Hack - Good or Evil

Hack – Good or Evil Prepared and Presented by Haggen Released under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Hong Kong Licence

Transcript of Hack - Good or Evil

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Hack – Good or Evil

Prepared and Presented by Haggen

Released under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Hong Kong Licence

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Who is She?

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Regina_Ip_at_VP_New_Year_Fair_2009.jpg CC-BY-3.0 by Wrightbus

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收「錢果豐求救電郵」開附件中招葉劉被黑客盜 50 – 萬元 蘋果

葉劉遇黑客被盜 50 – 萬 東方

Regina Ip's email hacked, losses HK$500,000 - China Daily Asia

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MoDev HK 2015 - China-Hong Kong-Taiwan Hackathon @IT Fest 2015?

Ref: http://timable.com/en/event/817863

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Hack - Oxford Dictionary

• cut roughly or clumsily, chop

• person paid to do hard and uninteresting work as a writer

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Hack - Hacker Dictionary

• Originally, a quick job that produces what is needed, but not well.

• An incredibly good, and perhaps very time-consuming, piece of work that produces exactly what is needed.

• 7 More definitions

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The MIT Tradition

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The MIT Tradition






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Cap'n Crunch

http://www.flickr.com/photos/74845103@N00/279505346/ CC-BY 2.0 by akaalias

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Cap'n Crunch (Cont.)

John T Drapper


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What is Hack?

Surprising Result from Simple Means

Demonstration of Mastery in the Domain

Turkle (1984), p.227

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What is Hack?

Oxford Dictionary – Rough and Clumsy Cut

Quick and Dirty Hack

Clever Hack

Demonstration of Mastery in Simplicity

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Early Hacker Culture

Access to computers-and anything which might teach you something

about the way the world works

- Should be unlimited and total- Always yield to the Hands-On Imperative!

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Early Hacker Culture

All information should be free

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Early Hacker Culture

Mistrust Authority-Promote Decentralization

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Early Hacker Culture

Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogus criteria such as

degrees, age, race or position

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Early Hacker Culture

You can create art and beauty on a computer

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Early Hacker Culture

Computers can change your life for the better

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Quick Summary

Hack as an ideal to pursuit

Technical Excellence

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History of Software

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Honeywell-Bull_DPS_7_Mainframe_BWW_March_1990.jpg, CC-BY-SA 3.0 by Ferdi

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Apple ][+ Clone

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Taiwanese_Apple_II_clone_Cosmo.jpg, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Licence, by A-giâu

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Changes in Computer Industry

• Rise of Personal Computers

• Widening of Market – Horizontal Market Possible

• Secrecy and Profitability – Closed Source

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Source Code

• Computer Instructions are coded in binary format 00101...

• A more human friendly method to program computer:

/* Hello World program */#include<stdio.h>main(){ printf("Hello World"); }

• Convert source code into binary instructions by a computer compiler

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Richard M. Stallman

The Last of the True Hackers?

http://www.stallman.org/saintignucius.jpg, CC-BY-ND 3.0

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Responses of Richard Stallman

• Release source code that could not be used commercially

• Release source code that must remain freely available -> Software Freedom

• 1983 GNU project, Unix Clone

• 1985 Free Software Foundation, Free as in Free Speech, General Public License (GPL)

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Free Software

• The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).

• The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

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Free Software

• The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2).

• The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

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General Public License (GPL)

• One of the implementations of the 4 Freedom

• Most used Free/Open Source License

• Contract based on Copyright

• Expression of the Hacker Ideal

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• End of 90s, Most Notable Project – Linux

• Eric Raymond - Revenge of the Hackers

• Pavlicek (Embracing Insanity, OSS Dev.) - Geek Culture (truth, doing) as core value

Relationship to Revival of

Free Software Movement

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Quick Summary

Hack as an ideal to pursuit

Technical Excellence

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Hacking Today

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%2828%29.jpg CC-BY 2.0 by Sebastiaan ter Burg

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Hacker Space

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Electrolab_Hackerspace_06,_July_2013.jpg CC-BY-SA 2.0 by Mitch Altman

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Simple Hacks in Daily Life


http://pixabay.com/id/gantungan-baju-lemari-mantel-hook-147765/ CC0

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Should we still use this Word?

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Should we try to change the World?

Crack not Hack?

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Should we emphasis on Depth?

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Motivation to have depth of Knowledge

For money?

Evil purposes?

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No time for play and fun?

No time to do good?

Pursuit Tech in a Pure Sense

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Levy, S. (1984). Hackers: Heroes of The Computer Revolution. Garden City, New York, Anchor Press/Doubleday.

Pavlicek, R. C. (2000). Embracing Insanity: Open Source Software Development. Indiana, Sams.

Turkle, S. (1984). The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit. New York, Simon & Schuster.

Williams, S. (2002). Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software, CA, O'Reilly.
