Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles ... · IN SOCIAL LIFE Much interest has...

IN SOCIAL LIFE Much interest has been manifested this year in entering private turnouts for El Die de Los Fiores parade for Fiesta, ?nd-the names are coming in very fast to tbe floral committee from Pasadena and surrounding towns for entries. Folio v- ing are the names of a few l.os Angelcnos who will enter the lists: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ford, foiy-in-liand; "break" will be in lavender and smilax. T heir guests, who will drive with them, are Mss Rose. Miss Mabel Rose. Miss Mary Gray, Miss Bobison, Miss Louise Robison and Mr. Tracy. Captain Manning's coach will be deco- rated entirely in white and green, in the style of the time of Louis XVI. The la-.fes' costumes will be after designs of th*;sanie period. Tbe white satin reins will be handled by Captain Banning him- self. \Hiigh .W. Vail and John Austin will act as footmen. Tho ladies who wiil ride on> the coach are Mrs. Hugh W. Vail. Mr«. El Si-lent, the Misses Ida. May and Maty Ban nine, the Misses Susie Button. Wedemeyer. Grace Cole. Jennie Horsey, Sargent," the Misses Edith and Bamona Stjorb. the Misses Carrie Waddilove. Ma- tilda Jones and Cornelia Hamilton of Santa Monica. Mr. and Mrs. WW: Burnett will enter tbeir two-horse carriage and will be ac- companied by A. M. Ozmund and Boy Osmund ?decorations white and green. Mrs. J. H. P. Peck and Mrs. F. Hraun will drive a phaeton. ,Mr. and Mrs. Harris of New York will drive, with the Misses Ryan in their T ca/rt. I.ud Zobcl has entered his sni ill wagon- ette and pony?the color scheme to be en- tirely white." The coachmen uniformed in'wnite and gold will drive Ma?ter and Miss Rose Hoffman?nephew and n.cce of Mr. Zobel. 'F. K. Rule will ride his black horse wilicJi Will have a heavy collar of white ear-jiations, the reins and saddle will be covered' with the same Mowers. His two srjWwiß ride their ponies decorated in the'same style with the exception of the flowers-tone will be marigolds the other pink daisies. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Francis' carriage ana" Horses will be handsomely decorated in.ping and white. , Mr. H. S. Potts?One horse surrey. L." BY Ogden?Four-in-hand. Br, A. L. Souchet?Brougham. Folliwin;: is a small list of people who have kindly promised (lowers: Pr. E. A. Frager, F. K. Rule, Mrs. Isabella Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. Burdett Chandler, A. L. Patrick. Mr. ana Mrs. J. S. Ward. Mrs. A. B. Lewis, Mrs. H. Xewmark, Mrs. I, 2C Van Nuys. Mrs. A. Glassell. Mrs. E. Hollenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Cllhe. Mrs. W. P. Mcintosh. L. Hertzog, J.F. Cosby, W. W. Robinson. New Society Formed The ladies who are interesting them- ?elves in the newly formed Polyclinic of Los Angoles met on Wednesday morning in the Polyclinic rooms, 337 North Main atreet, where tney formed a society for the purposa of assisting the doctors in the good work they have undertaken. Mrs. Margaret Hughes was elected presi- dent and Mrs. 8. A. Eisen secretary. Tbe .following is a partial list of the lady patronesses: Mines. Margaret Hughes, O: M. Severance; T. B. Stimson. Dwigbt Whitney, D. G. Stevens, T. B. Brown. Ei H. Moore. S. A. Eisen, Bowles, Rader, AUep, Davidson. Prager. Potter, Posey, McLeich, Slauson, McKinley. Seymour. Cochran, Otis, Misses E. C. 'McCullougb. Susie Patten, Denton. The South date Social Club The South Gate Social Club gave their second entertainment last night in the hall corner Main and Thirtieth streets. Cards and dancing were the features of the even- ing, interspersed with the following: \u25a0Recitation -Mrs. Grajt. Solo,. Love's Sorrow?.Mr. Brant. Recitation--.Mr. Barnes. Solo. Non c Ver?Mrs. Prescott. Violinsolo?A. IV. Cleaver. Recitation. Tbe Debating Society - Miss Alien. . . Recitation, Cleon aud I?Mrs. Sherwood. Ebell Society The current events section of The Ebell Society met at the residence of Mrs. Bean Mason yesterday morning. The meeting j was a'partlculu ly interesting one. Mrs. : Dr. Cochran gave a graphic description j of aoti-toxino cure. Mrs. John Vosburg's ! subject wus the Lives of Wort , John j Blacky, Edwin Pa.