GTS Basic Tutorial 9- 3D Excavation and Temporary Structure

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  • 8/10/2019 GTS Basic Tutorial 9- 3D Excavation and Temporary Structure


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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9

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    3D Excavation and Temporary Structure

    Construction Stage Analysis

    The directions and boundary conditions of structures simulated in 3D

    excavation modeling should be considered carefully since the analysis

    results depend on these. In this tutorial, create the model to simulate

    the H-Pile, Wale, Strut and Diaphragm Wall, perform the construction

    stage analysis considering excavation steps. Generate the 2D

    modeling by inputting coordinate directly in GTS, complete the

    modeling by extruding 3D. And apply the boundary conditions to

    complete modeling, perform construction stage analysis with

    excavation, and analyze the analysis results.

    Starting GTS

    Start the program.

    1. Run GTS.2. Start a new project by clicking File > New button.3. Project Setting dialog box will appear.4. Enter Basic Tutorial 9 in Project Title.5. Use the default values for the other items.

    6. Click button.


    In this tutorial, perform construction stage analysis with H-Pile, Wale,

    Strut and Diaphragm Wall. Generate the 2D geometry modeling,

    extrude as 3D solid modeling, and generate the mesh sets using tetra

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    Model the beam element for the H-Pile, Wale applied axial force,

    moment and shear force, and model the truss element for the Strut

    applied axial force only in this model. Also, model the plate element as

    2D plane element for Diaphragm Wall.

    The site consists of one ground layer, the attribute is as follow.



    Type Solid




    (ID)Mat Ground (1)

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - Table 1

    The material properties of ground are as follows.

    Material (ID) Mat Ground (1)

    Model Type Mohr Coulomb

    Modulus of Elasticity (E) [tonf/m 2]


    Poisson s Ratio ( ) 0.30Unit Weight ( ) [tonf/m 3] 2.0Unit Weight (Saturated)

    [tonf/m 3] 2.1

    Cohesion (c) [tonf/m 2] 5

    Friction Angle ( ) 35K0 0.36

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - Table 2

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    The attributes of the H-Pile, Wale, Strut and Diaphragm Wall are as



    (ID)H-Pile (2) Wale (3) Strut (4) D-Wall (5)

    Type Line Line Line Plate


    TypeBeam Beam Truss Plate



    Mat T-


    Mat T-


    Mat T-






    Prop Beam


    Prop Beam


    Prop Truss



    D-Wall(3)GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - Table 3

    The material properties of H-Pile, Wale, Strut and Diaphragm Wall

    which are temporary structures are as follows.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - Table 4

    The section properties of H-Pile, Wale, Strut and Diaphragm Wall

    which are temporary structures are as follows.

    Material (ID)Mat

    T-Structure(2)Mat D-Wall(3)

    Modulus of Elasticity (E)

    [tonf/m 2] 2.1e7 2.0e6

    Poisson s Ratio( ) 0.3 0.3Weight Density( ) [tonf/m 3] 7.85 2.5

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 4

    8. Make sure that ID is 1 in the Add/Modify Ground Material dialogbox.

    9. Enter Mat Ground .10. Select Mohr Coulomb in Model Type.11. Enter 15,000 in Modulus of Elasticity (E).12. Enter 0.3 in Poisson s Ratio ( ).13. Enter 2.0 in Unit Weight ( ).14. Enter 2.1 in Unit Weight (Saturated).15. Enter 5 in Cohesion (c)16. Enter 35 in Friction Angle ( ).17. Enter 0.36 in K 0. 18. Click button.

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 5

    19. Make sure that Material is Mat Ground in the Add/Modify Solid Attribute dialog box.

    20. Click button.

    21. Confirm that Ground has been generated in the Attribute dialogbox.

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 7

    Specify the Line Type as Attribute of H-Pile and the Beam as Element

    Type. And specify material properties and section properties as below.

    22. Click to the right of button in the Attributedialog box.

    23. Select Line .24. Make sure that ID is 2 in Add Modify Line Attribute dialog box.

    25. Enter H-Pile in Name.26. Select Beam in Element Type.27. In order to create Material, click button to the right of


    28. Make sure that ID is 2 in Add Modify Structure Material dialogbox.

    29. Enter Mat T-Structure in Name.

    30. Enter 2.1e7 in Modulus of Elasticity (E).

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    31. Enter 0.3 in Poisson s Ratio ( ).32. Enter 7.85 in Weight Density ( ).33. Click button.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 8


    In order to create Property, click button to the right ofProperty.

