HaVoC Tribes Mod Manualhavoctribes.com/files/HaVoC.pdf · They allow you to be a one-man army and...


Transcript of HaVoC Tribes Mod Manualhavoctribes.com/files/HaVoC.pdf · They allow you to be a one-man army and...


HaVoC The Only Tribes Modification

Table of Contents Introduction _____________________________________3 Armors _________________________________________4 Inventory Items Projectile Weapons _____________________________6 Energy Weapons _____________________________7 Backpacks _________________________________7 Turrets _____________________________________8 Deployables _________________________________9 Sensors _____________________________________9 Defensive _____________________________________10 Special _____________________________________10 Miscellany _____________________________________11 Grenades & Beacons _____________________________12 Guided Missile System _____________________________13 Selection Matrices _________________________________14 Sniping Damage Matrices _________________________17 The Sensor Network _____________________________18 Features _________________________________________21 Credits _________________________________________23



HaVoC is a server side modification for Starsiege Tribes. It was originally based on the Renegades mod, although now has my own innovations and many other mods incorporated into it. I have spent many hours rewriting the code from scratch and tweaking items and the gameplay until I have what you see here now. I created HaVoC because I thought that Renegades, while fun to play, was lacking many things. My biggest problem is that Renegades is very unbalanced. Certain weapons can kill you in one hit; certain turrets can hit you without ever missing. The idea of the classes is a very good one but the weapons and deployables given to each class aren't balanced and don't promote teamwork. They allow you to be a one-man army and to forget about the rest of your team. I've designed HaVoC with balancing team play in mind. No one weapon is the all powerful-kill-anything gun. Each weapon and class has its use. The classes must work together to provide defense and to mount an effective offense. That has been my goal ever since I have started working on this mod. So, these are the reasons I've created this piece of work. It is my dream that one day HaVoC will be on every server you see. I believe it has become a very great thing and if more people are introduced to it and actually discover the depth of this mod that my dream may come true.



ARMORS Scout Grenade: Concussion Beacon: Pulse Sensors The Scout is the fastest and weakest of all the armors. Only able to carry 2 weapons and limited ammo. It has a very high speed on the ground and can jump enormous distances with its Concussion Grenades. This makes it a good choice for flag captures, if you live. The Scout doesn't have much jetpack energy but it recharges at a very fast rate. With an energy pack the Scout has amazing flying abilities.

Special Abilities If you are touched by a Scout you will be blinded temporarily. While you are blinded you will not be able to put enemies on your team's sensor network by looking at them. Spy Grenade: Plastique Explosives Beacon: Satchel Charges The Spy is a very sneaky armor. If used right, it can destroy a whole base with Plastique Explosives. The Spy is the only armor to use the Magnum and the Cloaking Pack. Take a look at the Sensor Network Guide and learn how to escape enemy detection.

Special Abilities

The Spy can phase through enemy teleporters, which usually scares the shit out of the enemy. Load up on explosives and save yourself a walk, if you can keep your team from destroying it first. Also, the Spy's footsteps are completely quiet, allowing you to sneak up on enemies. The Spy can also open enemy force field doors. Sniper Grenade: Decoy Beacon: Sensor Jammer The Sniper can carry all the powerful, long range, and accurate weapons, such as the Laser and Sniper Rifles. Nothing is more satisfying than finding a good place to hide and killing people before they ever see you. The Sniper is a fast but relatively weak armor.

Special Abilities The Sniper is the only armor able to carry the Cybernetic Laser and sniping weapons. When a Decoy is used it is randomly placed directly in front of or directly behind the player that used it. This can confuse an enemy as to which is the Decoy and which is the Sniper.

Mercenary Grenade: Generic Beacon: Speed Boost The Mercenary is the jack-of-all-trades. Not too slow, yet relatively powerful, this armor is often overlooked because people prefer a more specialized role.

Special Abilities The use of Speed Boosters is what sets the Mercenary apart from the other armors. Often you'll be able to catch the enemy flag carrier if you learn to use the Boosters along with skiing. Burster Grenade: Incendiary Beacon: Targeting Beacons The Burster armor can carry the most destructive weapons of all the medium armors. While it can carry many types of heavy weapons it is somewhat limited on ammo. This armor can be used as a base destroyer but due to its lack of speed and ammo capacity it can be a challenge to get to the enemy base quickly.

Special Abilities The Burster is the only armor that can carry the Demolition Pack and the only medium armor strong enough to carry Mortars. Enough said.


