HARSHA_1CR14MBA17 FILE 2 (Autosaved).docx.PDF

“A Study on Lead Time in Recruitment & Selection Process” CMR Institute of Technology-Department of Management Studies 1 Executive Summary Manpower forms an integral part of the organisation. The efficiency and quality of the manpower leads to the success of the organisation. Hence ensuring that right person is placed for right job at a right time is very essential. The recruitment comes into picture at this point of time as it is the strategic function of the human resource department. L&T Infotech is a global IT services and solutions provider. They provide the winning edge to their clients by leveraging their Business-to-IT Connect and Deeply Committed People. The clients of L&T Infotech have found them as a right-size partner who combines scale, stability and customer-centricity. L&T Infotech is based in Mumbai, India. In the year 2012-2013 L&T was Ranked 8 in Indian IT Companies. L&T has 39 registered offices in 22 countries. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. (L&T) is the parent company for L&T Infotech, a technology, engineering, manufacturing and construction conglomerate, with global operations. This rich corporate heritage has given them many inherent advantages that translate into tangible benefits for their clients. The Project Report is all about “A Study on Lead Time in Recruitment & Selection Process” This study will be helpful for the organization in understanding the strengths and weakness of Recruitment and Selection process in terms of lead time taken in hiring a candidate and the course of action need to be taken to overcome the issues related to recruitment so that the process can effectively and efficiently cater to the recruitment related needs of the individuals and the organization. To effectively collet the data a well-structured questionnaire will be used to get response from the employees directly. For the study a sample size of 100 respondents who are the main recruiters and subordinate workers of Talent acquisition team will be considered

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“A Study on Lead Time in Recruitment & Selection Process”

CMR Institute of Technology-Department of Management Studies 1

Executive Summary

Manpower forms an integral part of the organisation. The efficiency and quality of the

manpower leads to the success of the organisation. Hence ensuring that right person is placed

for right job at a right time is very essential. The recruitment comes into picture at this point of

time as it is the strategic function of the human resource department.

L&T Infotech is a global IT services and solutions provider. They provide the winning edge to

their clients by leveraging their Business-to-IT Connect and Deeply Committed People. The

clients of L&T Infotech have found them as a right-size partner who combines scale, stability

and customer-centricity.

L&T Infotech is based in Mumbai, India. In the year 2012-2013 L&T was Ranked 8 in Indian

IT Companies. L&T has 39 registered offices in 22 countries.

Larsen & Toubro Ltd. (L&T) is the parent company for L&T Infotech, a technology,

engineering, manufacturing and construction conglomerate, with global operations. This rich

corporate heritage has given them many inherent advantages that translate into tangible

benefits for their clients.

The Project Report is all about “A Study on Lead Time in Recruitment & Selection

Process” This study will be helpful for the organization in understanding the strengths and

weakness of Recruitment and Selection process in terms of lead time taken in hiring a

candidate and the course of action need to be taken to overcome the issues related to

recruitment so that the process can effectively and efficiently cater to the recruitment related

needs of the individuals and the organization.

To effectively collet the data a well-structured questionnaire will be used to get response from

the employees directly. For the study a sample size of 100 respondents who are the main

recruiters and subordinate workers of Talent acquisition team will be considered

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“A Study on Lead Time in Recruitment & Selection Process”

CMR Institute of Technology-Department of Management Studies 2

Analysis and interpretation of response was done using Microsoft Excel which was used to

tabulate and interpret the data via charts, questionnaire and statistical analysis with the help of


Descriptive Research Methodology is used. This type of research is a combination of various

research methodologies and procedures, such as survey, observations and reports. Chi-square

test will be used for testing of hypothesis and to analyze the response given by different

respondents and their opinion about lead time in recruitment and selection process.

From the research it can be concluded that Lead Time in recruitment is a very critical part of

Information Technology (IT) organizations such as L&T Infotech. Thus Reducing the Lead

time in recruitment and selection will lead to increasing the manpower of the organization

which further leads to achieving the targets on time which enables the employees to be

profitable by being productive and generating revenue to the company.

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“A Study on Lead Time in Recruitment & Selection Process”

CMR Institute of Technology-Department of Management Studies 3

Chapter 1

Introduction to Internship

Title for the Study: “Lead Time in Recruitment & Selection Process”

As a part of my academic requirement I have completed 10 weeks internship in “Talent

Acquisition” team. During the tenure of 10 weeks i undertook a survey on” Lead Time in

Recruitment & Selection @ L&T Infotech.”

The internship in Talent Acquisition team helped me to understand the operations of

Recruitment & Selection functions, role of Recruitment & Selection in the context of strategic

objectives of the organization and exposure to the best practices. The internship also helped in

gaining experience of working in the HR function in industry. The opportunity to work in my

area of specialization and the experience was helpful to the growth of my professional career.


Recruitment is a process of searching for suitable candidates and asking them to apply for

jobs. Receiving large number of applications to make selection from the most effective

recruitment and selection system is very important function of recruitment. Choosing the best

pool of candidates quickly and in cost effective manner will help to increase the competitive

advantage for this an effective recruitment and selection approach must be followed, but

successful recruitment and selection can be time-consuming and costly. The manpower of any

organization is the key factor for the organization success. As the companies functions starts

with recruitment and selection the recruiters must ensure that the recruitment and selection is

done effectively without any duplicate candidates involved in it if not all other functions will

get affected. The overall mission of the recruitment is to get the right people in the right place

at the right time. The strategies that organizations can apply to recruit the best pool of

candidates from which they can fill vacancies. It will identify the lead time taken to fill a

vacancy and offer suggestions for reduction of lead time in recruitment and selection process.

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1.2. Topic chosen for the study:

“Lead Time in Recruitment & Selection Process”

Recruitment Lead time can be calculated from the time the position is opened to the recruiters

till the position closed by offering the offer letter to the candidate.

Usually the time is more due to the following reasons:

Late feedback from the line manager / functional head;

Non availability of the panel members,

Requirement is for very rare skill.

Recruiting out location candidates.

Delay in scheduling interviews due to unavailability of candidates in job portals.

Salary negotiations and Notice period.

Competitors may hire the same candidate paying higher CTC.

Position to go slow and other external factors.

