Hamon Press Information Release - Vfb - Half... · Hamon Press Information Release 1 I. INTERIM...

Hamon Press Information Release i Regulated information 4 September 2015 18:00 Half Year Results H1 2015 Good project execution during the first half year 2015, allowing the Business Units to generate an EBITDA higher than during the first six months of 2014, except the PHE BU, which continues its turnaround and which negatively impacts the H1 2015 results. Commercial activities during H1 2015: Backlog is at a very good level of EUR 764 million, slightly lower than the backlog as of 30 June 2014 (EUR 793 million), because of the good completion made on major projects. The level of new order bookings is satisfactory despite the delay taken by customers to finalize some major contracts, whereas the comparable previous half years had seen significant new bookings. Our management is confident for the remainder of the year. Our development in Africa, in the Middle-East and in Asia in general is promising. The level of new order bookings for the Process Heat Exchangers BU (PHE) is encouraging. H1 2015 EBITDA amounting to EUR 9.6 million EBITDA is slightly below H1 2014 EBITDA because of the still negative contribution of the Process Heat Exchangers BU and some non-recurring costs. Excluding this BU, the EBITDA of the other BUs increased by 26%, from EUR 13.5 million to EUR 17.0 million. The performance of the Process Heat Exchangers BU is encouraging, even though it was penalized by effects from the past and by some non-recurring items (normalized operating profit of EUR -1.1 million). All BUs have seen a significant improvement in the quality of execution, with improved margins for some of them. The net result is negative, because of non-recurring items like restructuring costs, write-down on some non-trade receivables of the PHE BU and the taxes in the US. Strategic partnership: Esindus Sopal International SA, majority shareholder of Hamon & Cie (International), will bring to the latter the 38.89% stake it holds in the Spanish company Esindus in exchange of Hamon shares. This contribution of Esindus presents a strategic, economic and industrial interest for Hamon, which will increase its capital accordingly see note 5. Net working capital Net working capital and net financial debt increase due to higher level of on-site activities (ReACT TM , plant Vogtle, …), to delays of payment of some trade receivables and to customers having delayed the final acceptance of some major projects. This will be tackled by the reinforcement of equity see note 5. Interim dividend No interim dividend. Prospects In view of the general economic environment, Hamon does not release any guidance on its future results.

Transcript of Hamon Press Information Release - Vfb - Half... · Hamon Press Information Release 1 I. INTERIM...

Page 1: Hamon Press Information Release - Vfb - Half... · Hamon Press Information Release 1 I. INTERIM CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 1. Commercial activities GROUP (MEUR) H1 2015 H1 2014

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Regulated information 4 September 2015 18:00

Half Year Results H1 2015

Good project execution during the first half year 2015, allowing the Business Units to generate

an EBITDA higher than during the first six months of 2014, except the PHE BU, which

continues its turnaround and which negatively impacts the H1 2015 results.

Commercial activities during H1 2015:

Backlog is at a very good level of EUR 764 million, slightly lower than the backlog as of 30

June 2014 (EUR 793 million), because of the good completion made on major projects. The

level of new order bookings is satisfactory despite the delay taken by customers to finalize some

major contracts, whereas the comparable previous half years had seen significant new bookings.

Our management is confident for the remainder of the year.

Our development in Africa, in the Middle-East and in Asia in general is promising.

The level of new order bookings for the Process Heat Exchangers BU (PHE) is encouraging.

H1 2015 EBITDA amounting to EUR 9.6 million

EBITDA is slightly below H1 2014 EBITDA because of the still negative contribution of the

Process Heat Exchangers BU and some non-recurring costs. Excluding this BU, the EBITDA of

the other BUs increased by 26%, from EUR 13.5 million to EUR 17.0 million.

The performance of the Process Heat Exchangers BU is encouraging, even though it was

penalized by effects from the past and by some non-recurring items (normalized operating profit

of EUR -1.1 million).

All BUs have seen a significant improvement in the quality of execution, with improved margins

for some of them.

The net result is negative, because of non-recurring items like restructuring costs, write-down

on some non-trade receivables of the PHE BU and the taxes in the US.

Strategic partnership: Esindus

Sopal International SA, majority shareholder of Hamon & Cie (International), will bring to the

latter the 38.89% stake it holds in the Spanish company Esindus in exchange of Hamon shares.

This contribution of Esindus presents a strategic, economic and industrial interest for Hamon,

which will increase its capital accordingly – see note 5.

Net working capital

Net working capital and net financial debt increase due to higher level of on-site activities

(ReACT TM, plant Vogtle, …), to delays of payment of some trade receivables and to customers

having delayed the final acceptance of some major projects. This will be tackled by the

reinforcement of equity – see note 5.

Interim dividend

No interim dividend.


In view of the general economic environment, Hamon does not release any guidance on its future results.

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Table of contents

I. INTERIM CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT REPORT ...............................................1

1. Commercial activities ......................................................................................................1

2. Consolidated income statement .......................................................................................2 3. Overview by business unit ...............................................................................................4

a) Cooling Systems ..........................................................................................................4

b) Process Heat Exchangers .............................................................................................4

c) Air Quality System ......................................................................................................5

d) NAFTA ........................................................................................................................5

4. Consolidated balance sheet ..............................................................................................6 5. Reinforcement of equity ..................................................................................................7 6. Post Balance Sheet Events ...............................................................................................7

II. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBILITY ..........................................................................8


1. Condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss ........................................................9 2. Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income ......................................10 3. Condensed consolidated statement of financial position ...............................................11

4. Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity ...............................................12 5. Condensed consolidated cash flow statement ................................................................13

6. Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements ................................14 a) Declaration of compliance .........................................................................................14

b) Principal accounting policies .....................................................................................14

c) Subsidiary companies ................................................................................................14

d) Exchange rates used by the Group .............................................................................15

e) Information by segment .............................................................................................15

f) Operating expenses ....................................................................................................17

g) Other operating income (expenses) ...........................................................................18

h) Non-recurring income (expenses) ..............................................................................18

i) Net finance costs ........................................................................................................19

j) Goodwill ....................................................................................................................20

k) Available-for-sale financial asset ...............................................................................20

l) Construction contracts ...............................................................................................21

m) Trade and other receivables .......................................................................................21

n) Financial liabilities .....................................................................................................22

o) Derivative instruments ...............................................................................................23

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p) Financial instruments .................................................................................................24

q) Commitments .............................................................................................................26

r) Information on financial risks management ..............................................................27

s) Related parties ............................................................................................................27

t) Events after the balance sheet date ............................................................................27

IV. AUDITOR’S REPORT ......................................................................................................28

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1. Commercial activities

GROUP (MEUR) H1 2015 H1 2014

Bookings 247,6 343,9

Backlog 763,6 793,5

During the first half year 2015, the Group booked new orders amounting to EUR 248 million, lower

than those of H1 2014 because of some late decision taking by customers and of the lack of signature

of big orders during the first six months of 2015 (no control on the timing of negotiations).

Emerging countries represented around 60% of new order bookings in H1 2015, thanks to important

new orders in Latina America and in the Middle East.

The Group is confident to book important new orders in H2 2015 and to reach a level of new order

bookings comparable to the one of 2014.

Backlog, at EUR 764 million, remained very strong and will allow a sustained level of activity during

the coming quarters.

The abovementioned new order booking and backlog figures exclude intersegment activities.

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2. Consolidated income statement

Revenue remained stable compared to H1 2014, but was lower than our forecast, due to delays

encountered by some customers on sites.

The gross profit margin was comparable to last year (14%).

in EUR million H1 2015 H1 2014

Revenue 297,5 296,8

Gross profit 41,9 42,3

EBITDA 9,6 10,7

EBITDA/Revenue +3,2% +3,6%

Recurring EBIT 5,0 6,3

Non-recurring gains and losses -5,3 -0,9

Operating profit (EBIT) -0,3 5,4

Net finance costs -3,0 -5,5

Share of the profit (loss) of


-0,2 -0,2

Result before tax (continued


-3,6 -0,3

Income tax expenses -1,3 1,8

Net result from continued operations -4,9 1,5

Net result of discontinued operations 0,0 0,0

Net result for the period -4,9 1,5

Share of the Group in the net result -4,5 2,0

Results in EUR per share

Average number of shares 8.996.337 7.189.772

EBITDA per share 1,06 1,49

Earnings per Share (EPS) -0,50 0,28

Gross profit in % of revenue 14,1% 14,3%

EBITDA in % of revenue 3,2% 3,6%

Result before tax (continued

operation) in % revenue -1,2% -0,1%

Net result for the year in % revenue -1,6% 0,5%

H1 2015 EBITDA is in line with the H1 2014 results, despite the negative contribution of the Process

Heat Exchangers BU, which carries on its in-depth transition towards a profitable business model.

Excluding this BU, the H1 2015 EBITDA of the other BUs would have amounted to EUR 17.0 million

versus EUR 13.5 for H1 2014 (+26%).

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EBIT is impacted by the restructuring costs of the Process Heat Exchangers BU and by non-recurring

items (write-down on some non-trade receivables of the PHE BU).

Finance costs benefit from low short-term interest rates and from some foreign exchange gains on the

US dollar.

Income tax results from the profit made by the NAFTA BU.

Detailed explanations on the activities of this half year are given in the overview by business unit.

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3. Overview by business unit

a) Cooling Systems

Cooling System (MEUR) H1 2015 H1 2014

Bookings 134,1 178,2

Backlog 401,2 382,8

Revenue 108,1 133,5

EBITDA 5,3 3,4

EBITDA/Revenue 4,9% 2,6%

Average headcount 799 950

New orders booked by the Cooling Systems BU amounted to EUR 134 million during H1 2015.

Dry Cooling booked new orders in some new countries, whereas Wet Cooling also showed very strong

performances, with the signature of several contracts for new units or important revamping projects as

well as aftermarket service in Europe and in North America.

The BU is confident on the evolution of new order bookings during the second half year.

The backlog at end of June represented more than one year of activity.

Revenue, amounting to EUR 108 million, was lower than during H1 2014 because some contracts were

delayed by customers.

However, the global performances of this first half year are very good compared to those of H1 2014

(+56%), thanks mainly to the outstanding execution of our projects (both in Wet and Dry Cooling) and

to the strict management of our overheads costs thanks to increased synergies within the business unit.

b) Process Heat Exchangers

Process Heat Exchanger

(MEUR)H1 2015 H1 2014

Bookings 32,0 23,6

Backlog 62,9 36,4

Revenue 18,7 28,7

EBITDA -7,4 -2,8

EBITDA/Revenue -40,5% -9,6%

Average headcount 216 230

New order bookings at the end of June 2015 were higher than those of H1 2014, with a significant part

coming from the Middle East and South Korea.

The results remain too low and are still negatively impacted by some old contracts. Excluding the non-

recurring items, the normalized operating profit amounted to EUR -1.1 million, due to the lack of volume

and thus of profit recognition (only EUR 18 million revenue). An action plan has been launched to reorganize

the BU, to allocate resources in France, Belgium, Middle East and Korea better and to improve project

management as well as financial control.

