Gus Engeling

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  • 7/26/2019 Gus Engeling







    ABSTRACT - Field studies in the Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area,

    which consists of approximately 4465.5 ha (11,034.1 acres) of the Post Oak

    Savannah of Anderson County, have resulted in an annotated checklist of the

    vascular flora corroborating its remarkable species richness. A total of 930 taxa(excluding family names), belonging to 485 genera and 145 families are re-

    corded. Asteraceae (124 species), Poaceae (114 species), Fabaceae (67 species),

    and Cyperaceae (61 species) represented the largest families. Six Texas endemic

    taxa occur on the site: Brazoria truncata var. pulcherrima (B. pulcherrima),

    Hymenopappuscarrizoanus, Palafoxiareverchonii,Rhododonciliatus, Trades-

    cantia humilis, and T. subacaulis. Within Texas, Zigadenusdensus is known

    only from the study area. The area also has a large number of species that are

    endemic to the West Gulf Coastal Plain and Carrizo Sands phytogeographic

    distribution patterns. Eleven vegetation alliances occur on the property, with the

    most notable being sand post oak-bluejack oak, white oak-southern red oak-postoak, and beakrush-pitcher plant alliances.


    The Post Oak Savannah (Gould 1962) comprises about 4,000,000 ha

    of gently rolling to hilly lands that lie immediately west of the

    Pineywoods (Timber belt). Some (Allred and Mitchell 1955, Dyksterhuis

    1948) consider the vegetation of the area as part of the deciduous forest;

    i.e., burned out forest that is presently regenerating. Others (Bruner 1931,

    Rice and Penfound 1959, Weaver and Clements 1938) classify it as a trueprairie association, based upon the tall grass understory. The variance of

    opinion is unquestionably related to the transitional nature of the vegeta-

    tion from the true prairies to the west and the deciduous forest to the east.

    Between 1950 and 1960, the State of Texas acquired approximately

    4465.5 ha of the region, now known as Gus Engeling Wildlife Manage-

    ment Area (GEWMA), about 29 km (18 miles) northwest of Palestine in

    1Wildlife Diversity Program, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, 3000 S. IH-35,

    Suite100, Austin, TX 78704; [email protected]

    Wildlife DivisionRegion III, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, Tennessee Colony, TX 75861.3Current address - Texas A&M University, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station

    Uvalde, 1619 Garner Field Road, Uvalde, TX 78801. 4Department of Biology, Texas

    Christian University, Box 298930, 2618 Cockrell, Fort Worth, Texas TX 76109.5Department of Biology, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798-7388.

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    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3348

    Anderson County. The GEWMA serves as a land base for a Post Oak

    Savannah ecological area to develop and manage natural habitats and

    populations of indigenous plant and wildlife species, provide an area for

    public hunting and for non-consumptive recreation, all in a mannercompatible with the resource. Today, the area is the largest intact state-

    owned portion of the Post Oak Savannah and probably the most diverse in

    plant species richness. The latter trait is apparently related to the presence

    of two very well developed vegetation alliances, the beakrush-pitcher

    plant bogs and white oak-southern red oak-post oak alliances, that are at

    the western limits of their distribution. Also, located in the study area is

    one of the best known examples of sand post oak-bluejack oak uplands in

    Texas. Compared with much of Texas, the area has had minimal distur-

    bance. This is due primarily to the poor quality of soils that are notsupportive of agriculture other than grazing. From the middle to late

    1800s, most of the area was used as open range for cattle and hog grazing.

    Small acreages, more suitable to agriculture, were planted mainly in

    cotton. By the mid-1900s, the range was severely overgrazed. After

    acquisition by the state, grazing was discontinued and the remaining

    timber was left virtually untouched (Haucke and Prochaska 1998). Pres-

    ently, GEWMA is considered to be one of the most natural examples of

    pre-European settlement Post Oak Savannah in Texas.


    The checklist is largely based upon examination of specimens that

    were collected between 1950 and 1997 and the majority of the collec-

    tions are held in the GEWMA Herbarium (GEWMA). Another large

    portion of the collections are housed at Baylor University Herbarium

    (BAYLU). Additional records are based on specimens deposited at S.M.

    Tracy Herbarium (TAES), Texas A&M University Department of Biol-

    ogy Herbarium (TAMU), and University of Texas Herbarium (TEX-LL). The list was then augmented by collections between 1997 and

    2002, of species expected to be present, but not yet vouchered. These

    specimens are housed at BAYLU.

    Sorensons index [IS = 2C/(A + B)] was used to compare floristic

    similarity between GEWMA and Fort Boggy State Natural Area, an 835

    ha (2062.5 acres) Post Oak Savannah located approximately 95 km south

    of the study area. In the index, C is the number of shared taxa, A is the

    number of taxa in sample one, while B is the number of taxa in sample two.


    GEWMA is located within the subtropical humid region of the

    Modified Marine Climate type, an area of east Texas characterized by

    long hot summers and mild winters. Yearly average precipitation is

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    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 349

    about 104 cm, with maximum precipitation of about 13 cm in May and

    minimum of about 5 cm in August. Average annual temperature is

    approximately 20C. January is the coldest month with an average low

    of 8C, while July and August are the warmest months with averagehighs of about 36C. The growing season is about 265 days, with the

    frost free period extending from March to November. GEWMA is

    geographically situated along the boundary between the Post Oak Sa-

    vannah and Pineywoods ecoregions and has a rolling terrain with eleva-

    tion ranging from 75.2 to152.4 m. The area is comprised of very fine

    Queen City Sand on uplands in the western four fifths of the property on

    the west side if Catfish Creek. Alluvium and fluviatile terrace deposits

    form the bottom lands with primary and secondary levees along Catfish

    Creek. Carbonaceous clay, silt, and ironstone of the Recklaw Formationform steep slopes on the east side of Catfish Creek in the upper two

    thirds of the property. The Recklaw Formation also occurs on both sides

    of Catfish Creek in the southeast corner of the study area (University of

    Texas Bureau of Economic Geology-Palestine Sheet 1993). Soils are

    classified in the Darco and Fuquay-Kirvin-Darco Association as deep

    sandy and loamy on nearly level, gently sloping, to moderately steep

    slopes on uplands (Coffee 1970).


    Based on dominant species, landscape position, and soil water con-

    tent, 11 vegetational alliances (National Vegetation Classification Sys-

    tem 1997) are recognized. The name, location, and a short description of

    each follow, with emphasis on major characteristic species.

    Sand Post Oak-Bluejack Oak

    The Sand Post Oak-Bluejack Oak Alliance encompasses xeric, broad

    leaved forest on very well drained Pleistocene terraces on low, broad

    ridges and tertiary formations on acidic sandy soils. The fairly open to

    dense, but stunted Quercuscanopy is typically greater than 5 m high.

    This alliance consists of approximately 1852.3 ha (4576.9 acres) and is

    found mainly in the north half of GEWMA (Fig. 1). Dominant trees

    include Quercusfalcata, Q. incana, Q. marilandica, and Q. stellata var.

    margaretta. Other frequently occurring woody plants include

    Vaccinium arboreum, Cornusflorida, Rhus copallina, Viburnum

    rufidulum, Ilexvomitoria, Prunusgracilis, Juniperusvirginiana, Rhus

    aromatica, Toxicodendron radicans, and Polygonella americana. Ex-

    posed sands support foliose lichens (Cladoniasp.) and a variety of xeric

    herbs, includingAristidadesmantha, Sporobolusjunceus, Sorghastrum

    elliottii, Opuntiahumifusa, Cnidoscolustexanus, Selaginellaarenicola

    ssp. riddellii, Talinum rugospermum, Coreopsis intermedia, Brazoria

    truncatavar.pulcherrima, Polanisiaerosa,Loeflingiasquarrosa, Sene-

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    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3350

    cio ampullaceus, Rhododon ciliatus , Penstemon murrayanus,

    Tetragonotheca ludoviciana, Tradescantia reverchonii, T. subacaulis,

    Phacelia strictiflora , Streptanthus hyacinthoides, Paronychia

    drummondii, Cyperus grayioides, Bulbostylis capillaris, Mirabilisalbida, Sedumnuttallianum, andMateleacynanchoides.

    Little Bluestem-Indian Grass Alliance

    The Little Bluestem-Indian grass alliance, which occurs on open

    xeric sandhills, is dynamic and early successional in nature, fire depen-

    Figure 1. A vicinity map showing Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area

    Vegetation Alliances (ESRI Inc. ArcView ver. 3.2).

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    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 351

    dent, and, due to lack of disturbance, has been decreasing in size.

    Currently, these areas occupy approximately 178.3 ha (440.5 acres) and

    are found on dry xeric sands mainly within the Sand Post Oak -Bluejack

    Oak Alliance in the northern half of GEWMA (Fig. 1). The mostabundant species across the range of this alliance are Schizachyrium

    scoparium, Sorghastrum nutans, Aristida desmantha, Sporobolus

    junceus,Boutelouahirsuta, Stenarianigricans,Echinaceapallida, and

    other graminoid and herbaceous vegetation commonly associated with

    the Sand Post Oak-Bluejack Oak Alliance.

    Post Oak-Blackjack Oak Alliance

    The Post Oak-Blackjack Oak Alliance woodlands are predominately

    limited to dry ridges, steeper slopes with southern exposure, and flat togently rolling uplands. These possess a variety of soil types all with the

    common characteristic of an impermeable substratum. This alliance

    occupies 655.6 ha (1620 acres) and occurs mainly in the southern half of

    the property (Fig. 1). Woody plants that comprise this alliance include

    Quercusfalcata, Q. incana, Q. marilandica, Q. nigra, Q. phellos, Q.

    stellata var. stellata, Carya texana, Acer rubrum, Nyssa sylvatica,

    Callicarpa americana, Cercis canadensis, Cornusflorida, Crataegus

    crus-galli, C. marshallii, Diospyros virginiana, Fraxinus americana,

    Juniperus virginiana, Prunus angustifolia, P. mexicana, P. serotina,Rhus copallina, Rubus riograndis, Sideroxylon lanuginosum,

    Symphoricarpus orbiculatus, Ulmus alata, Vaccinium arboreum, and

    Viburnum nudum. Herbaceous flora includes Chasmanthium laxum,

    Elymusvirginicus,Eragrostissecundiflora, Commelinaerecta, Trades-

    cantia hirsutiflora , Sanicula canadensis, Symphyotrichumpatens,

    Podophyllumpeltatum, Arisaema dracontium, Erythronium albidum,

    Hypericumdrummondii, Passifloralutea, and Geumcanadense.

