Hero's Journey Introduction


Transcript of Hero's Journey Introduction

Page 1: Hero's Journey Introduction


Page 2: Hero's Journey Introduction

Joseph Campbell spent years studying myths and legends

from cultures around the world. In his studies, he discovered that heroes in these stories all

had similar experiences. In 1949, he published a book

called The Hero with a Thousand Faces, in which he described an archetype that

he called “The Hero’s Journey” or the “Monomyth.”

An “archetype” is a model or pattern that reoccurs in


Page 3: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

#1. Status Quo.The hero lives an ordinary life in the ordinary world.

He might have limited awareness of a problem

that does not directly affect him.

There might be unusual circumstances

surrounding the hero’s birth. For example, he might be adopted and

we might not know something important

about his real parents.

Page 4: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

#2. The Call to Adventure.The hero receives some

information that urges him to leave his normal life behind

and begin an important adventure.

Page 5: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


#3. Refusal of the Call.At first, the hero does not want to go. He might be

scared, or he might not think he has the ability to do what is

being asked of him.

If the hero at first refuses, something always happens

that forces him to change his mind. Commonly, someone the hero cares about dies,

and he now feels he must do something about it.

Page 6: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

#4. The Helper or Mentor.The hero can’t do this on his

own, so an older or wiser mentor arrives to give aid. The mentor might teach him new

skills, give him a map, or provide him with magical

weapons or artifacts that will help in his quest. The mentor often has mystical powers.

Page 7: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

5 Crossing Threshold

#5. Crossing the Threshold.The hero leaves his familiar

home and enters into an unknown world of danger.

Page 8: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

5 Crossing Threshold

6 Trials

#6. Trials.The hero has to succeed at a series of trials that challenge and build his moral strength

and character. He might have to solve riddles or problems, defeat enemies, travel great distances, or find something

lost. He might fail some of these challenges, but learn important lessons from the


Page 9: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

5 Crossing Threshold

6 Trials

7 Temptations

#7. Temptations.The hero will be tempted to abandon or stray from his

goal. He might be temporarily distracted from his goal, but ultimately he will figure out what is most important and overcome the temptations.

Page 10: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

5 Crossing Threshold

6 Trials

7 Temptations

#8. The Ordeal.The hero must approach and

defeat his ultimate enemy. This enemy is whatever holds the power over his life. This

is the center point of the journey: all the previous steps have been moving up to this


In many myths and stories, this ultimate confrontation is with a father or father-figure.

8 The


Page 11: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

5 Crossing Threshold

6 Trials

7 Temptations

9 Crisis

#9. Crisis / Darkest Hour.The hero reaches his darkest

hour. He comes close to death, and in some stories even dies or

enters the afterlife. When he overcomes the crisis, the hero usually acquires new courage

or power, and is “reborn” stronger than before.

8 The


The crisis and the ordeal go together. It might happen during

the ordeal, or right before the ordeal.

Page 12: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

5 Crossing Threshold

6 Trials

7 Temptations

9 Crisis

10 The


#10. The Ultimate Boon.A boon is a gift or treasure. After

overcoming his greatest challenge, the hero receives a

reward. The reward can be simply that the goal has been achieved and the enemy is

gone. The reward may be newly acquired wisdom. Sometimes

the hero may receive an actual, physical gift that he can take

home to his people.

8 The


Page 13: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

5 Crossing Threshold

6 Trials

7 Temptations

9 Crisis

10 The


11 The


#11. The Return.The hero brings the boon back to the

ordinary world. He might need to flee from danger, or he might need to be rescued by

his allies. Ultimately, he brings whatever wisdom or gift has has earned home to

share with people who need it.

8 The


Page 14: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

5 Crossing Threshold

6 Trials

7 Temptations

9 Crisis

10 The


11 The


12 Master of 2 Worlds

#12. Master of Two Worlds.The hero tries to go back to his old life, but life will never be the same as it was before now that he has gone on the journey. He is

a changed person: he can successfully navigate both the known world and the

unknown world.

8 The


Page 15: Hero's Journey Introduction

Known World

Unknown World

1 Status Quo

2 The Call

3 The


4 Helper/ Mentor

5 Crossing Threshold

6 Trials

7 Temptations8

The Ordeal

9 Crisis

10 The


11 The


12 Master of 2 Worlds