Grooscript and Grails 3

grooscript & grails 3 Jorge Franco Leza Greach - Madrid - April 8th 2016

Transcript of Grooscript and Grails 3

grooscript & grails 3Jorge Franco Leza

Greach - Madrid - April 8th 2016

About me


Between Madrid & Sevilla [email protected]


About grooscript

Apache 2 library In github, contribute!

Groovy code to javascript Just a tool, not a framework

Use with Node.js or other java frameworks Last version 1.2.3

Gradle plugin

plugins { id "org.grooscript.conversion" version "1.2.3"}

Convert filesgrooscript { source = ['src/main/groovy/gs'] destination = 'grails-app/assets/javascripts/generated' initialText = '//Grooscript converted file'}

bootRun.dependsOn 'convertThread'compileGroovy.dependsOn 'convert'

task convertMyScript(type: org.grooscript.gradle.ConvertTask) { source = ['src/main/groovy/MyScript.groovy'] mainContextScope = ['$'] destination = 'src/main/webapp/js' includeDependencies = true}

Groovy markup templatestemplates { templatesPath = 'grails-app/views/gtpl' templates = ['list-links.gml'] destinationFile = 'grails-app/assets/javascripts/' + 'generated/Templates.js'} bootRun.dependsOn 'templatesThread'compileGroovy.dependsOn 'templatesJs'

* can’t use groovy markup templates with g:render

p model.titleul(class: "list-links") { model.list.each { item -> li { a(href: item.url) { p item.text } } }}

import org.grooscript.templates.TemplatesTemplates.applyTemplate('list-links.gml', [title: 'Controllers', list: [ [url: '', text: 'Grails'], [url: '', text: 'grooscript'] ]])


Spy file changesspy { files = [ 'grails-app/assets/stylesheets/app.css', 'grails-app/views/reload/index.gsp' ] onChanges = { list -> //Or simpler http request springWebsocketTo('http://localhost:8080/stomp') .data('reload').onChannel('/app/reload') }} bootRun.dependsOn 'spyChanges'

Grails 3 plugincompile "org.grails.plugins:grooscript:1.2.2"

Setup<!doctype html> <html> <head> <asset:stylesheet src="application.css"/> <asset:javascript src="jquery-2.2.0.min.js"/> <asset:javascript src="grooscript-grails.js"/> <g:layoutHead/></head> <body> <g:layoutBody/> <asset:deferredScripts/></body> </html>

Groovy code<asset:javascript src="generated/Hello"/> <grooscript:code> import gs.Hello $('body').append '''<footer><p> <a href="">Grooscript Home</a> && <a href="">Twitter</a> </p></footer>''' new Hello().world()</grooscript:code>

<grooscript:code> def sing = { name -> console.log 'Singing...' + name } Closure doSomething = { mapOfClosures -> mapOfClosures.each { key, value -> value(key) } } $(document).ready doSomething([groovy: sing, grails: sing, grooscript: sing])</grooscript:code>


<grooscript:template> ul { 5.times { number -> li number + " li item" } }</grooscript:template>

Websocketsclass ReloadController { def index() { } @MessageMapping("/reload") @SendTo("/topic/reload") protected String colors() { return 'reload!' } }

compile "org.grails.plugins:grails-spring-websocket:2.3.0"

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta name="layout" content="main"/> <title>Reloading</title> <asset:javascript src="spring-websocket" /></head> <body> <grooscript:reloadOn path="/topic/reload"/> <p class="reload-message">Change something in this gsp or in application.css!</p> </body> </html>

<grooscript:initSpringWebsocket> println 'Websocket is up!' GrooscriptGrails.sendWebsocketMessage '/app/colors'</grooscript:initSpringWebsocket><grooscript:onServerEvent path="/topic/colors"> allCubes(data)</grooscript:onServerEvent><grooscript:template functionName="allCubes" onLoad="false" itemSelector="body"> table(id: "all-cubes") { data.eachWithIndex { row, i -> tr { row.eachWithIndex { color, j -> td(id: 'row-' + i + '-' + j, class: 'cube ' + colors[color], onmouseover: 'touch(' + i + ', ' + j + ')') } } } }</grooscript:template>

Remote modelpackage rest

import'/books', formats=['json'])class Book { String title String author}

* only json

<grooscript:code>import rest.Bookdef drawBooks = { Book.list().then { list -> $('#bookList').html '' list.each { appendBookToList(it) } }} def appendBookToList = { book -> $('#bookList').append('<p>Title: '+book.title+' - Author: ‘ + ( 'unknown') +'</p>') } def addBook = { def title = $('#title').val() def author = $('#author').val() new Book(title: title, author: author).save().then { appendBookToList(it) }} $(document).ready { drawBooks()} </grooscript:code>


<asset:javascript src="webcomponents.min.js"/>

Custom elements - Shadow dom

<grooscript:component src="components.Counter" name="my-counter"/>

<p>Hello World!</p> <my-counter></my-counter> <my-counter value="3"></my-counter>

package componentsclass Counter { static style = ''' div { width: 100px; } ''' static renderAfter = ['inc', 'dec'] int value = 0 void inc() { value++ } void dec() { value-- } def render() { div { h1 value.toString() p { button(onclick: 'dec', '-') button(onclick: 'inc', '+') } } }}

LinksHomepage: Documentation: Github: Demos: Gradle plugin: Grails 3 plugin: All together:

[email protected]


Thank you!