The same can be traced by highlighting the following:

Date of profiles shared,

Date of interview done.(Technical, HR and Client Interviews)

Date of feedback shared

Date of candidate details sent for approval.

Date of candidate accepting the offer.

Date of position closed.

Date of Joining of candidate.

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Recruiters may not be following up with candidates in a timely manner.

Hiring managers may not be reviewing candidates as quickly as necessary.

Getting Counter offer from competitors with higher CTC’s.

Few cases are not getting approved by C&B team due to high expectation

3 month’s Notice Period(most of the resources working with Tier 1 company)

All candidates CTC’s are on higher side when compare to company standards.

Unavailability of resources in job portals.


A rapidly growing software company faced a problem of not being able to recruit and fill up

positions in all sections of its operation.

The causes were:

o Huge resource crunch

o Serious impact on project deliveries,

o Resulting in client dissatisfaction

o Employee stress

Lead-time to recruit candidates for all functions was approximately taking more than 3

Months. Reducing the lead time in recruiting was very important for the smooth flow of the

organization for achieving the targets on time which further helps in the growth of the


This study will be beneficial for the organisation in understanding the strengths and weakness

of Recruitment and selection process and the course of action need to be taken to enable the

process to work effectively and efficiently which leads to fulfillment of recruitment related

needs for individuals and organisation.

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1.5. Objective of the Study:

To identify the actual lead time taken to recruit a candidate in L&T Infotech.

To understand how important it is to close the requirement within the SLA.

To understand how the reduction of lead time in recruitment and selection contributes

to the organization growth.

To show difference between adopted procedures and actual practices and resultant


To show how important it is to have HR professionals and thereby adopt best HR

practices for organizational advantages especially in the area of talent acquisition

manpower planning.

1.6. Scope of the study:

The study was conducted with specific reference to the employees of L&T Infotech Bangalore

based on responses of survey from the members of Talent Acquisition team which involves

managers, team leads, HR executives and trainees.

Understanding the relevance of recruitment in IT industry.

Understanding how staffing helps in getting outcomes at multiple levels of analysis.

Understanding the staffing needs which impact on organizational effectiveness.

To recognize that staffing needs to reduce that gap for lead time in effective



It is based on primary and secondary data available through various tools such as

questionnaire, website portals, e-articles and books. The analysis of the information is used to

suggest ways and means to face the arising challenges due to increase in lead time in

recruitment and selection process. Research methodology is used to systematically outline the

approach that will be used to solve the research problem.

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Descriptive Research Methodology is used. This type of research is a combination of various

research methodologies and procedures, such as survey, observations and reports.


The sampling size for the study was 100 employees from various organizational roles –

namely Members of the Talent acquisition team, Managers, Trainers and Trainees.


A structured questionnaire will be used because it would be convenient and an efficient way of

gathering response from the target audience. It is cost effective as well.

A structured questionnaire will be used to interview a respondents belonging to talent

acquisition team– namely Members of the TA team, Managers, Trainers and Trainees.

Where responses are expected to have clear options Yes-No option will be provided to the

respondents. In case some amount of ambiguity is expected in the responses, 3 response

options e.g. Yes- Maybe-No will be provided to the respondents.

In case there could be difference in view of the respondent’s 5-response options e.g. Strongly

Agree-Agree-Neutral-Disagree-Strongly Disagree will be provided.


The source of information is generally divided into primary and secondary sources:


The questionnaire will be handed over to the respondents with an explanation of the questions

and method of response. In case of non-availability of a respondent, the questionnaire will be

sent to them via email or telephonic interview will be conducted. Questionnaires for various

categories of respondents will also be used to gain insight on the following aspects:

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Secondary research will be carried out to understand the nature of the industry and to gather

details about Recruitment and Selection and the best practices in context to the IT & ITes

industry. The insight from secondary research was useful to build the framework and the

structure of the questionnaire. The secondary data collected includes company website,

business magazines, E-articles, books.


The number of respondents will be tabulated in an excel file which will be used to generate the

charts and visual reports. The responses will be collected, analyzed and represented visually

using various charts such as bar charts, column charts and pie-charts.

Based on responses received, analysis will be carried out to measure the contribution of lead

time in recruitment and selection process towards business growth.

A statistical hypothesis will be carried out using the testing of hypothesis method to analyze

the response given by different respondents and their opinion about lead time in recruitment

and selection process. The statistical test used was chi-square test

Chi-Square Test:


O = Observed frequency

E = Expected frequency

Based on the relationship between calculated value and table value x2 we either accept or

reject our original hypothesis.

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1.8. Literature review

“According to Lauren weber and Rachel Feintzeig” at the point when there's a bigger pool out

there you can commit errors and there's another remaining in the line," he says. Presently,

"when you hire somebody you need to ensure they're the right one. It's getting harder for

organizations to say "You're recruited.

Open Text Corp., a product organization situated in Ontario, diminished its opportunity to

procure by around 30% in the course of the last a few years by bringing recruiting in-house for

most positions and cutting the quantity of approvals expected to secure another contract.

(Source: An article “Why companies are taking longer to hire” Published on Sept 1st 2014)

“According to Ruth Mantell” Longer opportunity spans are an indication that labor markets

are getting to be more tightly, making it harder for managers to fill the vacancies.

The compotator understood that the company is taking more than week to respond to resume

which was sent for a general manager position and he was dropped out from the quest.

Dislike I require their employment. On the off chance that it takes them more than seven days

to respond for a profile like mine for the requirement in this significance, I feel that this

organisation is not the one which I am looking to work. I do things quickly and I feel that my

style of working will not fit their way of life. –Wind River Associates

(Source: An article “Employers take record time to fill job openings” Published on Oct 8th


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“According to Dr. John Sullivan” The reasons for delay in recruiting which damages the

organization growth:

Losing of candidates who are in high demand during the late stages of recruitment.

No improvement in the quality of employees as new candidate is not hired.

Losing revenue and productivity as the position remain vacant for a long time.

Paying high CTC’s for new candidate as they are in demand.

Decision making process must be faster which leads to both individual and organisation


Delay in decision making will lead to loosing of more number of candidates.

Delay in hiring reduces hiring manager and recruiters interest.

Delay in hiring creates a negative impact on customers and employees.

Delay in recruiting has impact on the external employer brand image and the candidate’s


If you are focusing on "passive prospects," understand that delay in recruiting may result

rather in recruiting of actives

Delay in recruiting can lead to hidden recruiting costs.

