High-Field Limit from a Stochastic BGK Model to a Scalar...

High-Field Limit from a Stochastic BGK Model to a Scalar Conservation Law with Stochastic Forcing Nathalie Ayi Abstract We study a stochastic BGK model with a high-field scaling as an approximation of a hyperbolic conservation law with stochastic forcing. After establishing the existence of a solution for any fixed parameter ε, under an additional assumption on these solutions, we prove the convergence to a new kinetic formulation where a modified Maxwellian appears. In that case, we deduce from it the existence and uniqueness of the kinetic solution to the scalar conservation law with stochastic forcing studied. 1 Introduction In this paper, we are interested in the derivation of a solution to a scalar conservation law with stochastic forcing of the following form: du + div x (B(x, u))dt = C(x, u)dW t , t (0,T ),x T N , (1.0.1) from a stochastic BGK like model, dF ε + div x (a(x, ξ )F ε )dt + Λ(x) ε ξ F ε dt = 1 uε- F ε ε dt - ξ F ε ΦdW + 1 2 ξ (G 2 ξ F ε )dt, (1.0.2) when ε goes to 0. This type of problem belongs to the class of problems of hydrodynamic limits. The historical issue in that field goes back to the kinetic theory, first introduced by Maxwell and Boltzmann in order to model rarefied gas. Indeed, adopting a statistical point of view, a gas can be described by its density of particles f ε , a function of time, position and velocity, satisfying on the mesoscopic level, the Boltzmann equation t f ε (t, x, ξ )+ ξ.x f ε (t, x, ξ )= Q(f ε ,f ε ) ε , t R + t ,x R N x R N ξ , (1.0.3) where Q(f ε ,f ε ) is a collision operator. Formally in that case, we obtain the following hydrodynamic limit: f ε converges to a Maxwellian of parameter ρ(t, x), u(t, x) and T (t, x) such that these three functions satisfy the Euler system. In other words, starting from the Boltzmann equation at the mesoscopic level, we expect to obtain the Euler system at the macroscopic level. However, this derivation is actually still an open question and motivated the introduction of the BGK model in [6], tough partial results have been established as for example in the case of the incompressible Euler system for “well prepared initial data” of the asymptotic equations or solution to the scaled Boltzmann equation with additional non uniform a priori estimates (see [21] for a more complete state of the art). The idea of the BGK model is to replace the collision kernel by an easier term which keeps some properties associated to the Boltzmann equation. These models have been then generalized by Perthame and Tadmor [18] to derive at the macroscopic level some scalar conservation laws. More precisely, the BGK model that they investigate in [18] is the following: (t + a(ξ ).x )f ε (t, x, ξ )= 1 ε χ uε(t,x) (ξ ) - f ε (t, x, ξ ) , (t, x, ξ ) R + t × R N x × R ξ (1.0.4) 1

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High-Field Limit from a Stochastic BGK Model to a Scalar

Conservation Law with Stochastic Forcing

Nathalie Ayi


We study a stochastic BGK model with a high-field scaling as an approximation of ahyperbolic conservation law with stochastic forcing. After establishing the existence of asolution for any fixed parameter ε, under an additional assumption on these solutions, weprove the convergence to a new kinetic formulation where a modified Maxwellian appears. Inthat case, we deduce from it the existence and uniqueness of the kinetic solution to the scalarconservation law with stochastic forcing studied.

1 Introduction

In this paper, we are interested in the derivation of a solution to a scalar conservation law withstochastic forcing of the following form:

du+ divx(B(x, u))dt = C(x, u)dWt, t ∈ (0, T ), x ∈ TN , (1.0.1)

from a stochastic BGK like model,

dF ε + divx(a(x, ξ)F ε)dt+Λ(x)


εdt =1uε>ξ − F ε

εdt− ∂ξF εΦdW +



2∂ξFε)dt, (1.0.2)

when ε goes to 0.

This type of problem belongs to the class of problems of hydrodynamic limits. The historical issuein that field goes back to the kinetic theory, first introduced by Maxwell and Boltzmann in orderto model rarefied gas. Indeed, adopting a statistical point of view, a gas can be described by itsdensity of particles fε, a function of time, position and velocity, satisfying on the mesoscopic level,the Boltzmann equation

∂tfε(t, x, ξ) + ξ.∇xfε(t, x, ξ) =Q(fε, fε)

ε, t ∈ R+

t , x ∈ RNx , ξ ∈ RN

ξ , (1.0.3)

where Q(fε, fε) is a collision operator. Formally in that case, we obtain the following hydrodynamiclimit: fε converges to a Maxwellian of parameter ρ(t, x), u(t, x) and T (t, x) such that these threefunctions satisfy the Euler system. In other words, starting from the Boltzmann equation at themesoscopic level, we expect to obtain the Euler system at the macroscopic level. However, thisderivation is actually still an open question and motivated the introduction of the BGK model in[6], tough partial results have been established as for example in the case of the incompressibleEuler system for “well prepared initial data” of the asymptotic equations or solution to the scaledBoltzmann equation with additional non uniform a priori estimates (see [21] for a more completestate of the art). The idea of the BGK model is to replace the collision kernel by an easier termwhich keeps some properties associated to the Boltzmann equation. These models have beenthen generalized by Perthame and Tadmor [18] to derive at the macroscopic level some scalarconservation laws. More precisely, the BGK model that they investigate in [18] is the following:

(∂t + a(ξ).∇x)fε(t, x, ξ) =1


[χuε(t,x)(ξ)− fε(t, x, ξ)

], (t, x, ξ) ∈ R+

t ×RNx ×Rξ (1.0.4)


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with uε(t, x) =


fε(t, x, ξ)dξ and where χu(ξ) =

sgn u if (u− ξ)ξ ≥ 0,

0 if (u− ξ)ξ < 0.At the macroscopic level, they derive the following multidimensional law

∂tu(t, x) +


∂xiAi(u(t, x)) = 0, (t, x) ∈ R+

t ×RNx , (1.0.5)

with Ai ∈ C1(R) and ai = A′i. Two main approaches are actually possible to get this scalar conser-vation law from (1.0.4). The initial one in [18] is based on a use of BV compactness arguments inthe multidimensional case and compensated compactness arguments in the one dimensional case,while the second one introduced later in [16] relies on what is called a kinetic formulation. Itconsists in obtaining at the macroscopic level a kinetic equation involving a density-like functionwhose velocity distribution is the equilibrium density.

Lately, the study of scalar conservation laws starting from BGK models at the mesoscopic level hasbeen pursued in various contexts: with boundary conditions in [17] and [2], with a discontinuityin the space variable flux in [4], with a high-field scaling in [3] or in a stochastic context in [11].In this paper, we are interested in the last two contexts mentioned. First of all, let us say a wordabout the stochastic one. Recently, the study of some conservation laws with stochastic forcinghas been a subject of growing interest (see [1], [7],[9], [10], [13], [14] or lately [5] for the case ofa system). Indeed, the introduction of such terms can be justified in order to express numericaland empirical uncertainties. The first result of a hydrodynamic limit starting from a BGK modelin a stochastic context is due to Hofmanova [11] (more recently, it has been investigated also inthe context of rough paths [12]). The idea in this paper is to use the notion of stochastic kineticformulation developed by Debussche and Vovelle in [7].

What we intend to do here is to extend the above result to a stochastic BGK model containing aforce term with a high-field scaling. The deterministic version of this result has been established byBerthelin, Poupaud and Mauser in [3]. However, due to the presence of the white noise terms, thetechniques adopted through the paper will be the ones developed by Debussche and Vovelle [7] andHofmanova [11] by proving the convergence to a kinetic formulation associated with (1.0.1). Sincethe scaling adopted is different, some new difficulties are introduced and an additional assumptionsimilar to the one of the deterministic version will be adopted. Moreover, a Maxwellian differentfrom the usual one will be obtained in the kinetic formulation.

The organization of the paper is the following: in Section 2 we will present the context and statethe main result. Section 3 will be dedicated to the study of the stochastic BGK model (1.0.2). Wewill state its existence and prove its convergence. Finally, in Section 4, we will deduce the existenceand uniqueness of a kinetic solution to (1.0.1).

