or lcru:ell, If Dl•l•rovMI June 20. 1!110, the Iowa any, tho followln1: dc::crtbcd llllllo ol th~ Htutr ul Nl'W M~xlro, und lru,lltullonul larula, to-wit:

TnWN!'IIli' A ROllJJJ.. ll~!'l_m;_g __ f;~_~IT" __ N._~1f.M.- lifiiic·Jlfcj;-'"' fF.Y,f,;~~ lit<>!! that J>Ortlon lying e!llll of the Southern

llallr<ud. r~nu1tallnu of G!J.C{) llCWil) of Bcc:llon 2 - . . .. . 91.28 AU. ul St·t·Uun Ll ->r G-10.00 Nt:'4. Nt:'4N\'H• s•,NW 14, S\j, or 8rt'Uon l3 .. 00000 st; •4 Nt: '<.. t.•,., s~. 10 o.! h•·•·llun 14 .. 120.00 t: 1;, N ~; 14- ul H.-ruun 1.1 ' - t:O.OO N 1;, of S<'t-1 oun :t-1 . • 320.00

TOWNSIIIJ' 2 !><llTTII. llANO.: 11 t:MiT. N MP.M Lot 4. St.;~ SW \,4. ::1 \!.tiE \i o! Sl'<'ll•m Ul

n1WNBIIII' 'I fi<Jlml. IIANm: 14 t:MiT, N M PM. m; '4 N~; •,_. N V.,.!lW '4. N 1-';o.!a; '4 of H<'<'llon 13 N\bNt:a... N•'tN\\' 0,, SW'4NW% ul tkt'tlon 14 N \b ul l'i<'.-1 um I ~4

'l'tiWNHIIII' 3 sotrnJ. IIAN<lE 15 f:Al>"T, N M I'M. Lnt 4. I·W ~ SW 1,1. N ·~~•;-.., of l3l'<'tlon 7 NW •.., NW '·• nf Srd Inn 1 'Y


15!l42 4000

LoU! I. 2. ~- E•.,.NW'·'· NE~§W\6, NEU. N\J.SE% of tJ« Uun Ill . . . . - _ 4751J2

TOTAL AcREs 3,400.G~

• ,_al..._ wo CRQtnl~ 1 'i'. 1 N , n. 17 E., NMPM, Now Moxfro

Get>. 33. AU - . . . ...... _. __ ...................... . w.co.oo T. 1 N , n. 18 E., NMPM, Now Mox!ro ~- 31: All (Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. E\iW\i, E\i) 6.'0.&8

' ,

Dilly Lujan left IO!It Wcdnct:dlly tor the Army.

Tony 'Padllln who worltu at Fort Slllnton will ll'avo for tho Service on tho 11th. lbrncy Zomorn, who 1uut been worltlna thl'ro alw wUI


• •

WO!I down from CloudCIVft on Mondcy.

Col. J. E. Edcrlnaton. mx !le".-I'D­eor for Otero County, rotumcd on Saturd:ly from Sanlll Fo, where he a ttcndcd tho · of ru:zeo.

• • - . • •

. { , . ,. , ' ' ,

" ' " , ' , -.. ---- --- . .. -.) _______ .. ~. -. ~-- -···- --· . ·, ''".-··--~-; t'-~,------ .. , .... ,.,, -~ .•. -~-- ...... .I ' .. , ......... ~,'11 ··•·•·· • -~-.. ,,,.,...._. -·•-·- • •••·•';··'<"-"- , . ., .. ,._,,.....~,<"'''"'r'~ ... , . ~- -~·-:,-. , ........ ,.,:_, ... -- .. ··•·· _.., --~--· .... -----· --~--- -.;;:,.

. . ' - .. 'p ' ...

.. Freedom $erninar" held in Ar:.rtqgo+do MiJj


Hew Ri~e-Puclcling----- ----___,-


t t

• ••

~ -- t

• r !

--- -

• l "q


• • •


{ I I

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1 ' ,, ,. ' •• L

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L--.. --.---~ .. " .... -...... _.,. _____ - __ ,. ........ ---ioooioio-----;;_-----------------------------------------·····---... --.. -.. -- .................................. -........... ...,., ......... -............................ .,.. ..... -.............. _ ..... '"" .. '-'""-....... ~----"-~~~~~--.. -.. -·· · ·-----··-- ·

Page 5: High :o - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINCOLN... · I'I.Uat:UCJ', b acquainted In Lincoln •• • wu '"" IJ Wll.ri:w ,..,

,- - ..


