h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary...

ctx^ ^ la »^* atte^field ,6 In Solitary ^ » 91 f/IV-Sevcn Idaho Btate p 'SR Jn solitarr confinement to w ^,»rd discovered the attempted '**‘if!.onbiock until dawn yesterday i Them to thcir cells. ----------------- t";.r2oo- ®"H= S( Morcthan *“'™ cationnl -mce h»S w «»’" **’' of tnc^Jrivc 5a. ^ A tilizer denier S S rS 'K S , V.nc= T. btodf -1 hftd b«en the meeting 7SL-iQ tn effort to de- ------------------- SICE( he did not know ^ fSX blides had been M | . n f p to eellbloct How- •■■ 1 »M.possible they ^ KuP' -J iheif itioe »tnnp. lie ishe.opuinmannoiecov- urg«i midjntj ft,! to shoestring to on „jf S,a^«uuJdt. He q^v. Len Jo .iaLMS.Mbly otlier Items & ll *«S Po^lblc the P could have been (t..ih.«ll5lnlht5mTvn- ......— fCTri---------------- an^MlnWoltt- „'rbr=hn tip by plae- « . Sny.lor pro l a ^ ! rainhole covcr Ud ‘ '£ '5 ", B,_to-flilsancaLjiL(j£s - pointed out th T fconojjiy In so late r a n e i s io,int n. ***^^ tending the m (en Bills on ttc",Sw»re' mlttee nnd to ' !%• the Southern I oop Dispute I*3!GI.J»n.23 lU.P>-Tlie chlcny to slal iiCT* move today re- covcrcd such It )tn<lts committees a number ot tes Bfcpicoiigrciis a voice the tchool sin jlsrtan troop* abroad. Albion, Ko si p « J cltared the way budget In Waf jp-ihaa to President jyj[ econoir 6Erltniot«lntotherew ,mn,ent. Snyder was B»jir«iijollditlon pert by J. E- £ aTsoConniiUy. D,. Tex., jar, and Harr>- 1«D comraJttfo Hfdman mcm « lie proiwscU lo assert chainber of Ct would be given m deciding «*™uon by both hU to Bobe he mti* uTOfd services com- (Ci.iii.ii.ii fabeftluitd any eomtnlt- --------- s^UtCTtbic m io n on.the k m fldfanccd by ,S hr luier- Kenncui-s; ' Jiiier.0 light, asreed to Gllllt' « a ct the proposal to *,«Mthjienaie then act- m r •siipa eoiacnt. W fir •fan Drcpj PUnt TT « * • ItW l his plans for a Dve persons m tlie wnate to instruct two pleaded momlnK In a « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a tu scnule whether or district court. ^ itold deelaro lt« de- ^hrtuifd to « u r should be dayaliemoons «to(^B.-pwight D, Eleen. ntsfliy mBmlr S L ***• Junior Cwtsuwi>hesanover-aU Ed Aragon . ^ Uiflr recommendations Mrii*p]cidri*| lo tio n on whether the Also Dleadl *ajj should be sent at morning was \ with drawing ani7Blasts S'ftlH' s-fcabeliff as r , TX. with a deadly • orst Disaster KtJ ® ■— --------------------------- be set later. I Aaiujiij. JsnsrvFf= 7. Bmlth 4o»ldals .aid today week- , ^ eiplaslons In New Scheduled *«UW th>-TenTury™T^ Browiraeeuse tJils McUon of the slobe. *■ olficlal d^cUM I*” *' « «t/msted the toll of * I bjurtj Nejr Ouineanii »t niurdi “^E^uropean wns kiutfl r^lfaders, mlssionarlej "*** “ “ ^ IISIH O SE on U>e Z®®™ of Australia n and re.uue opera- ^ ' Wl? other knoft-n d « d VaUey Memc ^ sported wcr2°^2? New ‘« ™ « e d l l and »a per c ---------the hoMpilal J Boy Listed “M'fS.., - s its™ C«” rs s -“H ' Kotti ,ln„ ;■ llM bM. IMT. 8 »;u nurglDj. s.tai . - « «v-*» lln. ................. 1 --------- - f c ir*^^ nxdA - m, ■ » nip- ----------- M w *■ -I B M 'M A Rcsional Newspaf OMklil Clly , h 4 CounW Kew.pijvrr d, 6 Others B? ary as Break laho state prison inmates,_ including scx-kill( finemcnt today nftcr failing to dig Iheir w, Dattempted brenk about midniRht Sundny n yesterday and then gathered the prisone 200 Attend Meel Soil Problems More than 200 Magi* Valley farmers turno' ational -meeting on aoH and fertilizer prob ho-l^’in-Ealla-Amcrican I.eginn halLundat. if ‘ttieUrivcYsity “of'Idaho' extensloirsTnTc( ilizer dealers. Vance T. Smith, Boisei extension soils sp :he meeting. Ho discussed the buildinp of igC3 and the part crop rotation nnd fertil :— - :.:: - building: tjrJ] 5ICE Closing . soil originallj Protested- at , point moistui Rupert- Meet RUPERT. Jun- 23—John Rem s- Jower plani.^, br <rg. Rupert, president of.thc.fitatc WCrc,Bbsorl)fd.li Kjard of education. Monday night true soU. irged icildents of Rupert not to be Idaho elf serving In their consideration Idaho ground, f Qov. Len Jordan's proposal con- grfisses to nbsori emlng gchool IcBlslatlon. ______ rich in minerals Ttie meetlnic ot whlcn K«insi>erg conlent, ho add poke was a public meetlnit called economy and th. ly ttie Rupert Chnmbcr of Com- grass have ma nerc^. It was attended by members nrens of true sn If the Chamber, private clUzew gmlth pointed nrf~MlnWolct-county-Uaclust£...Jl- of- pureeo {. Snyder, prc.iident, of 6ICE, also nuLrlen ,as a spcnKer on the program. ^^0 taken bv i Remsberg said ho was “ and then are )Qlnled out that there U need Ior ^ave the nutri concmy in sovcmmwit. g^j jj,c nutrien Following the speeches those nt- * , ending the meeting yoted'to send- nnrt .-"n he legislature's Joint finance com- ehurches come i nittee and to oppoae the closing of cile* ho Southern Idaho Collcge ot Edu- crop rotatlor atlon. means of helpl Snyder's npccch wa» conllned factors < hlcny to £latlsUc.s on SICE and organic ci ovcrcd such Items u costa and Uie Smith ex lumber ot teachers turned out oy ^on hsj, u,e sc he school slnco it was started at surface la deep klblon. Ko said lhat educaUon's control >'cedj„ ludget In Idaho shoold- not be cut diseased provldei ust to economize the cwt of gov- nutrlenta and 1 mment. injr Snyder was aeEompanled to Ru- ,. «rl by J. E- Slmonsen, SICE bur- , ar, and Harr>- BucUe.-i and Richard Jedman, members of the Albion ;i,amber of Commerce. !-•- in deciding to send a delcROtlon Uow o Boise the Rupert Chamber Is (C«i.lli.i..il «n »«» S, »i»n cultivated c 5 ;fc P le a d _ _ ._ _ :r^ , Guilty; Trials S I S Wanted by 2 rive persons pleaded guilty and jraln wo pleaded Innocent Tuesday nomlng In a brief session of-Ui8 lecond day of the January itrm of Ilstrlct court. Two-othU's were ^hrtuifd to enter thelr-pleoe-Tues. lay altemoon and another two Wed- »*« ,r.nTii.i^ « «sa&y iBBmlng. - . ....... - Junior Patterson. Robert Hate. Jd Aragon and Gilbert Martin W nm nn lolnUy charged with grand larceny, T^lU ail . lach pleaded guilty Tuciday. They |7 ,_ _ J nif sentenced at 10 aiS- Friday. T 1^60 Also pleading guilty Tuesday nomlng was W. O. Wilson, charged XerlTl »lth drawing a check without _ . . tunds, He Is represented by Law- rence B- Quinn. ond-wlU be acnten- Md at 10 a.m. Wednesday. ?"^V i Pl>n^ nr Innocent were enCfgd by Aubrey C. Mays, accused of as.^auft ^nsmany-had with a deadly weapon, and by Jame.1 William Mayes, charged wltU grand larceny. Their Jury trial date.t *3 cosU Md wi be set later. Moya Is represented ^ 10 days In the Scheduled to tnter their Pleas luwdsy afternoon are Charlea nionUii Her Bro»n;-*ceu3e<l ot fors«ry-«i4ire- heW to rew resented by Harry Po»ey, and Ru- thoritlw, ben Stokes, accused of assault with ^ i^^anc a deadly weapon with Intent w p r ^ tM w^ commit murder. Stokes' attorney Is E. U. Raybom. .................................. Scheduled to enter their pleas al ICl ajn. Wednesdar are Ur. and Mrs. under W L. W. Kloppenburg. accused of p«- **“7. Hospital Rates t6^( Per Day on Fel EffeeUve Feb. «tei »t Mairfc VaUey Memorial hospital wlU » increised tl per day for ward b^» » c h r t^ Me and W per day for ^e hoEpiUl b « r t «nnc«nced Mon- « -•' «*»dulB rati-a wlU Uent ptr day. I be W-and-lia lJ;^‘’*dw*i prlY»te„.jiceonJmod»aon,s _ w « ;i .. w l^ U»* preacnt ^ ,,u, •niB Inereasa s a p tBm- WUiI* o t coos with the WKhM nurslog. salariei and nal Newspaper Servinff \ TOIN F. s Back eak Fails ding scx-killer Neale Butter- dij? Iheir way out of a cell- iRht Sunday night. Guards i the prisoners together and Meet on )lems Here j ^ | irmers turned out for an edu- rtilizer problems Monday, at MgBSN a_hfllLundiit_thc_spQnsorahip. nsioirsCnice”iriKl-vaiiey-i(ir=--SIB^M sion soils specialist, dircctcd buildinp' of soil through the >n and fertilizer play in rc- ulldln;r:t)rJ]iiildln{r.theiso1l.: He toVl the farmers how all ' oi) originally was-rock until ’eather broke that rock into and, silt or clay. From that oint moisture and chemicals' roke the substance down till farther, he explained. Finally . A knockH-< jwer plam.1, brush, grass and trees for theae Kori ^crc,Bbsorbfd.lii,the.50ll ton»a>te,lt, ..Kore»._NEA i rue soU. --------------------- Idaho Bolls Poor - Idaho ground, which has not had X .^ ^ rfisses to absorb durtntr the )-cars. Js | ||f J II ich in mlnerali but poor In organic ontent, ho added, liut a'Uve.itncS- —------------- ^ coDomy and the growing of hay and I n ross have made our farms Into I rcns of truesnll. ■*"' Smith pointed out lhat soil Is the JEROME, osls- of-tFureeoftomr *nd-our-llTej.- le said nutrients begin In the soil, “ Cn AS re taken by crops from the soil llsion five I MM ^ornjng, wi lave the nutrients man does not T’ospHal are ct the nutrients. J erom e-C Ho showed how homes, taxes for sw o re in a ji QimA^uia_ediMl. and mpport, j or ing...jiDtii-au hurches come from the soil. • - die* RoUtlen u - Crop rotation Is an ImporUnt X\3tC 0 leans of helping soil achfeve the hrce factors of proper drainage, o ood organic condition and nutrl- ^03I*S nts. Smith explained, crop rota- Ion uses the soil from close to the X A urface ta deep underground, helps J[U ontrol weeds,.controls Insects and Isease. provides the orjfsnlsms and VIENNA. Ai ■utrlenta and helps t«lanee farm- Qlant avalancl Iff. Austria's mou He told the farmers to plant Mil- ^ onscr\ln*.crops.ttbout one-half the “* '• ime. De?p-n»ted crops should be sed to prevent lhe formaUon of ardpari’and-brli^g-hutrifinirto the ~ urface. Shallow-rooted crops should »nQs^all and c planted to use these Nutrients wJSS""' .W» «P. ■, . ,, I were roartag (1 A5 exnmplei ot soll-conjervlns ^ up^oo «ps he-polnt«i to alfalfa sweet lover and red clover, all ot which haj ather nitrogen from the air and aie lltUe frora the soil. *5-®’ Dlastrate* PUb . He lJlustrat«J a crop rotation pUn ^ or grain, potatoes and alfalfa to mU how that proper rotation return* 4 II nlUogen-crops take irom the oil aad replaces aU orsaolc matter ‘"® >st in growing th . crop,..Ba urBed he farmers to have soils tested lo ^ ^ ce how" much" nitajgtfl-'or-other (Voman Driver Is Fined $150; Jail «r.rv1 Term Suspended , Trldentlna rci Through her attorney in JusUcc ;ourt Tuesday morning. Mr*. Lisa » D* Jolohy, 169 Polk street, pleaded Three wot ruJJty of dnmkcn driWni, The case Innsbruck, jTIgmBtiyhad -been- filed-tn -police trlan-Tyroli-ai ajurt, “ on Mrs. Molony was fined *1M plua way path cut 1 8 cosU and was sentenced to serve passes.to the :0 days In the county Jail In* water, cai The court, however, ordered *us- Uon ot most ' M-n,inn nf ihK ggecution ot scnUnct ed the city wl md placcd her on parole for il* O. 8. aro^ nonUis. Her driver's- Ucense wa* American ^ leld ter revocation by fU te.M - drtn^g *»t«i ;horiUe* - -. - -- ....... J. H. Blandford.' her attoraer. APPOINT prtssented an affidavit from her phy- WAaHlNQI ilclao. Rating (he needs tioiplta}* senate cnnfln Mtlon and apeclaUied care. 'Tniman'a not She -WM'paroled to her attorney Johnston oa < inder ttrm» whleh call for aUylng admlnlstiator Iway from Uquor or, where It I* rlson as defen ivaUable. 8be also 1* to *eek hospI- Istrator.. 'Hse aOliitlon. • - *PR™T*d on 1 ito ^ e Increased $1 3n Feb. 1, Board Ar pllea tt U impoaslble te ui to con- the hoapJW : Unu« to opento on the IMT lee cem aod nt* KheduJisa." M c a ilm y said. - mum. In *howln« present hospital eosta. The bo«d It WM pointed out tbat actual coat hospital l»4i i tor i>o*wt*j care ia ttm per pa- ment, wnjea tlent pw day. Part of the difference new hosplt^ la.nuide.up In charge* for operating appro«lJpatt» mom drun. acuUelle UM Otter DOfpltai- equi; . vaJue.butKan The board expressed hope that bw created i the rate hike wUl compensate for said. tncr«i»ed cost of medical auppUw * HosplS rate, .here wUl be 10 NW Une now with te « ol Idaho ho«- DllaU of comDaratlTB tUe, botrd main under c »Jd. fiwend boijrfta^* ere«s«l rate, twke ia fMO, «««>• n a to MeQllvray. Board -member* »fflpbulwl tJiat ing. - < < \'v \ 7 'f * / / / > —> TWIN FALLS 1 TOIN FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDAY, JAN Home Laundry b B b B B W K W ’•S-' A knocked.CBt Boialai^ maile T-M tank proviaei for these Korean women who are geln* aboat their t Kor£»._NEA ttltpholo)__________________________ [nquest to Be H n rrfaffic Fl JEROME,^nn. 23-^An inquest into the ■Irs! Ben Aspey, Twin l-'alls, who waa'Filled ision five miles south of Jerome on high norning, will be held aa soon as injured iospital are able to teatlfy; ------------------------ Jerome--County-Coroner J. R/ ^yiJcy Ti wore in a jury.to.view-the.body_ and then ad. ng...iiDtil-auch time aa Ben Aspey and Do -------------------------------- '■ are able to t< Rate of Death aeriouaiy^ in Soars Higher morning rep _ . ^ ^ ditlon as “ur ln_Avalanches VIENNA. Austria. Jan. S3 (ff)— S U te HlBflwi ilant avalanches thundering down Hagler. who in' luslrla's mountains brought new aald the two a <rll lo Uolated villages and towns gethcr headon oday as estimates of Alpine the highway. H Mrope's death toll reached 33i per- driving north o ons - - hlghmteofap. -In-Swll*erlaod-lcs*cnlng-ol_tha .wM.Bolng.aoult nosifall and a temperature drop «P«ed. ut lhe ovalanche danger sharply. A truck, drive lUt reports-from nU areas in the Jerome, turned lustrlan Alps said the slides sUll way from a *K ^ere roaring down, carrying bould- aide of the hi Tt. and uprootod treej with them IJnued. Aspey a; hd 'demoUshlng famn?- hunting to stop, he aalt jdges and hayslacka. P«» the true! Between 112 andiirf persons had ---------- « n burled by the snow in Austria ww * j :urtag four tftror-ttUed days. The UOlQUD i lumber ot missing was unknown as _ _ _ n estimated «.009 perjwn*—includ- K llh l - I ng thousands of foreign tourist*— Tnr*^t®SBnd^fl8-bodlea had been---------B yXii *covered..and*tJ«a*t,llmora.pet-. -BUHL Jan. ona were believed dead. At least investlKating ai a..were.ilated. »s. aewely injured * dnwntflwn pa ag~^re»-Trf'famllle*-wara 'hcffii‘»- daT-lTr-wWth esa In tiie Icy winter. taken by two o Italy reported 35 dead, SO injured Ronald Co*, md 20 missing foUowlng huge slides Qi,g, I n. Uvlgno valley, on the Swiss- jtujj, g^g tallan border, and In tha Benesla reUeved him o; rrldentlna region, near the Aus- juj n^o belon rlan border. bl» employer, S Die in Prance company. Emm Three were dead is ftance. Oox told the Innsbruck, capital of the AUS- buying trip Ic rlan'Tyrol,-and lC«-(OOAM-poputa~ UiaC he had-sp< ion was isolated except for a one- PUla. He said vay path cut through the mountain early Tuesday i losses.to the east. Lack of drink- buy gasoline t ns water, caused by slide destruc- a gasoline stat Jon ot most waterworks, threaten- parked the trui id the city with epldemlos. for a cup of c O. 8. axmy-tnick4_Irom_B locd tJpon hi* re' Unerican Installation carried in 7 a. ra., he *2 irl&king water. up at gun poln —' ----- >• H*..,WM.-unab APP0INTUENT8 OKAYED with a deicrip^ WASHlNaTOK. Jan. 23 OO-Thfl if the men war tenato conflmiM] today President puty Sheriff C rruman'a nominations of Erie A. Patrolman Jac rohnston oj •oonomie atabiltxation In the investij idmlnlstrator and WUllam H. Har- --------- Stassen .p’’" ’" " * " '" " * '- ------------ Sfrugg ed$V$ 2 -- S S 1 ' -i'-;':. - •• decadHf-OfiU rd Announces bt hosplW tl a non-profit con- »rn aod rates are kept at a mini- tenlng- trip, i num. SCatM tn adfiDl The board also voted to aeU IB * lospllal bedi and tome other equip- neans ahort ot nent, wWeh wljj not be uaed in the aew hospital, to WeU*. Nev, for ______ SSfS'SS'.S.T.rS^ 100- Plai iralue.but.Karcityof-nBw equipment -- bas created a market. J&OUvxay . , \yyOI “Uwew. approsljnttelr 50 oJd M»ptt«l-beda wttf l<e'ietaluwl to help -Ainiort—100—j drawn up by*the board will re- mlsilng main under eanaideralloa. ,u»tu the _n»» peraona al next refolar aeeUng on l^b. 9. ' MeaawbOK i m n k Fafmer. county eommfisfon- tor t{i« Green •r, attended the special board meet- fl here, to aea Jig. rapdrtod to ba ------------ ::ii Nine Ir :SDAY, JANUARY 23, 1951______________ lundry ' 1 ^ s L A K E ' SU munist Chine could be arm lems. H B ^ e over northwc today tn J. more Corres headquarters tank pravlSea a crlm backpetind Idaho I* about their dally Ulk* in Sooth ^ ^ - — :—- Giver 5eH eld On I BOISE, Jan iO m a lity « insurance com est into the traffic death of Insurance io‘^?aa‘Fille"d"in rHcjfdon'col- )me on highway 93 Monday ^ftuauen as injured witnesses in tho intcr-insuranc R/ ^yiJcy Tuesday -^ternoon This compa and then adjourned -tSelhea^ in itnfl. This ,pey and Donald HinV Filer, ire able to testily- Both, men were, injured seriously in the. crash and «>mmijaJon«r iospital officials Tuesday in a brief morning reported their con- houao p^ed. iition as “unchanged." After the accident both were reported as «n5. j,: being-ln"<alr“-«>ndtttonr - ' SUte HlBfiway Patrolman Oeno Bear Oasler. who inveetlgated the crash. Tbe bouse told the two automobiles came to- caucus to he& gethcr headon on the west aide ot Nclll explain the highway. Kagler aald Aspey was measure ia dei driving north on the hlghway at a taxes on revei high rate of apeed. Hlne. he added, residents Iroa waa Bolng_soulh at a normal rate of and to tax i speed.------------------------------------------- 'deriving Ineotl A truck, driven by OrvlUe Hyman, Meanwhile. 1 Jerome, turned north onto the high- « private ele way from a slop sign on the eaat ^ govern side of the highway. Hagler con- the state was IJnued. Aspey apparently waa unable Jordan « algni to stop, he aald, and turned out to . Olsrer paea the truck. This placcd tha Disregarding Aap<y car and the Hine car in the was not neccsi same lane of traffic, he said. the blU 47 to I --------------------------- 3, Both brant Holdup Story in Buhl Is Probed “iS __ ByXaw_Officerg SSLSS” -BUHL. Jan...aJ-Buhl-paUcB «re .ton, taveatlgating an armed holdup near Safe of thts B dowtown parking lot early Tues- erates extensl dKy-lrr whleh ♦190-waatjtponed to publlo-utUll taken by two men with guns. ington wb'fflfl i Ronald Cox. Emmett, told PoUce M80.000 In Chief Clyde Piyor that two men ponents of the staelt sunt Jn hJa rJbs and then "■ ' reUeved him of his wallet contain- C f A n H A fi Ing tIBO belonging to himself and O lC p p c U hU employer, the Russel Produce ^ company. Emmett.---------------------------- vfll ^ Oo* told the chief he was on a WABHINai buying trip for his employer and stepped-up go that he had-spMt-the night In-TWin comint tnflatl puis. He said be drove to Buhl er today, aw early Tuesday morning. Intending to several more buy gaaoline there. Unable to find itaclea t« a a gasoline itaUon'open, he said, he w agn’ ~ - parked the truck and went lo a cafe Whed tbe for A cup of coffee.------------------------prlcea and wa tJpon hi* return to the truck at nation move* 7 a. ra., he s2d,~lm then Held him large part of ' up at gun point and took his wallet, relopment*: H*..w.a«-unabla-to-fuiaiih poUce 1. Senate i with a deieripUon ahd'eouldn*t cay Johnston as 1 if the men were masked or not. De- aUbUixatlon puty Sheriff CurUs PiTor and Btate pn«raa. Patrolman Jack Lewis are assisting X An execi in the investigation. . ' - . Tniman -wid< --------------------------- Johflston vast Stassen Forecasts Harold E. Stassen said last night the J United States faces yeara or even nn decadHf Ofitrugglo with Buisla?^ ____ J^-W C but not a-third-world-war. — . ... _________ The Dnlveralty ol Pennsylvania Purchaae o prealdent, reoently-returaed from a equipment, let round-the-world ‘nooking and Us- of about «ll> tenlng- trip. caUed on the United ■authoriied . bj SUtea to adopt a long-range foreign Monday algbl poUcy tb a t’ wbuld-use aggresaive a police car, i means ahort of war to gain a vlelory van* with t)u Jor "eirllluaoa aad fwedom. gred next wet ----- ------- Pondering t 100 Planes-Help I of-—getting Jl Wyoming Search CASPSft. Wyo.. Jan. » (UJ5 - dates/same it -Almost l OO-planei irtrfJit d - lhfl Uop. m barren ewmtry of central Wyoming present equlpi -*^*iT for nrivata breakwwn j cralt willing alnee Thursday with' tndlnc'it'In. nte perwna aboaJjL DpjorisiSoi ■ Meaawbflft pound pwtlM Mt out (^-H o w aK for Om' Green mountafu swU3*e«t >Soiu?3 u u n l of here, to search for another plane chaae of a s{ reportod to bav« crashed lu t nlgbl. detlmed for Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties Mttnbtr Duma ef Cli - AMwiimi TfM aM..U,ali«tj Q: s . Char Put Asidt Studies ( LAKE'SUCCESS, Jan. 23 (/P)—The Unlt( uniat Chinese' aggreasion today to study f luld be arranged at tho first meeting of a i ms. Red China's '‘clarification” of its previoi J. S. Planes Djrf -4ied Jets in Big TOKYO, Jan. 23 (/P)—American Thunde ver northwest Korea shot down four Russiai jday In history’s biggest jet air'battTe. The F-S-la also scored ono'probable kill nn lore of tho Russian' speedsters with the ba AP Correspondent John Randolph, at U. S eadquarters in Korea, said all tho American -------------^ -------------------------- sately.- N ot • daho Senate derjet^ he ad Given"4r-Bills- sU-lp Tuesday. On Insiirance BOISE, Jan. 23 M^-ftour blits gpokcaman eald :erB Introdiicfri In the Idaho aenato MST) Tuesday 1 oday. designed lo Incrcasi Olff TCflUB v.er» '*l»- lowera and authority of the atatfl Ju." nsurance commissioner. ' Thirty-one ml Insurance Commissioner L e o forces were bait j"ConncH“ 8aiami!r"mea'sa»cj~‘were' VongwoITHeavs tslgned to prevent nny recurrence southeast of Tat f situaUon Uke that of the People's In the air flgH ntcr-Insuranco exchange. Jets tangled wlU --- IS&SuS This company bccama Insolvent "There w « a n ItHti. This ulUmnlely led to an real mlxup," *&! nvcstlgatlon of tiie jutc insurance • Soon after di ^mmlMloner's ofllce by a senate Thundarjets atr lommltteo and ' the Ada county "neld wiIer5TH31 trand Jury. number of ener Removal of James Hubbard ii Then the awl wmmlsaJoner reJuJtcd, four rocketed i In n brief morning aesalon. the the field whlli 10US0 p ^ e d . 40 to 19, a bill to «ver. teep the polls open an hour later The enemy Je n general elecUon. by exUmJlng tha *»'u river frt liaU!.ef.do*w*Jo8.p.m. - BMcluaryof-M For 9Q mini Bear Explanation /lamed af Os# i Tbe bouse rvoessed for a** Joint from high all aucua to hear Tux Collector P. O. awooahed upwai ^cm explain house bill 10. This *peed. neasure ia designed to collect more * 4 axes on revenue derived by Idaho ind to tax out-of-stafo restdents J n t0 1 * C 3 1 ie'riving ineom«“i«ai~idiaa“iU te: — '—r- Meanwhlle, the bill to prevent aale if private electric utiUty compan- M Jl ctUJ ea to governmental units outside _ he state waa ready for aovemor Lfo-ni fordan's signature. I..alX I Disregard ObJecUaiu.................. WASEINCmi Disregarding objection# that haste SOS not neeessary, the house passed « '« « # «»creu Jie blU 47 to 7 and the senate 37 to ttian, renewing i. Both branches acted under aus> draft of IS-yeai !peed waa essential In passing the of mUltary • Ticasure to forestall .negtjUaTlt^ for faster than the; idla of the Washington Water Ha told the t Power company to a combination of n», jubllfr-uUaty-dlstrleU-in-Waahin*-- ■'Sare~of'lh£s cbmpanyTwhlcii 0^ srates extensively In north Idaho, a publlo-utUltla* dUtrlct«_in.-Waah- P * .i; ** R®or-wb-nia-mgi[imrlo5r«nnaaUr af M80.000 Ul taxes for Idaho, pro- *“ graouaie- ponents of the blU said. MarabaH waa --------------------------- -- the bouse groi Stepped-up Plans On Control Near l*^aaid»dn WABHINaTON, Jan. a M>-A neceaaaTr to-p jtepped-up govemment program to of its present ^ annbat fnflatfon-wa* drawing near- Wtfgot la U rr today, awaiting elimination of of weaknea*. hi leveral more or less technical ob- out of It throi Itaclea t« a freeae on prlcea and He aald if 1 ”^ed tbe p ro je ^ Ireeae on u“S i^ w prlcea and wages and other antl-ln- ugQ« ahou nation move* would oome binged in k,» -h q . >1 large part of tbeae flUl-to-esme d«i- BTtht w im „nlte...to o-r « * “• “ 7obnston as head of the economio rtabUiiaUon agency to run the wfito c program. WAsaXNOTt X An execuUve order from Mr. blU dtreettnf rmman-widely-expei^. to give, .ment to.?lrt*MU 7ohnaton vastly expanded authority introduced yeat for-tbe - £SA.. orer. tbB .xuiUas'a J}. AngeU. R-. < Bconomy._________________________ ure died tn tb> City Buys Special Polii - JTwoJBodiesfor G ^h "Purchase ofHS^Ma-worUT of ,3.«B351«|-| equipment, less a federal tax rebate Similar cara u pf about «IDO on one 'Itetn, .waa and Etmtwrly,- ■utborised by dty commlaaloners oiH*tt« point Uonday sight. Purchases Included «ere lovar for a poUce car, two bodies for garbage joate coit won ran* with the truck* to be conaid* time tbay bad ered next week, and a street reUer. (taadanU'Of tt Pondering th* intaniaUcoal altu- He:elt«d addlU aUon, coimniasloaeni took U» view ganaraton.to.: s 0 s s ‘«v^.jrsjssis? equipment breaks down. DellTpy dealer* datea ^ame in for muoti wnatdgra* ^Ith three ru present equipment for *hc«rt*Be tnd breakdown Innirance instead of oeufnl blMer. hidln* it lnr------------------------Tw jelved-fer^ Upon redommendaUcin of- PaUea Ibm* Ohlef-Howard WrOUletta, eotnmU- ajotun BpanUncniiy apprm d 'ms* chaae of a spedaUy e<|ulpped Ford mirSe detuned for ^U ce work.. Cost ii ‘® 7c«tS5?^ -FINA CIT\ EDITK ntles ~ ........ _______________ PRIC harges A t ( side as-U. es ChinalN P)—The United Nationa sidotracked U, S. cl ly to study Peiping's ptaterasnt that a Koi neeting of a proposed conference on m ajor fa of its previous answer to the U.N. ce&ae-fin ---------------------------- ------night to the 6 _ 'Tv _ .L cal committee 3 Deieat '■ TpTi j' nRreed-en-ftftlie rlcan Thunderjets streaking ' 2. The probien n four Russian made MIG-15a wtthdr* !f-bamr --------------------------- J S “' a ^ ‘;S S . obablc kill nnd dBinaged-fonr -»crTenuj-tiBet-fr J with the ba6k-8wept wings. ,• tolph, at U. S. rath Mr force i.opSV p'S.m tho American planes returned united Hations m sately.- Not a Bingle bullet-t-. hole was found in the Thun- 'nji*, derjets, he added. _ iFeil On- tho ground, allied combat WASHINOTC teftinsjMccunlediht.«QtrBlKore»a •“ *ta_ road-raU bub ot Wonju and it* air- united Natloni au-ip Tuesday. They also (cited eommunUt Ohli nearby hUla 233 and 273, ousting a >^P and bran force of nearly 100 rtds off tha Ut- "aggressor" la . ter wllh an artillery barrage. A Angered by 1 spokesman said at 10 p.m. (6 a.m„ tloe on a tTnite li f ^ '^ “ ‘** '111 *** ^ Thirty-one mlJe* Mlitheut. aUied forces were battling red, Koreans In very luluro of ! Vongwomeavy-ngmi^'iiM-«8«a southeast of Tanyang. . “ “* In the air fight, SJtJ.a.’niunder- Jets tangled with 18 to 28 MIOs over Rau said he ( sini^u, Just acroa» the Yalu river Yrom^MknohurlA------ ~~ 'to Otyft-ambftaeac "There w « a real eommoUoa, ft "pCTOrtoierlei real mlxup," *ald. one airman. ceaae-Ur* 11 • Soon after dayilght-Tnesdartho •rwarta."..------- Thundarjets struck at SlnulJu Anstla 'neirWerSTH3B51SimirrnTmo-«- - B. -Belegat) number of enemy planes. disagreed aad I Then the awiri- jets In fUghu of PftKtt-effort- i four rocketed and Mathiaeffunned and to . th# field while olher P-8tt flew WtMeruUnat*.- cover.______________________________ Brttaln’i Sir The enemy Jets flashed acroaa the the Petptng ptoi Yalu river from Antung la tbe “appear aancluary of-Manehurta. - *«jia8 >W to t For aa sunutes the air battto *!<■* fia urged flamed af th# roaring jetj streaked t t u fiJcwcM c e n from high altitudes to tow and - - ToM swooshed upward* again at daalinff - J«bb.;roted * speed.___________________________ deUyfor.atu * « ft * day-coosidsrati ____ <>an demand thi Korean War ----- -T--------------------- -----------tha.i7-.to-a-* Drains Men; , ; the five-year h Panel Hears ___ their poifcr -WABHXNQTON, Jan. » fti.B — orenrti3m tar« Defense Secretary Oeorge C. Mar* ___ »■-- ahaD, renewing hla appeU for • XKrafAM draft of W-year-old* said today tbe Korean war It draining trained men i I 'l out of mUltary unll* In tbl* conntrr A 8K 1 faster than they can te replaced. ..........W Ha told tbe bouse armed earrices ^ W | f Biat>-]«' momb-bee*tne-ofbatae Idaho-watef ni casualUe* and aldmesa. I t wm be Qavldaon, fa m tbe end of April, b* said, before ttqr of the ti Maraban waa tb* flrrt witsw* as « « » teH elrt the bouse group opened hearlnga ^ ewof, m tt. Man ffltutmuin 1 ml- " J B9 aald a draffil Il.yearKiM* Is SSS?* neeeaaaTT-to-^ ^-eountty out !3 a»i out of It through itrengtb. Quk4 _He a ^ if odngres* giant* Uie Psny said II kuthori^ io draft l84y*ar>olds..-*‘l t aUyeais-to pro U our deaire and It it our InlentloD'' proposed that none should b* sent Into'coo-- and nnly three Ue bl* bandt an.tbljk Scrirer vrttk ----------------------------\ Pw ette r tm V C O n w ^ e C B B B ' a o o o a T • - betdavptopled.-- wAsaxNOTON. jio. a- juda biu dtr«ttnf tbe JwUce depart- « ■ « « « » » . ■ment to.?lrt*MU*a?.oQffea price*.IBM - il 1 "Cfitw1 (0 Ad lal Police Car: Begaziik&S'- I )r G ^ b a g e V m s mate coit would bt U g ^ br'tbe ume tbay bad bean q tolbi .:" •Uodardt'of tbe ^Mclat poUot oain. B tlj He.elted a d d l l ^ ooata of bM V ln ^ *^J2 f S**SS*r'Si&6^'*3SS« ’iUvrto'^*««':iouavK 8tir-oB» WHlSHSlBt wlto” tlMte oaion ocasfnl blMer. Onlj^ona IU4 -«m EHpi -F J N A -t 9 C IT Y - E D IT IO N f l rWCBC .CENTO ... _H Are I U N . J a N ote I icked U, S- charges of com* ’M! »t that a Korean ceaa^fira--.:fe|| ;e on major far easteni prob. tSR J.N . ce&ae-firo cnll. read last ||n light to the 60-natlon politU M al committee by India's Sir' } || iencgal N. Rau, said: |B l 1- A. limited ceaae>fire can be IIh iRreed en~4ftlie flrat'hieellig'onr— Bb oven • nation conference w h 1 c i f IH s&fsssra'sKss- Withdraw Troop* 3. The problems would include »t«pa for withdrawal of all foreign troopa, lncludln»-<aainew,-/«m-Kck~ fca and withdrawal ot the U. fl, tSot?' ----- •. *■ 7^« legitimate aUtus of tha people's repubUo of China tn the United Nations must be enwed.“ Demand ' I ■WASHINOTON. Jan.' (UJ9 ~ —Tha aenata caU»l upan the 'Uhiled'NaUSHOSSy^ Sir “ communUt China from mem6«r — ahlp and brand red China an "aggressor" la Korea. ' Angered by DJI. Mailing tao- ' ] tloe on a tTnited State* p«po*%l - -I to brand the.Ohinese retla u ' J arose to warn that if prompt ac-' 1 tton waa riot forthcoming U» « -jeq . luturp.Qf-lbfl-gprM 1 atloa vrould te In doubt., Rau said he considered tbU new .] red Chinese declaration, deUvered tn I tiegThg-Ametteau aaa-T7.4frdem*l^^ for ’‘oeaae-fiie Itret, negotUting aft- 1 •rwarta.".. -------------------------------u ----- 1 disagreed aad termed It “a ttan*- r parent-effort-to.divide tba tree I tO_. . . p M ^^-d^, •] Brltaln-i a ir Oladwyn, J«M» oJ4 ' ^ePeiptngpropoeala.aaTeparted'bjr | IndU. “appear , to -to a^imi VW to the ce%t».are p n^- &a ttutttKV.bTtfm I the fiJcwcM eo n d d m i^ | . . ToMferDelar i i.riTSiSrS7«S£^' day-cQosidsratkn of «ba A a«H - pan demand that tbe OUnM* o m l - aunlitj be dencmnced as aggiwon ' I ^^re«.-.j^.del*fate*r(«BxM tba-n-.to-3S-t«}MiUo&-«f.AtBtM— : appeal: tet .iBBUdlau actta^ft- «orf(. defeat the tf. 8, ba* bad to the five-year hJalory of tha TI. M. U, S. eourcM) diipQted tbU tKw Water Users Ask Priority On Palisadias Qavldton. farmer antttank M ^ . ITO ***^ ' ertnee te H en i cauycB. R. P. Pmajr, Twin pan* attcnMv and ipokeoBaa ior tbe gnvp. saU jPaUndeidaniin«putbMftCR>'Xaa-> , ho eould pndoee power for defwae- puipoaea » 0n,<(uic^ Ibaa a o y - fXtelff-'^iiaan'-tfiak' v "• ^ ItmauaUe-.aa a.niiM »pqra^. dan and for suppUiasatBl.trnVb'l, ._ Mon water."- . - QnletarPwleet' - •• ' Pany aald It would taka .Sn»-.W ‘ and ^ ^rer°cre* pV9tr pUDta .too . Payette ilm naat -aaiUu TVrf . ' ' A. r. 0«B«4ai7 1 ytfty-aaid tl>rtttorTr>t|g'BWtti : ‘- . objectaa to starting oanM ^Q ttV I Uu -Aaxarfcaa -galk >9wr iM t . .prior io 'FaUndok.'Be igil rfniiiL aUoeated to A intttcteTjp i a g wr / *? dent^lftn^l^b^lrt. >ao thu

Transcript of h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary...

Page 1: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

c t x ^^ la »^*

a t t e ^ f i e l d , 6

In Solitary^ » 91 f/IV-Sevcn Idaho Btate p

'SR Jn solitarr confinement to

w ^,»rd discovered the attempted '**‘if!.onbiock until dawn yesterday i Them to thcir cells. -----------------

t" ; .r 2 o o -® "H = S(

M orcthan*“'™ cationnl -mce

h»S w «»’" **’' o f tn c ^ J r iv c5a. ^ A tilizer denierS S r S ' K S , V.nc= T.

btodf-1 hftd b«en the meeting

7SL-iQ tn effort to de- -------------------

SICE(he did not know ^

f S X blides had been M | . n f pt o eellbloct How- •■■ 1

»M.possible they ^

KuP'- J iheif itioe » tnnp . lieishe.opuinmannoiecov- urg«i m id jn tjft,! to shoestring to on „ jf S ,a ^ « u u Jd t. He q^v. Len Jo.iaLMS.Mbly otlier Items

& ll *«S Po^lblc the P could have been

(t..ih.«ll5lnlht5mTvn-......— fCTri---------------- an^MlnWoltt-„ 'r b r= h n tip by plae- « . Sny.lor prol a ^ ! rainhole covcr Ud ‘ ' £ ' 5 " , B,_to-flilsancaLjiL(j£s

- ■ pointed out thT fconojjiy In solate r a n e is ™io,int n.

*** tending the m

(en Bills on ttc",Sw»re'mlttee nnd to '

!% • the Southern Ioop DisputeI*3!GI.J»n.23 lU.P>-Tlie chlcny to slaliiCT* move today re- covcrcd such It)tn<lts committees a number ot tesBfcpicoiigrciis a voice the tchool sinjlsrtan troop* abroad. Albion, Ko sip « J cltared the way budget In Wafjp -ih a a to President jyj[ econoir6Erltniot«lntotherew ,mn,ent.

Snyder wasB»jir«iijollditlon pert by J. E- £aTsoConniiUy. D,. Tex., jar, and Harr>-1«D comraJttfo Hfdman mcm« lie proiwscU lo assert chainber of Ct

would be given m deciding«*™uon by both hU to Bobe hemti* uTOfd services com- (Ci.iii.ii.iifabeftluitd any eomtnlt- ---------s^UtCTtbic m ion on.the k

m fldfanccd by ,Shr luier- K e n n c u i-s ; '

J iiier.0 light, asreed to Gllllt' « a ct the proposal to*,«Mthjienaie then act- m r•siipa eoiacnt. W f i r•fan Drcpj PUnt TT « * •I t W l his plans for a Dve personsm tlie wnate to instruct two pleaded

momlnK In a« t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a tu scnule whether or district court. ^ ito ld deelaro lt« de- ^ h rtu ifd to «u r should be dayaliemoons

«to(^B.-pwight D, Eleen. ntsfliy mBmlrS L ***• JuniorCwtsuwi>hesanover-aU Ed Aragon .

^ Uiflr recommendations Mrii*p]cidri*|

l o t i o n on whether the Also Dleadl *ajj should be sent a t morning was \

with drawing

ani7Blasts S 'ftlH ' s-fcabeliff asr , TX. with a deadly •

orst Disaster K tJ ®■— --------------------------- be set later. I

Aaiujiij. JsnsrvFf= 7. Bmlth 4o»ldals .aid today week- ,^ eiplaslons In New Scheduled

*«UW th>-TenTury™T^ Browiraeeuse tJils McUon of the slobe. *■

olficlal d^ cU M I*” *' « «t/msted the toll of *I bjurtj Nejr Ouineanii »t niurdi

“^E^uropean wns kiutfl r ^ lf a d e r s , mlssionarlej "*** “ “ ^

I I S I H O S Eon U>eZ®®™ of Australia n

and re.uue opera- ^' Wl? other knoft-n d « d VaUey Memc sported wcr2°^2? New ‘«™ «ed l l

and »a per c ---------the hoMpilal J

Boy Listed “M'fS..,

- s i t s ™

C«”rs s -“H 'Kotti ,ln „ ;■ llM bM. IMT. 8

» ;unurglDj. s.tai

■ . - « «v-*» l l n . .................1 --------- - f c i r * ^ ^nxdA - m , ■ »nip- • ----------- M w * ■

- I B M ' M

A R csional Newspaf

OMklil Clly , h4 CounW Kew.pijvrr

d, 6 Others B? ary as Breaklaho state prison inmates,_ including scx-kill( finemcnt today n f tc r fa ilin g to dig Iheir w,

D attempted b re n k about m idniR ht Sundny n yesterday a n d th en g a th e red the prisone

200 Attend Meel Soil Problems

More than 200 Magi* V alley fa rm ers turno' ational -meeting on aoH a n d fertilizer prob h o -l^ ’in-Ealla-Amcrican I.eg in n halLundat. if ‘ttieU rivcY sity “o f 'Id a h o ' extensloirsTnTc( ilizer dealers.

Vance T. S m ith , Boisei ex tension soils sp :he meeting. H o discussed th e buildinp of igC3 and the p a r t crop ro ta t io n nnd fertil :— - :.:: - building: t jr J ]

5ICE Closing . so il originallj

Protested- at, p o in t moistuiRupert- MeetRUPERT. Jun- 23—John R em s- Jower plani.^, br

<rg. Rupert, p resident of.thc.fita tc WCrc,Bbsorl)fd.liKjard of education. Monday n ig h t true soU.irged icildents of R upert not to be Idahoelf serving In the ir consideration Idaho ground,f Qov. Len Jordan's proposal con- grfisses to nbsoriemlng gchool IcBlslatlon. ______ rich in mineralsTtie meetlnic o t whlcn K«insi>erg conlent, ho add

poke was a public meetlnit called economy and th.ly ttie Rupert Chnmbcr of C om - grass have manerc . I t was attended by members nrens of true snIf the Chamber, private clU zew gmlth pointednrf~MlnWolct-county-Uaclust£...Jl- of- pureeo{. Snyder, prc.iident, of 6ICE, also nuLrlen,as a spcnKer on th e program. ^^0 taken bv i Remsberg said ho was “ and then are

)Qlnled out tha t there U need Ior ^ave the nutriconcmy in sovcmmwit. g^j jj,c nutrienFollowing the speeches those n t- * ,

ending the meeting yoted 'to send- nnrt .-"n

he legislature's Joint finance com- ehurches come inittee and to oppoae the closing of cile*ho Southern Idaho Collcge o t E du- c rop rotatloratlon. means of helplSnyder's npccch wa» conllned factors <

hlcny to £latlsUc.s on SICE and organic ciovcrcd such Items u costa and Uie Smith exlumber ot teachers turned ou t oy ^on hsj, u,e sche school slnco i t was started a t surface la deepklblon. Ko said lh a t educaUon's control >'cedj„ludget In Idaho shoold- not b e c u t diseased provldeiust to economize the cwt of gov- nutrlenta and 1mment. injrSnyder was aeEompanled to R u - , .

