Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles...

LOS ANGELES HERALD! THURSDAY MORNING, dUISK 1833. 20 No. Name ahd Description. Amonnt. lots 3221 t02323.... . ._ $0 68 33300 Abigail E Baker, in Chicago park, block P ? S3 83301 John W McMillan, In Chicago park, lots 2«?4 to 2339 61 3.1393 John W Mo.M.llan, In Chicago park, lots 3230 to 2238 03 lot*asVi+to 4238 6t Lots 2'J39 and 2240 08 33303 Til Biggs, ln Chicago park, lot 2024 V 63 lota 3045 to 3027 63 33306 John W McMillan, ln Chicago park, lots 2241 10 2344 58 33307 W A Garner, in Chicago park, lots 2243 to '2*49 62 83-08 Geo W McMillan, in Chicago park, loii. 2230 and 2331 60 33309 E J Campbell, in Chicago park, lots 2252 to 2238 63 lot* 2257 to 2259 62 83319 W A Gamer, 111 Chicago Paat , lots 2260 to 2204 68 Lot 2265 04 83817 lli'nry Thomas, 30 acrea, all Booth and west of San Joao Raneho addition of southeast quarter ol northeast quarter, section 12, townahip 1 south, range 10 weat 40 37 33325 0 Stresaley, J. acre, bounded on the north by hall seetlon line, east and south, by heira of Jesse Justice, west by M.rs 11 It Parkes, ln northeast quarter Of southeast quarter, section 3, township 1 south, I,mire 10 west. 05 83326 Unknown owner, acre, bound- ed on thtt north and west by half seitlon lines, east by J Kltnerlee,south byO Stressloy, In northwest quarter of south- east quarterof svotionJS, SBw ll- ship 1 sonth, range lOwest... 03 33329 Unknown owner, i acre, bound- ed on the north and east by E R Thompaon, south and west by Alluu Poe, it, northeast quar- ter of southeast quarter of southwest quarter of aectlon 10. township 1 aouth, range 10 woßt. 2 05 83333 Bernardo Fraijo, 2.40 ncrcs, Itounded on the north by Ber- nardo Fraijo, east by .1 W Uroderlek, south by F Ayon, west by Jose Buclna, in west Imlf of northeast quarter, seo- tie*n 9, township i south, range 10 west 1 15 38.1.14 Jose A Buelna, 1 acre, bounded on the north and oast by Ber- nardo FniljOj south by T Ayon, Avcst by F Martinez, In west half of northeast quarter of aectlon 9, township 1 aouth, \u25a0range 10 weat 72 33188 Grcgorla Fraijo, % acre, bound- ed on the north by Adollo Sll- vaa,east by Ella Kjt lark, aouth Bouth by Geo R Crow, west by A RutJt, In wcßt half ol north- east quarter of section 0, township 1 south, rouge 10 west 72 3.1340(1 V\ Butts, In (ironce Belt "tract, 10.1 ocres, being lot 1 4 03 10.0 acres, being lot 3 2 93 10.0 acrea, being lot 0 4 93 10.3 acres, being lot 7 4 92 38380 Unknown owner, in Covino, south 75 feet of lot 11, block 6 73 83390 Unknown owner. In Covtna, south 75 feet of lot 12, block 6 78 83393 Sirs E F Hector, In Covins, lot 9, block 7 8 10 83403 Geo E (lord, 100 acres, being northwest quarter of section 37, township 1 north, range 9 wost 33 65 83404 Eli W Sohuler, 40 acres, being southeast quarter ol northeast qnarterof section 34, township 1 north, rnnge 9 west. 18 79 33405 The Alosta Water and Develop. incut company, 20 acres, being north 20 acre of southweat quarter of southeast quarter of sect ion 20.10w n-li 1 p 1 north, range 9 west 11 58 88407 The Atoita Water and Develop- ment company, 40 seres, being nortiieoat quarter of southeast quorter of section 20, town- ship 1 north, range 9 west 3 38 88408 The Alien, Water and Develop. ment company, 40acres, being southeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 20, towu- slilp 1 north, range 0 west 3 23 33409 The Alosta Water and Develop- ment company, 20acres, being cast 20 acrCH ol norlh hall of northeast, quarter of see 20, township 1 north, range 9 wvst 05 93416 Monrovia Land nnd Water eom- ponv, 040 acres, being oil of section 15, township 1 north, range 10 west 14 06 33417 Monrovia Land and Water com- pany and W T Wallace, 40 acres, being northwest quarter Of northwest quarter of sec- tion 22. township 1 north, rttnrtc 10 west . 1 38 83418 Monrovia Ijind and Water com- pany, 80 aoroa, being south bttif of northwest quarter or section 22, township 1 north, range 10 west 3 38 40 acres, being northwest quar- ter ol southwest queries of section 32, towttHhip 1 north, range 10 west ova: 139 83430 Jo< A Clirlstv, Wm 11 3 « elch and 11 W Prescot t, trustees, un- divided half Interest in 1v5...| acres, being lota 1, 2 and SJII lection 22, township 1 norfli, range 10 wost 2 91 83421 L C ISDllard, in Azusa, lot 9, block 81 2 14 83428 Alex IISliiplev, In Auza, lot 24, Nock 3 75 33440 Llllie A Barclay, In Aztuta, lot 4, block 11 70 53457JD Blcknell, in Azusa, lot 19, block 17.... 75 Lot 20, block 17 70 Ltd 21, block 17 71 88461 Azusa Land and Water com- pany, lot 5, block 32 73 53468J D Ilieknell lv Azusa, lot 6, block 80 73 Lot 7, block 30 70 83474 Heirs of s J McCord, in Azusa, lot 35, block 29 J 59 lot 26, block 29 3 93 83476 .1 !> Ilieknell, In Azusa, lot 39, block 39 73 53486 J D Ilieknell, in Azusa, lot 11, block 87 02 lot 13, block 37 08 Lot 13, block 37 93 83487 Vo.lnev S Phillips, In Azusn, lot 45, block 37 73 33488 .Dennis J McCnrty, ln Azusa, lot 20, block 87 75 lot 24, block 37 , 75 83497 V F condoll, In Azusa, lot 24, block 36 83 lot 25, block 35 85 83500 J D Blcknell, In Azusa, lot 20, block 86 1 39 83501 J W Oondeil, In Aznsn, rcsubdl- tvlslou ol lots 1 and 2, block 88. lot 1 72 Lot 3 74 83503 EV Rice, In Azusa, resubdlvl- slon of lova 1 and 2, blook 88, lotO !T. 71 83500 Jno 11 Darling-, In Azusa, lot 8, block 43 6 24 83509 JD Ilieknell, in Azusa, lot 7, block 34 82 Lot 8, block 34 83 Lot 11, block 34 84 33510 Soo lino ijuong, In Azusa, lot 17, block 47 84 33510Siiiu'l McClirdv, tn Azusa, lot 22; block 45 .. ... 72 33530 Q T odd, ill Azusa, lot 47, block 45 75 33331 Wm H Chambers, In Azusa, Un- divided one-half oi lot 49, block 45 .. 59 33533 Bsvm'l MOCurdy, in Azusa, lot 13, block 44 9 00 33524 U It 9inlth, in A ~ lot 22, b10ck,44 75 83530 Peter *ller, In Azusa, lot 17, block 44 74 Lot 4h, block 44 70 33539-Azusn Land and Water oom- pany, in Aznso, lot 2, block 52 70 33540 John W .Young, in AXUia, lot 7, block 52 75 Lot H, block 52 71 33541 Azusa and Water eom- panv, In Aziwa, lot -17, block 62 09 33334 Azusn Lena "'id Water coni- panv, iv Aznsa, lot S, block7o 72 Loi Is, Upok 70. . 72 93557 Azusa Laud ami Wolor com- pany, in Azu*,i, lot 3, block 70 70 43558 J F Washburn, in lames V Wash- burn's anbdivlaion of north- west quarter of section 32, township 1 north, range'll west, eaa18.36 acres ol tot 30. 3 .14 In James 1* Washburn'* suhdl- vi.-iou a arthwest section 89/ftownship 1 north, range 9 went. 1 acre of lot If i.. 1 21 \u25a08890 John Render. ISO acres, being west luilf of sotitrtwc.-i quarter aial aotttnwo!; qn.arter of tho northwest quarter «ff si#ction 19. township 1 north, ranges west 3 92 33567 Pete ? Hill, in Lee Mars add to Aloata, lot 4, oik 1, 1 49 33508 Z L Underwood, 111 Lee Mara add tp Alosta, lot 5. hlk 5 81 88369"L"uknown owner, In loe Mars addition to Alosta. 1,,1 1. block 6 78 83374 Wm Lilly end It C Jensen, In Lee Murs sduition to Alotsa, lot 1, blocks 9.1 Lot 2, blocks 93 88670 W P C Adams. In ... . v, irs od« dltiou to Alostu, lot '4, block H. 94 No. Name and Description. Amonnt 33377 Edwin T Earl, In loe Mar* ad- dition to Alosta, lnt 9, block 8. . m 80 91 33578 C L Patrick, In loe MarT addl- tion to Alone, lot 12 block 8. 64 335801«w1s Onchn, In Lee Mars sd- dition to Alo»ta, lot 17, block ia\ T8 Lot 19, block 13 78 33582 Unknown owner, ln Lee Mars addition to Alosta, lot 11, block 14 81 83593 Unknown owner in Lee Mars addition to Alosta, lot 12, block 14 77 33394 Underwood A Washbnrn, ln Alosta, lot 11 block 4 107 BSS9S George KGard.ln Alosta, ..13, blocks 93 lot 7, blockS 93 Lot 12, block 5 1 05 33397 C H Shaflner, ln Alosta, nnd U of lot 7 bik 6 70 33598 TL Shaffer, In Aloata, und >X of lot 7 blk 6 88 3 .00 C o X i.aid. in Aloftn, lot 1, blk 7 1 ac Tot 2, Mock 7 6 76 33600 G H Kallmeyer, ln Alosta, lot 3, blk 7 1 07 33601 Geo E Card, in Alosta, lot 4, blk 5 105 Lets, block 7 *-07 lot', block 7 1.06 33003 George E (lard, In Aloata, lot 8, block 7 1 04 Lot 9. blook 7 1 lo lot lb, block-7 1 05 Lot 1, block 8 1 08 lot 2, block 8 1 05 lot 4, block 8 1 11 Lot 6, block 8 1 03 Lot 7. bloc* 8 '. 1 07 33604 George E Gard, ln Alosta, lot 10, block 8 , 1 07 lot 11, block 8 1 06 lot 1, block 0 1 OT Lot 2, block 0 1 08 lot 8, block 0 1 08 , lot 4, blook 9 1 00 Lot 5, block 0 1 07 lot 0, block 9 1 00 lot 7, block 9 1 08 lot 8, block 0 .- 1 OH Lot 9, blocs 9 1 08 lot 8, bloc! 10 1 07 I/,t 0, block 10 1 07 lot 10, black 10 I 06 Lot 1 11 lock 10 1 09 lot 4, block 11 94 Lot 5, block 11 02 lot 7, block 11 04 loi H, block 11 1 06 Lot tl, block 11 1 09 Lot 10, block 11 1 07 38006Oeorgc EGard, In Alosta, lot 1, block 12 1 07 lot 2, block 12 C4 lot 10, block 13 91 Lot 11, block 12 04 Lot 12, block 12 2 33 Lot 1(1, block 28 1 00 33015 It \\ Dawson, In Alosta, lot 4, block 20 I .... 1 02 33C10Gcorgo X i.ard, in Alosta, lot 5, block 20 1 10 Lot 3, block 25 98 lot 4, block 23 93 lot 5, block 25 63 lot 6, block 25 92 lot 7, block 25..... 05 38617 Stanton W Prlco, in Alosta, lot 8, block 23 .. . 70 Lot, 9, block 25 69 lot 10, block 25 70 lot 11, block2s ... 70' 33019 G E Curd, In Alosta, lot 5, block 21 1 10 lot 11, block 21 101 33620 M B Hell, in Alosta, lot 11, block 21 1 08 33621 George B Gard, In Alosta, lot 12, block 21 1 03 lot 5, block 22 ~. 1 08 83622 George li Gard, In Alosta, lot 6, block 22 1 07 lot 8, block 22... 1 05 lot 9, block 22 1 06 33623 Unknown owner, In Alosta, lot 1., hloek 22 103 33624 Geo E Gard, in Alosta, lot 1, block 2:i 1 01 Lot 2, block 3.t 1 01 LOt 4, block 28 1 oi 35031 Jas A Nelson, In Glendora, rotith 30 feet ol lots 32, 33 and , 1 in block C C 1 24 33632 Glendora Land company, in Glendora, lot ,3, t,lnc>. n'l, 01 83011 A X ('-osier, in Glendora, lot 23, block PP 94 88643 AlvinPratt, in cientlora, lot 0, block X It 04 Lot 7, block ft H 9., 33644 Jas A Nelson, In Glendora, lot 8, block it R 03 I 33849 Anna B Sturgeon, in Glendora, subdivision of lot 1, 1.10. k ti ;., lot H 02 I Lot J 04 33050 Julius LBlockman, In Glendora, subdivision of lot 1, Mock 8 S, lot N 03 3.1653 Alinon B Wood, ln Glendora, lot 2, block A 1 60 33650 Frank A Wiser, In Glendora, lot 9, block C 1 05 83664 Glendora Land company, Iti Glendora. lot 14, Muck (, 1 08 :iab7B(ig,r^» h lMj,,ut,B , in uicuduro. , ( ,? Lot 3, block 0.....J.1-' ? ? ' .... \u25a0 \u25a0 1 08 33602 A L Whitney and A R Whltnoy, In Glctidoiii, lot 0, hl»ck,W..,. 110 38698 U, D Whltcamb, in Glendora, ln Whltcomn'S subdivision iv nor: 1. s gem, north 50 fceco! lotG, blntlc 9 78 33702 Unknown owner, 1 acres, being south 8 sores of north ~ acres of west hull oi lot 4L section 30, ? township 1 north, rsnse 11 West 3 80 83703 Unknown owner, south 4 oercs 01 cast halt of southeast quar- ter ol lot 4.in section 35, town- ship 1 north, range 11 west 6 Oi 33700.1 L Truslow, In Santa Anita tractysooth 0% acre* ot block 62 7 84 33709 John Coshlii, in Sahta Anita tract, casL 1 ocrc of west 3.40 acres of block 49 95 83713 Nora Hawk, In Arcadia, lot 25, block 60 78 35714 II A I'nrulr, in Arcadia, lot 20, block 70; 68 Lot 21, bloifk 70 07 33718 .1 W Young, in Arcadia, lot 7, block 76 78 33726 James X Fulton, in Arcadia, lot 5, hloek 83 ~ 78 33732 Unknown owner, ln RanehoSan Franclsquito, in champion tract, 24 acres, bounded north by unknown, cost by east boundary ol Mountain View school (fislrict, ftonlh by un- known and west by lot 7 of champion tract 2 16 33783 Unknown owner, in RancheSan Fraueisqulto, in Cha'mplon tract, 7 acres, bounded north by unknown owner, cast by cast boundary of Mountain View school district, south by Rail Whittler Land A Water company, west by lot 10, Champion tract 1 18 33734 BV Maxson, In Maxson's aubdl- viaion of nart of Champion tract, 13.96 acrea, hounded on the north and west by pub- lic road, east by unknown owner and land of tho South- ern Oaolfleßailroad company end east by Whittier Land A Water Co, being ln lotl, block G.. 5 28 58772 Jno c Bell, Sr, Ramona, lot 9, block 13 83 lot 10, block IS T. 28 16 33775 Heirsof Annie Bates, in Ivan- hoc, lot 7 block 3 1 43 33783 Thomas chambers, in Rancho Tajanta. 