Engineer Grenade: EMP Beacon: Cloaked Camera The most important armor for defense, the Engineer can deploy everything in the inventory. As a defensive armor, it isn't able to carry much ammo. The Dart Rifle can be used to damage and slow enemies before they get close to your base. After that, your defenses, EMPs, and other weapons should be enough to take care of most threats.

Special Abilities Upon touching another team member, the Engineer will repair them a bit. It is also the only armor able to use the Engineer Repair-Gun and Power Core Pack. The Engineer normally carries 2 Repair Kits, 3 with an Ammo Pack. As an Engineer you can phase through enemy teleporters and open enemy forcefield doors. Also you'll be able to defuse Plastique Explosives and Demolition Packs by touching them, although occasionally that can "blow up in your face".

Infiltrator Grenade: Cloak Beacon: Teleport Beacon This armor can only carry 3 weapons but it is a little bit faster than the other medium armors. A specialty armor, the Infiltrator's main purpose is for getting in and out of large enemy bases such as Scarabrae or Broadside.

Special Abilities Using Teleport Beacons, Cloaking Grenades and the Teleport Pack you can easily get past defenses and confuse enemies. See below under Features for more information. The Infiltrator can also use the Command Laptop to take over turrets. Cyborg Grenade: Mortar Bomb Beacon: Emergency Force Field One of the slowest armors, the Cyborg can carry the most powerful weapons. It is also the strongest armor. You may be in trouble if caught out in the open though... lighter armors can fly circles around it. Indoors however, a Cyborg can be very hard to get rid of.

Special Abilities Armed with its innate ability to put up Emergency Force Fields the Cyborg is best for base raping. It is the only heavy that can use shields.

Behemoth Grenade: Phoenix Missiles Beacon: Armageddon Missiles Another slow armor, this heavy packs a lot of artillery. While not as strong as the Cyborg, the Behemoth can hold its own better outdoors with his Phoenix and Armageddon Missiles. It cannot use shields, which means base raping may not be the best role.

Special Abilities Carries portable Phoenix Missiles. Armageddon Missiles are also very deadly.


Inventory Items

Projectile Weapons: Shotgun The Shotgun is strictly a short ranged weapon and can be deadly point blank. Chaingun Shoot a lot of bullets at your enemies with the Chaingun. Very useful for hitting airborne enemies. Plasma Gun This gun shoots slow moving, high powered balls of plasma. Great for killing someone point blank, destroying small turrets, and base infiltration. They can also set the enemy on fire for a short time. Disc Launcher Standard issue. Hyper Spinfusor This weapon can fire a large number of discs to flood an entire area with explosions. Although you can't carry much ammo for it, the Hyper Spinfusor makes for a good surprise for someone trying to dogfight you without one. Grenade Launcher Good for base infiltration... these can bounce grenades around corners. The Grenade Launcher is for medium range combat -- too far and your grenades won't

reach, too close and they bounce harmlessly past your enemy. Rocket Launcher Shoots a dumb fire rocket. Rockets have a lot of force when they explode, have a large blast radius and can knock players away, though they don't do much damage. Guided Rocket Launcher If the your target is in your sights when you fire this will shoot a seeking rocket that will follow them while they are in your view. Otherwise just fires a straight dumb fire rocket. EMP Grenade Launcher Anyone within the blast radius of these electromagnetic pulse grenades will be short-circuited temporarily, rendering energy weapons and jet packs temporarily useless. Good for heavy armors to ground the faster moving lights and for catching that flag carrier. Mortar Blast anything and everything to little bits. They have a very large blast radius. Magnum The Spy's weapon, the Magnum can take out

light armors with only a few shots. It is a short-range weapon; it won't reach long distances. Dart Rifle Shoots darts filled with poison that slowly leech away your enemy's health. The poison also affects their mobility, slowing them down for a little while. This makes for an easier kill. Darts will not penetrate Shield Pack nor Cyborg shields. Railgun A well rounded weapon. It is very accurate at great distances and does moderate damage. However, its main use is not to be a sniping weapon. It is good for taking down shields. Help destroy a turret's shields from afar, works especially well if one of your teammates is attacking the turret at the same time. If a player is shielded when hit with this weapon then massive amounts of damage are inflicted on the shielded player. Sniper Rifle This rifle shoots high-powered bullets that don't give away your position like the Laser Rifle. However, the bullets are not armor piercing so body shots will do very little damage. Face shots are what this weapon is about. See Sniping below for a better explanation.


