Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I...

First United Methodist Church of Wabash, Indiana F I R S T E D I T I O N September 2014 THE PASTOR’S PAGE Mission StatementTo make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Vision Statement...To provide a loving fellowship that brings about spiritual transformation through worship, prayer, study and action in order to know Christ and to make Him known. 110 N. Cass Street, Wabash, IN 46992 Senior Pastor - Rev. Kurt Freeman Pastor of Visitation - Rev. John Cook www.wabashfirstumc.org [email protected] Phone: (260) 563-3108 FAX: (260) 563-3109 The first Sunday of September we begin our journey with Friends Church through the Story God is telling. Have you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to know how all the stories hang together." This is a won- derful time to take advantage of that. I remember the first time I read through the whole Bi- ble. I was a Junior in High School. Honestly, most of it did not make sense. There were parts that interested me and parts I en- dured. This telling of the Story is intended to help ease you through some of the more difficult sections. I have already heard reports back from people who could not wait until September saying, "I love this! It reads just like a novel." My hope for you is that you take time to read through the Story. At least do that. If you want to get something more out of the Story, I highly encourage you to do a small group. That could be your family or some coworkers. That could be one of the groups Friends and First have scattered through the week and through Wabash. If you do this, at the end of the time you will not regret the friendships gained and grown nor the rich experience of encountering God together. We have been praying and we will continue to pray that God does amazing things in AND through us through these next weeks and months. I praise God for the opportunity to pastor this wonderful church through this exciting part of our journey. You are a blessing. Shalom, Rev. Kurt

Transcript of Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I...

Page 1: Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I T I O N ... Esther Keffaber COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m.

First United Methodist Church of

Wabash, Indiana













September 2014


Mission Statement…To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation

of the world.

Vision Statement...To provide a loving fellowship that brings about spiritual

transformation through worship, prayer, study and action in order to know

Christ and to make Him known. 110 N. Cass Street, Wabash, IN 46992

Senior Pastor - Rev. Kurt Freeman Pastor of Visitation - Rev. John Cook www.wabashfirstumc.org [email protected] Phone: (260) 563-3108 FAX: (260) 563-3109

The first Sunday of September we begin our journey

with Friends Church through the Story God is telling. Have you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to know how all the stories hang together." This is a won-derful time to take advantage of that. I remember the first time I read through the whole Bi-ble. I was a Junior in High School. Honestly, most of it

did not make sense. There were parts that interested me and parts I en-dured. This telling of the Story is intended to help ease you through some of the more difficult sections. I have already heard reports back from people who could not wait until September saying, "I love this! It reads just like a novel." My hope for you is that you take time to read through the Story. At least do that. If you want to get something more out of the Story, I highly encourage you to do a small group. That could be your family or some coworkers. That could be one of the groups Friends and First have scattered through the week and through Wabash. If you do this, at the end of the time you will not regret the friendships gained and grown nor the rich experience of encountering God together. We have been praying and we will continue to pray that God does amazing

things in AND through us through these next weeks and months. I praise God for the opportunity to pastor this wonderful church through this exciting part of our journey. You are a blessing. Shalom, Rev. Kurt

Page 2: Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I T I O N ... Esther Keffaber COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m.

3rd, 4th, 5th Graders


Sunday, Sept. 14 11:30 a.m. —1:00 p.m.

At Andrea Schuler’s (2401 W. 700 N., Roann)

For a Cookout, Transportation from Church and food provided.

Pick up at the church at 1:00 p.m.

BUILDING YOUR FAITH INTO THE CHILDREN James 2:18 But someone will say, “you have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. I believe in God, I believe the story He tells is true, and I’m ready to make sure our kids know it too. I am looking forward to launching into The

Story with our children in September. The Sunday School will be moving through the chapters at the same pace as the rest of the church. My hope is that this will encourage more conversations at home about the Bible, and the people whose stories it contains. These are stories about real people, who lived in real time, who had real problems, successes, failures. We in children’s ministry will be not just be learning the Stories, but also deepening our faith in the Lord whose Story wove into their Stories, and connects to our Story. The Story curriculum includes worship centered on the weekly theme, geared just for kids. We will begin this Children’s Worship at 9 a.m. Sunday, September 7. We will conduct the Sunday School classes at their normal time during 10:00 Worship. We say the children are important. We say we want them to grow up going to church. We say we want them to believe in God. Our actions should prove that these statements are true. Do you like to sing? Read? Tell stories? Smile? Laugh? Or Build your faith into a child? If you are not sure how to do that, I’m more than happy to meet you to talk about it. These are the things we will do together. I invite you to be a part of children’s ministry. Elizabeth Freeman, Interim Director of Children’s Ministry

