Healthy Weight For Life™€¦ · Healthy Weight For Life ... achieve a weight loss of around 5 to...


Transcript of Healthy Weight For Life™€¦ · Healthy Weight For Life ... achieve a weight loss of around 5 to...

Page 1: Healthy Weight For Life™€¦ · Healthy Weight For Life ... achieve a weight loss of around 5 to 6%, gradually ... free fluids during the day to maintain your hydration and to
Page 2: Healthy Weight For Life™€¦ · Healthy Weight For Life ... achieve a weight loss of around 5 to 6%, gradually ... free fluids during the day to maintain your hydration and to

For those on the Osteoarthritis Healthy Weight for Life program, commence the exercises outlined in the Knee and Hip Strength, Mobility & Pain Management Kit.

Healthy Weight For Life™ Phase One - Weeks 1 to 6

Phase One Daily Plan

- up to two litres of water and‘free drinks’

Feel free to swap the meal that you are using KicStartTM for to suit your routine on a particular day.

Up to 2 litres of water and ‘free drinks’ such as sparkling mineral water.

Page 3: Healthy Weight For Life™€¦ · Healthy Weight For Life ... achieve a weight loss of around 5 to 6%, gradually ... free fluids during the day to maintain your hydration and to

Healthy Weight For Life™ Phase One - Weeks 1 to 6

Phase One - Weeks 1 to 6 Dinner: Use the Portion Planner Disc to prepare enjoyable, portion controlled dinners. The Portion Planner Disc is a practical tool to help with the implementation of the Australian Dietary Guidelines. By using the Disc, you can quite simply reduce the energy content of your evening meal by around 50%, without going hungry or feeling like you are on a diet. This helps alleviate a common mistake people make with the evening meal - not including enough tasty, low energy density foods (which are usually high in fibre and water, such as salads and vegetables); and too many more energy dense foods than we need, such as meat, rice, bread, pasta and creamy sauces.

The Portion Planner Disc is divided up into segments - protein, carbohydrates, salad and vegetables. It is designed to fit over your dinner plate to assist you with choosing the correct portions for your main meal’s ingredients, covering all the essential food groups.

Snacks: Enjoy a range of ‘free foods’ that can be eaten freely throughout the day, in addition to the KicStart™ meals and portion controlled main meal. ‘Free foods’ are healthy foods that don’t make a significant impact on body weight, as they contain few calories. With access to unlimited ‘free foods’, there is no reason to go hungry or get bored. Strawberries, tomatoes, leafy salads, dry roasted vegetables and vegetable dips or salsas are just some examples of ‘free food’ options. A detailed list can be found in the Week 1 ‘Kick off’ module later in this section.

Please refer to the Recipes and Ideas section for some ‘free food’ recipes.

The primary goals for these six weeks are to achieve a weight loss of around 5 to 6%, gradually and slowly build up the amount of physical activity you are doing each day and understand the:

Page 4: Healthy Weight For Life™€¦ · Healthy Weight For Life ... achieve a weight loss of around 5 to 6%, gradually ... free fluids during the day to maintain your hydration and to

Healthy Weight For Life™ Phase One - Weeks 1 to 6

1. Using your PortionPlanner Disc

1. Protein e.g. baked beans, chicken, eggs, fish,lean red meat, lentils, pork, seafood, tofu

2. Carbohydrates e.g. bread, corn, couscous,noodles, pasta, potato, quinoa, rice, sweet potato

3. Salad and vegetables e.g. artichoke,asparagus, baby spinach, beetroot, bok choy,broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, capsicum,carrot, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant,green beans, leek, lettuce, mushrooms, onion,peas, pumpkin, radish, rocket, shallots, snowpeas, spinach, tomato, zucchini

Fill each segment of the Portion Planner Disc with items according to the specified segment (this is written on the rim of the disc). The protein and carbohydrate segments should be filled no higher than the top of the disc. The salad and vegetable segment can be stacked as high as you would like (remembering that potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn belong in the carbohydrate segment).

If you usually eat your main meal in the middle of the day, please use the Portion Planner Disc to prepare lunch, and use the KicStart™ shake or soup to replace breakfast and dinner.

Please refer to the Recipes and Ideas section for meal planning instructions and recipe ideas.

Portion Planner Disc segments:

Drinks: It’s important to drink plenty of sugar-free fluids during the day to maintain your hydration and to avoid eating food when you are actually thirsty, not hungry.

Aim to drink up to two litres of water and /or ‘free drinks’ per day. ‘Free drinks’ include sparkling mineral water, fruit infused water, tea or coffee with a dash of milk or soda water for example. In your two litre total, you can include the water you mix with your KicStart™.

Tip: to help you reach the desired intake of two litres of water daily, try to get into the habit of filling the water bottle (provided in your Phase One kit) before breakfast and aim to finish it by lunch. Then refill it after lunch with the intention to drink this by bedtime.

NOTE: If you have been advised to restrict your fluid intake, please follow your specific instructions as to total daily fluid volumes.

Physical Activity: 3 x 10 minutes of physical activity such as walking, swimming or cycling. If you are comfortably achieving this level of activity, or greater, please continue with your routine and aim to build upon it.

Page 5: Healthy Weight For Life™€¦ · Healthy Weight For Life ... achieve a weight loss of around 5 to 6%, gradually ... free fluids during the day to maintain your hydration and to

Healthy Weight For Life™ Phase One - Weeks 1 to 6

2. Healthy dinnerportions

Salad and Vegetables - up to 5 serves

Carbohydrate (bread, rice, pasta, potato) - 2 serves

1 serve equals one of the following:

1 serve equals one of the following:

Protein (lean meat, fish, chicken or meat alternatives) - 3 serves

1 serve equals one of the following:

If your hunger is satisfied with less, don’t feel that you need to finish everything on your plate.

Listen to your body and stop eating when you feel pleasantly full.

½ cup cooked quinoa