Ha2 production log

Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTec Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Games Design Unit 78 – Digital Graphics for Computer Games HA2 – Transformation Production Log Name Brienna Hick Date: Monday 20 th October Today we started the task. We were first introduced to what the task would be and then had the individual aspects explained to us. I started by opening my Gantt chart and organising my work into a weekly schedule. I then went about seeing what the first item I needed to complete was to carry out my first task. This was to complete my Photoshop and illustrator tutorials. Even though I had completed most of these tutorials I still needed to finish these up. This involved completing the Photoshop tutorial of filters and the illustrator tutorial on the type tool. On this day I managed to complete my Photoshop tutorial. Date: Tuesday 21 st October Today I continued on my tutorials. I worked on my illustrator tutorial which involved advancing on our knowledge in the type tool. For this we found a tongue twister and had to display it artistically using the area type tool and the type on path tool. Once I had completed this and uploaded it to my blog I began to look at what else I needed to complete. I found that the next item I was needed to create was a company logo however I was able to skip over this as I had already created one as part of the software tutorials. This allowed me to move onto = the first task which was the project definition. I worked on paper for this as I found it easier to display my spider diagram of the project definition. For this I included what the task was, the client, my personal input and information to help with my project management. At this point I felt that I was moving forward according to my Gantt chart and would be right on schedule.

Transcript of Ha2 production log

Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media ProductionGames Design

Unit 78 – Digital Graphics for Computer GamesHA2 – Transformation Production Log

Name Brienna Hick

Date: Monday 20th October

Today we started the task. We were first introduced to what the task would be and then had the individual aspects explained to us. I started by opening my Gantt chart and organising my work into a weekly schedule. I then went about seeing what the first item I needed to complete was to carry out my first task. This was to complete my Photoshop and illustrator tutorials. Even though I had completed most of these tutorials I still needed to finish these up. This involved completing the Photoshop tutorial of filters and the illustrator tutorial on the type tool. On this day I managed to complete my Photoshop tutorial.

Date: Tuesday 21st October

Today I continued on my tutorials. I worked on my illustrator tutorial which involved advancing on our knowledge in the type tool. For this we found a tongue twister and had to display it artistically using the area type tool and the type on path tool. Once I had completed this and uploaded it to my blog I began to look at what else I needed to complete. I found that the next item I was needed to create was a company logo however I was able to skip over this as I had already created one as part of the software tutorials. This allowed me to move onto = the first task which was the project definition. I worked on paper for this as I found it easier to display my spider diagram of the project definition. For this I included what the task was, the client, my personal input and information to help with my project management. At this point I felt that I was moving forward according to my Gantt chart and would be right on schedule.

Date: Thursday 23rd October

Today I started on the next task which was my detailed planning. For this task I needed to create my budget plan and my schedule. As I had already created my schedule using the Gantt chart at the beginning of the assignment the only thing I needed to complete for this was my budget plan. At first I found this a little challenging but once I had figured out what I needed to do I managed to finish it relatively quickly. Now that I had that finished and my project was running on schedule I was able to go back and work on my past work and improve upon my blogs layout. It also gave me the chance to begin to look into the next task I would be working on which was the Game genre, setting and synopsis.

Date: Thursday 30th October

Today I began my work on my spider diagram for my game genre, storyline and objective. I used this to layout and develop my ideas for my game. Though it was difficult at first for any ideas to come up, once I had a few basic ideas it was easy for me to develop them.

Date: Friday 31st October

Today I completed my work on my spider diagram and also began my inspiration research. For this I simply wrote down on a page all the books, films, and games that had inspired my ideas. Once I had done that I gathered up some research images to help me develop the landscape that this game would play on, these were predominantly medieval buildings and natural landscapes. Then I began my game synopsis and character profile. For my synopsis I originally found it hard to not just write out the entire story. But I found that if I just wrote out the basics of how it begins the rest became almost self-explanatory. I also found this a good way to develop ideas I had about side quests and how they would impact the main gameplay. When doing the character profile I once again found it hard not to write down the entire storyline, but I found that using aspects of the story to introduce the character and then develop his skills and personality was a good way for me to work.

Date: Wednesday 5th November

Today I took the photographs for my character. I did a quick photo-shoot and whilst I was not overly happy with the way some of the pictures turned out I had some that I thought I could work from. I found this task a bit uncomfortable to do as I am not a big fan of having my photograph taken, but I managed to get through it.

Date: Thursday 6th November

Today I put all of my images from my Photo-shoot into a contact sheet, I then shortlisted my images down to four which I could possibly use I then also put those images into a contact sheet. Once I had my images I did research into possible backgrounds and for ideas of how to layout my final image. After I felt I had enough research images I made a contact sheet of these images, I then went about creating a Raster Production Image.

Date: Friday 14th November

Spent this week creating both my raster and vector image. First I made my raster image by pasting the image from my photo shoot I had chosen. I then used the lasso tool to remove the background from the image, keeping just me. Now I created a new layer with my chosen background from my research images. Once the background was on I needed to move my layers around so that the image came forward from the background. I then saved this as a JPEG file. I then took

that JPEG file and entered it into Illustrator to remake the image into a vector image. When creating the vector image I started with the background, This time my background had several layers within it due to the different distances the trees in my background were placed. I used the dropper tool to get the colours as close as I could to the original image. Once I had completed my background I moved onto my main character. I started with the lamp and the hand, I found the hand difficult to get right but I eventually I managed to get it to a point I was happy with. I then moved onto the shirt I did several different parts to this to show that the light from the lamp was affecting his clothing. I next moved onto his face. This was the hardest part I found getting the right areas shaded and also getting the correct colours to be very difficult. But once I had found a good colour for the base layer of his face it was much easier to get the shading to look right. Next I did the hair and using the same technique I used for the face I was able to get much more accurate shading. Finally I added the cape, a lot of this was free hand as all I had to go off from my original image was the hood after that I created the shape myself. This made it much harder o shade as I had no idea

where the shading would appear as I had no reference. Though after thinking about it and trying different things I was able get it to a point that I found acceptable.

Date: Thursday 20th November

This week I have mostly been finishing off and getting the final two tasks completed. To complete task 6 I messaged I few friends to ask for feedback on my work, they responded with very good pieces of feedback which helped me a lot. To complete task 7 I needed to fill out a submission declaration form this was relatively simple. A few other things I did wee scanning in any work I had done on hand and making sure everything was in the correct area on blog as well as checking that all the work was there in the first place.