Hazardous Area Classifications

BE0111 Email: [email protected] Americas: 1-800-WORLDLAB (967-5352) Web: www.intertek.com/hazloc Europe: +44 1244 882590 ATEX & IECEx NORTH AMERICA Additional Market Access: IECEx Scheme e b l l i w t a h t y t i m r o f n o c f o s e t a c i f i t r e c n i a t b o n a c t n e m p i u q e x E f o s r e r u t c a f u n a M accepted at a national level in all countries that participate in the IECEx Scheme. . e m e h c S e h t o t n i d e t p e c c a y d o b n o i t a c i f i t r e c y n a m o r f d e n i a t b o e b y a m y t i m r o f n o c f o e t a c i f i t r e c A The certificate will attest that (1) the equipment design conforms to relevant IEC Standards and (2) the product is manufactured under a quality plan assessed by an Approved IEC Ex Certification Body (Ex CBs). t n e m p i u q e o t y t i m r o f n o C f o k r a M x E C E I e h t x i f f a y a m y t i m r o f n o c f o s e t a c i f i t r e c g n i d l o h s r e r u t c a f u n a M that they have verified complies with the certified design. Intertek is an IECEx Testing Laboratory and has IECEx Accepted Certification Body status . For more information on the IECEx Scheme contact us or visit www.IECEx.com. The IECEx Scheme can help you obtain these and other certification marks for countries around the world: Brazil Russia China Korea Guide to Equipment Certification Requirements for Hazardous Locations Protection Concepts Type of Protection Code Cty Class Division/Zone Standard Basic Concept of Protection Electrical Equipment for Flammable Gas, Vapors and Mist - Class I General Requirements AEx Ex US CA US CA Class I Class I Class I Class I Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 FM 3600 ISA 60079-0 CSA 60079-0 Increased Safety AEx e Ex e US CA Class I Class I Zone 1 Zone 1 ISA 60079-7 CSA E60079-7 no arcs, sparcs or hot surfaces Non-Incendive (NI) (NI) US CA Class I Class I Division 2 Division 2 ISA 12.12.01/FM 3611 C22.2 No. 213 Non-Sparking AEx nA EX nA US CA Class I Class I Zone 2 Zone 2 ISA 60079-15 CSA E60079-15 Explosion Proof (XP) (XP) US CA Class I Class I Division 1 Division 1 UL 1203 C22.2 No. 30 Contain the explosion and extinguish the flame Flame Proof AEx d Ex d US CA Class I Class I Zone 1 Zone 1 ISA 60079-1 CSA 60079-1 Power Filled AEx q Ex q US CA Class I Class I Zone 1 Zone 1 ISA 60079-5 CSA E60079-5 Enclosed Break AEx nC Ex nC US CA Class I Class I Zone 2 Zone 2 ISA 60079-15 CSA E60079-15 Intrinsic Safety (IS) (IS) AEx ia AEx ib EX ia Ex ib US CA US US CA CA Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Division 1 Division 1 Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 0 Zone 1 UL 913 / FM 3610 C22.2 No. 157 ISA 60079-11 ISA 60079-11 CSA E60079-11 CSA E60079-11 Limit energy of sparks and surface temperature Limited Energy AEx nC Ex nL US CA Class I Class I Zone 2 Zone 2 ISA 60079-15 CSA E60079-15 Pressurized Type X Type X Type Y Type Y Type Z Type Z AEx px Ex px AEx py Ex py AEx pz Ex pz US CA US CA US CA US CA US CA US CA Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Class I Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 2 Division 2 Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 2 NFPA 496 (FM 3620) NFPA 496 NFPA 496 (FM 3620) NFPA 496 NFPA 496 (FM 3620) NFPA 496 ISA 60079-2 CSA E60079-2 ISA 60079-2 CSA E60079-2 ISA 60079-2 CSA E60079-2 Keep flamable gas out Restricted Breathing AEx nR Ex nR US CA Class I Class I Zone 2 Zone 2 ISA 60079-15 CSA E60079-15 Encapsulated AEx ma AEx m Ex m AEx mb US US CA US Class I Class I Class I Class I Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1 ISA 60079-18 ISA 60079-18 CSA E60079-18 ISA 60079-18 Oil Emmersion AEx o EX o US CA Class I Class I Zone 1 Zone 1 ISA 60079-6 CSA E60079-6 Electrical Equipment for Combustible Dust - Class II & Class III General Requirements Ex US CA US CA US Class II Class II Class III Class III Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 Zone 20, 21, 22 FM 3600 FM 3600 ISA 60079-0 Dust Ignition Proof (DIP) US CA Class II Class II Division 1 Division 1 UL 1203 CSA C22.2 No. 25 Keep combustible dust out Dust Protected (NI) US CA Class II Class II Division 2 Division 2 ISA 12.12.01 / FM 3611 CSA C22.2 No. 25 Protection by Enclosure AEx tD (DIP) A21 (DIP) A22 US CA CA Class II Class II Zone 21 Division 1 Division 2 ISA 60079-31 CSA E61241-1-1 CSA E61241-1-1 Fiber & Flying Protection