Energy Weapons: Blaster Your everyday Blaster with an increased range to make it a bit more useful. ELF Gun An electronic flux weapon that will drain your target's energy cells. Doesn't do much damage but has a long range. Good for grounding the enemy quickly. Not effective against shielded objects though it does well against shielded players. Shockwave Cannon Releases a blast of energy that knocks anything in its radius away. Doesn't do much damage though. Flame Thrower Torch enemies after

mastering this short-ranged weapon. Great indoor. Laser Rifle The Sniper's best friend for assassination. A very dangerous weapon. Be careful after shooting it because the red beam this weapon lets out gives away your position. Headshots do a lot of damage but face shots do even more. See Sniping

below for more information. Engineer Repair-Gun This enables the Engineer to carry a pack other than the Repair Pack and still have a repair gun. Backpacks: Ammo Pack This pack allows you to carry extra ammo and Repair Kits. Energy Pack Increases your armor's energy recharge rate. It will allow you to keep recharging energy when hit with an EMP. Repair Pack Repair yourself, inventories, generators, deployables, and other players. Shield Pack Causes damage done to you to be taken away from your armor's energy and not your health. Also does not allow EMPs or poison darts to penetrate the shield. Beware the Railgun. Sensor Jammer Pack Suppresses pulse sensors. Check out the Sensor Network Guide below for more information. Power Core Pack This pack can be used on a station, turret, or sensor to power it when the generators are down. When used on a player it

greatly improves their armor's energy recharge rate. This pack can also be used to enhance the energy systems of a teleporter. See Features below for more information. Heat Sink This pack hides your heat signature from Rocket Turrets; they will no longer fire at you. Also reduces the effect Tractor Turrets and EMPs have on you and makes you unable to catch on fire. The Heat Sink also increases the efficiency of Mercenary Boosters. StealthShield Pack A Shield Pack and Sensor Jammer Pack hybrid. This shield will not stop EMPs or poison darts. Auto-Rocket Cannon Upon activation this shoulder-mounted launcher shoots a rocket. This allows you to fire off rockets while fighting with another weapon. This can help a Cyborg hold his own on open ground. Teleport Pack When used this pack attempts to find a Teleport Beacon in range. While they do have a short range (~60 meters), if you are close enough you will gain control of the beacon. See Features below for more information.


Cybernetic Laser This shoulder mounted laser draws from your armors energy cells to fire a laser blast similar to that of the Laser Rifle, although it is a lot less powerful. Using this in conjunction with another sniping weapon is a deadly combination. Its high drain on your energy cells causes them to not recharge for a few seconds. This pack requires a free weapon slot. Demolition Pack A portable bomb. Upon deployment you have 20 seconds to run like hell. Also detonates if you commit suicide (ctrl+k). Command Laptop This pack allows you to control turrets without being at a command station. Also, you can attach this to enemy turrets by touching them. After a few seconds, if you are still alive and the turret is not destroyed, the turret will be reprogrammed, converting it to your team. It takes the Spy longer to take over a turret than the Engineer or Infiltrator. Cloaking Pack Renders you invisible (to anyone with a 3D card) and suppresses pulse sensors.

Turrets: ELF Turret Range: 20 Sensor Range: 20 An electronic flux turret that will drain the energy cells of enemy players. It doesn't drain much life but is great making an enemy's shield pack worthless. These turrets resemble cameras; they are small and usually overlooked. Ion Turret Range: 35 Sensor Range: 65 A small rapid fire turret. Can be deployed on any surface. Plasma Turret Range: 60 Sensor Range: 100 These large turrets aren't very accurate but can be hard to avoid in large numbers or enclosed areas. Flame Turret Range: 37 Sensor Range: 10 This turret lobs balls of plasma at enemies. While not very fast, these turrets have pretty good aim. And they burn. Can only be deployed on flat surfaces and are very weak. When destroyed the turret will catch any players in the area on fire. Laser Turret Range: 80 Sensor Range: 40 This turret fires a high powered laser at anyone

unlucky enough to get too close. Although, it won't sense you if you aren't moving OR it can be suppressed with a Sensor Jammer. Mainly used to keep light and medium armors away, they aren't effective against heavies. Uses a special kind of built-in sensor, see the Sensor Network Guide below for more information. Mortar Turret Range: 0 Sensor Range: 0 Shoots bigger than average mortars up to 400m. Doesn't fire by itself, you must control it remotely. Vulcan Turret Range: 0 Sensor Range: 0 Shoots bullets with a high rate of fire. Doesn't fire by itself, must be controlled manually. Rail Turret Range: 0 Sensor Range: 0 Shoots a very high-powered laser. Doesn't fire by itself, must be controlled manually. EMP Turret Range: 40 Sensor Range: 40 Fires an electromagnetic pulse that will short circuit energy systems temporarily and also disarms you. Be careful where you deploy these, as the blast will effect everything around it.