-hn. Mrs. J. IL Foster ; rCpd a paper upon Lord Randolph : Churchill and the Uuke of Argyle. Mrs. ; Dean Mason's subject was A Resume of l the Fifty-third Congress. Here and There Mrs. L. B. Kenting and daughter left : today, for the East. Company 0, Seventh Infantry, will give \ a public "hard times" ball this evening. \ Prijsea will he" given for the mott unique | hard times costumes. The seventh, session of the Woman's Parliament of Southern California will be held in the Grace M. E. Church. Santa Barbara, May Ist and 3d. Mrs. Evert Van Ness Smith loftWednes- j day for a short visit to her former home, Dulutb, Minn., accompanied by her I mother, Mrs. Lewis Weber. )A special sale of line stationery at 233 I South. Spring street, branch of The Whe- ! don '<fc Webb Co. AHUSEMENTS ""LOS ANGELES THEATER - Emily Banckor and a selected company of artists, known as the leadin: exponents of pol- ished comedy on the American stage, who have just .nude such an immense hit at the California theater, San Francisco, play an engagement tomorrow and Sun- day ; evenings, when Mrs. Musgrave's comedy hit Our Flat will be presented. It "ia said to be one of tbe rare treats of the-season, and a genuinely great and de- serving success. It is now enjoying quite a long rnp at the Stand theater. London, where it has reached nearly its SOOth per- formance. It was first produced in Amer- ica' by Daniel Krohman at the Lyceum theater. New York, where it played luo consecutive nights to enormous business. Our Flats, in a nutshell, is one of the most amusing and cleverly put together plays of the kind seen in years. The in- troduction of high-class numbers will be a feature of the performance. Tbe scenery will be new and novel while the costum'- Ing will foreshadow any tiling seen in some time. The cast speaks for itself, includes Tom Klcketta, P. 11. Uyley, Oeorge W. Parsons, W. H. Wnllis. Mar on Vari Co'urtlund, Lee Jarvis, Vesta Verno and others. . EMILY BANCKER THE HOTELS Now is tlie time when the hotel clerks are earning their salaries. At all the houses in town there is a rush, out noth- ing like what there will be about the first of the week. Chief Clerk Jenkins, anticipating this rush of business, went off to the country for a week to rccunerafe. Yesterday he was back at his post in the llolleiibeck trying to tigure out how he could pot 100 guests in fifty rooms and satisfy every- : body. Perhaps if he followed the ordinary rules of arithmetic lie would not lie very successful, but hotel clerks, at least good ones, have a system of inathemetics pe- culiar to the profession. Anion,; the arrivals yesterday was J. j Ross .foearson of San Francisco. Mr. ' Jackson is one of the oldest newspaper men In the state, one of tbe best, ami ' very probably the most popular one. His I fame does nut rest ulone oo his jouninlis- | tie abilities. There are very few men in tlie world who know know how to order a I dinner better than Mr. Jackson and but j few who can make a cleverer speech after . the dinner Is eaten. As a concoctcr of 1 j gin cocktails he is a wonder, and as a j good fellow he is unsurpassed. With liiin on the Santa Rosa was"Bill" j l-angdon. a theatrical manager of some note.. Bill?nobody ever think of calling j him anything else?is famous all over the \ coast. Win. Carner, the Milium man of Sin ; Francisco, is In the patty and so is Mr. Hughes, who was at OB" time superin- tendent of construction of the city hall of i San Francisco. Dave Eiserjtran, known all over the j western country as a pool auctioneer, ar- rived on the Santa Bosa. The party had not been in town ten ! minutes before they were covered with j Fiesta badges. At the Westminster are Mr. and Mrs. | \u25a0 Frank Jaynes of Snn Francisco. Mr. I Jayncs is coast maanger for the Wests n j Union. Mrs..!, li. Porcival of New York, Frank i j 11. Hanks of Philadelphia and J. H. \ i Piersburg and wife of Denver are at tlie ; | Westminster. E. D. Sachs the well known horseman I I of San Francisco, |s at the Nadeau. | Captain Jack de St. Huber of San Fran- j jCisco registered at the Nadeau. Morgan W. Backusson, San Francisco's j j ex-postmaster, is in the city. James Swiniierboy. the Examiner beau j artist, will arrive today. Mr. Swinner- i boy is the glass oF fashion and the world of fcrm and he promises to spring some- | thing on the Los Angeles public in the way of raiment that will make Mr. Jim Kirk, "king of the dudes." look like a farmer. PERSONALS Frank A. Chrismas. the far-famed com- mercial traveler, is in the city and is making his headquarters at the Hollen- beck. He is the only Christmas thr.t conies more than once a year. J. Ross Jackson, who a few years ago was a newaspaper man and city editor of the Exaiinner, is in the city to do La I Fiesta. Mr. Jackson has left the journal- ! istie ranks and is now a capitalist. Peter Harvey, general coast agent of the Baltimore and Ohio road, is in the i city. Mr. Harvey is one of the best i known railroad men on the coast, and ! will remain until after the Fiesta. The arrivals at Hotel Bamona include Mrs. J. W. Dawson and Miss Dawson of Riverside: J. E. Musser and S. Bowley. San Francisco: R. N. Leahy and wile, Chicago, and C. A. Tait. San Diego. General ti. A. Jones, of Mt. Vernon. 