Keeping the prescribed time for recruiting will help to reduce lead time.

(Source: An article “reasons for delay in recruiting which damages the organisation growth”

Published on April 21 2014)

1.9. Limitations to study:

The study was conducted within a limited geographical area; a larger sample size

would have made the study more effective.

The study was also conducted within a limited timeframe, more time and resources

would have made the data more comprehensive.

The main limitation was to get the response from the employees in the organization. It

was a challenge to get questionnaire filled by the employees on time.

Another major limitation was of the basis response given by the employees.

Lack of interest from the employees in filling the questionnaire

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Chapter 2

Industry Profile & Company Profile

2.1. Industry Profile

The fastest growing sector in the country is IT sector. It was in the year 1990’s. Most of

the Software companies offered only limited services such as banking and engineering

software. The organization is forced to cut down the cost of product Due to the market

competition. GDP has gone up significantly from 1.8% in FY 2000 to around 5.4% in

FY 2007 in India due to its leadership in IT and business outsourcing.

IT is becoming expensive day by day. The availability of manpower and quality of

service has been higher in Indian IT companies which are globally established. The

captive centers of Microsoft, oracle, SAP, Lenovo has already been established in India.

India is the fastest growing IT markets in Asia pacific region.


The greatest sourcing area in the world for IT sector is India. Around 67% of the US$

124-130 billion industry segment. The industry uses around ten million workforces; the

business has driven the money related change of the nation & balancing perspective of

our country in the overall economy. Our countries cost forcefulness in giving

information technology organizations, as it is around 3-4 times less costly compare to

US, continues being the mainstay of its extraordinary offering proposal (USP) in the

overall sourcing market. Regardless, Our country is moreover grabbing unmistakable

quality in regards to academic capital with a couple of overall IT firms setting up their

headway centers in India.

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The IT-BPM part in our country created at CAGR of 15% more than 2010-2015, as it is

three to four times higher compare to overall IT-BPM spend, and is assessed to reach

out at a compound annual growth rate of 9.5% to US$ 300 billion by 2020. 10 million

Indians are utilized by the business and consequently, it has essentially contributed to

the nation’s social change. Our country is one of the fastest developing information

technology administrations markets on the world.

Destination, representing around 52% of the US$ 124-130 billion business sector. The

nation's cost intensity in giving IT administrations keeps on being its USP in the global

sourcing market. India can possibly construct a US$ 100 billion programming item

industry by 2025, as indicated by Indian Software Product Industry Roundtable

(iSPIRT). The product items market in India, which incorporates bookkeeping

programming and distributed computing based telephony administrations, is relied upon

to develop at 14% in 2014.

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In 1965, movement laws in USA were adjusted and the limitations on workers were

decreased significantly. Thus a considerable measure of Indian experts moved for

exploration opportunities in USA. The IT upheaval in USA and the tremendously

fancied Silicon Valley in the US amid the 80s and 90s couldn't have been conceivable

without the work of these relocated Indians. This movement enabled the Indian IT

sector to get into USA IT industry. As the USA IT was growing quickly the need of IT

people outside USA raised. As India had good number of individuals with very good

talent and skills and mainly Indian were trained to speak in English. This period was

totally controlled by Indian government and they formed strict rules and regulations for

private business in India, as a result the Indian IT was not so well developed till 1991

Indian talent pool:

The major reason for India’s development in global outsourcing is availability of

workforce and their ability to speak English.

From the year 2008 to 2015 the number of graduates coming out every year

made our county grow at the compounded annual growth rate of 9.4%

In the year 2015 our county has added 5.8 million graduates to the talent pool.

The Research and development, innovation in the IT-BPM depends upon the

growing talent pool of our country.


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2.3. Company Profile

Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.

Parent Company Larson and Turbo

Category IT programming and services

Sector IT and Technology

Tagline/ Slogan NA

USPA well-known Indian software company which provides software services &



Segment Providing IT solutions, business outsourcing & consulting.

Target Group Vast abroad endeavors

Positioning Prominent provider of Information technology(IT) services and solutions

SWOT Analysis

Expanded income stream

Strong client base

Worldwide presenceStrengths

Good budgetary execution, income of US $ 650 million and employee strength of


Reliance on adult business sectorWeaknesses

High client focus

Developing marketsOpportunities

Developing Cloud processing innovation

High introduction to the remote markets

Greater MNC's entering India and vieing for worldwide customersThreats

Financial lull and vulnerability in USA and Europe separately


1. HCL

2. TCS

3. WiproCompetitors

4. Mahindra Sathyam


1. AccuRUSIProducts

2. Unitrax

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L&T Infotech is global IT Service Company based in Mumbai, India. In the year 2012-

2013 L&T was Ranked 8 in Indian IT Companies. L& T has 39 registered offices in 22

countries. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. is the parent company for L&T Infotech.

2.4. Our Vision

At L&T Infotech, our vision envelops our creative arrangements and modern way to

deal with help our customers accomplish their business objectives. Our quality lies in

our drive to exceed expectations, which makes an interpretation of to our will to give

the best-in-class administrations to our customers crosswise over businesses.

Our Values

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2.5. Industries:


Automotive & Aerospace


Bankinf & Financial services

Life sciences

Consumer Packeged goods

Health care


Engineering & Construction

Process Manufacturing


Plant Equipment & Industrial Machinery

Digital Platform

Media & Entertainment


Hi-Tech & Consumer Electronics

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Technology Office Technologies

Microsoft Technologies

BIG data

IBM Technologies

Open source technologies


Service oriented arcitecture

Performance engineering

Legacy Modernisation


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Strategic Alliances:

Strategic Alliences

Microsoft partnerSAPIBMOracleHPREDHAT

Clients for L&T Infotech:

Johnson & JohnsonTravelersASG GroupMunich R

Clients for L&T Infotech

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Analytics & Information Management

Cloud computing

Enterprise Intergration

Application Management

Geographical Information Sustem

Infrastructure Management

Internet of Things


Sales force


Open source Technologies

Microsoft Dynamics


Manufacturing Execution System

Smart Devices & Channels

System Integration & Testing


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2.6. L&T Infotech is located in the following areas:


Mumbai, Navi Mumbai




North America


Middle east

New Zealand


South America


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2.7. Subsidiaries:


L&T Infotech GmnH

L&T Infotech Canada

GDA Technologies Inc

GDA technologies Limited

L&T Infotech LLC

L&T Infotech Financial servicesTechnologies Inc

2.8. Acquisitions:


GDA TechnologiesCapitive technology center of citigroup fund servicesInformation systems resource centre Pvt Ltd(ISRC)

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The Company has been expanding its facilities to keep pace with revenue growth.