« rl by J. E- Slmonsen, SICE bu r- , ar, and Harr>- BucUe.-i and R ichard Jedman, members of the Albion ;i,amber of Commerce. ! - • -in deciding to send a delcROtlon Uow

o Boise the R upert Chamber Is(C«i.lli.i..il «n »«» S, »i»n cultivated c

5 ; f c P l e a d _ _ . _ _ : r ^ ,

Guilty; Trials S I S Wanted by 2

rive persons pleaded guilty and j r a l n wo pleaded Innocent Tuesday nomlng In a brief session of-U i8 lecond day of the January i tr m of Ilstrlct court. Tw o-othU 's were^hrtuifd to en ter thelr-pleoe-Tues.lay altemoon and another two W ed- »*« ,r.nTii.i^ ««sa&y iBBmlng. - . ....... -

Junior Patterson. Robert H ate.Jd Aragon and Gilbert M artin W n m n n lolnUy charged w ith grand larceny, T ^ l U a i l . lach pleaded guilty Tuciday. T hey | 7 , _ _ J nif sentenced a t 10 aiS- Friday . T 1 ^ 6 0 ■

Also pleading guilty Tuesday nomlng was W. O. Wilson, charged X e r l T l »lth drawing a check w ithout _ . . tunds, He Is represented by Law- rence B- Quinn. ond-wlU be acnten- Md at 10 a.m. Wednesday. ?"^V i

Pl>n nr Innocent were enCfgd by Aubrey C. Mays, accused of as.^auft ^ n sm any-had with a deadly weapon, and by Jame.1 William Mayes, charged wltU grand larceny. Their Jury trial date.t *3 cosU M d wi be set later. Moya Is represented ^ 10 days In the

Scheduled to tn te r their Pleas luw dsy afternoon are Charlea nionUii Her Bro»n;-*ceu3e<l o t fo rs« ry -« i4 ire - heW t o r e w resented by H arry Po»ey, and Ru- thoritlw, ben Stokes, accused of assault with ^ i ^ ^ a n c a deadly weapon with In ten t w p r ^ t M w ^ commit murder. Stokes' attorney IsE. U . R a y b o m ...................................

Scheduled to en ter their pleas al ICl ajn. W ednesdar are Ur. and Mrs. under W L. W. Kloppenburg. accused of p « - ** “7.

H o s p i t a l R a t e s t 6 ^ ( P e r D a y o n F e l

EffeeUve Feb. « te i » t Mairfc VaUey Memorial hospital wlU » increised t l per day for ward b ^ » » c h r t ^ Me and W per day for ^ e hoEpiUl b « r t «nnc«nced Mon-

« - • ' «*»dulB rati-a wlU Uent p tr day. I be W-and-lia l J ; ^ ‘’* d w * iprlY»te„.jiceonJmod»aon,s _ w « ; i ..

w l^ U»* preacnt ^ , , u ,•niB Inereasa s a p tBm- WUiI* o t coos

“ with the WKhMnurslog. salariei and

nal Newspaper Servinff \


s Back eak F ailsding scx-killer Neale Butter- dij? Iheir way out of a cell-

iRht Sunday night. Guards i the prisoners together and

Meet on )lems Here j ^ |irm ers turned out fo r an edu-rtilizer problems Monday, a t M g B S Na_hfllLundiit_thc_spQnsorahip.n s io i r s C n ic e ” i r i K l - v a i i e y - i ( i r = - - S I B ^ M

sion soils specialist, dircctcd buildinp' of soil through the >n and fertilizer play in rc-ulldln;r:t)rJ]iiildln{r.theiso1l.:H e toVl the farm ers how all '

oi) originally was-rock until ’ea th e r broke th a t rock into and, s ilt or clay. From th a t o in t moisture and chemicals' roke the substance down till farther, he explained. Finally . A knockH-< jwer plam.1, brush, grass and trees for theae Kori ^crc,Bbsorbfd.lii,the.50ll ton»a>te,lt, ..Kore»._NEA irue soU. ---------------------

Idaho Bolls Poor - Idaho ground, which has not had X . ^ ^

rfisses to absorb durtntr the )-cars. Js | | | f J I I ich in mlnerali but poor In organicontent, ho added, liu t a'Uve.itncS- —------------- ^coDomy and the growing of hay and I nross have made our farms Into Ircns of truesnll. ■*"'Smith pointed out lha t soil Is the JE R O M E ,

osls- of-tFureeoftomr *nd-our-llTej.- le said nutrients begin In the soil, “ Cn ASre taken by crops from the soil l ls io n f iv e I MM ^ o r n j n g , wilave the nutrients man does not T’o sp H al a re ct the nutrients. J e ro m e - CHo showed how homes, taxes for s w o r e in a j i

QimA^uia_ediMl. and mpport, j or in g ...jiD tii-au hurches come from the soil. • -

die* RoUtlen u -Crop rotation Is an ImporUnt X \3 tC 0

leans of helping soil achfeve the hrce factors of proper drainage, o ood organic condition and nutrl- ^ 0 3 I * S nts. Smith explained, crop rota- Ion uses the soil from close to the X A urface ta deep underground, helps J [ U ontrol weeds,.controls Insects and —Isease. provides the orjfsnlsms and VIENNA. Ai ■utrlenta and helps t«lanee farm- Q lan t avalancl Iff. Austria's mouHe told the farmers to plant Mil- ^

onscr\ln*.crops.ttbout one-half the “* '•ime. De?p-n»ted crops should be sed to prevent lhe formaUon of ardpari’ and-brli^g-hutrifinirto the ~ urface. Shallow-rooted crops should »nQs^all and c planted to use these Nutrients

wJSS""' “ .W » « P .■ , . ,, I were roartag (1A5 exnmplei o t soll-conjervlns ^ up^oo

« p s he-polnt«i to alfalfa sweet lover and red clover, all ot which hajather nitrogen from the air and a ie lltUe frora the soil. *5-®’

Dlastrate* PUb .He lJlustrat«J a crop rotation pUn ^

or grain, potatoes and alfalfa to mUhow tha t proper rotation return* 4II nlUogen-crops take irom the oil aad replaces aU orsaolc matter ‘"®>st in growing th . crop,..Ba urBedhe farmers to have soils tested lo ^ ^ ce how" much" nitajgtfl-'or-other

(Voman Driver Is Fined $150; Jail « r .r v 1 Term Suspended , Trldentlna rci

Through her attorney in JusUcc;ourt Tuesday morning. Mr*. Lisa » D*Jolohy, 169 Polk street, pleaded Three wotruJJty of dnmkcn driWni, The case Innsbruck,jTIgmBtiyhad -been- filed-tn -police trlan-Tyroli-aiajurt, “ on

Mrs. Molony was fined *1M plua way path cut 18 cosU and was sentenced to serve passes.to the:0 days In the county Jail In* water, cai

The court, however, ordered *us- Uon ot most ' M-n,inn n f ihK ggecution ot scnUnct ed the city wlmd placcd her on parole for il* O. 8. a r o ^nonUis. Her driver's- Ucense wa* American ^leld te r revocation by fU te .M - d r t n ^ g *»t«i;horiUe* - - . - - - — .......

J . H. Blandford.' her attoraer. APPOINT prtssented an affidavit from her phy- WAaHlNQIilclao. Rating (he needs tioiplta}* senate cnnflnM tlon and apeclaUied care. 'Tnim an'a not

She -WM'paroled to her attorney Johnston oa < inder ttrm» whleh call for aUylng adm lnlstiator I way from Uquor o r , where It I* rlson as defen ivaUable. 8be also 1* to *eek hospI- Istrator.. 'HseaOliitlon. • - *PR™T*d on 1

i t o ^ e Increased $1 3n Feb. 1, Board Arpllea t t U impoaslble t e u i to con- the hoapJW : Unu« to opento on the IMT lee cem aod n t* KheduJisa." M c a ilm y said. - mum.

In *howln« present hospital eosta. The bo« d It WM pointed out tbat actual coat hospital l»4 i i tor i>o*wt*j care ia t t m per pa- m ent, wnjeatlent pw day. P a r t of the difference new h o sp lt^ la.nuide.up In charge* for operating appro«lJpatt» mom d ru n . acuU elle UM Otter DOfpltai- equi;

. vaJue.butK an T he board expressed hope tha t b w created i

the rate hike wUl compensate for said. tncr«i»ed cost of medical auppUw *

H o sp lS ra te , .here wUl be 10 NWUne now with t e « o l Idaho ho«- DllaU of comDaratlTB tUe, botrd main under c

» Jd . fiw end b o i j r f ta ^ * ere«s«l ra te , tw ke ia fMO, « « « > • n a to MeQllvray. • “Board -member* »fflpbulwl tJiat ing.

- < < \ ' v \ 7 'f * / / / > •

— > T W I N F A L L S 1


Home Laundry

b B b B B W K W ’•S-'A knocked.CBt Boialai^ maile T-M tank proviaei

for these Korean women who are geln* aboat their t Kor£»._NEA ttltpholo)__________________________

[nquest to Be Hn r r f a f f i c F l

JE R O M E ,^nn . 23-^A n inquest in to the ■Irs! Ben Aspey, Twin l-'alls, w ho waa'Filled ision five miles south of Jerom e on high norning, will be held aa soon a s injurediospital are able to teatlfy ;------------------------

Jerom e--County-Coroner J . R / ^yiJcy T i w ore in a jury.to.view-the.body_ and th en ad. ng...iiDtil-auch tim e aa B en Aspey and Do -------------------------------- '■ a re able to t<

Rate of Death aeriouaiy^ in

Soars Higher m orning rep_ . ^ ^ d itlon as “ urln_Avalanches

VIENNA. Austria. Jan. S3 (ff)— SU te HlBflwi ilan t avalanches thundering down Hagler. who in' luslrla's mountains brought new aald the two a <rll lo Uolated villages and towns gethcr headon oday as estimates of Alpine the highway. H Mrope's death toll reached 33i per- driving north oons - - h lg h m te o fa p . -In-Sw ll*erlaod-lcs*cnlng-ol_tha .wM.Bolng.aoult nosifall and a temperature drop «P«ed. u t lhe ovalanche danger sharply. A truck, drive lUt reports-from nU areas in the Jerome, turned lustrlan Alps said the slides sUll way from a *K ^ere roaring down, carrying bould- aide of the hiTt. and uprootod treej with them IJnued. Aspey a; hd 'demoUshlng famn?- hunting to stop, he aaltjdges and hayslacka. P « » the true!

Between 112 and iirf persons had ----------« n burled by the snow in Austria ww * j:urtag four tftror-ttUed days. The U O lQ U D ilumber ot missing was unknown as _ ■ _ _n estimated «.009 perjwn*—includ- K l l h l - Ing thousands of foreign tourist*— “

Tnr*^t®SBnd^fl8-bodlea had b e e n ---------B y X i i*covered..and*tJ«a*t,llm ora.pet-. -BUHL Jan . ona were believed dead. A t least investlKating ai a..w ere.ilated. »s. aew ely injured * dnwntflwn pa ag~^re»-Trf'fam llle*-wara 'hcffii‘»- daT-lTr-w W th esa In tiie Icy winter. taken by two o

Italy reported 35 dead, SO injured Ronald Co*, md 20 missing foUowlng huge slides Q i,g , In . Uvlgno valley, on the Swiss- jtu j j, g ^ g tallan border, and In tha Benesla reUeved him o; rrldentlna region, near th e Aus- ju j n^ o belon rlan border. bl» employer,

S Die in Prance company. EmmThree were dead is f tan c e . Oox told theInnsbruck, capital of th e AUS- buying trip Ic

rlan 'T yrol,-and lC«-(OOAM-poputa~ UiaC he had-sp<ion was isolated except for a one- PUla. He saidvay path cut through the mountain early Tuesday ilosses.to the east. Lack of drink- buy gasoline tn s water, caused by slide destruc- a gasoline statJon ot most waterworks, threaten- parked the truiid the city with epldemlos. for a cup of c

O. 8 . axmy-tnick4_Irom_B locd tJpon hi* re'Unerican Installation carried in 7 a. ra., he *2irl&king water. up a t gun poln

— ' ----->• H*..,WM.-unabAPP0INTUENT8 OKAYED w ith a deicrip^

WASHlNaTOK. Jan . 23 OO-Thfl if the men war tenato conflmiM] today President puty Sheriff C rrum an'a nominations of Erie A . Patrolman Jac rohnston oj •oonomie atabiltxation In the investij idmlnlstrator and WUllam H. H ar- ---------

S t a s s e n.p’’ " ’" " * " ' " " * ' - ------------ S f r u g g

e d $ V $ 2 - - S S1 ' - i ' - ; ' : . - •• decadHf-OfiUrd Announces

b t hosplW tl a non-profit con-» rn aod rates are kept a t a mini- tenlng- trip, inum. SCatM tn adfiDl

The board also voted to aeU IB *lospllal bedi and tome o ther equip- n e a n s ahort ot nen t, wWeh wljj no t be uaed in theaew hospital, to WeU*. N ev, for ______

SSfS 'SS '.S .T .rS^ 100- Plaiiralue.but.Karcityof-nBw equipment - -bas created a market. J&OUvxay . , \ y y O I

“ U w e w . approsljnttelr 50 oJd M»ptt«l-beda wttf l<e'ietaluwl to help -Ainiort—100—j

drawn up by*the board will re - mlsilng main under eanaideralloa. ,u»tu the _n»» peraona alnext refo lar aeeUng on l^ b . 9. ' MeaawbOK i

m n k Fafmer. county eommfisfon- to r t{i« Green•r, attended the special board meet- f l here, to aeaJig. rapdrtod to ba



N ine I r

:SDAY, JANUARY 23, 1951______________

lu n d ry '

1 ^ sL A K E ' SU

m u n is t C hine co uld b e a rm lem s.

■ H B ^ e

o v e r n o rth w c to d a y tnJ.m o re

C o rre sh e a d q u a r te r s

tan k pravlSea a crlm backpetind Id a h oI* about their dally Ulk* in Sooth ^ ^

— ■ - — :—- Giver5 e H e l d O n I


i O m a l i t y «insurance com

e s t i n to t h e t r a f f i c d e a th o f Insurance io ‘^?aa‘Fille"d"in r H c jfd o n 'c o l- )m e on h ig h w a y 93 M onday ^ftuauen a s in ju r e d w itn e s s e s in t h o intcr-insuranc

R / ^ y iJcy T u e s d a y - ^ te r n o o n This compa a n d th e n a d jo u rn e d - tS e lh e a ^ in itnfl. This

,pey and Donald H inV Filer, i r e a b le to te s t i l y -

B o th , m e n w e r e , in ju r e dse r io u s ly in th e . c ra s h a n d «>mmijaJon«rio s p i ta l o f f ic ia ls T u e s d a y in a briefm o rn in g re p o r te d th e i r c o n - houao p ^ e d . i i t io n a s “ u n c h a n g e d ." A f t e r the accident both were reported as «n5. j,:being-ln"<alr“-«>ndtttonr - '

SU te HlBfiway Patrolman Oeno Bear Oasler. who inveetlgated the crash. Tbe bouse told the two automobiles came to- caucus to he& gethcr headon on the west aide o t Nclll explain the highway. Kagler aald Aspey was measure ia dei driving north on the hlghway a t a taxes on revei high rate of apeed. Hlne. he added, residents Iroa waa Bolng_soulh a t a normal rate of and to tax i speed.------------------------------------------- 'deriving Ineotl

A truck, driven by OrvlUe Hyman, Meanwhile. 1 Jerome, turned north onto the high- « private ele way from a slop sign on the eaat ^ govern side of the highway. Hagler con- the sta te was IJnued. Aspey apparently waa unable Jordan « algni to stop, he aald, and turned out to . O lsrer paea the truck. This placcd tha Disregarding Aap<y car and the Hine car in the was not neccsi same lane of traffic, he said. the blU 47 to I

--------------------------- 3, Both brant

Holdup Story in Buhl Is Probed “iS

__ ByXaw_Officerg SSLSS”-BUHL. Jan...aJ-Buhl-paUcB «re .to n ,

taveatlgating an armed holdup near Safe of thts B dow tow n parking lot early Tues- erates extensl dK y-lrr whleh ♦190-w aatjtponed to publlo-utUll taken by two men with guns. ington wb'fflfl i

Ronald Cox. Emmett, told PoUce M80.000 In Chief Clyde Piyor tha t two men ponents of the staelt su n t Jn hJa rJbs and then "■ ' reUeved him of his wallet contain- C f A n H A f i Ing tIBO belonging to himself and O l C p p c U hU employer, the Russel Produce ^ company. Emmett.---------------------------- v f l l ^

Oo* told the chief he was on a W ABHINai buying trip for his employer and stepped-up go th a t he had-spM t-the night In-TWin com int tnflatl p u is . He said be drove to Buhl er today, aw early Tuesday morning. Intending to several more buy gaaoline there. Unable to find itaclea t« a a gasoline itaUon'open, he said, he w a g n ’ ~ - parked the truck and went lo a cafe W hed tbe for A cup of coffee.------------------------prlcea and wa

tJpon hi* re turn to the truck a t nation move* 7 a. ra., he s2 d ,~ lm then Held him large p a rt of ' up a t gun point and took his wallet, relopment*: H *..w .a«-unabla-to -fu ia iih poUce 1. Senate i w ith a deieripUon ahd'eouldn*t cay Johnston as 1 if the men were masked or not. De- aUbUixatlon puty Sheriff CurUs PiTor and Btate p n « r a a . Patrolman Jack Lewis are assisting X An execi in the investigation. . ' - . T nim an -wid<

--------------------------- Johflston vast

Stassen Forecasts

Harold E. Stassen said last night the JUnited States faces yeara or even n ndecadHf O fitrugglo with B u is la? ^ ____ J ^ - W Cbut n o t a-third-world-war. — . . . . _________

The Dnlveralty o l Pennsylvania Purchaae oprealdent, reoently-returaed from a equipment, letround-the-world ‘nooking and Us- of about «ll>tenlng- trip. caUed on the United ■authoriied . bjSU tea to adopt a long-range foreign Monday algblpoUcy tb a t ’ wbuld-use aggresaive a police car, im eans ahort of war to gain a vlelory van* w ith t)uJor "eirllluaoa aad fwedom. gred next wet

•----- ------- Pondering t

100 Planes-Help I of-—getting J l

Wyoming SearchCASPSft. Wyo.. Jan. » (UJ5 - dates/sam e it

-Almost l OO-planei ir trfJit d - lhfl Uop. mbarren ewmtry of central Wyoming present equlpi

-*^*iT for nrivata breakww n j c ra lt w illing alnee Thursday with' tn d ln c 'i t 'In .n te perwna aboaJjL D pjorisiSoi ■ Meaawbflft pound pwtlM Mt out ( ^ - H o w a K fo r Om ' Green m o u n ta fu swU3*e«t >Soiu?3 u u n lo f here, to search for another plane chaae of a s{reportod to bav« crashed l u t nlgbl. de tlm ed for

N ine Irriga ted Idaho Counties

Mttnbtr Duma ef Cli- AMwiimi TfM aM..U,ali«tj

Q: s. CharPut Asidt Studies (

LA K E'SU CCESS, Jan . 23 (/P)—The Unlt( un iat Chinese' aggreasion today to study f luld be arranged a t tho f i r s t m eeting of a i ms.Red China's ' ‘c larification” of i ts previoi

J. S. Planes Djrf -4ied Jets in BigTOKYO, Jan . 23 (/P)— A m erican Thunde

ver no rthw est Korea sho t down four Russiai jday In h is to ry ’s b iggest j e t air'battTe.The F-S-la also scored ono'probable kill nn

lore of tho Russian' speedsters w ith the ba A P Correspondent John Randolph, a t U. S

eadquarte rs in Korea, said all tho American -------------^ -------------------------- sately.- N ot •

daho Senate d e r je t^ he ad

Given"4r-Bills-sU-lp Tuesday.

On InsiiranceBOISE, Jan. 23 M ^-ftour blits gpokcaman eald

:erB Introdiicfri In the Idaho aenato MST) Tuesday 1oday. designed lo Incrcasi Olff TCflUB v.er» '*l»-lowera and authority of the atatfl Ju."nsurance commissioner. ' Thirty-one ml

Insurance Commissioner L e o forces were baitj"ConncH“ 8aiami!r"mea'sa»cj~‘were' VongwoITHeavstslgned to prevent nny recurrence southeast of Tatf situaUon Uke that of the People's In the air flgHntcr-Insuranco exchange. Jets tangled wlU

- - - IS&SuSThis company bccama Insolvent "There w « a

n ItHti. This ulUmnlely led to an real mlxup," *&! nvcstlgatlon of tiie ju tc insurance • Soon a fte r di ^mmlMloner's ofllce by a senate Thundarjets atr lommltteo and ' the Ada county "neld wiIer5TH31 trand Jury. number of ener

Removal of James Hubbard i i Then the awl wmmlsaJoner reJuJtcd, four rocketed i

In n brief morning aesalon. the the field whlli 10US0 p ^ e d . 40 to 19, a bill to «ve r. teep the polls open an hour la ter The enemy Je n general elecUon. by exUmJlng tha *»'u river frt lia U !.e f.d o * w * Jo 8 .p .m . - BMcluaryof-M

For 9Q miniB ear Explanation /lamed a f Os# i

Tbe bouse rvoessed for a** Joint from high all aucua to hear Tux Collector P . O. awooahed upwai ^cm explain house bill 10. This *peed. neasure ia designed to collect more * 4axes on revenue derived by Idaho

ind to tax out-of-stafo restdents J n t 0 1 * C 3 1 ie'riving ineom«“i« a i~ id i a a “iU te : — '— r-

Meanwhlle, the bill to prevent aale if private electric utiUty compan- M J l c t U J ea to governmental units outside _ h e sta te waa ready for aovem or L f o - n ifordan's signature. I . . a l X I

Disregard ObJecUaiu..................WASEINCmiDisregarding objection# th a t haste

SOS not neeessary, the house passed « '« « # «»creu Jie blU 47 to 7 and the senate 37 to ttian, renewing i. Both branches acted under aus> d raft of IS-yeai

!peed waa essential In passing the of mUltary • Ticasure to forestall .negtjUaTlt^ for faster than the; idla of the Washington W ater Ha told the t Power company to a combination of n»,jubllfr-uUaty-dlstrleU-in-Waahin*--

■'Sare~of'lh£s cbmpanyTwhlcii 0^ srates extensively In north Idaho, a publlo-utUltla* dUtrlct«_in.-Waah- P * . i ; ** R® or-wb-nia-mgi[imrlo5r«nnaaUraf M80.000 Ul taxes for Idaho, pro- *“ graouaie- ponents of the blU said. MarabaH waa

--------------------------- -- the bouse groi

Stepped-up Plans On Control Near l* aaid»dn

WABHINaTON, Jan. a M>-A neceaaaTr to -p jtepped-up govemment program to of its present annbat fnflatfon-wa* drawing near- W tfgot la U rr today, awaiting elimination of of weaknea*. hi leveral more or less technical ob- out of I t throi Itaclea t« a freeae on prlcea and He aald if 1

” ^ e d tbe p r o j e ^ Ireeae on u“S i ^ w prlcea and wages and other an tl-ln - ugQ« ahou nation move* would oome binged in k,» - h q . >1 large p a rt of tbeae flUl-to-esme d«i- B T th t w i m

„ n l t e . . . t o o-r « * “ • “7obnston as head of the economio rtabUiiaUon agency to run the w f i t o c program. WAsaXNOTt

X An execuUve order from Mr. blU dtreettnf r m m a n -w id e ly - e x p e i^ . to give, .ment to.?lrt*MU 7ohnaton vastly expanded authority introduced yeat f o r- tb e - £SA.. o rer. tbB .xuiUas'a J}. AngeU. R-. < Bconomy._________________________ ure died tn tb>

City Buys Special Polii - JTwoJBodiesfor G ^h"Purchase o fH S ^M a-w o rU T of ,3 .« B 3 5 1 « |- | equipment, less a federal tax rebate Similar cara u pf about «IDO on one 'Itetn, .waa and Etmtwrly,- ■utborised by d ty commlaaloners oiH*tt« point Uonday sigh t. Purchases Included «ere lovar for a poUce car, two bodies for garbage joate coit won ran* with the truck* to be conaid* time tbay bad ered next week, and a street reUer. (taadanU'Of tt

Pondering th* intaniaUcoal altu- He:elt«d addlU aUon, coimniasloaeni took U » view ganaraton.to .:

s0s s ‘«v^.jrsjssis?equipment breaks down. DellTpy dealer*datea ^am e in for muoti wnatdgra* ^ Ith three r u

present equipment for *hc«rt*Be tn dbreakdown Innirance instead of oeufnl blMer.hidln* it ln r------------------------— Twjelved-fer

Upon redommendaUcin of- PaUea Ibm* Ohlef-Howard W rOUletta, eotnmU- a jo tu n BpanUncniiy a p p rm d 'm s* chaae of a spedaUy e<|ulpped Ford m irS ede tuned for U c e w ork.. Cost i i ‘® 7 c « t S 5 ? ^


EDITKntles ’ ~ ........

_______________ P R IC

harges At( side as-U. es ChinalNP)—The United Nationa sidotracked U, S . cl ly to study Peiping's p taterasnt th a t a Koi neeting of a proposed conference on m ajo r fa

of i ts previous answer to the U .N . ce&ae-fin---------------------------- — ------n ig h t to th e 6_ 'T v _ .L c a l com m ittee3 Deieat

'■ T p T i — j ' nRreed-en-ftftlie

rlcan Thunderjets streaking ' 2. The probien n four Russian made MIG-15a wtthdr*! f - b a m r --------------------------- J S “' a ^ ‘; S S .obablc kill nnd dBinaged-fonr -»crTenuj-tiBet-fr J w ith the ba6k-8wept wings. ,•tolph, a t U. S. ra th Mr force i .o p S V p 'S .m tho American planes returned united Hations m sately.- N ot a Bingle bu lle t-t-. hole was found in the Thun- 'n j i * ,derje ts, he added. _ i F e i l

On- tho ground, allied combat WASHINOTCteftinsjMccunlediht.«QtrBlKore»a • “ * ta _road-raU bub ot Wonju and it* air- united Natloniau-ip Tuesday. They also (cited eommunUt Ohli nearby hUla 233 and 273, ousting a >^P and branforce of nearly 100 rtds off tha U t- "aggressor" la .ter wllh an artillery barrage. A Angered by 1 spokesman said a t 10 p.m. (6 a.m „ tloe on a tTnite

li f ^ ' ^ “ ‘**'111 ***

Thirty-one mlJe* Mlitheut. aUiedforces were battling red, Koreans In very luluro of ! V ongw om eavy-ngm i^'iiM -«8«asoutheast of Tanyang. . “ “*

In the air fight, SJtJ.a.’niunder- —Jets tangled with 18 to 28 MIOs over Rau said h e ( sin i^u , Just acroa» the Yalu r iverYrom^MknohurlA------ ~~ 'toOtyft-ambftaeac

"There w « a real eommoUoa, ft "p C T O rto ierle ireal mlxup," *ald. one airman. ceaae-Ur* 11• Soon a fte r dayilght-Tnesdartho •rw arta." ..-------Thundarjets struck at SlnulJu A nstla 'neirW erSTH 3B51Sim irrnTm o-«- - B. -Belegat) number of enemy planes. disagreed a a d I

Then the awiri- jets In fUghu of P f tK tt-e ffo r t- i four rocketed and Mathiaeffunned and to . th# field while olher P-8tt flew WtMeruUnat*.- cover.______________________________ Brttaln’i S ir

The enemy Jets flashed acroaa th e th e Petptng ptoi Yalu river from Antung la tb e “appear aancluary of-Manehurta. - *«jia8 > W to t

For aa sunutes the air battto *!<■* fia urged flamed a f th# roaring jetj streaked t tu fiJcwcM cen from high altitudes to tow and - - T o M swooshed upward* again at daalinff - J«bb.;roted * speed.___________________________ d e U y f o r . a t u

* « ft * day-coosidsrati ____ <>an demand thi

Korean War— ----- -T--------------------- -----------tha.i7-.to-a-*

Drains Men;, ; “ th e five-year h

Panel Hears___ their poifcr

-WABHXNQTON, Jan. » fti.B — o re n r t i3 m ta r«Defense Secretary Oeorge C. Mar* ___ ■ »■--ahaD, renewing hla appeU for • X K r a f A Md raft of W-year-old* said today tbeKorean war It draining trained m en i I ' lout of mUltary unll* In tbl* conntrr A 8 K 1faster than they can te replaced. ..........W

Ha told tbe bouse armed earrices ^ W | f

B ia t> - ]« ' m omb-bee*tne-ofbatae Idaho-wa te f ni casualUe* and aldmesa. I t wm be Qavldaon, f a m tbe end of April, b* said, before ttq r of th e ti

Maraban waa tb* flrrt witsw* a s « « » t e H e l r t the bouse group opened hearlnga ^ ™ e w o f, m t t . M a n ffltutmuin 1 ml- " J

B 9 aald a d r a f f i l Il.yearKiM* Is S S S ? * neeeaaaT T -to -^ ^ -e o u n t ty o u t !3a»i

out of I t through itrengtb. Quk4_He a ^ if odngres* giant* Uie P sny sa id II

k u th o r i^ io draft l84y*ar>olds..-*‘l t aU yeais-to pro U our deaire and It i t our InlentloD'' proposed tha t none should b* sent In to 'coo-- and nnly th ree

Ue bl* bandt an.tbljk Scrirer v r t tk----------------------------\ Pw ette r tm V

C O n w ^ e C B B B ' a o o o a T • - betdavptopled.--wAsaxNOTON. jio. a - jud—a

biu d tr« ttn f tbe JwUce depart- « ■ « « « » » . ■ment to.?lrt*MU*a?.oQffea price*.IBM -

il1"Cfitw1 (0 Ad

lal Police Car:Begaziik&S'- I

) r G ^ b a g e V m s

m ate coit would b t U g ^ b r 't b e ume tbay bad bean q t o l b i . : " •U odard t'o f tbe ^Mclat poUot oa in . B t l jHe.elted a d d l l ^ ooata of bM V ln ^ *^J2 f

S**SS*r'Si&6 '*3SS«’iU v rto '^ * « « ':io u a v K 8tir-oB » WHlSHSlBt

wlto” tlMte

oaionocasfnl blM er. Onlj^ona IU4 -« m

E H p i

- F J N A - t — 9

C I T Y - ■

E D I T I O N f l


A r e I U N . Ja N o t e I

icked U, S- charges of com* ’M ! »t th a t a K orean c e a a ^ fira -- .:fe || ;e on m ajo r f a r easten i prob. tSR

J .N . ce& ae-firo cnll. r e a d l a s t | | nl i g h t to t h e 6 0 -n a tlo n po litU Ma l c o m m itte e by In d ia 's S i r ' } | |ie n c g a l N . R a u , s a id : | B l

1- A. limited ceaae>fire can be I I h iRreed en ~ 4 ftlie f lr a t 'h ie e llig 'o n r— B boven • nation conference w h 1 c i f I H

s & f s s s r a 's K s s -W ithdraw Troop*

3. The problems would include »t«pa for withdrawal of all foreigntroopa, lncludln»-<aainew,-/«m-Kck~fca and withdrawal ot the U. fl,t S o t ? ' -----•. *■ 7 ^ « legitim ate aUtus of tha people's repubUo of China tn the United Nations m ust be enw ed.“

Demand ' I■WASHINOTON. Jan.' 3» (UJ9 ~

—Tha aenata caU» l upan the'U h i l e d 'N a U S H O S S y ^ S i r “

communUt China from m e m 6 « r — ahlp and brand red China an "aggressor" la Korea. '

Angered by DJI. Mailing tao- ' ] tloe on a tTnited State* p«po*%l - - I to brand the.O hinese retla u ' J

arose to w arn th a t if prompt ac-' 1tton waa riot forthcoming U » «

- je q . luturp.Qf-lbfl-gprM 1 atloa vrould t e In doubt.,

Rau said h e considered tbU new .] red Chinese declaration, deUvered tn I

tiegThg-Ame tteau aaa -T 7 .4 frd e m * l^ ^ for ’‘oeaae-fiie Itret, negotUting a ft- 1 •rw arta." ..-------------------------------u ----- 1

disagreed a a d termed It “a ttan*- r p a re n t-e ffo r t- to .d iv id e tba tree I

tO_. . . p M ^ ^ - d ^ , • ]

Brltaln-i a i r Oladwyn, J«M» o J4 ' ^ePeiptngpropoeala.aaTeparted'bjr | IndU. “appear , to -toa^im i V W to the ce%t».are p n ^ -

&a t tu t t tK V .b T tf m I the fiJcwcM e o n d d m i ^ |

. . T o M f e r D e la r i

i . r iT S iS r S 7 « S £ ^ 'day-cQ osidsratkn of «ba A a « H - pan demand th a t tb e OUnM* o m l - • a u n litj be dencmnced as a g g iw o n ' I ^ ^ r e « . - . j ^ . d e l * f a t e * r ( « B x M tba-n-.to-3S-t«}M iU o& -«f.A tB tM — : appeal: t e t .iBBU dlau a c t t a ^ f t - «orf(. defeat the tf . 8 , ba* bad to th e five-year hJalory of tha TI. M.

U, S. eourcM) diipQted tbU tKw

Water Users Ask Priority

On PalisadiasQavldton. farm er antttank M ^ .

IT O *** '

ertnee te H e n i cauycB.R. P . Pmajr, Twin pan* attcnM v

and ipokeoBaa io r tbe gnvp . saU jPaUndeidaniin«putbMftCR>'Xaa-> , ho eould p n d o e e power for defw ae- puipoaea » 0n ,< ( u ic ^ Ibaa a o y -

f X t e l f f - '^ i i a a n '- t f i a k ' v "•^ Itm auaU e-.aa a .n i iM » p q r a ^ . d a n and for suppUiasatBl.trnVb'l, ._ Mon water."- . -

Q n le tarPw leet' - ••' Pany aald I t would taka .Sn»-.W

‘ and ^

^ r e r ° c r e * pV 9 tr pUDta .too . Payette i l m n a a t -aa iU u T V r f

. ' ' A . r. 0«B«4ai7 1 y tf ty -aa id tl> rttto rT r> t|g 'B W tti : ‘- . objectaa to sta rting o a n M ^ Q ttV I

Uu -Aaxarfcaa -g a lk > 9 w r i M t . .prior io 'F aU ndok.'B e ig il rfniiiL

aUoeated to A in t t tc te T jp i a g wr / *? d e n t ^ l f t n ^ l ^ b ^ l r t .

>aoth u

Page 2: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

^ A O T T W O - - ...........

None Injured By Series of Auto G ’asbes

------- P t t m l w tlm im e iMLltett-to-TT^ -Wel** Involved 'in Uiree eccldenU', fcit no one w u Injured. »ecordtnj to reporU of county *wl *tile otilcer*.;

A report o r .* n Meldenl on the/ Bnkke river brWgo near Thousand 1 8prlnK» « u made »t the shrrlff*

. oHloa hcrt-S unday , A IS » Buick driven by CurUj C. Holm. S7, Chel- tea. O kU , ftnd • 19M Chevrolet pick- up truck driven by ru iph Kiirlie. «4. Tftcoma, WMh., were Involved In the

_«lllslon .'T he left' froiJl rld(« of bolB enn |_

- wrro accordlne tn ine re­port. ------ I

Bund»y •ftcm oon csrs driven by •* John C. Jlimsen. 21. miitp 3. Tv.ln r» lli, «nd J e m M. Peterson. 13. route 1, Kimberly, eolllrtcd on the

• approicJi to • canal brldne two mile* peast tn d three (ind (hrce-fourlhi emile* wroth of r iv e roini.i east. *

A sherlll's drputy who liivMUgat- p ed Mid the road wa.i covered by «nowat th# Ume. Consiatr*blr dBiniiBfi j,renilted to the front of both cura. j

A IS50 Chevrolet coupe driven by ,W. P. McConnell. Kennewick. Wash., nnttempllnR to pn-v’ » pnncl- truck jdriven bv Weslev Dnty, lU m cn. col- f

----- Itded 'With thB tn ick-is It-stsrted-ft -jleft tum.

The mishap occurred »t 1:30 p.rm ^Tvidnv Chrrw d one-hKlf mllM caat .cf here on V. B. m iiw ay S S T r m r £accident was reported Monday by ^Itate police who invejllgated. ^

_____ Dotx toid-olflcera he hftd_alsnttlleil, ,for the left turn, but McConnclUa/d

___ thfi ilsnnl Ts’aa obicureU by.ciinvns ,on the truck. I

Man Is Jailed for ] ^ Cheating at Play

On-Slot Macliine ,J ____Kr>lBCTLV_J»n,„J3-<3alvjn ,15. I

Barrio* w»Ji lentenced to 30 days__ irv_Uio. mimtv tall and fined KOO j

,4 and m O coata Monday (vftrrho6n i& when he pleaded guilty to a chares ] P of cheating a t a game of chance.I Re appeared before JiuUce o t the t

Peace Bay F . Potter. a

T»vern*by 8heriff*Jeue Carllon wiio . alleged he had drilled $l and 25- «

----- eaot do t-m n h ln a a «nd-»*a-m lng -a. .1Tflre t« tr ip tha pay mechanlim. j

■ Dinner Held for ' "— ^ttEthodislreiass------- PIckeli 'f ittS -o t- 'th e-T w ln -F a lUr MethodlJt- Bunday school held - a ,

' poUuck dinner after services Bun* , — M y lu th e yauth e « n * e i^ t- th > .

church. IMr*. B. M. KesUer wa.i In chnrge

- -cf the after-dluner program. Earl■ Dougherty gave th# Invocation and

led community singing with Mrs. l a r l Dahlstrom playing piano ac-

. eomptolment. ilo a ahort business meellng all

offlcen of the group were reeleetcd.■ They are.Dougherty. presldenl; Mra.

, Oeorge BradlBy, secreUry; Mr*. J.I r T . Cord«, treasurer: Mrs. a . M.! * Pulley, flower chairman: Mr«, Ed

Waite. UtcheQ chairman: Oeorge Bice, director o f community ofrig*

- Ing. and Mra. Keatler. program - -c h a i rm a n .-------------------------------------

I The Hospital ]■ - V U tln j hour# a t the Maglo Val-

!— -Jay Uemorlal hospital are from a.to4 and 7 to S p jn .

ADMITTEO H enrr Mohr. Mr*. Marjorie Mc­

Kee, Mrs. Leo Welbcl. Mrs. Sam Surgeon. Mra. Irvin Chrlatlan, Mra.

s ■ I>eRoy BorrelL Mrs. Robert Patton,■ ■ Mrs. W. O. S w ^ and Caroline Che-

line, aU Twin Palls; Mrs. Keith Eb- eraole, PUer; E, tf. Mclntlre. Klm-

__ h<»rly; Mr^ n inr*ne« Egbert. Mur-taugh: Mr«. R a lph Core, Buhl; non-

r : - - a id Btroaa.-BUSS, and- Joe Hlne. t WendeU.

DIBMIB8ED Mrs. Lon Benson, Twin FaUi; Mrs.

■••---■BWMa=^aokractinbCTlytz:Mrfc^[; Staatoy.M urU ushi Mrs. Mason Am­

brose and daughter, Buhl, and Toni Moore, Sacramento, Calif.

;i ----------------------------

|: Weatheri' Magle Valley—8 bow tonight, be-. cemlof partly aoody Wednesday.• Low toolght « to 3» in Magle Val-! ley. to ott Cama* prairie. High Wed­

nesday near <0.- SUtUa - » « . rep.

II BluiiNk .... ............HI « Tt.[1 ----------------— •

1' |s i

. - Z r — i | ~ j ■ ^

■ i ■“

;1 WulJcrtaiiT—' ' ~ » t*

li ' a n d W E D .

p | l I K eep t h o Whitfl F lag ! $ ] ............ ............... o f S a fe ty Flying- ^

of | s _ ' : . : J ;sbestetJ-to-Trr*--------I naccidents, HI

:cordtnjto \\ \ V ,1‘vcite otflcer*. IW . X

"^ouaand rom

ls » Bulfk i l • \. rt. Chel- •" Clrroletpick- polrKurUe.«4. N o w one d a y w ithout a torIved In the t r a f f ic d e a th in our Magic P'ck

„ „ ................■ -to Ihe re- •

Bank Directors, Officers Chosen

cd on the Directors and officers ef Ihe Twin othet two mllea PalU Bank snd T rust company were »k»rce-fourlhs elected a t the annual meellng of of t;,i east. stockholders snd a t en orgnnliaUon- liveliivMllBUt- dl meeting of the dlrectori laat week, of ■ed by snow Dlrecton elected at the stock- cori Ir damage holders' meeting are Robert B. Ing. Ith cars. Blaatock. Filer: Peter Un!:. lUnien, moi driven by p, ;v. Harder, Dr. J. 7. Cough- onl;

Ick W ash, iin, Horry Fjiton, J. O. Bradley snd van nncl- truc)c jj_ skinner, all Twin FalU. Equamen, col- ejjinnrr replaces Curlls Turner who Dt-started-ft -a ie ir iii“ 1950.------------------------------tnc l

Bln^lock wns elecUd pre.ildent iijw t 1:30 p.nu company a t the directors' met — ■mr'-tlng. o th er offlcen wlected are ed y 30, 7 ^ L,nf._ c7mTr5ra'tn3rm?-KinfrTlrWiT.- r t ty londay by president; Bradley, vice prejl- moi

dent; Skinner, cashier snd secre- Uon tnry: F.-W.-Bla«k-an<'L.-V, OrovM, m et

onnclUald n„i,.,t,^nt cA'.hler.v and WUlard M. noi: py.ciinvns K e„,.ni«ia(icf-of the branch-ofUct Uve __ lo be opened a t Kimberly.

for Men’s Night Held •“ Play At PTA Meetingi n l i m o 'T 'len’s KllghtTW eteerTed-at the H eI C l U l t C regular meeting of Oi# l-liicoln FTA hnd<3jlvjn 15 ^ o n d y . evening a t the school, f»])JJ 39 days 6pen house was Ifeld from 7 U> B Ic.'.ifined KOO p.m. The business meeting was ril- Sftftrrhoon reeled by DMB—Bowmnn.—James rth

0 a chanre ncynold* led CQmmunliy iliiBlng, cco of chance. Clarence Dudley sang two songs, prlc Uce o l the awompanled by Mrs. t v ) Dah)- wh:

Strom. Don Bailey, representing the sid(1 the Town American Freedom Fcrum, gave his A

U and 25- dlscus-ilon of the threat of social- pro ;*a-ualn«J. l5m_:iu)l-j:0mmunlam..Bg»liut.-0ur. con hanlsm. American way of life. twc

for Goodhue Estate S'! pt-co— DecrfieEecorded r

i—*n w .ii. An order distributing the estate of^ . -[h -i-U M -W llllnn-aoodhue-to-hU -----widow, M n. Nellie Rose Qoodhue, <WM filed with the county recorder xcf.

TToiiasy.~ T ire ■ order- n nB-Handed- -w -down by Probate Judge 8. T. Hamll- n t

I in chnrge ton June J. 1050. •[ram. Earl Mr. Goodhue died Oct. 22. IMS. nticatlon and Buhl, without leaving a will, accord- th«with Mrs. Ing to ihs order. His estate Includes roopiano ac- lot 18. block 18, Eastman's l in t ad- mn

ditlon lo Buhl. . .neellng all Other survivors sre two sans, 0*0 reelected. Clarence Ooodhiie and John C. ‘ ildent; Mra. Ooodhue, both route 3, DuhL bu

m ‘ ' tlC ENbE IB8Ur.D r M r. M BUnLEY, J a n . 33 - A marriage »n- Oeorse license was Issued here Saturday S i ty if r^ - fc. J*ck D. tllxler, Heybum, and ; ^ ^ g r a m Lefler.-Burley.................. - - a n

— j Magric Valley s “, Funerals

^from JE R O M S ^raveslde serrlces for ' ^3 irem i .m Williams will be held 18:

a t 3 p jn . Wednesday st the Jerome }cemetery with the Rev. William cer

irjorl# Mc- Purdue, pastor of the Presbyterian S.Mra. Sam church. ofJlclatlng. 028

latlan, Mra. -------- sor'crt Patton, BELLEVUE—Funeral senrlcM for s trro llneche- Mrs. Ann O.-Hatellon wlll-be-held Ar:. Keith Eb- a t 2 p. m. Wednesday al ihe Belle- M«Itlre, Kim- vue community church wltli the F .■inn, Mu_Tr Rev. Vemon Kendall In charge. Re-____iBuhl; Ron- be tah services alsb wlll“ fc held. »vi

Joe Hlne. Burial wlli be made a( Bulte. Mont.- - •

TWIN PALLS-runeral services FaUi- Mrs. ^or W eller Hamelrath will be con* ,

if im dT on t Falls M a so n lc ^g # No. « . AF and | f ;f. AM. inlerm ent will be made tn Sun-— set Memorial park with military

. rites conducted by the American51* Legion. - ^

anight, be- DEOLO-^Puneral servlcM for Mrs. Wednesday. Lavon Wilson Matlhewa will be held ^ Magle Val- a t 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Declo Blgh Wed- recreation hall with Bishop Harry

DarrlnRhje ofllclaUng. Burial will be made to the Decltrcemelery.

j | : r r 7 7 y m1 I ENDS WED.


J TI "All Qulef W E D . ^ ^

r * * ' I CHARGE" i

k i ' JM k . J m i

J i .........

^ $18,502 P a i ^ Ir For Car^ Two t Truck Bodies ?;

-------^ -------------- < r r » P«t«-OM?-------------- Uicosting M,6*3 each, subject lo de-

.Ilvcry date and availability of the ‘ trucks. II. H. Ballenger, street/ and '

w ater superintendent, explained how they are used In Boise. The vans H(coinpreM a large amount of material gb In to a small apace.

C ity Manager Wllllom B. Smllh Di pointed out two vans are needed

fiOUf a fo r the 5,«K) garbage and rubbLih ed Maoic pickups here each week. Each van Ki

^ would carir a crew o t three. Pres- eo e n t pUrs call for no aeparatlon of ar

----- ------ ' w el gftrbage-from trash—ail wouldbe compreteed together.

