Hermes Trismegistusthe Divine Pymander of Hermes

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Transcript of Hermes Trismegistusthe Divine Pymander of Hermes

  • 8/2/2019 Hermes Trismegistusthe Divine Pymander of Hermes


    The Divine Pymander of HermesTranslation by Dr. Everard, 1650 A.D.


    .HERME TR!ME"!T#$ H! %!RT &''(

    1. ' M) '*, +rite this %irst &oo, both for H-manitys

    sae, and for Piety to+ards /od.. %or there an be no Reli/ion more tr-e or 2-st, than tono+ the thin/s that are3 and to ano+led/e thans for allthin/s, to Him that made them, +hih thin/ ! shall not easeontin-ally to do.4. hat then sho-ld a man do, ' %ather, to lead his life +ell3seein/ there is nothin/ here tr-e7. &e Pio-s and Reli/io-s, ' my on3 for he that doth so, isthe best and hi/hest Philoso8her, and +itho-t Philoso8hy itis im8ossible ever to attain to the hei/ht and e9atness ofPiety and Reli/ion.5. &-t he that shall learn and st-dy the thin/s that are, andho+ they are ordered and /overned, and by +hom, and for+hat a-se, or to +hat end. ill ano+led/e thans to theorman, as to a /ood %ather, an e9ellent *-rse, and afaithf-l te+ard, and he that /ives thans shall be Pio-s orReli/io-s, and he that is Reli/io-s shall no+ both +here thetr-th is, and +hat it is, and learnin/ that he +ill be yet moreand more Reli/io-s.6. %or never, ' my on, shall, or an that so-l, +hih, +hileit is in the body, li/htens and lifts -8 itself to no+ and

    om8rehend that +hih is /ood and tr-e, slide ba to theontrary. %or it is infinitely enamo-red thereof, andfor/etteth all evils3 and +hen it hath learned and no+n its%ather and Pro/enitor, it an no more a8ostati:e or de8artfrom that /ood.;. And let this, ' on, be the end of Reli/ion and Piety3+here-nto tho- art one arrived, tho- shalt both live +ell

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    and die blessedly, +hilst thy so-l is not i/norant +ither itm-st ret-rn, and fly ba a/ain.

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    mortal is not immortal.60. That +hih is so+n is not al+ays be/otten3 b-t that+hih is be/otten al+ays is so+n.61. 'f a dissolveable body, there are t+o times3 one forso+in/ to /eneration, one from /eneration to death.

    6. 'f an everlastin/ &ody, the time is only from the"eneration.64. Dissolveable &odies are inreased and diminished.67. Dissolveable matter is altered into ontraries3 to +it,Borr-8tion and "eneration, b-t Eternal matter into itself,and its lie.65. The "eneration of Man is orr-8tion3 the Borr-8tion ofMan is the be/innin/ of "eneration.66. That +hih offs8rin/s or be/etteth another, is itself anoffs8rin/ or be/otten by another.

    6;. 'f thin/s that are, some are in bodies, some in their!DEA.6

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    Abrid/ment of them.

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    4. Then ! said, ! +o-ld learn the thin/s that are, and-nderstand the nat-re of them, and no+ "od. Ho+ saidhe. ! ans+ered that ! +o-ld /ladly hear. Then said he, Haveme a/ain in they mind, and +hasoever tho-/h +o-ldstlearn, ! +ill teah thee.

    7. hen he had th-s said, he +as han/ed in his !dea or%orm, and strai/ht+ay, in the t+inlin/ of an eye, all thin/s+ere o8ened -nto me. And ! sa+ an infinite si/ht, all thin/s+ere beome li/ht, both s+eet and e9eedin/ 8leasant3 and !+as +onderf-lly deli/hted in the beholdin/ it.5. &-t after a little +hile, there +as a darness made in 8art,omin/ do+n obli>-ely, fearf-l and hideo-s, +hih seemed-nto me to be han/ed into a ertain moist nat-re,-ns8eaably tro-bled, +hih yielded a smoe as from %ire3and from +hene 8roeeded a voie -n-tterable, and very

    mo-rnf-l, b-t inarti-late, inasm-h as it seemed to haveome from the i/ht.6. Then from that i/ht, a ertain holy ord 2oined itself-nto *at-re, and o-tfle+ the 8-re and -nmi9ed %ire fromthe moist nat-re -8+ards on hi/h3 it +as e9eedin/ i/ht,and shar8, and o8erative +ithal. And the Air, +hih +asalso li/ht, follo+ed the 8irit and mo-rned -8 to %ire ?fromthe Earth and the ater@, insom-h that it seemed to han/and de8end -8on it.;. And the Earth and the ater stayed by themselves so

    min/led to/ether, that the Earth o-ld not be seen for theater, b-t they +ere moved bea-se of the 8irit-al +ordthat +as arried -8on them.-oth ! Th-s, re8lied he, -nderstand it$That +hih in thee seeth and heareth, the ord of the ord,and the Mind the %ather, "od, differ not one from the other3and the -nion of these is ife.

    Trisme/.! than thee.Pimand.&-t first oneive +ell the i/ht in they mind,

    and no+ it.10. hen he had said th-s, for a lon/ time +e looedsteadfastly one -8on the other, insom-h that ! trembled athis !dea or %orm.

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    11. &-t +hen he nodded to me, ! beheld in my mind thei/ht that is in inn-merable, and the tr-ly indefiniteornament or +orld3 and that the %ire is om8rehended orontained in, or by a /reat moist Po+er, and onstrained toee8 its station.

    1. These thin/s ! -nderstood, seein/ the +ord, or Pimander3and +hen ! +as mi/htily ama:ed, he said a/ain -nto me,Hast tho- seen in thy mind that Arhety8al %orm +hih +asbefore the interminated and infinite &e/innin/ Th-sPimander to me. &-t +hene, >-oth !, or +hereof are theElements of *at-re made

    Pimander.'f the ill and o-nsel of "od3 +hih tain/the ord, and beholdin/ the bea-tif-l orld ?in theArhety8e thereof@ imitated it, and so made this orld, bythe 8rini8les and vital seeds or o-llie 8rod-tions of

    itself.14. %or the Mind bein/ "od, Male and %emale, ife andi/ht, bro-/ht forth by his ord another Mind or orman3+hih bein/ "od of the %ire, and the 8irit, fashioned andformed seven other "overnors, +hih in their irles ontainthe ensible orld, +hose "overnment or dis8osition isalled %ate or Destiny.17. trai/ht+ay lea8ed o-t, or e9alted itself from thedo+n+ard Elements of "od, The ord of "od, into the leanand 8-re ormanshi8 of *at-re, and +as -nited to the

    orman, Mind, for it +as Bons-bstantial3 and so thedo+n+ard born elements of *at-re +ere left +itho-tReason, that they mi/ht be the only Matter.15. &-t the orman, Mind, to/ether +ith the ord,ontainin/ the irles, and +hirlin/ them abo-t, t-rnedro-nd as a +heel, his o+n ormanshi8s3 and s-ffered themto be t-rned from an indefinite &e/innin/ to anindeterminable end, for they al+ays be/in +here they end.16. And the Bir-lation or r-nnin/ ro-nd of these, as themind +illeth, o-t of the lo+er or do+n+ardborn Elements,bro-/ht forth -nreasonable or br-tish Breat-res, for theyhad no reason, the Air flyin/ thin/s, and the ater s-h ass+im.1;. And the Earth and the ater +ere se8arated, either fromthe other, as the Mind +o-ld3 and the Earth bro-/ht forthfrom herself, s-h livin/ reat-res as she had, fo-rfootedand ree8in/ beasts, +ild and tame.1

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    i/ht, bro-/ht forth Man lie -nto himself, +hom he loved shis 8ro8er &irth3 for he +as all bea-teo-s, havin/ the ima/eof his %ather.1=. %or indeed "od +as e9eedin/ly enamo-red of his o+nform or sha8e, and delivered -nto it all his o+n

    ormanshi8s. &-t he, seein/ and -nderstandin/ theBreation of the orman in the +hole, +o-ld needs alsohimself fall to +or, and so +as se8arated from the %ather,bein/ in the s8here of "eneration or '8eration.0. Havin/ all Po+er, he onsidered the '8erations orormanshi8s of the even3 b-t they loved him, andeveryone made him 8artaer of his o+n order.1. And he learnin/ dili/ently, and -nderstandin/ theirEssene, and 8artain/ their *at-re, resolved to 8iere andbrea thro-/h the Bir-mferene of the Birles, and to