    35. Make sure that ID is 1 in Add/Modify Property dialog box.36. Enter Prop Beam in Name.37. Make sure that Type is Beam/Nonlinear Beam .38. Check on Sectional Library on bottom of dialog box.

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 9

    Select H-Section in Sectional Library.

    39. Enter 0.3 in H.40. Enter 0.3 in B1.41. Enter 0.01 in tw.42. Enter 0.01 in tf1.



    in B2.

    44. Enter 0.01 in tf2.45. Make sure that Offset is Center-Center .46. Click button.

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    47. Make sure that section properties are generated in Properties of Add/Modify Property dialog box.

    48. Click button.49. Make sure that Material is Mat T-Structure in Add Modify Line

    Attribute dialog box.

    50. Make sure that Property is Prop Beam .51. Click button.

    52. Click button.Generated attribute of H-Pile.

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 11

    Select Line Type as Attribute of Wale, Beam as Element Type. Use

    the material and section properties of H-Pile.

    53. Click to the right of button in the Attributedialog box.

    54. Select Line .55. Make sure that ID is 3 in Add Modify Line Attribute dialog box.56. Enter Wale in Name.57. Select Beam in Element Type.58. Select Mat T-Structure after click button.59. Select Prop Beam after click button.60. Click button.

    Use the truss element for modeling strut. Select Line Type as attribute

    and Truss as Element Type. Use the material properties of H-Pile but

    input the section properties of Truss Type as Element Type.

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    61. Click to the right of button in the Attributedialog box.

    62. Select Line .63. Make sure that ID is 4 in Add Modify Line Attribute dialog box.64. Enter Strut in Name.65. Select Truss in Element Type.


    SelectMat T-Structure

    after click button.

    67. Repeat Steps 34 to 46 generate the Attribute of Strut r eferring toFigure GTS Basic Tutorial 9-9 and Figure GTS Basic Tutorial 9-10.

    68. Click button.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 12

    Make sure that Type ofPropertyTruss/Embedded Truss


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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 13

    Lastly, Generate Attribute of Diaphragm.

    69. Click to the right of button in the Attributedialog box.

    70. Select Plane .71. Make sure that ID is 5 in Add/Modify Line Attribute dialog box.72. Enter D-Wall in Name73. Make sure that Element Type is Plate .74. In order to material of Diaphragm Wall, click in right

    of material.

    75. Make sure that ID is 3 in Add/Modify Structural Material dialogbox.

    76. Enter Mat D-Wall in Name in Add/Modify Structural Material.77. Enter 2.0e6 in Modulus of Elasticity(E).



    in Poisson

    s Ratio ( ).79. Enter 2.5 in Weight Density ( ).

    80. Click button.

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 14

    81. Make sure that Material is Mat D-Wall in Add/Modify Plane Attribute dialog box.

    82. Click button in right of Property. 83. Make sure that ID is 3 in Add/Modify Property dialog box.84. Enter Prop D-Wall in Name.85. Make sure that Type is Plate/Plane Stress .86. Enter 0.1 in Thickness.87. Click button.88. Make sure that Property is Prop D-Wall in Add/Modify Plane

    Attribute dialog box.

    89. Click button.

    Plane Tab is selectedautomatically.

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 15

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 16

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    2D Geometry Modeling

    Rectangle, Line, Transform

    Express the shape of model using Rectangle and Line. Generate the

    whole ground area using Rectangle.

    1. Click Normal to WP in View Point Toolbar.2. Select Geometry > Curve > Create on WP > Rectangle(Wire) from

    Main Menu.

    3. Make sure that Method of generating Rectangle is . 4. Make sure that Input One Corner in Rectangle box.

    5. Make sure that Method is ABS x, y .6. Make sure that Make Face option is not checked.7. Enter 0, 40 in Location and press the Enter key.8. Make sure that Input Diagonally Opposite Corner is in Rectangle

    dialog box.

    9. Make sure that Method is REL dx, dy .10. Enter 100, -40 in Location and press the Enter key.

    11. Click button.12. Click Zoom All in View Point Toolbar.

    Draw the lines for dividing construction step and temporary structure

    using Line.

    13. Select Geometry > Curve > Create on WP > Line from MainMenu.

    14. Make sure that Input Start Location is in Line dialog box.15. Make sure that Method is ABS x, y .16. Enter 0, 36 in Location and press Enter key.17. Make sure that Input End Location is in Line dialog box.18. Make sure that Method is REL dx, dy .

