Hack the Matrix 2012

www.hackthematrix2012.com 1 Published Monday, August 1, 2011, 3:00 PM EST.


You were born with the power to change reality. Now learn exactly hos to do it!

Transcript of Hack the Matrix 2012



Published Monday, August 1, 2011, 3:00 PM EST.



Table of Contents

Parts of the Book

Part 1: The Computer / Man Analogy

Part 2: $OCCOULIA: Programming Language for “Reality”

Part 3: The Matrix 5.0 Social-Economic Paradigm

Detailed Table of Contents

Part 1: The Computer / Man Analogy

1. Body = Avatar

2. Man = God

3. Man = Creation / Universe = God

4. Computer Hardware = Physical, Material Parts of the

Universe = Human Body (Avatar)

5. Computer Software = Mind, Thought, Mental/Physical

Programs and Processes

6. Operating System ( Windows) = The Matrix, Consensus

Reality, The Social-Economic Status Quo

7. The Desktop = The Stage upon Which your Life is Played Out

8. $OCCOULIA: Programming Language and Programming = The




Part 2: $OCCOULIA: Programming Language for “Reality”

1. $OCCOULIA: is an Eight-Fold construct or set of procedures,

which together forms the programming language


2. The Unified Alpha Brainwave Field

3. Brainwave entrainment or "brainwave synchronization"

4. We are a Distributed Operating System

The 8 Components of $OCCOULIA:

1. Sigilization - The Science of Sigils

2. Masterminding

3. In-toning or Audio Input

4. Out-toning or Audio Output

5. Divination or The Oracle

6. Pen Creations or Tehutic Writing - Hyper-sigil

7. Visualization - Creative Visualization

8. Dramatization – Hand-Sigiling

Part 3: The Matrix 5.0 Social-Economic Paradigm

1. Matrix 4.0 = The Few (Sovereigns) – Ruling over the Masses


2. Matrix 5.0 = All Sovereigns - No Subjects

3. The Saviors and First Fruits of the upcoming New Age (Matrix




Part 1: The Computer / Man Analogy

1. The Computer / Man Analogy – The mere existence and rapid

evolution of computer science are a sign that the maturity of man is

at hand. The universe operates on principles analogous to the

computer, but this could not be discovered until the computer and

computer science came into existence. The computer is the best

analogy for Man, God and the Universe, and computer terminology

supply us with the best words and concepts to describe the nature,

functioning and inter-relationship of Man, God and the Universe.

This analogy will also allow us to put together the most powerful

construct to date (we will explain what a “construct” is later). With

this understanding, we will advance to our next stage of evolution,

and create the new world we call the Matrix ver. 5.0. (this will also

be explained later). This analogy of the computer, Man, God and the

Universe is the cornerstone of the paradigm of “Hack the Matrix




Let us begin with a few of the key analogies and definitions of this

“Computer/Man” analogy:

a. Body = Avatar

Most people think of themselves as their body. You think that

essentially, you are your bodies and your body is your true self.

In reality, your body is only an “avatar” that your true “self” merely

operates in this world.

Just like the movie “Avatar,” you consciousness operates this body in

an interactive virtual reality program we call “reality” (the Matrix).

You or your true self is really a “unit of consciousness”.



This "unit of consciousness" enters your avatar just prior to

awakening, operates your avatar (body) for up to 48-72 maximum

before it must return to whence it came.

We think the world we operate our avatars (bodies) in is the “real

world.” Yet, if it is the “real” world, then why can we only operate

our avatars (bodies) in it for no more than 72 hour. After 72 hours, if

we do not lay our bodies down to rest so that our consciousness can

return from whence it came, our consciousness will begin to drift

between two worlds tugging at it. Guess which world will ultimately

win? Hint: It is not the world we call the “real world!” The world

from whence our consciousness came will win because it is the

original home and domicile of our consciousness. It is the source.



Thus, the “real world” and true home of your consciousness is the

place from which your consciousness came. You do not remember

anything from the source, or what it is like, because there is nothing

there. Yet everything is in the source in a potential state. There is

nothing physical or material in it, yet everything physical and

material is in it, only in a potential state, before entering into

physical manifestation in the physical universe.

The source from whence your consciousness comes into your avatar

(body) is the source of your consciousness, as well everyone’s

consciousness. It is also the source of all things in the physical


In the source everyone and everything is all unified in one

undifferentiated mind or entity we call God. The source is analogous

to “the beginning” mentioned in the first chapter of the Bible, as well

as other religion’s creation stories. The reason we do not remember

from whence our consciousness came into our avatars (bodies) is

because that realm is partitioned off from this world by a veil.

The “spirit of God” is consciousness, and when it begins to move in

this void, it begins creation (plasma), of the realization and

manifestation of that which is potential in that real into physical

containers, avatars (bodies) etc.



The movement of consciousness from this realm of darkness, void

and potential into our physical bodies or avatar proceeds in stages or


This is why we pass the various stages during sleep. The stage when

your consciousness is in the “Source” is known as “N3, delta sleep or

slow-wave sleep (SWS)". This realm as seen in the above quote from

“Genesis” is even referred to as “the deep” as in deep sleep.