Emphasis has been on adding capacity in SEZ locations for the new & incremental

business. The new facilities at Mind space SEZ- Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Hinjewadi-Pune

and DLF SEZ Chennai were made operational during the FY15. Total capacity at Indian

centers stands at 19401 Seats as on March 31, 2015. Work is in progress to add further

capacity of 889 seats in Chennai, 1266 seats at Pune and 941 seats in Airoli which will

be completed in second half of the FY 16.

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Chapter 3

Theoretical Background of the study

3.1. Introduction to Recruitment & Selection:

Recruitment is a process of finding out prospective candidates for filling actual or

projected vacancies in an organization. It in an effort to gain the interest of the candidate

looking for jobs; By choosing the right pool of candidates it increases the competitive

advantage of the organization, this is possible because of effective approach to

recruitment & Selection. The efficient manpower of an organization is one of the main

reasons for the success of the organization.

According to Edwin B. Flippo “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective

employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization”.

According to Barber, “Recruitment includes those practices and activities carried out by

the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential


According to dale Yoder, “Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of

manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective

measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers facilitate effective selection

of an efficient working force”.

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3.2. Types of Recruitment

Internal Hiring

In means hiring candidates internally. Employees currently working in the organisation

are given an opportunity to get into higher position by hiring internally. If the

employees are doing well with the responsibilities assigned to them, they will be offered

various other benefits for the work done by them. If the management feels that the

employees need various other skills and abilities they are ready to provide training as

well. This is one of the easiest ways of selecting candidates as the management is aware

about his ability.

External Hiring

In means hiring candidates externally for increasing the productivity. External

employees are more beneficial to the companies as they come up with the new ideas and

skills which help for the organizational growth. These candidates will be more capable

of finding solutions for the raised business problems. Hiring externally is a difficult task

but it is very beneficial for the organizational growth compared to internal source.

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3.3. Sources of Recruitment:

Sources of Recruitment

Internal sources of

Selecting top talents withinthe organisation

Temporary employees topermanent



Retaired employees to freelancerposition

External Sources of

Job Portals,Social Media& Website

News papers &


Direct walk-in

Recruitment agencies &Employee Referral

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3.4. Recruitment Process:

Identify VacencyAnalyze Job

Description &Specification

Advertise Managing theresponse



Convey thefeedback


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3.5. Selection

Selection refers to the process in which individuals are picked up from the pool o job

applicants possessing the required knowledge and skills for the job to be performed in

an organization.

According to terrie Nolinske,“Selection is the process of making a hire or no-hire

decision regarding each applicant for a job”.

According to schermerhorn, hunt, and osborn,“Selection is a series of steps from initial

applicant screening to final hiring of the new employee”.

According to steven P. Robbins and Mary Coulter,“ Selection is the process of

screening Job applications to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired”.

3.5.1. Selection Process:

The selection process consists of various barriers or stages. Selection aims at generating

full information regarding the candidates in order to determine whether they are

appropriate for the job or not. The selection process varies from organisation to

organisation and from job to job. Therefore, an ideal process of selection includes the

following steps:

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Screening ofapplicants






3.5.2. Factors affecting Selection:

Factors AffectingSelection

Internal Factors

Size of the

Type of the

Nature of social

Applicant Pool

Speed of decision

External Factors

Nature of labour

Trade Union

Government Regulation

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3.6. Lead Time:

The recruitment process which goes through plenty of stages and the delay in process

which leads to the increase in lead time has been observed.

Improvement of any process in the organisation is the responsibility of all those who are

associated with that process. Therefore to reduce the lead time support from all the head

of the department is required.

Jac Fitz-Enz

Manpower is the key resource for any organisation in today’s competitive world. All

other substantial resources are idle and subject to depreciation. Just the manpower can

lead to achievement of organisation goals, provide good business results and contribute

to business outcomes. These and the key assets for the organisation and acquiring them

is very important for any organisation.

According to Jac Fitz-Enz; The manpower planning and value adding functions of the

company depends upon how efficiently and effectively the HR work towards acquiring

them. This enables the HR people mainly the recruiters to take up more responsibilities

to increase the manpower of the organisation which leads to the business growth.

Some tools for measuring the effectiveness of the recruitment which may be applied to

all selection processes is discussed in this article. Employers are taking a long time to

fill the vacancies is a major challenge that companies face in a strengthening economy.

Longer opportunity terms are an indication that labor markets are getting to be more

tightly, making it harder for managers to fill job vacancies.

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3.6.1. Key performance indicators:

Responce timeTime to fillCost per hireOffer acceptance rateQuality of hireSatisfaction index


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Chapter 4

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Table 4.1:

Do you think Lead time contributes towards business growth?

Particulars Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 52 52

No 24 24

May be 24 24

Total 100 100




YesNoMay be

Lead time contribution towards business growth

Figure 1

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52% of respondents agree that lead time contributes towards business growth.

24% of them are neutral with their opinion.

24% of respondents do not agree that lead time contributes towards business



The respondents are of the opinion that lead time plays a very important role in the

growth of the organisation. As the recruiters end up loosing the candidates due to the

delay in the recruitment and selection process. The respondents must understand the

importance of lead time and try to reduce it by implimenting new strategies.

Table 4.2:

To reduce the lead time which type of hiring do you prefer the most?

Particulars Frequency Percentage (%)

Walk-in Interview 24 24

Support from Consultancy 24 24

Campus Interview 24 24

Scheduled interview 28 28

Total 100 100

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24% 24% 24%


Walk-in Interview Support fromConsultancy

Campus Interview Scheduledinterview








Preferable type of hiring to reduce Lead Time

Figure 2


28% of the respondents prefer scheduled interview to reduce the lead time

24% of the respondents prefer walk-in interview, 24% prefer campus interview

and 24% prefer consultancy.


