GROUP PAPER This is our final group assignment. This group paper is designed to facilitate our integration of major management/business themes explained to us during the first four weeks of the course. 1B-DG5 1. Novia Amalia Rizky – 19714133 2. Rr. Rahmanissa Salsabila – 19714134 3. Nisa Nurjanah – 19714137 4. Tari Sri Rejeki – 19714139 5. Vida Fitriani – 19714140 6. Yoko Sariputra – 19714141


This is our final group assignment. This group paper is designed to facilitate our integration of major management/business themes explained to us during the first four weeks of the course.

Transcript of GROUP PAPER

GRoup Paper

1. How are financial management, operations management, marketing, human resource management, and leadership related to one another and how does each supports business? Give an example for each function based your observed business! Use any relevant concepts you think are critical or essential in answering this question!Answer: Before answer the questions, let us tell the definition about 5 important things that related to one another and support business. These are:1. Financial management:Financial management is the way to give us explanation about how to measure the condition of a company through financial report. Financial management have the ability of a business to earn profits depends on the effectiveness an efficiency of its operations as well as the resources available to it. Profitability analysis focuses on the relationship between operating result and the resources available to a business.2. Operations management:Operations management is management of the conversion process which transforms inputs such as raw material and labor into outputs in the form of finished goods and services.3. Marketing:Marketing is the process of discovering the needs and wants of potential buyers and customers and then providing goods and services that meet or exceed their expectations.4. Human resource management:Human resources management is a systematic and planned process that will be undertaken by companies and organizations to ensure the availability of human resources at the right time, with the competencies and matched with the right investment.5. Leadership:Leadership is a capacity of A to influence B, and B will behave align and toward A wants to achieve targets.Financial management, operations management, marketing, human resources management and leadership were related to one another. Because if a person has good leadership skills, then he/she could be placed in the working section that matches with their talent and potential by human resources management. After that, human resources management direct the human resources to make money. They will be able to do good marketing like getting the right goods or service to the right people at the right place, time and price using the right promotion techniques. That process, among others, are called operations management. The input form like customer and material input, which is processed by the components and produce finished goods or services that will be a source of income, profits and losses which can be calculated by financial management.

This is an example for each function based our observed business:1. Financial Management:Accordance to the financial management function itself, in Chatime business, financial management give Chatime about ratio analysis, income statement and balance sheet so that can be a benchmark for Chatime to know the revenue1 in every month. Chatimes financial management can represent sold cup2 in every week.

2. Operations management:In Chatimes operations management, there are 2 operations managements such as operational production3 and operational order4. Both of them are the process which transforms inputs such as raw material and labor into outputs in the form of finished goods and services.

3. Marketing:Chatime have 4 parts of their marketing. First in product1, Chatime has 75 variant menu, which is they release their new taste every 3-6 months. Second in place2, the design of Chatimes outlet is very unique an cute. There's a photo frame which attached to the wall as a decoration and its become background photo for people who want take some picture in there. It also became one of the attractions why many customers enjoy lingering at Chatime. Third the price3, it's among IDR 15k IDR 24k for all regular size (exclude topping). Extra IDR 3k charge for upsize cup portion into a large one, and a same charge for each additional topping. And the last in promotion4, Chatime have many promotion through any social media such as kakao talk, instagram, twitter, facebook and many more. They also have a membership card for the customer who want special price, it makes customer more excited to buy their products. They are really try to providing the best goods and services to their potential buyers like the main function of marketing.

4. Human Resources Management:The human resources management in Chatime really do nice job beacuse they placed the human resources and organized them very well. There are 7 levels of employees sructure. They make all of Chatimes employee comfortable with their job and can do every single step in Chatimes outlet from take the order, be a topping shakers, use the gadget for promote their products and clean up te outlet. The human resources management try to make all employee have many skills. Chatime has 15 employee, they doing shift session twice a day, morning and afternoon. They work 8 hours a day regularly. And the salary is UMR Bandung city. For Chatime, staff is key employee and also their assets.

5. Leadership:Chatime has hey own human resource roles5 like orienting and training new employees, managing wages and salaries, providing incentives and benefits, training and developing, then building employee commitment. In leadership styles of Chatime, they work relationship both in vertical and horizontal way. The staffs have a good relation with other staffs in every Chatimes outlet. So do the staffs have a good relation with upper or lower employee because they make an intense and nice communication with many ways. Like make an event and etc. They are required to lead themselves respectively in the work, their performance standards is 400-700 cups a day and they work 8 hours a day. While they work in the room already be set in such a way to make the employees comfortable and focused on their work.2. What have you learned the mostas a group about your observed business and its management (just ONE thing you have learned)? Elaborate your answer with concepts you learn in class and an example from your observed business


