Hammond NOW Winter 2015




Transcript of Hammond NOW Winter 2015

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Artwork by Jackson Derrick (‘16)

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6 VIVE LA FRANCEThis year’s Country of Study takes us to France!



10 SLAM DUNKThree State Championship Wins

13 SIGNS OF THE TIMESOn stage and off, the stars shine at Hammond

14 OOH, LA, LAHammond Auction 2015

16 CLASS NOTESReconnect with former classmates

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Dear Hammond Families, Alumni, and Friends:

It’s hard to believe that as I write this, the first semester of this school year is a fond memory, and spring is rapidly approaching. It seems like yesterday that we opened the doors after a busy summer vacation to welcome back a group of bright, enthusiastic students whose excitement and dedication to academics, athletics, the arts, and community service continue to amaze us. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to walk this incredible journey with such an impressive group of young people.

We will begin and end this school year immersed in our country of study: France. Three faculty members, one from each division, spent professional development time in France and returned to help share their experiences and a taste of the French culture with our school community. Our Select Ensemble carried the language of music to France in their winter concert tour, our Parents Association hosted a spectacular French-themed auction, and all three divisions have celebrated a day devoted to the study of France.

We are justifiably proud of this unique and important component of our curriculum that helps connect Hammond to the greater world. Our country of study program and international student exchanges help engage our faculty and student body in global experiences that enrich the curriculum and expose students to other cultures.

Academically, we continue to be the leader in independent education in Columbia, and arguably, the Southeast. In an unprecedented perfor-mance, our math team clinched first place in both individual and team competition at the 2014-2015 SCISA meet. In addition to taking first place, Skyhawk mathematicians also took third place in team competi-tion and second through sixth place in individual competition.

In November we celebrated yet another State Championship win on the football field, our competition cheerleading squad clinched a state title, and our Varsity Boys Basketball Team captured a well-earned State Cham-pionship title. The Arts Department wowed us with holiday concerts, A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream, and a talented display of visual artistry.

Join me in celebrating the exciting journey we all experience as members of the Hammond community. Come to a sporting event or arts program, support our student volunteers, and give generously of your time, talent, and Annual Fund gifts. We are all fortunate to be part of a vibrant community, and proud to be a part of the Hammond family.

All the Best, Chris Angel


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Vive la France

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Annually, the Hammond Parents Association funds three faculty trips to the chosen country of study. While abroad, teachers immerse themselves in the culture, history, language, and cuisine of the nation--always mindful of incorporating its unique aspects into the curriculum. Upon their return, the travelers make creative and informative presentations at convocation, officially kicking-off the year’s journey ... and this year found Skyhawks in France.

So how do we do it? How do we transport more than 900 students around the world and back every day? It starts, but doesn’t stop, in the classroom.

In the Middle and Lower Schools, students are exposed to literature from France in the library, explore the country’s regions, history, and currency, while learning to make comparisons between our country and France. And perhaps the biggest travel day of the year is the Parents Association’s Country of Study Day when classrooms and dining facilities are transformed and students are transported to a different culture through a variety of activities and learning opportunities. In all three divisions, games, trivia, and authentic cuisine make the experience complete.

In a unique twist, this year’s Select Ensemble traveled to France to share their talent and the universal language of music in various locales around the country. In one of the most poignant moments of the visit, the group sang at the American Cemetary at Omaha Beach in Normandy as the American flag was raised.

You might say the Hammond family takes a nine-month trip to another country, enjoying the sights and sounds of a different culture and celebrating this unique component of our curriculum.

Vive la France!


Since 1989, Hammond has been putting its own spin on the globe. The typical student who started school in pre-kindergarten will have visited at least 14 countries by graduation and been exposed to several languages ... without ever leaving home. The Country of Study program puts the world in Hammond, and Hammond in the world ... and it’s uniquely ours.


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Hammond’s math teams, both the Middle and Upper Schools, took top honors in math competitions.

The Upper School math team took first place in both indi-vidual and team competition at the 2014-2015 SCISA High School Meet. Not only did they take first place in both categories, but the Skyhawk Mathematicians also clinched third place in team competition and second through sixth place in individual competition. Arguably a first occurrence in the history of SCISA compe-tition, these talented math students, under the direction of Marcus Neal brought home the gold this year!

