Heritage Sites in India


Transcript of Heritage Sites in India

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Agra Fot Ajanta Caves Elora Caves

Taj Mahal

Moumes aMahabalipram S Temple, Koaak Kaziaa Naioal Pak Keoadeo Naioa Pak Maas Wildife Sancary Chrches ad Conves of Goa

Faehpr Sikri

Monmens a Hampi Momens a Khajraho lephanta Caves Chola Temples Monmens a Paadakal Sudarbans Naional Park Nada Devi ad Valley of

Fowers Naoal Parks

Bddhist Monmes a Sachi

umay's Tomb Qb Mar ad is

Monmens Monain Railways of India Mahabodhi Temple Complexa Bodh Gaya Rock Shelers of Bhimbeka Champane-PavaadhArchaeoloical Park

Chharapai Shivaji Termius ed Fo Compex he Jaa Maar aipr

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Jl 1Vol o 1



' Each of our ancent, historic monu-

ments s a wndow to the rch heritage ofour past. Let us hear what one of our

greatest, and most imagnative mndshad to say about such great stes.

"At Sarnath, near Benares could almost see the Buddha preachng hs frstsermon, and some of hs recorded wordswoud come like a distant echo to me,through two thousand fve hundredyears Ashoka's pillars of stone, wth theirnscriptions, would speak to me n theirmagnificent language,and tel me of a manwho, though an em-peror, was greaterthan any king or em

peror '

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NEW DELHI: ya Co. Anha Vantha Manal Buldng.. Aza Bhavan Ra. lapatha tat.Nw Delh - 0 Ph0337978. 3379719, 337970UBAI: yaa MnormA- Maatn na. A Wi 4h FoLw a t) Mum- 4 03  0 - 39. 4. 4133

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 M R. ap 30 Ph04 - 33. Mb6897HYDERABAD  Maayaa M





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N. Banaa Hll Hyab  - 5 034Ph - 334. 339BENGAURU May noN 3. antha C u 3 F.l Bagh &gu 5 07n 47735 13CHENNA ayaa noUt B Fl 3. Spu ak Rad. ChetpChena-6 03 Ph n - 438140COBATORE Malayl norma0. Sunh Buldg. 056.Aah R Cm - 08 49 / 4470

LUCKNOW Maya na657.a Naga L6 06Ph 05 - 576CHANDIGAH May n H N . Gun l Annx. C. Changah - 0Ph 07 7 Mob 731077BHOPA  y m16.pa Bwa.Z MP Na 0755 - 557937


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HERITAGE ITEWy is eritage caed a gift

from te past to te ftreeitage is somethng that is

passed down to us fom ou foefathes n thi s espect heitage isa git fom past geneations to

futue geneatons n the case offami ies heitage can be popet possessions o a taditionWhen we speak of a countsheitage we ae efeing to itshisto achievements and cu-tue The tem Wod Heitage

Sites is used to efe to thoseteasues of the past and won-des of natue that ae so uniuethat a the nations of the wodhave a dut to potect them i e-spective of the count that theae ocated in he Wold Heit-

age sites efect the cu tua andnatua weath and dvesit ofou panet

Te UNESCO as so far

ietified 28 paces i Iia asHeritage sites ad mayoters are awaitig approva

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s o ag

he UNESCO WodHetage Cente wasbon b meging twoseaate moementsThe fst was a moe-ment fo the eseation of cu ltua stes Thesecond was a moe-ment that dealt wth theconseation of natueThe bal fo the fist

moement was set o i ng with the de-csion to bu ld the Aswan High am inEgt Thi s dam wou ld hae floodedthe a l le in which one of the teasuesof ancent Egt the Abu Simbe tem-e was ocated n 959 UNESCOaunched a camaign to safeguadthese temles t was a joint effot of 50counties and it led to man othesimi la oects to safeguad ae teas-ues t was the United States that edthe moement to combne the conse-aton of natual wondes aong withcultua sites

The StoneChariot atVitthala TempleHampi

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How many World Hertage stes are tere to-

day?hee ae 936 Wod Heitage sites toda Theinc ude 725 cutua sites 1 83 natua sites and 28sites that ae a com bi nation of the two These sitesae found in 1 53 paces a ove the wod. The fisttwo sites in India that made the ist wee the AgaFot and the Ajanta Caves Ovethe eas 26 moe

sites have been added Of the total of 28 sites inndia 23 ae cutua l sites and the emaining 5 a enatua wondes The atest site to make the i st isthe Janta Manta i n a ipu

World Heritag Fund ·









In 92, te World Hertage Fund wascreated Its am s to assst natons ndentfyng, preservng, and promot-ng World Hertage stes Contrbu-tons to te fund are made bot on acompulsory and voluntary bass.Compulsory contrbutons are one

percent of ter annual UESCO dues.Voluntary contrbutons must be padon a regular bass, at least ever twoears


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Nomnaton Poc

0 How does a ste become a Wold Hetage ste? o be elgble fo nomna

ton as a Wold Hetage st, te


place o cultual landmak must be located wtnte boundaes of tos countes tat ave gnedte Wold Hetag Conventon Onl tese natons ae elgble to appl fo a Wold Hetageste

W s te fomaton of a tntatv lst mpotant?

f a cou nt wants a popet to be ecognized asa Wod Heitage site it m ust ave signed te WoldHetage Convention Te next step i s to submit atentative ist Te tentative ist is an i nvento of teimpotant natua and cu ltua eitage sites tatae located wit te boundaies of tat paticuacount Te tentative l ist i s moe tan an inventotoug t is a foecast of te popeties tat tecounties migt consde fo nomination in tenext five to ten eas t can be updated at an tmeTe tentative st is impotant because onl tosesites on ts ist w be consideed fo nominationas a Wod He itage site

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9ra 1 Wy s te Agra Fo con-

sdered an mportant pa ofIndas ertage?

he cit of Aga in UttaPadesh has a histo that goesback moe than 500 eas tis famous fo two magn ificentmonuments the aj Mahal

and the Red Fot of Aga thatefect the gandeu of theMu ghals he Red Fo of Agao the Aga Fot as t s usua llcal ed is ocated about 5 kmsfom the aj Maha It was thempeia l ct of sevea Mugha l

ules and contained manpiceless teasues id ouknow that the famous diamond that is now known asthe ohinoo damond was apat of th is teasue? his fotof ed sandstone s actual a

waed cit encosng manpalaces audience has andtwo mosues hee ae fougates on its fou sides and oneof the gates was caled khizigate o the wate gate because t opens to the ive

font he fot has suvivedthoughtheonsaughtoftimenatue and men and is todaaUNESCO Wod Hetage site

l l M W

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Fo for Freedome Agra Fo was

te ste of a mpor-tat battle te Id-a rebello agastBrts rue 85.

It was ts rebello

tat marked te be-gg of Ida'smovemet for Ide-pedece.

Sr may Iarra



a trpfrom


RedFort to the Taj

i s i I

ehangiri aha

Wy s te story of Agra Fort fasc-atg?

ga Fot was oigina a bick fotbuil t b the Rajputs the Hindu k ings who

ued the and ate the fist Sutan ofehi Sikande Lodi shifted to Aga andived in the fot t was duing th is timethat Aga became impotant as the second capita His son bahim Lodi hedthe fot fo n ine eas unti l he was defeated and ki ed in the batte of Pan ipatin 526 b the Mugha l ue Babu How-eve it was Akba who made Aga thecapital of the Mugha l Empie and whoebu i lt the fot It was ebui t in ed sandstone and 000 buides woked onit fo eight eas It was competed in1 573 Akbas gandson Shah Jahan a lsomade some changes to this fot Shah

Jahan was ate impisoned and it is bel ieved that he died in a towe in Aga Fotthat had a view of his mastepiece theTaj Maha


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as al

Wy s te Agra Fo a blend of Hnd and Mgal arctectre?ga Fot is sead out ove 94 aces with was that ae 2 1 me-

tes h igh he ive uns a ongs ide and it has fou gates bui lt of edsandstone elh i Gate is the gandest of the gates that faces thecit on the westen side t is embel i shed with in a wok in whitemabe and has a wooden dawbidge that sans a moat heothe im otant gate is the Lahoe Gate which is a so known asthe Ama Singh Gate At one time thee wee five hunded exui-site designed buidings inside the fot Some of them wee demoi shed b Shah Jahan and elaced with aaces of white mabe Usua ll Is amic achitectue has decoations imited to ca ligah and attens he Aga Fot howeve is an inteesting bendof Hindu and Mugha a chitectue as thee ae images of dagonsan imas and bi ds as wel


Peacock rone

e magnfcent Peacockrone of Emperor Sa

aana an enamelle canopy stue wt gemsIts unerse was nla wt amons, emerals,

rubes, an garnets It was sppoe by 2 pllarscovere wt emeral facngs, an got ts name fromte bejewele peacocks tat flanke t

Tl M W

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A thesecaves were but

bymy ra



Ajanta Caves

A QW wee te anta aves gven ts

namehe Ajanta Caves ae situated noth of

Auangabad in Mahaashta The get theiname fom the vi age of Ajanta that is o-cated neab The caves wee discoveed in 8 9 b a Biti sh am offce He stumbledon them b accident duing a h unting ex-pedit ion he caves ae caved out of a hoseshoe shaped ock suface that oveooks asteam and th is c iff is nea 76 metes ta Thee ae 3 caves in a l and it is be ievedthat the wee caved in the 2 centu BCas a eteat fo Buddhist monks du ing theai n season The wee used as pae ha sfo about n ine centuies and then abuptabandoned Toda the caves ae an impo-tant touist destination and ae famous fothei magn ificent muas

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Why ae the anta aves mpoant?he Ajanta Caves ae impotant be

cause the incude paintings and scu p-tues consideed to be mastepieces ofuddhist eligious at. Some paintingseflect the heavada tadition of depicting the uddha onl in smbolic fomsuch as a thone o footpints Othes featue colouful mu al s and statues depict-ing the ife of the uddha and vaious odhisattvas. hee ae also fescos whichae emi niscent of the paint ings found inSi anka and some of the caves depictscenes fom eveda life and inscip-tions. l nsp ied bfaith and devotion eachfigue has been caved b the monks us-ing just hamme and chise he caves of

Ajanta eflect the achievements of theGupta and post Gupta peiod in ndianhisto he tel l us the sto of a ich anda glorious past. 

1 2

Anoher View ofhe Ajana Caes

Hurry up!am ready to

draw my masterpiece.