    White Oak-Southern Red Oak-Post Oak Alliance

    The White Oak-Southern Red Oak-Post Oak Alliance occurs on

    steep slopes dissected by a perennial spring fed creeks, all underlined by

    ironstone. The area consists of 16.4 ha (40.6 acres) in the northeast

    portion of the property (Fig. 1). This is the first report of this alliance in

    Texas. It is also known from Ft. Boggy State Park in Leon County,

    which has been sampled (Singhurst and Blair 1996), but never been

    reported in literature.

    The physiognomic feature that defines this alliance is the abundance

    of exposed ironstone outcrops. These sites typically accumulate thick

    leaf litter and duff layers and exhibit a diverse display of ferns species

    such as Pleopeltispolypodioides var. michauxiana, Botrychium

    virginianum, Aspleniumplatyneuron, and Woodsiaobtusa. Side slope

    seeps, which support such plants asBoehmeriacylindricaand Onoclea

    sensibilisare common.

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    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3352

    Woody plants that dominate include Quercus alba, Q. falcata, Q.

    incana, Q. marilandica, Q. nigra, Q. stellatavar. stellata,Liquidambar

    styraciflua, Nyssa sylvatica, Acer rubrum, Cornusflorida, Celtis

    laevigata var. laevigata, Carya texana, Ilex vomitoria, Vacciniumarboreum, Viburnum rufidulum, Sassafras albidum, Callicarpa

    americana, and Ulmus alata. Less common are Ampelopsis arborea,

    Aralia spinosa, Berchemia scandens, Crataegus marshallii, Myrica

    cerifera, Prunus mexicana, and P. serotina. Common graminoids in-

    clude Bromuspubescens, Chasmanthium sessiliflorum, C. latifolium,

    Panicum laxiflorum, P. sphaerocarpon, Oplismenushirtellus, Tridens

    flavus, and Scleria triglomerata. Forbs include Antennariaparlinii,

    Corollorhiza wisteriana, Geum canadense, Luzula bulbosa, Lactuca

    serriola, Matalea gonocarpa, Oxalis violacea, Parietariapennsylvanica, Phryma leptostachya, Physalis angulata, Polygonum

    virginianum, Pteridiumaquilinumvar.pseudocaudatum, Salvialyrata,

    Solidago caesia, S. ulmifolia, Tradescantia hirsutiflora, Triadenum

    walteri, Verbesinavirginica, and Vernoniabaldwinii.

    Loblolly Pine-Southern Red Oak Alliance

    The Loblolly Pine-Southern Red Oak Alliance occurs on nearly flat

    to moderately sloping uplands that lie at the contact between the

    Recklaw and Queen City Sand Formations. The area is rich in iron oreand has an impermeable layer that acts as a hard pan. At times these

    areas hold water and an upland flatwood pine and oak dominated mix-

    ture are displayed. This alliance is rather isolated in the central portion

    of the property (Fig.1) and occupies 56.1 ha (138.6 acres). Dominant

    woody plants include Pinustaeda, Quercusfalcata, Q. nigra,Liquidam-

    barstyraciflua,Acerrubrum, andDiospyrosvirginiana.

    Willow Oak-Water Oak Seasonally Flooded Forest Alliance

    This seasonally flooded alliance includes 241.4 ha (569.6 acres) on

    relatively flat lands bordering perennial waterways that drain into Cat-

    fish Creek in the southern two-thirds of the property (Fig. 1). Dominant

    woody plants include Quercus nigra, Q. phellos, Ulmus americana,

    Betulanigra, Fraxinuspennsylvanica, and Ilexopaca. Chasmanthium

    latifolium, Verbesinavirginica,Boehmeriacylindrica, and Commelina

    virginicaare common herbaceous plants in this alliance.

    Overcup Oak Seasonally Flooded Forest Alliance

    The Overcup Oak Alliance is characterized by the presence of tem-

    porary standing water during and after flood events and consists ofapproximately 275.4 ha (680.6 acres). It is found on heavy clay soils

    along Catfish Creek bottom (Fig. 1). This alliance is similar to the

    preceding one, differing largely in the dominance of Quercuslyrataand

    absence ofBetulanigra.

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    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 353

    Loblolly Pine-Water Oak Temporarily Flooded Forest Alliance

    The Loblolly Pine-Water Oak Temporarily Flooded Forest Alliance

    consists of 10 ha (24.6 acres) that are in the floodplains adjacent to

    Catfish Creek in the southern portion of the study area (Fig. 1). The areais subject to periodic flooding and is characterized by nearly pure stands

    of Pinustaedaon the higher ridges. The lower, more flood prone areas

    are characterized by Quercusnigra, Q. phellos, Carpinuscaroliniana,

    Sabalminor, Celtislaevigatavar. laevigata,Nyssasylvatica, Fraxinus

    pennsylvanica, and an occasional Pinus taeda. Herbaceous vegetation is

    generally absent.

    Planer Tree Seasonally Flooded Forest Alliance

    Planer Tree Alliance consists of 47.4 ha (117.2 acres) of backswamps and sloughs mainly on the upper Catfish Creek corridor (Fig.

    1). Common woody vegetation includes Planeraaquatica, Foresteria

    acuminata, Carya aquatica, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Fraxinus

    pennsylvanica, and Salix nigra. Characteristic herbaceous plants are


    Beakrush-Pitcher Plant Alliance

    The Beakrush-Pitcher Plant Alliance consists of a variety of herba-

    ceous and woody plant bog assemblages that include hillside seepage

    bogs, wet prairies, muck bogs, and fens. This alliance occurs mainly in

    the north portion of the property (Fig. 1) and occupies 320 ha. (790.8

    acres). The area is characterized by Rhynchosporaspp. and Sarracenia

    alata. Prominent woody plants include Alnusserrulata, Viburnumnu-

    dum,Nyssasylvatica,Acerrubrum, andMyricacerifera. Typical herba-

    ceous plants are Eriocaulonspp., Pseudolycopodiella caroliniana, Os-

    mundacinnamonea, O.regalis, Pogoniaophioglossoides, Plantanthera

    ciliaris, Habenaria repens, Utricularia spp., Burmannia capitata,

    Eryngiumintegrifolium,Asclepiasrubra, andXyrisspp.

    Wild Rice Tidal Alliance

    The Wild Rice Alliance generally occurs as marshes bordering the

    larger waterways and is dominated byZizaniopsismiliacea. Other com-

    mon species are Panicum virgatum, Rhynchospora corniculata, and

    Peltandravirginica. This alliance occupies 11.3 ha (27.8 acres) is found

    mainly in the northeast portion of the property (Fig. 1).

    Although not a naturally occurring alliance, there are several artifi-

    cially damned, impounded waters on the management area. Most no-

    table are Lake 1, Lake 2, Lake 3, and Beaver Pond. All are spring-fed,maintain a relatively constant water level throughout the year, and are

    less than 5 ha in area. The open waters are characterized by Nelumbo

    lutea, Nymphaea odorata, Nuphur advena, Brasenia schreberi,

    Potamogetonspp., Eleocharis vivipara, Lemnaspp., Wolffiaspp., and

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    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3354

    Utricularia spp.. Marginal areas are dominated by Typha latifolia,

    Zizaniopsismiliacea, Juncuseffusus, Sagittariaspp., and Hydrocotyle



    The GEWMA flora consists of 930 taxa (excluding family names) in

    145 families and 485 genera. The largest families (with numbers of

    species in parentheses) are Asteraceae (124), Poaceae (114), Fabaceae

    (67) and Cyperaceae (61). Other families with significant numbers of

    species include Euphorbiacae (26), Scrophulariaceae (22), Lamiaceae

    (20), and Rosaceae (20). Genera with the largest number of species

    include Carex(23), Panicum(16),Juncus(12), Quercus(12), Cyperus(10) and Symphyotrichum(10). Introduced species represent 6.34 % of

    the flora (59).

    The GEWMA flora includes 19.2 % of the species (930 of 4834)

    reported in the state by Hatch et al. (1990), in an area of about 38.85

    square kilometers compared to 696,710 square kilometers for the state.

    For further comparison, the number of native species reported by Diggs

    et al. (1999), in an area of 103,600 square kilometers, is 1829, while

    GEWMA has 871 natives. This is 47.6 % as many species in an area less

    than 0.04% as large. The low percentage of introduced species (6.34 %),compared to 17.7 % reported by Diggs et al. (1999) for the area treated

    in their manual, evidences that GEWMA has been subjected to limited

    disturbance and outside influences.

    Nixon (1992) recorded a total of 685 species at Fort Boggy, with 53

    species being introduced. GEWMA and Fort Boggy have 470 species in

    common. The similarity index for the two areas is 0.582 which appears

    low for areas in the same ecoregion. This low value could, in part, be

    related to the larger study area at GEWMA, but is better attributed to the

    presence of the beakrush-pitcher plant alliance at GEWMA, which doesnot occur at Fort Boggy. It is also indicative of the species richness of

    the Post Oak Savannah.


    Eight species occurring at GEWMA are listed by Estill and Cruzan

    (2001) as rare southeastern endemics. These are Astragalus

    soxmaniorum, Brazoria truncata var. pulcherrima, Coreopsis

    intermedia, Eriocaulon koernickianum, Palafoxia reverchonii,Rhododonciliatus, Tradescantiareverchonii and Yucca louisianensis.

    All are very abundant in the area, with the exception of Coreopsis

    intermedia, which is localized in sparsely vegetated areas, and

    Eriocaulonkoernickianum, which is known only from Andrews Bog.

