Group 15 - Connection between SEO & SMM

1 Group 15 Maitreyee Apte 13143 Vignesh Varadarajan 13188 Rohit Kalla 13365 Brahm Prakash Srivastav 13213 Booppathy Sundararaj 13317


Connection between Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing

Transcript of Group 15 - Connection between SEO & SMM

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Group 15 Maitreyee Apte 13143 Vignesh Varadarajan 13188 Rohit Kalla 13365 Brahm Prakash Srivastav 13213 Booppathy Sundararaj 13317

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• Process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web

page in a search engine's un-paid search results.

• In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users

 • Basically improves a website’s interaction with

search engines and hence users.

Search Engine Optimization

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• Integration of social media ratings into their algorithms

• Combination of content and recommendation

• Social Media traffic – Strong indicator of relevance

SEO & Social Media

Useful Content


Users Users


Unreachable Community

Unreachable Community


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4The Connection Between SEO and Social Media

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• Google confirms that social signals directly influence search results and Facebook and Bing entering a direct partnership. In other words, if a piece of content receives a lot of tweets, facebook likes and +1s, it’s likely to rank better for particular search queries.

• Even more, social media content appears directly within specific search results. For example, when you search for “how to make cupcakes,” you can notice that 2 YouTube videos made it in the top five results

Integrating social media and SEO

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Have a fully active social media presence

Make sure that you’re active on the social media channels, posting new and fresh content in the form of articles, videos, pictures, etc. on a consistent basis.

Link your website to your social media profiles

•Linking to your social media channels directly from your website is a great way to turn casual shoppers into fans and followers.

•It is important that to see any SEO gains from your social efforts, you’ll need to have a captive audience to consume and share your content.

•For instance, add links back to your website from each of your social profiles.

Ways to integrate social media and SEO

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Make it easy for people to find/share your content

•If shares directly impact search results, getting more shares is the name of the game. This means that you need to make it as easy as possible for others to share your content via social networks. •You can do so by adding social share buttons to your product pages and using social plug-in on your blog

Ways to integrate social media and SEO

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Encourage people to share and engage with your content

•Again, the idea here is to move people from just observing your content to actually interacting with it. To do so, you can implement simple calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage people to like, tweet, share and discuss your content. •For example, after posting your latest YouTube video to Facebook, give users a CTA directly in your timeline message, like this:

Ways to integrate social media and SEO

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Add your content to social bookmarking sites

Sharing your content to social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit and Pinterest presents an opportunity for a completely new set of users to see your work. This is a quick and easy way to drive traffic back to your site and social channels while making your content much easier to share

Create content that people actually want to share

No matter how many tips and tricks you use, the key to a happy SEO and social media marriage revolves around quality, relevant content. In other words, no one will share your content just because you optimize it and add a few share features here and there. Instead, you need to create a variety of content pieces that are of interest to your users. Doing so will naturally lead to more social shares and higher search rankings

Ways to integrate social media and SEO

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Apply SEO insights to social media, and vice-versa

• You can learn a lot about what people are interested in by diving into your Google Analytics. Namely, you’ll want to see which keywords are most popular in driving traffic to your site and identify long-tail keywords that are high converters. After that, you can create content that directly targets those keywords.

• Or, if you’re looking to better optimize a piece of content, you can use keyword research tools (try Google’s Keyword Tool) to find additional keywords to target. For example, if you are writing a piece that focuses on “how to make cupcakes,” these keywords might also be useful to include in my post:

Ways to integrate social media and SEO

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11Facebook Graph Search – A Blend of SEO and Social Media

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