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c) Air Quality System

AQS (MEUR) H1 2015 H1 2014

Bookings 25,4 96,8

Backlog 157,6 199,3

Revenue 57,7 52,9

EBITDA 1,7 0,0

EBITDA/Revenue 2,9% 0,0%

Average headcount 373 299

Even though H1 2015 new order bookings (slightly above EUR 25 million) were lower than those of

H1 2014, the second quarter saw an increase of business opportunities as well as some new orders,

particularly in Africa and in Asia.

The BU management is confident for the second half year, especially due to the fact that, since end of

June 2015, new order intentions have been booked and other major decisions are expected very soon.

These evolutions will allow the 2015 new order bookings to reach the level of 2014.

Despite this temporary slowdown in terms of new order bookings during the first six months, EBITDA

improved significantly versus the same period of 2014. The backlog at the end of June still represented

more than one year of activity.

The Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) activities complete the traditional filtration activities with

contracts all around the world, in Asia, in Central America and in Europe. This diversification,

combined with the new business model put in place within the BU three years ago, shows its efficiency.


NAFTA (MEUR) H1 2015 H1 2014

Bookings 56,2 45,2

Backlog 141,9 191,6

Revenue 118,8 86,8

EBITDA 9,1 9,8

EBITDA/Revenue 7,7% 11,3%

Average headcount 335 321

The NAFTA Business Unit kept on showing strong results during this half year. After a slow beginning

of the year, the Business Unit activity bounced back with some important new orders booked during the

second quarter and in the end, new order bookings were higher than during H1 2014. Backlog decreased

versus one year ago, due to the progress made on the ReACT TM project, but it remains high despite the

lack of any new mega-project. The backlog is well diversified, with a broad range of products like

aftermarket service, Heat Recovery Steam Generators, Industrial boilers, Fabric filters, Electrostatic

precipitators, a ReACT TM unit and Recuperative heaters.

The BU still displays very strong results with a solid EBITDA, in line with the budgeted figure.

Management keeps on focusing on overhead cost control to ensure the future profitability and on

developing Delta’s activities abroad.

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4. Consolidated balance sheet

in M€ 30/06/2015 31/12/2014

Non-current assets 125,7 123,1

Net Deferred tax 22,0 20,6

Stock and net WIP -11,7 -14,8

Trade Receivable 191,6 144,0

Other current receivable 11,8 12,4

Cash & cash equivalent 111,0 139,0

TOTAL ASSETS 450,4 424,3

Non current liabilities 8,1 11,4

Borrowings LT 2,2 96,4

Borrowings ST 194,9 83,7

Trade payables 180,1 166,4

Other current payables 26,0 23,0


EQUITY 39,1 43,4

NWC -14,5 -47,8

NET DEBT / (CASH) 86,1 41,1

Non current assets 125,7 123,1

Net working capital -14,5 -47,8


(1) Stock and net WIP is the sum of ‘Inventories’, ‘Amount due from customer for contract work’ & ‘Amount due to

customers for contract work’ (see p 11)

The increase of Group assets & liabilities is partly due to the increase of the US dollar exchange rate

versus the Euro.

Net debt increased due to a combination of events:

Delays to get customer payments in China and in the Process Heat Exchangers BU.

Delays in the final acceptance of some major projects of which the execution is completed.

On-site construction of some mega projects, which uses cash (Plant Vogtle, ReACT TM,


Lower level of new order bookings in H1 2015 and hence of customer advance payments.

An expected receivable of EUR 12 million had been paid on July 6th, so just after the closing of the


For the reasons explained in point 5, the long-term financial debts have been reclassified as short-term

financial debts.

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5. Reinforcement of equity

Due to the debt increase, some ratios imposed by financing agreements were not respected as of 30 June

2015. The contract between the Group and its financial creditors foresee, in such a case, a possibility to

remedy through a reinforcement of the Group equity.

In this context the Hamon & Cie board of directors has proposed to proceed with a capital increase soon,

via (among others) a contribution in kind by Sopal International SA of the shares it holds in Esindus SA

(Spain) in exchange of Hamon shares.

6. Post Balance Sheet Events

There are no significant post balance sheet events to report.

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We hereby certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the condensed Consolidated Interim Financial

Statements prepared in accordance with the IAS 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” as adopted by the

European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss

of the Group for the first half year of 2015. The commentary on the overall performance of the Group

from page 1 to 7 in our view offers a fair and balanced review of the overall performance of the business

during the first half year of 2015. Any material related parties’ transactions or conflicts of interest have

been disclosed in the financial information. There have been no material changes to the risks and

uncertainties for the Group as outlined in the 2014 Annual Report; these risks and uncertainties remain

applicable for the financial performance of the Group for the remainder of 2015.

4 September 2015

Francis Lambilliotte


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1. Condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss

in EUR '000' S1 2015 S1 2014

Revenue 297.543 296.805

Cost of sales (255.629) (254.467)

Gross profit 41.915 42.338

Sales & marketing costs (7.249) (7.636)

General & administrative costs (31.713) (27.352)

Research & development costs (775) (1.194)

Other operating income / (expenses) 2.800 95

Operating profit before non-recurring items (REBIT) 4.977 6.251

Restructuring costs (1.266) (634)

Impact of Changes in consolidation scope - -

Impairment / reversal of impairment on non-current assets - -

Other non-recurring items (4.050) (200)

Operating profit (EBIT) (339) 5.417

Interest income 94 189

Interest charges (3.133) (5.699)

Share of the profit (loss) of associates & joint-ventures (207) (156)

Result before tax (3.585) (250)

Income taxes (1.267) 1.758

Net result from continued operations (4.852) 1.509

Net result of discontinued operations - -

Net result (4.852) 1.509

Equity holders of the company (4.497) 1.987

Non controlling interests (355) (478)

Earnings per share

Continued and discontinued operations

Basic earnings per share (EUR) (0,50) 0,28

Diluted earnings per share (EUR) (0,50) 0,28

Based on their strike price, the stock options granted to

Group employees have no dilutive impact at period(s) end.