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    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 355

    Astragalus soxmaniorum, Coreopsis intermedia, Eriocaulon

    koernickianum (also disjunct in Georgia), Tradescantia reverchonii,

    and Yuccalouisianensisare part of the West Gulf Coastal Plain center of

    endemism (or phytogeographic pattern, Sorrie and Weakley 2001).Other common to abundant taxa from GEWMA that are part of this

    phytogeographic pattern are Amorpha paniculata, Echinacea

    sanguinea, Panicum brachyanthum, Paronychia drummondii,

    Pediomelumhypogaeavar. subulata, Penstemonmurrayanus, Phacelia

    strictiflora, Polanisiaerosavar. erosa, Scutellariacardiophylla, Sene-

    cio ampullaceus, Strepthanthus hyacinthoides, and Tetragonotheca

    ludoviciana. Brazoria truncata var. pulcherrima, Hymenopappus

    carrizoanus, andRhododonciliatus, all abundant on the study site, are

    part of the Carrizo Sands center of endemism (Sorrie and Weakley2001). These three taxa, plus Palafoxiareverchonii, are also endemic to

    Texas.Hymenopappusis designated as a globally imperiled and vulner-

    able to extinction throughout its range (Poole et al. 2002). Palafoxia

    reverchoniioccurs partly in the Carrizo Sands area, but is also known

    from Houston, Nacogdoches, and Hardin counties, all to the east. Tra-

    descantia humilis and T. subacaulis, both Texas endemics, are wide-

    spread in the eastern third of the state and found throughout the study


    Other noteworthy taxa include the only documented occurrence ofZigadensisdensusfrom the state. This collection constitutes the west-

    ern limits of its distribution. Talinum rugospermum and Cyperus

    grayioides are both former candidates for threatened or endangered

    listing with a G2S3 ranking, but have been removed from the plants of

    concern list. Within Texas, Cladiummariscoidesis known only from

    GEWMA and surrounding areas of Anderson County and nearby Koon

    Creek Club in Henderson County, which is immediately north of

    Anderson County. Taxodiumdistichumis apparently absent or rare in

    most of the Post Oak Savannah. Other than the GEWMA record, the

    only additional collection occurs in Caddo National Grassland

    [Singhurst and White 9112 (BALYU)] in a spring fed creek hardwood

    site in Fannin County in a portion of the Post Oak Savannah that

    projects westward along the Red River. Symphyotrichumpuniceum

    var. scabricaulisis a species of concern currently known from Ander-

    son, Cherokee, Franklin, Henderson, Hopkins, Smith, Van Zandt and

    Wood counties (also known from Louisiana and Mississippi).

    Mentzelianuda, which is distributed in sandy areas in north and south

    central to west Texas (Diggs et al. 1999), is present as a disjunct. The

    nearest record of this taxa is from Dallas County, approximately 150

    km to the northwest. The species also occurs in Henderson County,

    just north of Anderson County [Holmes and Singhurst 12383 and

    12387 (BAYLU)] and Freestone County, which is contiguous with

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    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3356

    Anderson County to the west [Orzell and Bridges 17224 (TEX)]. Other

    than the Anderson County record cited in the checklist, Cirsium

    muticum is presently known to occur in three other counties in the

    state. These are Gonzales County, ca. 300 km to the southeast, andSmith and Woods counties, both just to the north. Didiplis diandra

    rarely collected in Texas, is currently known from Bowie, Red River,

    and Robertson counties.

    In conclusion, most taxa restricted to acid bogs, such as Sarracenia

    alata, Rhynchosporaspp., Eriocaulonspp., and Xyrisspp., reach their

    northwestern most distribution in the state, hence in the southeastern

    United States, in the bogs of GEWMA. This suggests that GEWMA may

    represent the western limit of the southeastern flora at this latitude (31

    58 N). West of GEWMA is the Blackland Prairie, which is part of theTrue Prairie grassland association (Gould and Shaw 1983).


    The annotated checklist generally follows the classification of

    Correll and Johnston (1970). Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, and

    Angiospermae are placed in separate groups. The latter is further di-

    vided into Monocotyledoneae and Dicotyledoneae. Family, genera, and

    species are also alphabetized. Nomenclature follows Hatch et al. (1990),or, for names not included in that work, Jones et al. (1997). Voucher

    specimens documenting the occurrence of the various taxa were col-

    lected by a number of field workers, each of which is cited by the

    following abbreviations: B&S = D.&M. Belk and D. Scurlock, B&K=

    Edwin Bridges and Kelly Kindscher, B&O = Edwin Bridges and Steve

    Orzell, CC = Carl Crozier, CMR = Chester M. Rowell, EDM = Earnie

    Davis Marsh, GV = George Veteto, KL = Keith Lowe, JDC = J. D.

    Calley, JHR = Julie Hogan Rose, JRM = J. R. Manhardt, JS = Jason

    Singhurst, KF = Kay Fleming, LP = Lee Powell, MD = MoniqueDebrule, M&M = Michael MacRoberts and Barbara MacRoberts, O&B

    = Steve Orzell and Edwin Bridges, RH = Ray Hart, RL = Ruth Loper, SJ

    = Stanley Jones, and WCH = Walter C. Holmes.

    Most voucher specimens are held in the GEWMA Herbarium

    (GEWMA). All Singhurst, Holmes, and Fleming collections are housed

    in Baylor University Herbarium (BAYLU), while the remaining collec-

    tions are in S.M. Tracy Herbarium (TAES), Texas A&M University

    Department of Biology Herbarium (TAMU), and University of Texas

    Herbarium (TEX-LL).Taxa listed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Departments Wildlife

    Diversity Program Rare Plants of Texas list are indicated by a bracketed

    [WDP]. Introduced plants are indicated by an asterisk (*).

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    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 357


    ASPLENIACEAEAsplenium platyneuron (L.) B.S.P. - CMR



    AzollacarolinianaWilld. - JS 7377

    BLECHNACEAEWoodwardia areolata (L.) T. Moore - CMR


    Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var.

    pseudocaudatum(Clute) Heller - MD 1105DRYOPTERIDACEAE

    At hyri um fi li x- fe mi na (L.) Roth var.asplenioides

    (Michx.) Farw. - JS 7376OnocleasensibilisL. - GV s.n.

    Woodsiaobtusa(Spreng.) Torr. - JS 7533

    EQUISETACEAEEquisetumhyemaleL. ssp. affine(Engelm.) Eat.


    Lycopodiella appressa (Chapman) Cranfill -MD 1327

    Pseudolycopodiellacaroliniana(L.) Holub - JS7442

    MARSILEACEAEMarsileavestitaHook & Grev. - JS 7443


    Botrychium biternatum (Savig) Underw. - JS7381

    Botrychiumlunarioides(L.) Sw. - JS 7380

    Botrychiumvirginianum(L.) Sw - JS 7378

    Ophioglossum crotalophoroides Walt. - JS

    7456OphioglossumvulgatumL. - WCH & JS 12113

    OSMUNDACEAEOsmundacinnamoneaL. - MD 1100

    Osmunda regalis L. var. spectabilis (Willd.)


    Pleopeltispolypodioides (L.) Andrews &

    Windham var. michauxiana (Weath.)Andrews & Windham - JS 7479


    Selaginellaapoda(L.) Spring - M&M 3775Selaginella arenicola L. ssp. riddellii (Van

    Eselt.) Tyron - JS 7544THELYPTERIDACEAE

    ThelypterispalustrisSchott - O&B 6590


    CUPRESSACEAEJuniperusvirginianaL. - JS 7181


    PinusechinataMill. - JS 7191PinustaedaL. - JS 7190


    Taxodiumdistichum(L.) Rich. - JS 7229





    AcorusamericanusL. - JS 7356AGAVACEAE

    Manfredavirginica(L.) Pers. - WCH 11811YuccalouisianensisTrel. - JS 7216

    ALISMATACEAEEchinodorus cordifolius (L.) Griseb. ssp.

    fluitans(Fassett) R. Haynes & L.B. Holm.-

    Nielsen - JS 7540SagittarialatifoliaWilld. - EDM s.n.

    Sagittariaplatyphylla (Engelm.) J. G. Smith -

    JS 7496ARACEAE

    Arisaemadracontium(L.) Schott - JS 7274

    Arisaematriphyllum(L.) Schott ssp. triphyllum- CMR 16985

    Peltandravirginica(L.) Schott & Endl. - CMR16984

    ARECACEAESabalminor(Jacq.) Pers. - JS 7250

    BROMELIACEAETillandsiausneoides(L.) L. - JS 7522

    BURMANNIACEAEBurmanniacapitata(J.F. Gmel.) Mart. - JS 7384


    CommelinaerectaL. - GV s.nCommelinavirginicaL. - JS 7394TradescantiahirsutifloraBush - MD 1073

    TradescantiareverchoniiBush - B&K 13738

    TradescantiasubacaulisBush - EDM 267

    CYPERACEAEBulbostyliscapillaris(L.) Clarke - JS 7542

    Bulbostylisciliatifolia(Ell.) Fern. - M&M 3446CarexalataTorr. - SJ 13560

    Carex albolutescensSchwein. - CMR 17273

    CarexatlanticaBailey - M&M 3841CarexcarolinianaSchwein. - EDM 216

    CarexcherokeensisSchwein. - EDM 40

    CarexcomplantaT. & G. - B&K 13723Carexcrus-corviKunze - JS 7389

    CarexdavisiiSchwein. & Torr. - GV 213

    CarexemoryiDewey - WCH & JS 12115CarexflaccospermaL. H. Dewey - CMR 17278

    CarexfrankiiKunth - JRH & CMR 15CarexintumescensRudge - JMR 4

    CarexjooriiBailey - GV 210CarexleavenworthiiDewey - EDM 31

    Carex leptalea Wahl. ssp. harperi (Fernald)Weatherby & Griseb. - MD 1114

    CarexlongiiMack. - B&K 13694CarexlouisianicaBailey - GV 215

    CarexluridaWahl. - JRM 217

    CarexoklahomensisMack. - SJ 13559CarexoxylepisTorr. & Hook. - MD 1116CarexretroflexaMuhl. ex Willd. - CMR 17272

    CarexstrictaLam. - M&M 3813

    CarexvulpinoideaMichx. - MD 1009Cladium mariscoides (Muhl.) Torr. - B&O

    7690, M&M 3990; JS 7391

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    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3358

    Cladium mariscus (L.) Pohl ssp. jamaicense

    (Crantz) Kukenth. - M&M 3993

    CyperuserythrorhizosMuhl. - JS 7397

    CyperusesculentusL. - EDM 220

    CyperusgrayioidesMohlenb. - B&O 7981CyperushaspanL. - EDM 221CyperushystricinusFern. - EDM 314

    CyperusodoratusL. - M&M 3690

    CyperusplukenetiiFern. - MD 1346CyperusretroflexusBuckl. - EDM 223

    CyperusretrorsusChapm. - GV 226CyperusvirensMichx. - GV 225

    Eleocharisequisetoides(Ell.) Torr. - JS 7549

    EleocharisolivaceaTorr. - M&M 3708

    Eleocharisquadrangulata(Michx.) Roemer &J.A.Schultz - O&B 7958

    Eleocharistortilis(Link) Schult. - B&K 13719Eleocharis vivipara Link - WCH & JS 12382

    Fimbristylisautumnalis(L.) Roem. & Schult. -JS 7408

    Fimbristylisvahlii(Lam.) Link - JS 7409FuirenasquarrosaMichx. - EDM 233

    Isolepis carinata Hook & Arn. ex Torr. - JS7504

    Isolepismolesta(Johnston) Smith - SJ 13561RhynchosporacaducaEll. - O&B 7971

    RhynchosporacephalanthaGray - M&M 3561Rhynchospora chalarocephalaFern. & Gale -

    B&O 7972

    Rhynchosporacorniculata(Lam.) Gray - EDM


    Rhynchospora globularis (Chapm.) Small -EDM 257Rhynchosporaglomerata(L.) Vahl - EDM 260

    RhynchosporagracilentaGray - B&O 7183

    RhynchosporaoliganthaGray - B&K 13720Rhynchospora rariflora (Michx.) Ell. - B&O

    7191Rhynchospora scirpoides (Torr.) Gray - JS


    RhynchosporastenophyllaChapm. ex M. Curtis

    - B&O 7954Scirpuscyperinus(L.) Kunth - MD 1277

    ScleriareticularisMichx. var.pubescensBritt.- B&O 7964

    ScleriatriglomerataMichx. - JS 7505DIOSCOREACEAE

    Dioscorea quaternata (Walt.) J.F. Gmel. - JS7399

    ERIOCAULACEAEEriocaulon decangulareL. - EDM 230

    Eriocaulon koernickianum Van Heurck &Muell. Arg. - B& K 13698

    Eriocaulon texenseKorn. - B&O 6593HYDROCHARITACEAE

    EgeriadensaPlanch. - JS 7402

    IRIDACEAEAlophia drummondii (Graham) Foster - EDM

    379Herbertialahue(Mol.) Goldblatt ssp. caerulea(Herb.) Goldblatt - GV s.n.