    Detail explanation aboutvarious kinds ofgeneration method of

    rectangular refer to On-line Manual.

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    19. Enter 100, 0 in Location and press Enter key.20. Repeat Steps 14 to 19 to generate the line from 0, 35 to 100, 0 .21. Repeat Steps 14 to 19 to generate the line from 0, 31 to 100, 0 .22. Repeat Steps 14 to 19 to generate the line from 0, 30 to 100, 0 .23. Repeat Steps 14 to 19 to generate the line from 0, 25 to 100, 0 .24. Repeat Steps 14 to 19 to generate the line from 30, 40 to 0, -

    19 .


    Click button.

    Translate and Copy the generated lines.

    26. Select the generated lines of Step 24 in Work Windows.27. Select Geometry > Transform > Translate from Main Menu.

    28. Make sure that Direction & Distance Tab is selected.29. Make sure that Selection Filter is Datum Axis(A) in Selection


    30. For , Select Datum > X-Axis in WorkTree.

    31. Select Uniform Copy .32. Enter 5 in Distance, 8 in Number of Times.33. Click button.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 17

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    Work Plane, Transform

    Work Plane means area in objection to input 2D coordinates through

    moving position of shape arbitrarily by user. Although 3D absolute

    coordinates of shape is needed for creating shape, actually only

    relative coordinates which is the same with model length is possessedfor most cases. In this case, entering 2D coordinates information to

    perform modeling in Work Plane is convenient after moving area

    which can be the proper standard. Here, move Work Plane to

    generate zone corresponding excavation part.

    1. Select Geometry > Work Plane > Move from main Menu.2. Select 3 Pnt Pln Tab in Move Work Plane dialog window. 3. Enter 0, 0, 40 in Origin, 100, 0, 40 in x-Axis and 100, 100,40

    in Plane.

    4. Make sure moved Work Plane by clicking Preview button.5. Click button.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 18

    Refer to On-lineManual to know thedetailed explanationof several methodtranslating WorkPlane.
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    Express the shape of modeling using Rectangle and Line. Generate

    the excavation area using Rectangle.

    6. Click Normal to WP in View Point Toolbar.7. Select Geometry > Curve > Create on WP > Rectangle(Wire) from

    Main Menu.

    8. Make sure that Method of generating Rectangle is .9. Make sure that Input One Corner is in Rectangle dialog box.10. Make sure that Method is ABS x, y .11. Make sure that Make Face option is not checked.12. Enter 30, 20 in Location and press Enter key.13. Make sure that Input Diagonally Opposite Corner is in Rectangle

    dialog box.

    14. Make sure that Method is REL dx, dy .15. Enter 40, -20 in Location and press Enter key.16. Click button.17. Click Zoon All in View Point Toolbar.

    Draw the lines for Strut.

    18. Select Geometry > Curve > Create on WP > Line from Main Menu.19. Make sure that Input Start Location is in Line dialog box.20. Make sure that Method is ABS x, y .21. Enter 30, 15 in Location and press Enter key.22. Make sure that Input End Location is in Line dialog box.23. Make sure that Method is REL dx, dy .24. Enter 5, 5 in Location and press Enter key.25. Repeat Step 19 to 24 to generate the line from 30, 5 to 5, -5 .26. Repeat Step 19 to 24 to generate the line from 65, 0 to 5, -5 .27. Repeat Step 19 to 24 to generate the line from 65, 20 to 5, -5 .28. Repeat Step 19 to 24 to generate the line from 40, 20 to 0, -20 .29. Click button.

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    Translate and Copy the generated lines.

    34. Select the generated lines of step 29 in Work Windows.35. Select Geometry > Transform > Translate from Main Menu.36. Make sure that Direction & Distance Tab is selected.37. Make sure that Selection Filter is Datum Axis(A) in Selection

    Toolbar.38. For , Select Datum > X-Axis in Work


    39. Select Uniform Copy .40. Enter 5 in Distance and 4 in Number of Times.41. Click button.42. Translate the Work Plane by clicking XZ(0,-1,0) of Work Plane in

    Model Works Tree.43. Click Normal to WP in View Point Toolbar.44. Select Geometry > Transform > Translate from Main Menu.45. Select the 19 shapes referring to Figure GTS Basic Tutorial 9-18.46. For , Select Datum > Y-Axis in Work


    47. Select Move and enter 20 in Distance.48. Click button.49. Select Isometric in View Point Toolbar.50. Select H-Pile of both end location referring to Figure GTS Basic

    Tutorial 9-19.