Please plan on attending an information session and launch for you

and your parents Sunday, September 14 after the building presentation. We will gather in the Conference Room or Chapel depending on size of group. PLEASE RSVP if you plan on participating in confirmation. Confirmation is for any youth sixth grade or up. Pastor Kurt

CHARACTER BUILDING OF WABASH COUNTY Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We wish to thank your congregation once again for its continued support of the Character Building program which offers voluntary classes to elementary students in the Metropolitan School District. The Character Building Council will hold its next meeting at 7:00 p.m. on September 8, 2014 at the Urbana Yoke Parish Church, located in Urbana at 75 E. Half Street. We encourage anyone interested to attend.

Linda Snapp, Secretary

Page 3: Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I T I O N ... Esther Keffaber COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m.

HOW YOUR CHURCH WORKS Charge Conference. What is it? Who can vote? There is a lot of mystery about charge conference so I figured it would be a good idea to clear some of that up: Often we have treated charge conference like congregational meetings. They have some of that function but are a little different. Our structure is more of a representative polity rather than democratic. See the definition below. That means only those elected to particular office can vote in charge conference. The intention is not to shut voices out. Rather, the intention is to foster communication so those in leadership know the hearts and minds of the people and can make decisions based on that relational intelligence. From the UMC website, just so you have the definition: charge conference The charge conference is the basic governing body of each United Methodist local church and is composed of all members of the church council. All members of the charge conference must be members of the local church. The charge conference must meet at least once per year. The charge conference directs the work of the church and gives general oversight to the church council, reviews and evaluates the mission and ministry of the church, sets salaries for the pastor and staff, elects the members of the church council, and recommends candidates for ordained ministry. Source: A Dictionary for United Methodists, Alan K. Waltz, Copyright 1991, Abingdon Press. Used by permission.


Youth Events for September Sunday, September 7th – The Story Begins at 9:00 AM!!

Sunday, September 14th – “Make Your Mark.” Paint the Fence at the Wabash Historical Museum 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM. Wear painting clothes. Drop off and pick up at the museum. Lunch provided. Wednesday, September 24th – See You at The Pole #neverstoppraying EPH 6:18. Check out details for your school. Friday, September 26th – Wabash FUMC to sponsor 5th Quarter at Wabash High School. Sign-up sheet for helpers coming soon! Call, txt or e-mail Emily for details : eboa r d man@ c ro s s r o ad sbank i ng . c om : 765.633.3018

C 0 0 L K I D S

THANK YOU FOR MEMORIAL GRANT The other day I met a woman while waiting at the Pediatrician office. I learned her name was Cassandra. She was 23 and in nursing school. She was an incredible Christian young woman and mother. As we talked it came out that I was the chaplain at White’s. “You’re kidding!” Cassandra replied. “I spent over two years at White’s!” Cassandra then said, “White’s was the only home I ever knew. It’s where I met Jesus.” Casandra told me her story: one of neglect and abuse. Growing up, she had no one to show her that there was a different way to live and to show her how to parent with love. That is, until she came to White’s Residential and Family services. What made the difference for Cassandra? You did. Thank you for your gift of $3,000 to White’s Residential and Family Services’ Spiritual Life Program. It is my prayer that God will richly bless you for the blessing you have been to those most have forgotten. Gratefully, Rev. Amy C. Cornell

The FUMC Trustees are requesting that any group with items being stored in ANY of the storage areas in the church mark their items "to be kept" or move them by October 1, 2014. We are planning to clean up all of these areas. Brad Wagner, Trustee Chair

ALTAR FLOWER SIGN-UP A sincere Thank You to all who have provided Altar Flowers in 2014. There are a few dates still open. Please consider providing flowers for November 9, 23, or 30. Sign up sheet is on the table under the stairway in the foyer.