15 slerox, bounded north by landiof Chambers' heirs, east by land of Howard, south by county road, wcid By land otsrtldlo 8 50 33784 Ephraiin H Winans, in Redondo Reach, I*l 11, block 153 90 lot 35, blrtok 154 *B8 Lot 10. block 154 88 Lot 27, block 166 1 05 Lot 37, block 109 1 26 Lot 4. block 189 2 00 loi 32, block 191 2 X lot '8, block 193 2 02 Lot 2, block 181 1 62 Lot 7, block 15' 67 l.o; 8, block 151 89 Lot 11, block, 151 JjK Lot 12, block 151 90 83901 Newell S Montague, ih I.anker- shi>n Rancho. Land and water company, ssibeMvlslon ol east 12, O'J ueres ol south -half of Rune.no K.x-Missien de San Fernando, 10 acres, belngwest half of e«>l hall of lot 134 .. 370 10 acre*, being east hall ol east half of lot 153 4 40 40 acres, lielnr southwest quar- ter of southeast quarter of sec- tion 8, low nahlp 8 south, range Irt west 11 20 In KobeUean tract, lot 13 1 31 33830 Henry Marti, 40 acres ol land, boiug lot I. in Kcctknn 36, . ivwiisulp 1 north, rango l 4 west 1 96 33952 3 M Griggs, in lordabnrg, lot 8, blk 08 and persoiutl property 10 35 33079 Martha Wygall, in KeaVond'o Beach, lot I 1. Mk 142 80 34014 ft sHiobDltib. in Milllinore tract, lot 1 1 24 Lot 2 1 07 lot 26 1 43 ! Lot .9 15i ! Lot 81 1 58 Hit 38 1 BU Lot 36 1 8S lot 4() 1 58 lot 41 1 46 Lot 42 1 45 Lot 43 1 30 No. Name and Description. Amount lot 40 $8 52 tot ' 1 48 Lot 81 1 35 Lot 67 1 34 Lot 1 38 In Ovlffles tract, lot 10 2 10 In Grlftles tract, E4O ft of lot 11 10 06 34020 A r: Kiepbonion, fn W Loa Ange- lea, lot 11, block M 4 74 In boulevard tract, lot 2, blk 1.. 70 In Boulevard tract, lotS, blk 1.. 79 34026 Mrs Lytla R Williama, In Crea- oonfa Canada, 10 acrea of land, being- lot 6, block 1 3 45 Lot 7, bleatil 8 48 lot 9, blockl 3 45 lot 9, M«ak 1 3 43 Lot 10, klv-ii L , 294 Lot 11, ilenk I 2 44 Lot 19, Meek 1 2 90 Lot 1, bleak M 3 44 lot 2, block M 2 93 lotS, block M a. . 294 lot 4, blook M 2 95 lot 5, blook M : ...... 297 Lot 8, Wook L 2 44 Lot 7, block II 2 47 34037 Frank W'elker, in aubdlviaion of weat part of Lick tract, 12 acrea, being lot 0 7 02 \u2666 Lot 90..., 11 36 34039 Charlea (J Haddock, ln tOwn of ? \u25a0 , Clearwater. t,7M2, block 23... 80 34044 Jullkn VaSe*, In North Pasa- dena treat, let 34, block F 63 lot 3.3 black. F 65 In } orba A Paige tract, subdl- tbrton of blocka A and B, lot iot »8;;::::"::;:::;,:.;;:;. mn 62 Lot 70... 63 34107.1 I) Bethane, 441 New Ele'etrVc * '*t 12, s-leok B 108 54109 Sarah A B Land, in Temple A Gibson tract, lot 7, range 1, 40 acrea. .... . 11 83 In California Co-qp*ativc Colo- I/" 11. Wk 10 157 lot 14, blk 19 1 57 34130 James M Tiernan, in Now Elec- tric Road trt, Alhambra, lot , l.Mk C 88 in Ramona, lot 1, blk 0 06 lot 6, blk 16 82 lot 6, blk 16 84 lotl,b)k2o ?8? 34141 Byron O Clark, In Lincoln Avi- ... i**o .. nil,fc Syndicate trt, lot A 116 34T58 Mra Cora E Powell and R Powell, I" town Of Burbanc, lot 22, blk 73 .'. ga la Nadnau Vineyard tract No 1, lot 1, hlk X ... 63 lot 2, blk fl 63 Lot 3, blk X ;.... 68 Lot 4, blk X '. 64 Lot 6, blk X 61 LotO, blk X 63 Lot 7, blk X 61 lot 8, blk X .... 62 Lot 0, blk X 63 lot 17, blk H B lot lg, hlkH ;. oi LotlO.JblkH 03 lot 2}, blk H 23 Lot 23, blk II , \u25a0 64 Lot 23,blkH 6* Lot 24, blk H 6( lot 3, hlk H 61 lot 4,b1k11 .... .'"> S* iot 5, bikh «a lot o, blk II 61 Lot T, blk H 62 Lot 8. hlk II "".63 Lot 18, blk E . SI Lot 19, hlk E 63 lot 20, blk E .. ".88 Lot 21, blk E 61 Lot 22, hlkE ' ... 63 Lot 23, blk X 6 1 Lot 21, hlkE 03 lot 13, blk F 62 lot It, blk Jr..-. 63 Lot 13, I,lk F AO Lot 1(1, hlk F 61 Lot it, blk F 63 l ot .8, hlk F 02 Lot in, hlk, F 63 Lot 20, blk F 63 lot 21, blk F... 63 lot 22. blk F 1,2 3416S Annie It Lamb, In (*1 Co-opera- »'»? «rt, 22.64 acre., belt.g lot », MkS . ... 7g 4 In t'al Co-operative trt, 10 acrea, hs'ng lnt , hlk 3? 2 77 In Cal Cn-npeiailve trt, 1 acre., bctnglol 3, blk 23. 2 77 In cal co-o;sratlre trt, 10 acres, ? being let .6, oik 3 .. ;! 52 In t M Co-ceerMlTe in, 0 acres. being loi 27, Mk*2s .... 3 sf! >Nt «i t »-np»riiiT» til, 0 acres be inn let .a, MS to 3 52 ln Cal Ce-eperailve trt 27 75 arm. Mink let 29, blk 35 8 OS BU6oE4war| A Miller, fi 30 a, re. of lot 'fl of the lenke i-ahrlin .to Land and vVat.r Co sub of E 12, oolite res of it U of Ro Ex-HUts .!, ,le f.n Fernando . 13 12 in >,e«dOM r.Mk P.e> t. sub lot C. ' I'slct, \ er4csßoB9Bcre*, Iv.Or.g lot 3 - . 4 77 In MrSdo-v f'ark tract«nr 2 acre., r.e.t.g lot. 4 73 In Mra,lor, park tract sub, 20 i~ firnliie tree,fio't ?". bloc'le i 63 In/ir.tt, i;.\ei, lot. 6, block 1.. 65 In Nicss tract, lot 40..... i 65 ln.Klei trie Ry if. mc-stced Ass'n treat, lot 2, blk 33 , 85 In Miner A Morrlott subdivis- ion oi 11 Srp'er iraf.t, 8 lv feet of lot 3 1 ot N *f> (cry, of lot 7. 1 7 All of lot 9 '' 3 03 si ft of lot o .. 7*3 »i '1 3 68 All of lot 82.. 3 52 E U of lot 86' 04 Al, ot lot 3fr. (2 5; W '.. of lot 87. ' 1 47 V. 20 ft oi lot 89...- 1 0 Lot 40 2 53 COt 44 2 51 Lot 45 2 52 Lot 46 3 51 Lot 47 2 51 Lot 4 9 2 52 lot 421 2 30 Lot 56 3 60 lot 53 2 50 lot 54 2 57 lot 55 3 59 Lot 56 3 22 Lot 67 2 34 lot 58 10 57 Lot 95, 2 51 LOt Ol 2 52 * Lot 61 2 51 ' Lot 09 3 08 lot 75 2 52 10t.76 5 93 Lot 77 2 51 Lot 78 2 51 lot 79 2 50 lot 80 2 33 1.0081 2 33 lot 83 ~, 3 57 lot S4 1 53 lot 85 .? 1 54 lot 86 1 58 Lot 87 , 1 55 lot 88 1 54 Loj, 89 188 lot 93 1 66 lot 93 30 55 34137 Caiarlcs F Rcutan, in Waverly tract, lot 22 ... 4 21 34189 Unknown owner, in Waverly tract, lot 21 4 20 34193 C A Sanborn, in Waverly track, lot 43 4 4 21 34219 I L Dobbins, in Miller A Her- riott's sub of Harper tract, lot 31 ? 4 84 34239 IIU Cates, in Bancroft tract, lot 14 2 94 34240 Eva ,M Smith, in Bancroft tract, 10t37.? 2 95 34250 H. nrv Rogers, in Urmston tract, lot 5, btock 1 3 70 10t.6, bloc*) 1 3 70 Lot 7, block -1- 3 72 34252 Mary E Hood, in Urmßton tract, lot 4, block 2 ... 3 22 34362 OP Dennis, In Urmston tract, lot 2, block 8 2 96 34289 Abraham p Nawtnea,ln Urmston tract, lot 6, block 8 2 46 34310 Nib's Pease, in Urmston tract, lot 21, block 11 2 37 34350 David Bayles, in Amy tract, lot 20 2 11 34371 Fred II Brakesuehler, in Roser dale tract, lot I, block A , 3 69 34392 Charles M All*. In Wushington- stjyet tract, lot 7, block 1 .. 161 34409 E S James, In Washington-street ? trnoi, lot 33, block 3 150 84424 Tinnle Ro'wl, In Kenwood park tract, lot 64 2 61 34427 So Western Dressed Beef Co, ln » Whltnev tract, lot' 9 2 34 3442.8 N E Engle.iln \\ hiVney tract, lot 10 2 36 34439 Sidney M Suilen, in Whitney tract, lot 46 2 31 34463 Welsendanger and McFarland ln Welac-idanger tract, W-t 75 1 86 lot 76 1 86 34495 C F llrfrpet, tn Reeds subdivis- ion ol west half of the north- east quarterof aectlon 1, town- ship 2 south, range 14 west, 3.2 i acres, being north hulfntf lnt 7 4 83 34503 Augsist Itnppert, InBonlla tract, lot 23 ...... 1 47 31A09.1 B McDill, in Eonlta tract, lot 47 1 48 34517 Martin Lots, In lionlta tract, lot 77.. 149 34313 C V IlaTi, in C V Hall tract, lot 3a, block 3 , 1 23 31520 C H Bonlon, In C V Hall tract, lot 3, block » 1 49 84521 C V Hall, ln C V Hall tract, lot 27. block 17 89 lot 38, block 17 , 80 31528 Frank \\ enderoth. In Boulevard trnct.lot I Hock,* 1 25 34033 Barharii Childs, tn .Boulevard tract, loi 25, block 3 1 01 t No. Name and Description. Amonnt I 24440 California Home for earn and 1 training of feeble-minded 1 children, In Boulevard tract, 1 lot 21, block 3 f 1 00 I Lot 23. block 3 97 t S4s42Mrs al A Carmlcle,, In »oule- I vord tract, lot 11. block 4. .. 112 34545 Mra 8 A Cown, ln Jlotilevard 1 tract, lot 5, block 3 100 1 34.548 Lilian Carmlcle, in Boulevard ? traot, lot 11, blocks 112 34549 John Murrov. in Boulevard tract, lot 7, block 6 101 31551 James McKee, in Boulevard I tract, lot IS, block 6 1,01 Lot 17, block 6 97 34557 In Arlington Heights tract, lot 13. block 18 75 Lot 14, block 16 73 Lot 13, block 16 74 Lot 16, block 16 77 Lot 17, block 16 74 Lot.lB, block 16 75 Lotll), block 16 74 ,lot 20, block 16 , 75 lot 21, blook 16 77 Lot 22, block 16 75 Lot 23, block 16 72 Lot 24, block 16 78 Jot 4, block 11 cr 89 Lot 20, block 1 IT". 84 Lot2l, block II j >.. 88 lot 22, block 11 : 88 Lot 23, block 11 88 .....X"t 24, block 11 87 34558 Mary A Sect*, in Arlington .?.? Heights traTb., lot 5, block 20.. 149 34564 McFarland, Weisendanger & Bonssll, In Arlington Heights tract, lot 1, block 32 148 lot 2, block 29 jf..... 148 lotft, block 22 " 1 50 lot 1, block 66 , 112 34573 v L Chase, in Finney tract, 10t- ..... 23, blkC f 11 57 34608 Wfn H Ford, ln Reeve tract, W lnt in rot's 9 w ... 196 34024nann»A Russell, In Millard tract 1 , n 12 It of lot 11, blk "A A" 1 11 34628 F C Howes, trustee, in Vermont t avenne tract, let Ia block 1 . 2 47 34029 Unknown owntfr, m Vermont avenue tract, two-seventh in- terest ln lot 20, block 1 89 34636 B Jaqnes, in Vermont avenue. .. tract, lot 2S, block 2.... 2 47 34039 Geo W Km j gart, tn tteed'a oddi- tion to Lot Angelea, half inter- eat in lot 24 .. 1 48 34C65 F C llOKea, truatee, in South Side tract lot 24 ..... 3 59 34066 J de Mnlarrl, In Sonth Side tract, lot 20 2 95 34068 Mra M Tashclra, in Snurh Side . tract, lot 30 1 48 34088 James A Whltokcr, in Schu- macher tract, lot 2, block A . 1 54 34691 James A Whltsker, io Schu- macher tract, lot 10, block A.. 1 54 Lot 15, Mock A 91 lot 19, block A : 90 lot 20, block A », V O Lot 7, block B 01 ~54G93 James A IsJiitsker, in Schumach- er tract, lot 0, block H 91 ..... Lot U, block B 90 84001 Wm G Kurtz, jr, in Schumacher tract, lot 2, block C 131 Lot 4, block C \u25a0 .. 1 36 lot 5, block c 1 37 31695 James A Whltaker.in Sclunnach- er tract, lot .5, block B .... 91 lot 17, block R 9 ' lot ,9, block B 90 Lot 2 ~ block 8.. 90 Lot 28, block B &t 34697 Wm Q Kurtz, Jr, in Schumacher tract, lot 7, block C 1 38 34099 J A Whltokt-r, in Schumacher tract, lot 16, block C 90 lot 30, block C . 90 3470} James AWhltsker, inSchumach- er tract, lotl 11, block D, A. 00 31703 Win G Kurtz, In Schumacher tract, lot 13, block I) ' 1 3T Lot 10, block D I 38 Lot, 7, block D 1 33 Lot tt>, block D 1 3(5 34703 James A VV'hltaMtr, in Mta- macher tract, .0, v.'.oclrD 90 Lot 31, hioek D .... Oi 34708 Miss M 8 Sherman, in Washlng- tsn street and Pico Heijfhts traot lot 1, block X 1 58 Lot 9, tlort k. 1 73 Lot 8, blpek X .... l 48 347.3 Ellre Zleike, In Eleetrie Railway I.omsslsftd association tract, lot 23, bloAk I 1 20 34 23 Mrs Mil rancher, In Electric Railway Homestead associa- tion irAct, iot 7 4 block 4 112 3178 C.emge Miller, Innßlcirte Rail- way Homestead association tract, lot 0, hloek 4 .. 77 31733 8 Townsenn, in Electric Rail- way Homestead association trart, lot 20, hloek 4 1 10 34735 Fft Wlills, in Electric Railway Homestead association -tract, lot s, Mni k*r» . l 10 34736 Sand 1 1 Dyer, In Electric ltiill- Cay Homestgad association tract, 10. ij, btbek 5 L 11 847-7 JL Green.;in fcleeirte Railway ? liomeatead association tract. lot i , hloik 5 ..... . , 113 3-1742 A.f.rcen, .in -JlscfHc Railway L'.tl, ,moCk tt . ; , 1.10 84743R1i5e gtieike, ln Electric Bailwoy n»mcsc.cd association tract, lot U,bloeku \u25a0?? 1 24 34749 11', Davenport, in Electric Rail- way Homestead (SSSOol&tiOn tract, lot 6, block 7 1 12 34705 R li Waters, in Electric Hallway Homestead association trr.ct, lot 18, block 9 2 2i 34773 F C Howes, In Eb;cinc Railway Homestead Association tract, lot 17, block II 75 34775 F C Howes, trustee, in Electric Railway Homestead Associa- tion tract, lot 33, block 11 .. 