As your consciousness proceeds to enter into your avatar, you then

pass into N2, and REM (rapid eye movements) which is called

dreaming. What is really happening is your body is re-inserting and

re-integrating with your avatar (body), and all of the memories,

people, places, experiences stored by you avatar (body) is played

and re-experienced as the consciousness re-inserts itself into your

avatar (body). This is to re-acquaint your consciousness with its

avatar (body).

Every day, when you are waking up, your consciousness has to re-

acquaint itself via dreaming with your avatar (body) since it is not

your truly you, it is merely a vehicle you operate during your day. If

you did not dream, you would awaken inside of a container, avatar

(body) and not know who you are nor where you were at, and what

you were inside of. This is why people feel dis-oriented when

awakened suddenly. They did not have enough time for their

consciousness to integrate with their avatars.

The “source” is the “beginning” mentioned in creation stories, and

described as dark and void, and is the source of all creation. In this

void and darkness there is only one being or entity, which is called

God. The being called God is a singular universal consciousness or



mind, and is called the “Creator” because from within this “source”

or void, it creates what we call the physical universe based on a

source code or program which generates the physical universe out of

the potential contained in the void. Once again, this is why it was


Notice it says, “the earth was without form.” This means it existed in

this realm albeit in a potential unformed and un-manifest state. The

universal mind in this “deep” creates a program (called “elohim”,

plasma) and the Spirit of God moving (plasma currents) on the face

of the deep (space) is the running of that program. This “Elohim”

program (plasma) is the creating program for the universe, and is still

running and has never stopped (more on this later).



b. Man = God

Since there is only one being or

entity in this realm, the source

(God, the Creator), when we

return during deep or delta

sleep, we meld back into and

become on with God, the


When our consciousness is fully

integrated with our avatar

(body), the avatar’s (body’s)

experience fills up our

consciousness through the

action of the brain’s serotonin

complex and our consciousness

does not remember the source

from whence it came. The action of the serotonin complex of the

brain erases any memory of the source and makes us believe that

our bodies are who we are, and the people, places, things and

experiences we have and

had in our avatars (body’s) is

the only “real world.” If it did

not, we may not go along

with the “game” or “matrix”,

and realize that this is not

“reality” ye but a “virtual

reality” generated by the

“Elohim Program” and

maintained by the serotonin complex.



c. Man = Creation / Universe

In many of the ancient

so-called “mystery”

systems, man is seen as

the microcosm of the

macrocosm. In other

words, the universe is

an exact replica of man

on a grand and

expanded scale. Every

part of the universe has

its corresponding part

in the human body and


In Kabbala1, it is

thought that:

“Closely related to the

Philonic doctrine of the heavenly Adam is the Adam Ḳadmon (called

also Adam 'Ilaya, the "High Man," the "Heavenly Man") of the

Zohar, whose conception of the original man can be deduced from

the following passages: "The form of man is the image of

everything that is above [in heaven] and below [upon earth];

therefore did the Holy Ancient [God] select it for His own form."2

1 http://mastermindcds.com/category/kaballah/

2 http://mastermindcds.com/the-kaballah-2/ also see,




As with Philo, the Logos is the original image of man, or the original

man, so in the Zohar the heavenly man is the embodiment of all

divine manifestations: the Ten Sefiroth, the original image of man.

The heavenly Adam, stepping forth out of the highest original

darkness, created the earthly Adam. In other words, the activity of

the Original Essence manifested itself in the creation of man, who at

the same time is the image of the Heavenly Man and of the universe,

just as with Plato and Philo the idea of man, as microcosm, embraces

the idea of the universe or macrocosm.”

d. Computer Hardware = Physical, Material Parts of the Universe =

Human Body (Avatar)

The physical universe is like one vast computer and the various

physical objects that comprise the physical universe is analogous to

the hardware of the computer, including various computer

peripheral parts like scanner, external drives, etc.

Since the universe (macrocosm) is a replica of man on a grand scale,

computer hardware is also analogous to the human body.

“Hardware is a general term for the physical artifacts of a

technology. It may also mean the physical components of a computer

system, in the form of computer hardware.”

CPU = Brain and Nervous System

Input Devices and input / ports = orifices, and sensory inputs

organs (ears, eyes, nose, tongue, hands, skin, etc.).



e. Computer Software = Mind, Thought, Mental/Physical Programs

and Processes

The same way the

computer hardware

runs and is run by

software, the same

way the human

body is run by

mental and physical


For instance if

every time you see

a mouse you faint

in fright, your

fainting is the result

of a mental

program running

which in turn causes your body (hardware) to temporarily lose

consciousness. The mental program is not one you were born with. It

was probably a mental program installed when you were young it

was probably based on a response your parents or other authority

figure in your life had.

The same way a computer program can be run which will cause your

computer’s hardware to act a certain way (screen get brighter or

darker), humans have mental programs which can alter or affect how

your body operates.



When we are born, our bodies are come with certain programs

(software) pre-installed genetically (in the womb), just like when you

buy a computer it comes

with certain software pre-

installed. All computers

these days come with an

operating system (like

Windows) pre-installed,

just like we as humans

come with an operating

system pre-installed in

the womb via DNA.

The basic operating

system in computers such

as Windows contains the

programs and drivers necessary for the computer to operate, many

of which operate in the background and are not visibly seen. You

may not even realize they are running in the background. We are

also born with an operating system, which contain the programs and

drivers necessary for basic operation.