“8> Two Bids nejecled •m a n n O f the five bids offered on truck*. _ lU S C l l one was rejected on price and an- the Twin o the r ot» else- with - tho -arsum en t

pany were BRaln advanced on the hlnhcr costs leeilng of of building up light equlpmenu De- „ •nliatlon- livery d«tes a re expected to be one ^ lasl week, of the more Im portant factors for he stock- coiisldersllon a l next week’s meel- lobert B. Ing. The price of the vans Includu Bl

Hansen, mounllng them on th e irucks. The p. Cough- only ind successful bidder on lh# U atlley and van bodies Is the Intermountaln M Bln FalU. Equlnment company. Boise. Piirner who DallenRer also explolned various so------------ tn c tn rro f thc-TnrtoiM~strect rolltra mpre.ildent iijKin wlilch two llrm s bid. recom- ta directors' mendlns sn fl to lO-lon diercl power- di

lected are ed model as besl adapted for the HrtfrBrWiT.- r n y « Hffjs .- Coninitolofieffe-Hnsnl------•Ice presl- mously followed his recommenda- Tl nd secre- Uon for the $6,773.50 piece of etjulp- i? Vl OrovM, ineni.-Wfslern-Ffiulpment company. - - flllard M. nol.-.c. llirouRh Hji lornl repre.nentn- nch-ofUct -Uve, ubmiltcd—the_auiictaslul_bld. ..

Roller Needed Mr , , Queslloned regarding the advls- m I p l H ability of renting a roller. Ballenger co

pointed out the city hM full-time ai A fl lK T rieed for a roller both for hulldlng Jc C U I IJ ) new streets and repairing old ones, ed-al the H e aald Ihe p reglo in-rrjtal program, te icoln FTA hndn’t been too satisfactory and hi ;chool. Minted out rental rollers wlU I jt tl;onTTto-B l^.Xl^SlUbl^-----' ' " DIg was ril- Smllh pointed ou t tha t good, tli n.—James R rnllable-equipm ent' I* - the most al ilnglng. economical equipment nnd that tl. two songs, prices on same Items have risen ij srJ Dah)- while ihey hove been under con- tnilng the slderallon. b<I, gave his A report wa.i made concerning a tl rahlrm." a JLurvev Of ln.^urnn_fr_cnveragf on clly of social- properly nnd equipment, due to be w lUiut our compteied In the n e a i . (iilu rfiJiy . u

tw o members of the local Insurance g|- H.isoclillon. The survey so far has r>

i-rvealed an estimated HOO.OOO un-l l c dercoverage and the as.wclallon t,' J J suRKfjled comnilJ.'<loners aiithorlie j,. U r u 6 u . .it binder to cover thh amount jjj e estate of the survey Is compleled. 1 ,u # - to - h U -----------E xtnU ae tt_P l« ined___ H□oodhue, Commissioners plan an Informal rl

f recorder «e.«lon this week to consider details b r —Handed- -of th« m atU r before, tilrlrg.jirl.lnn. _ T. Hamll- a t noJt week’s meeting. e

TYo re.iolutlotis were passed, one ^ 12. IMS. nt ntilhorltlns an agreement between - Ul, accord- th e clly and the Union Pacific rail- le Includes rond concernlnfr the new c ity water I l in t ad- m ain crossing the railroad right of

way, snd another concemlng lease two sans,' O t- iiib city scales site.

John C. Approval was given all Inst week’a iihU bulWlng perm it appllcnfons except— one which was referred to the lon- •D Ing variance commltlee.1 marriage Licenses Granted: Saturday Licenies were approved for:'bum, and urf,, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. McCleary

----- arrd-lnibelle Mlnflcrly. doing busl-............... , nes.1 ss Wegener’s Coffee Shop and

Tapfobni.’ KlmBJrly Tosd:— R. D. e y Shane, doing buainess as Shorty’s

cafe.Motel. Carrier motel, 130 Addison

........——' avenue west, Mrs. E. R. Martin.trrlces for ' Aulo court. Knotty Pine Autel.Ill be held 1S3« Kimberly road. John Trainer, o he Jerome Meit and milk. South Park gro- a

William eery. 3<0 South Park avenue, Frank ai •esbytcrlan S. Caveridcr; Magic City Mnrket,

028 Main avenue south. C. E. David- u son: Drive Way M arket, 302 Second u

enrlcei for streel north. Jack C. Carson and a ,U ^ .h e ld Artell Kelly: East Side m&rkfl. SOI a the Belle- Main avenue east, L. C. M artin, M. e wllli the F . Martin and "R. W . Marlin. f

harge. Re-____Milk, Lincoln groccry. 852 Fifth n“ fc held, avtriiis north, W. C. Coren.............. cilte. Mont.- - .................................. ........... n

1 services Buhl Man JailedU be con- 23—Jnmes Mussel- p

-J , B S10'«0 In Justice court here Monday

C s l 'E S '.K .C b'm '”""' “

J I | I 1 =M for Mn.111 be held *.***

* Last Day! ★


i M JOHN ACAR ^. J f r - ' '.fr*r»fcL O V E ;O Y

% 1 ^ - S u s u u i * D A LB ERt


Twin Falls Ne’W O Trio Eeleaaed Mai■ , ,■ AjreeUd ‘ Sunday 'fo r Tagrancy, -»>r l l A B Bobert -0. Hale, Jack Hale and the

Charles B. Hale were re leued from WU_________the clly. Jail Monday., Ev«

, , --------- DUf 1 ,h l Bhow Jlchedoled ' Woly of tne Memorial Lutheran school PTA titreets and ,^ n jo n n i a variety show s t 8 p jn . p , . alnedhow p^Jday a : :h* school auditorium. /The vans jjo t dORs and coffee will be' avail- i„ ,f material able after thc ahow. pjj,

B. Smllh Doty Repertedre needed Mrs. Maxine Hartman has recelv-d rubbLih ed word that her son. H enry Eugene “ *»Each van Kauffman, la atUched to the naval _ iree. Pres- communications staff tn the Marl-•ration of a n u Ulands. „ /

^ > ,■. . A meeting for Twin Falls civil a ir “ i

patrol cadets will be held a l 1;30 p. °Ton truck*. Wednesday a t the home of me ! and an- comdr. Oeorge Taylor. 145 Wash-^ u m e n t ingtcn-streefntJrthT-T^ie cadets will t *

Khcr cMta discuss reorganisation of the CAPmenu De- cadei program snd will Install new ofto be one members. All Interested teen-agera P.Mtors for *re Invited to attend. Mfck’s meet- _ ______ _____________ Tos Includu Blrtba Yo -ucks. The Sona were bom Tuesday a t theer on lh# Magle Valley Memorial hospital to Ea rmountaln Mr. and Urs. Robert Patton, Twin Jse. Palls, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Eber- a i!d various sole, Flier. A daughter waa born to dltect ro iitr j M m n d 'M n rc iirfn e e i^ M rtrM n r* ' t «Id. recom- taugh. Monday births Included a Sn■rcl power- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles pad for the Hansen. Shoshone. coi

! of etjulp- M a rk e tin g ^ ro u ^ hTo MeelTHdnday £

usful_bld. - The Twin-Falls County Livestock coi Marketing association. Inc.. wlU Mi

the advls- meet at 2 pin. Monday In the K( Ballenger courthouse Jury room, accordtog to

I full-time an announcement from Harold -p T building Johnson, Curry, president. U; old ones. Purpose of the meeUng Is lo de-iLprogram. tcrmlnB J iof_membera want loctory and handle ‘thetr wobl 'j w l sMpmeni rs„wiu_ijc. .th l8_j’tBr,„_09«nty__A8enl._c._. W.

Daigh, secretary, aays the. assocla- hn t good, tlon has marketing agreements on _ the most about 2.400 fleeces, with 3,000 an- nnd that tlclptiied by the time the meeting lavB risen ij held. bainder con- Dalgh said olher ranch pools have ;

been sold ebewhere In Idaho ao far pj, icernlng a thi.i yenr. I.ail year the local i>s- agf on clly soclntlon sold Its wool pool to C. gf' due to be w . Cainer. a local iJtijlii. Duiliii- (u lu rfijiy . ihc-*ar-ytars..ihe_poola-Wcre-CQn=. ^ii1 Insurance signed to the commodity credit cor- eo far has poritlon through handlers.100.000 un- The secretary snld he win can- as.wclallon t , c t buyers to attend the meeting j”

aiilhorlM Monday afternoon. O ther members Ll amount oX_Uicj'5«|allof>’i wool commlltee I _ ;ted. I , r e Marvin Lohrl PITerl Harryied_ _ H oli^utst. Twin Falls: Floyd Mor- fn Informal rlsoh, HutXatigh.’ana'W rErM eCoy.- -*Ider details Buhl. 6

lin.ised, one 2 Men Fined on j bi m T r a f f i c Charges ;

court costi each In Justice court J mlng lease allemoon after pleading ‘« ► guilty of traffic law violatJons;

Charles F. Springer. Twin Falls, , . .k! was died for falling to atop for a u> me ion- jjg ttrrested Satur- | '

day by a State patrolman a t Five — Points east. —

: w '’a. Operating a motor vehicle with■ McCJeary exp/re^ Washington Kcense plates, loing busl- L. K. VanSlckle was stopped here ?

Shop and j^ n , u b» « aUte patrolman. He ap- d r - R r - D r pearedln courfHondBy“ahd'pl*ad4d ' 3 Shorty’s

s r r Infant Dies'Ine Autel. pURLEY. Jan. 53-Byron William,n Trainer, orouch. 3-monlh-old son of Mr. and,Park gro- Mrs. Thomas Crouch. Burley, died

nue, Frank a t his home Tuesday following a;y Mnrket, juo rt lllneas. He was born Nov. 21..E . David- 1P50. a t Burlcy. Surviving bCJldfJ302 Second nis parents are two sisters, Carolynarson and and Linda, and one brother, David,n&rkfl. SOI aii a t home: hli paternal grondpar-M artln, M. eiits. Mr.' and M rs.'H arry Crouch,irtln. Franklin, Ida.; his maternal grand-

852 Fifth nnrenls, Mr. and Mrs. 0 . W. Pet- _en. crjon, Burley: and hl.i greal-Kriiia-— mother.-Mra. BertIm Kamtilon. Our-^ J | _ J ley. Funeral ser^-lces. under thc dl-l l l c U rectlon of the Payne mortuary, are 1rs Mussel- pending. ^iced to 10 ------------------------------------------------------"an'd~flntd- T r ^ ? r - - -. ________ -----------------------/re Monday , * j L ^

2 Say “A spen" to a skier — nnd h e li t r y a “gel-

B h d e sp ru n g " on th e 1 1 ^ . . iIMt! T hou& andt to to


A jpen , Colo, to enjoy _ “ik i i n g .a t i t s b e s t ’’l


J UT10UL cinniiis noottcn coirounM


ills News in Brief PpMarriage Ue«Mea ' BE

Tagrancy, -M arrlate Ucenae*-were Issued by Hale and the eounty cleric Monday to Charlea :ued from WlUlam Clark, Carey. • and Uibel *

Evallne Buker. Twin Palls, ind " “ P Darren Eastman, PUer. tnd Virginia Woodson, Twin Falls.

sol PTA tl _____ aas <- s t 8 p jn . p ,y , IU Fine smal .u^ to rlu j^ A fine of *20 was paid Tuudsy

be avail- i„ police court by Dave Jacober «lioplesdfd guUty of mtnjlcallon. Hj ^ " pi was arreated following a houit-

las recelv- holder’s complaint of a prowler try- ' ^ y h o u se .

Social Schednltd'’ tne M arl Methodla>agbut troop 87 will hoM

lU secontf annual box social and- , ' prognm - s t 7 pm -m dsy -a l-U i* • lls civil a ir church. Everyone has been Inrtied

a t 7-30 ft. by Scout mothers and commlllee- i „ , , home of men In charge of the event. .

145 Waah- -------- uiecadets will LMftie M sel #»i -------: the CAP The afternoon unit of the Uifue Install new of Women Voter* will meet at 1:15 teen-agera P. m. Wednesday a t the horn of

Mrs.- WUUam Holt, Martin street.Topic for dlaeuislon will be "Know Your SlaU.“

lay a t the -------- "hospital to Eaiemcnt Granted tton, Twin A laUral sewer easement acrots :elth Ebex- a portion of lot 43, Buena VUU ad- , as born to ditlon, was granted to the clly of iM rtrM nr--T w «^Falls-b7-^^^^and-M^t^M;-ft included a Smllh. 285 Lola street, according lo A rs. Charles papers fUed ,wlth the eounly rc- ^

corder Monday.

r O U D T w h T ^ilS Orange will tr.ttt »t . .fl DJn..W.cdneKlay at the May Jinks

anday ” 1:r Livestock corporation. HosU wUl be Ur. tnd . . ^ i Inc., wUI Mrs. Noah Oliver aad Mr. and Mrs. ,

ay In the Kenneth Poe. 5- , ' .:cordtog to —

:nt. Distribution for ‘f ; ..__^EstateJs Filed sS

. Shipment ^ h e estate of- the late Many CT ■-A’• Edwardfl.-whodled In-Ooopercounty. to P

ie . assocla- _ March 1. 190, was divided assi: '*™ ^ts on ^mong his widow and three chll-

ne meeting fr?buUon''’i^fned'”M“ nlla^^, . bale Judge S, T. Hftmlllon. r

P M lihave , Mr. Edwards owned 80 undlilied is,laho ao far one-eighth Interest In lot 5J. block m: local OS- pqil' town.<ilic; Ont-ihlrd faUipool to C. 0, the given [,1, ,kiow, ,.43l!r Duiln r Tiri^— MIIUIBU KUwanJa - «int- t»»- -jnm -Wcre-c0n=. nlnth»-eaeh-.wa»-awaided_tiULl»rt credit cor- Edwards WeimhOIt. Helen Ed<r«rds jj

and Harry Edwards. inwi! will con- - I"he meeting IT , .p .

Big Project^FT' H arry ~TWOTonnTm-9.«0-pltcerTif-«*^Floyd Mor- food, hroiight here by air frtljhl. ^ ‘ -ErM eCoy; -were fc«rv»d.to-7li-Elkijuia-thflr.. . . .

gtiest-s Saturday night In Oh! of __ ________ Uie largest dinner evchts \ =

o n w®* Rencral chairman.Tho tncnu Inchided jcallops

from Mas.<ochusetu, shrimp from . 7 ^ South America, .tsJad and b»t«)

POtatoei whlch had been cored ; ,?t 2^.5 fof ln.ierllon of sau.iofie links.<1., • - --- -Serving took about three hours.

Entertainment I n c lu d e d a I^ ln Falls, u,ree.p]fjo orcheslrs. slinlnj.■SS'bS* .n a .isn a t Five ■ ' '

lan. He ap-ihd'pMaded -------_ INDS TODAY

1 =;her, Davfd, ^

c . ‘ w ."p c t- 7re-alT-Kriliar J f 7 ■ ■ ■nllton. Our- /

'hl..wrLijrtuary, are

th e° t o

\ •

W hiskey a t •rts'Bestr #

K ill and H ill will not make_____ yo u Bn.expert_sW er bu t it wf/f _

■ tr e a t you to * am ooth drink!- — - T onight, en jo y th e tu p e rb Ken­tu c k y flavor o f H ill a n d Hilll

86 PK bO P

■ -' • - Sttcn coirounoN. kw t o u . u x ciajii nm ui srw s ^

y -- ...................... - --------- -- :

S ic k n e s s F a S H o ^ 1 ^ ‘ I B e U e v u e R e s id e n t ‘-

S’,;'!. L lI Tuudsy ^ ““ ^inarrlcd (o the laU Emery cober«lio He died In 1818. In Decem- .mon. Kl ",he was m arried to Oscar• Haielton. Tliey moved to the Woodowlerlo- ”,? ^ “ d ls t r lc tV 1830. H e died 11

years ago. ' Ung

Cup^?''sno*'^‘ '''' Wusti.; Wd

Seroen Inrtied brother. Archie Johnson. joommlllee- Monl. , Dr. '

• M rs. Hntellon wa-i a member of withUie B nptlsi church, wtui a pa.it lownoble grand ef tho BeUevi:: Rebekoh mg 1

he Uifiie ^ d was a member of the inve:!etatl;15 n - ™ uig Wood River Oronge. smcl

horn of ^^^crvlces will be held a t 2 p. m. in 1tin sueei. ^vedncsday at the Bellevue com- Scot

m unlty church wlUi the Rev, Ver- , . .non Kendall offlclaUng. Rebeknh of ci«/Tvlccj also will be held. The body folioRill be taken to Bulte, Mont.. lor Kenburial. Mcaoldrlch funeral home Is rcsei

h™!;, .1 . . r . n i i m . n t . .

S “ 4 J e r o m e T o u t h sS ig n e d fo r Army „

II tr.etl »t in thf nrmy was announcedWay Jinks Tueaday. by 8st. John G. Nordholm. j ; j i , iVedlo il- foils army and o lr force rc- p>re,eld on in- j^ulter. , Star< Ur. and men are Dala Edward Slagel. ^^d. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mr.i. George J. -----

Singe!: Earl N orm an Blackmon, 10. ^ ~ son of Mr. ahd M rs. Jesso F. Black-‘a i » mon; Fied Osuam M ltanl. 30. son V i of I>tr. and Mrs. Masatonh/e .\fltonJ, T O l . J aild Yukl Aliawa. 19. son of Mrs, r l l t U Tomlo Aliawa. Loa Angeles.■ManTC: •—A irtO U nnen-haT e-been-efderad .W county, to F t . Lewis. W mh.. for training andla divided asslgnnient,hree chll- --------------------------

X Z - F m e S u s p e n d e din. RUPERT, Jan . 23—Jam es Hewctl.undlilied IS, "u p ert, pleaded guiUy Tuesday

t 5j . block In probate court to a charHo ofOnt-ihlrd failure to yield th e righ t of way andhls^wldow. waa fined 115 and »3 costs by Pro-

1 Edirards H ew eit was cited Into court fol- lowli^tf a kllght mishap Sunday be-

----------- 1 tween th ; automol^le h e was back-

d lng o u t r,f i drlvcwny and nn aulo- mobile being drlveri along the stree t-by John H. Plank , also Ru-

rfrtljhl. ______________________________md-thflr..

i recsiled 1-. ~ ~ —...... ^ Falk’s . .

jcallops _Imp from-Id bsta) M M ■en corcd mse links. e

wI LOCP W ill Bu^ Folk's Housewi

• N ut C hoppars -------- • P lanters■ '. - G i^ofette-T rays - —

' —' • 'Onion C hoppers• Coffee Dispensors• S p la tter Guards• K nife S harpeners• Ice C ube Troys• Chef Spoons

^ • Corn Cob Holders V , • I c e C ream Scoops

• A lum inum Strainers J -r • Broilers Racks

- • A lununum Souce Pa # -A lum inum -F ry Pons

^ ; • A ngle Food Coke Po\ # Dish Pons

\ • Insert Pans• Pottery Glasses• Fire King Baking Di

I '•!.- ... ^ - ........ - - ..............

Final Clearance

Women'sDreiOur women's drcs.scs have been

I cd and rcpriced fnr final cleai ------------— -imniodiaio-.sala Buy..now____ ai

^ - - 4 5 - 4 ^

ftui srm — fi CoHis

.......... . ............. ............... 'njBBDA

„ „ , . . M , r ^ t _ P K ^ - m a k i n g .«r rfiMi foectacular colon of the flame from kpowiE?SSnb™r...B"bOm»jl.

h ! Wishing for organlied reserve corps uond

1 Von driveway onto Blue Lakes boulevard TOiiiiii Snfen ; S m

te Emery Ballelsen telling balding fellow h# ™ * ’i;n Dccem- “ " ^ T S h e r a h a t or a new head of '‘ “ 2 ? '* i hair -for anowitorm , . . WkTran ‘“^ 5

Dalgh contentedly d r a w i n g on e died 11 jj^ar . . Telephone men Mei Dol-

' Ung and Lew Westbrook standing Sui>n.i, Olen posiofflce nnd seeing, three threeash.; and telephone trucks, one a l IntersecUon Ana.e. Alaska: „( second street north and Second Paulanla John- jvcniie, one parked In 100 block of Hams-chUdrcni. es^il

Johnson. joo block of Main avenue w est. . . ler, 1Dr. George C. HaUey in cooference. Calif,

nember of with Sheriff Jesse Corllon . . . Pel- Qr,J a pa.1t low who left dog a t home In mom- a p j3 Rebekah mg surprised to see hi# dO|t busily ttm jer of the investigatmg downtown alghte and due.3ronge. smells . . . K urt Mosi plopping along churt.t 2 p. m. In unbuckled galoshes . . . Bob u e 1;vue com- Scott hanging oround cash register hominev, Ver- , . . Harold Harmon honking hom uowj

Rebeknh of cor a t friend . . . Joe McOolfum The body follott'ing his pipe Into poetoffice . . .

Mont.. lor Ken Ballantyne looking for army ll home Is reserve news . . . . And overheard:,i , "Mom's gonna wTile •/ note lo Ui#

icachcr and tcU her It upseU my

y - E l e c t e d ! E- r t - l l l l j han eeN. Jan. 23—Newly elected Th ,ir .Tfrnme. -ni.«ictr« nf the llaruen Farm nurew mini announced Howard Larsen, president: Von nun* Nordholm. N>iiriffr _ v i« president; Ferris heall

: force rc- Freestone, sccrelary; Jnd W. G., SUnger, Frank WeU*. » U Pohlman Lli

ardSlagel. and Larsen, delagaW i......................livedGeorge J. ., . ---------------------------------------------

■ckmon. 10. 'J F. Black-

“ i MASONS AT>les.

•B ln lD tin i - p Ic a 8 0 -4 n e c t-a t - th e jij i3 Q iiic .l€

~ - tend Masonic Services foridea —J ’S S B R O . W A L T E R Y™ W E D . J A N . U t

-------- --------------at..the.,.W.hite._court fol-

Sunday be-

;r„ ;S ; frealong the

also Ru-1

I Falk’s . . . Famous for Famoua Na

LOOK WHAT..^^ill Buy in ousewares Dept.!pars

Troys ------------- ------- . .. ~r")pperssponsorsudrdsrpenersTraysnsHolders I Scoops I Strainers acks1 Souce P ans: -rF ry Pons • • -d Cake Pons------------- ----------

sassesBaking Dishes

Clearance , — '


5-scK li.ive been rc jro u p - ............ ...............

^nr final clearance fo r ■ ^

Buy-.now___ A nd-A A ve... _______ Final

, Worn*

r ft CoHtsNo More t o S h a p a t f ^

TygspA?;. jA ^ A8t.j

j w e corps Monday-follo»-ia,4 ! J j

bom Jan. 3. imt » •

“ “ “f S ffellow h# WlHajj!

ew head of

n Me! Dol- •‘’“P H ie rt,^ **k standing Surviving beside* m.elng . three three sons, victor 0 ^IntersecUon Ana. Calif.; cuffwUld Second Paulsta. Wash ■ azut \00 block of Hams. Long BeidTSl??* Qoa,pArJu<t. £ k iIy n u 2 U U iiic a t^ lUe w est. . . ler, Mrs. Bertha i i iw , conference. Calif.; and s«vui c m

° f “veddc services m.e In mom- a p j„ , W ednesdafu^

t VI ^ cemetery wllh Ihtalghte and due. pastor bt AT'"* pplng a l^ g . churchy offlcining^j^

^ « g l ? S r

*toffice. . . — T T ''" '

' o J M , , ^ S ; n i c S l a t inote lo Ul# CUDVER, J.n,

upseU my •8‘m rt «mallpoi a a d to_________ be given to— XTHhlHH r-PaifvI«-5

1.swly elected Tho ImmuniaUcaa 0 anOJlUttM. mlnlstrrrri hy > deeiJn sldent: Von nunea of the south m» ;iit: Ferris healUi unIL " *ind' W. a . ..............~ ----------------^U Pohlman Livy, the »re*.‘ H/.......................Uv«d-from8t.B.-o.tg:ri

NS ATTENTIO..... ......... ( _______________________Jie-Mji3Qiiic.l€mplc-at.2;3(LElL irvices for

ALTER HAMELIWn JAN. 24th 3:00 P.M,Bt..thB...W .hite.-Mpr.tuary

F R E D M. HUDSON, ff.

Famous Names



SpriBf'-— »

Cotton Dresses

_________ Ploel Clewenct

Women's Hoftpriced fer Jm t d h t t

JhoD at Faiths

Page 3: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

l ^ g M

caucul Mooday n llh t. B * ^ r F tm Bnrt»n d lw nti p1*iu tor IS

■ ! ? S f l^ W 7rEdwln U enn«n. CloT’er. ■ ftlTlny._Klm1>CTlr. tlfr t tIcc

fc^pWiidiife Movi ■ otcc in Area Po K ts Supervisor mV:".

K ^ , rtflotisl director of tba

Till fiive direct «iper- K ^tM flsh-eulluraJ operaUons j ^ L e j br the eervlce In Waah- « ^ o n , Callfarnla, Id»ho. ^ e < ^

* j r t o ? r a = i u « t i ^ r ^ t t r =tJ Washington whool of Mat**‘=k

^ K i b IHO, Cnrllck w u «m<Ihl Washington depart- r ’y v iip '

^ ■ r fp a e lo hatchery and fljjh- V U U l ^Bci;ex!it*erk>-Prlor-ta4alQ-.______ f :

4sd nlldlifc rervlce he V.biologist In W ashlns- ^ dvii

^ ■ o a i o i : appolnKd fishery ftgainat T..............I I I ll I I I irr-THstrfl

^ ■ ^ ic f l lc e -o f - th o llsh and to ih« aue ra ihcre lie worked on the mnlKttijenicnt prcBfcms Jn "fjie fjti

^ ■ ( ( 0. Ej duties abo included jucigmenl^ H ti^ ix su o t to the regional k i^iiegix

Sirllfl: jn_hl5 worlr. u a n ^ n . ^^■.•111 Tittle, formerly dl^- Morse < ^ ^ ■ q e tis t i i chargc of hatch- talncd In ^ ^ R c r t a l e Upper Columbia the corn

‘fal ire appointed to the j . w . 1 ^H cfu txiireslonR l BupervUor. Quimi.

--------------------- ------------ Rented

■ose Billfolds “ ” '^- ■ in tety Monday Con

one coiitAlnliig The fr<^■l<e;it4m p3 and no JdertJ- by Bert I

Ld lhe other »S6, driver’s aged InUiiB{ licente and other afterDooc

^ « t w n ? o t t e d lost In Twin BernardH U s l i r - - - itreet.

Tuver, route S, Twin ,■ bl I F «n billfold contain- K » tt» i ta m p « . Not to Jucky Lakea be

Brteg. R anltoo. «ho . , ~ H tn lb d llo ld and *36 while

la the buslncM dlitrlct ‘“ «»-

TisrrB BisTEB D r. GJul » -P v t.- charlfi# M. - - ,

.^ ■ u A n n o a . who waa wound*B l to flihtlos in Kore*, Is Visual

» part of a 30-day sick PHONB■ «tms hli aisler, Mr*. Jaclc

\S 0 ^| ( a / r < » 5

f l m o n e y ’s w o r t hfl!* « b v#Wi lj*o'd room

4 h e i ” • = • f“”V

1link (tevH nd w

» 7 - * ® " * ' ‘'* 'n :f lroxm ardna '^rfan8 i-


1 5 5 1 ............... ...

S S n L l a U s ^

inday n llh t. new offlcen o f the Twin llanien. df s plans tor IDSl. Left ta right, wated, tlon. Albrn iT ^ d tn li HiTOia ButUiei. Klmbfriri— IheHd.ho-l lan, CloTcr. ■econd T(c« preaident, and tlie m ost : 1;, flrat Tice president, n . J. Larsen, (Staff pbo

Movie on Atomic M erit; Power Is Viewed Polic

„ A movie on atomic power foUow- C <-»vf I f ed b r a dJscuulon of the effMts of O l n l '

atomic__wtanon* on Indl^duaU t,n tR P i5^ given by Dr. c . R. McWH3I5ms>efff “ featured a t the K nights of Oolum- ^ p ^ r t " It

i ; -^ ^ c S i^ 'S e -p ro f fru n .-a -c e r tlll*^ cat« froifS the supreme councU wis

prcaented In recognition of the Twin «■ « • "„ FaUs orKanlration'a achievemtni ln captalrj.ont* ' increasing ita membership 10 per m U on h iegfw jjj j j met he re ;o’ A committee headed by Leo Zalrn ^

-’- E H C i S I H T H— JttUneiday. Other members of tha *111 recomtr h . comrnittce are 'B M _______________and P iam lj "5 Marewlcic._______________________ h»n<iJcd by 0* _________________ ________ of county i

t Court Dismisses s l 'm l” S;----- Civil"Suit-Here8- A civil suit filed by the Pacific <my o r - -W— -PinBnc*-CorporaU£m_e,f_CaiHonJa ^ther rccom>V Rgttinst a L, Morse was dtonlssea nor resnraf 't - 111- liisUftt -<-oiirt-Mooday—gflitia *aid_the ns;^ to the ault had Informed the couit ^ .u n d onon tho matter hnd been Bcttlod. lo reducr

The flnnnce corporotfod *oug!il a utilii th e octl Juclgmenl for $80IJ0 ogainsl Morse. Jordan.'ttl IC alleged Uic amount was duo on _ _

a uqck sale* contiuct assigned by•If. Man An. Inc.. Payeite. I f ' Q 'J - Morse denied the allegations con- * *h- tainod in Uie suit in his answer to Fourteenlia the complaint. His attorney* wcrc ti„ ,j parkinhe J. w . Tnylor and Lnwrtace J3. court.)r. QuJmi. The company wa» rcpre- r . b . 8ha

sented Ijy J. H. Hhertey and'Harry pa rk is Benoit.-------------------------------------------Fined *l

--------------------------- Bob N oh. i

y Coupe Damaged . K , S :iig The front end of a coupe driven trie. LuclleU- by Bert Dudley. Wendell, was dam- bier C onstrr’s aged in a minor collialon Monday p. Bpence <e r Bftereoon with a truck driven by ------------------in Bernard P. Mulder. 190 Adama V A »

street. ...........................................iW l T ^in The accident occurred a t Hie (n- m m W W r dr,. t(!rsectlon of FUer avenue and Blue U M > | ■Ity Lakes boulevtird north. < C C rf iT

|1b ' LookBinlHi* d«M back to MWleal < ^let times. ____________________2 ^ C W M

D r. G E O .T . SCHOLER- - O P T O M E T R IS T - S M T O

Is visual Anaiysla Conuet Lttuei rtTnrfTP' ek PHONB 31(18 IH MAW K. j ' ' / } l | l dc TW m PALLS

COSTS PieAAvailable in a w id« i popular liA i an d w l

I worth aveiywhere!,'\ liM d ro«m ; h ip room ; !•« Kam icloisd le f t ty

i»*alw H h"finfl*M ip"epntro« :sJ E vilY CO d il8B: : ; Cab ligh t wffli hand « td

■flrippJna r«»ary d e w B tf f H T p - ,* e x tra c<« r fron t ho rn# w ln te fr tm w lv 5 be*^.v*adk .t.,r in o w ith v f lf fa M # ^ f« « « ^ « I “ «*>***>“ >» s a p a i f c l n g i ~ n z ! '*■' ' ' ^

I , F A L L S M O T O R C O5 WIST ____ _ —

V ' •-----------n


I Hansen, drtllntd remm lnaUon for the presldet , tlon. Albert Jsiels. » ita te director of the-Fam ',' " ^he Idalrti i^aiiri Biztcsu is ^ lu g pl*cf^I tlie m ost npid prorrtss. The meeting was . (Starr pboto-{D{r»vln()

MeritSystem for ^ T ^ )is 1 Police Sought by «£rs.» 5 State Association i I (ganliaticJ -B O IS E . Jan...23- (/P5-The ItlahC.

pcaco officen association plans to __support legislailon culling for estnb- reA D TO

7 Vi}mmtt-vf-s-neTit--«j:9tem-tor^tiio - -- .—

n R. M. Pugmlre. Pocatello policen captalrj .ontl chilrmnn of tJie asso- __r clttUon'H leglfUUve ctimmiuec which

met he re yrsterday. enid the as­sociation ttiM wlll back proposed

„ legislation for a sta t« driver's license ( Biamlnatlon isw. i

a will recommcnd is-sannce of llccnse.^ Id- anrt PYnmlni.)lnn of nrnHrnnH_ be 1

handled by the s tn te police instcaJj ' ■-of county sherllfs unless sufficient funds a re provided to insure adc- <]uate financing of th e proETrnm un­der county sapervlaion.

i Pii»mire.fald the committee_hop^ ________to m eet With Oov. Len Jor'dah' to-

c <iay o r - -Wtdnesdoy. anrt- dlscuas ■-- - - » ether rMommtndntions of the gover-d nor resn rafS naw «iT6r«MfcntTHB ------------i «aid th e nixoclation would not take

IV aland on ihe governor's proposS^10 reduce ihc -itnte police force

® untii th e commictcp had m et wilh " Jordan.

! Traffic Fines^ Fourteen drivers paid *10 In over- ® time parking fines Monday In police ’■ cowL• R .B . Shans was lined J2 for over- y time parking in th e postotfice wne.

Fined *l each wera Max Rector.Bob N oh. Art Johnaon, Earl Shay,Fred Drake, H arland Adkins. E. K.

- -Wliileheatl,-Don-WoolUy.-A-l.Etec- -------h trie. Luclle Slielley, John Noh, Bo-- bier ConstnicUoii company and H- y P. BpencB <twQ).

, 5 ■JOWSHREUff!#*Werid's bnMuting .C*gBl>«rtl«Bl!onr 1*==^

S M T T B B R O IS E R S -

m rK '' I1 w i d a r a n g « - o L „ H

a n d w h e e l b a s e s i W >

E v ity m r iH l f c r l i i d rivailB tudebate 'i <

be*t«,.veadUttt «od derro«t»— C « hI aodkeepttbea!rfr«heoost>nUy<

I R C O . •T W IN FA tlS


H ffice i^ ~ ~ J - 2 JTer

a WASHIKO 17i9 propftjN tnent to Um consecutive sledding th r Alter neai

i t* t« have ; ratillcaUona the restricUi

I f those I forthcomiog

odds aeem « n?t be dftcic because legl iU t«3 whie); meet only ir

In any ca; tmUri«d-4l- wlU be co; Republloajj when it ap in 1947 ths given seven:

Indiana t> hiUfy the p others, in t raUfled. »r« K aniia, Ne: Illinois. Or ornla. New Wisconsin, cut. Mlssoi Mississippi, DakoU. No:

If the presidency. FolloKini the elec- ir of the'Farrn Bureau, told the group

meeUng was held a t the oounhouse.

- D i s c u s s P l a n sBUHL, Jan . 23-Plans for the an- . W r !

nual Chamber of Oommerc* party were dlseusaed a t a meeting of the

n erganixaUon Monday noon a t the R and R cafe. The party w1U be held -»omt-tJm*-ln F e b ru a ry .------------------- —Open


; - C X H rn 201 Main

FABG et a

M end L

(NHR'sBjHH. '

> i HI ■ • J b ^

i ^........

g J jW - W M \ \

r t

W jt^ K B r l t - 5 w \



r m F A L t s , i D A n o ,

2-Term Limit Having Hard . Go'm States

W ASnntOTOK, j .n . IS «10_1719 propftjKJ ecnstitutlonal imtnd- n^tler s e m a tnent to Umlt a President lo t«o meeting, consecutive tenna is having hard _ _ 2 — — sledding th rtnxti state legijliwrts. « .■ m a .

After nearly four years, only 35 V l« l^■tottts have ratified It. Eleven more e O R M ratlflcaUona w e necessary before r v r f v m the restricUoo becomes law. A f i l

I f those U ratlfieaUom u t not forthcoming this je » r-* n i liio «Wodds aeem against It—the bjue nay C O S T a Oft be decided before 1853. 'Oils Is ^ ^because legislatures of 17 of the 13 f * iU te i which have not approvtd It meet only in odd years.

In any case. If 36 states liavt not • ta u ried -4 i-by-ifla4 .-U ifi-jia i»sa l «

wm be considered rejected. The RPEcm O N Republican BOth congress jpedfied - u j b e .J , when it approved the amtndnient in 1947 tha t the »Ut*» ,would ba you c an ti given seven years to decide. what fo r. an

Indiana became the 2SUi sutc to policy, thea hiUfy the proposal last Filflay, The 5o,000 BOCI others, in the order In *Jilcli they n o w IN FO raUfled. are Maine. Michlgin, lo»a,Kanjaa, New Hanspshire, Dflsware, W rito us j Illinois. Oregon. Colorado, CaUf- dresa— name, ornla. New Jersey, Vermont, Ohio, uhlp o l ben*

I Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. Coiincctl- are sntlsned■ cut. Missouri, Nebm.ika, Virginia, in forco for a Mississippi, Now York, S o u th Casualty In: I DakoU. North Dakota ana Louisl- Life BMg., I


- • b r e a k f a s t si^ ^ _ IX .y N C H E S OtN

- W v S p e e i o l i i s i n , , .‘y CHICKEN IN BASKET ______

n s H « c in p s _____________j** S JUMIK) BHBMP ------ ■_____ -O p e n S AJJL - 3 AM.

CUBS SERVICE 4 - l t F.•

201 Main Avenue EaaT — Thorie 21

ffiRirI G et a H ead Start on Y o u r Sp

and Lavish Spring F abric Sole

Lovely Nen.

from BThere'a a wonderfal tm oolh . aoft : M orlaitai «/ floral s s d ^eoacl vibrant, flitttrlog colon. « • wHl

3 9 " PRINTED RA V O NLovely in design, aoft and di dtessu, housecoats, lemlnloe

3fi""B A TSS'*-D O TTED -!. -------------------------- .IMU*ds«M..with.the-Tondet

pink, blue, or whlt« with tir worea in.t

y _ : ____ - ^ = ^ 3 y j - r o w D E t_ p u F f _ M t> , The ftorifJed colfcani LUMul M __ lovely colors. Needs n o starch

r ; ^ | 3 6 " kA Y O U GABARDINI < ( ' spun rayon tn a f ine twill we■ '» l able, pine quality rayon yai

t durability. In eight lovely oo

l i i 36" "JUriLIARD" WAB - ' i l WoQilerful. washable waffleK M . ll«hl fc]u», or plok.

3 9 "RAYON BUTCHER! ■ * % } Wo>'«) cf rise quality r a p s 1

3 6 " "Q U A D R IG A " CL<Wonderful needieised Qusdrli

............ gayest, pretHest coIoiB a iid>

\ 36 " BATES EY ELET EMIK x \ Whitfl E m b ro id e re d Betid

\ W hitf E m bro ldaro 'd («labc

^ P f e A ................. A N D O TH ER N— -j-M aaiT C w toP

^ N o t i o n

- 2 % N e e d s

— -r Rt9»l«r 3 9 e Y a n l l

P r o R r a m P la n n e d 'B L lsa , Jan. SJ—!BUai'ar*«**ra l / f

will pu t on a DMgrtra « tth « -m tU * — - ■Qrarae'Wediitsday to r the U*velina ' ^ J i / i ■gaW.—*ccordlBt to an announce- ment m»«le at the meeting o t the Orange Thunday. r w d N. Locke. f J / )Ooodin*. -was the ip«ak«r a t T h w - day's meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Vance QuUer servfij rerrvshmsotJ art«r the raeetlng.____________ ^



Her» U a ipecUj accident policy ••for m en and women ages M to Rl— _____IT COSTS OMI.y ONE CENT A P " ^DAYl - A !-_ .W «j»m .itnd*h* .far YQnR.lN-.6PEC TI0N , no obligation to b u y - •it wlll be.mailed direct to-you.

You c an tee what it pays, exactly what fo r. and for how long. See the policy, thea iteeMet MORC THAN / H r S 60,000 s o c n POSTAL POLICIES I ^ B V NOW IN FORCE.

W rite us your name, age and ad- drts»—ntxme, address and relation- y J BRhlp o l beneliclary, Only when you are satisned tend «3.0S to pu t poUcy . i ^ B I in forco Ior one ycor. Postal Life &Casualty Insurance Co., 83T Postal tW B KLife Bldg., Kansas City. 3 Mo. '^ K K

R ’ S B A R B E C U E

f&SERVB------------ - —K F A S T S •

• " D I N N E R S ------------------ f '' ....................... mail

5KET __________ >5e________________ IlO^ ------ -------IIK

Closed Tuesday*.VICE 4 - lJ PJL

f t s o i l l s -"'TKonT2750— ---- ----- -— ............. ........

rfwrY o u r Spring D ressm aking . . . S ibric Selection!

New Crepe

from Burlington Mill*tm oolh . aoft feel la thia lovely rayoo crepe. A tan I a n d ttom tM o deslm* . « , /s a b lo o - r i fb t , a ttn i Ion. « • wiath.

» RAVON CRSPE ........ 7 9 c0. aoft and drapable, perfect for afternoon and die >ats. feminine blouses. DelighUul patttm a.

'DOTTED-SWISS......................... 1 . 1 9Ui.the-Tondedul JK nnan(n t flnlah. choose yellow, ni vhlt« with tiny red ^ola. Fluffy d o U ''an 'pennuei

LPUF^MUSHN.,,........ ........... - 1 . 0 0tiaijjtr ttftee»fla • <T>1IgtitfnTjdfc»ja

:eds n o starch when washing . . . p^nnanent finish.

GABARDINE................ 8 9 cI f ine twill weave . . . uncondiUonaUy guaranteed wi Ity rayon yams are strongly woven to give excel] ight lovely color*.

lARD" WAFFLE PIQUE.... 8 9 chable waffle pique, in lovely eoUd ahades of yelnk. _____________ _______

BUTCHER LINEN....................... 7 9 cluallty r a p s In a dittinctlvr. roufh texture tha t resi lore practical aa rayon haa greater roaUlency. Six Icr

RIGA" CLOTHlelsed Qusdrlga Cloth. In a brand new selection ot coIoiB w id'patl*rni.;Dnifonn llnlah. fMti50l0f?,.pr

YELET EMBROIDERY FABRICS | i derod Botirte, Orgondjr, PIqtJ# ...------- I • J

daro'd (alaborats) Orgnndy and Batittt.. 2»^ D OTHER NEW.EXClTiNG FABRICSI

ati*«t r toe r — -------

• Wrlght'tSMmBiridiiis end T ear' • WiuPlnkJiiaShtonandSciuon

• Crown end TalenZlBMr*• Wright'* Ruffllnfl ..... ...

, e Y . « i r G .y ,f« -C P '« ,

N 1 » W N T S ^

C A U F O f t

Ittanttrf- ^~3Si »«Bir

<m i:

' j R V n n W b s '

bourbon-------n\}n Yt


Wherever good whTiVey h gaHgd_fof~?!TLO-Other lighter,

mellower HoHer'* 89 iii “olwoys'Hie right numbe

W . A . H A l t £ It C O R P . , PH H A D t

I s - o f Twin Falla

king . . . See O ur L arg t


r o » i

30 crepe. A fau la a t ln f po-T ifb t, a ttncU re la

.. . 79c,.. Iffitem ooa and dinner 1attem a. *

..1.19,.. IHOhoose yellow, navy, . . . .'t« ''a re 'p tn n aa en t^ --------------------------

. . . - 1 .0 0 ,. I ®

..189c,.;........n yy guaranteed wash* n to give excellent

.............89cyd,1 ahades of yelltnr.