Page 4: Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I T I O N ... Esther Keffaber COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m.




“THE STORY” BOOKS ARE HERE!! Books for “The Story” may be purchased on Sunday mornings at the Welcome Center area. We do have some extra books. Joy Bookstore gave us a vary nice discount. — Thank you to Kevin VanDyne. The Story (Adults) $5.00 Teen $10.00 Kids $8.00 (age 9-12) Children $13.00 (age 4-7)PreSchool $11.00 (age 2-5)

Joyce Tschantz


If you have not signed up to be a part of a small study group for “The Story,” you will want to stop by the table by the stairs in the foyer and do so. The study groups will follow along with Sunday morning sermons and weekly readings, adding to your understanding of how the Bible all fits together and where your story is within God’s story. Take time and make this commitment. You will be blessed.

EIGHTH YEAR FOR COMMUNITY BREAKFASTS Thank God! Amazing that our members and others have been volunteering and attending Community Breakfasts for eight years. We have a delicious menu for our breakfasts—scrambled eggs, sausage, baked oatmeal, pancakes, French toast, sausage gravy on biscuits, pancakes, fruit, coffee, orange or apple juice, milk, and great fellowship. Some of this food is donated and some is purchased to control quality. All this for a free-will donation! What is required of you if you want to sponsor a breakfast? First, be a group within our church with a project our church supports. Second, have someone willing to be responsible for signing up workers—14 to 16 people required. Third, one or two people willing to arrive at 6:00 a.m. to begin preparing food for 7:30 am opening, We close at 10:00 a.m. and are finished cleaning up by 11:00 a.m. So far, September is for outreach for “The Story,” October for Youth Fellowship group, November for United Methodist Women missions, and March for Wesley Academy. That leaves April and May open for sponsorship. As always, we need your prayers, help, and support. Please join us in kicking off the first breakfast of the season on September 6th. Bring your friends, stay and visit, and have a great start to your day! Esther Keffaber

COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m. In the MAC, Cost is free will donation

Proceeds go to benefit “The Story”

THE STORY PRAYER VIGIL A prayer vigil is being held on Sat. Sept. 6 for our church family to pray for our church and community as we begin our new series THE STORY. We urge you to sign up for a 15 minute time slot (or longer if you choose). There is a sign up sheet in the gather-ing area as you enter the church building. Hours for the vigil are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and you may pray ei-ther in the sanctuary, prayer room, the chapel or at home if you so choose. THE STORY is God’s story and our hope is that all of us will make it our STORY also. Please take 15 minutes of your time to pray for THE STORY and change the lives of those who hear His STORY.

Page 5: Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I T I O N ... Esther Keffaber COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m.

PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES AND ALUMINUM CANS continue to be collected at FUMC. A box for empty ink cartridges is on the table under the foyer stairway. A container for aluminum cans is in the old kitchen downstairs.

REMEMBER F.I.S.H. ON September 7 Please bring dry and/or canned items you would like to contribute to the Friends In Service Here food pantry to church on

September 7. Your contributions will be delivered to F.I.S.H. during the week. Suggested items: Canned fruit & vegetables, cereal, pasta, tuna, canned meat,

peanut butter.

ATTENTION—SENIORS!! COMING UP Enjoy a drink or snack at Modoc’s while Mike Beauchamp presents the story of Modoc on Wednesday, Sept. 17. We will then make a short visit to the Wabash

County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau next door to Modoc’s before eating lunch at Twenty. Meet at the church at 9:45 a.m. Sign up at the Welcome Center.

Please accept our heartfelt ap-preciation for the many cards, prayers, and words of encour-agement following the passing of Carolyn’s mother on August 5th. We are blessed to be part of

such a supportive church family. Carolyn & Ed Gilbert

The Christian Book Club is ready to start meeting again. Our book for discus-

sion is Blessings by Anna Quindlen and concerns a baby who is left on the

property of a reclusive wealthy woman and found by her newly hired male

estate caretaker. Read the book to find out what happens to these engaging

characters as they struggle with their decision to keep this baby as well as

with the other choices they have made in life. We will meet at The Great Wall at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday,

Sept. 16. Books are being provided by Indiana Humanities so please see Sondra Harrell if you would like to

borrow a book. Books need to be returned on the day of our discussion or within a couple of days following

so they can be returned to Indianapolis. Our October read is The Book Thief which has been on the best

seller list and made into a movie. This book will also be available through Indiana Humanities. Date for this

discussion is Oct. 21.