2 Settings and Main Results

In the following, we will denote by Ck,µ with k ∈ N and µ > 0 the set of k times differentiableµ-Holder functions. Let (Ω,F , (Ft)t≥0,P) be a stochastic basis with a complete, right-continuousfiltration. We can assume without loss of generality that the σ−algebra F is countably generatedand (Ft)t≥0 is the completed filtration generated by the Wiener process and the initial condition.We denote by P the predictable σ-algebra on Ω × [0, T ] associated with (Ft)t≥0 and by Ps thepredictable σ-algebra on Ω× [s, T ] associated with (Ft)t≥s. We write L∞Ps

(Ω× [s, T ]×TN ×R) todenote

L∞(Ω× [s, T ]×TN ×R, Ps ⊗ B(TN )⊗ B(R), dP⊗ dt⊗ dx⊗ dξ)

and L∞P (Ω× [s, T ]×TN ×R) is defined similarly.


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The setting of our paper has some similarities with the ones of Debussche and Vovelle [7] andHofmanova [11, 12]. Indeed, we will assume that we work on a finite-time interval [0, T ], T > 0with periodic boundary conditions, x belonging to TN where TN is the N -dimensional torus. Wewill consider a bounded function

a = (a1, . . . , aN ) : TN ×R→ RN of class C3,µ for some µ > 0 (2.0.1)

such that it satisfies for all x, ξ ,0 ≤ divx(a(x, ξ)). (2.0.2)

We assume that W is a d-dimensional (Ft)-Wiener process, defined as follows

W (t) =


βk(t)ek (2.0.3)

where (βk)dk=1 are mutually independent Brownian processes, (ek)dk=1 an orthonormal basis of Ha finite dimensional Hilbert space.For each u ∈ R,

Φ(u) : H → L2(TN ) is defined by Φ(u)ek = gk(u) (2.0.4)

where gk(., u) is a regular function on TN . More precisely, the functions

g1, . . . , gd : TN×R→ R are bounded functions of class C4,µ with bounded derivatives of all orders.(2.0.5)

Note that in that context, the following estimate holds true

G2(x, ξ) :=


|gk(x, ξ)|2 ≤ C, ∀x ∈ TN , ξ ∈ R. (2.0.6)

Moreover, we assume that

gk(x, 0) = 0, ∀x ∈ TN , k = 1, . . . , d. (2.0.7)

In addition, we will take

Λ : TN → R as a nonpositive function of class C4,µ. (2.0.8)

Furthermore, we will suppose that, for all x,

‖a(x, .)‖L1(R) ≤ C and ‖∂ξgk(x, .)‖L1(R) ≤ C (2.0.9)

with C a constant which does not depend on x.

Regarding the initial data, we suppose that

u0 ∈ Lp(Ω;Lp(TN )) for all p ∈ [1,∞) (2.0.10)

and we will consider F0 = 1u0>ξ.

We denote fε := Fε − 10>ξ and uε(t, x) :=


fε(t, x, ξ)dξ. In our situation, in order to establish

the result, we will adopt the following additional assumption(∫R

|fε(ω, t, x, ξ)|dξ))ε>0

is bounded in L∞(0, T ;L2(Ω×TN )). (2.0.11)

We believe that it is reasonable to expect this behavior but are unable to prove it. Indeed, thetechniques developed in [11] to obtain this type of results no longer hold in presence of the high


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field scaling. Note that this is similar to the deterministic case with a high-field scaling [3] wherethey must assume that fε satisfy the assumption(∫


|fε(t, x, ξ)|dξ)ε>0

is bounded in L∞([0,+∞)×R)

to obtain the derivation of the conservation law.

2.1 Kinetic solution

Similarly as in [7, 11, 12], we use the notion of kinetic solution defined as follows.

Definition 2.1. Let u0 ∈ Lp(Ω;Lp(TN )) for all p ∈ [1,∞) and F0 = 1u0>ξ. A measurable functionu : TN × [0, T ] × Ω → R is said to be a kinetic solution to (1.0.1) with initial datum u0 if thereexists a random nonnegative bounded Borel measure on [0, T ]×TN×R such that F , which verifies

F + Λ(x)∂ξF = 1u(t)>ξ, (2.1.1)

satisfies: for all ϕ ∈ C∞c ([0, T )×TN ×R),∫ T


< F (t), ∂tϕ(t) > dt+ < F0, ϕ(0) > +

∫ T


< F (t), a.∇ϕ(t) > dt

= m(∂ξϕ) +

∫ T


< ∂ξF (t)ΦdWt, ϕ(t) > +1


∫ T


< G2∂ξF (t), ∂ξϕ(t) > dt (2.1.2)

where m(∂ξϕ) denotes

m(∂ξϕ) :=

∫TN×[0,T ]×R

∂ξϕdm(x, t, ξ). (2.1.3)

Therefore, the solution of (2.1.1) denoted Mu, is called a modified Maxwellian.

Since the relation between the kinetic formulation and (1.0.1) with

B(x, u) =

∫ u


∫ +∞


a(x, ξ + vΛ(x))e−vdvdξ (2.1.4)


C(x, u) =

∫ u


∫ +∞


∂ξΦ(x, ξ + vΛ(x))e−vdvdξ. (2.1.5)

is possibly not obvious, let us perform formal computations to enlighten it. Since F satisfies

Λ(x)∂ξF = 1u>ξ − F. (2.1.6)

For any function b(x, ξ), we have∫R

b(x, ξ)Λ(x)∂ξF (x, ξ)dξ =

∫ u

−∞b(x, ξ)dξ −


b(x, ξ)F (x, ξ)dξ.

We denote

B(x, v) :=

∫ v

−∞b(x, ξ)dξ. (2.1.7)

Thus, we get

B(x, u) =


b(x, ξ)Λ(x)∂ξF (x, ξ)dξ +


b(x, ξ)F (x, ξ)dξ



[b(x, ξ)− ∂ξb(x, ξ)Λ(x)]F (x, ξ)dξ.


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For b(x, ξ) solution of the equation

b(x, ξ)− ∂ξb(x, ξ)Λ(x) = a(x, ξ), (2.1.8)

we have

B(x, u) =


a(x, ξ)F (x, ξ)dξ.

By computation of the solution of (2.1.8), we get

B(x, u) =

∫ u

−∞b(x, ξ)dξ =

∫ u


∫ +∞


a(x, ξ + vΛ(x))e−vdvdξ.

Quite similarly, for c(x, ξ) solution of the equation

c(x, ξ)− ∂ξc(x, ξ)Λ(x) = ∂ξΦ(x, ξ),

we have

C(x, u) =


∂ξΦ(x, ξ)F (x, ξ)dξ


C(x, u) :=

∫ u

−∞c(x, ξ)dξ =

∫ u


∫ +∞


∂ξΦ(x, ξ + vΛ(x))e−vdvdξ.

Let us start from the kinetic formulation

dF + divx(a(x, ξ)F )dt = ∂ξm− ∂ξFΦdWt +1


2∂ξF )dt. (2.1.9)

Since because of (2.1.6), we have ∫R

(F − 10>ξ)dξ = u,

by integrating (2.1.9), we get

du+ divxB(x, u)dt = C(x, u)dWt.

2.2 Result

We finally can state our main result:

Theorem 2.2. Under assumptions (2.0.2)-(2.0.10), for any ε > 0, there exists a weak solution tothe stochastic BGK model with a high field scaling (1.0.2) denoted by Fε ∈ L∞P (Ω× [0, T ]×TN×R)with initial condition F0 = 1u0>ξ.

Moreover, under the additional assumption (2.0.11), Fε converges weak-∗ in L∞(Ω×[0, T ]×TN×R)to Mu a modified Maxwellian associated with u where u is the unique kinetic solution to the conser-vation law with stochastic forcing (1.0.1) with B and C defined in (2.1.4) and (2.1.5), respectively.

Remark 2.1. The purpose of assumption (2.0.9) is actually to insure the existence of B, C andthe stochastic integral involving C.

3 Study of the stochastic BGK model with a high field scal-ing

3.1 The stochastic kinetic model

We are interested in the following stochastic BGK model:dF ε + divx(a(x, ξ)F ε)dt+



εdt =1uε>ξ − F ε

εdt− ∂ξF εΦdW +




Fε(0, x, ξ) = 1u0(x)>ξ(ξ).(3.1.1)

The definition of a weak solution of this system is the following:


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Definition 3.1. Let ε > 0, Fε ∈ L∞P (Ω × [0, T ] ×TN ×R) is called a weak solution of (3.1.1) iffor any test function φ ∈ C∞c (TN ×R), we have for a.e. t ∈ [0, T ], P-a.s.