The Middle School MathCounts Competition Team placed third in the Columbia MathCounts chapter. Eighth grader Aayush Karan ranked first out of nearly 100 individual competitors and will advance to the state level competition. Seventh grader Tobi Ogunfowora won the countdown speed round by edging out his opponents in four rounds of head-to-head compu-tations and problem solving.

Upper School students spent countless hours raising money and awareness for children at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital in a campaign modeled after and assisted by the Univer-sity of South Carolina Dance Marathon. The Hammond Dance Marathon is in its third year, under the direction of Seniors Claire Harvin and Caroline Schraibman.

The dance marathon lasted eight hours in each of its first two years, a smaller-scale version of the USC event. This year saw some changes in the shorter, two-hour main event and the addition of other activities, focusing on aware-ness as much as fundraising.

Students worked throughout the fall to collect Halloween costumes for the young hospital patients, wrote them letters, volunteered at the hospital’s holiday market, an opportunity for parents of the patients to choose free gifts for the children.

Hammond students continue to impress others with a heart for giving and a commitment to making a difference. The costumes that night ran the gamut from superman to the incredible hulk, and every student emerged a hero in the eyes and hearts of these young children whose lives they have touched.



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Hammond Ambassadors tell tales in and out of schoolThe Hammond Ambassadors Program is an outreach component of our school community that helps support the philosophy and mission of the Hammond experience both internally and externally.

This fall brought several new and exciting visible touches to our campus following recom-mendations from the Hammond Ambassadors group. Last spring these individuals carefully toured campus and offered thoughtful recommendations for areas that would benefit from subtle facelifts or opportunities for multi-purpose space. From specially painted areas in the Lower School to a revamped

Middle School hallway, these changes are welcome additions to our campus that serve to enhance the learning experience for our students and help boost the admission experience.

The Ambassador Program also hosted a party at the beginning of the school year to welcome new parents to Hammond and provide an opportunity for these families to meet other new and current families, ask programmatic questions, and meet members of the administrative team.

Under Chair Laura Williams’ leadership, the group has also embarked on a periodic e-mail campaign to share stories from other parents that help highlight some of the intangible aspects of being a part of the Hammond community. From the most recent email came these notes. “I love the environment at

the school and feel like the academics are wonderful. After one week at Hammond, my daughter came home and said, ‘First Grade is awesome. I think it is going to be my favorite grade!’ This enthusiasm makes my heart happy and I owe it all to what the school does for my children.” Finally, another Hammond mom adds, “The faculty and staff at Hammond are truly amazing. There is such a sense of family in every-thing they do. I couldn’t be more pleased with the values my son has learned and has applied outside of school.”

Headmaster’s Cup Golf Tournament 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 201511:00 am - Lunch

12:00 pm - Shotgun Start

Windermere Club

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SLAM DUNKThree State Championships:

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The South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA) presented Hammond with The James C. Williams President’s Cup for the 2013-2014 school year, the second consecutive year the school has received the award. The President’s Cup is “given in recognition of the most outstanding athletic program in the South Carolina Independent School Athletic Association”. Not only is the recipient of the President’s Cup recog-nized for the competitive results of its athletic teams but also for the academic standing and community service involvement of its student-athletes.

This distinction for Hammond was made possible by tremendous support the athletic program receives from the entire Hammond community including faculty, staff, administration, coaching staff, student-athletes, and families. As the President’s Cup is the highest distinction for an athletic program, Hammond is proud to accept this award on behalf of all of these groups who tirelessly worked together to enable Hammond to have such a successful 2013-14 athletic year.

CONGRATULATIONS to the Skyhawk Nation!


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BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER. Have YOU given to the Annual Fund yet?

Every good Skyhawk can participate! Hover and click “link” icon.

The Upper School Drama Department never fails to bring down the house with its wide-ranging reper-toire of talent and the finely crafted productions it brings to life on the Bank of America Theatre stage. This fall was no exception. To the delight of audiences, the three-day run of A Midsummer Night’s Dream combined the best of Shakesperean comedy with modern twists, including well-known music and perfectly timed humor. Directed by Linda Khoury, Midsummer showcased the vocal and acting talent abundant in our student body.