YOU WILL FIND ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE a breakdown of the next project on tap for the building com-mittee. Several of you have commented that the chapel looks wonderful. More than one of you have asked, "When are we fixing the sanctuary?" Well, first, please thank the building committee for the work they have done. Changes to existing structures can be contentious and they have done a great job communicating with the congregation. Now, onto the next point of action. September 7 and 14 following the 10 o;clock worship service there will be an informational session in the MAC for a 3D walk through of the total project. This will be a big project. Once the congregation determines a concrete direction for the building committee to follow, they will get estimate of costs and Finance will determine a direction for raising the funds so the project can be started. Please look through the following sheet of all the facets of the project. Save your questions until after the presentation on the 7 or 14. Thank you.

UMW CIRCLES RESUME IN SEPTEMBER Thursday, September 11 at 7:15 p.m.—Doris Blake Circle meets at Esther Keffaber’s Thursday, September 18 at 9:00 a.m.—Margaret Wilson Circle visits “The Pumpkin Patch”

Page 6: Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I T I O N ... Esther Keffaber COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m.

NOTE EXPLANATION AT BOTTOM OF PREVIOUS PAGE OUTLINE SCOPES OF WORK FOR: First United Methodist Church of Wabash Various Renovation Projects August 15, 2014 PDMi Project Number 13.385.2 DESCRIPTION : Interior and Exterior Renovation Projects REPAIRS TO BUILDING EXTERIOR *Gutter repair on original building *Add'l downspouts on 2005 addition & tie into existing drainage NEW SECURE ENTRY FOR DAYCARE *Repair / replace northeast basement landing & stairs *Replace existing Sinclair St. side exit doors due to poor condition *Install HVAC for basement Daycare area *Reconfigure West Sinclair St. Basement Stairs for secure Daycare entrance *Install access control security system *Replace basement ceiling tiles & repaint walls, columns & doors *Reconfigure west Sinclair St. entry/exit doors to provide separate door for daycare *Construct new Daycare office in basement storage room near new secure entrance *Replace basement flooring *Repair Boy Scout floor & level SANCTUARY REPAIRS / RENOVATIONS *Repair / replace damaged plaster *New Kitchenette near to Chapel *Repair organ / replace console & blower *Remove & repair or replace existing pews * New Restroom near to Chapel *Reconfigure theater lighting * Remove & relead remaining original stained glass windows *Install stained glass panels in perimeter walls of Wesley Room *Replace Sanctuary lighting and update existing wiring *Replace carpet *New finishes & lighting in Narthex *Reconfigure Sound System *Reconfigure back of Wesley Room * Reconstruct center balcony *Relocate A/V console *New tin ceiling & lighting in Wesley Room *New center balcony front knee wall & railing *New video projection & recording System *Repair balcony stair next to Chapel *New pews or chairs in center balcony *Reconfigure Sanctuary HVAC system *Reconfigure risers of side balconies *HVAC to Narthex, Prayer Room *Repair / reconfigure or replace side pews *New HVAC for balconies *Remodel platform for ADA accessibility *Remove center balcony sliding panel & build new HVAC duct bulkheads * New removable railing w/ kneelers @ platform NEW PLAYGROUND AREA *New shed for storage of play equipment *Rubber mulch around play equipment *New open pavilion with fabric awning *Site work (striping & grading) *Fine grade & seed areas to be grass *(1) park bench and 2) picnic tables *New concrete sidewalk to playground *New 4’ chain link fencing & gates *Playground equipment *New compacted stone paths & track *Install light post by entrance off of Sinclair St. *Fluid applied rubber surface FUTURE CHURCH VAN / SCOUT STORAGE GARAGE *Demolish Existing Structures *Storage loft(s) *Porch & faux windows & door *Site work (striping & grading) *Insulation *Unit Heater *Concrete work (slab & foundations) *Overhead door(s), one walk door *Electrical & lighting *Framing & shell enclosure *Clear story windows *New drive & parking to existing alley NEW ELECTRICAL SIGN / LANDSCAPING *Remove two existing signs *Install one new digital sign PARK / COMMUNITY GARDEN AREA *Demo & remove existing fencing *Provide & install pervious pavers *Fine Grade & seed areas to be grass *Site work (strip & grading) *New compacted stone paths *Three (3) new park benches *Drainable subgrade under pervious pavers *New elevated garden beds with top soil

Page 7: Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I T I O N ... Esther Keffaber COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m.