101 34777 Elise Utolke. In Electric Railway Homestead Association tract, lot 3, block 12 .. 1 07 34779 F c Howes, trustee, in Electric Railway Homestead Associa- tion tract, lot 11, block 1 02 Lot 1.-, block 13 ... 98' 34780 F C Howes, ln Electric Railway Homestead Association tract, lot 13, block 12..'. 77 84783 Mrs Lulu Hoy, in Electric Rail- way Association tract, lot j6, block 12 97 34791 Soinucl J Flemmiag, in Electric Railway Homestead Associa- t,on tract, lot 1, block 4 123 34793 William I.ochr, in Eleotric Rail- way Homestead Association troet, lot 4, block 14 76 34796 S Townsond, in F.lectric Railway Homestead Association tract, lot 7, block 14 1 11 34798 J P Byron, in Electric Railway Homestead Association tract, lot 10, block 14 1 10 34804 GW Allen, in Electric Railway Homestead Association tract, lot., block 18 1 20 34831 J J Clark, in Electric Railway Homestead ABSoctotion tract, lot 11, block 18 1 02 34828 Job Shields, in Electric Rallwoy Homestead Aaeociation tract, lot 6, block 19 63 34831 G W Saurt tt, in Electric Railway Homestead Assoriotlon tract, lot 13, block 1 25 34835 Marcus Voegel, in Electric Rail- way Homestead Association tract, lot 23, block 19 11l 84836 Eliie Ziclke, in Klectrie Railway Homestead Association tract, lot-.5, block 19 ?... 1 10 34837 A B Boyott, In Electric Railway Homestead Association tract, lot 4, block 20 1 11 34845 Alex England, in Electric Rail- way Homestead Association tract, lot W), block 21 77 34847 Charles E Pnnnhuc,in Electric IfaHwav Homestead Associa- tion tract, lot 15, block 21V ... 76 34855 William A Pair, in Elects-lc Roil- way Homestead Association , tract, lot 2, lilock 23 . 62 34864 !\u25a0 F Hayes, in Electric Railway Homestead Association tract, lot 7, hloek 34 1 12 34880 Flora P Harris, in Electric Rail- way Association tract, lot 19, block 26 1 23 34885 F C Howes, in Electric Railway Homestead Association tract, lot 22, block 38 ?. 1 35 34889 George McDantel, tn Electric Railway HomesteeM Aasoela- tion tract, lot 4, block3o 125 34895 Eliza E Itunyan, in Electric Railway Homestead Associa- tion tract, lot 26, block 80 1 30 34910 Elisc Zlelke.tn Electric Railway nomeetead Association tract, lot 21. block 32 :? 1 20 84934 John F i amnion, in Electric R'ailvsmy Homestead Associa- tion tract, lot 2, block 35 1 35 34945 Miss II i>. Oaleyi ln Electric, Rail- way Hcriestead Association i tract, lot 23, block 38 85 34900 James 9 Johnson, ln Electric. Railwnv Homestead Assocla- tloii.trtct, lot 5, block 42 1 35 34908 Miss P J Toaford, in JSlectrlc Railwnv Homestead A/socia- -1 tion tract, lot 7, bhf-k Pi 1 37 34969 Mts M E Thomaa, in fllcctrlc Railway Homestead Associa- tion tract, lot 1, block 43 1 48 I 34993 S A Griswold, In Electric Rail- . wov Hoin,*steod Association I tract, lot 10, block 45 136 34986 Magdallna Burke, ln Electric I Railway lloniestcod Associa- tion tract, lot 3,, block 45 3 23 34998 F c Howes, trustee, in Electric Railway Homestead Aaaocla- I tion tract, lot 23, block 43. 1 37 1 35012 ( A Scrtcant, in pelliSsier tract, lot 3i. block H 11l , 35034 (h imam Pelliasler, 1n Pcillssier trac, lot 3, block 1 1 14 . 30040 J G Wilson, in Pcllissier tract, lot No. Name and Description. Amonnt. 5, block X _ $2 46 35041 Chas O Smith, in I'elllssier taact, lot 7, block X 1 24 i 35043 J B Fee, in Pelllssler tract, lot 24, block X ? IJ3 35017 Mallnda f> Strong, In PelHsaiar tract, treat 00 feet of lot 10, blkL . , 1 02 West9o *eet of lot 11, blook L.. 08 \u25a0 West 90 feet ef lot 14, block ft... 101 35050 Geo Jllftigsworth, In Shea A San- born's subdivision of lots 8 and 9 of Goodner St O'Mel- vency tract, lot 1 1 05 . Lot 2 97 3.1970 Mrs Mary Goode, In Howes tract, lot 8, block 1 1 50 35077 .1 F Renonlt, 1n Howes tract, lot 10, block 1....? 1 52 ' 33097 J F Reynolt, ln Howes tract, lot 8, block 2 1 39 35094 F S Jonnar, ln Howea tract, lot 39) block 2 1 40 33098 n W Thompson, in Howea tract, lot 4», block 2 141 35107 F C Howes, in nowes tract, lot lot 16, blockS 142 33123 W C Robertson.Howe's tract, lot 28, block 4 1 52 35128 J W Simmons, ln Howe's tract, lot 38, block 4 1 51 35UOMirsB JJMscnhardt, in Howe'B tract, ft 47, block 4 1 50 35153 H B Beefs, in Howe'a tract, lot 5, flock* M 1 31 35141 Charlea A Lee, In nowo'a tract, lot 25. blocks 140 35153 R A Williams, in Howe'a tract, loto, block* , 150 35164 F C Howes, in Howe's tract, lot 5, block 7 130 33178 C McLaughlin, ln Howe'a tract, 10144, binck7 155 35170 n W Perkins, In Howe's trliet, lot 47, block 7 1 50 38195 Mrs Berthi Dn4Tv, in Howe's tract. lot 2T>, block 9 1 52 35202 ndwcll Jordan, In Hoffc'i tract, lot 50, mock 169 35308,1 jTMoore., In Agricultural PaJsk traot, lot 41 2 83 35011 J MeFadden, in Agricultural Park tract, lot 83... 2 82 33221 M M Bovard, in Wast Los An- geles tract, lot 1, block H 4 37 Lot 3, block H a. .. 2 s*B 35240 Roht Snmmers, in West Los An- gelea tsact, lot 32, block M .. 2 77 35257 Thos E Robinson, in West Los Angeles-tract, lot 20, block U. 2 15 Lot 27, block U 1 91 35263 Mary A Butler, ln Jefferson- street traot, lot 3, block 1 1 52 35:76 1! M Gregory, ln Jefferson-street tract, lot 13, blook 2 1 21 35294 B M Gregory, in Jefferson Street tract, lot 83, block 2 1 02 35297 Mary A Butler, ln Jefferson Street tract, lot 5, block 3 1 01 Lot 6, hloek 3 99 35293 1) R Lewis, 1n Jefferson Street tract, lot 17, block 3 99 35295 G 1! Barber, ln Jefferson Street tract, lot 29, block 3 100 35299 T B Rhqdes, in .leffojrson Street trust, lot 42, block 3 99 Lot 38, block 3 ... 1 03 35302 Gabriel Allen, SO aores of land, ? being cast half of northeast quarter of section 14, totvn- snip 2 north, range 17 west 4 00 Forty acres of land, being north- east quarter of southeast quarter of section 14, township 2 north, range 17 west 3 32 Forty acres olland, being north- west quarter of southwest quarter of soetion IP, township north, rango 17 west 4 31 35307 W R Huff and W E Patterson, in New Vernon, lot 4, block 2 69 35339 W T Newland, In Compton Ly- man addition, lot 4, block C .. 89 l ot ti, Week C a. 88 Lot 8, block C I, 89 I ol IU block C 85 Lot 12, block C 89 Lot 11, hloek C 85 Lot 16. hloek C 89 Lot 19| Nock C 84 ' Lot 20, block C 89 lot ii, block C 85 Lot 24, block C 96 Lot 7, block D 89 Lot 0, block D 83 lot U, Moojr. n 89 Lot 13, Mock D 84 Lot 15, block D 89 Lot 17. block D 85 Lot 19, block D 86 Lot 2J, block D 85 Lot 23, hloek D ' 90 Lot 25, hloek D 95 35377 M.rs Nannie C Punsmore, ln Electric Railway Homestead Association tract, lot 4, block 26 1 23 Lot Angelos City. J5387 Lor Anceies Terminal Railroad company, TB Burnett, vice- president, In Sycamore Grove tract, a piece of land lying east of n line parallel with and vO feet westerly from the cen- ter line of the Los Angelea Terminal r.silroad, aa now l'o- caterf through lot 8, block 2.. 53 LotO., block 2 \u25a0 53 Lot IJ, hloy> <> s.l In sycamore Grove tract, all ex- cept west 110 feet of lot 12, block 2 53 lot 13, block 2 53 In Sycamore Grove tract, cast 40f' etof west 100 feet of lot !', blockS 53 Lot it), block !> 7? lot 1 , block .* 53 F.n«t 40 feel of west 50 feet of lot 12, hloek 3 53 Lot 13, block 3 M Lot 14, block 3 53 Eft-1 lo feet of lot 4. block 13.... 61 A strip oi land 40 feet wide, 30 feet on each side oi tne center line of the Los Angeles Ter- minal road as now lo- cated through lot 27, block'l3 53 Lot 29, bloc.VH 53 A strip ol land 40 feet wide, 20 feet on each side of the center line cf the los Angeles Ter- minal road as now located through lot 29, block 13 54 lot t, block 14 65 lot., hloek i l 64 Lot 3, bloc* 14 65 In Sycamoure Grove tract, a piece of land lying west of line of and parallel with and 20 foot easterly from the cen- ter line of the L A T R os now ? located through lot 21, block 14 64 Lot 2.:, block 14 60 Lot 23, block 4 50 A strip of land through the property of G W Morgan, bounded on the north by the south line ol Pasadena ave- nue, east by a. lino parallel with and 25 feet easterly from the center line of the I.ATR as now located, south hy the land formerly ot P Bockmon aud west by a line parallel with and 25 feet westerly from aaid center line oi L AT R, to a point where Bold parallel line intersects the easterly line of the right ot way of tho Southern California Railway Co, and by the said line of the right ol way 93 In Griffin's Arroyo Seco tract, oil not included In the Whltta- ker, Richardson & Ernest's subdivision except right of way of the Southern California Railroad company, of lots 2 and 3 2 44 East 50 feet of wost 175 feet of lot 6 1 20 A triangular pfeee of land de- scribed osfolkswß: Beginning ot oepoint iiuthc westerly line ot Sue right of way of the Soualierrt California RallreSd company 194.10 feet north from the, north lkne o*j Lacy ovenue, thence enacnrve.eon- cave to the southwest with 1024.7 leet radius, 432.3 feet to anoint in the north ljne olthe property of Griffin 403.10 feet from the northwest corner thereof, thence north 76 de- grees, 30 minutes cost 403.1", Hienee south 14 degrees, fj> minutes west 10) feet more or less to the sold west Uneof tlio right onwov of the Southern California Railroad company; thence south alonV said right el way to tho point of begin- ning 85 In Jeffries' tract, a strip of land 50 feet wide?2s feet on each Sldc'of the center line of the Los .VngelesTermlnalTatlroad, locate,, and describe- 1 , as fol- lows: Beginning at a pointon the south line of said tract 432.4fcet from the southeast corner thereof; thence north 49 degrees, 51 ruinures west 110.8 feeq\ thence n&j-th 51 de- grees, 47 miJiutes wost, 407,7 ft/el, to a 7>oT«t In the south line of Dayton Btreet, 19.7 feet easterly from the northwest corner of lot il, block 4, of said tract 85 In Whlttaker, Rie'hordsbn A Ernest's subdivision of lot 30 82 lot 31 82 lot 32 81 Lot 49 ! 82 Lot 50 82 Lol 51 84 Lot 32 % .. 81 In N Cole's subdivision of n part of Cue Addison tract, lot 11 2 02 In Addison tract, lot i, block A 1 20 In Kuhrts' Bridge iraet, lot 1, block I 1 35 All within 00 ioct of east line of No. Name and Description. Amount. River, lot 3, blockl $138 All within 60 feet of east line of River, lot 8, blockl ?.. 89 Westerly 60 feet of lot 5, block I 63 Lot 6, block 1 53 tot 7, block 1 53 LotB,blacjkl 53 Lot 9, block Is 83 Lot 10, block 1 55 Lotll.block: 1 63 Lot 13, block 1 ? 53 Lot 13, block 1 38 Lot 14, blockl _ 5g Lot 15, block 1 63 Lot 16, block 1 ? . 53 Lot 17, block 1 54 Lot 18, blook 1 64 Lot 39, block 1 63 Lot 20, block 1 58 Lot 31, blook 1 68 Lot 32, block 1 5 1 Lot 23, block 1 53 Lot 24, block 1 54 Lot 25, block 1 54 Lot 26, block 1 53 Lot 27, block 1 53 Lot 28, blockl 53 Lot 29, block 1 53 Lot3o, blockl 53 Lot 31, blockl 64 Lot 32, block 1 63 Lot 33, block 1 54 Lot 34, block 1 , 33 Lot 35, block 1 (3 Lot 36, Block 1 , 63 Lot 37, block. 1 " 64 Lot 38, blockl 83 lot 39, blockl.' 63 Lot 40, block 1 53 Lot 41, blockl 64 lot 42, block 1 53 lot 48, block 1 " 64 Lot 44, block 1 53 Lot 45, block L 53 lot 46, block P ' 53 lot 47, block 1 ' 53 LQt4B,Tiobk I sa Ldt 49. block 1 "' 55 Lot 50, block T.. ' . 53 Lot 61, block 1 53 Lots 2, block 1 ! 