High Marks!


Transcript of High Marks!

High Marks!
• Alabama’s state funded First Class Pre-K program has been awarded the highest rating by the National Institute of Early Education Research for the past 15 years.
• Early learning standards are taught through whole group, small group, and play based instruction.
• Alabama Standards for Early Learning and Development are taught and assessed using
Teaching Strategies GOLD.
• Early learning standards are linked with curriculum and assessment.
• The Alabama First Class Pre-K curriculum framework is based on the research concerning how to support young children as they develop and learn.
• Teaching Strategies GOLD is an assessment tool that guides the proper alignment of standards and instruction with a child’s developmental level.
The Plan!
Science Exploration and Knowledge
• Social Studies
• The Arts
We are all a part of our St. Clair County family!
• The St. Clair County Pre-K program is connected to each of their local school’s through a number of activities such as:
• Book fair
• Safety Drills
• Fund Raisers
• Moody
• Although we are hoping the pandemic is behind us, please remember that all plans and procedures in this video handbook are subject to change due to developments concerning Covid 19.
• Please be patient with our Pre-K department and St. Clair County as we work through any unforeseen circumstances.
August 12 & 13
• Your teacher will contact you concerning your Meet the Teacher date and time to attend.
• You and your child will have a specific time to come and meet with your teacher and drop off any supplies needed for their classroom.
• If there is a conflict concerning your scheduled time your teacher should be able to adjust your time to fit your schedule.
August 16, 2021 - ½ Students Attend
August 17, 2021 – ½ Students Attend
August 18 - 20 – All Students Attend
We will begin Pre-K with staggered start days. Half of the students in each classroom will attend on either August 16 & 17, Your child’s
teacher will let you know your child’s start date. Your teacher will also let you know about arrival and pick-up procedures for your school.
August 16-20 are full days.
Students will be dismissing at their regular dismissal time.
• Please refer to the St. Clair County Schools student calendar concerning holidays, regular attendance days, etc.
• Pre-K students will be out of school January 3- 7 while staff participates in required Professional Development activities.
• Students and parents are encouraged to take part in Virtual Learning Days January 4-7. Your teacher will share more information prior to this date.
• Pre-K students dismiss for the holidays on December 17, 2021 and return to school in person on January 10, 2022.
Parents and guardians are asked to supply:
• Markers
• Crayons
• Watercolors
• Scissors
• A bicycle helmet
Sliding Scale
The St. Clair County Pre-K program uses a sliding scale to determine tuition costs. The sliding scale is based on Free & Reduced Lunch status. Students qualifying for free or reduced lunch will pay $10 weekly. Students qualifying for paid lunch will pay $25 weekly. Tuition is due weekly. Receipts will be sent home with each payment. Tuition may be paid online using the Paypams program and may be set up for recurring payments, or paid by check or money order. Your teacher can provide more information. We do not accept cash payments. Please use the link below to determine Free & Reduced meal status:
https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ApplicationScreen. aspx
• Parents will need to follow each school’s guidelines for arrival and dismissal.
• Please make arrangements to be on time for pick-up.
• St. Clair County Schools do not offer after school daycare for Pre-K students.
• All money should include a note explaining how the money is to be used.
• All money should be sent in an envelope including the child’s name, teacher, purpose, and amount included.
• Please send your teacher a note if there is any information we need to know concerning your child such as someone different picking them up, if something has happened at home to upset them, or if they are having a difficult day.
Keep us in the loop!
• Your teacher and the school nurse should be made known of any serious medical concerns or dietary restrictions for your child.
• If your child requires medicine at school you should contact the school nurse. The school nurse will provide you with the necessary paperwork to be completed by your physician.
• All medicines must be administered by the school nurse or a medical assistant.
• If your child is sick please keep them at home until they are fever free (less than 100.4 degrees) or have not been sick for 24 hours.
• Children who fall ill at school should be placed in a designated area of quarantine with a facial covering in place. Parent/caregiver should be called to pick child up from school.
• Parents should take their child’s temperature before departure to school if they feel warm. If there is any fever or any Covid-19 symptoms (fever (100.4 degrees or more), cough, congestion, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal symptoms) students should remain at home.
