Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look...

Dear Grownups, Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your families today as you all learn about the amazing power of Jesus, and the hope we can have in him! This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection, meeting with the disciples and his ascension) before moving onto Acts. I thought that this would be a good transition especially as Junior Church have looked at the Old Testament a lot this year so far. You might also notice there is no Saturday activities. This is to give you guys a day of or a day to catch up if you need it! It will also help with a general change in the layout of these books. From now on Mon-Friday will follow a consistent theme/Book, beginning with Acts, and Sunday will try to link in with what the wider church will be learning about in Adam’s sermon. I thought it might be nice for families to all be learning about the same thing! I haven’t got anymore resources for you this week but instead thought I would remind you of the different social media groups where you can find online resources being posted (hopefully more regularly over the next few weeks!) For 0-3’s there the Litchard Mission Tuesday Toddlers group on Facebook. For primary school ages there’s the Superzone at Litchard Mission group page on Facebook. And for teens, there’s the @ImpactLichard Facebook page. If you haven’t already, check out the full list of resources on the church website at: https://www.litchardmission.co.uk/juniorchurch As always, I’m praying for you and your families this week but let me know if there is anything specifically, I can be praying for you. My email is [email protected] (if you want to send me pictures of any of the colouring in please do!) All the best, Caroline

Transcript of Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look...

Page 1: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

Dear Grownups,

Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your families today

as you all learn about the amazing power of Jesus, and the hope we can

have in him!

This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened

after Jesus’ death (his resurrection, meeting with the disciples and his

ascension) before moving onto Acts. I thought that this would be a good

transition especially as Junior Church have looked at the Old Testament a

lot this year so far.

You might also notice there is no Saturday activities. This is to give you

guys a day of or a day to catch up if you need it! It will also help with a

general change in the layout of these books. From now on Mon-Friday will

follow a consistent theme/Book, beginning with Acts, and Sunday will try

to link in with what the wider church will be learning about in Adam’s

sermon. I thought it might be nice for families to all be learning about the

same thing!

I haven’t got anymore resources for you this week but instead thought I

would remind you of the different social media groups where you can find

online resources being posted (hopefully more regularly over the next few


For 0-3’s there the Litchard Mission Tuesday Toddlers group on


For primary school ages there’s the Superzone at Litchard Mission

group page on Facebook.

And for teens, there’s the @ImpactLichard Facebook page.

If you haven’t already, check out the full list of resources on the church

website at: https://www.litchardmission.co.uk/juniorchurch

As always, I’m praying for you and your families this week but let me

know if there is anything specifically, I can be praying for you. My email is

[email protected] (if you want to send me pictures of any of

the colouring in please do!)

All the best,


Page 2: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

Sunday 12th


Happy Easter! Today is the day we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.

Resurrection is a fancy word that means Jesus rose from the dead. Today

we are going to learn about how Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after he

died and what this means for those who follow him!

PRAY: Before we start, ask God to help you understand and learn more

about Him today!

Who are the first people to learn that Jesus has risen?

The women were going to the tomb to prepare Jesus’ body to be buried.

What does Luke say they brought with them to do this?


When they get to the tomb what do they see?



WATCH: Crossroads kids > God’s Story: Easter >


READ: Luke 24:1-12

The Roman Guards The Disciples The Women Pontius Pilate

Page 3: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

While the women were trying to work out what had happened to the

stone and Jesus’ body, two men (angles) appear to them. What do the

men say?

The women left the tomb and went to tell the disciples what they had

seen. Read John 20:1-10. Who do the women tell first? Unscramble the

words to work it out.


S S J U E E L D O V ( H O N J )


The two disciples’ race to the tomb to see for themselves what the women

described. Who wins the race?


Even though John gets there first, he doesn’t go in the tomb. When Peter

gets there, he goes straight in. Then John follows him. Both see the cloth

and linen which had been wrapped around Jesus’ body. It’s clear Jesus

isn’t there.

Did John, Peter and the other disciples understand what had happened?

Yes No Maybe?

Why do you look for the ____________ among the

_________? He is ____ here; he has _________!

Remember what he told you, while he was still with you

in ____________: “The _____ of Man must be

delivered into the hands of __________, be

_____________ and on the ________ day be

__________ again”

Page 4: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

PRAY: Praise Jesus that he is more powerful than death! Thank Jesus for

everything he did for us – his big rescue plan. He died and rose again,

defeating sin, all so that we could be his friends. Ask Jesus to help you

understand how much he loves you and help you to love him in return.

The disciples didn’t really understand what had happened, but Jesus

would soon appear to them and explain it all. (We’ll learn more about this


But we are very lucky, the disciples were confused because they could

only see what was in front on them (an empty tomb) whereas we get to

see the whole story!