    51. Fro , Select Datum > Y-Axis in WorkTree.

    52. Select Uniform Copy and enter 5 in Distance, 4 in Number ofTimes.

    53. Click button.54. Select the others except H-Pile of both end location referring

    Figure GTS Basic Tutorial 9-19.

    55. For , Select Datum > Y-Axis in WorkTree.


    SelectUniform Copy

    and enter


    in Distance,


    in Number of

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    57. Click button.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 19

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    Create Geometry Set

    Define the geometry set for H-Pile, Strut etc. of Temporary Structures.

    1. Invoke the Context Menu by right-clicking the mouse in Geometry> Geometry Set in the Works Tree.

    2. Click New Geometry Set.3. Press F2 key, enter H-Pile and press Enter key.4. Invoke the Context Menu by right-clicking the mouse in Geometry

    > Geometry Set > H-Pile in the Works Tree.

    5. Select Geometry Set > Incl./Excl. Items. 6. Make sure that Include is selected.7. Select the area of H-Pile in Work Window referring to GTS Basic

    Tutorial 9

    21 for .8. Click button.9. Invoke the Context Menu by right-clicking the mouse in Geometry

    > Geometry Set in the Works Tree. 10. Click New Geometry Set.11. Enter Strut and press Enter key.12. Invoke the Context Menu by right-clicking the mouse in Geometry

    > Geometry Set > Strut in the Works Tree. 13. Select Geometry Set > Incl./Excl. Items. 14. Make sure that Include is selected.15. Select the area of H-Pile in Work Window referring to GTS Basic

    Tutorial 9 21 for .

    16. Click button.

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    GTS Basic Tutorial 7 - 19

    Generating Geometry Set and registering to which, shapes registeredin Set can be selected altogether when selecting Geometry Set. But

    when revising shape registered in Geometry Set, which will be ruled

    out, so need to be registered again.

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    Use generated wire of ground zone and excavation zone to generate

    solid, then create excavation area using edge which can be excavated.

    1. Select Geometry > Generator Feature > Extrude from Main Menu.2. Select Wire (W) in Selection Filter.3. Select the wire of ground area referring Figure GTS Basic Tutorial

    9-20 for .

    4. Click button.5. Fro , Select Datum > Y - Axis in

    Works Tree.



    in Length.

    7. Check on Solid option.8. Enter Ground in Name.9. Make sure that shape of extruded object is proper by click

    Preview button.

    10. Click button.11. Select Wire (W) in Selection Filter.

    12. Select the wire of excavation area referring Figure GTS BasicTutorial 9-20 for .

    13. Click button.14. For , Select Datum > Z- Axis in

    Works Tree.

    15. Click Reverse Direction option.16. Enter 19 in Length.17. Make sure that Solid option is checked.18. Enter Excavation in Name.19. Make sure that shape of extruded object is proper by click

    Preview button.

    20. Click button.21. Select Edge (E) in Selection Filter.22. Select the 5 Edges referring Figure GTS Basic Tutorial 9-20 for

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    Basic Tutorial 7


    23. Click button.24. For , Select Datum > Y- Axis in

    Works Tree.

    25. Enter 60 in Length.26. Enter Ex. Surface in Name.27. Make sure that shape of extruded object is proper by click

    Preview button.28. Click button.29. Click Geometry > Solid > in Works Tree.30. Invoke the Context Menu by right-clicking the mouse.31. Select Display Mode > Wireframe.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 22

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    Separate the solids of excavation and ground area.

    1. Select Geometry > Solid > Embed from Main Menu.2. Select Geometry > Solid > Ground in Works Tree for


    3. Select Geometry > Solid > Excavation in Works Tree for.

    4. Make sure that Delete Original Shape(s) option is not checked. 5. Make sure that shape of embedded objects is proper by click

    Preview button.6. Click button.

    Embed function is a method to remove Tool Solid shape through

    calculating the intersect zone of two solid, by which separating two

    solid zone.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 23

    If Original Shape isdefined to be erased,after finishing command,Display Mode of shapeis specified as ShadingWith Edge automatically.

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    Divide Solid

    For generating excavation shape refer to construction stage, divide

    solid in excavation part. Divide excavation solid using excavation area

    generated in previous stage.