Rocket Turret Range: 120 Sensor Range: 170 Shoots seeking missiles at the heat signature of enemy jets. Also will shoot at enemies that have caught on fire. See the Sensor Network Guide below for more information. AA Turret Range: 90 Sensor Range: 100 This turret never fires on players, it will only fires at vehicles in range. It shoots 3-4 fast, high-powered missiles. This turret can be controlled by a player and used to shoot down incoming guided missiles. Tractor Turret Range: 45 Sensor Range: 65 Pulls an enemy toward it. Does little damage but can pull enemies into more defenses. Large Elf Turret Range: 40 Sensor Range: 40 This big turret will suck away an enemies energy and health very rapidly. Deployables: Inventory Station A limited version of the fixed inventory station in your base. You can buy most weapons and ammo but not armors at these stations.

Ammo Station For reloading and regaining health in the field. Air Ammo Pad This is a deployable platform with an ammo station mounted to it. It can be deployed in the air and is good when you need a little more height for your mortars or a better view to snipe. Springboard Gives you an extra kick in the ass for when you need to jump a little farther. Useful for light and medium armors but isn't very effective with heavies. Occasionally Springboards can malfunction. Teleport Pad Allows instant travel from pad to pad. Cannot transport heavy armors unless Power Core Packs are used. See Features below for more information. Command Station Any armor can control turrets from these stations without having to recharge their internal command systems between controlling different turrets.

Cloaking Device Deploying this on a sensor, turret, deployable, inventory, generator, etc will render it invisible to anyone with a 3D card. Repair Drone Upon being deployed you are given control of a little drone. You can fly this around and repair things. Almost anything will destroy the drone and it can only travel a limited distance from the person controlling it (~200 meters). Sensors: See the Sensor Network Guide below for more information on sensors. Watchdogg Range: 150 Paints enemies with a green laser. Does no damage but is very annoying. Pulse Sensor Range: 100 Use these to increase your sensor range and let you prepare for incoming enemies. Sensor Jammer Range: 37 Jams friendly and enemy sensors alike so don't put them by your base.


Camera Range: 40 Allows you to look through its eyes from the Commander screen. You can set the direction the camera is looking this way. Cameras only detect enemies in the direction they are looking, they will not turn to look at enemies by themselves. Motion Sensor Range: 25 Senses moving enemies. Base Alarm Range: 19 This alarm will notify the team when any enemies are detected. Also notifies the team if it is destroyed. Only one is allowed per team. It uses pulse sensor technology that cannot be jammed or avoided. Defense: Blast Wall A very durable deployable wall. The anchoring for these walls require deployment on terrain only. Force Field Door A small force field that disappears for members of your team. These doors can also be opened by enemy Spies and Engineers.

Large Force Field Door A large force field that disappears for members of your team. These doors can also be opened by enemy Spies and Engineers. Force Field A small force field. Large Force Field A large force field. Specials: Tractor Beam Pulls an enemy toward you. If used right you can actually throw them a quite a distance... Targeting Laser Paint targets for mortaring. Toxin Grenades These grenades have a short fuse and let out a cloud of gas that will poison enemies for a short time. Shields cannot stop the poison gas. Flag Decoy This puts a flag on your back that looks just like the real thing - pulsing light and all - except it is always black. Good for fooling enemies from a distance. Smoke Bomb When this bomb goes off it creates a cloud of thick smoke that jams pulse sensors. Useful for setting plastique or running by turrets, etc. It will 'blind'

anyone within the cloud for a short time. While you are blinded you will not be able to put enemies on your team's sensor network by looking at them. Spy Drone When deployed you will be put in control of a small drone. You can then spy on the enemy. Almost anything will destroy the drone and it can only travel a limited distance from the person controlling it (~250 meters). Press jump to exit the drone. Antidote This will cure you of poison. Targeting Beacons These beacons will provide targeting information to any teammates using a Mortar, Grenade Launcher, or EMP Grenade Launcher.



Decoy Decoys look like enemy players. They have a red arrow for all players regardless of team and all turrets will fire on them.

Repair Kit Recovers some of your health. Can also be used on stations, deployables, and other players. If you use a Repair Kit on an enemy object or an object that is at full health then the Repair Kit will be used on yourself. Mines A mine is a terrible thing to waste...

Interceptor Pack Deploys an Interceptor vehicle when used. HAPC Pack Deploys an HAPC vehicle when used.


