.Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME...

;" .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980 E. J. Schofield and J. L. Pepper Freshwater and Anadromous Division Fisheries Research Branch Department of Fisheries and Oceans Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7 January, 1983 Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 377

Transcript of .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME...

Page 1: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River

Habitat Spot-Check Surveys Miramichi River System 1980

E J Schofield and J L Pepper

Freshwater and Anadromous Division Fisheries Research Branch Department of Fisheries and Oceans Halifax Nova Scotia B3J 2S7

January 1983

Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No 377

Canadian Data Report of

Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

These reports provide a medium for filing and archiving data compilations where little or no analysis is included Such compilations commonly will have been prepared in support of other journal publications or reports The subject matter of Data Reports reOects the broad interests and policies of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans namely fisheries management technology and development ocean sciences and aquatic environments relevant to Canada

Numbers 1-25 in this series were issued as Fisheries and Marine Service Data Records Numbers 26-160 were issued as Department of Fisheries and the Environshyment Fisheries and Marine Service Data Reports The current series name was changed with report number 161

Data Reports are not intended for general distribution and the contents must not be referred to in other publications without prior written clearance from the issuing establishment The correct citation appears above the abstract of each report

Rapport statistique canadien des

sciences halieutiques et aquatiques

Ces rapports servent de base a la compilation des donnees de c1assement et darchives pour lesquelles il y a peu ou point danalyse Celte compilation aura dordinaire ete preparee pour appuyer dautres publications ou rapports Les sujets des Rapports statistiques reOetent la vaste gamme des interets et politiques du Ministere des Peches et des Oceans notamment gestion des peches techniques et developshypement sciences oceaniques et environnements aquatiques au Canada

Les numeros I a 25 de cette serie ont ete publies a titre de Records statistiques Service des peches et de la mer Les numeros 26-160 ont ete publies atitre de Rapports statistiques du Service des peches et de la mer Ministere des Peches et de IEnvironnement Le nom de la serie a ete modifie a partir du numero 161

Les Rapports statistiques ne sont pas prepares pour une vaste distribution et leur contenu ne doit pas etre mentionne dans une publication sans autorisation ecrite prealable de Ietablissement auteur Le titre exact parait au haut du resume de chaque rapport

Canadian Data -Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No 377

January 1983


EJ Schofield and JL Peppar

Freshwater and AnadromousDivision Fisheries Research Branch

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Halifax Nova Scotia

B3J 2S7


~ Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1983 Cat No Fs 97~13l983-0377 ISSN 0706-6465








STREAM NAMES SHOWN NUMERICALLY ON KEY MAP 3 li Idca t Brook 4 Trout Brook 4 Lee Brook 5 Pats B~ook 5 Smoker Brook 6 Harris Brook 6

Otter Brook 7 Indiantown Brook 7 Reserve Brook 8 Mill Brook 8 Johnstone Brook S Devils Back Brook 8 Jardine Brook 9 Becket Brook 9 McKenzie Brook 10 Black Brook 10 Hurley Brook 11 Fowler Brook 11 Doak Brook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed hrook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed brook 13 Hickey Brook 13 Standish Brook 13 Porter Brook 14 Palmer Brook 14 Hayes Brook 15 Salmon Brook 15 Unnamed brook 16 English Brook 16 MacHillan Brook 17





Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

During July and August 1980 electroseining techniques were used to conduct spot-check surveys throughout the Miramichi River system to determine the presence or absence of juvenile salmon in some of the small feeder streams The surveys were conducted in Northumberland and York counties on some of the smaller streams which enter the Miramichi River proper or some of its major tributaries This report includes data on habitat substrate and water characteristics at each site and on fish species present in sites electrofished

Key words Miramichi River system electroseining spot-checks juvenile salmon other species feeder streams substrate and water characteristics


Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

Au cours des mois de juillet et aout 1980 on a pratiquees dans tout Ie reseau de la riviere Miramichi une etude se servant de la peche electrique comme technique Le but etait de verifier la presence ou absence de saumonneaux dans quelques-uns des petits tributaires Les releves ont ete menes dans des petits cours deau des comtes de Northumberland et de York se deversant dans la Miramichi proprement dite et dans quelques-uns de ses principaux tributaires Sont incluses dans Ie present rapport des donnees sur les caracteristiques de lhabitat du substrat et de leau ainsique sur les especes de poissons presentes a chaque site de peche


1ltlC LroscinlrHI nperiltions have been COlldll(t o d lh rOIllholl t Lhe fn~shwi LAr reaches or the Mirllmiehi River system northeastern New flrllllswick to assess populiltion densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Sd l mo s~l~r) and other fish species present in known salmon-producing streams (Peppar and Schofield 1978 Schofielrl and Peppar 1979) These operations were conducted primarily to determine relative spawning success in relation to increased or decreased escapement of adult salmon to the river system With this objective in mind operations each year have concentratcrl on the repetition of sites Aunpleltl in previolls years

In 1900 iln clnctroseining spot-check proj ri1II WilS conltiucte(l to asscss some of the SHIft I 1 Miramichi feeder streams not covererl lmller the juveni Ie assessment program The objectives of this sampling were to establish the presence or absence of juvenile salmon determine the ratio of salmon to other species determine age-classes of salmon by length-frequency ilnd (1ocument basic physical chemical and biological data within sampling areas lata obtainerl incll1r1ed stream and bottom charncteriatics (such as wirlth depth hottom type and composition extent of

habitat types and extent of shade) water characteristics (conductivity and temperature) extent and dimensions of obstructions (such as natural falls beaver dams and highway CUlverts) in the immediate area of sampling sites and fish species present


A total of 32 streams (25 in Northumberland County and 7 in York County) were sampled during the period 14 Ju1-19 Aug 1980 Most of them were inaccessible for much of their lengths thus sampling sites had to be selected in areas having access by standard vehicle In most cases sites selected were near the mouths of streams


Species captured in electroseining spot-checks are listed below They were the most commonly-captured (or in most cases exclusively captured) representatives of each species-group encountered in the catches Common and scientific names given are those recommended by the American Fisheries Society (1970)

Designation S P e c i e s in tlhles I Common name ScientIfic name (Sp~_~~~~roup )

----------------~~-- -----

Salmon Jtlnntic salmon i 1 J mo S lJ 1 il r rimp rc~y Sea lamprey Petromyzon mlJrinus Fel American eel Anyuilla rostrata Trout Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis Oace Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus Sucllaquo~r White sucker Catostomus commersoni Stlcklehack Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

Brook stickleback Culaea inconstans Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

Sculpin Slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus

ITables detailing numbers of fish taken at each sampling site

Victoria County

Carleton County

Northumberland County

Little Southwest Miramichi River

~)~~~ I ne

York Country

Sunbury County


Gloucester Cou1ty

Kent County





l 20 30 40 Kilometres I


o m ~ ~~~

FIG Electroseining spot-check sites Miramichi River system New Brunswick



Namn as qiven in Gnzetteer of Canada shyNfW BnIllRwick 1972


Approximate location of sampling sites Grid reference (Universal Transverse Mercator) taken from National Topographic Series maps - 150000


I~ltlch snmplingsite inc1ndeR a minimum of 25 III bull


Theee measurements taken at upper end and lower limits and mid-point over lenqth of steeam examined at each sampling Ai teo

Avera9~ Depths

Averages of three measurements taken at lIpper an1 10wer limits and mid-point of each sampling site and at three lateral locations (one-quarter one-half and three-qllarters of stream width) Left an1 right lre defined when facing 10wnstream

Dottom Composition

Particle size as defined by Herrington an] DlInhilm 1967

lle1rock Slate Bnulltlor (ro(~ko )05 em lianwter) Hubhle (rocks 76-30gt cm diameter) Grilvel (rocks 03-76 cm diameter) Sand and silt (particles lt 03 cm

diameter) Mild lIardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves twigs bark etc) Debris (rubbish li middottter etc)

Measured with YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter


Conducted with a Dirigo Series 500 electrofisher


Data on the individual strea~ surveys are presentc in the following pages The orl1er of presentntion is from head of tide to IHMI]Wilters (Fig) Locntions of each stream IHlmp1c(j are indicltlted on the map by nllmbere1 circles


No Stream name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32

Wildcat Brook Trout Brook Lee Rrook Pats Brook Smoker Brook Harris Brook Otter Brook Indiantown Brook Reserve Brook Mill Brook Johnstone Brook Devils Back Brook Jardine Brook Becket Brook McKenzie Brook Black Brook Hurley Brook Fowler Brook Daak Brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Hickey Brook Standish Brook Porter Brook Plamer Brook Hayes Brook Salmon Brook Unnamed brook English Brook MacMillan Brook

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 2: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River

Canadian Data Report of

Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

These reports provide a medium for filing and archiving data compilations where little or no analysis is included Such compilations commonly will have been prepared in support of other journal publications or reports The subject matter of Data Reports reOects the broad interests and policies of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans namely fisheries management technology and development ocean sciences and aquatic environments relevant to Canada

Numbers 1-25 in this series were issued as Fisheries and Marine Service Data Records Numbers 26-160 were issued as Department of Fisheries and the Environshyment Fisheries and Marine Service Data Reports The current series name was changed with report number 161

Data Reports are not intended for general distribution and the contents must not be referred to in other publications without prior written clearance from the issuing establishment The correct citation appears above the abstract of each report

Rapport statistique canadien des

sciences halieutiques et aquatiques

Ces rapports servent de base a la compilation des donnees de c1assement et darchives pour lesquelles il y a peu ou point danalyse Celte compilation aura dordinaire ete preparee pour appuyer dautres publications ou rapports Les sujets des Rapports statistiques reOetent la vaste gamme des interets et politiques du Ministere des Peches et des Oceans notamment gestion des peches techniques et developshypement sciences oceaniques et environnements aquatiques au Canada