The respondents prefer scheduled interview to reduce the lead time but few respondents

are of different opinion that they give equal importance to other methods such as walk-

in nterview interview,campus interview and consultancy support. As we are getting a

mixed opinion from the respondents we can come to conclusion that the recruiter need

to analyze the situation properly and adopt the right method at the right time so that the

lead time will be reduced.

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Table 4.3:

Which among the following consumes more time in Recruitment process?

Praticulars Freqency Percentage (%)

Sourcing & Scheduling 20 20

Technical interview & HR Interview 32 32

Compensation & Benefits 36 36

Approval from management 12 12

Total 100 100





Sourcing &Scheduling

Technical interview& HR Interview

Compensation &Benefits

Approval frommanagement










Consuming more time in R&S Process

Figure 3

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36% of the respondents are of the opinion that C&B team consumes more time.

32% of the respondents tell that technical and HR interview will take more time.


The table shows that the more time is consumed by C&B team and by Technical and

HR interviews. The recruiters must ensure that the interviews are done as per the

scheduled date and time which helps to reduce lead time. The recruiters must take

necessary measures so that the C&B team should not take more time to send approval

(Issue arises from C&B due to the high CTC expectation of the candidate). Recruiters

must try to negotiate CTC as much as possible

Table 4.4:

What are the different tools used to track the source of candidate?

Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

Software 40 40

Microsoft Excel 52 52

Manual 8 8

Total 100 100

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SoftwareMicrosoft ExcelManual

Tool used to track the source of the candidate

Figure 4


52% of respondents prefer MS excel to track the source of the candidates.

40% of the respondents prefer software to track the source of the candidates.


The respondents are comfortable using Microsoft excel to track the source of the

candidates as it is easy to understand and simple to follow but few recruiters prefer

software because the data which is uploaded in software in more accurate than MS excel

and manual data and also the software give all the details about the candidate whenever

required, it also helps in finding out duplicate candidates. Therefore it is better to use

both MS excel for maintaining primary data and then update everything in software for

getting accurate data available at any time.

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Table 4.5:

In case of immediate Requirement which of the following would you prefer the most for

recruiting the candidates?

Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

Walk-in Interview 31 31

Support from Consultancy 23 23

Employee Referral 20 20

Existing Database 26 26

Total 100 100




Walk-in Interview Support fromConsultancy

Employee Referral Existing Database0








Immediate requirment

Figure 5

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31% of respondents prefer walk-in interview in case of immediate requirement.

26% of them prefer to search candidates from existing database

23% of them prefer consultancy support

20% of them prefer Employee referral


The table shows that immediate requirement can be closed soon by conducting walk-in

interviews but we are getting mixed opinion from other respondents. The recruiters

must analyze the situation properly and adopt the right method at the right time so that

the immediate requirement is closed lead time will be reduced.

Table 4.6:

How many levels of interview will be conducted before selecting the candidate?

Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

One 3 3

Two 7 7

Three 65 65

Four or More 25 25

Total 100 100

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One Two Three Four or More0








Number of levels of interviews conducted

Figure 6


65% of respondents 3 rounds of interviews will be conducted before selecting the


25% of them tell that they conduct more than 4 levels of interview for selection.


The above table shows that the respondents are of the opinion that they conduct 3

rounds of interview before selecting the candidate and some times it will be 4 levels as

the interview will be conducted as follows:

1st level interview- 2nd level interview- client interview and then HR interview.

The recruiters must plan accordingly and reduce the number of interviews conducted

which helps to reduce the lead time.

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Table 4.7:

Job vacancies can be filled in short duration of time.

Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

Strongly Agree 24 24

Agree 20 20

Neutral 48 48

Disagree 8 8

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 100 100






Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree0











Job vacancies can be filled in short duration of time

Figure 7

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48% of the respondents are neutral (i.e. they are not sure) in their openion that

they can fill the job vacancies with in the short duration of time.

44% of them agree and that they can fill the vacency on short duration


The table shows the confidence level of recruiters whether they can fill the vacancy in

short duration of time or not. Few recruiters agree that they can fill it in short duration

of time but most of them are not confident enough to tell that the vacancy can be filled

within short duration as there are many issues with respect to recruitment

Table 4.8:

Do you think Job Portals helpful for getting relevant profiles for the requirement

Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

Yes 64 64

No 12 12

May be 24 24

Total 100 100

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YesNoMay be

Job portals are helpful in getting relevent profiles

Figure 8


64% of respondents agree that Job portals are helpful in getting relevant profiles

24% of respondents tell that sometimes they are helpful.


Most of the respondents agree that job portals are helpful in getting relevant profiles

because searching of candidate is not a easy task for a recruiter, the job portals helps the

recruiters to get relevant profiles easily even though the candidate is from a different

location.it saves time for the recruiters hence leads to reduction of lead time in

recruitment and selection process.

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Table 4.9:

Recruitment Process followed is different for different grades of employees.

Particulars Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 72 72

No 28 28

Total 100 100




Recruitment process is different for different gradesof employees

Figure 9

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72% of the respondents agree that they follow different Recruitment process of

different grades of employees.

28% of them do not agree that they follow different Recruitment process of

different grades of employees.


Most of the respondents agree that there is different recruitment process conducted for

different grades of employees. As it is difficult to follow the same recruitment process

for all the grades of employees because it takes more time in recruiting the experienced

candidate therefore to reduce the lead time the recruiters follow different process for

different grades. The remaining recruiters must understand that it is not possible to

follow similar recruitment process for all the grades and waste their time in that. It is

better to adopt different process which helps in shortlisting easily which leads to reduce

the lead time.

Table 4.10:

Average time taken to recruit Middle-Level or Senior-level employees may be for:

Particulars Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Month 16 16

1 Month-3 Months 36 36

3 Months - 6 Months 44 44

More than 6 Months 4 4

Total 100 100

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1 Month 1 Month-3 Months 3 Months - 6 Months More than 6 Months0











Average time taken to recruit employees

Figure 10


44% of the respondents take average time of 3-6 months in recruiting Mid- level

and senior level employees.

36% of them take 1-3 Months in recruiting middle- level and senior level



The above table shows that the respondents are of the opinion that it takes more than 3

months to recruit a candidate as most of the candidates are working in tire 1 company

and they need to serve notice period of 3 months and few respondents tell that 1-3

months are sufficient enough as there are few candidates whose notice period is of 1

month or 2 months maximum. It is the duty of the recruiters to ensure that the candidate

is joining as soon as possible by providing them a benefit such as joining bonus so that

he gets relived soon from the current company which they are working.