Continued operations

Basic earnings per share (EUR) (0,50) 0,28

Diluted earnings per share (EUR) (0,50) 0,28

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2. Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income

in EUR '000' H1 2015 H1 2014

Net result (4.852) 1.509

Other comprehensive income

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to result

Reclassif ication of previously recognized changes in fair value of

available-for-sale assets to net result

Change in fair value of hedging instruments 169 (199)

Changes in currency translation reserve 603 540

Items that may not be reclassified subsequently to result

Actuarial gains/loss on defined benefit plan -

Other comprehensive income, net of taxes 772 341

Comprehensive income (4.080) 1.850

Equity holders of the company (4.060) 1.767

Non controlling interests (20) 83

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3. Condensed consolidated statement of financial position

in EUR '000' 30/06/2015 31/12/2014


Non-current assets

Intangible assets 24.566 23.897

Goodw ill 50.036 48.997

Property, plant & equipment 41.676 41.080

Investment in associates & joint-ventures 4.416 3.755

Deferred tax assets 28.514 27.185

Available-for-sale f inancial assets 2.196 1.980

Trade and other receivables 2.812 2.963

Derivative f inancial assets - 407

154.216 150.263

Current assets

Inventories 13.552 13.765

Amount due from customers for contract w ork 76.711 89.728

Trade and other receivables 191.602 143.981

Derivative f inancial assets 505 5.953

Cash and cash equivalents 110.991 138.987

Current tax assets 11.213 6.414

Available-for-sale f inancial assets 53 -

404.627 398.828

Total assets 558.843 549.091


Share capital 21.643 21.643

Reserves 14.556 14.368

Retained earnings 369 4.668

Equity attributable to the equity holders of the company 36.567 40.680

Non controlling interests 2.580 2.672

Total equity 39.147 43.352


Non-current liabilities

Financial liabilities 2.169 96.438

Provisions for pensions 5.733 6.157

Provisions for other liabilities and charges 261 323

Deferred tax liabilities 6.494 6.579

Other non-current liabilities 2.117 4.958

16.774 114.456

Current liabilities

Financial liabilities 194.874 83.685

Amount due to customers for contract w ork 101.936 118.249

Trade and other payables 180.086 166.364

Current tax liabilities 4.368 1.291

Derivative f inancial liabilities 16.636 16.771

Provisions for other liabilities and charges 5.021 4.923

502.921 391.284

Total liabilities 519.695 505.739

Total equity and liabilities 558.843 549.091

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4. Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

in EUR '000'









ow n
















Equity -


to equity

holders of

the parent






Balance at 1 January 2014 1.892 671 14.550 7.968 (92) 4 153 (757) (350) (1.278) 22.762 4.475 27.237

Comprehensive income - - - 1.831 - - - (199) - 135 1.767 83 1.850

Capital increases - - - - - - - - - - - 1.395 1.395

Dividends paid to shareholders - - - - - - - - - - - (26) (26)

Other movements - - - - - - - 70 - (0) 70 - 70

Balance at 30 June 2014 1.892 671 14.550 9.799 (92) 4 153 (886) (350) (1.143) 24.599 5.927 30.526

Balance at 1 January 2015 2.188 671 34.005 4.668 (157) 4 153 (902) (947) 997 40.680 2.672 43.352

Comprehensive income - - - (4.496) - - - 169 - 266 (4.060) (20) (4.080)

Dividends paid to shareholders - - - - - - - - - - - (72) (72)

Other movements (17) - - - (35) - - - - - (53) - (53)

Balance at 30 June 2015 2.171 671 34.005 172 (192) 4 153 (733) (947) 1.264 36.567 2.580 39.147

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5. Condensed consolidated cash flow statement

S1 2015 S1 2014

Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from customers 315.644 314.603

Cash paid to suppliers and employees (357.055) (311.027)

Cash generated from operations before taxes (41.411) 3.576

Other f inancial expenses and income (paid)/received 1.059 (1.616)

Income taxes paid (2.646) (3.581)

Other cash received / (paid) (169) -

Net cash from operating activities (43.167) (1.621)

Restructuring costs (1.302) (656)

Net cash from operations after restructuring (44.469) (2.277)

Cash flows from investing activities

Dividends received 83 44

Proceeds on disposal of subsidiaries (net of cash disposed) - -

Proceeds on disposal of PP&E 806 236

Proceeds/(Purchase) of available for sale f inancial assets (212) -

Acquisition of Subsidiaries (net of cash acquired) (761) -

Acquisition of PP&E (1.816) (2.330)

Increase/(decrease) of government grants - -

Disposal/(purchase) of other intangible assets (855) (746)

Capitalized development costs (464) (475)

Net cash from investing activities (3.219) (3.271)

Cash flows from financing activities

Dividends paid to shareholders - -

Dividends paid to non controlling interests (72) (26)

Capital Increase - -

Proceeds from issuance of shares to non controlling interests - 1.395

Interest received 94 189

Interest paid (4.938) (3.908)

Proceeds from bond issue - 52.500

Proceeds from new bank borrow ings 17.826 50.352

Repayment of borrow ings (309) (52.500)

Net cash from financing activities 12.601 48.002

Other cash flow mouvements

Other variations from discontinued operations - -

Net cash on acquisition of subsidiaries (0) -

Other net cash flows (0) -

Net variation of cash and cash equivalents (35.086) 42.454

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 138.987 120.133

Impact of translation differences 7.090 796

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 110.991 163.383

Net variation of cash and cash equivalents (35.086) 42.454

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6. Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

a) Declaration of compliance

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are prepared in accordance with International

Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and IAS 34- Interim Financial


The condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not include all the information required in

the yearly consolidated financial statements publication and must therefore be read together with the

2013 consolidated financial statements published in the 2013 Annual Report.