GRENADES & BEACONS Scout Grenade: Concussion These grenades don't actually do much damage but they are good for blowing your enemies away from you. Also good to knock yourself and teammates great distances. Beacon: Pulse Sensors Range: 100 Use these to increase your sensor range and let you prepare for incoming enemies. The Scout can carry up to 4 with an Ammo Pack. Spy Grenade: Plastique Explosives This is a powerful explosive with a 15-second fuse. They have a concentrated blast radius. Beacon: Satchel Charges Deployable explosives that must be set off from the Commander screen. After gaining control of one, press jump to detonate. Once set off you will be able to see the explosion for a few seconds. Wait the few seconds or press jump again to regain control of your player. Sniper Grenade: Decoy Decoys can be used to confuses enemies as to which is the Sniper.

Beacon: Sensor Jammer Range: 12 Short range sensor jammer.

Mercenary Grenade: Generic Beacon: Speed Boost Propels you the direction you are moving when used. If you are not moving when a Booster is used, it will propel you straight up. They require a bit of jet pack energy to absorb the heat. Using a Heat Sink Pack helps a lot. Burster Grenade: Incendiary These grenades have a slightly larger blast radius than generic grenades and can set your enemy on fire for a short time. Beacon: Targeting Beacon Engineer Grenade: EMP These grenades emit electromagnetic pulses that will temporarily short circuit enemy energy systems. Does not affect Engineer armors. Beacon: Cloaked Camera

Infiltrator Grenades: Cloak Renders you invisible (to anyone with a 3D card) and jams pulse sensors for a few seconds. If

detected by motion sensors or enemy players then you will have a red arrow above your head. Although... there is a way around this... Beacon: Teleport Beacon See below for more information. Cyborg Grenade: Mortar Bomb These grenades have a long fuse and create a tremendous blast, almost as powerful as a mortar. Beacon: Emergency Force Fields Using these will put up a temporary shield similar to the shield pack. This shield will also block EMPs and poison darts. Beware the RailGun.

Behemoth Grenade: Armageddon Missiles These high-powered dual missiles are fired from the shoulder weapons on a Behemoth. They have a large blast radius and do a lot of damage. Beacon: Phoenix Missile This missile is a short range phoenix that does quite a bit of damage. Like all missiles, hold “walk forward” to increase its velocity while flying.


Guided Missile System To use the personally guided missiles, first deploy a Missile Control Station with an Engineer. The control station comes preloaded with a Phoenix Missile. To fire this missile, step up to the station and you will gain control of the turret. Press jump to fire. Upon firing, you will be looking out of a camera in the missile's nose and you will be able to steer the missile with your mouse. Steer the missile into your target or you may press jump while flying the missile to detonate it prematurely. Upon detonation, you will be allowed to watch the explosion to see the damage you've done. You may press jump to stop watching the explosion. To reload the turret, buy a Guided Missile pack from the inventory. Touch the Missile Control Station and it will automatically load the missile into it. Step back and touch the station again to gain control of the turret. Like the first time, press jump to fire. Each missile has a timer. Some missiles can stay airborne longer than others. If you haven't hit anything or detonated the missile prematurely and this time is up, you will lose control of the missile at it will continue to fly in the same direction for a few seconds before it explodes.

Missile Control Station This is used to fire personally controlled, long range missiles. Phoenix Missiles These missiles have a pretty good range and very good handling. They do moderate damage. Tomahawk Missiles These missiles don't do a lot of damage, they can kill a light with a direct hit but won't kill a medium. However, they have an extremely long flight time. Cluster Bomb This bomb unleashes many little bomblets upon detonation. Anyone caught in the explosions will not be happy.

Vortex Missiles These missiles cause a great implosion upon detonation. Any players in a large radius will be thrown toward the point of impact. Napalm Missiles This missile burns anything in the area for a long while after it hits. Does high damage at ground zero and anything in a large radius catches on fire. Havoc Missiles The most powerful missile, these babies have a very concentrated blast radius but are very powerful. Hard to control because they move so fast. This missile is extremely useful for destroying enemy turrets.

Toxin Missiles On contact these missiles unleash a cloud of poisonous gas. Anyone going through this cloud before it disperses becomes poisoned for a very, very loong time. Shields cannot stop the poison gas. EMP Missiles These missiles don't do much damage unless they hit their target point blank, although they repeatedly EMP everything in a large radius. Very useful for taking the shields away from enemies turrets and sensors.