T l M Wh

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W a ana panngs spcalTe pantings in te Ajanta Caves depict

diffeent incidents n te fe of Buddha as

wel contempoa events and socia ife Aspecia tecnque was used to execute thepaintngs he ock suface was fist pe-paed with e aboate cae and scoed wtch ise maks and gooves to old the nextlaes in pace A fist ae of ed eathmixed with ockgt o sand vegetabe fi-

bes and gass was ten appied on teough suface of wals and ceiings Tesuface was fina l fin ised with a t in coatof l me wash Outli nes wee dawn on thesuface and the spaces wee fied wtcolous The paintings of Ajanta ae notfescoes in the accepted sense of the wod

Fescoes ae painted whe the l m e washis st wet so tat it acts as a b inding agentbut those of te Ajanta caves use gue asthe bind ing agent

s I

JT anaavs

a 30cavs includingsom unfinishdons at AjanaOf hm fiv a

pay has aityas ands amoasis Viaas

A Paintingom Cave

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Enra aesWhy ae the E oa aves consdeed a meetng pace of thee

geat egons?he E loa Caves ae a seies of ancient temples and monasteies

hewn into the side of the Chanadai Hi l in the eccan P ateau ndia is the bithpace of thee wod eigions Hinduism, Buddh ism and Jain ism Hi stoica l speaking the emegence of E loacoincided with the decine of Buddhism, and a Hindu enaissance

in A 7 and 9 centuies in Ind ia The E l oa Caves fa l into theedistinct g ou ps, Buddhist Hindu, and Ja in Thee ae tweve Buddh ist caves, and the fist nine Buddhist caves ae vaiations of vihaas o monasteies filed with fgu es of od Buddha and scenes


ailasana Temple Cave

Who butths? amconfused

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fom Buddhist mthoog TheHndu Caves ae seventeen innumbe and epesent the peakof Eoas development Thecontain impessive sculptuesof detes fom the Hndu pantheon Thee ae five Ja in cavesThe ae s m pe than the othecaves but ae just as inspi ing with elephants and ons comng to l fe in thei depthsTheeis no doubt thatthe E loa Cavesbea wtness to the sp it of toeance among faths

A Vew of Cave

Why a th Eoa avsmotat?

he EIIoa Caves ae mpotant because the follow thedeveopment of eligiousthought n Inda though thedecne of Buddhism n the latte half of 8 centu to the H in-du enassance that foowed

the etun of the Gu pta dnastand then the Jain esugencebetween the 9 and 1 centuies The Buddhists caves ae

1 5

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moastey has which the moksused fo study solitay medtatioad commual woshp as well as

fo the day activtes ike eatingad sleeping

he Hdu caves peset anothewold hey are profusely scuptuedwith Shiva and Vishnu images. Theybegin wth Shiva kng a demonad movig i a clockwse di ection

they end with Vishu as the man-lionNaasmha These caves ie i thecente ofthe g roup and ae the mostumeous

The Ja caves ae the simpest, and  adiate an aua of peace he mainidos i the El ora Caves i a l the thee

groups are lager than fe-sze Eoahas been declaed a UNESCO Wo 

Hertage site, and is preseed by the 

Archaeoogical Suvey of India.

1 6

Relefof Nataraja atKalasanatha Temple,Ellora

A Stone Carved Pillar

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Inasaba Temple

The two stoied Idasabhatmp is a mastpic ocatd i te ain caves It is a hugestuctue tat ca be eacy a fight of stps fanked bymagnificent cavings Thee is

a couyad with a sma shiad th sids of th cntaquadage cotai manymo shis to th ai saints

A Jan Cav n lora

hy is te Tin Taa cave in loaa acitectua wone?

e Tin Tala is te 12 Buddhistave in E loa It is at fist ganceate pain wit unadoned pi asand scupted panes on l on the in-newa ls Howeve it is beathtak ingin tat this thee stoe stuctuewas compete fashioned b hu-man hands witout the aid of anmacines t is a monaste cumapel that has been painstakingaed to ouse fo monks ts

floos and ceiings ae smooth andleveed and it s without doubt atibutetothe acitectua ski oftheBuddhist monks in the 8 centu

Painting in te Dak

t is tuy amazing thatsuch inticat paintingsw done on t was ofdak caves wee te isvey itt atua ight So

how did the monks manage to o these paintings?Oe thoy is that theyused mios to efect andmagify whateve ittnatua ight thee wasAnothe theoy is tat tepoos of wat that gath

d i the depessios it ock foo acted ikemios to nhace teavaiae light


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s Ta Maa awnspng

he Taj Mahal is an inspiring monment bil t by the Mghal mperor Shahahan between 631 and 648 as a tribte to the memory of his favorite wifeMmtaz Mahal, who died in 63 It isbeieved that thosands of workers from

I ot a b vsa .for Inda

  to Jo th TaJMahal constructon


Dsgn o Ta

It s s not ca whodsgnd th Ta stad Amd Laou sga bvd tob th ch achctbut som ohs nkt was stad Isa omTuk anc andItay both cam hatt was th ban chdo th ass Howv w can sasa tha th Ta s thsum tota o th d

sgns o wo cnuso Mugha tombs

severa contries toied for 7 years to

compete it Bit completey of whitemarbe and exqisitely designed, it is "more than a rers ach ievement or a nation's pride

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Th tombs ohah ahan andMumtaz Mahal

in th Taj Mahal

Grat Gat othTaj Mahal

Ths stons from Baghdad

and ths on fromEgypt and ths

on .....

Why s the Ta Maha one of the wondes of the wod?

he Taj Mahal s oe of the most fawessarchitectral creatos of a l l tme o thepast fve ceties tavel es fom a l overthe wold have gazed awe at its icompaabe beaty Sitated o the rght bakofthe Yam a Rver the Taj Maha l g eamsl ike a jewel the perfect settig of its vast

gades The prity of the whte mabead the i trcacy of the foal a rabesqesas wel as the decoatve bads a h ghght to perfecto the exqste ca ll igaphy The materials for ts costctocame fom a over Idia ad Ceta AsaThe prstie white Makraa marbe came

from odh pr Precios stoesforthe i laywere broght fromBaghdad Pjab gyptRssia Golcoda Ch aAfghaista CeyloPersia ad the cotriesi I dia Ocea The Taj

Maha l withot dobt iscosidered to be the fest exampe of Mghaachitecte


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o Moo ange

dyou know thatthe Taj Maha seems tochange moodsaccodng to the tme ofthe day? The Taj Maashmmes wth a cooetheea beauty n themoonght gows abushng nk at awnand bazes a fey edwhen the whte mabecatches the ays of thesettng sun

Mnaret of theTaj Maha

Wy s e Ta Maa cae an actecua masteece?

he Taj Maha represes he fiesad mos sophisicaed exampe ofMgha achiecre I icoporaesad expads o may desig radiios paricary Pesia ad earlierMgha achiece Kow fo issymmery he Taj Mahal sis o araised plaform srroded by formiaes

The massive red sadsoe Taj gaeway was compleed i he year 648,ad sads 30 meres high. The gaeway is opped by smal cpolas ochhais Symbolic of he divide bewee he maerial ad he spiriahe gaeway is decoaed i cal i gra

phy wih verses from he hoy KoraThe omb sads o is ow ma rbepl ih which ress o a ed sadsoe

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patform For ta pi l ars rise p from the corners of the white marbe p nth They aretopped with eight windowed cpoas mmediatey beow the dome is the tomb of MmtazMaha which is centraly ned with the mainentrance Besdes Mmtaz Mahas tomb is thetombofShahJahan

The crypt an d the cenotaphs at the Taj carrydecorations of fabos eegance As many as35 dierent types of precios stones have beensed on a single bloomtrqoise jade agatecora lap is laz i onyx boodstone corneianjasper garnet and malach ite have been sedto fashion b looms of fchsias iy honeysckleand more

The beaty of the Taj Maha is enhanced bythe garden laid ot n the Persian Charbagh orfor garden pan style

The Tj Maha a unse

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The Taj MahalViewom the outh





Amazng Deta ng

fne dtang eavetvtototh Ta Maha

ndtuck Foa t man decoatvmnt a th toment a aac gan The inay wok in with uc k tat iti imoi to dicnany oint even wn a

many a 40 tiny ic ofmicou ton havn ud in t ta fa ing fow

a s Ia

How ae the tomb aange n the Ta Maha?

he aj Maha hoses thetombs of Mtaz Maha adShahaha hmself.heactaltombs of Mmtaz Maha a dSh ah eha are i the basemet, whie the maichamber, there are fasetombs srroded by laceike marble screeshese

screes trasmit ight ito theacta bria chamber. Bothtombs are exqisitey iaidwith semi precos stoesCaligraphic iscriptios ofthe iety ie ames of Aah ca aso be see o the

tomb of Mmtaz Maha Shahaha's tomb ies ext toMmtaz Maha l's, bt was ota part ofthe origia p la


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.ms quh lipr

hy s th

a bt ofmysty

about th goup of monumnts n ahabapuam?

the 7 cetuy whe t was athivig port of the Pa ava mpire The Paavas were powerful rules of the regio south ofMadas Mahabalpuram wasfamous for its tade with d stat

he moumets at Mahabal ipuram i Kacheepuram district, Tami Nadu, date back to

A anoramc

Vw ofMonmns of



Why th monumnts t


 h b lpu m

on of th wold's t sus?

ahaba ip uram meas the CtyofBalt s a sokow as Mamallapuam after Mamala, whowas resposibe of creatg the eaest moumet uder the reig of the Palava kg Naras mha Vama This tempe tow is said to beat least 2000 yeas od. It icludes eeve exca

vated tempes or madapas, two opeair basreiefs icud ig Arjuas Peace, ad oe ecosed basreef shrie Beside these, there i s au que stoe chariot ca ed atha cut out of a


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kigdoms, both by sea ad byld The momets wereaved ot of rock o the Coro

ade Coast, sometime bewee the ad 8 cetrieshey are reowed for theiremples, cavesactaries, stoehariots ad giat ope air reliefs depict ig the gory of Lordhiva However, these mo

ck.There are five morehas aog with threei scptresofa Nadi a io, ad a eephatA alace i ri s ca asoe see earby aogwith a tempe The Temle of Sthaasayaa Pema ad the Shoreemple are perhaps theest kow of al theempes s

mets remai a bit of a mysteryas o oe kows their prpose,or why roya patroage to the

place was abrpty withdrawxperts say that there were seve pagodas or tempes o theshores of Mahabaipram. Albt oe were destroyed by thesea Most of the tempes adrock carvigs of this pace were

bi t drig the reigs ofNarsiha Varma , ad� Narsiha Varma I.

The site is alsokowasMama


WoWho put thsocK hr?


