GRM 2013: What is CRP MAIZE?

What Is CRP MAIZE? GCP General Research Meeting Lisbon 27 September,2013

Transcript of GRM 2013: What is CRP MAIZE?

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GCP General Research Meeting Lisbon 27 September,2013

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Alliance of ~350 Partners launched by CGIAR on July 6, 2011

MAIZE CRP: Global Alliance for Improving Food Security and Livelihoods of the Resource-Poor in the Developing World

Products (novel tools

technologies, ideas,

knowledge, methodologies,


Partners (CG centers, NARES, ARIs,

private sector, SROs, NGOs, CBOs

Strategic Initiatives

(science based action)

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To double the [crop] productivity, and significantly increase the incomes and livelihood opportunities from more productive, resilient and sustainable maize-based farming systems on essentially the same land area, and as climates change and the costs of fertilizer, water, and labor increase.

Sustainably increase the productivity of maize and wheat systems to ensure global food security and reduce poverty


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How was MAIZE developed? • Day-to-day feed-back from collaboration with > 220 / 340 institutions

• 1:1 Consultations with major maize producing/consuming countries

• Group consultations and collaborative planning in a large number of recent bilateral projects

• Updated food demand, production and price predictions provided by IFPRI (March, 2010)

• Maize systems analysis: focus is on areas in low and lower middle income countries not targeted by the private sector or alternative suppliers

• Dissemination of draft strategies to >350 organizations from the public and private sector

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Mission CRPs SIs Projects

Conceptualization of MAIZE

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The Menu Card: MAIZE Strategic Initiatives (SIs) and Targeting: 10 point agenda

Focus 1.Technology and market-limited farmers in stress prone areas 2.Technology-limited smallholder farmers with capacity to strongly increase maize productivity

1. Socioeconomics and policies for maize futures

2. Sustainable intensification and income opportunities for the poor

3. Smallholder precision agriculture 4. Stress tolerant maize for the poorest 5. Towards doubling maize productivity 6. Integrated postharvest management 7. Nutritious maize (with CRP4) 8. Seeds of discovery – unlocking the

black box of genetic diversity 9. New tools and methods for NARS

and SMEs 1-9. Strengthening local capacities

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SI 1: Socioeconomics, technology targeting, systems research, connecting farmers to markets Lead: CIMMYT-SEP

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SI 2: Maize-based cropping systems Lead: CIMMYT-GCAP & SEP Projects: SIMLESA, SIMLEZA, MasAgro, CSISA Target: SSA; LA; S Asia

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SI 3: Precision agriculture, especially for smallholders - Decision guides, Mechanization, Processing, Energy practices to conserve resources Lead: CIMMYT-GCAP

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SI 4 (Abiotic): Drought, heat, water logging, acidity, cold, nutrient deficiencies Lead: CIMMYT-GMP Projects: DTMA-III, WEMA, IMAS, USAID-Heat, NSIMA-III, AAA, AMDROUT, ATMA, HTMA, DBT-GEO, Fenalce Target: SSA, Asia, LA

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SI 4 (Biotic): leaf blights, MSV, GLS, DM, BLSB, PFSR, rust, insect pests Lead: CIMMYT-GMP Projects: IRMA-III, ISMA, HMRP

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SI 5: Doubling maize yields in tropical environments Lead: CIMMYT-GMP Projects: IMIC-LA, IMIC-Asia Target: LA, Asia, SSA

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SI 6: Integrated post-harvest management Lead: IITA + CIMMYT-GMP Projects: EGSP-II, IRMA-III Target: SSA

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SI 7: Nutritious maize, bio-fortified maize varieties Lead: CIMMYT-GMP Projects: NuME, H+ Maize Target: SSA, LA

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SI 8: Unlocking the genetic diversity in maize genetic resources Lead: CIMMYT-GRP Project: SeeD (Seeds of Discovery) Target: Global

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SI 9: Precision phenotyping, DH, GS, Bioinformatics Lead: CIMMYT-GMP Projects: GS Project, DH-Africa, Limagrain-DH Target: Global

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Funding for MAIZE CRP Window 1 • Least restricted • Fund Council sets overall priorities and allocates resources to

specific CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), to achieve the CGIAR mission

Window 2 • Designated by Fund Donors to one or more specific CRPs. • Donors may allocate funds for each CRP. Funds for a given CRP,

flow to the Lead Implementing Center. Window 3 • Most restricted • Fund Donors allocate money to specific Centers. Neither the

Consortium nor the Fund Council makes decisions about the use of Window 3 funds.

