
15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness

Transcript of Happiness

15 Habits That Will

Grow Your Happiness

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness•Happiness is circular. Happ

y people have happy habits, which in turn, makes them happier. Here’s a list of habits that have a high chance of giving you a happiness boost. 

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 1. Savor the moment. Look around

your environment and take note of one thing that you often take for granted. Bring mindful attention and awareness to it. Try to engage all your senses. Notice the positive feelings and associations that go with it. Try to hold onto this awareness for 15-20 seconds or so, to let it really sink in. 

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 2. Practice non-judgmental

awareness of yourself and others.

• Most people, including you, are doing the best they can with the resources they have in any particular moment. No one wakes up and says, “I think I’ll screw up my life today.” Give yourself, and others, a break.

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 4. Connect with others. We are

inherently social and have a fundamental need for belonging. Having social support is a buffer in times of stress.Connecting with others can also help put problems in perspective; others can give you useful feedback.

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 5. Resolve conflicts proactively.

Treat emotional issues as temporary and solvable. Use assertiveness skills.

Realize you can be kind without having people walk all over you.

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 6. Develop good self-care

practices. Exercise, eat healthy most of the time, get enough sleep, be kind to yourself, and develop good boundaries.

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 7. Share gratitude and love.

Express gratitude to those who have made a difference in your life. Send a card. Write a letter. Visit in person.

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 8. Focus on the good. Write down

three good things that happen each day. Take pictures. Journal. Keep scrapbooks (they don’t have to be fancy).

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 9. Live like you're on vacation.

What makes the time we spend on vacation better than the time we spend at home? We are open to new experiences. We are trying novel things. At home there are plenty of things we could be doing that would be novel and/or fun, but there's no urgency. Plan a time to be a tourist in your own town. 

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 10. Fake it. Studies show that if your

face is in a smiling position (such as holding a pen long-ways in your mouth), it sends signals to your brain that you are happy. If you don’t want to put a pen in your mouth, simply focus on turning up the corners of your mouth ever so slightly. Imagine that even your eyes are smiling.

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 11. Have fun and laugh.

Laughter has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce certain stress hormones, defend against respiratory infections, increase memory and learning, improve alertness, and increase creativity.

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 12. Spend money. Money can buy

(some) happiness, but only if you spend it on the right things, like experiences or other people. No one ever said on his or her deathbed, "I wish I'd bought more stuff."

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 13. Simplify. Too many things, too

many activities, too many choices—really too much of anything—can cause stress and decrease happiness.

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 14. Curtail Comparisons. Remember

that we all have joys and sorrows. Too often we’re comparing how we feel on the inside to how someone else looks on the outside.

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness• 15. Live an authentic and

meaningful life. Be true to yourself and live in line with your values. Ask yourself, What do I want in life? What small steps can I take to move in that direction?

15 Habits That Will Grow Your Happiness

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