Heartbeat Magazine May 2016

HEART www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016 FEATURED FOUNDATION Chihuahua-Rescue.org Kitchen Corner Blueberry Zuccini Cake BEAT Facebook's Impact on Our Lives Heart of Travel Seward, Alaska A Small Town with a Big Life Heart of Home & Family


In this issue: Heartfelt stories about Travel, Featured Foundation, Kitchen Corner, Heart of Home & Family, photography, Alaska, and so much more!

Transcript of Heartbeat Magazine May 2016

HEARTwww.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016



Kitchen CornerBlueberryZuccini Cake


Facebook's Impact on Our Lives

Heart of TravelSeward, AlaskaA Small Town with a Big Life

Heart of Home& Family

www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016


May is so beautiful: Orchards are fair;

Branches of fruit trees Make gardens of air.

Flowers of fragrance Bloom in the light;

Fall like the snowflakes Showering white.

Orchards of heaven Grow with a grace, And like a blessing Perfume the place.

Each tree in blossom, Each lovely spray,

In this month of Our Lady, Bring glory to May.

Helen Maring The Magnificat. Volume LXVIII. Number 1. May

Portraits * Scenes * Animals

Call 239-777-9556

www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016 1

CONTENTS Mission - Lifestyle Magazine

all about Living with Heart.Letter from the Editor 2

News, Celebrations, and Giveaways

Heart of Fashion 3

Fashion Tip of the Month & Fiammisday.com

Kitchen Corner 4

Blueberry Zuccini Cake

Heart of Home & Family 5

Facebook's Impact on our Lives

Proactive Healthcare 7

Author: Jared Van Wagner

Austin's Adventures with his Friends 8

You Asked? We Answered. 9

What will help me stay motivated?

Heart of Travel 10

Seward, Alaska - A small town with a big Life

Tech Tips & Apps 12

Honor the Fallen Online... & May Apps

Featured Foundation 13




www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016

HEARTBEAT for APRILAre some companies making a difference in the world? At Heartbeat Connection Magazine we discover the answer. Online, we share exclusive company reviews. Be sure to visit us at www.heartbeatmag.com.

Letter from the Editor At the end of May my kids will be almost done with their school year. Amazing how fast they are growing, Nathan is 6'5, Jake is over 5'3 and his sister is doing the girl thing and is a skyscraper at 5'4 at 10 years old. It's fun to see them grow into their own special personalities. We just finished an amazing trip to Orlando for the Disney Memorial Day Classic Basketball tournament that Nathan and Jake competed in. Summer is almost here and soon the kids will be in camps and going swimming with their cousins. Are you planning any outdoor adventures or summer vacations?

This month enjoy articles about travel to Seward, Alaska; Facebook's Impact on our Lives, Chihuahua Rescue; and so much more!

Please enter our giveaway for this month, a $10 Amazon gift card. Enter online at www.heartbeatmag.com

Be a contributor or advertise with us---visit our website or send us an email at [email protected]!

With Love, Nicole Flothe Managing Editor

RESOURCES Send us an email at

[email protected]

Advertise with Us! LET'S BE FRIENDS




Cover - Curry Fransico Flothe the Chihuahua age 6 months


www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016 3

Fashion Tip of the Month

Black for kids is back in fashion like last season, and I confess that I, too, have a belated love for this color. Since Fiammetta is still small, I think of children's fashion with flowers, roses, fantasies---the fact is I now like black. And I like it a lot. I created an original and always fun look for Fiammetta and I find it cute even as a total black look, perhaps with a small circle in pastel tones or glittery. For girls, black is stylish and chic and will be for ceremonies and special events. It is not worth debating the etiquette rule---it's just a must for us moms.

Use black without to much moderation. If you're not convinced, opt for a colorful accessory. It's not hard to find glitter in this season, even a simple colorful scarf, maybe striped or polka dots, or maybe return to the play quell-allure look that, sometimes, black tends to hide. Here is Fiammetta with a black look---super, super chic.

by Lee Heyward www.stylewithlee.com

Blogger Simona from Florence, Italy.