< Fε(t), φ >=< F0, φ > +

∫ t


< Fε(s), a.∇φ > ds+1


∫ t


< Fε(s),Λ(x)∂ξφ > ds



∫ t


< 1uε(s)>ξ − Fε(s), φ(s) > ds+


∫ t


< Fε(s), ∂ξ(gkφ) > dβk(s)



∫ t


< Fε(s), ∂ξ(G2∂ξφ) > ds. (3.1.2)

Let us state here several results. For Θ a smooth function with a compact support satisfying0 ≤ Θ ≤ 1 and

Θ(ξ) :=

1 if |ξ| ≤ 1/2,0 if |ξ| ≥ 1,


we denote ΘR(ξ) := Θ( ξR ), gRk (x, ξ) := gk(x, ξ)ΘR(ξ) for k = 1, . . . , d and aR(x, ξ) := a(x, ξ)ΘR(ξ).The coefficients ΦR and GR,2 are defined similarly as Φ and G2 replacing gk by gRk . We introducethe intermediate problem,

dXε + divx(a(x, ξ)Xε)dt+Λ(x)


εdt = −∂ξXεΦdW +1



Xε(s) = X0,(3.1.4)

and the truncated associated problemsdXε + divx(aR(x, ξ)Xε)dt+



εdt = −∂ξXεΦRdW +1



Xε(s) = X0.(3.1.5)

Proposition 3.2. If X0 is a Fs ⊗ B(TN ) ⊗ B(R)- measurable initial data belonging to L∞(Ω ×TN ×R), then there exists a weak solution Xε ∈ L∞Ps

(Ω× [s, T ]×TN ×R) to (3.1.4). Moreover,it is represented by

Sε(t, s)(ω, x, ξ) := limR→+∞

[Sε,R(t, s)X0](ω, x, ξ), 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T, (3.1.6)

with Sε,R being a solution operator of (3.1.5) defined in the Appendix.

From above, we obtain the following proposition:

Proposition 3.3. For any ε > 0, there exists a weak solution of the stochastic BGK model withhigh field scaling (1.0.2) denoted by Fε. Moreover, Fε is represented by

Fε(t) = e−t/εSε(t, 0)1u0>ξ +1


∫ t


e−t−sε Sε(t, s)1uε(s)>ξds. (3.1.7)

The proof of these two results is quite similar to the ones in [11] and mainly relies on a use ofthe stochastic characteristics method developed by Kunita in [15]. Nevertheless, there are some

additional difficulties due to the presence of the term Λ(x)ε ∂ξFε (which introduce a dependence on

ε of the solution operator) and the dependence of a on x. Then, for the sake of completness, wegive a quite detailed sketch of the proof of the existence in Appendix A.

3.2 Convergence of the stochastic kinetic model

From now on, let us denote by C a constant which does not depend on any parameter and maychange from a line to another. In this section, our purpose is to study the limit of the stochastickinetic model (1.0.2) as ε goes to 0 in the following weak formulation satisfied by Fε:


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∫ T


< Fε(t), ∂tϕ(t) > dt+ < F0, ϕ(0) > +

∫ T


< Fε(t), a.∇ϕ(t) > dt

= −1


∫ T


< 1uε>ξ − (Fε(t) + Λ(x)∂ξFε(t)), ϕ(t) > dt+

∫ T


< ∂ξFε(t)ΦdWt, ϕ(t) >



∫ T


< G2∂ξFε(t), ∂ξϕ(t) > dt. (3.2.1)

for ϕ ∈ C∞c ([0, T )×TN ×R).

Proposition 3.4. Up to a subsequence, (Fε)ε>0 converges weak-∗ in L∞(Ω× [0, T ]×TN ×R) toF with F satisfying the following: for any test function ϕ ∈ C∞c ([0, T )×TN ×R),∫ T


< F (t), ∂tϕ(t) > dt+ < F0, ϕ(0) > +

∫ T


< F (t), a.∇ϕ(t) > dt

= m(∂ξϕ) +

∫ T


< ∂ξF (t)ΦdWt, ϕ(t) > +1


∫ T


< G2∂ξF (t), ∂ξϕ(t) > dt (3.2.2)

with m a random nonnegative bounded Borel measure on [0, T ]×TN×R and where m(∂ξϕ) denotes

m(∂ξϕ) :=

∫TN×[0,T ]×R

∂ξϕdm(x, t, ξ). (3.2.3)

Proof. From the representation formula of Fε (3.1.7), we deduce that the set of solutions Fε; ε ∈(0, 1) is bounded in L∞P (Ω× [0, T ]×TN ×R). Using the Banach-Alaoglu theorem, we know thatthere exists F in L∞P (Ω× [0, T ]×TN ×R) such that, up to subsequences, as ε goes to 0,

Fεw−∗ F in L∞P (Ω× [0, T ]×TN ×R). (3.2.4)

Then, we deduce from that the following: for all ϕ ∈ C∞c ([0, T ]×TN ×R)∫ T


< Fε(t), ∂tϕ(t) > dtw−∗

∫ T


< F (t), ∂tϕ(t) > dt in L∞(Ω),

∫ T


< Fε(t), a.∇ϕ(t) > dtw−∗

∫ T


< F (t), a.∇ϕ(t) > dt in L∞(Ω),



∫ T


< G2∂ξFε(t), ∂ξϕ(t) > dtw−∗



∫ T


< G2∂ξF (t), ∂ξϕ(t) > dt in L∞(Ω).

Moreover, we can also deduce from (3.2.4) that

< Fε, ∂ξ(gkϕ) >w < F, ∂ξ(gkϕ) > in L2(Ω× [0, T ]).

Since the stochastic integral Ψ →∫ T

0ΨdWt regarded as a bounded operator from L2(Ω × [0, T ])

to L2(Ω) is weakly continuous, it follows∫ T


< ∂ξFε(t)ΦdWt, ϕ(t) >w

∫ T


< ∂ξF (t)ΦdWt, ϕ(t) > in L2(Ω).

It remains to deal with the first term of the right-hand side of (3.2.1). We deduce from the aboveconvergence that ∫ T


< 1uε(t)>ξ − Fε − Λ(x)∂ξFε(t), ϕ(t) > dtw 0 in L2(Ω). (3.2.5)


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Let us define

mε(t, x, ξ) :=1


∫ ξ

−∞(1uε(t,x)>ζ(ζ)− Fε(t, x, ζ))dζ + (−Λ(x)Fε(t, x, ξ)). (3.2.6)

We can prove similarly as in [11] that the first term of the right-hand side of (3.2.6) is a randomnonnegative measure over [0, T ]× TN ×R and since by assumption (2.0.8), Λ(x) ≤ 0 for all x, sodoes the second term.

Moreover, since fε = Fε − 10>ξ, using the fact that ∂ξ10>ξ = −δ0 and assumption (2.0.7) impliesthat fε satisfies

dfε + divx(a(x, ξ)fε)dt+ divx(a(x, ξ)10>ξ)dt = ∂ξmε − ∂ξfεΦdWt +1


2∂ξfε)dt. (3.2.7)

Let us prove that for all t∗ ∈ [0, T ], we have



dmε(x, t, ξ)


+ E < fε(t∗), ξ >2≤ C (3.2.8)

with C a constant which does not depend on ε. In order to establish (3.2.8), we would like to take

ϕ(t, x, ξ) = ξ. (3.2.9)

We first notice that it makes sense to look at quantity such as

E |< fε(t∗), g >|2

with g a bounded function not necessarily compactly supported since we have

E |< fε(t∗), g >|2 ≤ C E




≤ C E∫TN




< +∞


using Jensen’s inequality and Assumption (2.0.11). We take ϕR ∈ C1(R) a bounded approximationof ϕ defined in (3.2.9) which is monotone increasing i.e. ∂ξϕR ≥ 0 and preserves the sign such that|∂ξϕR|, |∂2

ξϕR| ≤ C uniformly in R. Using (3.2.7), we deduce from


∣∣∣∣∣< fε(t∗), ϕR > +


∂ξϕRdmε(x, t, ξ)


= E

∣∣∣∣∣< fε(0), ϕR > −∫ t∗


< ∂ξfε(t)ΦdWt, ϕR >



∫ t∗


< ∂ξ(G2∂ξfε), ϕR > dt



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the following inequality



∂ξϕRdmε(x, t, ξ)


+ E |< fε(t∗), ϕR >|2

≤ E


∂ξϕRdmε(x, t, ξ)


+ E |< fε(t∗), ϕR >|2



∂ξϕRdmε(x, t, ξ)

)< fε(t

∗), ϕR >

≤ CE| < fε(0), ϕR > |2 + CE

∣∣∣∣∣∫ t∗


< ∂ξfε(t)ΦdWt, ϕR >



∣∣∣∣∣∫ t∗


< ∂ξ(G2∂ξfε), ϕR > dt




Indeed, since mε is a nonnegative measure and by assumptions on ϕR, the term∫TN×[0,t∗]×R

∂ξϕRdmε(x, t, ξ)

is nonnegative. In addition, we recall that fε = Fε − 10>ξ. Therefore, since we have

0 ≤ Fε ≤ 1,

fε preserves the sign. Thus, by assumption on ϕR,

< fε(t∗), ϕR >

is also nonnegative.