This spring’s musical will be Grease held March 20-22. Don’t miss what promises to be another stellar performance by our Skyhawk Thesbians!

GREASE is the Word! March 20, 21, 22


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Signs of the Times

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Ooh, La, La!Auction 2015

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Postcards from Paris - Like a well-scripted note penned from the “City of Lights”, this year’s Auction was just that and more. A change of venue to the South Carolina State Museum added a festive air and vintage flair to the evening, and took us on a journey we won’t soon forget. From the host of French Revolution characters greeting visitors at the door, to the authentic cuisine, and famous landmarks along the streets and avenues of Paris, the stage was set for a spectacular evening enjoying the fellowship of the Hammond family ... for a good cause.

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Homecoming 2014 brought out the best in every Skyhawk. Alumni cele-brated before the game at a reception hosted by Headmaster Chris Angel and his wife, Peggy before heading to Edens Field. Bristow Richards and Katharyn Taylor were crowned Mr. and Miss Homecoming, with Gar-rett Ayers returning to help pass the crown. A great time was had by all and red was the color of the day. Plan to join us next fall. Watch your mail and Hammond Happenings for more information, and be sure to save the date!




Baseball & Soccer Games

Saturday, March 14, 20152:00 pm

Food truck immediately followingfor players & families

Soccer: The RockBaseball: Baseball Fieldrsvp: [email protected]

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Classes of ‘75, ‘78, ‘79

The Citadel celebrated its Leaders in Philanthropy weekend October 17 and 18, 2014. The Citadel Foundation hosts the event annually to recognize select Citadel alumni “for their leadership and generosity in support of The Citadel, and their philanthropic intent to help others with the belief that charity and service are virtues of the principled leader”. JOHN CHAPMAN ‘78 was inducted into The Order of the Tartan recognizing 25 years of consecutive giving to The Citadel Foundation. FRED PRICE ‘75, a current member of The Citadel Board of visitors, is also a former inductee into The Order of the Tartan, The Legacy Society, and The Summerall Society. ALEC GILES ‘79, a former inductee into The Order of the Tartan, was also inducted into The Summerall Society, and The Legacy Society during the ceremony held in the Summerall Chapel on campus.

Class of ‘79

COLONEL TARA OSBORN has been appointed to a third judicial term and named the Chief Trial Judge of the U.S. Army. She presides over felony criminal trials and oversees judicial operations at military installations worldwide.

Class of ‘88

BRANDON DAVIDSON SHIVES was named among Converse College’s 125 Outstanding Alumnae for her high achievement and/or service in one or more of the College’s Core Values: Excellence, Integrity, Exploration, Diversity, Respect, Community and Progress.

Class of ‘89

ROB BETHEA has been appointed to the South Carolina Venture Capital Authority by Governor Nikki R. Haley. Rob will serve the appointment through July 2017.

Class of ‘90

AMANDA HEATON LEVECK and her husband, Kelly, proudly announce the birth of a son, Knox Lee Marshall, born June 6, 2014.

class notes

Brandon Davidson Shives

Knox LeVeck

John Chapman, Fred Price, Alec Giles

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JOHN KLECKLEY and his wife, Elle, welcomed Philippa “Gardner” born November 20, 2014. Gardner joins big brother Jack.

Class of ‘91

CANTZON FOSTER and his wife, Krisdee, announce the birth of a son, Knox, born September 26, 2014. Knox joins sister Annabelle.

Class of ‘93

CHARLIE ROWLAND and his wife, Nell, are proud to announce the birth of “Alaedra” Avalon born September 11, 2014.

SHERLOCK ELLIOTT and his wife, Paola, welcomed a daughter, “Harriett” Jane born November 11, 2014. Harriett joins proud big sister, Gabriela.

COOPER CURRIN HUDSON and her husband, Gregg, are proud to announce the birth of a daughter, “Currin” Rose, born January 15, 2015.

Class of ‘94

CATHERINE SMITH JEFFORDS and her husband, Clayton, welcomed a second son, “Henry” Wilson, born September 9, 2014. Henry joins two year-old brother Colton. The Jeffords currently reside in Nashville, but will be moving to Anderson, SC in July where Catherine will join Piedmont Pathology Associates after six years of training at Vanderbilt.