Black Fashion for Kids & a Rock Fashion That EntertainsBlack clothes for children? Kids wearing black can bring a smile, be refined, feminine, and perfect for many, many occasions. I mentioned the idea last season when showing a black look for super kids' rock and when we discussed a look for a party. Today I am here to tell you again. Black is cheerful and fun for kids! Do you believe it?

Dress: Jakioo by Monnalisa Shoes: Jarrett Kids

www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016

Kitchen CornerBlueberry Zucchini Cake with Lemon Buttercream

by Cheryl Flothe

This surprising recipe combines zucchini and blueberries in a scrumptiously moist cake or bread. The great thing about it is you can either use a loaf pan, two 8” cake pans, or a 9”x13” pan. So versatile! It looks elegant in the two pans, but tastes the same in the other pans. Enjoy! Photo from iambaker.net


• 3 eggs, lightly beaten• 1 cup vegetable oil• 3 teaspoons vanilla extract• 2-1/4 cups white sugar• 2 cups finely shredded and

drained zucchini• 3 cups all-purpose flour• 1 teaspoon salt• 1 teaspoon baking powder• 1/4 teaspoon baking soda• 1 pint fresh blueberries (you

can reserve a few for garnish if so desired)

• Note: If using loaf pan and no frosting, you might add 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

Instructions1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease two 8”

round cake pans (or use loaf or 9”x13” pan).2. Grate large zucchini (or two small zucchini) and place in

clean dish towel. Squeeze until most of the liquid comes out. You want to have 2 total cups of shredded zucchini after it’s been drained. Set aside.

3. In a large bowl, use hand mixer to beat together eggs, oil, vanilla, and sugar. Fold in the zucchini.

4. Slowly add in the flour, salt, baking powder, and baking soda. Gently fold in the blueberries (if using frozen, dust berries lightly with flour before adding to prevent color coming out into bread). Divide batter evenly between prepared cake pans (or pan).

5. Bake 35-40 minutes in the preheated oven for 2-8” pans or the 8”x13” pan, and 50 minutes for a loaf pan, or until a knife inserted in the center of cake comes out clean. Cool 20 minutes in pans, turn out onto wire racks to completely cool.

6. Place 1-8” pan on plate and frost. Top with second layer and frost top. Decorate with extra blueberries (or raspberries for a red, white, and blue theme), if desired.

Lemon Buttercream Frosting1. Beat butter, sugar, and salt till well combined.2. Add lemon juice and vanilla, continue to beat for another 3-5 minutes, or until creamy.3. Fold in zest (If you are piping this buttercream, it’s best to leave out the zest.)

Note: Allrecipes.com recipe adapted with frosting by iambaker.net.4

Lemon Butter Cream:

• 1 cup butter, room temperature• 3-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar• 1 lemon, juice and zest of

(about 2 tablespoons)• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract• 1/8 teaspoon salt

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Heart of Home & Familyby Cheryl Flothe


Technology has increasingly affected our lives since the advent of the personal computer in the late 1980’s. Over the years search sites such as Bing, Yahoo, and Google; and e-mail services such as Compuserve, Hotmail, Google, Yahoo, and a myriad of others have developed. They were inevitably followed by social networking sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace, and Facebook.

Myspace was the leader of social networking in the world for several years until Facebook came along and took the lead. Myspace seemed to focus on people interested in blogs, music, videos, and gaming. Since Facebook was opened to the public in 2007, over a billion users have signed up and 20 billion visitors check in each month---Worldwide! Users love connecting with family, friends (new & old), sharing photos, videos, opinions, and ideas. There are strong and growing marketing and business connections on Facebook. Also, Facebook groups have made a huge political impact with ideas shared around the world. Facebook is here to stay!

Facebook Features

Status updates: You can share opinions, ideas, and feelings with all your Facebook friends. A good way to let others know what’s up in your life. These updates will be seen by all your Facebook friends.

Private Messenger (PM): With Messenger, you can send private messages to anyone on Facebook that accepts them. This option is used if you have things you’d like to talk

about you’d rather not discuss with everyone. It’s also a good way to get in touch with others you may not know, but have a reason to get in touch with them.