Therefore, we have



∂ξϕRdmε(x, t, ξ)


+ E |< fε(t∗), ϕR >|2

≤ CE(∫





+ C


E∫ t∗


< ∂ξfε(t)gk, ϕR >2 dt


(∫ t∗







using assumptions on gk and ϕR.By means of the property of the function χu0

, we have






= E(∫






4‖u0‖L2(TN ).


Using Assumption (2.0.11) and Jensen’s inequality, we obtain


(∫ t∗






≤ E∫ t∗






≤ CT



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with CT a constant which only depends on T .Finally, using the same arguments, we have

E∫ t∗


< ∂ξfε(t)gk, ϕR >2 dt ≤ CE

∫ t∗


< fε(t), ϕR >2 dt+ CE

∫ t∗






≤ CE∫ t∗


< fε(t), ϕR >2 dt+ CT .

(3.2.15)Thus, combining the above inequalities and using the Gronwall lemma yields



∂ξϕRdmε(x, t, ξ)


+ E |< fε(t∗), ϕR >|2 ≤ CT (3.2.16)

with CT a constant which does not depend on ε and R. Passing to the limit on R yields (3.2.8).It remains to prove that∫ T


< ∂ξmε, ϕ(t) > dtw

∫ T


< ∂ξm,ϕ(t) > dt in L1(Ω) (3.2.17)

with m a random nonnegative finite measure. We know from (3.2.8) that mε is a nonnegative finitemeasure over [0, T ]×TN ×R almost surely. Moreover, by the convergences established above, weknow that the left-hand side of (3.2.17) converges weakly in L1(Ω) to a certain limit. We denotebyMb([0, T ]×TN ×R) the space of Borel measures over [0, T ]×TN ×R. We deduce from (3.2.8)that (mε) is bounded in L2

w(Ω;Mb([0, T ]×TN×R)) i.e. the space of weak-∗ measurable mappingsfrom Ω toMb([0, T ]×TN ×R) with finite L2(Ω;Mb([0, T ]×TN ×R))-norm. Thus, applying theBanach-Alaoglu theorem, we obtain that there exists m ∈ L2

w(Ω;Mb([0, T ]×TN ×R)) such that,up to a subsequence,

mεwm in L2

w(Ω;Mb([0, T ]×TN ×R)). (3.2.18)

This last point yields (3.2.17) by identifying the limit. Besides, it follows directly that m is anonnegative bounded measure which concludes the proof.

4 Existence and uniqueness of the kinetic solution

As mentioned previously, a kinetic formulation is a kinetic equation at the macroscopic level satis-fied by a density-like function. At this point, we already have obtained (3.2.2), the kinetic equationsatisfied by F on the macroscopic level. Then, it remains to study the behavior of its velocity dis-tribution.

In order to do so, let us recall here some notions that will be needed to obtain the kinetic formulationassociated with (1.0.1).

Definition 4.1 (Young measure). Let (X,λ) be a finite measure space. Let P1(R) denote the setof probability measures on R. We say that a map ν : X → P1(R) is a Young measure on X if, forall φ ∈ Cb(R), the map z 7→ νz(φ) from X to R is measurable.

We have the following compactness result:

Theorem 4.2 (Compactness of Young measure). Let (X,λ) be a finite measure space such thatL1(X) is separable. Let (νn) be a sequence of Young measures on X satisfying for some p ≥ 1,




|ξ|pdνnz (ξ)dλ(z) < +∞.

Then, there exists a Young measure ν on X and a subsequence still denoted (νn) such that, for allh ∈ L1(X), for all φ ∈ Cb(R),





φ(ξ)dνnz (ξ)dλ(z) =






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The proof, quite classical, can be found in [7].

We start by establishing the following proposition which will be useful.

Proposition 4.3. Let F be the weak-∗ limit in L∞(Ω × [0, T ] × TN ×R) of (Fε)ε>0 establishedin Proposition 3.4 satisfying (3.2.2). There exists a Young measure νt,x such that

∂ξF + Λ(x)∂2ξF = −ν. (4.0.1)

Proof. For all test functions Ψ ∈ C∞c ([0, T ]×TN ×R), we deduce from (3.2.1) and (3.2.4) that

E∫ T


< 1uε>ξ − Fε − Λ(x)∂ξFε, ψ(t) > dt −→ 0 (4.0.2)

and so that

E∫ T


< ∂ξ(1uε>ξ − Fε − Λ(x)∂ξFε), ϕ(t) > dt −→ 0 (4.0.3)

for all test functions ϕ ∈ C∞c ([0, T ]×TN ×R).We denote νεt,x := δuε(t,x)=ξ which by Definition 4.1 is a Young measure. Then, by assumption(2.0.11), we have


supt∈[0,T ]



|ξ|dνεt,x(ξ)dx = supε>0

supt∈[0,T ]


|uε(t, x)|dx

≤ supε>0

supt∈[0,T ]



|fε(t, x, ξ)|dξdx

≤ supε>0

supt∈[0,T ]



|fε(t, x, ξ)|dξ)2


< +∞.


Using Theorem 4.2, we know that there exists a Young measure νt,x such that νεt,x → νt,x (up toa subsequence). Then, we deduce from (4.0.3) and Proposition 3.4 that

∂ξF + Λ(x)∂2ξF = −ν. (4.0.5)

The purpose of this subsection is then actually to prove the following result.

Proposition 4.4. Let F be the weak-∗ limit in L∞(Ω× [0, T ]×TN ×R) of (Fε)ε>0 established inProposition 3.4 satisfying (3.2.2). There exists u ∈ L1(Ω× [0, T ]×TN ) such that for all t ∈ [0, T ]for almost every (x, ξ, ω), F = Mu where we denote by Mu the modified Maxwellian solution to theequation

Mu + Λ(x)∂ξMu = 1u>ξ. (4.0.6)

We begin by noticing that any solution of (3.2.2) admits possibly different left and right weaklimits at any point t ∈ [0, T ]. More precisely, we have the following proposition:

Proposition 4.5. Let F be a solution to (3.2.2) with initial datum F0. Then F admits almostsurely left and right limits at all points t∗ ∈ [0, T ].More precisely, for all t∗ ∈ [0, T ], there exists some function F ∗,± on Ω×TN ×R such that P-a.s.

< F (t∗ − ε), ϕ >→< F (t∗,−), ϕ >

and< F (t∗ + ε), ϕ >→< F (t∗,+), ϕ >

as ε→ 0 for all ϕ ∈ C∞c (TN ×R).Moreover, almost surely, the set of t∗ ∈ [0, T ] such that F ∗,+ 6= F ∗,− is countable.


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The proof can be found in [7] and is identical in our situation.

Thus, we can deduce a kinetic equation at given t (i.e. weak in (x, ξ) only). We consider a testfunction of the form (x, s, ξ) 7→ ϕ(x, ξ)α(s) where α is the function

α(s) =

1, s ≤ t,1− s− t

ε, t ≤ s ≤ t+ ε,

0, t+ ε ≤ s(4.0.7)

in (3.2.2) and as ε goes to 0, we obtain: for all t ∈ [0, T ], for all ϕ ∈ C∞c (TN ×R)

− < F+(t), ϕ > + < F0, ϕ > +

∫ t


< F (s), a · ∇ϕ > ds



∫ t


< ∂ξF (s)gk, ϕ > dβk(s)



∫ t


< G2∂ξF (s), ∂ξϕ > ds+ < m, ∂ξϕ > ([0, T ]) (4.0.8)


< m, ∂ξϕ > ([0, T ]) =


∂ξϕ(x, ξ)dm(x, s, ξ).