We know that the tomb was empty because Jesus had risen from the

dead – just like he said he would! We know that Jesus could do this

because he is God and he’s more powerful than anything – even death!

We know that Jesus has promised to raise everyone who believes in him

from the dead one day and give them eternal life with him! We know that

Jesus can keep this promise because he is more powerful than death.

We know a lot more than the disciples because we have the Bible. We can

read all about Jesus’ Rescue plan from beginning to end!

This song tells us the whole story of Jesus’

Rescue Plan! ‘Story Song’ > Crossroads Kids >


Page 5: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 6: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 7: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 8: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

Monday 13th


I hope you guys all had a great Easter Sunday celebrating Jesus’

resurrection! Today we are going to learn about what happened after

Jesus rose again.

PRAY: Before we start, ask God to help you understand and learn more

about Him today!

Read Matthew 26:31-35. What does Jesus tell Peter he will do?

WATCH: Saddleback Kids > Jesus forgives Peter >


Page 9: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

If you read John 18:15-27 we see that Peter does deny knowing Jesus 3

times before the rooster crows. What is happening to Jesus when Peter

denies him?




Peter wasn’t a good friend to Jesus. He let Jesus down just like Jesus said

he would. All of the disciples fell away like Jesus predicted.

Now we’re going to fast-forward a bit. After Peter denies him, Jesus is

sentenced and dies on a cross. Three days later he rises again and then

appears to the disciples. Can you find John 21:15-17?

What question just Jesus keep asking Peter? Rearrange the words to work

out the answer!

How many times does Jesus ask this?

5 7 1 4 6 2 8 3 9

This is the same number of times Peter denied Jesus! Jesus knew that

Peter loved him and so he forgave him for betraying him. What does

Jesus tell Peter to do?



Jesus gives Peter the responsibility of looking after his sheep. Jesus’

sheep are his followers because he is the Good Shepherd. The video told

us some of the ways Peter looked after Jesus’ sheep – can you list some?

Me Peter love you Simon?



Page 10: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

PRAY: Thank Jesus that because of his death and resurrection we can be

forgiven. Thank him that he loves us so much he will always forgive us if

we are truly sorry and love him too! Ask Jesus to forgive you for the bad

things you’ve done and to help you be good!





Jesus forgave Peter because Peter was sorry and loved Jesus. Peter then

spent the rest of his life serving Jesus by looking after Jesus’ sheep.

If we are sorry for our sins and love Jesus, he’ll forgive us too! Then we

can spend the rest of our lives telling other people that they can be

forgiven as well!

Let’s celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection

which means we can be forgiven like Peter!

Awesome Cutlery> He is Risen >


Page 11: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 12: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 13: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 14: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

Tuesday 14th


On Sunday we celebrated the day Jesus rose from the dead! Yesterday we

learnt about how after Jesus rose again, he forgave his friend Peter. Did

you know that Jesus stayed on Earth for 40 days after he rose again?

Today we are going to learn about what Jesus’ friend Luke said Jesus did

during those 40 days and what happened next!

PRAY: Before we start, ask God to help you understand and learn more

about Him today!

Can you find Luke 24:36-49. When Jesus appears to the disciples they are

scared and frightened. What do they think they are seeing? (v37)


The disciples think that they are seeing a ghost – they don’t completely

understand yet that Jesus has really risen from the dead! What does

Jesus do to prove to them he is the real Jesus and not a ghost?

WATCH: Saddleback Kids > God is with us >


Jesus does a handstand to

prove he’s alive

Jesus gets angry at them for

not believing him!

Jesus shows them his hands

and his feet

Jesus tells them everything he

knows about them

Jesus eats some fish

Jesus shows them his pulse







Page 15: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

The disciples then realise that this is actually Jesus! They are amazed and

filled with joy – they have their friend back AND he has the power to

defeat death?!

Jesus explains to them that he had to let himself he killed and then rise

again 3 days later in order to fulfil what was written about God’s rescuer

in the Old Testament.

Jesus then says that the disciples have a special job. They are going to be

the ones to tell the whole world about him! To help them Jesus is going to

send a helper. Unscramble these letters to work out who this helper is!


The time has come for Jesus to return to heaven and sit on his throne

next to God the Father.

READ: Luke 24:50-53

Page 16: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

PRAY: Thank Jesus that he really did rise from the dead and he wasn’t

just a ghost! Jesus really rose from the dead, so he really has power over

death! Thank Jesus that he is always with us and one day we will get to

see him face to face!

So, Jesus died on Good Friday. He was burried, and then rose again 3

days later. Then he lived for 40 days before going back to God the Father.