0., uncle of J. R. Blanehard. deputy street superintendent, is visiting his sister-in- law, Mrs. Blanehard. on East Twenty- : ninth steeet. and will remain during the I Fiesta. General Jones was formerly ! president of the Cleveland. Akron anil \u25a0 Columbus Railroad Company. W. 11. Burke, a well known journalist j of Chicago, is in Los Angeles, represent- i ing the Times-Herald of the Windy City, i He is specially identified with the liomc- seeker's bureau, recently established by j that paper. Mr. Burke will write up the j Fiesta and also some of the natural at- | tractions of Southern California. Thomas W. Byley. the able manager of i Emily Bancker. is at the Hollenbeck and is busy arranging for his star's appearand j at the Los Angeles Theater tomorrow ; night. Mr. Ityley says: "Our original dates were the 22d, 'J.'id and 2itb. but on ; . receiving a wire from Mr. Wyatt, 1 was i successful in changing my time so a) to ; play here tomorrow and Sunday evenings. We " ill still keep our original dates and play a return for three nights." "They tell me Miss liniickcr is a very beautiful woman?" "Yes: many think she is the handsomest, woman ou the stage, ller play. Our Flat, lias been a great success in Sau Francisco, at tbe California Theater." Mr. Ityley arrived in the city yesterday morning and notice I but few preparations for I.a Fiesta. East night he thought the wand of a magician had touched the city it is so bright with colors, and is con- gratulating himself on having a good show in a great city. Coming by Sea SAN FRANCISCO. April 11. gers cm tlie steamer Co s Hay for Los An- geles: A. J. Brebeii, William Etiseth, I!. S. Church. T. H. Rattle, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Sturgeon and child, and five steerage. PROBABLY TOOK STRYCHNINE An Cnknown Han's Body Found at Elysian Park Lute yesterday afternoon the body of a man was found lying face downward un- der a clump of willows at Elysian Park. His fingers were dug into the earth and there wus every indication that he had died in convulsions probably caused by strychnine poisoning. Coroner Campbell was unable to nnd any papers on Ins body giving a clue to bis identity. He is apparently an Italian, about -18 years of age. Will Try to Cure Her I.ulu Dormer, who would no doubt be a very charming young woman"if it were not for her unfortunate habit of taking cocaine and several other disagreeable traits, was sentenced to 160 days in the city jail yesterday for vagrancy. Lulu, wbc has been pretty nearly dead several times, has been spending the last week cr two in the city prison, and during all that tin c lias been shrieking as loud us she could because nobody would give her any cocaine. She was given a long term of imprisonment with tho hope that a cure might be effected. New Suits Helen C. Reber yesterday sued Edwin A. Reber for a divorce on the ground ot desertion. Gardner & Zellner sued John T. Jones for tiie recovery of certain personal prop- erty or $470 and $50 damage a. LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1895. 10 YALE'S ! Almond Blossom | Complexion Cream What is more beautiful than the soft, dimpled, rose-leaf j cheeks ot a precious little baby? I Every woman will gladly ad- I mit?nothing. What would I you give to have just such a i complexion? I can distinctly j hear the echo of every wo- i man's answer ?everything 1 | possess. Now, my dear friend, I let me tell you a little secret j that is not generally known. Mme. Yale's Complexion Cream will give you just such a com- plexion as babies have. Clear pink and white, tine-grained and beautiful ?just such com- I plexions as inspire the divine I feeling of love and make sweet- I hearts and husbands yearn for ! the tempting kiss. Mme. Yale \ I attributes the beauty of her complexion to the constant use J of this delicious cream. Her fame has been heralded from ! ocean to ocean by all the lead- i ing newspapers of the world, | which publicly declare her to be j the most beautiful woman on | earth. Yale's Almond Blossom i Cream IS PURE. It is cleansing, ! healing and refreshing. Try a i jar and be convinced and beau- | tified at the same time. Price 1 j $1.00, For sale by druggists! and dealers everywhere or HUB. M V A I.E. Temple of Beauty, l it.! State atreet, Chicago. >It is - 5 \$ Fact p :Jj ?\u25a0 4 cheap coat makes a cheap t man.'' ? Harrison. *r He might have added a cheap lawyer makes a poor judge, and a cheap doctor poor treatment. The medical skill j of this Institute is of tho very tf highest order. In the private tf diseases of both men and tf women we offer you the best tf treatment that human help tf can give?and at prices most Ay moderate, Be ou the safe iIT tf side and get sale treatment, tf Our treatment is SAFE. tf Ofßce hours?9 to S, 7to R; Sun- tf days 10 to 12. Rooms 1. 3, A and 7. -m CALLS made in all parts of the city. Jm> t - l Los Angeles £ Medical and 0 Surgical Institute, w W 241 S. /lAIN ST. # AAA. AAaVAAAAA 4AAAa\AAA AAA JW W WWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWW J | job :| \u2666 printing]! X Executed With Neatness X I j \u2666 and Dispatch at the \u2666 j ! I Herald Job Office I j t 309 W. SECOND ST. 1 j \u2666 ? \u2666 J. W. MART, Manager. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 HMHe * Wholesale. Retail. BAB A & CO., JAPANESE GOODS Chinaware, Bronze, Lac- quer Ware, Shells, Paper Napkin*, Bamboo Art. All latest style of hand work. 344 SOUTH SPRING ST. Beecham's pills are for bilious- ness, bilious headache, dyspep- sia, heartburn, torpid liver.diz- ziness, sick headache,bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite.sallow skin.etc, when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills ic* and »S* a box. Book free at your druggist's or write B.K. Allen Co., 365 Canal St., New York. , mort than6,COo.ooobom. E.C.TRUESDELL D.D.S., Rooms 109 and 110, Stimson Block. AR^.^^l^^TH A SPECIALTY. Difficult and irregular uasea sol icited. . I,old and porcelain crowns and bridge work, l me gold l iUings.. All work lirst class in every particular. Immmm- fasfcar hmrnm fmmm fswwm CRAND Auction Sale SA TURD A V, APRIL 27, '95 AT I P. n., ON THE PREMISES ()7 HH SELECTED LOTS HH (y] OF THE WOOLLACOTT TRACT Adjacent to the principal depots of the Santa Fe and Terminal Railroads, and on the direct line of the First Street Cable Road. The lots we offer are fronting on First street, This selection of tine lots are to be sold at PubliQ Pleasant and Clarence streets, and within ten minutes' Auction ride from corner of Spring and First streets. The location of this property and its proximity to DDFF ?7 the business center of the city is self-evident, and lying O/l / LJt\LJA. Y 9 AjrfyiJL, av i , adjacent to the Santa Fe and Terminal depots, is bound to show a rapid advance in value, being in the direct _ At l p. m., on the Premises, line of the growth of the city. The property has been magnificently laid out, and no expense spared in placing it in first-class condition W/tflOUt J??SCrVC Of LttTllt in every respect. Cement Sidewalks and Curbs, ' Streets Graded and Piped ?making the property in every way desirable for home building or for business And probably a chance like this will never be offered purposes. again to the homeseeker, investor or speculator. ONE-QUARTfSR CASH; balance in one, two and three years, * with interest at 8 per cent per annum on deferred payments. T77Y P PERFECT?Certificate of Title of the Guarantee Abstract Company ** * IvlE* FREE to each purchaser. Taxes for the fiscal year 1895-96 paid. * FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, MAPS, CATALOGUES, ETC., APPLY TO Easton, Eldridge & Co., 121 S. Broadway. FOR SALE A magnificent inside corner, IMPROVED, paying 8 per cent per annum on a valuation of $45,000, is offered, to close an estate, at $30,000. Pays 10 per cent per annum net on this price. Terms easy. Principals only address or apply to EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO. 121 South Broadway. Notice to Creditors STATE OF LILLIE WALLACE BARHAM. Notice is hi rebv given by. the undersigned, executor of th - will of Lillie Wallace Barham, deceased, to the creditors of and all- persons having claims against the said rtccca»ea, toex- hibit tliein with the neecss.ry vouchers wltlitn four mouths after tbe first publlcatlou of this notice to ihe said executor at bis ? ffice, 348 If. Main su, in the city oi Los Angeles, coiinly ol Los Angeles, state of California, the same be- ing the place for tho transaction ot the busi- nes of said estate. GUY B. BARHAM, Executor of tbe will of Lillie Wallace Barham, deceased. . 5-0 Los Angeles. Cal. April5, 1895, A Cure That Cures CDCP" I "" cured thousands, and can rKULI cure thousands more wiio suffer «i you do, of Emissions, fmpotenCy, Nervon« De- bility Varicocele and shrmikeu Ifarta, caused by self-abuse, by a simple remedy which etired irie, recipe for which I will send, sealed, rKJCJi lo auy sufferer. Address, with stamp, OAVIO H. EJlMt'l, Box 870, Englewood, 111. Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN THAT TUB Board of Directors of the Hasperia Land and Water Company bas, by resolution duly passed oil the 18lri day of Janus ry, 189">, called a meeting ol 'die stockhold- ers of said company to meet on Tuesday, April 231, 18H5, at 4 o'clock i.m. at the office of the company, being room ~10 Bradbury Building, iv the City oi l.os An- geles. Los Angeles county, stale of California? said place of meeting being the principal place where the Board oi Directors usually mccc bald meeting ot the stockholders of said cor- poration called for the purpose of consider- ing.lhe propriety oi creatine a bonded Indebt- edness ot the said'?orpiiratlon for the sum or amount of 1p'.10.000 (ninety tliousaiid dollar*), the payment of said Indebtedness to be secured by mortgage or deed of trust upon tha properly pf the said corporation. It is further ordered Dial the foregoing order be published iv 'I'll , Herald, a newspaper published iv Los Angel's, City, Cel., as provide! by law. - B, 11. MOTT, » Secretary of said Corporation., Dated I his'JlH day ol February, 1805.