US CA Class III Class III Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 UL 1203 / ISA 12.12.01 CSA C22.2 No. 25 Encapsulation AEx maD AEx mbD US US Zone 20 Zone 21 ISA 61241-18 ISA 61241-18 Pressurization (PX) (PX) (PY) (PY) (PZ) (PZ) AEx pD US CA US CA US CA US Class II Class II Class II Class II Class II Class II Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 2 Division 2 Zone 21 NFPA 496 (FM 3620) NFPA 496 NFPA 496 (FM 3620) NFPA 496 NFPA 496 (FM 3620) NFPA 496 ISA 61241-2 Intrinsic Safety (IS) (IS) AEx iaD AEx ibD (IS) (IS) US CA US US US CA Class II Class II Class III Class III Division 1 Division 1 Zone 20 Zone 21 Division 1 Division 1 UL 913 / FM 3610 CSA C22.2 No. 157 ISA 61241-11 ISA 61241-11 UL 913 / FM 3610 CSA C22.2 No. 157 Limit energy of sparks and surface temperature Note: For associated intrinsically safe apparatus suitable for installation in a hazardous location, the symbol for the type of protection “ia” or “ib” are enclosed within square brackets on the marking, e.g. AEx d [ia] IIC T4. Note: For intrinsically safe apparatus not suitable for installation in a hazardous location, both the symbol “Ex” or “AEx” and the symbol for the type of protection “ia” or “ib” are enclosed within the same square brackets on the marking, e.g. [AEx ia] IIC; in this case, a temperature class is not included. Equipment Groups [ATEX and IECEx] Equipment Group Equipment Category Atmosphere Protection Level Required Protection Performance & Operation I (Mines with firedamp) M1 Methane & Dust Very High Two Faults, Remain energised and functioning I (Mines with firedamp) M2 Methane & Dust High Severe normal operation, De-energise in exp. atm. II (all other areas) 1 Gas, Vapour, Mist, Dust Very High Two Faults II (all other areas) 2 Gas, Vapour, Mist, Dust High One Fault II (all other areas) 3 Gas, Vapour, Mist, Dust Low Normal operation Typical North American Marking NEC ® 500 NEC ® 505 Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T4 Hazard Class Protection Concept Code Area Classification Approved to US Standards Class I, Division 1, Groups A&B T4 Temperature Class Gas Group Hazard Class Area Classification Temperature Class Gas Group Typical ATEX and IECEx Marking [*ATEX only] II 2 G Ex d IIC T4 Gb 0359 *Complies with European Directive Equipment Protection Level Type of Protection Explosion Protection *Environment *Equipment Category Temperature Class (T1-T6) Gas group *Specific Marking for Explosion Protection *Equipment Group *Notified Body Number Atmosphere Groups Substance: Hazard Class: NEC 500: NEC 505: Acetylene Class I Flammable Gases Group A IIC Hydrogen Group B IIC Ethylene Group C IIB Propane Group D IIA Methane (mining) Group D Combustible Metal Dusts Class II Combustible Dusts Group E Combustible Carbonaceous Dusts Group F Combustible Dusts not in Group E or F (Flour, Grain, Wood, Plastics, Chemicals) Group G Combustible Fibers and Flyings Class III Fibers and Flyings Temperature Classification Max. Surface Temperature NEC ® 500 CEC ® NEC ® 505 IEC - Group II 450º C (842ºF) T1 T1 T1 300º C (572ºF) T2 T2 T2 280º C (536ºF) T2A 260º C (500ºF) T2B 230º C (446ºF) T2C 215º C (419ºF) T2D 200º C (392ºF) T3 T3 T3 180º C (356ºF) T3A 165º C (329ºF) T3B 160º C (320ºF) T3C 135º C (275ºF) T4 T4 T4 120º C (248ºF) T4A 100º C (212ºF) T5 T5 T5 85º C (185ºF) T6 T6 T6 Note: For Group I (ATEX/IEC) applications, electrical apparatus has fixed temperature limits i.e., 150º C and 450ºC. Protection Concepts [ATEX and IECEx] Type of Protection Symbol Typical IEC EPL Typical Zone(s) IEC Standard Basic concept of protection Electrical equipment for gases, vapours and mists (G) General Requirements - - 0,1,2 IEC 60079-0 Optical Radiation Op pr Op sh Op is Gb Ga Ga 1,2 0,1,2 0,1,2 IEC 60079-28 IEC 60079-28 IEC 60079-28 Inherently safe protected by shutdown Increased safety Type ‘n’ (non-sparking) e nA Gb Gc 1,2 2 IEC 60079-7 IEC 60079-15 No arcs, sparks or hot surfaces. Enclosure IP54 or better Flameproof d Gb 1,2 IEC 60079-1 Contain the explosion, quench the flame Type ‘n’ (enclosed break) nC Gc 2 IEC 60079-15 Quartz/sand filled q Gb 1,2 IEC 60079-5 Quench the flame Intrinsic safety ia ib ic Ga Gb Gc 0,1,2 1,2 2 IEC 60079-11 IEC 60079-11 IEC 60079-11 Limit the energy of sparks and surface temperatures Pressurized px py pz Gb Gb Gc 1,2 1,2 2 IEC 60079-2 IEC 60079-2 IEC 60079-2 Keep the flammable gas out