53 Lot 53, block 1 83 ? lot 51, block 1 53 lot 55, block 1 53 lot 66, block 1 5* Lot 57, block 1 , S4 lot 58, block 1 53 lot 59, block 1 ' 53 lot 60, block 1 53 In Addition tract, a triangular Piocc of land desoriWd as fol- lows: Beglnn ingot the north- east corner of lot 9, block B, thence west on north line of sold lot 9.26 feet; thence in a straight line to the southeast corner of said lot 9: thence north on west line of Arroyo ?troet, 50 feet to point of begin- ning, being the easterly por- tionof lot 9, block B 53 In Hamilton tract, a triangular piece of land 15 feet on south Bide of Well ssaeet, by 15 feet on west Bid* of Humboldt street, being a portion of lot 20 block 4 54 In Newell & Spnn's subdivision of part of Chavez tract, Ea*t Los Angeles, lot 1, block 11.... 03 iot 8, block 11 63 Lot 9, block 11 53 Westerly portion, being 48 feet on Chavez street by . 0 feet on north end of lot 1, block 1 .. . 75 A strip of land 60 feet wide, bounded as follows: North by south line of Mission street, cast by land of P Beaudry, south by line between prop- erty of aaid P Beaudry and Chas Stern, and west by tbo easterly qjncial line of Los An- ? geles river 3 16 A strip of land described a* fol- lows): Beginning at the Inter- section of the north line of May street with the easterly official'line of the Los Angeles river.thcncc east on said north line of sweet 30.2 feet, thence north 147.42 feet ton point 60 feet east of said line of river, thence north on a ltne poTolrel with and 60 feet easterly from said line of river to a point in the line be- tween the property of Chas Stem and P Beaudry, thence west on snld property line 6 .3 feet, thence south on sold easterly line to the point of beginning 5 03 A piece of land described as fol- lows: Beginning at n polntSn the south line of Macy street, I*6 .45 feet, west from the west line of Anderson street, thcjice west on said line of Macy Btreet to the easterly bank of the Los Angeles river; thence south along said river hank to the north ltne of Riverside street ; thence east on said line oi Riverside street to a point 185.5 west from the west line of Anderson street; thence on a straight line to the point of beginning 1 74 In Cannery tract, west, iin too, nf aii ot 101 11« West 32 feet of lot 12.. 174 Beginning at a pdtnt on the south line of Riverside street 65 feet west of the northeast corner oi lot 3; thence west 28 61 feet to the nosthigeat corner of ssjd lot 3; thence Bouth. to south west corner of said tot 3; thence east ou south, line of sold lot 34.83 feet; thence in a straight line to point of beginning, being a poTtion of lot 3 1 92 lh Meyer's tract; lot 10 ? 1 56 Lot 19 1 03 l ot m 1 20 lot "58 121 Lot 59 121 lot 66 1 21 Lot 67., 1 21 lot 74.. 1 P3 Lot7s 1 10 Lot 88 1 07 Lot 109 99 lot 10a 1 33 In Myers tract, a strio of land 55 feet wide east of and adjoin- ing tbe easterly official line of the Los Angeles river through lot 50 74 In Meyers tract, a strip of land 60 feet wide cast of and ad- joining the easterly official line of tho Los Angeles river through lot 11 74 lot 18 74 lot 20 75 Lot 27 75 lot 34 74 Lot 35 75 lot 42 74 lot 43 74 lot 84 76 Lot 95 74 Lot 96 74 In Clement tract, west 60 feet of lot 1, block D 85 lot 2, block D 75 Lot 3, block D 74 Lot 4, blockl) 74 lot 5, block D 70 Lot 0, block D 74 Lot 7, block D 74 LotB, block I) 70 lot 9, Mock D 74 Lot 10, block D 74 Lot 11, block D 74 Lot 12, block D 74 Lot 13, block D 75 Lot 18, block D 1 78 Lot 17, block D 2 26 Lot 1, block 1 1 93 Lot 3, block 1 1 93 Lot 3, blockl 10 42 Lot 4, block 1 2 26 lot 5, block 1 1 02 LotO, block 1 1 04 lot 7, blockl 09 Lot 8. block 1 1)6 Lot!), block 1.. 6 59 Lot 10, hloek I 80 Lot 11, block I 85 Lot 12, block I 1 06 lot 17, block II 102 Rot 1,), block 11 103 lot 21, block 11 1 74 Lot 23, block II 1,04 tot 25, block II 1 Oi Lot 27, block M V 101 lot 23, block II IT 70 10131, block 11 1 21 A strip ot land described as fol- lows: lilrginniaKot the inter- section of the easterly official line 01 the Loa Angeles river, with the south lino ot tho Clement tract; thence east on \u25a0tOCiline9lo leet; thence sotUJi on a line parallel with and 310 feet cast of sold lino ol rivertothe north line ot tho Blow tract; thence West on »ald line 210 feet: thenco north on said line of river to place of beginning 6 87 liTHJow trad A strip nf hind 6sv feet wide, eaat ot and ad- joining Ihe easterly ollleial luiM'f the l.os Angeles river tiirrittgh lot 4 4 75 In .reee.Lv .VThornea subdivision lot I,,block A 78 lot 3, hloek A T8 Lot 3, block A 79 lot 1, block F 78 lot 2, block F 79 lot 3, block F 78 lot 4, hloek F 78 lot 5, block F 79 lot 6, block F 78 lot 1, block G 79 lot 2, hloek G * 78 Lot 3, block G 79 Loi 4, block G 78 lot 8, block (1 79 Lot 0, block G 78 Lot 1, block 1 78 ; No. Nam* and Description. Amocnl 5 Lot a, blook L 80 70 Lot 3, block L A atrip of land described m~ tor- Iowa: Beginning at the iHter- I section of the easterly offlolal line of the Loe Angolea river ' with the south line of the I Jaeoby and Thornea subdlvl- Bion; thence east on aaid line of subdivision 210 feot; thenco south on a line parufiol with and 2io feet cast of said line of river to the linebetween the property of James Regan and f Elizabeth Uollenbock; thenco west on aaid property lir«»- -; 210 feet; thence north on said line ef riCer to rjbtnt of ' beginning jj 2. A piece of land desert nWis fol- lows: Beginning at the intor- aection of the easterly official line of the Los Angeles river ; with the line between the property of James Regan and Elizabeth Hnllenbeck; thenco east on said property line 335 leet; thence south on a line parallel with said line of river 125 feet; thence weft onji line parallel with Bald properly line 128 feet: thenoe south on / line parallel with and 210 fee* east of aaid line of river to the north line of Seventh street; tneneewest onsaldline o* street 210foet; tihencenorth on said Uneof river to place of beginning 2 29 A strip of land t-0 feet wido through the land of M Haley, being 40 feet on eaoh aide of the center line of the Loa An- goles Terminal Railroad, lo- cated and described us'fo'Uows: Beginning at a point lv the norJh lino oi said property 304.8 feet from northeast cor- ner thereof: nience southeast 400 fact to a point in the east litre of aaid property 104.5 feet rf from the said northeastcornor 109 A strip of land 80 feet wide througti the land of Mrs R C dV Martinez, being 40 feet on each side of tho cCnter line ol los Angeres Terminal Rail- road, located and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the west Tine pf said prop- erty 105-5 feet from tho worth- west corner thereof; thenco southeast 1405.2 feet to a point In the east lino of aaid 27.9 feet from the seuthea&t corner thereof 9 10 A triangular piece of land, de- scribed as follows: Beginning t at the Intersection of the south charter boundary of Los Ange- les city with the east lino of the pnhlic road known as Ja- boncrla road on tho weat aide of the Temple estate; thence north on said line of road 125 feet, more or less, to a point 298.5 feet from the north- west corner of said Temple es- tate; thence southeast on a curve, concave to tho south- west with 1950 feet radius to a point ln said south line of < city; thence west 100 feet mor* or less to the point of begin- ning 08 Los Angeles County. A strip of land 80 leet wide through the property of J W Drown, being 40 leet on each side ol the center line of the Los Angeles Terminal rood, lo- cated and described as follows: Beginning at a point ii tho south charter boundry of Los Angeles city, So feot cast of the east line of the 'Jaboncrii, county road on The west side of shia property; thence south- east on a curve, coneeve to the southwest with 1910 feet rad- ius 1343 feet to a point in tho south line of said property 01.5 feet west of the south- east corner thereof; contain- ing /.4 acres 1 87 A triangular piece of rand des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the common corner of the property of p N O'Donnell and J W Drown on tho weat line of the Laguua Raneho, thence west 104.2 feet, thence south 410.0 feet to the in- tersection of the north line Of the right of wsoy of southern California Railroad company with the west line of the La- guna Rancho, thence north on said raneho line 387.9 feet to the place of beginning, eon- taiintng 0.27 acre 79 A strip of land 80 feet wide through tiie properly of Mrs ABdeßaker, known as tho . Laguna Rancho, being 40 feet on each side of tho Loa An- geles Tormluel Railroad, lo- cated and doscrlbed aa fol- iTuS, V i \u25a07 ".j ":nL i.v ter line of the Southern Cali- fornia Railway, thence aouth on a curve concave to the southwest, with 1910 feet radius 487.454 feet, thenco south op a lino parallel with and 40 fpet cast of tho wast ljne of said Rancho. 11/618 feet to a point tn the south line of said RTanciro, 490 feet west of the east lino of the * County road, known aa the Bell read, containing 21.3 acres 78* A atrip of land 80 feot'svlde through the property of James G Bell, being 40 feet on each side of the center line of tho L A T Relocated and deacribed as follows; Beginning at a point in the north line of the said property, 560. ft ieet cast of the northwest corner there- of, thence south 990 feet, thence south on a curve, con- cave to the east with 5729.6 feet radius 1902 leet to a point in the south line of said prop- erty 181.1 feet from the south. , west corner thereof; also a Btrlp of land 50 feet wide * by 00 feet long adjoining the above on the west, and hound- ed on the north by the north, line of said property, both containing 0.09 acres I s% ? A strip of land 80 feet wide through the Itcml Nadeau Vineyard tract, being 40 feet on each side of the center line of the Los Angelea Terminal Railway,loeoted and described \u25a0? as follows: Beginning at a 1 point in the cast line of said , tract 2022 feet from the south- -Tt,l east corner theieof: thence north 40 degrees 59 minute* west 6826.7 leet; thenco on a curve concave to vtio cast, with 5729.6 feet \u25a0 dins; sa 2561.3 feet lo a point in the north line of said traot, 11,488 feet from the northeast corner thereof, containing 17.24 acres 5 ?** In Clement tract, a strip of land 80 leet wide. ' marked Los Anccles Terminal railway nn map of saiK tract, recorded in book 43 page 40, miscellaneous records, con- taining 3.9 acres SO A strip of land KT> feet wide through tho proi-erty ofj M CJark, being 410 feet on each side of a centeVlirte deacribed as follows I Resinning, at a point in tlreOtorfhwoMltno of ~,,11 said properly 2,38 f*c4 from tbo west corner thereof, thence south lOdeg, 21 minute*,east 220 feet to a point In the south line ot said properly 225 feet front the said west corner con- taining4i>, lOOaeres 58 A strip of land 80 feet wide through the property of Black- burn Wvstt, being 40 feet on each slde'of the center lino of the Les Angeles.Terminal it R locatednnd descrhled as fol- low*: Beginning art a point In the norSn line of said property 225 foot esst ot the east li-ne of the county road Ihrriugh said property; thence south ip degrees 34 minutes east, 903 feet lo a point in the south line of said property, 10K5 leet from tha aaMd east, iitte ef county road, containing 1.58 acrea 07 A atttp n't land °0 feel wide tb rough thr property of Miss Cunnlnrrham and Mra Chase, being 40 feet on each side of ihe center lsnriof Angolea Terminal ritUrrgid, MOWOd and described as fol- low*': BeginnlHji at a pointy n the north irnjsof staid property On the north alo> of a county rna'd 1005.9 feel from Iho northeast corner of said prop- erty, thencosouth 19rlcgrc*» 24 minutes east, 1103 feet to a point in the east tins of said property, 103 feet from the southeast eornor thereof, containing 2.13 acre* 71 A triangular piece of iand off flic southwest corner of the property of Geo Robert, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said property, thenco on west live of same 338 feet, thence south