Programs like the “Breath Program” which makes us breath and

whose “drivers” control our lungs. A heart program that makes our

hearts beat and pump blood. These programs run in the background

and most of us do not see or even give thought to these programs

running. We tend to take them for granted until something goes

wrong. It is possible for humans to tap into “Breathing Program” and

change the breathing patterns in order to achieve certain result. The

“Science of Breath” is a good book on the subject and we will as

members employ some of these techniques.



In computers, you can see

these programs running in the

background if you press

simultaneously the keys:

control, alt, and delete. This

will open up the “task

manager” which not only

shows you what is running in

the background, it also shows

how much resources that

program is consuming while

running. You can also stop the

processes of certain programs. For humans, through meditation, we

can access our “task manager” and be able to see what programs are

running in the background.

Many programs besides the pre-installed ones are installed in us

during our early childhood between infancy and age eight by

parents, family, friends and environment. These programs are

installed by observing and imitating behaviors and responses to

stimuli of their parents. Sometimes these responses (programs) are

forced on us. Many of the programs run and re-run themselves our

whole life and determine not only how we see and perceive this

world, but how we behave and respond to it as well.

Many of the programs that are installed in our childhood are the

cause for many of the problems we have in life. Many are destructive

programs rooted in ignorance, passed down, and perpetuated. Many

of these are the programs we will learn to either modify or uninstall”



f. Operating System ( Windows) = The Matrix, Consensus Reality, The

Social-Economic Status Quo

Computers have an operating

system, which control and govern

the basic operations. The Universe

/ Creation, as well as, humans also

have an operating system, which

controls and governs all

operations and processes.

An operating system is a program,

which runs a whole host of programs, some of which are part of the

operating system and others, which are “third party”, or not part of

the operating system.

The Matrix in computer terms would be the Windows operating

system and especially its G.U.I. (graphic user interface) qualities. In

human terms, the Matrix is analogous to what would be called

consensus reality. Consensus reality is a G.U.I. based on a set of

paradigms, assumptions, expectations and beliefs as to “what is

real” and what are the parameters of that “reality”, mentally,

socially, economically, etc. These paradigms, assumptions,

expectations and beliefs combined, function as the “Windows”-like

operating system in humans (“The Matrix”). Changing our paradigm,

assumptions, expectations and beliefs is what we mean by the title

“Hack the Matrix.” We want to supplant the current set of

paradigms, assumptions, expectations and beliefs, which we call

“Matrix 4.0”, with a new set of paradigms, assumptions,

expectations and beliefs we refer to as “Matrix 5.0”.



g. The Desktop = The Stage upon Which your Life is Played Out

The operating system is also an

interface between you and the

actual hardware of the

computer. It is the operating

system, which determines the

look and feel of your computer

experience. It creates a G.U.I.

(graphic user interface) through

which you experience the

desktop and the programs which

run on your desktop. This is what is referred to as “The Matrix”

in the famous “Matrix” trilogy of movies. The “Matrix” is the

“wool pulled over your eyes.” It is via the Windows G.U.I.

(graphic user interface) we experience and interact with the

hardware, the same way our human operating system is a set of

mental programs and perceptions through which we experience

life. The operating system in humans is actually a neural

interactive virtual reality program through which we interact

and experience “life.” It is programmable through a

programming language (construct).

What is called the desktop is where all of the computer

programs of the computer is accessed and run. Thus, the

desktop is analogous to the stage upon which your life unfolds

and plays out. Thus, the “desktop” in human terms is all of the

people, places, things and experiences in your life as seen

through the eyes of the Matrix. The Matrix is the consensus

reality you have been taught since you were conceived and born.



h. $OCCOULIA: The Matrix 5.0 Construct,

“$OCCOULIA:” The construct

is analogous to a computer

programming language and

programming environment.

Essentially, when we say,

“Hack the Matrix” we are

essentially saying hack or

program the “reality” (the

Matrix) such that it manifests

your will or desire.

The Universe or Creation is an

outward manifestation on a

grand scale of everything that

is within us. Therefore, the

grand operating system, which operates and controls the universe

and all of its hardware and software, is a manifestation of our

personal internal operating system on a grand scale.

Thus, by programming our internal operating system, we in turn

program the outer grand operating system of the universe. The

universe’s operating system in turn influences and affects your inner

operating system, and this goes back in forth in a sort of feedback


You can influence and control the outer operating system (universe)

via the inner operating system. You program/hack (influence) your

internal operating system using the construct.



Part 2: $OCCOULIA: Programming Language for “Reality”

$OCCOULIA: is an Eight-Fold construct or set of procedures which

together forms a programming language. This programming

language or construct ($OCCOULIA:) gives any person who applies

them the ability to:

i. Uninstall and Delete harmful mental and physical programs that you

are consciously and unconsciously running in your life (computer


ii. Create, install and run new programs in your life (computer


iii. Modify the properties and functioning of your hardware (body and

physical surrounding and environment – control panel)

iv. Modify pre-existing / pre-installed programs, as well as the

characteristics and functioning of the operating system (windows,

the Matrix).

v. Change the very nature of your life, and you social-economic reality

(control panel)

A construct is a Declarative Program. Actually, it is a collection of

eight (8) operations forming a programming language, which is

interpreted and executed by “reality” (the Matrix).