Z : 7 ^ y d .texture tha t resem.:«aUiency. Six lovaly

=59cy.™-lew selecUon o t th s ’I. futi<;oior7,.pr(nUp.i

,l..;.„.i.98B a ti t t t . . 2»98 /p B fljjjjB BRICSL-rjoor— --------------------19 ortd Tepi”..... ..........rt and Scitton X f r

\S r z ._

k nm iiK E tt E i ^ ^ B l l


__ HMJgYEMSOlD - j88PROOf p

)d whtiVey ts ighfer,59 iii - ■ r —' ttzzzt ) right number.

p . , P H U A D E t f H I A , P A .- -

Ua '

Page 4: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

^ f C T s r A ‘ g a “ ’.> .* -.v » .''-> ■• ” ■■ t,”

. , c A . 5 S i 3 B & " S ‘. W « . , _ «

| | S ^ = i ^ , i £ . |

---------------- rri**10—FATAWJUK-AKVAJiXt---------------------WIUili Xdw •■< tlk« O n n . N tradti . . . ^ ’(

! B, U,. (...Ill------------------------------------------ --« ' « !5; r ; J - : : i = = : = r : — ^

I t i j g i i i i i*11 mUm rtqulrrf hr I i- «t b, «'^'':,'’^ ''''' 'J ,f , 'h ^ lV ’*hi

I” ji-c. M4(H. lil»lio C ^t. {<)WAnOKAL Kr.fKtSLSTA-nVX8 *

WErr-HOLLIDAY CO., INC. piI ______ | » M>»k«t su « t.t» 8 c*:if.________

,• gTf ' A N O TH ER G REAT CRISIS Mfvi '■ The ahot th a t touched o ff th e Americanf ! ‘;“ Rerolutlen wa« heard- a r o u n l .tho . world.,f t ", When our great experim ent In liberty and •H 4 demwracy began . I t'gave h e a r t to peoples’ te■ !j yearning for frcedopi Jn m any places. |n H i Fiedgllng A m crlca, m ere in ra n t shoky on J■ ynn th o 'uniflfiihl .sprlng ot a grea t p i j movement th a t spread to lands already 613*^al I and weary aa th e world m easu res time. "n 1 The so u rtti of~ 8ptrtt n a l f orce -whleh-fed-a-

: world rebellion a r e still w ith in th e American { peopJe. Thnt a treng tft m a d e It-sejf felt again i t 1—in-lhfl r ngfly <H«triro»W ClvH Wftr, Pfe.sltlctlt £!i

Abraham Lincoln was th® aymbol of our de-. ^ I tormlnatlon n o t to let th i s country be to rn y, I In two with p e rh ap s fa ta l resu lta for Its g rea t u, !l endeavor In h u m a n iM tterm ant. t i1 For a long tim e aUer t h a t , th e country was i» !| fairly free to c o n cen tra te on building Its in -

t H"~tC Tnl-Bnd CAtei'u al-ecOTioTnlc rtrength.-^Bu^.,1 HhftritAcaiJ upon”th a tia in eep JfU u a l reserve j,i

: to batUe Its w ay th rough recurrm g b iu i t iu r "D ;jrpsnles-w hlch:lnterrupteU -it4 am azlny.growth )| to Industrial pow er. “

By IBOO we h a d bccome so strong econom- H loally that we w ere m ak ing serious Inroads nc I Into Britain’s g loba l pow er. 8 o we,, n o t th e pi

™ : British, were t h e g rea test nation on earth .— Ihraugb_twQ W orld w ars we have risen to J J

even higher em inence am o n g nations, liir} Through all t h i s lim e we have-been con- cc ■a-tlrnjffa8ly--reTere<l-by-treo-m cn_everyw hcrB- ..hi ■ u t h t very h ea r tlan d -o f- lib e r ty . P u t to th e

I test In history’s biggest w ars, we have show- I ed again and a g a in th a t s tre n g th still flows , ’"fjo iinM rspirituolTSprlnrw htch-nourishedour- -m

i Now we are fa c in g a c ris is w hich m any w{so «': n e n say Is th e ffreatest w e have over h ad toi meet. There c a n be no question th a t th e de- j,.1 manda this s tru g g le will p u t upon ua a re t re - uI xnendous. But Ib there a n y am ong us who

[a i , <toubt4 we can shoulder these new burdens ^Ifl 1 with the m oral courage th a t }a our na tiona l ~s 'j beriUge? a■f! If Chore Is. lo t him re c a ll Valley Forge, th e bi-J . Battle of A ppom attox. C h a teau Thierry an d dc; l if Belleau Wood, t h e G rea t Depression, Taraw a, *

^ ,i Guadalcanal, t l i e beachea of Normandy.■ |{ . I 1JC9 any f re e people, w e Am ericans do n o t „ H 1 a t all stages In o u r h is to ry have the fullest in - h ^ 1 ll formation a n d th e b est counsel wc need for o ■ I ._mflkl.ng our b a a ic declalona. O ur leaders m ake “ H I xnistiltes, of coursB."But“g6 'ao"we as a people;- ^■ I These errors a r e inev itab le in the im perfect M I democratic proceas. bi

; But our h is to ry Is re p le te w ith examples « W I u n d e rs ta n d all th e v ita l facts

BH '[ of a aituatlon, a n d w h e n we have weighed ^ n i l| all the Issues a n d the vary in g counsels th a t M ; have been th ro w n Into tho scales, we align m i -ourselves on t h e aide o t Justice and freedom. jH] I We then tap o u r deep sp ir i tu a l resource and di W ! muster the s tre n g th to a c t In accord w ith «£ f n oiir decisions. "JjS J [ At this m o m a n t in A m erica'# life, th e need m j 1 Is for complete In fo rm ation and expert coun- tr f m |;:-geLiEvery sc ra p of know ledge and guidance .jm H I , th a t con tribu tes to our understanding of th e |ti |B I I t world dilem m a should b e widely broadcast to ^ n the people. I f th a t ia done, there need b«Swt L-iin-Worry.hQ.W-they wlU a c t. -_______ ft® U - - - _ .1 ' .c ._ ; 'wI p r FACING A R EA L CHALLENGE | w i , . . Magic Valley la facing a rea l challenge!| | R l;i In aplte of t h e valley-wide effoH, launched T p iR i i " a t the M4 glc V aney s a fe ty conference several ' u ' l •) montljp a ^ . w e h»ve n o t t^ustered together

enough je tto n to bring tt»e toll of slaughter a l 'lH i' and destruction on o u r highways under con- ?m i l' u °i. !ijffi!!!; —We have s e t o u t to c u t a t least In .half th e cil | | ( ( ( i ‘ number of p eo p le k illed on Magic Valley's «

highway? in iSB i.-B ut-durlng the first m onth “ I lH il 'i y e a r two a lready have lost their I n l i i as com pared w ith a single fata lity dur-B h | | | | ing January, 1950. b |W |U In other w ords, we’r e off to a bad s ta r t and WT] 1 unless we redouble o u r e ffo rts on every front S f f ii ij the cam jge w ll) cqntinqe a p d our highways|fflUJL^-aijJl-rfmaln a - c o m ta n t-^ r i l io r everyone wh'o -P n j ij travels. «

. Our law enfo rccm en t.o lflc la ls m ust bo even *' more d iligen t.-O ur eo u rta and prosecutors.

£{*>;. must be oven more d e te rm ined to bring th is j,ml* 1 i tfafllc m enace under control. The people ijw J 1 i) themselves m u s t o ffer g rea te r assistance, n o t r

i only in rep o rtin g tra ff ic violations, coopcrat-! tng with law enforcem ent officials, b u t In ^

ff iB l Convictlog.thQ guilty w heb they 're callcd to K 8 I t ^aerve on J u r ie s .- - . 5j m i 5 • '- 'I t 'if l-a lg n in san f t h a f t h * la te s t fa ta lity **Mm I : occurred on t h e highw ay between Twin FalUs "

, and Jerome, w hich Is p erhaps th e most dnn- f,M m geroiu s t r e tc h of ro ad in all Idaho, will] all &

| | n ] Its bi;pd curveo and hUls. n I ^ B ] Ttie s ta te highw ay departm en t has a re- ■ V I fl iponslbUlty I n this connection, for It h.is

irttnessed m a n y tragedies which ca^ be a t- vlirlbuted to t h e condition of th is highway. i> . Instead o f s tra ig h te n in g and widening this

H J B : . Zai44.aXLCtoS«4n g . t t s J ^ altogether, tho fre c e n tly spent m o re thousands of ^

^ ■ f l L i l O U t l T l n s l t a h ^ s u rfa c e coating only. n^ ^ ■ ^ r S w v i o n ^ t i i e fftal?Tilghway*ttCT5aYtnrenr t

th is s tre tch of highway, iJ iOl i nM JkU >a-gbU O L -thaU t’s jio th lD L m oie-

i fl^irlea' of d e a th trap s , is. anybody's i H I h guess. . ' 'B l n >' Lfft'^& opvthBttiQdarournewstaleadm in-B I U IstratloD, o u r highway department s e t-u p ‘■ y f l will not be perm itted to play pouilcs a t tiu: <H l U expense ot buznan lives. ^ , t


W H I R L I G I GI. iwiti WA8HINOT0M—Tlie ftnll*bl|-tuilnCM and econ- V, wnic "p U n n m " In Prw ldeni Truinin'i ftrolly tppar- I. im . enlly have rejoiced premHureJy over any idm inlstrt--------- tion plan lo conUnut the inden t Boosevell f«u<3

asaln it O. 8 . 8u*el and MtU«n InUreiU, whaw Indus- _ l , 5, trial dynntjr hm been built aloni"* Plttfburj-ChlCBp) oils embr«e-

JJ , Ing Uio vait and emolcsf middle west• • - J F - - - V ,/u m n k lh iO . Iloosevell exp*nd-

--------------------------------- L -M -th fi. K»1tfT-*ad JUrnaMt-aluml-t . ^ e h ' ^ O'™ faclUUe* during World w»r T

' I 3 7J .W ^ mlnlmUe Mellon tontiol o 'e r thL»!to -e u e n tla l commodlty.'W the reform'

: ^ > g \ Ing faction In tfle dep»rlment o: ^ ■ Ju»tlce. commerce infl utaiury hot

_«'Vm • ^ ->.CTD»eUA.Mf..Tnim>p-ta.fentiB-tinl A kgatntt the iroups he h u dS'H L f t ■ ^ ■ n o u n c e d to rrequently on th# cam'

palgn Slump.Id Ih. tt.rT«<k.r T jjjy had anUcJpaWd an atiempi

to break up "big * t«e r or to raUe powerful rival* untJei » docontralliaUon program baled on Wie nefd.to pr«; pare lor atomic bomb Btlacks.

_____ They also hoped w . u « Ui# arjument th»t th«gradual depletion of Iron ore on the Mwabl range tr MlnneaoU would force eonitnicOon ol new et«e

, p la a u along the AtlanUo and Paclllc coasU. w ltlr ic a n Venwuela and Labrador m new wurcej of ore, VOrld., • . •' ■ S T E E l^ F or a while 11 jeemcd lhat Mr. Truman’iop les t«mpe«tuous teiaperament and changing condltloni

In 4h« tnduilry. u o-<» « j tte n»*d Ict «Jefenti-»J)ia' kv Won- accompllth their idea-^ ‘ logical ftlmii. There hns been and will conUnue to tx g r c a ^ ft.m lg r a y n of etccl plants to boUi seaboard*.

«J apsrTO«-.i'Pnfnt, Md. Vnlled State* BlccJ plaiii U fed -ft- -grfgt B irfm*nrtou-''_m!ll neir TrenUin, N- J - anc

'*'0 oUierj are planned In tHaTvTclnllyrOnly a lev r ic a n (j^y^ [},j naUonal security resources board »n( a g a in lU-C cnmblnca to Klve the urccn light for construc Id e n t £!on o l n sao.m.DOO p h u t near New London, Conn 7 ’de“ 'ATOtncr-Blcei Mnter-l?i-f>tnnne<l-for-the-AUuiilC:ftreft

f ^ -n "Dig Steel." meaning U- S. and lU allle.i. have toughi tha proposed N«w London project. So far at Icaat

g rea v u ,,y J^^ve refused to Join the enterprise. I t will bi fcuin with pMvAte coplU) M govcrnjnent money, o)

f w a s Iwlb, If the PltLiburK Intoresls contlmie Ii hold o u t

. .8E A W A X _~„B ut'.M r, Truman fooled his a n t i _monopoly_cxtrfcmlita-1ii;iiis_'eCQn£imifl:rtMtrand-JT

iserve J,1, eudpet m eutge to congresi. Despite Jack of la b a i m e w tHB m m n iu s m Cauaila- aiid - th e ^ n lte d - S U tw ^•Qwth asked for Immediate construction of the Bt. Lawrencf

seaway l6'pfovldc ti wnter routi'Tor Labrador orc-l» middle west Bt«el.|urnacM.

n o m - ^ nl ore has been found In the frozcir o a d s north, although there Is eome (jUMtton whether It I: t th e practicable lo rely on It now. A 300-mlle r»llroa< • a r th w

coait for trans-shipment to Pittsburgh and adjacen

Mcftiiwhlle, Mesabl defenders maintain thal It cai c o n - continue to furnl.m ore for many years through re

Khf.ro hnbiiitailon of low-grade uconlte »tUl remalnlni0 th e -------------

F.XPASSION-But the main fact Is thal the Pre.il i io w s ,„grc jouncl and sensible advljtrs appenr I-d o u r - -naTr-prrraBdw)-hlin-to-call-«ff-)iU^«ud-ttm i_::lJii________ fltce]." tha Mellonii and Ui^_poliilco-economlc al^W{so for Hurtiion. An3 h« Tia* betit 'te fi fVZTTtn

became of the ha*ha th ty gave him when. In ie4« he demanded txpanalon of their taclllUes with th '

e a e - threat lha t the government would- finance compeU e t r e - tlve construction If they did not comply.

Who They have complied. Incrtajliit capacity to un r d e n s prwedenwd volume. They luue dally ripor^ on fur

ther expansion, u If In an attempt to scare p rlvat no iitti money from backing iflw bIm! InduitneJ on th

AtlanUe and Paclllc aeaboarda. Indetd. they hav e, th e bacltfd hl.« hl(?h-»*se policy by m«Hng CIO Pres) <i n n d dent Philip Murray's demands without delay o .raw a , "Wmpera.

in 'r ,n t I’LUM—Mr. Trum an haa bein convlncad lhat at«< lu jiou production Is too esjentlal Ic rearmament or w ar fc rst In - hlnj to Jeopardlie output. Wllh an annual turnou ;d fo r of po.T5lbly 120,000,000 tons rpqulred, fjcli a fnntnstl' m a k e amount cnnnat be obtained without conUnued rellano

on the. w ell-esU bllahed_lndu«lry...__a f i l n t f n im porunf de/eim project t i thie ffe c t London plant, Mr. Truman could not Jorefo i

bit of political Juggling. AlthouRh there was a terrltu m p le s ccrunble among New England and middle AilnntU f a c ts *l*le* for thU plum, he .law that It went lo the slnti

Itthpri which reefecled ,£r’o De/noeratle iensKiM }»it Novcm- ber, e.ip«elaliy as they have lupportad hU fair dea.

1 t h a t almost slarishly—McMahon and Benton, a lig n • • •

edom . - COMFORT—McMahon's plugging for Uie New Lon C a n d don alte should glve comfort to Inliablianls on thi

W ith eastern seaboard, in view of Ihe fact that he Is chnlr man of .the Joint congressional committee on atomli

According to him. with w ta rn turopa and B rlU h c o u n - tranafermed Into defenaWa basUons, lactorlea ant ia n c e . PCOnla in th a t a rfa will be laftr from alomie bom b )f th e Ing than the cllUenry In any oilier secUon save tW BSt to ‘’‘ ‘ P./I Pentagon axperu. who have ccnilderable voice li- a ofl jocatlon or reI«*U<W ef defepw Induatrie*. con'______ firm this viawpaint flying icroii the top of thi

_____ 'woyiarihey~«yr>tqwlaT)-tioml?eT3 ;touM-penetf»t«-thi

h it the Malne-Florlda area,[el ----------------------------------------

?vt.1 V IE w : s - o t : o t . e e r s; e th e r d o n t rA 8S m e b pu ps , rU A s s.g h te r At ih lt iTiting, we don't have (he background oi - r o n . ' 'h y a certain bill, huU ly Inlrodueod In the nai

IdaW legislature, waa evan more hasUIy wlthdr*wr , . I t may even be reintroduced jlater. In somowha If th e changed form. But, be tha t ai IPniay. the withdraw* i lle y 's woHirt leem to have been a beter (dea than th e till n o n th ii*eif.

• ' The measure. InU-oduced la the home Trldiy, vouli rtiir required a picture of Uia Idaho rusaet poUti

/ o u r - to nppear on auto license plates. It was sponsorei by Rep. Qrover IV. Jensen. R., Bonneville,

r t a n d Tlio reacUon of many Idahoan.^, reading ot the bill’ f ro n t 'ntroductloii. must have been: "I thought we w ent al

h tu o v . t ro u g h tha t buslne» before." , , u w u ja .A ndao.ae did—two or threeJImci. isw n o - - rn -J«9-T daho Kcenae p lat« earrted the flgiir# o

wlint waa supiresed to be a huge poWito. light broni 5 ev en color, raised from Uie surface of ihe plme w ith ih cu ln rq ‘' '“ 'n 'ra ls enclosed Inside a m ore^r-leu am trasU a « »v,ie numerals; to n t Inilde" the pouto, had tK tn iS u ,,{ y , ,people at much of- a dlsUnee, The poUto evan had n fai:e. n o t ureen "eyes" here and there, which didn't help thD cra t- l^ibillty ot the numbers any. There was one ©theMih (n ‘Irawback-Uie po tito didn't look much like a polau, . ITie experiment w*s dropped tor awhile.te a 10 -nien, in 1B47. somebody got the Idea to publlcli

Sun .Valley by putting Uie ligure of a skier. In whitU a llty -**alnai--»-W ut. liaekirijund. on'. Uierplale#. KveiI Fall.s o* caption, "Winter Wonderland.” yoi, coiiiiiii't tel} It w u * akier without cfoie acnitiny tn.

^omc liiuiKlnatlon, The while (tgure Upded to b lu r au ll a ll a distancu nnd Interfere with the reading of the Hcena

number. Further compUeatliig the legibility o f tha r e - the fac t th a t young drivers atarUd a fai

:t h a s coloring the llw un of Uie jlrier wim bright paJRlh» nl , ‘’y le«W»Uve decree. Uie potato reappearedue a i - \ oil']] remember the luwlous decals.of Uie spud, drip"/ay. ping v,lth butter, th a t adorned the plates Uial year, OIg th is course, there were dlaienterj who'-complalned. Th•r th o didn 't Jool: much like a poww dripping w)!lIf 'r io l- u«n*sa-y6U-tnsi»ct«J it cloitU'; That w as tru‘ 90* even when U>e -platea ware new. And you know hei*■ license plates look after theyra a fe* menUu old. A t n r e n f -thc-yeai- uuie un. iiiusl-of'the-hwelmg-potatpwfade:hw ay. J* » bJotch of coJor. urrlng only u> make tho nJater m n rc harder to read. Al«>. the experiment was coiUv lo th

w uuj £. 194(( U fs agiin M re ample and unadorned wlUi ai Work.

d m ln - License plate* should not be ecjulderrt prlm arlje t - u p ?* advertising media, but U a means of aulomobllnf tlip *'Icn'-'I'c'»U0h. U w officers were among lhe foremoia t tIU! critics Of the --fancy- plates In Ute p5n be t.uae «

, their eomparatlve UlegiblUiy.-LeMiton T nbunt.

7 _ , “ ~ T i H E S - T n ! w s n ™

iiGS h o t sny admlnlstra- U l l ' - ' - * * - '

loosevell feud . • 4 ^ 9:, whMa Indus- en built along *3 ails embrae- THREE KOUND ITcy middle west. p „ p j Kld-i Dcp’t. had aiuevelt exp*nd- jrror th e other day. b u t apparantl «ynaMa.Alunil«- tmir-thTee-of-jon-irtwd-eonaOtuem

World war Tf found It. We don't know how It hap 5ntJ0l over thU ptTyen. but w« looked up th a origlni so the reform - copy lust to make .sure the erro department o f w un’t ours. An addresa w u give d ueasury hod 1133 Eighth avenue north . Nat I. to renew -tii* • orally.- E ighthivenue-north-doaan ' ip* he ha* d e - go near th a t far. y on the cam - t»-o reacJera phoned to complalJ

thst they cotUdn’t find the addrei ed an a ttem pt m d another stopped in the offlc rul rival* under ^nh the name complaint. The UireIt nerd.to pr«.- psoiile_wcre-.Bdvl!-t«l_U2_ U7_El?ht

avenue east. We heard no m6f nent that th e comptaCnia ao B.*jumc the dog noi :etabl range tn tias a new home, ol new «t«el w hat happened to Eagle Eye?

c coasts, w ith • • •a of ore, o U It Btrt.LEri.V BOAnO

Mrt, -G. E. M-. Gooding—Did yo H», *M our blurb the o ther day abouinl signatures for Public Forum letters

fh t^Mr lie rorum - editor, mentioning th

fleatlon nnd nutliorlzlng u.ie of you >nrt-n - letter c an be publlshet

■ST’S S T S !,o,E - S f „ r ! i S ' r n “ s - . s

’SSaSSL y H!. "lUia*■ All «= ECC over here Is the Sl*r

I .. I t Will SU-lpes. more commonly knowi^ t I n r v ^ « "Scar., and Gripe..," but It doesn' e toToW o u t. *''■'' onythlng of inCcreat £0 any o

H M rra n d ’ln - n f to a n d V h e V ^ ^ w i 'i r tK t t J s '^i? i, OW by the um a we B efthem r-W

eSt. Lawrence tha t-w o-cajj .see over thabcador o re - ta th e n e « horiaor1 1' f So If you P°M>b'y *UBRC.<

, 'f . « your cowo.,1. W t l , . m«U.er, . »; I , l i i .X sweethearts know the homelowii.mlle r»llroad comes before the *howet

cbow. smokej or candy bars., and adjacent Keniie Givens. V-NSN. l)8S

111 that It can ^S S Pine Island AV-iars through re - PostofflcetUl remaining g .„ pvanelico, Callf.

........f.-S; A nd-ym t'tblnk-Idahe l8-e«ld

thal the Pre.1l- YOU SETTLE IT, PAUL'trs appenr lo Afinr «c .rcpcatrd Pnul Kroft'«ud-ttlth--:blg- ^ v _ ab o u l_ iJ ie_ r j\t ib |t ?iuiclde, *j-economlc a l- received a note from hlmTW edoi?} tncw -w hr-he-w ouJdnit-dallvar-blwhen. In 1946. miseage In perton unles* he'* nolltJes with th e taking any chancea. Anyway, here'lance compeU- t^e note:ply, ■ "You sure. Marled an argumentpjcJly to un - aboul your jackrabblt suicide. Myriporu on fu r- wife aays II It Is a Jackrabblt It3 scare private can't be a female. You ejtplamlitn u on th e Uil* to her.''•d. they have We maintain Ihl* llttia matter Ing CIO P resl- domt-'itlc In character and we hav-lout delay or no bu.Oiir.- ' horiilnii In oil 11. Yoi

e»plalnll. M r.K re ft. ^

.h . f . . i ™ DEFIES JOHN Uncrt t l i .t . t j t J e n * ,,e r ;f . f All of us have heard the numsrou

mnual tu rnout i„ behrxlt of ur.lnu ellheifii a innwsiii. ^ {umnce fuel. We won’Unucd reliance go Into that,— . .. But tlicre'«ftnDLhcr_argumcntJi?aproject u tne j.^, „ever heard. I t d idn’t occur (>I not lorefo a other day when m'was a terrific n,|ghbor, who burns oil, asked If

ilddle A tlantic didn't have a few ashes and cllnkcrnt lo the s ta le ^ould use. He said the entrancra iKst Novcm - (q ijJj garage was geciing tjUH, hU fau deal muddy. And the soot from his oln. furnace wasn't doing much goodl

Us coal users can never forgeUiB New L on.

illants on tha.1 he Is Ihn lr" for cllnkcrs nnd cunhes whot '^ o n ’a ^ o driveways get a bit muddy,^

» f 'ke* an oldtlroer te remembe *hen folka used to go to the movie

atomie aotnD-_ ^a.practlc^-rfarilng 01H loiliUnsteii ciion save u ie crunching popcorn. Our Movl

« b le voice in . . .Bdiulrie*. con* jx HAn o Yle top of tha couldn't le am the Identity 0-peneif*t^th»- th«-irtrHB«>lved.-but-Uilt-*UU«t-u itr-th ty-couid- l!j-^gin g ' ft good atArV--T l e' Biri ffg

111 the process o t baking a cake an— had decided she wonted plhk Icln CT 1 ? O CJ on It. The fac t th a t she didn’t hav [ L JL X k O any coloring s tu ff en hand dldn' LEASE boUier her a hit,. ^ ^ He m other caugh t her Just aboi: rtekground on th# tim e she was getting ready t 1 m the new ^ump aome m akeshift coloring mat lly wlU»dr*wn. [ „ u ,e Icing. The Inbel on th

In somewhat tjgttK mercurochrome. Uit-wllhdrawal The girl explained the KltuaUo I than th e olK to her mother, added tha t eh

- . 1.. plenned to use only a few drops,t Friday, would . . .

rusaet p o u to ' FAMOUS' LAST UNE w*a sponsored . . yoo won’t w»nt to- d«n Ille. tnorr than one dance with him—Ing ot the bill’s ' think he usea akunk grease on b! ht we w ent all ' h»ir.“


the flgiip# of — —' —to. light bron-n V 9 • I I

tS ^ t i S t S *■« • " ' “ C K -

ere not legible w h e n y o u f i n d 4.••n had R few *' •

™ \;? " o t i“ : g r e a t q u a l i t i e s1 like a potato. . _ » • 1

to ,„ b ,.d ,. 1skier. In white rclateo,- Kven .

acrjitlny ided to b lu r at g the license


1 bright pa in t lto reappeared.Uie drip- s .mplalned. The drippinf with

Tbat «’a s true 1you know hevmenihs old. Ai \■potatuM-fwled' ----------------------- ------------ . m —5i*ke tho plates __ _ -IS coiUy lo the v ^ e i a V B M i S i C i V

omed w ltii a rt ! I

Iered primarily of automobile

g the (oremosi lu ^ o to wtiisitrr u nr. C(ain n? d d becauae of tiAi spuiis. SCHENitvoiST . inc ,N.t.< iT r ib u n t. .1 — ' _

n s w s r T w m - F A L t s r m n i o r

“ ; : r ~ h o w t h i n g s

^ PEGLERNEW YORK — 1 aoeept ecntni

versy wllh Jim Dan HUl. who en UUea hlmaeU P h j} , presldenl 0

. Superior S tate college. BuperloiWU,. who offen further eonfualot

’ teajoned w ith hot prejudice, on Ui UND IT . subject of Chiu.s Dcp’t. had an =?", “ m e a n d - . ’

bu t aoparantJr ’'i**- which » o ^ c 3 S l a U * r - d * U o a « y - h e ~ « ^ ^ ^ now how It hap . treat* with « dla- *I up th a original <>*In einlr barely .sure the error exce«dlM tils con-

dress was given tcmpt for me. lue north . Nat- D « lo r Kail ta • le-norih-doaan't an,<X!caalon1 . t . - » ^ B g B « ^

(aylst for tha Su< .led to complaUj gertor f fv e n 1 n »■ind the address Telegram whoee X fc 't:d In the office managing editor, lalnt. The Uiree Seegar Swanaon. "MtttM* PmIw 1_U2_ U7 _El?hUi 2 ^ th ru st these vJevg upon me. heard no m6f<' Thla'faaue m aybe called > «tde ne the dog now show, k QaUlpoU or Antwerp dl*

E r . r T V . S f f l ' S r K,.v'BOABD r iU ”'.,'i'';,,.“'s '„rtsrs» d ln g -D ld you filth . roamtam ui

r„t? .x 'S ; s 3 r . s '» ‘r io ? W tucy Whlc?. bea n g u.ie 01 your declined into an insipt

m be publ^hed. counterfeit, wlUioul character a e■ 'dcfininr^rTXffTniB--------------------

5 b e f o r e : , ,

the guys from , 'Prealdent Truman, on hi* recen like getting the “ Missouri, paused at a swlvt

re? Even If they lo Join a few ollook like a mil- cronJea [or a bowl o t « iieavy rri

:^P_-_Uiatj^-Kaiu*s.Clty..aeeauJ- dre Is the Star* P“ * chiIir’'J ln rD an Hin.-phl3 jmmonly kno-m began.

but it doesn't Henceforth I ehall strip him 0 icreat £0 any ol hU honorlUci and .iajj him Utl,

This la no case for amenities, ewspapers very Now note. If you will. Uie *mea In the letters li technique and. while I engage HIU' I g e t' t h e i m w a t t tn t l o n n i i“lo o t 'h # m p ' in ' rei afc«r day with- channej;. Ha a tteo p u to make m. r e~aUuul ^ liat'a *-Af»mar-ne-ih« nu>„^ r .Bjj .seo over tho clpe whlch-Mr.-.TrumRn-ftcorfed-It le n e « horlaon. Uie-Kaniaa_ClU_plnte, which,_wltl possibly *UBRC.« nasty grace, he calls a,"bcRh par :ha moUier,« and Jor."the hometown I agree tha t Mr, Truman’s venloi

fore the *howtr, of chili Is an Illeglttmnte, reform idy bars. iJt compromise, for Uie recipe tha1 YNSN, U8S Mr. Nixon scnl me contains ncllhe- I<.-I» lrtr.________ fhtll nnu-f1.T nnl,^n. lnmntnr« nnIsland AV-U garlic. E ut lhat is no excuse l-

Postofflce -call It red bean aoup. Wa trsa t hoi; iclico, Callf. rollers wllh outward respect. ik-Idahe la-e«ldl - f iu c l i- harsh, contempt for th

• /eeUngs of other,i hes cauiM'mucl IT, PAUL of our dome.sUc rancor, and here wi

xl Paul Krcrt'.i Ilnd a savant giving hurt where h tib|t suicide, MC might have shed Kindly light. .1 himTW eTSnT i— — ------------

'" A n —S J« rt;“-h ff-w rft8s;-“ma» r i V i . v he?i.'i quehfy hinself, Otherwise, som-

' salf-anolnted btan-parlor eplcuri an areument *** -''®“ °hit ‘ ml iV mv critical llberUss wllh my remarka Jackrabblt It ***" ^■VM eralain Uve to Mr. Pegler’s concept.• "My experlenea wiUi real chll

llttie matter is «<« « ™ e begins near the daa-n oer and we have >"y memory. My father had a gen' In oil 11 You Santa Anna. Tex.• respected Lath

• members ot the community wa JOHN U Chl*« J « - WlUi a llve-galloa lar.

can suapped to hla back anfl-ird the numerous bundle ol out-ot-dau Fon WortJ' of U'.lng either Record. i under hU arm, Chile Joc fuel We won’t would trudge the hot, dusty villag

»treels. Occailonally, he would pau*r m-gitmi-nt that lo yell ’Chee—ee-leel-’ .d idn’t occur to ■ "W JJen-lti ach»-H*d-rteeclieU.

er day when my from the gldes of th* mountain hs oil, asked If I ----------------------------------------------hes and cllnkcrs

the entrance s getting quite

from his oil __; much goodl ^ mM , ■ » V mMtn forget K ■ ■ 1 I I 1 ■u for a minute, j 1 ■ F m ■

to go I H I I I 1nnd [unhes when 1 ■ I & ■ ■ J

b it muddy,

w * M T i i i 3 T v r n Q)er to remember go to the moviesour Iniirt Instead _____orn. Our Movie '

lANDYI the Identity ofit-Utla-tUlket uj -------- ■ R 1K ___f y m t r p m r i r :--------------- ■ B T ^ S'"iklng a cake and ■ W -■ y r ^ J kintcd plhk Icing ■. she didn't have ■ M a lon hand didn't ’ ■

t her Just about le ttlng ready to Ifl coloring mat-■he Inbel on the W n f f 'ichrome. Es ^ '•■•! • l'.5<1 the KltuaUon W -'-- i*,dded tha t she 5

a few drops. - '

kST U NE ..........w»nt to- dansT

nee with h lia - fik grease on bl* . — -iS :--—

:m a n in tubJRTH BOW .._■

II lu c k -u f i n d 4 — ——

u a l i t i e s

t w h i s k e y ^

m Z \y \ 1

AHOT ---------------- -------------------------------------

! 1 N G S a p p e a r -

a n g l eaocept ecntro- would break into the only Bngllsi

I HUl. *bo en- ho knew; " ^ „presldenl of “ • Hot tamales.- fre*h and flne

Uege. Buperlor. “ 'fill f«- a nickel. » for a dime, rther eonfualon. • • *rejudlee, on Uie jffqujotly came homo fron:

■ ■ school with aix tamales In an ole copy ■ol U>e Record. Wllh a peacT

■ ’A r_. u * * .jti lc h .. ,mi,.m other, vetoed i ■ k ' V ' ^ groviog habit.

“W father often denounced thi M i . Becord as an evil, unmoral aheet

7 )its gave me a logical avenue t< th a conclusion th a t Uis lack o:

^ ^ a j t s i f X sanllaUon was inherent in the papcj ra ther th a n ' fn "Joe’s 'ch ltl-and-ta-

- i, m^e*."I »DUld pUy on Uie mount*li

*W* uam Joe .passed. He woult • 1- »*rve mo on any of the many ho

upon me. , ••uawIUingly, I had started right> called a aide’- Frbm Amarillo to OuadaUJara Uf Antwerp, dl*- Vera Crur to Ban Antonio. bllUoni' from principal o t torllllaa and umales. with antUme. Bul one WiHhout chill have been and BtU

tse underbellies a re being sen-ed.In that maiuier.0 maintain the ’-If you have never eaten Mexlcar

food. I recommend that you aU r0 loare I would ” *th a plcnlt:, ‘When you eihalil e ^ c h i h ^ t a fte r the first blto (and you wUllion of another you ''>■ “ P“' ' '»n dish the 25 somewhat darker than a dalrym aa’iucy which be- breath In a cold. Wisconsin dawnInto an Insipid Think nothing of ILcharacter cie- " It 1» lhe normal, Internal j:ota

------------busuon -oX-UuL_8upercharged_M55l. can red pepper otKf the com mea

------- --------------*oKep,-It-means—your-metabollatij1. on hl4 recent carburetor Ui in perfcct adjustmentused at a swivel ^ m eans you are eaUng reaJoin a few old clilll,

of JI Iifavy red » « «|.Clty..aeeaU_», ... ,tj,.-,nrTPt1'f m m fD ..-H 1 T O 7II ... . ^°ng sermons were cauterlied by thi 11 strip him of. j,cat o t a millennial Inferno istt him Hill. ^ (i,hlng and hunting tr ip Uiai

imenltles. colonel Weaver or- will. Uie *mear gnnlied. the parson turned oul tt ' L ^ W H l l I s ,baaqulteilkeablfl.foIlow..W hen.hl! n#n-Tip in red trod -the-cam p-anc

* prepare -the food I appointed my-

Maan blendlnitfi..wnich,_witn ^ .fr«k-oL_cxuirsely_grQund.-biill- s a , DCRn por- chopped garlic. oUve oil

bacon 'fat and a douWe handful a, m m ansvenion bright, red. dust-dry chill powdei .imnie, reioiro- j ^ ^rt woa In pro.uie recipe nat g „ea t.

, ? V o ™ h o l^ . . ..V.. “Over a slow fire Uiwe beans hat

,^v,vir- I? alramercd. loftaned andaesaoned.il » sow.bellr pot Ilquer through ih .

a- nisht- Then from hl.'i duffle bag thitl I Lh. produced a o i^ special boUltm y _ ll8 h L _ _ _ j)f_red eondlments. Thity bore Yuca-

ta n latMls.-wrtt8s;-“ma»t -'■'■Bwn-*ach-of-tfc«»«_iijp2aihe< Iherwlse, some in jeveril squlrU wlUi tha sama lav.parlor e p ic u r e -------------------------------------------------same . lort M ^ •

oncepl.viUi real chill '5 r . . „ir the da»7s of Mll«> c l« i« r to m anyher had a gen- Pacific Coa*t po tn h -

fe.n /e ,fo« ,v /c»ominunlty waa W A R M S P R I N G Sllve-galloo lard C U T b A B B t hbpHW.*;* back ana-B, 5 U T - O r P n f l ' m a f f i

Fon Worth w » h ‘U g a g g a ip

he would pause THE FRIINDLY BUS LINE

Had-rteocbeUd rrrrtw -H o te l-i--------- W»«pe « <»i» mountain he

- f l o u j ?

' B e a u l

' ^ a m ^ a a t a n a e t ( o t ' m o n e ^

. . . . . . .- -...

_____________________ V

• FROM____ tftnip- AS 1 atlned. rich pungent

O T T ? ' aroffii rode a geoUa ttp h ^ -d d * n ^ I H tj38 eaayon. I t brought In a ll hands,

——--------- ------- -~«^^5rus"Tlurped-Tlth-rcciirTltighe only English sustained gusto and rl*lng■ ^ „ creacendo. Mr. Cobb waa tbe flnt re*h and flt i f nauM. I t waa to Intercept a tear I. 13 for a dime. ^ ,bout to water down hla

m e home from ‘•Aj he tucked the r ^ bandanamalts In an old b » ^ he said, 'R«vcrend. ^ the1. With a peach beginning. Jve U iowht some of .otttrr,

>gleal avenue to higher eompUment/roa a chilla t UiB lack of lover U utterly Impowlblel

" ” hti^uSu^ony. rotn?a .

tui . f r i e d r lih t. “ " S ' ”" " "

“S S SS r»r',r™ t';;f “. r i S r S slan a dalrymaa'a ■ . a * 4 «..«wijcdnsin dawn. A irp o F is 111 A r e a

- ^ T o R e c e i v e F u n d s

^ur-V »t<^!l»U e. j i a id b n j ly pris^ve ^ e n g n ^ :fcct adjuslmeni. federal fundsinTtler llie f e d e ^ c

are eaUng real alrporLi program, D, H. Harper CAA dlstrlcl alr|X)rt engineer loi Idihe, aw w unna Tuesday.

The Jerome airport Is to recelvt

?J* w?y*Uedown°area ond fenclngT'Tlii

i sn" Uim^‘ ^ oul“to t l - existing tiedown area and-taxl- foIlow-.When.his ____________________ 7

' m ^anQUct Plfliincd”■ Mgon blending

j^We handful a meetitig of th.

'2 t* ^ w i^ p fo - c i l ^ ' a S ”!^)^* C la r ic e HoUirieli

{.mi-iujti ijut-of' planl n anrt Alice Hasla rn.^ Q.UlJUPg;• , to the courtesy committce. Mr. ant

• ' • Mrs, Lester Naylor were In charge 0Uiwe beans had li’® program ant" Mr. and Mrs. Bm and seasoned In Quigley eerved refreshments, uar through ih e

duffle bag the

____ UieJDecon------ SPRED


----------------- ForWALLS-OT.» m ony • SPREAD 8ATBsoln l. . • SPREAD BATH?Olnt* ^ SPREAD SATI?' • SPREAD SATIIN G S * SPREAD 8ATU

s S S T A T E Hf BUS LINE j j j a v e n u e EAST

W» n e a <»-

R o b i n R o g u e

P o n t r y w w ®

- W ont to ' Im pw ve-ihe-oppeai'ai kifchen.? If's eosy, so inexpensis Honor Robin Rogue polfern poni Saucy robin <jcsign changes on < fly, p»rch on twigs, peck o t ch«r bright white, red trim m ed Robi Pocket extra sovings now!

4-pc. Enameled Steel Ceniit

S»ep-«n Can; 13*qK Steal Ir 15V4x9V^2a«^.in. Single P<

Round, 2 f-q t. Tapercrf*Wo<

. r : ----------

a'coun t r r ’barber p ' H T *

The latest f iZ T '^ T ^ ed-w lth-recunlnr *«P*lchor». . . . . luslo and rising Dance expe,i,*b waa tbe flr*t making a 5*^J Intercept a tear Interest in-'thu ) water down hla T h e Life of 7 ^

enuno.- • «the red bandana 'The tango ti • 'mBM verend. from the tlauoua L atin . bought so m e 'o f American tl a n c e B S s i e too heavy wlUi which was all iht WlM l-fli a , bn f i -p g m T*g«-6ome j r i , ; " * - . - 2 led aamples.' ago..- if* n n ; ( . ' I I M and th e cook a thing like a foi \- I fi ; inm a true chlU trot frtghCenM hr ■ • I t S poeslblel" Xavier Cuga” ^

, r S . ^ t KUiat garUc is ot Hope. '111 con came con I u«d ta,own version. Uie ^ ^ok« eamB fi

r chill con but I ‘be » i t 1olces are . Uiough '*«• ‘’ tty. tfca111 now, a mulU- *f °''*® » d»nce floor ailing nnd snarl- ” "P®nies dtUai«<a common some-.

t When I htstii about th . so be It, ““ ««r»i Lies to hell, ' “r Arwui Murray uuj ________ deeply ImpresMd, K« *aU

nA rea

— Travelerfi, D, H. Harper. Th.e Kal-fr rris tr eo>ort engineer for has inlroducfd 1 TtavtlerTuesday. jts 1B51 iwo-door jari

port Is to recelvc models111, ninmU-j^tluU^ The r^r 1 )S. n . .and fencing. The of the KaUtr Traveler t

is to receive $3,- ty the comp4ny in 1M» Iralnage and con- produced In 1850, I th u th j ^cl base cour.« on ftppe„nnce wd comfort 0 vn area and-laxl- ventlonal sedsn, but Uie a

— open* aad tli* rear seat to- = T ----- - J - to-provld«c«goftmiftt-,Planned-and -«m -hanqu it i^ii-gau'dovn^wiuv-tmt.

s meeting of Uie folded flo»-n Uie earnplans were dls- 63^ cubic Isrt ef *pac«.

narence HolUfleld The purpose of Uie no6 home economics provide a iluil purecaa1 DleU was named «ingle-car twnlUes.4n<lam u-n.< named --------------- ---mmlttce. Mr. and MOVE TO GRANDTi- were In charge of CAREY, Jan, 33—ilr. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bud Palmer Ektar have ner freshments. Dlctrlch to Orandvl^.

le Decorator ’s Choice!5 P R E D - S A T I N —


SPREAD SATIN U Waterproofl > SPREAD SATIN la Fuml-FTtel i SPREAD SATIN Wa-lhcs Easllyl

SPREAD SATIN is Durable!I SPREAD SATIN dries la 30 mlaijuji

BUY IT AT . . .


/ m iH a rf

^ p r i c e

s W e

0fl«® / i S sr a r e

, _ _ f— I Cobrg

; -lhe-appefli'anee-ond_«{ficjtf!£y.; ' /, s o inex pensive w hen you je p o t te r n pon tryw ore— iold only bV n c h a n g e s on oln^ost every p i^ * - s, p e c k Qt c h erries , Stort yogr co»«C’^

t r im m e d Robin Rogue pontrywore n»

ig s now!

>ti Sttel Ccni.nr S«t........... ...... ' • *l j . i |h Siiil iBMrt.... - ......:...... ’ ■*

54 .in. Singh D » r BresJ 8««-----: r . p c r w ' w . i n

„ 403 MAIN a v e - K ) F r « P a r k i n ; -

Page 5: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

“ O« <* SS ch of Tw‘« - f i k t m“is,"" - -

i jS f «»»*'' ■”" i i i « ' i S S r ™ - ^ " ^ T h f i s s i a ' 3

» « " If^diSnUon*.*i>*“ ^ Jt” ** l . ' " ' . ; ^ !

(* .B *® *,^brlef rtpiy.^ S ,W « >“ ■”"'> sJ ' jH K ' „™ irf m » S & M K


^ciubW iii ro s t to S t a t e M is s Bi

,.C-Ette M e e t W e d 1

”‘“■’ t** w 'lr ’l n ™ T o " V o

• - ^ ^ f .H e ls o n ’« - « * lt MLvi BeLiV-hj nsmtd locnl h ljh schMl

^ '^ T o T B r r f t n R e - »<> '" 'd ln K «slU Jiniw Skll«, ■*

presided »t ( j f l

S S S 3 = “TOflT?^ i l ^ r S r S S erv ic^SrieU. a n . Lo«® B»''e PAUL, Jan «fof Uie lUceeM o« Uie g j j - . j j , 4» * o r t * r » . i r e i n O r d e r - c s l i u t . T ^ - 4ia.to .03«..W»reh at.*-»pecl»i_e , t o t Urt- “ le P»“ l Maic

“**• , . .K« m»d« f« • “ of officers., ^ , S r c V u r . . ?>on;SL?»ik fundi for Uie \i l l ^ l". ^Oyd *

,,., mMtini vere 'Inser. Mrs. NM „:

, , « Clirfc played

« •% .■ t - ---------- UramriiDlfl, Given b ymon forG ujin ‘“®‘ pBtron’*3LT, Ju . J3 -J« a n e tte memberj , ' j i « , - t i , - * “ - ^ t Ifllii-MnlversSSitBenlfr'* BUlId a t Uie ReporLa woihUluStvcrlnj. vey HolllnReiiMeie. <rtio Is B house Mrs. GilbertItiEnbJlh Mison, tojd u,e iinince* 4 -fcxpe. Mra. H. O. — GUU- nwmnjbcfcirje of U>e pro- icltchen showir tM le y presided a t birthday cokjaiSBCy ind Mrs. Mabel M«mb«r4 ornunpit on new books mlUce were II t o J* Loughllti as- Stanley Tem^ gfirts In tervlnt re- Blake.

aon ClUB MEETS C a m p IK « JUL 3J-Mrs. B. O. p ,WbsSme Thursduy a t- K e O O l toap c.1ii with dessert „ , „ , r U r

tT Z ’- I X ; : = 4° *

irion M a r t i n «" ” m'ciSn . . Kldd. tecreu

3IS o’

‘' ' ‘"'(ITMti.. S w ’fi.'yl;

S c ? i ,“ s

M * C t? '!;® '*’ Order mor*. i »m i

««**- * « soln* *«

«»t h . i I.. chargt o(

E n g ag ed P atsy Le' -Iv^aia^irTZT ~Jai:g Bi:

-'• In Chu:— - ><EYBtJRH.-Js

A ji, A backgroii,lig h ts white Ul

r ^ C 9 | ^ ^ ^ B B | g . £auy-L eU tr-«n : ehansed weddlii;

CMrKiUll I ''1>e bride 1-. Ul and Mr.'. Uon I

t-:-; '' the brldesroom................Oraee Btxltr; Hi.............The Rev. tloyi

double ring strv '" . : wedding.

The bride br her

. Kray crepe dresareo roM;i, MaU^t

,, Perrcl au. . Bhe Wore a brlst

' corsage pin■''■ Oi^chnour, bride:If pink drcu wlUi

. camallons.Best man

VIEGINIA LEE BSTTT S u n d ^ ^ n '^(SUff « . , r . r t o , ) C e i ' i a were* * * * BUler. sister o!

V\iss B etty Will S B p , ‘l» i / 1 r-^ ^1 I and Miss LW ed D ean C lark

b"S Sr.^n'i.S s i ' " r s sngogcmciit of their daughter, Vtr- Lefier wot a Inla, to Dean Clark, son of Mr, cor.^„ce or'plnk ( nd Mrs. Nephl Olark ^X U ^^ b^a j,jj.j jj

i ir t Khool. ^ ’l ^ i ^ c d la '^ "No wcddInK date has been set, niony. a rfcei)ll

* * * rcccpllon room

DES G roup H olds S 'in 'lv lii TO FfA nnrversary -

- . r» f “ thrce-UServices a t Paul ;,;

PAUI, J „ a - T . , „ h .n n te r- S anr of E-Dah-Ho chapter of Ui« m „ . „ „ i i n gc )rder.ol.Ea£tcm StAr.was obsened w all auUtcd he t-*-»pefila) rfrrmnny' lu t-gw lc .ftt _ j jo i h . i l r - . ah he Paul Masonic temple. iroduates of H' rM rar^am ta-e tt Tfau. -ye rthyrm at- J h a y . a iU-mato. on. presided a t the meeUng, Mrs. ley. loy .Twlss sans-two-aonga-and-wafr------- ---------- ¥—Ji„.dijtt. =«=„.b,.„h„up /vieeting

Those participating In , the cere- R vnony were Mrs. Olen d a rk . Mrs. ^ 7^oyd Clark. Mrs. Clvde Pavne. Mrs. SHOSHONE,;iyae Oj-ecnwell, Kirs, Harvey Hoi- "CTntTHnniltmInger. Mrs. Normin Van de Venter. stewardshiprfrs. Ralph Marsh. rrance» Sloller l«K » t 'he «K'ind'M rs. Hay Francisco, Mrs: Ray WSCS of Uie fJlark played piano accompaniment, the church las'U rsrariio lfl ■Saiiipt''Waa:tiresehUfl EHn.-'more-gftye .I past mntron’s pin by the chapter, mountains from ilartell Lindsay waa prejenUd a the ' >ast patron's pin hy Eller Watson. Mrs. W. L. A’ - te tn rs - tr tr« -r« » a -T ro m “ ib « n f in 'c h a m - o f - u nembers who aent greetlnge on the * t «'hlch plans ,<)lii-winlversftry-6f'lhe-chapt«rr— .dficcraUDg..Jhe.