.. • -.... .- [I ..

' ',.,,

-f;, ' .. ,...'· .. · ..

. '

1- ''~- '




Meets the first Thursday of c;1ch month

Mlnof Thomns, Worthy Matron Leobl;l. Brown, Secretary

" . ·A. F. & A. M. LODGE Ne. 41 " Carr!XoP, New MIJtlco

llegulnr McctJngn A Wedneoday caeh


·--. ·.- ... · ... , :·

Plumbing Servtc:e - ----- ___.._ -·- .. __ :.q,.._ .... -~ --

fiAUL lt. WILSON' Phon• 142 C.rtlxm, N. MIX.


Lode Loc:ation Notice.s .. New Forms, complying with pult• llC~Liw-!IJ;;;.lO.r ni• ar·fhe Lincoln Covnty N1W1.

Flldurn al)d Supplll• for new -:-------------: Installation and repair; aiM fur­ll&CI· t:epalr. AllworktuarutHL


. .. " .

·~!<····.A.,.._ .H .. --' - . ' . ' ' - .• '- • -- - . '!' ' - '


' ~ ' .. ,. ., • " !,1 • ' I\. , • • \ ,. > •

Mlscoll•n . .ou.s hr s.t._

on J 5 St Estate PloMIIllJ and .eullne•• lnwrance FOR SALE·....: 2-bedroom; modem December, 1960, Winzell H. l(tc;lt- SEAL) Diatrict Court ClerJt. • • eams Metropolitan Llf• Jill. Compa"y bouee. Smo.ll down payment lllld ertlOn, and Ruth s. Rl~erson filed Published Dee. 3.0, 1000; January Notary Pub II: Box66, 1110 lnd!anQ Ave., Alamos'l':do low monthly payments. COntact in the Diotr.lct Court, Lincoln G, 13, 20, 1001.) flvltllc StlnDJraphll' CAI.L COLLECT• H~kxk 7-5231::> Leo Robinson. 12·24.tp County, State ot New Mexico, a ------------General lniUranc• ~,_....;;;;.;:;;....;;.;;;;;;;.;;;.;.;..~..;;;.;;;;.;....;,;;.;;;..._: ----------'---- Complnlnt ncrntnot you and each IN .THE TimiD JUDICIAL DIS· EL CliO LA HOTEL • Phone 101 I HAVE FOUR iiOod rcti.tdencc ot you, Cnute No. 7009 . on the TRICT COURT OF THE STATE

_ ~!• _ BILL McCARl y- E!r:~:naru~ ~~~~· ~VJraJ1~e~t:~ t![~:~~~gt~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ • " . '· the title to certnln real e!ltatc par- SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF

' , t··- "" -···-· ___ ,_,._ ____________ ,. __ ,- -. -· -~ '· ' --------···-- _ ....... -- _., ... -·. ---------:- -.~-~~--<


. - , .... ' - .. -~ - ,....,_.- ----' -

• • •

. Simple ..... ....,. ; '

PltESIIYTERIAN CHURCH ANCHO.,.. Supday School ewcy .

1-~~~~· ·~a~t 1!1:0 a:m. Qlur'ch servl~;:e .

lev.ecy at 9:00 a.m. Youth

' Select 8 funer•l meetings .every otller ·Thursday at

.. 7 p.m. Ladles Auxiliary third, ·director , with· the Tflursday·eaeh month at 11:3/l a.m. some care yQV se- NOGAL-S1.1nday School every Ject a. physician. Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Wol:Ship Ser-

vice at .7 :30 p.m. •· His •al:llltty, train- Youth meetings every Thursda:Jo<

. d . at 7 P~m~ ing ·an · experlem;e Ladies Auxlliary meets second

r:l··· _ .. u .. ,~~Qu!Ul:'k.lmP-~r.:-p·}~~ijl~~.a~~t~2~~~il1:-s.l:ilo:ofe~V'ei-Y · · • ·· · ·· Sunday at a.m.: Services every •: ,,

• His" years of ,com· Sunday nt 11 a.m; Ladies· Auxili-

ary 3rd Tuesday' night at 7 p.m. , munity ser.vice Is Jr. Hi Fellow.ship every Wednes-your assurance of a . day at 3:30 Jl.m. • · fitting tribute that S17. Hi FelloWship every \Vednes-

111 I . b , day at 8:00 p.m.

':"' ong e re- Children's Choir eve1-y Thursday membered. nt 3:30p.m .