“In computer science, declarative programming

is a programming paradigm that expresses the

logic of a computation without describing its

control flow.[1] Many languages applying this

style attempt to minimize or eliminate side

effects by describing what the program should

accomplish, rather than describing how to go

about accomplishing it.”3

The term “$OCCOULIA:” is actually a combination of the eight (8)

character of our sigil alphabet seen above in gold. Thus,

3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declarative_programming

The Loading Program from the Movie "The Matrix"



“$OCCOULIA:” is itself, the expression of itself. Sort of a fractal

situation (LOL).

The eight (8) characters above are used to form all sigils. The “$”

at the beginning of the word “OCCOULIA” is the “start program”

command, and the “:” colon at the end is the “end program”


Thus “$OCCOULIA:” is a programming language for programming

reality (“hacking the matrix”) in three easy steps:

Step 1: The first step in creating a program is writing out your

desire or objective in a positive, present tense statement.

You start the statement off with the start program command

“$”, and at the end of your statement, you put the end program

command “:”

This is the syntax for writing out a program in the “$OCCOULIA:”

Step 2: Now that you have the program written out, you must then

convert it into a sigil. To do this you remove going from left to right

all vowels and then all double letters. You will end up with:

You then convert the above into a sigil using only the eight (8)

characters of the sigil alphabet. Below is an example of a sigil that

can be formed from the above program:




Once the sigil is formed, you placed the final ring or seal around it to

complete it. It is now ready for the next step. See if you can find all

of the letters in the written program in the sigil above.

Step 3: Once you have the original sigil and written statement, you

work the statement and sigil through the seven (7) remaining

operations within the Unified Alpha Brainwave Field until your

program is run/executed by “reality” (the Matrix) and successfully

manifest (achieved).



That is it in a nutshell, easy as 1-2-3. Of course there are many

details, but this is the “quick start” version.

Our construct as a whole is a programming language used to

program self and thus Creation/Universe. By programming self

(like a computer terminal), you also affect and program Creation

/ Universe.

The eight components of “$OCCOULIA:” form an “Ogdoad”

which in ancient Egypt was an eight fold configuration (see

below) consisting of four(4) males gods and four(4) female

goddesses. The feminine tools involve inner-work, and the

masculine tools involve outer-work. The two work together

harmoniously to produce the desired results. The “desired

results” are whatever you want it to be. Using the programming

language or construct, you will be able to bring about whatever

you desire or want by creating and running the necessary

program using the construct. If the program is properly created

and is run, it will bring about the desired result within a

measurable amount of time as the program runs its course.

Ogdoad - The eight deities were arranged in four female-male pairs,

the females … Essentially, each pair represents the female and male

aspect of one of four concepts, namely the primordial waters

(Naunet and Nu), air or invisibility (Amunet and Amun), darkness

(Kauket and Kuk), and eternity or infinite space (Hauhet and Huh).[1]

Together the four concepts represent the primal, fundamental state

of the beginning, they are what always was.4

4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogdoad



$OCCOULIA: Eight (8) – Fold Components

Unified Alpha Brainwave Field


Visualization Audio Output

Divination Pencreation

Audio Input Dramatization


Feminine Masculine Mastermind Sigilization

Audio Input Audio Output

Divination Pen-creation

Visualization Dramatization



a. The Unified Alpha Brainwave Field – is one of the key factors

that make this new Matrix 5.0 construct so powerful. The basis

of the Unified Alpha Brainwave Field is a new science called

“Brainwave Entrainment.”

b. Brainwave entrainment or "brainwave synchronization", is any

practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into

step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding

to the intended brain-state (for example, to induce sleep),

usually attempted with the use of specialized software. It

purportedly depends upon a "frequency following" response on

the assumption that the human brain has a tendency to change

its dominant EEG frequency towards the frequency of a

dominant external stimulus. Such a stimulus is often aural, as in

the case of binaural or monaural beats and isochronic tones…5

We at www.hackthematrix2012.com use isochronic tones

because they are the most effective and can be listened to with

or without headphones or from any set of speakers. Isochronic

tones are separate pulses of a single

tone or sound. used for brainwave

entrainment. … Isochronic tones

work by emitting sound at regular

intervals. This excites the thalamus

and causes the brain to duplicate the

frequency of the Isochronic tones,

changing its thought patterns.6

5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainwave_entrainment

6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isochronic_tones



There are four main brainwave categories, which determine or

mental state or state of mind:


range Name Usually associated with:

12–39 Hz Beta


Active, busy or anxious thinking and active

concentration, arousal, cognition, and or


8–12 Hz Alpha


Relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-

wake drowsiness, REM sleep, dreams. Zen-

trained meditation masters produce noticeably

more alpha waves during meditation.

4–8 Hz Theta


deep meditation/relaxation, NREM sleep

0–4 Hz Delta


Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness

Within each of these four types of brainwaves, there are sub-

frequencies which have been seen to affect specific aspects of our

lives and avatar (body) functions.



In our Unified Alpha Brainwave Field Meditation, we LIVE!

