Group 18 pearl of asia

Discover the Paradise – Discover Asia Boat rides are a wonderful way to experience the beauty of the landscapes and waterways. It ́ s our mission to provide our customers with the latest and best opportunities for travelling. With the help of our professional guides who possess profound knowledge of our destinations in South East you will enjoy an experience that you can't find elsewhere. Moreover, we will take clients to fascinating places where locals rarely encounter foreigners and where you will discover new facets of life.

Transcript of Group 18 pearl of asia

Page 1: Group 18 pearl of asia

Discover the Paradise – Discover Asia

Boat rides are a wonderful way to experience the beauty of the landscapes and waterways. It�s our mission to provide our customers with the latest and best opportunities for travelling.With the help of our professional guides who possess profound knowledge of our destinations in South East you will enjoy an experience that you can't find elsewhere. Moreover, we will take clients to fascinating places where locals rarely encounter foreigners and where you will discover new facets of life.

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The Company - The Unique Selling Point -


… the slow pace, sleeping in hammock, watching rivers, forests and local life glide by.

… the sunrise and sunset as close as possible.

… a range of completely different, amazing asian countries along the East Coast of Asia.

… our unbeatable prices and the great quality.


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The Competition

Low price High price

High quality

Low quality

Lernidee Erlebnisreisen GmbH




E-hoi – Click and cruiseTravelmarket

Cop‘s Boat







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The Client Target Group: Experience Seekers:

They are long haul travellers who are less affected by the traditional barriers

to travel of distance, time and cost. They are more informed, interested and

curious about potential travel destinations

Age: Mostly around 18-30 of all income levels and geographic locations

Reasons for travelling:

• Authentic personal experiences;

• Socialinteractions;

• Experiencing something different from their normal day-to-day life;

• Understanding and learning about different lifestyles and cultures;

• Challenging themselves – physically, emotionally and/or mentally;

• Exposure to unique and compelling experiences


• Experienced international travellers;

• Opinion leaders;

• Open minded; and

• Selective in their media consumption.

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The Product

• Two guides (one local, and one skipper)

• Watersport experience and equipment (diving, surfing, rafting)

• Boat course (including first aid)

• Safety-gear both on the boat and by shore

• Connection to a doctor in every stop

• Personal accident insurance

• Experienced crew

• Cultural experience (food, people, temples)

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• Exploring the nature, animals and the coast

• Connection to a doctor in every stop

• Personal accident insurance

• Cultural experience (food, people, temples)

• Exploring the nature, animals and the coast

The Product

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The Cost- Estimated cost calculation

of the net price -

28 days, 1 personServices Price

Skipper 530 €

Training Course 80 €

Guide 400 €

Trips/ Activities 650 €

Bus/ Car 250 €

Equipment 375 €

Visa 125 €

Boat 450 €

Other costs 300 €

Total price 3.160 €

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Choose our company to experience the unique

involving and personal experience in Asia!

Come and check us out

We are Exceptional

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Brochure and folders: • Sailing-classics, hall 25, Andreas Steidle-Sailer• HRG Philippines, hall 26, Eleanor O. Ng. • Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, hall 26, no-name(did not

have a card )• 100 forgettable adventure experiences in thailand, Tourism

Authority of Thailand• Destination guide, Cambodia kingdom of wonder• Malysia travel guide, Malysia truely travel• Abu Dhabi & Thailand, sun trips

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• Vietnam - laos – kambodscha- Thailand – Myanmar, Vietravel asiens fürender reiseveranstalter• Bhaya, Halong bay vietnam.• Mekong eyes, Cruises the mekong in style• Lernidee, Trains & Cruises