    -nderstand the 8o+er of him that sits -8on the %ire.. And havin/ already all 8o+er of mortal thin/s, of theivin/, and of the -nreasonable reat-res of the orld,stoo8ed do+n and 8ee8ed thro-/h the Harmony, andbreain/ thro-/h the stren/th of the Birles, so sho+ed andmade manifest the do+n+ardborn *at-re, the fair andbea-tif-l ha8e or %orm of "od.4. hih, +hen he sa+, havin/ in itself the -nsatiable&ea-ty, and all the o8erations of the even "overnors, andthe %orm or ha8e of "od, he smiled for love, as if he had

    seen the sha8e or lieness in the ater, or the shado+ -8onthe Earth, of the fairest H-man form.7. And seein/ in the ater a ha8e, a ha8e lie -ntohimself, in himself he loved it, and +o-ld ohabit +ith it,and immediately -8on the resol-tion ens-ed the o8eration,and bro-/ht forth the -nreasonable !ma/e or ha8e.5. *at-re 8resently layin/ hold of +hat it so m-h loved,did +holly +ra8 herself abo-t it, and they +ere min/led, forthey loved one another.6. And from this a-se Man above all thin/s that live -8onearth is do-ble$ Mortal, bea-se of his body, and !mmortal,bea-se of the s-bstantial Man. %or bein/ immortal, andhavin/ 8o+er of all thin/s, he yet s-ffers mortal thin/s, ands-h as are s-b2et to %ate or Destiny.;. And therefore bein/ above all Harmony, he is made andbeome a servant to Harmony, he is Herma8hrodite, or Maleand %emale, and +athf-l, he is /overned by and s-b2etedto a %ather, that is both Male and %emale, and +athf-l.

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    70. &-t he that thro the error of ove loved the &ody,abideth +anderin/ in darness, sensible, s-fferin/ the thin/sof death.71. Trism. &-t +hy do they that are i/norant, sin so m-h,that they sho-ld therefore be de8rived of immortality

    7. Pim. Tho- seemest not to have -nderstood +hat tho-hast heard.74. Trism. Peradvent-re ! seem so to thee3 b-t ! both-nderstand and remember them.77. Pim. ! am /lad for thy sae if tho- -nderstoodest them.75. Trism. Tell me +hy are they +orthy of death, that are indeath76. Pim. &ea-se there /oeth a sad and dismal darnessbefore its body3 of +hih darness is the moist nat-re, of+hih moist nat-re the &ody onsisteth in the sensible +orld,

    from +hene death is derived. Has tho- -nderstood thisari/ht7;. Trism. &-t +hy, or ho+ doth he that -nderstandshimself, /o or 8ass into "od7

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    Porter or Dooree8er, ! +ill sh-t -8 the entranes of Evil,and -t off the tho-/htf-l desires of filthy +ors.56. &-t to the foolish, and evil, and +ied, and envio-s, andoveto-s, and m-rdero-s, and 8rofane, ! am far off, /ivin/8lae to the reven/in/ Demon, +hih a88lyin/ -nto him the

    shar8ness of fire, tormenteth s-h a man sensible, andarmeth him the more to all +iedness, that he may obtainthe /reater 8-nishment.5;. And s-h an one never easeth, havin/ -nf-lfileddesires, and -nsatisfiable on-8isenes, and al+aysfi/htin/ in darness3 for the Demon al+ays afflits andtormenteth him ontin-ally, and inreaseth the fire -8on himmore and more.5

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    Ei/hth *at-re, sin/in/ Praise to "od in a ertain voie that is8e-liar to them.6=. And then in order they ret-rn -nto the %ather, andthemselves deliver themselves to the Po+ers, and beomin/Po+ers they are in "od.

    ;0. This is the "ood, and to them that no+, to be desired.;1. %-rthermore, +hy sayest tho-, hat resteth, b-t that-nderstandin/ all men tho- beome a /-ide, and +ayleaderto them that are +orthy3 that the ind of H-manity, orManind, may be saved by "od;. hen Pimander had th-s said -nto me, he +as min/ledamon/ the Po+ers.;4. &-t !, /ivin/ thans, and blessin/ the father of all thin/s,rose -8, bein/ enabled by him, and ta-/ht the *at-re of the*at-re of the +hole, and havin/ seen the /reatest si/ht or

    s8etale.;7. And ! be/an to Preah -nto men, the bea-ty and fairnessof Piety and (no+led/e.;5. ' ye 8eo8le, men, born and made of the earth, +hihhave /iven yo-rselves over to dr-nenness and slee8, and tothe i/norane of "od, be sober and ease yo-r s-rfeit,+here-nto yo- are all-red and visited by br-tish and-nreasonable slee8.;6. And they that heard me ome +illin/ly and +ith oneaord3 and then ! said f-rther$

    ;;. hy, ' Men of the 'ffs8rin/ of Earth, +hy have yo-delivered yo-rselves over -nto Death, havin/ 8o+er to8artae of !mmortality Re8ent and han/e yo-r minds, yo-that have to/ether +aled in Error, and have been darenedin i/norane.;

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    ommanded them to /ive thans to "od3 and +hen they hadfinished their thans/ivin/, everyone ret-rned to his o+nlod/in/.

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    Balled THE H') ERM'*.

    THE /lory of all thin/s, "od, and that +hih is Divine, andthe Divine *at-re, the be/innin/ of thin/s that are.. "od, and the Mind, and *at-re, and Matter, and

    '8eration or orin/, and *eessity, and Matter, and'8eration or orin/, and *eessity, and the End, andRenovation.4. %or there +ere in the Bhaos an infinite darness in theAbyss or bottomless De8th, and ater, and a s-btle in 8iritintelli/ible in Po+er3 and there +ent o-t the Holy i/ht, andthe Elements +ere oa/-lated from the and o-t of the moists-bstane.7. And all the "ods distin/-ished the *at-re f-ll of eeds.5. And +hen all thin/s +ere interminated and -nmade -8,

    the li/ht thin/s +ere divided on hi/h. And the heavy thin/s+ere fo-nded -8on the moist and, all thin/s bein/Terminated or Divided by %ire, and bein/ s-stained or h-n/-8 by the 8irit, they +ere so arried, and the Heaven +asseen in even Birles.6. And the "ods +ere seen in their !deas of the tars, +ith alltheir si/ns, and the tars +ere n-mbered +ith the "ods inthem. And the 8here +as all lined +ith Air, arried abo-tin a ir-lar motion by the 8irit of "od.;. And every "od, by his internal 8o+er, did that +hih +as

    ommanded him3 and there +ere made fo-rfooted thin/s,and ree8in/ thin/s, and s-h as live in the +ater, and s-has fly, and every fr-itf-l seed, and "rass, and the %lo+ers ofall "reens, all +hih had so+ed in themselves the eeds ofRe/eneration.

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    resolved into that +hih shall be /reat Mon-ments andRememberanes of the -nnin/ ors done -8on earth,leavin/ them to be read by the darness of times.11. And every "eneration of livin/ %lesh, of %r-it, eed, andall Handirafts, tho-/h they be lost, m-st of neessity be

    rene+ed by the renovation of the "ods, and of the *at-re ofa Birle, movin/ in n-mber3 for it is a Divine thin/ that every+orldly tem8erat-re sho-ld be rene+ed by *at-re3 for inthat +hih is Divine is *at-re also established.

    The End of the %ra/ments of the Third &oo, THE H')ERM'*C.

    )ETERDA) 8eeh, ' Asle8i-s, ! dediated to thee3this day it is fit to dediate to Tat, bea-se it is an E8itomeof those /eneral 8eehes +hih +ere s8oen to him.

    . "od therefore, and the %ather, and the "ood, ' Tat, havethe same *at-re, or rather also the same At and o8eration.4. %or there is one name or a88ellation of *at-re or!nrease, +hih onerneth thin/s han/eable, and anotherabo-t thin/s -nhan/eable, and abo-t thin/s -nmoveable,that is to say, Thin/s Divine and H-mane3 every one of that+hih himself +ill have so to be3 b-t ation or o8eration isof another thin/, or else+here, as +e have ta-/ht in otherthin/s, Divine and H-mane, +hih m-st here also be-nderstood.

    7. %or his '8eration or At is his +ill, and his Essene, to+ill all thin/s to be.5. %or +hat is "od, and the %ather, and the "ood, b-t the&ein/ of all thin/s that yet are not, and the e9istene itself ofthose thin/s that are6. This is "od, this is the %ather, this is the "ood,+here-nto no other thin/ is 8resent or a88roaheth.;. %or the orld, and the -n, +hih is also a %ather byPartii8ation, is not for all that e>-ally the a-se of "ood,and of ife, to livin/ reat-res. And if this be so, he isalto/ether onstrained by the ill of the "ood, +itho-t+hih it is not 8ossible either to be, or to be be/otten ormade.