Transcript of Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles...


No. Name ahd Description. Amonnt.lots 3221 t02323.... . ._ $0 68

33300 Abigail E Baker, in Chicagopark, block P ? S3

83301 John W McMillan, In Chicagopark, lots 2«?4 to 2339 61

3.1393 John W Mo.M.llan, In Chicagopark, lots 3230 to 2238 03

lot*asVi+to 4238 6tLots 2'J39 and 2240 08

33303 Til Biggs, ln Chicago park, lot2024 V 63

lota 3045 to 3027 6333306 John W McMillan, ln Chicago

park, lots 2241 10 2344 5833307 W A Garner, in Chicago park,

lots 2243 to '2*49 6283-08 Geo W McMillan, in Chicago

park, loii. 2230 and 2331 6033309 E J Campbell, in Chicago park,

lots 2252 to 2238 63lot*2257 to 2259 62

83319 W A Gamer, 111 Chicago Paat ,lots 2260 to 2204 68

Lot 2265 0483817 lli'nry Thomas, 30 acrea, all

Booth and west of San JoaoRaneho addition of southeastquarter ol northeast quarter,section 12, townahip 1 south,range 10 weat 40 37

33325 0 Stresaley, J. acre, bounded onthe north by hall seetlon line,east and south, by heira ofJesse Justice, west by M.rs 11 ItParkes, ln northeast quarterOf southeast quarter, section 3,township 1 south, I,mire 10west. 05

83326 Unknown owner, acre, bound-ed on thtt north and west byhalf seitlon lines, east by JKltnerlee,south byO Stressloy,In northwest quarter of south-east quarterof svotionJS, SBw ll-ship 1 sonth, range lOwest... 03

33329 Unknown owner, iacre, bound-ed on the north and east by E RThompaon, south and west byAlluu Poe, it, northeast quar-ter of southeast quarter ofsouthwest quarter of aectlon10. township 1 aouth, range 10woßt. 2 05

83333 Bernardo Fraijo, 2.40 ncrcs,Itounded on the north by Ber-nardo Fraijo, east by .1 WUroderlek, south by F Ayon,west by Jose Buclna, in westImlf of northeast quarter, seo-tie*n 9, township isouth, range10 west 1 15

38.1.14 Jose A Buelna, 1 acre, boundedon the north and oast by Ber-nardo FniljOj south by T Ayon,Avcst by F Martinez, In westhalf of northeast quarter ofaectlon 9, township 1 aouth,

\u25a0range 10 weat 7233188 Grcgorla Fraijo, % acre, bound-

ed on the north by Adollo Sll-vaa,east by Ella Kjt lark, aouthBouth by Geo R Crow, west byA RutJt, In wcßt half ol north-east quarter of section 0,township 1 south, rouge 10west 72

3.1340(1 V\ Butts, In (ironce Belt "tract,10.1 ocres, being lot 1 4 03

10.0 acres, being lot 3 2 9310.0 acrea, being lot 0 4 9310.3 acres, being lot7 4 92

38380 Unknown owner, in Covino,south 75 feet of lot 11, block6 73

83390 Unknown owner. In Covtna,south 75 feet of lot 12, block6 78

83393 Sirs E F Hector, In Covins, lot 9,block 7 8 10

83403 Geo E (lord, 100 acres, beingnorthwest quarter of section37, township 1 north, range 9wost 33 65

83404 Eli W Sohuler, 40 acres, beingsoutheast quarter ol northeastqnarterof section 34, township1 north, rnnge 9 west. 18 79

33405 The Alosta Water and Develop.incut company, 20 acres, beingnorth 20 acre of southweatquarter of southeast quarterof sect ion 20.10w n-li 1p 1 north,range 9 west 11 58

88407 The Atoita Water and Develop-ment company, 40 seres, beingnortiieoat quarter of southeastquorter of section 20, town-ship 1 north, range 9 west 3 38

88408 The Alien, Water and Develop.ment company, 40acres, beingsoutheast quarter of northeastquarter of section 20, towu-slilp 1 north, range 0 west 3 23

33409 The Alosta Water and Develop-ment company, 20acres, beingcast 20 acrCH ol norlh hall ofnortheast, quarter of see 20,township 1 north, range 9wvst 05

93416 Monrovia Land nnd Water eom-ponv, 040 acres, being oil ofsection 15, township 1 north,range 10 west 14 06

33417 Monrovia Land and Water com-pany and W T Wallace, 40acres, being northwest quarterOf northwest quarter of sec-tion 22. township 1 north,rttnrtc 10 west . 1 38

83418 Monrovia Ijind and Water com-pany, 80 aoroa, being southbttif of northwest quarter orsection 22, township 1 north,range 10 west 3 38

40 acres, being northwest quar-ter ol southwest queries ofsection 32, towttHhip 1 north,range 10 west ova: 139

83430 Jo< A Clirlstv, Wm 11 3 « elchand 11 W Prescot t, trustees, un-divided half Interest in 1v5...|acres, being lota 1, 2 and SJIIlection 22, township 1 norfli,range 10 wost 2 91

83421 L C ISDllard, in Azusa, lot 9,block 81 2 14

83428 Alex IISliiplev, In Auza, lot 24,Nock 3 75

33440 Llllie A Barclay, In Aztuta, lot4, block 11 70

53457JD Blcknell, in Azusa, lot 19,block 17.... 75

Lot 20, block 17 70Ltd 21, block 17 71

88461 Azusa Land and Water com-pany, lot 5, block 32 73

53468J D Ilieknell lv Azusa, lot 6,block 80 73

Lot 7, block 30 7083474 Heirs of s J McCord, in Azusa,

lot 35, block 29 J 59lot 26, block 29 3 93

83476 .1 !> Ilieknell, In Azusa, lot 39,block 39 73

53486 J D Ilieknell, in Azusa, lot 11,block 87 02

lot 13, block 37 08Lot 13, block 37 93

83487 Vo.lnev S Phillips, In Azusn, lot45, block 37 73

33488 .Dennis J McCnrty, ln Azusa, lot20, block 87 75

lot 24, block 37 , 7583497 V F condoll, In Azusa, lot 24,

block 36 83lot 25, block 35 85

83500 J D Blcknell, In Azusa, lot 20,block 86 1 39

83501 J W Oondeil, In Aznsn, rcsubdl-tvlslou ol lots 1 and 2, block

88. lot 1 72Lot 3 74

83503 E V Rice, In Azusa, resubdlvl-slon of lova 1 and 2, blook 88,lotO !T. 71

83500 Jno 11 Darling-, In Azusa, lot 8,block 43 6 24

83509 JD Ilieknell, in Azusa, lot 7,block 34 82

Lot 8, block 34 83Lot 11, block 34 84

33510 Soo lino ijuong,InAzusa, lot 17,block 47 84

33510Siiiu'l McClirdv, tn Azusa, lot22; block 45 .. ... 72

33530 Q T odd, ill Azusa, lot 47, block45 75

33331 Wm H Chambers, In Azusa, Un-divided one-half oi lot 49,block 45 .. 59

33533 Bsvm'l MOCurdy, in Azusa, lot 13,block 44 9 00

33524 U It 9inlth, in A ~ lot 22,b10ck,44 75

83530 Peter *ller, In Azusa, lot 17,block 44 74

Lot 4h, block 44 7033539-Azusn Land and Water oom-

pany, in Aznso, lot 2,block 52 70

33540 John W .Young, in AXUia, lot 7,block 52 75

Lot H, block 52 7133541 Azusa and Water eom-

panv, In Aziwa, lot -17, block62 09

33334 Azusn Lena "'id Water coni-panv, iv Aznsa, lot S, block7o 72

Loi Is, Upok 70. . 7293557 Azusa Laud ami Wolor com-

pany, in Azu*,i, lot 3, block 70 7043558 J F Washburn, in lames V Wash-

burn's anbdivlaion of north-west quarter of section 32,township 1 north, range'llwest, eaa18.36 acres ol tot 30. 3 .14

In James 1* Washburn'* suhdl-vi.-ioua arthwestsection 89/ftownship 1 north,

range 9 went. 1 acre of lot Ifi.. 1 21\u25a08890 John Render. ISO acres, being

west luilf of sotitrtwc.-i quarteraial aotttnwo!; qn.arter of thonorthwest quarter «ff si#ction19. township 1 north, rangeswest 3 92

33567 Pete ? Hill, in Lee Mars add toAloata, lot 4, oik 1, 1 49

33508 Z L Underwood, 111 Lee Mara addtp Alosta, lot 5. hlk 5 81

88369"L"uknown owner, In loe Marsaddition to Alosta. 1,,1 1. block

6 7883374 Wm Lillyend It C Jensen, In

Lee Murs sduition to Alotsa,lot 1, blocks 9.1

Lot 2, blocks 9388670 W P C Adams. In ... . v, irs od«

dltiou to Alostu, lot '4, block H. 94

No. Name and Description. Amonnt33377 Edwin T Earl, In loe Mar*ad-

dition to Alosta, lnt 9, block8. .m 80 91

33578 C L Patrick, In loe MarT addl-tion to Alone, lot 12 block 8. 64

335801«w1s Onchn, In Lee Mars sd-dition to Alo»ta, lot 17, blockia\ T8

Lot 19, block 13 7833582 Unknown owner, ln Lee Mars

addition to Alosta, lot 11,block 14 81

83593 Unknown owner in Lee Marsaddition to Alosta, lot 12,block 14 77

33394 Underwood A Washbnrn, lnAlosta, lot 11 block 4 107

BSS9S George KGard.ln Alosta, ..13,blocks 93

lot 7, blockS 93Lot 12, block 5 1 05

33397 CH Shaflner, ln Alosta, nndU of lot 7 bik 6 70

33598 T L Shaffer, In Aloata, und >Xoflot 7 blk 6 88

3 .00 C o X i.aid. in Aloftn, lot 1, blk7 1 acTot 2, Mock 7 6 76

33600 G H Kallmeyer, ln Alosta, lot 3,blk 7 1 07

33601 Geo E Card, in Alosta, lot 4, blk5 105

Lets, block 7 *-07lot', block 7 1.06

33003 George E (lard, In Aloata, lot 8,block 7 1 04

Lot 9. blook 7 1 lolot lb, block-7 1 05Lot 1, block 8 1 08lot 2, block 8 1 05lot 4, block 8 1 11Lot 6, block 8 1 03Lot7. bloc* 8 '. 1 07

33604 George E Gard, ln Alosta, lot 10,block 8 , 1 07

lot 11, block 8 1 06lot 1, block 0 1 OTLot 2, block 0 1 08lot 8, block 0 1 08 ,lot 4, blook 9 1 00Lot 5, block 0 1 07lot 0, block 9 1 00lot 7, block 9 1 08lot 8, block 0 .- 1 OHLot 9, blocs 9 1 08lot 8, bloc! 10 1 07I/,t 0, block 10 1 07lot 10, black 10 I 06Lot 1 1 1 lock 10 1 09lot 4, block 11 94Lot 5, block 11 02lot 7, block 11 04loi H, block 11 1 06Lot tl, block 11 1 09Lot 10, block 11 1 07

38006Oeorgc EGard, In Alosta, lot 1,block 12 1 07

lot 2, block 12 C4lot 10, block 13 91Lot 11, block 12 04Lot 12, block 12 2 33Lot 1(1, block 28 1 00

33015 It \\ Dawson, In Alosta, lot 4,block 20 I .... 1 02

33C10Gcorgo X i.ard, in Alosta, lot 5,block 20 1 10

Lot 3, block 25 98lot 4, block 23 93lot 5, block 25 63lot 6, block 25 92lot 7, block 25..... 05

38617 Stanton W Prlco, in Alosta, lot8, block 23 .. . 70

Lot, 9, block 25 69lot 10, block 25 70lot 11, block2s ... 70'

33019 G E Curd, In Alosta, lot 5, block21 1 10

lot 11, block 21 10133620 M B Hell, in Alosta, lot 11, block

21 1 0833621 George B Gard, In Alosta, lot 12,

block 21 1 03lot 5, block 22 ~. 1 08

83622 George li Gard, In Alosta, lot 6,block 22 1 07

lot 8, block 22... 1 05lot 9, block 22 1 06

33623 Unknown owner, In Alosta, lot1., hloek 22 103

33624 Geo E Gard, in Alosta, lot 1,block 2:i 1 01

Lot 2, block 3.t 1 01LOt 4, block 28 1 oi

35031 Jas A Nelson, In Glendora, rotith30 feet ol lots 32, 33 and , 1 inblock C C 1 24

33632 Glendora Land company, inGlendora, lot ,3, t,lnc>. n'l, 01

83011 A X ('-osier, in Glendora, lot 23,block P P 94

88643 AlvinPratt, in cientlora, lot 0,block X It 04

Lot 7, block ft H 9.,33644 Jas A Nelson, In Glendora, lot 8,

block it R 03 I33849 Anna B Sturgeon, in Glendora,

subdivision of lot 1, 1.10. k ti ;.,lot H 02 I

Lot J 0433050 Julius LBlockman, In Glendora,

subdivision of lot 1, Mock 8 S,lot N 03

3.1653 Alinon B Wood, ln Glendora, lot2, block A 1 60

33650 Frank A Wiser, In Glendora, lot9, block C 1 05

83664 Glendora Land company, ItiGlendora. lot 14, Muck (, 1 08

:iab7B(ig,r^» h lMj,,ut,B, in uicuduro. , ( ,?