Les numeros I a 25 de cette serie ont ete publies a titre de Records statistiques Service des peches et de la mer Les numeros 26-160 ont ete publies atitre de Rapports statistiques du Service des peches et de la mer Ministere des Peches et de IEnvironnement Le nom de la serie a ete modifie a partir du numero 161

Les Rapports statistiques ne sont pas prepares pour une vaste distribution et leur contenu ne doit pas etre mentionne dans une publication sans autorisation ecrite prealable de Ietablissement auteur Le titre exact parait au haut du resume de chaque rapport

Canadian Data -Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No 377

January 1983


EJ Schofield and JL Peppar

Freshwater and AnadromousDivision Fisheries Research Branch

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Halifax Nova Scotia

B3J 2S7


~ Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1983 Cat No Fs 97~13l983-0377 ISSN 0706-6465








STREAM NAMES SHOWN NUMERICALLY ON KEY MAP 3 li Idca t Brook 4 Trout Brook 4 Lee Brook 5 Pats B~ook 5 Smoker Brook 6 Harris Brook 6

Otter Brook 7 Indiantown Brook 7 Reserve Brook 8 Mill Brook 8 Johnstone Brook S Devils Back Brook 8 Jardine Brook 9 Becket Brook 9 McKenzie Brook 10 Black Brook 10 Hurley Brook 11 Fowler Brook 11 Doak Brook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed hrook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed brook 13 Hickey Brook 13 Standish Brook 13 Porter Brook 14 Palmer Brook 14 Hayes Brook 15 Salmon Brook 15 Unnamed brook 16 English Brook 16 MacHillan Brook 17





Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

During July and August 1980 electroseining techniques were used to conduct spot-check surveys throughout the Miramichi River system to determine the presence or absence of juvenile salmon in some of the small feeder streams The surveys were conducted in Northumberland and York counties on some of the smaller streams which enter the Miramichi River proper or some of its major tributaries This report includes data on habitat substrate and water characteristics at each site and on fish species present in sites electrofished

Key words Miramichi River system electroseining spot-checks juvenile salmon other species feeder streams substrate and water characteristics


Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

Au cours des mois de juillet et aout 1980 on a pratiquees dans tout Ie reseau de la riviere Miramichi une etude se servant de la peche electrique comme technique Le but etait de verifier la presence ou absence de saumonneaux dans quelques-uns des petits tributaires Les releves ont ete menes dans des petits cours deau des comtes de Northumberland et de York se deversant dans la Miramichi proprement dite et dans quelques-uns de ses principaux tributaires Sont incluses dans Ie present rapport des donnees sur les caracteristiques de lhabitat du substrat et de leau ainsique sur les especes de poissons presentes a chaque site de peche


1ltlC LroscinlrHI nperiltions have been COlldll(t o d lh rOIllholl t Lhe fn~shwi LAr reaches or the Mirllmiehi River system northeastern New flrllllswick to assess populiltion densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Sd l mo s~l~r) and other fish species present in known salmon-producing streams (Peppar and Schofield 1978 Schofielrl and Peppar 1979) These operations were conducted primarily to determine relative spawning success in relation to increased or decreased escapement of adult salmon to the river system With this objective in mind operations each year have concentratcrl on the repetition of sites Aunpleltl in previolls years

In 1900 iln clnctroseining spot-check proj ri1II WilS conltiucte(l to asscss some of the SHIft I 1 Miramichi feeder streams not covererl lmller the juveni Ie assessment program The objectives of this sampling were to establish the presence or absence of juvenile salmon determine the ratio of salmon to other species determine age-classes of salmon by length-frequency ilnd (1ocument basic physical chemical and biological data within sampling areas lata obtainerl incll1r1ed stream and bottom charncteriatics (such as wirlth depth hottom type and composition extent of

habitat types and extent of shade) water characteristics (conductivity and temperature) extent and dimensions of obstructions (such as natural falls beaver dams and highway CUlverts) in the immediate area of sampling sites and fish species present


A total of 32 streams (25 in Northumberland County and 7 in York County) were sampled during the period 14 Ju1-19 Aug 1980 Most of them were inaccessible for much of their lengths thus sampling sites had to be selected in areas having access by standard vehicle In most cases sites selected were near the mouths of streams


Species captured in electroseining spot-checks are listed below They were the most commonly-captured (or in most cases exclusively captured) representatives of each species-group encountered in the catches Common and scientific names given are those recommended by the American Fisheries Society (1970)

Designation S P e c i e s in tlhles I Common name ScientIfic name (Sp~_~~~~roup )

----------------~~-- -----

Salmon Jtlnntic salmon i 1 J mo S lJ 1 il r rimp rc~y Sea lamprey Petromyzon mlJrinus Fel American eel Anyuilla rostrata Trout Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis Oace Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus Sucllaquo~r White sucker Catostomus commersoni Stlcklehack Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

Brook stickleback Culaea inconstans Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

Sculpin Slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus

ITables detailing numbers of fish taken at each sampling site

Victoria County

Carleton County

Northumberland County

Little Southwest Miramichi River

~)~~~ I ne

York Country

Sunbury County


Gloucester Cou1ty

Kent County





l 20 30 40 Kilometres I


o m ~ ~~~

FIG Electroseining spot-check sites Miramichi River system New Brunswick



Namn as qiven in Gnzetteer of Canada shyNfW BnIllRwick 1972


Approximate location of sampling sites Grid reference (Universal Transverse Mercator) taken from National Topographic Series maps - 150000


I~ltlch snmplingsite inc1ndeR a minimum of 25 III bull


Theee measurements taken at upper end and lower limits and mid-point over lenqth of steeam examined at each sampling Ai teo

Avera9~ Depths

Averages of three measurements taken at lIpper an1 10wer limits and mid-point of each sampling site and at three lateral locations (one-quarter one-half and three-qllarters of stream width) Left an1 right lre defined when facing 10wnstream

Dottom Composition

Particle size as defined by Herrington an] DlInhilm 1967

lle1rock Slate Bnulltlor (ro(~ko )05 em lianwter) Hubhle (rocks 76-30gt cm diameter) Grilvel (rocks 03-76 cm diameter) Sand and silt (particles lt 03 cm

diameter) Mild lIardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves twigs bark etc) Debris (rubbish li middottter etc)

Measured with YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter


Conducted with a Dirigo Series 500 electrofisher


Data on the individual strea~ surveys are presentc in the following pages The orl1er of presentntion is from head of tide to IHMI]Wilters (Fig) Locntions of each stream IHlmp1c(j are indicltlted on the map by nllmbere1 circles


No Stream name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32

Wildcat Brook Trout Brook Lee Rrook Pats Brook Smoker Brook Harris Brook Otter Brook Indiantown Brook Reserve Brook Mill Brook Johnstone Brook Devils Back Brook Jardine Brook Becket Brook McKenzie Brook Black Brook Hurley Brook Fowler Brook Daak Brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Hickey Brook Standish Brook Porter Brook Plamer Brook Hayes Brook Salmon Brook Unnamed brook English Brook MacMillan Brook

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 3: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River

Canadian Data -Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No 377

January 1983


EJ Schofield and JL Peppar

Freshwater and AnadromousDivision Fisheries Research Branch

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Halifax Nova Scotia

B3J 2S7


~ Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1983 Cat No Fs 97~13l983-0377 ISSN 0706-6465








STREAM NAMES SHOWN NUMERICALLY ON KEY MAP 3 li Idca t Brook 4 Trout Brook 4 Lee Brook 5 Pats B~ook 5 Smoker Brook 6 Harris Brook 6

Otter Brook 7 Indiantown Brook 7 Reserve Brook 8 Mill Brook 8 Johnstone Brook S Devils Back Brook 8 Jardine Brook 9 Becket Brook 9 McKenzie Brook 10 Black Brook 10 Hurley Brook 11 Fowler Brook 11 Doak Brook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed hrook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed brook 13 Hickey Brook 13 Standish Brook 13 Porter Brook 14 Palmer Brook 14 Hayes Brook 15 Salmon Brook 15 Unnamed brook 16 English Brook 16 MacHillan Brook 17





Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

During July and August 1980 electroseining techniques were used to conduct spot-check surveys throughout the Miramichi River system to determine the presence or absence of juvenile salmon in some of the small feeder streams The surveys were conducted in Northumberland and York counties on some of the smaller streams which enter the Miramichi River proper or some of its major tributaries This report includes data on habitat substrate and water characteristics at each site and on fish species present in sites electrofished

Key words Miramichi River system electroseining spot-checks juvenile salmon other species feeder streams substrate and water characteristics


Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

Au cours des mois de juillet et aout 1980 on a pratiquees dans tout Ie reseau de la riviere Miramichi une etude se servant de la peche electrique comme technique Le but etait de verifier la presence ou absence de saumonneaux dans quelques-uns des petits tributaires Les releves ont ete menes dans des petits cours deau des comtes de Northumberland et de York se deversant dans la Miramichi proprement dite et dans quelques-uns de ses principaux tributaires Sont incluses dans Ie present rapport des donnees sur les caracteristiques de lhabitat du substrat et de leau ainsique sur les especes de poissons presentes a chaque site de peche


1ltlC LroscinlrHI nperiltions have been COlldll(t o d lh rOIllholl t Lhe fn~shwi LAr reaches or the Mirllmiehi River system northeastern New flrllllswick to assess populiltion densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Sd l mo s~l~r) and other fish species present in known salmon-producing streams (Peppar and Schofield 1978 Schofielrl and Peppar 1979) These operations were conducted primarily to determine relative spawning success in relation to increased or decreased escapement of adult salmon to the river system With this objective in mind operations each year have concentratcrl on the repetition of sites Aunpleltl in previolls years