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    them3 for he that maeth is defetive in m-h time, in +hihsometimes he maeth not, as also of >-antity and >-ality3for sometimes he maeth those thin/s that have >-antityand >-ality, and sometimes the ontrary.10. &-t "od is the %ather, and the "ood, in bein/ all thin/s3

    for he both +ill be this and is it, and yet all this for himself?as is tr-e@ in him that an see it.11. %or all thin/s else are for this, it is the 8ro8erty of "ood,to be no+n. This is the "ood, ' Tat.1. Tat. Tho- hast filled -s, ' %ather, +ith a si/ht both/ood and fair, and the eye of my mind is almost beomemore holy by the si/ht or 8etale.14. Trism. ! +onder not at it, for the si/ht of "ood is notlie the beam of the -n, +hih bein/ of a fiery shinin/bri/htness, maeth the eye blind by his e9essive i/ht, that

    /a:eth -8on it3 rather the ontrary, for it enli/hteneth, andso m-h inreaseth the li/ht of the eye, as any man is ableto reeive the infl-ene of this intelli/ible learness.17. %or it is more s+ift and shar8 to 8iere, and innoent orharmless +ithal, and f-ll of immortality3 and they area8able, and an dra+ any store of this s8etale and si/ht,do many times fall aslee8 from the &ody, into this most fairand bea-teo-s ision3 +hih thin/ Beli-s and at-rn o-rPro/enitors obtained -nto.15. Tat. ! +o-ld +e also, ' %ather, o-ld do so.

    16. Trism. ! +o-ld +e o-ld, ' on3 b-t for the 8resent +eare less intent to the ision, and annot yet o8en the eyes ofo-r mind to behold the inorr8-tible and inom8rehensible&ea-ty of that "ood3 b-t then +e shall see it, +hen +e havenothin/ at all to say of it.1;. %or the no+led/e of it is a Divine ilene, and the restof all the senses3 for neither an he that -nderstands that,-nderstand anythin/ else, nor he that sees that, seeanythin/ else, nor hear any other thin/, nor in s-m movethe &ody.1

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    1. Trism. There are differenes, ' on, of every o-l.. Tat. &-t ho+ dost tho- a/ain divide the han/es4. Trism. Hast tho- not heard in the /eneral 8eehes,that from one o-l of the -niverse are all those o-ls +hihin the +orld are tossed -8 and do+n, as it +ere, and

    severally divided 'f these o-ls there are many han/es,some into a more fort-nate estate, and some >-ite theontrary3 for they +hih are of ree8in/ thin/s are han/edinto those of +atery thin/s3 and those of thin/s livin/ in the+ater, to those of thin/s livin/ -8on the and3 and Airyones are han/ed into men, and h-man o-ls, that lay holdof immortality, are han/ed into Demons.7. And so they /o on into the 8here or Re/ion of thefi9ed "ods3 for there are t+o hoirs or om8anies of "ods,one of them that +ander, and another of them that are

    fi9ed3 And so this is the 8erfet /lory of the o-l.5. &-t the o-l enterin/ into the body of a Man, if itontin-e evil, shall neither taste of immortality, nor is8artaer of the "ood.6. &-t bein/ dra+n ba the same +ay, it ret-rneth intoree8in/ thin/s3 And this is the ondemnation of an Evilo-l.;. And the +iedness of a o-l is i/norane3 for the o-lthat no+s nothin/ of the thin/s that are, neither the*at-re of them, nor that +hih is /ood, b-t is blinded,

    r-sheth and dasheth a/ainst the bodily 8assions3 and-nha88y as it is, and not no+in/ itself, it serveth stran/ebodies and evil ones, arryin/ the &ody as a b-rden, andnot r-lin/ b-t r-led$ And this is the mishief of the o-l.

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    -nbodily, b-t -seth the Mind as an instr-ment, as the Mind-seth the &ody.45. Therefore, both intelli/ible and material thin/s, /o bothof them into bodies3 for, of ontra8osition, that is, settin/one a/ainst another, and ontrariety, all thin/s m-st

    onsist. And it is im8ossible it sho-ld be other+ise.46. Tat. ho, therefore, is this Material "od4;. Trism. The fair and bea-tif-l orld, and yet it is not/ood3 for it is material, and easily 8assible, nay, it is the firstof all 8assible thin/s3 and the seond of the thin/s that are,and needy or +antin/ some+hat else. And it +as onemade, and is al+ays, and is ever in /eneration, and made,and ontin-ally maes, or /enerates thin/s that have>-antity and >-ality.4

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    ons8ire in tho-/ht +ith him that s8eas3 yea, he m-sthave his hearin/ s+ifter and shar8er than the voie of thes8eaer.5=. The dis8osition of these lothin/s or Bovers is done inan Earthly &ody3 for it is im8ossible that the Mind sho-ld

    establish or rest itself, naed, and of itself in an Earthly&ody3 neither is the Earthly &ody able to bear s-himmortality$ and therefore, that it mi/ht s-ffer so /reatvirt-e, the Mind om8ated, as it +ere, and too to itself the8assable &ody of the o-l, as a overin/ or lothin/. Andthe o-l bein/ also in some sort Divine, -seth the 8irit asher Minister or ervant3 and the 8irit /overneth the livin/thin/s.60. hen therefore the Mind is se8arated, and de8artethfrom the Earthly &ody, 8resently it 8-ts on its %iery Boat,

    +hih it o-ld not do, havin/ to d+ell in an Earthly &ody.61. %or the Earth annot s-ffer fire, for it is all b-rned of asmall s8ar3 therefore is the +ater 8o-red ro-nd abo-t theEarth, as a +all or defene, to +ithstand the flame of fire.6. &-t the Mind bein/ the most shar8 or s+ift of all theDivine Bo/itations, and more s+ift than all the Elements,hath the fire for its &ody.64. %or the Mind, +hih is the orman of all, -seth thefire as his !nstr-ment in his ormanshi83 and he that isthe orman of all -seth it to the main/ of all thin/s, as it

    is -sed by Man to the main/ of Earthly thin/s only, for theMind that is -8on Earth, void or naed of fire, annot dothe b-siness of men, nor that +hih is other+ise the affairsof "od.67. &-t the o-l of Man, and yet not everyone, b-t that+hih is 8io-s and reli/io-s, is An/eli and Divine. Ands-h a so-l, after it is de8arted from the body, havin/striven the strife of Piety, beomes either Mind or "od.65. And the strife of 8iety is to no+ "od, and to in2-re noMan3 and this +ay it beomes Mind.66. &-t the im8io-s o-l abideth in its o+n offene,8-nished of itself, and seein/ an earthly and h-mane bodyto enter into.6;. %or no other &ody is a8able of a H-mane o-l, neitheris it la+f-l for a Mans o-l to fall into the &ody of an-nreasonable livin/ thin/$ %or it is the a+ or Deree of"od to 8reserve a H-man o-l from so /reat a ont-melyand re8roah.

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    the nat-ral beams of the orld, b-t *at-res +or by theElements, and Man by Arts and ienes.-al in8o+er, one to the other. %or none of the thin/s in Heaven+ill ome do+n -8on Earth, and leave the limits of Heaven,b-t a Man asends -8 into Heaven, and meas-res it.=1. And he no+eth +hat thin/s are on hi/h, and +hatbelo+, and learneth all other thin/s e9atly.=. And that +hih is the /reatest of all, he leaveth not theEarth, and yet is above$ o /reat is the /reatness of his*at-re.=4. herefore +e m-st be bold to say, That an Earthly Manis a mortal "od, and that the Heavenly "od is an immortalMan.=7. herefore, by these t+o are all thin/s /overned, theorld and Man3 b-t they and all thin/s else of that +hih is

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    'ne.THE E*D '% THE %'#RTH &''(, Balled THE (E)C.Next:The %ifth &oo,THAT "'D ! *'T MA*!%ET,

    A*D )ET M'T MA*!%ET.

    TH! Diso-rse, ! +ill also mae to thee, ' Tat, that tho-mayest not be i/norant of the more e9ellent name of "od.. &-t do tho- ontem8late in thy Mind ho+ that +hih tomany seems hidden and -nmanifest may be most manifest tothee.4. %or it +ere not all, if it +ere a88arent, for +hatsoever is

    a88arent is /enerated or made3 for it +as made manifest, b-tthat +hih is not manifest is ever.7. %or it needeth not be manifested, for it is al+ays.5. And he maeth all other thin/s manifest, bein/-nmanifest, as bein/ al+ays, and main/ other thin/smanifest, he is not made manifest.6. Himself is not made, yet in fantasie he fantasieth allthin/s, or in a88earane he maeth them a88ear3 fora88earane is only of those thin/s that are /enerated ormade, for a88earane is nothin/ b-t /eneration.

    ;. &-t he that is 'ne, that is not made nor /enerated, is also-na88arent and -nmanifest.

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    -nto thee, ho+ shall he in thee be seen, and a88ear -nto theeby the eyes14. &-t if tho- +ill see him, onsider and -nderstand the-n, onsider the o-rse of the Moon, onsider the order ofthe tars.