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wmplWo bul e Koaak u empleccording to egend, the Konarak Sn

Tempe was b i t by Samba, son ofLord Krishna He was aff icted with

leprosy, and after tweve years ofsevere penance, he was credby the Sn God, Srya t is be

ieved that Samba then bi ltthis tempe in honor oftheSn God Historians however

feel that the temple thatstands today was bilt by

Narasimha Deva oftheGanga dynasty arond

250 The entire temple isin the form of a chariot to theSn God, p ed by seven

horses The clt of the Sn Godhad originated in Kashmir

arond the 8 centry, andspread to eastern I ndia as wel

he Konarak temple was bi lt dring the period when the c lt was at

its peak

Chariot Wheel of the un Templeoarak

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LookHo s my pantng


Sun Temple ymbols

hKonaak Tmp s but topsnt th chaot of thun God Th a svnton oss tat psntth svn days of th wk.Th twlv pas of whs

stand fo th

twv monthsof th ya.

y s te Konaak Tempeonseed to be a snng ex-ample of temple atetue

n the shores of the Bay ofBenga, stands a magnificentstone tempe bit with schprecision and skil that the raysof the rising sn strike its ma inentry at dawn Th is i s the Konarak Sn Tempe The tempe is

bi t to resembe the Sn Godschariot It has 24 whees withspokes sclpted with symbosthat represent the cyce of theseasons, and the months Thereare seven stone horses that appear to be p i ng the chariot

However, the rest of the tempefo lows the p an of traditionalOrissa tempes. The exqisitecarvings on the oter wa s, andthe free standing scptresmake this tempe try a tribteto the artisans of Orissa

A Panoramic View ofonarak un Temple

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hee s th Kazaga NatoaPak

he Kazaga Natioa Park s Assam o the baks of the majestc Bahmaputra River It s the odest park Assam The pak s made up of swamps adtal thickets of eephat grass The grassads ae terspersed with ope forestad itercoectg streams ad lakesmakig it the deal habtat for the oehored Idia ho I fact it has theword's argest popu lato of oehoedrhoceoses as wel as may othermammals cludig tiges eephatspathers ad beas ad thousads ofb rds too 1 940 the pak was decareda wi d fe sactuay Today, the KazragaNatioa l Park s oe of the UNSCO oldHeritage sites i da.

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Why s th Kazanga NatonaPak a havn fowdlf?

ore than 5speces of I ndiasthreatened mammas can be fondhere t a so boastsofthe wods largest popation ofndian rhinoceosand ndan ee

phants hen thepark gets foodeddring the monsoons, these animals migrate tothe neaby MikrHil s.

Kazirangasakesand steams arerich n many fomsof maine life,








 fact � 

The Legend o KazagaAccodng to gnd a g namd Rangaand a youth cad Kaz f n ov. Thyvd n naby vags but snc thy wnot aowd to may thy an away togth and w nv sn agan Th fost nto whch thy dsappad cam to bcad Kazanga.

One horned Rhnoceros at azrangaNatonal Park

which provide abndant food for the widanimals and bids that are fond hee Thosands of mi gratoy brds over a h n dredspeces of them flock to the pak seasona ySome of them come fom as far away as S iberia! In a; ove 300 species of brds can beseen here, while eptiles like the Indan py

thon, water monitor common cobra andkng coba abond. It s no wonder, therefore, that the Kazianga National Pak hasbeen desig nated as a ord Hetage ste.

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ol Htag t

Th pak was fsttabsh as a

v fost n 1 908In 1916, t wa ca a gam sanctu-a. Th pak bcamaw f sanctuay n950, an a oltag st n 1 985

hy s th Kolao Ghana Na-tonal Pak al fo b watchng?he Keoadeo Ghana National Park in

Bharatpr was ealier known as theBharatp Bi rd Sanctay Bharatpr isin Rajastha n, and every year it pays hostto thosands of migatory birds dring

the wnter season Keoadeo Ghana Nationa Park is try a paadise for bi ds,with ove 380 resident and migrant species, incding the Common Demoiseleand the rare Siberian cranes The migratory birds incde several species ofcranes, hawks, peicans, geese, shanks,

dcks, eages, warbers, stints, wagtai s,bntings, wheatears, fycatchers, a ks,and pipitsThe KeoladeoGhana NationaPark s a lso an exceent pace to spotmammas i ke the goden jacka, j ngecat, sambar, n i gai, and blackbck.

ambars a eoladeo Naional ark

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Great gret

WatefowlsThe Keoladeo National Pakabounds with wateowls likethe gadwall shovelecommon teal tufted ducklittle comoant and geatcomoant

The Saas Cane with itsspectacula couship danceis one of the main attactionsofthepak


Why is the histoy of Keolaeo National Pak an inteesting one?

he Keoladeo Ghaa NatoalPark s also kow smply as theKeoladeo Natioa Park It isamed afer the Keoadeo orShiva temple that is isde thepark the past the area eompassed by the park had a aturaldepresso surrouded by a forest or ghaa This depressowas subjeted to seasoa l floodig by the waters of the rverBagaga.

The area was developed to aduk shootig reserve i 1 899 bythe ruler of Bharatpur. spiredby the duk shootig evets thathe had experieed gadhe got buds ad dykes ostruted betwee 850 ad 1 899ad ireased the waterhodgapaity of the depressio. Thepark beame a popul ar hu tig

groud for the Maharajas ofBharatpur who orgaized dukshoots for visit ig royaty Laterthe Govermet of Rajasthatook over the park ad made it abird satuary i 1 956 theyear 1 967, the area of Keoadeo

Ghaa was fial y deared as aproteted forest 1 98· Keoladeo was deared as a Natoa Park

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Tmelnehe Keoladeo Natoal Park was prevouslyh prvat shootg preserv of thaharajah of Bharatpur t was es

ablshed as a gam sactuary n1956, a atona park 1 982, anda amsar ste 1 981 . t made theord Hertag st st 1 985.

Group of aned orks

Rch Pak

The Keolado Natoal Park hasmor than 350 speces of brdswhch nclude 42 specs of raptors,ad 9 spces of ows. Thr are 34speces of mammas, 22 speces ofreptles, 8 speces of amphbans, 57spces of fsh, ad 71 spces of

butteles. he ar also moetha 30 specs of dagofles, adaothe 30 specs of spds n thpark. 

Hig is i

Common arakeet

Hey!My binoculars s

not workng.


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hy was the Manas ldlfe Sanctuary selectedas a orld Hertage ste?

he Maas dfe Sactay Assam is ocatedo a gete sope at the foothls of the Himaayaswhee wooded hils give way to avia grassadsad tropcal forests Coveg a aea of 39,00 hec-

tares t spas the Maas Rive ad is boded to theorth by the forests of Bhta The sactary povdesctca ad vable habtats for ae ad edageredspeces icld g the tger geater oehoed rhoswamp deer pygmy hog ad Begal floca

The Maas dfe Sactary pro-vdes habitat fo 22 of Idias most

threateed species of mammas. tota there ae eary 60 mammalspecies 42 rept e species 7 amph ibas ad 500 species of bi rds of which26 are gobaly threateed The parkets ts ame fom the Maas Rivewhich i s amed afte the serpet God-

dess Maasa The river flows throghthe park whch is ecogied byc  _•.  - UNSCO as a old Heritage ste be


. :

case of ts rch bodiversityl MW

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Hghly ndangered

he most endangeredr �cf


anmals n the Manas

Wldlfe Sanuay are the golden langur, pygmyhog and hspd hare. The pygmy hog s the smallestmember of the pg famly,and accordng to the Inter-natonal non for Conservaton of Nature(CN), sone of the 1 2 most endangered anmals n the world.It was redscovered n the Manas Forest n 1 971 .

Why s he geography of he Manas WldlfeSanuary nterestng?

he Manas i ld ife Sanctary ies i the foothi l l s ofthe Ote Himaayas The Maas River fows thoghthe wester portion of the pak where it sp its intothee sepaate ives, and jois the Bahmaptra

some 64 ki lometes fther soth These ivers caryMans an eormos a mont of sit, and ock debris fromRiver the footh i s, which eads to the formation of a via

teraces The area of theBoki basin, i the west ofthe pak, is sometimesflooded d ing the monsoon. The pak consists oftopica semievergreeforests in the north, tropical moist, and dry decidos forests over most ofits aea, and extensive avia grasslands in thewest Thee is a lso a considerable vaiety ofaqatic foa aong rivebaks, ad in the nmerospoos


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A View f

the ManasWideSanctua

Why s Manas an potant wldle destnatonns s noted fo its spectc sceney with

vety of hbtt types tht s ppot dvese f

mkng t the ichest of l l ndi wl dl fe es. t s fmos fo its Tge Reseve whch so povides potecton fo migtoy wi d l fe. I fct Mns hbosthe getest mbe of nd's Schedle mmm ls ofy potected e i the coty These iclde thegolde lg cpped lng hoolock gbboncloded eopd tige leopd ct nd golde ct.

ftyfive species of mmms thitysix speces ofeptes nd thee speces of mphib ins hve beesighted t Ms. Ove 450 species of bds hve beeecoded iclding the theteed Begl floicget ped hon b l wethed hob ll nd othehonbil s Mns so hs viety of eptles cldg deent speces of skes g h s d moto

lzds The chess nd dvesity of its fn nd flohve mde Mns one of the most pop wild lfedestintios i I di tody.

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le ne7he ctral heritage of Goa is very

dierent from that of the rest of ndia The Portgese red here for manyyears, and their infence can be seeneverywhere. At the same time, the peo

ple have not fogotten thei ndianoots. Goa is a pace whee the peopleespect ancient traditions, yet are verymodern in their otook It is a so a placewhee yo wi find al reig ions existingtogether in perfect harmony asteand Diwali, Chistmas and Shivarathri

are al ceebrated with eqa pass ionMagnificent chches, and ancienttempes dot the beathtaking andscape in profsion The Goans havemsic in thei blood, and both Indanand estern msic ae appreciated andpefomed with eqa peasre Yes,

Goa is try a pace where ast meetsest, and it is this amazing bend oftheIndian and the Portgese that makesGoan c te n iqe

Gan castine

ava hava .. .Ye havaa

�  :=


i in In

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Basiica f B Jesus


The Se Cathedral

The Se Cathedral s oeof the largest chuches sa.The west facg cathedra has a Tusca exterorwth squae towersfakg the 303 metrehgh facadeThe teor

has huge pllars dvdgthe 76.2 mete log ceta space from the sdeasles. The cathedal has1 5 atars.


Why are the churches of Goa hstorcally mportat?

n 1 542, the esits arrived in Goa

They bi t tal and imposing chrcheswith magnificent interiors. Their aweinspir ing appearance and interiors avishly adorned with twisted colmns,decorated pediments, profseycarved and gided atars, and coorfwa paintings impressed the oca

popation, and payed an impotantroe in converting them to ChristianityOf the 60 chrches that were srviv

ing in the 1 8 centry, sad y, on ly seven major chrches remain todayHowever, even those that are in rinsare archaeological treasres of histori

ca importance This is becase, thesechrches exeed great infence inthe 68 centries, on the deveopment of architectre, scptre,and painting The chrches he ped tospread different forms of art throghot the contries of Asia.