Broadcast (stream) an Alpha isochronic tone mixed with a

combination of ambient music, nature sounds, white noise, brown

noise, chants, affirmations, etc. This is all designed to create a

specific dreamlike alpha brain-state conducive to programming

(hacking) the universe (“reality”, the Matrix) in order to manifest

your desire or objective.

By LIVE! Broadcasting this alpha meditation, all of our members can

participate at the same time in real time. Thus, all of us will be on the

same alpha brainwave frequency, which will form a unified mind

within this unified alpha field of energy. Thus if we have 100

members participating at the same time, the strength of the

sigil/program we are running we be 100 times stronger. If we have

1,000 members participating our commands will be 1,000 times


In time, this Unified Alpha Brainwave Field will create a powerful

unified mind whose programs (sigils) will be given top priority. The

analogy to this top priority can be seen on your computer if you

simultaneously press the key; control, alt and delete on your

keyboard to open up the “task manager.” When the tack manager

opens, go to the tab that say “Processes”, right mouse click any

process and put the mouse arrow over “Set Priority.” You will see a

number of priority levels listed, the top priority is “Real Time.” This is

the highest level of priority and the computer will even end other

programs is necessary to make sure this “Real Time” priority

program continues to run.

When we do the Unified Alpha Brainwave Field Meditation, and we

have 10, 100, or 1,000 members all in an alpha brainwave state

together, unified and in “Real Time,” our programs (sigils) will have



“Real Time” priority over all the other programs it is running. In fact,

the universal computer may be shocked by the strength of our

program and may actually reconfigure itself in order to better

execute our programs (will, desire). This type of programming will

eventually become common after 2012 in the Age of Matrix 5.0. The

universe will surely detect our strong desires/programs and realize

that we are the "First-fruits" of the coming new age, and adapt itself.

c. We are a Distributed Operating System. Whenever you have a group

of minds resonating at the same brainwave frequency, they generate a

greater mind, which functions as if they were one mind. In computer

science, this is called a Distributed System.

“Distributed Operating System is an operating system that manages a

group of independent computers and makes them appear to be a

single computer is known as a distributed operating system. The

development of networked computers that could be linked and

communicate with each other, gave rise to distributed computing.

Distributed computations are carried out on more than one machine.


computers in a

group work in


they make a



7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_computing



The Eight (8) Components of $OCCOULIA:

Sigilization - The Science of Sigils: A sigil (pl. sigilia or sigils; from

Latin sigillum "seal") is a

symbol created for a specific

magical purpose. A sigil is

usually made up of a complex

combination of several

specific symbols or geometric

figures, each with a specific

meaning or intent. The term

sigil derives from the Latin

sigillum, meaning "seal",

though it may also be related

to the Hebrew סגולה

(segulah meaning "word,

action, or item of spiritual effect"). A sigil may have an abstract,

pictorial or semi-abstract form. The current use of the term is

derived from Renaissance magic, which was in turn inspired by the

magical traditions of antiquity.8

Sigilization is the first step in translating our desires into the

programming language of the operating system. This is the writing

out in statement form a desire or something that you want to

happen or manifest in the Universe / Creation. Usually you write it

out in the present tense as if it exists now, not in a past or future

tense. Once you write it out, you take out all of the vowels and all of

the repeated letters. You then combine all of the letters left into a

single form called a sigil. This sigil is the equivalent to a program, the

8 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigil_%28magic%29



activation and subsequent running of which will cause the Universe

to hear, obey and manifest or make a reality.

In our system, the command take a minimum of 21 consecutive days

of activating which is done under the influence of the Unified Alpha

Brainwave Field using the sigil and the other seven(7) tools of the

construct. After 21 days, you can continue to strengthen it or you

can create and run a new program / desire.

We teach you how to create

your own sigil using the eight

(8)-character sigil alphabet.

The characters in our eight (8)-

character sigil alphabet allow

for easy conversion into hand

sigils for dramatization.

We also design custom 3D

Digital Graphic Sigil made

from almost any material from

water, to crystal to gold!

A segulah is an action that is reputed to lead to a change in one’s

fortunes. For instance, acting as the kvatter (the one who brings the

baby into the brit milah/circumcision) is purported to be a segulah

for fertility. Or, wearing the jewelry of the bride while she is under

the chupah is said to be a segulah for finding a husband. There are

also special segulot related to prayer. Reciting the Song of Songs

daily for 40 days, or praying at the Western Wall every day for 40



days is reputed to “shake the rafters” of Heaven, increasing the

likelihood of a favorable response.9

The word segulah might be translated as a spiritual remedy or an

auspicious tradition.

1. Masterminding - we encourage, communication, exchange of ideas,

and mutual support of the members of “Hack the Matrix Now” via:

a. Our Unified Alpha Meditation, and other LIVE! Streams for healing,

health, wealth, etc.

b. Commenting on our blog

c. Participating in our weekly broadcast

d. Communicating with one another via forums and chat coming soon

e. Joint projects, ventures and activities

Below are excerpts from “Think and

Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill on

revealing the power of the


“Before you can be sure of your ability to

transmute DESIRE into its monetary

equivalent, you will require SPECIALIZED

KNOWLEDGE of the service, merchandise,

or profession, which you intend to offer in

return for fortune. Perhaps you may need

much more specialized knowledge than you

have the ability or the inclination to

acquire, and if this should be true, you may

bridge your weakness through the aid of

your “Master Mind” group.10

9 http://www.jewishtreats.org/2009/02/its-segulah.html



PLANS are inert and useless, without sufficient POWER to translate them

into ACTION.