We have learned about Human Resource Management Concept Managing People. This is one of important process in the company. Because this concept is done sistematically and programmatically by company to ensure availability of human resource at the right time and suitable of investment or competence. Better managing people will be boosting business performance. Managing people always associated with target of business and motivation of employees.As human capital, motivation becomes important to sustain the number of employees in the company. It is the job of the human resource department to look into the different method of motivation. A part from this certain health and safety regulation have to be followed for benefits of the employees to increase their achievements. Besides that, the important thing to make the human resources management framework in the company, so there are specialitation of working.This concepts have used in chatime. In Chatime, not only customer satisfaction which is always observed by Chatime performance of its employees. At Chatime, employees become one of the most important asset. Chatime believe that by making their employees feel happy and comfortable at work, the performance of employees to serve their customers better. For that, Chatime routinely hold the "Coffee Morning" event for all of Chatimes staffs. In this event the employee can establish connected with other professionals in different branch. In addition to make the relationship with every staffs keep tight and they can share anything about work or their privacy. Let them happy and enjoy their free time after they do nice work in one month. They also evaluate the one month work like find and solve the problems. Besides that there are recreation event for the employees like tour to Dufan, Jakarta. Employees in chatime also get salary UMR.Anyway, in Chatime's human resources management framework, they do every single steps to make everythings run smoothly. Start from the business needs, then they develop the organization.They predict the needs of employees, analysis the specification position for the team. Open recruitment and selection the human resource like interview, and others. In Chatime, there is no minimum graduate for employees. It only needs someone who has the talent and potential that can be developed and have serious desire in work. After that they do the placement orientation, then in the end of every month, they conducted monitoring and evaluation of performance. There is the management awards such as the provision of more salary for each employee who successfully give best work than others.Dago plaza outlet has 15 employee, they doing shift session twice a day, morning and afternoon. They work 8 hours a day regularly. Shift options are 7am-3pm, 8am-4pm and 9am-5pm. There are 7 levels of employees sructure5. They make all of Chatimes can do every single step in Chatimes outlet from take the order, be a topping shakers, use the gadget for promote their products and clean up te outlet. The human resources management try to make all employee have many skills. They also have human resources role like orienting and training new employees, managing wages and salaries, providing incentives and benefits, training and developing, then building employee commitment. The human resources management in Chatime really do nice job beacuse they placed the human resources and organized them very well.

3. What improvements would you suggest to your observed business in terms of financial management, operations, marketing, HR management, and leadership (1 improvement for each)? How would you do them? and why do you think they are important?

Answer:This is our suggest for business that we already observed:

1. Financial Management :Chatime measure the condition of their company through financial report that include ratio analysis, income statement, and balance sheet. We have no doubt for chatimes financial management. Because when we ask one of their employees about their salaries, they feel satisfy and no problem with that.

2. Operations :

Actually, Chatime has achieved higher levels of productivity such as creating higher quality products, delivering better customer service like always greetings to every customer, achieving shorter delivery times and reducing labor and material costs. But we want to suggest about more facility to make Chatime outlet better than before. Such as electrical socket, pray room, and bicycle parking area6. Why facility? Because we thought it will make more customers comfortable with Chatime and hopefully able to inspire whenever they come and also support government program Jumat Bersepeda in Bandung.

3. Marketing :Chatime have 4 parts of their marketing (product,place,price,promotion). They do marketing effectively and well, but to achieve better there are a few things they have to improve in the marketing activities in the place. Chatime too focused on Ace hatime only be built if the Ace Hardware is built. Although it is basically Chatime is part of the Ace and Chatime also greatly helped by the Ace, but Chatime should open independently branches without Ace as the support. With capital brand and calculations of strategic place we believe chatime able to more developed and capable of more and more branches. Not only place, chatime also make a product7 breakthrough. Menu traditional indonesia maybe can develop chatime, for instance Sweet Bajigur Bubble, Mango Cendol Desserts, Ice Doger Latte, and may be Sekoteng Milk Tea. On the cup8 there is writing on the benefits of the drink, For instance, Thanks for healthier your body with a cup of us. Why product? Because it will open opportunity for Chatime to entered new class segment, like old people customers whose interest with classical drinks.

4. HR Management :

Employee is a business key performance of Chatime. Chatime consider that employee was one of the most investment in company. To control the employee's performance against customer, Human Resources can make customer assessment of the service employees in a way to make the program for the service employee satisfaction for example Give me a green button if Mrs. Vanessa (name of cashier) smile and greeting to you Another button service satisfaction machine at the Shakers one, which is there written Give me a green button if Mr. Candra has serve you less than 20 seconds. It will gain enthusiasm for working in Chatime joyfully, boost staff performance, and increase productivity. In addition, Chatime might open recruitment for new employee whose have disability with selection and training. The impact will be perceived for disable-people in Indonesia that open their mind for keep survive in life, not for resigned.

5. Leadership :Leader is a most important role in any other company. Leader has influence whose create work-atmosphere and motivate their partner (staff). For the improvement, the store-leader has doing an innovation every day, forecasting what should they done in the future, like read newspaper or up to date with social media which is make Chatime dynamic and become trendsetter.


Pink color:1. RevenueAverage PriceTotalsPerdaysPermonth

WeekdaysRp 21.000400 CupsRp 8.400.000Rp 252.000.000

WeekendRp 21.000700 CupsRp 14.700.000Rp 441.000.000

PromotionRp 21.0001000 CupsRp 21.000.000Rp 630.000.000

2. Represent Sold Cup

Sales in a Week

3. Operational ProductionWarehouseSHAKERS POURING TOPPING SHIELDTea MakersTopping MakersOrdered Materials by StaffSmall Warehouse in Outlet Store Storage Refrigerator


CashierStruck OrderCustomers Order

CashierStruck OrderCustomers Order

5. Employees Structure

Staff(divided into cashier, administration, shaker, and production)

Teamleader(leader of staff)Storeleader(organizing staff)Supervisor(organizing one Chatime outlet store internally and externally) Manager area(controll an area which copnsist several Chatime outlet store in a same areaHead of ManagerOwner

6. Bicycle Park Area (our suggest)

7. Product

8. On the Cup

Green Color:1. Product

2. Place

3. Price

4. Promotion

5. Human Resource Roles