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Bell the Church aImmaculate Cnceptin

Se Cathedral

es o GoaThe h f May Immaate

neption is ne of te mst famosandmaks o Goa It is famos o theagest be in India, whih is as teseond agest in te wod

The Se atheda, dediated to St.atheine, has five bes whi indethe famos Gden Be, whih isaong te wd's agest, too

Wy is St. Fanis Xavie aledTe Lod o Goa?

t Francis Xavier was a Jesit missionary from Spain He came to Goa asa missionary in 542 He cared for thei in the Roya Hospita, and preachedin the streets for the conversion andsavation of sos He performed miraces dring these jorneys, and it isbeeved that he trned casks of seawater into fresh water for sa ilors, andbroght a boy back to life aer he hadfa en overboard

This nobe priest fe l i l, and d ied in552 on the is and of Sancian Hsbody was broght back to Goa i n a mirac osy wel preserved condtion Itremains there to this day, i n the BoJess Chrch St Franc is Xavier is thepatron saint of Goa, and his feast is

celebrated evey year wth reigiosfevor and passion He is chershed inth e hearts ofthe peope, who ca himLord ofGoa wth awe and reverence


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A Panramic View fFatehpur Sikri

Bral, we wlmake hs Skr' aFaehpur Skr '

Wy s Faep Sk so naedatehpr Sikri was bt by the m

peror Akbar n 57 The work, spe-vised by Akba himse lf, was competedin 573. atehpr Sk derives its namefom the v l age of Sik, which occ-

pied the spot earler The prefx atehpr, o cty of victory', was added in1 573 ae Akbar's conqest of Gjaat

The city comprsed of a seies of palaces, pbic bildngs and mosqes, aswe a s l iving aeas fo the cot, the amy, servants of the kng, and fo hispeope It was bit on a rocky patea,nea an atfca ake, and the mon-ments wee constrcted of red sandstone, n a bend of Hind, Pesian, andndoMsl im tadtions. In 1 585 how-eve, Akbar abandoned atehpr Skito fght against the Afghan tribes, and

-  .chose a new capital. Thogh t had a


short life of spendor, atehp Sikrhas remained til date as one of themost magnifcent and wepeservedheritage sites n nd ia

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'0 Pan Maal

Th Pch Mhl i fiflrd pillrd pili i Ftpur Sikri. Thixtrrdiry buildigwa clld bdgir r widtwr bcu it iu-mrbl pillr ll thflr llwd th brzt flw thrugh it thtt w lwy cl i

ummr. Built th pt-tr f Buddhit tmpl Mahl w biclly plur plc f Emprr Akbr.

Wy is Fat Si ya an mpo oro

kba chose to bu id his city in thevi age of Sikri out of reverence foSheikh Salim, a eigious mystic ofthe Chisti orde who pophesiedthat he would have three sons atthat site Akbar moved h is pregnantwife to Sikri where she had twosons n than ksgiving, Akba decid-ed to bu ild an im peial mosque andpaace at the vilage of Sikri

Ae 573 it was egarded as thecapita l of the Mugha Empire Howeve ater the city was abandonedby Akba in 1 585 tofight a campaignin the Pu njab, it seems to have de-cl ined ust as rapidy By 61 0 it wascompletey abandoned The easonfor the sudden decl ine of the city isusualy given as the faiue of the

wate su pply system Howeve theeal eason may have been the em-peor's loss of interest, since he hadbu ilt it on a whim in the first place

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Joda a's PalaeThe palae o oha

ai, te Rajput ueeo te emperor s theargest a most impoat pa o Abar'simperial harem at

Fatehpur Siri. Tepalae osists o aretagular blo, witha sige magietgatewayo theeasterse, whi was proteted by guar rooms.Hnu motis e

swas, parrots, eepats a lotusesaor te iteror

Wy are te Dwani Aam and DwanKas mpora uildgs Faepur Sr

athpur Skr s rgardd as EmprorAkbar's crownng archtctura lgac.Hs cratv and asthtc mpuss havfound xqust xprsson n ts numr-

ous paacs hals and masds. Th D-wanAam s th frst ncosur of thpaac as on ntrs It s a vast courtardthat was usd b Empror Akbar for thda publc audnc ca ld Jharokha'It was aso usd to dspns ustc

Th DwanAam gav accss to a sc-

ond magnfcnt nclosur that s caldDwanKhas Ths s undoubtd thfnst bu ldng n Fathpur Skr and wasusd for th prvat audncs and othrcourt actvts Ths nsprng chambr sdomnatd b a massv carvd pathat has th sx brackts su pportng abalcon for Akbar If ou vr gt achanc to vst Fathpur Skr toumagnaton soar and n our mnd's ou w s Akbar grant ng audnc th s subcts and dspnsng ustc

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Orn nf.nmctat ami

Wy s te stoy o Hamp an amazngone

he stry f Hampi is the amazing saga fhw a tiny hamlet grew int the sprawingmedieval metrp is, that was the capita fthe grand Viayanagar Empire The h istry fViayanagar is ne f resistance against the

nrthern s tanates as wel as b ilding f itsspectacar capita in Hampi The city grewt be ne fthe mar trading centres f the


medieva wrld Everything frm hrses

t gems was traded here Art and arch itur fnd a special place in Hampi, as

its r lers were great patrns f art andreigin

n crse f time, the Viayanagar army sered heavy lsses, and its

capita city was pl ndered ts pp

latin was massacred, and treasrehnters ransaced its paaces andtempes fr mnths The nce g ri-s capital trned int an aban-dnedghstcityrrentlyHampi'smnments hndreds f them

are pplar amng trists and

pi grims Hampi was declared aWrld Heritage site in 986

Virupaksha Tempe


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ishavy wh u th kigm f Vijayaga btwe 1 5091 529, ws f th gat-

est statsm i miva Suth Ia is u was mke bya u pspity cutuay a mtiisticy ws gt wai a a pt Kishvay cug aigat a achitctu h h i th gy f th Vijayaagmpi i with him

Wch ae t mn mnuments f Hamp?h 4 ntuy uins of ampi li sattd amidst giant bou

ds and vgtation, with th Riv Tungabhada ushing in thnoth, and oky gan it idgs on th oth th sids Most ofth monumnts w buit i n honou of th sag Vidyaanya, b-twn 336570 AD A ag numb of oyal buildings waisd by Kishnadvaaya, th g atst ul of th dynasty.

On of th most sptaua stutus is th nana nlosu.Today, a massiv ston basmnt in th qun's paa and thonat pavi ion al ld otusmahal ' a th only mnants ofa luxu-ious ifsty Oth ahi-ttua mastpis inud th on tows ofasting vation, th

tasuy, th MahanavamiDibba aying bautifu llysuptud panls,avaityof ponds, and tan ks, mandapas, and th lphant'sstabs. Rnt xavations at Hampi hav

bought to ight a agnumb of paatia om-plxs and basmnts ofsva patfoms too

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Hampi Tempes

rie View fHampi

W ae e amos empes o Hamp?ampi s a aciet site that oce used to

be the oya capita ad the eigous ceteof te Vijayaaga Empe Its temples ae so

fabu ous that Hampi ca be caled a opeai museum of temples Te Viupaksatempe is the most eowed she atHampi t has thee towes ad the eastetowe ises to 49 metes, ad has ie tiesThe temple taces ts oig to te fist afof the 5 cetuy ad is dedicated to

Vupaksheshwaa o Pampapath a fomof od Shva Thee s also a se to Vid-yaaya te spiitual foude of Vayaaga Ote famous temples ae the templesof Ramacada ad Hazaa Rama.

The Vttha a temple is cosdeed as temost impessive ad most oate of al te

temples at Hampi he pesidig deity ofthe temple s od Vittala who is a fom of





m fmufr 5 mtr r t /bc ctd

r th Vtth tm. O c cc- k th r r ur c kgwr wghd gt gr gd r m-y whch w th dtrbutd t th r.


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Rob Swl

Rob Sw w th coc-tor d mgitrt i MdrPridcy i cooi Idi. Hw chor ihitory, d wi chrg o thrchoogy dpmt too.

Hi book o thVijygr Emrpir w pub-

ihd i 1900d or u -citig iightito thi vihdciviiztio.

Lord Vishnu. Th forground ofth sanctum has a piard halwhich s autifuly dcoratdh Vtthaa tmpl s famd fots ston charot. Th ston

whls of th is charot ar twstdin th form of a lotus, and canvn rvolv sn't that amang?

Ba s qedct, Hampi

UU t

Trvr Not

omigo P d rouiz wr two Portuguchroicr who viitdVijygr d wrot dowccout o wht thy w.Abdur Rzzq w Pri,who w t by Pri rur

Shh Rukh mbdor toth Zmori o Cicut.Abdur Rzzq o viitdVijygr durig th rigo vry II, d wovrwd by it iz dgrdur. Hi rrtivprovid vub

iormtio o thtopogrphy,dmiitrtio, d oci io Vijy gr t tht tim

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Why is the history of Khajura-ho fascnatng?

hajuraho was the fist capitaof the Chandeas, who rued Bundekhand from the 0 to the 4centuies The town got its name

fom the Khaju or the date palmtree, which abounds i n th is regionThe Khajuraho temples are verydiferent fom the normal templesin India, because, the emphasis ison the stunning architecture,scupture, and art of the peiodmore than on eigion, deities, andworship

t took them more than 200yeas to buid these monuments.t is presumed that every Chandeaule has bui lt at east one tempein his ifetime. So, the Khajurahotemples were not constucted byany single king, but represent atradition caied foward by successive ules Afer the fa l of theChandela dynasty, the wonderfu Khajuaho tempes sufered de-struction and disfguement byinvades They lay abandoned,

and were at the mercy of Naturetil they were estored and revivedin 1 9 century

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Wy s e aee o eKaao emples onsdeedo e spea

ne hosad years ago, ndehe paronage of he ChandelaRap ngs of Ceal Ida, 85emples, magnficen i n form, andrichy carved, wee b i l near hevi "age of Kharaho The Kharaho empes are a ribe o heNorh Idian Nagaa archiecra

sye The primay feare of h issyle is a cenra ower, whosehighes poin is d irecly ove heemple's ma n dey This s ofensrronded by sma er, sbsidia ryand iermediae owes ha na a"y draw he eye p o he high

es poin, e a series of hil ls eading o a d san pea. Seing heempe on a aised base also sh she eye pward, ad enhances he so of hegh

These exaordinary emplesse, spie pon spire, i e a mi rage.