The publication of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements was approved by the

Board of Directors on 03 September 2015.

b) Principal accounting policies

The accounting policies used for the preparation of the condensed consolidated interim financial

statements are consistant with those used in the 2014 consolidated financial statements with the

exception of the following new standards which are both in effect from annual periods beginning on or

after 1 January 2015:

IFRIC 21 - Levies

Adoption of these new standard did not cause any material impact on the consolidated interim financial

statements of the Group and did not require restatement of past consolidated interim financial statements

used for comparison purposes.

The Group has decided not to anticipate the application of revised or new standards and interpretations.

The application of these revised or new standards and interpretations should have no significant impact

on the consolidated financial statements.

c) Subsidiary companies

The consolidation scope has not been modified since 31 December 2014.

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d) Exchange rates used by the Group

Exchange rates for 1 EUR

H1 2015 2014 H1 2015 H1 2014

UAE Dirham AED 4,1095 4,4593 4,1106 5,0353

Australian Dollar AUD 1,4550 1,4829 1,4373 1,5072

Brazilian Real BRL 3,4699 3,2207 3,3143 3,1513

Canadian Dollar CAD 1,3839 1,4063 1,3856 1,5047

Chilean Peso (100) CLP 7,1003 7,3742 6,9413 7,5938

Chinese Yuan CNY 6,9366 7,5358 6,9626 8,4734

Pound Sterling GBP 0,7114 0,7789 0,7328 0,8216

Hong-Kong Dollar HKD 8,6740 9,4170 8,6776 10,6397

Indonesian Rupiah (100) IDR 149,3843 150,7610 145,0318 161,0189

Indian Rupee INR 71,1873 76,7190 70,3378 83,3651

South Korean Won (100) KRW 12,5127 13,2480 12,3102 14,3992

Mexican Peso MXN 17,5332 17,8679 16,9760 18,0024

Malaysian Ringgit MYR 4,2185 4,2473 4,0661 4,4834

Polish Zloty PLN 4,1911 4,2732 4,1387 4,1812

Saudi Riyal SAR 4,1953 4,5555 4,1990 5,1415

Thai Baht THB 37,7960 39,9100 36,8742 44,7746

Turkish Lira TRY 2,9953 2,8320 2,8692 2,9684

U.S. Dollar USD 1,1189 1,2141 1,1192 1,3713

South African Rand ZAR 13,6416 14,0353 13,2874 14,6705

Period-end rate Average rate

e) Information by segment

The Group is organized in five Business Units: Cooling Systems, Process Heat Exchangers, Air Quality

System and NAFTA. Additional Business Unit information is presented in the first part of this annual


The results of a segment and its assets and liabilities include all the elements that are directly attributable

to it as well as the elements of the income, expenses, assets and liabilities that can reasonably be

allocated to a segment. Segment profit represents the profit earned by each segment after allocation of

central administration costs and directors’ salaries, share of profits of associates and investment

revenues, to the extent that they can be allocated to a segment, but before finance costs. This is the

measure regularly presented to the chief operating decision maker for the purposes of resources

allocation and assessment of segment performances.

The COMEX is the operational decision maker for all the Business Units.

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Statement of profit or loss

en EUR '000'



Process Heat


Air Quality



allocatedElimination Total

For the period ended 30 June 2014

Revenue third party 133.492 28.421 51.883 82.980 29 - 296.805

Inter-segment revenue 26 295 979 3.839 - (5.139) -

Total revenue 133.518 28.716 52.862 86.819 29 (5.139) 296.805

Operating profit before non-recurring items (REBIT) 1.200 (3.334) (322) 8.942 (235) 6.251

Non-recurring items (626) 6 (214) - - (834)

Operating profit (EBIT) 574 (3.328) (536) 8.942 (235) 5.417

EBITDA 3.417 (2.768) 8 9.751 295 10.703

Interest income 189 189

Interest charges (5.699) (5.699)

Share of the profit/(loss) of associates (156) (156)

Result before tax - (249)

Income taxes 1.758 1.758

Net result from continued operations - 1.509

en EUR '000'



Process Heat


Air Quality



allocatedElimination Total

For the period ended 30 June 2015

Revenue third party 108.060 18.356 57.671 113.434 22 - 297.543

Inter-segment revenue 46 379 17 5.320 12 (5.774) -

Total revenue 108.106 18.735 57.688 118.754 34 (5.774) 297.543

Operating profit before non-recurring items (REBIT) 3.469 (8.016) 1.231 8.084 211 4.977

Non-recurring items (583) (3.970) (122) 39 (680) (5.316)

Operating profit (EBIT) 2.886 (11.987) 1.108 8.123 (469) (339)

EBITDA 5.336 (7.430) 1.673 9.140 838 9.555

Interest income 1.417 1.417

Interest charges (4.456) (4.456)

Share of the profit/(loss) of associates (207) (207)

Result before tax (3.585)

Income taxes (1.267) (1.267)

Net result from continued operations (4.852)

Other elements of the statement of profit or loss

in EUR '000'Cooling


Process Heat


Air Quality




For the periodr ended 30 June 2014

Depreciation and amortization (2.217) (566) (330) (676) (530) (4.452)

Impairment of goodw ill - - - - - -

(Impairment) / reversal of impairment on inventory - 226 - - - 226

(Impairment) / reversal of impairment on trade receivables (201) - (200) - - (401)