Approved Budget Monthly Amount Year-to-Date Percentage

$371,437.00 $30,953.08 $216,671.58 58.33%

July Year-to-Date

Income $17,995.60 58.14% $228,244.44 105.34%

Expenses $25,150.89 81.25% $211,857.17 97.78%

Difference ($7,155.29) $16,387.27


2014 2014

Beg Balance Income Expense Ending Balance

$65,325.87 $228,244.44 $211,857.17 $81,713.68


July YTD Income

YTD Esti-mate Annual Est.

Member Pledges $ 14,013.00 $ 193,151.55 $184,628.50 $316,506.00 104.62%

Member Contribution $ 2,798.25 $ 23,093.24 $ 17,675.00 $ 30,300.00 130.65%

Non-Member Contribution $ 690.00 $ 8,210.00 $ 4,666.67 $ 8,000.00 175.93%

Loose Offering $ 256.45 $ 2,301.67 $ 2,333.33 $ 4,000.00 98.64%

Sunday School Offering $ 84.25 $ 175.00 $ 300.00 48.14%

Checking Interest $ 18.90 $ 151.73 $ 175.00 $ 300.00 86.70%

Upper Room $ 4.00 $ 54.00 $ 35.00 $ 60.00 154.29%

Offering Envelopes $ 31.00 $ 35.00 $ 60.00 88.57%

Building Use $ 200.00 $ 1,112.00 $ 1,166.67 $ 2,000.00 95.31%

Extra Gift Contribution $ 15.00 $ 55.00 $ 8,750.00 $ 15,000.00 63.00%

TOTAL $ 17,995.60 $ 228,244.44 $219,640.17 $376,526.00


Committee Groups July

YTD Expens-es Budget

Missions $ 1,525.00 $ 10,528.00 $ 17,800.00 59.15%

Denomination Ministries $ 1,979.00 $ 25,106.00 $ 38,720.00 64.84%

Personnel $ 13,769.48 $ 97,944.60 $169,997.00 57.62%

Council of Ministries $ 2,773.48 $ 9,394.39 $ 28,825.00 32.59%

Building & Grounds $ 4,409.60 $ 66,257.61 $109,400.00 60.81%

Office Operations $ 223.49 $ 1,335.76 $ 4,025.00 33.19%

Finance & Stewardship $ 470.84 $ 1,020.27 $ 2,670.00 38.21%

TOTAL $ 25,150.89 $ 211,856.63 $371,437.00


July Year-to-Date

Kids First Day Care $ 50.00 $ 230.00

UMCOR - US Disaster Relief $ 160.00 $ 1,441.00

Access $ 100.00 $ 100.00

Blessings in a Backpack $ 82.00 $ 1,013.00

Page 8: Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I T I O N ... Esther Keffaber COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m.

September 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1. LABOR DAY Kids First & Church Office closed 7:15pm-Visions Committee


2. First day of Wesley Academy 5:30pm-Trustees 6:00 PM-Wesley Academy



7:15pm-Chancel Choir Rehearsal

(Choir Room)

4 5

PM-Wedding Rehearsal


6. 7am-7pm-Prayer Vigil 7:30-10am-Community Breakfast (MAC)3:30pm-Wedding


7. 13th Sunday after Pentecost (White) Food collection for F.I.S.H. & Kids First Building Committee report following 10am




8. 6pm-Cub Scout Pack Mtg. (MAC) 6:15pm-Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf. Room) 7pm-Boy Scouts (Scout Room) 7PM-Emmaus Board Meeting 7:30pm-Staff Parish Committee

(Conf. Room)


6pm-Cub Scout

Den Mtg. (MAC)


