Guardian Angels’ St Hilda’s · 2020-03-09 · at Guardian Angels’ and at the 10.45 am Mass at...

Second Sunday of Lent Year A 7th/8th March 2020 Welcome to the Parish Community of & St Hilda’s CATHOLIC CHURCH, TOTTINGTON Guardian Angels’ CATHOLIC CHURCH, BURY THE PARISH COMMUNITY OF GUARDIAN ANGELS’ BURY & ST HILDA’S TOTTINGTON Parish Priest: Fr. Paul Cannon email: [email protected] Pastoral & Administrative Assistant: Mrs Sharon Beech email: [email protected] Guardian Angels’ Church 54 Harvey St, Elton, Bury, BL8 2RD Tel: 0161 764 1630 Website: Twitter: @olgcga St. Hilda’s Church 35 Turton Road, Tottington, Bury. BL8 4AW Tel: 01204 882908 Diocesan website: SERVICES THIS WEEK Saturday 7 March: Second Sunday of Lent 5.30 pm: Mass: Second Sunday of Lent (GA) Sunday 8 March: Second Sunday of Lent 9:15 am Mass: Second Sunday of Lent (GA) 10:45 am Mass: Second Sunday of Lent (St H) 6:00 pm Mass: Second Sunday of Lent (St H) Monday 9 March: Lent Weekday 9:15 am Eucharistic Service (SH) Tuesday 10 March: Lent Weekday 7:00 pm Mass (GA) Wednesday 11 March: Lent Weekday 9.15 am Mass: St Hilda’s with Holly Mount School - Year 3 Thursday 12 March: Lent Weekday 9:15 am Mass: GA with OLOL & GA Schools - Year 2 Friday 13 March: Lent Weekday 9:15 am Eucharistic Service (SH) Saturday 14 March: Third Sunday of Lent 5.30 pm: Mass: Third Sunday of Lent (GA) Sunday 15 March: Third Sunday of Lent 9:15 am Mass: Third Sunday of Lent (GA) 10:45 am Mass: Third Sunday of Lent (St H) 6:00 pm Mass: Third Sunday of Lent (St H) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 14th March: 5:00pm (GA) Saturday 21st March: 12 Noon (St Hilda’s) STATIONS OF THE CROSS: 7:00 pm - Every Monday throughout Lent in GA Church PRAYERS FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Bill Johnson, Mark Smith, Keith Farquharson, Joan Grimshaw, Marie Holme, Helen Hyndman, Aino Salonen Note: As indicated in last week’s Newsletter, we have refreshed the prayers for the sick list this week so only names of those notified to us during this week are included. If you wish to have someone re-added to the list, please just let us know. When adding someone to the prayer list for sick people, please ensure you have their permission (or from their family). PRAYERS FOR THE RECENTLY DECEASED: Betty Russell, Michael Antonio, Stella McCrory, Eileen Cudworth, Clara Milowski PRAYERS FOR ANNIVERSARIES OF THE DECEASED: Margaret Whyte To include someone on the prayer list please give their name(s) to Fr Paul or Sharon, post through the letterbox in either house, telephone or email us. Please use the white envelopes for any Mass Intentions. You will find these in both Church porches and in the sacristies. FLOWERS ON THE SANCTUARY Just a reminder that during the season of Lent we do not have flowers on the sanctuary. If you would like to have flowers on the sanctuary in memory of someone or a special occasion during the Easter season, please let Fr Paul or Sharon know. TODAY’S PSALM RESPONSE May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place our hope in you QUESTION OF THE WEEK How can I listen to Jesus over the next week? What is he telling me? POPE FRANCIS’ TWEET OF THE WEEK Lent is the perfect time to allow ourselves to contemplate the pain of those who suffer without anyone to help them. It is the time to turn compassion into concrete acts of solidarity and care. A VERY WARM WELCOME If you are visiting either of our churches this weekend, or you have recently moved into the parish, please be assured of a very warm welcome and please do introduce yourself to either Fr Paul or Fr David after Mass. DEANERY CIRCLE OF PRAYER This week we pray for the people of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Prestwich and their Priests Mgr John Allen and Fr Anthony Dearman

Transcript of Guardian Angels’ St Hilda’s · 2020-03-09 · at Guardian Angels’ and at the 10.45 am Mass at...