Proof of Proposition 4.4. Let F1, F2 be two bounded solutions of (3.2.2). We denote F 2 = 1−F2.By (4.0.8), we have for ϕ1 ∈ C∞c (TN

x ×Rξ) and ϕ2 ∈ C∞c (TNy ×Rζ),

< F+1 (t) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+1 (t), ϕ1 >=< F1,0, ϕ1 > + < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > ([0, t])− I1(t) (4.0.9)


< m1, ∂ξϕ1 > ([0, t]) =

∫ t


< F1(s), a · ∇ϕ1 > ds− 1


∫ t


< G21∂ξF1(s), ∂ξϕ1 > ds

+ < Λ(x)∂ξF+1 (t), ϕ1 >

− < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > ([0, t]),

I1(t) =


∫ t


< ∂ξF1(s)gk,1, ϕ1 > dβk(s),

G21(x, ξ) =


|gk,1(x, ξ)|2


< F+

2 (t)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (t), ϕ2 >=< F 2,0, ϕ2 > + < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > ([0, t]) + I2(t) (4.0.10)


< m2, ∂ζϕ2 > ([0, t]) = −∫ t


< F2(s), a · ∇ϕ2 > ds+1


∫ t


< G22∂ζF2(s), ∂ζϕ2 > ds

− < Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (t), ϕ2 >

+ < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > ([0, t]),

I2(t) =


∫ t


< ∂ζF2(s)gk,2, ϕ2 > dβk(s),


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G22(y, ζ) =


|gk,2(y, ζ)|2.

Multiplying (4.0.9) and (4.0.10), we have by taking the expectation

E < F+1 (t) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+1 (t), ϕ1 >< F


2 (t)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (t), ϕ2 >

−E < F1,0, ϕ1 >< F 2,0, ϕ2 >

= E < F1,0, ϕ1 > I2(t) + E < F1,0, ϕ1 >< m2, ∂ζϕ2 > ([0, t])−E < F 2,0, ϕ2 > I1(t)− EI1(t)I2(t)−EI1(t) < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > ([0, t]) + E < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > ([0, t]) < F 2,0, ϕ2 >+E < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > ([0, t])I2(t) + E < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > ([0, t]) < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > ([0, t])

= J1 + · · ·+ J8.


We will deal with all the terms similarly as [12]. First, applying the Ito formula to the productof a continuous martingale and a cadlag function of bounded variation, we deduce the followingintegration by parts (see e.g. [19, Chapter II, Theorem 33])

I1(t) < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > ([0, t])


∫ t


< m2, ∂ζϕ2 > ([0, s))dI1(s) +


I1(s)d < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > (s).

Thus, we have

J5 = −E∫


I1(s)d < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > (s)

and similarly

J7 = E∫


I2(s)d < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > (s).

Moreover, J1 = E < F1,0, ϕ1 > I2(t) = 0 and similarly J3 = 0. Furthermore,

J4 = −E∫ t



with G1,2(x, y; ξ, ζ) :=


gk,1(x, ξ)gk,2(y, ζ).

To deal with J8, we apply the integration by parts formula for functions of bounded variation (seee.g. [20, Chapter 0, Proposition 4.5]). We obtain

J8 = E < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > (0) < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > (0)



< m1, ∂ξϕ1 > ([0, s))d < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > (s)



< m2, ∂ζϕ2 > ([0, s])d < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > (s)

= J80 + J81 + J82.

Since m1 and m2 do not have atoms at 0 a.s., J80 = 0. Indeed, let us call m0 the restriction of min (4.0.8) to 0 ×TN ×R. We deduce from (4.0.8) that

< F+0 − 1u0>ξ, ϕ >= −m0(∂ξϕ) ∀ϕ ∈ C∞c (TN ×R). (4.0.12)

Using the fact that, by Proposition 3.4, m and consequently m0 is a finite measure almost surelyyields ∫


F+(0, ξ)− 10>ξdξ = u0 a.s.


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(see [12] for more details). Therefore, since we can easily observe that

p(ξ) :=

∫ ξ

−∞1u0>v − F+(0, v)dv =

∫ ξ


(1u0>v − 10>v)− (F+(0, v)− 10>v)dv ≥ 0 a.s.

and it follows from (4.0.12) that p = −m0 with m0 a nonnegative measure, we deduce that m0 = 0.

Regarding J81, using the equivalent of formula (4.0.9) for < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > ([0, s)) (obtained in asimilar way as the formula of < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > ([0, s])), we obtain

J81 = E∫


< F−1 (s) + Λ(x)∂ξF−1 (s), ϕ1 > d < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > (s)



< F1,0, ϕ1 > d < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > (s)



I1(s)d < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > (s)

= E∫


< F−1 (s) + Λ(x)∂ξF−1 (s), ϕ1 > d < m2, ∂ζϕ2 > (s)

−J2 − J5.


Therefore, we see that J2 and J5 in (4.0.11) cancel and we have

J811 = E∫



(F−1 (s) + Λ(x)∂ξF−1 (s))ϕ1F2(s)a · ∇ϕ2dsdξdζdxdy




2(F−1 (s) + Λ(x)∂ξF

−1 (s))ϕ1G



(F−1 (t) + Λ(x)∂ξF−1 (t))ϕ1Λ(y)∂ζF

+2 (t)ϕ2dξdζdxdy



∫(F−1 (s) + Λ(x)∂ξF

−1 (s))ϕ1∂ζϕ2dm2(y, s, ζ)dξdx.


Regarding J82, we have using (4.0.10)

J82 = E∫


< F+

2 (s)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (s), ϕ2 > d < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > (s)



< F 2,0, ϕ2 > d < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > (s)



I2(s)d < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > (s)

= E∫


< F+

2 (s)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (s), ϕ2 > d < m1, ∂ξϕ1 > (s)

−J6 − J7.


Similarly as previously, J6 and J7 in (4.0.11) cancel and we have

J821 = E∫




2 (s)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (s))ϕ2F1a · ∇ϕ1dsdξdζdxdy






2 (s)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (s))ϕ2G




2 (t)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (t))ϕ2Λ(x)∂ξF

−1 (t)ϕ1dξdζdxdy





2 (s)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (s))ϕ2∂ξϕ1dm1(x, s, ξ)dζdy.


Let α(x, ξ, y, ζ) = ϕ1(x, ξ)ϕ2(y, ζ). By the previous computations, we obtain an expression for

E (F+1 (t) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+1 (t))(F


2 (t)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (t)), α


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where ·, · denotes the duality distribution over TNx ×Rξ×TN

y ×Rζ . By a density argument,

this expression holds true for any test function α in C∞c (TNx ×Rξ×TN

y ×Rζ). We take α = ρψ with

ρ = ρ(x− y), ψ = ψ(ξ − ζ) nonnegative functions belonging to C∞c (TNx ×Rξ) and C∞c (TN

y ×Rζ),respectively. We notice that we have the remarkable identities

(∇x +∇y)α = 0, (∂ξ + ∂ζ)α = 0. (4.0.17)

We deal with the last terms of J811 and J821.



∫(F−1 (s) + Λ(x)∂ξF

−1 (s))∂ζαdm2(y, s, ζ)dξdx

= −E∫


∫(F−1 (s) + Λ(x)∂ξF

−1 (s))∂ξαdm2(y, s, ζ)dξdx

= E∫



−1 (s) + Λ(x)F−1 (s))αdm2(y, s, ζ)dξdx

= −E∫



s,x(ξ)dxdm2(y, s, ζ)

≤ 0

using the remarkable identities (4.0.17), Proposition 4.3 and the fact that α ≥ 0. Similarly, wehave





2 (s)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (s))∂ξαdζdydm1(x, s, ξ)

= E∫




2 (s)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (s))∂ζαdζdydm1(x, s, ξ)

= −E∫



2 (s)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (s))αdζdydm1(x, s, ξ)

= −E∫



s,y(ζ)dydm1(x, s, ξ)

≤ 0.

We deal with the third terms of J811 and J821 using the remarkable identities (4.0.17).


(F−1 (t) + Λ(x)∂ξF−1 (t))Λ(y)∂ζF

+2 (t))αdξdζdxdy



2 (t)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (t))Λ(x)∂ξF

−1 (t)αdξdζdxdy

= E∫

(−F−1 (t)∂ζF+2 (t)Λ(y)α− Λ(x)Λ(y)∂ξF

−1 (t)∂ζF

+2 (t)α


2 (t)∂ξF−1 (t)Λ(x)α− Λ(y)Λ(x)∂ζF

+2 (t)∂ξF

−1 (t)α)dξdζdxdy

= E∫

(F−1 (t)F+2 (t)Λ(y)∂ζα− F


2 (t)F−1 (t)Λ(x)∂ξα)dξdζdxdy


2Λ(x)Λ(y)F−1 (t)F+2 (t)∂ξ∂ζαdξdζdxdy

= E∫

(F−1 (t)F+2 (t)Λ(y)∂ζα+ F


2 (t)F−1 (t)Λ(x)∂ζα)dξdζdxdy


2Λ(x)Λ(y)F−1 (t)F+2 (t)∂ξ∂ζαdξdζdxdy

= E∫

(F−1 (t)F+2 (t)∂ζα(Λ(x)− Λ(y))dξdζdxdy.