Transcript of Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles ... · IN SOCIAL LIFE Much interest has...

Page 1: Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles ... · IN SOCIAL LIFE Much interest has been manifested this year in entering private turnouts for El Die de Los Fiores parade

IN SOCIAL LIFEMuch interest has been manifested this

year in entering private turnouts for ElDie de Los Fiores parade for L» Fiesta,

?nd-the names are coming in very fast totbe floral committee from Pasadena andsurrounding towns for entries. Folio v-ing are the names of a few l.os Angelcnoswho willenter the lists:

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ford, foiy-in-liand;"break" willbe in lavender and smilax.T heir guests, who will drive with them,

are Mss Rose. Miss Mabel Rose. MissMary Gray, Miss Bobison, Miss LouiseRobison and Mr. Tracy.

Captain Manning's coach will be deco-rated entirely in white and green, in thestyle of the time of Louis XVI. Thela-.fes' costumes will be after designs ofth*;sanie period. Tbe white satin reinswill be handled by Captain Banning him-self. \Hiigh .W. Vail and John Austinwillact as footmen. Tho ladies who wiilride on> the coach are Mrs. Hugh W. Vail.Mr«. El Si-lent, the Misses Ida. May andMaty Ban nine, the Misses Susie Button.Wedemeyer. Grace Cole. Jennie Horsey,Sargent," the Misses Edith and BamonaStjorb. the Misses Carrie Waddilove. Ma-tilda Jones and Cornelia Hamilton ofSanta Monica.

Mr. and Mrs. WW: Burnett will entertbeir two-horse carriage and will be ac-companied by A. M. Ozmund and BoyOsmund ?decorations white and green.

Mrs. J. H. P. Peck and Mrs. F. Hraunwill drive a phaeton.

,Mr. and Mrs. Harris of New York willdrive, with the Misses Ryan in their Tca/rt.

I.ud Zobcl has entered his sni ill wagon-ette and pony?the color scheme to be en-tirely white." The coachmen uniformedin'wnite and gold will drive Ma?ter andMiss Rose Hoffman?nephew and n.cceofMr. Zobel.'F. K. Rule will ride his black horse

wilicJi Will have a heavy collar of whiteear-jiations, the reins and saddle will becovered' with the same Mowers. His twosrjWwiß ride their ponies decorated inthe'same style with the exception of theflowers-tone will be marigolds the otherpink daisies.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Francis' carriageana" Horses will be handsomely decoratedin.ping and white., Mr. H. S. Potts?One horse surrey.

L." BY Ogden?Four-in-hand.Br, A. L. Souchet?Brougham.Folliwin;: is a small list of people who

have kindly promised (lowers: Pr. E. A.Frager, F. K. Rule, Mrs. Isabella Lacy,Mr. and Mrs. Burdett Chandler, A. L.Patrick. Mr. ana Mrs. J. S. Ward. Mrs.A. B. Lewis, Mrs. H. Xewmark, Mrs. I,2C Van Nuys. Mrs. A. Glassell. Mrs. E.Hollenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B.Cllhe. Mrs. W. P. Mcintosh. L. Hertzog,J.F. Cosby, W. W. Robinson.

New Society FormedThe ladies who are interesting them-

?elves in the newly formed Polyclinic ofLos Angoles met on Wednesday morningin the Polyclinic rooms, 337 North Mainatreet, where tney formed a society forthe purposa of assisting the doctors inthe good work they have undertaken.Mrs. Margaret Hughes was elected presi-dent and Mrs. 8. A. Eisen secretary.Tbe .following is a partial list of the ladypatronesses: Mines. Margaret Hughes,O: M. Severance; T. B. Stimson. DwigbtWhitney, D. G. Stevens, T. B. Brown. EiH. Moore. S. A. Eisen, Bowles, Rader,AUep, Davidson. Prager. Potter, Posey,McLeich, Slauson, McKinley. Seymour.Cochran, Otis, Misses E. C. 'McCullougb.Susie Patten, Denton.

The South date Social ClubThe South Gate Social Club gave their

second entertainment last night in the hallcorner Main and Thirtieth streets. Cardsand dancing were the features of the even-ing, interspersed with the following:

\u25a0Recitation -Mrs. Grajt.Solo,. Love's Sorrow?.Mr. Brant.Recitation--.Mr. Barnes.Solo. Non c Ver?Mrs. Prescott.Violinsolo?A. IV. Cleaver.Recitation. Tbe Debating Society - Miss

Alien. . .Recitation, Cleon aud I?Mrs. Sherwood.

Ebell SocietyThe current events section of The Ebell

Society met at the residence of Mrs. BeanMason yesterday morning. The meeting jwas a'partlculu ly interesting one. Mrs. :Dr. Cochran gave a graphic description jof aoti-toxino cure. Mrs. John Vosburg's !subject wus the Lives of Wort , John jBlacky, Edwin Pa.-hn. Mrs. J. IL Foster ;rCpd a paper upon Lord Randolph :Churchill and the Uuke of Argyle. Mrs. ;Dean Mason's subject was A Resume of lthe Fifty-third Congress.