    IrishexagonaWalt. var.flexicaulis(Small) Fos-

    ter - MD 1070IrisvirginicaL. - M&M 3821

    NemastylisgeminifloraNutt. - EDM 44SisyrinchiumalbidumRaf. - EDM 12

    SisyrnchiumcampestreBicknell - MD 1097

    SisyrnchiumlangloisiiGreene - EDM 44

    SisyrnchiumrosulatumBicknell - JS 7511SisyrinchiumsagittiferumBicknell - JS 7512

    JUNCACEAEJuncus bufoniusL. - EDM 242JuncuscapitatusWeigel - JS 7431

    JuncuscoriaceusMack. - MD 1293

    JuncusdiffusissimusBuckl. - JHR 14JuncuseffususL. var. solutusFern. & Wieg. -

    EDM 244JuncusinteriorWieg. - EDM 241

    Juncus marginatus Rostk. var. setosus Cov. -

    GV 247

    JuncusrepensMichx. - GV 246JuncusscirpoidesLam. - EDM 178

    JuncustorreyiCov. - JHR 23JuncustrigonocarpusSteud. - MD 1358

    JuncusvalidusCov. - EDM 179Luzula bulbosa (Wood) Smyth & Smyth - JS


    LemnaminutaKunth - WCH 11323Lemnaobscura(Austin) Daubs - WCH 11804

    Spirodelapolyrhiza(L.) Schleid. - WCH 11803WolffiabrasiliensisWedd. - WCH 11807

    WolffiacolumbianaH. Karst - WCH 11824LILIACEAE

    AlliumcanadenseL. var. canadense- JS 7541

    AlliumdrummondiiRegel - EDM 378CooperiadrummondiiHerb. - JS 7395

    CrinumamericanumL. - JS 7554ErythroniumalbidumNutt. - JS 7405Hymenocallis eulae Shinners - WCH & JS


    Hymenocallisliriosme(Raf.) Shinners - JS 7423Hypoxishirsuta(L.) Cov. - EDM 40

    MelanthiumvirginicumL. - DJC & EDM 30*MuscarineglectumGuss ex Ten. - JS 7447

    *NarcissusjonquillaL. - JS 7451Nothoscordumbivalve(L.) Britt. - EDM 38, 37

    Zigadenus densus(Desr.) Fern. - M&M 3820MARANTACEAE

    ThaliadealbataFraser ex Roscoe - JS 7521MAYACACEAE

    MayacafluviatilisAubl. - CMR 17279ORCHIDACEAE

    Calopogontuberosus(L.) B.S.P. - M&M 3974CorallorhizawisterianaConrad - JS 7553

    HabenariarepensNutt. - JS 7552

    Plantantheraciliaris(L.) Lindley - CMR 17966

    Pogoniaophioglossoides(L.) Juss. - JS 7537Spiranthescernua(L.) Rich. - MD 1331

    Spiranthes lacera (Raf.) Raf. var. gracilis(Bigel.) Luer. - EDM 50

    Spirantheslaciniata(Small.) Ames. - JS 7548

    POACEAEAgrostishyemalis(Walt.) B.S.P. - M&M 3974

    Agrostisperennans(Walt.) Tuck. - M&M 3974AgrostisscabraWilld. - M&M 3697*AiracaryophylleaL. var. capillarisA. Mutel -

    GV 1

    AlopecuruscarolinianusWalt. - JS 7219Andropogon glomeratus (Walt.) B.S.P. - JS

    7223Andropogon ternariusMichx. - GV s.n.

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    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 359

    Andropogon virginicusL. - GV 6

    AristidadesmanthaTrin. & Rupr. - MD 1312

    AristidalanosaMuhl. ex Ell. - O&B 8634

    AristidalongespicaPoir. - EDM s.n.

    AristidaoliganthaMichx. - EDM s.n.AristidapurpurescensPoir. - GV s.n.Arundinariagigantea(Walt.) Muhl. - JS 7193

    *AvenasativaL. - WCH & JS 12123

    Axonopuscompressus(Sw.) Beauv. - EDM 287*Bothriochl oa ischaemum (L.) Keng var.

    songarica(Fisch. & Mey.) Celariar & Harlan- JS 7220

    Bothriochloalaguroides(DC.) Herter - JS 7224

    BoutelouahirsutaLag. - GV 18

    Brachiariatexana(Buckl.) S. T. Blake - EDM44

    *BrizaminorL. - JS 7221*BromuscatharticusVahl - WCH & JS 12133

    *BromusjaponicusThunb ex Murray - WCH &JS 12138

    BromuspubescensMuhl. ex Willd. - JS 7227*BromustectorumL. - EDM 20

    CenchrusspinifexCana. - EDM 134Chasmanthiumlatfolium(Michx.) Yates - EDM

    17Chasmanthiumlaxum(L.) Yates - WCH 11859

    Chasmanthiumsessiliflorum(Poir.) Yates - GV24

    ChlorisverticillataNutt. - JS 7258

    CinnaarundinaceaL. - M&M 3583-B

    Coelorachis cylindrica (Michx.) Nash - B&K

    13736Coelorachisrugosa(Nutt.) Nash - M&M 3681*Cynodondactylon(L.) Pers. - JS 7222

    *Digitariacognata(Schult.) Pilger - EDM 73

    *Digitariafili formis(L.) Koel. - EDM 40*Digitariasanguinalis(L.) Scop. - EDM 42

    Echinochloacrusgallii(L.) Beauv. - EDM 44Echinochloawalteri(Pursh) Heller - JS 7259*Eleusineindica(L.) Gaertn. - JS 7260

    ElymuscanadensisL. - JS s.n.

    ElymusvirginicusL. - EDM 45Eragrostiscapillaris(L.) Nees - GV 49

    Eragrostiscilianensis(All.) Janchen - JS 7261EragrostiscurtipedicellataBuckl. - EDM 21

    Eragrostishypnoides(Lam.) B.S.P. - GV 48Eragrostispilosa(L.) Beauv. - GV 58

    Eragrosti s secundiflora Presl ssp. oxylepis(Torr.) S.D. Koch. - EDM 51

    Eragrostisspectabilis(Pursh) Steud. - EDM 63Eragrostistrichoides(Nutt.) Wood - GV 60

    Gymnopogonambiguus(Michx.) B.S.P. - EDM70

    *HordeumpusillumNutt. - JS 7262LeersiahexandraSw. - EDM 91

    LeersialenticularisMichx. - MD 1279

    Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. - M&M 3693; JS7263

    LeersiavirginicaWilld. - GV 72*LoliumperenneL. - JS 7264MelicamuticaWalt. - JS 7264

    MuhlenbergiaschreberiGmel. - GV 74

    Oplismenushirtellus(L.) Beauv. - GV 75Panicum aciculare Desv. ex Poir. var.

    angustifolium(Elliott) Wipff & Jones - GV35

    PanicumacuminatumSw. - EDM 203

    PanicumancepsMichx. - EDM 104

    PanicumbrachyanthumSteud. - EDM 93PanicumdichotomumL. - EDM 96

    Panicumgymnocarpon Ell. - EDM 95PanicumhiansEll. - EDM 97PanicumhemitomonSchult. - EDM 107

    PanicumlaxiflorumLam. - GV 34

    PanicumnodatumHitchc. & Chase - JS 5366PanicumoligosanthesSchult. - GV 30

    PanicumrigidulumNees - GV 100PanicumscabriusculumEll. - M&M 3816, 3711

    PanicumscopariumLam. - EDM 269

    PanicumverrucosumMuhl. - M&M 3673

    PanicumvirgatumL. - JS 7266*PaspalumdilatatumPoir. - JS 7267

    PaspalumfloridanumMichx. - EDM 115PaspalumlaeveMichx. - EDM 113

    *PaspalumnotatumFlugge. - JS 7268PaspalumplicatulumMichx. - M&M 3582

    PaspalumpraecoxWalt. - M&M 3678PaspalumsetaceumMichx. - GV 108

    *PaspalumurvilleiSteud. - GV 114PhalariscarolinianaWalt. - JS 7269

    Piptochaetiumavenaceum(L.) Parodi - JS 7217*PoaannuaL. - JS 7218

    Saccharumalopecuroides(L.) Nutt. - GV 66Saccharumgiganteum(Walt.) Pers. - EDM 65

    SaccharumbaldwiniiSpreng. - EDM 64

    Sacciolepisstriata(L.) Nash - MD 1276Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash - JS

    7270Setariaparviflora(Poir.) Kerguelen - EDM 79Sorghastrumelliottii(Mohr) Nash - JS 7271

    Sorghastrumnutans(L.) Nash - EDM 80, 82

    *Sorghumhalepense(L.) Pers. - JS 7272Sphenopholisobtusata(Michx.) Scribn. - EDM

    83, 84Sporobolus compositus (Poir.) Merr. var.

    clandestinus(Biehler) J. Wipff & S. D. Jones- EDM 131

    Sporoboluscompositus(Poir.) Merr. - GV 126Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray - EDM

    125*Sporobolusindicus(L.) R. Br. - EDM 127

    Sporobolusjunceus(Michx.) Kunth - GVM 124Sporoboluspyramidatus(Lam.) A.S. Hitchc. -

    EDM 128Sporobolusvaginiflorus(T. & G.) Torr. - EDM

    129*Stenotaphrumsecundatum (Walt.) O. Ktze. -

    JS 7273Tridenseragrostoides(Vasey & Scribn.) Nash -

    EDM 85Tridensflavus(L.) A.S. Hitchc. - EDM 86

    Tridensstrictus(Nutt.) Nash. - EDM 88

    Triplasispurpurea(Walt.) Chapm. - GV89Tripsacumdactyloides(L.) L. - JS 7274

    TriticumaestivumL. - WCH & JS 12127Vulpiaoctoflora(Walt.) Rydb. - EDM 68Vulpiasciurea(Nutt.) Henr. - EDM 67

    Zizaniopsismiliacea(Michx.) Doell & Aschers.