In 1900 iln clnctroseining spot-check proj ri1II WilS conltiucte(l to asscss some of the SHIft I 1 Miramichi feeder streams not covererl lmller the juveni Ie assessment program The objectives of this sampling were to establish the presence or absence of juvenile salmon determine the ratio of salmon to other species determine age-classes of salmon by length-frequency ilnd (1ocument basic physical chemical and biological data within sampling areas lata obtainerl incll1r1ed stream and bottom charncteriatics (such as wirlth depth hottom type and composition extent of

habitat types and extent of shade) water characteristics (conductivity and temperature) extent and dimensions of obstructions (such as natural falls beaver dams and highway CUlverts) in the immediate area of sampling sites and fish species present


A total of 32 streams (25 in Northumberland County and 7 in York County) were sampled during the period 14 Ju1-19 Aug 1980 Most of them were inaccessible for much of their lengths thus sampling sites had to be selected in areas having access by standard vehicle In most cases sites selected were near the mouths of streams


Species captured in electroseining spot-checks are listed below They were the most commonly-captured (or in most cases exclusively captured) representatives of each species-group encountered in the catches Common and scientific names given are those recommended by the American Fisheries Society (1970)

Designation S P e c i e s in tlhles I Common name ScientIfic name (Sp~_~~~~roup )

----------------~~-- -----

Salmon Jtlnntic salmon i 1 J mo S lJ 1 il r rimp rc~y Sea lamprey Petromyzon mlJrinus Fel American eel Anyuilla rostrata Trout Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis Oace Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus Sucllaquo~r White sucker Catostomus commersoni Stlcklehack Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

Brook stickleback Culaea inconstans Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

Sculpin Slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus

ITables detailing numbers of fish taken at each sampling site

Victoria County

Carleton County

Northumberland County

Little Southwest Miramichi River

~)~~~ I ne

York Country

Sunbury County


Gloucester Cou1ty

Kent County





l 20 30 40 Kilometres I


o m ~ ~~~

FIG Electroseining spot-check sites Miramichi River system New Brunswick



Namn as qiven in Gnzetteer of Canada shyNfW BnIllRwick 1972


Approximate location of sampling sites Grid reference (Universal Transverse Mercator) taken from National Topographic Series maps - 150000


I~ltlch snmplingsite inc1ndeR a minimum of 25 III bull


Theee measurements taken at upper end and lower limits and mid-point over lenqth of steeam examined at each sampling Ai teo

Avera9~ Depths

Averages of three measurements taken at lIpper an1 10wer limits and mid-point of each sampling site and at three lateral locations (one-quarter one-half and three-qllarters of stream width) Left an1 right lre defined when facing 10wnstream

Dottom Composition

Particle size as defined by Herrington an] DlInhilm 1967

lle1rock Slate Bnulltlor (ro(~ko )05 em lianwter) Hubhle (rocks 76-30gt cm diameter) Grilvel (rocks 03-76 cm diameter) Sand and silt (particles lt 03 cm

diameter) Mild lIardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves twigs bark etc) Debris (rubbish li middottter etc)

Measured with YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter


Conducted with a Dirigo Series 500 electrofisher


Data on the individual strea~ surveys are presentc in the following pages The orl1er of presentntion is from head of tide to IHMI]Wilters (Fig) Locntions of each stream IHlmp1c(j are indicltlted on the map by nllmbere1 circles


No Stream name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32

Wildcat Brook Trout Brook Lee Rrook Pats Brook Smoker Brook Harris Brook Otter Brook Indiantown Brook Reserve Brook Mill Brook Johnstone Brook Devils Back Brook Jardine Brook Becket Brook McKenzie Brook Black Brook Hurley Brook Fowler Brook Daak Brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Hickey Brook Standish Brook Porter Brook Plamer Brook Hayes Brook Salmon Brook Unnamed brook English Brook MacMillan Brook

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 4: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River

~ Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1983 Cat No Fs 97~13l983-0377 ISSN 0706-6465








STREAM NAMES SHOWN NUMERICALLY ON KEY MAP 3 li Idca t Brook 4 Trout Brook 4 Lee Brook 5 Pats B~ook 5 Smoker Brook 6 Harris Brook 6

Otter Brook 7 Indiantown Brook 7 Reserve Brook 8 Mill Brook 8 Johnstone Brook S Devils Back Brook 8 Jardine Brook 9 Becket Brook 9 McKenzie Brook 10 Black Brook 10 Hurley Brook 11 Fowler Brook 11 Doak Brook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed hrook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed brook 13 Hickey Brook 13 Standish Brook 13 Porter Brook 14 Palmer Brook 14 Hayes Brook 15 Salmon Brook 15 Unnamed brook 16 English Brook 16 MacHillan Brook 17





Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

During July and August 1980 electroseining techniques were used to conduct spot-check surveys throughout the Miramichi River system to determine the presence or absence of juvenile salmon in some of the small feeder streams The surveys were conducted in Northumberland and York counties on some of the smaller streams which enter the Miramichi River proper or some of its major tributaries This report includes data on habitat substrate and water characteristics at each site and on fish species present in sites electrofished

Key words Miramichi River system electroseining spot-checks juvenile salmon other species feeder streams substrate and water characteristics


Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

Au cours des mois de juillet et aout 1980 on a pratiquees dans tout Ie reseau de la riviere Miramichi une etude se servant de la peche electrique comme technique Le but etait de verifier la presence ou absence de saumonneaux dans quelques-uns des petits tributaires Les releves ont ete menes dans des petits cours deau des comtes de Northumberland et de York se deversant dans la Miramichi proprement dite et dans quelques-uns de ses principaux tributaires Sont incluses dans Ie present rapport des donnees sur les caracteristiques de lhabitat du substrat et de leau ainsique sur les especes de poissons presentes a chaque site de peche


1ltlC LroscinlrHI nperiltions have been COlldll(t o d lh rOIllholl t Lhe fn~shwi LAr reaches or the Mirllmiehi River system northeastern New flrllllswick to assess populiltion densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Sd l mo s~l~r) and other fish species present in known salmon-producing streams (Peppar and Schofield 1978 Schofielrl and Peppar 1979) These operations were conducted primarily to determine relative spawning success in relation to increased or decreased escapement of adult salmon to the river system With this objective in mind operations each year have concentratcrl on the repetition of sites Aunpleltl in previolls years

In 1900 iln clnctroseining spot-check proj ri1II WilS conltiucte(l to asscss some of the SHIft I 1 Miramichi feeder streams not covererl lmller the juveni Ie assessment program The objectives of this sampling were to establish the presence or absence of juvenile salmon determine the ratio of salmon to other species determine age-classes of salmon by length-frequency ilnd (1ocument basic physical chemical and biological data within sampling areas lata obtainerl incll1r1ed stream and bottom charncteriatics (such as wirlth depth hottom type and composition extent of

habitat types and extent of shade) water characteristics (conductivity and temperature) extent and dimensions of obstructions (such as natural falls beaver dams and highway CUlverts) in the immediate area of sampling sites and fish species present


A total of 32 streams (25 in Northumberland County and 7 in York County) were sampled during the period 14 Ju1-19 Aug 1980 Most of them were inaccessible for much of their lengths thus sampling sites had to be selected in areas having access by standard vehicle In most cases sites selected were near the mouths of streams


Species captured in electroseining spot-checks are listed below They were the most commonly-captured (or in most cases exclusively captured) representatives of each species-group encountered in the catches Common and scientific names given are those recommended by the American Fisheries Society (1970)

Designation S P e c i e s in tlhles I Common name ScientIfic name (Sp~_~~~~roup )

----------------~~-- -----

Salmon Jtlnntic salmon i 1 J mo S lJ 1 il r rimp rc~y Sea lamprey Petromyzon mlJrinus Fel American eel Anyuilla rostrata Trout Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis Oace Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus Sucllaquo~r White sucker Catostomus commersoni Stlcklehack Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

Brook stickleback Culaea inconstans Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

Sculpin Slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus

ITables detailing numbers of fish taken at each sampling site

Victoria County

Carleton County

Northumberland County

Little Southwest Miramichi River

~)~~~ I ne

York Country

Sunbury County


Gloucester Cou1ty

Kent County





l 20 30 40 Kilometres I


o m ~ ~~~

FIG Electroseining spot-check sites Miramichi River system New Brunswick



Namn as qiven in Gnzetteer of Canada shyNfW BnIllRwick 1972


Approximate location of sampling sites Grid reference (Universal Transverse Mercator) taken from National Topographic Series maps - 150000


I~ltlch snmplingsite inc1ndeR a minimum of 25 III bull


Theee measurements taken at upper end and lower limits and mid-point over lenqth of steeam examined at each sampling Ai teo

Avera9~ Depths

Averages of three measurements taken at lIpper an1 10wer limits and mid-point of each sampling site and at three lateral locations (one-quarter one-half and three-qllarters of stream width) Left an1 right lre defined when facing 10wnstream

Dottom Composition

Particle size as defined by Herrington an] DlInhilm 1967

lle1rock Slate Bnulltlor (ro(~ko )05 em lianwter) Hubhle (rocks 76-30gt cm diameter) Grilvel (rocks 03-76 cm diameter) Sand and silt (particles lt 03 cm

diameter) Mild lIardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves twigs bark etc) Debris (rubbish li middottter etc)

Measured with YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter


Conducted with a Dirigo Series 500 electrofisher


Data on the individual strea~ surveys are presentc in the following pages The orl1er of presentntion is from head of tide to IHMI]Wilters (Fig) Locntions of each stream IHlmp1c(j are indicltlted on the map by nllmbere1 circles