Second Sunday of Lent Year A 7th/8th March 2020

Welcome to the Parish Community of

& St Hilda’s




Parish Priest: Fr. Paul Cannon email: [email protected]

Pastoral & Administrative Assistant: Mrs Sharon Beech email: [email protected]

Guardian Angels’ Church

54 Harvey St, Elton, Bury, BL8 2RD Tel: 0161 764 1630


Twitter: @olgcga

St. Hilda’s Church

35 Turton Road, Tottington, Bury. BL8 4AW Tel: 01204 882908

Diocesan website:


Saturday 7 March: Second Sunday of Lent

5.30 pm: Mass: Second Sunday of Lent (GA)

Sunday 8 March: Second Sunday of Lent

9:15 am Mass: Second Sunday of Lent (GA)

10:45 am Mass: Second Sunday of Lent (St H)

6:00 pm Mass: Second Sunday of Lent (St H)

Monday 9 March: Lent Weekday

9:15 am Eucharistic Service (SH)

Tuesday 10 March: Lent Weekday

7:00 pm Mass (GA)

Wednesday 11 March: Lent Weekday

9.15 am Mass: St Hilda’s with Holly Mount School - Year 3

Thursday 12 March: Lent Weekday

9:15 am Mass: GA with OLOL & GA Schools - Year 2

Friday 13 March: Lent Weekday

9:15 am Eucharistic Service (SH)

Saturday 14 March: Third Sunday of Lent

5.30 pm: Mass: Third Sunday of Lent (GA)

Sunday 15 March: Third Sunday of Lent

9:15 am Mass: Third Sunday of Lent (GA)

10:45 am Mass: Third Sunday of Lent (St H)

6:00 pm Mass: Third Sunday of Lent (St H)


Saturday 14th March: 5:00pm (GA)

Saturday 21st March: 12 Noon (St Hilda’s)


7:00 pm - Every Monday throughout Lent in GA Church


Bill Johnson, Mark Smith, Keith Farquharson, Joan Grimshaw, Marie Holme, Helen Hyndman, Aino Salonen

Note: As indicated in last week’s Newsletter, we have refreshed the prayers for the sick list this week so only names of those notified to us during this week are included. If you wish to have someone re-added to the list, please just let us know.

When adding someone to the prayer list for sick people, please ensure you have their permission (or from their family).


Betty Russell, Michael Antonio, Stella McCrory,

Eileen Cudworth, Clara Milowski


Margaret Whyte

To include someone on the prayer list please give their name(s)to Fr Paul or Sharon, post through the letterbox in either house, telephone or email us.

Please use the white envelopes for any Mass Intentions. You will find these in both Church porches and in the sacristies.


Just a reminder that during the season of Lent we do not have flowers on the sanctuary. If you would like to have flowers on the sanctuary in memory of someone or a special occasion during the Easter season, please let Fr Paul or Sharon know.


May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place our hope in you


How can I listen to Jesus over the next week?

What is he telling me?


Lent is the perfect time to allow ourselves to contemplate the pain of those who suffer without anyone to help them. It is the time to turn compassion into concrete acts of solidarity and care.


If you are visiting either of our churches this weekend, or you have recently moved into the parish, please be assured of a very warm welcome and please do introduce yourself to either Fr Paul or Fr David after Mass.


This week we pray for the people of

Our Lady of Grace Parish, Prestwich

and their Priests Mgr John Allen and Fr Anthony Dearman

To receive the Parish Newsletter by e-mail each week go to website and add your email in the SUBSCRIBE box at the foot of the page.

Join us for Tea and Coffee after the 9.15 Mass in Guard-ian Angels’ Parish Centre and after the 10.45 Mass in St Hilda’s Parish Hall.

We have baby changing facilities located in the toilet for the disa-bled in Guardian Angels’ Parish Centre.

