Gyaan ki baate

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Transcript of Gyaan ki baate

  • 8/6/2019 Gyaan ki baate


    We can store our data on hard disk using less space than normal size and no need to install any third party

    software to compress or decompress our data. We can use windows built-in data compression or

    decompression feature to manage disk space issue. Often we worried about the security of their file and

    folder. Another benefit of this feature is you can protect your compressed file and folders with password.

    y First double click on "My Computer" and locate the disk where you want to create compressed

    (zipped) folder. For example, if you want to create this compressed (zipped) folder on C drive, then

    open C drive.

    Here open the "File" menu, go to "New" then click on "Compressed (zipped) Folder" option.

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    y Rename this folder according to data information and press "Enter" button.

    y Now you can move (drag and drop or copy and paste) your files and folders to this compressed

    (zipped) folder then compression feature will implement automatically on that data.

    y When you want to open these compressed files, simple right click on compressed folder and click

    on Extract All. This extract wizard will automatically extract all these files to location you choose.

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    y Now if you want to protect this compressed folder with password, simply open the compressed

    folder and go to "File" menu then here click on "Add a Password" option.

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    y A small dialog box will appear with title "Add Password", type password in "Password" box and

    confirm password also then press Ok button.

    y Now when you will try to open your compressed files, system will prompt you a dialog box to enter

    password to open this file.

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  • 8/6/2019 Gyaan ki baate


    How to improve your Wireless internet and networkconnection?POSTED BY SUDHEER

    Microsoft Windowsgives you a notification whenever yourwireless network has a weak signal. This is a sign that

    you should improve your wireless network. When you get this notification, it means that the wireless connection is not

    as reliable or high-speed as it's supposed to be. In fact, thewireless connection signal may be completely lost in

    certain areas of the house. If you would like to improve your wireless network signal, you should carry out a few of

    these tips. These tips will extend the wireless range. They will also improve the overall performance as well as

    reliability of the wireless network.

    Re-position the wireless router (or wireless access point) to the centre of the house.

    Place the router away from walls.

    Place the router off the floor.

    Place the router away from metal objects.

    Instead of using a standard antenna which you get with the router, use a hi-gain one. If the standard router is placed

    by an outer wall, part of the wireless signals will be directed outside the house. This will also waste the power of the

    router. Hi-gain antennas send the wireless signals in a single specific direction which you are able to aim on the pathwhere you need them a large amount.

    Replace your laptop or computer's wireless network adapter with a USB network adaptor. It uses an external antenna

    that improves the range of the signals. (Laptops which have built-in wireless normally contain outstanding antennas.

    They do not usually require to be upgraded.)

    Add a wireless repeater to extend the signal range.

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    Change the wireless router's channel to increase the strength of its signal. You can do that through the

    configuration page of the router. The computer will detect the new channel itself.

    Reduce wireless interference by avoiding wireless electronics which use the 2.4GHz frequency. You should

    use cordless phones which use the 900MHz or 5.8GHz frequencies.

    Update your firmware updates for your router through the manufacturer's website. Update your network adapter

    driver through the Windows Update feature of Windows 7 and Vista or visit the website

    for Windows XP. Upgrade 802.11b devices to 802.11g or buy a new 802.11 g equipment. It is five times faster than

    an 802.11b device.

  • 8/6/2019 Gyaan ki baate


    1 terabyte optical disk is the Newest tendency of technolodyPOSTED BY SUDHEER

    Nowadays Blu-Ray is not the best way to keep all the necessary data, because there appeared1 Terabyte optical

    disk.Let's find out if our society needs a disk which can contain much more information than you even have and


    Generally, Tera Disk looks like a usual CD or DVD, but its features open something new and still unusual for us.

    There is a question: how have they done it? The answer is that a regular CD/DVD has 1 layer, but this novelty has

    up to 8. Thus, Tera Disk achieved this amazing result by using 200 layers and latest read/write laser technology. The

    process is not easy but the result, as you see, is great.

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    What was this Tera Disk created for? Usual PC users don't need so much space for their data. But such huge

    companies like Sony and Microsoft might find it rather handy and useful.

