Health Benefits Of Playing Basketball


Transcript of Health Benefits Of Playing Basketball

Basketball is one of the most popular and growing sports in world…

A List of health benefits of playing basketball are…..

Burns Calories :

Running, jumping and quick movements in basketball can burn more calories than a scheduled exercise …


Develop concentration and self-discipline ….

Basketball has some rules to follow for succeeding the game that develops concentration and makes the people disciplined ….

Improved Spatial Awareness:

Spatial awareness is an organized knowledge of objects in a given space…

This ability keeps your body in balance ………..

Basketball is a physical exercise as well as it involves quick

decision-making to defeat the opponent …

One must train himself to understand and respond the opponent quickly and accurately while playing …..

The decrease in stress level makes you focused and enhances energy level to

complete any task…

A confident person makes more reasonable decisions

in every step of life….