Type ‘n’ (sealing & hermetic sealing) Type ‘n’ (restricted breathing) nC nR Gc Gc 2 2 IEC 60079-15 IEC 60079-15 Encapsulation ma mb mc Ga Gb Gc 0,1,2 1,2 2 IEC 60079-18 IEC 60079-18 IEC 60079-18 Oil immersion o Gb 1,2 IEC 60079-6 Electrical equipment for combustible dusts (D) General Requirements - - 20,21,22 IEC 60079-0 Enclosure ta tb tc Da Db Dc 20 21 22 IEC 60079-31 Standard protection for dusts, rugged tight enclosure Intrinsic safety iaD ibD icD Da Db Dc 20 21 22 IEC 61241-11 Similar to enclosure, but with some relaxations if circuit inside is intrinsically safe Encapsulation ma mb mc Da Db Dc 20 21 22 IEC 60079-18 Protection by encapsulation of incendive parts Pressurized pD Db 21,22 IEC 61241-4 Protection by pressurisation of enclosure Dc 22 Non-Electrical equipment General Requirements - - 0,1,2, 20,21,22 EN 13463-1 Low potential energy Flow restricted enclosure flameproof enclosure fr d - - 2,22 1,2,21,22 EN 13463-2 EN 13463-3 Relies on tight seals, closely matched joints and tough enclosures to restrict the breathing of the enclosure Constructional safety c - 0,1,2, 20,21,22 EN 13463-5 Ignition hazards eliminated by good engineering methods Control of ignition sources b - 0,1,2, 20,21,22 EN 13463-6 Control equipment fitted to detect malfunctions Pressurization p - 1,2, 21,22 EN 60079-2 EN 61241-4 Enclosure is purged and pressurised to prevent ignition sources from arising Liquid immersion k - 0,1,2, 20,21,22 EN 13463-8 Enclosure uses liquid to prevent contact with explosive atmosphere Other Applicable CE Directives Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Machinery Pressure Equipment Low voltage (exludes equipment for use in explosive atmospheres - see ATEX Annex II 1.2.7) Radio equipment and Telecommunications terminal equipment (R&TTE) Directive 2004/108/EC Directive 2006/42/EC Directive 97/23/EC Directive 2006/95/EC Directive 1999/5/EC Enclosure Type Ratings Type Area Brief Definition 1 Indoor General Purpose 2 Indoor Protection against angled dripping water 3, 3R, 3S Indoor / Outdoor Protection against rain, snow 4, 4X Indoor / Outdoor Protection against rain, snow, hose directed water 5 Indoor Protection against angled dripping water, dust, fibers, flyings 6 Indoor / Outdoor Protection against temporary submersion 6P Indoor / Outdoor Protection against prolonged submersion 12, 12K Indoor Protection against circulating dust, fibers, flyings 13 Indoor Protection against circulating dust, fibers, flyings, seepage Classification of Divisions and Zones Type of Area NEC and CEC* ATEX and IEC Definitions Continous hazard Division 1 Zone 0 / Zone 20 A place in which an explosive atmosphere is continually present Intermittent hazard Division 1 Zone 1 / Zone 21 A place in which an explosive atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation Hazard under abnormal conditions Division 2 Zone 2 / Zone 22 A place in which an explosive atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation, but may occur for short periods * On occasion the ATEX and IEC Zones may be used in the corresponding NEC and CEC system Equipment Categories & Protection Levels ATEX Category Equipment Protection Levels Typical Zone Suitability 1 G Ga Equip. suitable for Zones 0,1,2 1 D Da Equip. suitable for Zones 20,21,22 2 G Gb Equip. suitable for Zones 1,2 2 D Db Equip. suitable for Zones 21,22 3 G Gc Equip. suitable for Zone 2 3 D Gd Equip. suitable for Zone 22 ATEX Categories v Zones of Use Equipment Category ATEX 94/9/EC Zone of Use Gas, Vapours, & Mist Dust Cat 1 Zone 0, 1 & 2 Zone 20, 21 & 22 Cat 2 Zone 1 & 2 Zone 21 & 22 Cat 3 Zone 2 Zone 22 Note: Unless the explosion protection risk assessment states otherwise. Ingress Protection Codes First Number (protect from solid bodies) Second Number (protect from water) 0 No protection 0 No protection 1 Objects > 50mm 1 Vertical drip 2 Objects > 12.5mm 2 Angled drip 3 Objects > 2.5mm 3 Spraying 4 Objects > 1.0mm 4 Splashing 5 Dust-protected 5 Jetting 6 Dust-tight 6 Powerful jetting 7 Temporary immersion 8 Continuous immersion Atmosphere Groups [ATEX and IECEx] Group Environment Location Typical Substance I Gases, Vapours and Mists Coal Mining Methane (Fire damp) IIA Surface and other locations Methane, Propane etc. IIB Ethylene IIC Hydrogen, Acetylene etc. IIIA Combustible Dusts Surface and other locations Combustible flyings IIIB Non-conductive IIIC Conductive