    Anyway, we should face another problem that appears if you buy such disk for yourself. Will it be recognized by a

    slow computer, for example? Will it be cheap enough?

    If there already exists 1 Tera byte optical disk, then why can't be made exabyte hard drives? Usually, most hard

    drives on commercial computers are not more than 1 Terra byte. If the creators think that our lifestyles are so

    energetic and sometimes so much space is not enough for a modern person, then it would be more reasonable to

    make larger hard drive, than a disk.

    Unfortunately, such disk also has a disadvantage that all usual CDs have - one careless little scratch and it becomes

    useless. Then, it is hard to imagine how much time it will take to record this disk.

    Tera Disk can be called 'the disk of the future', because it will be available in 2010. I think that at first, when it is

    accessible, a lot of people will buy it, but then they will try to understand if they really need it. This novelty will shock

    the society, but is it really worth it?

  • 8/6/2019 Gyaan ki baate


    How To Speed Up Your Computer ?POSTED BY SUDHEER

    If you want to improve the speed of your computer, thats great. However, above all, do no harm and beyond the scope of this

    Windows forum, ask for help from those you know if you get in over your head. Remember: you have time. You can stop most

    processes I discuss without causing harm. Caution and common sense go a long way when working with computers; problems

    are often much easier to fix than they appear.

    Steps to Speed Up Your Computers Performance

    1. Make Sure Your Hardware is Sufficient

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    Above and beyond everything you can do with software to optimize the function of your computer, making sure you have the

    proper hardware to support Windows is critical.

    2. Clean Your DesktopIs your Windows Desktop dotted with files? Have you noticed that your computer has been running slower and slower? Do you

    see the hard drive light often flashing while you wait for the computer to respond to an action? There are steps you can take to fix

    it. Read this article.

    3. Scan Your Windows System for ErrorsAn operating system is a collection of files that perform different functions. It is possible, over time, that one or more of these

    system files has changed or become corrupted. If this happens, the speed of your system may decrease. By using a utility called

    System File Checking, it will inspect these files and correct any problem it finds.

    4. Scan for Viruses, Spyware and AdwareEvery Windows computer is vulnerable to viruses. Viruses are nasty little programs that cause both major and minor problems

    for users.

    Spyware and Adware are programs created by companies to find out more information about customers, so they can better

    market products to them. Usually these programs are not created for malicious purposes. Spyware and Adware can load into

    computer memory and slow it down.

    Periodically scanning and removal of Viruses, Spyware and Adware is a great way to improve computer performance.

    5. Uninstall Unused ProgramsOver time, you may have accumulated programs on your computer that you do not use. When a program is installed, it creates

    connections between the program and the operating system. Even if you dont use these programs, they can slow down your

    system. If you have the original programs installation disk or file, removing programs will free up space on your computer and

    may speed up your system's performance.

    6. Adjust Visual Effects for Better PerformanceWindows provides a number of interesting visual effects including animated windows and fading menus. If you do not have

    enough operating memory (see above number 1), these effects can slow down your computer. Adjusting or reducing visual

    effects can make a difference.

    To speed up Vista computers in particular you can disable features and function that are not used. For more information, read

    "How to Speed Up Windows Vista."

    7. Dont Automatically Start ProgramsPrograms use operating memory (RAM, also called system resources). Unless you always use these programs, you can keep them

    from loading at Windows startup and speed both the booting of your computer and its performance.

    8. Defragment Your Hard Drive (After you have tried everything else)The more information and programs you have on your computer, the more it is likely that Windows has placed parts of the same

    file in different locations on your hard drive. It may do this for hundreds of files and programs, depending on how much space is

    available. Defragmenting the hard drive places all information for each file in one place. The result can be a faster computer


    Important Note: Before you even try this, backup all your workonto a different computer, hard drive, CD or disk. Also, you

    should only do this if you have a reliable source of power for your computer. Doing this when there is a brown out or power

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    problem in the neighborhood, is not a good idea. If a computer turns off while it is defragmenting a drive, it will create more

    problems than not defragmenting it in the first place.