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MAIZE Partners

• 342 partners (179 funded/with formal agreements)

• NARS: 130 (70) • Universities: 75 (38) • ROs and IOs: 18 (6) • ARIs: 21 (4) • Private sector: 46 (22) • NGOs and CBOs: 42 (4) • CG host countries: 11


MAIZE is contracted by the Consortium Board to CIMMYT as the Lead Center. MAIZE MC Member Institutions: CIMMYT, IITA, KARI, SAGARPA, SFSA Criteria for MAIZE MC member institutions: Selected institutions which through their mission, skills, and resources provide major research contributions to MAIZE, dedicate significant staff and resources to the objectives of MAIZE, and contribute to the evolution of the MAIZE strategy.

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1. Technology and market-limited farmers in stress prone areas

2. Technology-limited smallholder farmers with leverage to strongly increase maize productivity

Areas not targeted by the private sector

Estimated reach

Based on Hyman et al (2008)

64% of the maize area in low and middle income countries

660-830 million (>90%) maize-dependent poor

62 million (1/3 of all) stunted children

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• Uncontrolled area expansion threatens forests and hill slopes

• FAO: 20% arable land expansion possible

• Maize area grows at 2.2% annually • Need for sustainable intensification

Specific challenges to MAIZE

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Annual yield fluctuations FAOSTAT (2010)

• >80% is grown under rainfed conditions

• Farmers have very good reasons why they grow maize and why they grow it rainfed - productivity, labor, economics, multi-use.

• Large annual yield fluctuation => Risk of price hikes, food insecurity

Year1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


in y


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Maize Rice Wheat

USD 1-2 billion food aid annually

Specific challenges to MAIZE

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Projected Temperature Increases Up to 23% of South Asia’s maize crop could will be lost due to higher

temperatures by 2050.

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Demand for maize in the developing world will double by 2050

Population growth Livestock revolution: meat & dairy Use of maize for biofuel

Maize imports for developing country will increase 24% by 2050 – equalling USD 30 billion World Market export prices for maize are expected to almost double over the next 20 years

Demand for Maize

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Grand Challenge to MAIZE

“In the next 50 years we will need to produce as much food as has been consumed over our entire human history.”

Megan Clark, CEO of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia

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1. Maize productivity growth of 33% by 2030.

2. Enough maize for 600 million more maize consumers by 2030.

3. More productive, resilient and sustainable farming systems.

Source: MAIZE proposal, and excerpt from ‘Update on CGIAR Research & Results’, F. Rijsberman, 2 November 2012

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Opportunity for Maize Researches and Partners

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Competitive Grants Initiative (MAIZE Partnership Strategy)

-extend its current partnerships to capture a wider range of innovative ideas, increase the quality of the research, and integrate the skills of the most able and well-connected members towards the Vision of Success. -allow scientists world-wide to apply for funds to support research and capacity-building activities that will make a significant contribution to the vision of success of MAIZE.

Real money is flowing-2.5M/yr.

Year 1: Competitive Grants Initiative 37 partners Year 2: Competitive Grants Initiative 19 topics (on going review of Concept Notes.)

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Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN)

Male parent severely affected

Female parent stunted & premature drying

Farmer’s field in Tanzania

Farmer’s field in Bomet Pathogen diagnosis jointly undertaken by CIMMYT-KARI-Ohio State University team as MLN (MCMV + SCMV)

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MLN-resistant inbred lines

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Impact-oriented strategic and applied research Prioritization of activities (Resources, Scope and Time) Interacting and responding to our stakeholders much more

than before Interdisciplinary interaction to deliver defined outputs in the

various SIs

Jointly creating a path to success

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