    17. ho is he that ee8eth order %or all order isir-msribed or terminated in n-mber and 8lae.15. The -n is the /reatest of the "ods in Heaven, to +homall the Heavenly "ods /ive 8lae, as to a (in/ and Potentate3and yet he bein/ s-h an one, /reater than the Earth or theea, is ontent to s-ffer infinite lesser stars to +al and moveabove himself$ +hom doth he fear the +hile, ' on16. Every one of these tars that are in Heaven do not maethe lie, or an e>-al o-rse3 +ho is it that hath 8resribed-nto every one the manner and the /reatness of their o-rse

    1;. This &ear that t-rns ro-nd abo-t its o+n self, and arriesro-nd the +hole orld +ith her, +ho 8ossessed and mades-h an !nstr-ment1

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    stron/ the bones +ho lothed the flesh +ith sin +hodivided the fin/ers and 2oints +ho flatted and made broadthe soles of the feet +ho di//ed the 8ores +ho strethedo-t the s8leen +ho made the Heart lie a Pyramis +homade the iver broad +ho made the i/hts s8-n/y, and

    f-ll of holes +ho made the belly lar/e and a8aio-s +hoset to o-t+ard vie+ the more honorable 8arts, and hid thefilthy ones7. ee ho+ many arts in one Matter, and ho+ many orsin one -8ersri8tion, and all e9eedin/ly bea-tif-l and alldone in meas-re, and yet all differin/.5. ho hath made all these thin/s hat Mother hat%ather ave only /od that is not manifest3 that made allthin/s by his o+n +ill.6. And no man says that a stat-e or an ima/e is made

    +itho-t a Barver or a Painter, and +as this ormanshi8made +itho-t a orman ' "reat &lindnessG ' "reat!m8ietyG ' "reat !/noraneG;. *ever, ' on Tat, anst tho- de8rive the ormanshi8of the orman3 rather, it is the best *ame of all the *amesof "od, to all him the %ather of all, for so he is alone3 andthis is his +or to be the %ather.

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    45. ho therefore an bless thee, or /ive thans for thee, orto thee46. hih +ay shall ! loo +hen ! 8raise thee -8+arddo+n+ard o-t+ard in+ard4;. %or abo-t these there is no manner nor 8lae, nor

    anythin/ else of all thin/s that are.4

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    thin/s3 and +hen ! name the "ood, ! mean that +hih isalto/ether and al+ays "ood.5. This is 8resent to none, b-t "od alone3 for he +antethnothin/ that he sho-ld desire to have it, nor an anythin/ betaen from him3 the loss +hereof may /rieve him3 for sorro+

    is a 8art of evilness.6. *othin/ is stron/er than he, that he sho-ld be o88osed byit3 nor nothin/ e>-al to him, that he sho-ld be in love +ith it3nothin/ -nheard of to be an/ry, +ith nothin/ +iser to beenvio-s at.;. And none of these bein/ in his Essene, +hat remains b-tonly the "ood

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    it is im8ossible3 for a material &ody reeiveth ?orom8rehendeth@, is not as bein/ on every side enom8assedand oated +ith evils, and labo-rs, and /riefs, and desires,and +rath, and deeits, and foolish o8inions.1

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    as in a dream, +hat /ood is3 b-t bein/ infolded and +ra88ed-8on all evil, and believin/ that the Evil is the "ood, they, bythat means, both -se it insatiable, and are afraid to bede8rived of it3 and therefore they strive, by all 8ossiblemeans, that they may not only have it, b-t also inrease it.

    41. -h, ' Asle8i-s, are the /ood and fair thin/s of Men,+hih +e an neither love nor hate3 for this is the hardestthin/ of all, that +e have need of them, and annot live+itho-t them.The End of the i9th &oo....THAT !* "'D A'*E ! "''D....Next$The eventh &oo,H! EBRET ERM'* !* THE M'#*T '%RE"E*ERAT!'*,

    A*D THE PR'%E!'* '% !E*BE.

    T' H! '* TAT.Tat.!* the /eneral s8eehes, ' %ather, diso-rsin/ of theDivinity, tho- s8eaest eni/matially, and didst not learlyreveal thyself, sayin/, That no man an be saved beforeRe/eneration.. And +hen ! did h-mbly entreat thee, at the /oin/ -8 to

    the Mo-ntain, after tho- hadst diso-rsed to me, havin/ a/reat desire to learn this Ar/-ment of Re/eneration3 bea-seamon/ all the rest, ! am i/norant only of this, tho- toldst metho- +o-ldst im8art it to me, +hen ! +o-ld estran/e myselffrom the +orld3 +here-8on ! made myself ready, and havevindiated the -nderstandin/ that is in me, from the deeit ofthe orld.4. *o+, then f-lfil my defet, and as tho- saidst, instr-t meof Re/eneration, either by +ord of mo-th or seretly3 for !no+ not, ' Trisme/ist-s, of +hat -bstane, or +hat eed,or +hat omb, a man is th-s born.7. Herm. ' on, this +isdom is to be -nderstood in silene,and the seed is the tr-e "ood.5. Tat. ho so+eth it, ' %ather for ! am -tterly i/norantand do-btf-l.6. Herm. The ill of "od, ' on.;. And +hat manner of Man is he that is th-s born for inthis 8oint, ! am lean de8rived of the Essene that
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    -nderstandeth in me.

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    bo-nded3 not olo-red, not fi/-red, not han/ed, that +hihis naed, hi/h. Bom8rehensible only of itself, -nalterable,-nbodily.7. Tat. *o+ ! am mad indeed, ' %ather, for +hen ! tho-/htme to have been made a +ise man by thee, +ith these

    tho-/hts, tho- hast >-ite d-lled all my senses.5. Herm. )et is it so as ! say, ' on, He that looeth only-8on that +hih is arried -8+ard as %ire, that +hih isarried do+n+ard as Earth, that +hih is moist as ater,and that +hih blo+eth, or is s-b2et to blast, as Air3 ho+ anhe sensibly -nderstand that +hih is neither hard nor moist,nor tan/ible, nor 8ers8i-o-s, seein/ it is only -nderstood in8o+er and o8eration &-t ! beseeh and 8ray to the Mind,+hih alone an -nderstand the "eneration +hih is in "od.6. Tat. Then am !, ' %ather, -tterly -nable to do it.

    ;. Herm. "od forbid, on, rather dra+ or 8-ll him -ntothee ?or st-dy to no+ him@ and he +ill ome, be b-t +illin/and it shall be done3 >-ite ?or mae idle@ the senses of the&ody, 8-r/in/ thyself from the -nreasonable br-tishtorments of matter.

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    4;. The (no+led/e of Ioy is ome -nto -s. And +hen thatomes, orro+ shall fly a+ay to them that are a8able.4

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    50. And tho-/h they be different in themselves, yet are they-nited in 8ratie ?as, for e9am8le, Rashness is inse8arablefrom An/er@, and they are also indeterminate. Therefore,+ith /ood reason do they mae their de8art-re, bein/ drivena+ay by the Ten Po+ers3 that is to say, by the dead.

    51. %or the n-mber of Ten, ' on, is the be/etter of o-ls.And there ife and i/ht are -nited, +here the n-mber of#nity is born of the s8irit.5. Therefore, aordin/ to Reason, #nity hath the n-mberof Ten, and the n-mber of Ten hath #nity.54. Tat. ' %ather, ! no+ see the #niverse and myself in theMind.57. Herm. This is Re/eneration, ' on, that +e sho-ld notany lon/er fi9 o-r ima/ination -8on this &ody, s-b2et to thethree dimensions, aordin/ to this, aordin/ to this s8eeh

    +hih +e have no+ ommented, that +e may not at allal-minate the #niverse.55. Tat. Tell me, ' %ather, This body that onsists of Po+ers,shall it ever admit of Dissol-tion56. Herm. "ood +ords, on, and s8ea not thin/sim8ossible3 for so tho- shalt sin, and the eye of thy mind/ro+ +ied.5;. The sensible body of *at-re is far from the Essential"eneration, for that is s-b2et to dissol-tion, b-t this is not3and that is mortal, b-t this immortal. Dost tho- not no+

    that tho- art born a "od, and the on of the 'ne, as ! am5-iet, ' on, and no+ hearen to thatharmonio-s blessin/ and thans/ivin/3 the hymn ofRe/eneration, +hih ! did not determine to have s8oen of so

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    8lainly, b-t to thyself in the end of all.64. herefore, this is not ta-/ht, b-t hid in silene.67. o then, ' son, do tho-, standin/ in the o8en Air,+orshi8, looin/ to the *orth ind, abo-t the /oin/ do+nof the -n3 and to the o-th, +hen the -n ariseth. And no+

    ee8 silene, on.