Tuesday 17th March:

2:00 pm - Tuesday Club: Bingo

7:45 pm - Seeking Christ Meeting (GA Parish Centre)

7:45 pm - Musician’s Practice Session for Easter (GA Church)

Wednesday 18th March

7:30 pm - Bereavement Support Group (Welcome Room, GA)

Thursday 19th March

7:00 pm - Deanery Lenten Station Mass at Guardian Angels’

7:30 pm - St Hilda’s UCM - AGM (SH Hall)

Saturday 21st March

10:30 am - Sacramental Programme (Holly Mount),

Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (St Hilda’s Hall)

Tuesday 7th April

7:00 pm - Parish Lenten Reconciliation Service (GA)



We have Children’s Liturgy services at both weekend Masses at Guardian Angels’ and at the 10.45 am Mass at St Hilda’s.

We have an extensive Library at Guardian Angels’ with books on the Church, saints, prayer, spirituality, scripture, children’s reli-gious books and many more. Parishioners from both our churches are welcome to borrow any books.

Please see Fr Paul or Sharon if you wish to pay by card for anything (apart from the offertory collection of course)


The Diocese requires at least six months notice in order for you to marry in the Catholic Church. Please visit our website for further information.

The Offertory Collection for 15th / 16th February was:

Guardian Angels’ - Total: £1086.41

(Envelopes - £713.61; Loose - £267.80: S/O - £105.00)

St. Hilda’s Total: £711.88 (Envelopes - £195.00: Loose - £264.88; S/O - £252.00)

Thank you for your generosity.

NOTE: This weekend we will be distr ibuting the new Gift Aid envelopes for St Hilda’s after the 10:45 am and 6:00 pm Masses. Please ensure you collect your envelopes after Mass

The Diocese has requested that we seek to align our financial years for tax purposes and so the envelopes will run from April to December this year. From next year both Guardian Angels’ and St Hilda’s will have new envelopes which will run from January to December.

GIFT AID: If you are a tax payer and wish to join the Par ish Gift Aid scheme, please contact Fr Paul, Sharon or Sue Turner for details. It is a very simple and enables the parish to benefit by reclaiming the tax you have paid on your offertory contribution.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you stop paying tax for any rea-son, please cease using your Gift Aid envelopes and return them to the Parish Office.

Offertory envelopes can be put in any of the Mass collections at either of our churches and they make their way back to the

respective church each week.


BABY & TODDLER GROUP meets from 9:00 - 11:15 every Monday morning (during school term time) in Guardian Angels’ Parish Centre. £1 per child (max. £2 per family). Everyone is welcome. Come and join us! Note: We are in need of some more helpers. If you are inter -ested or want to find out more contact the Parish Office 0161 764

If you wish to have your child baptised, please visit the parish website for further information on our baptism preparation programme.


Tuesday 10th March:

2:00 pm - Tuesday Club: Music & Dance

7:45 pm - Seeking Christ Meeting (GA Parish Centre)

Wednesday 11th March

7:00 pm - Musician’s Practice session for Easter (GA Church)

7:30 pm - OLOL Full Governors’ Meeting

Thursday 12th March

7:30 pm - GA Full Governor’s Meeting

Saturday 14th March

10:30 - Holly Mount Sacramental Programme Meeting &

Presentation of the Children (St Hilda’s Hall)


Our team of Eucharistic Ministers at both our churches take communion to parishioners that are unable to come to church due to ill health or mobility issues. If you know someone in this situation who would like to receive communion at home, please ask them (or a family member) to contact Sharon in the Parish Office and we

will make arrangements for someone to take communion to them.

YOGA SESSIONS take place in Guardian Angels’ Parish Centre

every Friday morning between 9.00 and 10.00 am. The sessions are open to everyone and a small fee is payable each week.


If you, or someone you know, would benefit from this pick up and drop off service to the 10:45 Mass at St Hilda’s Church, please let us know. The service is available to anyone who might other-wise struggle to get to Mass on Sundays.


If anyone has moved, or removed, yoga mats

from the Parish Centre, please could you return

them or let Sharon know where they are.


Meets on the last Wednesday of the month from 7:30 - 9:30 in GA Parish Centre.

At our meeting on 25th March we will have a talk from author Edward Evans.