Report.1 were given hy Mra, Har- "'.'o plan to fu ley Holllnger. p u t sccrotary and *«c‘'Mrs. Gilbert Blake, treasurer, and Mrs. John Tho Jie finance committee. *■ Walker were i -OUt«-,aiamb*ra b ro u g h t- to -th e commltMe *nd cltchen ahower were opened, Tlie ''»* named rum 3lrthday cake was cu t and served. RefreshmenU Members or the refreshment com- ®'“ ® <>* the met nlttce were Mrs. Clyde Payne, Mrs. Wallets, hoslc.v Stanley Temple and Mrs. OUbert ^ . *

, , , S ilver I C am p Fire U nits Com rc

R ep o rt A ctiv ities q’S™?™,b d h l c y . j u ., i3 _ A tu , iu „ , r

Ui8 Camp Fir# Olrla and Blu« Bird poup -ln .B urJey -durlng. thei.week “ *1 included plans for a tea. a snow *^£7 party, and election of officers for - P ®Dfclhl group, Q lcantr s progr

New officers for the Oklhl group „ Jare Jean Chlaholm, president; Carol Kidd, *ecret*ry. »nd Georgia Ab- V,bott. Kribe.

Mountoln B lurB lrd* mat Thurs- *'dUL,iiftcnioon a t the homo of the “'w n g - leader. Mrs. WalUir Schodde. The Tne Buvar glrla went lo the W est-park to play “ V••fox Mid geese" In Uie snow. Be- RcfreshnKnts Irtahm eaU . were »erve<l by'Nancy e n o i to B g j r u Weldon. Thi* week the g ttu Will go , , , , , . to Orean hill for alefRhIng, W P n a i n i

■Member , of the o m Camp Ftre ” 6 0 0 ^ 1 t«mp-mwlB-pltrar-<or-a-Ta!entlnfr - J?tea to be given next month for Uielr J" S."*®' mothers and guesU. ComjnlucM Mil *■**«*,*'’ n' » i» m « ! .1 i » n m m "«iM t ‘ “ J w I,™ . .> ^ » , r m , “ " S i S . " >- T O M n ^ f ln a all. Georgia Abbi^V t t o , Etlwln-KJand Joan WllllaBis were named to Schonman isrepresent the group a t the annual Mrs, Joe BenomeeUng of Burley Camp m Olrls A reception »MuneU Friday til ih t %hen they <ll»- Jy w eico u p itJ^ • < i - . l i e l r Jm idcM lt.. .F»neU the bride* parS«t6n«r w»t itanees »t the m « u of-town #ua«uIn i Monday. the bridegroom

G a r e o f y o u r _ C h :By ANGELO PA TRI

“M otter, D tekhaa-a-lotofm oney. •Tfeslerday._*aiHe bought ft lot of cahdy Uils after- dollar bill outtoon and a ulove. baU and b a tn jd I W d It on Iwhen 1 aaked him where he cot It. I bandaged TVh# aald h# found It." who knowa ■

••Whera U he? Brln* him right p l .a « c ^ e phoma. w t a t U he going to do ne itf about-lt--------Firat It’* one Uilng. now U'« lhl«. DItk's broUi'B ut this ]a the .worst." lnjt«ad of gol

•‘Dick, ahow me what money you mKl told his rhaw .' a«ven dollars ajvl twenty-t^o heard the t<MnUI Whero dW you je t thU?" mother went

•'1 round Jt.“ ' htfn. "I found“Where did you find UJ And why noor.’' aald Die

d idn 't you bring It straight to me him to changeor to your teacher? You knew It broke down atdid no t belong to you, You-»ever *nd ooofasMdfoupd It. You-ve U ken that money pilfering l i nfrom somebody. Stolen it. You are children. Theya thief. My aon. A Uilef. trained, experl

"Ten ■ me where you took thta of respeet to r i from.” , r«spect for Uie

" I found It In the schoolyard. respect for thDick Btuck to hla stor)'. Nothing, nioney ilvea i

nobody, could ahake hl» HaUmept. ^ » k and fat“I found It In U'B Khoolysrd. So should b? esp

II i p ^ aome of It. I t wasn’t tau«hu In U body-i. I t w aj lylntt on the pI*J- watehful o f t fTound and 1 plckcd it up." Uilngs.

Mother took the change and » « •• ed It away and aaid. "Whoeyw le « j, Uiat money, whoever bui.o.iWNn p.« from. U going to a*lc about H you WUl b* found out and . 'u i . 2*;, bu t I can 't help you. You u M*. c /. Ttm to Uke w hat come* .of I t Vou_^> bu.io. c . have to earn the money you —-----------------» n a -M u im -th « , V iM lM l ip *a rw * -w U I-b e -a d d « d - to - lt .J« J^ a r t % k * * -mor*. I am going to leav my e h a t^ ■ W f^righ t hare, on thla iBilf. - B h

s L r a “u r i K S f f i - ’charge o( Uie pla>-poiind


'atsy Lefler a n d _Nev\ iacR: Bixler W ed ’

In C hurch R itual ,■HBYBtjRN.-Jan.-23—standing be-Tc A background ot giadloll andI b l^ white Upcrs In candelabra,iUy-LeUtr-44id-^ack BUlw-Cx~ —langed wedrtliiR vows Saturday a tIt C tirntun cluirch In Burley. 'I'p bride Ll Uir daughter of U r.>d Mr.'. Uon Lpfirr. Burlry, nndIB brldeBroom Is ihe eon of Mrs. •> &^ e B1*l«r: HeyBQfn.“ ’............. - ..................Qrhe Rev. Lloyd Balfour read the • J m

JUble ring service a t the evening ■'

The bride was given In marriage r her father. She a blue-:ay crepe dress wlUi a corsage ot <1 roM;i,MaU^n oX,)]oiMr,.«ai Mr*. errel Dell,, aunt of the bride. tie Wore a bright blue dress wllh a >rsage of pink carnations. Lois Ochnour, bridesmaid, chose a rose ink dreu with a conisge of white imallons.Best man was John Croft. Ushers ere ta rry W arner a s d Gary Underson. WALCandles were lighted by Marvel (i-eywD phot, Uler. sister of the bridegroom and * ■*udy Lefler. sister of the bride, i i . i Hss BUIer wore a rose taffeta M lS S I TVS ■ock and Miss LefJer, a green frock. , . . .Por her son's wedding. Mrs. Bix- W Q t e f r chose a wine UffeU dress »lUi , old acceuorles. Her corsage was | n ( n lade nl white carnaUons. Mr.v 'cfler wore a blatk dress wltli a JEROME, Ja 5r.^age ol pink cnniatlons, ground of whMk LIi>}d Bnlfour wm soloist, carnations. Grc

l'cddlng-muM1^-*B9-plByed-by-Wl^- im tJlA U jh le rj ^e<l-Oft^ld!^-1«nd-E^^^e-Goehnou^:- -iV^-Irwl^V-I-ar Immcdlalcly followlne the cere- t>’' •’ ‘de of V

lony. a reception was liejd In the Albsri:ccplIoii room of the church. Fern nupilal vo ilxler wa-s In charge of the guest ^■iok and Wanda Caudle and Sornl) ® '*• "}• Thurs tae Scott took care of-thM lft table. C h o l ic churc. The reception laBle wos centered The-W de, g 1th a thrce-Ucrcd weddlnR cake father, woi ippcd wilh a miniature bride and af«m oon dre.i fldegroom. Mrs. Leo Handy was ^he cnI charge of the refreshment table. o««Irs. Merlin Scott and Mrs. Pet« f c wnuUilng/all-as*Ut»d hor,... , . ________ her moUier'a nT<Ath Mr j r e Janet RuU i'

roduates of Heyburn high school, "brldtrwiurmati TTiiVft hflr homt Iti fiiir- an afterngon^

,y_ .......... •" ~ Jerjo', trimmci______ ¥__ m at___________ rl^d a colonli

i^eetlng Is H eld .By WSCS G roup '"M r^’ja 'i^ T u

SHOSHONE, Jan. 23 - M r s ■ '

n suwardshlp and the group sing- ^Iw h i !ng a t the regular meellng of the .VSCS of the Methodist church e.t „ v, !?,“ V . tie church lasl week. Mrs. P . H. , Hn.-(more-gftve a-uap«r. "Across the lountains from tvcrywhcre'." which '4.Id about the WSCS a t Salmon. “ "” . r h o m r .Mrs, W. L, Austin, president, was » V h =

n'charge-of-th«-buBlne»*-me«Ung, t which plans were made for r c . iccrallDK the church. Members ,i S pSn t T i u m l h - l u i i a r K r i J fnen who arc working on the church. i " “7 . " ‘■Irs. John Thomaa and Mrs. 'Fred hifri/ ?Valker were named to a bazaar JfommltMe and Mr». D. w . Wilson ‘ ^ \,-a* named rummage sale chainnafl. T n a hi

iM e^^’t h'e mMl*ig V * Jr« . CharlesValters, h o s ie r school «rved“- . I I / during World nsilver Cjleaner s

C o m rad e rieH e ldHEYBURN. Jan. 23-T he Silver „IIanoous sho

Jleaner Comraderle wos held a t thc ^y Mrs.hurch recenUy under Uie dlrecUoa out-of-townIf Mrs. Bertha Burch. The alver j.jr. andmd white theme wss carried out In ^nd children,earn decotntlons. - • -•- PrcnsJ.'f/itmpiT he program ouUlned the Silver w , Irwin and

}lcantr's program, A song was sung k b ,u..y the trio, Lucille Ward, Wllda «lurch and Margean Wilcox; talk by t i f ______■Irs. Amy U e ; musical number by V V O m e r Vrvetta MorrUon. and panel discus- , , ion by the group and community I n V l t e

T e '- S l lv e r Gleaner award was.rcsenUd to Wllda Burch.^ mvuitlon ^ “

Refreshments were served. MoUi- „ „ |,r« n ee of n ot tb l gJrU w «e . ^ l a l guesU. ^ Boise m L

/Vedding R eportedBTOLEY. Jan. ,?3-M aklng Uielr

:iome in Burley following I W rn S r^ riage In Bko, Nev., Dec, 30 are Mr, ® «>uid Mr*. WaUace Bchor»m*n. Mx». 5 ! " 'Bchonman i» the fonrer DaiUjie ^ jt o a K rlejer. daughter of Mr, aad Ur»rErtwin-K»leg*rr^:*liJw*U,-*ad- Schonman Is Uie son of Mr. m d „ .j.Mr., Joe Schorcnjin, Rupert. ^

A reception wa* given for Oie new- ^ ,lywed-COUpl«-J»il. « a t Uie home ot , .Wie hride^a'parent*. Among Uie out* p i Q n C /»Mown #ua«u were th i pa renu of 'the bridegroom. J - q i * | -

'■■ FILER. Jai

u - C h i l d r e nSA',

«Yf;l>rrt«y tiNf-v » t»n Kcn Thompsjollar bill out of my purse when Boman were [ laid It on the bench, th a t time m epi^rs. •[ bandaged Tommy. Will anybody R«(reshm*n ►ho know* anything about UiU Homer Bhelti pleaM come privately and tall me Boyd to Legle»bout-lt."----------------— . - - ix srt. ..........

Dick's brother went right home , 2InsWad of going to his classroom f j l j K j- ind told hU tnoUier what he had 'tiaard Uie Uacher aay and hi* * moUier went back to Khool wlUi , 1 Stilfn, "I found it on Uie playgrtjund noor.’-' said Dick and noUiIng moved film to change th a t story, until he ,V'Broke down a t be^Ume Uiat night and ooofassad to bis mother. .

Pilfering 1* no t uncommon among children. They have to be taught. c*,nMt» wer< trained, experienced, in the matter ]f respect fo r other's-belonglnga, tn - n n U O T i n respect for their own eharactflr»,-ln , | ^ | | X I I I « respect for Uie moral law. UUng .money gives a sense of power to C C n C 11 weak and faUlng ehlldrea. T h»e T W M * M ihould b? especially guarded and *‘F « r ^ p « a t taughu In time Uisy learn, Bi a I X - » A H ^ watchful o t the one wha bwakewfc I f .Ihlngs.

P ilfria , I. <h.rut»4.lie of cWldS.^,

£ s k ‘W t i w i l i l i i M l i W B H I H l YPUBUONB

t m e s -n e w s . t w t n f a l l s , I

.... -Newlywed_._: E riendshi: T lp n s 't(

Ben• DlEmUCH. Jai

meeting of the plans were compU

_ _ Ing In the soon* munlty danc* lo i

-1 March, of Dimes,.the dance Indue

,'‘ E S r ^ p t clrclc, PTA, Gram

dance wll echool gymnailun

, fo r dancing.dances,until

tc u for the H elken,*ui»^ng '

B ook Re\ By

MBS. WALTER f . HUBEB RUPERT. Jan(LC7*0D ph6to-«l»» (BtraTlnlg) R. Crowe revlewi

* * * * T ik r by Tho;. , the Thursday

Wiss IrwinW eds SSSimS';™ W alter F. Huber

In C hurch-P ites j tuberculosis hosiJEROME, Jan. :3-Bc/ore aback- *10 for the Mai

round of white sloe’- ond hUie Mrs. Carl Keelamattons. Georgia Oall IrwIn, Jer- committee dljpl mf, tlftughtfr nr Mr tnd M n, .Fred. -ihe~-Ftlend»hlp- lU_Irttla_I-«nex«r-Kni>s—became- palmiriK— 5y— Clie bride of Waller P. liviber, ton nrtl^i l.'i on thf Mrs. Albert A. Huber. Jerome, coiuains plctui•he nupilal vows were read by the phases of Amerllev. Folher E. A. Schcrmaiison, a t sent lo a worn

a. in. Thursday s t St. Jerome’s o th e r members r '“thollc church.. . Mr.v Robert Phi The-brlde,-givtn-in- marrlage-by •oUeirM rsrT’elfjer father, wore a non' blue crepe ouster Ooofiernooii dre.is with white acces- igf „„() ^orle. . She carried a bouquet of u-

i r j s s r r „ r s , " r r . s £ " : H,er moUier'a ruby ring. ' ^ “ *-JaneV B uU i-lrw inriliter b f the VT.'^ .riatrw m nnaia-Brhonor-nnd wore — Mr*..m a J e m n attemoon dress |_Marcli^

l^d ft colonial bouquet of pink Mrs. ^ lla n d eathered cainallolir ' ' "daughter of Mrdwln NuUeh. cousin ol ihe bride- waa a cuwt.

Toom. served' as best man. Flamingo flffiMrs. JaOt Tubbs and Mrs. Francis flanked by wh

Jagnelll were wlolsts with Ann Hof the Uo table. M

The bride's mother wore a cocoa Hostesses for I )rowTi gabardine suit and Mrs. Hu- Mrs. George TI » r chose a blue gabardine suit.' and Mrs. F. H. :och wore a. corsage of gardenlu. B iker, Mri, Roj

Immedlotcly following the cere- Bob Reed, Mr/ ndnyj a weddliig.treakfajl foe rela- and Mia. Olsen, Ives and close friends was served The next mee It the home of the bridegroom's 8 p. m. Peb, 1. It nother. night" and a "i“ J\sr her weddlnTnripTO'EUH-YaTr -wnrtrTBetf-ln-i ey, the new Mrs. Huber chose a teat merit..lua-wooL/lrm^uhlch-»a,< designed_____________ffmd made by her mother. She wore \A Jie orchid from her bridal bouquet. V V O lT lC I 1

The bride Is a graduate ot Em- C « I « . - 4 - >orla State Teachers college, Em- JcieCl' »rl*.-K*ni.. and Is a physical edu- - p a U L -Jan. 3: ;sUon and health teacher a t the neJerome Junior high school. Junior Women’.

Huber, n graduate of Jerome high ^^e Mra school, served with the air force pfeaident; Mr*, luring World war II. He Is employed « « nby the war department. The couple ,L '. m-'v r WIU make Uielr home a t 3M east avenue A, Jerome.

The bride was honored a t a mis- ' „ ih m > cellanoous .hower prior to her mar- riege by Mrs. Mary K. Nuuch.

out-of-town guests a l Uie wedding ^ were Mr. and Airs.- Ray W. Prchal |e r , R ''h* and children. Mr. and Mrs, Ed f a n d ”prcnsJ,-r;(tm7«r--Mr.-«nd-MM,-pr«j.W, Irwin and Janet Irwin. Lenexa. ‘‘hBor- « « . on

— Marshall andI/, If, If, program comn

W om en of M oose S, , _ . Welmer, flowerIn v ite d .to Boise

OLENNS FERRY. Jan. JJ-W om - o« (en cf Uie Moose have received an . ' - , ^ 1 -nd invitation to atUod the mld-wlnlerconfertnee ot tha order on Jan . 3S ^In Boise. Member* ot the Olenns Bb id OEPerry chapter have been wJted to t o x r . jan exemplify the bailee M their part

H l -H n r **11 “ builnese meeUng a t Uie lo ^ e haU.

X priM went to pem W?U«- prise* went to Mrs, Jim

U* and Mrt. Jimmy Paul*. .Lunch «■«* served — Q

Barron ai,slatef EyW a. ft. L, Bybe?. /Mr*. Tom Rogers and Mrs, 8, L. M r W t IfBoyd, y l _ . i t

* * * 1 t i f V *P lan s A re-M ade —

For H obby Show ■ * t(FILER. Jan. 33-A t a meeUng

of the American Legion auxiliary. plans were made for a hebby show.The d»t< will be announced lat«r.

Mr*. Max Dwyer, Mra. WlUlam hClark. Mrs. W. W, Edwards. Mrs,Ken Thompson. and.^Mrs.. Millie Boman were Introduced a* new

R*(reshm*nts wtr* served ^ Ur>.Homer Bheltofi and Mri. Verqoa Boyd to Legion anil atulllaTy mem-


C lub Party* H eldA poUuck'dinner and <>fd party ^

were held by membera ot Uie MS andS e lu b E tid a y a tU ie U ay ,3 u ik g bulldlnr. pbltowlng ainner. Clifton Haak and c , WllUams' pUyed the electric gu itar and sang. Out-of> town gueiu cere Mr. and Mrs.Reese- o lle t. PUer.Rbiochlfl- and u n a s ta wer^ played.


r . r :

- S i s

W ? N*® Wain Av<

FALLS, IDAHO ___________

r ien d sh ip .C lu b .... . E aster^rpns ' t o : Assist^A t B enefit Fete

D ltm uC H . Jan. S3-Duiln| the — - cUng of the Friendship m ie 418 were completed tor parUclpit- t lr> the saontonhlp of a com- iiilty danc* lo rilii'TimtlrfDrthe -—>rch. of Dimes,.Groups sponsorlnt: e dance includa the nlendship ' cle, PTA, Grange and LDScliurch

The dance will be held In the 1001 gymnasium ,8atufday, Mu>Ic r dancing. Including old time nces, will be played from t p. m, itll nildnlght-Mrs. Hurold Van Sickle'wsi hoi-»a for Uie meeting wlUi Mrj. Fred . . . • ^rlken,*s*istmg hM .^ _

look Reviewed 'In By Mrs. Crowe ■ '

A t R upert Meet ^ 'RUPERT, Jan, JJ —Mn Jlmts JOAN CIU, Crowe reviewed th# book "Kon- (Leyaon photo—iki" by Thor Heyerdahl Ior * * le Thursday meeting of Ihe'omen'* club, Mrs. Frank CamptKll, J o n n C H L rogram chairman. Introduced Mri. 'T j ,

During the business meeUnj, club lembers voted *J lo be sent to the > [ \ A riberculosls hosplUil, Ooodini, *nd T t i 11 i t w . LO for the March of Dimes. JEROME. Ja n ,Mrs, Carl Keeley, chalrnun o[ ihe

^mmJltee. displayed and «pliln(dle—Friendship-ecrapboolir—An-okl yg— m,-^

hases of American life, ll »lll be rh„r,.>,r»,ent to a woman’# unit ovtrss&s. M iss cnurcn^mIther members nf Uie commline *te ffO*” ^[r.i. RQ bul J ' ” “ "d

Ir., B«=i,r oood,, Mn. J, 0, Vin- =r „ ,d m ™ En.1, Oo«.A’ report on Uie boxes sent to the ‘

favaho ' Indians and pte-holldoyo u .,a o . . . . ,1,™ S S S a ’S S . K '* ,.Jmore.— , . jjj ju n e . He is n;-Mr*jaiajjenedlct^clubjh*,l,rni‘.n .aod.U-jiaiU ated- or the March of Dimes, reported fraternity . He seHfrH^oHecWJ^------------------------ -ttw^rmed-forcewMrs. ^ l la n d Toevs, Aberdeen, ' ' A n Easte-rie.un

[aiighter of Mrs. Henry’ WJion, je ro m e ’s Catliol rad a fru»t. om e Is beln; pla.

Flamingo figurines on a minor «iciiked by white tapers centered he Uo lable. Mrs. John Bishop and U i n n 6 l

iosiesses for Uie aftcnioon wererfrs. George Thompson, chtlmtn. pir^ocWe cimd Mrs. V. H. Kenagy. Mri. H, A. ^ ^itn. H ushWker, Mri, Roy Cunnln|h»m, rs. poU o„in , u ie nJob Reed, Mrs. Amands Brockl played .witind Mis . Olsen, - ooinff to- Mra.

The next meeting win be held at J , ^

^Igh*?' Tnd a ''gly'n lnJtiS^uI^^e O h °rle . Zach.

nerit.______________________________ _ __________

SVomenTLecgue- Selects Officers

-pA U I/.-Jan. 3J—Mr*. Kan’»7 Jen. , . _ . ,nen' Is the new preiident of the |Junior Women’s leogue, Oihft offi­cers are Mra. Helen Klsuser, vice president; Mrs. Dan Overhesrt, lec- retary; Mrs, Elmer Fetwr, Irestur- er; Mrs. Nick Ochsner, reporlei, and E. E. Kettcriing, pAllaacnUry ad­viser.

CommlUee appolntmenli for the year Include Mrs. Alex Oerl*ck, Mr*.Eddie Knopp, Mra. OottUeb BoUln- ger, Mra. Richard Schenk, Ur*. Dan Sprcler nnd Mrs, Herman Vllhauer.soclal_commlttee; Mrs, Amll Rled- _____linger. Mrs. Oliver Ludwig, MfiTEe*MarshaU and Mn, Marrln loom, program commlltee; UrL-AUgu*t MarUch. Mrs. Elmer Ketlerllng.Mr*. Jake Knopp, jr., and Mrt, Eddie Welmer, flower and vUlting commit­tee. and Mrs, Fleyd Haylin *nd Mrs.- Prancea KtlUfllng, card cominltU*,

Retiring officers are Mrt. Lootll. president., and Mr*, Scheai, setre- tary,


FILER. Jan. a -M r* . 0, 7. Da- Klot2 entertained her contract bridge club a t a desiert lunctiecn.

— .... - — r i B i r e i

M d W il

OUB eavi

R o*

J a y

- - R e a l10 kmcnum riims fm . _ ,• im w h K*bt e n iy• Owiaiiwi IM Ia i • On>»| '• ZIf M M m«

e m m «m • tU M tnui^

n k mtw MwJf *1 4r MMaklUry ll In Mt'Ko*' “ "iH Mrtaw* • • vimMI** n'ltfr «•

htN •> An< IM ceblM'i «r*

MM •!»(• •(


J » w ain Ave. **»«. TWO IM f , 1 4 . 190 South Uncoln. Jeroni

E aste r Bride W riter's b H as Spea M onday 1

-. ,W.,W. Qo<irrey,,J( tured speaker at the ing ol tho Twin Palli Idaho W riter's leagi Power auditorium.

Godfrey brielly tri types of wrlUng a

of *clenUflo wriUni t i i ^ ' O f coniempor

" menUoned that "coob«)>Bf, It Ukes a •

■ writ# for tha pulp ' th a t *>ihether on

- suspenM brings in i „i; -iSP A brief buslnes* c

.• following the proi • Otto Powler. Klrabi

......------------------------ prttM W nt-ta-awoiChamberlain. Buhl,

. J Retrvihmenu veiJ f V - - Victor Goert*en t

• 'T ' - • ' - • Beld. The next me , • — wlUi Mr*. OranvU]

JOAN CinjRCIIMAN p —eyaon phot«>—ataff eograYlog) j g j ,

a n C h u rch m an ummumvm., , , 3 p jn . Wednesdsy

n d L orry Luce/III M arry Soon » y j:R0ME. Ja n , 2 J -V r. nnd M n, w .r -b ,- . ^ i . Churchmttn, Jerome, announce cng*gement of Uielr diiughter, u ^ i '

1 Cf.ir, to Larry Luce, son of

ounctment was made a t a fire- chapter.a t the Koppa Koppa Gamma *

5C In Moscow. LDS third wardIss Churchman was graduated meet a t 3 p, m. ' n Jerome h igh school w ith the social science met s of 1S<7 a n d will be graduated wUl be jlven by ! J u n » -fro n i- ih * -U n iv e w ty = o t -Hniaery.Tcartrwlil IO. Moscow, where slie la major- chlldten. in sociology. She U atflllated * '

I Kappa K appa Gamma aowrity. Bualnc** Wome uce Li a s rad u a te ot the Boise Plrst ChrlsUan ch 1 Khool an d also wlU be grad- a p m . Priday at »d froRi th a Unlvenlty of 7daho WlUlam Slbbe, r tune.. He is majoring In business nue caat. Helen S -l*-jifJillated-withJkla.iCHela:pi «.aiudy-of-PhlIlW) .ernlly. He served three years In ored films wlU be^rm ed-forccft--------------- --— — ------------------ 4— in EasteT Sunday wedding a t 6t. - Membera of K< ome’t Catholic church in Jer- nusoands will me< ; Is beln; planned by the couple, a t the home of !

¥ ¥ ¥ SIS Second aver

D inner Served I Membera are ask’ILLK. Ja n . 23—w nen Mr. ana Servlnr8. Pred Reichert entertained *Ir pinochle club, guests were Mr. Annual men's dJ M™ H ugh Bruwn. Twin Pall*, club wiU be heldlowing the no-host dinner cards a t the Idaho 1re played .W iui,jilgh,scare-Brliu, Rolls,and meat.hng to-, M rs ., Florence. Duerlg. and „member*.,ats. Brown. E. M. Rayborn and card tables, cards,nrle* Zach. ered dish and de

DOLLARP A Y ... . .


D R E !reducficf to _

n B * r e lM r « n c c - D f - B l l - T o in B in i n g ^ lF '*nd W in te r D re g ie g bow a t

___o^u8_B ^5ng8_^^ r e p len ish y e tir w ard -__

robe . . . m a n y d re s s e s be low Yg p r ic e i

drjgmdn^£ n o w rei

2 ; ” t c

Hoisiefry SALER „9. , la r 1 .5 0 $ - . 2 9t « 1 .9 1 . . . o n e 1 4 e y .only

, R e 8 y l e r - t . 3 5 - - $ 1 . 0 0 .. . . B11B d a y I


.............. .......... PJ

rite r 's L e a g u e . ^O S ijP frs^ ia s S peaker a f ^ y ^ G K u fckit _i‘ lA X.* Kew otfJceii for glV\onday M eeting th« pr«by tw u i.w o'.-W, O ^frey ,, Jerome, wa* tea- d speaker at Uie Monday m e«- ol Uio Twin Pall, chapter of Uie 10 W riter's league a t Ui* Idaho rer aurtlinrlum. a t tb* Motjday Bi6*Unodfrey b r i ^ traced the h lsto^ i5S * ^ * » r n .* w 'lM ypes of wrlUng and development .clenmio wtlUng. In his sum- il y O f conum potaryw nting ,-in " i £ h r ? rirnJ/ k i l l lUoned Uiat "contrary to popular ^^H loW rH rK M rta at, it Ukes a deflniu aiiU to 'pSSH?te ’ for Uie pulps" and atrersed S m j S .t “w hether one likes 11 not. ^penv. bring, in Uie check," t " i n l S. brief business meeting was held ,„ d purpose of Uie ai lowing the program and Mrs. Kinney sang wveral0 Powler. Kimberly, waa elected Refreshment* were4ld8n t w - • U n . -P. a . j» ,t« .rU rt.M urph jamberlain. Buhl. if «tetrvshments vere *e rv^ by Mrs. . .:tor GoertMn and Mra. Garth A nn VGrSQT id. The next meellng wUl be held , ' , ,th Mrs, aranvlUe Allen. [ 5 CelfiDrQ

r n lp n H n r S h o sh o n e v-aienaar sh o sh o h e , jan .1 — ... . — .1 wedding anninrsv aoim U ln View elub will meet a t Mrs, Georp Moora p ja . Wednesdsy a t Uie home of with a party at t* r*. Ohariet DurUng, 788 Locust »nd Mr*. Theodore I 'eel. Roll call will b« answered Luncheon « u servcomments on new i«gulatlon, decorated with llght<

¥ * * candles snd a threeMembers ol Della DelU Delta cake wlUi » mlniarorlty will me#t at a p. m. Monday brIdegrMm. -m; cai.th Mrs. James S. Kinney, 150 '^rved by Mrt. Mooi

lapter. and tne e\'!mn* wa<* * » pinochle. Prliei for

LDS third ward Relief soclely will ‘’J eet a t 3 p, -m. Thursday for the clal science meeUng. The lesson ? ^Ul be given by Mrs" MerJa Moon. niaery.Tcartrwlll.ha-provided .lo r „— _illdten. * ’

Bualnesa Women’s guild ot Uie J r , ’V £ , P 9 . ' ,r*t ChrlsUan church will meet at p m . Priday a t Ui6 home ot Mr*.

ff g - g a g i r ^ -Members of KOS club and.Uielr. ._Club ptltM went

n sF anarw lirm ecfa l’TprmTPTldiy S tnn id-anT M n^ t the home of Mrs. E, P, D iabln, whits rtiphuit w u 19 Second avenue north, for a W. Loughalller, Re oUuck dinner and card party, sen ed by Ihi hoste lembera are asked to bring Uble — — — —

Annual men's dinner of the Unity Ulub wiU be held a t 7 p. m. Friday I B |S T T * i r | l t the Idaho Power auditorium. iolls. and meat.have becn_obUlned nd „'members.,arft M ke4-to 'bring ' ard Ubles, cards, Uble service, cov- ■ I I J 1 1 ■ 1 1 red dish and dessert I m m M m m



± " V o ~

......~ - . « n d W -w i / j p r ice 1

y r l g J n d U f8 .9 5 t o 2 7 : S 0 -~— now reduced to

> T O 1 2 ’ ’

Pantfe S/i

T 3 f o r 5: 3 rayon {«rMy--------1—

I p e n l l tg In | l f t bex- ■ .V .*M *yonJyl

.......... .............F A C T

B y ^ G K u r i f i ^ n i t r ^ Htew otncen for group Mo, 8 e< /I Prtibytttlui.:Women’s a**oci- _00 a n Uia Donald Muiphy,itldent- and-Mr*.--Pr«d -Rod<«r*,------ctereCary-ttwfursr. - .

Mnmill** clislrmtn anooiffif^d th«Mor>dajiDS«Uncofth»inup,i,wl«.Mr«. JMiM R tr in n a r. T O b ^ _ _ ^ MIty; Mtt, H. W. Ireland, flnaoeel H H rs;-Prank Del,uea, mexobanhls: .

E. R0«rti, tomtMy. - - - - R ^ BUr*. Hugh Fbinips l«d Uu, dno- . . in*, Mrs. James Home, president .

the Women’* assoclaUoo. ex> ' ained the onanlcaUon, function id purpose of the assocUUoa. Ur*.Inney sang wveral sonsi. H HRefreshment* vere terved by Ul*r ttw irU rt. Murphy.,,-------------

* ¥ *

'vnniversary D ay H s C elebrated by M Shoshone C ouple » | |3HO5H0HE, Jan. aS—The OSth S j wedding annlrtrtary e f Mr, * a d ' S 4® !rs, Georp Moora waa celebraUdIth a pariy at th e hom e of Mr. 'B ffilnd Mr*. 'ITieodore B ra u n la tt WMl:. ; V | t Luncheon « u aerved from a Ubio ecorated with lighted allver coloredandles and a Uiree-Uered weddinr M Make wlUi a miniature bride an d ■ ■ridtgroom. Itie cake w tu eut an d IB Merved by Mrt. Moore, ' i ^ M

id “ tire n'tnlng was *penfpl*ylng : ilnochle. Prliei for play were won ly Mrs. Otorje Moore, ITred Moore,Jrs. L. D. Porter, Ooodlng. an d jm ar Shook, Pinochle prize* w ent 0 Mn, WllJIta s e m e r and Oeorg*.toore.-------------- V ~nf— » ------------------------

Club H as M eetHOLLISTEH, Jan ." M —BiUU m'—

Tract Komemakera club met Uak week at ibt homa of M n , ,8071 9. Kunkel, AmsUidam, wlih MTa. 6|jL_W..Knudion. co-hoa ^ . O llto

by John Paitoof. • _____________Club mlMS we n t ^ M w.^Waiw

whlts'4liph*ntwuiwc«tT«dbylCra. -W. Loughalller, RefreshmenU w et* sen-ed by Ihi hu tessea.

^ JNTER- -----T---- - -j


— a n d - l H S -------------- -------- -| —

itie SALE I

- o r

Page 6: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

: ; .z : . - p A S E L s ix _______

f t O M f * 1 1 " • * *—----------------K T H W ra il lA M ------- -

T t » t ooo tm snu i bill to relJ . ftaUi tcM lor fpeeUl big (am s bun

“ “ ■^o^MiHaBitiaWXSuKd Monday;th s lealsUturt « '« in < » m «

- m m ) m « i bouH bUl aa t t u ^- - .... -h « t eould b»^ ■■I Hroelv MvS b«to

^ ^ H l i l ^ H o u r elected publ

■ .. . ■ Strong rttcU o ■ l . ■ b o th pro and uS L " ® ^ '* i r e l i * * trlien sin

n m - m»nUoQ-

A |changa vas zck' r \ ^ lltUt overi y*M ago by eI - A . • JJclal* In the tl

! > . > \ W t ----- and g»m« depat' cttuia ment and thi

weommenfltd for aetJon l«t« U re a r by organlKd (portdrnn'

‘ froup*.;i; , T ie lestoa for the rocky rw ,i ahead U became iporumen then

• e l r s are divided on lh« meaaui ,1 BwemmendatloM from Indlvldu

duba throujhoat the iw te d lffen aharply. And then, (he averai hunter i t wontltrlng about th e b

I because it hiu him In Ills oftei

a l i fee to receive d « r and m l Ippo permli), 110 for elk and moui ta in £oat permits and MS for nVoo

; and mounisln nheep permits.Th» Hi)) and game departme:

------- wntenrtB-thatiees should be ehargi■ le r special Winla «ln«» jaany- wli

ner* of *p«lal pnrnlta are no t tiali-------0 >en> ■when th«y-co«l nothing. Th:

the department clalmi, In tcrfer w ith planj Jor orderly redueUon ' gams herdt through the «pecl hunts.

! ---------- A«e«! -*5 thU J» tha forthcoml!. . — hm ealllnj for Increased hun tli , . and fU h ln riIc eK « fr^ e -p T « se i

I ^8 fflp an iniilvHvf^ ^Mn»iny .fljhlng UcenM

•ta n d .« S .I f everything get nibbed-atampi

h r tha leglilature, la might roei

n K e y i n g M for a UeenJe, |5 o r t (I lo r a special hunt permit and

« »3 for a deer or elk Ug. Wh< jo u ©onsldsr the number of hunt*

•4 Jn the stale, the Inaeaaed casta w; I tl run Into quite a sum. •'Hi--------- -Tf, for example; the-m ailmuro f t■ under the proposed bill were chanti n for the 13,IM permits Issued la I y ia r. the lUte jfould have receiyi

; _______3h». JU Ji_M il-f«ne- o o m m i ^howerer, wrtUnds the relnsU t

I jnent of the old law calling fo r fe U npt planned a* a money-mnkli proposition. The basic reason la

■ ■ Jnsure that all permits aro used, li T he eommlsilon has pointed oI “ th«“ ioitr-fif rejBlsUng th e sped

h un ts through e x t r a personr I th a t n u it be hired, checUi I atotlons and clerical work in Bel t. eost quite a penny or tw o. Ti

revenue recel>td from the permi

i would cover this angle.The commission also has exnphs

jasd nonty received from spec permlU would go to the ftah a game department and not to ( general treasury of the state.

Altliougti It never haa be faroti(h out before, tha blU as

___oalliJflr th i jnixlmuni_fUufo r pwm ll fees. The U for d«wr ai |1 0 for elk could be reduced to ai am ount seen fit by the f ish ai game commission. Dnder th e o taw, the figures were the aam e. b ttie oommltsloo only charged to r d te f nil] M for elk perm its. Tl naw btU la the retcaUtement th e old law with a few mln<

-------changes. - .......An average reaction to tlie p r

posal Is that something should 1 dons to insure that all special pe mfU are UtlUsed, but a t th e aao

:: tlm« the return ef fe«a strike* ^ aour tute.

• I— —- - You etiv-bet oar leglslato ra-h a m any questions In thetr minds. Hock of letters from huntei

. w hether pro or con, probably wou• ------- bo-w«l(wned-*Bd-mlght-help--eoV

•ome '4 the problem* before thei

Gates Brothers I Whips Gooding

In 82-40 Clash'. -WENDUl , Jan. 23—T h e Oal

U I Brothers Oem Btaten m ade ll

i. t In a row over Idaho competition h«I i ------- nitht hv gallftTilng I

'■ Oooding Eks W-40 K T u n u t l J

I ' Tb* Oem Slaters vere paced \ ' Boy iToos, former XlDlveralty

Idaho slatting center, with IS poln \\ PoweU contributed another 14. U( i) rU topped Oooding with IS.T The oem Slater* roBed u p a *t) lead a t the half. - jI— '! 1 * f ?

6 i ' ■ iWmk i t IS Til TbUlt U Ij

I totleford Winsij CA0TLKPORD, Jan. 33—The i1 defeated CasUeford M .M en dele:J *1 the Twin n u s Selcs 76-ss hiI . UoBday night In a M agic ValI outlaw league eontest Biwood wiI tOKMd Castleford with 18 poliI while Lambert scored a like nu1 ......b e f - te tbs BeUs.-


■ ~ ~ B i U O M i t e B y■ m 1«9»

r a * S » 1 2 o d u

I ^ ’■TSSSr

^ U S C s t a r

S h o p p i n g

E l i o t S h uS " u i r S ' S L O S A N G E L E S , J . n . 28 (H ky road before R g y E l io t , IlH nolfl, t h e m an in • ^ e t« d public C a lif o r n ia w e n t w hopping agi i ^ g reaction, in v e s t i g a t e t h e jo b , announcci h pro and eon. —

j ,3 £ 3 ^ Here Tonightinge was made lllUe over a

ir ago by of.in the fish

1 game depart- n t and then etJon la te last

sporum en'i

he rocky road irumen them*1 ihfl measure. om Individual lU te differed the average

about th e biU in often-

leer and a n te .m oun-

for moose permlt/1. ie departm ent 'Uld be charged <e many- win-9 are tislng nolhicK_Thl9,

Interferes y reducUon ofI the •pecial

. .. JO H N TA TIC B. .IS forthconung ' . . , Ugh* heavyweight wrestler e ^ h u n ting , ^ 0 take* eo the Mysterious fltr.

-X -ton lgh t-ta-the-»e iirf- llna l-«e-

’ot-a comblna- "E ydle 'vF im am sm V els^ja j^^ s-lnere»nfll Jf l -i>gnald ^ a d - ,J a e k F*pj>»ahelm. ww > . t**®* •» Mike NaiaHan In aubbed-stampea ^odblo m ain event cart. Malchei

Z "ewei 15 o r $10 sermlt and ta

SiS‘»r,?MiddlecoffIs:ased casta will . « t v •

■S ^lm um fe« W i l l l i e r O I B l "II were chanted - O .

''hav^recclycd I Golf ifig PrizercoK C C ^A C H T .cjnjnnjunrT J-O 'E

the relnsUW- —Form er U . s . open klnR Cary Mid. :alllng fo r fees dlecoff, firing a IS.undcr par toln monev-mnklng of 371 for the 73 hole dLiUncc, cnp' i r w u o n la to tured the 110,000 tnkcwnod park [., arc used 8° ’ t'jurnam fnl loflny.u ftftlnted out T he form er dentist from Mcmi)h1< ne t t e roecia extm ctlna .his Inurlli MrnlRhl »ut

r l r ^ n n f par round from the ensy LnkcwNx TtA ^hw kinff country club cmirfic, wound up hi: «n;ir four day slliit with n .prirkllnff C3« <i-o three slroki-, mulcr j.i.r 35-37-7:

m fh« S irm iu for the e.235 yntd lakc-tlnttcd Iny. m the permlU previous tours had brough

V »core8 of 10-64-<i9.10 has gg^hM ! Mlddlecoff. winning his first tour

nam ent in Calilornla in four year of lO 'lns out here, broke n Ihre

2: ’ ' “y deadlock wllh ftnother ex u V. „ national champion Lloyd Mangrun wm II of ChlcsRO, and dark horse Jullu

^ Boros of Mid Pines, N. 0., soon nftep ji^ .b e g an t o d a y __________

» for d e « and M angrum slipped to a 7S for a 37 rrtuced to any took a 73 for 27Cthe f l ^ ana Tliey ntnrted out wllh Mlriillecoff a

Inder th e old 3( 3 /the aam e, but surprise runner-up to Middle

y c hareed $3 n n j jj^ooo victory proveik p e n n lta . The to be M anuel de La Torre of Mil nsU teraent «f wnufcce, -whcae T0-fl7-TO-O7 roxind. a few minor g^ve him a total of 374 and $1.00<

second place money..n to th e pro- -nes a t 27B were Henry Ranson ling should be j ^ h a 67; Jimmy Thomson, thi lU special per- blond belter from New York anc t a t th e same caiifom la , w{(h a €9. young* Dfc) feta strike* a M ayer of S t. Petersburg, Fla., 6D, nnt

Jhnm y Clark, Laguna Beach, CtiUf.TThTTT" trn^ IftTP 4nr rinv.

heir m inds, A ......... -■ -

College Leader^» befoitT them. Snub Meeting on

Basketball Fixesi c r s N irw YORK. Jon. 33 </p)-Onl;, , one of e ight Invited guests showccn | |C | r up Monday a t a collegiate confer

l a i* ' T he only School'to accept the inl o l l v ltatlon was M anhattan collcge23—T b e Oates whose basketball squad ollcRCdly wa:ts m ade It n the ta rge t of last week's seiisatlonajmpeUtlon here a ttem pted fix.walloping lhe The meeting was called by Loni

‘ K ~ a jn u iI iW -Island university and ita president TTMtmon W. Matcalfe, declined ti

were paced by comment on the absence of the olhc.DDlvewltj ol - - -wfth IB Mints: Besides Manhattan. Invitation

QOlher U U n - »«'* to, Columbia, Fordhamwllh 1*. New York university. City colTtge

o B r tT O m e -a 8 ‘- of- Brooklyn, Brooklyi. tsollege and Bt. Francis of Brooklyn

ODis'G KLXB 41 Hv« m en Were arrcstcd after Man nUftf f« M H h a lta n ’s lanky Negro basKetbnll star i.'” * . ! ; f Julius Kellogg, Ulld he was ap

J I • proached last week anij offered t l , >k K s » i 000 to throw a game agalaM De 'I* # I « 5 Paul. M anhattan beat DePaul In «“« • 1 I f “P«‘ ..................iltrMB I t

- - ‘■“S i NOTICi

A n n u a lM-Men delest-WC# 7«.W bert * _k M agic Valley O fst Elwood wing

r . SOUTHEf= = ; FISH and GA

W c d n c id o y , Jo . ” e t th e Odd

I f c M l V ' " - B T A T m STT '.OFFICIAL W nX 1

r r i ts i i r f s r ,* ‘ ndwj,ehe» *ad C


S t a r t s N e w

) i n g T o u r a s

S h u n s P o s t5, J a n . 28 (/P)— T h e U n iv e rs i ty o f S o u th e n , t h e m an in te r e s te d e n o u g h to f ly here anc ih o p p in g a g a in to d a y f o r a foo tball coach ib. an n o u n ce d in C h a m p a ig n t h a t h e h a s d e---------- --------- c ided to s ta y in h is belovein i n * I i f m in i . H is decision , follow inf l U g n i . — . T r o ja n cAitipus d isa a tisfac tio r

a lm o s t b e fo re he le ft to w i F r id a y n ig h t, w as cryfitat lizcd . h e sa id , b y pleading! fro m h is e n t ir e foo tball sq iiad a lu m n i, f a c u lty , s tu d e n ts and friends thn t he sUy In Champaign

| Q | | ^ . 3 ^ H Eliot has been lusoclatcd.. wlU Illinois since lD2a and ha.i lived it Champnlgn-Urbana sincc 1DT7.