    THE EBRET '*".The Holy 8eeh.65. et all the *at-re of the orld entertain the hearin/ ofthis Hymn.66. &e o8ened, ' Earth, and let all the Treas-re of the Rainbe o8ened.6;. )o- Trees, tremble not, for ! +ill sin/ and 8raise the ordof the Breation, and the All, and the 'ne.


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    -irestof me.=5. %or all thin/s are done as the Mind +illeth.=6. Tho-, ' on, send this ae8table arifie to /od, the%ather of all thin/s3 b-t 8ro8o-nd it also, ' on, by +ord.=;. Tat. ! than thee, %ather, tho- hast advised andinstr-ted me th-s to /ive thans and 8raise.=

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    for +e both have no+ s-ffiiently meditated, ! in s8eain/,tho- in hearin/. And no+ tho- dost intellet-ally no+thyself and o-r %ather.

    The End of the eventh &ooC.H! EBRET ERM'* !*

    THE M'#*T '% RE"E*ERAT!'*,A*D THE PR'%E!'* '% !E*BE.Next$The Ei/hth &oo,THAT THE "REATET E! !*MA* ! THE *'T (*'!*" "'D.

    H!THER are yo- arried, ' Men, dr-nen +ith drinin/stron/ ine of !/norane +hih seein/ yo- annot bear,

    +hy do yo- vomit it -8 a/ain. tand, and be sober, and loo -8 a/ain +ith the Eyes ofyo-r heart, and if yo- annot all do so, yet do so many as yo-an.4. %or the malie of !/norane s-rro-ndeth all the Earth, andorr-8teth the o-l, sh-t -8 in the &ody, not s-fferin/ it toarrive at the Havens of alvation.7. -ffer not yo-rselves to be arried +ith the "reat tream,b-t stem the tide yo- that an lay hold of the Haven ofafety, and mae yo-r f-ll o-rse to+ards it.

    5. ee on that may lead yo- by the hand, and ond-t yo-to the door of Tr-th and (no+led/e, +here the lear i/ht isthat is 8-re from Darness, +here there is not one dr-nen,b-t all are sober, and in their heart loo -8 to him, +hose8leas-re it is to be seen.6. %or he annot be heard +ith ears, nor seen +ith eyes, nore98ressed in +ords3 b-t only in mind and heart.;. &-t first tho- m-st tear to 8iees, and brea thro-/h the/arment tho- +earest, the +eb of !/norane3 the fo-ndationof all Mishief3 the bond of Borr-8tion3 the dar Bovert-re3the livin/ Death3 the sensible Barass3 the e8-lhre, arriedabo-t +ith -s3 the domestial Thief, +hih in +hat he loves-s, hates -s, envies -s.

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    amb-shes +hih it had laid for thee.=. Therefore doth it labo-r to mae /ood those thin/s thatseem, and are by the senses, 2-d/ed and determined3 and thethin/s that are tr-ly, it hides, and envelo8eth in m-h matter,fillin/ +hat it 8resents -nto thee, +ith hatef-l 8leas-re, that

    tho- anst neither hear +hat tho- sho-ldst hear, nor see+hat tho- sho-ldst see.The End of the Ei/hth &oo,THE "REATET E! !* MA* !THE *'T (*'!*" "'D.Next:The *inth &oo,A #*!ERA ERM'* T' ABEP!#.

    Herm.A that is moved, ' Asle8i-s, is it not moved insomethin/ and by somethin/. Asle8. )es, indeed.4. Herm. M-st not that in +hih a thin/ is moved, ofneessity be /reater than the thin/ that is moved7. 'f neessity.5. And that +hih moveth, is it not stron/er than that +hihis moved6. Asle8. !t is stron/er.

    ;. Herm. That in +hih a thin/ is moved, m-st it not needshave a *at-re ontrary to that of the thin/ that is moved

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    Trisme/ist-s, b-t of +hat *at-re1;. Herm. 'f a ontrary *at-re, ' Asle8i-s. &-t is not the*at-re of thin/s -nbodily, ontrary to a &ody1

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    4. Asle8. A motion that is al+ays arried abo-t the same.44. &-t the Bir-lation +hih is abo-t the same, and themotion bo-t the same, are both hidden by tation3 for that+hih is abo-t the same, forbids that +hih is above thesame, if it stand to that +hih is abo-t the same.

    47. And so the ontrary motion stands fast al+ays, bein/al+ays established by the ontrariety.45. &-t ! +ill /ive thee onernin/ this matter, an EarthlyE9am8le, that may be seen +ith eyes.46. oo -8on any of these livin/ Breat-res -8on Earth, asMan, for e9am8le, and see him s+immin/3 for as the ater isarried one +ay, the rel-tation or resistane of his feet andhands is made a station to the Man, that he sho-ld not bearried +ith the ater, nor sin -nderneath it.4;. Asle8. Tho- hast laid do+n a very lear e9am8le,


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    7;. &-t that +hih is o-ld not be if it +ere not f-ll ofe9istene3 for that +hih is in bein/ or e9istene, an never bemade em8ty.7

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    The End of the *inth &oo,A #*!ERA ERM'* T' ABEP!#.Next:The Tenth &oo,THE M!*D T' HERME.

    %'R&EAR thy 8eeh, ' Hermes Trisme/ist-s, and all tomind to those thin/s that are said3 b-t ! +ill not delay tos8ea +hat omes into my mind, sithene many men haves8oen many thin/s, and those very different, onernin/ the#niverse, and "ood3 b-t ! have not learned the Tr-th.. Therefore, the ord mae it 8lain to me in this 8oint3 for !+ill believe thee only, for the manifestation of these thin/s.

    4. Then said the Mind ho+ the ase stands.7. "od and All.5. "od, Eternity, the orld, Time, "eneration.6. "od made Eternity, Eternity the orld, the +orld Time,and Time "eneration.;. 'f "od, as it +ere, the -bstane, is the "ood, the %air,&lessedness, isdom.-alities.1;. Therefore, Eternity is in "od.1

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    other thin/s sho-ld he mae7;. %or "od is not idle, for then all thin/s +o-ld be idle3 forall thin/s are f-ll of "od.7

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    6. %or they are &odies, and have a o-l, and are moved.64. And that all these sho-ld ome to/ether into one, it isim8ossible +itho-t somethin/ to /ather them to/ether.67. Therefore, there m-st be some s-h ones, and healto/ether 'ne.65. %or seein/ that the motions are divers, and many, and the&odies not alie, and yet one ordered s+iftness amon/ themall3 !t is im8ossible there sho-ld be t+o or more Maers.66. %or one order is not e8t by many.6;. &-t in the +eaer there +o-ld be 2ealo-sy of thestron/er, and thene also ontentions.6

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    orld3 of the orld, the -n$ of the -n, Man.107. &-t the 8eo8le say, That han/in/ is Death, bea-se thebody is dissolved, and the ife /oeth into that +hiha88eareth not.105. &y this diso-rse, my dearest Hermes, ! affirm as tho-hearest. That the orld is han/ed, bea-se every day 8artthereof beomes invisible, b-t that it is never dissolved.106. And these are the Passions of the orld, Revol-tionsand '-ltations, and Revol-tion is a t-rnin/, b-t'-ltation is Renovation.10;. And the orld bein/ all formed, hath not the formslyin/ +itho-t it, b-t itself han/eth in itself.10

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    10. And 2-d/e of this by thyself, ommand thy o-l to /ointo !ndia, and sooner than tho- anst bid it, it +ill be there.11. &id it lie+ise 8ass over the 'ean, and s-ddenly it +illbe there3 not as 8assin/ from 8lae to 8lae, b-t s-ddenly it+ill be there.1. Bommand it to fly into Heaven, and it +ill not need no+in/s, neither shall anythin/ hinder it, not the fire of the-n, not the Aether, not the t-rnin/ of the 8heres, not thebodies of any other tars, b-t -ttin/ thro-/h all, it +ill fly-8 to the last and f-rthest body.14. And if tho- +ilt even brea the +hole, and see thosethin/s that are +itho-t the +orld ?if there be anythin/+itho-t@, tho- mayest.17. &ehold, ho+ /reat 8o+er, ho+ /reat s+iftness tho-hastG Banst tho- do all thee thin/s, and annot "od

    15. After this manner, therefore, ontem8late "od to haveall the +hole +orld to himself, as it +ere, all tho-/hts, orintelletions.16. !f therefore tho- +ilt not e>-al thyself to "od, tho-anst not -nderstand "od.1;. %or the lie is intelli/ible by the lie.1

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    14. %or it is the /reatest Evil, not to no+ "od.144. &-t to be able to no+, and to +ill, and to ho8e, is thestrai/ht +ay, and Divine +ay, 8ro8er to the "ood, and it +illevery+here meet thee, and every+here be seen of thee, 8lainand easy, +hen tho- dost not e98et or loo for it3 it +ill

    meet thee +ain/, slee8in/, sailin/, travellin/, by ni/ht, byday, +hen tho- s8eaest, and +hen tho- ee8est silene.147. %or there is nothin/ +hih is not the !ma/e of "od.145. And yet tho- sayest, "od is invisible3 b-t be advised,for +ho is more manifest than He146. %or therefore hath he made all thin/s, that tho- by allthin/s mayest see Him.14;. This is the "ood of "od, this is the irt-e, to a88ear,and to be seen in all thin/s.14

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    7. Herm. All thin/s, ' on, are the +or of %ate, and+itho-t it an no bodily thin/, either "ood or Evil, be done.5. %or it is dereed by %ate, that he that doth any evil,sho-ld also s-ffer for it.6. And therefore he doth it, that he may s-ffer that +hih

    he s-ffereth bea-se he did it.;. &-t for the 8resent, let alone that s8eeh, onernin/ Eviland %ate, for at other times +e have s8oen of it.-enhin/ both their An/er and Bon-8isenes.40. And of man, tho- m-st -nderstand, some to be rational,or /overned by reason, and some irrational.