First Reading: Genesis 12:1-4, 3:1-7

Psalm: 51

May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you. Second Reading: Romans 5:12-19

Gospel Reading: Matthew 4:1-11


First Reading: Exodus 17: 3-7

Psalm: 95

O that today you would listen to his voice. Harden not your hearts. Second Reading: Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8

Gospel Reading: John 4: 5-42

Scripture readings for the week ahead can be accessed via the ‘Universalis’ link at the bottom of our parish website.


As we begin to prepare our Year 3 Children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, I would like to thank the dedicated group of Catechists in both our Churches who have agreed to support us once again this year.

However, we do need a few more people to work alongside the children in order to give them a positive and fun experience of this special time in their lives. So if would like to join the teams in either of our churches, we would be very grateful for your help. Just contact Sharon in the Parish Office.


If you would like to volunteer to help with tea & coffee making after our Sunday morning Masses, please contact: St Hilda’s - Pauline & Derek Roe; Guardian Angels’- Maureen & Mych Haniak or ring the Parish Office and we will pass on your details.


Thursday 19th March - 7:00pm: Guardian Angels Church, Bury Thursday 26th March - 7:00pm: St John's Church, Rochdale

(Bishop Arnold presiding)


During Lent our schools will join us for some weekday Masses.

Wednesday 11th March: 9.15 Mass at St Hilda's

Some pupils from Holly Mount school will join us.

Thursday 12th March: 9.15 Mass at Guardian Angels’

Some pupils from GA and OLOL schools will join us.

Wednesday 18th March; 9.15 Mass at St Hilda's

Some pupils from Holly Mount school will join us

Wednesday 25th March: 9.15 Mass at St Hilda's

Some pupils from Holly Mount school will join us

Thursday 26th March : 9.15 Mass at Guardian Angels’

Some pupils from GA and OLOL schools will join us.

Thursday 2nd Apr: 9.15 Mass at Guardian Angels’

Some pupils from GA and OLOL schools will join us.

It is a good Lenten prac�ce for us to try to a�end weekday Mass

or Eucharist services during the weekdays of Lent if we can.


12th March: Lunch at Bury College (meet there at 2:15 pm) 26th March: 2:30 pm Meeting (Par ish Centre) 9th April: 2:30 pm Quiz (Par ish Centre) 23rd April: 2:30 pm Yoga (Par ish Centre)


19th March: 7:30 pm AGM: UCM prayers 7.45pm

26th March 7.30 pm Fundraiser St Hilda’s Hall. Organised by Sue Turner in aid of HCPT Children’s pilgrimage to Lourdes at Easter. There will be a quiz and bring and buy sale. Parishioners from both our churches are welcome to join us. This evening raises much needed funds for the children’s treats.


Guardian Angels’ & St Hilda’s Impact Group is open to all young people in our parish from Year 6 - Year 9. If you are not currently part of the Impact Group and want to join in, just come along to any of our meetings and you will be made very welcome.

All Impact Group Meetings take place in GA Parish Centre and run from 7.00 - 8.00 pm. Some forward dates for the diary:

Thurs 12th March Thurs 26th March Thurs 23rd April Thurs 7th May Thurs 21st May Thurs 4th June

Thurs 2nd July Thurs 16th July


Please ensure any items for the Newsletter are received in the Office no later than Wednesday evening.


We have a few places left at Guardian Angel’s Nursery for September 2020. Children must be three by August 31st 2020 in order to gain a place. Both part time and full time places are available.

We also have Little Angels’ Before and After School Club for childcare provision around the school day.

Visit our website at or contact the school office on 0161 764 4014 for further information. We have an open door policy at Guardian Angels’ and visits to the school can be arranged through the school office at a time that is mutually convenient. We look forward to meeting you!


If you haven’t already returned your CAFOD Family Fast Day envelopes, please put them in the offertory baskets this weekend at either of our churches. If you have forgotten this week, then you can return them during the week at the parish office / house or bring them next week and put them in the offertory baskets.

It's time to empty your Red Box Guardian Angels.

The Red Box collection last quarter raised:

£809.66 + Gift Aid

Thank you very much kind people for being so generous.

