Harnessing the Power of the Cloud for the Gospel

Harnessing the Power of “The Cloud”

Transcript of Harnessing the Power of the Cloud for the Gospel

Page 1: Harnessing the Power of the Cloud for the Gospel

Harnessing the Power of“The Cloud”

Page 2: Harnessing the Power of the Cloud for the Gospel


“The Cloud”


It is digital content accessible from any device, anywhere, anytime (as long as there is an internet connection).

What is the Cloud??

The clouds of social media now cover the earth -YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

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As of Q4 2014

As of Q4 2014

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You have access to acebook

As of Q4 2014

As of Q4 2014

Have a Smartphone????


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“But isn’t Facebook just for posting cute baby pictures?”

“Or pictures of your pets?”

“…Are you saying it can be used to share the Gospel too??”

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“Most churches already know that they can use to:

-stay in contact with their members,

-even advertise locally for their ministries…


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Did you know you can use Facebook to effectively reach the un-reached right from the palm of your hand?

Very few churches,Ministries, Or parachurch organizations Know about a Hidden yet Effective method…

Known as ‘Facebook in REVERSE!’

HUH!? “What does ‘Facebook in REVERSE’ mean???”

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Instead of creating a page about your church, ministry, or organization…

YOU create a page to meet a need of your hearers…

-Prayers for the sick

-ESL Tips [English as a second language]

-The page of Peace

-The Truth will set you Free


Facebook in REVERSE

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AND instead of waiting for people to seek out your page…

YOU SEEK THEM OUT by promoting content to them :)

YES even in distant countries…

Facebook in REVERSE

Do you mean to tell me I can share the gospel with people

overseas right from the palm of my hand

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YES that is exactly what I am saying.

BUT very few churches / ministries / mission organizations are aware of how to do this effectively

The gateway to reaching distant lands (virtually)

with the gospel is through a tool called ‘Power Editor’

(it is a hidden tool to the average / novice Facebook user.) Companies like Coke use it to ensure they are known in the earth

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The Tool of Power EditorDid you know with ‘Power Editor’

You can “provision” gospel content (videos, scriptures, Bibles, etc.)

To 100,000 people with ease

And in one days time if you desired?

“Are you serious?”

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DIRT CHEAP in the 10/40 window

$10 = 10,000 people

$100 = 100,000 people

“$100 bucks would be equivalent to distributing 100,000 tracks in in 24 hours right to the hands of lost souls – with only a click of a

button – to any nation you desire.”

“I don’t believe it!” Stop doubting and believe!

There are 2.9 billion people who still haven't heard the good news. We need some way to reach the masses and the Lord is providing the way.

“100,000 is the new 1,000 ”

The Cost?

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With ‘Power Editor’,you can rain down gospel content through “THE CLOUDS” of Facebook to nearly any nation on earth!

Your bag of seeds

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I have been able to engage with a Prince from the UAE!The gospel in Triumphing in the midst of Tragedy

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Facebook has plans to bring the whole world online

But do you have plans to bring the gospel to the whole online world?

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• The Cloud explained: http://youtu.be/gu4FYSFeWqg?list=LLFIMvOE-5BL0PFU4-uBmhBg

• The (evil) power of the cloud - detailed• ISIS• http://www.charismanews.com/us/46431-how-an-american-teen-becomes-a-suicide-bomber-for-isis• http://www.charismanews.com/world/44534-american-teenage-girl-charged-with-helping-isis-terrorists• http://nypost.com/2014/10/27/austrian-teen-who-joined-isis-here-i-can-really-be-free/


• If the kingdom of darkness can get converts overseas through this medium - how much MORE can the kingdom of light do so?

• Cyber bullying• http://globalnews.ca/news/1699639/rehtaeh-parsons-society-to-address-cyberbullying-youth-sexual-violence/• Relentless cyber bullying can driven teens to suicide… :/• Truly ‘death and life is in the power of the tongue’ [words].

• BUT His love is relentless! http://youtu.be/4N9mCUsTapY

• The (good) power of the cloud - detailed• If relentless cyber bullying can try teens to suicide, how much more can the relentless love of God through SM drive teens to Jesus (here and abroad).

• 5 levels of security• -no access to personal profile through page (in architecture of Facebook)• -withholding main contact info in page (I list my nickname & geo location to appeal to the desire for a warmer & more personal interaction. People

don't like talking to a cold wall)• -removed contact information from www.whitepages.com• -use a nickname• -geographical boundary (I know there are cells here, however, this boundary still carries weight - especially in conjunction with the others)

The Power of the Cloud - Detailed

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• 10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we[d] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Eph 6

• The Spirit of Jashobeam• These are the names of David's mighty warriors: Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, was chief of

the Three; he raised his spear against eight hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter.

• Go tear down the ideologies of 800 who are in darkness!

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jashobeam

• The Spirit of Eleazar• Next to him was Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite. As one of the three mighty warriors, he was with

David when they taunted the Philistines gathered at Pas Dammim for battle. Then the Israelites retreated, but Eleazar stood his ground and struck down the Philistines till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword. The LORD brought about a great victory that day. The troops returned to Eleazar, but only to strip the dead. 2 Sam 23:10

• Go stand your ground and strike down the ideologies against the Truth that are embedded in the hearts and minds of the souls that God loves and is calling to Himself!

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleazar_(son_of_Dodai)

David’s Mighty Digital Men (And Women)

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Want to learn more?


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The fields are white for harvest!

Therefore GO reach the unreached!‘Until every ear hears’