• Water fountains will be cleaned and sanitized regularly but students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles
• Students sent home from school should remain at home until they are completely fever free (less than 100.4 degrees) without fever reducing medications for at least 24 hours.
• Students may wear masks but are not required to do so.
• Students will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently.
• It is very important that students practice washing hands at home prior to beginning school.
• Proper hand washing includes thoroughly washing hands top, palms, under the nails, and in between fingers for at least 20 seconds.
• Hand sanitizer will be used often within the classroom also.
• Restroom visits are a big part of the Pre-K daily schedule.
• It is desired that each student be potty trained prior to attending the Pre-K program.
• It is also desired that each child be able to wipe and care for themselves with minimal assistance.
• Accidents still occur but should not occur on a daily basis.
• Parents should send a change of clothes just in case of an accident.
Please note:
Visitation procedures are subject to change and/or cancellation pending Covid-19 developments.
• All visitors, if permitted, are asked to sign in at the front desk of each school with their license or identification. All visitors entering the school may wear a facial covering but masks are not required unless the school requires them.
• Visitors will be issued a Visitor sticker to wear while on campus.
• All Pre-K classrooms follow their school’s safety protocol concerning fire, weather, lock down, and intruders.
• Parents and guardians of Pre-K students will be notified in the event of early dismissal or other serious event through the St. Clair County caller system.
• Each school offers lunch daily.
• Due to Covid-19 developments parents may not be allowed to visit during lunchtimes. Please follow the procedures set forth by your child’s school and teacher concerning lunch visits.
• Menus are available on the St. Clair County website and on each school’s website.
• Current lunch prices are subject to change. Please check the St. Clair County Schools website.
• A Free & Reduced application must still be completed for all Pre-K students. To determine tuition cost.
• Free & Reduced Meal applications are available in each school and on the St. Clair County website. We ask that each family fill out these forms to determine both lunch status and tuition costs. You may also follow the link below:
• https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ApplicationScreen.as px
Good Stuff!
• Students should be dressed in play clothes that they can zip, fasten, snap, or button independently.
• A light jacket is recommended in case students need them in or outside the classroom.
• Tennis shoes are preferred for the classroom and the playground.
• It is desired that students be able to change their clothes and take care of toileting needs independently or with minimal prompts and assistance.
• Students may wear a mask if they choose to do so.
• St. Clair County Schools’ Pre-K program practices Conscious Discipline when working with students.
• Conscious Discipline encourages self- control, self-esteem,and respect for all children and adults.
• The Conscious Discipline approach stresses developing discipline instead of applying discipline in children, helping them become more emotionally healthy and happy adults.
• The program is designed to help teachers take everyday discipline issues and turn them into teachable moments.
• Students will have the opportunity to attend at least one field trip depending on Covid-19 developments.
• At least one chaperone must attend each field trip with their child.
• Students must ride to and from the field trip with their chaperone.
• Student field trip admission will be paid for through the Pre-K program.
• Chaperone admission should be paid for by the chaperone.
• Your child will receive a progress report two times during the school year.
• Your teacher will contact you concerning a parent conference after each of the progress reports are completed.
• Parent conferences may be held at other times to address situations that may arise or at your request to address any concerns you might have.
• Conferences may be held virtually or in person as determined by Covid-19 developments.
• We encourage parents/guardians to be a part of their child’s Pre-K experience.
• Each family is asked to complete 12 hours of family involvement.
• Hours can be completed in any number of ways including virtually, in person, and through offering assistance.
• Please talk to your teacher about opportunities in your child’s classroom.
• All face-to-face activities are pending Covid-19 developments and subject to change if necessary.
• Your child’s teacher will let you know how they will be communicating with parent/guardians concerning events and news in the classroom and school.
• News effecting all students will be posted on the St. Clair County Schools website at www.sccboe.org. It is also asked that parents load and use the SCCS app. Information on downloading can be accessed using the following link: Downloading the SCCS App / Help Downloading the SCCS App (sccboe.org)
• Please remember to share any issues you might have with your child’s teacher so that they might be addressed individually instead of on social media sites.
• Donations of additional funding or materials are always appreciated.
Welcome to the fun!!!
If there are any questions or concerns you may contact your child’s teacher.
Download the SCCS app and follow us there or
on Twitter at: