High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Northern and High Renaissance. By: Alex Kiczales An Art Presentation.



Transcript of High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Page 1: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Northern and High Renaissance. By: Alex Kiczales

An Art Presentation.

Page 2: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)


2 parts (Northern and High).

Bit of basic information of the movement.

Famous pieces of art at that movement.

Famous artist at that movement.

Page 3: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

High Rennaissance

c. 1490-1527

Period had a lot of architecture, artist studied anatomy to better understand the human body.

Period know for the phrase Renaissance Man, meaning they are good at a lot of things.

Famous pieces include, the Mona Lisa, the David, the Sistine Chapel, and the Last Supper.

Period is know as the golden age of art.

Artist include da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael.

Page 4: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Piece 1

Title: Vitruvian Man, Study of Proportions, from Vitruvius’s De Architectura

Date: 1490

Artist: Leonardo da Vinci

Medium: Pen and Ink

Notes: This drawing of the Vitruvian man here shows how da Vinci was such a great scientist by how he went into so many details with muscles. The drawing is actually made up of two (circle and square), that are laid on top of each other.

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Piece 2

Title: Girl with Cherries

Date: 1495

Artist: Either Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis, or Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio.

Medium: Oil on Wood

Notes: Painted by an artist in da Vinci’s circle. The painting shows a girl holdings cherries in wood bowl with a a black background. Because of the black the colors in the front pop out vibrantly. (The Met)

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Piece 3

Title: Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

Date: 1512

Artist: Michelangelo

Medium: Fresco

Notes: One of Michelangelo's few, and most famous paintings is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. The top part of the ceiling is divided into 3 sections; 1. the first one dealing with Noah, 2. the middle one dealing with God, Adam, and Eve, 3. the final one dealing with god and the earth.




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Piece 4

Title: The Agony in the Garden.

Date: ?

Artist: Raphael

Medium: Oil on Wood

Notes: This painting was originally part of an altarpiece but it was removed from the other parts later. The original painting didn’t include the angle in the corner, that was added afterwards.

(The Met)

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Piece 5

Title: The School of Athens

Date: 1511

Artist: Raphael

Medium: Oil on Plaster

Notes: Is a painting that represents all of the greatest scientist, mathematicians, and philosophers of that time. The painting is organized into different groups. At the bottom there are a couple of sculptures. Raphael also included himself in the painting, (yellow box).


Khan Academy

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Piece 6

Title: Three Studies for the Christ Child

Date: c.1514

Artist: Raphael

Medium: Red Chalk

Notes: This was sketches of a live model baby, that clearly shows the baby fat that the baby still has on him.

(The Met)

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Piece 7

Title: Study for the Head of Julius Caesar

Date: 1520-1521

Artist: Andrea del Sarto

Medium: Red Chalk

Notes: This piece of art, is a chalk art piece created by del Sarto that portrays the roman ruler Julius Caesar. It was originally part of a Fresco commissioned by the Pope Leo X.

(The Met)

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Piece 8

Title: Madonna and Child

Date: c. 1495-1500

Artist: Francesco Francia

Medium: Oil on Wood

Notes: Is a painting of Madonna holding a young child just inside of a window frame. If one looks closely at the frame of the window they can see that the inner edges represent illusionistically. (The Met)

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Piece 9

Title: Baptism of Christ

Date: 1472-1475

Artist: Andrea del Verrocchio

Medium: Oil on Wood

Notes: Painting originally commissioned by the San Salvi church in Florence. It is thought that Leonardo da Vinci as a pupil helped and painted a bit of this painting. The paintings depicts the baptism of Christ, with the golden rays depicting the arms of god.


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Piece 10

Title: Portraits of a Musician

Date: 1490

Artist: Leonardo da Vinci

Medium: Oil on Panel

Notes: The portrait here depicts a musician with music paper in his hand. Some historians debate if this was actually da Vinci’s work. If it was to be his work it would be his only painting of a man.