    9. Reinstall the Operating System and ProgramsIf you have done all the above steps and your computer does not become more responsive, you might consider reinstalling the

    operating system and programs. This is a scorched earth option - basically you backup all your data and user settings, wipe your

    hard drive clean and re-install the operating system with your original disks. Next, install all your favorite programs and restore

    all your data and user settings.

    The nice thing about doing this is that you essentially have a new computer, free of years worth of software and registry changes,

    additions and errors that can turn a fast rabbit of a Windows computer into a slow turtle. The bad thing about this choice is that it

    takes time and planning to do it correctly. If your PC is 3 to 4 years old and continues to run slower than it did when you

    purchased it, this might be the only action that will make a significant difference.

  • 8/6/2019 Gyaan ki baate


    Why is my computer so slow ?POSTED BY SUDHEER

    Reasons for why the computer run slow:

    1. It's possible that your computer may have somany background programs running that there isnot enough main memory to run your mainprograms.

    All icons in your computer's system tray are background

    programs using memory.

    a. Press the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys at the same time.b. Click any program or task except Explorer or Systray.c. Then click End Task.

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    Repeat steps b and c to quit all programs except Explorerand Systray which are necessary components ofMicrosoftWindows.

    You should now have a clean system, however you havejust removed the programs from your computer'smemory, they will all return the next time you startWindows.

    If you don't want certain background programs startingwhen you boot, use the Start/Search function to find theprogram and either configure it not to run at startup,remove it from Programs/Startup, or delete it from yoursystem.

    2. Your hard drive could be too full of data tofunction efficiently.

    There should be at least 300MB-500MBs of free space toallow for disk file chores. Note that this mostly applies to

    the C: drive or whatever drive your Window's cache is on.

    If your C: drive is too full, delete unused programs on theC: drive to make space.

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    3. Your computer could have a fragmented hard


    This results from programs being loaded and deleted. Runthe Window's hard drive defragmenter (Defrag) once amonth.

    4. If you have 256 MB of memory or less, or youlike to play games, you may not have enoughsystem memory to run your software efficiently.

    You should probably upgrade to 512 MB or more ofsystem memory.

    5. You could have old or conflicting Windows devicedrivers.

    An example would be you might actually have two entirelydifferent video drivers on your system and Windows couldactually be alternately using both of them.

    To prevent this problem, First boot the computer in SafeMode by pressing and holding the F8 key during startup,after the DOS memory check has completed.

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    While in Safe Mode select Start/Settings/Control

    Panel/System/Devices. Click on all the devices and see ifthe various drivers have any yellow or red exclamationmarks (which indicates a driver conflict) and alsodetermine if there are any duplicate drivers that can beeliminated.

    You may have to delete and reload a driver to correctthese problems. Duplicate drivers can and should bedeleted.

    6. As each new Windows program is installed and

    uninstalled, it leaves beh

    ind parts of itself th

    at canslow down or crash your computer.

    These are mostly .dlls and other shared files.It's also very possible when uninstalling a program thatneeded Windows system files can be deleted. When yourcomputer asks if you want to uninstall shared files it'susually safest to say no -- even if your uninstall programclaims the files are not being used.

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    Old Windows drivers can be found by booting into SafeMode, then opening Control Panel/System/Devices andridding your system of old drivers.

    Another option is to use various system cleaning software,

    like Norton Utilities, Windoctor etc.

    Otherwise, the only real answer to this problem is toreload Windows into a new directory which eliminates all

    old junk and leftover files. This is something to do last, asyou will also have to reload all your Windows settings,drivers, and programs.

    7. Your computer could be full of adware, spyware,viruses, or trojans.

    These are all nasty programs that literally take over thefunctioning of your computer so they can run theirprograms. You definitely don't want any of this junk onyour computer. To get rid of these parasite programs, andto prevent them from installing in the first place, you needand up-to-date firewall, anti-virus, and spyware removal


    These are three separate software programs that must berunning at all times except for when you are not plugged

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    into the Internet. It is very important that these programs

    continuously update themselves or they will become out-dated and will no longer be useful. These programs can

    be purchased together or from separate manufacturers.

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