The spies have hoizonal bandsof richy carved figes of maeand female foms, anmas, eesand chaios, a" scped wih nerrng pefecion The Jan empes neaby also have exqisiecarvngs fac, Kharaho has

he arges gop of medievalHindu and Jai temples that are famos fo hei sc lpre, as w "as heir achiecre.48

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Adinath Temple

Whih ae he emples in he asengop a Khaaho?

he Easten Goup of temples athaju aho nc udes the Pasvanath tem-

ple, Adnath temple, Ghanta tempe, Hanuman temple, and the Bahma tempehe Pasvanath tempe s the agest ofthe Jan temples t s famous fo ts beau-tful scul ptues depctng celestal beautes n sevea postues The Adnath

tempe s dedcated to the Jan th-

ankaa Adnath It s avshy embel shed wth sculpted fgues, nc lud-ng that of yakshs he Ghantatemple s a lso a Jan tempe I t s famous fo ts onamental depctonof the 6 deams of Mahava'smothe, and a Jan goddess on a

wnged Gaudahe Bahma tempe, the Va-mana tempe, the Hanumantempe, and the Java templeae the Hndu temp les n thsgoup he Bahma tempe sknown fo ts foufaced mage

of Bahma, whe the Vamanatemple s adoned on ts outewas wth cavngs of apsaaso ceesta madens hee s aHanuman tempe that s enowned fo the colossal stat-ue of Hanuman, about 2m

hgh, wh e the Java tem-pe has a chy caved

gateway that wll takeyou beath away


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Wic ae te Westen Goupo temples in Kajuao?

he Wesen Group of empesa Khau raho inudes he Kandar

iya Mahadeo empe, ChaunsaYogini empe, Chiragupa empe, Lakshamana empe, Maangeswara empe, and Varaha empe

The Kandariya Mahadeo empedediaed o Lord Shia, is he

arges of Khauraho empes,reahing a heigh of 3 mere Theearies suriing shrine in hisgroup is he Chaunsa Yogin i empe The Lakshmana empe is renowned for he rin iy of Brahma,Vishn u and Sh ia, aong wih god

dess Lakshmi and aso for he remarkabe hreeheaded ido ofVishnu's inarnaions

The Chiragupa empe is dediaed o he Sun God and is famedfor he hree headed ido of LordBrahma The Maangeswara em

pe is dediaed o Lord Shia,whie he Viswanah Tempe isknown for is impressie pahway,fanked by su pures of ions andeephans A ninefoo high boarinarnaion of Lord Vishnu isheunique feaure of he Varaha empe Togeher, hese empes refe he g randeur of he arhieure of he imes, and he ski ofhe a risans


uho Dance Fesival

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Kaao Dance Fesival

e Karaho Dance Fesival is a. yealy even ha akes place a e

openair adioim in ron o he Ciragpa emple dedicaed

o he Sn God, and he Vishwanaha emple dedicaed o LordShiva. ndias ines aiss come om he varios saes o par-icipae in he esival, wich draws locks o oiss eage o experience e maesy and delicacy, he emoional deph andechnical skill, e robbing ryhms, and sensos gace o hedieren orms o Indian classical dance



Wic ae e emples o e So-en Gop a Kaao?

he Souhen Group ofemple coniof on y wo empe he Du ladeo empe,and he haurbhu emple. The Dhuladeo, ocaed ouh of he Ja in encoure,wa conruced we l afer he oher empe l how he i nuence of wani ng creaiviy of he ai, for i lack he beauyof he earlier empe in Khauraho. I idedicaed o Lord Shiva, and i fa�ade

ha repeiion of he image of aanding Shiva and ShivaParvai Thehaurbhu empe i dedicaed oLod Vihnu I ha a maive 27 mere

hig h, inricaely ca ved i mage of LordVihnu, in haurbhuja or fouramed fom look imiar o he

Duadeo emple excep fo iize, which i maer. Generalypeaking, h i goup ofempei no a impeive a he eaier hine

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Why are the Ele ph nta Caves cnsid eed tbe ne f th e mst efet exessins f In-da n at?

cross te sea fom te Gateway of ndia in

Mumbai, l ies te island of Eephanta, ome tote UN ESCO old Heitage Site, the ElepantaCaves. ese caves seven in numbe containoc cu t tempes dating bac to te 5 centuyA D. e temples, dedicated to od Siva, weeceated by caving out ock, and creating tecoumns, the intenal spaces and the imagese entie temple is lie a huge scuptue,troug wose coidors and cambes one canwa.

Eepha nta is famous for te statue ofimutiHere ,Siva is depicted in te tree moods as theceator, te destroye and the peserve t is amastepiece in itself. etempe complex coversan area of about 5574 squae metes, and it consists of a main cambe and two atea ones,coutyads, and sevea subsidiay srinesAbove the temple is the mass of natura rock

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Three Headed ShivaThe centre piece nd the

star attraction of the EIephnta Cve Temple isthe image of the threeheaded Shiv clled Ma-hesh, the gret Lor. They

represent Shiv s theCreator, Protector, ndDestroyer .

What was lephanta's fae at thehands of the Portuguese?

hee ae no elephants in Elepanta! Te name was given by the Portu-

guese as tere was a lage elepantscupture n the sand, when t washeld by them. Otherwse th is islandwas known as Ghaapu. ephantaIsand s known fo ts great caveshrine, excavated n te 6 century.The sland es 10 km northeast to

Apollo Bunde, or Gateway of India

A Cave at Elephanta

n Mumbai Te island came underthe rue of at east alf a dozen powers over te centues.They incudethe Mauryas of Konka n, Trikutakas ,Calukyas of Badami, Sahaas,Rashtrakutas, Kayan i Cha ukyas, Yadavas of Deogiri, Shahi dynasty of

Gujaat, the Pouguese, the Maathas, and a lso the British t is considered to be the g lor ious abode of


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Lrd Shiva Many f he carvedfgures have been unfrunae-y desryed by PrugueseThey urned he pil ared ha l n a shing galery, and ehe famus sne elephan fa pieces The brken pieces fhe grea eephan srucure nback sne, were remved in 864 by he Briish wih he n

enn f aking hem Engand wever, he saue wasaer reurned nda, and nwsands a he Vicria Gardensn Mumbai


danaswaaAn ppa scp

a Epana avs is af danaiswaa d

anaswaa is Sva n s afma and af fma fmTis diy is cmpsd f Svaan s cns Saki TAdanai fm as sasw fma pincip fGd and Saki is nspaab

fm ma pincip f Gdand Siva danaswaa'is a cmbinain f wds da' Nai' and Is-waa' mans a wman'and d' spcivy wicwn cmbind mans d ws af is wman

I didn't see anyeephants here!

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tcet emple

The Brihiwr temple we f te ricet temple f ittime. It welt cme frm lvi gift f immee qutitie fgl by Rjrj Cl. I i-ti, te temple receive reveuefrm my villge, we

vt trct f l her fcttlell f which were urce f hme icme. Of cure,there were l ti fmey frm iiviul giftf jewellery fr the il

W te rawara temple ciere a te materpece la ar

ctecturee Biadiswaa

tempe was buit ite wodous city ofajoe by te geatChoa kig RajakesaiRaja aja e tempe

was cosecated i 0 0 AD ad to thi sday al l te ituals adfestival s have cotiued uiteupted.is temp e epe-sets te piace of

Choa achitectueThee ae two eabo

The Gateway ofBrihadiswara Temple

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TheVim 1M f r ih a d


w   p


he vimana is the tower over the sanctum of themain deity. At the Brihadiswara temple, the vimana

is 62 metres tal and has a single 80 tonne block ofgranite on top of it. The granite block was installedby building a 6.5 kilometres long ramp, and usingelephants and enormous wooden blocks.

rately carved towers or gop-

uram s that lead to a huge in nercourtyard that s domnated bythe huge statue of Nand, thesacred bull of Lord Shva. Thecourtyard is surrounded by amassive gran te wal, wth 1 008statues of Nandi. The central

shrie has a massive shiva ingam n black grante There are  galeries for the devout to c ircethe deity, and one of the won

Heritage Stes in India

ders of the tempe s a single

stone weighng 80 tonnes, thathas been placed atop the tem-ple, without a crane to lift it!What is truy nspring s not justts massive structure, but themcroscopic attenton to measurements and detai, at a tme

when precis ion tools were un-known Another amazing factis that the shadow of the templenever fal s on the ground


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c ae e e emples la ped?

e Great Living Coa temles inc ude tree great and 2 century temes Tey are te Briadis-ara teme at Tanavur, te Briadisara teme atGangaiondacol isvaram and te Airavatesara tem-e at Darasuram Te teme of Gangaiondacoi s-vara as bui t by Raendra I t as cometed in 035t as a 53 metre ig v imana it recessed corners,

and a gracefu uard curving movement Tis is incontrast to t e straigt and severe toer at TanavurTe Airavatesara temle comlex as buit by Ra-a raa , at Darasuram t as a 24 metre vimana, and astone image of Siva ter temes incude te teme of Devi, bui t in te 3 century by te andya ingKonerinmaiondan, te temle of Subra ma nya, te

temle of Ganes, and te mandaa of Nataraa Atese temles reresent outstanding creative acieve-ments in te ure Dravidian form of arcitecture


1 aaanayam Galley

� A galley a e adiswaa emple

as saes Ld Siva in vais dance pses aae descibed in e ancien ex n dance called eaya sasa Tee ae 79 iges adnng is gal-ley, knwn as e aaanayam Galley

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O f

,kWo bilt te famos temples of Pattadakal?attadaka is a sma town in Karnataka that is re-

nowned for its a ncent tempes t was once the sec-ond argest city of the Cha ukyas It s sa d that thecoronation of te Cha ukya king was aways hedhere Dur ng the 7 and 8 centuries, the Chaukyaruers buit the n ine mag nificent tempes known asthe Pattadaka tempes

Tese tempes are nterestng in tat tey dispaya rare bend of te South India stye or Dravidanstye ofarchitecture, and the North nd ian or Nagarastye Fou r of the tem pes are bu it in Dravid ian stye,four in Nagara stye, and the fifth, the Papanathatempe i ustrates a perfect synthesis of both styesn the 8 century, the Rashtrakutas constructed theKasiviswanatha tempe which was but in tenort ndian stye The Gaganata tempe s famousfor ts scupture of Lord Shiva kiing te demonAndhakasura Kas Visweswara is a nother tempethat boasts of te Nagara stye of architecture Ow-

ing to its incredibe tempes, Pattadaka was tited aWord Heritage ste by UNESCO in 987

