Growwing Roots Blog1

Growing Roots Well here we are- the first official Nourish Blog entry on our snazzy new blog. (thanks to Ryan Stevens.) We hope to have lots of exciting project news to keep you updated with in future. Nourish is at a very exciting phase in its development, with dreams and projects growing from strength to strength. We have done some amazing things already, such as getting registered (finally!) and getting a bank account (you know what that means…. Time for FUNDRAISING!) We have also had some fun-working with existing operations on some fledgling projects. It’s always an amazing feeling to start walking the pathways of your dreams. In June 2011, Michelle, Colin and myself (Sarah) paid a visit to AACOSIDA, which is an HIV/AIDS orphanage in the Matolo province, just outside Maputo in Mozambique. We spent some time there talking to an inspiring man, Dumsane, who started this vision of fostering children. Thanks to Sole Mates for Peace, we were able to distribute 36 pairs of colourful flip-flops to the children there. The kids loved these bright gifts, with messages of love, peace and hope drawn on them by children in the USA. Great to be a link between two such beautiful concepts. We hope to be able to assist AACOSIDA in future with more funding to complete a resource centre for the children. Early July saw Jess, Colin and myself meeting with one of the local chiefs in Akornhoek, the rural community bordering the Kruger National Park. We also were introduced to 35 orphaned children, who were living with relatives, or in child- headed families throughout the area. Sharing bread and juice with these kids- we chatted about their needs, and one rung out more loudly and clearly than any other: the need for school uniforms. We find this an encouraging stand for children to be taking responsibility for their own futures, and seeking education above all. We hope to partner with Kit-a-Kid in the next couple months to be able to assist these children with their dreams. A visit to Alexandra Township in Johannesburg was another land-mark for the Nourish team, as we, along with JHB city parks, met and discussed areas throughout Alexandra where trees needed to be planted. We hope to be able to run out a “greening initiative” there, with funding raised by our Parties 4 the Planet projects. So hey guys- if you hear of an event near you, dig out those wallets and come support out, knowing that your “entrance fee” will be going to buying a indigenous tree ( food, or clothing ) for the local community. It is not often in life that one comes across a person so amazing, so passionate and so inspiring that one is left floored. But we were privileged enough to meet just such a person in “Lizzy” who founded and is running Thuthuzela Aid Community. Thuthuzela is a small orphanage in Alexandra township in Johannesburg. Lizzy looks after 19 small children- all victims of abuse or neglect. Sleeping in 1 small room in a warehouse, Lizzy’s courage and determination shine through. The love and care she nourishes these children with is truly inspiring, and we look forward to being able to assist her with housing, transport and other needs in the future. All-in-all a busy 2 months for Nourish, but a great start off. There is so much work to be done, so many battles to fight- battles to open peoples eyes to the world around them. These battles are worth them though; in the smile of thanks of just one child, ones world can explode into millions of pieces. Pieces that make life and reality all fall into place, and make life so much more meaningful… We will try to keep the blog updated with our latest projects, and events as well as any fundraising projects that we are trying to do. Also follow us on facebook, or twitter to keep abroad with the latest and greatest… and most of all ; spread the word… tell your friends, tell them to tell their family. The more awareness and love we can spread, the bigger our fingerprint on the world! We can do no great things; only small things with great love~

Transcript of Growwing Roots Blog1

Page 1: Growwing  Roots   Blog1

Growing Roots Well here we are- the first official Nourish Blog entry on our snazzy new blog. (thanks to Ryan Stevens.) We hope to have lots of exciting project news to keep you updated with in future. Nourish is at a very exciting phase in its development, with dreams and projects growing from strength to strength. We have done some amazing things already, such as getting registered (finally!) and getting a bank account (you know what that means…. Time for FUNDRAISING!) We have also had some fun-working with existing operations on some fledgling projects. It’s always an amazing feeling to start walking the pathways of your dreams. In June 2011, Michelle, Colin and myself (Sarah) paid a visit to AACOSIDA, which is an HIV/AIDS orphanage in the Matolo province, just outside Maputo in Mozambique. We spent some time there talking to an inspiring man, Dumsane, who started this vision of fostering children. Thanks to Sole Mates for Peace, we were able to distribute 36 pairs of colourful flip-flops to the children there. The kids loved these bright gifts, with messages of love, peace and hope drawn on them by children in the USA. Great to be a link between two such beautiful concepts. We hope to be able to assist AACOSIDA in future with more funding to complete a resource centre for the children. Early July saw Jess, Colin and myself meeting with one of the local chiefs in Akornhoek, the rural community bordering the Kruger National Park. We also were introduced to 35 orphaned children, who were living with relatives, or in child-headed families throughout the area. Sharing bread and juice with these kids- we chatted about their needs, and one rung out more loudly and clearly than any other: the need for school uniforms. We find this an encouraging stand for children to be taking responsibility for their own futures, and seeking education above all. We hope to partner with Kit-a-Kid in the next couple months to be able to assist these children with their dreams. A visit to Alexandra Township in Johannesburg was another land-mark for the Nourish team, as we, along with JHB city parks, met and discussed areas throughout Alexandra where trees needed to be planted. We hope to be able to run out a “greening initiative” there, with funding raised by our Parties 4 the Planet projects. So hey guys- if you hear of an event near you, dig out those wallets and come support out, knowing that your “entrance fee” will be going to buying a indigenous tree ( food, or clothing ) for the local community. It is not often in life that one comes across a person so amazing, so passionate and so inspiring that one is left floored. But we were privileged enough to meet just such a person in “Lizzy” who founded and is running Thuthuzela Aid Community. Thuthuzela is a small orphanage in Alexandra township in Johannesburg. Lizzy looks after 19 small children- all victims of abuse or neglect. Sleeping in 1 small room in a warehouse, Lizzy’s courage and determination shine through. The love and care she nourishes these children with is truly inspiring, and we look forward to being able to assist her with housing, transport and other needs in the future. All-in-all a busy 2 months for Nourish, but a great start off. There is so much work to be done, so many battles to fight- battles to open peoples eyes to the world around them. These battles are worth them though; in the smile of thanks of just one child, ones world can explode into millions of pieces. Pieces that make life and reality all fall into place, and make life so much more meaningful… We will try to keep the blog updated with our latest projects, and events as well as any fundraising projects that we are trying to do. Also follow us on facebook, or twitter to keep abroad with the latest and greatest… and most of all ; spread the word… tell your friends, tell them to tell their family. The more awareness and love we can spread, the bigger our fingerprint on the world! We can do no great things; only small things with great love~