Lot 3, block 0.....J.1-' ? ? ' . . . . \u25a0 \u25a0 1 0833602 A L Whitney and A R Whltnoy,

In Glctidoiii, lot 0, hl»ck,W..,. 11038698 U, D Whltcamb, in Glendora, ln

Whltcomn'S subdivision ivnor: 1. s gem, north 50 fceco!lotG, blntlc 9 78

33702 Unknown owner, 1 acres, beingsouth 8 sores ofnorth ~ acresof west hull oi lot 4L section 30, ?township 1 north, rsnse 11West 3 80

83703 Unknown owner, south 4 oercs01 cast halt of southeast quar-ter ol lot 4.in section 35, town-ship 1 north, range 11 west 6 Oi

33700.1 L Truslow, In Santa Anitatractysooth 0% acre* ot block62 7 84

33709 John Coshlii, in Sahta Anitatract, casL 1 ocrc of west 3.40acres of block 49 95

83713 Nora Hawk, In Arcadia, lot 25,block 60 78

35714 II A I'nrulr, in Arcadia, lot 20,block 70; 68

Lot 21, bloifk70 0733718 .1 W Young, in Arcadia, lot 7,

block 76 7833726 James X Fulton, in Arcadia, lot5, hloek 83 ~ 7833732 Unknown owner, ln RanehoSan

Franclsquito, in championtract, 24 acres, bounded northby unknown, cost by eastboundary ol Mountain Viewschool (fislrict, ftonlh by un-known and west by lot 7 ofchampion tract 2 16

33783 Unknown owner, in RancheSanFraueisqulto, in Cha'mplontract, 7 acres, bounded northby unknown owner, cast bycast boundary of MountainView school district, south byRail Whittler Land A Watercompany, west by lot 10,Champion tract 1 18

33734 B V Maxson, In Maxson's aubdl-viaion of nart of Championtract, 13.96 acrea, houndedon the north and west by pub-lic road, east by unknownowner and land of tho South-ern Oaolfleßailroad companyend east by Whittier Land AWater Co, being ln lotl, blockG.. 5 28

58772 Jno c Bell, Sr, Ramona, lot 9,block 13 83

lot 10, block IS T. 28 1633775 Heirsof Annie Bates, in Ivan-

hoc, lot 7 block 3 1 4333783 Thomas chambers, in Rancho

Tajanta. 15 slerox, boundednorth by landiof Chambers'heirs, east by land of Howard,south by county road, wcid Byland otsrtldlo 8 50

33784 Ephraiin H Winans, in RedondoReach, I*l 11, block 153 90

lot 35, blrtok 154 *B8Lot 10. block 154 88Lot 27, block 166 1 05Lot 37, block 109 1 26Lot 4. block 189 2 00loi 32, block 191 2 Xlot '8, block 193 2 02Lot 2, block 181 1 62Lot 7, block 15' 67l.o; 8, block 151 89Lot 11, block, 151 JjKLot 12, block 151 90

83901 Newell S Montague, ih I.anker-shi>n Rancho. Land and watercompany, ssibeMvlslon ol east12, O'J ueres ol south -half ofRune.no K.x-Missien de SanFernando, 10 acres, belngwesthalf of e«>l hall of lot 134 .. 370

10 acre*, being east hall ol easthalf of lot 153 4 40

40 acres, lielnr southwest quar-ter of southeast quarter of sec-tion 8, lownahlp 8 south, rangeIrt west 11 20

In KobeUean tract, lot 13 1 3133830 Henry Marti, 40 acres ol land,

boiug lot I. in Kcctknn 36, .ivwiisulp 1 north, rango l4west 1 96

33952 3 M Griggs, in lordabnrg, lot 8,blk 08 and persoiutl property 10 35

33079 Martha Wygall, in KeaVond'oBeach, lot I 1. Mk 142 80

34014 ft sHiobDltib. in Milllinore tract,lot 1 1 24

Lot 2 1 07lot 26 1 43 !Lot .9 15i !Lot 81 1 58Hit 38 1 BULot 36 1 8Slot 4() 1 58lot 41 1 46Lot 42 1 45Lot 43 1 30

No. Name and Description. Amountlot 40 $8 52tot 8© ' 1 48Lot 81 1 35Lot 67 1 34Lot 5» 1 38In Ovlffles tract, lot 10 2 10In Grlftles tract, E4O ft of lot 11 10 06

34020 A r: Kiepbonion, fn W Loa Ange-lea, lot 11, block M 4 74

In boulevard tract, lot 2, blk 1.. 70In Boulevard tract, lotS, blk 1.. 79

34026 Mrs Lytla R Williama, In Crea-oonfa Canada, 10 acrea ofland, being- lot 6, block 1 3 45

Lot 7, bleatil 8 48lot 9, blockl 3 45lot 9, M«ak 1 3 43Lot 10, klv-ii L , 294Lot 11, ilenk I 2 44Lot 19, Meek 1 2 90Lot 1, bleak M 3 44lot 2, block M 2 93lotS, block M a. . 294lot 4, blook M 2 95lot 5, blook M : ...... 297Lot 8, Wook L 2 44Lot 7, block II 2 47

34037 Frank W'elker, in aubdlviaion ofweat part of Lick tract, 12acrea, being lot 0 7 02

\u2666 Lot 90..., 11 3634039 Charlea (J Haddock, ln tOwn of? \u25a0 , Clearwater. t,7M2, block 23... 8034044 Jullkn VaSe*, In North Pasa-

dena treat, let 34, block F 63lot 3.3 black. F 65In } orba A Paige tract, subdl-

tbrton of blocka A and B, lot

iot »8;;::::"::;:::;,:.;;:;.mn 62Lot 70... 63

34107.1 I) Bethane, 441 New Ele'etrVc*

'*t 12, s-leok B 10854109 Sarah A B Land, in Temple AGibson tract, lot 7, range 1, 40acrea. .... . 11 83

In California Co-qp*ativc Colo-

I/" 11. Wk 10 157lot 14, blk 19 1 5734130 James M Tiernan, in Now Elec-tric Road trt, Alhambra, lot

, l.Mk C 88in Ramona, lot 1, blk 0 06lot 6, blk 16 82lot 6, blk 16 84lotl,b)k2o ?8?

34141 Byron O Clark, In Lincoln Avi-... i**o ..nil,fc Syndicate trt, lot A 11634T58 Mra Cora E Powell and R Powell,

I" town Of Burbanc, lot 22,blk 73 .'. ga

la Nadnau Vineyard tract No 1,lot 1, hlk X ... 63lot 2, blk fl 63Lot 3, blk X ;.... 68Lot 4, blk X '. 64Lot 6, blk X 61LotO, blk X 63Lot 7, blk X 61lot 8, blk X .... 62Lot 0, blk X 63lot 17, blk H Blot lg, hlkH ;. oiLotlO.JblkH 03lot 2}, blk H 23Lot 23, blk II , \u25a0 64Lot 23,blkH 6*Lot 24, blk H 6(lot 3, hlk H 61lot 4,b1k11 .... .'"> S*iot 5, bikh «alot o, blk II 61Lot T, blk H 62Lot 8. hlk II "".63Lot 18, blk E . SILot 19, hlk E 63lot 20, blk E . . ".88Lot 21, blk E 61Lot 22, hlkE ' ... 63Lot 23, blk X 6 1Lot 21, hlkE 03lot 13, blk F 62lot It, blk Jr..-. 63Lot 13, I,lk F AOLot 1(1, hlk F 61Lot it, blk F 63l ot .8, hlk F 02Lot in, hlk, F 63Lot 20, blk F 63lot 21, blk F... 63lot 22. blk F 1,2

3416S Annie It Lamb, In (*1 Co-opera-»'»? «rt, 22.64 acre., belt.g lot», MkS . ... 7g4

In t'al Co-operative trt, 10 acrea,hs'ng lnt , hlk 3? 2 77In Cal Cn-npeiailve trt, 1 acre.,bctnglol 3, blk 23. 2 77

In cal co-o;sratlre trt, 10 acres, ?being let .6, oik 3 .. ;! 52

In t M Co-ceerMlTe in, 0 acres.being loi 27, Mk*2s .... 3 sf!>Nt «i t »-np»riiiT» til, 0 acresbe inn let .a, MS to 3 52ln Cal Ce-eperailve trt 27 75arm. Mink let 29, blk 35 8 OS

BU6oE4war| A Miller, fi 30 a, re. oflot 'fl of the lenke i-ahrlin.to Land and vVat.r Co sub ofE 12,ooliteres of it U of RoEx-HUts .!, ,le f.n Fernando . 13 12in >,e«dOM r.Mk P.e> t. sub lot C. 'I'slct, \ er4csßoB9Bcre*, Iv.Or.glot 3 - . 4 77

In MrSdo-v f'ark tract«nr 2acre., r.e.t.g lot. 4 73In Mra,lor, park tract sub, 20i~ firnliie tree,fio't ?". bloc'le i 63In/ir.tt, i;.\ei, lot. 6, block 1.. 65In Nicss tract, lot 40..... i 65ln.Klei trie Ry if. mc-stced Ass'n

treat, lot 2, blk 33 , 85In Miner A Morrlott subdivis-

ion oi 11Srp'er iraf.t, 8 lv feetof lot 3 1 otN *f> (cry, of lot 7. 1 7

Allof lot 9 ' ' 3 03si ftof lot o . . 7*3»i '1 3 68All of lot 82.. 3 52E U of lot 86' 04Al, ot lot 3fr. (2 5;W '.. of lot 87. ' 1 47V. 20 ft oi lot 89...- 1 0Lot 40 2 53COt 44 2 51Lot 45 2 52Lot 46 3 51Lot 47 2 51Lot 4 9 2 52lot 421 2 30Lot 56 3 60lot 53 2 50lot 54 2 57lot 55 3 59Lot 56 3 22Lot 67 2 34lot 58 10 57Lot 95, 2 51LOt Ol 2 52

* Lot 61 2 51

' Lot 09 3 08lot 75 2 5210t.76 5 93Lot 77 2 51Lot 78 2 51lot 79 2 50lot 80 2 331.0081 2 33lot 83 ~, 3 57lot S4 1 53lot 85 .? 1 54lot 86 1 58Lot 87 , 1 55lot 88 1 54Loj, 89 188lot 93 1 66lot 93 30 55

34137 Caiarlcs F Rcutan, in Waverlytract, lot 22 ... 4 21

34189 Unknown owner, in Waverlytract, lot 21 4 20

34193 C A Sanborn, in Waverly track,lot 43 44 21

34219 I L Dobbins, in Miller A Her-riott's sub ofHarper tract, lot31 ? 4 84

34239 IIU Cates, in Bancroft tract, lot14 2 94

34240 Eva ,M Smith, in Bancroft tract,10t37.? 2 95

34250 H. nrv Rogers, in Urmston tract,lot 5, btock 1 3 70

10t.6, bloc*) 1 3 70Lot 7, block -1- 3 72

34252 Mary E Hood, in Urmßton tract,lot 4, block 2 ... 3 22

34362 OP Dennis, In Urmston tract,lot 2, block 8 2 96

34289 Abraham p Nawtnea,ln Urmstontract, lot 6, block 8 2 46

34310 Nib's Pease, in Urmston tract,lot 21, block 11 2 37

34350 David Bayles, in Amy tract, lot20 2 11

34371 Fred II Brakesuehler, in Roserdale tract, lot I, block A , 3 69

34392 Charles M All*.In Wushington-stjyet tract, lot 7, block 1 .. 161

34409 E S James, In Washington-street ?trnoi, lot 33, block 3 150

84424 Tinnle Ro'wl, In Kenwood parktract, lot 64 2 61

34427 So Western Dressed Beef Co, ln »Whltnev tract, lot'9 2 34

3442.8 N E Engle.iln \\ hiVney tract, lot10 2 36

34439 Sidney M Suilen, in Whitneytract, lot 46 2 31

34463 Welsendanger and McFarlandln Welac-idanger tract, W-t 75 1 86

lot 76 1 8634495 CF llrfrpet, tn Reeds subdivis-

ion ol west half of the north-east quarterof aectlon 1, town-ship 2 south, range 14 west,3.2iacres, being north hulfntflnt7 4 83

34503 Augsist Itnppert, InBonlla tract,lot 23 ...... 1 47

31A09.1 B McDill, in Eonlta tract, lot47 1 48

34517 Martin Lots, In lionlta tract, lot77.. 149

34313 C V IlaTi, in C V Hall tract, lot3a, block 3 , 1 23

31520 C H Bonlon, In C V Hall tract,lot 3, block » 1 49

84521 C V Hall,ln C V Hall tract, lot27. block 17 89

lot 38, block 17 , 8031528 Frank \\ enderoth. In Boulevard

trnct.lot I Hock,* 1 2534033 Barharii Childs, tn .Boulevardtract, loi 25, block 3 1 01

t No. Name and Description. AmonntI24440 California Home for earn and1 training of feeble-minded1 children, In Boulevard tract,1 lot 21, block 3 f 1 00I Lot 23. block 3 97t S4s42Mrs al A Carmlcle,, In »oule-I vord tract, lot 11. block 4. .. 112

34545 Mra 8 A Cown, ln Jlotilevard1 tract, lot 5, block 3 1001 34.548 Lilian Carmlcle, in Boulevard? traot, lot 11, blocks 112

34549 John Murrov. in Boulevardtract, lot 7, block 6 101

31551 James McKee, in BoulevardI tract, lot IS, block 6 1,01

Lot 17, block 6 9734557 In Arlington Heights tract, lot

13. block 18 75Lot 14, block 16 73Lot 13, block 16 74Lot 16, block 16 77Lot 17, block 16 74Lot.lB, block 16 75Lotll),block 16 74

,lot 20, block 16 , 75lot 21, blook 16 77Lot 22, block 16 75Lot 23, block 16 72Lot 24, block 16 78Jot 4, block 11 cr 89Lot 20, block 1IT". 84Lot2l, block II j >.. 88lot 22, block 11 : 88Lot 23, block 11 88

.....X"t 24, block 11 8734558 Mary A Sect*, in Arlington.?.?