Transcript of Hazardous Area Classifications

Page 1: Hazardous Area Classifications


Email: [email protected] Americas: 1-800-WORLDLAB (967-5352) Web: www.intertek.com/hazloc Europe: +44 1244 882590


Additional Market Access: IECEx Scheme eb lliw taht ytimrofnoc fo setacifitrec niatbo nac tnempiuqe xE fo srerutcafunaM

accepted at a national level in all countries that participate in the IECEx Scheme.

.emehcS eht otni detpecca ydob noitacifitrec yna morf deniatbo eb yam ytimrofnoc fo etacifitrec A The certificate will attest that (1) the equipment design conforms to relevant IEC Standards and (2) the product is manufactured under a quality plan assessed by an Approved IEC Ex Certification Body (Ex CBs).

tnempiuqe ot ytimrofnoC fo kraM xECEI eht xiffa yam ytimrofnoc fo setacifitrec gnidloh srerutcafunaM that they have verified complies with the certified design.

Intertek is an IECEx Testing Laboratory and has IECEx Accepted Certification Body status. For more information on the IECEx Scheme contact us or visit www.IECEx.com.

The IECEx Scheme can help you obtain these and other certification marks for countries around the world:

Brazil Russia China Korea

Guide to Equipment Certification Requirements for Hazardous Locations

Protection ConceptsType of Protection

Code Cty Class Division/Zone StandardBasic Concept of Protection

Electrical Equipment for Flammable Gas, Vapors and Mist - Class I

General Requirements AEx



Class IClass IClass IClass I

Division 1 & 2Division 1 & 2Division 1 & 2Division 1 & 2

FM 3600

ISA 60079-0CSA 60079-0

Increased Safety

AEx eEx e


Class IClass I

Zone 1Zone 1

ISA 60079-7CSA E60079-7

no arcs, sparcs or hot surfaces



Class IClass I

Division 2Division 2

ISA 12.12.01/FM 3611C22.2 No. 213

Non-SparkingAEx nAEX nA


Class IClass I

Zone 2Zone 2

ISA 60079-15CSA E60079-15

Explosion Proof(XP)(XP)