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Table 4.11:

Average time taken by the HR Department in recruiting every single candidate:

Particulars Frequency Percentage (%)

10 Minutes 4 4

10 Minutes - 30 Minutes 48 48

30 Minutes - 1 Hour 44 44

More than 1 Hour 4 4

Total 100 100




10 Minutes 10 Minutes - 30 Minutes 30 Minutes - 1 Hour More than 1 Hour0











Average time taken by HR department to recruit acandidate

Figure 11

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48% of the respondents tell that the HR department takes 10-30minutes in

recruiting each and every candidate.

44% of the respondent tell 30 minutes to 1 hour is required to recruit a candidate


The above table shows that the respondents are of the opinion that the time taken by the

HR department in recruiting a candidate is 10 to 30 minutes but in few cases the

recruiters need more than 30 minutes if there are some issues with the candidates such

as salary negotiation, notice period negotiation, document verification etc…

Table 4.12:

Satisfaction level of employees on Recruitment and Selection process @ L&T InfoTech

Particulars Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 92 92

No 8 8

Total 100 100

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Satisfaction level of employees on R&S process

Figure 12


92% of the respondent agree that they are satisfied with recruitment & selection

process @ L&T Infotech. .


The respondents are satisfied with the recruitment process at L&T Infotech and they

don’t feel that there need to be changes in the process but 8% of them are of the opinion

that there need to be some changes in the process if they implement those changes there

can be reduction in lead time which leads to organisation growth.

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Table 4.13:

Do you think the communication channel of your company is good enough for effective

communication within the organisation.

Particulars Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 16 16

Agree 40 40

Neutral 24 24

Disagree 20 20

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 100 100






Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree0










Effectiveness of communication channel

Figure 13

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40% of the respondents agree that the communication channel in the company is


16% of the people strongly agree with the same.

24% of them are neutral in their opinion

20% of them disagree that communication channel is the company is good


Most the respondents agree that the communication channel in the company is good and

the remaining people are not so very happy about the communication channel. They

prefer some changes need to done in the communication channel as well so that the

employees can coordinate easily which again helps to reduce lead time.

Table 4.14:

Dose the Email templates in job portal helps in reducing the timeline in getting relevant


Particulars Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 12 12

No 56 56

May be 32 32

Total 100 100

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YesNoMay be

E-mail templets in job portals are helpful

Figure 14


56% of the respondents tell that E-mail templates in job portals do not help in

reducing lead time.

32% of them are neutral with their opinion

12% of them agree that it helps in reducing the lead time.


Most the respondents do not agree that E-mail templates in job portals will help to

reduce lead time because most of the time the recruiters end up getting profile which are

not relevant for their requirement, instead of wasting time by adopting such practices

the recruiters can implement other strategies in recruiting the candidate which helps in

reducing lead time.

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Table 4.15:

Do you ensure that the requirements are closed within the Service Level


Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

Yes 32 32

No 8 8

May be 60 60

Total 100 100




YesNoMay be

Requirement can be closed within the SLA

Figure 15

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60% of the respondents are neutral in their opinion that they are able to close the

requirement with in service level agreement.

32% of the respondents agree that requirement can be closed within the SLA.


Closing requirement within the SLA is a challenge for the recruiters. This is the main

reason for concentrating on reduction of lead time in Recruitment and selection process.

The table shows the confidence level of the recruiter’s that whether the requirement can

be closed within the SLA or not. Few of the recruiters are confident enough to tell that it

can be done but remaining people must increase their confidence level by implementing

new strategies to reduce the lead time and close the requirement within the SLA.

Table 4.16:

Maximum time involved in getting approval from the top management for recruitment.

Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

1-6 Days 16 16

6-12 Days 44 44

12-15 Days 40 40

More than 15 Days 0 0

Total 100 100

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1-6 Days 6-12 Days 12-15 Days More than 15 Days0











Maximum time taken to get approval from topmanagement

Figure 16


44% of respondents are of the opinion that it take 6-12 days for getting approval

from top level management

40% of that people tell that it requires 12-15 days for getting approval.


The table shows that it takes approximately 10-12 days for getting approval from the top

management as few respondents are of the opinion that 6-12 days is required and few of

them tell that 12-15days are required so on an average it take 10-12 days to get

approval. The recruiters must ensure that they get the approval from the top

management as soon as possible so that it reduces the lead time.

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Table 4.17:

Which of the following factors have an impact on setting Service Level Agreement


Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

Relocation 16 16

Offer Decline 36 36

Notice period 32 32

Salary Expectation 16 16

Total 100 100





Relocation Offer Decline Notice period Salary Expectation0









Impact on SLA

Figure 17

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36% of the respondents are of the opinion that offer decline from the candidate

side will have impact on SLA.

32% of people are of the opinion that notice period of candidates are also having

impact on SLA


Most of the respondents are of the opinion that Offer decline and Notice period will

have serious impact on SLA. The recruiters must ensure that the candidates who got

selected are on boarded soon so that the offer decline cases gets reduced and the

recruiters must try to negotiate the notice period of the candidate by providing the

joining bonus and do all possible things to on board them as soon as possible. This

again deals with reduction of lead time for the organization growth.

Table 4.18:

Employee Referrals help in closing the positions.

Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

Strongly Agree 11 11

Agree 44 44

Neutral 25 25

Disagree 20 20

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 100 100

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0%Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree












Employee Referral is helpful in closing requirment

Figure 18


44% of that respondents agree that employee referrals are helpful in closing the


11% of respondents strongly agree that ER is helpful for closing the position.

25% of them are neutral in their opinion.


Most of the respondents agree that employee referrals is helpful in closing the position

but other respondents are of different opinion that they are not helpful because the

recruiter cannon depend on employee referrals all the time. Out of 100 candidates we

can find a maximum of 10 candidates as employee referral.

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Table 4.19:

Postings in job portals helps you in getting more applicants.