Heights traTb., lot 5, block 20.. 14934564 McFarland, Weisendanger &

Bonssll, In Arlington Heightstract, lot 1, block 32 148

lot 2, block 29 jf..... 148lotft, block 22 " 1 50lot 1, block 66 , 112

34573 v L Chase, in Finney tract, 10t-..... 23, blkC f 11 5734608 Wfn H Ford, ln Reeve tract, W

lnt inrot's 9 w ... 19634024nann»A Russell, In Millard

tract 1, n 12 It of lot 11, blk "AA" 1 11

34628 F C Howes, trustee, in Vermontt avenne tract, let Ia block 1 . 2 4734029 Unknown owntfr, m Vermont

avenue tract, two-seventh in-terest ln lot 20, block 1 89

34636 B Jaqnes, in Vermont avenue.. . tract, lot 2S, block 2.... 2 4734039 Geo W Km jgart, tn tteed'a oddi-

tion to Lot Angelea, half inter-eat in lot 24 .. 1 48

34C65 F C llOKea, truatee, in SouthSide tract lot 24 ..... 3 59

34066 J de Mnlarrl, In Sonth Side tract,lot 20 2 95

34068 Mra M Tashclra, in Snurh Side. tract, lot 30 1 4834088 James A Whltokcr, in Schu-

macher tract, lot 2, block A . 1 5434691 James A Whltsker, io Schu-

macher tract, lot 10, block A.. 1 54Lot 15, Mock A 91lot 19, block A : 90lot 20, block A », V OLot 7, block B 01~54G93 James A IsJiitsker, in Schumach-

er tract, lot 0, block H 91..... Lot U, block B 9084001 Wm G Kurtz, jr,in Schumacher

tract, lot 2, block C 131Lot 4, block C \u25a0 .. 1 36lot 5, block c 1 3731695 James A Whltaker.in Sclunnach-er tract, lot .5, block B .... 91lot 17, block R 9 'lot ,9, block B 90Lot 2 ~ block 8.. 90Lot 28, block B &t

34697 Wm Q Kurtz, Jr, in Schumachertract, lot 7, block C 1 38

34099 J A Whltokt-r, in Schumachertract, lot 16, block C 90

lot 30, block C . 903470} James AWhltsker, inSchumach-

er tract, lotl 11, block D, A. 0031703 Win G Kurtz, In Schumacher

tract, lot 13, block I) ' 1 3TLot 10, block D I 38Lot, 7, block D 1 33Lot tt>, block D 1 3(5

34703 James A VV'hltaMtr, in Mta-macher tract, .0, v.'.oclrD 90

Lot 31, hioek D .... Oi34708 Miss M 8 Sherman, in Washlng-

tsn street and Pico Heijfhtstraot lot 1, block X 1 58

Lot 9, tlortk. 1 73Lot 8, blpek X .... l 48

347.3 Ellre Zleike, In Eleetrie RailwayI.omsslsftd association tract,lot 23, bloAk I 1 20

34 23 Mrs Mil rancher, In ElectricRailway Homestead associa-tion irAct, iot 7 4 block 4 112

3178 C.emge Miller, Innßlcirte Rail-way Homestead associationtract, lot 0, hloek 4 .. 77

31733 8 Townsenn, in Electric Rail-way Homestead associationtrart, lot 20, hloek 4 1 10

34735 Fft Wlills, in Electric RailwayHomestead association -tract,lot s, Mnik*r» . l 10

34736 Sand 11 Dyer, In Electric ltiill-Cay Homestgad associationtract, 10. ij, btbek 5 L 11

847-7 JL Green.;in fcleeirte Railway? liomeatead association tract.lot i , hloik 5 ..... . ,

1133-1742 A.f.rcen, .in -JlscfHc Railway

L'.tl, ,moCk tt .; , 1.1084743R1i5e gtieike, ln Electric Bailwoy

n»mcsc.cd association tract,lot U,bloeku \u25a0?? 1 24

34749 11', Davenport, in Electric Rail-way Homestead (SSSOol&tiOntract, lot 6, block 7 1 12

34705 R li Waters, in Electric HallwayHomestead association trr.ct,lot 18, block 9 2 2i

34773 F C Howes, In Eb;cinc RailwayHomestead Association tract,lot 17, block II 75

34775 F C Howes, trustee, in ElectricRailway Homestead Associa-tion tract, lot 33, block 11 . . 101

34777 Elise Utolke. In Electric RailwayHomestead Association tract,lot 3, block 12 .. 1 07

34779 F c Howes, trustee, in ElectricRailway Homestead Associa-tion tract, lot 11, block 1 02

Lot 1.-, block 13 ... 98'34780 F C Howes, ln Electric Railway

Homestead Association tract,lot 13, block 12..'. 77

84783 Mrs Lulu Hoy, in Electric Rail-way Association tract, lot j6,block 12 97

34791 Soinucl J Flemmiag, in ElectricRailway Homestead Associa-t,on tract, lot 1, block 4 123

34793 William I.ochr, in Eleotric Rail-way Homestead Associationtroet, lot 4, block 14 76

34796 S Townsond, in F.lectric RailwayHomestead Association tract,lot 7, block 14 1 11

34798 J P Byron, in Electric RailwayHomestead Association tract,lot 10, block 14 1 10

34804 GW Allen, in Electric RailwayHomestead Association tract,lot., block 18 1 20

34831 J J Clark, in Electric RailwayHomestead ABSoctotion tract,lot 11, block 18 1 02

34828 Job Shields, in Electric RallwoyHomestead Aaeociation tract,lot 6, block 19 63

34831 G W Saurt tt, in Electric RailwayHomestead Assoriotlon tract,lot 13, block 1 25

34835 Marcus Voegel, in Electric Rail-way Homestead Associationtract, lot 23, block 19 11l

84836 Eliie Ziclke, in Klectrie RailwayHomestead Association tract,lot-.5, block 19 ?... 1 10

34837 A B Boyott, In Electric RailwayHomestead Association tract,lot 4, block 20 1 11

34845 Alex England, in Electric Rail-way Homestead Associationtract, lot W), block 21 77

34847 Charles E Pnnnhuc,in ElectricIfaHwav Homestead Associa-tion tract, lot 15, block 21V ... 76

34855 William A Pair, in Elects-lc Roil-way Homestead Association, tract, lot 2, lilock 23 . 62

34864 !\u25a0 F Hayes, in Electric RailwayHomestead Association tract,lot 7, hloek 34 1 12

34880 Flora P Harris, inElectric Rail-way Association tract, lot 19,block 26 1 23

34885 F C Howes, in Electric RailwayHomestead Association tract,lot 22, block 38 ?. 1 35

34889 George McDantel, tn ElectricRailway HomesteeM Aasoela-tion tract, lot 4, block3o 125

34895 Eliza E Itunyan, in ElectricRailway Homestead Associa-tion tract, lot 26, block 80 1 30

34910 Elisc Zlelke.tn Electric Railwaynomeetead Association tract,lot 21. block 32 :? 1 20

84934 John F i amnion, in ElectricR'ailvsmy Homestead Associa-tion tract, lot 2, block 35 1 35

34945 Miss II i>. Oaleyi ln Electric, Rail-way Hcriestead Association

i tract, lot 23, block 38 8534900 James 9 Johnson, ln Electric.

Railwnv Homestead Assocla-tloii.trtct, lot 5, block 42 1 35

34908 Miss P J Toaford, in JSlectrlcRailwnv Homestead A/socia-

-1 tion tract, lot 7, bhf-k Pi 1 3734969 Mts M E Thomaa, in fllcctrlc

Railway Homestead Associa-tion tract, lot 1, block 43 1 48

I 34993 S A Griswold, In Electric Rail- .wov Hoin,*steod Association

I tract, lot 10, block 45 13634986 Magdallna Burke, ln ElectricI Railway lloniestcod Associa-

tion tract, lot 3,, block 45 3 2334998 F c Howes, trustee, in Electric

Railway Homestead Aaaocla-I tion tract, lot 23, block 43. 1 371 35012 ( A Scrtcant, in pelliSsier tract,

lot 3i. block H 11l, 35034 (h imam Pelliasler, 1n Pcillssiertrac, lot 3, block 1 1 14. 30040 J G Wilson, inPcllissier tract, lot

No. Name and Description. Amonnt.5, block X

_$2 46

35041 Chas O Smith, in I'elllssier taact,lot 7, block X 1 24

i 35043 J B Fee, in Pelllssler tract, lot24, block X ? IJ3

35017 Mallnda f> Strong, In PelHsaiartract, treat 00 feet of lot 10,blkL . , 1 02

West9o *eet of lot 11, blook L.. 08\u25a0 West 90 feet ef lot 14, block ft... 101

35050 Geo Jllftigsworth, In Shea A San-born's subdivision of lots 8and 9 of Goodner St O'Mel-vency tract, lot 1 1 05. Lot 2 97

3.1970 Mrs Mary Goode, In Howes tract,lot 8, block 1 1 50

35077 .1 F Renonlt, 1n Howes tract, lot10, block 1....? 1 52

'33097 J F Reynolt, ln Howes tract, lot8, block 2 1 39

35094 F S Jonnar, ln Howea tract, lot39) block 2 1 40

33098 n W Thompson, in Howea tract,lot 4», block 2 141

35107 F C Howes, in nowes tract, lotlot 16, blockS 142

33123 W C Robertson.Howe's tract, lot28, block 4 1 52

35128 J W Simmons, ln Howe's tract,lot 38, block 4 1 51

35UOMirsB JJMscnhardt, in Howe'Btract, ft 47, block 4 1 50

35153 H B Beefs, in Howe'a tract, lot5, flock* M 1 31

35141 Charlea A Lee, In nowo'a tract,lot 25. blocks 140

35153 R A Williams, in Howe'a tract,loto, block* , 150

35164 F C Howes, in Howe's tract, lot5, block 7 130

33178 C McLaughlin, ln Howe'a tract,10144, binck7 15535170 n W Perkins, In Howe's trliet,lot 47, block 7 1 50

38195 Mrs Berthi Dn4Tv, in Howe'stract. lot 2T>, block 9 1 52

35202 ndwcll Jordan, In Hoffc'i tract,lot 50, mock 169

35308,1 jTMoore., In Agricultural PaJsktraot, lot 41 2 83

35011 J MeFadden, in AgriculturalPark tract, lot 83... 2 82

33221 M M Bovard, in Wast Los An-geles tract, lot 1, block H 4 37

Lot 3, block H a. .. 2 s*B35240 Roht Snmmers, in West Los An-

gelea tsact, lot 32, block M . . 2 7735257 Thos E Robinson, in West Los

Angeles-tract, lot 20, block U. 2 15Lot 27, block U 1 91

35263 Mary A Butler, ln Jefferson-street traot, lot 3, block 1 1 52

35:76 1! M Gregory, ln Jefferson-streettract, lot 13, blook 2 1 21

35294 B M Gregory, in Jefferson Streettract, lot 83, block 2 1 02

35297 Mary A Butler, ln JeffersonStreet tract, lot 5, block 3 1 01

Lot 6, hloek 3 9935293 1) R Lewis, 1n Jefferson Street

tract, lot 17, block 3 9935295 G 1! Barber, ln Jefferson Street

tract, lot 29, block 3 10035299 T B Rhqdes, in .leffojrson Street

trust, lot 42, block 3 99Lot 38, block 3 ... 1 03

35302 Gabriel Allen, SO aores of land, ?being cast half of northeastquarter of section 14, totvn-snip 2 north, range 17 west 4 00

Forty acres of land, being north-east quarter of southeastquarter of section 14, township2 north, range 17 west 3 32

Forty acres olland, being north-west quarter of southwestquarter of soetion IP, township'» north, rango 17 west 4 31

35307 W R Huff and W E Patterson, inNew Vernon, lot 4, block 2 69

35339 W T Newland, In Compton Ly-man addition, lot 4, block C .. 89

l ot ti, Week C a. 88Lot 8, block C I, 89I ol IUblock C 85Lot 12, block C 89Lot 11, hloek C 85Lot 16. hloek C 89Lot 19| Nock C 84

' Lot 20, block C 89lot ii,block C 85Lot 24, block C 96Lot 7, block D 89Lot 0, block D 83lot U, Moojr. n 89Lot 13, Mock D 84Lot 15, block D 89Lot 17. block D 85Lot 19, block D 86Lot 2J, block D 85Lot 23, hloek D ' 90Lot 25, hloek D 95

35377 M.rs Nannie C Punsmore, lnElectric Railway HomesteadAssociation tract, lot 4, block26 1 23

Lot Angelos City.J5387 Lor Anceies Terminal Railroad

company, TB Burnett, vice-president, In Sycamore Grovetract, a piece of land lyingeast of n line parallel with andvO feet westerly from the cen-ter line of the Los AngeleaTerminal r.silroad, aa now l'o-caterf through lot 8, block 2.. 53

LotO., block 2 \u25a0 53Lot IJ, hloy> <> s.lIn sycamore Grove tract, all ex-

cept west 110 feet of lot 12,block 2 53

lot 13, block 2 53In Sycamore Grove tract, cast

40f' etof west 100 feet of lot!', blockS 53

Lot it), block !> 7?lot 1 , block .* 53F.n«t 40 feel of west 50 feet of

lot 12, hloek 3 53Lot 13, block 3 MLot 14, block 3 53Eft-1 lo feet of lot 4. block 13.... 61A strip oi land 40 feet wide, 30

feet on each side oi tne centerline of the Los Angeles Ter-minal road as now lo-cated through lot 27, block'l3 53

Lot 29, bloc.VH 53A strip ol land 40 feet wide, 20

feet on each side of the centerline cf the los Angeles Ter-minal road as now locatedthrough lot 29, block 13 54

lot t, block 14 65lot., hloek i l 64Lot 3, bloc* 14 65In Sycamoure Grove tract, apiece of land lying west ofline of and parallel with and20 foot easterly from the cen-ter line of the L A T R os now

? located through lot 21, block14 64

Lot 2.:, block 14 60Lot 23, block 4 50A strip of land through theproperty of G W Morgan,bounded on the north by thesouth line ol Pasadena ave-nue, east by a. lino parallelwith and 25 feet easterly fromthe center line of the I.ATRas now located, south hy theland formerly ot P Bockmonaud west by a line parallelwith and 25 feet westerly fromaaid center line oi L AT R, toa point where Bold parallelline intersects the easterlyline of the right ot way of thoSouthern California RailwayCo, and by the said line of theright ol way 93

In Griffin's Arroyo Seco tract,oil not included In the Whltta-ker, Richardson & Ernest'ssubdivision except right of wayof the Southern CaliforniaRailroad company, of lots 2and 3 2 44

East 50 feet of wost 175 feet oflot 6 1 20

A triangular pfeee of land de-scribed osfolkswß: Beginningot oepoint iiuthc westerly lineot Sue right of way of theSoualierrt California RallreSdcompany 194.10 feet northfrom the, north lkne o*j Lacyovenue, thence enacnrve.eon-cave to the southwest with1024.7 leet radius, 432.3 feet toanoint in the north ljne oltheproperty of Griffin 403.10 feetfrom the northwest cornerthereof, thence north 76 de-grees, 30 minutes cost 403.1",Hienee south 14 degrees, fj>minutes west 10) feet more orless to the sold west Uneof tlioright onwov of the SouthernCalifornia Railroad company;thence south alonV said rightel way to tho point of begin-ning 85

In Jeffries' tract, a strip of land50 feet wide?2s feet on eachSldc'of the center line of theLos .VngelesTermlnalTatlroad,locate,, and describe- 1, as fol-lows: Beginning at a pointonthe south line of said tract432.4fcet from the southeastcorner thereof; thence north49 degrees, 51 ruinures west110.8 feeq\ thence n&j-th 51 de-grees, 47 miJiutes wost, 407,7ft/el, to a 7>oT«t In the southline of Dayton Btreet, 19.7 feeteasterly from the northwestcorner of lot il, block 4, ofsaid tract 85