Class IClass I

Division 1Division 1

UL 1203C22.2 No. 30

Contain the explosion and extinguish the flame

Flame ProofAEx dEx d


Class IClass I

Zone 1Zone 1

ISA 60079-1CSA 60079-1

Power FilledAEx qEx q


Class IClass I

Zone 1Zone 1

ISA 60079-5CSA E60079-5

Enclosed BreakAEx nCEx nC


Class IClass I

Zone 2Zone 2

ISA 60079-15CSA E60079-15

Intrinsic Safety

(IS)(IS)AEx iaAEx ibEX iaEx ib


Class IClass IClass IClass IClass IClass I

Division 1Division 1Zone 0Zone 1Zone 0Zone 1

UL 913 / FM 3610C22.2 No. 157ISA 60079-11 ISA 60079-11 CSA E60079-11CSA E60079-11

Limit energy ofsparks and surfacetemperature

Limited EnergyAEx nCEx nL


Class IClass I

Zone 2Zone 2

ISA 60079-15CSA E60079-15


Type X Type X Type Y Type Y Type Z Type Z AEx px Ex px AEx py Ex py AEx pz Ex pz


Class IClass IClass IClass IClass IClass IClass IClass IClass IClass IClass IClass I

Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 2 Division 2 Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 2

NFPA 496 (FM 3620)NFPA 496NFPA 496 (FM 3620)NFPA 496NFPA 496 (FM 3620)NFPA 496ISA 60079-2CSA E60079-2ISA 60079-2CSA E60079-2ISA 60079-2CSA E60079-2

Keep flamable gas out

Restricted Breathing

AEx nREx nR


Class IClass I

Zone 2Zone 2

ISA 60079-15CSA E60079-15


AEx ma AEx m Ex m AEx mb


Class IClass IClass IClass I

Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1

ISA 60079-18ISA 60079-18CSA E60079-18ISA 60079-18

Oil EmmersionAEx oEX o


Class IClass I

Zone 1Zone 1

ISA 60079-6CSA E60079-6

Electrical Equipment for Combustible Dust - Class II & Class III

General Requirements



Class IIClass IIClass III Class III

Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2 Zone 20, 21, 22

FM 3600

FM 3600

ISA 60079-0

Dust Ignition Proof


Class IIClass II

Division 1 Division 1

UL 1203CSA C22.2 No. 25

Keepcombustibledust out

Dust Protected(NI) US

CAClass IIClass II

Division 2 Division 2

ISA 12.12.01 / FM 3611CSA C22.2 No. 25

Protection by Enclosure

AEx tD (DIP) A21 (DIP) A22


Class IIClass II

Zone 21 Division 1Division 2

ISA 60079-31CSA E61241-1-1CSA E61241-1-1

Fiber & Flying Protection


Class IIIClass III

Division 1 & 2 Division 1 & 2

UL 1203 / ISA 12.12.01CSA C22.2 No. 25

EncapsulationAEx maD AEx mbD


Zone 20 Zone 21

ISA 61241-18ISA 61241-18


(PX) (PX) (PY) (PY) (PZ) (PZ) AEx pD


Class IIClass IIClass IIClass IIClass IIClass II

Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 1 Division 2 Division 2 Zone 21

NFPA 496 (FM 3620)NFPA 496NFPA 496 (FM 3620)NFPA 496NFPA 496 (FM 3620)NFPA 496ISA 61241-2

Intrinsic Safety

(IS)(IS) AEx iaD AEx ibD (IS) (IS)


Class IIClass II

Class IIIClass III

Division 1Division 1Zone 20 Zone 21 Division 1 Division 1

UL 913 / FM 3610CSA C22.2 No. 157ISA 61241-11ISA 61241-11UL 913 / FM 3610CSA C22.2 No. 157

Limitenergy ofsparks andsurfacetemperature

Note: For associated intrinsically safe apparatus suitable for installation in a hazardous location, the symbol for the type of

protection “ia” or “ib” are enclosed within square brackets on the marking, e.g. AEx d [ia] IIC T4.