• . ·SHAW


Ambulance aervtce Phone 101

~lnsun~n~ PfaA"


Harold c. Ely, Pastor Sunday 'ScHool .. . . 9:45 n.m:

A. A. Young, SuJWrlr)tegl,lent Morning"Worship ......... 11:00 a.m. Trnlnlng Union .......... 0:00 p.m Evening Worship~ .... • .. 7:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer S.ervlcc . • 7:00 p.m. . . Visitation Every Thursday, 7 p.m .


and Markers W.M.U. mcctlng.cvery llJird and · fourth MondaYl? nt. 7 p.m.

• -- ·----- -- ...


Rev. C. Edward Ditterllnc, Methodist Minister .

PreSbyterian J.\llllllll•er . ' Morning Worship .. . 9:00 a.m Church School ... .. .... . 10:00 a.m

Women's . Chrtatlan Fcllo~lp meets enC'h first and thard Thurs­day at 8:00.

OF eHRIST SERVICES On C Strut Carrizozo

Pr<>acher cornea from Alamogordo

•• ...


Robert M. Shafer ~==tt~ ~m:t~

Vernon Potty



Life lnturance • Non~caru:ell­altl• lick ~ AccWiftt •otley.

carrb:ou, New Mua


1\vo-bcdroom, modem how::c, Ufl· • DEFENDANTS BY NAME IF UV • . tuml!ihcd. $10 mo. Inquifc Nc-.vn YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED IF DECEASED THEm UN·

Di -Lf C I office. 11-U·Ub That unle!l!l you enter your HEIRS: v. F. WATSON,

t'WI ng • esspoo 5 ancc In anld CnUf!C on or AGNES MAY, J,. L. PCIU>Y, JOSE

ASS EMILY OF GOD CHURCH loa 121, Utfl and C St., Carrizozo

Rev. Jame!l l... Well!!, Pn5tor ?JectJncr date3 2n!t and 4Lh

·- .. ·-·~··Th--= urtday each month. 8:00 p"".m.'=+=" ~1!1~ ······-· . ·­l'lldlnt Machlnfl. C-'lcvl;ten Satu. Senkl and $.\rJiallolil. flortaltl1 Typewrlten all mabt ALLIID IUSINISS MACHINII ltoswlll ~on• MA 2-4151

Bulldozers • Graden FURNISHED APAim1ENT ond 15th, 1001, Judcment wiU BAU.EGOS, D. s. WILLIAMS, Furnished TroJlcr, wlLh utllltlo. be therein ncatnot you by MARY WILLIAMS, G. S. HOQ..

--~·~ Roaa wor~r---+ i\~~-;~:q;;:;;;;t;;~~r;;~.~~· .. .. ~- . -· ····-. .. TiiQMAs L.l'RL~ ...... ~tA!!¥ qulro Roy phone 2. 7-8ttb Attorney tor Plnlntlffo nitd hlo ARD PRICE: The Unknown

Sunday S<.'hool . !!.45 a.m. Worohlp . . ... . 11 :00 a.m.

-- ----· --- ------- - ----------------~·---~ ----- __ ,..

t I, t ... -.- .. • .. ,

' . . ' . '

. I

:l :J ..


~ ; r







CARRIZOZO LODGE, Ue. 30 .•. o. o. •. . . 'hi w'mdman, Noble ororu1 n~u ·Edillncn. Vlec Grond

. TOm Q'nc:uj RcrordinG Sccretnry

• c:J\UJ%0%0 llOTAJtY CLUI

Meets· every ~

V'IDai;c: lmi ~0 ·~

'fro!!knt '



J.S.mema Semltaey

. . . . \ ... _.CARRIZOZO. LloNSCt.Ua -• I

• ,

. ''

. .

• •

• .. _)_

Meats 1st and 2nl Tuar. cch monlh 12 O'clock noon. Vlllauo lnn caro

J, T. CZtim, Pres1l1en t I. Z. Ml!llirc. ~tmy



. ...

--- ---·'· ~-. - ~ --


··. RI.Jt··S'tDitf

--·~-- ~" . __ t_·_ ~ "''"""

King's Cactus Bar "'\\''MA Frllnit MHt" e THE eUT IN DRINKS e DRAFT IIIR e PACKAOI GOODS

LUTHU KIN(), P....,..lttlr


t:«ftii' 'lUjfiWiyJ'" URf· .,. ..