I t apparent tha t some Trojar Blumnl and students had nothlnc against Eliot but they want Pau Brown, coach of the professiona Cleveland Browns, Stumbling block there, however, are Uiat Brow] hlmscK has Indicated that If hi .rettuns to.. coUeslat«-coaching—Vmlflht ^ nn1|f af nhtntha t the D80 administration ma; be unwilling tb offer enough to lun Brown

Presumably the Tro}an alumni students and faculty now wUl g< Into huddles fo r-the purpose 0; agreeing .on_a .coaching candidate before the Job Is offered to him.

There was no Indication, official]] or nllicrffue, thnt USC will Immedl- aUly Invite any particular Individ­ual for a survey vlsll, ai Eliot wai

7ICB Invited.eight' wrestler Athletic Director WllUi 0 , Hunt, lysterious flU. er said only that Eliot was prlvil' •enrf-lln*l-«f- «s»d-lo-reJeet the job orJndlcate_hlijo, t,.rfh ,r lntFri.,1 anri that IIBO wUll Oanno Me- continue to survey th e . Held 0:

F»pj>tahelm.. eoaxJ^-pQ ^bW llM -------------------atarian In a SportswrlUirs s a y '" lh ir amoni cart. Malehei those still in the field for the Tro Id tbs Radio jan Job are Don Faurot, Missouri

-------------------- Bowden Wyatt, Wyoming,_ _ _ The name of Fritz Crlilcr keep

» T i ' l a popping up, unofficially, but he ir i A x a comfortably planted as,Mlchlgan'.

f* T \ • i^thletlo director.iT | < i o r Thus the USO post Is as open tO'

,• ■ % di\y as It woa In Dacembcr alter Jcf

) « ’ Cravalh resigned under alumn1* 1 7 1 ^ prca.'!ure, later to take a tiO-n-da;

• *■ Job as a racing offlclsl a t Santj

klnR Cary Mid- - —— - - "jndcr par tolnl w v r • ¥7«

W y o m i n g F a n s

F o r m Club t o

‘ H a t e ’ P l a y e r

pur 3 5 - 3 '- y s a l t l a k e CJTY, Jm . 23 (UW- Laramie, Wyo„ has a -WeHale Mo.

*rs had brought R^d^vlch club,", hi fl... Disgrunlled Mrs. WllUam Ii. Scott f \ l fn^,r Laramie, said she spoke for "six avl<

b^We a three followers" In her letter t- , M United PrcM sports w u r llugl Llnvri Mftninim Wilson. He Wrote the Mory of Frida: K r ^ j X s n'l'l’f s «amc In Salt Lake City be S O sw n after Wyoming and Brigham Youni

__^ ________ unlver.illy,0 a 7S for a 378 ' Wyomlns lost. 98 to Mrand-Mrs k a 73 for 270. ScoU blsmcd IJ an "the ons boi h Mlriillecoff at who liiui been llic only Hop .■slncf

confcrcnce pby bcRan." , r-u p to Middle- Slic said Uiey wcrc referring tc victory proved "Hot-Shot Radovlch," and tin

1 Torre of Mil- credit and-liubllclty she ssld. Wll- 17-70-07 rounds son gave Jhe Covbof ■'inirns ux up."374 and $1,000 Mrs. Scott said the anl!-Hadovlcl'

sextet'.s statbtlcs for the game show-Henry Ransom ed tha t he shot 3Q times, "comparecThomson, the to something like « times tor th«

New York and entire reat of the team,"W. young' D/CIC -’TVi dCfMHely feet thst BYt7 ha^irg, Fla,, 60, and the superior club—but we just can''0 Beach, CtiUf,, sit by and read all Uie build-up ot

—; ----- Bodovlch our b6y~DIliniaB(in < ^ 1 * a ' is backbone of Wyoming')* _ _ team," Mra, ecotc w e e . ........

Ifxes Grocers Defeat Butchers 64-55

lletriate confer- The Magic Valley Bed and \Vhltiambling. . basketball team defeated Inde1 accept the In- pendent Meat. Tnln Falls; 6<-5l :iattan college, Monday n ljh t In a Magic,Valle; nd ollcRCdly was outlaw league basketball game, ck's sensational piay was close tliroushout thi

conlcst. hu^ Red and Wlilte man called by Long aged to keep a ellm margin. Hlgl d ita president, point honor went to Independcn Ife, declined to Meat's Olenn Hughes with IB points nee of the other web Malone was high for the win

ners with 17.‘Ih RED * WHITE •!, ISDEPENDESTnbla, Fordham, mKa t jj y. City coirtge,i t a . B r M W »>■■“ • < ; * ; Cis of Brooklyn, « - 0 j'simmor,., I 0 istcd after Man- c • « s r i ■ basketball star. « e OiTi. t- — « » •• i he was ap-..................................0 and offered t l ,- iiuhri ■; i ne agaliut De- »«mM « n a t DePaul In an _ J j; .......................... TbUl. U t u T«l«l. ..U .S ..


i u d M e e t i n gO F T H I

iOUTHERN IDAHO mil GAME Assn., Inc.idnesdoy , J a n u d ry 2 4 , 6 P.M ,

e t th e O dd F«l1ow» H oll_______________

S T A T m S T T M ^ - iM H rB E P r--------- ^ ---------^ICIAL W nX BE DJ ATTEWDANCt

Ddw^cht* aad Coffee Will B* Served


— V n a E S - . v B W S , T W

k : : ^ S

'St... r z z n : “o f S o u th e rn


h a s d e -h is

c to w n

sq iiad ,Itudents In Champaign.

uoclatcd.. with .Id ha.1) lived la slncc

some Trojan'I had nothing ley want ne professional tumbling blocks -

tliat Brown cd that If he r—0-coaching—It - - I ' l ■■ ■ ............ .hla,Bl«lf_find, — r ptntlrg * 11 ty*- " " r '"* '' U nlstratl^on may to figure out how It happeenough to lure Agrampnle backed into a date wll

rrojan alumni.

5? S e l w a y G a m eling candidate _ y _ ___ _

P r e s e r v e M a y ■'C will Immedl- _ . , , ^ %

r . ' . - y K i ; B e A b o l i s h e dtfiiii. n Hunt BOISE, Ja n . U ' (>P):-A hUl whlcl-

S -w i »*»ollsh the eelway game pre-orlndlca^ hU Introduced in the Jdobt

j h aLuso; will the 'leld of Clearwater. N « Perce and Blttcr-

L-. j —-----— TDot-nalloi»Wore«U-ln-Uie.ccntra]m it a i ^ g Idaho wildeniesB“ area“ extendInB

Id for the Tro- m y , Montana.Special d w r and_elk himtA havt

^lj..u.i4lii, B llj t e e n p e rS n tt^ w lthfrrthe pTescrve h u t generally It ha-i been closed tc

I Crlilcr keeps hunting or trapplnc. ally, but he H sen. Glenn Farthing, D,. Nt as,Michigan’s Perce, a member of the senate fl.O:

and game, forestry and_BUblIc lands ; Is as open to- commlltce which sponsored the billmbcr alter Je ff told .ttportcrs this:________under alumni "Ninety -per cent of Hhe 6eiw'a> ke a tiO-n-day pre,’ erve is liiaccc^ilbte to hunters llclsl a t Santa Two years ago, during the bad win___ ______ t f r the'g^entf^t lOM of elk in tlie_____■ ' entire Clearwater area occurred in

^ th e Lochsn drainage. There is nott r f i l l s cnouRh feed nn ihc lower slopes ne.i ’ i a i l S th e f i„ r to Iced elk forced do«-n bj I deep 6I10WS,

111 t n ‘s greatly ovcrBrninl U I t isbtttcr lha t hunters harvest thi

-- - crop of clk-Uion-to Ict-thc-anlmfll1VP>1* die on the Ice along the river . , .* J . TliK wns only one of •■-everal bill*. , Introiluccrt during the day amending', Jan. 23 W.rr>— j , , , , Ranie laws.■ "Wellalc Moe jj,,. others would stiffen

. regulations relating to hunting withmuam H. Scott, nrtlflclal light. This same measure)lte for 'six avid ^.puid make posscxslon of a loadedI her letter to „ hut^tlng area alter sunscl s iifJWr Hugh prima fade tfi’Mcnce ol UHeitt fcMory of Friday violate hunting laws,

. Lake City bc-Brlgham Young 1

B . .™ d C a s e S c h e d u l e _■•the o m boy ~ '

jnly Hop .■since Ti'rsi).\T^n." , J ’ i"rc referring to «t“ iiuUh r and Uie Huhum ,

'w“Ollril.i U.S up. c»»il»furil aL HitHion■ anl!-Hadovlch Kimktrlr m . Atoul* n the game show- iJj'J”,*' A'lMnn"mes, "compared * Thursday' times for the Oiki«r at n irr,.m " D«eIo at Albion(hs{BYt7ha* r« .„iio at -

it we Just can 't n-il.1 JV . 1, T-Io Fallf JV at T .lt

K FD Ilin iaB g ■■ Di.wir-kT-wisMni----------I of Wyoming's SM‘ ™ aS'"t“c i i i ; i su ..

........ jikilUld a t Caw_____ Jk<«nl» »l W.nd.ll

f e a t S : ‘ “ a F ' -

1 - 5 5 \ \ N I f . 'Bed and \Vhlte \ V __created Inde- ' s .

tiroughout the M A K f . V ' ' v.d Wlilte man- ^ .I margin. High V \;o independent \ ^ ^I with IB points. ---------- - - /ih for the win- * /

_______^ O U L _ ^<D»uU I 0 fl « -JfTt r 1 0 ___ ; ___imou ( 1 0 ^ .M.( r^ t ( 1 fM

B |l j;





- - ^ : W h a t j g i a i e i L .

-ojLihiLjJine-that.W»i *0 clow ta him a split-second I how It happened. Clarence Ucary look m e dcHai< inlo a date wllh Joe Lools al Mlsml- Beach Feb. 7,

a m e B o w l i n g S c o r e s


shed iiS" EE=i:j | i| |> -A hUl which " r Z n Z Z i e S ' i i i w il*Iway game pre- Sm iih-----------------J» iss i t i <ud in the JdBbt. ..........'..... — i t : 77^--------- ---------------------------- C**.<siiU_I'sp«_________ce and Bitter- M ^ul —— 1!— l_i»i -i».-In-Uie.ccntral. .-^..'.^'ZZjsi— aa_io4_ua4-eir extending |m -- is i-« ii

been closed to Uol.n Ho«r

•hlng, D,. Ne* - i » i « I ' j Imthe senate fl.Oi pumrar ----------------no ............. no

nd_BUblIc lands M»nin ---------------- is t u j kijnsored the bill, J:;;,''’ u j 15’ iig’ lis

of'Vlie'Seivvay .7eii~Bl5 ~^|7 :in.ble to hunters, ‘’“T " ,jn 1,0 jigig the bad win- ~ ...........i~a ;oa n« uss of elk In the ii.rimtt .................. n*rea occurred In!. There Is not \\ l lis l i i us)wcr slopes ne.ir ----------------- —forced dow'n by Tiu i. ......... ...... 5* ’■3’

Rallibli Fornir<itly ovcrgrnzrcl, HinJltiD .......... ...... :fi ~r< !»:ers harvest this sir»it ..................... 'iss K» isi iiilet-the-animals. 5!??'*°,'''- -------------■..; liithe r iv e r . , ," i,;;,;"' '. r.'Tn 'isi ' l u ' i s ;of .‘-everal bills /inini<Tm«n . .. hh m; icj is-:

e day amending .........

S would Stlflcn R«i«l»n C««M'’sh'o»to hunting with HiBdIc.B ------- ------.iJ j l IJI. same measure .......— I l i - j l u "i5 isson of a loaded KritVion ! ___ lieii iis i t i iso:ea alter sunset nmi«er ............... ... u i ist us *nre ol UHeitt to Sri’.iicnh.ut ......... i2« i5» IC6

1 1 a D riumMns ', j j j ! jS

kT Th'.r'-e .................. i:* 16 ' IIS <7J

»nnr Titrj Ittndkap -------------IS2 IIZ l i t »Sidtll Thimwoa------------1S1 |S9 ISl JJO, -------------- loj jU l | J»a

■AY ” tIu Ii — " b i ^

X ......................lUllrf ai »>•, Hn. -------■allf JV st T .I0 lAIUtDAT

Coodlns SUia t" u ACar.r at r»trll.U ... ................

“ lI.IItT >t IIU, Hn.'Sut* CutMoH n. PttI t t Rsnrt

LafayetU's bukttball te sm in­cludes seven lettermen from Itst seasorv'a squad,

t p

I ^ F .

f e l l o w l a b e l


L.OVJ^ . .......______________ I “jtw iL ,, _ f i

B o u A o n W

iiiiniinrnfc (T


. ■.

. split-second ago. Oroello Agraraonte seems to be' ok m e declaiSh * i .nl»dl»u» Sijiuhc Oardni. bul Seaeh F eb. 7. iNEA telepholo)_________________

^ o r e g I S m i t h ^ p a r k s

— U t a h t o 4 5 - 3 9

! ! ! ! l i ; I s W y o m i n g W i nJ "l” ISO It* SALT LAKE CITY. Jan. SS (/P>- ! 158 JU O len Bmlth Jed Utah to a «-39 vlc- ! s n ST< *4»i lo ry over Wyoming Id o Skyline con- tp u______ L _ -fcrcnce ba.-»ketball game Monday_< iR IR lu nInhL I t was WvoinlnR'’s IhirtTIoss !| i j j jll in a disastrous tour west 61 theI__ aa_iB4_ua loc tlc j,__________________________1 ils ~ l« ! I’l ■■■ Smllhrslx-fool-lour luiiWrrhirthe____________ baskel ti/ne and again »!lh hi? sharpi. j :si_«7 s tm hook .shot for nine fleld.goala. His

five gift,tosses gave him 23 points.■' •> s] S m ith 'and K ent Bates, slx-foot-flve 7 ISS u« *!> sophomore centcr, scored IS of s 118 i4» IIS U tah 's 14 field goals. Bates ended,

1ST i£i points,i f JM il Utah pulled ahead 44-30 with five, ^ ^ minutes remaining- They carefully 5'B ts ^ 1 7 : in -eludcd-the-frotitle-Wnddles and triedr only one field goal during the long I 355 515 •■rtall. Sm ith pockctcd a free throwI ^ '

< 116 Isi 111 n io it of the wny. Six players were___ _____— evicted w ith five personal fouls;1 3S3 I.35 :t:5 Jo h n Hiichcs, Bob Clements and

Dick HaaK of Wyoming nnd Bates.• Tf> 7n is; T im Cleverly and Gien Dugglns ol

• . .. ill The score changed hand.i through- 1 151 ' lu I " o u t the llrbl hnlf ond’ Bnilth netted< uc; If] is: two quick ,'hot.n to put the Utes In front, 23-20, nt Intermlwlon, Wyom-

) :r.o h:: :io: Inp c«u?ht fire Jn Uie second periodKhi>p a n d pushed in front 38-33 about mld-

Ti TT :ji way. Then the Utes, with Smith[ coniiccilng for three In a row. ran) 113 itT ISO up the victory margin.

Wilson Takes Win r,;: is In Billiards Play; . m _ : j s ii< .. Tora.W ilion nipped Frank_Orcea■ n2 J;.* SJ 273-269 Jn tJjc /catHre game Mon-< li'i lis <71 doy evcnlnc In the Twin Falls bll-------------------- lurd-s tournament. Other whu were) 750 7t5 :!is posted by Nick Ney, OUbert Mc-’ 'IT 111 »s C arter and Frank Rhodn,7 ts-) Ul ISO Oreen spotted Wilson a 102-polnt? JrJ ’.'i Jg'J J’andfcap score and put up a stiffI 1;J jJ j JJ7 battle before going out. The gameI HO U7 111 w as finished In 31 Innings and- —— — — Oreen. although defeated, averagedI SIS t»i .569 jjjjjg points an Inning and posted a

h igh run of 49, highest of the tour-------- - — . - -.

‘ • Key defeated Ray Fries 75-48 in

an teajB in- . , en from lis t j q u i t t in g fa r m in g and ------------------- W e s t a n d V A S o u lh o f J e re

T H U R j^ ^ HALE STARTS AT li;M P J « ._

" / < h 20 HEAD OF CA• ' 1 ^ 1 ^ - Springer* 5

■Ct4 Durham Heavy Springer comhii V D orhatn Springer comiog with 1st

• ll Guernsey Sprlngtf coming wllh Isv V A Bed Cow. 6 yr*. old milking no*

N W ill freshen March 25,6 gaL c< / I________Gaernsey, Juti trcth, a t l r gat. cc ^ ________________Cnenuey Cow glvlnr 3’,4 gal, frei m _____________ UoIsteiQ Cow, coming with 2nd ea ---- -------J t4 - g a L j u .« _ _ _ _ _______

- S Short Yearlings S Catniog 2 71 ^ |M | ' Short n o m 2 Holst<B > ...^ P P ..- i UolsUla S{««n, coming 2 jr . ol

Yearling Uohlrln Heller ^ ■ 1 Small Guernsry Heller Calf

' ■ Goernsey Bull, 2 yr. old

* 1 ? ; . HORSESD _»n__ Team Horses, t h . old aorrei geldi

Bay AUre

t e y HOUSEHOLD Gl--D lnlnx Bsom Table-snd 4-chain

M /W m KIteheA Table aod 2 ChairsM I B 'U D arcno and Clialr RockiSW m IM ’ Kitchen Cabinet -------| / » | i Bedroom D m ser «uu .Mirror

8nsU Cook Store, Coal Cabiort

■ B U 2 SO ft. Garden HoseX B I ^ Set o( Kid'a Swings made of S 'i"

and trapeit bar Lard P re u Fniit J a n and Ulshrs

V FMB^e BbJI D»i. .c««- U h. regfal ' » g»»- Wod Whltehradl Electric n

-Kllehe»-Cupboardj 7 ri3z- U -“dl m Cupboard 72 'XK XI8- deep

f l n Appro*. SOO Balls of W hnt st«W B Approximakly 600 Bu,hel. WheatB K A p l» s» im a l* iy « ij^


- . __ ______ . Tu:

^ ^ T w o M o r (

y L o o p s F 6

M a n p o w e■ NEW YORK, Jan; 23 ijP) ~

and Ainharna st^te leagues ts tl of basebnll’B minor leagues aim

Manpower, financial and tra the entire minor league struc- ture. How many of the 65 re- maining leagues can survive 18 problcrrBtlcal—

Several leagues ^ v e met to de- bate- their fate, hoping to shift a franbhlse or two and continue. The class D Alabama sC<t(4 v u (he first to go. Then o s» e Monday’s decision by the clMS B Boutheastem,. "At least 10 win go," said a minor league official «ho did not want his name used, "I'm afraid I t will

■{■vQ ^ ^ ^ h be more. There Jt;s( won't b« enough ball players to go around."

Many leagues are merely marking time, trying to odtwolt the others In tticir territory. They figure to pick up enough monpower to make

. the grode ff they c«B delay masters. j _ - T - r r — . .. long.enough.--------- ----------------------te seems io be Most of the problems ore concen-

TliP,ie circuits with their low salaries-------------------- and Inexperienced players are par-

, tlcularly NTiJncrnbJe, Sfost of theo i * l ? G ta len t is well w ithin tlie draft age a i lV O --- - rvw of the players figure to be

m € \ ^ deferred because of dependents orprerlous Mrvloe. ...................

y The Alabama state had only three■wcjm clubs when It threw In the towcJ.

t i V l T l The Southeastern had five but gave ^ tip when Dothsa, Ala., declined to

‘ m I '' _ Six clubs with s dnflnlto decision to

, tjematle'withln-two-weeka. ir lU liW r^inne cen tral league, a class ' A»eTd gottla HIS ‘ repfacemCTt for FilnC,

will riTt operate In 1051. A meellng has been set for early February.

. n f r « VnH H Three cities from the Rio Qrondea. nates enaca, moved over to the^ .. Ouff Coa.« league as It went to

44-30 with live tjjujis for th e j l r s t time. AThey carefully i ,„ g u e city, Crowley,

addie- and tried xft:,-movc(i-1nto Abbcvllle's-spot-in .Evangeline league. '

Ki a free throw pnducah. Ky„ became a member-------of fhe-Klfly-feBgtje-TeaterdsyrTr-id-rough-gfims -pjncln!rCiilro,-HI.,-whloh-»urroiMl»r.Ix players were ^ jt., franchise,personal fouls; To combat the manpower short-

Clcmciits and ngc, Ic.-igvies arc loosening their rules ling nnd Bates, m pti-mit more "veterans," In nor-»en Dagglns o l the lower minors retjulre

n .stated number of rookies on eacbhands through-icl-Bniltli netted w ith the m llllS iy 'd raft dlppins put tlie Utes In deeper Into the barrel cach month,mlwlon, Wyom- Mexican and Cuban playerjte sccona p c r l^ ^ ^han In recent years.lB-33 aM ut rmd- players will hold theires, with Smith Jobs,• i A l l In all. Uie minora aeem to be In * • for a rough Utne with 30 of the ---------- 55 survivors In class C and D.

,G S W i n ^5 Innings. Ney had the help cf s•* P I q v JO-polnt handicap.,5 1 l a y In the B division, Olbert McCar-d Franlc_Grcea tc r spotted Lorln Laughlln 14 polnUire game Mori- ond won 74-57 ln-70-lim ings-andTwin Falls bll- nhoila spotted Ray Seeley >9 pointsIther whu were and won 70-60 In 04 Innings,y, Gilbert Me- Onmcs Tuesday will pair Davidhodn, Lovelady and E, O. Bracken andson a 102-polnt Floyd Flimell and H arry Povsy input up a stiff the A division wid/€eeley and-Rayout. The game MurUn and O. S.'O udgel and La-1 Innings and Vclle Walker in th# B divUIon.eated, averaged . ----------------------------Ig and posted a L ittle league baseball, embracingest of the tour- 16,000 boys- In 38 states, v as cr-

_. . ganlred I I years ago a t WUllami-Fries 75-48 in port. Fa,, by Carl E. S toU

f a m F s a■ ■ ' ............... — - ' ■ --------------

fnrnilng and will sell at Public Auction t Soulh of Jerome or 1 '/< South of Jerome I

r a U R S D A Y , J A H U AIT 12;M P J « ._ ______________I W C H J

AD OF CATTLE T FXr !5 Milk Coin FarzaaD .H T ncl

pringcr coming w ith 2nd cstf IMS Dodge l-Tccoming with 1st calf . U allu hitch

t coming wllh la t calf No. 2U 8pod Aold milking now, giving SW gal. V-25 Trail H bw(ilarch 2(>, 6 gsL cow wheo ere*h John De«re 4-batth, s t i t gal. cctr, open Blagle Front V/bring 3Vi gal, fresh April 19 Side D rasc r fernlng with 2nd calf May 12, giving Jeh n Deere C .a

I S Catniog 2 TT. old H elfert John D w re H an 2 Holstein* 7-f*ol Case Tan

, coming 2 yr. old— ‘ ' “ ComfoK'Cab for Heller----------------------------------------- C hatlen 8'. Ditch

lelfer Calf-------------------------------------S-secUon Steel C yr. old-------------------------------------------Bnbber Tired W. -----— ------------------------------------ - 10 f t Case DaniH O R S E S ............

t. .M ™ i „ u i » r m a 10 ,r . «__ ___________________________ Case A-9 Combi

lEHOLD GOODSbIe-sDd-4-Ohalrt---------------------- ------------------ -d 2 Chairs^btnet __________60 I ^ y to t Hens.

" MIS75 f t r Endless

lose Heavy Duly VJs*>g* made erf 2!4" plpe. t sw lnn Bo. BeU Ho|Itr IntemaUonal Fei

n s - of M Cable. 1 Ishrs derriek«c««- U h. regfaiered IM yr*.

. 1. - K'SlJ'SS,! ' a n d GRAIN________®LC*»e_W|rc ,TledJBM ,_lit. 2nd . _ W x il t tn L ia « r -

Spud Hillers, Ccor W hen straw C h a iu aad <

0 Bu,hel, Wheal - - BtnUoo Htithcit P i t , - - _________ IS com j r p la .*

_ _ . TERMS: CASH .

T A N L E Y J . K A R E L ,>LD'KtAAS, Anctloneers


M o r e

s F o l d U n d

j o W e r P in c jJan;-2 3 (ffO— F o ld in g s of th e & i

Ite le a g u e s Is th e f i r s t break in I?* lor le a g u e s s ince th e 1D50 season la n c ia l a n d tr a n s p o r ta t io n probl»».• league struc. — ---------• of the 55 re- O J ,s can survive J T l a n S iT la(

Have met to de- P o e f n r k ' n A T '3plng to shift a * '^ » * 'M O n e nd continue. The t » * , _

Jtheastem, BOieE, Jan. a ,«go," said a minor ing promoter T u S '0 did not want a proposed fluht h»i?2.'m a fra id ,It will ry Matthews; won't be enough charopion Joe Majtmiround." ; poned so that» merely marking heavj-wcight c h a iw ^tw alt the others in June, *’ ***

They figure to title bout h e « winpower to make and Matthews had b»«SB delay matters set for Jtinc, but r J ^ ,. . . _____________.Oe-Dostponed: until telems ore concen- “U|"Wcr to accomoiiii,!,-below-cJa.is D, — ^ ^ '“ -moTt-tham iFstheir low salaries P°he the light to sji^players are par- *'’ot a t the heavywtUj.e. Most of the ^ dcIJnltcJy »an{ tin vIn tlie draft age Jhcws meclng m Bala., aycrs figure to be ‘Hager said. -)f dependents or ^ “ atthca^j. fonnttij tf

________ hos, fought_sts’ml-»taaU had only three a large Bov< fottotj ;w In the towcJ. ®'*‘led " s J ^lad five but gave hundred* ol Ala., declined to U KX months »*»y, ^ ■unertcan league. ? “ * >» ■!

im. A

mh / first time A CAREY. Jan. JJ-n ,

r r ^ lV .. M 'n defeated F aM ^ i1 33 here Thursday cSiiil, b t^ l l e s s p o t - in carey w llh T p o lS rtle U e ^ ^ m e m b e r

«hloh -»u rro^» r- — ~ .n —

manpower short- Golfers SlatelThursday Mtr,SSi"X"

? s p m ms ."i p 3

.».m K. y'sd on this yeu'i a

^ c m p . ” "*■____________

ad the help cf a j- —

Q, Olbert McCar- B A | | J D | >aughlln 14 pointsi-70 -lim in g s -a n d ------------n — ■ = -- -? Seeley JB pointsM Innings. M ’ S i

will pair David AO. Bracken and . H arry Povey in l/€eeley and-Ray'Gudgel and La- «he B dlvUIon. ' ^

seball, embracing IHoTin* Istates, was or- S tw afI

ago a t WUllami- LE . 's t o u " ■■ l ! ^ = = = S

S A L E Ibllc Auction these articles fotslri 1 tl of Jerome Livestock Commlssi«<

F A N U A R T 2 5_____ LW C H _FI14' BE_CTBVEPWtf

f a r m M A C H I N E R YFanaaD H T m lwIMS Dodge 1-Ton Ple^l.|l^ *-ply “«

UaUer hitch and Ude beards. ■No. 2U Spud A Bbui CnltlTstsr f« B «■ .V-25 Trail Mower'John De«te «-bar Bld« Bake, uks W* - filngZe Front Wheef fer-Trvtflr Side D rasc r fer B e r U . bsw J ehn Deere C .a «-foot F l e M C ^ " * ^

John Deere HamnOTnlll .............l-foo l Case Tandem Dtse ^ComfoK'Cab for T rac ftr '.....Chatlen 8'. Ditcher wllh Exir» •5-sectlon Steel Case HarrvwBnbber Tired Wagon with Flat * W ■"10 f t Case Dump Eak# ^ '• Steel Stock Tralles' 'Mc-Dectlng Bean I l i a t a i .i_Dempster 4-row Cornigiktor. t r s « * ^ Case A-9 Combine Bean. W hf* ” ”

and saeker. t yrs. eld. go«d sb»f ; a-row Chaaplen Spud Digger _

POULTRY60 tay jng Hens. New Ha»»ibiw* ^

m i s c e u c a n e O W ?75 f t r Endless Drtv» Be«Heavy Dnly Vise P «*« m o Ba. BeU Beg recdsr

!“s*Sw C^ble. p S y s and

DeUval-Creame X#-gat MUk Cans J T s w * - ^S H ay'SU hgTSinrfChala* ;------Hay SUflg vU h I Chains. ')6-gal. Hand SpraiiTS5 Heavy Dnty Btedrto Cord --Xt«e(rie I Ofl CailA JC g****!

,.,-?,SyS.-»tea..«*-«ggCASH .

AREL, O w ney■ lOHW


Page 7: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

_____ i H

Sl - ' ^ - ■ • £ L

K i ^ ' j | g ®" i 2 " ’ ••i«>'"“j r f e «

L f f ' r J f ' v

L l. VjW.i<l«l|l<M <

[ g p R ^ ^ H p U S E - M A J

11,1 li I ' i"l w S s / v J H « m ffiNtwa «f c \* T e A M w s 'u l ^K l * KA.'ie VJITK M A.30K lJ - a t C H M J C e R ™ \ INF'EI

.........ll III ......

^MlLUOki e u c k & ° # B H P i

g a U K E T H A T

« m Dpen to bribery, M iss Mari '®e» quarter for every ‘A ’ you ? i

IE G U M P g

m l

r' i 4 i t m > i g k M X M ^

flf dAiiSifeM r r ^T 0 «11M - PE*F ^ - E n r~ tl]

-M l

•»lutIon «l Y M ttrtfiyi Fuar* jK S B j DOWN t..m » (((n a « L ^ •<

^ ■ ” ■ ‘ffiK Sw \ 1

" 3T~ *’" ^'fluoiwftr"I <fc Or»iB et tUIo*. I

5 - M A J O E H O b S ^ :

F G e s x r c a b s a s V ^ ’k c HL ffiNlMfi M« A ftTOPeKlOODS 1I j ___ / a^ MA.30R U E i ^ o e ■ \ ■ S tNFIELDER vJlTrt

B y N E H E R j-----------::

M1b8 M a rg a rtt? . . . My pop . — ■A’ y o u 8 i v « m » . . . ” „ ,


I R ^ r 5 u 7 T « ? P ^ i ? l p y 5 g M P g -rte ia g Tft


.. _.. '® ® ^iT ^ ''J '6U E 7 jtst< 5eT 7> « K w c u l F £ * ^ a £ B A C * iN -E V E a V \ VjOLn.

( ONE OF ’EM.''|{?U»<NCW WHAT} TO «M . V MATOI.DUSSHE'DDOIPSHE/GUVS • >» c a u o k t o s PIUOW VCO *

' V p'tiHTiwAiSAiNi v r '^ -C e v o r a :

W i

HrSt#^PL**. »* eoeK iT H ieryyE A ttstoo^ooN

S I D E G L A N C E S B y

-------------- r - l | - [ ' * y ___________~

f ®; ; j t e 3 * 9

"Oh, oh f H ere comes eig-hty dollars w< & forty-cent tip !"


P ; 1 M--■ A m -

" I though t you m«Rht feel bett«r If y N ationa list C hina tea!”

t t l K K H M ' W r ! ^ v i j U k t 6 D our ' W . i u

^ insochXstc^ ; : - - . ^

^ By WAL'<NjC O M P g T e S lT > .0 ^ '~ | / ...^

S2\ ) OIDNT 1 o ! lO W ^ -> . '

t i m e s -n e w s . T W IW P A L L !

- - ........ % ^ W 6 j J A j m I ~

n i e r w c a , if 'scu ^illllllllllllllilll V « & S^ 1 I I J THB S

111 ^ n

^ E

B y G A L B R A I T H g M


^ I H ' . w M - W m ° S '

ty dollars worth o t service tn i Y


B y D I C K T D K N E R - B ________ ______________________u s j o w

'[ ] r i H

p P ^

1 better ff you k n ew —th li I t (J»

H «

B y W A L T D I S N E Y R ^


V J0tLTC»tk^J^M £A U 5& y^C KSrrt THS d w W U H * TO M A S K fc ^ P f ELS P * M9 n a c c t » 0 « ^ i i s e / P « * u s * - n '> I I -'1 / V SOU IOl «o

^ T tC T I^

_ r OHl (Tft ^ OHD VOU K U m MlWt H< VS c VCW.aKOl r \a u # T liiupt hPRES«WJI>KA . NA5 AWUP iPieK fOU. 3B TH£F TO EETU




( v s tt\ w .fi% c * x t I "»!».': i : o» ^ H « o c M e < .u s t ^ o a w , i l

~ <sggpBW g~:K-o p u .fttt« 0 Q0>

T rtV « X>»*^.WS:S.

S Y«»,£H« b*at_«ncJ- f Cort*r«tuUt!ons,|.

^ ,2 lju u '


■ f, - t S S -i i^



I s ^ 1} FORf/-rMGONMArBOM‘ ^ 5 » MIBBCJt

^ ^ n i ly ^

o I S M B f l S ? ■ op ' - < : ^ p

^ X ' l o o n a M Ujuow H ft • « d"

^ 7 5 t * ® k c O , U * S ^ ? W 'r ^ P f & L S crMLFCONailMTOr W ^ ^ S S r ^ /^M5.ia*USHTEWI sou'Kft «o £«N5mvc A iour[ ' 5 S S I ^ « * * « V W 0 l i

h A MW *'«( H*VB ' T ( / Y W « U « 6U « * ^>RESeMl>KAPKI (U f|llT lW 'V O (t>U 'U ClX ^U I rwiEF TO EBTuaul l I i n A l . » P«}UBTT6 HEUM UT rs M tM 6? j ^ d V JAOveo TO PO JUt

c iv « i l W5>V ^a^vviwtK W i I V '^ M . I tiO»4*T ffiCt WO— -1 = p\^‘ \ ' OW O ..‘\Q 4--,t tso> ^ '^ ll___ ___ i

g i^ S W Y TWST «

a ~ T * 5 5 I S S f ”^B S V>.Kf /

«5U SAIO A D V C E /Pl-E A SE ^^" L P 'S N '^ I OUNNERE S O / I l O B E ^K3INIG TO r w ^

■ I ^ZvS^ew CZt^TTI ? /? \

n s i r n s f s ^ IsiHi^ s ^ -a s w tB iW s a j s s M tJ W lB

»•*» B B i i .

......A A ■ ■ '

r«U « 6U « * 7I70CWH4 \ 1 r c s » )w w l« » rw i m iu tuc i X tM Mwn>,ief> \ b« «'a m s vmKr »m

«<»-T 1 1 ) r vMvw\w-ro» OC«f« « \HKVt f fb WOCA Z K M '\•NOftV^^V .*«» ' M

3 s a s f i a ' t i s & V ' s i . f S K J i s ^ S ’m /o r u w B tw f rH v a v S iT P / MO«ewiTHT ONEHOMC«Cfr^£'- K. THWBOMM,

6 i w w 5 T B t w i f i c n 7 5 o 5 5 i 5 n ^

K l . 1.

4'T0» OOV*T,W 'W o f i n



Page 8: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

I M a r k e - * * * *

S to c t sI M A R K E T S A T A g l a n c e

NEW YORK. J.n. II C «-

L___ .* *Tri-'*- U. g. nmrnmrtt

I anc.ri.loW-----lo rttn .llU4Uon.


1 “ ■• ......... .

■ £ ^ S r * S i : S “rHs .1 »'i

In ih« ‘' ‘'i.n.’ TihiTr i« i~TiBonf “.d m - ir . ftn.r.llr h*W ‘"'ow m dolUr. eatnrttM

* T rnm ,Uti or. Ih. 4„ l-U. 5 .i"r.r‘d

- ......

1 ■■■

^;L'kln^‘’'‘l*.■.'^^«lid.a x . .«

*^mlTlf CffTTfi____

-------Am S i« * - n iim ll----HHi : ; : ; S:

jg js

' E*"l^ . 1 !*i 1% ir - f c t . " " ’— S J . - ' f i

!i E r 'U S k

C,i„ Cr.d is-i Sm V»e JC*m M ^ ^ ' ' ' ' * “ j r

l & i P l l S / i:J’i

liSi"-" 5»’j ij£^ cEt°‘ i\%m u!i?« 1”^ Un'AlrnVi'’* ’« U

I C.U ClK MH Un Alrcrift W

' H l i S - hOt W»l But » W.TBtr On* ItH

I f f - I t t iiiKEW TORK CURB

N W Y O M .IV T^hnkclor

*i£“ B® ra ’ ivl- nm SW B NT TRUBTS

if n«M44T tiMlif* cnnxT B- w. K»>R.»«rtt UTMteMI »■ »•»)- Ann.-Baa. Bh»T» — , JJ. J

4 rr^ ff l£ = r= = = = ||: ■XcntoM B» -..„■ .....................»»■ IKc t w g « ................... .............. »]»■ ®

!, I stock Averages |[I CMaiD<4 k» n . Am kUiW r r - .^iT iBjl:r~i?Au~'uuT.-si«kiI. . « .teh»a«t >., A.«- D.S A.I A.I

S : : & « : : l ! i I S S ' S

I i S i i I 1 1Jl. IU«4> Ion - M.« l».t *l.t -10.8

IS P o ta to Bnd^Oraon— in F u tu resA | (C nriM 7 C. y t. McBctwrt* vxS S I --------OB»j«iiT.-eitarBWtr«K«n*m)-

1 1 ' -------JANUAHrONIONi•4ft - - - hkt> -*u i. tow, lUL. cliatl. X i l " *° FBBBUABt OKIOKS

i l ^ UARCB ONtOMJE ll.T^httli. ll.u low, II.U .cIim ; td

'- ■ IM IV MlUm McU fimllr piUBU un1 ; thiuatf. TJil .Unl.Itl p.UnU unchlBiW

___filUHUri.bnn^U^ iow.r, ll.t»:

y L- ^f t ■ Twin Falls ~I I Livestock Pricesllfc- l i l # loUoirtni Twin P»U» Uve- B K ' ' (lock prteei u « prerided by th' | l ( | : TKla PiU* Uvettock. Commlulca ■A iTT't T buedoa Uu result! of tbi Bn Ust vmUj kucUnn uic K —OMiM-butdun. iBO-aas ibj....in.oH . ' S t a , 330-34S Ibe------------------U1.0B Hoes. IT0.1W Ibt------- 4JIJ

th« WftlVL.M lftS a ^ - m n t h u r i sH ^ 1 _ M B ^ W .O

H 8 B » r r v e r 'M w va • - «iH.oo.^n.a

H ; S f l f t S o !H.".'.. « w * » . ■ ~ ' i r . ., ,.jw Jo-au>E " ' 9M p q t i,i.;::\i« .ifi„iiii iiaoi>r<w -o<

■ OattCT — ....iUlTJO-IMift» - - < p r tn g - U m i» - . . , ■ itam»W8,ni]

- - - PAQB BIGHT "

rkets and Fi^ * * * *

[ s t i v e s t o c k

g l a n c e ] ■Jl.»-t»i tholt. b«l<1 umiod tl lO; «


,1. lo .m wp «i.« Mi.bi. IM;

. 11, h*'w k*iow '« . .»»»«!*} *0«1 w .. ..I.bl. iro^a ig.06.j0.00: ,« J.Wrt.OM 200: m.rVrt tlow nn

r f S r S H S ' t e ,C . ; o ( f ! ^ 5 i.««> ib«- »-M‘ •»"’• >■'•’’"= \

"■'SJllI’n'oV.tS J

s l « S ? S S S B 5 i ~ S " f ; i : a , : ' r ™ ^ = , " . ^ --------------- 'intiidia X .... N O E L E a i

)CKB r“•l.™'lTooI^"oO 'p^>!m^ I

iliVuU--- tiy , .""Bhw-Ml.w.. MB.; ra.ik.l-umnlri., .

“ )r Ip J a5cisco*/'^ 'is?u i-(U sc)ai *

Iis?l' ’ *'nt.-jl!l Ib™ "irM ri J.rd * 341 lb. butch.r. orde«d lo at Sl.OO;'Ullle ‘l ' l « ----- 111. - lkrl.ultb.« .ud.rrt ll) “KR 24% “ cllil2'Ml.bl» 100: iuht msplr n-«ii»OII <’** <-ow»;' inde' openKl J.lil/ »tll>e, •lln

I I '»ein« — 3% tUuihM •u .r . JJ.OO; touol* lot. rom- ‘

iy> nitnlil .(« » IIM-U; ist tommmiit f. n“' j *'’ S^u illr 'a*™ V oM

‘* C . «‘i I5 « ; 1ot“^(Jlm1.n"Hri.'l7u*^.^k It^tr. Lu*!? 8n1 J’i ’^%^VM^^bl.'V9‘ '^ » 3 r ^ ^ “- ; ' MW-r

■ r a )r.{ir,a-ffii:*Vr.V-;;■*c'"b°* SSH "'"H'"" 7T lb. twdera Jt.OO. ,®",.. CBICARO _ ,

i K " ’S1.A ■

?^?bit «l5j solJl'sof’ i’J-seo' r tt“'Vf.Mis5'«o!'V« JS . ! | . ’

Z"" P ■Ufll^ ' m.re/.f *n4 iw i <cw. gut^r! oiJ>fr

I ;*-k mml.l »nd* l.OJO Ifc. »lMrm tt.OO; «x.l , ru th -----. “ *• ^

M.I*" IURB ShMp i.l.b l. l.HOi no ’•'"J* JMIb l « i M.Mi^born l.oitu ilMdr ip ‘*™ bkolor W . 11.U-7S: Ihni fill •horu lollni ,|Idi 8oi- iS - I

_______ *.*c1 ?

iJ:« ►-----------t i r 1 tn»llam lo low «hoIt» mIvm ind »«.l«i»-----------;};■ n JOM.U.Ofl! COTimOB JS.60-H.M. „— -......W i ? buUbw .,---------- '■"•’S .Td ebolM t**.«0 iv '^ u b .n Jl.WJOl "?..............{!?-“ rxrf ItMM lb. li-M-nJO, ^ i

J. I . ind thole* llihlw.lihl. up lo l l.» ; *txn ----------- --------^Wln» » l" i»J». , . , _.

rages | SffH'KS ■■“ ' f . KA».«. cfA” “ ' ' " u | . . - H «. ”i— UUI.'Stockl hM« w.*k-to.lfl lo»«r :^taodJBi

A'.i « ! l JI’i H-» m ^ ’ ui*nt^liium“ u.dj‘“ blih i ^ l» *' «;J tr!» »1-W-

I <7.1 »J.I »».*«: coiBBiml.l Ul low food i l w

O i i lO H rood lo cholc l>.tl»«e heH .boT. }}.00.____

»B OMAJtA. (U8DAI—Hon» a :*Jd‘'’iuu «

r«Ktn«-m) I -B

lU L c lc i.U t

'.‘.“4 ? ^ - . , II. I

j r i . c i - , . « '- t t ^ n l» lljbl »urrlj .tr.d /; prlmt l.««l, ^

V- - - - ' ___11 lb. f.d..U>n. in.Ol: a.iorlW.-jMrf. .ad I

ills ---------- Twill F a llsPrices i.v.™r,

CbolM b ul h.ri, lID.iM lu. ...JJl.00.1 .M y

a P»U» Uve- 5 1 ^ 1|*' '»'Tided by th« Ha... morJ'.S.n inT>:. .Vnftli Mc . Commlttlon v , n ; J . ^ ; -- ---------- If 'S l} '2 «A resultfoftbe sut> <:» ib.. .... ‘ *i»le: s’~™ . - ................... .— iti.oo-ii.oo 'a o Ibj-..|33.00 — ...............r - - I

"" M i 'm VMlm ...........................- m a b s i L M : - = . = J S i S S m -

- <JR*1X J_ tl8 ;^ W .O O --------- ’ ‘iff ^

_118jy)4l7il0 P'lcv cvotnS. M» e.rr l». I. th troisr j j io w w ix ) .,

***Osi” J l o «I»M«I1 I-JK JO -m O O e » it Korihwi. _________ M.a J. horiii.ni Ko. | _ ^ _ | | m.(.io 1;a su M t4 o e l i J S M? t : : : . . t ~ z ~ ; .{ u 6 ;* : to Ix nM-^otiiA to .ll rtdi No. 1 ........ .......... . 19 vi.j.TS

I Finance* * * * *

) c k — ~ € h r a i n ^ —CHICAGO. J.n . ]i UH Chln.'e

U8DAI—Ho(i limits < n» <lr« protxK.l In Korn '•>■ (Ilr >i lo-et; •d tl' iO: rivid . on t .'buih.l «l llnr*. KorkMut ibaw^

'^ * ’ioU‘< rn- Whr.I clod unchiniril In I oot Viofr b™.MT»tiIHr fh.n Ch. pr,yr»i.. ftnlel.,- Merck f .« ^ r

, i i s S r - r A ^ . r i s K 'S p i :rv s i= ' “r H ‘; i

b. 10 _ "'orn'j’o. * mHo« J.7r',i .• Ntf. J, th^c.^lru«k>.I. ' ‘oVu No. I h»'..r -h ll. M-M'l: Ko. I Honj.» ii.oo

“ i5 ;i,V” no™lnili?’m,VlVnV°'l.»-?l J l«»l -21t llw. 11.10; So>br.nj none.•OO-JO.OO; »ooJ ---------rVrt .low nn ,|CAro'’V ' " ->

l iBS i:7» '

’ jL*ii I’” '* !'T*iTZir.1<\n «'r>i _ i:»l’4 1.«IU l i l l.llVirn o f.H ih .r; ' , „ y , j ,^

J " ’, 'il“ !';!? !'S ‘)j!.iVJ-«i^u t.»H ».»Hn'prtlom.nd j*']* ” ;j“ {•;«

— ISil—s.i-1 i»-»J n :7i it.M— ».to~

“ ’s ’.is"5 v . " S s ’2'i.;!£l n ; s : t : s ”s 3 | 3jV]lr1r*.'Vtr»t y*rw"l-»* to Ij'lW.