Tribes HaVoC 1.5 Final Mod Selection Matrices

Projectile Weapons Scout

Spy Sniper















Shotgun X X XChaingun X X X X X X X XPlasma Gun X X X X X X X X XDisc Launcher X X X X X X X X XHyper Spinfusor X X X X X XGrenade Launcher X X X X X X X X XRocket Launcher X X X X X XGuided Rocket Launcher X X XEMP Grenade Launcher X X X X X XMortar X X XMagnum X XDart Rifle X XRailgun XSniper Rifle X

Energy Weapons Scout

Spy Sniper















Blaster X X X X X X X XELFgun X X X X X X X XShockwave Cannon X XFlame Thrower X XLaser Rifle XEngineer Repair Gun X

Backpacks Scout

Spy Sniper















Ammo Pack X X X X X X X X XEnergy Pack X X X X X X X X XRepair Pack X X X X X X X X XShield Pack X X X X X X X XSensor Jammor Pack X X X X X X XStealth Shield Pack X XHeat Sink X X X X X X X XAuto-Rocket Cannon XPower Core Pack XTeleport Pack XCybernetic Laser XDemolition Pack XCommand Laptop X X XCloaking Pack X


Turrets Scout

Spy Sniper















ELF Turret XIon Turret X XTractor Turret XEMP Turret XFlame Turret XVulcan Turret X XPlasma Turret XLaser Turret XAA Turret XMortar Turret XRail Turret XRocket Turret XLarge ELF Turret X

Deployables Scout

Spy Sniper















Air Ammo Pad X X X X XRepair Drone XSpringboard XCloaking Device XCommand Station X X XTeleport Pad XAmmo Station X X X XInventory Station X

Sensors Scout

Spy Sniper















Pulse Sensor X X X X X X X X XMotion Sensor X X X X X X X X XSensor Jammer X X X X X X X X XCamera X X X X X X X XWatch Dog X XBase Alarm X

Defense Scout

Spy Sniper















Force Field X X X X X X X XLarge Force Field XForce Field Door XLarge Force Field Door XBlast Wall X


Special Scout

Spy Sniper















Targeting Laser X X X X X X X X XTargeting Beacon X X X X X X X X XAntidote X X X X X X X X XFlag Decoy X X X X X X X X XSmoke Bomb X X X X X X X X XTractor Beam X X X X X XSpy Drone X X X X X X X X XToxin Grenade X X X X X X

Miscellany Scout

Spy Sniper















Grenade X X X X X X X X XBeacon X X X X X X X X XMine X X X X X X X X XRepair Kit X X X X X X X X XDecoy X X X X X X X X XInterceptor Pack XHAPC Pack X

Guided Missiles Scout

Spy Sniper















Missile Control Station XEMP Missile X X X X X XToxin Missile X X XVortex Missile X X X X XPhoenix Missile X X X X X XTomahawk Missile X X X XNapalm Missile X X XCluster Bomb Missile X XHavoc Missile X X



Face Head Body

Light Armors:

Medium Armors:

Heavy Armors:

Face Head Body

Light Armors:

Medium Armors:

Heavy Armors:

With Shields Without Shields

Light Armors:

Medium Armors:

Heavy Armors:

Damage Matrices for Sniper, Laser Rifles and Rail Guns for various armoredtargets at full health:




Cyborg and Behemoth

Light Armors:Spy, Scout, and Sniper

Medium Armors:

Heavy Armor:

Merc, Burster, and Infiltrator(The Engineer is slightly weaker)

The Rail Gun does about the same amount of damage no matter where you hit, although the damage is magnified against shielded targets.


The Sensor Network Each team has a sensor network. Enemies must be on your team's sensor network in order for your team's turrets to fire on them. If an enemy is on your sensor network you will be able to see him on your Commander Screen. Detecting Enemies There are a few ways for enemies to be detected. By "detected" I mean "placed on your sensor network". 1) The first and easiest way to put an enemy on your sensor network is to look at him. You will detect any enemy if you have a direct Line Of Sight (LOS for short). Range doesn't matter, although you may have to zoom in and place your crosshairs on an enemy that is very far away in order to detect him. The next three ways to detect enemies require the enemy to be within the sensor's range. Enemies outside the sensor's range cannot be detected by the sensor. 2) The next way an enemy can be detected is by pulse sensors. For a pulse sensor to detect an enemy the sensor has to have a direct LOS with the enemy. If there is an object between the enemy and the pulse sensor then the enemy won't be detected because the sensor can't "see" him. If an enemy player is jammed (more on this later) then pulse sensors will not detect him. 3) Another way an enemy can be detected is by motion sensors. Unlike pulse sensors, a motion sensor does NOT need a direct LOS to detect an enemy. Also, motion sensors only detect an enemy while that enemy is moving. If the enemy stops moving, even if he is in the motion sensor's range, the sensor will not detect him. 4) Finally, an enemy can be detected by Cameras. A camera must have a direct LOS to detect an enemy but the camera will not turn to look at enemies by itself. The camera has to be controlled via the Commander Screen and pointed in the direction you want it to "look". Once an enemy is detected in any of these ways then he has a red arrow above his head, he appears on your Commander Screen, and (most importantly) turrets can fire on him. Your team's turrets will only fire on enemy players that are on your team's sensor network (more on turrets later). If an enemy non-player object is sensed in any one of these ways then it will appear on your Commander Screen. Jamming Jamming can be used to suppress pulse sensors. While jammed, pulse sensors cannot detect you. Jamming will not suppress any of the other ways for you to be detected. You may still be detected by a direct LOS from an enemy, a motion sensor, or a camera while you are jammed. There are a few different ways to be jammed. 1) You can deploy a sensor jammer and an entire area will be jammed. Deployable sensor