    41. &-t all men are s-b2et to %ate, and to "eneration, andBhan/e, for these are the be/innin/ and end of %ate orDestiny

    4. And all men s-ffer those thin/s that are dereed by %ate.44. &-t rational men, over +hom, as +e said, the mind bearsr-le, do not s-ffer lie -nto other men3 b-t bein/ free fromviio-sness, and bein/ not evil, they do s-ffer evil.47. Tat. Ho+ sayest tho- this a/ain, %ather An Ad-lterer,is he not evil A M-rderer, is he not evil and so of others.

    45. Herm. &-t the rational man, ' on, +ill not s-ffer forAd-ltery, b-t as the Ad-lterer not for M-rder, b-t as theM-rderer.46. And it is im8ossible to esa8e the J-ality of han/e as of"eneration, b-t the iio-sness, he that hath the Mind, mayesa8e.4;. And therefore, ' on, ! have al+ays heard the /oodDemon say, and if he had delivered it in +ritin/, he hadm-h 8rofited all manind. %or he alone, ' o, as the firstborn, "od seein/ all thin/s, tr-ly s8ae Divine +ords. !have heard him sometimes, That all thin/s are one thin/,es8eially intelli/ible &odies, or that all es8eially intelli/ible&odies are one.4

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    thin/s3 so lie+ise, that the so-l that is of "od, an do+hatsoever it +ill.7. &-t -nderstand tho- +ell, for this Diso-rse ! have madeto the J-estion +hih tho- asest of me before, ! manonernin/ %ate and the Mind.

    74. %irst, if, ' on, tho- shalt dili/ently +ithdra+ thyselffrom all ontentio-s s8eehes, tho- shalt find that in Tr-th,the Mind, the o-l of "od bears r-le over all thin/s, bothover %ate, and a+, and all other thin/s.77. And nothin/ is im8ossible to him, no, not of the thin/sthat are of %ate.75. Therefore, tho-/h the o-l of Man be above it, let it notne/let the thin/s that ha88en to be -nder %ate.76. And these, th-s far, +ere the e9ellent sayin/s of the/ood Demon.

    7;. Tat. Most divinely s8oen, ' %ather, and tr-ly and8rofitably, yet lear this one thin/ -nto me.7

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    Passion.5;. &-t inor8oreal thin/s do al+ays at, or +or, andtherefore they are 8assible.5

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    ;4. %or of those thin/s that are intelli/ible, everyone is3 b-tthe essene of them is !dentity.;7. &-t of the &odies of the +hole, or -niverse, every one ismany thin/s.;5. %or the &odies that are 8-t to/ether, and that have, and

    mae their han/es into other, havin/ this !dentity, doal+ays and 8reserve the inorr-8tion of the !dentity.;6. &-t in every one of the om8o-nd &odies there is a*-mber;;. %or +itho-t *-mber it is im8ossible there sho-ld beonsistene or onstit-tion, or om8osition, or dissol-tion.;

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    and the %ire, nay, he seeth and to-heth Heaven by hissenses.111. &-t "od is both abo-t all thin/s, and thro-/h all thin/s,for he is both At and Po+er.11. And it is no hard thin/, ' on, to -nderstand "od.

    114. And if tho- +ilt also see him, loo -8on the *eessityof thin/s that a88ear, and the Providene of thin/s that havebeen, and are done.117. ee the Matter bein/ most f-ll of ife, and so /reat a"od moved, +ith all /ood, and %air, both "ods, andDemons, and Men.115. Tat. &-t these, ' %ather, are +holly Ats, or '8erations.116. Herm. !f they be, therefore, +holly ats or o8erations, 'on, by +hom are they ated or o8erated, b-t by "od11;. 'r art tho- i/norant, that as 8arts of the orld, are

    Heaven, and Earth, and ater, and Air3 after the samemanner, the Members of "od, are ife, and !mmortality, andEternity, and 8irit, and *eessity, and Providene, and*at-re, and o-l, and Mind, and the Bontin-ane orPerseverane of all these +hih is alled "ood.11

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    The End of the Eleventh &oo'% THE B'MM'* M!*D, T' TAT.Next$The T+elfth &oo,H! BRATER, 'R M'*A.

    THE orman made this #niversal orld, not +ith hisHands, b-t his ord.. Therefore th-s thin of him, as 8resent every+here, andbein/ al+ays, and main/ all thin/s3 and one above, that byhis ill hath framed the thin/s that are.4. %or that is his &ody, not tan/ible, nor visible, normeas-rable, nor e9tensible, nor lie any other body.7. %or it is neither %ire, nor ater, nor Air, nor ind, b-t all

    these thin/s are of him3 for bein/ "ood, he hath dediatedthat name -nto himself alone.5. &-t he +o-ld also adorn the Earth, b-t +ith the 'rnamentof a Divine &ody.6. And he sent Man, an !mmortal, and a mortal +i/ht.;. And Man had more than all livin/ Breat-res, and theorld3 bea-se of his 8eeh, and Mind.

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    8artaers of no+led/e, and beame 8erfet men, reeivin/the Mind.1;. &-t as many as missed of the Prolamation, they reeived8eeh, b-t not Mind3 bein/ i/norant +here-nto they +eremade, or by +hom.


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    4. &-t the hoie of the +orst destroys a man, b-t dothnothin/ a/ainst "od, save that as Pom8s or Pa/eants, +henthey ome abroad, annot do anythin/ themselves b-thinder3 after the same manner also do these mae Pom8s andPa/eants in the orld, bein/ sed-ed by the 8leas-res of the

    &ody.44. These Thin/s bein/ so, ' Tat, that thin/s have been, andare so 8lenteo-sly ministered to -s from "od, let them8roeed also from -s, +itho-t any sarity or s8arin/.47. %or "od is innoent or /-iltless, b-t +e are the a-ses ofEvil, 8referrin/ them before the "ood.45. Tho- seest, ' on, ho+ many &odies +e m-st /obeyond, and ho+ many Bhoirs of Demons, and +hatontin-ity and o-rses of tars, that +e may mae haste tothe 'ne, and only "od.

    46. %or the "ood is not to be transended, it is -nbo-ndedand infinite, -nto itself, +itho-t be/innin/, b-t -nto -s,seemin/ to have a be/innin/, even o-r no+led/e of it.4;. %or o-r (no+led/e is not the be/innin/ of it, b-t she+s-s the be/innin/ of its bein/ no+n -nto -s.4-ily /o thro-/h all thin/s.4=. !t is indeed a diffi-lt thin/ to leave those thin/s that area-stomable and 8resent, and t-rn -s to those thin/s thatare anient, and aordin/ to the ori/inal.