Please drop off your brown mission envelope (don't forget to put your name on the front) into the large RED Tub at the back of

church at all masses this weekend 29th February /1st March (The Tub will be there for 2 weeks). Please collect a new enve-lope (for next time) containing a sticker and a Mission Today magazine. If you can't make it please drop your envelope off at

the Parish Office.

Promoters books & Mission Today Magazines will also be ready for collection the same weekends at the back of church.

Tel: Elaine Henderson 0161 797 7970 or 07876593423 for info.


Our 2020 Group, seeking to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church, joined other candidates and catechumens from across the Diocese at the Right of Election Service last Sunday. Bishop John presided at the service at Salford Cathedral and our candidates continue their journey in the Parish.

From Left - Right: Ruth Fish, Leah Vose, Chelsea Vose, Gina Vose, Kaye Rana, Janice Lloyd.

If you would like further information about our Seeking Christ and Awakening Faith programmes, wish to join either of these programmes or simply just want an initial chat with Fr Paul or one of our pastoral team – please call the Parish Office on 0161 764 1630 or 01204 882908 or visit our parish website.


Brides of Bury in Union Arcade, Millgate Shopping Centre have a limited selection of First Communion dresses - starting at just £25.

100% of the profits from Brides of Bury goes directly to Bury Hospice, so not only will you be getting a bargain, you will be supporting your local Hospice too.

The shop will also be extremely grateful to receive any dresses donated after the Holy Communion service.


As is our usual tradition on Shrove Tuesday, we burn the palms from last year’s Palm Sunday to prepare the ash-es for Ash Wednesday.

Many thanks once again to the ladies of the UCM who prepared pancakes for us after Mass on Shrove Tuesday.

This year the total raised from sale of the pancakes and the raffle was £150. This will be donated to the Mother and Baby Unit in Bolton.

Over 100 parishioners from both our churches dusted off the cobwebs and put their brains into gear to tackle another very difficult quiz set by our resident quizmaster - Anthony Ingham who was ably assisted by George Ponka

Everyone enjoyed the evening which raised £672.70 for Parish funds. This will be split between both churches. Congratulations to this years’ winners - the Hayes, Ponka and Dawson Families. We won’t name and shame the wooden spoon team in last place but better luck next time.



7th/8th March


14th/15th March

Tea & Coffee

9.15 am (GA) Sue Noden & Margaret Chappell

Kath Baker & Kathy Spencer

Tea & Coffee

10.45 am (SH) Lee & Maureen Virginia, Jen & Dave


10:45 am (SH) Simon Carlon & Lisa Walsh

Pat & Sue Moriarty

Readers 5.30 pm (GA)

Glynne McRae Margaret Dilger

Readers 9.15am (GA)

Jaqueline Ponka & Edwina Salmon*

Bernadette Hayes & Peter Temple*

Readers 10.45 am (SH)

Laura Roberts Gregory Brett


6.00 pm (SH) Andrew Coles Virginia Naylor

Eucharistic Ministers 5.30 pm (GA)

Dave Jackson Pat Grant Ray Grant

Michelle Waterworth Catherine Ackers Les O'Shea

Eucharistic Minister 9.15 am (GA)

Malemba Makawa Sue Moriarty Claire O'Brien

Mary Sawley Kathy Spencer Janet Turner

Eucharistic Ministers

10.45 am (SH)

Suzi Cookson Kim Fletcher

Maria Palk Bernard Raggett

Eucharistic Ministers

6.00pm (SH)

Chris Rogan Pat Street

Theresa Barlow Adam Loster

Welcomer 5.30 pm (GA)

Joan Mercer Glynne McRae

Welcomer 9.15 am (GA)

Paul Foster Aidan Quirke

Children’s Liturgy 5.30 pm (GA)

Rose Michelle

Children’s Liturgy 9.15 am (GA)

John Klusiatis Aidan Quirke

Children’s Liturgy 10.45 am (SH)

Kate Ann-Marie

Cleaners at St. Hilda’s

Clodagh & Frank O’Flynn

Carol & John Ryder

Lock Up after 9:15 am (GA)

Sue Noden George Ponka

If you are unable to fulfil your turn on the rota, please ensure that you organise for somebody to cover for you. The * next to a readers name indicates the reader who is preparing the Prayers of Intercession

In the sacristy in both of our Churches we have a file with the services for each week on a sheet. This helps us identify who is opening up our churches for the Masses and Services and also so that we know who is presiding when there is a Eucharistic Service.