No Stream name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32

Wildcat Brook Trout Brook Lee Rrook Pats Brook Smoker Brook Harris Brook Otter Brook Indiantown Brook Reserve Brook Mill Brook Johnstone Brook Devils Back Brook Jardine Brook Becket Brook McKenzie Brook Black Brook Hurley Brook Fowler Brook Daak Brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Hickey Brook Standish Brook Porter Brook Plamer Brook Hayes Brook Salmon Brook Unnamed brook English Brook MacMillan Brook

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 5: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River








STREAM NAMES SHOWN NUMERICALLY ON KEY MAP 3 li Idca t Brook 4 Trout Brook 4 Lee Brook 5 Pats B~ook 5 Smoker Brook 6 Harris Brook 6

Otter Brook 7 Indiantown Brook 7 Reserve Brook 8 Mill Brook 8 Johnstone Brook S Devils Back Brook 8 Jardine Brook 9 Becket Brook 9 McKenzie Brook 10 Black Brook 10 Hurley Brook 11 Fowler Brook 11 Doak Brook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed hrook 12 Unnamed brook 12 Unnamed brook 13 Hickey Brook 13 Standish Brook 13 Porter Brook 14 Palmer Brook 14 Hayes Brook 15 Salmon Brook 15 Unnamed brook 16 English Brook 16 MacHillan Brook 17





Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

During July and August 1980 electroseining techniques were used to conduct spot-check surveys throughout the Miramichi River system to determine the presence or absence of juvenile salmon in some of the small feeder streams The surveys were conducted in Northumberland and York counties on some of the smaller streams which enter the Miramichi River proper or some of its major tributaries This report includes data on habitat substrate and water characteristics at each site and on fish species present in sites electrofished

Key words Miramichi River system electroseining spot-checks juvenile salmon other species feeder streams substrate and water characteristics


Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

Au cours des mois de juillet et aout 1980 on a pratiquees dans tout Ie reseau de la riviere Miramichi une etude se servant de la peche electrique comme technique Le but etait de verifier la presence ou absence de saumonneaux dans quelques-uns des petits tributaires Les releves ont ete menes dans des petits cours deau des comtes de Northumberland et de York se deversant dans la Miramichi proprement dite et dans quelques-uns de ses principaux tributaires Sont incluses dans Ie present rapport des donnees sur les caracteristiques de lhabitat du substrat et de leau ainsique sur les especes de poissons presentes a chaque site de peche


1ltlC LroscinlrHI nperiltions have been COlldll(t o d lh rOIllholl t Lhe fn~shwi LAr reaches or the Mirllmiehi River system northeastern New flrllllswick to assess populiltion densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Sd l mo s~l~r) and other fish species present in known salmon-producing streams (Peppar and Schofield 1978 Schofielrl and Peppar 1979) These operations were conducted primarily to determine relative spawning success in relation to increased or decreased escapement of adult salmon to the river system With this objective in mind operations each year have concentratcrl on the repetition of sites Aunpleltl in previolls years

In 1900 iln clnctroseining spot-check proj ri1II WilS conltiucte(l to asscss some of the SHIft I 1 Miramichi feeder streams not covererl lmller the juveni Ie assessment program The objectives of this sampling were to establish the presence or absence of juvenile salmon determine the ratio of salmon to other species determine age-classes of salmon by length-frequency ilnd (1ocument basic physical chemical and biological data within sampling areas lata obtainerl incll1r1ed stream and bottom charncteriatics (such as wirlth depth hottom type and composition extent of

habitat types and extent of shade) water characteristics (conductivity and temperature) extent and dimensions of obstructions (such as natural falls beaver dams and highway CUlverts) in the immediate area of sampling sites and fish species present


A total of 32 streams (25 in Northumberland County and 7 in York County) were sampled during the period 14 Ju1-19 Aug 1980 Most of them were inaccessible for much of their lengths thus sampling sites had to be selected in areas having access by standard vehicle In most cases sites selected were near the mouths of streams


Species captured in electroseining spot-checks are listed below They were the most commonly-captured (or in most cases exclusively captured) representatives of each species-group encountered in the catches Common and scientific names given are those recommended by the American Fisheries Society (1970)

Designation S P e c i e s in tlhles I Common name ScientIfic name (Sp~_~~~~roup )

----------------~~-- -----

Salmon Jtlnntic salmon i 1 J mo S lJ 1 il r rimp rc~y Sea lamprey Petromyzon mlJrinus Fel American eel Anyuilla rostrata Trout Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis Oace Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus Sucllaquo~r White sucker Catostomus commersoni Stlcklehack Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

Brook stickleback Culaea inconstans Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

Sculpin Slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus

ITables detailing numbers of fish taken at each sampling site

Victoria County

Carleton County

Northumberland County

Little Southwest Miramichi River

~)~~~ I ne

York Country

Sunbury County


Gloucester Cou1ty

Kent County





l 20 30 40 Kilometres I


o m ~ ~~~

FIG Electroseining spot-check sites Miramichi River system New Brunswick



Namn as qiven in Gnzetteer of Canada shyNfW BnIllRwick 1972


Approximate location of sampling sites Grid reference (Universal Transverse Mercator) taken from National Topographic Series maps - 150000


I~ltlch snmplingsite inc1ndeR a minimum of 25 III bull


Theee measurements taken at upper end and lower limits and mid-point over lenqth of steeam examined at each sampling Ai teo

Avera9~ Depths

Averages of three measurements taken at lIpper an1 10wer limits and mid-point of each sampling site and at three lateral locations (one-quarter one-half and three-qllarters of stream width) Left an1 right lre defined when facing 10wnstream

Dottom Composition

Particle size as defined by Herrington an] DlInhilm 1967

lle1rock Slate Bnulltlor (ro(~ko )05 em lianwter) Hubhle (rocks 76-30gt cm diameter) Grilvel (rocks 03-76 cm diameter) Sand and silt (particles lt 03 cm

diameter) Mild lIardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves twigs bark etc) Debris (rubbish li middottter etc)

Measured with YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter


Conducted with a Dirigo Series 500 electrofisher


Data on the individual strea~ surveys are presentc in the following pages The orl1er of presentntion is from head of tide to IHMI]Wilters (Fig) Locntions of each stream IHlmp1c(j are indicltlted on the map by nllmbere1 circles


No Stream name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32

Wildcat Brook Trout Brook Lee Rrook Pats Brook Smoker Brook Harris Brook Otter Brook Indiantown Brook Reserve Brook Mill Brook Johnstone Brook Devils Back Brook Jardine Brook Becket Brook McKenzie Brook Black Brook Hurley Brook Fowler Brook Daak Brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Hickey Brook Standish Brook Porter Brook Plamer Brook Hayes Brook Salmon Brook Unnamed brook English Brook MacMillan Brook

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 6: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River



Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

During July and August 1980 electroseining techniques were used to conduct spot-check surveys throughout the Miramichi River system to determine the presence or absence of juvenile salmon in some of the small feeder streams The surveys were conducted in Northumberland and York counties on some of the smaller streams which enter the Miramichi River proper or some of its major tributaries This report includes data on habitat substrate and water characteristics at each site and on fish species present in sites electrofished

Key words Miramichi River system electroseining spot-checks juvenile salmon other species feeder streams substrate and water characteristics


Schofield EJ and JL Peppar 1983 Habitat spot-check surveys Miramichi River system 1980 Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 377 v + 17 p

Au cours des mois de juillet et aout 1980 on a pratiquees dans tout Ie reseau de la riviere Miramichi une etude se servant de la peche electrique comme technique Le but etait de verifier la presence ou absence de saumonneaux dans quelques-uns des petits tributaires Les releves ont ete menes dans des petits cours deau des comtes de Northumberland et de York se deversant dans la Miramichi proprement dite et dans quelques-uns de ses principaux tributaires Sont incluses dans Ie present rapport des donnees sur les caracteristiques de lhabitat du substrat et de leau ainsique sur les especes de poissons presentes a chaque site de peche


1ltlC LroscinlrHI nperiltions have been COlldll(t o d lh rOIllholl t Lhe fn~shwi LAr reaches or the Mirllmiehi River system northeastern New flrllllswick to assess populiltion densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Sd l mo s~l~r) and other fish species present in known salmon-producing streams (Peppar and Schofield 1978 Schofielrl and Peppar 1979) These operations were conducted primarily to determine relative spawning success in relation to increased or decreased escapement of adult salmon to the river system With this objective in mind operations each year have concentratcrl on the repetition of sites Aunpleltl in previolls years

In 1900 iln clnctroseining spot-check proj ri1II WilS conltiucte(l to asscss some of the SHIft I 1 Miramichi feeder streams not covererl lmller the juveni Ie assessment program The objectives of this sampling were to establish the presence or absence of juvenile salmon determine the ratio of salmon to other species determine age-classes of salmon by length-frequency ilnd (1ocument basic physical chemical and biological data within sampling areas lata obtainerl incll1r1ed stream and bottom charncteriatics (such as wirlth depth hottom type and composition extent of

habitat types and extent of shade) water characteristics (conductivity and temperature) extent and dimensions of obstructions (such as natural falls beaver dams and highway CUlverts) in the immediate area of sampling sites and fish species present


A total of 32 streams (25 in Northumberland County and 7 in York County) were sampled during the period 14 Ju1-19 Aug 1980 Most of them were inaccessible for much of their lengths thus sampling sites had to be selected in areas having access by standard vehicle In most cases sites selected were near the mouths of streams


Species captured in electroseining spot-checks are listed below They were the most commonly-captured (or in most cases exclusively captured) representatives of each species-group encountered in the catches Common and scientific names given are those recommended by the American Fisheries Society (1970)

Designation S P e c i e s in tlhles I Common name ScientIfic name (Sp~_~~~~roup )