Monments at Pattadal

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Vrupakha Temple

anatha temple of Kan

cipuam.e Maikauna tempewa ui t y Queen okama-hadevi' ite. Se wa aoqueen of Vikaamaditya ,and uilt fo the ame pu-poeto commemoate thevictory of the Chaukya ovethe a ava hi magn ificenttemple i noted fo the ex-quiitey caved figue on itwal l, and the maive quaepi la in and tone. t i imi-la to the Viupaka temple,and i compaativey mal ein ie Like te Viupakhatemple, it too i a tiute tote acitectual geniu ofte Cha ukyan ue.Hg s d


adamBadami i famou for it cavtmp that ar ocat i a rato ci It i picturquyituatd at th mouth of a ravi,btw two rocy hil Thtmp ar icat to Vhua Shva Of th four tmp,thfirt thr bog to th Vicfaith, a th fouh a aturacav i th oy Budhit tmpi Baami

Badam Cave Temple


Aiho ha arou 70 buiig,om of which ar truy triigAiho wa th rgioa capita ofth Chauya, a th urgatmp thr ha a rou ac-tum that uggt th ifucof Buhm


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hy Sudra uiqu?underbans is a nationa park,

NESO World eritage site, and atiger reserve n West Bengal. It is ocated at the southern tip of West

Benga, where the and meets thesea he Sunderban s covers a vastarea of 4264 square klometres in nda aone, and forms part of thewrd's argest deta created by themighty rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra,and Meghna. Stuated on the ower

end of Gangetic West Benga, it sI

; / crisscrossed by hundreds of creeksI and tributaries The and is constantly

being changed, mouded, andTl M Wy

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Bu EardKnshr

shaped by the action of the tides About haf ofthe Sundarbans is under water and the rest ofthe andscape is chaactezed by owyng

mangoves aluval sands and mud bankswith sandy beaches and dunes aon the coastThere is a ch variety of wild lfe n the Sun-

debans The ndan Sunderbans foms theagest tger eserve and natona park in ndia

Oi Ridy Sa Turt

and is home to more than 250 tgers Chitaldeer rhesus monkeys and other forms of widife abou nd The marine i fe inc u des a varety offishes red fidder crabs and hemit crabs. Sun-debans is also noted fo ts conservation oftheRidey sea turte An incredbe vaiety of widepti es s found here ncud ing the king cobraock python and wate monito The endangered iver terrapin batagu baska is found onthe Mechua beach whe the barking dee sfound only in Hoday sand n SunderbansSundebans is a heaven fo bdwatchers tooand the st ncludes such ae species as themasked finfoot mangrove pitta and the mangove whste

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J MuskDeer

Snow Leopard

Wat makes Nandadev and teValley o Flowes Natonal Paks spe-al?

he Nanda Devi Natonal ak s locat-

ed n the uppe Hma layan anges in thestate of Uttaakhand. he Nanda DevMountain whch is the second highestpeak n India soas to ove 7800 metesand domnates the pa k on thee sides.he aea is a vast glac a l basn, d ivdedby a seies of paal lel dges that se up

to the encicng mountan m. It is unnhabted by Man, but is the habtat ofsevea endangeed mammals especiay the snow leopad Hmalayanmusk dee and the bhaal. The pak is

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ovd w g alud floa su as f bododdo ad ju s also famous fo saly of lows w os you baagvsas of dlss madows suoudd by suouabl sowad as gl ladsa of al ly of lows aoal a omlms uggd moua wldss ofada Dv aoal a l ows a val ly ludg al ss a a foudoly ad lavs fom a oous umblas ly dvs aa s also om o a addagd amals ludg Asa bla

ba sow load bow ba ad blu sog w ally of lows ada Dvaoal a as b dsgad as a COod ag s s ya 1 988Heritage Sites in Id ia

Vaey fFeNatnaPa


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I am tryng toread the stupa's


Wy s San an mporan ddsse?

aci i Madya Prades is wold fa-mous fo the uis of stu pas temples admoasteries that ie scattered across a

oey i l. It is te a rgest ad oldest Bud-dh st sactuary I d iaTe stupa was orig ia y a burial o rei

quay moud but ater became a purelysymboc stucture the begiig stupas wee bu t ove the recs of ord Bud-dha ater te mperor Asoka buil t over

84000 stu pas Te Great Stupa at Sachs oe of the oldest i I diaSachi cotued to fouris aer te

Mauryas throug several ate dyastiesMag ificet gateways were costructedby sccessive ruers four mages of Buddha were added ad more moasteresad tempes wee but Wit the gradua disappearace of Buddhism from Idate uis of Sachi ay forgotte uttey were dscoveed by a gl ismaGeeal Tyer 8 8

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PanoamcView ofSanchi

Fom Pia o PssT Asoka Pia at Saci is a baify po-

potiod stct. Aft discovy of tis by a Tayo i 1 8 1 8, was a mad

scamb o a mo ics ad may of tmomts w fod to b bady damagd. Ifact Asoka pia was big sd by a ocaadow as a sgaca pss!

Wy is a Spa of Saci of ga sig-

ificac?he bes known and mos eaborae amongshe su pas a Sanch is he Grea Supa s par ofan ene complex of srucures mos ly su pasbui beween he 3 cenuy BC and he 1 2Cenuy AD The supa evolved fom bei ng a sucuebu over he reics of Budda and his fol lowers o

a symbol of e Budda msef More exacly became a symbol of is fnal elease from e cyceof brh and ebih he Gea Supa lke oesu pas is a emisphecal dome. s emsphericasape represens e wod egg Su pas commonlyes on a squae pedesal and ae caefu l ly aig nedwh e fou cadna poins of e compass. e

Gea Supa has a hee ered umbrela or paasoon op e soca ed 'parasos' se one above heohe along he shaf emeging from s uppe-mos egion epresen a heavenly hierarcy.

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Nohe Gaewayof he Sahi Sa

t StpasT d a Sc s scatd wh

my stuas b bg d sma. Th sta kw s Su 2, wc tday c-

st y f cvd baustad. T tukw as Su 3 h cs d g bx h w dcvd by h -cag S Axad Cughm.T Sach tua a wy f gways a hy ct amta d-cs f cdts fm t f f Budd d vu caas.

The Geat Stupa o Sach s the odeststoe stuctue Idia It was comms-soed y the Empeo Ashoa the Geati the 3 cetuy BC It u dewet a com-plete ecostuctio ae wato dam

age cted upo it i the middle of thesecod cetuy BC The ecostuctocossted o a stoe casg a lustades apaved pocessioal path ad a umellaad a l g Fou elaoately caved gate-ways wee added the ist cetuy BC


Th Udayg Cvs sud but1 3 k m fm Sc. Udyg Sk wd mag u h. Th Udayagii Cae Udyg Cv gu f ckcu A Iide View

cv cus cvd dt h ht d k h h. A ct f h cv t w cvd dug th g Chdgu I

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Hmay ' Tmb

1 Why Humyu' tomb of culturl m-portc?he Mugha l Emperr Humayun was the sn

fBabuwh establ shed the Mugha dynastyin ndia. Mst f Humayun's tme was spent ncntn uus wafae and he h ad tte time fntellectua cutual pusuts. Humayun

ued India f a decade but was exled. Even-tua ly he tk refuge wth the Shah f Pesawh heped h m egan Deh n 1 555 the yeabefe hs death He ded in 1 556 and hs Pesan wfe Hamida Begum supevised thecnstructn f he husband's tmb in Delhfrm 1 5621 572. he archtect Mak M za

Gh iyuath was al s a Pesan.Hu mayun's tmb s the fst dstinct exam-pe f the pure Mughal style which was nspied by Pesan achtecture. It is as thefst f a seres f grand tmbs suunded byexquste gadens he aj Mahal has been n

sped by Humayun's tmband in many ways this magnfi

cent red and white budng s as spectacuar a

mnu ment as the ajMaha

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Wht th chitctl f-ts of Hmy's tomb?

umayu's tomb stads as a ad

mark the deveopmet of Mugha archtecture, ad aso repesets theearest example of the Mughal co-cept of a garde tomb, with causeways ad chaes. his awe isprigmoumet took almost ie yeas tocompete, ad cost ealy oe ad a

haf m o upees he mausoeum isa 42 metres hgh stuctue with acetal dome. he doublelayereddome has a white marble exteior, butthe est of the tomb is made of edsadstoe, with whte mable ora-metatio. It s set i a geometcalyarraged gade, crisscossed by u-merous wate chaels. Such typicaersa gardes had bee itoducedito Ida by Babu ater, they woudbe foud i the Red Fort i Dehi, adat the a Maha Agra

he achtectua fom of the buld-ig is ersa, ad ths tomb s the fstIda buildig to use the esadouble dome. he most obvous Id-a features of the achitectue a e thesmall kosks or chhatris o the roofhe bu ldg s also oteworthy fo ts aid te work, embodyig both di-a ad ersa decoatve elemets,ad its carved stoe scees ocatedo the baks ofthe River Yamua, thsstucture was decared a UNESCOHertage ste 993

Exterior Arch ofHumyuns Tomb

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 fact � qutb�inar �nd D gtnng HtsTh Qutb Mi hs b hit by ightig cu

f tim I 1 368, Tughq cmmisi is tth Qutb Mi ft ightig tik I 1 503,Sik Ldi hd simi stuctu i cidut T v t bm f ightning tiks g mb f i cms i th fm f cyiicists w d t ifc th st jitThs in cm ctd bth ws d ightigcducts d th Qutb Mi t t this y i its gu

275 metes t is five stoeys ig Eac stoey as a d ifeent desgteme ad balcoes poject fom eac stoy ese balcones aesuppoted o elaboatey caved and nscbed backets Vesesfom te oly oan ae caved o its sadstone wa s.

e Qutb Miawas te symbo of te migt of te uko AfganSlave Dynasty a dyasty wose fst kgs wee slaves wo atebecame kngs e Qutb Ma is a old Heitage site and as suvved te avages oftime mpessively

Cle -up ve f the Qutb Mina


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\ he omb ofIttmsh

Thetomboflttmsh wasbult by the rler IIttmishhmsef n 1 235. It les n theextension that hehadaddedto the Quwwatl slam Mas

jid and is rather plan onthe outside The insidehowever s covered withexqsitely carved inscrptons from the holy Koran



Oe aI wll reachthe to of that


nscripions onron Pillar

ron Pillar

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Im planning

to sell ts piar  

Are you nteresten uyng t?

Wy s e on plla neae Qb aan

famous i on p i ar beong-

ng to the 4 centuy stands nthe courtyard of the Qutb Mi-na. The Sanskrit nscption

tell s us that this pl la was original y set up asa flag pole or dhaastambha of Lord Vish-nu on the h known as Vsh nu pada t was atribute to King Chandragu pta II of the Gupta

dynasty t is a lso suggested that a deep holeon the top of the pi ll ar was used to fit the im-age of Gauda as the eh icle of ord Vshnu.