“The “Master Mind” may be defined as “Coordination of knowledge and

effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the

attainment of a definite purpose.”

No individual may have great power without availing himself of the “Master


The psychic phase of the Master Mind principle is much more abstract,

much more difficult to comprehend, because it has reference to the spiritual

forces with which the human race, as a whole, is not well acquainted. You

may catch a significant suggestion from this statement:

“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third,

invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”

Keep in mind the fact that there are only two known elements in the whole

universe, energy and matter. It is a well-known fact that matter may be

broken down into units of molecules, atoms, and electrons. There are units

of matter, which may be isolated, separated, and analyzed.

Likewise, there are units of energy.

The human mind is a form of energy, a part of it being spiritual in nature.

When the minds of two people are coordinated in a SPIRIT OF HARMONY,

the spiritual units of energy of each mind form an affinity, which constitutes

the “psychic” phase of the Master Mind.”


http://mastermindcds.com/think-and-grow-rich-3/ Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, page 74.



“Analyze the record of any man who has accumulated a great fortune, and

many of those who have accumulated modest fortunes, and you will find

that they have either consciously, or unconsciously employed the “Master

Mind” principle.


Nature’s building blocks are available to man, in the energy involved in

THINKING! Man’s brain may be compared to an electric battery. It absorbs

energy from the ether, which permeates every atom of matter, and fills the

entire universe. “

“It is a well-known fact that a group of electric batteries will provide more

energy than a single battery. It is also a well-known fact that an individual

battery will provide energy in proportion to the number and capacity of the

cells it contains.

The brain functions in a similar fashion. This accounts for the fact that some

brains are more efficient than others, and leads to this significant

statement—a group of brains coordinated (or connected) in a spirit of

harmony, will provide more thought-energy than a single brain, just as a

group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery.

We have already mentioned Mahatma Gandhi. Perhaps the majority of

those who have heard of Gandhi, look upon him as merely an eccentric little

man, who goes around without formal wearing apparel, and makes trouble

for the British Government. “

“In reality, Gandhi is not eccentric, but HE IS THE MOST POWERFUL MAN

NOW LIVING (estimated by the number of his followers and their faith in

their leader). Moreover, he is probably the most powerful man who has ever

lived. His power is passive, but it is real.



Let us study the method by which he attained his stupendous POWER. It

may be explained in a few words. He came by POWER through inducing over

two hundred million people to coordinate, with mind and body, in a spirit of


In brief, Gandhi has accomplished a MIRACLE, for it is a miracle when two

hundred million people can be induced—not forced—to cooperate in a spirit

of HARMONY, for a limitless time.”11

2. In-toning or Audio Input – Hypnosis, imbibing, in-vibing,

suggestibility, in taking,

absorbing, empathy. This

involves the listening to

suggestions, and

affirmations while in a

hyper-suggestive state

(either listening to audios

or internally generated


Participating in the

Unified Alpha Brainwave

Meditation will put you

in a hyper-suggestive

state due to the alpha

brainwave state it puts

you in. You can create

your own audio with suggestion to play simultaneously with the

Unified Alpha Brainwave Meditation, or we can design a custom

hypnotic suggestion / affirmation audio for you.


http://mastermindcds.com/think-and-grow-rich-3/ Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, page 163-170



“Hypnosis is a mental state (according to "state theory") or

imaginative role-enactment (according to "non-state theory").

It is usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic

induction, which is commonly composed of a long series of

preliminary instructions and suggestions. Hypnotic suggestions

may be delivered by a hypnotist in the presence of the subject,

or may be self-administered ("self-suggestion" or


Post-hypnotic suggestions are set

by a hypnotist and may optionally

include a time scope. An altered

sense of perception or behavioral

pattern may be "programmed"

into the person under hypnosis.

Certain sequences of events may

be set as triggers to enter or exit

the post-hypnotic pattern. The

behavior patterns resemble conditioned reflexes, though

administered without classical behavior alteration techniques.

Examples: Any number, color, object, etc. may be induced to be

ignored by the patient after full consciousness. A certain keyword

starts the suggestion and a different word ends it. The patient will

not know nor use the item to be ignored. He/she may state that the

sea is colored red, if suggested to ignore the color blue. A count of

eleven may be achieved if asked to count one's fingers if a number

(for example, 5) is suggested to be ignored. Thus, the patient counts

"1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11".





“Different types of behavior patterns may be induced such as forcing

the patient to recite a certain sentence whenever anyone says aloud

the special keyword. The patient can be fully aware of the

conditioned action but it is very difficult, if not impossible, to restrain

from doing it. Sweating, loss of coordination and full lack of

concentration plagues the patient until he/she performs the

programmed action.