    1. Select Geometry > Solid > Divide from Main Menu.2. Select solid of Geometry > Solid > Excavation in Works Tree for

    3. Make sure that Dividing Tool is Selected Surface .4. Click button.5. Make sure that Selection Filter is Face(F) .


    Select the 5 generated faces as Geometry > Surface > Ex. Surface in Works Tree for

    7. Check on Divide Touching Faces of Neighbors option.8. Select Geometry > Solid > Ground in Works Tree for

    9. Make sure that Delete Original Shape(s) option is checked.10. Make sure that shape of divided objects is proper by click Preview

    button.11. Click button.

    For Diving TouchingFaces of Neighbors,select solid affected bydivided solid. In case ofselecting ground solid asneighbor, joint areawhich meets excavationpart at ground solid isautomatically divided.

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    Mesh Set Operation

    Auto Mesh Solid

    Using Auto Mesh generation algorism to generate 3D Tetra mesh.

    1. Select Mesh > Auto Mesh > Solid from Main Menu.2. Select all Solid corresponding Geometry > Solid > Excavation in

    Works Tree for

    3. Enter 2 in Element Size.4. Make sure that ID is 1 in Attribute.5. Delete Auto-Mesh(Solid) and enter Excavation in Mesh Set.6. Confirm that mesh sets are proper by click Preview button.7. Click button.8. Select the Solid corresponding Geometry > Solid > Ground in

    Works Tree for .

    9. Enter 6 in Element Size.10. Make sure that ID is 1 in Attribute.



    in Mesh Set.

    12. Confirm that mesh sets are proper by click Preview button.13. Click button.

    6 solids are selected.

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    Check Mesh

    Using Check Mesh command to check Free Face which can be

    existed in mesh already generated.

    1. Invoke Context Menu by click the right button of mouse at WorksTree > Mesh.

    2. Select Hide All.3. Select Mesh > Check Mesh from Main Menu.4. Check off Free Edges(Red) option . 5. Check on Free Face(Orange) option.6. Click button.7. Confirm the Free Face parts as orange color in Work Windows


    Confirm that there is no Free Face in inner modeling by clickDynamic Rotate in Dynamic View Toolbar.

    9. Click button.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 24

    In case of generatingmesh in condition that

    sharing of nodes isproduced correctly,incontinuous area insideof mesh is notgenerated.

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    Extract Element, Delete Element

    Generate element of , H-Pile, Wale. Because 3D mesh and

    nodes generated in previous stage should be shared, generate using

    Extract function.

    1. Click Front button in View Point Toolbar.2. Invoke Context Menu by click right button of mouse at Works Tree.3. Select Hide All.4. Select Geometry > Solid > Excavation-D5 , Excavation-D6 in

    Works Tree.

    5. Invoke Context Menu by click right button of mouse.


    Select Show Only.7. Select Geometry > Solid > Excavation-D5 , Excavation-D6 in

    Works Tree.

    8. Invoke Context Menu by click right button of mouse.9. Select Display Mode > Wireframe. 10. Select Model > Element > Extract Element from Main Menu.11. Make sure that From Shape is Face .

    12. Select the Elements by drag windows as A, B referring to FigureGTS Tutorial 9-25 for .

    13. Make sure that ID is 5 in Attribute.14. Enter 1st D-Wall in Mesh Set.15. Click button.16. Repeat Step 1 to 14 to generate the 2nd D-Wall from Solid of

    Excavation-D3 , Excavation-D4 .

    17. Repeat Step 1 to 14 to generate the 3rd D-Wall from Solid ofExcavation-D2 , Excavation-D3 .

    48 elements should beselected.

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 25

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 26

    18. Invoke Context Menu by right click of mouse at Works Tree.19. Select Hide All.20. Select the solids of Geometry > Solid > Excavation-D1 ,

    Excavation-D2 , Excavation-D3 , Excavation-D4 , Excavation-D5 , Excavation-D6 in Works Tree.

    21. Invoke Context Menu by right click of mouse.22. Select Show Only.23. Select Model > Element > Extract Element from Main Menu.24. Select Edge From Shape.25. Select the Edges corresponding H-Pile referring to GTS Tutorial

    9-27 for .

    144 Elements should be


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    26. Make sure that ID is 2 in Attribute.27. Enter H-Pile in Mesh Set.28. Click button.29. Select the Edges corresponding 1st Wale referring to GTS

    Tutorial 9-27 for .

    30. Make sure that ID is 3 in Attribute.31. Enter H-Pile in Mesh Set.32. Click button.33. Select the Edges corresponding 2nd Wale referring to GTS

    Tutorial 9-27 for .

    34. Make sure that ID is 3 in Attribute.35. Enter 2nd Wale in Mesh Set.36. Click button.37. Select Model > Element > Delete from Main Menu.