The on pillar s beieed to hae beenbought to Dehi by Anangpal the omarking. he base of the pi ar s tied to ts foun-dations by sma l pieces of ron. t ises to aheight of 720 metes with 93 centimetesbu ried beow the present foor eel What istuy amazng about ths p l a is that the ionhas not rusted despite the seenteen centues that hae passed The p il a s an excelent example of adanced metalugy ofthose times and is a marel n itsef.

t laiDawaa

ai arwaza i th gatway to thQuwwatu Moqu that wa buit i 1 1 31 by

Aauddi Khiji t i built of rd adto,and ha achd opnig o al idTh itrior i itricaty carvd withgomtric ymbo ad iciptio


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dountain &ilwaysWic are te mountain railways in

ndia included in te World Heritagelist?

Thee are thee mounta in a i lways inIndia that ae included in the WodHeritage List he first is the Dajeel ingHimaayan Raiway It was opened in1 881 his ai lway applied bold and in-novative engineering soutions to theproblem of estab li sh ing an effective ra ill in k acoss a mountainous teain hesecond is the Nilgii Mountain Raiwaywhich is 46 kilometres ong metregauge single tack railway in amilNadu. he thid railway is the Kalka

Sh im la Raiway It is a 96 kiometres long,sing le tack a il li nk bui t in the mid9centuy to provide a sevice to themountain town ofSh im la

Darjeeling HimalayanRailway

Sfar a �

Loops andZ Reverses

Te DarjeelingHimalayan Railway

passes troug verysteep terrain. To allowte train to climbcomfoably, te trackas ceain featuresknown as loops andz- Reverses. I a loop,

te train gains eigtby circling around atracig te aturalcotours of te ill. na Z- reverse, te traifirst moves forward,ten reverses, aten moves forwar

again, and each time itoes so, it climbs aslope an gaisheigt.

Te" Me Why

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Wy is t aling Himalayan Railwayplacd fist in t list?

e Dajeelg H a laya Ra lway was la d tocoect Dajeelg wth lgu Te oject

was a toug oe ecause of te a l ty of telttle aow gauge eges toase eoug stea essue ata cotuous vol ue whe teta was clg uh ll. It wasal estage a aget ofte aste Begal alway wo

ought te oosal to ealty.He oted fo a zsaed zgzagoute ot just oce ut sx tes te 82 loete stetc folgu to Dajeelg ee aesx eveses ad tee loos othe le.

e Dajeelg HalayaRalway asses tough thteee statos dug ts jou ey. Oe of tese Goo s te secod gest alway stato te wold at aa Ittude of 2258 etes

e Dajeelg Halaya Ralway s also affectoately o as te Toy Ta. It aods

eattag vstas as t cugs ull of hgwatefalls gee valleys ad fially a eattag vew of te sowcaed acejugaage.Heitage Sites in Ind ia

Panam Vewf ajeengHmaayanRaway Statn

Ty Tan ajeengHmaayanRaway.


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Loomoives in eDarjeeling HimalayanRailway

A al of 34 seam loomoives were buil for eDarjeeling Himalayan Railway, bu by 2005, nly 1 2remained in use A presen, four diesel loomoivesare in use. One seam lomoive as been aen ouf India I was in an Amerian museum for manyyears, bu was sold o an enusias in e UK, andresred o woring rder.

d _

he Kal ka Sh m a Ra way was bui t durng the tmeof Brtsh co lonal rue to nk te summer resdences ofthe Brtish with te captal in Deli It is one of the fournarrow gauge ra l routes on l terrai n in the country

I msse themontan tran o

I amushinq

tocatch it

Started during te regn oford Curzon in November 903, ths ra i route features nt e Gu inness Book of ordRecords for oerng te steep-est rise in a titude n the spaceof 96 kilometres More than

twothirds of te track scurved, sometimes at angesas sharp as 48 degrees! It pass-es throug 03 tunnels, acrossmore than 800 bridges and v-aducts. e cl imb s a rduous,and te little toy train' as t s

aectionatey ca led, takes a-most 5 hours to make ts wayup amost 4800 feet from Ka-lka to Sm la

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alka ShimlaRailwa

eage es in Ida

T s a SaoTh Kalka Shimla Railway r

thrgh 1 03 tul! Mt f thtul hav t b chagd tilldat A itrtig far abtth tul i that till tdaywhvr th tl hav t billumiatd fr maiac plaimirrr ar d t catch th -light ad rflct hi light iid thtul.


e Ng Mountan Ra way con-nects te l l staton of Ooty Ud-agamandalam) to Mettupaayam,

at te foot of te N g s MountansTe constucton of ts ne was abg cal enge as te tean s atetcky t was n 854 tat te fst


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wWy is te Maabodi em-

pe ompex at od Gaya aninspiing example o bickstctes in India

he Mhbodhi Tempe liter-ly mes the 'Gret Aweig Tempe' It is oe of the fourholy sites ssocited with thel ife of ord Buddh. he templeis locted i Bodh Gy i Bihrt the pce where ord Buddhttied elightemet hefirst temple ws bui t by Em peror Asho i the 3 cetury BCd is oe of the eriest Bud-dh ist temples bu ilt etirely withbric sti l l stdig i di histemple hs hd gret ifluecei the developmet of rchitec

ture over the ceturies espe-cilly i the use of scuptedstoe blustrdes d the me-moril colum A iscriptiodted betwee the d 2cetury AD metios tht thetemple of Asho ws replced

by ew oe Severl ddit iosd ltertios too plce dthe preset tempe my hvebee bui lt i the 6 cetury ADetage ites in Indi a

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� radW

e e dynasies were





pars Bddhis we io

declie, Bddhis declied oo Drig e 1 2cey, Bod Gaya and he earby regios were ivadedby Mslim Tr armies. e Maabodi emple elli disrepair, ad was largely abandoed Drige 1 6 cery, a Hid moasey was esablisedear Bodh Gaya, ad he moasery's abbo claimedwership o he Mahabodi Teple grods.

Wy is e Maabodi epe assoiaed wi e lie o ord Bdda?

ccording to tradition, SiddharthaGautama wandered all oer the andseeking answers to the probems thatwere troubing him. He finally reachedthe city of Gaya around 530 B here, hesat in meditation under a sacred peepaltree, which ater became renowned asthe Bodhi tree After days and nights ofmeditation, Gautama attained enlight-enment, and knew the answers that hehad sought and was hencefoh knownas the Buddha or En ightened One heMahabodhi temple marks the spot where

Statue of this happened. The Buddha, then spent the next seenBuddha weeks at different spots in the icin ity of the Bodhi

tree, meditating, anq a these spots are considered tobe sacred Butthe ho iest of holy paces in the complexis, without doubt, the great Bodh i tree itself It i s sup-

posed to be a di rect descendant of the orig inal Bodhitree under wh ic h the Buddha spent h is first week, andwhere he got enlightenment Th e entire complex isocated in the ery heart of the city of Bodh Gaya

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· 0 cestoation

str tion

f the Mahab-dhi Tempe began in 1 880 nder the direction of Sir Aexan-derCnningham.Late,cntrof the tempe passed from theHind monks to the state gov

ernment of Bihar A tempemanagement committee wasfomed, consisting of bothHinds and Bddhists, and it isthey who keep the tempefnctioning smothy now.

Devotees atMahabodh

Temple wo hundred and fifty year afte the Buddhaattained enghtenment Empero Ahoka viitedBodh aya with the intenton of etalihng amonatey and a hine He ui lta d iamond thone

He's stll

searchngfor answers

Hg is i

and attempted topace it at the exact

pot where the Bud-dha attaned En-ightenment Today,it i the holiet pgrimage ite fo theBuddhit aoundthe word The Ma-

haodh Templewa decared a aWord Heritage itey UNESCO in 2002


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Wo dsoveed e ok seles ofmbeka?

t te footls of te Vindya Mountainsae fve clusters of natural ock seltes known

as te Rock Seltes of Bmetka ey areocated n Madya Prades and lie wtinmassive outcops of sandstone aove denseforests.Tere are moe tan 700 rock seltesof wic over 400 of tem are emarkale forte paintings tey contain Tese pantngsreflect te tradtons and cuture of twenty

one vi l lages nea te selters. ey also tel l usa lot aout te eal est uman actvties ecause of te numeous stonetools incuding and aescleavers and also te peletools tat ave een found eeBimetka was fist mentoned

n 888 as a Buddst site eBmetka Rock Selters ae anatual at ga lley and an actectural teasue

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Man o DisoveTh Bhimbt Rc

hltr wr icvrby Vih riharr rchalit i 957. Thy wrctay icvr by c

cit ri tri ritht h rt. I 975 h w wr thmhr wr.

• R

paintngsare betterthan these!

Heitage Site in I nd ia

Why has mbeta be rognizd as an NS WorlHeritag sit?

he wod Bhmbeta s deved

from the words Bhm a bethawhch meas the place whee Bhmsat ad medtated I acettmesthe ego aoud Bhmbeta wasclosely assocated wth hutg adfood gatheg as s evdet fomthe patgs the oc shelters

has to the atua ed adwhte pgmets the colous are remarably wel peseved ad ceta caves patgs of dereteas ado the same oc su face ld buffa oes hoceoses bearsad tgers hutg scees ta-to ceemoes chdbth commua dacg dg sessoselgous tes ad burals all comealve o the roc was he oldestpatgs whte oe of hugea mals are probably u p to 2 000years old Successve peods depcthutg tools trade wth the agcultual commutes o the pasad stll later elgous scees -volvg tee gods he roc fomatos themseves ae vsualy stu-g ad these oc sheters are m-potat both from the archaeologstsad the paters pot ofvew

Is t ay woder the that these rocshetes have bee ecogzed asa U ESCO ord Hertage ste?


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< 4c- 'g4

Acnnia ark C








e Champaer Pavagadh Arhaeologia Parkis the ste of the regioalapta ty buil t by Mehmud Begda i the 6etury. Pavagadh Hl

was a famous Hidu fortress uder the Soakkigs of Gujarat, fol owedby Khhi Chauhas. 484 Sulta Mahmud Begarah took possessio ofthe fort, ad reamed tMuhammadabad. oday,it is a Word ertage ste.

he park is oated atthe foot of, ad aroudthe Pavagadh H At thetop of the h is the Ka kamata empe whih isosidered to be a m

Moumets at hampaerPaagadh

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Monuments at Champaner


portant srine, attracting la rgeumbers of plgrms troug-out te year. Te par aso in-ludes te Great Mosque,wic inspred ater mosque

arcitecture in Inda. It is im-portant because t s te site ofe desered cty of Mamudegara, as wel as te lvngv lage of Campaner, wic es witin te area of te is-orc town In fact, t s te only

omplete and uncanged Is-lmc preMugal city, andrepresents a cuture tat aslong since disappeared.Hege Ses Id


e Campaner Pavagad

Arcaeoogca Par is a colection of stil largely unexcavatedarcaeoogica, i storic and cultural eritage stes, situated in aly and beautiful landscapeTe par s spread over treeeves. e base s ca ed Cam-paner, te top of te i l is caedPavagad, and te area con-necting bot of tem s caledMarci.