2Λ(x)Λ(y)F−1 (t)F+2 (t)∂ξ∂ζαdξdζdxdy


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We deal with the second terms of J811 and J821 using similar arguments.




2(F−1 (s) + Λ(x)∂ξF

−1 (s))G2







2 (s)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (s))G2


= E∫




2∂ζF2(s)∂ζα+ Λ(x)∂ξF1(s)G22∂ζF2(s)∂ζα

−F 2G21∂ξF1(s)∂ξα+ Λ(y)∂ζF2G


= E∫




2∂ζF2(s)∂ξα+ Λ(x)∂ξF1(s)G22∂ζF2(s)∂ζα

+F 2G21∂ξF1(s)∂ζα− Λ(y)∂ζF2G


= E




1 +G22)dsdξdζdxdy





2 − Λ(y)G21)dsdξdζdxdy.

We deal with the first terms of J811 and J821 using similar arguments.




(F1(s) + Λ(x)∂ξF1(s))F2a(y, ζ) · ∇yαdsdξdζdxdy



∫(F 2(s)− Λ(y)∂ζF2(s))F1a(x, ξ) · ∇xαdsdξdζdxdy

= E


∫(−F1F2a(y, ζ) · ∇yα− Λ(x)∂ξF1F2a(y, ζ) · ∇yα

+F 2F1a(x, ξ) · ∇xα− Λ(y)∂ζF2F1a(x, ξ) · ∇xα)dsdξdζdxdy

= E


∫(F1F 2a(y, ζ) · ∇yα− F1a(y, ζ) · ∇yα− Λ(x)∂ξF1F2a(y, ζ) · ∇yα

+F 2F1a(x, ξ) · ∇xα− Λ(y)∂ζF2F1a(x, ξ) · ∇xα)dsdξdζdxdy

= E


∫F1F 2(a(x, ξ)− a(y, ζ)) · ∇xαdsdξdζdxdy



∫F1a(y, ζ) · ∇yαdsdξdζdxdy



∫Λ(x)F1F2a(y, ζ) · ∂ξ∇yα+ Λ(y)F1F2a(x, ξ) · ∂ζ∇xα)dsdξdζdxdy

= E


∫F1F 2(a(x, ξ)− a(y, ζ)) · ∇xαdsdξdζdxdy



∫F1a(y, ζ) · ∇yαdsdξdζdxdy



∫F1F2(Λ(x)a(y, ζ) + Λ(y)a(x, ξ))∂ζ∇xαdsdξdζdxdy.


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Therefore, altogether we obtain

E (F+1 (t) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+1 (t))(F


2 (t)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (t), α

≤ E F1,0F 2,0, α


(F−1 (t)F+2 (t)∂ζα(Λ(x)− Λ(y))dξdζdxdy


2Λ(x)Λ(y)F−1 (t)F+2 (t)∂ξ∂ζαdξdζdxdy






|gk,1(x, ξ)− gk,2(y, ζ)|2dsdξdζdxdy





2 − Λ(y)G21)dsdξdζdxdy



∫F1F 2(a(x, ξ)− a(y, ζ)) · ∇xαdsdξdζdxdy



∫F1F2(Λ(x)a(y, ζ) + Λ(y)a(x, ξ))∂ζ∇xαdsdξdζdxdy.



∫F1a(y, ζ) · ∇yαdsdξdζdxdy

We take ψ := ψδ and ρ := ρε where (ψδ) and (ρε) are approximations to the identity. Using thefact that F1, F2 are bounded and by assumptions, so are a, g and Λ (as a continuous function ona compact), it is straightforward that

E (F+1 (t) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+1 (t))(F


2 (t)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (t), α

≤ E F1,0F 2,0, α +r(ε, δ)

with r(ε, δ) −→ε,δ→0





(F+1 (t, x, ξ) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+1 (t, x, ξ))(F


2 (t, x, ξ)− Λ(x)∂ξF+2 (t, x, ξ))dξdx

= E∫

(TN )2


ρε(x− y)ψδ(ξ − ζ)(F+1 (t, x, ξ) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+1 (t, x, ξ))


2 (t, y, ζ)− Λ(y)∂ζF+2 (t, y, ζ))dξdζdxdy

+ηt(ε, δ)




F1,0(x, ξ)F 2,0(x, ξ)dxdξ

= E∫

(TN )2


ρε(x− y)ψδ(ξ − ζ)F1,0(x, ξ)F 2,0(y, ζ)dξdζdxdy

+η0(ε, δ)

with ηt(ε, δ), η0(ε, δ) −→ε,δ→0


Finally, letting ε, δ goes to 0, we obtain



(F+1 (t, x, ξ) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+1 (t, x, ξ))(1− (F+

2 (t, x, ξ) + Λ(x)∂ξF+2 (t, x, ξ)))dξdx

≤ E∫TN


F1,0(x, ξ)(1− F2,0(x, ξ))dxdξ. (4.0.18)

We take F1 = F2 = F with the initial datum F1,0 = F2,0 = 1u0>ξ. Indeed, F is bounded since Fεis bounded. Since by (4.0.2), there exists a remainder such that

Fε + Λ(x)∂ξFε = 1uε>ξ + r2(ε)


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with r2(ε) −→ε,δ→0

0, passing to the limit we obtain that

0 ≤ F + Λ(x)∂ξF ≤ 1

and we deduce from (4.0.18) that

(F+(t) + Λ(x)∂ξF+(t))(1− (F+(t) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+(t))) = 0 a.e.

and so thatF+(t) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+(t) ∈ 0, 1.

Thus, the fact that −∂ξ(F+ + Λ(x)∂ξF+) is a Young measure gives the conclusion. Indeed,

by Fubini theorem, for any t ∈ [0, T ], there is a set of full measure in TN × Ω such thatfor (x, ω) ∈ Et, (F+(x, t, ξ, ω) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+(x, t, ξ, ω)) ∈ 0, 1 for a.e. ξ ∈ R. Recall that -∂ξ(F

++Λ(x)∂ξF+)(x, t, ·, ω) is a probability measure on R, necessarily, there exists u+(x, t, ω) ∈ R

such thatF+(t, x, ξ, ω) + Λ(x)∂ξF

+(t, x, ξ, ω) = 1u+(x,t,ω)>ξ

for almost every (x, ξ, ω).

We can do the exact same reasoning for F−(t) + Λ(x)∂ξF−(t).

We can deduce from (4.0.5) that∂ξ1u(t)>ξ = −ν

i.e. ν = δu=ξ. Thus, using (4.0.4), we have∫TN

|u(t, x)|dx =



|ξ|dνt,x(ξ)dxdt < +∞

which concludes the proof.

Corollary 4.6. The kinetic solution u to (1.0.1) with initial datum u0 satisfying (2.0.10) is unique.

Proof. We deduce from (4.0.18) and Proposition 4.4 that



1u1>ξ1u2>ξdξdx ≤ E∫TN


1u1,0>ξ1u2,0>ξdξdx (4.0.19)

and so



(u1 − u2)+ ≤ E∫TN

(u1,0 − u2,0)+.

Thus, this L1-contraction property directly yields the uniqueness of u.


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A Well posedness of the stochastic kinetic model

Our purpose is to establish the existence of a solution to the stochastic BGK modeldF ε + divx(a(x, ξ)F ε)dt+



εdt =1uε>ξ − F ε

εdt− ∂ξF εΦdW +




Fε(0) = 1u0>ξ,(A.0.1)

where we recall uε(t, x) =


fε(t, x, ξ)dξ and fε = Fε − 10>ξ.

The proof being quite similar to the one in the case of a classical stochastic BGK model, we willnot investigate all the details in the following and we will invite the reader to consult [11] for moretechnical details.

In order to use Duhamel’s formula, let us first show an interest in the following auxiliary problemdXε + divx(a(x, ξ)Xε)dt+



εdt = −∂ξXεΦdW +1



Xε(s) = X0.(A.0.2)

In order to apply the stochastic characteristic method of Kunita [15], we introduce a truncatedproblem. Of course, we will then pass to the limit on the truncation parameter to obtain ouroriginal problem.