    38. Make sure that Selection Filter is Elements(T) .39. Select generated H-Pile , 1st Wale , 2nd Wale for


    40. Check on Duplicated Element(s) Only option. 41. Click button.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 27

    48 elements should beselected.

    48 elements should beselected.

    In case of extractelement at part that twosolids are overlapped,two elements areextracted. So removeone useless element.

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    Align Element CSys

    Force of beam element is outputted as standard of Element

    Coordinate System. Because Element Coordinate System is decided

    according to sequence of element generation and direction, for

    outputting coherent force, modeling should consider Element

    Coordinate System when generate elements. Check coordinate

    system of beam element generated in previous stage.

    1. Select H-Pile , 1st Wale and 2nd Wale of Mesh > Mesh Set inWorks Tree, invoke Context Menu by right click of mouse.

    2. Select Display > Element CSys

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 28

    Check the strong axis and weak axis of H-Pile, 1 Wale, 2 Wale

    not be arranged as upper figure shows. Revise elements whose

    Element Coordinate System are not arranged properly.

    Size or color of elementcoordinate system canbe adjusted at View >Display Option

    In case of beamelement, elementcoordinate systemshould be arrangedbecause local memberforce can be outputtedonly.

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    3. Select Model > Element > Change Parameter from Main Menu.4. Make sure that Selection Filter is Mesh (M) .5. Select Mesh > Mesh Set > H-Pile , 1 st Wale and 2 nd Wale in

    Works Tree for .

    6. Check on Align Local Csys option.7. Select Base Element would be standard.8. Click button.9. Confirm that all coordinates are aligned properly.10. In case that there is an opposite Normal coordinate, check on

    Reverse Normal option.

    11. Select 1D Element(O) in Selection Filter.12. Select the element having opposite coordinate.13. Click button.14. Check on Orientation option.

    15. Enter


    in Beta Angle. 16. Click button.17. Invoke Context Menu by click right button of mouse at Properties >

    Property > Line in Works Tree.

    18. Select Show All. 19. Repeat to Step 1 to 2 to hide element coordinate.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 29

    Modify Beta Angle tomodel strong axis, weakaxis in correct direction

    Property defined usingSection Library whoseshape can be checkedas 3D solid element

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    Auto Mesh Edge, Mesh Transform

    Generate strut element. Strut uses truss element and is an element

    support to only axial force, as a result of which, error may be produced

    in case of generating cutting element when perform analysis. So

    model as one element, then copy and move to position where strut


    1. Click Isometric in View Point Tool Bar.2. Select Mesh in Works Tree.3. Invoke Context Menu by click right button of mouse.4. Select Hide All.5. Select Geometry > Geometry Set > Strut in Works Tree.6. Invoke Context Menu by click right button of mouse.7. Select Show Only.8. Select Mesh > Auto Mesh > Edge from Main Menu.9. Select Geometry > Geometry Set > Strut in Works Tree for


    10. Select Number of Divisions in Seeding Method.11. Enter 1 in Number of Divisions.12. Make sure that ID is 4 in Attribute.13. Click button.14. Make sure that Merge Nodes is checked.15. Click button.16. Click button.

    Copy and translate the generated elements for Strut.

    15. Select Model > Transform >Translate from Main Menu.16. Select Mesh > Mesh Set > Auto - Mesh(Edge) in Works Tree for


    When select GeometrySet, geometry includedin the relevant set can

    be selected at once.

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    17. Click button.18. For , Select Datum > Z- Axis in Works


    19. Select Non-Uniform Copy.20. Enter -4, -5 in Distance.21. Enter Strut in Mesh Set.22. Make sure that Merge Node is checked.23. Click button.24. Select Mesh > Mesh Set > Auto - Mesh(Edge) in Works Tree.25. Press Delete key.

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    Basic Tutorial 7


    Boundary Condition

    Assign constrains to model. In this model, nodes exists on the floor will

    be applied support condition of hinge type. Nodes on the right and left

    side of model will be supported as roller type in X direction.

    1. Select Mesh in Works Tree.2. Invoke Context Menu by click right button of mouse.3. Select Show All.4. View Point Tool Bar Isometric . Click

    Isometric in View Point Tool Bar.