    Heterantheradubia(Jacq.) MacM. - JRH 13PontederiacordataL. - JS 7480

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    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3360


    PotamogetondiversifoliusRaf. - JS 7483

    PotamogetonfoliosusRaf. - WCH & JS 12338

    PotamogetonnodosusPoir. - JS 7484

    SMILACACEAESmilaxbona-noxL. - EDM 63SmilaxglaucaWalt. - EDM 319

    SmilaxlaurifoliaL. - JS 7215

    SmilaxrotundifoliaL. - MD 1082SmilaxsmalliiMorong - JS 7225

    SmilaxtamnoidesL. - JS 7253SPARGAGINACAE

    SparganiumamericanumNutt. - EDM 263


    TyphalatifoliaL. - JS 7210XYRIDACEAE

    XyrisambiguaKunth - EDM 272XyrisbaldwinianaSchult. - B&O 7187

    XyrisdiformisChapm. - M&M 3407XyrisjupicaiRich. - JS 7535

    XyristortaJ. E. Smith - JS 7534


    ACANTHACEAEDiclipterabrachiata(Pursh) Spreng. - JS 7398

    Hygrophilalacustris(Schlecht. & Cham.) Nees- JS 7551

    Justicia ovata (Walt.) Lindau var. lanceolata(Chapm.) Long. - JS 7432

    Ruelliacaroliniensis(J.M.Gmel) Steyd. - DJC

    & EDM 4RuelliahumilisNutt. - EDM 266ACERACEAE

    AcernegundoL. - EDM 162

    AcerrubrumL. - JS 7178AMARANTHACEAE

    AmaranthusblitumL. - JS 7369*AmaranthusspinosusL. - EDM 100

    FroelichiadrummondiiMoq. - EDM 178

    Froelichiagracilis(Hook.) Moq. - JS 7410

    IresinerhizomatosaStandl. - JS 7430ANACARDIACEAE

    RhusaromaticaAit. - EDM 66RhuscopallinaL. - EDM 152

    RhusglabraL. - EDM 153Rhuslanceolata(Gray) Britt. - EDM 297

    RhustrilobataNutt. - EDM 2Toxicodendronradicans(L.) O. Ktze. - EDM 67

    APIACEAE (UMBELLIFERAE)Centellaerecta(L.) Fern. - JS 7390

    ChaerophyllumtainturieriHook. - JS 6169CicutamaculataL. - WCH & JS 12354

    Cyclospermum leptophyllumSprague ex Britt.& Wilson - WCH & JS 12140

    DaucuspusillusMichx. - EDM 418

    EryngiumintegrifoliumWalt. - EDM 228EryngiumprostratumNutt. ex DC. - JS 7404

    Eryngiumyuccifol iumMichx. - EDM s.n.HydrocotyleranunculoidesL. f. - JS 7421HydrocotyleverticillataThunb. - JS 4722

    Limnosciadiumpumilum (Engelm. & Gray)

    Math. & Const. - JS 7436Oxypolisrigidior(L.) Raf. - GV s.n.

    Polytaenia texana (Coult. & Rose) Math. &Const. - EDM s.n.

    Ptilimium capillaceum (Michx.) Raf. - EDM


    Ptilimiumcostatum(Ell.) Raf. - MD 1354SaniculacanadensisL. - JS 7501

    Spermolepisdivaricata(Walt.) Raf. ex Ser. - JS7515Ziziaaurea(L.) Koch - JS 7536


    AmsoniatabernaemontanaWalt. - JS 7358ApocynumcannabinumL. - JS 7372

    Trachelospermum difforme (Walt.) Gray - JS7214


    IlexdeciduaWalt. - MD 1371

    IlexopacaSoland. in Ait. - MD 1339IlexvomitoriaSoland. in Ait. - EDM 157

    ARALIACEAEAraliaspinosaL. - WCH & JS 12114

    ARISTOLOCHIACEAEAristolochiareticulataJacq. - GV 387

    ASCLEPIDACEAEAsclepiasamplexicaulisSm. - EDM 392

    AsclepiasobovataEll. - CMR 389AsclepiasrubraL. - CMR 388

    AsclepiastomentosaEll. - WCH & JS 12345Asclepias tuberosa L. ssp. interior Woods. -

    CMR 390AsclepiasverticillataL. - JS 7375

    Matelea cynanchoides (Engelm.) Woods. - JS

    7444Mateleadecipiens(Alex.) Woods. - DF s.n.

    Mateleagonocarpos(Walt.) Shinners - JS 7445ASTERACEAE (COMPOSITAE)Acmellaoppositifolia(Lam.) Jansen var. repens

    (Walt.) Jansen - JS 6305

    AmbrosiaartemisiifoliaL. - EDM 274Ambrosia cumanensis Kunth in H.B.K. - JS

    7294AmbrosiatrifidaL. - JS 7295

    Antennariaparlini i Fern. ssp. fallax (Greene)Bayer & Stebbins - EDM 276

    AnthemiscotulaL. - EDM 277Aphanostephus skirrhobasis (DC.) Trel. - JS


    Ageratinarugosa(L.) King & Rob. - JS 7312

    BaccharishalimifoliaL. - JS s.n.Berlandierapumila(Michx.) Nutt. - EDM 285

    Berlandierabetonicifolia(Hook.) Small - WCH11819

    Bidensaristosa(Michx.) Britt. - JS 7306

    BidensbipinnataL. - JS 7304

    Bidenslaevis(L.) B.S.P. - MD 1274BoltoniadiffusaEll. - EDM s.n.

    Brickell iaeupatorioides(L.) Shinners - JS 7305CalyptocarpusvialisLess. - JS 7302

    Chaetopappa asteroides Nutt. ex DC. - EDM

    289ChrysopsispilosaNutt. - MD 1321

    CirsiumhorridulumMichx. - GV 291CirsiummuticumMichx. - O&B 7974Conocliniumcoelestinum(L.) DC. - JS 3713

    Conyzacanadensis(L.) Cronq. - EDM 292

    Coreopsisbasalis(Dietr.) Blake. - RL s.n.CoreopsisintermediaSherff - JS 7282

    CoreopsistinctoriaNutt. - JS 7285CoreopsistripterisL. - O&B 7970

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    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 361

    Croptilondivaricatum(Nutt.) Raf. - JS 7289

    Doellingeria sericocarpoides Small - O&B8636

    Echinaceapallida(Nutt.) Nutt. - JS 7290

    EchinaceasanguineaNutt. - EDM 95Ecliptaprostrata(L.) L. - JS 7291ElephantopuscarolinianusRaeusch. - JS 7292

    ElephantopustomentosusL. - JS 7293

    Erechiti tes hieraciifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC. - JS7303

    ErigeronphiladelphicusL. - JS 7307ErigeronstrigosusWilld. - WCH & JS 12372

    ErigerontenuisT. & G. - JS 7308

    Eupatoriumcapillifolium(Lam.) Small - WCH

    12427EupatoriumcompositifoliumWalt. - JS 7310

    EupatoriumglaucescensEll. - WCH 11809EupatoriumperfoliatunL. - WCH 11325

    EupatoriumrotundifoliumL. - JS 7309EupatoriumserotinumMichx. - JS 7315

    Euthamia leptocephala (T. & G.) Greene - JS7318

    Evaxcandida(T. & G.) Gray - JS 7316Evax verna Raf. - JS 7317

    *Facelisretusa(Lam.) Sch. Bip. - JS 7320Fleischmanniaincarnatum(Walt.) King & Rob.

    - JS 7311Gaillardiaaestivalis(Walt.) Rock - JS 7324

    GaillardiapulchellaFoug. - WCH & JS 12380

    Gamochaetafalcata(Lam.) Cabrera - EDM 57-


    Gamochaetapensylvanica (Willd.) Cabrera -EDM 57-63bGamochaetapurpurea(L.) Cabrera - JS 7322

    Heleniumamarum(Raf.) Rock - JS 7323

    Helianthus angustifolius L. - M&M 3548; JS7327

    HelianthusdebilisNutt. - JS 7321HelianthushirsutusRaf. - JS 7325

    HelianthusmollisLam. - JS 7328

    Heterothecasubaxillaris(Lam.) Britt. & Rusby

    - JS 7329HieraciumgronoviiL. - JS 7330

    Hymenopappus carrizoanus B.L. Turner - JS10542a

    HymenopappusscabiosaeusLHer. - JS 7335Hymenopappus scabiosaeus LHer. var.

    artemisiifolius(DC.) Gandhi & Thomas - JS10538a

    *Hypochaeri s brasiliensis (Less.) Griseb. -WCH & JS 12143

    IvaangustifoliaNutt. ex DC. - EDM 12IvaannuaL. - JS 7332

    Krigiacespitosa(Raf.) Chamb. - JS 7281Krigiadandelion(L.) Nutt. - EDM s.n.

    LactucacanadensisL. - JS 7334

    Lactucafloridana(L.) Gaertn. - JS 7331LactucaserriolaL. - JS 7333

    Liatriselegans(Walt.) Michx. - JS 7336Liatrissquarrosa(L.) Michx. - JS 7337Mikaniascandens(L.) Willd. - JS 7340

    Packeraglabella(Poir.) Jeff. - JS 7350

    Packera obovata (Muhl. ex Willd.) Weber &Love - JS 7352

    Palafoxia reverchonii (Bush) Cory - WCH11813

    Palafoxiarosea(Bush) Cory - WCH 11852

    PartheniumhysterophorusL. - KF 1103

    Pityopsisgraminifolia(Michx.) Nutt. - DJC &

    EDM 93

    Plucheacamphorata(L.) DC. - JS 7343Plucheafoetida(L.) DC. - JS 7341

    Plucheaodorata(L.) Cass. - JS 7346

    Plucheapurpurescens(Sw.) DC. - JS 7346

    PluchearoseaGodfrey - JS 7345

    Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium (L.) Hill. &

    Burtt - JS 7326

    Pyrrhopappus carolinianus- WCH 11326

    Rudbeckia grandiflora (D. Don) DC. - JS


    RudbeckiahirtaL. - JS 7351

    SenecioampullaceusHook. - JS 7349

    SilphiumradulaNutt. - WCH & JS 12381

    SolidagoargutaAit. - JS 7347

    SolidagocanadensisL. - EDM s.n.

