Hidroelectrica de Itaipu Diapo Final



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Transcript of Hidroelectrica de Itaipu Diapo Final

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(Student : Alfaro Cruz Ral E.)

UBICACIN LOCATION Itaipu Hydroelectric is located on the Paran River in the stretch of border between Brazil and Paraguay, 14 km north of the Friendship Bridge, in the towns of Foz do Iguau in Brazil and Hernandrias in Paraguay.LahidroelctricaItaipuBinacionalestubicadaen elroParan, en el tramodefronteraentreBrasily Paraguay, 14 km al Norte delPuentede la Amistad, en losmunicipiosdeFozdoIguau, enBrasilyHernandarias, en Paraguay.

It is called a dam or dam wall made of stone, concrete or loose material, usually in a closed or gorge on a river or stream.Se denominapresaorepresaa una barrera fabricada con piedra,hormigno materiales sueltos, habitualmente en una cerrada o desfiladero sobre unrooarroyo.Represa dam

Civil engineer Paul Folberth (German). For four years I Itaipu hydroelectric design. The second dam in the world...Ingeniero civil Paul Folberth (Alemn).Durante cuatro aos diseo la hidroelctrica itaipu .La segunda hidroelctrica del mundo. DISEADO POR DESIGNED BY

by the Unicon (Brazilian) and Conempa consortia (Paraguay), while Electromechanical assembly works were executed by ITAMON (Brazilian) and CIE consortia (Paraguay).a cargo de losconsorciosUnicon(brasileo) yConempa(Paraguayo),mientrasquelasobrasdemontaje ElectromecnicofueronejecutadasporlosconsorciosItamon(brasileo) yCIE(Paraguayo).Consorcios encargados de la construccin civilConsortia responsible for civil construction

Its construction began in 1975 and ended in 1991 in the river Paran Itaipu was built in 16 years. The plant generates 75 million MWh per year.Su construccin se inici en 1975 y se termin en 1991 en el ro Paran Itaip se construyo en 16 aos . La planta genera 75 millones de MWh al ao.

Permanent Assets in the Balance Equity totaling $ 17.4 milmillones may represent the value of the construction of the Itaipu..ElActivoPermanente en el Balance Patrimonial totalizandoUS$ 17,4 milmillones,puederepresentarel valor de laconstruccinde laItaipu.

Costos costs The total volume of concrete used in construction was 12.3 million cubic meters, while iron and steel used allow the construction of 380 iffel Torres.El volumen total del hormign utilizado en la construccin fue de 12.3 millones metros cbicos, mientras que el hierro y acero utilizados permitiran la construccin de 380 Torres iffel.


The Itaipu dam has a length of 7,744 meters and a maximum height of 196 meters, and its maximum discharge capacity.La presa de Itaip tiene una longitud de 7.744 metros y un alto mximo de 196 metros, y su capacidad mxima de descarga.MEDIDAS MEASURES

Staff working in the dam is itaipu 40,000 Earthwork 50 million tons.Personal que trabajo en la presa itaipu es de 40,000 personasMovimiento de tierras 50 millones Toneladas.


structureestructuraExtractionExtraccionpermeabilitypermeabilidadmaterialmaterialconcreteconcreto, hormigonhydroelectrichidroelctricaartificial lakelago artificialterritoriesterritoriosremoval of landextraccion de tierrasdesingdisearelectric powerenergia electricamegawattsmegavatiostechnologytecnologiakilometerskilometroscubiccubicosenvironmental impactimpacto ambientalplantplantahydraulichidraulicadampresalengthlongitud


verbo en espaolsimple presentsimple pastpast participle3 person HE - SHE-ITPRESENTE PARTICIPLE INGanalizaranalyzeanalyzeedanalyzeedanalyzesanalyzeingcontenercontaincontainedcontainedcontainscontainingtrabajarworkingworkedworkedworksworkingsecardrydryeddryeddrysdryingconstruirbuildbuildedbuildedbuildsbuildingdesviardivertdiverteddiverteddivertsdivertingcontenercontaincontainedcontainedcontainscontaininginstalacioninstallationinstallationedinstallationedinstallationsinstallationingremoverstirstiredstiredstirsstiringencontrarfindfindedfindedfindsfindingabastecersupplysupplyedsupplyedsupplyssupplyingevitaravoidavoidedavoidedavoidsavoidingdiseardesigdesigneddesigneddesignsdesigningfinalizarfinishfinishedfinishedfinishsfinishingrealizarcarry outVERBOS (VERBS)

Llegando estas fiestas de Navidad y Ao Nuevo. Te deseo que las pases lo ms feliz que puedas rodeado de tus seres queridos. Que el ao que se avecina te traiga todo aquello cuanto anhelas: Paz, felicidad, amor Pero principalmente salud, mucha salud para ti y los tuyos. Feliz 2015!Coming holidays of Christmas and new year. You want to spend them the happiest you can surrounded by your loved ones. The year that was ahead bring you all that what you crave: peace, happiness, love... But mainly health, good health for you and your loved ones. happy 2015!GRACIAS THANK YOU