    5. Select Model > Boundary > Ground Supports in Main Menu.6. Select all shapes by click Displayed in Selection Toolbar7. Enter Common Support in BC Set. 8. Click button.9. Click Mesh > Mesh Set > H-Pile in Works Tree.10. Invoke Context Menu by click right button of mouse.11. Select Show Only.12. Select Model > Boundary > Supports in Main Menu.13. Enter Rotation Support in BC Set. 14. Make sure that Object Type is Node (N) .15. Select the Nodes along H-Pile for .16. Make sure that Mode is Add .17. Check on RZ in DOF.

    18. Click button.

    Using this method cangenerate boundaryconditions and can beregistered to boundarycondition set call BC aswell even not generateboundary set toregistered separately.

    Constrain rotation of H-Pile to Z axis to preventunstable structure of H-Pile.

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    Self Weight

    Define the Self Weight as load.

    1. Select Model > Load > Self Weight from Main Menu.2. Enter Self Weight in Load Set.3. Enter -1 of Z in Self Weight Factor.4. Click button.

    Define Construction Stage

    Define construction stage depends on excavation and temporary

    structure installation. First of all, define the first construction stage in

    which original ground stress analysis before construction stage is

    performed, and only ground elements are supported by self weight.

    1. Select Isometric in View Point Toolbar

    2. Select Model > Construction Stage > Define Construction Stage from Main Menu.

    3. Click button.4. Enter Original Ground in Stage Name.5. Make sure that Stage Type is Construction .6. Element > Drag and Drop Excavation #1 , Excavation #2 ,

    Excavation #3 , Excavation #4 , Excavation #5 , Excavation #6

    and Ground into Activated Data.

    7. Drag & Drop Boundary > Common Support of Set Data into Activated Data.

    8. Drag & Drop Load > Self Weight of Set Data into Activated Data.9. Specify Activated in Show Element.10. Check on Clear Displacement option.11. Click button.

    When click Save , StageID is changed from1:New Stage 1 to 1:

    ground analysis

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 32

    Define third construction stage in which 1st excavation is finished and

    strut, wale and diaphragm wall are installed.

    18. Click button.19. Enter 1st Excavation in Stage Name.20. Make sure that Stage Type is Construction .21. Set Data > Element, drag & drop Excavation #5 and Excavation

    #6 into Deactivated Data.

    22. Set Data > Element, drag & drop Strut , 1st Wale and 1st D-Wall into Activated Data.

    23. Click button.

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 32

    Define forth construction stage in which 2nd excavation is finished and

    strut, wale and diaphragm wall are installed.

    24. Click button.25. Enter 2st Excavation in Stage Name.26. Make sure that Stage Type is Construction .27. Set Data > Element, drag & drop Excavation #3 and Excavation

    #4 into Deactivated Data.

    28. Set Data > Element, drag & drop Strut-1 , 2nd Wale and 2st D-Wall into Activated Data.

    29. Click button.

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 34

    Define fifth construction stage in which 3rd excavation is finished and

    strut, wale and diaphragm wall are installed.

    30. Click button.31. Enter 3rd Excavation in Stage Name.32. Make sure that Stage Type is Construction .33. Set Data > Element, drag & drop Excavation #2 into Deactivated


    34. Set Data > Element, drag & drop 3rd D-Wall into Activated Data.35. Click button.

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    Chapter 1 GTS Basic Tutori al 7

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    Analysis Case

    Generate Analysis Cast to perform the analysis.


    Select Analysis > Analysis Case

    from Main Menu.2. Click button.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 36

    Define the Analysis Case for construction stage analysis.

    3. Enter Basic Tutorial 9 in Name.4. Enter Temporary Structure/Excavation Analysis in Description.5. Select Construction Stage in Analysis Type.6. Click button on right of Analysis Control.

    User can specify the detailed settings for construction stage analysis

    by using Analysis Control.

    7. Check on Initial Stage for Stress Analysis in Analysis Controldialog box.


    Make sure thatOriginal Ground

    in Initial Stage for Stress

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    Perform analysis.

    1. Select Analysis > Solve from Main Menu.

    Information produced during analysis process is displayed on Output

    Window. Particularly in case of warning etc produced, analysis may be

    abnormal, for which should be noticed.

    Model is saved automatically before perform analysis. Informationrespond to analysis is saved as *.OUT file in same folder with Save file

    using Text file format.

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    Check Displacement of Analysis Results. Check the horizontal


    1. Select Post Works Tree.2. From Works Tree, Double Click Original Ground-Step 001(1) >

    Displacement > DX(V) . 3. Select Post Data Tab in Tabbed Toolbar.4. Click button in right of Output Set of Original Ground-Last

    Step as shown.5. Refer figure GTS Basic Tutorial 7 37 to move Output Set

    definition button to left and right for checking changing tendency

    of DX by each construction stage.