7:15pm-Chancel Choir Rehearsal

(Choir Room)


7:15 PM-Doris Blake Circle

(E. Keffaber’s)


4:30-7:30pm-Access Fish Fry


PM-Wedding Rehearsal





14 14th Sunday after Pentecost (Green) Building Committee report following 10am worship Confirmation launch for students & parents 11:30am-Club 345 (Annie Schuler’s)11:30-2pm-Youth “Make Your Mark” (Wabash



6:15pm-Pastor’s Bible Study (Conference Room) 7pm-Boy Scouts (Scout Room)7:30pm-Ad Council (Conf



11am-Red Cross

Blood Drive (MAC)

12:30pm-Christian Book Club (The Great Wall


17 9:45am-Senior


7:15pm-Chancel Choir Rehearsal

(Choir Room)


9am-Margaret Wilson Circle

(Pumpkin Patch)

19 20

21. 15th Sunday after Pentecost


22 6:15pm-Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf .Room) 7pm-Boy Scouts

(Scout Room)


6pm-Cub Scout

Den Mtg. (MAC)

24 Youth “See

you at the Pole”

7:15pm-Chancel Choir Rehearsal

(Choir Room)

25 26 1st UMC sponsors 5th Quarter at Wabash High



28 16th Sunday after Pentecost


29 6:15pm-Pastor’s Bible Study (Conference Room) 7pm-Boy Scouts

(Scout Room)


SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Teen & Adult Sunday School & Children’s “The Story” Activities 10:15 a.m. “The Story” Sunday School for Pre-school thru 5th Grade following Children’s Message (except for first Sunday each month)

“THE STORY” SMALL GROUP STUDIES Sundays 9:00am - FUMC Sunday School 5pm-MODOC’S 6PM-Bev Ferry’s (75 W. Maple) Mondays 6:15pm - FUMC Conference Room ??? - Tschantz’s (925 Crosspointe) Tuesdays 7:00pm-Mann’s (508 Crown Hill Dr. W) Wednesdays 6pm-FUMC 7:00pm-Cusack’s (337 Birchwood Court) Thursdays 6:30pm-FUMC Chapel 7pm-New Beginnings (1960 Vernon Street)

Page 9: Have you ever thought, It would be kinda nice to you ever thought, "It would be kinda nice to E D I T I O N ... Esther Keffaber COMMUNITY BREAKFAST Saturday, Sept. 6 7:30 - 10 a.m.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 B-Stephen Delong

2. A-Bob & Susan Beckett B-Kristyn Ford B-Millie Higgins B-Matt McClatchey B-Anabelle Smith B-Luann Vandegrift

3. A-Terry & Susan Stewart B-Kinzie Flack B-Sharon Jones

4 A -Bill & Ellen Gamble B-Kate Mitting B-Julia Simpson

5 B-Brady Evans B-Linda Gardner

6 B-Mike Reed

7 8. B-Linda Konkle

9 B-Michelle Payton B-Mona Rees

10 B-Micah Siders

11 12. A-Jerry & Myra Perkins A-Ned & Luann Vandegrift B-Kory Fuller B-Dylan Gunderman B-Mary Keppel B-Erik Short

13 A-James & Amy Flack

14 15. A-Larry & Anne Curless B-Paycen Stackhouse

16. A-Phil & Susan Keefer

B-Wes Wingert

17 B-Martha Purdy B-Jarrod Short

18 A-Wayne & Mona Rees B-Jeff Galley B-Brandon McKillip B-Deena Young

19 20 A-Gary & Debbie Bryant

21 B-Bob Gillespie

22. A-Dee & Sue Byerly A-Arlie & Pat Cassiday A-Rex & Tiffany Reimer A-Chris & Angie Siders B-Angel Hostetler B-Leeah Palmer B-Katy Smith

23. B-Terry Keaffaber B-John Schuler B-Bob Wade

24 25. B-Norman Bell B-Cydnee Bradley B-Roger Christian

26 B-J.P. Corcoran B-Anne Curless B-Tammy Rensberger

27 B-Nancy Plummer

28. A-Stephen & Carol Delong B-Barb Brown

29 B-Jerry Perkins


September 2014 A = Wedding Anniversary

B = Birthday