A.1 A truncated problem

We are interested in the truncated problem described in section 3.1,dXε + divx(aR(x, ξ)Xε)dt+



εdt = −∂ξXεΦRdW +1



Xε(s) = X0.(A.1.1)

To apply the method of stochastic characteristics, we must reformulate the problem in Stratonovichform. Using the formula which links Ito and Stratonovich integrals, we are able to prove that ifX is a C1(TN × R)-valued continuous (Ft)-semimartingale whose martingale part is given by

−∫ t


RdW then

−∫ t


∂ξΦdW +1


∫ t


∂ξ(GR,2∂ξX)dr = −

∫ t


∂ξXΦR dW +1


∫ t


∂ξX∂ξGR,2dr (A.1.2)

and for X being only a D′(TN × R)-valued continuous (Ft)-semimartingale, the result is stillvalid in the sense of distributions (see [11] for more details). The truncated problem can then bereformulated as follows

dXε + divx(aR(x, ξ)Xε)dt+Λ(x)


εdt = −∂ξXεΦR dW +1



Xε(s) = X0.(A.1.3)

and applying the method, we obtain the following proposition:

Proposition A.1. Let R > 0. If X0 ∈ C3,µ(TN ×R) almost surely, there exists a unique strongsolution to (A.1.3) that we will denote Xε(t, x, ξ; s).In addition, Xε(t, x, ξ; s) is a continuous C3,ν-semimartingale for some ν > 0 and is representedby

Xε(t, x, ξ; s) = exp

(∫ t


−divx(aR(Ψε,Rθ,t (x, ξ)))dθ


s,t (x, ξ)), (A.1.4)


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where ΨR is the inverse flow of the stochastic flow associated with the stochastic characteristicsystem coming from (A.1.3).

Remark A.1. The stochastic characteristic system associated with (A.1.3) is the followingdϕε,R,0t =

Λ(ϕε,R,1t , . . . , ϕε,R,Nt )

εdt− 1


R,2(ϕε,Rt )dt+


gRk (ϕε,Rt ) dβk(t),

dϕε,R,it = aRi (ϕε,Rt )dt pour i = 1, . . . , N,

dηε,Rt = ηε,Rt (−divx(aR(ϕε,Rt )))dt.


We notice that in our case, it still presents a dependence on ε.

We denote by Sε,R the solution operator of (A.1.3). We have

Sε,R(t, s)X0 = exp

(∫ t


−divx(aR(Ψε,Rθ,t (x, ξ))))dθ


s,t (x, ξ)). (A.1.6)

The domain of definition of the solution operator can be extended to X0 only defined almosteverywhere since diffeomorphisms preserve sets of measure zero. Nevertheless, the resulting processwill no longer be a strong solution. We obtain the following properties for the operator Sε,R.

Proposition A.2. Let R > 0, ε > 0 and Sε,R = Sε,R(t, s), 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T be defined aspreviously. Then

(i) Sε,R is a family of bounded linear operators on L1(Ω×TN ×R) such that the operator normis bounded by 1, meaning for any X0 ∈ L1(Ω×TN ×R), 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T ,

‖Sε,R(t, s)X0‖L1(Ω×TN×R) ≤ ‖X0‖L1(Ω×TN×R). (A.1.7)

(ii) Sε,R verifies the semi-group law

Sε,R(t, s) = Sε,R(t, r) Sε,R(r, s), 0 ≤ s ≤ r ≤ t ≤ T,Sε,R(s, s) = Id, 0 ≤ s ≤ T. (A.1.8)

Sketch of the proof. The proof being essentially the same as the one in [11], let us only recall herethe main ideas and emphasize what is a bit different in our case. The idea is the following: wefirst work with regularized initial data Xδ

0 defined as follows Xδ0 (ω) = (X0(ω) ∗ hδ)kδ where (kδ)

is a smooth truncation on R and (hδ) is an approximation to the identity on TN ×R in order tobuild a unique strong solution Xε,δ = Sε,R(t, s)Xδ

0 to the following systemdXε,δ + divx(aR(x, ξ)Xε,δ)dt+



ε,δdt = −∂ξXε,δΦRdW +1



Xε,δ(s) = Xδ0 .

(A.1.9)The aim is the following: we integrate the equation (A.1.9) with respect to the variables ω, x, ξand obtain



Xε,δ(t, x, ξ)dξdx + E∫ t




divx(aR(x, ξ)Xε,δ(r, x, ξ))dξdxdr

+ E∫ t






ε,δ(r, x, ξ)dξdxdr

= E∫TN


Xδ0 (x, ξ)dξdx− E

∫ t




∂ξXε,δ(r, x, ξ)ΦRdWrdξdx

+ E∫ t






R,2(x, ξ)∂ξXε,δ(r, x, ξ))dξdxdr. (A.1.10)

Then, we want to show that all the terms disappear except for the first term of the left-hand sideand the first term of the right-hand side. Let us first focus on the stochastic integral. All we needto do is:


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(1) Prove that for all x ∈ TN , ξ ∈ R,

∫ t


∂ξXε,δ(r, x, ξ)ΦRdWr is a well defined martingale with

zero expected value.

(2) Use the stochastic Fubini theorem to interchange integrals with respect to x, ξ and thestochastic one.

Then we will have proven the disappearance of the second term of the right-hand side.

In order to do (1), we must prove that E∫ ts|∂ξXε,δ(r, x, ξ)gRk |2dr < +∞. The expression of Xε,δ

being slightly more complicated in our case, we must claim that not only ∂ξΨε,Rs,r (x, ξ) but also

∂xiΨε,Rs,r and ∂ξ∂xi

Ψε,Rs,r for i = 1, . . . , N solves a backward stochastic differential equations with

bounded coefficients (see [15, Theorem 4.6.5 and Corollary 4.6.6]) since gRk , Xδ0 and all the partial

derivatives of all order of aRi for i = 1, . . . , N are bounded. Thus, these solutions possess momentsof any order which are bounded in 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T , x ∈ TN , ξ ∈ R. By assumption (2.0.2), we havedivx(a(x, ξ)) ≥ 0 for all x, ξ which leads to the statement (1).

To prove (2), we must establish that



(E∫ T


(|∂ξXε,δgRk (x, ξ)|2)dr


dξdx < +∞. (A.1.11)

By the expression (A.1.4) of Xε,δ , we know that ∂ξXε,δ only contains terms, mentioned previously,

which all are bounded or possess moments of any order which are bounded. Then it is enough toprove that Xδ

0 (Ψε,Rs,r (x, ξ)) and ∇x,ξXδ

0 (Ψε,Rs,r (x, ξ)) are compactly supported in ξ for all s, r, x,P−

a.s. by means of some growth control on the stochastic flow to conclude (for more details see [11]).

Finally, the second term of the left-hand side disappears using periodic boundary conditions andthe third terms of the left-hand side and the right-hand side disappears because of the supportcompact in ξ of respectfully Xε,δ and GR,2. Therefore at the end, we obtain



Xε,δ(t, x, ξ)dξdx = E∫TN


Xδ0 (x, ξ)dξdx. (A.1.12)

The statement (i) of Proposition A.2 is then obtained by passing to the limit in δ and a use of theFatou lemma. The statement (ii) of Proposition A.2 is straightforward using the flow property ofΨ.

Moreover, a use of the regularization Xδ0 together with the dominated convergence theorem and

the dominated convergence theorem for stochastic integrals directly leads to the following result:

Corollary A.3. Let R > 0. If X0 is a Fs ⊗ B(TN )⊗ B(R)- measurable initial data belonging toL∞(Ω × TN ×R), then there exists a weak solution Xε ∈ L∞Ps

(Ω × [s, T ] × TN ×R) to (A.1.3)

meaning for any φ ∈ C∞c (TN ×R), a.e. t ∈ [s, T ], P a.s.,

< Xε(t), φ >=< Xε(0), φ > +

∫ t


< Xε(r), aR.∇φ > dr +1


∫ t


< Xε(r),Λ(x)∂ξφ > dr



∫ t


< Xε(r), ∂ξ(gRk φ) > dβk(r) +



∫ t


< Xε(r), ∂ξ(GR,2∂ξφ) > dr. (A.1.13)

Moreover, Xε is represented by Xε = Sε,R(t, s)X0. In particular, t 7→< Sε,R(t, s)X0, φ > is acontinuous (Ft)t≥s- semimartingale.

Remark A.2. We point out that in our situation, with the presence of the term divx(aR(x, ξ))which is not necessary equal to zero, the use of the commutation lemma of Di Perna-Lions ([8,


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Lemma II.1]) proves that the uniqueness of a weak solution no longer holds precisely in the casewhere divx(aR(x, ξ)) is not equal to zero. Indeed, due to linearity, it is actually enough to provethat any L∞-weak solution starting from 0 vanishes identically. Then, using the commutationlemma, we are able to prove that, actually, one of the term which is supposed to disappear involves−Xdivx(aR).