Particulars Frequency Percentage(%)

Strongly Agree 12 12

Agree 52 52

Neutral 28 28

Disagree 8 8

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 100 100






Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree0







Job portals are helpful in getting more applicants

Figure 19

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52% of the respondents agree that job portals are helpful for getting more


12% of the respondents strongly agree that job portals are helpful in getting more



Most of the respondents are of the opinion that that job portal are helpful in getting

more applicants as in the current market condition it is difficult for the recruiters to

search for candidates. Job portal are very helpful because the candidate details are

uploaded in it which helps the recruiters to find the candidate easily. The people who

tell that job portal are not helpful must understand the importance of job portals as the

company spend more on paying the job portals such as naukri, monstor etc.

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Table 4.20:

Please rate the following Job Portals as per your Personal experience in finding the

relevant profiles for your requirement (1 Being the least & 5 Being the best)

Naukri 1 2 3 4 5

LinkedIn 1 2 3 4 5

Monster 1 2 3 4 5

Particulars Naukri Percentage (%) Linked-In Percentage (%) Monstor Percentage (%)

One 0 0 36 36 0 0

Two 4 4 20 20 36 36

Three 12 12 32 32 36 36

Four 28 28 12 12 28 28

Five 56 56 0 0 0 0

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100

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One Two Three Four Five0




0% 4%12%



One Two Three Four Five0






36% 36%28%


One Two Three Four Five0







The table shows that the maximum number of resondents strongly agree that naukri

provides good number of profiles when compare to linked-in and monstor


Most of the respondents are of the opinion that Naukri is better compare to monster and

linked-in because Naukri is having a good reputation and all the applicants prefer


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4.21 Chi-Square Test:

Testing of hypothesis:

Ho: Lead time contributes towards business growth

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing TotalParticulars

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Job vacancies can be filled in short duration of time * Lead time

contribution towards business growth

100 100.00% 0 0.00% 100 100.00%

Requirement is closed within the service level agreement * Lead

time contribution towards business growth

100 100.00% 0 0.00% 100 100.00%

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1. Job vacancies can be filled in short duration of time * Lead time contribution

towards business growth.

Crosstab Count

Lead time contribution towards business growthParticulars

Yes No May beTotal

Strongly Agree 24 0 0 24

Agree 20 0 0 20Neutral 8 24 16 48

Job vacancies can be filled in short

duration of timeDisagree 0 0 8 8

Total 52 24 24 100

Chi-Square Tests

Particulars Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 92.735a 6 0

Likelihood Ratio 107.917 6 0Linear-by-Linear

Association 57.845 1 0

N of Valid Cases 100 5 cells (41.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is


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Directional Measures

Particulars ValueAsymp.

Std. Errora

Approx. Tb

Approx. Sig.

Symmetric 0.4 0.074 4.714 0

Job vacancies can be filled in short duration of time

Dependent0.308 0.091 2.949 0.003Lambda

Lead time contribution towards business growth

Dependent0.5 0.093 4.102 0

Job vacancies can be filled in short duration of time

Dependent0.359 0.035 .000c

Nominal by


Goodman and Kruskal

tau Lead time contribution towards business growth

Dependent0.523 0.038 .000c

a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.c. Based on chi-square approximation

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Symmetric Measures

Particulars Value Approx. Sig.

Phi 0.963 0

Cramer's V 0.681 0Nominal by Nominal

Contingency Coefficient 0.694 0

N of Valid Cases 100 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.


The above table indicates that 92.73% of variation is explained by duration of lead time

taken to fill vacancy and its contribution towards business growth.

Significant value = 0.03 which is below 0.05(i.e. level of significance is less than 0.05)

Therefore Ho is rejected and it can be concluded that the business growth depends on

the lead time take to fill the vacancy.

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2. Requirement is closed within the service level agreement * Lead time

contribution towards business growth.

Crosstab Count

Lead time contribution towards business growthParticulars

Yes No May beTotal

Yes 32 0 0 32

No 8 0 0 8Requirement is closed within the service level agreement

May be 12 24 24 60Total 52 24 24 100

Chi-Square Tests

Particulars Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 61.538a 4 0Likelihood Ratio 78.421 4 0

Linear-by-Linear Association 46.38 1 0N of Valid Cases 100

3 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.92.

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Directional Measures

Particulars Value Asymp. Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx.


Symmetric 0.364 0.098 3.305 0.001

Requirement is closed within the service level agreement Dependent

0.5 0.117 3.162 0.002Lambda

Lead time contribution towards business growth

Dependent0.25 0.108 2.041 0.041

Requirement is closed within the service level agreement Dependent

0.467 0.062 .000c

Nominal by


Goodman and

Kruskal tau

Lead time contribution towards business growth

Dependent0.375 0.038 .000c

a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.c. Based on chi-square approximation

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Symmetric Measures

Particulars Value Approx. Sig.

Phi 0.784 0Cramer's V 0.555 0

Nominal by

Nominal Contingency Coefficient 0.617 0N of Valid Cases 100

a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.

b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.


The above table indicates that 61.53% of variation is explained by closing the

requirment within the service level agreement and its contribution towards business


Significant value = 0.02 which is below 0.05(i.e. level of significance is less than 0.05)

Therefore Ho is rejected and it can be concluded that the organisation growth depends

on closing the requirement within the service level agreement.

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5.1. Findings:

44% of the recruiters tell that it takes more than 3 months to recruit and on board

a candidate.

60% of the recruiters are not confident enough that they can close the

requirement within the service level agreement (SLA).

44% of the recruiters find that it takes 6-12 days to get approval from top level

management for recruiting a candidate.

52% of the recruiters agree that lead time contributes towards business growth.

Few recruiters are not aware about the importance of lead time.

28%of the recruiters prefer scheduled interview to reduce the lead time and the

other recruiters and find that walk-in interview, consultancy support and campus

interview are also helpful.

Number of recruiters in the organization is less.

Recruiters are not adopting modern methods for recruiting.

36% of the recruiters are of the opinion that C&B team consumes more time in

recruitment and 32% of them fell that Technical and HR interviews are taking

more time than required.

52% of the recruiters prefer MS Excel to tack the source of the candidate and

they usually update all the data in software for future reference.

48% of the recruiters are not confident enough that the requirement can be

closed in short duration.

Difference of opinion between the recruiters to adopt the right method for hiring

in case of immediate requirement.

64% of recruiters tell that Job portal are always helpful in getting relevant

profiles for the requirement.