An object may be set to be perceived as invisible and it will be fully

ignored and evaded during the period of suggestion. Experiments

may be performed with a coffee mug, induced to be invisible. If the

mug is put on top of a page with writing, the patient will only read

the parts not covered by the mug. Even though the sentences may

make no sense, nothing is seemingly wrong to the suggested. It is

difficult to suggest an object be invisible, yet stay tactile. Usually the

object is completely ignored by all senses. Thus, the mug in the

example will reportedly not exist, even when the patient is touching


Out-toning or Audio Output – Vocalization, Invocation, Affirmation,

Verbalization, etc. This is the vocalization of your desire in order to

evoke and invoke your desire as symbolized by your sigil. Putting

your desire out into the ethers using the vibration of your voice. The

embedding of you desire in the very vibration of your voice such that

your voice becomes a carrier wave, and also the vibration will

activate and strengthen your sigil (desire).





Below is one possible way to do an invocation calling and putting

on notice the forces (programs) of the universe you program:

"Hear now ye worlds, dominions, powers and thrones!

"Hear now ye cherubim, ye seraphim, ye angels and ye men!

"Hear, now, O protoplast, and earth, and plant and beast!

"Hear, now ye creeping things of earth, ye fish that swim, ye birds

that fly!

"Hear, now ye winds that blow, ye thunders and ye lightnings of the


"Hear now ye spirits of the fire, of water, earth and air!

"Hear now O everything that is, or was, or evermore will be,

I ___________________ do hereby come forth and says

“Put Your Declaratory Statement Here”14

An invocation (from the Latin verb invocare "to call on, invoke, to

give") the term run is used almost synonymously. A related meaning

of both "to run" and "to execute" refers to the specific action of a

user starting (or launching or invoking) a program, as in "Please run

the ... application."15

Affirmation is a declaration that something is true.16

Affirmative prayer is a form of prayer or a metaphysical technique

that is focused on a positive outcome rather than a negative


http://mastermindcds.com/the-aquarian-gospel/ 15

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_%28computers%29 16




situation. For example, a person who is experiencing some form of

illness would focus the prayer on the desired state of perfect health

and affirm this desired intention "as if already happened" rather

than identifying the illness and then asking God for help to eliminate


“Affirmations in New Age and New Thought terminology refer

primarily to the practice of positive thinking—fostering a belief that

"a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve

success in anything."[1] More specifically an affirmation is a carefully

formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and

written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs

to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.”18

Verbalization – Sometimes just talking to people, even if indirectly

about your sigil or statement of desire/objective with people also fall

under this component.

When you speak to other

people about your

desire/objective indirectly

you put it “out in the ethers”

and more importantly

another human ear(s) and

brain begins processing your

program. This is what is

meant by creating a buzz (vibration of the ethers). When you do it

once, all of a sudden you find conversations on the subject matter.

As a matter of fact, after doing it once, you will actually find it hard

not to be in a conversation where there subject matter of your


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_prayer 18




sigil/statement does not come up.

3. Divination or The Oracle - is a your

personal method of divinization or

tapping into the Source (God) in order

to make key decisions while in your

avatar/body, and while in the Matrix

itself. A divination system is very

personal and everyone should choose

a system or combination of systems

that work best for themselves. It can

be anything from tarot card divination

to penny divination. It matters not so

much what it is per se, as long as it

works for you in terms of being able

to tap the “Source” and render you an

intelligible response, which you can

implement while in the Matrix. This

will be explained to the members in

further detail.

Divination (from Latin divinare "to

foresee, to be inspired by a god",[2] related to divinus, divine) is the

attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of a

standardized process or ritual. According to classical rabbinical

literature, in order for the Urim and Thummim to give an answer, it

was first necessary for the individual to stand facing the fully

dressed high priest, and vocalize the question briefly and in a

simple way…19





Oracle - In Classical Antiquity, an oracle was a person or agency

considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic opinion,

predictions or precognition of the future, inspired by the gods. As

such, it is a form of divination. Oracles were thought to be portals

through which the gods spoke directly to man. 20

I personally use tarot card divination and coin binary divination. We

will go deeper into divination systems in the membership area of

the website: www.hackthematrix2012.com

4. Pen Creations or Tehutic Writing / Hyper-sigil – writing about the

achievement of your objective in

present and past tense, with

complete belief, strong

emotions and giving thanks for

the achieving of your objective

at the same.

A Magic Writing is a creative

written work that via the

medium of its artificial universe

changes its creator, its

observers, the real world, or

other things.

Magic Writing can also be called “Hyper-sigil.”





"The “hyper-sigil” develops the sigil concept beyond the static

image and incorporates elements such as characterization, drama,

and plot. The hyper-sigil is a sigil extended through the fourth

dimension. My own comic book series The Invisibles was a six-year

long sigil in the form of an occult adventure story which consumed

and recreated my life during the period of its composition and

execution. The hyper-sigil is an immensely powerful and sometimes

dangerous method for actually altering reality in accordance with

intent. Results can be remarkable and shocking".21

5. Visualization / Creative Visualization / - is visualizing for the

realization and achievement of

your objective with complete

belief and strong emotions. We

also have a way to use creative

visualization techniques to

uninstall and modify existing

mental/spiritual programs.

Visualization is the act of

imagining something happening

or imagining something, as you

want it to be. When you use

brainwave synchronization to

take your mind to a very open alpha state, visualization causes your

subconscious mind to use its faculties to make your visualization

21 Pop Magic by Grant Morrison from The Disinfo Book of Lies, pg.




come true. It can also be used to desensitize you to harmful or

disturbing memories (programs). Visualization is the most potent

way to program your mind.