Here and ThereMrs. L. B. Kenting and daughter left :

today, for the East.Company 0, Seventh Infantry, will give \a public "hard times" ball this evening. \

Prijsea will he" given for the mott unique |hard times costumes.

The seventh, session of the Woman'sParliament of Southern California will beheld in the Grace M. E. Church. SantaBarbara, May Ist and 3d.

Mrs. Evert Van Ness Smith loftWednes- jday for a short visit to her former home,Dulutb, Minn., accompanied by her Imother, Mrs. Lewis Weber.

)A special sale of line stationery at 233 ISouth. Spring street, branch of The Whe- !don '<fc Webb Co.

AHUSEMENTS""LOS ANGELES THEATER - EmilyBanckor and a selected company of artists,known as the leadin: exponents of pol-ished comedy on the American stage,who have just .nude such an immense hitat the California theater, San Francisco,play an engagement tomorrow and Sun-

day ; evenings, when Mrs. Musgrave'scomedy hit Our Flat will be presented.It"ia said to be one of tbe rare treats ofthe-season, and a genuinely great and de-serving success. It is now enjoying quitea long rnp at the Stand theater. London,where it has reached nearly its SOOth per-formance. It was first produced in Amer-ica' by Daniel Krohman at the Lyceumtheater. New York, where it played luoconsecutive nights to enormous business.Our Flats, in a nutshell, is one of themost amusing and cleverly put togetherplays of the kind seen in years. The in-troduction of high-class numbers will bea feature of the performance. Tbe scenerywill be new and novel while the costum'-Ing will foreshadow any tiling seen insome time. The cast speaks for itself,includes Tom Klcketta, P. 11. Uyley,Oeorge W. Parsons, W. H. Wnllis. Mar onVari Co'urtlund, Lee Jarvis, Vesta Vernoand others.



Now is tlie time when the hotel clerksare earning their salaries. At all thehouses in town there is a rush, out noth-ing like what there will be about the firstof the week.

Chief Clerk Jenkins, anticipating thisrush of business, went off to the countryfor a week to rccunerafe. Yesterday hewas back at his post in the llolleiibecktrying to tigure out how he could pot 100guests in fiftyrooms and satisfy every-

: body. Perhaps if he followed the ordinaryrules of arithmetic lie would not lie verysuccessful, but hotel clerks, at least goodones, have a system of inathemetics pe-culiar to the profession.

Anion,; the arrivals yesterday was J.jRoss .foearson of San Francisco. Mr.

' Jackson is one of the oldest newspapermen In the state, one of tbe best, ami

'very probably the most popular one. HisIfame does nut rest ulone oo his jouninlis-| tie abilities. There are very few men intlie world who know know how to order a

Idinner better than Mr. Jackson and but jfew who can make a cleverer speech after. the dinner Is eaten. As a concoctcr of1

jgin cocktails he is a wonder, and as a jgood fellow he is unsurpassed.

With liiin on the Santa Rosa was"Bill" jl-angdon. a theatrical manager of somenote.. Bill?nobody ever think of calling jhim anything else?is famous all over the \coast.

Win. Carner, the Milium man of Sin ;Francisco, is In the patty and so is Mr.Hughes, who was at OB" time superin-tendent of construction of the city hall of

i San Francisco.Dave Eiserjtran, known all over the

jwestern country as a pool auctioneer, ar-rived on the Santa Bosa.

The party had not been in town ten! minutes before they were covered withjFiesta badges.

At the Westminster are Mr. and Mrs. |\u25a0 Frank Jaynes of Snn Francisco. Mr. I

Jayncs is coast maanger for the Wests n jUnion.

Mrs..!, li. Porcival of New York, Frank ij11. Hanks of Philadelphia and J. H. \iPiersburg and wife of Denver are at tlie ;| Westminster.

E. D. Sachs the well known horseman II of San Francisco, |s at the Nadeau.| Captain Jack de St. Huber of San Fran- jjCisco registered at the Nadeau.

Morgan W. Backusson, San Francisco's jjex-postmaster, is in the city.

James Swiniierboy. the Examiner beau jartist, will arrive today. Mr. Swinner- iboy is the glass oF fashion and the worldof fcrm and he promises to spring some- |thing on the Los Angeles public in theway of raiment that will make Mr. JimKirk, "king of the dudes." look like afarmer.


Frank A. Chrismas. the far-famed com-mercial traveler, is in the city and ismaking his headquarters at the Hollen-beck. He is the only Christmas thr.tconies more than once a year.

J. Ross Jackson, who a few years agowas a newaspaper man and city editor ofthe Exaiinner, is in the city to do La IFiesta. Mr. Jackson has left the journal- !istie ranks and is now a capitalist.

Peter Harvey, general coast agent ofthe Baltimore and Ohio road, is in the icity. Mr. Harvey is one of the best iknown railroad men on the coast, and !will remain until after the Fiesta.

The arrivals at Hotel Bamona includeMrs. J. W. Dawson and Miss Dawson ofRiverside: J. E. Musser and S. Bowley.San Francisco: R. N. Leahy and wile,Chicago, and C. A. Tait. San Diego.