----------------~~-- -----

Salmon Jtlnntic salmon i 1 J mo S lJ 1 il r rimp rc~y Sea lamprey Petromyzon mlJrinus Fel American eel Anyuilla rostrata Trout Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis Oace Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus Sucllaquo~r White sucker Catostomus commersoni Stlcklehack Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

Brook stickleback Culaea inconstans Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

Sculpin Slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus

ITables detailing numbers of fish taken at each sampling site

Victoria County

Carleton County

Northumberland County

Little Southwest Miramichi River

~)~~~ I ne

York Country

Sunbury County


Gloucester Cou1ty

Kent County





l 20 30 40 Kilometres I


o m ~ ~~~

FIG Electroseining spot-check sites Miramichi River system New Brunswick



Namn as qiven in Gnzetteer of Canada shyNfW BnIllRwick 1972


Approximate location of sampling sites Grid reference (Universal Transverse Mercator) taken from National Topographic Series maps - 150000


I~ltlch snmplingsite inc1ndeR a minimum of 25 III bull


Theee measurements taken at upper end and lower limits and mid-point over lenqth of steeam examined at each sampling Ai teo

Avera9~ Depths

Averages of three measurements taken at lIpper an1 10wer limits and mid-point of each sampling site and at three lateral locations (one-quarter one-half and three-qllarters of stream width) Left an1 right lre defined when facing 10wnstream

Dottom Composition

Particle size as defined by Herrington an] DlInhilm 1967

lle1rock Slate Bnulltlor (ro(~ko )05 em lianwter) Hubhle (rocks 76-30gt cm diameter) Grilvel (rocks 03-76 cm diameter) Sand and silt (particles lt 03 cm

diameter) Mild lIardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves twigs bark etc) Debris (rubbish li middottter etc)

Measured with YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter


Conducted with a Dirigo Series 500 electrofisher


Data on the individual strea~ surveys are presentc in the following pages The orl1er of presentntion is from head of tide to IHMI]Wilters (Fig) Locntions of each stream IHlmp1c(j are indicltlted on the map by nllmbere1 circles


No Stream name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32

Wildcat Brook Trout Brook Lee Rrook Pats Brook Smoker Brook Harris Brook Otter Brook Indiantown Brook Reserve Brook Mill Brook Johnstone Brook Devils Back Brook Jardine Brook Becket Brook McKenzie Brook Black Brook Hurley Brook Fowler Brook Daak Brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Hickey Brook Standish Brook Porter Brook Plamer Brook Hayes Brook Salmon Brook Unnamed brook English Brook MacMillan Brook

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 7: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


1ltlC LroscinlrHI nperiltions have been COlldll(t o d lh rOIllholl t Lhe fn~shwi LAr reaches or the Mirllmiehi River system northeastern New flrllllswick to assess populiltion densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Sd l mo s~l~r) and other fish species present in known salmon-producing streams (Peppar and Schofield 1978 Schofielrl and Peppar 1979) These operations were conducted primarily to determine relative spawning success in relation to increased or decreased escapement of adult salmon to the river system With this objective in mind operations each year have concentratcrl on the repetition of sites Aunpleltl in previolls years

In 1900 iln clnctroseining spot-check proj ri1II WilS conltiucte(l to asscss some of the SHIft I 1 Miramichi feeder streams not covererl lmller the juveni Ie assessment program The objectives of this sampling were to establish the presence or absence of juvenile salmon determine the ratio of salmon to other species determine age-classes of salmon by length-frequency ilnd (1ocument basic physical chemical and biological data within sampling areas lata obtainerl incll1r1ed stream and bottom charncteriatics (such as wirlth depth hottom type and composition extent of

habitat types and extent of shade) water characteristics (conductivity and temperature) extent and dimensions of obstructions (such as natural falls beaver dams and highway CUlverts) in the immediate area of sampling sites and fish species present


A total of 32 streams (25 in Northumberland County and 7 in York County) were sampled during the period 14 Ju1-19 Aug 1980 Most of them were inaccessible for much of their lengths thus sampling sites had to be selected in areas having access by standard vehicle In most cases sites selected were near the mouths of streams


Species captured in electroseining spot-checks are listed below They were the most commonly-captured (or in most cases exclusively captured) representatives of each species-group encountered in the catches Common and scientific names given are those recommended by the American Fisheries Society (1970)

Designation S P e c i e s in tlhles I Common name ScientIfic name (Sp~_~~~~roup )

----------------~~-- -----

Salmon Jtlnntic salmon i 1 J mo S lJ 1 il r rimp rc~y Sea lamprey Petromyzon mlJrinus Fel American eel Anyuilla rostrata Trout Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis Oace Blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus Sucllaquo~r White sucker Catostomus commersoni Stlcklehack Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

Brook stickleback Culaea inconstans Ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

Sculpin Slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus

ITables detailing numbers of fish taken at each sampling site

Victoria County

Carleton County

Northumberland County

Little Southwest Miramichi River

~)~~~ I ne

York Country

Sunbury County


Gloucester Cou1ty

Kent County





l 20 30 40 Kilometres I


o m ~ ~~~

FIG Electroseining spot-check sites Miramichi River system New Brunswick



Namn as qiven in Gnzetteer of Canada shyNfW BnIllRwick 1972


Approximate location of sampling sites Grid reference (Universal Transverse Mercator) taken from National Topographic Series maps - 150000


I~ltlch snmplingsite inc1ndeR a minimum of 25 III bull


Theee measurements taken at upper end and lower limits and mid-point over lenqth of steeam examined at each sampling Ai teo

Avera9~ Depths

Averages of three measurements taken at lIpper an1 10wer limits and mid-point of each sampling site and at three lateral locations (one-quarter one-half and three-qllarters of stream width) Left an1 right lre defined when facing 10wnstream

Dottom Composition

Particle size as defined by Herrington an] DlInhilm 1967

lle1rock Slate Bnulltlor (ro(~ko )05 em lianwter) Hubhle (rocks 76-30gt cm diameter) Grilvel (rocks 03-76 cm diameter) Sand and silt (particles lt 03 cm

diameter) Mild lIardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves twigs bark etc) Debris (rubbish li middottter etc)

Measured with YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter


Conducted with a Dirigo Series 500 electrofisher


Data on the individual strea~ surveys are presentc in the following pages The orl1er of presentntion is from head of tide to IHMI]Wilters (Fig) Locntions of each stream IHlmp1c(j are indicltlted on the map by nllmbere1 circles


No Stream name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32

Wildcat Brook Trout Brook Lee Rrook Pats Brook Smoker Brook Harris Brook Otter Brook Indiantown Brook Reserve Brook Mill Brook Johnstone Brook Devils Back Brook Jardine Brook Becket Brook McKenzie Brook Black Brook Hurley Brook Fowler Brook Daak Brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Hickey Brook Standish Brook Porter Brook Plamer Brook Hayes Brook Salmon Brook Unnamed brook English Brook MacMillan Brook

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 8: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River

Victoria County

Carleton County

Northumberland County

Little Southwest Miramichi River

~)~~~ I ne

York Country

Sunbury County


Gloucester Cou1ty

Kent County





l 20 30 40 Kilometres I


o m ~ ~~~

FIG Electroseining spot-check sites Miramichi River system New Brunswick



Namn as qiven in Gnzetteer of Canada shyNfW BnIllRwick 1972


Approximate location of sampling sites Grid reference (Universal Transverse Mercator) taken from National Topographic Series maps - 150000


I~ltlch snmplingsite inc1ndeR a minimum of 25 III bull


Theee measurements taken at upper end and lower limits and mid-point over lenqth of steeam examined at each sampling Ai teo

Avera9~ Depths

Averages of three measurements taken at lIpper an1 10wer limits and mid-point of each sampling site and at three lateral locations (one-quarter one-half and three-qllarters of stream width) Left an1 right lre defined when facing 10wnstream

Dottom Composition

Particle size as defined by Herrington an] DlInhilm 1967

lle1rock Slate Bnulltlor (ro(~ko )05 em lianwter) Hubhle (rocks 76-30gt cm diameter) Grilvel (rocks 03-76 cm diameter) Sand and silt (particles lt 03 cm

diameter) Mild lIardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves twigs bark etc) Debris (rubbish li middottter etc)

Measured with YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter


Conducted with a Dirigo Series 500 electrofisher


Data on the individual strea~ surveys are presentc in the following pages The orl1er of presentntion is from head of tide to IHMI]Wilters (Fig) Locntions of each stream IHlmp1c(j are indicltlted on the map by nllmbere1 circles


No Stream name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32

Wildcat Brook Trout Brook Lee Rrook Pats Brook Smoker Brook Harris Brook Otter Brook Indiantown Brook Reserve Brook Mill Brook Johnstone Brook Devils Back Brook Jardine Brook Becket Brook McKenzie Brook Black Brook Hurley Brook Fowler Brook Daak Brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Hickey Brook Standish Brook Porter Brook Plamer Brook Hayes Brook Salmon Brook Unnamed brook English Brook MacMillan Brook

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 9: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River



Namn as qiven in Gnzetteer of Canada shyNfW BnIllRwick 1972


Approximate location of sampling sites Grid reference (Universal Transverse Mercator) taken from National Topographic Series maps - 150000


I~ltlch snmplingsite inc1ndeR a minimum of 25 III bull


Theee measurements taken at upper end and lower limits and mid-point over lenqth of steeam examined at each sampling Ai teo

Avera9~ Depths

Averages of three measurements taken at lIpper an1 10wer limits and mid-point of each sampling site and at three lateral locations (one-quarter one-half and three-qllarters of stream width) Left an1 right lre defined when facing 10wnstream