As the sheets are produced a week in advance, please check with the weekly newsletter as sometimes things change when a funeral is arranged. Please help us to ensure that everything is covered by putting your name down in advance of the actual week.

Many thanks for helping us out in this way.



Sat: 18 Apr Gin Tasting St Hilda’s Hall


Sun: 12 Jul BBQ After Mass St Hilda’s

Mon: 31 Aug Cartmel Races Coach from GA

Sat: 19 Sept Tottington Public Band

GA Parish Centre

Fri: 25 Sept MacMillan Coffee Morning

St Hilda’s Hall

Sat: 24 Oct Parish Gala Dinner Stables Country Club

Sat: 14 Nov Christmas Fayre GA Parish Centre

PARISH PILGRIMAGE to the Shrines of Northern Spain

6th July - 12th July 2020

During our pilgrimage we will visit various shrines and sites in Barcelona,Monserrat, Zaragosa, Burgos,

Pamplona, Azpeitia and Loyola.

Cost: £740 per person (sharing) (+ £130 single supplement)

Included in cost:

Outward Flight: Manchester to Barcelona

Return Flight: Bilboa to Manchester

Airport duty, passenger taxes and 1 suitcase (20 kg)

2 nights half board in Barcelona

4 nights half board in Burgos

Coach and guide throughout

Booking forms are now available from the office or contact: [email protected]


OLOL’s Governors are seeking to appoint an experienced teacher who will teach Year 1 and have the responsibility for leading Early Years and Key Stage One.

We are looking for a highly motivated, excellent and dedicated teacher to join our committed and enthusiastic team.

The successful candidate will:

Be a practising Roman Catholic with a strong commitment to Catholic education

Have experience of teaching in the Early Years and Key Stage One

Be an excellent and inspirational teacher

Be a role model with high expectations of children’s achievement and behaviour

Be able to lead a subject and have a strong commitment to raising standards

Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team

Put children at the very heart of everything they do.

We can offer you:

Delightful and happy children

Hard working and dedicated staff who are supportive of one another.

Committed and supportive governors

A school with an excellent reputation and an outstanding Catholic culture

A clear commitment to continuing professional development

Visits to our school are strongly encouraged. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit on 0161 761 2026.

Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Monday 23rd March 2020

Shortlisting: Thursday 26th March 2020

Lesson observations: 30th March – 2nd April 2020

Interviews: Friday 3rd April 2020

Please return the completed application forms to the Executive Headteacher, Mrs J.E. Davies at Our Lady of Lourdes RCPS, Rudgwick Drive, Bury, BL8 1YA or electronically via email at: [email protected]

The school is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All posts are subject to pre-employment checks, references and an enhanced DBS check.


OLOL’s Governors are seeking to appoint a full time Key Stage Two class teacher. We welcome applications from NQTs.

We are looking for a highly motivated, excellent and dedicated teacher to join our committed and enthusiastic team.

The successful candidate will:

Have a clear understanding and commitment to the Catholic ethos of our school.

Be an excellent classroom practitioner who has high expectations of all their children.

Have the ability to work as part of a team.

Be an enthusiastic, inspirational and caring teacher.

Have the capacity to be a competent subject leader.

We can offer you:

Delightful and happy children.

Hard working and dedicated staff who are supportive of one another.

Committed and supportive governors.

A school with an excellent reputation and an outstanding Catholic culture

A clear commitment to continuing professional development

Visits to our school are strongly encouraged. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit on 0161 761 2026.

Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Monday 23rd March 2020

Shortlisting: Thursday 26th March 2020

Lesson observations: Monday 30th March and Tuesday 31st March 2020

Interviews: Wednesday 1st April 2020

All Applicants must complete the latest CES application form.

