Healing Crystal Workshop

Healing Crystal Workshop By Crystal Grid Creations

Transcript of Healing Crystal Workshop

  1. 1. Healing Crystal Workshop By Crystal Grid Creations
  2. 2. Who We Are Elena Kapulnik is a certified crystal healer, reiki master, professional intuitive, and a shamanic practitioner. http://www.facebook.com/crystalgridscreations www.reikilotushealingcreations.blogspot.com
  3. 3. Our Workshop Discover what crystals are and enrich your life with their amazing energy Create crystal grids that bring you abundance, peace & optimal health Manifest your goals using crystals in meditation, crystal grids & self-healing Learn how to use crystals, how to select crystals, & find out where to buy them Explore how to install crystals in your home for clearing & protection Learn how to cleanse and program crystals & work with their special properties
  4. 4. What are Crystals? A crystal is a precious or semi precious gemstone that is made from minerals. Crystals grow from the earth and they have a structured system of molecules that can be used for their vibrational energetic properties for healing and for crystal grids. A good beginner crystal to use in any types of healing or goal setting is clear quartz as it is an amplifier crystal and will enhance vibrational energies for whatever purpose it is used for. Other crystals that can be used are amethyst, rose quartz, and smoky quartz.
  5. 5. What is a Crystal Grid? A crystal grid is a configuration of crystals or stones in a geometric pattern that is charged with energy in order to achieve a specific goal. For example, crystal grids help to amplify positive energy to manifest goals such as attracting money and abundance, romantic harmony, inner peace, optimal health and protection from negative energy. Crystal grids are also very effective for clearing negative energy from the home, a relationship, or any situation.
  6. 6. Benefits of Crystal Grids 1. Increase energy levels and sleep better. 2. Release negative emotions and blockages. 3. Reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. 4. Increase mental clarity and efficiency. 5. Create a calm and peaceful environment. 6. Discover your inner self and who you are.
  7. 7. Contact Us Elena Kapulnik Cell: 604-442-8854 Email: [email protected]