This means that Jesus is still alive today in Heaven! Jesus is always with

us – isn’t that cool?! Jesus promised to be with us all the time until the

day he comes back to Earth. So, right now, we get to enjoy being with

Jesus and look forward to the day when we will see him face to face!

This song tells us all about that day we look

forward to when Jesus come back to Earth! Awesome

Cutlery > He’s Coming Back Again >


Page 17: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 18: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 19: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 20: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

Wednesday 15th


Yesterday we looked at how after living on Earth for 40 days, Jesus went

back up to be with his Father in Heaven. Before he went Jesus told the

disciples that it was their job to tell the whole world about Jesus and what

he had done. We can read all about this is the book of Acts

PRAY: Before we start, ask God to help you understand and learn more

about Him today!

Before Jesus left he promised to send his disciplers a helper who would

help them to tell the world the good news about Jesus. Can you

remember who this helper was?


Today we are learning about the day Jesus’ promise comes true. We call

this day Pentecost and it’s the day God sent the Holy Spirit to the

apostles. (Apostle just means someone who believes in Jesus and teaches

others about him.)

What are the two things the apostles see? Unscramble the words and

draw pictures to match.

WATCH: Saddleback Kids > God sends the Holy Spirit >


READ: Acts 2:1-4



Page 21: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

Then the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit! What does the Holy Spirit

give them the power to do?


All of the apostles start speaking in other languages – languages they’d

never learnt! Jerusalem was filled with people from all over the world and

now these people see the apostles speaking in their language and they’re

confused! They asked each other: “Aren’t these men Galileans? Now we

hear them speaking in our languages! What does this mean?”

But not everyone is amazed. Some people are suspicious and begin to

make fun of the apostles. Who gets up to speak to the crowd?


Peter tells them that this is the fulfilment of an Old Testament prophecy

in Joel 2:28-32. Can you find it in your Bible?

Peter understands what has happened. God has sent his people the

Holy Spirit to help them, just like Jesus promised. With the Holy Spirit’s

help, Peter tells the crowd all about Jesus and what he did for them. The

people understand and believe, and they ask Peter what they should do

next. How does Peter reply in Acts 2:38-39?

“After this, I will give my S______ freely to all kinds of people.

Your s_____ and daughters will p_______. Your old men will

dream d_______. Your young men will see visions. At that

time, I will g_______ my Spirit even to servants, both men

and w_______.

Page 22: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

PRAY: Thank God for sending the Holy Spirit to the first apostles so that

they could tell the whole world about Jesus! Thank god that he still sends

the Holy Spirit to his followers today! Thank the Holy Spirit for helping us

when we pray and read the Bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep helping

you, especially when you tell other people about Jesus!

The people believed, said sorry for their sins and were baptised as

followers of Jesus. 3000 became Jesus’ friends that day!

But did you see what Peter said in verses 38-39? He said that anyone who

believed in Jesus and became his friends would be given the Holy Spirit

too – that includes us! Even today, hundreds of years later, God still gives

the Holy Spirit to those who believe in him.

The Holy Spirit helps us to be Jesus’ friends. It helps us to pray and to

understand the Bible. It also helps us to tell other people about Jesus by

guiding our words and opening the hearts of the people we speak to. Isn’t

it amazing that we don’t have to do any of that on our own?

Over the next few weeks we are going to see all the different ways the

Holy Spirit helped the first apostles!

This song reminds us the command Jesus gave us

to tell the whole world about him! Awesome

Cutlery> Go Make Disciples >


Page 23: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 24: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 25: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 26: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

Thursday 16th


Yesterday we learnt about how God sent his followers the Holy Spirit to

help them as they told the world about Jesus. Today we are going to learn

about a time the Holy Spirit helped Peter.

PRAY: Before we start, ask God to help you understand and learn more

about Him today!

Peter and John are walking to the temple to pray. They see a poor man

who couldn’t walk sitting at the side of the road asking for money. Peter

and John call out to him and the man turns to them expecting some

money. Read Acts 3:6-10 – What does Peter say to the man?

What happens to the man?


What does he do to celebrate?


WATCH: Saddleback Kids > Peter heals a beggar who can’t walk >


Page 27: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

Peter and John guide the man into the temple. Inside everyone is

confused and amazed that poor man who was begging outside earlier can

now walk!

Can you find the differences in these pictures of John and Peter in the


Page 28: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

PRAY: Thank God that he uses normal people like us and the apostles to

do incredible things. Thank God that the Holy Spirit helps us to do this!

Ask God to help you trust in Jesus and become his friend!

Everyone there is amazed that Peter and John had the power to heal the

man. But who does Peter say healed the man? (Acts 3:16)

There was nothing special about Peter and John which allowed them to

perform this miracle – they just trusted in Jesus! It was God’s power that

healed the man! Isn’t it cool that God uses normal people like you and me

to do great things?