Page 14: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), is one of the true renaissance man because of his capability to be a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, artist…

da Vinci is most well know for his works such as The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and The Vitruvian man.

da Vinci was also a incredible inventor who came up with ideas for some of the incredible feats that we have today such as the helicopter or the tank. Back in his time his ideas where impossible to ever create.

Page 15: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Leonardo da Vinci (Piece 1)

Mona Lisa (La Gioconda, La Jaconde), (c.1503-05).

The Mona Lisa is probably the most famous of the Renaissance paintings. If you look at her eyes carefully one can see that she looks at you from all different angles. In this portraits here gaze is probably for her husband a wealthy merchant.

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Leonardo da Vinci (Piece 2)

In these drawings below one can see what a great inventor da Vinci was. In the ones below da Vinci draws images of what a water lifting device would look like in the future. da Vinci is know for some really impressive inventions such as the helicopter.

Drawings of water lifting devices, (?).

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Leonardo da Vinci (Piece 3)

The Last Supper, (1498).

The Last Supper, By Leonardo da Vinci, depicts Christ last supper with the apostles before he is arrested because of one of the apostles betraying him, like he predicted by saying “ one of you will betray me”. Geometrical: He painting is painted in one point perspective on how the wall join at one spot. One can also notice that Christ body is painted to look like a triangle. Also all of the apostles are painted in 4 groups of three.

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Michelangelo (1475-1564), was an Italian artist that is most known for his stone sculptures.

He can be also considered a renaissance man because of his immense studies in the sciences.

During his life he and Leonardo da Vinci had a rivalry for who can create the best pieces of art.

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Michelangelo (Piece 1)

Pieta, (1499)

One of Michelangelo’s world famous sculptures, this one depicts the Virgin Mary holding the dead Christ across her lap. One can see how hard I would have been to sculpt it because of all the robes and muscles.

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Michelangelo (Piece 2)

Many years after painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo was asked by the pope at the time to paint the alter piece there. Michelangelo titles his piece The Last Judgment which depicts Christ returning and judging all of mankind. In the painting, Michelangelo separates the people who will go to heaven or hell on the right and left side.

The Last Judgment, (1541).

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Michelangelo (Piece 3)

David, (1504).

Was a sculpture commissioned by the board of works for the cathedral in Florence. The original plan was to put it up where no one would see it, but after looking at the finished project hey decided to place it in the square. The sculpture is based off of the story of David which is about a young soldier, who protects the Israelites from goliath with only a rock and slingshot and no armor. You can see the rock in David’s right hand and the slingshot in his left. The sculpture is an amazing 17 feet tall.

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1483-1520 was an Italian painter and Architect of the High Renaissance.

His paintings are know for looking super realistic.

Throughout his career he went through 3 phases; Early year in Umbria, 4 years with art from Florence, and his 12 final years of triumph in Rome.

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Raphael (Piece 1)

Lady with a Unicorn, (?)

Is a painting which depicts, a young lady that holding a little baby Unicorn in her arms. One can see behind her that there are a couple of pillars suggesting that’s eh is inside of a castle. One can also tell that she is from a more wealthy family because of how her clothes look.

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Raphael (Piece 2)

In this painting below one can see the Iconic image of the Saint George fighting a dragon. Throughout Raphael career he would paint multiple painting of this image.

St. George Fighting the Dragon, (c.1500’s).

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Raphael (Piece 3)

Cherubini, (1514).

Is a painting of two cherubs, with a cloud behind them. One can see that the Cherubs are having a moment of thought together.

Page 26: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Northern Renaissance


Was a mix in between gothic art at the time, and the new art movement called the renaissance.

Artist began to go into more detail on what they where painting. Also anatomy started to be studied more closely.

Some famous artist include Dürer, van Eyck, Bosch.

Painting had a long range of what they where, from gothic art, to the renaissance.

Page 27: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Piece 1

Title: Erasmus of Rotterdam

Date: c.1530

Artist: Hans Holbein the Younger

Medium: Oil on Wood

Notes: Painted many paintings of Erasmus. Based off of a real person, in a sitting after 1528. Erasmus is depicted as a wise Man by the way his eyes look.