    6. Click button.7. Select 3rd Excavation-Last Step after click button.8. Select Model Works Tree.9. Invoke Context Menu by click right button of mouse at Properties >

    Property > Line.

    10. Select Show All.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 39

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9


    Check Displacement(DZ(V)). Consider Deformed Shape.

    11. Select DZ(V) in Contour Data.12. Select DZ(V) in Deformation Data of Post Data Toolbar. 13. Click Mesh Shape in left of Deformation Data. 14. Click Deformed + Undeformed.

    In GTS, most Post Processing work is finished using Toolbar.

    Each detail definition of Post-Processing work can be defined by

    selecting relevant option at Property Window.

    15. Make sure that Property Window is Deform . 16. Select True in Actual Displacement.17. Enter 200 in Scale Factor.18. Click button.

    Property Window isunder the Works Tree

    Once set DeformedShape to be contoured,Property Window isdefined as Deformation

    Button at right side ofData Filter is

    Contour Data

    Button at right side of Mesh Shape

    button is DeformationData

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    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 42

    Axial Force

    Check axial force of H-Pile and Wale among analysis results. Check

    Beam Fx since H-Pile and Wale are beam elements.

    1. Click Mesh Shape in left of Deformation Data in Post Data

    Toolbar.2. Select Undeformed.3. Select Mesh > Mesh set > H-Pile , 1st Wale and 2nd Wale in

    Model Works Tree , select Show Only.

    4. Double Click 3rd Excavation-Step 001(1) > 1D Element Forces >Beam /Truss Fx in Post Works Tree

    5. Select Model Works Tree in Works Tree, and invoke Context

    Menu by click right button of mouse at Properties > Property > Line. 6. Select Hide All.7. Select Miscellaneous in Property Window.8. Select Feature Edge in No Result Element9. Click button.

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    Basic Tutorial 7

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 43

    Check the Axial Force of Strut. Since Strut is Tress element, checkTruss FX.

    10. Show Only Strut , Strut-1 of Mesh > Mesh set in Model WorksTree.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 44

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    Shear Force

    Check Shear Force of H-Pile and Wale. Check Beam Fz because

    these elements are Beam element.

    1. Select Mesh > Mesh Set > H-Pile , 1st Wale and 2nd Wale inModel Works Tree, and Invoke Context Menu by click right button

    of mouse.

    2. Select Show Only.3. Double click 3rd Excavation-Step 001(1) > 1D Element Forces >

    Bea m Fz in Post Works Tree.

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    Basic Tutorial 7


    Check the moment of H-Pile and Wale. Check Beam My because

    these elements are Beam element.

    1. Double Click 3rd Excavation-Step 001(1) > 1D Element Forces >Bea m My in Post Works Tree.

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    Check Stress of ground. Firstly, check the horizontal stress.

    1. Show all Mesh of Mesh > Mesh Set in Model Works Tree.2. Double Click 3rd Excavation-Step 001(1) > 3D Element Stresses >

    Soil SXX Center in Post Works Tree.

    3. Select Post Command Tab in Tabbed Toolbar4. Click Status Switch in Post Command Toolbar.5. Click Result Value6. Make sure that Property Window is Values .7. Select Black in Value Color8. Select Abs. Max in Min/Max Type.9. Click button.10. Select Model Works Tree in Works Tree, and invoke Context

    Menu by click right button of mouse at Properties > Property > Line .

    11. Select Show All.

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    Basic Tutorial

    Check the vertical stress.

    12. Double Click 3rd Excavation-Step 001(1) > 3D Element Stresses > Soil SZZ Center in Post Works Tree.

    13. Make sure that Property Window is Values .14. Select Min/Max in Min/Max Type.15. Enter 0.001 in Min/Max Limit Scale(%).16. Click button.

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    Chapter 1 GTS Basic Tutori al 7

    Check Stress of Diaphragm Wall. Check SXX, SYY of Top, Mid and

    Bottom because Plate element has thickness.

    17. Select Mesh > Mesh Set > 1st D-Wall , 2nd D-Wall and 3rd D-Wall

    in Model Works Tree, invoke Context Menu by right click

    button of mouse.

    18. Select Show Only.19. Double Click 3rd Excavation-Step 001(1) > 2D Element Stresses >

    Layer 1-Soil SXX(Center) in Post Works Tree.

    GTS Basic Tutorial 9 - 49