    70. %or these thin/s that a88ear, deli/ht -s, b-t mae thethin/s that a88ear not, hard to believe, or the thin/s thata88ear not, are hard to believe.71. The thin/s most a88arent are Evil, b-t the "ood is seret,or hid in, or to the thin/s that a88ear, for it hath neither %ormnor %i/-re.7. %or this a-se it is lie to itself, b-t -nlie everythin/else, for it is im8ossible that anythin/ inor8oreal sho-ld bemade no+, or a88ear to a &ody.74. %or this is the differene bet+een the lie and the -nlie,and the -nlie +anteth al+ays some+hat of the lie.77. %or the #nity, &e/innin/, and Root of all thin/s, as bein/the Root and &e/innin/.75. *othin/ is +itho-t a be/innin/, b-t the &e/innin/ is ofnothin/, b-t of itself, for it is the &e/innin/ of all otherthin/s.76. Therefore it is, seein/ it is not from another be/innin/.7;. #nity therefore bein/ the &e/innin/, ontaineth very

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    n-mber, b-t itself is ontained of none, and be/etteth everyn-mber, itself bein/ be/otten of no other n-mber.7

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    another.=. %or neither is it 8ossible +itho-t ense to #nderstand, noran +e have ense +itho-t #nderstandin/.10. And yet it is 8ossible ?for the time bein/@, that the#nderstandin/ may -nderstand +itho-t ense, as they that

    fany visions in their Dreams.11. &-t it seems -nto me, that both the o8erations are in theisions of Dreams, and that the ense is stirred -8 o-t ofslee8, into a+aenin/.1. %or Man is divided into a &ody and a o-l, +hen both8arts of the ense aord one +ith another, then is the#nderstandin/ hilded, or bro-/ht forth by the Mind8rono-ned.14. %or the Mind brin/s forth all !ntelletions or#nderstandin/s, "ood ones +hen it reeiveth /ood seed

    from "od, and the ontrary, +hen it reeives them fromDevils.17. %or there is not 8art of the orld void of the Devil,+hih enterin/ in 8rivately, so+ed the seed of his o+n8ro8er o8eration, and the mind did mae 8re/nant, or didbrin/ forth that +hih +as so+n. Ad-lteries, M-rders,triin/ of Parents, arile/es, !m8ieties, tran/lin/s,thro+in/ do+n headlon/, and all other thin/s, +hih are the+ors of Evil Demons.15. And the seeds of "od are fe+, b-t /reat and %air, and

    "ood, irt-e, and Tem8erane, and Piety.16. And the Piety is the no+led/e of "od, +hom+hosoever no+eth, bein/ f-ll of all /ood thin/s, hathDivine #nderstandin/, and not lie the many.1;. And therefore they that have that no+led/e, neither8lease the m-ltit-de, nor the m-ltit-de them, b-t they seemto be mad, and to move la-/hter, hated and des8ised, andmany times also m-rdered.1

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    alone maes Evil thin/s /ood.. &-t ! ret-rn a/ain to my Diso-rse of ense.4. !t is, therefore, a thin/ 8ro8er to man, to omm-niateand on2oin ense and #nderstandin/.7. &-t every man, as ! said before, doth not en2oy

    #nderstandin/, for one man is material, another Essential.5. And he that is material +ith +iedness, as ! said,reeived from the Devils the seed of #nderstandin/, b-t theythat are +ith the "ood essentially, are eared +ith "od.6. %or "od is the +orman of all thin/s, and +hen he+oreth, he -seth *at-re.;. He maeth all thin/s /ood lie himself.

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    >-alities, +ith inf-lness, +hih is of ife.4=. Therefore, "od is the %ather of the orld, b-t the orldis %ather of the thin/s in the orld.70. And the orld is the on of "od, b-t thin/s in theorld, are the ons of the orld.

    71. And, therefore, it is +ell alled C the orld, that is, an'rnament, bea-se it adorneth and bea-tifieth all thin/s +iththe ariety of "eneration, and indefiieny of ife, +hih the-n+eariedness of '8eration, and the s+iftness of *eessity,+ith the min/lin/ of Elements, and the order of thin/s done.7. Therefore, it is neessarily and 8ro8er alled C theorld.74. %or all livin/ thin/s, both the sense and the#nderstandin/, ometh into them from +itho-t, ins8ired bythat +hih om8asseth them abo-t, and ontin-eth them.

    77. And the orld reeivin/ it one from "od as soon as it+as made, has it still, +hatever it one had.75. &-t "od is not as it seems to some +ho &las8hemethro-/h s-8erstition, +itho-t ense, and +itho-t Mind, or#nderstandin/.76. %or all thin/s that are, ' Asle8i-s, are in "od, and madeby him, and de8end of him, some +orin/ by bodies, somemovin/ by a o-l, lie Essene, some >-ienin/ by a 8irit,and some reeivin/ the thin/s that are +eary, and all veryfitly.

    7;. 'r rather, ! say, that he hath them not, b-t ! delare theTr-th, he is all thin/s, not reeivin/ them from +itho-t, b-te9hibitin/ them o-t+ardly.7

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    them onsonant, and a/reeable to those thin/s that +eredelivered, and interr-8ted by 8eeh, believeth, and in that/ood belief resteth.57. To them, therefore, that -nderstand the thin/s that havebeen said of "od, they are redible, b-t to them that

    -nderstand them not, inredible.55. And let these, and th-s many thin/s, be s8oenonernin/ #nderstandin/ and ense.The End of the Thirteenth &oo,'% E*E A*D #*DERTA*D!*".Next$The %o-rteenth &oo,'% 'PERAT!'* A*D E*E.

    Tat.TH'# has +ell e98lained these thin/s, %ather. Teah me

    f-rthermore these thin/s, for tho- sayest, that iene andArt +ere the o8erations of the Rational, b-t no+ tho- sayest,that &easts are -nreasonable, and for +ant of Reason, bothare, and are alled &r-tes, so that by this reason, it m-stneeds follo+, that -nreasonable Breat-res 8artae not ofiene, or Art, bea-se they ome short of Reason.. Herm. !t m-st needs be so, on.4. Tat. hy then, ' %ather, do +e see some -nreasonablelivin/ Breat-res -se both iene and Art3 as the Pismirestreas-re -8 for themselves food a/ainst inter, and %o+ls of

    the Air lie+ise mae them *ests, and fo-rfooted &eastsno+ their o+n Dens7. These thin/s they do, ' on, not by iene or Art, b-t by*at-re3 %or iene and Art are thin/s that are ta-/ht, b-tnone of these &r-te &easts are ta-/ht any of these thin/s.5. &-t these thin/s bein/ *at-ral -nto them, are +ro-/ht by*at-re, +hereas, Art and iene do not ha88en -nto all, b-t-nto some.6. As Men are M-sitians, b-t not all3 neither are all Arhers,or H-ntsmen, or the rest, b-t some of them have learnedsomethin/ by the +orin/ of iene, or Art.;. After the same manner also, if some Pismires did so, andsome not, tho- mi/htest +ell say, they /ather their %oodaordin/ to iene and Art.

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    +or by bodies.10. herefore, ' Tat, in as m-h as they are -nbodily, tho-m-st needs say, they are immortal.11. &-t inasm-h as they annot at +itho-t &odies, ! saythey are al+ays in a &ody.

    1. %or those thin/s that are to anythin/, or for the a-se ofanythin/ made s-b2et to Providene or *eessity, annot8ossibly remain idle of their o+n 8ro8er o8eration.14. %or that +hih is, shall ever be, for both the &ody, andthe ife of it, is the same.17. And by this reason, it follo+s, that the &odies also areal+ays, bea-se ! affirm$ That this or8oreity is al+ays bythe At and '8eration, or for them.15. %or altho-/h Earthly &odies be s-b2et to dissol-tion, yetthese bodies m-st be the Plaes, and the 'r/ans, and

    !nstr-ments of Ats or '8erations.16. &-t ats or '8erations are immortal, and that +hih is!mmortal is al+ays in At, and therefore also Bor8orifiationif it be al+ays.1;. Ats or o8erations do follo+ the o-l, yet ome nots-ddenly or 8romis-o-sly3 b-t some of them ome to/ether+ith bein/ made man, bein/ abo-t br-tish or -nreasonablethin/s.1-e 8art of the o-l.

    1=. And these o8erations de8end -8on &odies, and tr-lythey that are Bor8orifyin/, ome from the Divine &odies intoMortal ones.0. &-t every one of them ateth both abo-t the &ody andthe o-l, and are 8resent +ith the o-l, even +itho-t the&ody.1. And they are al+ays Ats or o8erations, b-t the o-l isnot al+ays in a Mortal &ody, for it an be +itho-t a &ody,b-t Ats or '8erations annot be +itho-t &odies.. This is a sared 8eeh, on3 the &ody annot onsist+itho-t a o-l.4. Tat. Ho+ meanest tho- that, %ather7. Herm. #nderstand it th-s, ' Tat$ hen the o-l isse8arated from the &ody, there remaineth that same body.5. And this same &ody, aordin/ to the time of its abode, isat-ated, or o8erated in that it is dissolved and beomesinvisible.6. And these thin/s the &ody annot s-ffer +itho-t at or

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    o8eration, and onse>-ently there remaineth +ith the &ody,the same at or o8eration.;. This then is the differene bet+een an !mmortal &odyand a Mortal one, that the !mmortal one onsists of oneMatter, and so doth not the Mortal one, and the immortal one

    doth, b-t this s-ffereth.