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5.2. Suggestions:

After the data analysis, it was observed that there were some problem areas in

recruitment and selection which is taking more than the required time. The suggestion

and recommendation made to the talent acquisition team will help strengthen the

process of recruitment.

Educating the employees about the benefits of reducing the lead time as it helps

in growth of both Individual & organisation

Building awareness of the need of reducing lead time in recruitment and

selection process among the employees will result in the increase of manpower

Increasing the number of recruiters is a good way to reduce the lead time so that

the requirements are closed within the service level agreement.

Adoption of new technology would be helpful in reducing lead time.

Preparing a flowchart of activities would help the recruiters to know the

reasonable time taken to for the activity. For example we can fix minimum of 1

week for shortlisting the candidates to be called for the interview from the

available resumes in job portals. In case the time taken is more than a week we

can take necessary actions to reduce the time taken for that activity. In the same

manner this can be done for all the stages in recruitment which helps us to

reduce the lead time.

The recruiters need to build their confidence and follow various new methods

for recruiting and close the requirement within the service level agreement.

The recruiters need to coordinate properly and adopt the right method in case of

immediate requirement.

Reduce the number of levels of interview as it is not required to conduct the

more levels of interviews for different grades of employees.

Need to provide joining bonus to the candidates who is having a notice period of

3 months and ensure that he joins the company as soon as possible.

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5.3. Conclusion:

From the above discussion it can be concluded that recruitment and selection is a critical

part of IT organisation such as L&T Infotech. Thus reducing the Lead time in

recruitment and selection will lead to increase in manpower of the organisation which

further leads to achieving the targets on time which enables the employees to be

profitable by being productive and generating revenue to the company.

During the research I came across some of the problems associated with L&T Infotech

recruitment and selection process. Statistical data has shown the problems and has been

used to generate suggestions that the company should adopt to reduce the errors in

recruitment and section process and also to reduce the lead time in employing the

candidate to ensure that the requirements are closed within the SLA.

The overall study has shown that L&T Infotech as an organisation is growing.

Recruiting the right person for the right job at the right time proves to be a large factor

for the growth. Reducing the lead time will be an added advantage for the organisation

which leads to increase in the manpower. The recruitment and selection group is

constantly involved in recruiting the qualified pool of candidates and setting

benchmarks and standards for perfection.

Awareness about various problems from this report will be in problem solving and

reducing the lead time in recruitment and selection process for individuals and the

organisation growth.

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I Harsha S (MBA student @ CMR Institute of technology Bangalore). As a part of my

academic requirement, I am undertaking a project survey on “Lead time in

Recruitment & Selection Process @ L&T InfoTech”

I kindly request you to fill the questionnaire which would be helpful for me in data

collection process. I assure that the data will be confidential and used for academic

purpose only.

Respondent Profile:

Name: Designation:

Years of experience in Recruitment:

1. Do you think Lead time contributes towards business growth?

o Yes

o No

o May be

2. To reduce the lead time which type of hiring do you prefer the most?

o Walk-in interview

o Support from Consultancy

o Campus Interview

o Scheduled interview.

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3. Which among the following consumes more time in Recruitment process?

o Sourcing & Scheduling

o Technical Interview & HR Interview

o Compensation & Benefits

o Approval from Management

4. What are the different tools used to track the source of candidate?

o Software

o Microsoft Excel

o Manual

o Online

5. In case of immediate Requirement which of the following would you prefer the

most for recruiting the candidates?

o Walk In Interview

o Support from Consultancy

o Employee referral

o Exiting Database.

6. How many levels of interview will be conducted before selecting the candidate?

o One

o Two

o Three

o Four or More

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7. The job vacancies can be filled in short duration of time.

o Strongly Agree

o Agree

o Neutral

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

8. Are the Job Portals helpful for getting relevant profiles for the requirement?

o Yes

o No

o May be

9. Please rate the following Job Portals as per your Personal experience in finding

the relevant profiles for your requirement (1 Being the least & 5 Being the best)

o Naukri 1 2 3 4 5

o Linked-In 1 2 3 4 5

o Monster 1 2 3 4 5

10. The postings in job portals helps you in getting more applicants

o Strongly Agree

o Agree

o Neutral

o Disagree

o Strongly Disagree

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11. The Recruitment Process is different for different grades of employees.

o Yes

o No

12. Average time taken to recruit Middle-Level or Senior-level employees may be


o 1 Month

o 1 Month- 3 Months

o 3 Months- 6 Months

o More than 6 Months

13. Average time taken by the HR Department in recruiting every single candidate:

o 10 Minutes

o 10 Minutes- 30 Minutes

o 30 Minutes- 1 Hour

o More the 1 Hour

14. Are you satisfied with the Recruitment and Selection process @ L&T InfoTech?

o Yes

o No

15. Do you think the communication channel of your company is good enough for

effective communication within the organisation.

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Neutral

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

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16. The employee Referrals help in closing the positions

o Strongly Agree

o Agree

o Neutral

o Disagree

o Strongly Disagree

17. Dose the Email templates in job portal helps in reducing the timeline in getting

relevant profiles.

o Yes

o No

o May be

18. Do you ensure that the requirements are closed within the Service Level


o Yes

o No

o May be

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19. Maximum time involved in getting approval from the top management for


o 1-6 days

o 6-12 days

o 12-15days

o More than 15 days.

20. Which of the following factors have an impact on setting Service Level

Agreement (SLA).

o Relocation

o Offer decline

o Notice Period

o Salary Expectation

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1. www.lntinfotech.com

2. www.wikipedia.org

3. http://www.ibef.org/industry/indian-iT-and-iTeS-industry-analysis-presentation

4. http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/policies/governing/unit6contract/article5

5. Article :Why Companies Are Taking Longer to Hire By Lauren Weber and

Rachel Feintzeig Sept. 1, 2014 7:08 p.m. ET

6. Employers take record-long time to fill job openings by Ruth Mantell

Published: Oct 8, 2014 4:43 p.m. ET.

7. The Top 12 Reasons Why Slow Hiring Severely Damages Recruiting and

Business Results: by Dr. John Sullivan Apr 21, 2014, 12:14 am ET

8. www.google.com.

9. http://www.ibef.org/industry/information-technology-india.aspx.

10. HRM hand book of Himalaya Publications and Thakur Publication.