Excavations ave uneartedancient dwel ings and ful l town-sps, paaces and ramparts,

and regious buidings. ere


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_ .

. �

Pavagad Rues


Star fad T iu kig f ag-

ru t ici Cu

r t sct f t fus ritirj Cuatr u g t gr f A S ti A ctur it uit i cit Cr t t s f t i

Mnunt at Chaan Paagadh

a us of capal of Gujaa sa fom 1 5

cuy fofca os a ul of massv sasosa clu asos w auful alcos Ou of massv us fv mosqus a s l l goo co o

a mpls logg o ff Hu so avaga H ll M lay accu c lus wal lsa asos aacs a cmps as wl as psos palacs a mosly us a sallaos clu

ff s of wll s may ofwc a sl l us aa o p lgms ou s o of mos m poa faus of s s c ms fom plaau o op of avaga H ll.

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Wy te atapathva Temn a ne exam

le o toan Got a n Inda?he hhaaa Shva e

us foely ow as Vcoa eus Muba wasesge by he Bsh achec F. Seves I soo be

ae he sybo of Bo bay ow ow as Mubai Bobay was a ajo ieaioa lecale o cy he I di subcoe whi hesh oowealh heea was bu ove e

yeas saig 878 accog o a Hgh Vcoia Gohcesg base o lae eieva lIla odels. A he saee s eaable soeoe ues oe aches eccec gou a e

lose o aoa Ia ale achecue I heefoeeeses Vcoa Gohc Rev l ac ecue Ia wh ble ofhees eved fotage Sites in India

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of tese bui ld gs was amedae Quee Vctoia Empessof Idia o wose Gode u blee t was fomal opeed i

1887CS was desiged b te Bt

s actect Fedeck WliamSteves. Wok bega i 1878ad was completed 10 easlate e buidig was oig-al iteded ol to ouse

te mai stato ad te admistative oces of te GeatIda esu la Ra lwa. atea umbe of ac a budgs

wee added. e CattapatiSva emius s also teeadquates of te CetaRai was of te cout.

Panorami View ofChhatrapati Shivaj Terminu



Terrorist Attack 

Star fact  The Chhar�p.atl Shivaji Termi·

nus, r CST as It I popularly called,as h sc f a tst atac vmb 262008. Th aac bga at 9.30 m h t m

t h assg ha a o f Th atac 58 a ju 1 0 ths O fth tss Ajma asab as caught av a tf by ysss

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c 1n

Qnplc*Why does the Red Fort omplex

have a otstadig iversalvae?

he fih Mughal Empeo of Ida

Shah Jaha bu lt a ew capita l whichhe amed Shahahaabad ts paacefot was the Red Fot compex whchwas so caed because of its massvewall s of ed sadstoe The Red Fots a tbute to the outstadg ceativty of the Mughas ad each of ts

may pavlos efects diffeet aspects of Mughal achtectue Theeis a hamoous bed of PesiaTimuid ad Hdu elemets adthe esult is beathtakg

The Red Fot is cosdeed to be ofoutstadg uivesal value be-

cause it s epesetative of the achitectua developmet iitiated i 526AD bythefst Mugha Empeoad spleddly efed by Shah Jaha wth a fus io of th ee taditos

The Red Fot has bee a witess tomay histoic chages ad has bee

the settig fo may st g evetsthat have had a log lastg adsometmes pemaet impact othe hstoy of the ato


Red Frt

Sir I ave asuper questin

Wats te curf Red Frt?

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h Rd Fo oday th R Frt amjr turt attrct UECO rrt t rmtr f art t Auut

th chdc frm tBrt frm t rmrt ft Frt

hy th Rd Fot dff rt from othr moumt?he Red Fot Comlex s deet om othe mou mets that

t eects oth Mugha ach tectue ad lag, as well as themae whch the tsh used the ots Ate the Seoy Mutyo 1 8, whe the ot was used as a headquates, the tsh amyoccued ad destoyed may o ts avl os ad gades Oe othe damatc chages made y the tsh was the tasomatoo a ve to a majooad, ad the waythey u t a alway l ethat dvded the RedFot om the Salmgah Fot oday, theoly stuctues ema -g ae those chose

o esevato ythe tsh


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Rsidnial Paa

Th rsidnialpalac a h RdFr is dsignd asan imiain f

paradis. In fac acupl insribdhr rads "If hrb a paadis nah i is hr i ishr. Th pivaaparmnscnsisd f a rwf pavilinsnncd by aninuus warchannl knwn ash NahriBhishr h sram fparadis.

DDwan s


Wih a iman bidings in Rd F

he Red Fort s a vertable treasure houseof magnfcent buidngs The entrance to

the Red Fort was throug h gateways, each ofwhich was named accord ing to the famouscty that they faced hus, the gates hadnames l ie Lahor i gate, Kashmi r gate, Kabu lgate and Ameri gate nside, the fort was acity n tsef, with its own shopping arcades,and gardens Amongst the buildings, the

Diwani Aaam was the hal of publc audience The DiwanKhas was the ha l of prvate audience where the Emperor gave prvate aud ience to the courtiers and m portant guests The Neh rie Behsht was a contnuous channel of water that ran throughthe pavilons of the imperial apartments

Water for the channe was drawn from theYamuna, from a tower nown as the ShahBur The imperia prvate apartments aybehind the throne The zenana was thewomens quarters t consisted of theMumtaz Maha and Rang Mahal The MotiMasid or pear mosque was a later addt on,

The Hayat Bahsh Bagh, was a large formagarden

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�  tar fad l

Itr Mtr'literll mesclcultistrumet.

Heritage Sites in India

Why is he Jaar Maa in Jaipuipoat?

he antar Manta is an astonomcal

observation ste in aipur. It was bult nthe 1 8 century, and was desgned fo ob-sevatons of the stars and their postons,with the naked eye. It has some twentyman fxed nstruments, and ncludes sevea achitectual and nstuental inno-vatons. The Janta Manta s mportant

because t is the most sgn ficant, and thebest peseved of I nd a's h stoc observa-tories. Moeove, t reflects the astonomcal skl ls and cosmoogical concepts of theperod. The anta Mantas signfcancealso lies in the fact that is the u ltmate cul-mnaton of a tradton nown as Ptole-

maic postonal astronomy, which wasshaed by many cvizations. It was declaed a Wold Hetage ste fo these ea-sons.


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h i viit t th tt piig xpic?

e anta Manta of aipuwas ui lt y Maaaa Sawai aiSng II . etween 77 and734 te Maaaa ad constucted five astonomica o-sevatoies n est Centa In-d a. e osevatoes, o antamantas' as tey ae commonyknown, incopoate mutipe

u ldi ngs of unque fom, eacwt a specialzed function foastonomcal measuemente instuments ae in mostcases, uge stuctues TeSamat anta, te agest instument, is 7 metes ig, and

ts sadow as een caefullylotted to tel te time of day.e smal cupola on top wasused as a platfom fo annou nc-ng ecpses and te ava ofmonsoons. uit fom ocalstone and male, eac instu

ment caies an astonomcalscae, genealy maked on temae nne in ing.

e osevatoy ecame asymo of oyalty, and was ameeting point for diferent sci-

entific cultures.  This gave rise to 

widesread  socal practces l nked to cosmoogy. A visit to 

the Jantar Mantar s  indeed an 

nspirng experence. 

Heritage Sies in India 


�  Ol t'

I , g P mg g m

jwa D an, a student of

cass 4 a n Heitage Scool,angaloe, as onted out amistake in te May ssue ofTel lMey,untesofteAnmaod' e wtes tat on age, ayng Mants' is wonglycationed as 'Gassoppe.

Thank you Ujwal for your valuable feedback. Both the insectsare shown below with correctcaptons



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Questionof the onth

us yuquss:ddv@mm

Why do w ranow olor on a CD?

CD s mae up of two ayers of pastic, protecting a t in layer of a uminium t as a seresof ips organise in the form of concentric ci rcuar paths When igt waves fa on the CD, eachof tis aum in ium pats scatters the i ght raysin erent irections When tis scatteringoccurs, light waves from erent circuar

panes mix wit each otherLight is a wave consistng of various cooursn ferent waveengts At some points, waveswith smiar wavelength on togeter uponte CD As a resut, these ponts wil be bright inte coour corresponing to te particularwaveengt Since, te CD surface contains a

arge number of reflectng ci rcu ar panes, scat-tering wi be ig, an a te seven coloursget reflecte at one pace or the other e totaleect prouces VIBGYOR the seven colours)onteCD


Edior: Ammu Mathew Edto-nCharge N . Mohanan·

Pined and Publshed by V. Sajeev Geoge on h of M Pubications LdPB No 226. Kotym 686 at MM Pubicaons Ld PB No 226 Kottaym - 686

and Malayala Manorma Pess Koy - 686 nd pubsed omMM Publcatons Ltd PB No 226 Kottayam - 686• Resnsibe or seltion o news un<e he PRB Ac

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rh BUba, ahabapra

S UNSO x. . . Bddh Monaery Compex e Corbie in Chandiarh

Alchi Leh. he Kanra alley Railway

Golconda Fo Chrchae - xenion o Mmbai CS

holara: a Harappan Ciy he Maharaja Railway o India

Ran-ki-a a Paan Oak Groe School Matanchery Palace alanda omb o Sher Shah Sri Grea Himalaya aional Pa Monmen a Mand Bhiarkanika Coneraion Area Bddhi Sie a Sanath • eora aley aioal ark Hemi Gompa eert aional Park Sr Harimandir Sahib Silk Road Sie in ndia ier land o Mai


he Maheran ih Railway

eern Gha Qb Shahi Monmen o HyderabadGolconda For Charmnar

amdapha aiona Park

• Wd Ass Sanctuary, Little Rann of Kutch 

Kanchendona aional Park

Mhal Garde in Kahmir Hill For o Rajahan Hioric ciy o Ahmedabad

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J 212 <2 MAAMA ELL E HY ISS 97 · 43KERENG/200618236 Registered Reg. No. KLIKTMl6562010·12 KLlCRlKTMlWPP1I 2010·1:

p pp

Scoo projctsar going to basy ow . . .

uthentic a n i nforatieet highly readable, ritten in c

lu ci tle u ita ble for ch i l ren

he onl book of itkin at uch anunbeievabe


T ll M Wh