Creative visualization (sports visualization) refers to the practice of

seeking to affect the outer world via changing one's thoughts.

Creative Visualization is the basic technique underlying positive

thinking[2] and is frequently used by athletes to enhance their


Creative visualization is the technique of using one's imagination to

visualize specific behaviors or events occurring in one's life.

Advocates suggest creating a detailed schema of what one desires

and then visualizing it over and over again with all of the senses

(i.e., what do you see? what do you feel? what do you hear? what

does it smell like?).



In one of the most well-known studies on Creative Visualization in

sports, Russian scientists compared four groups of Olympic

athletes in terms of their training schedules:

Group 1 = 100% physical training;

Group 2 - 75% physical training with 25% mental training;

Group 3 - 50% physical training with 50% mental training;

Group 4 - 25% physical training with 75% mental training.

Group 4, with 75% of their time devoted to mental training,

performed the best. "The Soviets had discovered that mental images

can act as a prelude to muscular impulses." 22

6. Dramatization – Hand-Sigiling –

dramatizing, dancing or acting out your

objective, symbols, sigils, writings, and

visualizations with complete belief and

strong emotions, as well as becoming

(acting out) the person you will be once

your dreams are a reality. We convert

our sigils (desire, program) into hand

sigils. These hand sigils are not only a

powerful way to activate your sigil

(desire, program) but it is a good way to

strengthen and reinforce your sigils.

Especially during the Unified Alpha Brainwave Meditation while in

the alpha state, or anytime you find yourself in an alpha state or any

powerful mental/spiritual state. The hand sigils are even more





powerful when repeated repeatedly in a rhythm while dancing.

Dancing with hand sigils is a very ancient form of worship as well as


Part 3: The Matrix 5.0 Social-Economic Paradigm

The Matrix 5.0 Social-Economic Paradigm - Matrix 5.0 is the version

of the Matrix (Universe’s Operating System) we are coming into in


Matrix 4.0 which we are now transitioning out of was based on the

equation of:

a. Very Few (Sovereigns) + Masses of Subjects = Matrix 4.0

In the above equation, you have a few Sovereigns ruling over the

masses, who are subjects, or subject to these Sovereigns. What

made these few sovereigns were the fact that they possessed the

construct or operating language for Matrix version 4.0 and knew

how to work it. What made the subjects subject to these sovereigns

was the fact that they did not know the construct nor how to use it

because it was kept hidden from them. The sovereigns who

possessed the construct became known in later time as the

“Illuminati, Masons, Occultists,” etc. Thus, the masses of man were

kept in an ignorant and immature state, and were ruled by those

who were “illuminated” as to the existence and operation of the

construct, or programming language of Matrix 4.0.



As we approach 2012, and the new operating system, Matrix 5.0 is

being installed and coming into operation. New physical structures

(hardware) are coming into existing, and they are altering existing

physical structures in the universe by their presence.

The Matrix 5.0 operating system is not only installing new drivers

(programs) for these new structures, it is re-configuring and retiring

older structures (hardware). This requires a new construct

(“$OCCOULIA:”) to command the new operating system (Matrix 5.0).

The old construct from matrix 4.0 is losing power over

Creation/Universe, and does not have the language nor drivers for

the new Creation/Universe that is coming into existence as we

approach 2012. Thus, Creation/Universe is requiring a new

paradigm, a new construct (“$OCCOULIA:”) and new avatars

(humans) to develop and create it. Thus the new social is one in

which there will be all sovereigns and no subjects. The new equation

will be:



b. All Sovereigns + No Subjects = Matrix 5.0

Thus Matrix 5.0 will be a world where everyone is a Sovereign

because Sovereigns will know the new construct and know how to

use it. With this knowledge, every individual will be “as gods” and

will be able to create and bring into existence anything they desire

by employing the new “Construct.” In a world where such is the case

and everyone is a “Sovereign” or “god”, a completely new social-

economic paradigm and system will be needed. We at “Hack the

Matrix 2012” refer to this system as “Divine Trust.”

The nature of this system was revealed in October of 2007 during a

three (3) month vision quest from New York to the border of Utah

and Nevada. It involves the organization of a trust, with each person

(Divine Sovereign) as both trustee, beneficiary and trust res of said

trust. This is referred to as a “Divine Trust” (more on this later).



c. The Saviors and First Fruits of the upcoming New Age (Matrix


At the present time, May 2011, there exists certain individuals

who were born with the purpose of uplifting humanity and

teaching humanity the new paradigm and construct for the

coming Matrix 5.0. By 2012, the new operating system (Matrix 5.0)

will be fully installed and operational, and the old operating

system (Matrix 4.0) would have been uninstalled and deleted


During this process as we approach 2012, there will be much

instability and disruption as the old paradigm and construct fail,

and is no longer able to maintain Creation/Universe, and the

Matrix (consensus reality). The only ones who will be able to

implement order and stability as the new operating system

(Matrix 5.0) takes hold are the aforementioned individuals born



with this mission. These individuals will be the “First-Fruits,” the

saviors or “Neos” who will teach the masses and restore balance

and equilibrium. They will usher in and be the masters of the

new age. The coming age of “Immanuel,” the age of “God in

man” realized!

To become a member of “Hack the Matrix 2012” or for more

information, please go to:


Thank You!