    SolidagonemoralisAit. - JS 7353

    SolidagoodoraAit. - MD 1319

    SolidagopetiolarisAit. - EDM s.n.

    SolidagoradulaNutt. - JS 7338

    SolidagorugosaMill - M&M 3598, 3569

    SolidagoulmifoliaMuhl. ex Willd. - GV s.n.

    *SolivamutsiiKunth - JS 7354

    SolivasessilisLop. & Pav. - JS 7355

    *SonchusoleraceusL. - WCH 11327

    SymphyotrichumdrummondiiLindl. - JS 7298

    Symphyotrichumdumosum(L.) G. Nesom. - JS


    Symphyotrichumericoides(L.) G. Nesom. - MD1282; EDM 281

    Symphyotrichumeulae(Shinners.) G. Nesom. -

    JS 6308

    Symphyotrichumlateriflorus(L.) Britt. - M&M


    Symphyotrichum oolentangiensis Riddell - JS


    Symphyotrichumpatens(Ait.) G. Nesom. - GV


    Symphyotrichumpuniceum (L.) Love & Love

    var. scabricaulis (Shinners) G. Nesom - MD


    Symphyotrichumsericeum(Vent.) G. Nesom -JS 7300

    SymphyotrichumumbellatusMill. var. latifolius

    Gray - MD 1352

    *Taraxacum officinaleWeber ex Wiggers - JS


    Tetragonatheca ludoviciana (T. & G.) Gray -


    Thelesperma filifolium(Hook.) Gray - JS 7361

    Verbesinaencelioides(Cav.) Benth. & Hook. ex

    Gray. - MD 1316

    Verbesina helianthoides Michx. - WCH & JS


    VerbesinavirginicaL. - JS 7362

    VernoniabaldwiniiTorr. - JS 7364

    Vernoniagigantea(Walt.) Trel. - JS 7363

    VernoniamissuricaRaf. - JS 7365

    Vernoniatexana(Gray) Small. - EDM s.n.

    XanthiumstrumariumL. - JS 7366


    PodophyllumpeltatumL. - EDM 256

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    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3362


    Alnus serrulata(Dryand ex Ait.) Willd. - M&M4030

    BetulanigraL. - EDM 70

    Carpinus carolinianaWalt. - JP s.n.Ostryavirginiana(Mill.) K. Koch - JS 7244BIGNONIACEAE

    Campsisradicans(L.) Seem. ex Bureau. - EDM

    149Catalpaspeciosa(Barney) Warder ex Engelm. -


    *Buglossoides arvense (L.) I.M. Johnst. - JS


    HeliotropiumindicumL. - JS 7420Lithospermum caroliniense (Gmel.) MacM. -

    CMR 16573Lithospermum incisumLehm. - EDM 252

    MyosotismacrospermaEnglem. - EDM s.n.MyosotisvernaNutt. - EDM 57-82

    BRASSICACEAE (CRUCIFERAE)ArabiscanadensisL. - EDM 382

    *Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. - EDM401

    CardamineparvifloraL. var. arenicola(Britt.)Schulz - MD 1085

    CardaminepensylvanicaMuhl. ex Willd. - JS7387

    Descurainiapinnata(Walt.) Britt. - EDM 421

    DrababrachycarpaT. & G. - JS 7400

    LepediumaustrinumSmall - EDM 105

    LepediumvirgincumL. - EDM 105Rorippapalustris(L.) Besser. var. fernaldiana(Butters. & Abbe) Stuckey - JS 7490

    Rorippa sessiliflora (Nutt. ex T. & G.) A.S.

    Hitchc. - JS 6304*Sisymbriumofficinale(L.) Scopoli - JS 7510

    StreptanthushyacinthoidesHook. - EDM 105BUDDLEJACEAE

    Polypremum procumbensL. - EDM 206


    Brasenia schreberiGmel. - WCH 11324CACTACEAE

    Opuntiahumifusa(Raf.) Raf. - JS 7457Opuntiastricta(Haw.) Haw. - EDM 62

    CALLITRICHACEAECallitricheheterophyllaPursh - JS 7385

    CAMPANULACEAELobeliaappendiculataA. DC. - EDM 276

    LobeliacardinalisL. - EDM 278LobeliapuberulaMichx. - M&M 3597

    LobeliareverchoniiB.L. Turner - M&M 3683Triodanisperfoliata(L.) Nieuw. - EDM 279

    CAPPARIDACEAEPolanisiaerosa(Nutt.) Iltis - EDM 411


    *LonicerajaponicaThunb. - JS 7195LonicerasempervirensL. - JS 7184

    SambucusnigraL. ssp. canadensis(L.) Bolli -EDM 151SymphoricarposorbiculatusMoench - JS 7211

    ViburnumnudumL. - MD 1110

    ViburnumrufidulumRaf. - MD 1080CARYOPHYLLACEAE

    ArenariadrummondiiShinners - EDM 28*ArenariaserpyllifoliaL. - JS 7373

    Cerastium brachypodum (Engelm. ex Gray)

    Robins. - EDM 406

    *CerastiumglomeratumThuillier - JHR 405LoeflingiasquarrosaNutt. - EDM s.n.

    Minuartia drummondii (Shinners) McNeill -EDM 383Minuartiapatula(Michx.) Mattf. - EDM 384

    Paronychia drummondiiT. & G. - MD 1299

    Sagina decumbens(Ell.) T. & G. - JS 7497SileneantirrhinaL. - JS 7508

    *SilenegallicaL. - JS 7509*Stellariamedia(L.) Vill. - JS 7518


    CeratophyllumdemersumL. - WCH 11852

    CHENOPODIACAEChenopodiumalbumL. - EDM 404

    ChenopodiumambrosioidesL. - EDM & JDC91

    CISTACEAEHelianthemum carolinianum (Walt.) Michx. -

    EDM 193HelianthemumgeorgianumChapm. - JS 7418

    HelianthemumrosmarinifoliumPursh - JS 7419LecheamucronataRaf. - EDM 193

    LecheatenuifoliaMichx. - EDM s.n.CLUSIACEAE

    Hypericumcrux-andreae(L.) Crantz - JS 7182Hypericumdrummondii(Grev. & Hook.) T. &

    G. - JS 7424

    Hypericumhypericoides(L.) Crantz - MD 1289HypericummutilumL. - EDM 187

    HypericumpunctatumLam. - JS 7425Triadenumvirginicum(L.) Raf. - MD 1106Triadenumwalteri(Gmel.) Gl. - MD 1275


    DichondracarolinensisMichx. - CMR 17278Evolvulus sericeusSw. - JS 7407

    Ipomoea cordatotriloba Denn. var. torreyana(Gray) Austin - EDM 249

    IpomoealacunosaL. - JS 7427Ipomoeapandurata(L.) Mey. - JS 7428

    Stylisma pi cker ingi i (Curt.) Gray var.pattersonii (Fern. & Schub.) Myint - EHM


    CornusdrummondiiC. A. Mey. - JS 7233CornusfloridaL. - MD 1326

    CRASSULACEAEPenthorumsedioidesL. - EDM 115

    SedumnuttallianumRaf. - JS 7506CUCURBITACEAE

    MelothriapendulaL. - WCH & JS 12376CUSCUTACEAE

    Cuscuta compactaJuss. - CC s.n.CuscutacuspidataEngelm. - MD 1332


    DroserabrevifoliaPursh - EDM 426DroseracapillarisPoir. - MD 1336

    EBENACEAEDiospyrosvirginianaL. - JS 7275ERICACEAE

    Rhododendronoblongifolium (Small) Millais -

    MD 1335VacciniumarboreumMarsh. - EDM 235

    EUPHORBIACEAEAcalyphagracilensGray - MD 1308

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    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 363

    Acalypha monococca (Engelm. & Gray) Lill.

    W. Mill. & Gandhi - EDM 190

    AcalyphaostryifoliaRidd. - JS 7366

    Chamaesycebombensis(Jacq.) Dugand - EDM

    147Chamaesyce cordifolia (Ell.) Small - WCH11812

    ChamaesycemaculataL. - JS 7462

    ChamaesycemissuricaRaf. - EDM 147Chamaesyceprostrata(Ait.) Small - EDM 57

    Cnidoscolus texanus (Muell. Arg.) Small -EDM 409

    CrotonargyranthemusMichx. - JS 7234

    CrotoncapitatusMichx. - EDM 415

    CrotonglandulosusL. - GV 413CrotonlindheimerianusScheele - GV 416

    CrotonmichauxiiWeb. - JS 7395CrotonmonanthogynusMichx. - EDM 417

    CrotonwilldenowiiG.L.Webster - O&B 7980EuphorbiacorollataL. - JS 7406

    Euphorbia cyathophoraMurray - MD 1308Euphorbia dentataMichx. - JS 7538

    Euphorbia spathulataLam. - EDM s.n.Phyllanthus caroliniensisWalt. - JS 7463

    Sapium sebiferum(L.) Roxb. - JS 7213Stillingia sylvatica L. - EDM 147

    TragiabrevispicaEngelm. & Gray. - JS 6685TragiaramosaTorr. - EDM 147

    TragiaurticaefoliaMichx. - WCH & JS 12370FABACEAE

    AmorphafruticosaL. - JS 7197

    Amorpha paniculataT. & G. - EDM 131Amphicarpaea bracteata(L.) Fern. - EDM 132Astragulus distortusT. & G. - EDM 133

    AstragulusleptocarpusT. & G. - JS s.n.

    AstragulussoxmaniorumLundell - EDM 135BaptisiabracteataMuhl. ex Ell. var. laevicaulis

    (Canby) Isely - EDM 140BaptisianuttallianaSmall. - EDM 139

    Centrosemavirginianum(L.) Benth. - GV 146

    CerciscanadensisL. - JS 7180

    Chamaecristafasciculata (Michx.) Greene -EDM 142

    Chamaecristanictitans(L.) Moench - EDM 145Clitoria marianaL. - EDM 148

    Crotalaria sagittalisL. - GV 151Daleaphleoides (T. & G.) Shinners var.

    microphylla(T. & G.) Barneby - EDM 178Daleavillosa(Nutt.) Spreng. var. grisea(T. &

    G.) Barneby - EDM 183Desmanthusillinoensis(Michx.) McM. ex Rob-

    ins. & Fern. - JS 7276Desmodiumciliare(Muhl. ex Willd.) DC. - GV

    776Desmodiumglabellum(Michx.) DC. - MD 1286

    Desmodiumlaevigatum(Nutt.) DC. - EDM 55-

    10Desmodium pauciflorum(Nutt.) DC. - EDM 155

    Desmodiumsessilifolium(Torr.) T. & G. - EDM152Desmodiumviridiflorum(L.) DC. - GV 158

    Erythrina herbaceaL. - JS 7235

    Galactiaregularis(L.) B.S.P. - GV 160Galactiavolubilis(L.) Britt. - WCH 11858

    GleditsiaaquaticaMarsh. - JS 7236GleditsiatriacanthosL. - GV s.n.