Please return the completed application forms to the Executive Headteacher, Mrs J.E. Davies at Our Lady of Lourdes RCPS, Rudgwick Drive, Bury, BL8 1YA or electronically via email at: [email protected]

The school is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All posts are subject to pre-employment checks, references and an enhanced DBS check.

Love, Learn and Grow



In his pastoral letter for Lent, Bishop John has suggested that we use the Season of

Lent to consider how we respond practically and personally to the urgent situation

of climate change. Bishop John also thanked parishes and schools in the diocese

for the encouraging response they have shown over the past 12 months.

Parishes around the diocese have responded by growing wildflower

gardens, holding prayer and study groups and reducing their personal


Pupils in Catholic schools have responded creatively too: making

eco-bricks with waste plastic to build benches in schools, forming

eco-teams and even creating bug hotels (Guardian Angels’ Impact Group) to increase

biodiversity in their surroundings.

In his recent pastoral letter, Bishop John asked us all to look beyond our personal lives this

Lent, to our responsibility towards all our brothers and sisters on this planet.

He says:

“There are those who remain sceptical about the impending

damage of Climate Change and indeed others who say that

questions of Environment and the care of our planet have

nothing to do with the Christian Faith. However, even a

cursory viewing of Scriptures and the teaching of the

Church, particularly the statements of popes in the last fifty

years, make it very clear that the Environment needs to be

a primary concern because it connects us all in a care for

creation and is a foundation for our political thinking and

our social action. To ignore the well-being of planet earth

is to assist the evils of our day; poverty, hunger, economic

migration, human trafficking and modern slavery.”

Bishop John goes on to say:

“We must, of course, look to our governments and industries

to make policy changes and implement them with urgency.

But we are all involved. This is a theme which has been much promoted in this last year – particularly in

our schools where changes to daily routine now make an impact. We can certainly begin to impact on

various industries and their harmful over-production by our own choices.

Pope Francis has also reminded us of our common responsibility for our planet

and care for our brothers and sisters in his recent Exhortation “Beloved Amazon”.

He reminds us again that we really do have a responsibility for each other and

every gesture of care for our environment, however small, is of significance.

And our prayers for our world and its health are important, too.

Perhaps the Season of Lent is the right time to consider again our practical and personal response to this

urgent situation.”


I am sure we are all well aware of the current situation with regards to Corvid 19 and the increasing number of people in the UK who have contracted the virus. You will also be aware that a small number of people in Bury are amongst those who have been diagnosed with the virus this week.

We have been keeping a close eye on the advice from Government, Public Health Bodies, Bishops Conference and our own Diocese to ensure we follow their guidance at this time of heightened concern. As such, from this weekend we are going to make some practical changes around both our churches and in how we celebrate Mass and other services.

Most of these are simple, practical steps - based on good hygiene - that we can all take to help protect ourselves and effectively contain and disrupt any further spread of the virus.

If anyone has any concerns about the steps we are taking as a parish, please do speak to Fr Paul or Sharon.


The advice for those most vulnerable (the elderly, people with weakened immune systems and long term conditions like cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc.) is to refrain from large parish gatherings and stay at home.

Anyone with cold or flu symptoms should also refrain from attending liturgies, reconciliation, parish gatherings etc, as a precautionary approach.


The physical ‘sign of peace’ through an embrace or hand shake will be suspended for the time being.

We can continue to offer each other the sign of peace through a smile, a nod or other expression. It is just as powerful!


Distribution of Communion under both kinds will be suspended for the time being. Communion hosts will be distributed but in the hand only.

All ministers of the Eucharist will sanitise their hands before and after distributing communion.


Our ministers will continue to distribute the Eucharist to the sick and housebound and follow advice from staff in care / nursing homes / hospitals with regard to infection control.


The first and most practical step we are taking is the introduction of hand sanitisers which we ask everyone to use as they enter and leave church.

We will also ensure that there is increased and very regular cleaning of surfaces and items that multiple people handle in church e.g. door handles, benches, hymn books etc.

Holy Water stoups in the porches and the Baptismal font will be emptied for the time being. Just bless yourself with the sign of the cross as you enter church.


We will continue with refreshments after Sunday Mass for the time being using disposal cups and cutlery. We will keep this under review.