(The Met)

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Piece 2

Title: The Judgment of Paris

Date: c. 1528

Artist: Lucas Cranach the Elder

Medium: Oil on Wood

Notes: Shows Paris (angel) awarding the fairest of the three goddesses a golden apple. Cranach also painted a painting similar to this housed in Basle, Switzerland.

(The Met)

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Piece 3

Title: Adam and Eve

Date: 1504

Artist: Albrecht Dürer

Medium: Engraving

Notes: This engraving shows how renaissance artist wanted to get the subjects muscles in the best position. Adam has a ash branch in his hand, and eve holds a fig.

(The Met)

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Piece 4

Title: Martin Luther

Date: ?-c.1532

Artist: Workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder.

Medium: Oil on Wood

Notes: Painting of the famous Martin Luther by a member of Lucas’s workshop. Cranach, was at the time painting many paintings for the courts, during the protestant revolution. (The Met)

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Piece 5

Title: Venus and Cupid

Date: c.1525-1527

Artist: Lucas Cranach the Elder

Medium: Oil on Panel

Notes: Shows Venus turning away from Cupid. Cupid is missing his arrows in the paintings. This is intended to amuse and delight.(The Met)

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Piece 6

Title: Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh: An Allegory of the Dinteville Family.

Date: 1537.

Artist: Master of the Dinteville Allegory.

Medium: Oil on Wood.

Notes: This paintings portrays four brother and their crisis with the King of France. Some of the brothers are pleaded to release the Israelites.

Status: Wentworth Fund. (The Met)

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Piece 7

Title: Chancellor Leonhard von Eck.

Date: 1527

Artist: Barthel Beham

Medium: Oil on Wood

Notes: Beham was also an outstanding printmaker. He was expelled from Lutheran Nuremburg with his brother in 1525. Because of this they moved to Catholic Munich where this panting was painted. The Chancellor portrayed is Chancellor William IV.

Status: John Stewart Kennedy Fund(The Met)

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Piece 8

Title: The Arnolfini Portrait

Date: 1434

Artist: Jan van Eyck

Medium: Oil Painting

Notes: The painting portrays the wedding of the Arnolfini family. Even thought the wife to be looks pregnant she isn’t. If you look closely at the mirror in the background you can see a reflation of the couple. (National Gallery)(National Gallery)

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Piece 9

Title: The Fifteen Mysteries and the Virgin of the Rosary

Date: c. 1515-1520

Artist: Painter Unknown (Could be Goswijn van der Weyden)

Medium: Oil on Wood

Notes: In this Altarpiece there are 15 mysteries about Virgin’s life. The scene at the bottom is of Virgin holding Christ. The painting was probably commissioned for someone in the Habsburg court, because of the gardens.(The Met)

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Piece 10

Title: The Wedding Dance

Date: c. 1566

Artist: Pieter Brueghel

Medium: Oil on Panel

Notes: The artist to this painting is known for his many painting depicting people dancing. This one here is of people dancing during a wedding celebration.

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Jan van Eyck

Most famous of the artist at the time.

c. 1395 (Belgium) - c. 1441.

Was a early Netherlandish painter.

Did not invent oil painting but developed new techniques to use it.

Not Related to Hubert van Eyck, but where probably born in the same town.

Unknown if this is a self portrait.

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Jan van Eyck (Piece 1)

The Ghent Altarpiece. (1432)

One of the most famous altarpieces ever created. It is currently housed in the cathedral in Ghent, Belgium. The piece was damaged during the German invasion. This invasion has been depicted in the new movie The Monuments Men. The altarpiece has since been redone with help from the Getty foundation.

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Jan van Eyck (Piece 2)

The Madonna of Canon Vander Paele. (1436) This painting here was painted

to express who god really was at that time. In the painting Madonna was the lady in the red who is holding the baby.

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Jan van Eyck (Piece 3)

Man in Turban. (1433)

Painting of a man wearing a red turban. One can see that the clothes on his chest is almost the same color as the background, making it look like he emerging from the shadow. Some historians believe that this is a self portraits but it has never been proven. It is currently housed at the National gallery in the UK.