    Glottidiumvesicarium(Jacq.) Harper - JS 7257

    Indigofera miniata Ort.var. leptosepala (Nutt.

    ex T. & G.) B.L.Turner - EDM 163*Kummerowiastriata(Thunb.) Hook. & Arn. -

    EDM 164LathyruspusillusEll. - JS 7278*Lespedezacuneata(Dumont) G. Don - EDM


    Lespedezahirta(L.) Hornem. - EDM 171LespedezaprocumbensMichx. - GV 174

    Lespedezarepens(L.) Bart. - GV 172LespedezastueveiNutt. - GV 166

    Lespedezavirginiana(L.) Britt. - WCH 11860

    LupinustexensisHook. - EDM 176

    *MedicagolupulinaL. - JS 7279*Medicagominima(L.) Bartalina - JS 7280

    *MelilotisalbusMedic. - JS 7287*Melilotis indicus(L.) All. - JS 7288

    Mimosanuttallii (DC. ex. Britt. & Rose) B.L.Turner - EDM 189

    Neptunialutea(Leavenw.) Benth. - GV 177Orbexilumpendunculatum (Mill.) Rydb. - JS

    7284Pediomelumdigitatum (Nutt. ex Torr.) Isley -

    DJC & EDM 51Pediomelum hypogaeum (T. & G.) Rydb. var.

    subulatum(Bush) J. Grimes - MD 1098Pediomelum rhombifolium (T. & G.) Rydb. -

    B&K 13707

    ProsopisglandulosaTorr. - WCH & JS 12134*PisumsativumL. - WCH & JS 12128

    RhynchosialatifoliaNutt. ex T. & G. - GV 187Robiniapseudo-acaciaL. - JS 7207Sesbaniadrummondii(Rydb.) Cory - JS 7255

    Sesbania herbacea (Mill.) R. McVaugh - JS

    7256Strophostyles leiosperma(T. & G.) Piper - GV

    191Stylosanthes biflora(L.) B.S.P. - EDM 192

    Tephrosia onobrychoidesNutt. - WCH 11821Tephrosiavirginiana(L.) Pers. - MD 1342

    TrifoliumbejarienseMoric. - EDM 196*Trifolium campestre Schreb. in Sturm. - JS

    7283TrifoliumcarolinianaMichx. - EDM 57-71

    *TrifoliumincarnatumL. - KL s.n.*TrifoliumrepensL. - JS 7286

    ViciacarolinianaWalt. - EDM 774VicialudovicianaNutt. - MD 1075

    ViciaminutifloraDietr. - EDM 200FAGACEAE

    *Quercus acutissimaCarruthers - WCH & JS12144

    QuercusalbaL. - JS 7204QuercusfalcataMichx. - EDM 34

    QuercusincanaBartr. - MD 1363

    QuercuslyrataWalt. - WCH & JS 12357QuercusmarilandicaMuenchh. - GV s.n.

    QuercusnigraL. - GV s.n.QuercusphellosL. - GV 2QuercusshumardiiBuckl. - JS 6689

    QuercusstellataWang. var. margaretta(Ashe)

    Sarg. - JS 7206Quercus stellata Wang. var. stellata - EDM

    289QuercusvelutinaLam. - JS 7205

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    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3364


    Corydalis micrantha (Engelm.) Gray - EDM410


    Bartoniapaniculata (Michx.) Muhl. - M&M3679Sabatiaangularis(L.) Pursh - WCH & JS 12364

    Sabatiacampanulata(L.) Torr. - JS 7495

    SabatiacampestrisNutt. - JS 7495SabatiagentianoidesEll. - BB&S 01

    GERANIACEAEGeraniumcarolinianumL. - EDM 126


    RibescurvatumSmall - CMR 16988

    HALORAGRACEAEMyriophyllumheterophyllumMichx. - JS 7449

    ProserpinacapalustrisL. - EDM 224HAMAMELIDACEAE

    LiquidambarstyracifluaL. - JS s.n.HIPPOCASTANACEAE

    AesculuspaviaL. - JS 7185HYDROPHYLLACEAE

    HydroleaovataChoisy. - M&M 4037NamahispidumGray. - JS 7450

    NemophilaphacelioidesNutt. - JS 7453PhaceliahirsutaNutt. - JS 7459

    Phacelia strictiflora(Engelm. & Gray) Gray -EDM 13


    Caryaaquatica(Michx. f.) Nutt. - WCH & JS


    CaryatomentosaNutt. - WCH & JS 12116CaryatexanaBuckl. - MD 1095KRAMERIACEAE

    KramerialanceolataTorr. - EDM 79

    LAMIACEAEBrazoriatruncata(Benth.) Engelm. & Gray var.

    pulcherrima(Lundell) M. W. Turner - EDM396

    HedeomahispidaPursh - RL s.n.

    *LamiumamplexicauleL. - JS 7433

    LycopusrubellusMoench. - JHR 37MonardafistulosaL. - EDM 133

    MonardapunctataL. - EDM 121*Perillafrutescens(L.) Britt. - JS 7458

    Physostegiavirginiana(L.) Benth. - JS 7464PrunellavulgarisL. - JS 7486

    PycnanthemumtenuifoliumSchrad. - JS 7487Rhododonciliatus(Benth.) Epl. - EDM 254

    SalviaazureaLam. - JS 7498SalvialyrataL. - JS 7499

    ScutellariacardiophyllaEngelm. & Gray. - MD1343

    ScutellariaintegrifoliaL. - EDM 254ScutellariaparvulaMichx. - EDM 57-101

    StachyscrenataRaf. - JS 7517

    TeucriumcanadenseL. - JS 7520TrichostemadichotomumL. - MD 1305

    TrichostemasetaceumHoutt. - MD 1329LAURACEAESassafrasalbidum(Nutt.) Nees - MD 1373


    UtriculariacornutaMichx. - M&M 3808UtriculariagibbaL. - JS 7526

    UtriculariainflataWalt. - CMR 17275UtriculariajunceaVahl. - M&M 3988

    UtriculariamacrorhizaLe Conte - WCH 7189


    LinumberlandieriHook. - JS 7437Linummedium(Planch.) Britt. - DJC & EDM 50

    LinumstriatumWalt. - EDM 132LOASACEAEMentzelianuda (Pursh) T. & G. - WCH & JS


    LOGANACEAEMitreolasessilifolia(J.F.Gmel) G. Don - O&B


    AmmanniaauriculataWilld. - JS 7370

    AmmanniacoccineaRottb. - JS 7371

    Decodon verticillatus(L.) Ell. - MD 1375Didiplis diandra(DC.) Wood - WCH 11805

    Rotalaramosior(L.) Koehne - JS 7491MALVACEAE

    Callirhoe involucrata(Torr.) Gray - EDM 400Callirhoe papaver(Cav.) Gray - EDM 81

    HibiscuslaevisAll. - JS 7240Hibiscus moscheutosL. ssp. lasiocarpos (Cav.)

    Blanch. - M&M 3984; JS 7239Malvaviscus drummondiiT. & G. - JS 7253

    Modiolacaroliniana(L.) G. Don. - JS 7545*SidarhombifoliaL. - GV s.n.

    MELASTOMATACEAERhexiamarianaL. - JS 7489

    RhexiavirginicaL. - M&M 3421

    MELIACEAE*MeliaazedarachL. - JS 7186


    MollugoverticillataL. - MD 1301

    MORACEAEMaclurapomifera (Raf.) Schneid. - JS 7243

    MorusrubraL. - JS 7198MYRICACEAE

    MyricaceriferaL. - MD 1288MyricaheterophyllaRaf. - WCH & JS 12130

    NELUMBONACEAENelumbolutea(Willd.) Pers. - JS 7452

    NYCTAGINACEAEMirabil isalbida(Walt.) Heimrl. - EDM 80

    NYMPAHACEAENupharadvena(Ait.) Ait. - JS 7539

    NymphaeaodorataAit. - WCH & JS 12574NYSSACEAE

    NyssasylvaticaMarsh. - EDM 316OLEACEAE

    Forestieraacuminata(Michx.) Poir. - JS 7237Forestiera ligustrina(Michx.) Poir. - WCH &

    JS 12378FraxinusamericanaL. - JS 7194

    FraxinuspennsylvanicaMarsh. - JS 7242

    *LigustrumsinenseLour. - JS 7192ONAGRACEAE

    LudwigiaalternifoliaL. - MD 1366LudwigiadecurrensWalt. - MD 1333LudwigiaglandulosaWalt. - EDM 224

    LudwigialinearisWalt. - EDM 224

    Ludwig ia pepl oi des (Kunth) Raven. ssp.glabrescensRaven - JS 7440

    LudwigiarepensForst. - JS 7441LudwigiasphaerocarpaEll. - O&B 7956

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    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 365

    Oenotheragrandis(Britt.) Smyth - JS 7454

    OenotheraheterophyllaSpach - EDM 56-26

    OenotheralaciniataHill - EDM 224

    OenotheralinifoliaNutt. - RL s.n.

    OenotherarhombipetelaT. & G. - JS 7455OenotheraspachianaT. & G. - EDM 57-70OenotheraspeciosaNutt. - EDM & JDC s.n.


    OxalisdilleniiJacq. - EDM 130aOxalislyoni Pursh - EDM 27

    OxalisviolaceaL. - EDM 130bPAPAVERACEAE

    Argemone albiflora Hornem. ssp. texana G.