General ti. A. Jones, of Mt. Vernon. 0.,uncle of J. R. Blanehard. deputy streetsuperintendent, is visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Blanehard. on East Twenty- :ninth steeet. and will remain during the IFiesta. General Jones was formerly !president of the Cleveland. Akron anil \u25a0Columbus Railroad Company.

W. 11. Burke, a well known journalist jof Chicago, is in Los Angeles, represent- iing the Times-Herald of the Windy City, iHe is specially identified with the liomc-seeker's bureau, recently established by jthat paper. Mr. Burke will write up the jFiesta and also some of the natural at- |tractions of Southern California.

Thomas W. Byley. the able manager of iEmily Bancker. is at the Hollenbeck andis busy arranging for his star's appearand jat the Los Angeles Theater tomorrow ;night. Mr. Ityley says: "Our originaldates were the 22d, 'J.'id and 2itb. but on ; .receiving a wire from Mr. Wyatt, 1 was isuccessful in changing my time so a) to ;play here tomorrow and Sunday evenings.We " ill still keep our original dates andplay a return for three nights." "Theytell me Miss liniickcr is a very beautifulwoman?" "Yes: many think she is thehandsomest, woman ou the stage, llerplay. Our Flat, lias been a great success inSau Francisco, at tbe California Theater."Mr. Ityley arrived in the city yesterdaymorning and notice I but few preparationsfor I.a Fiesta. East night he thought thewand of a magician had touched the cityit is so bright with colors, and is con-gratulating himself on having a goodshow in a great city.

Coming by SeaSAN FRANCISCO. April 11.

gers cm tlie steamer Co s Hay for Los An-geles: A. J. Brebeii, William Etiseth, I!.S. Church. T. H. Rattle, Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Sturgeon and child, and five steerage.

PROBABLY TOOK STRYCHNINEAn Cnknown Han's Body Found at Elysian

ParkLute yesterday afternoon the body of a

man was found lying face downward un-der a clump of willows at Elysian Park.His fingers were dug into the earth andthere wus every indication that he haddied in convulsions probably caused bystrychnine poisoning. Coroner Campbellwas unable to nnd any papers on Insbody giving a clue to bis identity. He isapparently an Italian, about -18 years ofage.

WillTry to Cure HerI.ulu Dormer, who would no doubt be

a very charming young woman"if it werenot for her unfortunate habit of takingcocaine and several other disagreeabletraits, was sentenced to 160 days in thecity jail yesterday for vagrancy. Lulu,wbc has been pretty nearly dead severaltimes, has been spending the last week crtwo in the city prison, and during allthat tin c lias been shrieking as loud usshe could because nobody would give herany cocaine. She was given a long termof imprisonment with tho hope that acure might be effected.

New SuitsHelen C. Reber yesterday sued Edwin

A. Reber for a divorce on the ground otdesertion.

Gardner & Zellner sued John T. Jonesfor tiie recovery of certain personal prop-erty or $470 and $50 damage a.


YALE'S! Almond Blossom

| Complexion Cream

What is more beautiful thanthe soft, dimpled, rose-leafjcheeks ot a precious little baby?

IEvery woman will gladly ad-

I mit?nothing. What would

Iyou give to have just such a

icomplexion? I can distinctly

jhear the echo of every wo-

iman's answer ?everything 1| possess. Now, my dear friend,

I let me tell you a little secretjthat is not generally known.Mme. Yale's Complexion Creamwill give you just such a com-plexion as babies have. Clearpink and white, tine-grainedand beautiful ?just such com-

Iplexions as inspire the divine

Ifeeling of love and make sweet-Ihearts and husbands yearn for! the tempting kiss. Mme. Yale \Iattributes the beauty of hercomplexion to the constant use Jof this delicious cream. Herfame has been heralded from

! ocean to ocean by all the lead-i ing newspapers of the world,| which publicly declare her to bejthe most beautiful woman on| earth.

Yale's Almond Blossomi Cream IS PURE. It is cleansing,! healing and refreshing. Try ai jar and be convinced and beau-| tified at the same time. Price 1j$1.00, For sale by druggists!and dealers everywhere or

HUB. M VA I.E. Temple of Beauty, l it.!State atreet, Chicago.

>It is - 5

\$ Fact p:Jj ?\u25a0 4 cheap coat makes a cheapt man.'' ? Harrison. *r

He might have added a cheap -±lawyer makes a poor judge,and a cheap doctor poortreatment. The medical skill jof this Institute is of tho very

tf highest order. In the private tfdiseases of both men andtf women we offer you the best tftreatment that human help

tf can give?and at prices most Aymoderate, Be ou the safe iIT

tf side and get sale treatment, tfOur treatment is SAFE.

tf Ofßce hours?9 to S, 7to R; Sun- tfdays 10 to 12. Rooms 1. 3, A and 7.-m CALLS made inall parts of the city. Jm>

t - lLos Angeles £Medical and

0 Surgical Institute, wW 241 S. /lAINST. #


JW W WWWWWWWW WWWWW WWWWWWW J| job :|\u2666 printing]!X Executed With Neatness XIj\u2666 and Dispatch at the \u2666 j

!I Herald Job Office I jt 309 W. SECOND ST. 1 j

\u2666 ?\u2666 J. W. MART, Manager. \u2666

\u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 HMHe

*Wholesale. Retail.


