Harry Coumnas Enjoys Several Adventurous Activities

Harry Coumnas Enjoys Several Harry Coumnas Enjoys Several Adventurous Activities Adventurous Activities


Harry Coumnas, successful professional from the New York City, received education from some of the prestigious institutions in the region. He has also gained huge recognition for his involvement in a large number of charitable causes. He significantly contributes in social welfare activities, with an aim to make the society a better place to live in.

Transcript of Harry Coumnas Enjoys Several Adventurous Activities

Harry Coumnas Enjoys Harry Coumnas Enjoys Several Adventurous Several Adventurous


Harry Coumnas, successful professional from the New York City, received education from some of the prestigious institutions in the region. He has also gained huge recognition for his involvement in a large number of charitable causes. He significantly contributes in social welfare activities, with an aim to make the society a better place to live in.

Harry loves to mediate and help others in resolving their issues. He has many friends and loves to play pool with them throughout the night. He is a teetotaler and is often teased by his friends for not drinking. Furthermore, he also hates all kinds of drugs and suggests others to stay away from them, as he believes that alcohol and drugs have a harmful effect on an individual’s health and they also make him behave like a stupid.

Harry Coumnas is a law abiding citizen who ensures to respect and follow all the laws of the society in order to contribute in maintaining a stable society. He is also a pet lover and enjoys spending his free time with his 6 pets, which include 3 cats named pussycat, tiger and aimless and 3 dogs named Harry, Joe and buckwheat.

In addition to this, he also loves to adventure and loves the thrill of driving very fast cars. Apart from this, Coumnas loves to hitch-hike across the country and camp out in the woods as this brings him close to the nature. He also loves to experience the thrill involved in sky diving and also enjoys the roller coaster ride. During his free time, Harry likes reading love stories and watching his favorite movies on HBO cable.

In addition to being a successful professional, Harry Coumnas is highly family oriented and possesses strong family values. He shares a close bond with all his family members and ensures to visit and spend quality time with his family of around 100 members who live in different parts of the world including Western Europe, Australia and India.

Harry is also a sports enthusiast and enjoys playing a large number of sports and believes that these help him to stay fit and healthy. He enjoys swimming, basketball and wrestling. Harry is a skilled basketball player and has played for the Knicks Basketball Team in New York City. Besides, he has also won numerous wrestling championships at college level.