S ' i l Potatoes-Onions


IU8DAl lIo«» ioo''fb, ."^lkiT.TK.||ic-f'(.w ’■•’■ loVuo’irl

i H " £ f£FSst't\'iB H iii

IS l =’«007!M;*rom. rlr iVi’S*)?'<'n* W*<-'l< SPO*;’ u.m'* U. ’s' rm tt.OO: »ood .hicnfiiu 603. I

jS d de^srn ,.i'.::t'v^v /d '^h^‘:'.vrr.-.v,im IQ «holc. Tr.rk e.t« <100 )l,..); Id.h.. Ru...l» I

I.mS, Pi.S- ....... . ‘ I!?} Ll'.l I(S.r^or^up^ w 'u’!'"S.‘ ' l e l.e 'V -M h ..r i.in ; .uh '

JY ««•’.'»uni- " 'hI'riJ'* .VlllV'™ k?ld." V m m ” «Vi!?o I. ...--------

?1V/ ‘‘Sir* ClobM^nV'jr.'d* '.*?2lfl5i'’'I!rt>‘’ro.lV.'i°;iMl.toi uUlllr , j - p „ etnl 1 Inch ,n j l .r ..r .bOKln* J

r S i H m r « . ;*»•«• moJlum rello»> few be.1 Jdlnne- 1

«0!«. !■»: ,lj«ho BWMt Sp.nUh » Inrh ,C<.lor»<lo I.W-l!«; rno.llr I.M; MlchlVtn •

10 11.90; |tx)d ,!?*. I»mM limlw —NBW-VOHK,'J»n.-BS-4Jl—JUUaalal 111 io.rk.1 n»l ,„p. poooJi; '

auhirr l.mb. .^ol future. U0,®00.uilit ta .rrfr* <lM.d 10 0 <enl. hliber; i

las; j(UP* “ - tin lfk .ltd wool Ipot UT.ON. 1Mr:.«DdJIBl _..Wool--lQ»-fulur»._£joud.-10.fi.-Cfnti ,

i“S H “S ? i a S r

r , ! l t r Payment of $259 -Sought-on-Notes

rU8DAi—Hon Suit WU (Ued Tuezde; tn juitlc« -■'«’*; court by Louise Hughes, doing busl- I

-a tsa-M _lh tJrR -lnJiillu :i« lltJU l(l ^00 for .round Adjustment co m p o n y , offalnst •»5-M; :;»-i>oo Mftrlon Dsenhaucr, Melting collrc- '‘40 iiii' i: s»-‘ t^on of t*-o promlasery noU« iotaU

. Inc. i359.65..tlven th? T»ln FalU 'th eboic. »nd gounty hospital In Ndvembtr and 'i" » Detember of 1M8. '

<4n».» .bd - in tc m t ls sousht-ee « U ea »60 ;hull! for atlomcy’3 fe« . The credit ■

l*«l bureau U represented by. J. H.rlW..|AcH '.ad BaTDU. . . . j

t il irE l li *np I

11 Falls Markets----- 1POTATOM <D«Ueir.d) !

. ...JJl.OM M Ho , ......................... .............Hcll.U ,•■• !'155'; 'S <i«.iir» WUd) ' __120.00-t .0*--- ’VSll M= liitl -is a'S.'::i.‘.?,;.';.V:n,T=3S '— lire ? *»“ " < '“ ■ »"■* « '« --------'*=-.. Itl.0«-«1.00 Colorad tprlsn ................. •■;

E'i:iSS '•7S'.S-..=;rrs::n------'■ ]iSiSStS -= r 'ilotlaiiilB iS ‘(Ona dwW aooiadi 'S^S'ti." >■0° ' ' 't. n < followlu.prlo wen (0»>ll>d br Ib. {_______,«ft* Idihs ta Prodo«.r» of Twin T.IU Im '

r»oi v». I w»B. i- ii. ificiuit.ii _ I

______ M.!l M e S la a^ in ^ .. .. , -------Z Z Iljc '_ _ l l0 4 - t '0 l^r*. B ------ Hj (~ ; . { u 6;*:tO Sn..u"A -------/------ iU ,IZZ. ♦.':S-J.'io E««. I- Ir.d. Il.rfel '._______ jsc llt '

. *roW dMlan ............... .... , 1

' ~ 200 F a r m e r s ^ Turn O u t For -

______ ^ o i l M e e t i n g .;-Ued Chln.'e nutiieDti «houW b« t a a c i U> the * in Korn w.i toll. 7

, fiiiurei tod.r. Anion H orn. Bolne, extension • >7 hflfiieultunst. d tscuw d ferU llter um ''' ” f ."‘nuV.,S tor trull Ircea nrid urged th e use or .od ••iwiue.d niiTog»5 tn lo rn v nf ammonium «ul- J in 1 co t low.r Phiti or ammonium n ltra U . i .?'h'?77V*V ; ■ W aH u 'o f O ren u e ■ ' ’ K.reb liovcvcr, h e csuiloncd the {am * ’ M.r i.7J‘4-i;i m inst overuse o l nltregen , r'w fi ‘rt 7" 'o since It wlU retluce the color ot the « r i».«». trull Of delay rlpcnmc- ’ '

........ ............ HtrrTt *»o aiflcuued eiUo»««i*. to j,•. . Imlt uetj. T hl* condiUon U ciused k

)—C»»h »h««t J [jjg up the Iron In tha ii,- }I.. 7. ?.?!>;- kU at plant- veaow le&ves reault «« „ , . . , »lnte iron u n o t available to give j!

...^r w*su.*Vr *To'"pKv°nt chlonuli. h e expUlned. f.: swe.1 tiovec the fanner ahoultl uje Iron aulphate i oji-ooi . 1. 1k. ,p,jy the u e c w ith IronI l.>'o.?ij le»i ammonium c itra te In eela tlne cap-

lulei.F llm a Bho»ra

,, V He ihotted film elides to IHttf tr*Mcliloroslj and xlnc deficiencies. To

U * Clu. correct ilnc deficiencies th e farmer, , , , , , , , , should ipray tree s with 25 pounds of

:-)5‘ unciulphate to 100 gallons of wawr. - iU s « _ :a u - xntouiabe lu ia d n n iu u im ra y . j :.*!■», :.<|i4 and ipplled in February or March. [ . . .I - , he iddtd.

i:7r»7 —Pj^erHftrd^rr-Oplvf ralLy nC Itlfthg.. I,:**. T.:«ie ouiitant professor o f" asronomy, ~ i .n 'i 1.78 iixmcrs should compare fer-

« i i »i'i tutor prlccs on the basis of costper pauml-of-nu trltn t-rathcr.-U iA n _

.50% • -.JO’; coji per ujn When they buy fertll- .M>. -JJ-. jfj tj,g ^ o u p tJint eacfi

17*»i MT'4 fftrmtr must know w h a t his soilliTin. ntcds w th a t h is feriUlzcr will haveU l i.iivi th»t nutrient a n d that each farmer i i m iii« i ihouW consult a reputttble ferUifser s!:m *:u'2 dttltr. ' ,1,l i \ , ' 5 He »Uo discussed th o nutrients

Wlllsli»fetrQUKtlSJnto_thesoU_bylr- i> 00 1«.M rl^atlon water, sometimes in quantl' 19.U n .ii Uh which a re diinjcrou#. He point- ,

“ edjiiiLthatBmll^.breAlCB down the ci 1, 5; — ij'to— »etl aftd-th*«-caJ«Jum-«*n-be-rfelrK

’ ___ rntntsl. Bnake rlv?r w ater has high |„

ifTN^'ThJ^d ......... DlsctisilonlleTd - - j ;A panel discussion a t the morn- •■

cioe°e''M 'rth InjKMlon fcoturcd tnlkfl by Smith;I, j.s>H:an.L Couiily A gent C. W. D algh; Joe j;;

J “ S / ’/V.V wm R Youns. local fan n e r.'I 'H o .! l»l Y0UH8 traced his own cxperlencM

wIUj crop rotnU on and fcrtlllM r. He „ K totd Uic-KTOup h c -ro tn tc s -a lfa lfn ;-

■ ' ■■" ' clovtr, potolocs. grains and. beans. ~ rhospliale is applied to h is IcRtlmcs, heuid. In nddltloii h e crowns the » tinifa nnd itpplles m anure and Jer- tlllMrwtm 1C ports nltroften to 20 '

-ctw rua-H o. pu i|^p lia t*4 ;^ r* -p lftnw ns-p< > ?.

I On hll p rn ln he use* pliosphate

nions «\Vlitn Imy has a h ! sh mlnerftl

conlenl. he explained, livestock likes At It boiler but c au .lc ss 'of It to get "

wlr. in-iu'rrj »-h>t U needed.ir L';. '.a.h.l: - r a i i ^ v . - ' n.uuet Burbei.ki MtCollum dlscu.isod fcrtlllrcr sup- 1"; .1.. A w..h«i p!y, distribution aiicf use. Ke saW itle. to ouoni eve.7jood d e ale r niyst provide sen-- mi

. . . Ice biMd on ft knoRlcdRc of what he lu r i iiuri.ir>ki liMlllug: ft v.lllln(niess to give infor- ^ ■iw A »«h«l millon to fnrm ers, an understand- tn

Int Dl the ftirmcr's ferllllrer needs, ui keep up w ith new Ilnd- *"

r pilfM—to le Irip brought ou l by th e extension ai •ervlce and th e confidence ot the du finntr.

P i-r.'iitn dealer snld 1051 wll! see a S'; toi.i u. s. general shortage of commercial fer- >ti

tlll2fr> hut Mtiglc Vallcy will have J.tVr^-'eetf.,- «nou!h bccauso of Its location near l«,h.. Ru...i» the MUrces of fertilizer. Super

‘ phojphstc m a y b* h a rd to get. he ; irn ^ ." '^ u h “'''I"'-its ;oih;r.ec . He urged formers to buy fer- e.ir. Trivri j. tuittr In advance »o th e re will be ,,

m in u te riish to deplete. - u s. 3 ;j»- «n f«

. County A im t T»lka ' demind iio-; Djijh dlsciiMed the way alfalfa i.i

nnnoi* Yello. nltrogcn into th e soil. He eald .rproiiiT..ie;i T«-ln Palls county la st year had a “

i.ra.r .bowin* lar fitatcT ttcrcage Of beans than of "s “y In «n ’'*>'■ Indication th a t crops pr

kitiiii raM-e.t “re out of biilnncc. However, a rec- tw b«t Jdinne- Ofd jlcld Of sug&r bccts last year “

.and a record c r y of p o ^ to ea three _ i.Mi Mlchi».n l ' ‘rs»go, would Inaicato th a t the

Mil U not too badly depleted, he added.

.v .,i,.,- i Hs»Uo commented th a t Irrigationdcpletersoll-laaterthniT-tmterttwr P< natural sources since the yreater “

*j°i* siltin ' 5'ltlds t&ke m ore nutrients from the H i t . ih HslaBl ‘""•On hand.' he 'added. Cl

llie ull w hich Is irrisatod is easy to to because a lfa lfa can be t>-

f^k iiiu r j!;!! gw tn tAsUy-ln.irrlcfttfd >reas.____ i l

• Minor M ish ap s in - Burley R e p o rted »

$ ^ D } f DUniEY. Jo n . a _ A n automobile l>-IC tfk fo C - °l*r.ted by Loyal D, Cole. Rupert. _

I ' l t l l c S TOBeJnTpusHeaTrom the curb Inay In lunlce Surley a t 12;05 a. m. Saturday whsn m. doing busl. “ collided w ith a Burley police ear J;L C ltdlLA nl ‘’f '"" '>y Patrolm an Chester. E. C1 y, against TiaiM .-DainoSe-Unh-e-jwllfe—c ir vicklng collrc- sUsjil- • * no l« total. On T hursday Rf tem oon c a r sT»ln FalU tlri'cn by D on U w rence, Salt Lake In

ivember'and Cltr,-ind-Ben-6mltii, Heyburn. col- U llded i t M « ln and A lbloa streets.

I well as (BO U m iice w as driving w«ti-on E u t The credit M>ln when Smltti attem pted to

1 by. J. H. 'um off of Albion to tlie e1ist on .tfiln. LawTcnce toJd officers ha

—;------------- s»-unj ms c a r to 'th e right to 'pre-. V. v(nt a f ro n t end toUlaiot>-but-wai ^

l u o - t U inj unjWe lo avoid the crash. Both "eij JT.OO; e»mr csrs Sere damaged, .1diua .i.uibter Minor dam age waa reported by •'

Burlev police lo a ' pickup truck J,'"I— ------- ~\ driieii by W endcl! McMurroy. Bur- I

Ity, lilien i t w as backed from a curb ^------------- ind-colUded wllh th e fro n t end of J

» sedin driven by C. B. Dayley. The r .. accident occurred a t 12:05 p. m. T

n , .IU Overland and Four- [T ------trenth s treets.

— ;;i Junior F o re s te rClub Holds Vote 5

________ it flobtrt A nth ls, Jr.. wm elected- r — — 5' prr ldent o f .the Ju n io r . Forester* j

4.H elub recently n t a reo rsan itt-: .......... .........UoD»l.mc.cUns.jiLibc_£rBuj>-----------^________ Mt Olher officers are B a rb ara Anthls, ^------------- “ < vice president: Etm» Jean Plolt, .1---------------- wretarv. FYelda J o Molltor. re- «

porter, W alter ASlHlsTsaK#'leader; -5 r-fn*"?!!!.' K*"" T helner. refreshm ent chair, i. ciuii..). _ tnin, »nd. E leanor MoUtor. enter- “________ Ke tilnmmt chairm ao. Mrs." Robert--------- — Jl' AathlJ and M i». R obert White are liZ Z m I k club leader*. -------------- >t« Uie I t member* o f th e club are-------------- “ etiTrinj o u t 16 projects. The ne tt

, , , irwlins o f th e c h b wlJJ be htJd rtb, i at tb o Fred MoUtor home, t.

--“^ ‘^=ajiju;S.NBW S,="5W S

^ I Twin Falk RadK U X KVM

etmgded to the -}}S*KSfS S

T:I9 *AriMtro<t. tBt ■:*« •n.brltl i!extenslbn i!i» t , r. n. Buru, • »;is »s.» H.^e

e rU llteruse iii:m t . . o.tod. Ediu« j.s a ;bhi I th e use of w tohm ba t .hV,,,;i^,

; the farm - ^ onesj.f nltl^gen ci.b‘* E.r« Bor,color of the »;oo M U»nib.i^b ?;55 n .« .»d 1

i i i i iiron in tha [}■«»' “•"‘"J* T»ai»i #,eo chip.1 br :&ves reault HjJ* ^2.“!:*™.',iM . 10 81. . i i ” "

I ;Ofl C lin Caat.id. c expUlned. f j .« miJkio*T3lL 2o n sulphate iW j/.^kpot'ihi. jloo xJ.<k Kirke w ith iron *Jshs B. knaidr « : s •llialrcw.■latlne cap- ;J‘ * * " » “ • ' *;J»

:10 ‘K^™ » « « « « «; 0 Sport. R.

w i)jusir»M:lencles. To ;oo su .'uock UiUm 7-oo *cni.riar_th e farmer B.ntet tIso •rimllj Tl

i r S i i s s " l i K S□muiLaoray. j . ;m Pm aii«b, Hmi— . jjo -'C rijM -rij y or March. [ 11 s . « ^

■ asronomy, ' '' j ~CS liS Legislative

' Summaryc r wlll have ”:ach farmer ®' T**' Tr»«,le rertifirer for ..n - .

«l.torr .uepenelon of lltaiu. of any perwa e nutrients «myicl«d or re<kt.u drl.lm. U10 sgU_by Ir- , s in q u a n tl->. Ke point- . tiu '» rVtMenberil-.Cb.nflns au.llfl- C< OS down the c.tlon. of ■■Jralnliir.n., rommllite ct m

“ W T i i ; ; . ' ;c r has high f.'r f.nc.ll.lloB ot t .r t.11 per.of..l t t .^.... -. . prcof-lh.1 iiKh prowtij.wM .hloptd n t ju

the morn. ‘ ]v9 by Smith; , ,V , t l T ii'ii IvDalgh; Joe «.cr. and De- ll.r^u>ek dl..... coalrol .nd TD Indennllr “

'T l i IS ,Ur..nl-P.rmlWn, « r .Ic .VcrtlllMr. He { S .'w ,1," ".Ti" ? ',tcs-alfalfa,' - iin s> iP T m ni'rina ian 'itt^r-^™ "' P' and. beans, >>uuV“7*"'* '*

its Icgtlmcs, nil (5 irvWk h«.ilhl—n.v l.ln . inH ,crowns the rr-rlilni r~le re).llti| lo llccniTr.r •»'iire and fer- «f*“i*'i"n 0/ nuna.rORCn to 20 '. .R orlv.le .w. V(‘IftnW ns-P^ 'lM»-iint«rTOnp>rifnti-rTreTinnentil-m?' —

pljosphate nn If-llepulrlnr pell. In netirr.1i r t nitrogen thn. 10 ^m.in op.n umn s p. m. mured m

Bh mineral sn JMi'."nkJ^"!^urI"«'“ d utiiuirei- ?? cstock likes Atnetidlnt 1. - r*l.llnj lo \\

' ' ” »'j7'*ir.nki!'ulur.nc« atiit utlllllfJ)- ....... Tlr).lint Ll .ulliMU>‘ .,f csniwHlKintt li

rtu 'lrcrsup- ‘’'" ’‘J’"*

indcrstand- jr.neferrj-.yropert, no, w .nl.^ for l.w

e extension Amendlni .lifr' uiurinc.'uwi ^*l.tl«I to }i rnce of the n

Tierclai fer- .mi Hgvklitlon of InmilnU' eomp.nin.y Will have w«hdr.-n i, n .n .t.oatlon near an U-iitauirliu ?'jiiniy__.ii<irTi . i<.zer. Super “

to get. he ' ^ P....ib7 9en.1.

™ ' » ? r S ? C IL'LT,". Kere will be J^r prlnllnt it.tiQntrr for Inl.l.lure. dl to deplete. - sen-s—Conlr.ct wUh tirm.-Vork, B.Ue, } ,

year had aana than of sil S-itrreilllnr r Mr.otr owned »t. _0( t th a t crops prolMtlon^.pp.r.m. lo c.rrr .irin i. gj

r i t ' i 'S '.ss'-i';t_ toea three

“wSS,“ Farewell GivenI t IrrlffBtlon OAKLEY, Jan. 13 - A farewell ■w,t«-<trmr PW ty.^..h9n5r of FicldlnR..HaIe, the ffreater of . Mr, and Mrs. W allace A. ts from the Hale, who left Sunday for S a lt Lake I.' he ' added. City to enter the mission hom e prior ■d is easy to to leaving on an LDS mission to a can be the north'west. wai held Friday at : areas.____ iUe_Rnlnbow hall,

~ L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T SP-Sinported IN ™E raOBATE -AnOFloSm■ automobile in t i ie m a tte r b r t h e e s t a t e or :2lSwRUBCrl.the curb In u n ^ l » ^ Adml»^r.Mr -U W^An..urday when au td «f <h* • u u o| Krmnk R. Storm, y police ear “ 'J

A.M, of »ld d», 111 ,He richt. tllle endloon c a r s *"'* '* '*'«c. Salt Lake ln”°th^"couMi"^ Tw‘li-'r«ri«r''suii“‘of♦ yburn.col- - ,u . n , . - .lo a street^;eU-oa Eait BWH) of R«Uon Tw«,tT.«hry. (tl,,• tempted to TowB.hlp Ten <I0) Soolh. Finte

Ight to 'p re- Twin r»ll. C.mI Crpmpawr.

crash. Both .i.MmesU <o b. 1.«Im) and iiituKt.filBit uld prraWv for tha rear ItSl

ickup truck <umlab>l br the liidrnlsnod. Bid. tn lurray. Bur. Id lln i fot ..M »i<wrlT will bi rec.I.ed

ro n t e n d ^ f gt^U n i«d «•.>. Ait«rB.». «t L..,^wii;Dayley. The r«iit sink « c«n,p.itr Doiidiu.12:05 p. m. Twin r.lu; l^k& T^. unUer.l.nrd aj.

and Four- Ji;',"?uh“ Jo''r.‘j.ri . n / r ^ r r ’i Vidl!___ ________ JSEAU BLAK FROEHlfl ^ ^ ^

jter ,w u elected cotjNTY^or twin rALLs. state jr . Forester*. EirATE*OF;MteU a m. sherlock. reo rsan itt- peceas^

Sifxsthi: ? T K r t S " € “3 ; s ‘5Jean Plolt. a«d lU p«rtnt U>1m cl.lm> ataltut Ult

ss!?&dg:ment chalr> lo tb. wU tiKuin>. . i ih» offtr* «f

IS:--SS',; E ' i s ? S i % F S ; / wt White are tb. tniu*.Uoa of tk. builum ot mU

J. The n e tt E " ? ' ' ' , ' . t h . ««uu of '

;. 'rromr

------- ---------------- --------- ------------------------------ I Q

b Radio Schedules | ^ KVMV KTFI-AM -FM

a*M KitocTCLiaj ’KBS ilnumaaaUlB xUDC •Uub.lda NelTVISDAY TUZ8DAT

i s * E ! r ~ - - ' l i l 5 'j i i s j ’j j le'^bV'T**

*ioo •ri.” *»d'°“h. S^orr'" I *;« 8"l:IS il’eol Sulli>.n t 9;30 iC .e.Iod. Antrlca Ij ‘i» • s^ ir 'N .w .‘'« i ‘’“ ..............lr f ( K.«°* illloo Il57‘d/ CrK.a P"

WtONESOAT ilJ IiN .w * pn

i s f - c i s I ™ JS'sS *R4Mn H ar^fb - - til» Br»kf«t W l«i^‘ - | . u ‘Till Yoat N.l(bbor SiJO BuilntM MtaV E4. . COI * ;S CbViel W ■ I0:« S«Ulaht on . Stat ISSilo I0-i» Jw i tS l. A T ' - ' 'liofl •cld'iU Foatar" ll OO

Jl i='‘‘ fini l l MlVilrJi’* .; . '^ .- . i i » M w cl. Kil-b.k. SI'*;tS iStm H im . 'tw■ COO.iWelcom. Tra>dm {tn <: 0 Sport. aItI.w »:» iN.w. of ih. World! ; s S B , V , i - Y . - i - . f i i S r S T u ' : . S

iiS “

S'-M r ijbi.T_____ ■aiH-Kln*.glft«tn.m tUia .i tw ?£Tijj C.rton 11:00 iC cr«.' fi.wt.ll.

~ I State Prison

^ 7 Men Foiled "cal•• (Fitm P»t* 0»»> —

:“ n» p«M» nway from them -B i-n lgh t. Clapp bni

na It M l... T lie ^ v e a prisoner* would have * m*nft««a tO-ai?-Uielr-way from the “ *

(Ins au.llfl- ccllblock tmlldlng In another 30 min- ” jmmiiKe ot ute*, Clapp said,

- - T h e -higM==fUftni-'who aueoveml- •<“ all p»r.of..l th e break Boundrt the alarm^ and

ahloptd n t tu-ound th i ccll-block. The guards beth . ,f .r « un til daybi-eak before mov- su|„ i —1'ro.iJ. ing Into the cellblock to round up (b« iiepciicd tho attem pted escapecs. Clapp said, lon ‘indeinkr' explained th a t no guards cn- me

r i.«r*ir* of discovered a-s there was no Immc- jn>e« cun br tjiate way of knowing how many i

prlsonors-wers out o f tholi'.eolls. - -Ht.umpe to W hen day broke tho cellblock dcM5r jn,

w as kicked open and the prl^ners iccn‘.T« I!d .3o: in addition to Butterfield, the

u-nrdcn Identified the other m m In- ...private .Irr- volvcd In the attempted break os: . , Tmentii-iuS' — juTnciTMrSmltlr, Twiii'Tivllg'coun;' -..t;r .n rr.i el... tyrsPT T tnB -fo t^b i>cry^#-s.-ft» .id . L. m. Inured w itted to the prison tn December.

1047. and escnpcd from the Eagle .* i.< r > Inland ranch work gang in Octobcr.

“ .1 n .B.4 1040. and wns recaptured in March, comr.T,,: 1050. Clnpp said. - ‘

. , A rthur L, DrlskeU, burglary as n no Dcrsistcnt.vlolator. .H c.cnicrcd-the 'b;

pA .'L . peniten tiary in July..aoi8. . ' ‘cRex Calvin Norman, serving a life wli

te rm for rape from Bannock coun- • ,17 ■ ty. Clapp snld Norman’s record nl{ to auu l l ' shows he pleaded RuUty to the rape fro 3<at.)U er.ci of a 5-ycar-old girl. He has been a : T of Id ." penitentiary since May, liH6.

Victor Lowells. Canyon county,I uiiiitir.)— serving n 10-ycar scntcnce for rape.I r»i.ti«« to j ie entered the penitentiary In Feb- r ruary . 1848.-.r.nce com- K enneth R- Barton, first degree eh.biiiuiion burglary. Bonner county, imp.nn. QlcnD Kuntcr, acceitory after the ■*,„r„~ lo ^“ Ct In an Ada county murder. He Eounir Mr h a s becn-nt the prison slnce Febru-

ary . 1850.iv .u eiK Clapp said Butterfield had been

' placed in solitary confinement last idian limn November /or ihreaUnJny to kill

m o th e r convict. While In tolltary.„ . . ■ h e once before attem pted lo eK&pe ■ri'nt^r.lun. by Sawing the bara. The escape a t- >• for leiii- tem pt lh a t lime lenfithened his sUy ,er ot .ftl. • soUtary ceU.nllk Ultlni 100,000,-

-Mtt.peopltJa.lC50..totiay_im4jiboutr.l.iin» lo 600,000,000 people.

i ^ ™S a lt Lake In order to settle the estate of Ema.

iom e prior and besl bidder, on the farm locsted mission to m ilts northwest of Murtaugh. Friday at ___

iMEim ” THURSStarts 1 p. m.

f 'M . M d c h - in S y -conf1rm.t!Jj H . Form all trac to r

_R jV Io lin « -tw ic to r-----------------’‘i'nd"ll ‘hi In te rna tiona l regular tractor»?"ir •Mu*t« Case 6A combine—good one.“ • *'*’* “ In te rna tiona l side delivery ra!WH 6WU In te rna tiona l spud nlnnter—arihm (tl)’, - In te rna tiona l spud digger —

il.. i l ” ex tra goodT*’rtoc'ot cullivfliorr. B ean cu tte r - -■ti’thriun -Moline .spud cultivator> "» .‘"'i»ii Moline bean cultivator« n J ' i ? ' ^ Moline bean rlnn tc r with phood.. Bid. In a ttachm en tItx^Tiori'iS Hang-on,plow for.H tracLoirt-‘’ W . : --<-H or«e. freeno - - --r»i.S"ri“ ';fd; B ean plantera'l ’bil. '■■■ N ew Easy Floiv fc r tilijtr sproi«r». i»n. 3 Section wooden harrow"Viii Ahn..rt In ternational tandem discIk R. Storm. G rain drilluarr I, m i. 16-inch Turning pJoH-r OF TOE M oline tum ble plow

siJERLocK. M oline hammer mill_

»-1rm,E -»® aSsa3!M Siiiii»fccradlltf* otatalut Ult - - —

TP *lli thl

/w Eniaiiufi' ,WM. ff

A uctioneers: Rocky Goodhue a - ;F o r complete auction serple

T ^ S I G E Closing l e ^ P r o t e s t e d a t ,V M - t M .......... .— ........... . » * ■ da:Rupert Meet ^8DAT <Fraa Pa^o Oae) th'

------- „^lng-«U i«r--orB anliatlons-Itt-ths -Uf«n EdUoa city (0 tend iepiwent*tlTBi Wiw the •

Chamber's delegaUon to fight tho da . i itoiir closing of SICE. T h e suggtsUon wUl !“ ■ iwB [jj put to servlt*'C lubs and other

groups a l their rcsu iar meetings. pU »da Atairlca Meanwhile, the Junior. Chamber ck• t ........... - of Commerce-at A lbion-has-senf a ph- protest M Gov. Len Jonfsn over the 1

" proposed closing of SICE, Tho pro- E.UDAT test asks the governor why his pro- _

po^ed budget for the biennium lor I.ker Show the University of Idaho and Idaho /.Her A n t- stnte coHcBO U' greater than tha

■ combli'Dd tudgeta M the u . of I.. ^ ■t on a Rtat ■ ISC, SICE and NICE b the previous 4 p.rtr biennium. - , <

The Albfon ornonlatlon charges i l ' ” that Governor Jordan, under the <Joore.i guije ot cconomy, wither to tran.ifcr »i"'r V i “ * nmds which ordlnarUy. would go to I. Kil»b.k. SICE and NICE lo the other two ■n. Tra»dw stale schools.**•" _ .. The Chaml>er also charges the . • Kaiun'b.™ goveroor wllh wishing to close tho « n EdiUoa two ln.?tltuilons "which are the i.i

.‘ource of 60 per cent of Idaho's «'■ -best tenchcrV___________

ii™muLl_ %[fl,tcr ..t lsexs__.w.Ask Priority ;■! On Palisades j

- y - O t ^ Mountain ii6mc lr¥*«atrorrpTOircl'TJt **\ • ! I nuthorUcd together as one project.OlleCl 3. Tlial surplus profits from HeU’s ■

canyon be made available [o help'»> repayment of .\founUln Home when a/light. Clapp imiit jfie r the curren t emergency. P»j

■ !.< h»u. <• I>l»ho should receive a substan- fc,V15-, ihA tlal sum for repayment of taxes lost Ui

S A m S ! U . r t6 a iro !- ,ib 6 .a ff llfU E tB m y i ' Idaho Power company of five pro-

8 aaeoverei- ttrQ«aaLQUt-i?:LH(tlfa,, alarm and

The guards be aet aside In . Wnho for use underIscforc mov- supcn’lslon of proper sUt* officials,lo round up 6. Allocation of a block of power, Clapp said, lo Idaho Power company as rcpsy-guards en- mcnl for construction ot the O*

tha pMu»r ninnr, which would bO __J no immc- droaned out by Hell's canyon.

how many patry s a l i the Bovernmenl shouldfioll'.eolls. - -giT t-eonsiderattoH-to.an-allcrnatc.—ellblock door jne tor the Hell's canyon dam. .he.prisoners Davidson conferred with Gov. Len ,ne by one— Jordan, - roprescntaUvcs -ot Idaho ..terfleld, _the ^.^tcr users and of the bureau of j,;her men In- fcclamatlon. to obtain m aterial for jJ break os: „ Bntcjal report to the secretory of m vlis-coun^ tiTe iSTc-Hbr on n o f u r« s r p o w e m e - —-H#-ji.'a».id» ______________1 December. ' ________________

V a n d a l s A c t i v e °•d in March, seventh streeturclnrv as n nof'h- reported lo police Monday cmcrcd th e <hat ‘o-ncone ^ k e U,e ^ p o tll^ t off

ng_ her cam n d lonr louse-a windsmcid q .iprvlntr a llfr- wlpcr.nnock coun- The vandalism occurred Sunday an ’B record nlsht while the car was parked in to the rape front of her residence, occordlng to

Ic has been a police report. qe May, 1946. yon county,

“ C A SH ,

)ry after the I FOR DEAD 8 I ----USELESS-----

d had been ANIMALS s r s s s P H O N E C O L L E C T

G ooding 4 7 ■ ■ - R u p e r t 5 5 .

ncThS'.u!1 ' IDAHO HIDE


F B L l i r She eslat« of Emanuel H raaac. deceased, we wl!! m U at the farm located T miles east o f K uuen on old b lgb i Murtaugh.

lURS&AY, JAI1 p. m. Lunch

i c h i n e r ' y C a r s <■ to 1950 F o r d — 4or_______________________________if lu lp j ie d » l t lg u la r tr a c to r a c c e s s o r ie s , ji c - g o o d one > 9 « D o d s e 2 .tede de livery r a l( e _ 4 b a r ; ” 'S !ud r l a o t e r - a n d _ 1937 .S to d e b e ltelud d i r e c r - t h e s e a r c - - H b U S C

Co)d S po t refri, • ' - New e lec tric ra i

Itivator _ __________ Bedroom su itaItivator 2 Beds an d meiliter with phosphat# W ardrobe

Philco rad ioar.H tracLoi ........... ..... ......... Vacuum, c leanei

----- -- - - ...........C hesterfieidB utane cook st«

foi'tilizer spreader ' h e a te r -.■n harrow ' Kenmore electri

M i s ej’Jo”' E lectric w eJder •

P'?"’ E lec tric -em ory ;■iiltivatora. • rolls o f hog w in-™j11------ ------ 20 steel p o s ts : S.KDU.iiud_rack_----------— L -otheiL acticlealto


lan^rW ano^" M . H R A N A C . A D M IN IS T B A T O H

'« y Goodhm and J o e D n f t e kw rplce, c e ll R o e k j . R w d li i ie , 0197-1

- ^ - - - ---- -------------------- ---- - .... -lU K

i n g C m e l t y c ^

1 atM e e t S 3 ; : |

„ ) they were m i r r ) « ^tlona-itt--ths .U nlonyilk.-Uo,,. . .r aa m Wiw the She - eceks -TOsWr:to fight tho daughters, a w i)^ <WgtsUon wUl furniture. $75 pej *)s and other “n't «60 r t t o n S S?r meetings. plaint charsesior. Chamber eluding a threatn-has-sent a physical and m eniiirJrtJsn over the Mrs. noblason'j :e, Tho pro- E. Walker. why hla pro-biennium lor _ ’—~

B utter andEthe U .-of I.. *— ■1 the previous • sa n T b aT !^

, SAN rnANciscS*?.??itlon charges i J '" '* l \ a VI, under the ch^^*.. i r .i, * , 'eo to tran-ifcr .i"«i. d.i.i™ tu - *'■*'.would go to . V s , ' . ■' ’•1 . iiJ-ne other two ’ ' * rniV '

charges the ^* t.T i-akk c i n * j , ^to close tho ‘"j-i,” •v;"''

Ich are the i .r « tt of Idaho's «'>i< 51. ■ t-.

____ ciin;Ar.oreceipt. Sj:in|.

ority "£'£S".ySj; isades £ F | | : |g|rorTpToircimt. one project. i.oh'7??7,..is from HeU’s i-o.s ANCKiti, lable [o help1 Home when a a : cV..;. a emergency. Jvea substan- fc.rlon. » cent. WiLS'T*, Of taxes lost u r , .» s .j . . dalrUetJ5n':i5y 'i . i . '! ' .7 . iV " '”" '" >* ■« of five pro- n..„ .

auLl5i.H(tll-A -.-

png-fr «hniilfi / _ > B 1 K l B IIW [or use under •Ut* officials.ock of power - D Q s ^ ' ^ C

1 ot the O* - .Ich would bo. C»lMcanyon.

nment should \ j , . . gan -a llc rn a tc .___-4 ^ ^

,r ..to rt.l Io; i „ j .11 1! secretary of _1__c srp o w e m e^ — ------- JA -N U A Iirji---- ------- ---------- ----------BtTHMriJatt.

, , AdverUKmenl, Ju.1r r i V 6 Oscar S: Harold Klia^li

eventh street JANUARY 1!jllce Monday ' Stanley J Kuy' ' AdferlUtmuii; J a S-a windshield * n«o l4 EUu, {i

irred Burda? JAN U ARY fi

Goodhue and Dafftk. 1)

JANUARY aI V W John Itob’ rrt>k m r n AdTerU>eteei,l.}.&:F J A J f t Coodbtit aod D stl^ ii

J ) ^ JANUARY aChock ffami

5 S ............................ AdwtU.BMW.JaaJ_ _ . Harvey C. Iftnes. laLS ---- ----------L E C T ATTEfh'ION r ilMu p e r t 5B . When you pUa a tw„ * 7 contact the TUota-Htu314 Sale department. Id. _ _ _ plain how you eut U l E Magic Valley ccmpld

one amall cost. 11 *8 y U « you both time aad na

" S A L !ed. W8 will seU a t public auctto ta sen on old highway sad % mill imUi.«

JAN. 25L unch served on gron>

■“ C ars and Trucksm Ford—4 door eedM. « » “

>41 D o d g e 2 - to n tr u c k with r a c k s a n d g r a in bed— goQd-f»W'- >37 S t B d e b ^ e r « ^ n

H b u s e l i d i d G < » ^ i

5ld S p o t r e f r i g e r a t o r .ew e le c t r ic r a n g e - u s e d l-moBtie d ro o m s u i t sB e d s a n d m B ttr e s s e ia rd ro b e[lilco r a d ioa c u u m .c le a n e rle s t e r f i e id ------------j t a n e c o o k s to v e il h e a t e r - . - e n m o re e le c t r i? se w in g mieHl»

M i s e e l l a n e o u i ,

cctric w e l d e r - 200< ™ P -K Ie c tr io e m o r y ; B a r re l of o U ^ J ^ lls o f h o g w i r e ; s e t o f h a r a t f ^' s te e l p o s t s : S h o v e li, r a k e * . ^ h e r a r tlc le a - to o n u m e ro u i

\ S H

n a c lE s^ooJIiiie, 0187-Bl, TirlJ

.....- ---H aaD A Y .JA H ln,

Page 9: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

« « rH E L P -

’' " ”£ „ ^ " ‘ '

...... IM » . - . “PP^ roT!i» “ « “ ■” > ; ; ; v . ;

O’’ , tVfMT AJtEk eaoy t . t 1 i . “CASH ■ » « ;

- C A t L - T - ' -

38 ■j BIES-NEWS monKiiwant a d s iMiy Dox

_________ ___-~—----------------- ----------NOI.IMIT- S g S o N A l^ CAN MAK

— occurATi

‘? J*?™ Winlt i>lx[, ° uil ^ ul lnni ■nj

B u s iN E s


g g g l S T f ^

S S p ^ ^ T a - f J - ‘r a

^ I n r T R 'A f NiN’^ - ■ 'X ® ''“,^ 'j

1 , 5 ^ .irt., -I1I> , l„ J , ;ikn

^k 'n tw ^ '^ i'V A ?''’';!'* ''! 1--------------■ s “‘<irrt :‘r.l’!’J "WA-NT Y<

M^.litlsn. Gl •»• "Ilcaulr >hr .rminttki i

’ fcioi-yT*iv scnonii o r '' 'j 'l''

< '''' " — BGX'i

iK n F fii m n _


COUtUUTAi:i ^ B m a s G A ID S _ ,^or.._^^_

pfSiS. !;!Sm tu,

]^^ E T u riT rT ...r iri7,irc«ll A»tng. Wl

^ K L 'u .« r i n n .tl. A..»g " r j mS 'a“_____________ • U0UC1U4 ~<p

^ ■ n & a u l> mr bcni 4m or room. 44B^ __________ mtNisilKD

tr titr « - » « £ ! ; Wo.»t ita __________ } kuomT c^ B I o irT i i 'd i tn Id n r boat. .n tr.nc. V

^ m ^T JC vn-> ii- I— OOU • .1 ilucinf. gtncrftl w«rk|r ruU

< H = rp ;n -^ :;------ r—=7- C JLl^.' .r.r"rintM. *!■""

—I-,. . Cte»n, hl5' b7 «:to »wki*»mhlp. ^

i S b E L P W A N T ^ ' " n f b ^ i r j ' " r r r ' i i r

^Enm E1IPL0VMEN^~ ___^S'RVICE UODEHN S II^^BTn-tPllONE ?ue l‘hon« 10?)

H - S y S :^ ^ i r , t,.,=.;r.i'.!‘ ll.r l.r - » ” ' '■‘-'1'' '^ ■ ^ 'w lto i ^ h™”^1’ri u^ ----------------- Onkuunish

~ - - ' : ~j


! ! l ’E'VS^ R R E S P O N D E N T i-nKDUooM

F or UN~KtiTi

2 1 Fairfield ! ’■?»?“«- M —*Brrm- 70------------ril*Ifrw |lITER LKSltlEABLE r !iouM" h’oi

» - ■ _ - WHITE . x' von r .

. ■ * w Valley E d ito r r H o ^sox.m -'■-.........

■ tbjes s-ews 'H Twn Palls, Ids. i-hoom

^ --- - —1___________ I 8MALL~i:»*^ ------------------ - 4Bulh. Sot

°* *f °1.

^ — I ,1— — . - ii»a,oom»

Bp.fJ^RETM lY I• 07FICE . 1 ° “ (6.:■'j^K,.""*'*'. "•Jtk!'' 3-BODH )>'

CO. (F

* W A p E D ^ t u m I ” * * " " ' '

I™'‘‘‘ sJj'i*,!';. V.'.'l r . T ’ - sTAit

Fl. V ^ ‘' '">- * »■(. T'^ ----Ul! Polr.1., V L

t 9 B l . - ^ ------------------------------------ --------------

: -H E L P -W A N T E D —M ALE ------------- MISCVOUNO~'inirtlt>l ni«a fer »in.t*l firm ►OLDlNd ,h,t

work. Y«»r «reund work. Uu«l ba«t foo4 bfi)u. |'t,on...fer.nrr.- S. K- WlllUm.. PuM- tL~CllUC ll»

A*<l)niOU3 TMBt m.D »mniM. Mu.. Ciln Arrll..! , . , , i^«oJ^«r. F5« j? T \7 r

; 4 S r x " ' “WfMT AKE y oon I’LANS fOR IMlt j . j illj(,.v .TJ

A »oo<l lU-l»i£ti bu*iinu la h»rd to ,5, y'.‘,’’ b--.t. Dl* liBi - til BUklUlifd nv*Vr» "•""'goo.1 proHU- No •xi>«ri«nc» rnjuir»J.

ka' r.v! rr-m u. -a.»-»r.Jolnr»do.:.-:r •—.■■ '-?4"^-rM ’”[------------------------------- ------------ \ c r ‘i l w - n ;

ARE YOO TmED O P b .rir^n rK iWORKING r o n A SALARY? *“ *

way DON’T vou nr yodh ow n WANTEUOSS! NO TIME C1.0CKST0 PUNCH. JS.UW.O') on •.S'O I.IMIT AS TO HOW MUCH VOU W9.W i,muCAN MAKE, IIICIILY RESPECTED T im e's'"? 'OCCUrATION. --------- — — -

Il.nk.r, UMou MONI

« r'J ll 'r .^^ Lo/sr. '01TnQurr. K. if.“ crt(,.m. Oma; A«to , j ,

________ L _ _ _ l . _ l

TJUSlNES&t)PI»ORTUWTlB& ----------N£IrUM TS o-' M.lB^Mr.... .1.^. In. U>

4 .p.rlm.nu., 4

' 'oom ticviur. 5ra?n rto»n BMmint orol... •ii>ihir.c in trirt., I'hnne 1TJ8.SW, . „ . . . „7im-^KX~ .y.,l^ .nC ' ^ l^by»;;^pri..l. LOANS I

I'DR <>n'-nr o-TTf^ B.rfctnhoB JU4 MB- ___ I-.w /,C

------ —------

K j f " £ u E 7 Z ,r Z ." » r 7 .,lu S ^ - ID A H ^all roorni »Uh ruciiiiii* w«ltr. Good

. _ . . —■ , -------^ c in c K ''WA-NT YOUR'OWM-BUSmESa- C«..i-Tl«=

.f«mnT-.'^c”n ° 'h r°r"«a ‘“’pr‘SlublIl I— —rrull tju.Irr«. tor .try »m»Tt InrnK. ■ "■ — 'h o m e

Wrl.r foil, i.aOOK fo„.cBGX'lB-'ArTlHESTIEWB-----

' F U U N IS H E D RO O M S ~ w ^ “wk>-»-TWaKM clcan.^ homrllke. IS.CO »«k. i t l htj.rMnL C

I'LEASANT. w.rw.n^in roomT ;<cirre?^ NtW

cjnSrCOMtOltTAIlLt; .^ok.l f.Ml.a, cloia In. J'* f "

fU R N lS H E U Al'AKTM EN'rStrnooM tJVpi.hi tp.rtT.«t 4>t tcti Vi”

" r j MS7«no.'‘& r.T "'' OS T(iAf.K. TU0UC1U4 aparunanl, <ibto. hdUMkMplM |4,(HI1. Ona h

KUUNI8IIKD aparumnl tor rtnt »t A A LOVELY b«wUML tIM KtotKfir fc->.----------- f)«™, .!« r i‘ ■ Sll.* a y fa - '.-T m i:-.! .” " ' " k ; : S ’I KOOU ap«nm.iii. HO.00 monlti or *•

w»klr rata. 1»H Klmbtrlr Hoa . ——.—HOUSEKEECINO »Pitla«oU tor « ( . In- jjj;W ».b.dro<

nuir* k..»T«r»«« l^ ta . Twin FtlU. pi,t4 (Hitl-l(UUkl - turnlihcfl Tiiallmioi. fhoBt tioB. itokar,

740, «0 am a.tBu. rul. A-lu1ta oalr. tr.ri, la r .tCLLAM. w»rtn. rMMiifS'r, imxffm, .S-DEOBOOK

tieor. tloaa In. A-Ijlt.. t»0 Halo North.

*'c?«*n! Wetlr "fO'BUbad, altaB h««t, CE<lauiKlrr- Cloaa In. iroun<] {loor. adaiU. CpiUln Dank

IN PniVATt h~Bi«. iround Iloor. Eti»r»nc» ___ L _^:------and bath prl»*t*. fiaritn. W«rki»« _ _ _ _ ^ _ _coopl.pral.rt~). Adulti. At« aonnrhurm.nl «p.rtm«iiU_ >78 NcrQl E)IB NKW 5 “' “' “

~ ^ ‘j j ‘NhX'RNiaHED A p f T ^ " RSMODei.EDMODEDN^S roowi. »t05iid floor. Clt»* In. ^ “,*' ,*

— --------------------JUa LAllCK r.«JtM, hath, otllltj. hulll.lBa.