Note: For intrinsically safe apparatus not suitable for installation in a hazardous location, both the symbol “Ex” or “AEx” and the

symbol for the type of protection “ia” or “ib” are enclosed within the same square brackets on the marking, e.g. [AEx ia] IIC;

in this case, a temperature class is not included.

Equipment Groups [ATEX and IECEx]

Equipment GroupEquipment Category


LevelRequired Protection

Performance & Operation

I (Mines with firedamp)

M1 Methane & Dust Very High• Two Faults, Remain

energised and functioning

I (Mines with firedamp)

M2 Methane & Dust High• Severe normal operation,

De-energise in exp. atm.

II (all other areas) 1 Gas, Vapour, Mist, Dust Very High • Two Faults

II (all other areas) 2 Gas, Vapour, Mist, Dust High • One Fault

II (all other areas) 3 Gas, Vapour, Mist, Dust Low • Normal operation

Typical North American MarkingNEC® 500 NEC® 505

Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T4

Hazard Class

Protection Concept


Area Classification

Approved to US Standards

Class I, Division 1, Groups A&B T4

Temperature Class

Gas Group

Hazard Class

Area Classification

Temperature Class

Gas Group

Typical ATEX and IECEx Marking [*ATEX only]

II 2 G Ex d IIC T4 Gb0359

*Complies with

European Directive Equipment

Protection Level

Type of Protection

Explosion Protection


*Equipment Category

Temperature Class (T1-T6)

Gas group

*Specific Marking for Explosion Protection

*Equipment Group

*Notified Body Number

Atmosphere GroupsSubstance: Hazard Class: NEC 500: NEC 505:


Class IFlammable Gases

Group A IIC

Hydrogen Group B IIC

Ethylene Group C IIB

Propane Group D IIA

Methane (mining) Group D

Combustible Metal Dusts

Class IICombustible Dusts

Group E

Combustible Carbonaceous Dusts Group F

Combustible Dusts not in Group E or F (Flour, Grain, Wood, Plastics, Chemicals)

Group G

Combustible Fibers and FlyingsClass III

Fibers and Flyings

Temperature ClassificationMax. Surface Temperature NEC® 500 CEC® NEC® 505 IEC - Group II

450º C (842ºF) T1 T1 T1

300º C (572ºF) T2 T2 T2

280º C (536ºF) T2A

260º C (500ºF) T2B

230º C (446ºF) T2C

215º C (419ºF) T2D

200º C (392ºF) T3 T3 T3

180º C (356ºF) T3A

165º C (329ºF) T3B

160º C (320ºF) T3C

135º C (275ºF) T4 T4 T4

120º C (248ºF) T4A

100º C (212ºF) T5 T5 T5

85º C (185ºF) T6 T6 T6

Note: For Group I (ATEX/IEC) applications, electrical apparatus has fixed temperature limits i.e., 150º C and 450ºC.

Protection Concepts [ATEX and IECEx]

Type of Protection SymbolTypical IEC EPL

Typical Zone(s)

IEC StandardBasic concept of


Electrical equipment for gases, vapours and mists (G)

General Requirements - - 0,1,2 IEC 60079-0

Optical RadiationOp prOp shOp is

Gb GaGa


IEC 60079-28IEC 60079-28IEC 60079-28

Inherently safe protected by shutdown

Increased safetyType ‘n’ (non-sparking)

e nA



IEC 60079-7IEC 60079-15

No arcs, sparks or hot surfaces. Enclosure IP54 or better

Flameproof d Gb 1,2 IEC 60079-1 Contain the explosion, quench the flameType ‘n’ (enclosed break) nC Gc 2 IEC 60079-15

Quartz/sand filled q Gb 1,2 IEC 60079-5 Quench the flame

Intrinsic safetyia ib ic



IEC 60079-11IEC 60079-11IEC 60079-11

Limit the energy of sparks and surface temperatures

Pressurizedpx pypz



IEC 60079-2IEC 60079-2IEC 60079-2

Keep the flammable gas out

Type ‘n’ (sealing & hermetic sealing)Type ‘n’ (restricted breathing)




IEC 60079-15IEC 60079-15




IEC 60079-18IEC 60079-18IEC 60079-18

Oil immersion o Gb 1,2 IEC 60079-6

Electrical equipment for combustible dusts (D)