Photos & videos: People can post their own photos and videos or repost those of others. It’s great to be able to see your friends and relatives’ families and activities.

Voice calls: You can call others anywhere in the world on Facebook chat---we have friends and relatives in Canada and Norway we regularly communicate with, so this is a good option, unless you use SKYPE. But SKYPE may charge for calls outside of the U.S.

Apps: Many users take advantage of the apps, which include games people love and can play with each other.

Newsfeed: A lot of people keep up with the news with the newsfeed that shows up throughout the day---and opinions about what’s going on are shared all over the world.

Marketing: Businesses can advertise and their offerings are shared by like-minded people---great exposure.

Groups: One great feature is Groups for people with shared interests. Groups are started and run by individuals and you must apply to become a member or be invited into them. Groups run the gamut of topics---photos and ideas about certain areas and subjects; authors; genealogy; schools; sports teams; marketing; lost and found (pets or other items); buy, sell, and trade---just about any topic. Information of interest to members can

www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016


FACEBOOK'S IMPACT ON OUR LIVESbe quickly shared. I’m a member of several types of groups and have started a few of my own.

Pages: is another feature. Pages like your own Facebook page, but you can create a page/site about any topic you want.

Events: Another feature on Facebook is Events. If there’s a party or some other event you want to notify people of and invite them to attend, you can share the event to get the word out.

Privacy Setting: You can set your Facebook page so only friends, friends-of-friends, or anyone can see your posts. You can also put limits on who can see your future posts, who can contact you, notifications of postings and comments to your account, etc. Make sure you look at all the Settings available to you when you set up your Facebook account.

Facebook Safety

Security: You are much safer by putting limits on who can see your posts, pictures, and your location. You’d be surprised how many people out there who may have bad intentions---for both you and your family.

Children and young people on Facebook: The accepted age to have a page on Facebook is 13, a prime age for kids who are into social media. It’s a good idea to keep the password and login information for your children’s pages so you can do spot-checks to make sure they are safe. Young people can fall prey to other adults who may do them harm and they

are sometimes subjects of or participants in bullying.

Be smart & safe while you and your family are on Facebook!

A sense of connection is what draws people to Facebook throughout the World. It adds a feeling of community to our lives when so many of us are separated from friends and relatives. It gives us an avenue to express our views. It keeps us in contact with the rest of the world. So reach out and touch someone---even if it’s online!

www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016 7

Heart of Health by Jared Van Wagner D.C.

Among types of healthcare, chiropractic continues to be one of the only healthcare practices that centers on your health, not your disease. Chiropractic focuses on the person as a whole. Chiropractic ensures that the person is functioning optimally, and not just well enough to be free of any outward showing symptoms. It is one of the only healthcare practices that assists the person in maintaining health, and not maintaining a disease. Chiropractic treats the one system in your body that controls and coordinates every single cell, organ, and tissue in the entire body. The nervous system! We fix misalignments to the spinal structure called subluxations. Subluxations put stresses on the nerves, ligaments and muscles in and around the spinal bones. Where subluxations exist, so does nervous system dysfunction. Fixing these misalignments help to ensure the nervous system signals get to their targets accurately. When you eliminate nervous system dysfunction, you are correcting problems at the root, stopping symptoms before they start.

Most of us have been trained to seek a healthcare professional if and only if we have a symptom. In fact, most healthcare practices and insurance companies require that you have a set of symptoms, and a diagnosis to even receive treatment. Let’s look at an example. We all know a person like this, or perhaps this person is closer than you think. This patient has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, is overweight, and lives a sedentary lifestyle. It is likely that this person is suffering from some degree of heart disease. They may go and see their medical doctor. We can expect that this person will walk out of the door with several prescription medications.

Some to treat the blood pressure, some to treat the cholesterol, possibly some to

control blood sugar, some to help lose weight, and if you’re lucky enough, some to treat side effects of the previous medications. Most of the time this patient will leave their doctor's office with not even a mention of diet modification, or exercise recommendations. You can just keep living your life, eating what you want, and the medications will fix everything, right? None of the aforementioned treatment protocols are addressing the root cause of the problem. Within reason, and depending on severity, all of the previously mentioned symptoms are preventable by diet modification and exercise alone. In addition, did you know that regular chiropractic adjustments can help regulate healthy blood pressure?