A.2 Passage to the non truncated problem

Our aim is to derive the existence of a weak solution todXε + divx(a(x, ξ)Xε)dt+



εdt = −∂ξXεΦdW +1



Xε(s) = X0.(A.2.1)

Proposition A.4. If X0 is a Fs ⊗ B(TN )⊗ B(R)- measurable initial data belonging to L∞(Ω×TN ×R), then there exists a weak solution Xε ∈ L∞Ps

(Ω× [s, T ]×TN ×R) to (A.2.1). Moreover,it is represented by

Sε(t, s)(ω, x, ξ) := limR→+∞

[Sε,R(t, s)X0](ω, x, ξ), 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T. (A.2.2)

Proof. We denote τR(s, x, ξ) = inft ≥ s, |ϕε,R,0s,t (x, ξ)| > R2 with the convention inf ∅ = T .

τR(s, x, ξ) is a stopping time with respect to the filtration (Ft)t≥s for any s ∈ [0, t], x ∈ TN ,ξ ∈ R. For more clarity, we do not write the dependence on s, x, ξ of τR in the following.

Let us first prove that (τR)R∈N is a non decreasing sequence such that τ∞ := limR→∞

τR is equal to

T almost surely. We know that for any R > 0, the process ϕε,R,0 satisfies the equation

dϕε,R,0t =Λ(ϕε,R,1t , . . . , ϕε,R,Nt )



gRk (ϕε,Rt )dβk(t). (A.2.3)

We denote τR := infτR, τR+1. The equations satisfy by ϕε,R,0t and ϕε,R+1,0t being exactly

the same on [0, τR], then the coefficients being at least Lipschitz we know that ϕε,R,0s,t (x, ξ) =

ϕε,R+1,0s,t (x, ξ) for t ∈ [0, τR]. Thus, we obtain that τR ≤ τR+1. Indeed, let us reason by contradic-

tion and suppose that τR > τR+1. Therefore, for t ∈ [τR+1, τR], we have

|ϕε,R,0s,t (x, ξ)| = |ϕε,R+1,0s,t (x, ξ)| > R+ 1



which is a contradiction with the fact that τR is the infimum of the times realizing this condition.So the sequence (τR)R∈N is a non decreasing and we can define the almost sure limit

τ∞ := limR→∞

τR. (A.2.4)

We know that τ∞ is still a stopping time. We denote ϕε,0s,t (x, ξ) = ϕε,R,0s,t (x, ξ) for t ∈ [0, τR]. Theprocess is defined on [0, τ∞] and it is a solution of

dϕε,0t =Λ(ϕε,1t , . . . , ϕε,Nt )



gk(ϕεt )dβk(t). (A.2.5)

Let us now establish some useful estimates to conclude. Denoting ϕε,R,0s,t (s) = ϕε,R,0in , we have

ϕε,R,0s,t = ϕε,R,0in +

∫ t


Λ(ϕε,R,1r , . . . , ϕε,R,Nr )

εdr +

∫ t



gRk (ϕε,Rr )dβk(r)

|ϕε,R,0s,t |2 ≤ C

|ϕε,R,0in |2 +

(∫ t


∣∣∣∣∣Λ(ϕε,R,1s,r , . . . , ϕε,R,Ns,r )


∣∣∣∣∣ dr)2


∣∣∣∣∣∫ t



gRk (ϕε,Rs,r )dβk(r)



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and so

supt∈[s,T ]


∣∣∣2 ≤ C

|ϕε,R,0in |2 + supt∈[s,T ]

∣∣∣∣∣∫ t


Λ(ϕε,R,1s,r , . . . , ϕε,R,Ns,r )



+ supt∈[s,T ]

∣∣∣∣∣∫ t



gRk (ϕε,Rs,r )dβk(r)

∣∣∣∣∣2. (A.2.6)

Thus by taking the expectation, using well-known results on martingales and the assumptions ongk, we have

E supt∈[s,T ]

|ϕε,R,0s,t |2 ≤ C

E|ϕε,R,0in |2 +M2T 2

ε2+ E sup

t∈[s,T ]

∣∣∣∣∣∫ t



gRk (ϕε,Rs,r )dβk(r)


≤ C

(E|ϕε,R,0in |2 +

M2T 2

ε2+ 4

∫ T



|gRk (ϕε,Rs,r )|2dr

)≤ C

(E|ϕε,R,0in |2 +

M2T 2

ε2+ T

)=: C(ϕε,R,0in , T, ε).


Indeed, Λ being continuous on TN compact, there exists a constant M such that for all x ∈ TN ,|Λ(x)| ≤M . Finally, applying the Markov inequality, we obtain


(supt∈[s,T ]

|ϕε,R,0s,t | ≥R


)≤ 4


(supt∈[s,T ]

|ϕε,R,0s,t |2)

≤ 4 C(ϕε,R,0in , T, ε)



and then


(supt∈[s,T ]

|ϕε,R,0s,t | <R


)≥ 1− 4 C(ϕε,R,0in , T, ε)

R2. (A.2.9)

(τR)R∈N being a non decreasing sequence, we finally obtain that P(τ∞ = T ) = 1 passing to thelimit in R.

Still because of uniqueness we have Sε,R+1(t, s)X0 = Sε,R(t, s)X0 on [0, τR(s, x, ξ)]. So, we define

Sε(t, s)X0(ω, x, ξ) := limR→+∞

[Sε,R(t, s)X0](ω, x, ξ), 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T. (A.2.10)

which is a solution to (A.2.1).

Corollary A.5. We have the following properties:

(i) Sε = Sε(t, s), 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T is a family of bounded operators on L1(Ω×TN ×R) such thatthe operator norm is bounded by 1 meaning for any X0 ∈ L1(Ω×TN ×R), 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T ,

‖Sε(t, s)X0‖L1(Ω×TN×R) ≤ ‖X0‖L1(Ω×TN×R). (A.2.11)

(ii) Sε,R verifies the semi-group law

Sε(t, s) = Sε(t, r) Sε(r, s), 0 ≤ s ≤ r ≤ t ≤ T,Sε(s, s) = Id, 0 ≤ s ≤ T. (A.2.12)

The proof is straightforward using the definition of Sε and Proposition A.2.We can conclude to the existence of a solution for the stochastic kinetic equation.


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Proposition A.6. For any ε > 0, there exists a weak solution of the stochastic BGK equationwith a high field scaling denoted by Fε. Moreover, Fε is represented by

Fε(t) = e−t/εSε(t, 0)1u0>ξ +1


∫ t


e−t−sε Sε(t, s)1uε(s)>ξds. (A.2.13)

Sketch of the proof. Noticing that Fε is not integrable with respect to ξ, we introduce the processhε(t) := Fε−Sε(t, 0)10>ξ. Then, by Proposition A.4, we obtain that hε solves the following system

dhε + divx(a(x, ξ)hε)dt+Λ(x)


εdt =(1uε>ξ − Sε(t, 0)10>ξ)− hε

εdt− ∂ξhεΦdWt




hε(0) = χu0.

(A.2.14)The proof is then quite classical. Indeed, using Duhamel’s formula, the problem (A.2.14) can berewritten as follows

hε(t) = e−t/εSε(t, 0)χu0+



∫ t


e−t−sε Sε(t, s)

[1uε(s)>ξ − Sε(s, 0)10>ξ

]ds (A.2.15)

and it is then reduced to a fixed point method. We define the mapping L:

(Lg)(t) = e−t/sSε(t, 0)χu0+



∫ t


e−t−sε Sε(t, s)

[1v(s)>ξ − Sε(s, 0)10>ξ

]ds (A.2.16)

where v(s) =∫R

(g(s, ξ)+Sε(s, 0)10>ξ−10>ξ)dξ. We show that the mapping L is a contraction onL∞(0, T ;L1(Ω×TN )) using Corollary A.5 and assumptions on the initial data (see [11] for moredetails). Then we can conclude to the existence of a unique fixed point hε in L∞(0, T ;L1(Ω×TN )).Moreover, using the properties of the solution operator of Corollary A.5 and using the fact thatχu0 = 1u0>ξ − 10>ξ, we finally obtain

Fε(t) = hε(t) + Sε(t, 0)10>ξ

= e−t/εSε(t, 0)1u0>ξ +1


∫ t


e−t−sε Sε(t, s)1uε(s)>ξds


which concludes the proof.

Remark A.3. As a consequence of Corollary A.3, Fε(t) satisfies the following : t 7→< Fε(t), φ >is a continuous (Ft)- semimartingale for any φ ∈ C∞c (TN ×R).

Acknowledgment. The author thanks F. Berthelin and F. Delarue for many helpful discussions.


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