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    7. %or +itho-t these, it is im8ossible that the &ody sho-ldonsist.74. &-t other o8erations are 8ro8er to the o-ls of Men, byArts, ienes, t-dies, and Ations.77. The enses also follo+ these '8erations, or rather are the

    effets or 8erfetions C of them.75. #nderstand, therefore, ' on, the differene of'8erations, it is sent from above.76. &-t ense bein/ in the &ody, and havin/ its essene fromit, +hen it reeiveth At or '8eration, manifesteth it, main/it as it +ere or8oreal.7;. Therefore, ! say, that the enses are both or8oreal andmortal, havin/ so m-h e9istene as the &ody, for they areborn +ith the &ody, and die +ith it.7

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    61. %or that +hih affords the ense to re2oie +ith Pleas-re,is stri/ht+ay the a-se of many evils, ha88enin/ to him thats-ffers it.6. &-t sorro+ /ives stron/er torments and An/-ish,therefore, do-btless, are they both malifiial.

    64. The same may be said of the ense of the o-l.67. Tat. !s not the so-l inor8oreal, and the sense a &ody,%ather 'r is it rather in the &ody65. Herm. !f +e 8-t it in a &ody, ' o, +e shall mae it liethe o-l, or the '8erations3 for these bein/ -nbodily, +e sayare in &odies.66. &-t ense is neither '8eration, nor o-l, nor anythin/else that belon/s to the &ody, b-t as +e have said, and,therefore, it is not inor8oreal.6;. And if it be not inor8oreal, it m-st needs be a &ody, for

    +e al+ays say, that of thin/s that are, some are &odies, andsome inor8oreal.The End of The %o-rteenth &oo,'% 'PERAT!'* A*D E*E.Next:The %ifteenth &oo,'% TR#TH, T' H! '*, TAT.


    '% TR#TH, ' Tat, it is not 8ossible that man, bein/ anim8erfet i/ht, om8o-nded of !m8erfet members, andhavin/ his Tabernale, onsistin/ of different, and many&odies, sho-ld s8ea +ith any Bonfidene.. &-t as far as it is 8ossible and 2-st ?! say@. That Tr-th isonly in Eternal &odies, +hose very &odies are also Tr-e.4. The %ire is fire itself only, and nothin/ else3 the Earth isearth itself, and nothin/ else3 the Air is air itself, and nothin/else3 the ater, +ater itself, and nothin/ else.7. &-t o-r &odies onsist of all these, for they have of the %ire,they have of the Earth, they have of the ater, and Air, andyet there is neither %ire, nor Earth, nor ater, nor Air, noranythin/ tr-e.5. And if at the be/innin/, o-r Bonstit-tion had not Tr-th,ho+ o-ld men either see the Tr-th, or s8ea it, or-nderstand it, only e9e8t "od +o-ld6. All thin/s, therefore, -8on Earth, ' Tat, are not Tr-th, b-timitations of the Tr-th, and yet not all thin/s neither, for they
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    are b-t fe+ that are so.;. &-t the other thin/s are %alsehood and Deeit, ' Tat, ando8inions, lie the !ma/es of the fany of a88earane.

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    7. %or everythin/ that is altered, is a lie, not abidin/ in +hatit is, b-t bein/ han/ed it she+s -s al+ays, other and othera88earanes.5. Tat. !s not man tr-e, ' %ather6. Herm. As far forth as he is a man, he is not tr-e, on, for

    that +hih is tr-e, hath of itself alone its onstit-tion, andremains and abides aordin/ to itself, s-h as it is.;. &-t man onsists of many thin/s, and doth not abide ofhimself, b-t is t-rned and han/ed, a/e after a/e, !dea after!dea, or form after form, and this +hile he is yet in theTabernale.

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    and the Providene of the Tr-e enom8asseth, and +illenom8ass them.70. %or +itho-t orr-8tion there an no /eneration onsist.71. %or orr-8tion follo+eth every /eneration, that it maya/ain be /enerated.

    7. %or those thin/s that are /enerated, m-st of neessity be/enerated of those thin/s that are orr-8ted, and the thin/s/enerated m-st needs be orr-8ted, that the "eneration ofthin/s bein/, may not stand still or ease.74. Ano+led/e, therefore, the first orman, by the"eneration of thin/s.77. Bonse>-ently the thin/s that are /enerated of Borr-8tionare false, as bein/ sometimes one thin/, sometimes another$%or it is im8ossible, they sho-ld be made the same thin/sa/ain, and that +hih is not the same, ho+ is it tr-e

    75. Therefore, ' on, +e m-st all these thin/s fanies ora88earanes.76. And if +e +ill /ive a man his ri/ht name, +e m-st allhim the a88earane of Manhood3 and a hild, the fany ora88earane of a hild3 an old man, the fany or a88earane ofan old man3 a yo-n/ man, the a88earane of a yo-n/ man3and a man of ri8e a/e, the a88earane of a man of ri8e a/e.7;. %or neither is a man, a man, nor a hild, a hild, nor ayo-n/ man, yo-n/ man, nor an old man, an old man.7

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    alled Death C, by tain/ a+ay the first letter, instead of!mmortal C.4. %or Death is destr-tion, b-t there is nothin/ in the +holeorld that is destroyed.7. %or if the orld be a seond "od, and an !mmortal livin/

    i/ht, it is im8ossible that any 8art of an !mmortal livin/i/ht sho-ld die.5. &-t all thin/s that are in the orld, are members of theorld, es8eially man, the reasonable livin/ i/ht.6. %or the first of all is "od, the Eternal, the #nmade, and theorman of all thin/s.;. The seond is the orld, made by him, after his o+n!ma/e, and by him holden to/ether, and no-rished, andimmortali:ed, and as from its o+n %ather, ever livin/.-alities in the8heres, and sh-t them -8 as in a Birle, deliberatin/ tobea-tify +ith every J-ality, that +hih after+ards sho-ld bemade.15. Then lothin/ the #niversal &ody +ith !mmortality, lestthe Matter, if it +o-ld de8art from this Bom8osition, sho-ldbe dissolved into its o+n disorder.16. %or +hen the Matter +as !nor8orated, ' on, it +asdisordered, and it hath here the same onf-sion dailyrevolved abo-t other little thin/s, end-ed +ith J-alities, in8oint of A-/mentation, and Dimin-tion, +hih men allDeath, bein/ indeed a disorder ha88enin/ abo-t earthlylivin/ i/hts.1;. %or the &odies of Heavenly thin/s, have one order, +hihthey have reeived from the %ather at the be/innin/, and is

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    by the insta-ration of eah of them, e8t indissolveable.1

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    another, there m-st be one that m-st mae, and do them, andhe, -nmade, and more anient than the thin/s that are made.;. %or ! affirm the thin/s that are made, to be made byanother, and it is im8ossible, that of the thin/s that are made,any sho-ld be more anient than all, b-t only that +hih is

    not made.

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    alone, sim8le, -nom8o-nded, it is of neessity, that hemaes the same thin/ to himself, to +hom it is the"eneration of him that maeth to be also All that is made.1. %or that +hih is "enerated or made, m-st neessarily be/enerated or made by another, b-t +itho-t the maer, that

    +hih is made, neither is made, nor is3 for the one of them+itho-t the other, has lost his 8ro8er *at-re by the 8rivationof the other.. o if these T+o be onfessed, That +hih maeth, andthat +hih is made, then they are 'ne in #nion, this /oin/before, and that follo+in/.4. And that +hih /oeth before, is, "od the Maer3 and that+hih follo+s, is, that +hih is made, be it +hat it +ill.7. And let no man be afraid bea-se of the variety of thin/sthat are made or done, lest he sho-ld ase an as8ersion of

    baseness, or infamy -8on "od3 for it is the only "lory of himto do, or mae all thin/s.5. And this main/, or %at-re, is as it +ere the &ody of"od3 and to him that maeth, or doth, there is nothin/ evil orfilthy to be im8-ted, or there is nothin/ tho-/ht evil, orfilthy.6. %or these are Passions that follo+ "eneration, as R-stdoth Bo88er, or as E9rements do the &ody.;. &-t neither did the Bo88ersmith mae the R-st, nor theMaer of the %ilth, nor "od the Evilness.

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    44. %or /od hath only one Passion, namely, "ood3 and he thatis /ood, is neither 8ro-d, nor im8otent, nor the rest, b-t "odis "ood itself.47. %or "ood is all Po+er, to do or mae all thin/s, andeverythin/ that is made, is made by "od, that is, by the

    "ood, and that an mae or do all thin/s.45. ee, then, ho+ he maeth all thin/s, and ho+ the thin/sare done, that are done, and if tho- +ilt learn, tho- mayestsee an !ma/e thereof, very bea-tif-l and lie.46. oo -8on the H-sbandman, ho+ he asteth seeds intothe Earth, here +heat, there barley, and else+here someother seeds.4;. oo -8on the same Man, 8lantin/ a vine, or an a88letree, or a fi/ tree, or some other tree.4