Be proactive in your healthcare, make informed decisions about your care. It’s your body, and you decide what goes in it. A chiropractic physician can help you make smart decisions about your body’s health and its optimal function.

Proactive Healthcare

7750 Mission Hills Dr. Suite #316

Naples, FL. 34119 [email protected]


www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016

Austin's Adventures with his Friendsby Aunt Nicole Flothe

I enjoy the updates on Facebook on what my nephew, Austin is doing. Here is the latest post...Austin has the most amazing friends in the whole wide world. His class always thinks about him and includes him in everything that they do even when they plan their birthday parties. Austin & his mom, Tina, have been to 3 birthday parties in the last 2 weekends. And his classmates made sure that it was places that he could go. One of the birthday parties was at the ice rink and that didn't stop Austin!! They got him in the sled and off they went. Austin did have a lot of anxiety at first until he got out on the ice. Then he was having a blast with all his friends. He kept saying, "Mush, Mommy, Mush! He wanted to go faster and spin in circles.

The next trip they went on was a fun pontoon boat ride with friends. This was their last post on Facebook...What a beautiful day to be out on the lake!! Thank you so much Chris and Haden Eason! They had a blast out on the pontoon. AK LED built the "Spidey Bus" last year. They are very blessed to have people like the Easons, in their lives.


To learn more about Austin and his journey to recovery visit Facebook.com/austinervinhealing. He continues to progress with his nursing care, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, and schooling. We all thank you for your prayers, support, and belief in his recovery.

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You Asked? We Answered.by Shelly Aristizabal

What will help me stay motivated?10 Rules to Live By...

Always, always, always be thankful.

Sometimes silence is better than being right.

Love is not what you say. Love is what you do.

Let go of what is gone, but keep the lesson.

If it's what you love, never give up. Keep going.

Don't let others steal your peace.

Be patient. Things will get better.

Integrity is everything!

It's okay to be afraid, but don't let fear stop you.

Live in the moment, but look forward to what is coming next.

As per Tony Robbins: How to pull yourself out of a funk

First step is identifying your emotional habits.

You get what you tolerate.

Habits - Outlook, Body Language, Vocabulary.

Train Yourself Physically.

Don't stay in a frustrated state.

Avoid training yourself to get frustrated, stressed out, or sad.

Train yourself to feel passionate, strong.

Don't Settle - You get what you tolerate.

Find something you want to serve greater

than yourself.

Live for your Family, Community, Humanity.

Have Motives that go beyond yourself.

Find something to Serve.

Don't tolerate weakness in yourself.

Life is too short to feel like crap.

View more online at www.shellyaristizabal.com

www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016

Heart of Travel: Seward, Alaska - A Small Town withby Cheryl Flothe

Seward, Alaska is a small town of 2,500 nestled on Resurrection Bay, just 100 miles south of Anchorage, Alaska’s biggest city. Accessed by train, car, air, & boat; it’s an easy, scenic adventure whichever mode of travel you choose. Seward’s surrounded by Kenai Fjords National Park, which includes ocean, mountains, and glaciers; and the Chugach National Forest. If you love the water, the outdoors, and the quaint feeling of a small town, a trip to Seward is for you. You’ll see what keeps the locals there---it’s a wonderful place to live and play.

Hotels are busy all summer in Seward, but there are also campgrounds for those who don’t mind roughing it. Hiking, Kenai Fjords

tours, and beach combing are popular. There’s also a zip-line tour, Stoney Creek Canopy Adventures, that will give you a thrill you won’t soon forget! Miller’s Landing and other outfits have kayaking adventures for those who want to get out on the water. There’s so much to see and do, go to http://www.seward.com/visit-seward/ for further information.


The views along the highway leading to Seward are so stunning, it's called a scenic byway!

a Big Life!

You may see swans, eagles, moose, and bear near the highway. There's also fishing in nearby ponds and rivers.

Some people live on the bay and there are vacation rentals.

The main street of Seward has easy parking and walking. On the 4th of July the streets are crowded with visitors!