JAPANESE GOODSChinaware, Bronze, Lac-

quer Ware, Shells, PaperNapkin*, Bamboo Art. Alllatest style ofhand work.


Beecham's pillsare for bilious-ness, bilious headache, dyspep-sia, heartburn, torpid liver.diz-ziness, sick headache,bad tastein the mouth, coated tongue,loss ofappetite.sallow skin.etc,when caused by constipation ;and constipation is the mostfrequent cause ofall ofthem.

Go by the book. Pills ic* and»S* a box. Book free at yourdruggist's or write B.K. Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York., mort than6,COo.ooobom.


Rooms 109 and 110, Stimson Block.


Difficult and irregular uasea sol icited.. I,old and porcelain crowns and bridge work,l me gold l iUings..All work lirst class in every particular.

Immmm- fasfcar hmrnmfmmm fswwm p»


Auction SaleSA TURDA V, APRIL 27, '95



WOOLLACOTT TRACTAdjacent to the principal depots of the Santa Fe and TerminalRailroads, and on the direct line of the First Street Cable Road.

The lots we offer are fronting on First street, This selection of tine lots are to be sold at PubliQPleasant and Clarence streets, and within ten minutes' Auctionride from corner of Spring and First streets.

The location of this property and its proximity toDDFF ?7the business center of the city is self-evident, and lying O/l / LJt\LJA. Y9 AjrfyiJL, av i ,

adjacent to the Santa Fe and Terminal depots, is boundto show a rapid advance in value, being in the direct _

At l p. m., on the Premises,line of the growth of the city.

The property has been magnificently laid out, andno expense spared in placing it in first-class condition W/tflOUt J??SCrVC Of LttTlltin every respect. Cement Sidewalks and Curbs, 'Streets Graded and Piped ?making the property inevery way desirable for home building or for business And probably a chance like this will never be offeredpurposes. again to the homeseeker, investor or speculator.

ONE-QUARTfSR CASH; balance in one, two and three years,

* with interest at 8 per cent per annum on deferred payments.

T77Y P PERFECT?Certificate of Title ofthe Guarantee Abstract Company

*** IvlE* FREE to each purchaser. Taxes for the fiscal year 1895-96 paid.


Easton, Eldridge & Co., 121 S. Broadway.

FOR SALEA magnificent inside corner, IMPROVED, paying 8

per cent per annum on a valuation of $45,000, is offered,to close an estate, at $30,000. Pays 10 per cent perannum net on this price. Terms easy. Principalsonly address or apply to

EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO.121 South Broadway.


Notice is hirebv given by. the undersigned,executor of th - will of Lillie Wallace Barham,deceased, to the creditors of and all- personshaving claims against the said rtccca»ea, toex-hibit tliein with the neecss.ry vouchers wltlitnfour mouths after tbe first publlcatlou of thisnotice to ihe said executor at bis ? ffice, 348 If.Main su, in the city oi Los Angeles, coiinly olLos Angeles, state of California, the same be-ing the place for tho transaction ot the busi-nes of said estate.

GUY B. BARHAM,Executor of tbe will of Lillie Wallace Barham,

deceased. . 5-0Los Angeles. Cal. April5, 1895,

A Cure That CuresCDCP" I"" cured thousands, and canrKULIcure thousands more wiio suffer «i

you do, of Emissions, fmpotenCy, Nervon« De-bility Varicocele and shrmikeu Ifarta, causedby self-abuse, by a simple remedy which etiredirie, recipe for which I will send, sealed, rKJCJilo auy sufferer. Address, with stamp, OAVIOH. EJlMt'l, Box 870, Englewood, 111.

Stockholders' Meeting.

NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN THAT TUBBoard of Directors of the Hasperia Land

and Water Company bas, by resolution dulypassed oil the 18lri day of Janus ry, 189">,called a meeting ol 'die stockhold-ers of said company to meeton Tuesday, April 231, 18H5, at 4 o'clocki.m. at the office of the company, being room~10 Bradbury Building, iv the City oi l.os An-geles. Los Angeles county, stale of California?said place of meeting being the principal placewhere the Board oi Directors usually mcccbald meeting ot the stockholders of said cor-poration i» called for the purpose of consider-ing.lhe propriety oi creatine a bonded Indebt-edness ot the said'?orpiiratlon for the sum oramount of 1p'.10.000 (ninety tliousaiid dollar*),the payment of said Indebtedness to be securedby mortgage or deed of trust upon tha properlypf the said corporation. It is further orderedDial the foregoing order be published iv 'I'll

,Herald, a newspaper published iv Los Angel's,City, Cel., as provide! by law.- B, 11. MOTT, »

Secretary of said Corporation.,Dated I his'JlH day ol February, 1805.