In Whlttaker, Rie'hordsbn AErnest's subdivision of lot 30 82

lot 31 82lot 32 81Lot 49 ! 82Lot 50 82Lol 51 84Lot 32 % .. 81In N Cole's subdivision of n part

of Cue Addison tract, lot 11 2 02In Addison tract, lot i, block A 1 20In Kuhrts' Bridge iraet, lot 1,

block I 1 35Allwithin 00 ioct of east line of

No. Name and Description. Amount.River, lot3, blockl $138

All within 60 feet of east line ofRiver, lot 8, blockl ?.. 89

Westerly 60 feet of lot 5, block I 63Lot 6, block 1 53tot 7, block 1 53LotB,blacjkl 53Lot 9, block Is 83Lot 10, block 1 55Lotll.block: 1 63Lot 13, block 1 ? 53Lot 13, block 1 38Lot 14, blockl


Lot 15, block 1 63Lot 16, block 1 ? . 53Lot 17, block 1 54Lot 18, blook 1 64Lot 39, block 1 63Lot 20, block 1 58Lot 31, blook 1 68Lot 32, block 1 5 1Lot 23, block 1 53Lot 24, block 1 54Lot 25, block 1 54Lot 26, block 1 53Lot 27, block 1 53Lot 28, blockl 53Lot 29, block 1 53Lot3o, blockl 53Lot 31, blockl 64Lot 32, block 1 63Lot33, block 1 54Lot 34, block 1 , 33Lot 35, block 1 (3Lot 36, Block 1 , 63Lot 37, block. 1 " 64Lot 38, blockl 83lot 39, blockl.' 63Lot 40, block 1 53Lot 41, blockl 64lot 42, block 1 53lot 48, block 1 " 64Lot 44, block 1 53Lot 45, block L 53lot 46, block P ' 53lot 47, block 1 ' 53LQt4B,Tiobk I saLdt 49. block 1 "' 55Lot 50, block T.. ' . 53Lot 61, block 1 53Lots2, block 1 ! 53Lot 53, block 1 83 ?lot 51, block 1 53lot 55, block 1 53lot 66, block 1 5*Lot 57, block 1 , S4lot 58, block 1 53lot 59, block 1 ' 53lot 60, block 1 53In Addition tract, a triangular

Piocc of land desoriWd as fol-lows: Beglnn ingot the north-east corner of lot 9, block B,thence west on north line ofsold lot 9.26 feet; thence in astraight line to the southeastcorner of said lot 9: thencenorth on west line of Arroyo?troet, 50 feet to point of begin-ning, being the easterly por-tionof lot 9, block B 53

In Hamilton tract, a triangularpiece of land 15 feet on southBide of Well ssaeet, by 15 feeton west Bid* of Humboldtstreet, being a portion of lot20 block 4 54

In Newell & Spnn's subdivisionof part of Chavez tract, Ea*tLos Angeles, lot 1, block 11.... 03

iot 8, block 11 63Lot 9, block 11 53Westerly portion, being 48 feeton Chavez street by . 0 feet on

north end of lot 1, block 1 .. . 75A strip of land 60 feet wide,

bounded as follows: North bysouth line of Mission street,cast by land of P Beaudry,south by line between prop-erty of aaid P Beaudry andChas Stern, and west by tboeasterly qjncial line of Los An- ?

geles river 3 16A strip of land described a* fol-

lows): Beginning at the Inter-section of the north line ofMay street with the easterlyofficial'lineof the Los Angelesriver.thcncc east on said northline of sweet 30.2 feet,thence north 147.42 feet tonpoint 60 feet east of said lineof river, thence north on altne poTolrel with and 60 feeteasterly from said line ofriver to a point in the line be-tween the property of ChasStem and P Beaudry, thencewest on snld property line6 .3 feet, thence south onsold easterly line to the pointof beginning 5 03

A piece of land described as fol-lows: Beginning at n polntSnthe south line of Macy street,I*6 .45 feet, west from the westline of Anderson street, thcjicewest on said line of MacyBtreet to the easterly bank ofthe Los Angeles river; thencesouth along said river hank tothe north ltne of Riversidestreet ; thence east on said lineoi Riverside street to a point185.5 west from the west lineof Anderson street; thence ona straight line to the point ofbeginning 1 74

InCannery tract, west, iin too, nfaii ot 10111«West 32 feet of lot 12.. 174Beginning at a pdtnt on the

south line of Riverside street6 5 feet west of the northeastcorner oi lot 3; thence west28 61 feet to the nosthigeatcorner of ssjd lot 3; thenceBouth. to south west corner ofsaid tot 3; thence east ousouth, line of sold lot 34.83feet; thence in a straight lineto point of beginning, being apoTtion of lot 3 1 92

lh Meyer's tract; lot 10 ? 1 56Lot 19 1 03l ot m 1 20lot "58 121Lot 59 121lot 66 1 21Lot 67., 1 21lot 74.. 1 P3Lot7s 1 10Lot 88 1 07Lot 109 99lot 10a 1 33In Myers tract, a strio of land 55

feet wide east of and adjoin-ing tbe easterly officialline ofthe Los Angeles river throughlot 50 74

In Meyers tract, a strip of land60 feet wide cast of and ad-joining the easterly officialline of tho Los Angeles riverthrough lot 11 74

lot 18 74lot 20 75Lot 27 75lot 34 74Lot 35 75lot 42 74lot 43 74lot 84 76Lot 95 74Lot 96 74In Clement tract, west 60 feet of

lot 1, block D 85lot 2, block D 75Lot 3, block D 74Lot 4, blockl) 74lot 5, block D 70Lot 0, block D 74Lot 7, block D 74LotB, block I) 70lot 9, Mock D 74Lot 10, block D 74Lot 11, block D 74Lot 12, block D 74Lot 13, block D 75Lot 18, block D 1 78Lot 17, block D 2 26Lot 1, block 1 1 93Lot 3, block 1 1 93Lot 3, blockl 10 42Lot4, block 1 2 26lot 5, block 1 1 02LotO, block 1 1 04lot 7, blockl 09Lot 8. block 1 1)6Lot!), block 1.. 6 59Lot 10, hloek I 80Lot 11, block I 85Lot 12, block I 1 06lot 17, block II 102Rot 1,), block 11 103lot 21, block 11 1 74Lot 23, block II 1,04tot 25, block II 1 OiLot 27, block M V 101lot 23, block II IT7010131, block 11 1 21A strip ot land described as fol-

lows: lilrginniaKot the inter-section of the easterly officialline 01 the Loa Angeles river,with the south lino ot thoClement tract; thence east on\u25a0tOCiline9lo leet; thence sotUJion a line parallel with and310 feet cast of sold lino olrivertothe north line ot thoBlow tract; thence West on»ald line 210 feet: thenconorth on said line of river toplace of beginning 6 87

liTHJow trad A strip nf hind6sv feet wide, eaat ot and ad-joining Ihe easterly ollleialluiM'f the l.os Angeles rivertiirrittgh lot 4 4 75

In .reee.Lv .VThornea subdivisionlot I,,block A 78

lot 3, hloek A T8Lot 3, block A 79lot 1, block F 78lot 2, block F 79lot 3, block F 78lot 4, hloek F 78lot 5, block F 79lot 6, block F 78lot 1, block G 79lot 2, hloek G * 78Lot 3, block G 79Loi 4, block G 78lot 8, block (1 79Lot 0, block G 78Lot 1, block 1 78

; No. Nam* and Description. Amocnl5 Lot a, blook L 80 70Lot 3, block LA atrip of land described m~ tor-

Iowa: Beginning at the iHter-I section of the easterly offlolalline of the Loe Angolea river

' with the south line of theI Jaeoby and Thornea subdlvl-Bion; thence east on aaid line

of subdivision 210 feot; thencosouth on a line parufiol withand 2io feet cast of said lineofriver to the linebetween theproperty of James Regan and

f Elizabeth Uollenbock; thencowest on aaid property lir«»--; 210 feet; thence north onsaid line ef riCer to rjbtnt of

' beginning jj 2.A piece of land desert nWis fol-

lows: Beginning at the intor-aection of the easterly officialline of the Los Angeles river; with the line between theproperty of James Regan andElizabeth Hnllenbeck; thencoeast on said property line 335leet; thence south on a lineparallel with said line of river125 feet; thence weft onji lineparallel with Bald properlyline 128 feet: thenoe south on/ line parallel with and 210fee* east of aaid line of riverto the north line of Seventhstreet; tneneewest onsaldlineo* street 210foet; tihencenorthon said Uneof river to place ofbeginning 2 29A strip of land t-0 feet widothrough the land of M Haley,being 40 feet on eaoh aide ofthe center line of the Loa An-goles Terminal Railroad, lo-cated and described us'fo'Uows:Beginning at a point lv thenorJh lino oi said property304.8 feet from northeast cor-ner thereof: nience southeast400 fact to a point in the eastlitre of aaid property 104.5 feet rffrom the said northeastcornor 109

A strip of land 80 feet widethrougti the land of Mrs R CdV Martinez, being 40 feet oneach side of tho cCnter line ollos Angeres Terminal Rail-road, located and described asfollows: Beginning at a pointin the west Tine pf said prop-erty 105-5 feet from tho worth-west corner thereof; thencosoutheast 1405.2 feet to apoint In the east lino of aaid

27.9 feet from theseuthea&t corner thereof 9 10

A triangular piece of land, de-scribed as follows: Beginning

t at the Intersection of the southcharter boundary of Los Ange-les city with the east lino ofthe pnhlic road known as Ja-boncrla road on tho weat aideof the Temple estate; thencenorth on said line of road 125feet, more or less, to a point298.5 feet from the north-west corner of said Temple es-tate; thence southeast on acurve, concave to tho south-west with 1950 feet radius toa point ln said south line of <city; thence west 100 feet mor*or less to the point of begin-ning 08

Los Angeles County.

A strip of land 80 leet widethrough the property of J WDrown, being 40 leet on eachside ol the center line of theLos Angeles Terminal rood, lo-cated and described as follows:Beginning at a point ii thosouth charter boundry of LosAngeles city, So feot cast of theeast line of the 'Jaboncrii,county road on The west sideof shia property; thence south-east on a curve, coneeve to thesouthwest with 1910 feet rad-ius 1343 feet to a point in thosouth line of said property01.5 feet west of the south-east corner thereof; contain-ing/.4 acres 1 87

A triangular piece of rand des-cribed as follows: Beginningat the common corner of theproperty of p N O'Donnell andJ W Drown on tho weat line ofthe Laguua Raneho, thencewest 104.2 feet, thencesouth 410.0 feet to the in-tersection of the north line Ofthe right of wsoy of southernCalifornia Railroad companywith the west line of the La-guna Rancho, thence north onsaid raneho line 387.9 feetto the place of beginning, eon-taiintng 0.27 acre 79

A strip of land 80 feet widethrough tiie properly of MrsABdeßaker, known as tho.Laguna Rancho, being 40 feeton each side of tho Loa An-geles Tormluel Railroad, lo-cated and doscrlbed aa fol-iTuS, V i \u25a07 ".j ":nL i.vter line of the Southern Cali-fornia Railway, thence aouthon a curve concave to thesouthwest, with 1910 feetradius 487.454 feet, thencosouth op a lino parallel withand 40 fpet cast of tho wastljne of said Rancho. 11/618feet to a point tn the southline of said RTanciro, 490 feetwest of the east lino of the *County road, known aa theBell read, containing 21.3acres 78*

A atrip of land 80 feot'svldethrough the property of JamesG Bell, being 40 feet on eachside of the center line of thoL A T Relocated and deacribedas follows; Beginning at apoint in the north line of thesaid property, 560. ft ieet castof the northwest corner there-of, thence south 990 feet,thence south on a curve, con-cave to the east with 5729.6feet radius 1902 leet to a pointin the south line of said prop-erty 181.1 feet from the south. ,west corner thereof; also aBtrlp of land 50 feet wide *by 00 feet long adjoining theabove on the west, and hound-ed on the north by the north,line of said property, bothcontaining 0.09 acres I s%? A strip of land 80 feet widethrough the Itcml NadeauVineyard tract, being 40 feeton each side of the center lineof the Los Angelea TerminalRailway,loeoted and described \u25a0?as follows: Beginning at a 1point in the cast line of said ,tract 2022 feet from the south- -Tt,least corner theieof: thencenorth 40 degrees 59 minute*west 6826.7 leet; thenco on acurve concave to vtio cast,with 5729.6 feet \u25a0 dins; sa2561.3 feet lo a point in thenorth line ofsaid traot, 11,488feet from the northeast cornerthereof, containing 17.24acres 5 ?**

In Clement tract, a stripof land 80 leet wide. 'marked Los Anccles Terminalrailway nn map of saiK tract,recorded in book 43 page 40,miscellaneous records, con-taining 3.9 acres SO

A strip of land KT> feet widethrough tho proi-erty ofj MCJark, being 410 feet on eachside of a centeVlirte deacribedas followsI Resinning, at apoint in tlreOtorfhwoMltno of ~,,11

said properly 2,38 f*c4 fromtbo west corner thereof, thencesouth lOdeg, 21 minute*,east220 feet to a point In the southline ot said properly 225 feetfront the said west corner con-taining4i>, lOOaeres 58

A strip of land 80 feet widethrough the property of Black-burn Wvstt, being 40 feet oneach slde'of the center lino ofthe Les Angeles.Terminal it Rlocatednnd descrhled as fol-low*: Beginning art a point Inthe norSn line of said property225 foot esst ot the east li-neof the county road Ihrriughsaid property; thence southip degrees 34 minutes east,903 feet lo a point in the southline of said property, 10K5 leetfrom tha aaMd east, iitte efcounty road, containing 1.58acrea 07

A atttp n't land °0 feel widetbrough thr property ofMiss Cunnlnrrham and MraChase, being 40 feet on eachside of ihe center lsnriofAngolea Terminal ritUrrgid,MOWOd and described as fol-low*': BeginnlHji at a pointy nthe north irnjsof staid propertyOn the north alo> of a countyrna'd 1005.9 feel from Ihonortheast corner of said prop-erty, thencosouth 19rlcgrc*»24 minutes east, 1103 feet toa point in the east tins of saidproperty, 103 feet from thesoutheast eornor thereof,containing 2.13 acre* 71

A triangular piece of iand offflic southwest corner of theproperty of Geo Robert, de-scribed as follows: Beginningat the southwest corner of saidproperty, thenco on west liveofsame 338 feet, thence south