(Increase) / decrease in provisions (142) 14 131 86 (508) (420)

For the periodr ended 30 June 2015

Depreciation and amortization (1.867) (519) (442) (1.019) (627) (4.474)

Impairment of goodw ill - - - - - -

(Impairment) / reversal of impairment on inventory 11 (12) - - - (1)

(Impairment) / reversal of impairment on trade receivables 139 - (65) - - 74

(Increase) / decrease in provisions 109 (75) 21 (1.064) - (1.009)

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Statement of financial position information

in EUR '000'Cooling


Process Heat


Air Quality




As of 31 December 2014

Assets 139.499 56.647 94.865 63.244 191.081 545.336

Investments in associates - - - - 3.755 3.755

Total assets 139.499 56.647 94.865 63.244 194.836 549.091

Total liabilities 135.457 31.049 72.714 51.139 215.379 505.738

Capital expenditures 2.750 919 959 1.189 - 5.817

As of 30 june 2015

Assets 158.004 66.752 85.188 78.040 166.443 558.842

Investments in associates - - - - 4.416 -

Total assets 158.004 66.752 85.188 78.040 170.858 558.842

Total liabilities 142.207 32.715 61.619 47.275 235.878 519.694

Capital expenditures 1.317 403 351 321 - 2.392

All assets and liabilities (except for cash and cash equivalents, financial liabilities and current/deferred

tax assets and liabilities) are, when applicable, allocated to reportable segments.

f) Operating expenses

in EUR '000' H1 2015 H1 2014

Gross remuneration 51.209 42.746

Employer's contribution for social security 5.768 6.520

Other personnel costs 2.466 1.838

Charges/costs of the personnel 59.443 51.104

Depreciation & amortization 4.475 4.452

Other operating expenses 23.290 22.623

Total gross operating expenses 87.208 78.179

Costs allocation (1) (47.471) (41.997)

Total net operating expenses 39.737 36.182

Sale & marketing costs 7.249 7.636

General & administrative costs 31.713 27.352

Research & development costs 775 1.194

Total net operating expenses 39.737 36.182

Average Headcount 1.777 1.850

(1) Costs of time spent by employees on development

projects, proposals and customer contracts

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Gross remuneration increases due to a combinaison of factors :

The appreciation of the US dollar vs Euro

The inflation in the emerging markets

The use of temporary staff in order to complete major projects (costs allocated to the projects)

The headcount decreases compared to 2014 due to the scope exit of the Indian affiliate Hamon Shriram

Cottrell PVT Ltd (still included on June 30th 2014).

g) Other operating income (expenses)

in EUR '000' H1 2015 H1 2014

Dividends and other financial income 83 44

Profit/(loss) on disposals of assets 163 142

Exchange differences, net 2071 60

(Impairment)/reversal of impairment of current assets 73 (400)

Other misc. operating income/(expenses) 409 250

Total 2.800 95

The other operating incomes increase vs S1 2014 thanks to a positive exchange diffence during the first

semester of 2015. The other miscellaneous incomes are mostly insurance revenues and sub-letting


h) Non-recurring income (expenses)

in EUR '000' H1 2015 H1 2014

Restructuring costs (1.266) (634)

Impact of Changes in consolidation scope - -

Impairment / reversal of impairment on non-current

assets - -

Gain/(loss) on disposal of AFS - -

Other (4.050) (200)

Other non-recurring items (4.050) (200)


Total (5.316) (834)

Restructuring costs are related to the Business Unit Process Heat Exchangers and the other non-curring

items are writte-down on non-trade receivables.

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i) Net finance costs

in EUR '000' H1 2015 H1 2014

Interest charges (3.489) (4.613)

Costs related to anticipated reimbursement

Other borrowing costs 356 (1.086)

Amortized cost treatment (280) (714)

Factoring costs (60) (169)

Other f inance costs (3.333) (543)

Unrealised FX loss on LT loans

Unrealised FX gain on LT loans 4.030 340

Finance costs (3.133) (5.699)

Interest income 94 189

Interest income 94 189

Total (3.039) (5.510)

Interest charges on the debt of the Group have decreased in H1 2015 compared to H1 2014, mainly due


The repayment of a bank borrowing in Brazil bearing high interest rates;

The historical low level on EURIBOR fixings.

This caption also includes the cost of carry coming from the setting-up of Interest Rate Swaps and Cross

Currency IRS and the pre-financing interests on factoring operations without recourse.

The section “Other borrowing costs” includes in H1 2015 unrealized exchange gains of eur 4 030

thousand (unrealized exchange gains of eur 340 thousand in H1 2014) on long term intercompany loans

denominated in foreign currencies; partially offset in “Other finance costs” by a negative fair value on

an fx forward transaction entered in August 2014 for the purpose of hedging a part of those long term

intercompany loans.

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j) Goodwill

As of 31 December 2013

Cost 50.504

Accumulated amortization and impairment (1.531)

Net carrying amount 48.973

For the year ended 31 December 2014

Exchange difference 2.530

Entry / changes in consolidation scope (2.506)

Net carrying amount at closing date 48.997

As of 31 December 2014

Cost 50.528

Accumulated amortization and impairment (1.531)

Net carrying amount 48.997

For the year ended 30 June 2015

Exchange difference 1.039

Net carrying amount at closing date 50.036

As of 30 June 2015

Cost 51.567

Accumulated amortization and impairment (1.531)

Net carrying amount 50.036

No impairment has been identified on the goodwill as of 30 June, 2015. Besides the currency exchange,

no variation or movement was registered during H1 2015.

k) Available-for-sale financial asset



For the year ended 31 December 2014

Balance at opening date 2.633 1

Disposals - (1)

Transfer from one caption to another (737) -

Other variations 1 -

Exchange difference 83 -

Balance at closing date 1.980 -

For the year ended 30 June 2015

Balance at opening date 1.980 -

Additions 179 53

Exchange difference 37 -

Balance at closing date 2.196 53

No material variation or movement was registered during H1 2015.