MATT BOWERS and his wife, Rhoda Jane, proudly announce the birth of a second son, “Charles” Paschal, born October 7, 2014. Lee Bowers is the proud big brother of Charles.

Class of ‘96

RION COBB and his wife, Charlotte, welcomed triplets “Luciana” Rachel, “William” Marion, and “Jackson” Edward born July 16, 2014.

Class of ‘97

DUSTIN HUGHEY and his wife, Carly, are proud to announce the birth of a fourth son, “Grayson” James, born August 13,2014. Grayson joins brothers Jack (9), Griffin (6) and Hayes (3).

CHRIS YOUNG and his wife, Murray, welcomed a daughter, “Austin” Ann Young on January 20, 2015. Austin joins proud big brother Porter.

LANDER CASON and his wife, Leigh, welcomed daughter Leighton “Griggs” born October 4, 2014.

Currin Hudson

Henry Jeffords

Charles Bowers

Luciana, William, and Jackson Cobb

Griggs Cason

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Class of ‘99

MATT MUNGO and his wife, Mary Grace, are proud to announce the birth of a son. Stewart Mungo was born November 12, 2014.

Class of ‘01

PHILLIPS MCWILLIAMS and his wife, Christy, welcomed their first child, son Phillips, on December 5, 2014.

KATHERINE WOLFE WALLACE and her husband, Jason, are proud to announce the birth of Katherine “Charlotte” born February 25, 2014.

Class of ‘02

JONATHAN PATTERSON and LEE LAFONTANT PATTERSON (’03) welcomed a daughter, Samantha, on December 19, 2014.

LEIGH ELLEN LYBRAND GRAY received her J.D. from the Charleston School of Law in May 2014, graduating summa cum laude. She is currently employed as a judicial clerk in the chambers of the Hon. Patrick Michael Duffy, Senior U.S. District Judge. Her husband, Cranston, is a fourth year medical student at MUSC and is currently applying for residency positions in anesthesiology.

JORDAN SCOTT MEDLEY and husband, David, proudly announce the birth of their son, Cannon Smith Medley, born September 18, 2014. Cannon joins big sister, Ellison Elizabeth, age 2.

ELIZABETH DARLINGTON WALKER and Richard Blake Bohler were married on June 7, 2014.

Phillips McWilliamsCharlotte Wallace

Samantha Patterson Cannon MedleyStewart Mungo

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Class of ‘03

TUCKER LAFFITTE and his wife, Caroline Laffitte, and their daughter, Louisa, welcomed Moses Tucker Laffitte V on June 11, 2014. They have moved to Savannah, GA where Tucker will practice Emergency Medicine at Savannah Memorial Hospital.

Class of ‘05

KELLY HARVIN KIRBY and her husband, David, welcomed a daughter, “Emma” Catherine, born January 2, 2015.

HOLLIS JOHNSTON and John Parker Lumpkin were married on October 11, 2014.

Hammond Passings

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of former faculty member, BILLIE GRACE PETERSON , a beloved science teacher who began teaching at Hammond in 1969 and continued through 1980. Mrs. Peterson is survived by sons Lane Renfro and Robert Peterson.

We regret to announce the passing of former Hammond student, TONY MARTIN (‘81), who died November 18, 2014. He is survived by his sister Jolene Psillos Martin of Columbia.

With sadness we announce the passing of TREY KANNADAY (‘89) on January 15, 2015. Trey is survived by his wife, Melissa, and daughter, Ella Carlisle.


Tucker Laffitte

Emma Kirby

Billie Grace Peterson

Tony Martin

(L to R from top) Charleston Alumni Social, Midnight Madness, Class of 1989 Reunion, and Alumni Holiday Social in Columbia

Trey Kannaday


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American Cemetary Omaha BeachNormandy, France

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We’re getting ready for a 50TH ANNIVERSARY .... and a commemorative book.

Alumni, we’re looking for your favorite Hammond memories and

your favorite Hammond memorabilia. To submit a story or contact us about

items you are willing to share ...(Hover here & click “link” icon.)