General Requirements - - 20,21,22 IEC 60079-0




IEC 60079-31Standard protection for dusts, rugged tight enclosure

Intrinsic safetyiaDibDicD



IEC 61241-11

Similar to enclosure, but with some relaxations if circuit inside is intrinsically safe




IEC 60079-18Protection by encapsulation of incendive parts

Pressurized pDDb 21,22

IEC 61241-4Protection by pressurisation of enclosureDc 22

Non-Electrical equipment

General Requirements - - 0,1,2,

20,21,22EN 13463-1 Low potential energy

Flow restricted enclosure flameproof enclosure

fr d

- -

2,22 1,2,21,22

EN 13463-2 EN 13463-3

Relies on tight seals, closely matched joints and tough enclosures to restrict the breathing of the enclosure

Constructional safety c - 0,1,2,

20,21,22EN 13463-5

Ignition hazards eliminated by good engineering methods

Control of ignition sources b - 0,1,2,

20,21,22EN 13463-6

Control equipment fitted to detect malfunctions

Pressurization p - 1,2,

21,22EN 60079-2EN 61241-4

Enclosure is purged and pressurised to prevent ignition sources from arising

Liquid immersion k - 0,1,2,

20,21,22EN 13463-8

Enclosure uses liquid to prevent contact with explosive atmosphere

Other Applicable CE DirectivesElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)


Pressure Equipment

Low voltage (exludes equipment for use in explosive atmospheres - see ATEX Annex II 1.2.7)

Radio equipment and Telecommunications terminal equipment (R&TTE)

Directive 2004/108/EC

Directive 2006/42/EC

Directive 97/23/EC

Directive 2006/95/EC

Directive 1999/5/EC

Enclosure Type RatingsType Area Brief Definition

1 Indoor General Purpose

2 Indoor Protection against angled dripping water

3, 3R, 3SIndoor / Outdoor

Protection against rain, snow

4, 4XIndoor / Outdoor

Protection against rain, snow, hose directed water

5 Indoor Protection against angled dripping water, dust, fibers, flyings

6Indoor / Outdoor

Protection against temporary submersion

6PIndoor / Outdoor

Protection against prolonged submersion

12, 12K Indoor Protection against circulating dust, fibers, flyings

13 Indoor Protection against circulating dust, fibers, flyings, seepage

Classification of Divisions and ZonesType of Area NEC and CEC* ATEX and IEC Definitions

Continous hazard

Division 1 Zone 0 / Zone 20A place in which an explosive atmosphere is continually present

Intermittent hazard

Division 1 Zone 1 / Zone 21A place in which an explosive atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation

Hazard under abnormal conditions

Division 2 Zone 2 / Zone 22A place in which an explosive atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation, but may occur for short periods

* On occasion the ATEX and IEC Zones may be used in the corresponding NEC and CEC system

Equipment Categories & Protection Levels

ATEX Category

Equipment Protection

LevelsTypical Zone Suitability

1 G Ga Equip. suitable for Zones 0,1,2

1 D Da Equip. suitable for Zones 20,21,22

2 G Gb Equip. suitable for Zones 1,2

2 D Db Equip. suitable for Zones 21,22

3 G Gc Equip. suitable for Zone 2

3 D Gd Equip. suitable for Zone 22

ATEX Categories v Zones of Use

Equipment Category

ATEX 94/9/EC

Zone of Use

Gas, Vapours,& Mist


Cat 1 Zone 0, 1 & 2 Zone 20, 21 & 22

Cat 2 Zone 1 & 2 Zone 21 & 22

Cat 3 Zone 2 Zone 22

Note: Unless the explosion protection risk assessment states otherwise.

Ingress Protection Codes

First Number (protect from solid bodies)

Second Number (protect from water)

0 No protection 0 No protection

1 Objects > 50mm 1 Vertical drip

2 Objects > 12.5mm 2 Angled drip

3 Objects > 2.5mm 3 Spraying

4 Objects > 1.0mm 4 Splashing

5 Dust-protected 5 Jetting

6 Dust-tight 6 Powerful jetting

7 Temporary immersion

8 Continuous immersion

Atmosphere Groups [ATEX and IECEx]

Group Environment Location Typical Substance


Gases, Vapours and


Coal Mining

Methane (Fire damp)


and other


Methane, Propane etc.

IIB Ethylene


Acetylene etc.


Combustible Dusts

Surface and

other locations

Combustible flyings

IIIB Non-conductive
