Have You Met Your Twinflame

HAVE YOU Really MET YOUR TWINFLAME? Your Twin Flame is the other aspect of your soul that links with the creational flame or Source. When you soul spirals into third dimension it move into physical reality. Physical reality is made of electromagnetic energy which has poles (north/south) - polarity - duality - opposites - male/female - yin/yang. Therefore your soul splits in half - male and female. One half is in higher frequency [As is Above] while one half is in third dimension [So is Below]. If you are female. your partner above is male and vice versa. Everything we are trying to understanding at this time links to this concept of 'twinning' as we search for ourselves and the other aspect of who we are. We wish to merge back with the other souls aspect, who waits for us. Many people miss their other soul aspect, and feel incomplete, which has lead many people to search for their soulmate if they feel lonely, alone, lost, depressed, they can't find themselves, a piece of themselves

Transcript of Have You Met Your Twinflame

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Your Twin Flame is the other aspect of your soul that links with the creational flame or Source. When you soul spirals into third dimension it move into physical reality. Physical reality is made of electromagnetic energy which has poles (north/south) - polarity - duality - opposites - male/female - yin/yang.

Therefore your soul splits in half - male and female. One half is in higher frequency [As is Above] while one half is in third dimension [So is Below]. If you are female. your partner above is male and vice versa. Everything we are trying to understanding at this time links to this concept of 'twinning' aswe search for ourselves and the other aspect of who we are. We wish to merge back with the other souls aspect, who waits for us.

Many people miss their other soul aspect, and feel incomplete, which has lead many people to search for their soulmate if they feel lonely, alone, lost, depressed, they can't find themselves, a piece of themselves is missing, they have a hole in their heart [heart chakra], all they want is someone to love them, share with them and help them through this journey we call the physical planet Earth experience - and some want that specialsomeone to be their Twin Flame. Use your own discernment – in order to “judge”.

You can meet someone who can carry the frequency of Twin Flame and give you the feeling of union - Oneness. When you make love with that partner - you can experience all of who you are - the union is multi-dimensional. You can also feel the energies of your other self - as part of the union!

Twinsouls share everything the same...although they are 2 different individuals...with respective personalities they are

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TWINS when feel you are “in” your twin and your twin is “in” you.

Here is the checklist that might help determine if someone you have encountered is your true 'other half'. By keeping these in mind, and knowing how truly powerful a relationship with this 'other half' can be, it keeps the 'bar scale' high and keeps one from jumping into 'wishful thinking'. It keeps one from 'settling' for less.

The first clue is the seeming familiarity one has of the other, like you have known each other forever. This is because a very small portion of the one is in the other and we recognized that part of ourselves in the other person. There is a golden thread or soul bond between the two that has each one attuned to the other. They know and feel things about the other that no one else knows. Not only is there a familiarity, but also a sense of safety, peace, and confidence.

Second, the meeting of your other half is always under circumstances and in a manner least expected and in a way not resembling anything that could be imagined. That chance encounter at a place you were only spontaneously 'moved' to go to, and wondering possibly why you were even there, till 'they' showed up and it all became clear. This particular clue has to be used with a great deal of discernment, because 'the other side' can orchestrate these type encounters, as well, sending someone to you designed to take you from your path. Oftentimes in a true twinflame relationship you will find many obstacles that prevent you from actually being together in the physical.

Third is the level of the dynamics of the relationship itself on all levels of our existence; mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and

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physically. All of these aspects of ourselves are heightened in such a way that perceptions of the world around us are clearer than ever. Just the opposite is true in most other relationships leaving one with confused perceptiveness at best and down right foggy perceptiveness at worst.

Fourth, upon meeting there is a vibration, a tingling, that moves through our entire being that is in response also to that part of us in the other mentioned before. This is not the bio-chemical 'tingle' but rather an electro-magnetic type tingle that gets your attention and has all levels of your being on full alert - saying "pay attention".

The fifth clue has to do with lying. When we are in the presence of our other half we cannot lie; to ourselves and to each other. Again, I think this is in response to holding a piece of the other person inside of us and it acts as a truth meter. We know when the other person is lying to us, and know the other will know if we even tried - so why try.

The sixth clue is that the other half of us is better defined as our polar opposite, much like the old adage "opposites attract". Not opposites in the sense of being so totally different; opposite ends of the various spectrums. It’s our understanding this has more to do with complimenting and completing each other; where one is weak the other is strong and together they demonstrate a wholeness of being. There is a filling in of blanks like two hands clasping filling the voids between the fingers of each hand.

The seventh clue deals with the act of making Love itself. The act of sacred sexuality between two halves of the same soul takes on a whole different level of intimacy than all other sex. Maybe this is due to the "do unto others." factor, where, on some level of

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understanding, you know that the person you are making love to is your other half and is literally a holder of a piece of you. In a rare sexual relationship with your other half, more time is taken to share thoughts (though it seems timeless), the intent behind the touch is to nurture and there is a feeling of emotional security and physical safety. The focus is on the sharing and the pure joy of being in the embrace of one you truly love on all levels and loves you. Any attitude or approach or anything other than just BEING is left at the door.

Eight. There is a true wish to be supportive of the other - a desire to be of service to them and they to us in a balanced and nurturing manner. There is no feeling to possess the other in any way. No jealousy or need to control. There is a desire to encourage each other to 'BE' all they are, as they are, and only desire they make the changes in themselves they wish to make, and are supportive of their efforts. There are no pedestals, wishful thinking, rose coloured glasses, expectations, or conditions. You both see each other as equals and have honour and respect for each other without requiring/demanding it.

Nine. There will have been a 'co-linear' aspect seen in the personal history. You will see that the other has had very similar (if not identical) experiences at or near the same points along the time-line for such major events as marriage, divorce, children (number and sex), turning points of all kinds. You will probably see where you could have met at some earlier time. You can also see from the lessons you learned from that point, why it was just right that you met when you did, and seeing that the time was not right before, and it would not have worked if you had met then.