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l) Construction contracts

in EUR '000'30/06/15 30/06/14

Contract costs incurred and recognised profits (less

recognised losses to date) 1.234.374 928.030

Progress billings (1.259.599) (968.553)

Total (25.225) (40.523)

Amount due from customers for contract w ork 76.711 78.795

Amount due to customers for contract w ork (101.936) (119.318)

Total (25.225) (40.523)

Contracts in progress, i.e. those for which the guarantee period has not yet started, are maintained in the

balance sheet. The variation of both costs incurred and advances billed to customers, is thus linked to

the timing of acceptance of orders by our customers rather than the growth of our activities.

m) Trade and other receivables

in EUR '000' 30/06/15 31/12/14

Trade receivables 140.518 103.351

Impairment of doubtful receivables (1.797) (1.999)

Trade receivables - net 138.721 101.352

Retentions 234 (0)

Prepayments 16.449 12.673

Cash deposits and guarantees paid 1.274 1.340

Receivables on related parties 2.573 3.807

Other receivables 35.165 27.773

Total 194.415 146.944

Non-current Trade and other receivables

Receivables on related parties 369 369

Cash deposits and guarantees paid 1.161 1.224

Other non-current receivables 1.282 1.369

Less: non-current receivables (2.812) (2.963)

Trade and other receivables - current 191.602 143.981

On 30 June 2015, the amount of receivables assigned without recourse to financial organizations and

that are deducted from the section ‘Trade receivables’ according to the criteria included in IAS 39 is

EUR 60 million (EUR 57 million in December 2014).

Local practice sometimes requires that customers retain a percentage on payments (called retention)

until the final acceptance of the contract. This percentage is generally limited to 10%.

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n) Financial liabilities

in EUR '000' 30/06/15 31/12/14

Bank borrowings 67.181 49.739

Bank overdrafts 1 289

Sub-total bank borrowings 67.182 50.028

Obligations under finance lease 2.471 3.296

Treasury notes 69.875 69.354

Other financial commitments 57.515 57.446

Sub-total other borrowings 129.861 130.096

Total 197.043 180.123

Of which:

Current (due for settlement within the year) 194.874 83.685

Amount due for settlement in the 2nd year 562 39.761

Amount due for settlement in the 3rd year 357 359

Amount due for settlement in the 4th year 136 136

Amount due for settlement in the 5th year and after 1.114 56.182

Sub-total non-current: 2.169 96.438

Total 197.043 180.123

Of which:

Borrowings due for settlement within the year in

EUR 182.789 68.784

USD 6.457 5.154

Others 5.629 9.747

Non-current borrowings in

EUR 2.161 96.438

USD 0 0

Others 8 0

Total 197.043 180.123

Group bank borrowings as of 30 June 2015 (EUR 67,2 million) are mostly related to the syndicated

credit facility of July 2011. Please refer to our annual report 2014 for details of securities, undertakings

and financial covenants pertaining to this credit agreement.

The EUR 55 million senior bonds due in 2020 is reported under section “Other financial commitments”.

The bonds were issued at 100 per cent of the par on 30 January 2014 and will be redeemed at par on 30

January 2020. They bear interest at an annual rate of 5.5 per cent. The bonds are listed on the regulated

market of NYSE Euronext Brussels.

Certain covenants under our financing agreements may not technically be complied with on 30 June

2015. In such situation, the contractual provisions which bind the Group and its credit providers and

bondholders provide for the possibility of remediation through the strengthening of the Group's net

assets which is planned soon.

Under the current situation, the IFRS rules foresee that the total debt falling under the covenants must

be reclassified as short term debt (reclassification of EUR 112,5 million as of June 2015). In this context

the Hamon & Cie board of directors has proposed to proceed with a capital increase soon, via (among

others) a contribution in kind by Sopal International SA of the shares it holds in Esindus SA (Spain) in

exchange of Hamon shares.

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The Belgian Treasury note program continues to be very successful and allows the Group to finance

itself at even better conditions than through the existing credit facility with our pool of banks.

Both the senior bonds and the Belgian Treasury notes give the Group an alternate and additional source

of funding.

o) Derivative instruments

In EUR '000' 30/06/15 31/12/14 30/06/15 31/12/14

Cash flow hedge

Forward currency contracts sales Assets

Liabilities 108.149 102.354 (9.677) (6.679)

Forward currency contracts purchases Assets 3.700 41


Interests rate swaps 31.424 31.424 (733) (902)

Net investment hedge

Forward currency contracts sales Assets

Liabilities 18.607 18.607 (3.690) (1.864)

Cross currency swaps 11.424 11.424 (2.034) (942)

Total fair values 0 0 (16.134) (10.345)

0 0 (6.457) (3.708) Fair values recognized in the hedging reserves in Equity

Derivative financial instruments designated as "cash flow

hedge" and "net investment hedge"

Notional or



Fair Value

During H1 2012, Hamon entered into various 5-year hedging transactions. Part of these transactions

took the form of Cross currency IRS. These are reviewed as two synthetic operations, a EURO IRS

paying a fixed leg and a cross currency swap with two fixed legs. The IRS’s pay fixed legs at 1,335%

against EURIBOR 3 months and are effective hedges against the interest rate fluctuations on existing

borrowings. The CCIRS fixed-to-fixed are hedging part of our net investment in the United States of


The increase of long term interest rates during H1 2015 generated an reduction in the negative fair

values of the EURO IRSs which have been recognized in other comprehensive income.