Dottom Composition

Particle size as defined by Herrington an] DlInhilm 1967

lle1rock Slate Bnulltlor (ro(~ko )05 em lianwter) Hubhle (rocks 76-30gt cm diameter) Grilvel (rocks 03-76 cm diameter) Sand and silt (particles lt 03 cm

diameter) Mild lIardpan (hard deposits of clay) Detritus (leaves twigs bark etc) Debris (rubbish li middottter etc)

Measured with YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter


Conducted with a Dirigo Series 500 electrofisher


Data on the individual strea~ surveys are presentc in the following pages The orl1er of presentntion is from head of tide to IHMI]Wilters (Fig) Locntions of each stream IHlmp1c(j are indicltlted on the map by nllmbere1 circles


No Stream name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32

Wildcat Brook Trout Brook Lee Rrook Pats Brook Smoker Brook Harris Brook Otter Brook Indiantown Brook Reserve Brook Mill Brook Johnstone Brook Devils Back Brook Jardine Brook Becket Brook McKenzie Brook Black Brook Hurley Brook Fowler Brook Daak Brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Unnamed brook Hickey Brook Standish Brook Porter Brook Plamer Brook Hayes Brook Salmon Brook Unnamed brook English Brook MacMillan Brook

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 10: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River

Name of Stream Wilocat Brook

Tributary t9 Northwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Date 5880

Loc Uonl Grilt1 Reference 8)00lt)2 Mltlp Sheet 21 [gt4 W

Descriptionl Shallow pool at upper fifth remainoer medium-fast riffle Strpltlm-beo composition - 95 gravel and ) 8 rubble Exposeo gravel along both billlks Surrounding countrysioe composed of open fie los and scattered elm trees

Jrci 1033 m 7

Jiltl ths Lower eno - 62 m Middle - 64 m Upper eno - 46 m

Average Depths Left side - 137 cm Middle - 250 cm Right side - 163 cm

Wilter Temperature 19degC

Co ndllct ivity 2A jlmhos

IIlolo1IC1 Silmp1inrll

~E~clo~Dro~r N) o_r___ _____ __ _

-llIIon (fry) Salmon (pa rr) nace Sucker Sculpin

Il 3

32 18


Name of Stream Trout Brook

Tributary to Northwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date gt880

Location Grid Reference 896216 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Description Fast run at middle slow run upper left half remainder riffle Overhanging alders and grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

2Area A76 m

Widths Lower end - 90 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 77 m

Average Depths Left side - 213 cm Middle - 300 cm Right side - 247 cm

Water Temperature 185degC

Conductivity 42 ~mhos

Biological Sampling

Species gr~ __ Number

Sallllon (parr) 14 Trout I DlIce 1 Sculpin 1


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 11: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


L(~p nrOOK


L()(lt ion riel Reference 853244 Map Sheet 21 14 W

IClt r i pI ion Shlll low pool at Inc- Inth mndilllll-fi9t rlln throlllh mittcll rPJlldirHlfr ri rrl ~~t r(~n-bpd

~IHl1l()1 i t j orl - HO ftlhhl P I ~ ~Hnld ilnd ~middotI nco I I ppd hOH I dprn Ovprhilflq j nq 0111 dlnlll holh lgtlllkl ~lIrrollntlinC)

collnt ry i til omp0[-I(1 of bilncJonlc1 filld9 qrowinq IIraquo in alltlers and small sprllcf


rower enl - 42 m MiltIHe - iO m lipper onl -- 32 m

Left [Iidf - 74) Im Miltldll - 330 Im fliCJht siell - 253 lt-III


COHlllel ivi t y 30 pmhos

ioloCJiea1 ~implin~

Spec i c s~ltJ-ro-lIp_______--Nucmhc=r

illmon (parr) 4 TrOll t 2 I )il cop 5

----- ---- ---- - shy

Name of Stnam Pat nrook

Tributary to Northw~st Hiramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Pate 5880

Location Grid Reference BS4265 Map Sheet 21 P4 W

Dcarription Shallow pool at lowlr fifth fast rlln throllCJh milltlJl nlow rlln alollCJ riht hank remaillder ri ffll Stream-hocl cornl(mitinl - (O C)rv(I 401 rllhhl( ncl severnl lIrattered bOll I (lers OverhnnC) inCJ a 1 (lera ancl few larCJe trees along hoth hilnks Surrounding countryside wooded


Iidths TJower end - 47 m ~Iiddle - 35 m Upper end - 46 m

1veraqe Depths Left icl~ - 163 em t1iclclle - 72 _3 em Right side - 147 Im

Water Temperature

Conductivity 40 lJmhos

Biolo~ical Samplinl

Species group Number

Salmon (parr) 1 Trout 3


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 12: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


Ndlll ()f Str(nl1l ~11I()~(r Brook


1( )( ~ lt ion rri] Hprerenee 0642lt)8 f1I ftl((~t 21 rII 1

I ript ion Po()1 in IIpper IlIilrter ilnlt1 (111 rl Ink Lt rnn throllll 111 i old 1 r i 1Ie1l r r i (f 1( St rlt~ilPI-belt1 ()11III()i I ion - 11(1 1r vnl 1 s rllbhle (01 i1 bOllldrH ()verhilnqinl lt11lt1(rA )nel vIrtI I rI I r (es 1 10111 bothk ~IIJ r()lIndin1 middotolrntrysidC wo()lel

I Oil bull 1 II

1 i II I n (ow(r Plld - i7 m fic1c1lp - 4n m tlppnr (nd - 76 PI

I eft side - 310 em Mi lt111 p - 367 cm nilht side - 117 em

IJ t( r Temperlt1 t II re HLOmiddotC

Condllctivity Sf) )1mhos

~ 11111 (fry) 0 ~ t1I11() (pi J r) I

r)1 1- ()1I t Il c(~ 16 t ie k le (k 1 Sculpin 3)

Name 0 ( 1t renm lIa rr i 11 IIrook

Trihutary to Little Sonthwest ~1irilmiehi

River ~ystem Hiramichi

Sampling site

nate 6Afll

Location rricl neferenee 72SCn7 Har Sheet 21 113 W

[escription Medium-fast rlln throlllh micllt1le remainder riffle streillfl-hed composition - AS gravel ilnd 15 embelt1delt1 rllhh Ie Id Iers grass 11lt1 few lilrltJe h~an trees illong hoth hanks SII rrounc1 ing count rys iele wooelecl bull

m2lIrelt1 f174

I-linths Lower enl - 7 3 m MicMle - 51 m Upper end - 4 4 m

Iverltlge J)epths Jeft sine - 143 elTl Middle - 173 em Right sioe - 133 em

Water Temperltlture 1iOmiddotC

Conductivity 30 IJmhos

nioloqien Samp1inl

lrolll f ~e lIl pill 13


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 13: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


flitlllf or ~t rPilII Otttr IIrook

r1 i r illn i (11 i

l1a t - (rno

I()at ion Grid Heferenee 2SA9i6 tlap Sheet 21 T16 E

nes(ription Upper limit of Rite lo(at(d below ahandone(1 heaver 1am crtlt i 111 a pool containing numerous c]Pillt1 t r ilncl other c1ehris 1tow run ilIon r-ilht 1gt-nk extenclin1 to middle rPIII i ndCr r i r r Ie St reilIn-hec1 OIJlI)(lgtition - lt)O lrilvel anrl 10 rlllgthle llelers lt1lonl left hnnk and Cxposed qrilvel illon1 right hank ~lrr()IIIH1 inl cOllntrYRi1e woodec1 with bllrnt-over ilrea above highway

S72 Il ~

Lowfr end - 42 m Mic1dle - lIn m IJppcr (nd - 12 In

11 r t sid ( - 0 bull 0 em 1 i dell e - 1 r bull 0 (Ill

Hilht sile - 177 cm


COli cIIIC t i vi t y 30 II mhos

Hin I01 i (lt11 Silmp I i 111

Sit I Ilion ( r ry ) I Irollt 4 ))il( C S SCllpin fl

Name of Stream Inrliilntown Brook I

Trihutary to SouthJfgtRt rHramiehi

River System r1iramiehi

Samplin1 site

Tate 6880

Location Grid Reference 872897 Map Sheet 21 113 W

Description Fast run along right bank slow run through middle remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 90 rubble and 10 gravel Overhanging alders on left and 1rass along right hank Surrounding countryside wooded

m 2Area 8S1

Widths Lower end - 64 m Middle - 82 m Upper end - 71 m

Average Depths Left side - 383 em Middle - 403 em Right side - 237 em

Witer lfmperatnre 140middotC

Con(1l1ct i vi ty

Species group ~umher

Salmon (fry) 6 Salmon (parr) 22


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 14: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


[lilLe rnflO

I nert Lion Grid Refercnce 7OJAQ3 t111 P Sh (gtc t 1 11 3 1

Des(ription fle0p pool throult1h middle i111] defl slow rlln i1lonCl hoth banks SI rlIIl1-lltd coOlpor i t ion - 50 ruhhle 11) 1 fl illid )(1lt1 1 s()ttlrFcl loul1ers (lv(rloillllinl ldCrfl 10ng hoth banks -lIrrOllfld i 111 counl rys i de composccl of (Ill ()VCr wnodli1I1l

Ii dl hs Lower enel -- 54 m Mi dclI - 7 II m ppe r (nd - j 1 m

IV( rdl f )(pl h s Ie ft s icle - (j 73 cm Mid11 - nfl7 em Riqht side - Sq3 em

Jr1 t ( r ffHlpe r il t II re IflOdegC

(OlldIlCI- i vi ty 40 ~Imhos

HtlillP of a reilm Mi 11 Hrook

Renolls River

l1il t C (IlflO

l()(dl ion Grid llCference 756904 Hill Sheet 21 113 W

IlLHer ipt i 011 Pool at lower midcHe half rcmililldpr deiHl -Inter Stream-hed (l)mp()~1 iii on - IOO nlwl (ithilndon(d bCllver dillll) ovcrhiUIl i l ill elegtrs ilncl mil rsh lri llll Ionq loUt h i lllkA Sllrrollrtclinlt1 ( ()llllt ry~i i c) (~ompCJ1e(l of clltover WC)f)dlitlld