jammers require a direct LOS to an object or player that is in range to jam that object or player. Note that deployable jammers affect your team's sensors just as much as the enemy's sensors! 2) You can also use one of the various items that provide jamming. Cloaking Packs, Sensor Jammer Packs, Infiltrator beacons and other items will all provide jamming capabilities. Radar HUD Every player has a Radar HUD. The Radar HUD has three states. 1) Green. This is its usual state. Your Radar HUD will be green if you are not being detected by enemy pulse sensors. Note that your Radar HUD will be green even if you are being detected by any one of the other three ways. 2) Red. Your Radar HUD will flash red if you are being detected by enemy pulse sensors. It will not flash red if you are being detected in any way other than by enemy pulse sensors. 3) Yellow. Your Radar HUD will turn yellow if you are being jammed. This means that pulse sensors cannot detect you. Note that the Radar HUD is only good to tell you if enemy pulse sensors are detecting you. The Radar HUD will remain green even if a direct LOS from an enemy, a motion sensor, or a camera detects you. Turrets Turrets will only fire on enemies that are on your team's sensor network. The enemy also has to be within a turrets range for it to fire at him. If detected in ANY of the above three ways ALL turrets in range will shoot at an enemy. Turrets have there own built-in pulse sensors (there are special cases, more on them later). Turret sensor ranges are listed with their description in the inventory on the left side of this site. Turret's built-in pulse sensors act just like any other pulse sensor -- they will detect any un-jammed enemies within range. Turrets also have targeting sensors. This is what the turrets use to fire at enemies. Targeting sensors do not place enemies on the sensor network. For example, a turret's built-in pulse sensor range is 20m and its targeting sensor range is 40m. This means it can detect enemies within 20m with its pulse sensor and it can fire on enemies that are within 40m IF they are on the sensor network. It will not detect enemies beyond 20m although it can shoot at enemies within 40m if they are detected some other way. Special Cases There are three special cases that don't apply to the above information. 1) All turrets have built-in pulse sensors except indoor turrets. These turrets have built-in motion sensors but no pulse sensors. This type of turret motion sensor requires a direct LOS.


2) Rocket turrets have a built-in pulse sensor but they don't fire on an enemy unless he is in range, he is on the sensor network AND he has jetted in the last few seconds. 3) Laser turrets have a special kind of built-in sensor instead of a pulse sensor. Think of it as a motion sensor that can be jammed. A laser turret will only detect you if you are moving and it won't detect you if you are jammed. Strategies Now that you understand how the sensor network works hopefully you will develop some strategies for how you set up defense and how you go offense. Here are a few tips to start you off. 1) Place a pulse sensor by an Indoor Turret. Since indoor turrets won't fire on an enemy that isn't moving, enemies will be able to sneak their way past. But if there is a pulse sensor around then even if they aren't moving the pulse sensor will detect them and that will cause the indoor turret to fire on them. 2) Use your Commander Screen. It can help to show you where the enemies are. If you set up sensors between your base and the enemies then you can see where incoming enemies are ahead of time. 3) If you click your name on the Commander Screen, click Attack, then click an enemy player, you will set your waypoint to that player. Your waypoint will lead to the enemy player as long as he is on your sensor network. If he is no longer detected then your waypoint will lead to where he was last detected. When he is detected again your waypoint will point at him again. 4) Place motion sensors or cameras near turrets. The turrets will be providing pulse sensor coverage but a jammed enemy can walk right by them if none of your team members are around to provide a direct LOS on him. A motion sensor or cameras in the area will detect him up and allow your turrets to take care of him. 5) Place pulse sensors near turrets. Most turrets built-in pulse sensors don't reach as far as they're targeting sensors. This means by placing pulse sensors near your turrets you are effectively giving you're turrets the ability to shoot enemies that are farther away. 6) When you go offense sometimes you can use a jammer of some sort to get by enemy defenses. Make sure there are no enemy players in the area because once they have a direct LOS on you, jammed or not, all turrets in the area will fire at you. There is a way to disable an enemies ability to get a direct LOS... but I'm not telling so don't ask. =) 7) Some armors can walk very slow by pressing "walk forward" and "walk backwards" at the same time. This will allow you to walk right by motion sensors. Credits Thanks goes out to those forumites who helped me construct this guide. In no particular order: Xtant, {CG}Pendragon, and Nameless. Thanks for the help!