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En EUR '000' 30/06/15 31/12/14 30/06/15 31/12/14

Forward currency contracts sales Assets 2.266 3.130 1 1

Liabilities 18.594 51.150 (355) (354)

Forward currency contracts purchases Assets 47.841 23.398 504 287

Liabilities 12.930 (147)

under "Unrealized exchange gains" 504 289

under "Unrealized exchange losses" (502) (354)

2 (65)

Derivative financial instruments designated as "held for


Fair values recognized in the income statement

Notional or Contractual

amountFair Value

Forward currency contracts used to hedge the transactional risks on currencies are accounted as if they

were held for trading. However, such forward currency contracts are only used to hedge existing

transactions and commitments and are therefore not speculative by nature.

The changes in fair values were directly recognized in the income statement in unrealized exchange

gains or losses.

p) Financial instruments

Below is a comparison of the carrying amount and fair value of the financial assets and liabilities as of

30 June 2015 and the hierarchy of fair values.

In EUR '000'


amount Fair values

Hierarchy of fair


Financial Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 110.991 110.991 Niveau 2

Available-for-sale financial assets 2.249 2.249 Niveau 3

Loans and receivables 171.451 171.451 Niveau 2

Derivative financial assets 505 505 Niveau 2

285.196 285.196

Financial Liabilities

Borrowings at amortized cost 142.043 142.043 Niveau 2

Senior bond 55.000 56.018 Niveau 1

Other payables 141.964 141.964 Niveau 2

Derivative financial liabilities 16.636 16.636 Niveau 2

355.644 356.661


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In order to reflect the importance of data used for the valuation of fair values, the Group classifies this

valuation according to the following hierarchy:

Level 1: fair value measurements are derived from quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets

for identical assets or liabilities;

Level 2: fair value measurements are derived from inputs, other than quoted prices included

within Level 1, that are observable for the asset or liability in question, either directly (i.e., as

prices) or indirectly (i.e., derived from prices);

Level 3: fair value measurements are derived from valuation techniques that include inputs

related to the asset or liability not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

A part of the financial liabilities were evaluated at amortized cost, which is net of transaction costs.

Borrowings principally include bank debt for which the fair value is comparable to the value in the

accounts because this debt includes a variable rate. The senior pari passu bonds at fix rate 5.50 % are

quoted on Euronext Brussels under the ISIN BE0002210764 and symbol HAM20. There is thus a

market fair value which differs from the book value. The quotation as of 30 June 2015 was at 101,85

on the Thomson Reuters Eikon platform.

“Other payables” are mainly trade payables for which the fair value does not differ from the book value

due to its current nature.

Derivative financial assets and liabilities only include forward currency contracts, IRS and CCIRS. They

are included in this note on the asset and liability sides for their fair value depending whether they are

positive or negative.

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q) Commitments

in EUR '000' 30/06/15 31/12/14

Documentary credit / SBLC import 12.295 15.848

Bank guarantees 228.357 210.532

Insurance bonds 63.601 58.536

Total 304.254 284.916

As part of its business, the Group is often required to issue guarantees in favor of customers for the

reimbursement of advance payments, the correct execution of contracts or obligations of technical

guarantees. Some of these commitments require bank guarantees, insurance bonds or documentary

credits/SBLC import issued on the Group credit lines. The Group has also opened documentary credits

and SBLC Import in order to improve payment conditions with some of its suppliers.

The guarantees are issued amongst others under the syndicated credit line, a US Bonding line and

various local lines.

At 30 June 2015, the Group had ample available headroom under its committed guarantee lines.

The Group has also endorsed commitments relating to companies sold in 2005 (FBM), bankrupt (HRCI)

or associated companies (OHL and BFT) as follows:

in EUR '000' 30/06/15 31/12/14

Commitment of good project execution 182 182

Comfort letters to banks 1.286 1.286

Comfort letters to suppliers

Bank guarantees 48 48

Total 1.515 1.515

The commitments for which payment is probable are recorded as liabilities.

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r) Information on financial risks management

The policies and the risk management procedures defined by the Group are the same as those described

in the 2014 annual report. We refer to note o for additional information.

s) Related parties

Transactions with related parties mostly include commercial relations with shareholders or entities

linked to shareholders of Hamon. The transactions between related parties are executed at arm’s length.

There was no significant variation in the nature of transactions with related parties during H1 2015

compared to 31 December 2014.

t) Events after the balance sheet date

There were no significant events between the balance sheet date and the date of these financial


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Forward looking statements

This presentation contains forward-looking information that involves risks and uncertainties, including

statements about Hamon’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions. Readers are cautioned that

forward-looking statements include known and unknown risks and are subject to significant business,

economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the control of

Hamon. Should one or more of these risks, uncertainties or contingencies materialize, or should any

underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could vary materially from those anticipated,

expected, estimated or projected. As a result, neither Hamon nor any other person assumes any

responsibility for the accuracy of these forward-looking statements.

For all additional information

For all additional information, please contact:

Hamon Investors Relations [email protected]

Francis Lambilliotte, CEO [email protected] +

Christian Leclercq, CFO [email protected] +

Financial calendar

Trading update Q3 2015 31/10/2015

Publication of the full year 2015 results 29/02/2016

Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2015 26/04/2016

Hamon profile

The Hamon Group is a world player in engineering & contracting (design, installation and project

management). Its activities include the design, the manufacturing of critical components, the

installation and the after-sale services of cooling systems, process heat exchangers, air pollution

control (APC) systems, heat recovery steam generators and chimneys, used in power generation, oil

& gas and other heavy industries like metallurgy, glass, chemicals.