^ h^” ^1’tlMulrc toVwwMUr^orn.*--------------------------- <------------ONKUUNLSIIKD .ptrla.nt, 3 room., BEAT

»rn. ChD.Ic.n PboM JMT-M. gom.bodr In I"~i;;~7th~?;treci-em .---------- -- :-_- ,raiIl-Mt "ciMNCH' 3 roonu. btll ta4 sliJlir- BrtflJ home. «»» t

• aihfr. rknta and itlrlLrmtor. « • Wcdlant h<at and >»t«r ton>l<had, »OBa atilt >00.OtO.Rt. Av»ll»bl< y.tnaary 1, ]

FURNISHED HOUSES Snr^^ooT "I-nKDUOOM^hauK, jitrUr ** bf«*

HOUSBS^jTfiooSt h«*« In P i n m MirAtwL^a.^rZm boo...,»ltjijy^ isi~iii _____ S e n

j.KOOM “ hoM^ ^oiara^ C»U pal

.■I100M~ rmidyB^^toM.^^iBjriHr. t4o!58

' ooS t o

-N W E i^ "

1 I “ 'I U i» I!■_ NEW MODEHN tS5J*w V

k(2h«!r**M»*. -TW IN F».nOOM^JioM« »«rtlr furel.k.4. C!oM ^ j j j g '

3-SOOH ho\if. ptrtlf fsnilibad, ChM __ . „U. 131.00 . ^ _ _ _

C. E . ADAMS j —C. E . BEYMEB . i-bm>ro o mi

m M.ln Ato. t u t f b w W 5V 3i^"pr'

: MISC. b-titi k S 0 ~ 7 1

I T ' T E l T c K S ^ i i r a S ^ I S SFO R BENT o*.*r/«w,

--.rr*M .v*H .P icW ?7>«’ - « r ]J P A S snrau 0A « ^ e ^ ;*

J ' n>AHO ' " ■ ^ • ^

i M S T f t g i f j Ki PBON* « » 1 i>3tg'w iS i. . bMM. X«M

.......................... - J U lh

- — MISC.-FOR-RENT------- R E A L ES^folm.N,; cK.tr. .11 occm.5.. h\i. — ::Z Z Z Z

^^^T lU C jlc r t^u.h., for r«t, Uk.; KARMS; •;.,

■ on. , . » ! . . . Cd inw ,

W A N T E D TO I ^ N T . LEASE f,%

'T |'"“‘i5'‘KARjr’rr-m "“g 'u.'*.0 “ .iK t

Cun *r.a Mfriinin,


: cocid\"lgn“''"M ONEY T O LOAN

lu ..I ~ F A R M

— N EE a-ilO N E Y -------- 1— SEE — ■ S»« or .rlt.

' “ SEVERAL Im'■ I n.Br T*lfi .

L O A N S nnd FINANCING m,'''j?"macaON AU70«0((fl,f:,':. lURNITUSE ____________

________ AWl> LIVEJTUCK _ _ _ _ —

- .- - A Y - a H O B I M S O N ....... ' ■,----- IA«»>« Jfora R.dU Bldi-I 'o 'f'K Dtlli“31c------ AR:«<1L-fl K--CR09S.-MCV.------ -p«-.h .t» ,----

I ACIlKt. rt---------------------------------------- r OJilx- liirwi


CTnCK'niACT*“ MaiiB|er EXTRA <C»o»d-rJ«o«-C»*ik A. Triul JiWl. _l'.i..jnUa froi

— t soou OTttolMI


__lUajea.,.. • ' 'uv^ow^Kiu^Nfw

3?J_ll’cV.;,.r/o.^ _ THE BAit.llKDIlOOil hom., Ini>.!t:n. CC-n, B!

O '" '* " '" '

NEW RoJ.rr ho-nr. itijr DMoii j STRQl

EXCKLlfKN’r'''V '^rrJ "om,” " ! ' S ' :■ KIr.pI.i.. tinker. In'ultllM', 3 (umml n n h.< linnb.dr<^mi, 114.000. C.ll S41 lot tprolnl. JlJ" wO

LOVELY B.w J.badroerm hbmt IUr4»0oci ■ floara, tte*T klUhtfi,■n.c«.~n4rr« tot. loorf loeatlMi.-m* CI -. .- ..PlotD. 12.000 will b.Bdla. Fkoei OUI S 'mtt.r »._______________________

I----------------------------------------- ) 4(NEW t-b.dri>0ia bon* In bat dktHtt. t mllaa *ut c

Pitt. IlMt Kindox. hnt <sulnc- Now cilbulltloci. Itok.r. *fr Mi>dUlea<t, Uiiirr. cbick.n btut.trari, larat*. Urrtlot. tII.«HT<ra( e-room noda:

.S-DEOBOOK ht|H... blnfH «>• pr.uur. .nt-tra Urga lot, j.rafa. WBtr uUlltr mm. -| 1I,<K>«, frmi luM an,

CECIL C. jovrs " EUpit»ln Dank « Ttuit Hw. I fK. H4l WRITE DC

^^„nT.m.n°t‘”bi°‘i™r".'oli'« SO-ACIIE ctiUI

REMODtLED hoiB. Uk' 130.ACRE,cuI m.nt,' oil tura"e«, »»rii., 110, p. Wci r

— , T . - a r g - S ^ ; i ------- - I f II<---------------------------- ------ *---------- 1 c trtj

BEAT THAT nENTI 2*S9J __Som.bodr In Klnib.rlr •b«-ild tW Ihl. * '« “tniilt‘bi]t"c!nn md neat amt.i&M«m * - ------

” “w E R E C O M t^m

sE { .H f .i r2 ‘:‘'v?r!’S™5 IJauUsn. I'rUa I11.408, IJ.OM t»»e. ..-A

R EA L ESTATE tr.r. rt^w_ _ . . . S e rv ic e Agency » d » ^ ^Tbem Mt-J 4M Mal. . m u u U-qi

p.tkliv* roor ctt U Mrroklnn- J,

< - ' .............................................. ' C A in— NON.PREK

CITT S O U S w n s *'*'■ • O O tm T R r ATMOSPHD* ^2 ^ z w ‘j ; p a u la » . t i : ; ! i i j j y ■ s s £ a n d wNoftb E»it. locllott. y « !»,*««;■ »nrtl» ?li<m«

------- OLOSB-IN LOCATION ____________7lh Art. Col. Thrio Ww«l, •"*»•sutia oil liaat aitd gtrua. Tlii tno- n•rtr U lo (wrtwi omdltka ka>lt| f l.4mm rMstlr'Rnodiltd. rrktllO,>>«- «T ^ W H WOT>>1 wt U »l‘ U»» T^ T W N F A L L S REALTY- .. 'M.

& INSURANCE CO. I-----------------t i t lU I. AT»..g. . ..?>«• iw _[ -*-

- - - • CEMENr

curat, aodem kliAn«.MrTl<.^«k. Me>uf*«i.. 1K i l u , ; ' '™ ''■ "* ■ “ “ . CCMMEH.

i S ' K x a c s N i J r f s r . ; - . f l w » s /

----------- « . - E r * B A M S ----------6 , .E .E E y M E I l

I—R E A i.

1 'fboM" i u n #U ii« citi*T7.

------- - J i M S S J J E W A ^ T O V Jifc E A lJ ji

i ^ 1


KARMSi •:..) . . . . . .i;s !„,(,„ J, liyDllAUIVrolMrtlv,-„i„ 1 ,n Contnil'ir.l Hrdl

' o S i s l n * '" "pir x « r I'lOAi ” ’ ttjtor. "

-in*«*CT7i’r7r ^ l fl *^b*’ ....... . ‘' I'' •! ..• ' IVI Jis.ooa down. I’bo

;.r.„, 1,, K ,,.. -q- . „

'•< E r . i r .o i i2 " U S E D :]’•' 'M- fi.cii'Jnim^Hr.W , [,TU tn

rarni -Ll'.. 1 , -e r r- r/ lc."n ‘EJltM I MU :0 Ro»

i!i'™” ''-utiiitj" ‘ Fo^j’-!''m irT?nANs';*'R'iT w ut’.^°l'?Iir".nr«l<.ri * ‘In M.»ic up. (Ui«h,..‘b S k :;::r ,‘ ln ■pro'^ SA W TO Ocondltluni.

MAQIC V K \X n Sk«hon, SINVK.S’TMKCT CO. ‘ - , . - -

Thor. ”<1^'''^ -------------------— ' — r PO TA TC

FA R M S FO R R E N Tt:tXity~rTOTt^ '^"-r'o~ ru~ li3awnrr-tint»rr

'''/•orrri'^'j^'Vj T *"'* Tl’ r'k' uld^'*'!—n n e w H n f i ; .” .” 'i?i^^r^roV ^rnC - 'c*K\Vi6T<r»*n

F A R M S FO R S A L E D(TTTir'SAt-E; SO-..ir |..,„ , n^~ iwom • M A CI

Twin’ l'i'll."1^oni''!n-W™'''*'''*’ '"***''

f O R SAI.>;mril rt."r‘c .,. !"o’.li Moto" « “r’: J Z Z Z ^ iZ I I I

M, J . MACAW, 1-hon. IS-JIS. Hl.r---------------------------------------- — JA

. , ------ - SEIQ fillAREB

•o'f ~KD,lb-tia.-T,-Htr -atotik.- tt«.M _________?

:<•. ACIDS r«c<.l)7^.rm l.n<l Sutk.t STOCK**

G E O R G E W . F r ' ^ E r ”: : : Shi alsna N, ' I'l!oo. <{9

-------------------------------------------- ' m H.1•~-' ' . O o lr ___

EXTRA OOOD 120 ACRES-l'.i..asUa Irom Jerom., n . - <«o,k«l- ______ IN Tl; s j ,’s s : : ""•"■■

RAY WANN "IIB Norli Llnroln J.rorof, IJabo

I ~ ~ ~ ~ " h a y T g r ^13» ACHES MauiC V.ii. ,

prU«Io*“ Iic 'r?r.-rtIiW w ««-Irrc. On. (...cli.t.i ic»>l ^room hou.« JtiitU.l.ANU -llh pr iura .nd b.lh. Fa^ootbulld- ti;-Jl». fll...

THE B ^ C O C K AOENOY . . ------ BUHI-JIlAao_____ FbOM ms-llOffleo l(» Phona ,, p»., IIj52 finiaT

--------------- K.ibti.i.ctirr

S T R O U T ’S R A N C H

C A T A L O GK.nchH, llr.m«. Counirr IlailnuiM. . . '.l '. . ,„ ' , rU-.. ,u . WORLD'S LAKCWI1^I.C« ' w ir /u j |

sfxT li AVE..‘ l^nfLANB l'. onECOH KEtlH irlBdloi ------ im V , Phon.

-------------------------------------- -----------1 B A B- .- PO nS A L B _ I------------------

BY OWNER ~ ^ „

4 0 A C R E S ‘’"'ao'Iu” .';t mile. *ut ot Tols Patli. Dkp toll.Now «lbulldln»i, doubl. f.rajc,cbicka. b ra. .nd k»rB». H«rl» ntw6-roam Biodarn hom.. hai (arnar.. ' ' nipBprcuur. tnl.ni, balh, tlrtpltet and IT'ofuUfltr room, ~«jb.rf.-ttM« .ad'*^BEe" t1i‘3'’ ijEF0BE YOU BUY

ELSEWHERE -------------------WIllTK DOX T-A. TIMES-NEWS ____________

- ■ — - F A R M M ,

SO-ACKE tultlT.lrd tann. » tnll»afrem

' s S S H S S tklOO-ACBi; c.ttl* nnth on- ollrf_ blyh- S E A R S

- •- -------...l . r i f luatlft* ninnln* w.t.ryeiS. around. Full llB. r.w machlnfrr. ____________*114 ».r t^r». KOX TKIllUKlt

CtrrZb-N’S ACENC^SSS9J I'hoBM 14« lo-MONTll-OLU

Acre** from AlbattMii • »i.«r>d. Phnn.---------------- ----------------- ----------------' -L 1V K 8T C

FAKiVl iM P L E i lE N 'r eMI-rTAL igraln* laiht. for itl.. Sit. 16 OIMJ*. JoSn IIntrh. tl U Dflc. 1 ot«l poltlo tort.r. —----------------

4oa Ind AY«na« South,_____________ | - — ’


' »<T* '“ > ”"*111* Bot’'’b*’

,- : i ’'t i i f “o j r . ‘* ™ '“’' " " ‘" ' ‘. H

O A r ^ f e S i B i a . F o rD E A I NON-PREEZINO - AtlTOUATlO

j aoai Is .tack POW. Null thlpmtct PH6nj . Coorflo*

I P A U L ' e Q U IP M E O T '" ........ ' tti' II A N D ' W E L D IN G S H O P

* n rto rk<m. ataMt- Tatil. U.IW « 1/1



• CEMENT WORK • n EPflJUEj pro w , '»~mr V rM «d» j5 ^ tu t- t i c — 6h*«wi»\»»• CLEiWEHS & OYEHS_________ .M«>urd.«|-a. ,»» ,.d tL W. Phon. gm COUMERCIAL PRfWTlWC ^ sEWlWC tQaalltf trlnUaa W »U ktad.. TiBi*-X*wi. • ■ ■,

PIteat “ • , _ T»(. I• FLOOR SANDING *♦«■»«• - . g - . s v M w r : f ^ W i ; a 5 j> j , : - i i n n L • t o o l s s h

• TyPEWRi]A .w iiio B ^ E R v ic z .........

• MVNEr TO LOAN __________

I S a io>,i»wm ; j d»*C;M .''4lC-b<^ lOO^W,. r ia - in Im n. T. a ar«««- . • IVAT’ER S(

• miniRCYcus b. wtitik. d. »u»i«c.’TO^.'TT-iii. U.U i t > x c a H s r t s - a

m r £ A L L 9 . ID A H O ................... ..........


I liyDllAUI.IC EQUIPMENTlh. CU* of opcT.tini . rotiu.. (iOOD THContnillr.t llrdr.oU. Crllivd.f o» ^or ^.•ntitrelllti* Im^.m.nu, Uw cml llj. nitliOtrhard. ir^nll. W.nt|« W o « boUl U III F t - I A W ^ '.^

n*^rfi *^b “m /rS \'o ff“ I» rthe,I’boB. t i. Flltr TDilKKYS: Youi

-a- ■ ' - —* . ' t'lTj'lo. nicr.


iEfrsHs'ifiiiI 7 tu Tra.ior Dl.c ll.n o - .....I ,5 V r n » ^

SAWTOOTH COMPANY W'AUTt!^- '^:oj Sl.«hon, S». 8. TwiD r.llt, » ..- , . ■■ - . --------- 1 irH iN u jC d ^ i

POTATO E8U IPM EN T *"“ '• • • I--------------77^

-Tetiigjt-KKMn—___________ __________Urt. “Tr l'l.7“ nubaa SC R A P '

DOUGLAS ! ™M ACHINE S H O P ... .. I----------^

{-W t-t»4-A,^..a.-----------T ^ U ^ ^ I ;

FOR SALE OR TRA'PE brArt:itY7T u---------------------------------------------—\ juNKiNuT»*3r

•JANUARYSPEC IA LS_______ __ .»•>-'"»«

K atioN al PHE8T0NB tlew- P>vet.« I

........................... ....... .............. . JIi535EES^t----- iruHibfi-tlKlrta------------- —rartti.w-ai.Vi.

STOCK tank ll^ATCmi «J.AM1\'..M-;.

I n n m * sintton i'to'!T i«o7 ,IH II.V. CA3 ENGINE OEllMAN W.Tt>

Oolr _________ -lU.Ot with holtUr. I~ AND MANY OTHER “

r.OOD- aUYS___________ ...nu« «.tl- ______ IN f a m s u p r u M _____ FU K N ITU I

' . W ILLIAM S Lrv "*i!. TRACTOR CO.

Yo«r 3. I. Ctt. D d .r DAVENFOIIT ,■ - ' - — W. P. WIttm

:o TON hTi.d har, t«oi:d etittlnf. •tfltf oOOD* o .« 'oU 'Urd, I’hona 01H-R4. , . f„ MOtId*!*

>eui Krlodifli. tSgniialiiB Mllllni Strnt .n o UW Klirhom ITH-II ot O.mJt._________ QUAHAlJTrtED

-i'lliaT .Brt tfTond cmtlne h>r, C. C. I.mund.T.11. I K.ll.fi.l..t.rni.l'--Tl'OBa »«»-<14.------ -Thot Auto™.

10 -loHa *.(r*-((W, fMd UW JlW. Ik “ .* ».<.ulh or Currr or rhon. OJJS-JI. 9EVKKAL rTpC iJ h V b i? ,

— ----------2—1--- r '. — .. TT 11. F. Goodrll“ .^ “ - - I 't ^ th .A l co}«r*>»‘ ! S . r MAO;C V.lJay'; I.Urmtn' hi. drMtcr.

=’i,tT“ w!r/?r:f'b.%?ii:B'dnr^r,'?t^ S j u S v r - "i:-J11- Murt.mh, — ■ ' ■

BABY CHICKS b w yt^ti

U. B- APPROVED ~ | E^ *" Ao"u».'^b»dlj.'. 'u ih o ^ ^

H.l=h» Tn«dw” »S“ PrU.f,' a.kr l_— ., .. ■. . :

---------- CASURJ!*TCttRHT ,Twin F.lli T^ichi l»S-» 1




PETS COPFe l e c

lO-MUNiTT-OLU fimi.1. aciTW-UU ballM, WAF tn.r>d. Phnn. 0»>-Jt, Bahl- HC -LIVESTOCK—POULTRY- ------- And«,

fllWJ4. John CohllBl__________ __r ----------------------------------------1 KREN

BULL#Ar. .ip .it tl.. .I'd dan itT ^ Bhjtt- “ " " “

T V J i 'p“r . ‘"4lis. ?51S “ s P E c I a I------------------------------------------ ' TonrsKTSTSI--------------- ---------------------------

h i g h e s t K r« /;?w " ' ’PRICES PAH3 ' flkgafSaL rt;


PH6NE us COLLECT Kf ^ rrlM . 41■’."" '“‘ " T - u r . i i . . , I f

..........' i d a h o in D E ' '& TALLOW CO. C

> • - • ...............— t MACHI i.»t»«-

P R O P E S S I O N A L r a m

^TORY ^- — ' - ' ---------------- — b a d IB"

• PLU itfltNC & HEATING j i lisfcD p U ^

• R EPRm EaA nO N S ^ V f C /~ I.

~ A B N E t£»»l. T»(. Tullt. 110 «wiU UMtlfc m 1»« A n . fc

A t c f l S


1 ^ 8L IV ESTO C K -PO U LTR Y - .......AUT03-1

loot) ntlk cow. «io.r«.,r. r j-n , « r.>r.. ,»,» CHKVROLST .Tmh 1 dy». 1 b-.nj o;..n-Jll._______ «oi.<!llloci. ContW.

GOOD THINGS T O EAT ■»«> « un »».W iK i ioc -=<; -.J ^ Pf'f.V* I--------------------- -■UTATUtJ.. .-I'u .I rf r td rf . Ulh. Otow Q U i ’

IpFlEK i'ban* OI>t-IU. OiMlti.B O f — (

i t S ^ z : : c , " : r r ’a d s e idrni.J. >9c IS. PhoiMl llti-W • IKI-M

M’I'LK!>—llomr. .M Joo.Ui.t.t t l or. SlrltllB. I-doot i

r k t ^ F I U r ^ i . r ^ r j —W A N TED TO BUY

Eit l^i w t PO.T57,v L T ^ " : : ' i v ; - t r o J . r " : . " g f . u i v r j

ITNiNC; iM bt»~h»l«^ loWrtittloMI ,.lUr..tl»r. n .« or Rt.tllc»llj B.w mod.l . .fTtlarr*!. Olh.r. will b* eontlJ.;»<l. •“ *» —noo..nd 8i-rln»i Tiadln« Poat, Wllkliu. KJIVtv.d.. 4-doot ttd.n _.


SCKAP rC A S T I R O N ~_________FOB Dtrcss* I


--------MJSC>.fI)/{_gALE^. "7 ~ Z E I Z ^:UANE^' ducW sj (OOM f»ih«.~r.7

S T U D ]lUNKlNU IVS« CYsV-g'*** BiKllKlyK boom., l7irl..r. houta and cTitr pj

tlon- Phot.* »lt tfirr s p. m.

'‘uMIr.‘ t7 to r^ ^ ’‘!tt*^KlntWt*ir "vHttx

H^^VV-l^l^l.r^pom?I'toi'l t .O J ,_______ -;____________ U«# KAISER 8i

CEKMAN W.lth.r f-IB pLitol. Ui.nd niw .r, VUor awiih^hout^ i|VM . “

^ t N l T U R E . A PPL IA N C E S m i ; »«■" t a . t . r n aHlW-AN"p-a“. r t ^ « « y » . ^ . i . k 7 «t .m(lJORD_p.l=

^W .^O .^wiZm .t ^hon*; ™°i«’Jto?litC0N^mQNEl>j.Th«^_2 _m«_CHSV^

Tj;\,n°tii:'''?:onr..‘;t ':i i t r s ; r 7 7 ^ . i» ic i . i . i s lw~~lr?ir^W ^-oik- n . ltT »U—l i t . aouUi 1*** BUICI Co.

Proflw.y. HhHL____________ iM T rO B D 'fa«V Sd5^“‘‘lJ«ld "oM ^d '^ ipp l^ l»n PLTKODT.n o ISW Kl'nb.tir tto««.

Uund.r»li. 'i;“ l»orV-A,7t“ — . 8-E<E- H o t ^ut«ni.|l. wllh dbh wMh.r-

M * Y Elcetrli......................................iKVbKAL" r.irU.tatorr . t T W IN

tPKl.l prltn . Utad w m h.n llt.OO op, M O T 'C«h o /b u d i.l UriTit onlr «,*« down. ^U. F. Gooarlili. «S M«ln F-«t. TUB FWl

6ao ;c ' V.lJ.y';~WT >^roim ' U .l~Dou. STI bl. drM«<r. nlttor. b ^ . nlihl tUnd. OJOl BCHJPTm i-to, N.UrtI.oT bl«.chwi w.lnot. ____________fU»r Wnn.. CItad. Dro*# Muilo >Bd 'Fumlturo.


But >l Itl Itelorr *ad a t.. _TBTt CELIVrBY E-------------E V E R T O N - ---------------T]

M ATTRESS FA CTO RY ' ^I tt tod At» (Nlta PhoB. tl-W I ■v

-------— MAITOOHI


a t alAfw, »Urwl dtawsi2 0 % " _1M0

____________ O F F _ S r ^ g

___________ c o n y ____________COPTEE M A K E na «> " '------ELECrmiC PANS I tit DU,«WAFPLB IRONS

HCrrPI,ATE - - i . .

S e e m , chevboli' Slilla. dtls

K R E N G E L ’S INC. ------- - — t 3»ll

SPEC IA L S E R \a C E S ^l«Wtf Fb«». JTUDUAI

" “ K '~ ~ ....... JBillit*- ^


z.«tk«. • **•■ cncvsoLin.MsAltr*



R A » 1 o 'A W U ^ U B I C ^ 'iiJl'lfljM M jf

'uw T. cUi5?'Bf»wi» MBtla. ' “ 'e S to n W e


*f «Md »><•«• t« «k«9C

C A B N E s ' f f i u a c C O . , “m l>d At*, E. n n a tTM '

= = = ,_____ 1947 PA C K A R D ......... .....-A ^ JT O -

CTITOM KDAH ,1» KUhr « 0 l ^ -w m .uk t Utht-*»f U m*d n a Omam — *. W «^.* rweoebU b.Uae«. ^

333 FOLK s n i B n

“Sfer®• ^ - J O » . t J— g a i r t u S ; 't

AUT03-FOR SALE - j------' ' ^ vl»4t“ cHKVR0LST Cl.k C « » .-« o 5 ^ t

«ondlUocij_^W.f u,i«. HI IM .m a » ,gg^

• — - ' ----- - iQ U A L IT Y • -

............... - 0 K - - -----------------DSEDCARS

l in CIIEVBOLET 11(1 FOItn V4 f4^oo» ( .d l . --------------- ----- 119»« Moor ' ___m l PLYHOUTIt lUI CIIBVUOLP

44oor t r f t . ---------------------I llH .

S-doo* y ia . im POOTlAq t

H-to. ,u iv ;

tKioor . j ;* » c E v n o L ri«.2>0D<;a r .fn 7 .! :! :

l^OOT t»U>---------------------1 1« „ „ pyc

4-doo, t.d.„'’l L ” !l. -------- .1 4U _ _

-M A N V O T H E R S - m q TO------------ Gom o4n-and_________ T’h°".

Look Thom Over {OpOT


' t : ; • ■....... ................ ................M

I I DUB B E S lS T U D E B A K E R ' '. ' . ^

Y o u rB


............... E ■■■ “ im rwrrawAT.■•— Jf — 4.M0 • ! !« .

--------------I M m ---------------U it KAISKR Stdtn wllb lUdlo, I tw t- 1**1 BUICC ^

' L'l, *"•' ■•* ' ' ' " . . . . . . . . S J ?-tHHmH>RHA*eiHftrT«pfee-#-<#w -U U - O IB ^ il

wllh Cllmttlm tnd I’rlf^ »i-_ O.irdrlTt _________ lltM.OO

-1110 STUDEBAKEB,Ct‘* « » l« « _ „ ASH 5 td ..---------------------IPM.W ....... •..m u JORD D*lni.T^:d«____ Ml».«0 • ' .•

, — ..................r- CRBTaUS*'-'*'t»»« GMC H Tob Pkk-«» wllb ....w motor _ : ------------ .titH.OO Hi %

low CTmOLET M To» ______ TWM Tm a rniiTM.»« «>t.. . iTliaa '. -JIH BUICI Coop._________ l<l.M i—— — —

u n PLTKODTO B.d.1-----=i$»0.00 QQC

B-E-E- -D-I-C-K , --------- :V9E

T W T N P A L L S m» mctccstm o t o r C O . v^% iSS



door MdttI : s ’Sff'a-

YOU'LLe n j o y . , ; s n s ^

- t: ------ Dealing------------ -w ithUB

IMl BITICX.B»« MANY CARa « b ^ u d

T 0 0H008S PROM • » » « - — rllt> DODOE «•


' " ' i i d ?lOJO BUICI •• * ■»— sn « MaBM. Drs*fl9f, .a cL rcn o H i

bf«U r.^ b t.l^ .^^ F lu t* Win -TO c a

•- —'—*■ -----------g T w

;■ ■ u s r o

el»* .- I 11.1,- » ............tlW ^ ’C^rt«f I!id AVItit DU.CI « 0 «8u;j« BadiaA S rc !« '_ 5 u M ‘ I


_ .;,.2 8 .2 6 .;^jwr roBD .

. i-» u u u a Mog*.-Bidio. .........................J

i«T cncv*OL*T ' 23, 26, ri.rt»*iUf 1 . HMtn -4«H

IMI CHEVBOLST • ”BA4to.h««(w W«* *««a —

-m i'vaacU W ----- ----------------VFuM|m Cm»c RUlo, b u t Wtei

•h.tt. iwv H lat «Im' a s M

M A ire I i t w iCHEAP CA RS ' . - T o :


~ : ; : 1 S

..... - A « r o m ^ O r - i - ^ ...............a s;»«M rhoM m i } ^ s ^ g K

■ - . '

i? A O B ~ i iM J

= ^ * O T « i s W ) R = S A t f r ^ - 5 ^ B

= @ B % 5 S S ? a - 1gbaUa. .iTwt aonh. M>o»« ««». .

• ; BEFO R E Y OU B U f " - I f l...............Sefr O u r • - ' - H

A .I H- ' U SED ,C A B S ■

A PDfE saUOTJON 'OP ■•H------------- y iiw w n iT a -------- ----------H

ancuL s Him DOC«B Ctuloa *-dw. Hu tt CHEVROLET Strlnt.cMr tileor. '

B«llo .nd bMtcr ------------ l i u i H4»dia£^..^ .L .C h i2 i. n a » fc _ M ^ .1141 FORD V-» a .p rt D.1IU. H

IHI CHSVROrBT'"sp«J.I D ,lu , *- . H{ ^ - '‘"■■T.-.i n

im POOTUq tijoor twco» • - H

IKi CHEVROLET _ Z _ 4 l t l ~ ' | |B OOMMB3UnAia ' . P

Hit ClIEVnOLET *-lon Tbor»Vj» fJ ;Und.ra driT*. Ulih tor«a« Mi

im CMC |.t«L >{.w n tlB . .>_|tTi

c h u r c h m a n m o t o r s . INC.


(Opra Snidanl

................. M E E T ----------------

^ U B B E ST S a l e s m a n


Y our B e s t F riend

-PERCY. CA LLbW A T-........

in t rt^cw ATrogA r.^fftfag.-og ^ —

m> PACKAED A Bmsfrl


ASHW ORTH.... .. m o t o k ' c o .- - ■

— -PliYMOtPra - 101 UAIK EAST


GOOD W IL L ______-.V S B P-C A R B ^ _ _ ^

•Itrt MCTCCST « awpfc.lUdlo. buU r aod OTndrh..Vot d a u e*T------------tlTIMt

I ttI POKTIAO t CU^Ula l^MT ' m4U) viUi ndfak udbTdrau.t)«. low aU ttc —lim .M •’ IMI BTtmESASEB L4a< CtqImt <• door Mdu. ndio, hmttr aad

£ s r i i . " - r - = ^ = i a . «

' “ ■ i s r ^ i V ' s s ^ t r u :vcbUouL ilfrtt (ood

1 - fMlflj CU ------- ^UU.HiMi

jnti ii»i IJ ........... -llt> DODOE t-deer arfim h o , M«

Ttm nod ------

. A teo A r a r r ooH Ptcra ■XLECnoH OP LATW MODELS

■TO CHOOBB-ntOM ■-- - ■- ^

~ ~ H « tN a S D ‘8 '---------- ----• U SED CAB LO T



SELL OX Md* iilt~nirmlM b l ^ Im , llTMtoO. IIU . Marv1aClMlutt,Boat«t,

• T R A IL E RC O A C H E S - -..... .:i;

SP A R T A N S ■V:

■ 28 ._26 ,-28H ,-S 4-loo t—

K IT S ’ , ; '■

23, 26,- 2 8 H foot. , , iT i m an luT — ,.,.— ■ —M M . M«« Voca 1- : . ^— « M ' -V.AMili* ~. --------------- ^.tarn W«>4 . ............_ ;


' R B M B M B B E t*-:: i-jS a I t W ill P ay Y oa

T o D ri 6

w * ’ j~Yfn


Page 10: h d, 6 Others B? Q: s Char harges AA re I t In Solitary ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF157/PDF/1951... · « t».crt Fcb.^2, In report- second day ot a

^ C o r a c i l E y e s Plan on Mine Safety RulE

S 018B, JUL 73 un — The Ml eb ip ter of the NiUon*l Sftf

-couneU beg«n conslderiiw • m coda tofiMT ta lu m nual ei

TesUon cnt«T«d (he l u t <Sb.j.-------- O topw r—Vlca ...PrMl<lenl Il<

Beck, B oM , u ld cousoll d n t t o f k ood* bad been u k e d b j ,«UU loductrlhl acddfnt bo»rd.

The MJety experU heard » i>i ;■ f«*Uoa fe tiu & ty from H. W. 1

U nd ot Ih* Twin r»Ui BaJety coi . d l thJit o ther W»ho eommunH ' fonn •tm llw eounelU m an »ld

eombatUm hl«hw»y accident*.He aaia the T»'In Palls sroup 1

n ad e IU Bre»,l«t progr«« Jn tf - « e aafctf. "TU trt h»re been mi

commtQU from ouUldeis coming • ' U»<la-Taller who have noUced :

, dJ/;«rence la d rlrtnj In the artAt a luncheon »fMlon, Lleui.-Cl

Edion Deal a trtued enBlneering, < lorcement ana educollon m ll'o r mary eonalderatlon In alt I'lvf

I measure*.He e*pres«d a hope tha t cl

clube wouM attfmpt to

: would maltodriving«Klcrafiasjn :___ peaJ polnUd w Iduho's I

•'If th a t many people were klUed cnce iQ come tragic accident wh

' r captured the Imagination of ' 1 -public, every newspaper would hi

■L ■ .ibbiit-iu;.Ai-n l».-tralfatalities are looked apon «TH5: IB* oul of the ordinary."

Chapter President J. T, Winiai ' Ktiiogg. poialed out Jn another i

dress th a t while traldo fatsUt haT* not lessened In Idaho. Ind tr ial accidents have been reduced

i Compare'iheM

LOW PRICES ;4 5 ’s...J3.49


----- - -

E yes Cruelty Charged „ In Divorce Sui

I I t I I I I C Charging extrtme cnielly, Oaroe BonsaU llled a divorce n ilt In dlilyirfTrrtr tHcrcomTTmmairrirriort- iwi

1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 * BonsaU. both Twin rails._ I T „ ® Mrs. BonsaU c h a rs« her huabarf) — The Idsho Intoxicated evt>7 weei^Jatlonal Safety ^nil for the post few months lyid htsldering • mine physical and mental InjuiI Ils annual con- gj, },er. Bhe cites several instanc-la it day. w hen he aUesedly threatened h<

•TMldenl eidon. <je»dly weapons.couBol! dratUn* pending the outcome of the actio:« «s*e<J by the ^ r a . Bcmall « k a tho court to nident board. ntraltf her husband for dlsposlns its heard a »ug- ih e lr community property and froitom H. W. Ire* moJesUng her or her euitody of thelUs Safety coun- i 4-month*old daughter,ho eommunltlM i n the complaint the courtlU as an aid In „ k e d to award Mrs. BonsaU *35 p.T accidents. m onth of the daughter's suppotPalls group has ^35 month and medical expensi

jrogreM In traf* to r an expected child, *40 suppoa»re been » a n 7 gm j aliDjwiy for hMMlf, MOO for aslders coming to lom ey's fees,’ t39 ault money a ilave notJced lha ih e lt community property. Tlig In the arta." properly consUts ot household tulAion Lleui.-Clov. nishlngi and a 1037 automobile,engineering, en- Ray D. Agee Is the wife’s altoraeollon as the prU ----------------------------I in alt snfety ATTfM>S FVNEltALr

DECU>. Jnn- 23—Mrs. Julia Hrhope tha t civic la rd was In Murray, Utah, lo alter{ to tTT lo show funeral ssrvlcea for her mother-U_m eth^^8 th a t lAw.es.*iTcr a ftasiT tr: —' ' „ i5 Idaho's 1050 H ow lo Hold

-» tS E -T -E E T » ^I accident which , , , , , , ,rlnatlon of tha M ore F i rm ly In P la t »per would havo

nary." iitUi rASTEtTii on ,»«t ei.t.., n.J T, Winiama, (noa-Midi powdtf Soi< I*

; Jn another *d .Tafflo fataUUe* *>• not i« r. CMck, "pl.U <rfor" (d.in Idaho, indua- • c*‘ p a s te e tu u>dt> 1 been reduced. _________

ItM puMJiaalDg a n ; i1m ptckig* ei THY AVALS. - ^ kaasdlrKiedferllirMiUyiborloiiesr.IJstur lmlUsQed with THYAVAU tetum f t t unu td I Ki i ot flu p a c la w . T6UI HONEY.WOI, K .RB..,- J w

O N S A L E ^ X l # A T ALL WAL(

J SEEVES W ITH ItA V T& r f f e d DtlELEY, J a a . n -A llcm T tn

0 ’ A Will* 3. B«ley. ^ serrln* on hoi>rce Suit Oie “«£*!'» M v y yard" of the b icruelty, a a m e tt m PacHlc_ >at£ r^ ------- -------------irce w it In dn - •■gnJnst r iw l d ------------- -------- ^ -

Palls. C 9 Kres ber husband . ----- ..ed every week- months n;id h u id mental Injury everal instancesthreatened her tflStfiS

me ot the action,ho court to re- iM M B n hfor dlsposlns ofDperty and from ...IIO WOU' custody of their * ’Iter. ^ K | M mmX the court U K uqq. Bonsall »35 per ' I iBd.ghter's support. A ■ Wnedlcal expenses V ^illd, «&0 support ^Mir, UOO for a t- j O S a ' " ' ' |i^ 'luit money and Kproperty. The Whousehold fur-

> wife's altoraey.

VNERAL -Mrs. Julia Bsl- UUh. lo attend her mother-ln-

= = = = = =

T-EETH--------rm ly In Place

s wdtf ’’soldi Ul» v W H ! } /

STEETU u>dt> »i whlsWey- 80 proo(

I S. _ --A ll th e *noney-ln th e world

' . l_.jiever before,;wa m u st guarpr Scientist* report th n t re.-sea

^ -sufficient vitamins and mlr_______ the hen lth of the Americnn\ ■ and^lK cTT atiror'entintrfw

the foods thal are nulrltloi' thousands of people nre not

" • “ i t iium in-defieleiieyr——

% •'PeopIadonoldiBoflnfecli. ~ tfi« fTTofnifWKort Ifial allow*

I... ‘■ 'u Infaclioui (alol d iia o x i, eri j j S r ^ i»th*Tiii! court in •vary.ini

Many vilomln deficient peo Item de

Improved thyovoli. And no B-12 oddtd, tn^provad Thyc

-. B complex foimuloi olleredpil|K ||K T 1 ^ % oil tha water lolubU vitor

balance bi year lyjUm.

Find oul (ot yourielf oboul liyou'

iix ee/yli a d ay~ O H A MC havo iKe btneFlli a K-pol' ou> word (er tha ttolemenli ASK YOUR DRUGGIST-AN


-/MPROVEiA m m a w y ^ i



fg m u T m ^ ^ k


71 t tA V T BC T (»i.lN B PE O T E n 3-AJlfOi Ttney. QLEKNS PEBBY. Jan. 3 A -0 . J errln* on hoard Cole, a u te high school Uupecta •nl" of the navy wtu In Olenns Ferry InspecUni It

'_______ high i>chool, - _________

Mes its age!

...no wonilet il's Amsiica's laigest-selig

5 jear old stiaijlit Keolucky bouitml

in its tai!Islccy. 8C proof. Ancicnt Age Dlit.Co, Frankfort, Ky.

-In th e world.Cttu’t-buy hei>Uh, and today_a»ra m u st guard our health. — t ___________ ;irt th ftt re.-searcii liidicntcrUii^rV ate oflen Jn*' ■ mlns and minerals In our diMly lilct to insure he Americnn people. Sfodcrn cookJne methods--Of'entln5rfood!-thnt-t\re-<ieIlotous-W*Mad-ot,-------, are nutritious iciul. sctcnll'ts lo believe that ?eoplo nre ro t ownrc Hint they arc the victims

ot die « ( ln(eeliou> diieoiei 01 luch, but raolly (rom an tha) eUawt thi earm lo ssin 0 (oo<hold.-ln non.- — ll d iieoiei, or dcgenefotivt dijcoioi, bod nutrition jre in every.inilance."

I de(iciant peopTa are finding that olher ailmenti,> nulritionol delicitnciei, have improved when lhey n»eivai, the morveloyj hr pofincy formula found in fOvaU. And now wilh "The Amaiing Red Vitomin” In^provad Thyavoli oKer one ol the moll eomplele imuloi ollered. In Impioved Thyovoli you will find r loluble vitomin* thol ate required for vitamin >ar lyjUm.surielf oboul improved Thtiovoli- Atl: your doctor, igcil, ond besi of all remembsf that (or leii than py~ON A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE-you can _Fill o( a (ii-pol<ncy B Compte« vilamlh. Don't toVe lha stolemenli we moVo. ASK YOUR D O aO R - RUGGIST-AND BUY IMPROVED THYAVAIS ON ^CK GUARANTEE. VITAMIN BENEFITS OR NO |U.


Compare this Fofiniila'uch CAPSUlt CONTIIMS IXi W>m( NATVJIH

viiAMiH I co«ntt»oitinED wrm

v.ij-L, i.j ii,boni.<».........e.ooo H<e-1* m* iH -“ 'e- 19. IJJ "p.}

: V . C B - C n 1(141..I.ecOUS^Un KusUg.lCe!’:vnh»«'olS..oi........... I.COOMtj- IlMjlN.odWe.................... 10,000 Meg- (10 Ml

J . . . . . .................... now ^Y>o>r ............................... . M«. I?.7> b i

^ t'onClv<e«<i>t......................10W«.I0-MC>JIHS: liS S; 1ro>k*Od....................... l»M.g.|Q.-13]M9l

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V , I 0I>:>1 ................. II

J DRUG M S T O R E ^ _ -

>{BW3.:'Wn{:PAIJ^mE0=^:b p e o t e o - ' , ______ _____________

Jan. 3 ^ -0 . D. H B i M A

ta r—

w n


kytiouitin! / V ^

^ r 1

rin its tai! JJlFrankfort, Ky. « /AA


t^ a y aa

oMen In* - - |H H ri| l^ ^ a < K M r tUto Insuremethods- i i f i M 1

nf _ _ ■JVhV IIcve th a t B f f c l t —e victims ■ j ' r o f

eolly (rom Id.-lnnon.-

• oilmenti. when lhey a h«nd in I Vitomin”I eomplele .lu will find Sf vitamin

ZS3------------------m ,!odo,,


THE ^ h i -----------

► " ......

or toJfpla ^m i NATVJIHBwrm •

]M<g. I»M«) ------- ------ ---------'uUuOMg.l p r n f e d c o f t<

S l i ■ APRON.W«.IO.MC>J

2 f o r . ^ l___ ______________

s(>[«, of lubbsbJe. s...........................M .tQUttie—p c r c a l t ^

eolorlul prints youll b<___ __________ to like. Fjjil cut and t

----- ^--ei«l-iaK8ed-at-e>-*|» Sowl

^ - H 0 = z - : r _ - T r r " 7 z r T 7 . z 3 r ± r :


WITH BIG VALUI. eyelet trimmed t

F f COTTON PI ( < SLIPS b -E N a ^ ___ pewls,

W 2 f o r

i , j l s S " " -.'.K ^ L TVep nitfle.s of eyekl em»_______f ' ■ broidery . . . ribbon bead-

— f ^ —Int-r-. ■ on flnftxnlton-that________tan U ke a lo t o f tubbtngl Adjuatable s traps . . . blaa a u n j c n t - f o r ^

/ White. 32-40.

V street floor


Yc-s. the prlcc Is J-o-wl

^ S f j j B j n tem . t h e so tt-d rap ing !SSfwjBM M l quality of (his heavy plas- S f l P M u n tlcl And of course, they're a V M r f l i no a t oil lo'Tcecp-

' ■

S = «Jb «0:z3a W r a t annex

ifed cofton * 8 1 ' '

’RONS K j a Sr $ 1 .0 0s t .- Q r_ M .» i 'e ra l l . - _ . . ______! lubbsbJe. stu rdyp p>irrnU In gay, ___ .prints youll b« su re - - - . -...PJjll cut and rooin5 ^ l«KSed-al-e>-*p«cia]-------- . : . . ____________

• ------------------------- T

o w THE WHING DOLLAR DAY, 5 ^ © w m 6 - iN ^ im j i^ALUES LIKE THESled timulated

|N„. P.EARLS ^I A . ipedal purchase g f f S ,I brings these to you a l f f Q »' this low. low price . . . Q f f f f i

b e a u t i f u l simulatedpearls, Jn one, two . . . n g Oup to sU slrand styles. Q GJ WStone-set c2«p. a

s l - o o

^ street floor

3 IlJh_at_ _____________ ________________________jbbtngl . WORK


- . chamiror - trark .< T jB ____ Ishirts a t a low money ^ ■saving price- Sanforlz- ■

r ed. Slics 14H to IT.

DECEIVING ^....... b U n k e t s ........

Generous :«)£« slzel l a > ■ solid colors or plaids!

— — -■ r:_L-.E5niiimrr-jn'''’3’~^ ’« --------■ --------jou’ll want pitnly; ■ --------

S: ' " .......—

WORK # ^J-o-wl SOCKS T «‘ll PM«— ------^ _ r f i hiivi r o t t on__> ■ BIraplng ^ork soc^ for men . . . t T Hy plos- Jn ygur favorite random ■they're ,ype. sUes lO'i to 13. ■, .keep- - . j - f o r ___ —

J ___________ _______^___ Easy muhlng, no Iron- ^ * 1----------------------I K g ^ y a t ra ilt r -P T e t- - ^ ) ■ ---------

tied.with lace and rib- • ^ ■ bon trimming. \Vhlte o r ■ pastels. SJI-L- 2 for__



w o i

■ I[1 * ' W i J r 1-0 .

- - - • . . aW

--------------------- I U E 3 D A I . J A j j ; i |(j ^


^THE-EUN --------------------




Sm art styling. values a t Ihb price, fl.

$1 SATIN ^


............Your f t t v o r l t e ly it 'Firmly stitched lo Hn ,

----------you.good-.flLMia-Jiflk_______ p o r t . _ 9 l r . e s St.

z for ________ r : ~ : ^


am I uses around the h ^13. ■ you'll want several

• • pieces. .S4'.'.J8. j 4v _^ , I


-------5 m --------------------- GLOVES-------- !>n- V H 'et **~i —- Tflng-ffcflrtng ittlhy .lb- - ' t B palm work glovts t o lo r ■ men. The kind you lib_ for rough trcar. ’*

= b o y s ^ ' f i - o n i c n i w — :

JEANS$ 1 .0 0

- — TfiUBn'B-TJzrBBnfCPTttediitt*— lm with yoke- back, onnp

> stitching, copper rin«-' Button tront model W

four haody pockets. TotfB wftnt to stock up on thw mom I Blres 4 to K.

b a s e m e n t

w om en 's rayon ki»»


I j^ 7 _ , . s tock up no*J f ojmforUWe,r ■ aer single b «

-.-- to lt_ -b r ie t.1 1-o.wIatyle.1. In Pl»k « :

---------- ai«e#-SM a— —

A f r e e t f l o o r J