Ji dt h fH Jower end - 3l m r-1ic1cl1( - 3 m IJpp(r (l1cl - 24 m

Ivc ~ ritcllt Pcpt1I s Ie ft s i (1 e - 111 7 cm r1i c1l1 (gt - 130 em RiClht sic]c - 100 cm

Jill pr- rClTIplr tllr( 130degC

(011 d IIC I i v i I y fl 1I11111lt)S

Name of Streilm Johnstone Brook

Tributary to RenOlls River

River System Miramichi

Samplin2 fite

rate 6880

Loc~tion Grid Reference 742Q03 Map Sheet 21 113 I

Oescription Shallow pool at lower half remainder slow run Stream-he(1 compos it ion - 80 mud an(1 20 rllhhJ e nense al(lers along both hanks SlIrrounding countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 24 m Middle - 78 m Upper end - 46 m

1vernge Depths Left side - 203 cm Middle - 357 cm Rilt1ht side - 250 cm

~ater Temperature 75middotC

Conduct i vi t y 20 IJI1Ihos

Name of Stream nevils nack nrook

Tribut~ry to Renous River

River System r1ir~michi

SamplinC) Site

Pate rOAO

Loc~tion Grid Reference 26A921 Map Sheet 21 J16 r

Description Dead water throult1hout due to thick alder lt1rowth and numerolls dead trees in stream Stream-hed composition - 85 ruhhle 10 silnc1 and 5 seattClre(1 ooulclergt nenAC iI Iders an] nlac1 softwood trees a 10nq hoth hanks Surrounlt1inl countryside composed of cutover woodland


Widths Lower end - 36 m Middle - 34 m Upper enn - 3S m

1veralc nepths Left side - 260 cm Midnle - 320 ern Riqht Aide - 270 cm

1i1ter TCMperilture flOmiddotC

COrJltlllct ivity 20 pmhos


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 15: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


Nnme of Stream Jardine Brook

DnLe 7flHO

J()ilt ion Crill I~(ferencc 724fl46 Map Sh pp t 2 1 113 W

DpHri It ion f)(~d wnter throughout llll I () 1clIse a lltlpr qrowth nnel lehris in HtrPillll Strcarn-bltl compoElition - flO nibil 1 anl 20 snnl Surrollncl in1 (Ollllt rYAide clltover woodlClllcl

IIrea 27 lt) 01

Hidths Lower end - 31 m Miclclle - 42 m Upper end - 27 m

IIverilqc Depths Left sine - 233 cm Middle - 263 cm Right sine - 347 cm

Water Temperatllre HiOmiddotC

Clllclmiddot i vi ty 12 pmhos

Name of Stream Becket Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling site

Date 19880

Iocation Grid Reference 8537fl5 Map Sheet 21 112 W

Description Pool CIt upper third created hy water dischar1e from hi1hway culvert remainder fast riffle Overhan1ing Ilners and grass Ilong both hanks Stream-hed composition - AO gravel and 20 ruhhle Surrollnding countryside wooden

Area 735 m2

Widths Lower enn - 60 m Middle - 22 m Upper end - 40 m

Average Depths Left side - 95 cm ~liddle - 140 cm Right side - 143 cm

Water Temperature 14SmiddotC

Conductivity 33 pmhos

Biological Sampling

Species group Nuniher

Salmon (fry) 11 Salmon (parr) 2 Trout 2 Sculpin 25


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 16: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


Nillllf r trfIIT1 11cKenzie Rroollt

~~J~ltilr1-~ SOllthwest Ihramichi

IlIIpJ inC] site

10c1 ion Crij Reference Afl57) Map Sheet l II U

Ilcs(ription Medium-fast run along riqhL Igtilnllt extnrlincr three-1uarters lcrOHS rlmlttin)er slow run StreamshyIgtPI] (ompos i t ion - no ruhhle ann 20 qrilv) Overhan~incr lttlders along right Igtilnk 01111] qrilvl] hnr aloncr left hank SlJrrolJllflhHI countrysirle heavily wo odpc1


iiltll hs Lower (lid - 36 m Milllll e - i 2 m tipper en) - 1 q m

JVfr II D(gtpl hs Ioeft side - 11 lt) cm 11 i lt111 e - flo fl em H i 1 h t f i ltl e - 31 7 CII

J i OmiddotC

C()1I111wt i vi 1 y lt) ilmhof


Sillmon (fry) 7 Slmon (parr) 12 Tlilce 10

Name of Stream Black Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River Systert Iliramichi

Sampling site

Oate Fl8flO

Loe~tion Grid Reference B777lfl Map Sheet l I12 U

Description Medium-fast run through midnle remainder medium-fast riffle Stream-bed composition - 80 ruhhle and 20 gravel Fxposed rubble lttlonlt) hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields below site ann wooded above

Area 2075 m2

Widths Lower end - 146 m ~Iiddle - 118 m Upper enn - 93 m

verltt1e Depths Left siile - 257 cm MinnIe - 307 cm Right sine - 2i0 em

I-Inter Temperature

Conjllctivity 25 1l11hos

RioJOlicilJ Simp)ing

Species qroup Number

Slttlmon (fry) ) 2 Salmon (parr) 15 Fe 1 I Dace 10


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 17: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


tJillIle of ftreal1 IIlIrl ey flrook

l1ill ( nHflO

111 ion rid 11fer~nce -l7f) 3( ~lilp Shcct -I Jf) ~~

PHTiption Shllow riffle ilt upper 1urt~r dc(p slow rlln il1onq left ilnk rcmil inlIer meeH 11m-fast run Strcillll-hecl composition - 75 rubble -0 qrilvel and 5 boulders Alders and H few sprnce alonq t-oth banks Surronnling rountrysiele composcd of opcn fielels

re 303 m 1

Widlhs Lower (TIel - 43 m Middle - 17 m IIpp(~r (TId - Ji m

vImiddotrlltJf J)(pthrn Left sille - 143 cm MidI] c - I C bull () em tlilht siele - 140 cm


C()nduct i vi t y Ji pmhos

Name of Stream Fowler Rrook

Tributary to Southwest tHramichi

River System f1iramichi

Sampling site

Date lRGAO

Location Grid Reference 2113599 Map Sheet 21 J q E

Description Sh~llow pool at upper quarter medium-fast run alonq left bank remainder shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - nO rubble 20 gravel an1 few sCllttered hau Iners Grass few shade trees along left bank and grass along right bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fielng

m2Area fl21

Wilths Lower en1 - 41 m Middle - 46 m Upper ene] - 5 lt) m

Average Oepths Left side - fI7 cm Mieldle - 133 cm Right sine - 147 cm

Water Tcmperature 130middotC

Conductivity 40 ~mhos

Diological Samplinq

Species group Number

Sillmon (fry) s 1 mon (pa r r ) Trout Sculpin

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 18: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River

Nnmc of Streil~ Donk Arook Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi


Locntion Grl~ Reference 197594 Map Sheet 21 J9 F

Description Pool at upper half remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - 60 rubble 30 clay and 10 sand Overhanging alders and grass illonq hoth hanks Surrounding countryside composecl of open fields

37) III

~Iidtltrl Lower middotn - 19 m Midd) - 40 In

IIpper Illd - 37 m

Jvltr11 IlLpt Itn Ieft Ridl - 12 n em Mi ell 1e - I 7 bull 0 em Right side - 200 cm

Wnt(~r Temperntllrc 70degC

Concluctivity 45 pmhos

Nnme of Stream Unnnmed hrook

Il I 1 7 7 fl U

LOiltjon Grid I~cfercnce 5410A7 Map Sheet 21 J) F

Description Shnllow pool at middle slow run upper three-quarters along hoth hanks remainder riffle streamshyheel composition - 50 mud 45 rubhle nnd 5 senttered houlders Grass along hoth banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Jren 337m

Widths Lower encl - 47 m Middle - 3n m Ilpper en(1 - Ii 2 m

J v I r iH] ( I)pP t h fl Ie ( t sid e - I 6 bull 0 cm rmiddotlitlcllc - 1lt)3 cm Hi~)ht sicle - 177 cm

Conductivity 45 pmhos

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Pate 17780

Location Grid Reference 049523 Map Sheet 21 J8 W

Description Dead water throughout site Stream-bed composition - RO sand covered with moss and 20 rUbble Overhanging alders on right bank and grass along left bank Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

Area 255 m

Wiclths Lower enel - 17 m Middle - 44 m llppe r cnd - 3 7 In

Iveril9f Depths Left side - n) cm Middle - 130 em Right side - 97 cm

Water Temperature 85degC

Conductivity 225 ~mhos

Name of Stream Unnamed brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 167RO

Location Grid Reference 02R512 Map Sheet 21 JA W

Description Shallow pool at upper middot quarter remainder medium-fast run Stream-ben composition - 50 gravel 40 rubble and 10 boulders Grass along both banks Surrounding countryside composed of open fields

m2Area 281

Widths Lower enn - 1A m Middle - 1 5 m Upper end - 16 m

Average Depths Left side - 377 em Middle - 363 em Right side - 273 cm

l-later Temperature 135degC

Conductivity 27 ~hos


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 19: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