*· aM M...; w. '· laiJ Pl..no 176

· p..u..etration Paving ----~r:~:: ____ ........ _ ndtlrc!l!l l!l IL Elfred Jonen, DDX Uel~ ot. the FoUowlnrr Named De-... 415, Carrlww, New Mexico. cc:u:cd Pen:oll!l: FRED F. Cl.ARIC,

PHONE CL 7 4500 FOR REIIT - ApiU'imcnt •nd WITNESS my hand and ocal of II. F. DOCKRA Y, EARL D. ROUND·

- ttllller space. Mal Fals Cowta. raid Court on the 2oth day of Do· TREE, wm SEARS, ISAJlEIJ.fo!

BOX 55-RUIDOSO, N. M. Ctlrrb:ozo. t·lD•Ub Nmbcr, 1060. ~~~0~ ~~~W~ FURNISHED APARTr.W.NTS - (D. C. to/ EUGENIA ORTIZ, TilE PREMISES VESCRIDED IN


Repaired, Rebuilt, Servic.d Small Engines • Eleetric Moton




Ulllltks. 1nclw1cd. Lava. Vl!ittl SEAL) Dl!ltrlct Court Clerlt. TilE COMPLAINT ADVERSE TO Court. 2-27·tfb Publl!lhcd: Ike. 23, 30, 1000; TilE PLAIN'I'IFI-', DEFENDANTS.

JnnU:lJ'Y o, 13, 1001.

Muffler or R.dlator TROUBLE?" . .


whllo you zhop In Roswell 71A SOUTH MAIN ROSWELL, N..M.

You nrul each ot you oro hereby notified that on the 20Lh day ot De«"mbtor, 19GO, Maude A. Clorlc filed In tho Dlntnl't O:lurt, Unroln County, Stoto of New McxJoo, o Complaint or.all1!lt you and each ot yuu, Cnuw No. 7010 on the Civil Doelcct or ll:lld C'.mtrt, the lll'neral objcct thereof belna to ()Uiet and wt nt rcot In Plalntlrto the title to ccrtnln real Cll1ote partlrulnrly de·

U.c:allllcl ln. .the CDmpln In I ln. 01hl

'--------__;--------------- Cnu!:C and llt'lnr: ullunt<'tl In Lin· coin County, N<!\v !\t(')dro.



. "Hey, I ain't through chantln'

your oil yttl"

Let un nhow you our DJlt'('(ly &el'\'lct'!

Prayer Mectlnt; - Thuroday 7:00 p.m.

ST. RITA CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Clny l)('nnln, 1'[Uitnr

Ft. Luln Jaramillo, Allll't l'antor

SCHEVULE OF MA."iSf:S Cnrrlzozo - Sunday maJZNI at

8 and 10 a.m. Wct'ltday 7 a m MU!l!l('l) In Mlllnloll!l - ('.aJlllnn 7

n,m., Lincoln or Fort Stanton !l 3tl n.m,, Uorulo 10.30 .:1.m. ContcMtorm.

. Saturda,y 3 ::ill, 4:30 nntl 7 to » 11.m. ConfeC!IIoll!J on Tburndny lwfore

rtnlt 1-'rldny, Carrizozo, ;I 30 to 4:30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m.

f'irnt Friday bill'"~ CarrlZozo 6 ZO and 8 am.; Ml!l!lloll!l, <.'n(tllan 'I a.m., Hondo 7 p m.

1 1l1Jltl£_1tl!l by nrr6nt;l'm!'tJt wllb one of the prtl'ntn o1 tlir 11o1rihh.

f •0. , •

EPISCOPAL CHURCH U.JtRIZOZO · flavl ·· xtcot HI -7·217•- - -

YOU AftE t'\Jn'I'ItErt NOTIFIEU · · · -.. · · · · · · · - Tb:lt, -unt= )ou rntel"· )oUr -nv

T h e G A T E W A Y H 0 T E L rwar;m('{O In ll:lld C'au.<:e on or b<'· ELLIS .& SONS GARAGE

-lrev. Will lain 11. ti..Own, vrcar · ...



fore January 15th. 1001, jud~:mrnt

RANCHERS! CORNER of STANTON and SAN ANTONIO SfRWS wttf m. n•liifvrt'.t tht•rein nu:ril't:!t Q you hy c!Pfault'

. EL PASO, TEXAS Attnmcoy fur l'loinlltf and hl!l

D Y W alldrr!:.!l In II t:lr""'l Jom•n, Box

0 OU Clftt Martin Manbulco, Manager 415. Cnrr17ozo, N<!\v Mex1ro.

GOOD GULF GAll :24-Hour Octi"Vlca - Phonct I 6t

Carrl:oro, t,, M.