    Ownbey - GV 385

    PASSIFLORACEAEPassifloraincarnataL. - WCH 11863

    PassifloraluteaL. - EDM s.n.PHRYMACEAE

    PhrymaleptostachyaL. - JS 7460PHYTOLACCACEAE

    PhytolaccaamericanaL. - MD 1323PLANTAGINACEAE

    PlantagoaristataMichx. - EDM s.n.PlantagohookerianaFisch. & Mey. - JS 7468

    PlantagohybridaBart. - WCH & JS 12135PlantagopatagonicaJacq. - EDM 85

    PlantagorhodospermaDcne. - JS 7469PlantagovirginicaL. - EDM 269


    PlatanusoccidentalisL. - JS 7246


    Ipomopsisrubra(L.) Wherry - JS 7429PhloxdrummondiiHook. - KL 2PhloxpilosaL. - MD 1071


    PolygalacruciataL. - JS 7470PolygalaincarnataL. - JS 7471

    PolygalaleptocaulisT. & G. - EDM 145PolygalamarianaMill. - EDM 119

    PolygalapolygamaL. var. obtusaChodat. - RL


    PolygalasanguineaL. - M&M 3954PolygalaverticillataL. - JS 7472

    POLYGONACEAEBrunnichiaovata(Walt.) Shinners. - JS 7382

    EriogonumannuumNutt. - EDM 427EriogonumlongifoliumNutt. - GV 428

    Eriogonum multiflorumBenth. - MD 1318Polygonellaamericana(Fisch. & Mey.) Small -

    JS 7247*PolygonumaviculareL. - JS 7474

    Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. - MD1284

    PolygonumpensylvanicumL. - JS 7477PolygonumpunctatumEll. - MD 1285

    PolygonumsagittatumL. - JS 7475

    PolygonumtenueMichx. - JS 7476Tovaravirginianum(L.) Raf. - JS 7478

    RumexchrysocarpusMoris - JS 7493RumexcrispusL. - JS 7492RumexhastatulusBaldw. - EDM 77

    Rumex pulcherL. - JS 7494

    PORTULACACEAEClaytoniavirginicaL. - CMR 16989

    PortulacaoleraceaL. - JS 7483PortulacaumbraticolaKunth. - JS 7482

    Talinum rugospermumHolz. - JS 7519


    *AnagallisarvensisL. - JS 7359

    *Anagallisminima(L.) E.H.L. Krause - WCH

    & JS 12139Samolus valerandi L. ssp. parviflorus (Raf.)

    Hulten - JS 7500


    Anemone carolinianaWalt. - EDM 380

    ClematiscrispaL. - JS 7241

    ClematisreticulataWalt. - JS 7392

    Clematisversicolor Small ex Rydb. - JS 7245

    DelphiniumcarolinianumWalt. ssp. vimineum

    (D. Don) Warnock - GV 419

    Delphinium carolinianumWalt. ssp. virescens

    (Nutt.) Brooks - EDM 420

    MyosurusminimusL. - JS 7448

    RanunculusfascicularisMuhl. ex Bigel. - EDM


    Ranunculus laxicaulis (T. & G.) Darby - MD


    RanunculusparviflorusL. - JS 7488

    RanunculuspusillusPoir. - EDM 91

    ThalictrumrevolutumDC. - B&K 13709


    Berchemiascandens(Hill) K. Koch. - EDM 64

    CeanothusamericanusL. - JS 7187

    Frangulacaroliniana(Walt.) Gray - EDM s.n.


    Agrimonia rostellata Wallr. - JS 7357

    CrataeguscrusgalliL. - EDM 71

    CrateagusmarshalliiEgglston - EDM 321CrataegusspathulataMichx. - EDM 126

    CrataegusunifloraMuench. - JS 7200

    CrataegusviridisL. - JS 7201

    *Duchesnea indica(Andrz.) Focke - JS 7401

    GeumcanadenseJacq. - JS 7415

    Porteranthusstipulata(Willd.) Britt. - JS 7481

    PotentillasimplexMichx. - JS 7485

    PrunusangustifoliaMarsh. - EDM 7

    Prunuscaroliniana(Mill.) Ait. - JS 7199

    PrunusgracilisEngelm. & Gray - JS 7202

    PrunusmexicanaS. Wats. - GV s.n.

    PrunusserotinaEhrhart - JS 7203

    PrunusumbellataEll. - JS 7249RosasetigeraMichx. - EDM 109

    RubusaboriginumRydb. - EDM 37

    RubusargutusLink - EDM 19

    RubusriograndisBailey - MD 1089


    CephalanthusoccidentalisL. - EDM 150

    DiodiateresWalt. - GV 423

    DiodiavirginianaL. - MD 1278

    GaliumaparineL. - JS 7411

    GaliumcircaezansMichx. - JS 7412

    GaliumobtusumBigel. - JS 7413

    GaliumpilosumAit. - EDM 37

    GaliumtinctoriumL. - JS 7414

    HoustoniapusillaJ. Schopf. - EDM 270

    Mitchel la repensL. - JS 7188

    Oldenlandiboscii(DC.) Chapm. - JS 7417

    OldenlandiaunifloraL. - WCH & JS 12353

    *SherardiaarvensisL. - JS 7507

    Stenarianigricans(Lam.) Terrell var. nigricans

    - JS 7379

  • 7/26/2019 Gus Engeling


    Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 2, No. 3366


    Zanthoxylumclava-herculisL. - JS 7212SALICACEAE

    PopulusdeltoidesBart. ex. Marsh. - JS 7248

    SalixnigraMarsh. - EDM 42SAPINDACEAECardiospermumhalicacabumL. - JS 7388

    SapindussaponariaL. var. drummondii(Hook.

    & Arn.) L. Benson. - JS 7251SAPOTACEAE

    SideroxylonlanuginosumMichx. - GV s.n.SARRACENIACEAE

    SarraceniaalataWood - EDM 110


    SaururuscernuusL. - EDM 52SAXIFRAGACEAE

    Lepuropetalon spathulatumEll. - JS 7543SaxifragatexanaBuckl. - JS 7502

    SCROPHULARIACEAEAgalinisfasciculata(Ell.) Raf. - M&M 3691

    Agalinisheterophylla(Nutt.) Small ex Britt. - JS7367

    Agalinispurpurea(L.) Penn. - JS 7368Aureolariagrandiflora(Benth.) Penn. - JS s.n.

    *Bellardia trixago(L.) All. - JS 7360CastillejaindivisaEngelm. - EDM 402

    GratiolabrevifoliaRaf. - M&M 3976GratiolaneglectaTorr. - JS 7550

    GratiolapilosaMichx. - JS 11401

    GratiolavirginianaL. - MD 1104

    Leucospora multifida(Michx.) Nutt. - JS 7435

    Linderniadubia(L.) Pennell - WCH & JS 12336Mecardoniaacuminata(Walt.) Small - WCH &JS 12342

    MimulusalatusAit. - DJC & EDM 2

    Nuttallanthus canadensis (L.) Sutton - EDM257

    PenstemonaustralisSmall - CMR 16575Penstemon laevigatusAit. ssp. digitalis(Nutt.

    ex Sims) A. Bennett - EDM s.n.

    PenstemonmurrayanusHook. - EDM 257

    VerbascumthapsusL. - GV s.n.*VeronicaagrestisL. - JS 7529

    *VeronicaarvensisL. - JS 7530VeronicaperegrinaL. - JS s.n.

    SOLANACEAEPhysaliscinerascens(Dun.) A.S. Hitchc. - MD

    1309PhysalisheterophyllaNees - EDM 83

    PhysalismollisNutt. - O&B 7978PhysalisvirginianaMill. - GV s.n.

    Solanum carolinenseL. - JS s.n.Solanum dimidiatumRaf. - EDM 78

    SolanumelaeagnifoliumCav. - JS 7513SolanumrostratumDun. - JS 7514


    Tilia americana L. var. caroliniana (Mill.)Castiglioni - JS 7196

    ULMACEAECeltislaevigataWilld. var. laevigata- JS 7231Celtis laevigata Willd. var. reticulata Torr. -

    WCH 11862

    Celtis laevigata Willd. var. smallii Sarg. - JS7232

    CeltistenuifoliaNutt. - JS 7232Planeraaquatica(Walt.) J. F. Gmel. - GV s.n.

    Ulmus alataMichx. - CMR s.n.

    UlmusamericanaL. - GV s.n.

    UlmuscrassifoliaNutt. - JS 7228UlmusrubraMuhl. - JS 7208

    URTICACEAEBoehmeriacylindrica(L.) Sw. - MD 1294Parietariapennsylvanica Muhl. ex Willd. -

    EDM 65

    UrticachamaedryoidesPursh - JS 6686.VALERIANACEAE

    Valerianellaradiata(L.) Dufr. - JS 7528Valerianellawoodsiana(T. & G.) Walp. - EDM



    CallicarpaamericanaL. - EDM 139Glandulariacanadensis(L.) Nutt. - MD 1092

    Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. - JS7416

    Phylalanceolata(Michx.) Greene - JS 7461*VerbenabrasiliensisVell. - JS 7527

    VerbenahaleiSmall - EDM 253VIOLACEAE

    ViolalanglossiiGreene - WCH & JS 12119Violaprimuli foliaL. - JS 7531

    ViolasagittataAit. - WCH & JS 12120Viola sororia Willd. var. missouriensis

    (Greene) McKinney - M&M 3777Violavillosa- JS 7532


    Phoradendron tomentosum (DC.) Gray. - JS7254

    VITACEAEAmpelopsisarborea(L.) Koehne. - EGN 170Cissusincisa(T. & G.) Des Moulins - JS 7238

    Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. - JS

    7189VitisaestivalisMichx. var. lincecumii(Buckl.)

    Kun. - GV s.n.VitiscinereaEngelm. - GV s.n.

    VitismustangensisBuckl. - JS 7226VitispalmataVahl - GV s.n.

    VitisrotundifoliaMichx. - MD 1109ZYGOPHYLLACEAE

    TribulusterrestrisL. - JS 7524

  • 7/26/2019 Gus Engeling


    J.R. Singhurst, et al.2003 367


    We are grateful to a number of people from Texas Parks and Wildlife

    Department, Austin, who facilitated this research. Donnie Frels Jr., Kevin

    Herriman, Nathan Garner, Gary Graham, and Ron George made funds avail-

    able from the Wildlife Diversity Program for the botanical inventories and

    geographic information system development on GEWMA. Paul Robertson and

    John Herron assisted by designating the project a Wildlife Diversity Program

    performance priority. Cliff Shackelford reviewed the preliminary manuscript.

    Others who assisted are Tom Wendt, who provided assistance in locating

    specimens from GEWMA held in TEX-LL, and Monique Reed, who con-

    ducted database searches for specimens from GEWMA held in TAES and

    TAMU. Michael MacRoberts and Barbara MacRoberts of Bog Research,

    Shreveport Louisiana, also read and commented on a preliminary version of

    the manuscript and provided additional information on collections at

    GEWMA, specifically on the beakrush-pitcher plant alliance. Finally, Edwin

    Bridges read and made suggestions on manuscript improvement. He also

    supplied data on several additional species he collected on the study site that

    were added to the checklist.


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