NIII1C of Stream llnnnmed brook

Triblltary to Southwest Miramichi

Silmpling site

Ilatc 167flO

lncil t ion r rid Rc ference () 17507 ~1ar Shept l ln w

nHril ion ho1low 101)1 It lower qtltlrl er retuel irHlpr- Hlow rlltl~ Strenmshy1gtlt1 COIIIOFl it ion - )0 Ranll nnd 10 rlllllgtlC Overhitnin] lders along both hanks Surrounclin countryside wooled

lIreil 321 m

lIilt1th5 Lower end - 18 m Midelle - 51 m Upper enn - 1 5 m

lIvcrilqe J)crthFl Left sine - 117 cm Middle - 133 cm Miht Rilt1e - 160 cm


COlldll ct i v i t y 20 IOllhofl

NmTle of Streilm Hi ckey Rrook

Ilil t ( JI7flO

1001 ion Grid Heference ))2500 Mnp Sheet 21 JO W

Ilescription Shallow pool at upper qulrter in middle slow run along both hankR ilt upper quarter remainder riffle Stream-bed composition - AO sand and 20 rubble Grass alders and 11 urnerous clead trees along both banks Surroundin] countryside wooded

lIrel 336 111

Wi Ilths Lower end - 16 m Micll1e - 1 A m tlppcr (111 - 2 ) m

lIvtriHlc flfphs rpft Ride - 1)0 cm Mi lt111 e - 220 em RI]ht Riele - 77 em

Wiltr lemperilturp AOmiddotC

Conllllctivity 20 IUllhos

Name of Stream Standish Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 147flO

Location Grid Reference 933495 Mar Sheet 1 Jfl W

OCAerirt ion Shallow pool ilt low(r quarter remainder meclium- fast run through middle with riffle along both banks Stream-bed composition - RO rubble and 20 scattered boulders Steep (10 metres) rock ledge along right bank and clay slope along left bank Surrounding countryside open fields

Area 413 m 2

Widths Lower end - 59 m Middle - 40 m Upper end - 32 m

Average Oepths Left side - 113 cm Mieldle - 167 cm Ri]ht side - IS3 cm

Water Temperature flOmiddotC

Conductivity 35 Umhos


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 20: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


Name of Streilm Porter BrooK

Iributilry to Southwest Miramichi

River System Mirilmichi

Sillnp l in site


ocltion Gricl Reference 939505 Map Sheet 21 JB W

Ilencription Dec-p filSt run throughout n i tc- SI ram-hCt1 c ~ompOR i tion - 70 fll ille bedrOCK illld )0 rllhbl e Illers lonl riqlot banK IHI rilAB alonq left ballK Water deep ltlownriver of hridge with iI Aeries of low natural falls SlIrrollnlinq countryside composed of open fields

Irea 2553 m

widths Lower end - 105 m Middle - 100 m Upper encl - 92 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 297 cm rHcld 1e - 4lt 0 cm Riqht Aicle - 270 cm

W t r Tempe ra til r e IIBmiddotC

Contllwt i vi t y 2i IImhos

Iliolnqical SIImplinq

species group Number

Salmon (fry) 3 Sa lmon (parr) 2 Sculpin 1

Name of Stream Palmer OrooK

Tributary to Southwest ~1iramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 14780

Location Grid Reference 919515 Map Sheet 2l J7 E

Description Shllilow pOOlA ilt milt1rlle half and upper quarter remainder slow run Stream-bed compoRition - lt)0 rubhle 5 sand and 5 scattered boulders Overhanging alders and scattered spruce trees along both banKs Surrounding countryside composed of open fields and becoming heavily wooded up along brOOK

Area 330 m 2

Widths Lower end - 41 m Middle - 3B m Upper end - 43 m

Average Depths Left side - B3 cm Middle - 153 cm Riht side - 100 cm

Water Temperature AOmiddotC

Conductivity 36 pmhos

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 21: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River

--------------- -


Namc of Stream Hayes Rrook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

Riv~r ~ystem Mir~michi

~ilmplin1 site

nate 157BO

Iociltion Coric1 Hefercnce 0lt)lt)551 M~p Sheet 21 JlO E

Description ~h~11ow pools at lower lllarter f~st run throllCJh middle romil irlcler ri ffJ c Strcilm-hed cornpcgtRition - nO ruhhle 20 gravel dlld few Rcattfree1 houlders Gr~ss

1 HCittlrecl trefR lonq hoth hnks Surround i nl (olin rye i ele hCilvi Iy wooded

Irea 240 q m ~

~ielths Lower end - 55 m ~1iddle - 08 m Upper end - 08 m

Iverage Depths Left side - 287 em Middle - 490 em Riqht siele - 510 em

~J t n r IIPIllPO rn t urn J39C

(dwl ivily 24 111111gt11

II i () I Ol i cII 111 I ill

Name of Stream Salmon Brook

Tributary to Southwest Miramichi

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 177BO

Loc~tion Grid Reference BA25B5 Map Sheet 21 JlO E

Description 5hallow pool at upper right luarter remaincler fast riffl~ Stream-hed composition - qO ruhhle 10 gravel ilnd spotty slate hedrock ExpoRed ruhhle alonq hoth hanks ~urr()lInc1ing countryside hellvily wltxgtlt1ecl

Area 1067 ml

Widths Lower end - 72 m Middle - Bl m Upper end - A4 m

Average Depths Left side - 220 em Middle - 330 em Right side - 153 em

Water Temperature 136C

ConclCtivi ty 34 Ilmhol

nloIOllc SIIrnp11Ilq

Number Sillman (fry) 3 Salmon (parr) 3

Salmon (fry) 49 Dace 2 Sa hnon (parr) 16 8culpin 30 Eel 2 Dace 5 Sculpin 3



Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 22: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


Nilme of Stream Unnameo brook

Dilte 167AO

Lociltion Grid Reference 883463 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Shallow pool at lpper quarter remainoer shallow riffle Stream-bed composition - 85 rubble 15 sand anel grilvel Cleared bank on right and gra~s on left Surrounding cOllnt rysirle wooeled

lr(-n I OC 9 m ~

WidthH Lower pl - 37 m Mi dell e - )7 m IJppIr mllt1 - 36 m

verilge Depths Ieft sirle - 153 cm Miodle - J2 0 cm Right siltle - 247 cm

~liltcr Temperature 125C

COrlll1ctivity 26 Imhos

niological SamplinC]

Species group Number

Trout 4 Sculpin 29

Name of Stream English Brook

Tributary to Taxis River

River System Miramichi

Sampling Site

Date 15780

Location Grid Reference 844444 Map Sheet 21 J7 E

Description Fast run through midole entering pool at lower quarter remainder riffle along both banks extending oownstream halfway becoming slow run to pool section Stream-bed composition - 75 rubble 20 gravel and 5 holliders A1rlers alonC] both banks Surroun(linq countrysirle wooden


Wi(lths Lower end - 79 m Miodle - 52 m Upper end - 54 m

Average Depths Left side - 283 cm Mioole - 413 cm Right side - 313 cm

Water Temperature 149C

Conouctivity 25 ~hos

Biological Sampling

Species group Number

Salmon 12 Trout 1 Sculpin 2


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 23: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River


Nilllle or Stremn MilcMi I1nn nrook ACKtlOHLF J)G Fr~ FNT

bull River Rystem Miramichi

Slmpl ing site

nil te IS7flO

I ()Cil t ion Grid Reference 003400 r1np foheet 21 J7 E

l1(s(ription Hi rrll aregt ilt npper ltlIlII Ur wi Ih fil1 rllll enterinq pool ilt 1I11r hill f rcIll1 i ndltr ltlltlp slow run I lowr 111Irter lid illoll Joth JankA ~1Jllt(flll i fl br i dIll (rogJinCJ nlreilJn at Ilj)pfr I II i rltl ~l rcitlR-heri composi tion -flOt allll I) 1rilvel ano S rubhle Overhalllinl itlders nn(l grass along riqht bank Gravel hnr llpper half and oVlrhnnging gritsn alon1 lower half of left bilnk Surrollnoing countryside woolt1fl

I I)(j 4 m~

Wid hn low(~r end - 76 m t1idll f - ) ( m 1)Iper elld - 1 R OJ

lvllI IlI hA 11 r t 1 ide - 4 I bull 7 em 11iltllIo - 11)) (m I~ilhl Aidl - 107 elll


CHIlthwl i viI y ) IUllho9

ninloqicnl Silmpl inll

Spee I es q roup _______--~JulT1be~r

Sn I mon (pa r r) 3 1rollt 1 nncp 7 (1I1pln 4

The authors are please to express their gratitude to J Singer who assisted in the oata compilations

JmericIn Fisheries Society l(nO l] it of common ano scientific names of fishes from the IJniter States and Canaria Spec Pub1 No6 3rd ed vash fIC

Canaoian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names 1972 Gazetteer of Canada - New Brunswick Surveys and Mapping Branch Pept Energy Mines and Resources 2nd eo at tawa

I~rrington Rn and fIK Dunham 1)67 A techniqlle for sampling general fish habitnt ehrlracterist iC of streams IJS Porest lervice Research Paper ItIT-41

Peppa r J I lnel F J Scllo fie tel I I) 7 fl bull Juvenile ltlontle atmon rlensities Mirnmichi River sytem New nrunswick 196Q-77 Fish t1i1r Servo nata Rer No 91 27 p

Schofieln EJ and JL Peppar 1979 Densities of freshwater fishes (non-Atlantic salmon) Miramichi River system New Rrunswick 1970-7A Can Data Rep Fish Aquat Sci No 170 52 p



Page 24: .Habitat Spot-Check Surveys, Miramichi River System, 1980dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/22056.pdf · RESUME Schofield, E.J. and J.L. Peppar. 1983. Habitat spot-check surveys, Miramichi River