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Albrecht Dürer

German painter, printmaker and theorist (1471-1528).

One of Europe's first landscape artist that used watercolor.

On top of just using carving technics Dürer revolutionized the medium.

Albrecht is one of the most famous artist of the times because of the concentration he took with proportions.

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Albrecht Dürer (Piece 1)

Self Portrait at 26. (1498)

By looking at the clothes that Dürer is wearing one can tell that he has a really creative mind. One can look at the wall behind and the landscape behind it, looks like he is in a tall building making him look rich.

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Albrecht Dürer (Piece 2)

First painted as an alter piece for the German community in Venice. The painting portrays Madonna, with cherubs holding other things up to her.

Feast of the Rose Garlands. (1506)

Page 44: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Albrecht Dürer (Piece 3)

Arco is famous town in the mountains in Italy. I One of his famous landscapes as he is one of the first Europeans to paint them. This painting is a very realistic painting of a town in Italy.

View of Arco. (1495)

Page 45: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Hieronymus Bosch

1450-1516 was a Netherlandish painter, who painted many paintings of human sins or failings.

Used images of demons, and half human figures to place the image of fear in ones mind and to hopefully portray the evil in man.

Most of his paintings where complex with a lot of figures in them.

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Hieronymus Bosch (Piece 1)

The Garden of Earthy Delights. (1505)

This is a three panel painting depicting three different scenes. On one side of the painting it depicts paradise with Adam and Eve (1), while on the other side it depicts hell (2). The central piece is of a garden in between the two other panels (3). Title of this paneled panting, paints out a picture about what the painting is going to be1. 2.3.

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Hieronymus Bosch (Piece 2)

Tondal’s Vision. (?)

This painting portrays images from Tondal’s point of view. In the painting Tondal is seeing images of destruction and evil. Tondal in this painting, is a wealthy Irish knight whose soul goes on a journey of hell and paradise.

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Hieronymus Bosch (Piece 3)

Portraits a table in the middle with sevens thing that if someone where to do they come with sins. Also there are four other smaller tables in the corners of the painting with an unknown meaning. This painting also has another title of the Table of Things Not to Do.

Seven Deadly Sins/ Table of Wisdom.(?)

Page 49: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Works Cited 1

Works Cited

"Albrecht Durer - The complete works." Albrecht Durer - The complete works. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2014. <http://www.albrecht-durer.org/>.

"Art magazine - theartwolf.com." theArtWolf.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2014. <http://www.theartwolf.com/>.

"Explore Smarthistory." Smarthistory: a multimedia web-book about art and art history. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/>.

"Hieronymous Bosch - The complete works." Hieronymous Bosch - The complete works. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. http://www.hieronymus-bosch.org/.

Page 50: High and Northern Renaissance (Art History)

Works Cited 2

"Jan Van Eyck - The complete works." Jan Van Eyck - The complete works. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2014. <http://www.jan-van-eyck.org/>.

"Leonardo Da Vinci - The complete works." Leonardo Da Vinci - The complete works. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <http://www.leonardoda-vinci.org/>.

"Michelangelo - The complete works." Michelangelo - The complete works. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. <http://www.michelangelo-gallery.org/>.

"Raphael - The complete works." Raphael - The complete works. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <http://www.raphaelsanzio.org/>.

"The Getty." The Getty. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2014. https://www.getty.edu.

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"The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Home." The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. <http://www.metmuseum.org/>.

"The National Gallery, London." The National Gallery, London. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Mar. 2014. <http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/>.

"Visita el Museo." Museo Nacional del Prado. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. <https://www.museodelprado.es>.

"Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum, searchable database of European fine arts (1000-1900)." Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum, searchable database of European fine arts (1000-1900). N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. <http://www.wga.hu/>.

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Works Cited 4

"Worlds of Leonardo da Vinci." Worlds of Leonardo da Vinci. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <http://leonardodavinci.stanford.edu/>.