Fort Stanton· .. our ltMil'<'ml'r- . ~l'n 11'1? l'\'<'f) Sum lay 9 a m. Holy Cmnmuniun. lnl anti Jrd Ulc~t. Annen=

Holy Communum, :.!ntl 111111 ·1th nmrrh Sl'hot>l 10 a m

More Grass? • MODERN ••• AIR CONDITIONED WITSF:ss my hnnd nnd cenl of - ...... --------n:Iid Cour1 on 1h!' ZO!h day of . L n G A L N 0 T I C E

fluh!n;.o-lloly !\1nunt-Churt'11 Sdwnl c::} I II a m. Holy Cnmrnunlnn 11 o m.

Erosion Control Structural e 104 Rooms, all with Tub or Shower Dl't't'mlwr. l!lf.O -----------

.. _ p· 1 s·--•· ··- • MODE" are RAft!"' co. c ·tnt El'GENIA oRTIZ. I.AST WILI. AND TESTMtE!'.'T T('('nat:r daM Wl'11nr~:<lty, 't 1• m.

-nge att ng - JPIOA Tanru ~ •J;,ll SEAl. I Utllttict Court Cll'rk.


• 30

• 1060

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Phone EL 4-:1&411 ••• 125 T C ff Sh F f F d -- ·---·-capitan. New Mtxke ry our o ee op • • • amous or oo scnATCH PADS - Al:!lt. ol=.-·

·----~----------~----~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~Zk~"~lb~-~o~t~L~In~co~ln~C~nu~n~t~y~N~~~ lr H. T. ILMO


TO • Rrynn Alll'n llinbtow!'r. Alvin lll~htowt'r, Alm'l Juncon. Bill lllghtowl'r, Coopt•r Hlnhtowrr.

Carrll!Ol!O, NoW Moaleo Rov. ThomZII A. Onnka

Mnry Plcrtett Ynun1I. Robert Ed· Churdt Sl'lmol \\-'Ord Plclmtt Warden, Guy E. .Momm~: Wornbip Warden, Maudle Wnrdl'n llnm. Youth F!'llowt:hiJl

To Whom It May Cnnrem: You

•• l;"; 11 m 11 IKI '' Ill ;, 111 t• rn

1 art' hercby no1irll'tl th:11 IM nl· COROt~A DAPTIST CHUnCH l"t:"d Last Will and Tc:;tam::nl of SUNDAY-Maud. \Vnrd::n. ilr-t'<"~"ed, !:Ill' of ! Sund.:ly S<'ilool 1, w 1 "'

thP co.mty or 1. nro.n nnd Slot!', Momina Wol"lihlp 11 ", , ,. or NPW M('li:CO. h:J~ )l{'{'fl !:ll'tl ,,~ 'Trulnlng Union 7 Ill ,. ltl

pml~at" m thl' Pmh:ll<' C uurt n. E .. "nncclintlc Hour "' u1 1, rn 'Unroln . ('(J'.Jnty, NPW M!'<:•m. in Fei!OWI!hip ror yuuna l""''l'!P rnl·

Call.<:!' :'-On HXlO on thr> <lorllcl or lowing thl' eveninG Cl!rvu'r-B ll:lld Court The> d.1y filcro for .t~e TUESDAy_ prob:llr of n.,hl allro~t><t l.o.lll \.nil W •

11., __ 1 nrul Telllanwnt hi thl' 2!lth day of _onu>n II '""' on.1ry So"'"'Y Ha:r

Ca~lc 10 r~1 a m February, 1001, at 10 00 o'dod~ .....,_, · Ci 1 7 1 .. A. M. · .-..~.:mng rc e ,.) l•·m Givc-n unt!!'r my h:1nd and thl' WEDNESDAY

trol. n! old Cw..J.rt thi1l3nl 1bl' of Tc~t:!J"rn-Or ,..._ffi('(l!'ll .rt.tl'l)ting_l_p m ... __ .. .ranuory, 1001. our o rov..-er H Jim -


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CP. C. SEAL) ALICE lONG, - -County Cll.!rk.

- .. . - ·- -'By nrr'A VEGA. Iktntty.

Publlohed Jan. 6, 13. 20. 'n, tOOL



Cheez Whiz eml

Spoon ill =" .. · $h.!1'UA~f A. ·rJl·" . ~'·"~.r,:.~~ ~~~ ~ ·.•

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Spread it I ........ KRAPT'S amar._ ,..tevrlzed prqcen diMie

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