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Heart of Travel: Seward, Alaska by Cheryl Flothe

Take a hike to Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park.

See whales, porpoises, sea lions, birds, and other wildlife on a cruise aboard one of the Kenai Fjords charter boats.

Locals and visitors use Seward's busy small boat harbor.

Water adventures include fishing, marine tours, & kayaking

Thousands of travelers dock in Seward to explore Alaska.

The Mt. Marathon foot race up and down a 3,000' mountain!

Fishing is big out of Seward---both commercial and individual. The Seward Silver Salmon Derby draws many in August each year, and the charters and docks are busy all summer.

www.heartbeatmagazinecom ISSUE 63 MAY 2016

Tech Tips & Apps

WalletHub has some interesting stats on Memorial Day history that include the number of US Armed Service members who have lost their lives in battle and number of graves at Arlington that have been adorned with American Flags for the memorial weekend. Uplifting musical performances; documentary footage; and dramatic readings that honor the military service of all our men and women in uniform, their families at home, and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice will be featured at The National Memorial Day Concert. You can even go online to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall where you can look up service members that were killed in the war along with links to their information. Young kids can visit great sites with information on what Memorial Day is as well as activities, cards, printables, and more to help them recognize the special day. Apples 4 the Teacher and Military.com are good places to look.

Many of our fallen heroes leave behind family that includes children and by visiting Folds of Honor or Snowball Express you can give back to those whose parents made the ultimate sacrifice.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice, God Bless America today and..."Into Tomorrow!"


Honor the Fallen Online! by Beth GatrellMemorial Day weekend in the United States is a time to honor those brave men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice while defending our freedom. History and the Farmer's Almanac have some good information on the day of remembrance that includes the history of the day, news, pictures, and more.

MAY APPS by Nicole Flothe

I recently needed to scan a QR code and so I downloaded the QR Reader. The next app this month is Flok, it's a loyalty app that rewards you for your purchases. My mother-in-law recommended Dictionary for my son to help with his Friday homework where he has to look up the definitions for English class. Netflix will be great for the summer down time and to have movies right on my phone. Outlook is what Godaddy uses now for their email services and I use them to host my email. Geico is perfect so that if I need to check my insurance it's right at my fingertips. Covet is a great Fashion app that has challenges daily to make fun outfits and you win prizes. Checkout 51 is a rebate app that helps with shopping discounts. Rawr is a cool texting app that provides an avatar and you can move and do actions during your texting conversation.

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Featured Foundation by Nicole Flothe

Chihuahua Rescue & Transport

We recently adopted a Chihuahua that

has stolen our hearts. Curry is on the

front cover of this month's magazine.

We are learning the steps to properly

take care of him as he is now officially 6

months old. We got him when he

weighed 1 1/2 pounds and now he is

healthy around 4-5 pounds. I found this

great website that helps Chihuahua's find

homes and thought it would be a perfect

foundation to feature this month.

Chihuahua Rescue & Transport (CRT) is a

national foster-based rescue group that

places Chihuahuas and Chihuahua mixes

in approved homes.  Their purpose is to

extend public education and awareness

regarding abuse and neglect.  They

have placed hundreds of Chihuahuas and

Chihuahua mixes in approved homes. 

CRT requires an application, vet check,

reference check and home visit for each


CRT does not warehouse dogs in a

shelter.  As in most rescue groups, these

dogs are cared for in foster homes.  

CRT foster parents work very hard to be

sure that their foster dog feels safe and

loved while working on housetraining,

crate training, socialization, etc.  All their

dogs are spayed/neutered, fully

vaccinated, heartworm tested, fecal

tested, microchipped, on heartworm

preventative and have all other veterinary

needs taken care of (such as heartworm

treatment, dentals, luxating patellas,

etc.)  CRT is known, and has always been

known, for taking the injured, infirm and

elderly Chihuahuas and Chihuahua

mixes.  Please consider the adoption of

one of these dogs as well.  Seniors and

special needs dogs make great pets too!

Please help!Donate Today!

June 2016 AAU Tournament TBAJuly 7th-11th FIT Basketball Camp August 2016 AAU Tournament TBA