Features PRIVATE MESSAGING HaVoC allows you to send messages to a single player. To do this first click the player on the TAB menu. Then click "Speak To". After doing this, any text message that begins with "=" will only be sent to that player. Example: After selecting a player to speak to, press T to bring up the text box, type in "=" as the first character, then type in the message you'd like to send and press enter. Note: Any private messages sent to members of an opposing team are also sent to all admins currently on the server. Super Admins: These two commands will only work for super admins. "==" will display the message to the player you've selected to speak to in the center of the screen. "=!" will display the message in the center of the screen for all players, regardless of who you've selected to speak to. SPECIALS A Special is any item under the heading "Specials" in the inventory. You may only carry one Special at a time. To quickly access the Special you are carrying, press the key you have mapped to the Targeting Laser. This key is usually "9". WATCH HaVoC allows players to watch any member of their team, much like you can watch player as an observer. To do this, first select a player from the TAB menu, then click "Watch". To stop watching this player, select "Stop Watching" from the TAB menu. Super Admins: Normally a player is notified that someone is watching them. However, Super Admins can watch players from any team without them knowing about it. This can help to determine whether someone is team killing or not. RE-DEPLOYABLES All turrets and most other deployables can be taken down and deployed elsewhere. Only the person that deployed the object or a Super Admin can pack it up. If a player leaves the server, all objects that they deployed can be packed up by anyone of the same team. To pack up an object it must not be damaged at all and you must not be carrying any deployable. Simply go to the object and press the use pack button. Many thanks go out to Savage1 of the Insomniax Mod for this feature!


TELEPORTING HEAVY ARMORS Normally heavy armors cannot pass through a teleporter. However, with a little teamwork this can be accomplished. First you will need two teleporters set up. Then you need an Engineer with a Power Core Pack at each of the teleporters. When the Power Core is used on a teleporter it enhances the teleporters energy systems and allows it to transport heavier objects. When both Engineers have their Power Core Packs focused on the teleporters a heavy armor will be able to pass through. INFILTRATOR'S TELEPORT The Infiltrator's specialty is his ability to teleport himself. To accomplish this you must first get an Infiltrator armor and a Teleport pack from the inventory. Then deploy a beacon. This Teleport Beacon is the point that you are going to teleport to. Press the use pack button to use the Teleport Pack. If you are within 60m of the beacon you will gain control of it. Point the beacon to an empty location and press jump to teleport to that space. If you point the beacon at an object and press jump you will get an "Unable to teleport - Object in way" error message. You must be looking at an empty area when you press jump. You may only have one Teleport Beacon at a time. If you deploy a second beacon the first will disappear. You may not use other players Teleport Beacons.


Credits Mod programming by Nathan Sweet aka [HvC]NaTeDoGG. Layout by Ray Wolkan aka TaePo and CyberTranslation Services. Selection Matrices created by Tim Konkle aka FatElvis. Kevin Savage First and foremost. He has been my biggest help and influence. He gets credit for many, many things that exist in the HaVoC mod. I hope I don't miss any. The ability to pack up deployed items; this is one cool feature! The EMP effect code and Launcher. The Shotgun. The Auto Admin code. The locking Rocket Launcher. Help with getting rid of spam in the console log. For shooting flags off of enemies backs. And for good advice at the Tribes Forum. Insomniax is a great mod, be sure to check it out. LabRat For help with the Decoys and for good advice at the Tribes Forum. For the ELF spam fix and help with getting rid of spam in the console log. Palantirion For the Watchdog turret, glowing grenades and the idea for boosters propelling you straight up. Alazane Originator of the Springboard. Ziktar For the Tractor Beam. Quadratic For good advice in the Tribes Forum. Jeremy Irons For help with the map Obsidian Night and for good advice at the Tribes Forum. Information contained in this manual is the copyright of HaVoC. ♥1999, all rights reserved. This manual is for free distribution for the game mod HaVoC and is not to be reproduced, copied, or posted for any other purposes without the express permission of HaVoC. If you would like, a link to the documents can be placed on your website rather than posting it directly.