Peter then tells the crowd all about Jesus. He tells them that Jesus was

the Son of God who lived on Earth. That he was falsely sentenced to

death and died on a cross, but he rose 3 days later! Now he lives with his

Father in Heaven. Peter told them that he knew all of this was true

because he was there!

The people believed Peter, so he told them to repent (say sorry for) their

sins and turn away from them. Instead they should become followers of

Jesus and trust in him! Do you believe what Peter said about Jesus is

true? If so, the Bible says that you should become a follower of Jesus too!

It was the power of __________ that made

this man well. This happened because we

__________ in the _______ of Jesus. You

can see this man, and you know him. He

was made completely well because of

_______ in Jesus. You all saw it happen!

LISTEN: Because the apostles believed in Jesus and

trusted him – they travelled all around the world to tell

people about Jesus. Today Jesus’ followers still do this!

This song tells us what an adventure it can be to trust

in Jesus. Rend Co. Kids > I’ll go Anywhere >


Page 29: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 30: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 31: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

Friday 17th

ACTS 5:17-42

Right now, we are reading through the book of Acts. We’ve learnt that

God gives his people the Holy Spirit to help them and uses normal people

like us to do really cool things!

PRAY: Before we start, ask God to help you understand and learn more

about Him today!

The apostles are spending their time in the temple in Jerusalem telling

people the Good News about Jesus – that he was the Messiah! He died

and rose again so that we could be forgiven for our sins!

The Bible tells us that large crowds gathered and came to hear them

speak. They were amazed by what they said, and many came to believe

in Jesus too.

But not everyone was happy…

Read Acts 5:17. Who wasn’t happy with the apostles?

T __ E H __ G __ H P __ I __ S __ A __ __

T __ E P __ A __ I __ E __ S

What does verse 17 say they were filled with?


What do they do?

Send the disciples away Close the temple Arrest the apostles

Read Acts 5:18-20. Who rescues the disciples?


WATCH: Saddleback Kids > The Apostles and the High Council >


Page 32: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

What does the angel tell them to do?

I don’t know about you but if I had just been arrested for teaching people

in the temple, I don’t think the first thing I’d want to do is go back! But

the apostles knew that teaching people about Jesus was the most

important thing in the world! So, as soon as they can the next day, the

apostles go back to the temple and carry on telling people about Jesus.

Meanwhile, the Pharisees gathered their High Court called the Sanhedrin

made up of all the important elders of Israel (this is the same court which

put Jesus on trial shortly before his death). They send for the apostles,

but they’ve gone! Then someone spots them – where were the apostles?

At home In the temple In the market

The guards bring the apostles to the court. The high priest asks them why

they were teaching in the temple when they had been told not to. How do

Peter and the other apostles reply (Acts 5:29-32)?

We must obey _______, not _____! You killed

Jesus. You hung him on a cross. But God, the

same God our ________ had, raised Jesus up

from death! ________ is the One whom God

raised to be on his right side. God made Jesus our

Leader and _______. God did this so that the

people of ______ could change their hearts and

lives and have their sins __________. We saw all

these things happen. The Holy ______ also proves

that these things are true. God has given the Spirit

to all who _______ him.

Page 33: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,

PRAY: Thank God that even though it can sometimes be hard to follow

Jesus, God is always with us and he protects us and gives us strength.

Ask God to help you be like the apostles. That you will trust in God in all


This makes the Pharisees so angry that they want to kill the apostles. But

one Pharisee called Gamaliel tells them that they shouldn’t do this. He

says that if they kill the apostles, the people who believe what the

apostles say, might become so angry that they’ll kill the Pharisees! The

Pharisees are scared by this, so they arrange for the apostles to be

beaten, but not killed.

In 24 hours, the apostles have been arrested twice, almost killed and

have been beaten up. How would you feel after this? Look at acts 5:41-

42. How do the apostles feel?


The apostles are happy that these things are happening to them because

they remember Jesus saying that God will bless the people who are hurt

because they follow him (Matthew 5:10).

So, even though they had been beaten up, even though they were

probably a little bit scared, the apostles carry on telling people about

Jesus every day!

Sometimes we might find it hard to follow Jesus. It might mean saying no

to something everyone else is doing. It might mean not being able to go

to something on a Sunday so that we can go to Junior Church instead.

But we can remember what Peter and the apostles believed – that

following Jesus and telling other people about him is more important than

anything else!

Let’s see if you remember this song – it helps us to

remember that, like the apostles, we should try to

tell other people about Jesus! Awesome Cutlery>

Go Make Disciples >


Page 34: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,
Page 35: Happy Easter Sunday! I’m praying for all of you and your ... · This week the activity books look at a couple of the things that happened after Jesus’ death (his resurrection,